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Nabard Concept Note PDF

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Sr. No. Description

1. Introduction of Organization

2. Aim & Objectives

3. Introduction of Business Plan

4. Brief details of financial

5. program management

6. Impact of business plan to farmer

7. Achievement of organization

8. Received Award

To introduce producer organization “Shree Chatrapati Shivaji Environment

and farming evelopment organization” and brief description of business
plan of organic agriculture produce that required credit support from NABARD.

“Shree Chatrapati Shivaji Environment and farming development organization”

is working for farmers and agri related activities, organization registered on
31.07.2002, registration number is MAHA/6759/Jalgaon Dated 31.07.2002.
Orgnization President is Mr. Sagar Muralidhar Dhanad, and Head office of
organization at 199, Ground floor, New B. J. Market, Jalgaon 425001, and
working area is all Maharashtra.

Organization vision is intends to work closely in support of Department of

Agriculture & Cooperation and the various State Governments to enhance
production, productivity and profitability of small farmers in the country. The
participant farmers will be supported to identify appropriate crops relevant to
their context, provided access to modern technology though community based
processes including Farmer Field Schools, their capacities will be strengthened
and they will be facilitated to access forward linkages with regard to technology
for enhanced productivity; value addition of feasible products and market tie up.
Farmers will be organized in small neighborhood informal groups which would be
supported under the programme to form associations/organizations relevant to
their context including confederating them into FPOs for improved input and
output market access and negotiating power.

Details of Organization :

Board of Director

Sr. No. Name Designation Age Educaton

1. Mr. Sagar Muralidhar Dhanad President 35 Bsc. Agri
2. Mr. Subhash Sitaram Sonawane Vice President 45 B.com
3. Mr. Anup Kashinath Sonawane Secretary 34 MBA
4. Mr. Prabhakar Vitthal Badgujar Member 43 B.com.
5. Mr. Hitendra Satish Pawar Member 28 B.A.
6. Mrs. Anita Rajendra Marathe Member 36 HSC
7. Mr. Sanjay Raghunath Member 34 BA
Sr. No. Name Designation Age Educaton
8. Sunil Chunilal Patil Member 45 Diploma in
Civil Eng.
9. Vijay Ramesh Patil Member 40 HSC


Sr. No. Name Designation

1. Mr. Pramod Prabhakar Puranik Manager
2. Mr. Bhaiyanarendra Shivaji Patil Community Organizer
3. Mr. Bhushan Dilip Ladvanjari Community Organizer
4. Mr. Prakash Laxman Vadhe Agri. Expert
5. Mr. Jivan Aadhar Sapkale Community Organizer
6. Mr. Bapu Dhoman Patil Agri. Expert
7. Mr. Shraddha Shaligram Suryawanshi Community Organizer
8. Mr. Devendra Jankiram Patil Computer Operator
9. Mr. Sonu Ashok Shinde Technical Expert
10. Mr. Ramesh S. Mahajan Technical Advisor
11. Mr. Sunil Chintaman Ahirrao Agri Expert
12. Mr. Hemant Subhash Koli Project Director
13. Mr. Pradip Shantaram Patankar Project Director


Sr. No. Name Educaton Experience

1. Dr. B. R. Patil Ph.d. 40 years experience in
agri R & D
2. Mr. Shardul Bsc. Agri. MBA 16+ Years experience n
Balasaheb Golande agri field, also working in
rural area for increasing
farmers yield.
3. Mr. Ramdas Dinkar B.tech Agri. 15+ Years experience in
Yenkar watershed development
organization and related
Sr. No. Name Educaton Experience
4. Mr. Ashok Sharanppa Bsc. Agri 31+ years experience in
Deshetti agri R & D
5. Mr. Yogeshwar Msc. Agri 3+ Years experience of
Gambhir Patil teaching in agri college
6. Mrs. Mrunal M. Phil 5+ Years teaching
Chandrashekhar experience
7. Mr. Chandrashekhar Msc. Phd. 3+ years experience at
Pawar Yashada Pune, as project
coordinator and research
8. Mr. Yogesh Ashok M.Com 4+ years experience in
Ekhande environment related filed.
9. Mr. Somnath B.A. 9+ years experience in
Ramchandra watershed related work
10. Mr. Dinesh Patil Bsc. Agri. 8+ years experience of
mater trainer at Yashda,
and 5+ years experience
of watershed evaluation.
11. Mr. Chetan Devidas Msc. GIS and 5 years experience at M J
Mahajan Remote sensing College, Jalgaon as
Teacher and 6 years
experience at Jalshree
12. Mr. Kishor Savande Bsc. Agri Experience as
development expert for
rural areas entrepreneur

