This newsletter is produced by the Association of Technical Market Analysts. All comments and editorial material do not necessarily reflect the organization's
opinion nor does it constitute an endorsement by the Association of Technical Market Analysts or any of its officers, of any products or services mentioned.
Sources are believed to be reliable at time of publication, but not guaranteed. The Association of Technical Market Analysts and its officers, assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions.
Dear Colleagues,
A home-grown definition of a professional is a person who can be relied upon for regular work. I am immensely pleased at the
committed and regular work from our editor, Ms. Meghana Malkan in pushing along all frontiers to ensure that the second issue of the
ATMASphere reaches you in time and with the same standards as in the first issue.
Summer is a time when so many are travelling. The appointments with a couple of Global Gurus in TA that I had fixed for the GuruMeeting feature could not
be met with. I am sorry; this issue will not have this feature, which indeed would be a continued feature in subsequent issues.
I am happy to notice a very useful article from our colleague Ananth Acharya, a mind as fertile as can be.
ATMA agenda for the remainder of the calendar year is being finalized. It already is looking pretty heavy with at least two high profile confirmed global
speakers having committed dates to us. Mr. Larry Berman, Immediate Past President of MTA shall be in Mumbai during the first week of September ’12 and
Mr. David Keller, President, MTA in the first week of October ’12. Detailed agenda, event details are being worked out. Mark your diaries; I surely would want
to see you at these two events. We are working on yet another powerful speaker for November and soon as details available will be shared.
Enhancing leadership at ATMA is my core focus now. I continue to solicit fertile committed minds to step forward and undertake wider responsibilities at our
organization. In time, we have to groom and prepare the next generation to take over from the founders. I do see a future ahead for all of us where younger
and way more energized shoulders will take us into the future faster.
Sushil Kedia
We hope you enjoyed reading the first issue of ATMASphere. In line with our intention we shall continually try to bring before you rich
and educative content in technical analysis.
1. C M Patil shares his research on the ‘Polar Pattern’ and explains how this increases the probability of success while trading with chart patterns.
2. Dr. Bhooshan Shanbhag writes about changing the time-frames of tools and indicators in a technical analyst’s kit. He explains the distinction
between following the conventional and unconventional parameters and how traders following the latter gain an edge over the former.
3. Ananth Acharya presents an Elliott Wave approach to identifying trend changes and trend continuation.
In the regular educative features, namely ‘Quant…um Leap: Graduating from Manual Analysis to Automated Trading’ by Manish Jalan and ‘Testy Bytes’ by Kora
Reddy, the authors continue their journey into educating the readers deeper into the respective concepts.
Vishal B Malkan reviews the “The Trading Athlete” by Shane Murphy and Doug Hirschhorn.
We would love to hear from you. Please let us have your feedback on ATMASPHERE by sending an email to editor@atma-india.net. You can subscribe to
ATMASPHERE completely free by clicking here.
Meghana V Malkan
In theory Pattern Formation begins as prices get confined within a certain In this article I am going to talk about Polar Pattern which is being proved as
support and resistance level and when it breaks the barrier the prices move most reliable pattern as per my practical experience. This pattern formation
very fast. Traders try to take advantage of this pattern breakouts and price is based on one of the most important principles of Dow Jones Theory.
movement but very often get trapped! The reasons are:
Whenever any major support line is broken it acts as resistance in the
1. Most of the time patterns are seen in isolation and traders ignore the future. Similarly whenever any major resistance is broken the same
historical support & resistance. resistance line provides a very strong support when prices corrects.
2. Traders seem to ignore the volumes. The average volumes must be low In fact in other words whenever there is a bullish breakout, prices
while price consolidate inside the pattern and volume must increase corrects and retest the ‘breakout line’ as support. Same way when there
substantially when breakout happens. is a bearish breakout, there is always a pullback up to earlier ‘support
3. In a hurry traders do not wait for time wise confirmation. Whenever turned resistance’ line before further fall begins.
breakout happens the price must remain outside breakout line at least
for 3 days. The reason why I say 3 days is because those who have
bought or sold the stock on margin or T+2 bases are required to settle
the transaction either by taking/giving the delivery or squaring off the
position. If they don’t take/give delivery then the breakout is likely to fail.
