Temporan National High School 7-Pearl Cyril A. Verdadero English 7 7:15-8:15 First Quarter, Week2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Temporan National High School 7-Pearl Cyril A. Verdadero English 7 7:15-8:15 First Quarter, Week2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Temporan National High School 7-Pearl Cyril A. Verdadero English 7 7:15-8:15 First Quarter, Week2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior
c. Learning EN7V-I-a-22: Distinguish EN7 F-I-a-3.11: Observe the EN7LT-Ib-2.2: Explain how EN7V-I-c-10.2: Use Enrichment/
Competencies/Objectives: between slang and colloquial correct production of vowel and the elements specific to a appropriate idiomatic Remediation
expressions in consonant sounds, diphthongs, genre contribute to the expressions in a variety of
conversations blends, glides, etc. theme of a particular literary basic
EN7V-I-a-22.1: Distinguish EN7 F-I-a-3.11.1: Read worlds, selection interpersonal communicative
features of colloquial language phrases, clauses, sentences and EN7LT-Ic-2.2.1: Express situations
(fillers, contractions, paragraphs using the correct appreciation for sensory
etc.) and slang production of vowel and images used
consonant sounds, diphthongs,
blends a
D. Detailed Learning
Lesson: Critical Vowel and
Lesson: Slang and Colloquial Lesson: The Origin of This
Consonant Sounds: [s], [I], [i], Lesson: Idiomatic Expressions
Expressions World (Maranao Version)
and [ʃ]
A. References K to 12 Curriculum G (May, K to 12 Curriculum G (May, K to 12 Curriculum Guide K to 12 Curriculum G (May,
2016), p. 148 2016), p. 148 (May 2016), p. 149 2016), p. 148
B. Pages
3. PROCEDURES These steps should be done on across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from
formative assessment activities. Sustain learning automatically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes and draw conclusions about
what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson You will examine the One of the first problems in How about you, do you believe An idiom is a phrase that has a
or Presenting the New Lesson language and be aware of the pronunciation is how to differentiate in a Supreme Being? What is different meaning than the
changes in your own between letters and sounds. In your concept of a literal
language use. English there are over 60 distinct Supreme Being? meaning of the phrase.
sounds; Webstergives 64. Since all
of these sounds have to be
represented by 26 letters, the
alphabet is badly overworked.
B. Establishing a Purpose for Text Speak! Twist It! Sharing Time! Filipinos have their own as
the Lesson Directions: Acronyms are Directions: A tongue twister will be Directions: With your partner, well. Look at the example
combination of letters and posted on the board. Practice it with discuss some of your answers Filipino idiom below and
numbers that stand for a to the posted questions and try to give its literal English
certain words or phrases. partner, and then be ready to read it exchange ideas to find out how translation.
They are often used in aloud. similar or different your
instant messages, informal concepts are.
emails, and text messages.
Which of the common
acronyms below do you
C. Presenting Examples We Slang! Directions: Try to think of any Task 2: Word Webs
/Instances of the Lesson Directions: With a partner, tongue twisters in Filipino. Have a Directions: In triad, you will Pinoy Idioms!
study the Tagalog slangs go at saying accomplish the task in Directions: Idioms also display
below. Writethe meaning, them yourself. soliciting possible words you the culture of a certain group of
then be ready to give an could associate with the people. In the list below, give
example scenario in using it. following: the meaning of the popular
Filipino idioms.
D. Discussing New Concepts Let the students Students will be assigned to each Read the Origin of this Short Skit!
and Practicing New Skills brainstorm and teacher paragraph of the short article. Some World(Maranao version) Directions: Create a skit that demonstrates how a misinterpr
will facilitate it. volunteers will read it aloud while cause some pretty funny or
some of you will follow the reading disastrous results. For example,
quietly. a doctor in an
operating room asking for "a
E. Developing Mastery The People of the Philippines Locate, Reflect & Evaluate! The Book of Idioms!
(Leads to Formative Talk Now! by the Philippine Tourism You will accomplish the
Assessment 3) Directions: With a partner, Promotions Board. worksheet by pair.
make a list of the different
people (or types of people) Listen Well!
you interact with regularly. Directions: Identify sounds that you
Describe how you normally found difficult to produce. Write the
talk to those words on the board.
F. Finding Practical Why do Authors use Know the Sound! Reflect! Discuss what is the
Applications of Concepts and Colloquialism? Directions: You will categorize the Directions: You will reflect on importance of Idioms.
Skills in Daily listed words according to the the following series of
following questions:
critical vowel and consonant sounds.
G.Making Generalizations These words have special Directions: Enhance your With your Multiple Intelligence Based from the example of
and Abstractions about the registers, meaning they are pronunciation of a few critical vowel cards below: Idioms . Make a five
Lesson appropriate for certain and consonant sounds based on Art Smart: Show it! sentences
contexts but not for others. some parts of the article. You will be In a white cartolina, illustrate
guided by
and color the puzzling,
your teacher.
interesting, intriguing, or
strange part that they found in
the story. Then, explain your
H. Evaluating Learning Impromptu Dialogue Game Fill it! Directions: Based on the
Directions: Fill in each blank with selection, determine whether
the word that will make each each statement is true (T)
sentence or false (F).
correct. Then, read the following
sentences aloud.
I. Additional Activities for Research more on Slang
Application or Remediation and Colloquial Expressions
No. of learners who require
additional activities for
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
B. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
C. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
D. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?