The Prime Objective of this Project is to enable Marginal Farmers to generate

better profit compared to conventional farming with the help of controlled
cultivation and FPO.

Enhancing Production through yield Increase:

in yield or productivity of crops and other enterprises is the single most

important factor that can increase income. since the area cannot expand much,
either through increase in net sown area or through increase in cropping
intensity, enhancing the productivity is the only route available to enhance
production. while varietal improvement through conventional breeding or
biotechnology is a long term option, bridging yield gaps through adoption of
recommended agronomic practices, planning profitable crop mix that can
maximize aggregate income, and reducing crop losses through integrated pest
management are short/ medium term options that can bring in additional

Leveraging Water Resources for Enhancing Farm Incomes :

water resources are very scarce in relation to size of arable ]and and population,
and also with regard to the swelling demands from other users such as industry,
domestic segment for drinking, sanitation and washing, public uses such as
parks and gardens, and hospitality industry. By zo5o the global agriculture
sector needs to produce 6o per cent more, while developing countries need to
produce 1oo per cent more. This target can be met only by improving water
productivity and putting in place the right policy mix.

Reducing Cost through Smart Nutrient Management Indian

Soils are increasingly deficient in micronutrients and the NPK balance has shifted
away from the norm and is skewed towards nitrogen. The widespread secondary
and micronutrient deficiencies have led to deterioration in soil health leading to
low fertilizer response and crop yields in rainfed areas of India. The degrading
soil health trend can be reversed through adoption of soil test based application
of deficient secondary and micronutrients to harness existing productivity
potential on a sustainable basis. The introduction of soil health cards across the
country addresses this issue.
Reducing Costs through Low Input Agriculture

The cost of cultivation has been on the rise' eroding the profits' Lowering the
costs without compromising on the output can increase the net income' It is
possible to do so as there is a general tendency on the part of farmers to apply
overdose of fertilizers and pesticides' expecting higher yields' Organic farming,
low external input, sustainable agriculture' precision, etc. are being promoted
with a view to reducing chemical use' These intervention, h-u*, however,
remained sporadic and limited to a few geographic. The government is
implementing a cluster-based programme to encourage the farmers towards
promoting organic farming' called paragat Krishi Vikas Yoianc (PKVY)' Under this
programme' fifty or more farmers will form a cluster having 50 acres of land to
take up organic farming. There will be no liability on the farmers for expenditure
on certification. Every farmer will be provided (2o,ooo per acre in three years'
from seeds to harvesting of crops as well as to transport produce to the market'
Organic farming will be promoted by using traditional resources and the organic
products will be linked with the market'

Income Enhancement through Diversification

Diversification can be a major game changer. Diversification can be of three

types viz. product (high value enterprises), process (precision farming), and
time diversification (delinking from seasonality to prevent price crash with
bumper crop). Diversification towards high value crops is required to improve
both income and resource use efficiency. Similarly, diversification towards
livestock, poultry and non-farm activities is considered ideal, especially for small
holders who do not possess adequate land to generate enough income for the
family. Diversification of agriculture offers food and nutrition security, income
growth, diversification of sources of income, poverty alleviation, employment
generation, judicious use of land and water resources, sustainable agricultural
development, and environmental improvement.

Income Enhancement through Professionalization

Since farming in India is almost always the hereditary occupation of a family,

learning how to farm is nearly always limited to traditional practices passed on
through generations. But can modern agriculture be practiced without proper
skilling and professionalization of the farmers who have to organize resources,
collect and leverage information, take crucial decisions and bear the risks?
Farming is increasingly transforming into a skilled job with agricultural markets
evolving in the digital space, consumer preferences going global, all
entrepreneurial functions demanding technical and managerial skills and value
chains becoming sophisticated.