4. Most of the time traders ignore to study OI (Open Interest) buildup.
Along with volumes it is equally important to check the OI (Open
Interest) buildup in Futures segment. If there is least 5% + increase in the
OI along with price breakout then the probability of successful breakout
would be as high as 70%-80%. On the contrary there is a high chance of
failure if OI starts declining immediately after price breakout. Increase in
OI confirms addition of new position in the direction of trend where as
You will find plenty of such examples if you glance through the technical
charts for various stocks. Below is just couple of other stock specific
examples of the same pattern formations. Case-2: L&T gave bearish Head & Shoulder breakout during last week of
September 2011 when it broke the neckline support. In mid February 2012
the same neckline acted as strong resistance.
quant…um leap articles which will help you get your feet wet with the futures open higher as compared to previous day’s close by X points and
introduction to one of the most talked about subject in the field of moves higher w.r.t to the opening price by another Y points – it is a great
quantitative finance today called Algorithmic trading. short trade and a short position taken could either be unwounded at a profit
target of Z points, a stop loss of K points or towards the market close (intra-
Dear Readers, let us continue the journey of Quant…um leap by delving
day trade). He then asked me to back-test the strategy and optimize the
deeper into the world of Algo trading. Continuing to build momentum from
model parameters namely, X, Y, Z and K. Needless to say I spent many
my last article where I gave a sneak peek into what Algo world is all about –
sleepless nights as a young energetic quant trader on the desk trying to find
this month is going to be far more exciting. We will talk about backtest, one
the golden goose. Finally I found that every trade of this nature done in the
of the most misunderstood topics in the Algo world. Yes, I say misunderstood
last 10 years could make on an average 15 points, for a certain optimal
because, everyone has their own version of backtesting, own version of
values of X, Y, Z and K. My eyes sparkled and my heart pounded to see that I
playing around with the historical data and coming out with fancy and
was this close to making a strategy which could make the next million dollars
monstrously great backtested results. There are no standards to backtesting
at our desk. My dear readers, 15 points on Nikkei futures, if done on 1000
contracts (~ 100 Million USD notional) can make USD 150,000 daily! I was everyday would lose anywhere between USD 25,000 to USD 50,000 daily. So
already annualizing this number and hence my bonus. May be I was too confident I was about my back-test and the live performance this far that I
impatient, in hindsight I was too naïve, but at that time all I could see was continued to run the strategy not worried about the daily loss until one fine
driving a Porsche next year. day, the strategy lost all the USD 700,000 and was down another USD
300,000 in a matter of 2 months. Yes a straight loss of more than a million
Next morning I presented the strategy to the MD of our trading desk and our
dollar in no time. I started questioning myself, and so did the senior
senior management team. They liked my findings and more importantly my
management. It was time to shut the strategy down and go back to the
enthusiasm to get on with the strategy and my detailed backtested results.
drawing board.
Our MD agreed to start with 100 contracts (~ 10 Million USD notional) and
ramp it up if the strategy performed as expected. Dear friends my experience I once again met Dr. Yoon, who by that time had left Merrill Lynch, over
over the last few years in the markets have been that more often than not, lunch. I told him about all the ups and downs of the back-tested strategy and
when you build an Algo strategy, it always starts at a loss and deviates wanted his advice. The first question he asked me was what was the data I
significantly from the back-test, but in my case it was just the opposite. We had taken for back-test? Pat came the reply, last 10 years.
used to run this Nikkei intra-day short strategy everyday on 100 contracts
He said, Manish, Nikkei has been in a complete bear market from 1994 to
and make an average of USD 15,000 daily. Slowly and steadily the profit of
2004. Any strategy on shorting Nikkei futures (intra-day, carry over etc),
the book had swelled to USD 700,000 in a matter of 3 months. Not a small
would make money. Did you see if that strategy made money in a bull
feat for a first timer on the trading desk and suddenly I was the blue eyed
market or a range bound market? The answer was “No”.
boy of our MD, who could do no wrong. I started getting requests to develop
more strategies; experienced traders would seek my advice on quant related
There lied the mistake, I had back-tested the strategy on a biased set of data.
ideas. But all this was soon going to change.
