XII - Physics - Chapter 3 - Current Electricity - Saju - Hsslive PDF
XII - Physics - Chapter 3 - Current Electricity - Saju - Hsslive PDF
XII - Physics - Chapter 3 - Current Electricity - Saju - Hsslive PDF
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 1
But just after a collision electron can 2. Emf exists only between the
be taken at rest ie, vi = 0
terminals of the cell. But
eE e E potential difference exists
vd = vd =
m m
throughout the circuit.
7. Define mobility 3. Emf is the cause and
Ans: Mobile charge carriers are
potential difference is the
responsible for conductivity.
In metals, electrons are the charge after effect.
carriers. 4. Emf is always greater than
In electrolytes both +ve and –ve ions
are charge carriers. potential difference.
In semiconductors, conduction is
partially by electrons and partially by
9. State Ohm’s law.
Ans: Ohm’s law states that ‘at
Mobility ‘µ’ is defined as the ratio
constant temperature the current
of magnitude of the drift velocity flowing through a conductor is
to electric field strength. directly proportional to potential
| vd | eE e difference between the ends of
E E m the conductor’.
-1 -1
SI unit of mobility is CmN s or Current α Potential difference.
m2V-1S-1. IαV I=
8. Distinguish between emf and R Resistance of the conductor.
potential difference. V = IR
1. Emf is the difference in 10. What is meant by resistance?
Ans: It is the ability of a
potential between the
conductor to oppose electric
terminals of a cell, when no
current is drawn from it.
SI unit of resistance is ohm.
Potential difference is the
difference in potential between 11. What are the factors which affect
the resistance of a conductor?
the terminals of a cell or between
any two points in a circuit when 1. Nature of the material
current is drawn from the cell. of the conductor.
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 2
2. Length of the conductor
SI unit = = ohm-1 = mho.
‘’ (directly
15. Define conductivity (𝝈)
proportional) Ans:
3. Area of cross-section ‘A’
Conductivity 𝜎 =
(Inversely proportional) Conductivity is the reciprocal of
4. Temperature (directly
SI unit of conductivity is Ω-1m-1or mho
proportional) m-1
ii. Temperature
R∝ 17. Derive the relation for resistivity
𝒍 in terms of relaxation time.
𝜌 The resistivity of the material of Ans:
the conductor.
S.I. unit of Resistivity ohm-metre (Ω - We know, I neAv d
m) eE
and v d
eE ne 2 AE
13. Define resistivity of the material I neA
m m
of a conductor. V
Ans: Resistivity, But we have E
𝝆= ne 2 AV
𝒍 I
Put A = 1 m2, = 1m
𝑅.1 V m
𝜌= =R 2
1 I ne A
“Resistivity of the material of a m
conductor is defined as the resistance ne 2 A
of the conductor having unit length m
A ne 2 A
and unit area of cross section.
Re sistivity,
14. Define conductance (C)
1 ne 2
Ans: Conductance C = Conductivity,
Conductance is the reciprocal of ne 2
resistance. m
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 3
18. A wire of resistance 4𝛀 is drawn have the same resistance. Which wire
(a) to twice its original length is thicker?
23. Why copper is used as for
(b) to thrice its original length. making connecting wires?
Calculate the new resistance in each Ans: Copper has low resistivity.
24. Why Nichrome is used as
heating element of electrical
19[P]. A wire of resistance 4R is bent devices?
in to the form of a circle. What is the Ans: Nichrome has
i) High resistivity
effective resistance between the ends
ii) High melting point.
of diameter?
25. Why aluminium wires are
preferred for overhead power
20[P]. A copper wire is in the form of Ans: Aluminium has low resistivity. It
a cylinder and has a resistance R. It is is cheaper and lighter.
stretched till its thickness reduces by
26. What are Ohmic and Non-
half of its initial size. Find its new
ohmic substances.
resistance in terms of R. Ans:
Ohmic substances
21[P].The voltage current graphs for They are the substances which obey
two resistors of the same material ohms law. For these substances V-I
and same radii with lengths L1 and L2 graph is linear.
