Maths Project
Maths Project
Maths Project
Objectives can be expressed in a standard form viz. maximize/minimize z = f(x)
where z is called the objective function.
Constraints are capable of being expressed in the form of equality or inequality
viz. f(x) = or ≤ or ≥ k, where k = constant and x ≥ 0.
Resources to be optimized are capable of being quantified in numerical terms.
The variables are linearly related to each other.
More than one solution exist, the objectives being to select the optimum solution.
The linear programming technique is based on simultaneous solutions of linear
There are many uses of L.P. It is not possible to list them all here. However L.P is very
useful to find out the following:
Additivity: Total resources are equal to the sum of the resources used in individual
Divisibility: Solution need not be a whole number viz decision variable can be in
fractional form.
Certainty: Coefficients of objective function and constraints are known constants and
do not change viz parameters remain unaltered.
a) Basic solution: There are instances where number of unknowns (p) are more
than the number of linear equations (q) available. In such cases we assign zero
values to all surplus unknowns. There will be (p-q) such unknowns. With these
values we solve 'q' equations and get values of 'q' unknowns. Such solutions are
called Basic Solutions.
b) Basic variables: The variables whose value is obtained from the basic solution is
called basic variables
c) Non-basic variables: The variables whose value are assumed as zero in basic
solutions are called non-basic variables.
d) Solution: A solution to a L.P.P is the set of values of the variables which
satisfies the set of constraints for the problem.
e) Feasible solution: A feasible solution to a L.P.P the set of values of variables
which satisfies the set of constraints as well as the non-negative constraints of the
f) Basic feasible solution: A feasible solution to a L.P.P in which the vectors
associated with the non-zero variables are linearly independent is called basic
feasible solution
Note: Linearly independent: variables x1, x2, x3......... are said to be linearly
independent if k1x1+k2x2+.........+knxn=0, implying k1=0, k2=0,........
g) Optimum (optimal) solution: A feasible solution of a L.P.P is said to be the
optimum solution if it also optimizes the objective function of the problem.
h) Slack variables: Linear equations are solved through equality form of equations.
Normally, constraints are given in the "less than or equal" (≤) form. In such
cases, we add appropriate variables to make it an "equality" (=) equation. These
variables added to the constraints to make it an equality equation in L.P.P is
called stack variables and is often denoted by the letter 'S'.
Eg: 2x1 + 3x2 ≤ 500
2x1 + 3x2 + S1 = 500, where S1 is the slack variable
i) Surplus variables: Sometime, constraints are given in the "more than or equal"
(≥) form. In such cases we subtract an approximate variable to make it into
"equality" (=) form. Hence variables subtracted from the constraints to make it
an equality equation in L.P.P is called surplus variables and often denoted by the
letter 's'.
Eg: 3x1 + 4x2 ≥ 100
3x1 + 4x2 - S2 = 0, where S2 is the surplus variable.
j) Artificial variable : Artificial variables are fictitious variables. These are
introduced to help computation and solution of equations in L.P.P. There are
used when constraints are given in (≥) "greater than equal" form. As discussed,
surplus variables are subtracted in such cases to convert inequality to equality
form . In certain cases, even after introducing surplus variables, the simplex
tableau may not contain an 'Identity matrix' or unit vector. Thus, in a L.P.P
artificial variables are introduced in order to get a unit vector in the simplex
tableau to get feasible solution. Normally, artificial variables are represented by
the letter 'A'.
k) Big-M-method: Problems where artificial variables are introduced can be solved
by two methods viz.
Big-M-method and
Two phase method.
Big-M-method is modified simplex method for solving L.P.P when high
penalty cost (or profit) has been assigned to the artificial variable in the
objective function. This method is applicable for minimizing and maximizing
l) Two Phase method : L.P.P where artificial variables are added can be solved by
two phase method. This is a modified simplex method. Here the solution takes
place in two phases as follows:
Phase I - Basic Feasible solution: Here, simplex method is applied to a
specially constricted L.P.P called Auxiliary L.P.P and obtain basic
feasible solution.
Phase II - Optimum Basic solution: From basic feasible solution, obtain
optimum feasible solution.
m) Simplex Tableau : This is a table prepared to show and enter the values obtained
for basic variables at each stage of Iteration. This is the derived values at each
stage of calculation.