I didn’t know if my strategy could withstand every kind of market or not and
hence when the market turned around from a bear to bull rally in summers
When Murphy (If things can go wrong, they will go wrong) strikes a
of 2005, we kept bleeding on the strategy.
thoroughly back-tested quant trading strategy, it strikes it big. I was no
exception, just that I had not realized it, yet. In the summers of 2005, Nikkei
Had I optimized the strategy to not loose money in bull phases, we probably
very quietly broke through 12,000 levels after several years of resistance. We
would still be in the game. But then as they say, every trader is a billionaire in
continued to short Nikkei futures, which was now on 200 contracts, and
I too often see young quant programmers, trying too hard to optimize
numbers and parameters to make the strategy profitable in backtesting. Dr.
Yoon, always told me, “Manish, you torture the data enough and it will bend Fig: Steps involved in an end to end backtested strategy
to almost anything!”. Data torturing is as good as, becoming a hindsight
billionaire. Just that it never works in real market. A Good way to find if you
have tortured the data or not in backtesting –is what is called data sampling.
The 2 key backbones in any Algo trading strategy to be backtested are the
factors and parameters. In a trend following strategy, factor could be Simple
Moving Average (SMA) crossover, MACD (This might come from host of
technical indicators and patterns) etc. Parameters could be 5 day SMA
crossing over 21 day SMA or a standard 12, 26 – 9 MACD. What is required is
correct set factors and optimized parameters which can work in most market
circumstances. Once you have found the right set of factors and parameters,
for say a trend following system – the next step is to see how they behave
when markets are very range bound. Do they bleed? Do they loose money
within acceptable limits? The answers to many of these questions lie in the
foundation of risk management and statistical factors, which I shall be
covering in my forthcoming articles.
The Quant…um leap journey will continue in the coming months with more
sections, more insights and more leaps… Let the journey be the destination!
One of the principles of technical analysis is ‘History Repeats’. When we say usually like the round figures and hence the numbers 200, 100 and 50 suit
history repeats, what we mean is if any event occurs, the reaction given by our needs perfectly and have been accepted broadly without questioning.
the markets will be identical to that given when the similar event occurred in However, in the current scenario are these numbers relevant? According to
the past. Hence the time factor comes into picture, as past, present and wave theory a set of parameters existing at any given time cannot exist ever
future are nothing else but functions of time. again perfectly with all the parameters exactly identical. This means as much
Time can be said to be one of the major variables in Technical Analysis. we may try to use the past data to predict the future, it will never be possible
Usually in most of the techniques that are commonly employed all over the to do so exactly as all parameters will never exactly be the same. We say
world the charts are plotted as change in price against time. The most History repeats… Mark Twain has said history never repeats, it rhymes!!!
common technique where we broadly use time is the moving average. Under these circumstances, it becomes necessary to minimise the variations
Moving averages of different time frames are plotted in order to decide the in the parameters so as to get a near exact
overall direction of the markets, on-going trends, etc. However, by the replica of the variables in order to
classical definitions, the most common moving averages that are employed extrapolate the past in order to predict the
future. In Technical analysis, we are
expecting to do the same thing, using the
In the terms of days - 200 day, 100 days, 50 days. past data in order to predict the future
In the terms of weeks – 52 weeks, 26 weeks, 13 weeks. movements in prices. If the variables are
In the terms of months, 12 months (Year), 6 months (half year), 3 not matching, our predictions are likely to
months (quarter year).
be wrong. Seasons and Earth’s position around the Sun / distance from the and not 200 days. Similarly half year would be 125 days and a trading quarter
Sun, etc. are the parameters that naturally match exactly after a year and so would be 63 days. We have to understand and accept that the figures 200,
do the sentiments arising from festivals and annual occasions. 100 and 50 have become obsolete in today’s financial markets and unless we
change with time, our predictions based on these moving averages may also
We always say that one has to be as objective as possible while practicing
be erratic.
Technical Analysis. In one year, there is a natural cycle of repetitions. The
season repeats, the festivals repeat and even the time-related events repeat The question is even if we say so, the rest of the world may still be using the
making similar impacts on the markets and hence on the minds of investors. same old figures and taking positions accordingly. Then would not we be
If we are subjective and do not follow what is obvious, then the cycles may deviating from the masses? History shows that what masses follow seldom
not match and hence, there would be a variation in every aspect that has to works in longer time frame. One has to adapt with the changes or else, has to
do with seasonality. Our predictions based on these erratic base may not perish. The changed time frame actually gives better results or not, only time
work just as well and Technical Analysis may start showing variations from can tell and needs extensive research still. However, primarily it appears that
the actual moves. if we compare 200,100 and 50 DMA with 250, 125 and 63 DMA, the later act
as supports or resistances more often than the former.
