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Course Information

Course Name: Strategic Cost Management

Course ID: ACT671 7101
Semester: Spring 2020
Mode: Online

Instructor Information
Instructor: Liang Song, Ph.D., CMA, Assistant Professor of Accounting
Email: lsong@umassd.edu
Phone: 508-999-8037

Class Schedule, Office Hours and Location

This course is 100% Online.

I can be reached for help using the contact information listed above.

Course Description

Course Description:
Catalog descriptions for your courses can be found at the online catalog. The overall objective of this course is for
students to learn the basic concepts, analyses, uses and procedures of cost accounting; cost accounting as a managerial
tool for business strategy and implementation of operational decisions; how different costs are used for different
purposes; ethical issues in operational decisions.

ACT 650: Accounting for Decision Making

Course Credits:
3 credits.

Recommended Text:

Students can go to mheducation.com and use ISBN 9781260912449 to purchase a $70.00 eBook good for 360 days

The below book may be also helpful.

Managerial Accounting (5th Edition) 5th Edition, by Karen W. Braun, Wendy M. Tietz, Pearson, ISBN-13: 9780134128528

Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, 7th Edition, by Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E.
Kieso, Wiley, ISBN 9781118334331
Managerial Accounting for Undergraduates, 1st Edition, by Christensen, Hobson, Wallace, ISBN 9781618531124

Required Materials:

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will be able to:

• plan and control business activities using various managerial accounting techniques.
• make business decisions based on managerial accounting information.

Communication Plan

Expectations for electronic communication

Please use email *ONLY* when the subject is of a personal and confidential matter. If the question you ask is of a nature
that even one other person in the course could benefit from the answer, post the question in the appropriate discussion
board forum.

I check my email daily Monday through Friday during normal business hours only. You can expect a reply from me via
email within 24 hours during the work week. You *may* get an email reply during the weekend, but that would be an
exception not the rule.

I will also check the discussion forums daily during the work week. I will post often during the first weeks of the course
and then drop off in Activity while expecting participants to fill any void. Rest assured however, I *will* be participating
in what I hope will be lively discussions and will *always* reply to any discussion comment directed specifically at me.

Time Considerations
Students should be prepared to spend a minimum of 3 hours a week on reading and on course assignments. While you
may feel that I’m displaying a lot of information to you on a weekly basis remember that in a traditional “live” course
you would be coming to class for 3 hours and then spending an additional 3-6 hours (at least) outside of class on
assignments and reading. In our online course environment my expectation is that you will be spending those 3 “class
hours” on your own, working on the concepts that you would usually get in a live lecture. Please be sure to budget your
time accordingly!

Substantive participation should:

• Add value to the discussion and avoid simply repeating, agreeing with, or answering yes or no to peer’s
• Challenge comments in class, including those of the facilitator
• Ask insightful questions
• Answer other people’s questions
• Exemplify the point with real-life events, when possible
• Make comments that are relevant to the course content and objectives

Things to keep in mind as you communicate with other students:

• Share an experience that is related to the discussion. Comment on other participants’ experiences that are
related to the course.
• Ask others questions about their ideas and experiences that are related to the course
• Challenge a point that another participant made in a respectful manner. Offer a different perspective on an idea
that is being discussed
• Give insights gained from readings that were assigned for the week. If you need more information, ask the
participants a question about the week's reading
• Discuss a work issue that is related to the course or discussion and ask for feedback
• Relate how you have applied what you have read, learned or discussed regarding the course to your personal
and professional life
• Share another resource such as Web links, books, etc. that you have used to answer other participants’
questions or as you explore the topics of the course (as it is a violation of copyright law to copy the actual page)

Methods of Instruction

In each week, you should:

• read PPT and book chapters
• watch videos
• work on homework
• Take quiz

There are eleven problem sets and they are due at 23:59 on Tuesday of next week. Then I may give you some feedback.
Late assignments receive zero points.

There are one quiz each week.

There are three exams as shown in the below course schedule.

