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An Investigatory Project Presented to:

Ms. Beverly Anne Garan
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
Sta. Rita Ilaya, Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Science and Technology 9

Aguda, Nina Francine M.

Caliboso, Ma. Micah Gift M.
Castillo, Sheree Mae M.
Castor, Karelle Manueli
Faraon, Dwight Anton P.
Reyes, Lil’ Shinn Kaile B.
Tan, Mark Jason A.

March 2019

The researchers wish to express their deepest appreciation and profound

gratitude to the following persons whose invaluable assistance made the

realization of this study:

Ms. Beverly Anne Garan, for her painstaking effort in giving suggestions

and advice.

To their beloved families for their long lasting support throughout the


To their special friends who have been so supportive along the way of

doing this research.

Above all, to Almighty God who shed light and wisdom for the completion

of this piece.


This is to

Our dearest parents,

Brothers, sisters and friends

And to our ALMIGHTY GOD whose love, encouragement,

Strength and support are priceless,

And who guides us to the right path

For continuous growth in this





TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………….…………… ii

DEDICATION …………………..………………………….…….…................. iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………..….…………….. iv


Background of the Study…………………………….. 1

Statement of the Problem …………………………... 3

Hypothesis ……………………..……………………... 3

Significance of the Study ……………………………. 4

Scope and Limitation of the Study …………………. 4

Definition of Terms …………………………………….. 4


Conceptual Literature ……………………………….. 6

Research Literature …………………………………. 10


Research Design …………………………………….. 14

Preparation of the Output …………....……………… 14

Evaluation of the Study ………………………………. 17


Research Design ……………….…………………….. 18


Summary ………………..…………………………….. 20

Conclusion …………………………………………….. 20

Recommendation ……...……………………………… 21

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………... 22

CURRICULUM VITAE ……………………………………………………….. 23


This chapter includes the background of the study, the hypotheses, the

statement of the problem, the significance of the study, the scope and limitation

and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Pain relievers are a life-saver. When you feel any type of pain on your

body, be it a simple headache, an upset and aching stomach, back pain, neck

pain, and many more, you can just administer a bit of pain reliever, wait for a bit,

and you’ll be good to go.

Oregano oil as a pain reliever, we may say, is an affordable and a

homemade product for people who encounters pain on parts of their body. This

product is also convenient for you don’t need to step out of your house, and the

ingredients can be found mainly in your kitchen.

This product consists of only 2 ingredients; olive/almond/grapeseed oil

and crushed oregano leaves; none of which are hard to find. It may not be done

in an instant but it truly is effective, and the wait is definitely worth it.

Oregano is a popular Mediterranean herb used for a plethora of purposes

as it boasts a multitude of useful properties. It can be used from using it as herbs

in breads and marinades and repelling pesky insects.

It is believed to contain potent antioxidants and have anti-bacterial

Because of this, for a long time, people around the world have been using

it for medicinal purposes. Active ingredients in the oregano herb could even one

day treat many diseases and disorders like cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes,

once scientists find a way to efficiently handle it.

Parts of the oregano plant can be used for many purposes—but for this

investigatory project, we will be using the crushed-up or chopped leaves of the

plant. The oregano plant belongs to the mint family—a family of plants. Mint is

known as a pain-relief ingredient, and so is oregano.

Oregano leaves are fairly similar to mint leaves, and they both have

menthol—a substance that emits a cooling sensation and it is also frequently

used to relieve minor pain and irritation because of its cooling sensation and

prevent infection as well.

Crushing up the leaves of the oregano plant would expose the menthol

inside the leaves and exacerbate their effectiveness. Another ingredient in this

investigatory project is olive/almond/grapeseed oil. Olive oil might be the

healthiest oil for us and our bodies. Most chefs recommend its use in our

kitchens because of that, but it is also highly beneficial for our skin.