Stabilizing Income and Risk Management

Farmers face three basic risks: yield, price, and idiosyncratic risks. The yield
risks are: weather and input risks. Weather risks include late onset of monsoon,
low and untimely rainfall. Major input risks are on account of fertilizer,
pesticides, labour, farm machinery, irrigation, credit, information, and seed. The
price risks are related to output marketing which include price volatility, non-
operational Minimum Support Price (MSP) system, and discrimination in price
realization. Idiosyncratic risks are farmer related, such as health issues of the
farmers, access to non-farm employment opportunities, access to public
distribution, and employment guarantee programmes.

Focus on Small Holder’s Problems

The structure of Indian agriculture is skewed towards small producers operating

in tiny and uneconomical holdings. Smallholder agriculture operates under
constraints related to the small scale of operation. It struggles with: . Inability to
create economies of scale and scope, . Low bargaining power due to small
marketable surplus, . Scarcity ofcapital, . Limited market access, . Lack of
knowledge and information, . Market imperfections, and, . Poor infrastructure
and communications.

while corporate view small holder agriculture as an untapped resource for

sourcing crop produce and selling inputs, transaction costs for firms dealing with
small farmers tend to be particularly high due to uncertainties in dealing with
farmers, physical distance because of underdeveloped infrastructure and need to
deal with multiple suppliers, each offering tiny volumes. Similar problems are
reported by banks and financial service providers where their transaction costs
shoot up due to small ticket loans demanded by several clients scattered across
geographies. Further, the deregulation and the subsequent decline in state
subsidies for production inputs such as water, electricity, fertilizer, and seeds
created an economic environment of unknown competition for many
smallholders. Therefore, aggregation and collectivization of land, inputs and
produce through FPos need to be given a major thrust across the country.

We are planning to proposed village wise FPO and that FPO will going to post
harvest and processing in village growing commodity.

Below village is under proposed FPO

NO. Name Of Main Village Taluka Population

1 Patonda Amalner 5189
2 Bohare Amalner 1885
3 Nagaon Kh Amalner 743
4 Govardhan Amalner 1500
5 Gadkhamb Amalner 2800
6 Dalvel Parola 2623
7 Magrul Parola 3669
8 Bhone Dharangaon 2118
9 Sakhare Dharangaon 2342
10 Waghlud Dharangaon 1089
11 Pimpri BK Erandol 1446
12 Adgaon Erandol 7800
13 Ahvane Jalgaon 5661
14 Jalgaon Jalgaon 500000
15 Fufnagari Jalgaon 1978
16 Kolhe Pachora 1235
17 Hadsan Pachora 634
18 Pimpalgaon Pachora 14918
19 Pardhade Pachora 1455
20 Lasgaon Pachora 2789
21 Jamde Chalisgaon 2188
22 Mahashevge Chalisgaon 1489
23 Mehunbare Chalisgaon 9619
24 Vadala Vadali Chalisgaon 3562
25 Abhone Chalisgaon 875
26 Vade Bhadgaon 5299
27 Khedgaon Bhadgaon 2780
We have given below above village brief project description.

Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Patonda, Tal. Amalner
3 Business activity Maize Tukdi Processing Plant
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 21
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.5 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.55
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.45
Plant & Machinery (in
8 11
9 Processing Unit Land 1900 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 996
Skilled - 2
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 5
12 Working Day 312
13 Products Maize Tukdi
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Bohare, Tal. Amalner
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 19
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.2 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.05
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.45
Plant & Machinery (in
8 9.5
9 Processing Unit Land 1800 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 822.26
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 3
12 Working Day 312
13 Products Popcorn
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Nagaon Kh, Tal. Amalner
3 Business activity Chilli Processing
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.3 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8
Plant & Machinery (in
8 11
9 Processing Unit Land 1700 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 571.74
Skilled - 3
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 2
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Chilli Powder
14 Major Raw Material Chilli
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Govardhan, Tal. Amalner
3 Business activity Poultry feed processing
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 21
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.5 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.55
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.45
Plant & Machinery (in
8 11
9 Processing Unit Land 1900 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 250
Skilled - 3
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 5
12 Working Day 314
13 Products Poultry feed
14 Major Raw Material Maize, Soybean
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Gadkhamb, Tal. Amalner
3 Business activity Jowar (Sorghum) Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.2 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.05
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 7.95
Plant & Machinery (in
8 11
9 Processing Unit Land 1700 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 465
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 4
12 Working Day 315
13 Products Polished Jowar
14 Major Raw Material Jowar (Sorghum)
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Magurl, Tal. Parola
3 Business activity Chilli Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.2 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.65
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10.35
9 Processing Unit Land 2000 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled- 5
12 Working Day 295
13 Products Chilli Powder
14 Major Raw Material Chilli
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Dalvel, Tal. Parola
3 Business activity Chilli Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 19
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.2 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10
9 Processing Unit Land 1800 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
unskilled- 5
12 Working Day 308
13 Products Chilli Powder
14 Major Raw Material Chilli
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Bhone, Tal. Dharangaon
3 Business activity Grains Cleaning & Grading Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 21
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.5 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.55
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.45
Plant & Machinery (in
8 11
9 Processing Unit Land 1900 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 720
Skilled - 3
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 5
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Cleaning & Graded Grains
14 Major Raw Material Maize, Jowar, Wheat & other foodgrains
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Sakhare, Tal. Dharangaon
3 Business activity Dairy Project
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit 336 ltr
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.5
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 3.9
Buffalo, Milk plant &
8 14.6
Machinery (in Lakh)
9 Processing Unit Land 3000 sq. ft.
Skilled - 2
10 Manpower
Unskilled - 4
11 Working Day 310
12 Products Milk & Milk products
13 Major Raw Material Milk (Cattle feed)
14 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Waghlud, Tal. Dharangaon
3 Business activity Dairy Project
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 21
5 Capacity of Unit 340 ltr
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.5
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 3.9
Plant & Machinery (in
8 15.6
9 Processing Unit Land 3000 sq. ft.
Skilled - 2
10 Manpower
Unskilled - 4
11 Working Day 310
12 Products Milk & Milk products
13 Major Raw Material Milk (Cattle feed)
14 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Pimpri Bk, Tal. Erandol
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.3 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.5
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.5
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10
9 Processing Unit Land 1750sq.ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 524.22
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 2
12 Working Day 295
13 Products Maize Starch
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Adgaon Dho, Tal. Erandol
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.5 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8
Plant & Machinery (in
8 11
9 Processing Unit Land 1700 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 3
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 5
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Maize flour
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Ahvane, Tal. Jalgaon
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 21
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.8 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 2
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.5
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10.5
9 Processing Unit Land 2000 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 1644
Skilled - 5
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 4
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Popcorn
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%

Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Jalgaon, Tal. Jalgaon
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.3 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.5
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.5
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10
9 Processing Unit Land 1900 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 2
12 Working Day 312
13 Products Maize Starch
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Fufnagari, Tal. Jalgaon
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.8 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.5
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10.5
9 Processing Unit Land 1800 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 5
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 4
12 Working Day 318
13 Products Popcorn
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Kolhe, Tal. Pachora
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.3 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.5
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.5
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10
9 Processing Unit Land 1700 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 2
12 Working Day 312
13 Products Maize Starch
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%

Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Hadsan, Tal. Pachora
3 Business activity Soybean Extraction
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.5 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8
Plant & Machinery (in
8 11
9 Processing Unit Land 1700 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 3
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 5
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Soybean Oil
14 Major Raw Material Soybean
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%

Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Pimpalgaon, Tal. Pachora
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 21
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 2 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.55
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.95
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10.5
9 Processing Unit Land 1800 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 3897
Skilled - 5
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 4
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Popcorn
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%

Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Pardhade, Tal. Pachora
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 19
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.6 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.5
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.5
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10
9 Processing Unit Land 1900 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 2
12 Working Day 308
13 Products Maize Starch
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%

Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Lasgaon, Tal. Pachora
3 Business activity Dairy Project
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit 336 ltr
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.5
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 3.9
Plant & Machinery (in
8 14.6
9 Processing Unit Land 3000 sq. ft.
Skilled - 2
10 Manpower
Unskilled - 4
11 Working Day 310
12 Products Milk & Milk products
13 Major Raw Material Milk (Cattle feed)
14 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%

Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Jamde, Tal. Chalisgaon.
3 Business activity Maize Processing Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 21
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.9 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.75
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8
Plant & Machinery (in
8 11.25
9 Processing Unit Land 1900 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 940.78
Skilled - 3
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 5
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Maize flour
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%

Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Mahashevge, Tal. Chalisgaon
3 Business activity Turmeric Processing
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 18
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.6 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.5
Plant & Machinery (in
8 9.5
9 Processing Unit Land 1750 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 3
12 Working Day 302
13 Products Turmeric Powder
14 Major Raw Material Turmeric
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Mehunbare, Tal. Chalisgaon.
3 Business activity Poultry feed
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 21
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 2 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.75
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8
Plant & Machinery (in
8 11.25
9 Processing Unit Land 2000 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 1477
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 5
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Poultry feed
14 Major Raw Material Maize, Jowar, Soybean
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Vadala Vadali, Tal. Chalisgaon
3 Business activity Maize Tukdi Unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 21
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 2 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1.55
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.95
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10.5
9 Processing Unit Land 1800 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha)
Skilled - 5
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 4
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Maize Tukdi
14 Major Raw Material Maize
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%

Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Abhone, Tal. Chalisgaon
3 Business activity Grains Cleaning & Grading unit
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.6 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 2
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.75
Plant & Machinery (in
8 9.25
9 Processing Unit Land 1750 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 940
Skilled - 4
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 3
12 Working Day 302
13 Products Clean & Graded grains
14 Major Raw Material Maize, Jowar (Sorghum), Wheat & other grains
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Vade, Tal. Bhadgaon.
3 Business activity Turmeric Processing
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 20
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.9 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 8.5
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10.5
9 Processing Unit Land 1850 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 1263
Skilled - 3
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 5
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Turmeric Powder
14 Major Raw Material Turmeric
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Particulars Entities
1 Name of the Firm Propose FPO
2 Address Khedgaon, Tal. Bhadgaon
3 Business activity Atta, Rava, Maida Processing
4 Project Cost (in Lakh) 18
5 Capacity of Unit Upto 1.7 Mt
Operational with
6 working cost (Working 1
capital) (in Lakh)
7 Building Cost (in Lakh) 7
Plant & Machinery (in
8 10
9 Processing Unit Land 2500 sq. ft.
10 Agri Land Of Village(in Ha) 465
Skilled - 5
11 Manpower
Unskilled - 3
12 Working Day 320
13 Products Atta, Rava, Maida
14 Major Raw Material Wheat, Jowar
15 Net Profit Ratio 25-35%
Images of Process Products

Figure 2Maize Tukdi

Figure 1Maize Flour

Figure 4Polished Sorghum

Figure 3Soybean oil

Figure 6Chilli Powder

Figure 5Tumeric Powder

Figure 8Maize Starch

Figure 7Poultry Feed

Figure 9Cleaning Grading Unit

Figure 10Wheat Flour, Maida

Figure 12Dairy products

Figure 11Popcorn

Means of Finance of Project :

We need fund for establishment of organic vegetable produce for producer


Sr. No. Particulars Total Rs. In


1. Participating 30 producer organization, if NABARD 630 lakh

allocate fund of 21 lakh to each FPO then fund will
received Rs.

Total Rs. 630 Lakh

Details of security / collateral to be offered. Please note collateral

offered has an impact on the interest rate - The company offer all the to be
created assets of grading & packing center, fencing shed, and other equipments.

Utilization Planning of funds for overall Project:

Sr. No. Particulars Total Rs. In lakhs

1. Study Tour (State and out of state) 15 lakh

2. Capacity Building 10 lakh

3. Technical advisor 15 lakh

4. Processing unit 85 lakh

5. Machinery & equipments 100 lakh

6. Agri equipment 45 lakh

7. Irrigation development 69 lakh

8. Cold Storage 230 lakh

9. Refer van 61 lakh

Total 630 kh


Beneficiaries :

Below Villages Farmers of projected areas which is including Jalgaon and

coverage area is amalner, Parola, Dharangaon, Erandol, Jalgaon, Pachora,
Chalisgaon, Bhadgaon Block.

