1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................2
1.2 Wheat Production, Classification, and Usage.................................................. 2
1.2.1 Texture..................................................................................................3
1.2.2 Color......................................................................................................3
1.2.3 Growth..................................................................................................3
1.3 Flour Milling.................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Major Constituents of Soft Wheat Flour.......................................................... 5
1.4.1 Proteins.................................................................................................5
1.4.2 Starch....................................................................................................5
1.4.3 Pentosans..............................................................................................6
1.4.4 Lipids....................................................................................................7
1.5 Quality Evaluation of Wheat Grain and Flour................................................7
1.5.1 Wheat Grain.......................................................................................... 8 Test Weight.............................................................................. 8 Experimental Milling.............................................................. 8 Break Flour Yield.................................................................... 8 Kernel Texture......................................................................... 8
1.5.2 Wheat Flour.......................................................................................... 9 Moisture..................................................................................9 Ash........................................................................................ 10 Protein................................................................................... 10 Sprout Damage...................................................................... 10 Damaged Starch.................................................................... 11 Polyphenol Oxidase............................................................... 11 Alkaline Water Retention Capacity of Flour........................ 11 Solvent Retention Capacity of Flour..................................... 11
1.5.3 Dough Rheology................................................................................. 12 Alveograph............................................................................ 13 Mixograph and Farinograph................................................. 14
1.5.4 Products Requiring Weaker Proteins.................................................. 14 Cookies.................................................................................. 14 High-Ratio Cakes.................................................................. 16
1.5.5 Products Requiring Stronger Proteins................................................ 16 Crackers................................................................................. 16 Noodles.................................................................................. 16
1.6 Effects of Flour Components on Cookies...................................................... 17
1.6.1 Proteins............................................................................................... 17
1.6.2 Starch.................................................................................................. 18
1.6.3 Pentosans............................................................................................ 19
1.6.4 Lipids.................................................................................................. 19
1.7 Effects of Flour Components on Cakes.........................................................20
1.7.1 Flour Particle Size...............................................................................20
1.7.2 Proteins...............................................................................................20
1.7.3 Lipids.................................................................................................. 21
1.8 Flour Chlorination......................................................................................... 21
1.8.1 Starch.................................................................................................. 22
1.8.2 Lipids.................................................................................................. 22
1.8.3 Proteins............................................................................................... 23
1.8.4 Alternatives to Chlorination...............................................................24
1.9 Conclusion......................................................................................................24
1.1 Introduction
The category of sweet goods made from wheat flour encompasses a wide variety of
products with different appearances, textures, flavors, nutritional values, and shelf
lives. These include different types of cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pastries, and many
more items. The quality of these goods begins with that of the soft wheat flour used
to produce them. Flour quality is, in turn, affected by the wheat genotype, grow-
ing environment, and processing. The genotype and growing environment deter-
mine the amount and characteristics of the wheat components, including proteins,
carbohydrates, and lipids. To produce high-quality flour, wheat must be properly
milled; postmilling processing such as chlorination is also sometimes utilized for
its benefits. Quality testing assures that a flour meets any necessary standards and
gives valuable information to those seeking to improve it. These tests include the
determination of proximate composition along with various chemical, rheological,
and baking tests. The following sections of this chapter describe the milling of soft
wheat into flour, composition of flour, quality testing, and how flour properties relate
to the quality of products such as cookies and cakes.
1.2.1 Texture
Wheat is categorized as hard or soft based on kernel texture, one of the major deter-
minants of end use. Compared to wheat with a softer texture, hard wheat requires
more energy to be milled into flour and produces a coarser flour, and also one with
more starch damage. Conversely, wheat kernels with softer texture produce finer
flour with less starch damage, both important attributes of high-quality soft wheat
flour. The majority of wheat grown worldwide is hard. In the United States, soft
wheat accounts for about 25% of wheat production.
1.2.2 Color
Wheat can also be classified as red or white depending on the color of the bran cover-
ing the wheat kernel. The major difference between the two, other than appearance,
is the greater susceptibility of white wheat to sprouting under favorable (moist and
warm) conditions. This makes the use of white wheat undesirable for some food-
processing applications such as thickening. However, there are advantages to white
wheat, such as the bran being less bitter in flavor. Milling yields (or extraction rates)
can also be higher in some cases because the bran of white wheat does not darken
flour as much as red wheat bran (Lin and Vocke 2004).
1.2.3 Growth
Wheat planted in the spring and harvested in late summer in the same year is referred
to as spring wheat. Winter wheat is usually planted in late summer or early fall and
harvested the following summer. Soft red winter wheat accounts for the majority
of soft wheat planted in the United States. Major soft wheat producing areas lie
around the Mississippi River, Ohio, and some areas on the east coast (USDA Eco-
nomic Research Service 2006). States that grow soft white wheat include those in
the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, and Idaho), along with Michigan and
New York. The provinces of Ontario and Alberta, Canada, account for much of the
Canadian soft wheat production.