It can effectively moisturize our skin and treat and prevent chapped lips,

and keeps heart attack and stroke at bay. It is rich in mono-saturated fatty

acids—the healthiest form of fat. This is why the Mediterraneans have the lowest

mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases; they consume olive oil on a regular

basis. The Mediterranean diet is one of the most highly sought-after and favored

diets in the world because of this.

Olive oil has a pain-relieving property, as scientists have discovered a

previously unknown ingredient in freshly pressed, extra-virgin olive oils that acts

as an anti-inflammatory, akin to anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and


The researches claim that the soothing effects of the oleocanthal

ingredient could be the reason for some of olive oil’s general health benefits,

such as a reduced risk of stroke, heart disease, various cancers, and some forms

of dementia; all have been linked to inflammation. Oleocanthal being anti-

inflammatory can greatly reduce the risk for all of these from materializing in our


Statement of the Problem

This investigatory project aims to find out if the oregano leaves can be

used as a pain reliever. Kindly check the alignment

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following questions:

1. Is this as effective as those prominent pain reliever products?

2. Is it edible?

3. Does it have any side-effect?


We hypothesized that after the procedure, we will be able to make

an effective pain reliever since Oregano is a part of the mint or Lamiaceae

family. This will also help a lot of individuals in an inexpensive and

affordable way.

Significance of the Study

A liniment is essential for those who experience body pain and muscle

sore, in short, all of us. This oregano oil as pain reliever is beneficial for us, not

only because it takes away pain, but also, it is easy to make. In just two weeks,

you will have a pain-free body every day. This is also cheap because you’ll just

need oregano leaves, olive oil, containers, and a strainer. So, this means that

this is not only affordable by rich people, but also for those who have just enough


Scope and Limitation

The purpose of this study is to find out if the oregano oil can be effective

for our body. Since this project only consists of two ingredients, it will be

convenient for all. Regarding the oil, we only recommend to use olive oil, grape

seed oil, or almond oil. Using other types of oils can lead to a false expectation

for the texture of the oregano oil.

Definition of Terms

To have a clearer and a deeper insight on the study, this section includes

some of the important and uncommon terms that are used in the other sections

of this research.

Grapeseed Oil. It contains powerful health benefits that is good for the


Lamiaceae. These are mostly herbs or shrubs comprising about 200

genera and 3,200 species, commonlt with aromatic, herbage, quadrangular

stems, and verticillate inflorescences

Liniment. It is a liquid or lotion, especially one made with oil, for rubbing on

the body to relieve pain.

Oregano. It is a flowering plant in the mint family specifically a perennial

herb. It is the main ingredient of our product



This section is divided into two parts. The first part is the review of related

literature which deals with different thoughts from science books or science

articles from the internet made by authorized scientist and experts. The second

part is the review of related studies which is divided into local and foreign. This

part talks about researches done by other people that can help our research


Local Literature

According to Dong Delos Reyes, generous dashes of oregano—botanists

call it Coleus aromaticus– oozing with natural antihistamines lend an exquisite

smoky flavour to pork sausages that Lucban town in Quezon province has

become famous for.

Oregano has been found to be child-friendly, too, after “a double-blind

randomized controlled clinical trial” showed that herb extracts were effective

against impetigo, a contagious skin infection that afflicts children with blisters or

sores on the face, neck, hands, and diaper area. The disease can also be seen

in adults and occur commonly “in the warm, humid atmosphere in crowded living

spaces, in populations with poor skin hygiene.”

A topical anti-bacterial medication has been recommended in 2005 by the

Infectious Disease Society of America for impetigo treatment in infants two

months and above. But with increasing rates of anti-microbial resistance being
recorded, health research has turned attention to natural medicinal plants for

alternative ways to control disease, including impetigo.

Dr. Lou Jay Ortiz-Villareal of the Quezon City-based East Avenue Medical

Center’s dermatology department notes in a presentation that in the Philippines,

oregano leaves are “macerated and customarily applied to treat skin infections

(and has been used in other countries) for sore throat, indigestion, fever, and


· Leaves are bruised and applied to centipede and scorpion bites. Also,

applied to temples and forehead for headache, help in place by a bandage.