Eg: Metals
are shown in the figure. If L1>L2,
state with reason, which of these
graphs represents voltage current
change for L1.
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 4
temperature. Moreover these materials
have high resistivity.
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 5
33. Determine the resistance of the Consider resistances R1, R2 and R3
carbon resistor in the following connected in series with a voltage V.
figure. In series circuit the current is the
same, but the voltages across
Resistance R = (47×102±5%)Ω
ii) parallel
35. Determine the resistance of a Consider three resistances R1, R2
resistor with the following colours and R3 connected in parallel.
for the rings: Blue, Grey, Black, No
Ans:-R = (68 × 100 ± 20%)Ω
= (68 ± 20%) Ω
(i) series
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 6
I1 =
I2 =
I3 =
V minimum effective resistance? What
R1 R2 R3
is the ratio of the maximum to
V V V V minimum effective resistance?
(2) = + +
Rp R1 R2 R3
41[P]. Determine the equivalent
resistance of the network shown in
If there are n resistors
1 1 1 1 1
+ …………….. +
R p R1 R2 R3 Rn
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 7
the maximum current that can be
drawn from the battery?
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 8
I1 + I2 + I3 – I4 – I 5 = 0
Or I1 + I2 + I3 = I4 + I5
Wheatstone’s Bridge
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 9
51. Derive the balancing condition This is the balancing condition of
of Wheatstone’s bridge. Explain Wheatstone’s bridge.
how the unknown resistance can be Procedure
determined. The wire whose resistance is to
Ans: be determined (Q) is connected across
Circuit Details B and C. The value of resistance S is
Consider 4 resistances P, Q, R adjusted so that the current through the
and S connected in the form of a galvanometer is zero. Now the bridge
bridge. A cell of emf ‘E’ is connected P R
is balanced and we have
between the terminals A and C. A Q S
galvanometer is connected between the Since the values of P, Q, R and S are
terminals B and D. known, we can calculate the value of Q
using the equation Q
Balancing Condition
Applying Kirchhoff’s 2nd rule in the
loop ABDA,
I1P +IgG - I2R = 0 …. (1)
Again in the mesh BCDB,
I3Q - I4S - IgG = 0 …………. (2)
The resistance ‘S’ is adjusted so that 53[P]. Determine the current in each
current through the galvanometer is
branch of the network shown in
made zero. ie.,Ig = 0
Then, I1 = I3 and I2 = I4 figure
(1) I1P - I2R = 0;
I1P = I2R ………… (3) .
(2) I3Q - I4S = 0;
I3Q = I4S ……….. (4)
I1P I2 R
I3 Q I 4S
But when the bridge is balanced, I1=I3
and I2= I4
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 10
Meter Bridge no current flows through the
X r
54. What is the use of a meter
R (100 )r
Ans: It is used to find the resistance of
R 100
a given wire.
X= Rl X
55. Using a neat circuit diagram (100 l) 100
explain the circuit details, principle
of a meter bridge. And give the
The key is closed. A suitable
procedure to find an unknown
resistance (say 1Ω ) is taken from the
resistance box. The jockey is moved
from A towards B, until the
Circuit Diagram galvanometer shows the zero
deflection. The balancing length (AJ =
) is measured. Unknown resistance
X is determined using the equation
X= .
X is determined for different
values of R (say 2Ω, 3Ω, -----). Now
the experiment is repeated after
interchanging X and R.
Circuit Details Resistivity
Meter bridge consist of a one Resistivity ,
meter long resistance wire (made of
Here, R = X, A = πr2
constantan or manganin) fixed on a
Xr 2
wooden board. A cell of emf E and a L is the length and r is
key are connected between the
the radius of the given wire whose
terminals A and B. A jockey is
resistance is to be determined.
connected to the terminal ‘C’ through
a galvanometer. The unknown 56. (a) In a meter bridge the balance
resistance is connected in the left gap point is found to be at 39.5cm from
and a resistance box is connected in the
right gap.