Optimal solution
An optimal solution of a linear programming problem is the set of real values of
the decision variables which satisfy the constraints including the non-negativity
conditions, if any and at the same time optimize the objective function.
A vector (x1, x2... xn) which satisfies the constraints A x ≤ or ≥ b only is called
a solution. And a solution which satisfies all the constraints including the non-
negativity condition is called a feasible solution. The set of all feasible solutions is
called feasible space.
Integer Programming
A L.P.P in which solution requires integers is called an integer programming
problem. A mathematical programming in which the objective fn is quadratic but all the
constraints are linear un the decision variable is called a quadratic programming.
Graphical L P solution
1. Determination of the solution space that defines all feasible solutions of the model.
2. Determination of the optimum solution from among all the feasible points in the
solution space.
The proper definition of the decision variables is an essential first step in the
development of the model. Once done, the task of constructing the objective function
and the constraints is more straight forward.
The problem of determining an n-tuple (x1, x2,... xn) which make z a minimum
or a maximum is called 'General linear programming problem'.
a) Statement form
" Maximize Z= c1x1 + c2x2 +....+ cnxn
Subject to the constraints ai1x1 + ai2x2 +.....+ ainxn = bi (i= 1, 2,...., m)
x1x2....xn ≥ 0 "
Characteristics of Standard form
1. Objective function is of maximization type.
2. All constraints are expressed in the function of equality form except the
3. All variables are non- negative.
Note: constraints given in the form of "less than or equal" (≤) can be converted
to the equality form by adding "slack" variables. Similarly, those given in "more
than or equal" (≥) form can be converted to the equality form by subtracting
"surplus" variables.
During World War II, a group under the direction of Marshall K. Wood worked
on allocating problems for the United States Air Force. Generalization of Leontief type
models were developed to allocate resources in such a way as to maximize or minimize
some linear objective function. George B. Dantzig was a member of the Air Force
group ; he formulated the general linear programming problem and devised the simplex
method of solution in 1947. His work was not generally available until 1951, when the
Cowles-commission Monograph was published.
1. At the optimum,
objective value = objective value
in the primal in the dual
Primal Dual
Maximize Z = cjxj Minimize Z= biyi
subject to subject to
aij xj = bi , i= 1, 2, ...., m aijyi ≥ cj , j= 1, 2,...., n
xj ≥ 0 , j= 1, 2, ....., n yi ≥ 0 , i= 1, 2, ...., m
We can think of the primal model in this manner. the coefficient cj represents
the profit per unit output of activity j. The available amount of resources i, bi, is
allocated at the rate of aij units of resource i per unit output of activity j.
Problem of the linear- programming type had been formulated and solved
before the pioneering work of Dantzig. In 1941, Hitchcock formulated and solved
transportation problems which was independently solved by the Koopmans in
1947. In 1942, Kantorovich (Russian) also formulated the transportation problem,
but did not solve it. The economist Stigler worked out a minimum-cost diet in
1945. Although this problem can be formulated as a linear programming problem,
Stigler did not use this technique. It was not until Dantzig's work, however, that the
general linear programming problem was formulated as such, and a method
devised for solving it.
The primary reason for using linear programming methodology is to ensure
that limited resources are utilized to the fullest extent without any waste and that
utilization is made in such a way that the outcomes are expected to be the best possible.
Maximize Z= CX
Subject to constraints AX = b; X ≥ 0
Thus we see that simplex solution obtained in the Tableau which is declared as
optimum basic feasible solution (O.B.F.S) contains inverse matrix A.
case of unbounded solutions: when L.P.P does not give finite values of variable X,
viz x1, x2, ...∞, such solutions are called UNBOUNDED. Here variable X can take very
high values without violating the conditions of the constraints.
In such cases the final Tableau shows all Ratios viz R values are negative so that
no minimum ratio condition can be applied.
Establish the UNBOUND condition.
Maximize Z= 2x1 + x2
This is the case where L.P.P gives solutions which are optimum but not UNIQUE. This
means, more than one optimum solution is possible.