Leaves in infusion or as syrup used as aromatic and carminative; used for

dyspepsia and also as a cure for asthma.

Wound Healing / Leaves and Roots: Study evaluated wound healing

activity of aqueous extract of leaves and roots of C. aromaticus in excisional

wound model in albino rats. A ten percent ointment of aqueous extract of root

showed complete epithelization after 12 days, while a 5% ointment of leaf extract

showed complete healing after 16 days. (19). Olive oil has the healthiest fat

content according to scientific researches as it has highlevels of naturally

occurring anti-oxidants and vitamins. It is the main food ingredient of

Mediterranean culture.

Foreign Literature

According to Dr. Mercola, the Top 5 Health Benefits of Oregano are:

1. Antioxidants for Immune System Support

One active agent in oregano is rosmarinic acid, which is a strong antioxidant that

may support immune system health. Oregano has one of the highest antioxidant

activity ratings, with 42 times the antioxidant punch of apples. According to one


"…intake of herbs [including oregano] may…contribute significantly to the total

intake of plant antioxidants, and be an even better source of dietary antioxidants

than many other food groups such as fruits, berries, cereals, and vegetables."

2. Antifungal, Antibacterial, and May Even Kill MRSA

Carvacol and thymol, two phytochemicals in oregano, are powerful

antimicrobials. Research has shown essential oils from oregano may kill the

foodborne pathogen Listeria and the superbug MRSA (making it a useful addition

to hand soaps and disinfectants). According to one of the researchers involved in

the MRSA study:

"We have done a few preliminary tests and have found that the essential oil from

the oregano kills MRSA at a dilution 1 to 1,000. The tests show that the oil kills

MRSA both as a liquid and as a vapor and its antimicrobial activity is not

diminished by heating in boiling water."

Studies have also found essential oils of oregano to be useful against certain

Candida species.

3. Anti-inflammatory Properties

Oregano contains beta-caryophyllin (E-BCP), a substance that inhibits

inflammation and may also be beneficial for conditions including osteoporosis

and arteriosclerosis, as well as metabolic syndrome.

4. Useful for Upper Respiratory Infections

Oregano also has potential anti-viral activity, and a spray containing aromatic

essential oils from five plants, including oregano, was found to significantly

relieve symptoms "immediately" in those with upper respiratory infections.

If you come down with a cold or the flu, oregano oil can also be useful. Generally,

the higher the carvacrol concentration, the more effective it is. Interestingly,

oregano encourages sweat production as a mode of detox, and ingesting it may

help your body to get rid of unwanted phlegm in your lungs.

5. Cancer-Fighting Effects

Oregano extract has been shown to "lead to growth arrest and cell death in a

dose- and time-dependent manner" in colon cancer cells.A phytochemical in

oregano, carnosol, has also been "evaluated for anti-cancer property in prostate,

breast, skin, leukemia, and colon cancer with promising results."

According to Gargi Bhattacharjee, some of the most popular health benefits

of oregano are that eating fresh oregano leaves on a regular basis can help

boost the immune system. Rich in essential oils such as carvacrol, thymol,

limonene, pinene, ocimene and caryophyllene, it aids in the treatment of colds,

mild fevers, influenza, indigestion, stomach upsets and painful menstruation


Recent research reveals that a gram of oregano has 42 times more

antioxidant properties than apples since it is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C.

Oregano acts as a protective scavenger against free radicals that play a role in

aging and various skin diseases. Thymol and carvacrol, two active compounds of
oregano, increase digestion power, and can can relieve fever, influenza, and

abdominal pain immediately. Thymol is also known for its antibacterial and

antiseptic activities and soothes the body during sleep. Oregano oil helps to cure

itches, skin infections, and irritated gums. Oregano oil also acts as an excellent

medicine to treat cold or a sore throat.