NO. Name Of Main Village Taluka Population

1 Patonda Amalner 5189

2 Bohare Amalner 1885
3 Nagaon Kh Amalner 743
4 Govardhan Amalner 1500
5 Gadkhamb Amalner 2800
6 Dalvel Parola 2623
7 Magrul Parola 3669
8 Bhone Dharangaon 2118
9 Sakhare Dharangaon 2342
10 Waghlud Dharangaon 1089
11 Pimpri BK Erandol 1446
12 Adgaon Erandol 7800
13 Ahvane Jalgaon 5661
14 Jalgaon Jalgaon 500000
15 Fufnagari Jalgaon 1978
16 Kolhe Pachora 1235
17 Hadsan Pachora 634
18 Pimpalgaon Pachora 14918
19 Pardhade Pachora 1455
20 Lasgaon Pachora 2789
21 Jamde Chalisgaon 2188
22 Mahashevge Chalisgaon 1489
23 Mehunbare Chalisgaon 9619
24 Vadala Vadali Chalisgaon 3562
25 Abhone Chalisgaon 875
26 Vade Bhadgaon 5299
27 Khedgaon Bhadgaon 2780

As mentioned earlier the process of program management will be implemented

in three phases (1) Preparatory — Foundation phase (2) Production, Processing
and Packaging Phase and (3) Marketing and business management phase.

Promoter organization will take cent per cent responsibility to implement the
Preparatory or foundation phase. In this phase, the PO is to be formed and
strengthened. It will obtain all the necessary legal approvals, permits, and
registration as a legal entity. Promoters will complete all these activities and lay
foundation for the Shree Chatrapati Shivaji Environment and farming
development organization

Geographical Coverage :

Geographical Coverage of Project areas as below Villages Farmers of projected

areas which is including Jalgaon and coverage area is amalner, Parola,
Dharangaon, Erandol, Jalgaon, Pachora, Chalisgaon, Bhadgaon Block.

NO. Name Of Main Village Taluka Population

1 Patonda Amalner 5189

2 Bohare Amalner 1885
3 Nagaon Kh Amalner 743
4 Govardhan Amalner 1500
5 Gadkhamb Amalner 2800
6 Dalvel Parola 2623
7 Magrul Parola 3669
8 Bhone Dharangaon 2118
9 Sakhare Dharangaon 2342
10 Waghlud Dharangaon 1089
11 Pimpri BK Erandol 1446
12 Adgaon Erandol 7800
13 Ahvane Jalgaon 5661
14 Jalgaon Jalgaon 500000
15 Fufnagari Jalgaon 1978
16 Kolhe Pachora 1235
17 Hadsan Pachora 634
18 Pimpalgaon Pachora 14918
19 Pardhade Pachora 1455
20 Lasgaon Pachora 2789
21 Jamde Chalisgaon 2188
22 Mahashevge Chalisgaon 1489
23 Mehunbare Chalisgaon 9619
24 Vadala Vadali Chalisgaon 3562
25 Abhone Chalisgaon 875
26 Vade Bhadgaon 5299
27 Khedgaon Bhadgaon 2780

