SOP For Digital India Internship Program
SOP For Digital India Internship Program
SOP For Digital India Internship Program
Since from my 1st year, I have been exposed to various electronics circuits which include
sensors used in flight controllers like accelerometer, gyroscope, distance sensor and magnetometer.
Training Program on Quad copter helped me in visualising the practical significance of components
like BLDC motor, speed controller and radio receiver. My departmental course on “Logic and Digital
circuits” in 4th semester provided the basic operation of gates and digital counters like FFs. I was also
engaged in programming and Simulink modelling in Matlab 2016b during my course study. I managed
to secure SPI of 10/10 in my 2nd semester which justifies my academic excellence. At the end of 2nd
year, I got summer internship for 15 days in Northern Coalfields Limited, Nigahi MP (branch of CIL)
which is among the top 10 Public Sector Units of India. There, I was allotted the E&M (excavation &
mining) section in which I explored the control circuits of various mine field heavy vehicles like CAT
797 dump truck, Caterpillar D9 bulldozer and BEML BE300LC crawler excavator.
Since theoretical knowledge renders unappreciated without its practical implementation. So,
further I attended 5 day workshop on Embedded System Control Using Arduino during my 5th
semester in which I programmed working of various sensors like LDR, PIR, bluetooth receiver, buzzer,
IR and servomotor in Arduino 1.8.3 using embedded C language.
Working on Hardware in Loop system is a novel field of implementation of simulation model using real
time controllers. My final year project involves FPGA based power electronics converter in single
phase as well as multi-phase circuits. I will be using Xilinx software based compilation of VHDL
programming language. So, for successful implementation of the circuit, prior technical hands are
required. Summer vacations are golden time for gaining industrial exposure along with career
assistance. I have decided to go in for graduate studies which calls for a personal commitment to
the fulfilling craft of independent research and that involves willingly making personal sacrifices of
time , leisure and immediate reward. In turn I shall get intellectual satisfaction and the gratification of
becoming a contributor to knowledge through research and the greater personal rewards of learning
and discovery. If your door of opportunity opens for me & if I would be selected, I would gain many
things from this experience. This summer internship would help me in achieving the required skills to
fight with top international graduates and at the same time securing admission in top-notch
universities abroad.