Hard wheats are generally bred to have higher protein content than soft wheats,
although protein content and hardness are not necessarily linked. This reflects the
different end-use requirements of hard (>11% protein) and soft wheat flours (8 to 10%
protein). The main use of hard wheat flours is in bread, where strong and high levels
of protein are needed. Soft wheat flours on the other hand are used in products where
weaker protein (i.e., weaker dough strength and weaker viscoelastic properties) is
desired, including products such as cakes and cookies. However, soft wheat flours are
also used for a wide range of goods, some requiring higher levels of proteins, although
not necessarily “strong” proteins. Crackers and noodles fall into this category.
After cleaning the wheat of any debris, the first step in milling is the addition
of water, referred to as tempering. The purpose of tempering is to toughen the bran,
keeping it in larger flakes, thereby reducing the amount of small bran particles later
contaminating the flour. An additional benefit of tempering is that it softens the
endosperm, further reducing breakage of the bran when it is crushed against the
endosperm during milling. The amount of water added in tempering varies depend-
ing on the hardness of the wheat and the flour mill machinery being used. Soft wheat
is commonly tempered to around 14 to 15% moisture; hard wheat requires higher
levels. The time needed for tempering can range from a few hours up to 24 h, again
depending on the wheat. Detailed information on wheat tempering and preparation
for experimental milling can be found in the American Association of Cereal Chem-
ists International (AACCI) Method 26-10A (AACC International 2000).
The production of flour is achieved through roller milling which involves sets
of two steel rolls spinning in opposite directions, between which the wheat falls
to be ground. The flour mill is composed of two main systems: the break and the
reduction. The purpose of the break system is to rip open the wheat kernel and
separate the endosperm from the bran as cleanly as possible. This is achieved
with corrugated rolls turning with a differential in speed. The slower roll serves
to hold the kernel while the faster roll breaks it open. Multiple passes through dif-
ferent sets of break rolls with different gaps and corrugations are used to achieve
a gradual separation of the bran and endosperm, while keeping the bran as intact
as possible. In addition to separating the bran and endosperm, some flour is also
produced after each pass through the break rolls and is sifted out. Wheat with a
softer kernel texture fractures more easily and produces more flour in the break
system than does wheat with a harder texture (Finney 1989). Flour obtained in the
break system is called “break flour” and has a smaller particle size than the flour
produced later on during milling in the reduction system (i.e., reduction flour). The
remaining endosperm freed by the break rolls requires further milling and goes on
to the reduction system.
The reduction system is similar to the break system with the main difference
being that the reduction rolls are smooth. Multiple passes through different reduc-
tion rolls with sieving in between each pass are used to gradually reduce the endo-
sperm to flour of the desired particle size. This gradual reduction is done to control
the level of starch damage. Adjusting the pressure between the rolls and changing
the level of tempering can also help to control the amount of starch damage in the
milled flour.
Further downstream in the milling process, ash content is higher due to increases
in fine bran contamination, and starch damage is higher due to the narrower reduc-
tion roll gaps. Therefore, the different break and reduction flour streams need to
be selectively blended together to produce flour with the desired characteristics.
Straight-grade flours are a combination of all of the flour streams. Patent flours con-
sist of higher-grade streams with less bran (lighter in color) and consequently less
ash, and clear flours have higher bran contamination (darker in color) and higher ash.
Detailed information regarding milling can be found in the literature (Posner and
Hibbs 1997).
1.4.1 Proteins
Osborne (1907) fractionated wheat proteins into four classes based on their solubility
in different solvents. By his classification, albumins were proteins soluble in water,
and globulins were soluble in salt solutions. Prolamins were found to be soluble in
70 to 85% ethanol, and glutelins were soluble in dilute acid. Over the decades, fur-
ther work was done to fractionate the proteins, as there is some overlap between the
different classes and because still further fractionation can be done with different
solvents (Chen and Bushuk 1970; Kreis et al. 1985).
Wheat proteins have the unique ability to form a viscoelastic network that allows
for the production of products such as bread. The proteins mainly responsible for the
viscoelastic properties of flour are the gliadins (prolamins) and glutenins (glutelins).
Glutenins are large polymeric proteins held together by disulfide bonds. These pro-
teins give dough strength and elasticity. Gliadins are smaller monomeric proteins that
are responsible for dough extensibility. Together these proteins form the gluten pro-
teins. Both the quantity (amount) and quality (type) of protein are important to flour
characteristics. The strong gluten proteins found in hard wheat flour are able to form
a network with good gas-retaining properties vital for yeast-leavened products.
Soft wheat flours are typically low in protein content (8 to 10%) and the proteins
are weak in strength, characteristics better suited to making more tender products
such as cakes and cookies. Most research has been focused on understanding the
more obvious role of proteins in hard wheat products, with less focus on the role
of proteins in soft wheat products. However, studies have shown that in addition to
quantity, protein composition is important in soft wheat products, making its study
necessary (Finney and Bains 1999; Hou et al. 1996a, 1996b; Huebner et al. 1999;
Souza et al. 1994).
1.4.2 Starch
In general, wheat flour contains over 70% starch (Sollars and Rubenthaler 1971)
that is composed of approximately 25% amylose and 75% amylopectin. Amylose
is a primarily straight-chain polymer of α-1,4-linked D-glucopyranose molecules.