And business work will be at india and out of india


1. PO will safeguard the interest of its members against heavy price

fluctuations of the agriculture produce especially vegetables. At times the
farmers unable to ever break even their production costs. It is will be
great benefit farmers will get through PO.
2. Another very important benefit is the PO will curtain the intermediaries
and agents involved between producer and the customers. It will help
check the exploitation by these middlemen through exorbitant
commissions and levies of both producers and the buyers.
3. PO is to explore and establish export market opportunities. It will open up
new and huge potential and avenues of global markets. To participate in
such export market, the farmers will have to ensure and enhance better
quality production systems. It will be another important benefit in the long
4. Members will get benefit of conserving and protecting productivity of their
scarce assets of land and natural resources by checking uncontrolled
exploitation through intensive inorganic farming practices. It will happen
because PO is to promote organic cultivation practices and encourage
nature-benign management of resources.
5. In addition, PO is to revive the traditional cultivars and seed material to
increase production of scarce produce such as Khapali variety of Wheat
used for Maharashtrian sweet dish of Puranpoli.
6. The PO will encourage farmers going for certification of their agriculture
produce confirming international norms and conditions.
7. PO will create an enabling environment through establishing permanent,
reliable, dependable market outlets for the agricultural produce.
8. Members of the PO will also get benefit from PO's promotional activities
for alternatives livelihood sources, and provide avenues for income
generation through technological developments, new research varieties in
crops and many other.
9. PO to contribute in assuring scale of economies and production marketing
cost savings in terms of certification, organic farming, marketing.
10.PO to provide opportunities for value additions to increase market
realization from produce.
11.PO to generate employment generation for landless or small / marginal
12.PO to create dependable and reliable infrastructure facilities such as cold
storage, gradation, transportation, certification, export market linkages.
13.To train and build capacity of its member producers in improved high
quality produce and also raise the, actual work experience will built overall
competency o the farmers. The information dissemination on Government
schemes, subsidies. credit facilities, weather, markets and technological
advancements will help the farmers keep them updated for correct
decision making.
14.Successful PO will boost development of similar or identical PO by
neighboring villagers or farmers. It will show case and give guidance to
such willing villages / farmers.
15.Organic farming will also protect the environment and ecology in the
villages members will produce their product.

List Of Ongoing and Completed Project

Sr. Project Name Year Current

No. Status
1. Distribution of plant and tree guard on 2005-06 Work in
guarantee of development of tree progress
2. Minimum Rs. 500 income per day for small 2006-07 Work in
farmer through vegetable production and progress
3. Workshop on Organic farming in all over 2007-08 Work in
Maharashtra progress
4. Grouping of farmers for agri development 2008-09 Work in
5. Land and water development work 2010-11 Work in
6. Work for Saving of Ecology 2011-12 Work in
7. State organic Farming committee member 2013-14 Work in
8. Working for govt. mission of Adarsh Village, 2013-14 Work in
as assistance agency progress
9. FPO registration work 2013-18 Work in
10. Awareness program for A-2 Milk 2014-15 Work in

11. Program for increasing yield of dry areas 2014-15 Work in


12. Working as livelihood action agency at Jalgaon 2015-16

and nandurbar
13. Working as Programme training organizer for 2015-16
watershed development organization
14. Working as key research corp. for district 2015-16
Sr. Project Name Year Current
No. Status
water and cleaning programme
15. Member of Jalgaon District committee of 2015-16
Jalyukta Shivar
16. ODF grampanchayat verification of Jalna and 2015-16
17. Preparation of 30 grampanchayat ODEP 2015-16
18. Project on Integrated watershed development 2015-16
programe at agroworld exhibition
19. Livelihood action plan training at jammer 2015-16
taluka of jalgaon district
20. Verification of Nashik ODF grampanchayat 2016-17
21. Preparation of 5 talukas ODEP project at 2016-17
jalgaon district
22. Vermicompost fertilizer unit at Gadegaon 2016-17
23. Livelihood action plan training at dharangaon 2016-17
taluka of jalgaon district
24. Project on Integrated watershed development 2016-17
program at agroworld exhibition
25. Gobargas unit training at multiple place 2016-17
26. Verification of Gadchiroli and nagpur ODF 2017-18
27. Project on Integrated watershed development 2017-18
programe at agroworld exhibition
28. Working as Assistance agency for adarsh 2017 to Work in
village of morgaon tq. Raver dist. Jalgaon present progress
29. Training of adivasi ashram school under wash 2017-18
30. Drainage work at Vaijapur taluka under CSR 2017-18
31. 5 talukas of jalgaon district programme 2018-19
completed for Swachata Grahi,
32. Verification of Dhule and nandurbar district 2018-19
ODF grampanchayat
Sr. Project Name Year Current
No. Status
33. Guidance to villagers of Vadgaon and Hadsan 2018-19
of jalgaon district for daily wastage
 State Level “Krushi Bhushan” Award received from govt. of Maharashtra
for organic farming work in 2013
 “Krushi Gaurav Award” received from Bharat Krushak Samaj in 2015.

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