15CV64 - Module 2
15CV64 - Module 2
15CV64 - Module 2
Module – 2
Water Treatment
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Methods of treatment of water
2.2 Sources
2.3 Water borne diseases
2.4 Physical characteristics and examinations
2.5 Chemical characteristics and examination
2.6 Biological characteristics
2.7 Drinking water standards BIS &WHO guidelines
2.8 Recommended questions
2.9 Outcomes
2.10 Further Reading
The aim of water treatment is to produce and maintain water i.e hygienically safe, aesthetically
attractive and palatable in an economical manner. Though the treatment of water would achieve
the desired quality, the evaluation of its quality should not be confined to the end of treatment
but should be extended to the point of consumers use. It may be desirable to treat water for a
number of reasons including removal of pathogenic organisms, unpleasant tastes and odors,
excessive colour or turbidity or potentially harmful toxic chemical impurities. goiter, dental
flourosis and skeletal flourosis are attributable to chemical impurities present in water.
1. SCREENING: It is used to remove floating matter. This is accomplished just at the intake.
2. AERATION: This process is employed where element causing tastes and odour have to be
3. PLAIN SEDIMENTATION: In this process suspended impurities like silt, clay and sand etc
are removed.
4. SEDIMENTATION WITH COAGULATION: Fine suspended ad colloidal impurities and
some bacteria are removed.
5. FILTRATION: This process is employed to remove very fine particles and colloidal matter
which might have escaped from sedimentation process micro-organisms are largely removed
6. DISINEFCTION: To render safe against disease producing bacteria disinfection is necessary.
7. OTHER PROCESS: In order to make the water fit for a particular use, any special treatment
(tertiary) may be used such as
i) Softening: It is the process of removing excess calcium and magnesium salts. Although
hardness generally poses no threat , it causes scale formation in plumbing fixtures.
ii) Fluoridation and deflouridation: Fluoride has proved to be effective in reducing dental caries.
In case fluoride is present in excess it is removed to meet the standards of drinking water quality
by the process of defluoridation.
All the sources of water can be broadly divided into,
Surface sources and
Sub surface sources
Surfaces sources
Lakes and Streams
Impounding reservoirs etc
Sub surface sources
Infiltration galleries
Infiltration wells
Wells &Tubewells (Borewells)
Streams and rivers: The quantity or discharge of the streams is generally low, sometimes even
go dry in summer season. Therefore they may be considered as source of water supply only for
small villages. The quality of water in streams is normally good except the first runoff. But
sometimes runoff water while flowing over the ground is mixed with silt, clay, sand and other
mineral impurities. This can be removed in a sedimentation basin upto certain extent. Rivers are
formed when the discharge of large number of springs and streams. Combine together. Rivers
(Perennial) are the most important sources of water for public w.s.s. Therefore most of the cities
are situated on the banks of the rivers the rivers may be perennial or non-perennial (seasonal).
Perennial rivers flow throughout the year getting their waters during summer from snow and from
rain in winter. Perennial rivers may be considered as water supply sources directly where as non
perennial rivers can be used as public water supplies by providing storage barriers across these
Impounded reservoirs: During summer the water which is flowing in the river may not be
sufficient to feed the town and on the other hand during rainy season it may be difficult to operate
due to flood waters. Therefore hydraulic structures are constructed across these river valleys
forming impounded reservoirs. The quality of water in these reservoirs is not much different from
that of lake water while top waters prove to develop algae, bottom layers of water may be high in
turbidity Co2, iron and manganese and on occasions H2S.
Infiltration galleries are the horizontal or nearly horizontal tunnels constructed at shallow
depths (3 to 5 meters) along the banks of rivers through the water bearing strata. They are
sometimes called horizontal wells.
These galleries are generally constructed of masonry walls with roof slabs, and extract water
from the aquifer by various porous lateral drain pipes located at suitable intervals in the
gallery. These pipes are generally covered with gravel, so as to prevent entry of fine sand
particles into the pipes. These tunnels or galleries are generally laid at a slope and the water
collected in them is taken to a sump well from where it is pumped, treated and distributed to
the consumers. These infiltration galleries are quite useful when water is available in
sufficient quantity just below the ground level or so. The infiltration galleries may have width
of about 1m , depth of about 2m and length varying from 10m to as long as 100m, depending on
the extent of the water field. They are deeper than 6m below the ground level.