Amylopectin is a branched polymer of α-1,4-linked glucose connected by α-1,6-
linked branch points. Amylose and amylopectin are organized in starch granules
ranging from 1 to 45 µm in diameter. Wheat starch granules come in two forms:
oval type A granules about 35 µm in diameter, and round type B granules approxi-
mately 3 µm in diameter (Alexander 1995). One of the most important properties
of starch is its ability to swell and absorb water when it is heated in excess water.
As starch granules swell, they cause an increase in the viscosity of the starch–water
slurry, until eventually the granules break down, releasing primarily amylose, fol-
lowed by amylopectin. Upon cooling, the starch molecules, especially amylose,
can reassociate, forming a gel. The processes of granule swelling and breakdown
are referred to as gelatinization and pasting, respectively, and can be visualized in
wheat flour by measuring the viscosity of a flour–water slurry as it is heated and
cooled (Figure 1.1). These properties of starch are important in many aspects relat-
ing to flour quality because they influence the interactions of starch and water in a
food system.
Starch granules can be physically damaged during flour milling, increasing their
water-holding ability and susceptibility to attack from the enzyme α-amylase. Greer
and Steward (1959) found that 2 g of water was absorbed by each gram of damaged
starch, compared to only 0.44 g of water absorbed by each gram of native starch.
Soft wheat flour, in general, is lower in damaged starch content than hard wheat
flour, due to the softer kernel texture and higher break flour yield. In bread flour, a
controlled amount of damaged starch is needed because the enzymatic breakdown
of starch provides some food for the yeast. However, in soft wheat products, the
increased water absorption associated with increased levels of damaged starch can
be detrimental to product quality.
1.4.3 Pentosans
Pentosans are carbohydrates of interest due to their ability to absorb ten times their
own weight in water (D’Appolonia and Kim 1976; Kulp 1968). They are found in the
500 100
Temperature 90
Temperature (˚C)
Viscosity (RVU)
100 Viscosity
0 20
0 5 10 15 20
Time (minutes)
Figure 1.1 Rapid Visco Analyzer pasting curve of 3.5 g of soft wheat flour in 25 ml of
water. (RVU: viscosity in Rapid Visco units.)
cell walls of wheat endosperm and bran and are composed mainly of arabinoxylan, a
polymer with a β-(1-4)-linked D-xylopyranose backbone and branches of L-arabino-
furanose residues (Cole 1967; Gruppen et al. 1992; Perlin 1951a, 1951b; Wang et al.
2006). Pentosans exist as both water-insoluble and water-soluble forms, depending
on the degree of branching of the arabinose side chains. A higher degree of arabi-
nose substitution is associated with higher water solubility (Hoseney 1984; Medcalf
and Gilles 1968; Wang et al. 2006). Wang et al. (2006) measured the total pentosan
content in six varieties of hard spring wheat and found it to range from 5.45 to 7.32%
of the whole grain and from 1.88 to 2.04% of the straight-grade flours produced from
this grain. The ratio of water-soluble to water-insoluble pentosans in this flour was
0.36:0.37. Pentosan content was also found to be higher in the lower-grade streams
of flour, an important fact to consider when blending milling streams. Finnie et al.
(2006) specifically measured the arabinoxylan content in soft white winter wheat
flour and found variation among cultivars to be greatest in the water-soluble fraction,
ranging from 3.23 to 5.74 mg xylose equivalents per gram sample. Water-insoluble
arabinoxylan ranged from about 7 to 10 and total arabinoxylan from about 11 to 13.5
mg xylose equivalents per gram sample of soft white winter wheat flour.
1.4.4 Lipids
Flour lipids are important for quality attributes of soft wheat products such as cookie
spread and cake volume. Whole grain wheat contains approximately 2 to 4% and
the endosperm about 1 to 2% crude fat (Morrison 1978a). In flour, lipids exist as
either nonstarch lipids or starch lipids that are held in amylose-inclusion complexes
in starch granules (Acker and Becker 1971). Starch lipids are deemed to be less
functionally important than nonstarch lipids due to their protected environment.
Supporting evidence of this is that chlorination of flour (see Section 1.8) affects
nonstarch lipids but not starch lipids (Morrison 1978b). The nonstarch lipids can be
characterized as two types: free lipids extractable with petroleum or diethyl ether,
and bound lipids extractable with cold polar solvent mixtures (Morrison 1978a). The
free lipids can be further fractionated into nonpolar lipids (triglycerides, diglycer-
ides, monoglycerides, fatty acids, sterols, and hydrocarbons) and polar lipids (gly-
colipids and phospholipids). The bound polar lipids consist of phospholipids and
glycolipids (Pomeranz 1988).
Break Flour Yield (%)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Hardness Index
Figure 1.2 Scatter plot of hardness index measured by the Single Kernel Characterization
System and break flour yield of Michigan soft white winter wheat milled in a Bühler MLU-
202 flour mill. Wheat varieties were grown in the years 2001 to 2005.
through the sieve. A near-infrared (NIR) instrument can also be calibrated to mea-
sure hardness of a sample of ground wheat (AACCI Method 39-70A).