When any investor is taking the position in the markets, he always considers
52 week high-low and decides accordingly selects the price level to enter the
stock. He studies the company performance in the last year, the last half-year
and the last quarter. Always we compare the profits made by a company in
one quarter or one year. It must be noted that the level is decided based on
52 weeks and not 200 days. It is also easier to remember price levels an year
ago and not something like 9 ½ months before. In today’s world, 52 trading
weeks have about 250 trading days and not 200. Actually 200 trading days
are approximately 9 ½ months in current markets and may not have any
relation with the viewpoint of investors.
Here is daily chart of Nifty futures. 200 DMA is drawn in blue whereas 250
Hence when we are talking about yearly moving averages, it is the need of
DMA is drawn in black. See the areas marketed by circles. 250 DMA has acted
time to change the time frame to 250, as our markets trade 250 days a year
as a support at all these instances, where 200 days has failed to do so.
We talk of Kondratieff wave; we talk of 10-year Cycle, four year cycle etc. trading derivatives. He is on the panel of experts for myiris.com and is also
These cycles are multiples of whole years that are multiples of 250 trading a regular writer for investment weekly Informed Investor for over three
days and no longer 200 trading days. If we continue sticking to 200 days, our years.
trading cycles will not be matching with the natural cycles. As much we may
try, we will never be able to force the natural cycles into our needs and
instead it would be wise to adjust our actions in sync with the nature. Once
200 days were representing a year and at that time giving importance to 200
day values was essential, but now as one year is 250 days, it would be logical
to change our time frames to multiples and factors of 250 and not 200.
Considering all in all - in my view - time has come to change our timeframes.
It is but natural that the thought may not be accepted easily by everyone.
In continuation to the last series of articles under "Testy Bytes" in this Article I
For short term trading as our holding period is only one day, the RFR can be set
will educate the readers about a few advanced concepts that one needs to
to zero.
keep in mind on various backtesting strategy performance reports.
Advanced concepts Sharpe Ratio indicates the smoothness of the equity curve. The higher the
ratio, the smoother the equity growth or decline. A Sharpe Ratio value of
Here are few other concepts that need to above 0.5 is considered good, while a value above 1.0 is excellent and a value
be considered to gather confidence to above 2.0 is considered outstanding.
trade it in real life.
When choosing a pattern’s reliability in real-life trading, Sharpe Ratio is used
Sharpe Ratio: This is probably the most on the assumption of a zero risk-free rate of return and at least a Sharpe Ratio
common measure used by large fund houses in comparing potential of 0.6 from the back testing results.
investments. The Sharpe Ratio was formulated by Nobel Laureate William F.
Sharpe in 1966 as a measure for comparing the performance of mutual Pessimistic rate of return: Pessimistic return on margin (PROM) is an
funds. This measure was introduced as a reward-to-variability ratio but annualized yield on margin that is adjusted in a way that pessimistically
subsequently came to be referred to simply as the Sharpe Ratio after its assumes that a trading strategy will win less and lose more in real-time trading
originator. Sharpe Ratio was one of the first statistical measures that factored than it did in its historical simulation.
both return and risk into a single formula, thereby giving us a single statistical
PROM adjusts the gross profit by calculating a new, mathematically adjusted,
measure of risk-adjusted return.
pessimistic lower gross profit. The first step is to calculate the number of
Sharpe Ratio = (APR - RFR)/ (StdDevAPR) winning trades reduced by its square root or, in other words, adjusted by its
standard error. This adjusted number of winning trades is then multiplied by
Where: the average winning trade to arrive at a new, adjusted lower gross profit.