In order to obtain large quantity of water, the infiltration wells are sunk in series in the
banks of river. The wells are closed at top and open at bottom. They are constructed
by brick masonry with open joints for the purpose of inspection of well, the manholes
are provided in the top cover. The water filtrates through the bottom of such wells and
as it has to pass through sand bed, it gets purified to some extent. The infiltration well
in turn are connected by porous pipes to collecting sump called jack well and the
water thus collected through the infiltration wells flows by gravity into the jack well.
The water from jack well is pumped to the purification plant for treatment.
When ground water appears at the surface for any reason , the springs are formed.
They serve as source of water supply for small towns, especially near hills or bases of hills.
Some springs discharge hot water due to the presence of sulphur and other minerals in their
formations. These hot springs cannot be used to supply water for domestic purposes. But the
hot water is found to cure some of the human disorders.
Types of Springs.
Artesian springs.
Gravity springs.
Surface springs.
Artesian springs.
In this type of spring, the ground water comes to the surface under pressure. The
artesian spring may also be formed due to presence of crack in impervious layer. The
crack should be continued upto the ground surface.
Gravity Springs
This type of spring develops due to overflowing of the water table .The flow from a
gravity spring is variable with the rise or fall of water table. In order to meet with such
fluctuations, a trench may be constructed near such a spring. The trench acts as a storage
Surface springs
This type of spring is formed when subsoil water is exposed to the ground surface by
the obstruction of an impervious layer. The quantity of water available from surface springs
is quite uncertain and the cut-off walls may be constructed to develop such springs.
4. Wells:
A well is defined as an artificial hole or pit made in the ground for the purpose of
tapping water. The holes made for tapping oil are also known as the wells. The chief source
of water supply for most of the population is wells and it is estimated that 75 to 85 percent of
indian population has to depend on wells for its water supply.
The 3 factors which form the basis of theory of wells are as follows.
Geological conditions of the earths surface.
Porosity of various layers and
Quantity of water which is absorbed and stored in different layers.
1. Shallow Wells:
The shallow wells are constructed in the uppermost layer of the earth’s surface.
The diameter of shallow wells varies from 2 to 6 meters. They may be lined or
unlined from inside. The lining is also called the steining and its thickness
varies from 300mm and 500mm. The unlined wells are generally constructed
upto a maximum depth of about 7 meters or so. These wells are also sometimes
referred to as the draw wells or gravity wells or open wells or dug wells or
percolation wells.
2. Deep wells:
The Deep wells obtain their quota of water from an aquifer below the impervious
layer as shown in fig. The theory of deep well is based on the travel of water from the
outcrop to the site of deep well. The outcrop is the place where aquifer is exposed to
the atmosphere. The rain water entered at outcrop and gets thoroughly purified when it
reaches to the site of deep well. But it dissolves certain salts and therefore become
hard. In such cases, some treatment would be necessary to remove the hardness of
We might imagine a satellite which could scan the earth’s surface and
provide a complete analysis of every part of the environment. This is, of course, in
the realm of science fiction. Instead, we must collect representative samples of a
small part of the environment in which we are interested, and analyze these to
provide information about the composition of the area. For example, it is obviously
impossible to analyze all the water in a lake, so portions of the water must be
collected and analyzed to determine the true concentrations of materials in the lake.
Similarly, to study contamination around a leaking underground gasoline tank,
numerous soil samples are needed to map the extent of the pollution.
We must keep in mind that only a small amount of sample (a few grams or
milliliters) is collected from a vast heterogeneous area. It is imperative that the
samples collected represent the environment as accurately as possible. Major
decisions are based on the results of the analyses. The steps involved in
environmental sampling are:
Development of a sampling plan, including where and when samples will be
collected and the number of samples required.
Collection of the samples.
Preservation of samples during transportation and storage.
i)Temperature: The most desirable temperature for public water supply scheme is 100C.
Temperature above 260C are undesirable and above 370C are unfit for P.W.S.S. as they are not
iii) Turbidity: It is the measure of inter frame given by insoluble process of soil
organics, micro-organisms and other materials for the passage of light through water the
standard unit is that which is produced by 1 milligram of finely divided silica in one litre of
distilled water the permissible limit of turbidity is 5 to 10 units on silica scale.