A more convenient and increasingly utilized way of measuring kernel hardness is
with the Single Kernel Characterization System (SKCS; Perten Instruments, Huddinge,
Sweden). Hardness is measured by assigning a hardness index value to the sample based
on the force needed to crush the individual kernels (AACCI Method 55-31; Martin et
al. 1993). There has been some limited information reported on the use of the SKCS for
assessing soft wheats. Gaines et al. (1996a) reported a relationship between SKCS hard-
ness values and softness equivalent (which is a measure of break flour yield used by the
USDA-ARS Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory in Wooster, OH) for a group of soft wheat
cultivars. However, Hazen et al. (1997) did not find a significant relationship between
SKCS hardness values and softness equivalent for their group of tested soft wheat cul-
tivars. This could be due to the fact that the SKCS was developed initially for a hard-
wheat-growing region and perhaps the sensitivity of the measured values requires some
adjustment for very soft wheat cultivars. Nevertheless, it appears that the SKCS can still
be used with soft wheats for evaluation of hardness, in relative terms.
and 44-16). Moisture content can also be determined with a properly calibrated NIR
spectrophotometer or with moisture-measuring instruments made by various manu-
facturers. Results of flour analysis are usually adjusted to 14% moisture basis as a
way of expressing results on a constant solids basis between samples that may have
different moisture contents. Ash
Ash or mineral content of flour is often measured as an indicator of the quality of
milling. As it is higher in the bran than the endosperm, ash content indicates the
degree of bran contamination in flour. However, it should be noted that the endo-
sperm ash content varies among wheat genotypes; therefore, ash levels may not com-
pletely correlate with the degree of bran contamination (Greffeuille et al. 2005). Ash
content is also of interest because it is correlated with flour color (Kim and Flores
1999), an attribute that affects marketability of a flour. Flour ash contents are typi-
cally below 0.5% and can be determined by incinerating a flour sample in a muffle
furnace, leaving only the ash (AACCI Methods 08-01 and 08-02). Protein
Protein content is typically determined indirectly through measuring nitrogen con-
tent by methods such as Kjeldahl (AACCI Method 46-11A) and combustion (AACCI
Method 46-30). A correction factor accounting for amino acid composition and non-
protein nitrogen (×5.7) is then applied to calculate the protein content. Calibration of
a NIR spectrophotometer using either of the previously mentioned methods can also
be done to provide a rapid way of determining protein content that does not require
chemicals or reagents (AACCI Method 39-11).
and the Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA; Newport Scientific Pty. Ltd., Warriewood,
Australia) (AACCI Methods 22-10 and 76-21, respectively). Higher α-amylase activ-
ity results in a curve with lower peak viscosity. The resulting curve can also give
information about starch pasting characteristics not related to sprouting. Noodles are
an example where texture has been correlated with Amylograph and RVA pasting
properties such as the pasting temperature and peak viscosity (Batey et al. 1997;
Morris et al. 1997; Oda et al. 1980).
11). This method uses four solvents independently—water, 50% sucrose, 5% sodium
carbonate, and 5% lactic acid—and measures a flour’s ability to hold them after cen-
trifugation. In general, water SRC is affected by all flour constituents, sucrose SRC
is associated with pentosan characteristics, sodium carbonate SRC is associated with
the level of damaged starch, and lactic acid SRC is associated with glutenin charac-
teristics (Bettge et al. 2002; Gaines 2000).
The use of different solvents for SRC allows the separation of effects of differ-
ent flour components, and the combined pattern of the four SRC profiles provides
a practical flour quality assessment for predicting baking performance (Bettge et
al. 2002; Guttieri et al. 2004; Slade and Levine 1994). In a collaborative study by
Gaines (2000), lactic acid SRC was found to correlate with Mixograph number (pro-
tein content multiplied by peak height and peak time), and sodium carbonate SRC
with damaged starch, softness equivalent, AWRC, and sugar-snap cookie spread.
Sucrose SRC correlated with damaged starch, AWRC, and cookie spread (Table 1.1).
SRC tests are currently used in a number of soft wheat breeding programs, includ-
ing the Michigan State University Wheat Quality Testing Program (Ng et al. 2007).
Variations on the SRC methods using smaller quantities of material and wheat meal
instead of flour have also been developed, allowing for rapid screening of early gen-
eration breeder lines of wheat (Bettge et al. 2002; Guttieri et al. 2004).
Table 1.1
Correlation Coefficients between Solvent Retention Capacity and Various
Flour Quality Parameters
Water 50% 5% Sodium 5% Lactic Acid
Sucrose Carbonate
Protein content 0.33a 0.39a 0.31a 0.39a
Damaged starch 0.94a 0.77a 0.95a 0.23
Flour yield 0.51a 0.41a 0.54a –0.06
AWRC 0.97a 0.81a 0.97a 0.33a
SSC diameter –0.88a –0.76a –0.86a –0.33a
Mixograph number 0.50a 0.49a 0.43a 0.69a
Notes: AWRC, alkaline water retention capacity; SSC, sugar-snap cookie.
a Significant at the 1% level.