According to Tanya Choudhary, the benefits of olive oil are many. Weight

loss, blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, cancer, arthritis — name it, and

olive oil has a cure for it. Be it external or internal injury, extra virgin olive oil is

known to relieve pain. The presence of a compound called oleocanthal in olive oil

makes it an anti-inflammatory agent that can cure any type of disease, be it

topical or chronic.

Local Studies

Oregano is used for respiratory tract disorders such as coughs, asthma,

croup, and bronchitis. It is also used for gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as

heartburn and bloating. The oil of oregano is taken by mouth for intestinal

parasites, allergies, sinus pain, arthritis, cold and flu, swine flu, earaches, and

fatigue. It is applied to the skin for skin conditions including acne, athlete's foot,

oily skin, dandruff, canker sores, warts, ringworm, rosacea, and psoriasis; as well

as for insect and spider bites, gum disease, toothaches, muscle pain, and

varicose veins. Oregano oil is also used topically as an insect repellent.

Oregano contains chemicals that might help reduce cough and spasms.

Oregano also might help digestion by increasing bile flow and fighting against

some bacteria, viruses, fungi, intestinal worms, and other parasites.

Oregano leaf is likely safe when taken in the amounts found in food and

possibly safe when taken by mouth or applied to the skin in medicinal amounts.

Mild side effects include stomach upset. Oregano might also cause an allergic

reaction in people who have an allergy to plants in the Lamiaceae family.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Oregano is possibly unsafe when taken by

mouth in medicinal amounts during pregnancy. There is concern that oregano in

amounts larger than food amounts might cause miscarriage. Not enough is

known about the safety of oregano when used in medicinal amounts while


Bleeding disorders: Oregano might increase the risk of bleeding in people

with bleeding disorders

Allergies: Oregano can cause reactions in people allergic to Lamiaceae family

plants, including basil, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, mint, and sage.

Diabetes: Oregano might lower blood sugar levels. People with diabetes should

use oregano cautiously.

Surgery: Oregano might increase the risk of bleeding. People who use oregano

should stop 2 weeks before surgery.

Many times, depression symptoms are often a secondary result of chronic

pain. That is, people can develop feelings of anxiety, hopelessness and despair

when they are unable to achieve adequate pain relief from a long-term ailment.

Research shows oregano oil is a potent anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.

You can actually rub oregano oil on painful joints and muscles for deep relief

of inflammation. The oil penetrates the skin and makes contact with the joints.
Due to this capability, it is an effective natural remedy for arthritic conditions,

sports-related injuries and even neck or back pain. For prolonged pain relief and

to help decrease inflammation, you can take oregano capsules or add a few

drops of the essential oil in a beverage.

Foreign Studies

According to Baster, clinical research shows that taking oregano after each

meal for 3 months can reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”) cholesterol

and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL or “good”) cholesterol in people with

high cholesterol. However, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels are not


Parasites in the intestines. Taking oil of oregano for 6 weeks can kill the

parasites Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba hartmanni, and Endolimax nana.

Insufficient Evidence for bleeding disorders (Hemophilia). Early research

suggests that oregano might not prevent bleeding after dental procedures in

people with hemophilia.

Wound healing. Early research suggests that applying an oregano extract to the

skin twice daily for up to 14 days can improve skin color, stiffness, and thickness,

but does not improve itching, pain, or scars, in people who have had portions of

skin removed surgically.

What are the health benefits of oregano? (Joseph Norqvist)

Oregano is a culinary and medicinal herb from the mint, or Lamiaceae

family. It has been used in medicine and cooking for thousands of years. It adds

flavor, and it may have a number of health benefits. The chemicals that give the
herb its unique and pleasant smell are thymol, pinene, limonene, carvacrol,

ocimene, and caryophyllene. It is believed to contain potent antioxidants and to

have anti-bacterial properties.

All of this helps make oregano oil a significant factor in treating internal and

external candida. Skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, can be

improved with oil of oregano as well. Ingram explains the astonishing discovery

that "oil of oregano outright destroys all variety of fungi and yeasts, regardless of

where they reside."