Turbidity rod :
Turbidity rod is used for measuring turbidity of water in the field. It consists of a
graduated aluminium rod, about 20.3 cm in length, at the upper end of which is
attached a graduated non-stretchable tape of about 12.2 cm long. At the lower end of
the aluminium rod, a screw containing a platinum needle and a nickel ring is inserted.
The graduated tape has a mark at its top end specifying the position of eye during the
test. In order to find the turbidity, the lower end of the rod is gradually immersed in
water whose turbidity is to be determined. Eye is kept constantly at the marked
position and the platinum needle is watched. The rod is moved slowly in water till the
platinum needle just disappears from the vision due to turbidity of water. The reading
of the graduated tape near the water surface directly gives turbidity in p.p.m. the rod
gives only rough value of the turbidity of water.
ii)pH value :
pH value of water indicates the log of reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration present in
water. It is thus indicator of the acidic and alkaline nature of water.
Since pH is the reciprocal of Log [H+] the higher values of pH means, lower [H+] ions
concentration and thus represents alkaline solutions, whereas the lower values of pH means
higher [H+] ion concentration and thus represents acidic solutions. Pure water is a balanced
combination of positively charged [H+] ions and negatively charged [OH-] ion concentration.
Therefore in water it has been found that the product of combinations of [H+] ion and
[OH-]ions in a water solution B constant. This constant has been found to be equal to 10-14
moles/lit. Therefore if [H+] ion and [OH-] ion concentrations are equal, virtually each will
Measurement of pH:
pH measurement is important since it provides means of classifying and of
correlating other characteristics or behaviors such as corrosive activity or other
interrelated factors controlling biological function in a body of water. Its knowledge is
also helpful in controlling softening and coagulation processes in water treatment.
There are two methods of determing pH value of water: (i) Colourimetric method,
and (ii) Electrometric method
1. Colourimetric method
This is probably the most single method in which some indicator is added to the
water sample, and the colour of the solution of known pH value. These standard
colours may be in the form of coloured liquids in glass tubes, coloured glass discs or
coloured charts supplied by the manufacturers, with each indicator. For acidic range,
the common indicators are thymol blue (acid range) bromophenol blue, methyl red
and chlorophenol red. For alkaline range, the common indicators are thymol blue
(alkaline range), phenolphthalein red and toyl red.
2. Electrometric method
In this method, a pH meter is used. The specimen of water is kept in a beaker and the two
electrodes of the instrument are dipped in water connected to a dry cell. The current passing
through the circuit indicates the pH value which is read directly on the dial. The electrodes
commonly used are made of calomel, glass or quinhydrone. In some of the latest pH meters,
the pH value is displayed electronically on the dial, upto second decimal place of the value.
Clarke‟s method
This method is based on the premise that hardness-producing substances react
with soap and form insoluble compounds before latter is produced. Hence total
hardness is found by determing the standard soap solution required to obtain a
permanent lather with the water sample of known volume with constant shaking. this
method has become obsolete.
Hehner‟s method
In this method the temporary hardness is determined by titration with a
standard solution of sulphuric acid, using methyl orange indicator. To determine the
permanent hardness, standard sodium carbonate solution is added to the water
sample and evaporated to dryness. The amount of sodium carbonate in excess over
that required to convert the sulphates and chlorides into carbonates gives the
permanent hardness.
Versenate method
iv) Chlorides:
The chloride contents, especially of sodium chloride or salt, are worked out for a
sample of water. The excess presence of sodium chloride in natural water indicates pollution
of water due to sewage, minerals, edible oils mill operations, ice cream plant effluents,
chemical industries, sea water intrusion in coastal regions. The water has lower contents of
salt than sewage due to the fact that salt consumed in food is excreted by body. For potable
water, the highest desirable level of chloride content is 250mg/ltr and its maximum
permissible level is 600mg/ltr. It may be noted that there is no known evidence to show that
the chlorides constitute any human health hazard. It is for this reason that the public water
sources containing chlorides as much as 2000mg/ltr of water are used for domestic purposes
because such water does not develop any adverse effect once the human body gets adjusted to
such water.
v) Dissolved Gases:
The water contains various gases from its contact with the atmosphere and
ground surfaces. The usual gases are nitrogen, methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide
and oxygen. The content of these gases is worked out below.