Source: Adapted from Gaines, C.S., Cereal Foods World, 45, 303–306, 2000..
teria as results from hard wheat flours, as the rheological properties of soft and
hard wheat flours are not simply opposites (Hoseney et al. 1988). Dough-forming
properties of flours are commonly evaluated using the Alveograph, Mixograph,
and the Farinograph. Alveograph
The Alveograph (Chopin Technologies, Villeneuve-la-Garenne Cedex, France)
measures air pressure inside of a dough bubble as it is inflated until it bursts
(AACCI Method 54-30A). This biaxial extension is meant to simulate the defor-
mation of a dough during fermentation and oven spring during baking. It allows
for the measurement of the maximum overpressure (P), which relates to the resis-
tance of dough to deformation, and the average length of the curve baseline at
rupture (L), which is a measure of dough extensibility. The deformation energy
(W) is a measure of the energy needed to inflate the dough and is derived from
the area under the curve. W is related to the flour strength (Faridi and Rasper
1987). Bettge et al. (1989) investigated the ability of the Alveograph to evaluate
soft wheat varieties for cookies and found that the parameter best able to predict
cookie diameter was P in combination with the flour protein content. Nemeth
et al. (1994) found that P and P/L were significantly correlated with sugar-snap
cookie spread and score. Yamamoto et al. (1996) found that Alveograph P was
negatively correlated and L positively correlated with Japanese sponge cake vol-
ume (Table 1.2).
Table 1.2
Correlation Coefficients between Rheological Properties and Qualities of
Japanese Sponge Cakes and Sugar-Snap Cookies Made from Soft Wheat
Flour Grown in the United States
Quality Parameter Japanese Sponge Cake Volume Sugar-Snap Cookie Diameter
P –0.639 a ns
L 0.492b 0.522b
MPT ns 0.577b
MPH –0.692 a –0.590b
FWA ns –0.667a
FPT –0.490b ns
Notes: P, Alveograph maximum overpressure; L, Alveograph length; MPT, Mixograph peak time;
MPH, Mixograph peak height; FWA, Farinograph water absorption; FPT, Farinograph peak
time; ns, not significant.
a Significant at the 1% level.
b Significant at the 5% level.
Source: Adapted from Yamamoto, H., Worthington, S.T., Hou, G., and Ng, P.K.W., Cereal Chemistry,
73, 215–221, 1996. Cookies
The sugar-snap cookie baking test (AACCI Method 10-52) was considered “the stan-
dard” cookie test for many years and has been used to evaluate flour for products
such as cookies, crackers, cakes, and pies (Gaines 2004). Flours that produce cookies
with larger spread and softer texture are favored. As there are fewer sugar-snap-type
cookies on the market, the wire-cut cookie baking test was developed which utilizes
a cookie formulation that more closely reflects the commercial wire-cut cookie for-
mulation (AACCI Method 10-54; Slade and Levine 1994) (Table 1.3). Gaines et al.
(1996b) compared the sugar-snap and wire-cut cookie formulations and found that
even though both tests were capable of evaluating spread, the wire-cut cookies bet-
ter reflected differences in cookie texture based on instrumental hardness evaluated
using an Instron universal testing machine.
Table 1.3
Comparison of Micro Wire-Cut (AACCI Method 10-54) and Micro Sugar-
Snap (AACCI Method 10-52) Cookie Formulations
Ingredient Wire-Cut (g) Sugar-Snap (g)
Sucrose 12.8 24
Brownulated sugar 4.0 —
Nonfat dry milk 0.4 1.2
NaCl 0.5 0.18
Sodium bicarbonate 0.4 0.4
Solution Aa na 0.32
Solution Bb na 0.20
Shortening 16.0 12
High-fructose corn syrup 0.6 —
Ammonium carbonate 0.2 —
Water Variable Variable
Flour 40.0 (13% m.b.) 40 (14% m.b.)
a Solution A: 7.98% sodium bicarbonate in water.
b Solution B: 10.16% ammonium chloride and 8.88% NaCl in water.
Table 1.4
High-Ratio White Layer Cake Formulation (AACCI Method 10-90)
Ingredient Weights (g) Weight Percent (Flour Basis)
Flour (14% m.b.) 200.0 100.0
Sugar 280.0 140.0
Shortening 100.0 50.0
Nonfat dry milk 24.0 12.0
Dried egg whites 18.0 9.0
NaCl 6.0 3.0
Baking powder and water Variable Variable Crackers
Crackers require stronger gluten than other soft wheat products and are often made
from blends of both hard and soft wheat flours. This stronger gluten is necessary to
give structure to crackers as they are fermented and sheeted. There is still no offi-
cial test method for evaluating flours for cracker-baking potential, although there
are published procedures using a two-stage sponge and dough approach to making
crackers (Doescher and Hoseney 1985; Pizzinatto and Hoseney 1980). This involves
fermentation of a sponge (containing yeast, water, and 60 to 70% of the flour) for 16
to 18 h followed by addition of the remaining ingredients and fermentation of the
dough for another 6 h (Creighton and Hoseney 1990; Doescher and Hoseney 1985;
Ranhotra and Gelroth 1988). However, duration of these test procedures limits the
number of samples that can be evaluated by an operator in a given time. Lee et al.
