Unknown 7 2
Unknown 7 2
Unknown 7 2
Course Outcomes
CO1 Apply the basic concepts and fundamental principles in solid mechanics. [PO1, LO1, SS1] C2.
CO2 Analyze the state of stress and strain in elastic mechanical members under various loading condi-
tions. [PO2, LO3, SS1] C4.
CO3 Evaluate the solid mechanics elements involved in mechanical designs of engineering structures.
[PO4, LO3, SS1] C6
Course Description
The course deals with the study of stresses and strains in deformable bodies under axial loading, torsion,
bending, and combined loadings. The study is restricted to the linear-elastic response of the bodies. It covers
the transformations of plane stress and strain including the method of Mohr’s circle, deflections of beams,
buckling of columns, and strain energy.
Course Content & Completion Period
Week Contact Chapter Topics
1 6 Concept of Stress Free Body Diagram, Equilibrium of a Deformable Body, Normal
and Strain Stress and Normal Strain, Shear Stress and Shear Strain, Stress-
Strain Relation: Elastic Constants E, G and factor of Safety.
3 6 Axially Loaded Stress, Strain and Deformation of Members under Axial Load,
Members Statically Determinate and Indeterminate Problems, and prob-
lems involving temperature changes
5 6 Torsion of Circular Torsion formula and Statically determinate shafts, Statically Inde-
Shafts terminate Shafts, Power Transmission Shafts
Test 1
7 9 Bending of Straight Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams, Bending Deforma-
Beams tion of a Straight Member and Flexure Formula, Shear Stresses
in Beams and Shear Formula, Deflection and Slope of Beams
using Direct Integration Method and Macaulay’s Method
10 3 Buckling of Euler’s Buckling Formula, Columns Having Various Types of Sup-
Columns ports
11 9 Transformations of General Equations for Plane Stress Transformation, Mohr’s Circle
Stress and Strain for Plane Stress, Absolute Maximum Shear Stress, Transforma-
tion of Plane Strain, Mohr’s Circle for Plane Strain, Determination
of Stresses from Strains: Generalized Hooke’s Law
13 3 Strain Energy Introduction to Strain Energy Concept, Strain Energy due to Var-
ious Types of Loading
Test 2
Method of Instructions
Lectures are given to cover the basic principles of each topic. Reading materials and relevant examples will be
In-depth discussions of assignments or problems which are given during lecture will be conducted during
tutorial period.
Course Work (40 %)
Test 1 10%
Test 2 10%
Individual Assignment 10%
Common Assignment 10%
Final Examination (60 %)
TOTAL (100 %)
Grading scale
4.00 A+ 90-100 2.33 C+ 55-59
4.00 A 80-89 2.00 C 50-54
3.67 A- 75-79 1.67 C- 47-49
3.33 B+ 70-74 1.33 D+ 44-46
3.00 B 65-69 1.00 D 40-43
2.67 B- 60-64 0.67 E 30-39
0.00 F 0-29
Recommended Textbook
R.C. Hibbeler, Mechanics of Materials, 9th edition, Pearson, 2014.
1. Beer Johnston and De Wolf Mazurek, Mechanics of Materials , 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2012.
2. E.J. Hearns, Mechanics of Materials, Pergamon Press, Vol 1 & 2, 1997.
3. R.T. Fenner and J.N. Reddy, Mechanics of Solids, CRC Press, 1991.
No. CO PO1 PO2 PO4
1 Describe the basic concepts and fundamental prin- C2
ciples in solid mechanics
2 Analyze the state of stress and strain in elastic me- C4
chanical members under various loading conditions
3 Evaluate the solid mechanics elements involved in C6
mechanical designs of engineering structures