Types of Degeneracy
a) First Iteration: Degeneracy can occur right in the first (initial tableau). This
normally happens when the number of constraints are less than number of variables
in the objective function. Problem can be overcome by trial and error method.
b) Subsequent Iteration: Degeneracy can also occur in subsequent iteration. This is
due to the fact that minimum Ratio values are the same for two rows. This will
make choice difficult in selecting the 'Replacing Row'.
Case of cycling:
We have seen that when degeneracy exists, replacement of vector in the BASIS does
not improve objective function. Another difficulty encountered in degeneracy is that the
simplex Tableau gets repeated without getting optimum solution. Such occurrences in
L.P.P are called CYCLING. Fortunately, such L.P.Ps are very rare. Also, in such cases,
certain techniques are developed to prevent cycling and reach optimum solution.
Case of duality :
Every L.P.P is associated with another L.P.P which is called the DUAL of the original
L.P.P. The original L.P.P is called the PRIMAL. If the DUAL is stated as a given
problem, PRIMAL becomes its DUAL and vice-versa. The solution of one contains the
solution of the other. In other words, when optimum solution of PRIMAL is known, the
solution of DUAL is also obtained from the very same optimum tableau.
There are many uses of this concept. However, one of the very important use is solve
difficult L.P.P. Many times, a given L.P.P is complicated having large number of
constraints. In such cases, one method is to design its dual which invariably will have
less number of constraints. Dual is now subjected to solution by simplex method.
Solution of a L.P.P
In general we use the following method for the solution if a linear programming
If the L.P.P is two variable problem, it can be solved graphically. The steps required
for solving a L.P.P by graphic method are :
The numbers of machine hours required for each of the products are:
The net profits realized from each of the three products are: Rs: 20, Rs. 9 and Rs. 10
from A, B and C respectively. The production manager desires to allocate the available
capacities amongst the three products for a maximum profit.
Let x1, x2 and x3 be the quantity of products A, B and C produced within the
available capacities to maximize the profit.
From the above problem given details, we can formulate the problem as a linear
programming problem as,
Maximize, z = 20 x1 + 9 x2 + 10 x3
6 x1 + 4 x2 + x3 < 225
3 x1 + x2 + 2 x3 < 100
Linear programming is a resources allocation model that seeks the best allocation
of limited resources to a number of competing activities. L.P has been applied with
considerable success to a multitude of practical problems.
Since the objective of any organization is to make the best utilization of the given
resources, linear programming provides powerful technique for effective utilization
of these given resources under certain well-defined circumstances. For instance, an
industrial process consists of a number of activities relating to the capital invested and
the capital required for operational activities, products to be produced and marketed,
raw materials to be used, machines to be utilized, products to be stored and consumed
or a combination of the above activities. Some or all of these activities are
interdependent and inter-related so that there are many ways where by these resources
can be allocated to various competing demands. Linear programming helps the decision
maker in arranging for such combination of resources which results in optimization of
The special case of alternative optima point to the desirable adoption of one
optimum solution over another, even though both may have the same optimum
objective value depending, for example, on the activity "mix" that each solution offers.
The optimum tableau offers more than just the optimum values of the variables.
Additionally, it gives the status and worth (shadow prices) of the different resources.
The sensitivity study shows the resources can be changed within certain limits while
maintaining the same activity mix in the solution. Also, the marginal profits/costs can
be changed within certain ranges without changing the optimum values of the variable.
The method of this project is by collecting data as much as possible and analyzing
it. By this analysis, we can understand that importance and use of Linear Programming
Problem in mathematics. It is decided to observe and collect various books in our
library. Net sources, books and instruments are my teaching aids. We can conclude the
project by knowing the various purposes and brief sketch of linear programming.
From this project we came to a conclusion that 'Linear programming' is like a vast
ocean where many methods, advantages, uses, requirements etc. can be seen. Linear
programming can be done in any sectors where there is less waste and more profit. By
this, the production of anything is possible through the new methods of L.P. As we had
collected many datas about L.P, we came to know more about this, their uses,
advantages and requirements. Also, there are many different ways to find out the most
suitable L.P.
Also, we formulate an example for linear programming problem and done using
the two methods simplex method and dual problem. And came to a conclusion that L.P
is not just a technique but a planning the process of determining a particular plan of
action from amongst several alternatives. Even there are limitations, L.P is a good
technique, especially in the business sectors.