Evaluation and Grading Breakdown:

(Please note that the instructor may need to adjust course grading assignments and scale due to unforeseen
circumstances-snow days, semester breaks, time constraints, etc.)

Grades will be based on the following:

Homework (11 x 20 points each) 220

Exams (3 x 100 points each) 300

Quiz 80

Total Points 600

Grading System

According to the university catalogue, an incomplete may be given only in exceptional circumstances at the instructor's
discretion. The student must be passing at the time of the request or be sufficiently close to passing. If the work is not
completed within one year of the recording of the incomplete grade, the grade will become an F (I). The incomplete
policy for this course is that at least 70% of the course must be already completed and an exceptional circumstance (i.e.
medical issue) must exist. If you feel you require an incomplete for an exceptional reason, you need to email me and
state your reasons for the incomplete in writing. We will then decide on a course of action. For details about the
University’s grades and grading system policies and procedures, please go to


Letter Grade
Grade Percentage points/credit Rating

A+ 97% & above 4.00 Excellent

A 93% – 97% 4.00 Excellent

A- 90% – 93% 3.70 Excellent

B+ 87% – 90% 3.30 Good

B 83% – 87% 3.00 Good

B- 80% – 83% 2.70 Good

C+ 77% – 80% 2.30 Satisfactory

C 73% – 77% 2.00 Satisfactory

C- 70% – 73% 1.70 Satisfactory

D+ 67% – 70% 1.30 Marginal

D 63% – 67% 1.00 Marginal

D- 60% – 63% 0.70 Marginal

F below 0.00 Failure

Attendance Policy


Incomplete Policy

According to the university catalogue, an incomplete may be given only in exceptional circumstances at the instructor's
discretion. The student must be passing at the time of the request or be sufficiently close to passing. If the work is not
completed within one year of the recording of the incomplete grade, the grade will become an F(I). The incomplete
policy for this course is that at least 70% of the course must be already completed and an exceptional circumstance (i.e.
medical issue) must exist. If you feel you require an incomplete for an exceptional reason, you need to email me and
state your reasons for the incomplete in writing. We will then decide on a course of action.
Course Conduct

UMass Dartmouth policies regarding equal opportunity, discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence apply to all
learning environments wherever they are located and from wherever they are taught. This applies to all UE face-to-face,
off campus, blended, and online courses. Please see the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion brochure for information
at https://www.umassd.edu/studentaffairs/departments/studentconductanddisputeresolution/policies/.

Student Academic Integrity Policy

All UMass Dartmouth students are expected to maintain high standards of academic integrity and scholarly practice. The
University does not tolerate academic dishonesty of any variety, whether as a result of a failure to understand required
academic and scholarly procedure or as an act of intentional dishonesty.

A student found responsible of academic dishonesty is subject to severe disciplinary action which may include dismissal
from the University. The procedure for responding to incidents of academic dishonesty may be found in Section III of this
document. You may also refer to the Student Handbook for information about the judicial process.

A high standard of academic integrity promotes the pursuit of truth and learning and respect for the intellectual
accomplishments of others. These are values that are fundamental to the mission of this University. Such values are
undermined by academic dishonesty.

Academic freedom is a fundamental right in any institution of higher learning. Honesty and integrity are necessary
preconditions of this freedom. Academic integrity requires that all academic work be wholly the product of an identified
individual or individuals. Joint efforts are legitimate only when the assistance of others is explicitly acknowledged and
deemed appropriate by the instructor of the course. Ethical conduct is the obligation of every member of the University
community, and breaches of academic integrity constitute serious offenses.

Maintenance of the standards of academic integrity and the successful administration of this policy depend on the
mutual cooperation of faculty and students.

Faculty cooperation is essential for successful application of the procedures defined by this Academic Integrity Policy.
Faculty members promote academic integrity by making clear on their syllabi their expectations concerning homework
assignments, collaborative student efforts, research papers, examinations, computer-based infractions, and the like.
Efforts should be made to detect and to prevent cheating and plagiarism in all academic assignments. If faculty members
have evidence of academic dishonesty, they are expected to report such evidence promptly.