(2002) developed a practical one-stage procedure that enables an operator to evalu-
ate 15 samples, as compared to about 6 samples with the two-stage procedures, in a
48-h period. Although the two types of procedures yielded slightly different baking
results, the trends were the same for a diverse group of flour samples examined (Lee
et al. 2002). Stronger doughs made crackers that were thicker, larger, and in harder
texture than crackers made from weaker doughs. Noodles
Asian noodles are another product, often made from blends of hard and soft wheat
flours, which require stronger gluten. There are two basic kinds of Asian noodles:
white salted (Udon) and alkaline noodles (Bettge 2004). Udon noodles are usually
made from flour with 8 to 10% protein content and alkaline noodles 10.5 to 12% pro-
tein (Jun et al. 1998). The texture of Asian noodles is related to flour protein content
and starch characteristics. The protein content of flour was positively correlated with
noodle chewiness in a study by Baik et al. (1994b). Starch pasting properties have
been shown to affect the overall texture of noodles, including softness and elasticity
(Batey et al., 1997; Konik et al. 1992). Another important noodle quality determi-
nant, especially with the higher pH of alkaline noodles, is discoloration from PPO
activity. The Western Wheat Quality Laboratory of the USDA-ARS (Pullman, WA)
has developed methods for testing alkaline and salted Asian noodles. Noodles are
produced on a laboratory-scale machine and are evaluated based on color, texture,
and yield.
1.6.1 Proteins
Soft wheat flour with low protein content is typically used in the production of cook-
ies because of the deleterious effects on quality associated with the higher protein
content in hard wheats. Sugar-snap cookies made from hard wheat flour are usually
thicker, harder in texture, and have a smaller diameter (Miller and Hoseney 1997).
Sugar-snap cookie diameter per unit of flour protein was negatively correlated with
protein content in a study by Yamamoto et al. (1996) (Figure 1.3). Using a wire-
cut cookie formulation, Gaines et al. (1996b) found a negative correlation between
protein content and cookie diameter and a positive correlation with cookie height
(Table 1.5). Harder texture was also positively correlated with increased protein
content in this study. Higher flour protein content has been correlated with reduced
cookie spread in other studies as well (Gaines 1985; Kaldy and Rubenthaler 1987).
However, some studies have found a poor correlation between cookie quality and
protein content (Abboud et al. 1985a; Yamazaki 1954).
Cookie spread is a function of the spread rate and the set time (Abboud et al.
1985b; Miller and Hoseney 1997). As cookie dough is heated, the decrease in viscosity
Cookie Diameter (cm) / Flour Protein
6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
Protein (%)
Figure 1.3 Relationship between protein content and sugar-snap cookie diameter per
unit flour protein in cookies made from 17 soft wheat cultivars grown in the United States.
(Adapted from Yamamoto, H., Worthington, S.T., Hou, G., and Ng, P.K.W., Cereal Chemis-
try, 73, 215–221, 1996.)
Table 1.5
Correlation Coefficients between Flour Protein Content and Wire-Cut
Cookie Quality Characteristics
Parameter Correlation Coefficient
Diameter –0.57a
Height 0.64a
Hardness 0.79a
a Significant at the 5% level.
Source: Adapted from Gaines, C.S., Kassuba, A., and Finney, P.L., Cereal Foods World, 41, 155–160,
allows for the cookie to spread until it rises in viscosity and sets. Although gluten is not
developed during mixing (Miller and Hoseney 1997), its glass transition temperature
plays an important part in cookie set time. When the gluten reaches its glass transition
temperature, the viscosity of the dough increases and spreading stops (Doescher et al.
1987; Miller et al. 1996). Miller and Hoseney (1997) examined the set time of differ-
ent hard and soft wheat flours and found that within a group of hard or soft wheats,
protein content affected the set time. However, the differences in protein content alone
were not enough to fully explain the differences between the hard and soft wheat flour
groups. Work has also been done to identify specific components of flour proteins that
may affect cookie quality. Huebner et al. (1999) fractionated gliadins and glutenin
subunits using size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). They
found that flours with glutenin subunits 5+10 made better-quality cookies. Souza et al.
(1994) found that the glutenin strength score, developed by Payne et al. (1987) to evalu-
ate bread flours, was negatively correlated with cookie diameter. Hou et al. (1996b)
separated the high (A subunits) and low (B and C subunits) molecular weight glutenin
subunits and found that the ratio of the quantities of the B to C subunits was related to
sugar-snap cookie diameter in flour from soft white winter wheat.
1.6.2 Starch
The rate of spreading has been found to be faster in cookies made from soft wheat
flour compared to cookies made from hard wheat flour (Abboud et al. 1985b; Miller et
al. 1996; Miller and Hoseney 1997). A faster spread rate allows the cookie to spread
to a larger diameter before setting occurs. Miller and Hoseney (1997) measured the
spread rate of cookies made from soft wheat flour to be 7.8 mm/min compared to 4.6
mm/min in cookies made with hard wheat flour. The hard wheat flours were found
to contain higher levels of soluble starch than the soft wheat flours. Removal of the
soluble starch from hard wheat flours resulted in decreased dough viscosities and
increased cookie spread rates. However, although the amount of soluble starch could
explain the difference between the hard and soft wheat flour groups, it could not
fully explain the difference in spread rates within the groups. Higher levels of dam-
aged starch in milled hard wheat were also attributed to being part of the difference
in spread rate between hard and soft wheat flours by Miller and Hoseney (1997).