Pattern overlap:
PROM is an excellent measure to compare the performance of different
trading models; it is suggested that a trading model’s PROM be at least 50% of
“A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never
the historical returns.
sure” - Segal’s Law
T-Test: The t-Test is a simple statistical test that tells you how likely these test
There is no simple formula for this
results are to have occurred by chance alone. A t-Test of less than 1.6 favours
parameter, but it is assumed that multiple
chance, above 1.6 and one is more likely to have found something real – a
patterns will be traded in real life, and these
tradable Key Idea. The higher the score given(over at least 20) the more likely
will overlap at times. This is no problem so
one has found a tradable history.
long as they both point to either long or
short. But, clearly, there can be confusion if
The t-Test is calculated as
each points differently, one long and the other short. Simple ways to overcome
t = square root (n) * (average trade / standard deviation of trades) this pattern overlap problem is by recording all the patterns individually, and
see that they don’t give conflicting signals more than 20% of the time, better
Optimal-f: The second test to run is called optimal f. Optimal f is the market’s
still no more than 10% of the time.
line in the sand for your Key Idea. Optimal f is the maximum number of
contracts one can trade given one’s account size. Trade any more contracts Remember; even though there is a strong tendency for the market to behave
and one’s account becomes more and more likely to break under risk of ruin. the way it did the last time when a particular pattern occurred, this is not a
One doesn’t have to trade the optimal f number of contracts, but one should hard and fast rule. It will not happen all the time. However, it will recur often
never trade more than the optimal f number. enough and will provide enough trading opportunities if one do a rigorous job
of thoroughly analysing the performance summary.
Children see the world with a different set of 'eyes' and my daughter was no
“The biggest confusion and difficulty faced different. Once I explained the basics to her and she kept staring at a picture
by any trader/analyst almost always of the idealized complete market cycle, she had the most indescribable
remains with identifying a trend change in expression on her face. It was clear, she was thinking, I was the craziest
the markets. How does one identify or person on earth.
forecast a trend change and how does one
ascertain that a trend continuation pattern I am normally used to my daughter look up to me and think the world of me
is unfolding in the market. as every daughter does (especially at that young age of 13) and I could see
that image cracking. I could see there was something wrong. She kept staring
I believe, and you will also see by the end of this article that it is a fairly easy at the chart and then shifting her gaze to me, again and again. She was
task to forecast a trend continuation or a trend change. Elliot Wave theory thoroughly confused. When asked what was wrong, she made the simplest
has this incredible ability to pinpoint both of them. and for me at that time, the dumbest statement
In the year 2005, I was working on the charts and applying my understanding “Dad, Your theory is all wrong”
of Elliott Wave theory, when my then 13 year old daughter, Nikita, walked
And there I was racking my head while a child could see that it was all wrong.
into the room. She was curious why I was pouring over so many charts and
This is what transpired next;
what I was trying to do.
Me: yes, that is correct and see here at these places that is exactly what The next day there was a 5' x 5' poster of the complete market cycle and I
happens. was staring at that poster every free moment that I could find.
Nikita: But dad, in this very chart the 5 wave pattern appears immediately About 10 days later, I had my first revelation “Whenever markets change
after a 5 wave pattern. trend, an Impulse in one direction is followed by another Impulse in the
other direction” Logically this made a lot of sense and then the complete
Me: Yes, that is correct too, that is exactly how markets unfold and......
market cycle also started making more sense and I could understand how R N
Elliott was able to make some of his startling forecasts.
Nikita: Dad, then how can you tell when you do not know what pattern will
unfold at any given point.
But even this understanding was not complete. And then came the next
realization - it is not a mirror of Impulse, but a mirror of Motive Waves. At
And you know what! Your theory is all WRONG! I do not want to know or
that time, my understanding of Elliott Wave patterns was quite limited. But
learn any more of it. That was it! She walked out of the room and forgot all
one thing that became amply clear with this revelation – Motive and
about Elliott Waves and to date has not made any effort to even look at it
Corrective. This was the first time, I began to appreciate, the real difference
between a motive and a corrective wave.
So much for an excellent teacher.
The Impulse is not the only motive pattern. While so much emphasis is
I was flabbergasted and brushed her statements aside as my wife screamed placed on the Impulse, the importance of Leading and Ending Diagonal is
“Dinner's ready” completely overlooked.
But Nikita's statement “Your theory is all wrong” continued to haunt me and I then set about studying the charts and two months and
I simply could not figure out what she found wrong in the theory. I was 2000 charts later, I could say confidently,
however very keen to understand what she had seen in those 20 minutes
Markets only change trend when a motive wave is followed
that I has not seen in over 20 months and more… Going back over our
by another motive wave.