Students must assume responsibility for maintaining honesty in all work submitted for credit and in any other work
designated by the instructor of the course. Students are also expected to report incidents of academic dishonesty to the
instructor or dean of the instructional unit.

The intent of this policy is to make clear the standards of academic integrity at UMass Dartmouth.

*For additional information on violations, infractions, and consequences visit the UMass Dartmouth Student Academic
Integrity Policy at the link below.

Center for Access and Success

In accordance with University policy, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal
access in this course, please meet with the instructor at the beginning of the semester and provide the appropriate
paperwork from the Center for Access and Success. The necessary paperwork is obtained when you bring proper
documentation to the Center, which is located in Pine Dale Hall, Room 7136; phone: 508.999.8711.

Resources for UMass Dartmouth Students

If you are having difficulty with the class please:

• Contact me directly using the contact information listed at the top of this document.
• Contact the Academic Resource Center (ARC) for support:
o Academic Resource Center, Liberal Arts - Room 007
o Phone: 508.999.8708, Fax: 508.910.6404
• For help with writing assignments you can also make use of online writing tutoring.
o eTutoring can be accessed at this link or by clicking the "Online Tutoring" link at the top of the
myCourses Dashboard.

Technical Help
Technical support for myCourses is available 24/7:

• Students can email http://ithelp.umassd.edu or call the Student Help desk at 508-999-8505 during normal
business hours. (Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST)
• During off-hours, weekends, and holidays, technical assistance is available for students at

Support information for all other UMass Dartmouth technologies can be found here:

Tentative Course Schedule

(Please note that this schedule is tentative and may be changed as semester goes by)
Week/Date Beginning Unit of Instruction Topic Responsibilities

Session 1 Cost Management and Strategy Reading: PPT and Ch. 1

• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz

Evaluation: Quiz including single-

choice questions

Session 2 Basic Cost Management Concepts Reading: PPT and Ch. 3

• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz
Evaluation: Quiz including single-
choice questions

Session 3 Job Order and Spoilage, Rework and Scrap Reading: PPT and Ch. 4

• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz

Evaluation: Quiz including single-

choice questions

Session 4 Process and Spoilage Reading: PPT and Ch. 6

• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz

Evaluation: Quiz including single-

choice questions

Session 5 Activity-Based Costing and Management Reading: PPT, Ch. 5

• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz

Evaluation: Quiz including single-

choice questions

Session 6 Review Session Reading: PPT and chapters covered in

Exam 1 session 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

• read PPT and chapters covered in
session 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
• work on review
• take exam

Evaluation: Exam 1

Session 7 Strategy and the Master Budget Reading: PPT, Ch. 10

• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz
Evaluation: Quiz including single-
choice questions

Session 8 Strategy and the Master Budget: Additional Issues Reading: PPT, Ch. 10

• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz

Evaluation: Quiz including single-

choice questions

Session 9 Strategic Performance Measurement Reading: PPT, Ch. 18

• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz

Evaluation: Quiz including single-

choice questions

Session 10 Review Session Reading: PPT and chapters covered in

Exam 2 session 7, 9, and 10

• read PPT and chapters covered in
session 7, 9, and 10
• work on review
• take exam

Evaluation: Exam 2

Session 11 Decision Making with a Strategic Emphasis Reading: PPT and Ch. 11

• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz

Evaluation: Quiz including single-

choice questions

Session 12 Short-Term Profit Planning: Cost-Volume-Profit Reading: PPT and Ch. 9

(CVP) Analysis
• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz
Evaluation: Quiz including single-
choice questions

Session 13 Short-Term Profit Planning: Cost-Volume-Profit Reading: PPT and Ch. 9

(CVP) Analysis : Additional Issues
• watch videos
• work on homework
• take quiz

Evaluation: Quiz including single-

choice questions

Session 14 Review Session Reading: PPT and chapters covered in

Exam 3 session 12, 13, 14, and 15

• read PPT and chapters covered in
session 12, 13, 14, and 15
• work on review
• take exam

Evaluation: Exam 3

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