During baking, minimal gelatinization of starch occurs due to the low water
content of cookie dough, as shown by differential scanning calorimetry (Abboud and
Hoseney 1984). However, damaged starch, with its greater water-holding capability,
is known to negatively affect cookie diameter. Donelson and Gaines (1998) increased
the damaged starch content of hard and soft wheat flours used to make sugar-snap
cookies through the addition of ball-milled and pregelatinized starch. For both hard
and soft wheat flours, the addition of damaged starch led to an increase in alkaline
water retention capacity and a decrease in cookie diameter. They also made cook-
ies with 100% of the flour replaced by combinations of prime and damaged starch.
The soft wheat starch produced cookies with larger diameters than the hard wheat
starch at all of the different levels of starch damage studied. Additionally, the hard
wheat starch doughs had greater stiffness than those made from soft wheat starch.
The authors concluded that there is a fundamental difference between hard and soft
wheat starches that leads to their different performances in cookie baking.
1.6.3 Pentosans
With their ability to absorb large amounts of water, pentosans also affect cookie
quality. Yamazaki (1955) found that the addition of purified starch tailings fractions,
rich in pentosans, increased the hydration ability of soft wheat flour and reduced
cookie spread. Bettge and Morris (2000) measured total, water-soluble, and grain
membrane pentosans in 13 soft wheat flour samples. The amount of total pentosans
had the largest negative correlation with sugar-snap cookie spread followed by the
water-soluble and grain membrane pentosans. The grain membrane pentosans were
also highly positively correlated with alkaline water retention capacity. Abboud et al.
(1985a), on the other hand, reported a poor correlation between pentosan content and
cookie diameter. Sucrose solvent retention capacity, which is associated with pento-
sans, was negatively correlated with sugar-snap cookie spread by Gaines (2004), even
though in their study, alkaline water retention capacity was not. Using sucrose sol-
vent retention capacity along with flour protein content and milling softness, Gaines
(2004) was also able to generate a regression equation to predict cookie diameter.
1.6.4 Lipids
Studies involving the removal and reconstitution of flour lipids have shown that they
are important to cookie spread, top grain (an “islanding” pattern formed on the sur-
face of sugar-snap cookies), and structure. Cole et al. (1960) baked cookies with flour
that had been extracted with water-saturated butanol and found that the cookies had
decreased diameters. When the lipids were replaced, the cookie spread was returned
to normal. Kissell et al. (1971) extracted free lipids from soft wheat flour and frac-
tionated them into polar and nonpolar fractions. They were then reintroduced into
the flour and baked into sugar-snap cookies. To achieve normal cookie spread and
top grain, both the polar and nonpolar fractions were needed. Interchanging the
lipids between different varieties of wheat flour did not affect the results, indicating
that the presence of the mixed lipids is more important than the source. Fractionation
studies by Clements and Donelson (1981), on the other hand, determined that the
polar lipids (digalactosyl diglyceride and phosphytidyl choline along with glycolip-
ids) were more important to sugar-snap cookie spread than the nonpolar lipids. The
internal structure of cookies made from defatted flour is also negatively affected;
these cookies have larger cells as opposed to the finer and more uniform cell struc-
ture found in good-quality cookies (Clements 1980).
1.7.2 Proteins
Higher protein content in flour is generally associated with poorer quality for cake
baking. According to Kaldy and Rubenthaler (1987), flour high in protein or with
strong gluten results in cakes with lower volume and coarser texture due to protein
disruption of the foam structure in cake batter. In their study of Canadian soft white
winter and spring wheats, they found a significant negative correlation between flour
protein content, Japanese sponge cake volume, and overall cake score. Yamamoto
et al. (1996) also found a negative correlation between flour protein and Japanese
sponge cake volume per unit protein (Figure 1.4). Gaines and Donelson (1985b)
found that the volume and tenderness of white layer cakes were not significantly
affected by protein content, although those of angel food cakes were. However, a
difference of over 2% protein was needed to see an effect in the angel food cakes.
Although an excess of protein may harm cake quality, soluble proteins (both from
the flour and from other cake ingredients) are still needed for thermal stability of
the cake foam structure (Howard et al. 1968). Protein composition in addition to
content was shown to be important to Japanese sponge cake volume in work by Hou
et al. (1996b). The presence of high-molecular-weight glutenin (HMW-GS) subunit
Cake Volume (cc) / Flour Protein
6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
Protein (%)
Figure 1.4 Relationship between protein content and Japanese sponge cake volume per
unit flour protein in cakes made from 17 soft wheat cultivars grown in the United States.
(Adapted from Yamamoto, H., Worthington, S.T., Hou, G., and Ng, P.K.W., Cereal Chemis-
try, 73, 215–221, 1996.)
1 in soft wheat flour resulted in larger cake volume, while the presence of HMW-GS
subunit 2* resulted in smaller volume.
1.7.3 Lipids
Lipids make up only a small fraction of flour; however, they are important to cake
volume and texture. Spies and Kirleis (1978) found that extraction of free flour lipids
reduced volume and caused poorer texture in cakes made with a modified white layer
cake formula. Reintroduction of the lipids restored most of the cake qualities. Inter-
changing the lipids between different varieties of wheat did not affect the results,
indicating that the presence of lipids is more important than the source. Takeda
(1994) extracted free lipids from flour, resulting in reduced sponge cake volume.