Oil of Oregano is a potent antiseptic used both topically and internally.

Research demonstrates that it is effective in killing a range of organisms,

particularly yeast and bacteria.

Chapter III

Research Method and Procedure

This chapter includes the method of research, method of collecting data,

materials and procedure on preparing and testing the product.

Research Design

This study entitled “Oregano Oil as Pain Reliever” is a research that deals

with the probable compatibility of an extracted oil from a plant with the skin of a

human. This research aims to have a less consumable time and ingredients that

are easy to look for yet effective pain reliever. This alternative pain reliever is

submissive to the power of three ingredients with different abilities. Its scent will

be fragrant due to the essential oil mixed in it. The product will take time for it

needs to absorb the extracted oil from the plant itself fully yet it gives you a

soothing feeling right after the time it’s finalized. The pain reliever is expected to

last for 2-3 weeks based on the amount applied.

Preparation of the Output


 Oregano leaves

 Olive oil, Almond oil, or Grapeseed oil

 Sanitized jar with lid

 Sunny window

1. Chop or crush the oregano leaves and put them into a sanitized jar along

with the olive oil.

2. Boil some water in a saucepan. Once the water undergoes a rolling boil,

turn off the heat.

3. Place the jar with the oregano leaves and olive oil into the hot water and

let sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Remove the jar from the water bath and place in a sunny window for 1 to 2

weeks, shaking the jar every few days.

5. After letting it sit for 1 to 2 weeks, strain the oil from the leaves and put

into a sanitized jar.

6. Store the oil in a cool, dark place.

Evaluation of the Study

Once the product is finished, the researchers plan to inflict both a mild and

a moderate pain on two test subjects. Once the pain has been applied, the

researchers will apply a bit of the ointment to the affected areas.



We asked 5 people to act as respondents.

They were asked to answer these questions to test our product.

1. Can it relieve pain?

2. Does it smell good?

3. Are you satisfied with the result?

4. Is it edible?

5. Is it recommended for business?

Figure 1

No. 1
2 No. 2 YES = 5
No. 3 SOMEHOW = 3
NO = 0
0 No. 4
No. 5

Out of five respondents, most of them answered our question with a yes. This

means that our product can relieve muscle pain at a given time because of its

soothing feeling and because it feels warm.

From the survey results, our product can reduce any minimal pain. So far,

plants from mint family can really relieve pain. Our product had also given the
respondents we had a good and ideal effect. They didn't feel any harsh or bad

effect from the product we've made.


The respondents also recommended it to whoever feels tired and have a sore


Overall, the respondents are satisfied with the result of the product that’s why

it can be recommended for business.


We were able to make Oregano’s oil extract as an effective liniment.

Our group has tested the product with junior high school students. Our

group was able to find out that the oregano’s oil can be an effective

liniment. Not as effective as those of the ones made in the factories but it is

surely more affordable and can still help you relax. One of the main

strengths of our product is that it is natural.

The product is a cheaper alternative effective liniment than those

currently in the market. Our product may focus on those students who are

living alone as our product is cost efficient and easy to apply. It eases

muscle pain that students feel from the burden of school loads. Our

product can also focus on those workers who use their force in working or
the so called blue-collar workers since our product is budget-friendly and





Our project focuses on Oregano Oil. Oregano Oil can relieve pain. In other

words, it can help relieve soreness, infections, or almost all kinds of pain. The

purpose of this project is for us to find out if Oregano oil can be an effective

liniment so that students who study hard, who have long days of practices, and

for teachers who patiently sit all day to check test papers, who stand for long

hours to teach their students can use it.

Oregano Oil liniment is easy to make and affordable. We also think this is

effective for we’ve proven it by conducting a survey which resulted to positive



We therefore conclude that the product that we made is suitable for all

those who have muscle pains. It is tested that it can’t harm anyone because we

didn't use any chemical ingredient instead we used nature-safe ingredients, thus

making it a qualified product for market selling. This is edible for a person can

intake this since we did not use any chemical that may damage the individual’s

body. This Oregano Pain Reliever can also be done by everyone as long as they
have our main ingredient --- OREGANO. This product is also suited for all ages

(baby, toddlers, teenagers, and adult). After following the instructions given, we

successfully made the product that works just fine like other pain relievers.