The nitrogen is not very important. The methane concentration is to be studied for its
explosive property. The hydrogen sulphide gives disagreeable odour to the water even if its
amount is very small. The carbon dioxide content indicates biological activities, causes
corrosion, increases the solubility of many minerals in water and gives taste to the water.
The oxygen in the dissolved state is obtained from atmosphere and pure natural surface water
is usually saturated with in.
a) Free ammonia
b) Albuminoid ammonia
c) Nitrites
d) Nitrates.
The free ammonia is measured by simply boiling the water. The ammonia gas is then
liberated. Concentrations of ammonia above a certain level in water polluted either
due to sewage or industrial waste is toxic to fish.
The amount of free ammonia in potable water should not exceed 0.15 p.p.m and that
of albuminoid ammonia should not exceed 0.3 p.p.m. The term albuminoid ammonia
is used to represent the quantity of nitrogen present in water before the decomposition
of organic matter has started.
The presence of nitrites indicates that the organic matter present in water is not fully
oxidized or in other words, it indicates an intermediate oxidation stage. The amount of
nitrites in potable water should be nil.
The presence of nitrates indicates that the organic matter present in water is fully
oxidized and the water is no longer harmful. For potable water, the highest desirable
level of nitrates is 45 mg per litre.
Excessive fluoride ions in drinking water cause DENTAL FLUOROSIS or MOTLING OF
TEETH. On the other hand, communities whose drinking water contains no fluoride have a high
prevalence of dental caries optimum fluoride concentrations provided in public water supplies
generally in range of 1-1.5mg/lit reduce dental caries to a minimum without causing noticeable
dental fluorosis. Several fluoride compounds are used in treating municipal water all of these
dissociate readily yielding fluoride ions (fluoridation).
5days required for BOD test. For typical domestic waste, the ratio of COD/BOD is found to
vary from 1.2 to 1.5. If it is greater than 3, the sewage is considered difficult to biodegrade
and for non-biodegradable sewage it exceeds 10.
and the number of positive tubes obtained in the confirmatory test. Using specially
devised statistical tables. This technique is known as the MPN method.
Arsenic (As)
Severe poisoning can arise from the ingestion of as little as 100mg of Arsenic
trioxide. Chronic effects may result from the accumulation of arsenic compounds in
the body at low intake levels. Carcinogenic properties also have been observed to
arsenic compounds. For the protection of aquatic life, the average concentration of
As3+ in water should not exceed 72μg/L. And maximum should not exceed
140μg/L. FAO- recommended max level for irrigation water is 100μg/L. USEPA
Lead (Pb)
Lead in a water supply may come from industrial, smelter discharges and
mine or from the dissolution of plumbing and plumbing fixture. Tap water that are
inherently not corrosive or not suitably treated may contain lead resulting from an
attack on lead service pipes, lead interior plumbing, brass fixtures and fittings on
solder pipe joints chiefly from galena (PbS). It is used in batteries, ammunition,
solder, piping, pigments, insecticides and alloys. Lead also was used in gasoline for
many years as an anti-knock agent in the form of tetraethyl lead. The Food and drug
administration regulates lead content in food and in house paints. Under the
rule, the US EPA drinking water standard for lead is 15μg/L. The BIS
desirable limit is 0.05mg/L.
Zinc(Zn) 15mg/lit
Magnesuim 125mg/lit
Biological µorganism Sulphate 200-400 250mg/lit 1-1.5mg/lit
Radiological Fluoride 0.5-1.15 0.2mg/lit Nil Not to exceed
Cyanide 1colony/100ml of water or
BOD Cali form bacteria MPN less than (1400)ml
1. Estimate average and peak water demand for a community.
2. Evaluate available sources of water, quantitatively and qualitatively and
make appropriate choice for a community.
3. Evaluate water quality and environmental significance of various parameters and plan
suitable treatment system.
Design a comprehensive water treatment and distribution system to purify and distribute
water to the required quality standards.
1. What are the sources and sub sources of water? Explain the different types of
sources of water?
2. What are the objectives of water quality management?
3. What are water borne diseases?
4. What are the characteristics of water? Explain each characteristic in detail?
5. What is turbidity? Explain different types of turbidimeter?
6. What is pH? Explain the methods to calculate pH?
7. Explain microbiological characteristics of water?
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_engineering
2. https://www.slideshare.net/gauravhtandon1/environmental-engineering
3. https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=1118169654