The free lipids were also fractionated into polar and nonpolar fractions. Reintroduc-
tion of the polar lipids (monogalactosyl and digalactosyl diglycerides) returned the
cake volume to its normal size, while the nonpolar fractions had only minor effects.
Similar results were reported by Seguchi and Matsuki (1977a).
sell and Yamazaki 1979; Seguchi and Matsuki 1977b). Chlorination is usually done
with chlorine gas and can be monitored by a drop in pH of flour. Flour is typically
chlorinated to a pH range of about 4.5 to 5.2 (Gough et al. 1978). Starch, lipids, and
proteins are all affected by flour chlorination.
1.8.1 Starch
Fractionation, interchange, and reconstitution studies of nonchlorinated and chlori-
nated flours have confirmed that the effects of chlorination on starch are important
to cake quality. Cakes made from chlorinated flour with the starch interchanged
with that from nonchlorinated flour had smaller volumes and poorer cake qualities
(Johnson and Hoseney 1979a; Sollars 1958). The opposite was true when exchang-
ing chlorinated starch into nonchlorinated flour. Gaines and Donelson (1982) used a
modified Viscograph to examine the viscosity of cake batters made with chlorinated
and nonchlorinated flours during heating. The apparent viscosity of heated batters
increased faster in batters made from chlorinated flour compared to nonchlorinated
flour. Chlorinated flour batters also showed greater expansion during baking. These
results were in agreement with results from Kulp et al. (1972). Accelerated thick-
ening of batters allows for improved setting and retention of larger cake volume
(Donelson et al. 2000).
Donelson (1990) fractionated chlorinated and nonchlorinated flours and found
that the chlorinated starch fraction had increased alkaline water retention capacity.
These results were related to decreased sugar-snap cookie spread in his experiment.
In addition to binding more water, chlorinated starch binds more oil as a result of
increased starch granule hydrophobicity (Seguchi 1984). The oxidative depolymer-
ization of starch that occurs during chlorination has been investigated as one of the
reasons for these changes in starch properties (Huang et al. 1982; Johnson et al.
1980). Varriano-Marston (1985) hypothesized that the oxidative depolymerization
increased the capillary size of starch granules, leading to the increased ability of
chlorinated starch to bind water and oil.
1.8.2 Lipids
Various studies have determined that the effect of chlorination on lipids is important
to cake quality. Kissell et al. (1979) chlorinated flours to pH 5.2, 4.8, and 4.0 and then
extracted the free lipids with hexane. White layer cake volume was reduced in cakes
baked without lipids; however, the normal volume was restored upon readdition of
the extracted lipids. Flour chlorinated to pH 4.8 performed the best. By interchang-
ing lipids from a chlorinated flour into a nonchlorinated one, Donelson et al. (1984)
were able to increase high-ratio cake volume to that of the chlorinated flour. In con-
trast, Johnson et al. (1979), after conducting a lipid interchange study, came to the
conclusion that although the presence of lipids is important, the effect of chlorination
on them is not important to cake quality in cakes baked using Kissell’s lean cake
formulation (Kissell, 1959). In the study of Johnson et al. (1979), cakes baked from
both chlorinated and nonchlorinated flours with their lipids extracted had poor grain.
By adding either of the lipid fractions back to the chlorinated flour, they were able to
restore the baking properties.
1.8.3 Proteins
The fractionation and interchange studies of Sollars (1958) found that chlorination
of gluten and starch was of almost equal importance for the production of white
layer cakes. Chlorination of gluten had an effect on yellow layer cakes as well, but
to a lesser extent. Tsen et al. (1971) reported that chlorination of flour increases the
extractability of proteins by water and acetic acid, and that this increased protein
solubility may be part of the improving effects of chlorine treatment on flour. The
changes in protein extractability were attributed to the actions of chlorine break-
ing hydrogen bonds, cleaving peptide bonds, degrading amino acids, and oxidizing
sulfhydryl bonds.
The effect of chlorination on increasing the hydrophobicity of proteins in flours
may also be important. Seguchi (1985) found that changes in the hydrophobicity of
starch granules were due to conformational changes in surface proteins of the starch
granules, and later, that chlorination also resulted in an increase in the amount of
protein extracted (Seguchi 1990). Sinha et al. (1997) extracted gliadins from flour
chlorinated to pH 4.8 and 4.3; gliadin protein hydrophobicity, as measured by fluo-
rescence spectroscopy, increased with chlorination (Figure 1.5). Reversed-phase
HPLC results suggested that the increases in hydrophobicity were due to conforma-
tional changes in the proteins (Sinha et al. 1997).
pH 4.8
10 pH 4.3
Hydrophobicity Index x10
Caldwell Dynasty Frankenmuth Lewjain
1.9 Conclusion
The different components of soft wheat flour collectively play a role in its quality.
Softer kernel texture and lower protein content are typically favored for soft wheat
products. Starches and lipids serve important functions in baked products such as
cakes and cookies. Understanding wheat flour composition and how quality is mea-
sured provides a good base for further research and study of sweet goods.
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