We were able to make Oregano’s oil extract as an effective liniment. Our

group has tested the product with junior high school students and most of them

said that the oil is helpful to different types of physical pain. Our group was able

to find out that the oregano’s oil can be an efficacious liniment. Not as potent as

those of the ones made in the factories but it is surely more affordable and can

still help you relax. It is proven that this product is suitable for people who suffer

with high intensities of muscle pain. We suggest to use more oregano leaves

than the olive oil for its extract will dominate over the other oil used as an

ingredient. And if you want it to smell more fragrant, you can put essential oils too

but make sure that the extract will dominate over the oils.




Name : Aguda, Nina Francine
Address : Blk. 3, Lot 7, Bloomfield
Homes, Balimbing, San
Pascual, Batangas
Date of Birth : December 4, 2003
Place of Birth : Diane's Maternity and Lying In
Citizenship : Filipino
Email address : frncngd12@gmail.com

Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
2016 - Present
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
2010-2016 With Honors


Name : Caliboso, Ma. Micah Gift M.
Address : Sta. Rita Tambubong, Batangas
Date of Birth : June 11, 2004
Place of Birth : Batangas City
Citizenship : Filipino
Email address : micahgiftcaliboso@gmail.com
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
Year: 2016 – present Designation: ---
Batangas City South Elementary School
P. Canlapan Street, Batangas City
Year: 2010-2016 Designation: Valedictorian


Name : Castillo, Sheree Mae M.
Address : F. Mendoza St., San Antonio, San
Pascual, Batangas
Date of Birth : May 02, 2004
Place of Birth : Bauan Medical Center Citizenship
Citizenship : Filipino
Email address : shereecastillo02@gmail.com
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
Year: 2016- present Designation: ---
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
Year: 2010-2016 Designation: With Honors


Name : Castor, Karelle Manueli
Address : Lot 3, Blk. 3, Villa Mercedes, Sta.
Rita Karsada, Batangas City
Date of Birth : May 22, 2004
Place of Birth : Golden Gate General Hospital
Citizenship : Filipino
Email address : manueli_22@yahoo.com
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
Year: 2016- present Designation: ---
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
Year: 2010-2016 Designation: With Honors


Name : Faraon, Dwight Anton P.
Address : Camella Homes, Sambat, San
Pascual, Bats.
Date of Birth : February 04, 2004
Place of Birth : Batangas Regional Hospital
Citizenship : Filipino
Email address : dionysus0204@yahoo.com
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
Year: 2016- 2019 Designation: ---
Center of Excellence Batangas
La Paz Extension St., Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas
Year: 2009-2016 Designation: Graduate


Name : Reyes, Lil' Shinn Kaile B.
Address : Perez II, Sta. Rita Ilaya, Bats. City
Date of Birth : May 07, 2004
Place of Birth : Batangas Medical Center
Citizenship : Filipino
Email address : lilshinnkaile_reyes@yahoo.com
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
Year: 2016- 2019 Designation: ---
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
Year: 2010-2016 Designation: With Honors


Name : Tan, Mark Jason A.
Address : Dolor Subdv. 2nd Block Barangay
6, Batangas City
Date of Birth : June 06, 2003
Place of Birth : San Pablo, Laguna
Citizenship : Filipino
Email address : tanmarkjason22@yahoo.com
Princeton Science School – Home of Young Achievers
#68 Taurus St., Lourdes Subd., Bolbok, Batangas City
Year: 2016- 2019 Designation: ---
Batangas City East Elementary School City
P. Herrera St. Batangas City
Year: 2012-2016 Designation: Valedictorian

Starland International School

93 12th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City
Year : 2010-2012 Designation : With Honors

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