It works on the Wheatstone’s bridge
principle. At the balancing condition
Q S ,
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 11
the end A, when the resistor Y is of V = I r , r is the resistance per
12.5𝛺. Determine the resistance of X. unit length of the wire
V = (Ir) V = k
Why are the connections between
V α , where k=Ir
resistors in a meter or Wheatstone
bridge made of thick copper strips?
When a steady current (I) flows
(b) Determine the balance point of the through a wire of uniform area of
bridge if X and Y are interchanged. cross section, the potential
the galvanometer show any current? wire between the two points.
59. Using a neat connection
diagram, explain how potentiometer
57. What are the uses of a can be used to compare the emf of
potentiometer? two cells.
Ans: Ans:
Potentiometer is used Circuit details
(i) To compare the emf of The primary circuit consists of
two cells potentiometer, cell of emf ε, key K and
a rheostat.
(ii) To find the internal
The secondary circuit consists of two
resistance of a cell cells ε1 and ε2, two-way key,
galvanometer, high resistance and
58. Explain the principle of a Jockey.
potentiometer. Connection diagram
Ans: Procedure
Consider a resistance wire of uniform
area of cross section carrying a current
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 12
The key K in the primary circuit is
closed. The cell є1 is brought into the
circuit by putting the key. Jockey is
moved from A towards B until the
galvanometer shows zero deflection.
The balancing length AJ= is found
out. Now by the principle of
ε1 ….. (1)
The cell ε1 is replaced by the cell ε2
by putting the key. Again balancing Procedure
length 2 is found out. The key ‘K′’ in primary circuit is
Therefore, ε2 2 …….. (2) closed. The balancing length 1 is
1 found out.
(1) ÷ (2) 2 2 If one of
ε 1 ………… (1)
Now the key K in the secondary is
the cells is a standard cell ( say ε1), closed. The balancing length 2 is
we can determine the emf of the found out. Then we can write,
other V 2
2 1 2 ……….. (2)
. 1
60. Using a neat connection
(1) ÷ (2) 1
diagram explain how potentiometer R 2
can be used to find the internal R r
potentiometer, cell of emf є′, key K′
and a rheostat. The secondary circuit r 1
consist of a cell of emf є, a 2
R 1 R
galvanometer, Jockey, a resistance box r 2
R and key K. 2
Connection Diagram R( 1 2)
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 13
61. Why potentiometer is preferred (c) Cell P is replaced by another
over voltmeter for measuring emf of
cell whose emf is lower than
a cell?
Ans: If we measure emf of a cell using that of cell Q.
a voltmeter, a small current is drawn by
the voltmeter. So we will not get the 64[P]. A potentiometer wire of
actual emf of the cell. But if we length 100cm has a resistance of 10
measure the emf using a potentiometer, ohms.
while measuring emf, since null
deflection method is employed, no It is connected in series with a
current flows from the cell. So we will
resistance R and a cell of emf 2V
get the actual emf of the cell.
and of negligible internal
62[P]. In a potentiometer
resistance. The circuit is as shown
arrangement, a cell of emf 12.5V gives
a balance point at 35.0cm length of
the wire. If the cell is replaced by
another cell and the balance point
shifts to 63.0cm, what is the emf of the
2nd cell?
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 14
65. State Joule’s law of heating. 69. Which is the commercial unit of
Ans: Joule’s Law states that “the electric energy? What is its relation
heat produced in a current with joule.
Ans: The commercial unit of electric
carrying conductor is
energy is kilo watt hour.
proportional to the square of 1kWh=1000W x 3600s =3.6 x 106J
the intensity of electric
current, the resistance of the
conductor and the time for
which the current flows”.
H = I2Rt
S.I. unit of heat is joule (J)
SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 15