TREND, COUNTER TREND AND TREND CHANGE But this would call for a market to trend indefinitely in one direction duly
interrupted by counter trends.
1. What is a Trend? 5
2. What is a counter trend? So how and when does the market change its trend? Reflecting on these two
3 patterns it becomes clear that, if a five wave pattern (motive action) is a
Trend - A trend is a period or action where
trend and the corrective action only corrects that trend, then the only way to
price moves from one point to another. RN 4
1 have a change in trend, would be to have a trending pattern in the opposite
Elliott discovered that markets trend in only
direction. So a trend change would be to have two trends in opposite
three patterns, Impulse, Leading Diagonal and
2 direction, without any pattern between them.
Ending Diagonal and all three of them unfold in
5 wave patterns. A trend change is seen only when a five wave pattern is followed by a five
wave pattern in the opposite direction. Thus we can distill our understanding
A counter trend – A counter trend is a period or
now to just two combinations.
b action when price moves in opposite direction to
earlier trend, till such a time the earlier trend repeats. 1. Motive pattern or Trend is followed by a Corrective pattern or a
Once again, RN Elliott was quite clear that there are counter trend leading to a motive pattern in direction of earlier
five other corrective patterns and all other patterns trend.
can be reduced to these three. The Five patterns are 2. Motive pattern or trend followed by another motive pattern or trend
Zig Zag, Double Zig Zag, Flat, Double Three and The Triangle. in the opposite direction reflecting a change in trend.
When we combine both, we can see that a trend, There are only 2 patterns that the market unfolds at the lowest degree, a
3 b
and in Elliott wave parlance called a motive motive wave or a five wave pattern and a corrective wave or a three wave
action or a five wave pattern is essentially a pattern and all larger patterns are just multiple combinations of these two
1 4
During a Trend Change, a motive wave preceding the apex or the bottom,
either an Ending Diagonal or an Impulse is immediately followed either an
Impulse of a leading Diagonal.
Let us look at a few charts to highlight this Trend Changing and Trend
Continuation behavior
You may have seen the above picture countless number of times. This is the
idealized complete market picture. You can see that every time markets
change trend from down to up or up to down, there is a five wave pattern on
both sides of the point of Trend Change.
I strongly encourage you to research this phenomenon and it will give you
some outstanding results. After all the charts are the true reflection of the
markets and they alone are sufficient to indicate and forecast the markets.
TTA has a separate chapter dedicated to each psychological trait. The other important key points include –
Energizing in pressure situations
Trading for revenge Vishal B Malkan, CMT is the founder of Malkansview –
Enjoying the moment by staying in the here-and-now proprietary trader, trainer and a trading coach.
Worksheets have been provided throughout the book. These can be used for
recording -
There are checklists to determine if you are meeting your goals. There is also
a weekly performance log for recording each trade, its outcome and also
your comments about it.
After trading the markets from over 16 years and committing all the mistakes
a trader can possibly commit, I completely agree with the authors that a
trader’s life is no less than a sportsperson’s life. The book has always been in
my students’ “must read” list. At the same time, I strongly recommend the
book to anyone who desires to take up trading as a serious business.
Topic of study - Finding Opportunities using Cycles and Topic of study - Evolving the Technicals with Time
Rankings as a Guiding Light
Presented by - Dr. Bhooshan Shanbhag, M.Sc., Ph.D., a lead
Presented by - Mr. Mukul Pal, Co-Founder, Orpheus Capitals is a author for investment weekly Informed Investor for over three
Chartered Market Technician, MBA Finance and a member of years & he also conducts training programmes for Technical
the reputed Market Technicians Association (MTA). He has more Analysis and in Derivatives.
than a decade of Capital Market experience dealing with
Focus of the Meeting:
derivatives and global assets.
Oscillators and their historic time frames
Focus of the Meeting:
How time frames are applied to oscillators without
Is Performance Cyclical?
questioning the applicability in changing times.
Do worst performers outperform?
Different oscillators and indicators as applied to intra-
What is Mean Reversion and how is it used for investing? day basis as well as to positional trades.
The Sectoral Outlook for India 2012-2015 Benefit of changing time frame from the conventional
one thus giving rise to a modified oscillator that better
Best Buy/Sell Portfolios represents the price changes and trend changes.