Norwegian Vocabulary
Norwegian Vocabulary
Norwegian Vocabulary
The list below is comprised of 300 words that are most frequently used in Norwegian
texts. The list is adapted from a research carried out by the University of Bergen.
Studies show that 100 most frequent words account for 50% of vocabulary that is
used regularly. The list of most frequent words could be a good starting point for you
who are just starting to learn Norwegian and are not sure what kind of vocabulary to
focus on. It could also be useful for those who have learned some basics and are
willing to expand their vocabulary.
The words are classified according to the parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs,
etc.) and translated into English. Some words can have multiple meanings, but this
list provides the most common meanings of words. There is also a brief explanation
of each part of speech and conjugation of most common verbs.
Sometimes translating a word is not enough. The best way to learn new words is to
create a context for them. Here are some suggestions on how you can work with this
➢ Go through the list and mark words that you already know. There are definitely
some words you have already covered in your course!
➢ Write down or mark words you would like to learn. Writing down words helps
with both, memorizing its meaning and spelling. However, do not try to learn
all the words at once!
➢ Look up the words you do not know in a dictionary. You can use in English or in Norwegian. Besides
the word’s meaning, you can also find some phrases or sentences and see
how the word is used.
➢ Try to think of your own sentence and use the word in it! You may think of a
topic that interests you and try to use the word in that context.
For example, if you want to learn the word “verden” and you are interested in
football, saying “Messi er den beste fotballspilleren i verden” will probably be
easier to remember than saying “Verden er veldig stor”.
➢ Try googling the word and see in what kind of contexts it is used. You can look
for sentences in which the word is used, or take a look at images that will help
you to remember the word.
➢ Repeat the word over time. Use the word immediately after learning it. Then
try to recall it after a few hours. Review it shortly before you go to bed. Use it
again the day after. Finally, review it again a few days later.
You can follow all, or pick a few tips from list when learning new vocabulary.
However, this list is not exhaustive. You can think and use your own methods of
learning the vocabulary, whatever works best for you!
300 most frequently used words in the Norwegian
Substantiver / Nouns
Substantiver forteller oss hva eller hvem vi snakker om.
Nouns tell us who or what we are talking about.
(en) by a city
alle all
alt everything
tid time
menneske person
mennesker people
verden world
prosent percent
penger money
meter meter
Pronomener / Pronouns
Pronomen er ord som står istedenfor andre ord, mest for et substantiv.
A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun.
jeg I
du you
han he
hun she
vi we
de they
noen someone
noe something
ingenting nothing
ingen no one
hver every
denne this
Et verb forteller oss hva noen gjør eller hva som hender.
Verbs tell us what someone or something does or what is happening.
å bety to mean
å bruke to use
å burde should
å finne to find
å fortelle to tell
å føle to feel
å følge to follow
å få to get, to receive
å gi to give
å gjøre to do
å gå to walk, go on foot
å ha to have
å hjelpe to help
å kunne can
å lage to make
å late to pretend
å le to laugh
å se to see
å si to say
å snakke to talk
å spørre to ask
å stå to stand
å svare to answer
å ta to take
å tenke to think
å trenge to need
å vente to wait
å vise to show
å vite to know
å være to be
Hva?/hva What?/what
Hvem?/hvem Who?/who
Hvor?/hvor Where?/where
Hvordan?/hvordan How?/how
Hvorfor?/hvorfor Why?/why
Når?/når When?/when
Konjuksjoner / Conjunctions
altså so
at that
både both
eller or
enn than
fordi because
hvis/om if
men but
og and
siden since
Preposisjoner / Prepositions
Preposisjoner forteller oss om hvor eller hvordan er ting plassert i forhold til
noe annet.
A preposition shows the relationship of a thing or a person to something else.
Prepositions can express time, place or relationship.
i in
på in/on/at
mot towards
fra from
for for
med with
uten without
om about
etter after
over above
mellom between
foran in front of
bak behind
hos at
blant among
Adverb / Adverb
Adverb er ord som forteller noe om verb, adjektiv, andre adverb eller
An adverb describes an action, adjective or another verb.
ikke not
så so
også also
ut out, outside
heller rather
mer more
mindre less
først first
sammen together
alene alone
nå now
da then
der there
her here
før before
igjen again
helt completely
nok enough
alltid always
aldri never
ofte often
rundt around
tilbake back
fram forward
nesten almost
frem ahead
bort away
mest the most
senere later
meget very
hjemme home
borte away
dessuten moreover
gjerne willingly
imidlertid however
dermed thus
ganske quite
ellers otherwise
fortsatt still
stadig constantly, all the time
fremdeles still
imot against
helst preferably
nettopp just
nærmere closer
Adjektiv / Adjective
ny new
gammel old
ung young
god good
bedre better
dårlig bad
mange many
flere more
få few
stor big
liten little
lang long
kort short
fast permanent
lett easy
vanskelig difficult
full full
glad happy
viktig important
redd scared
sterk strong
vant used
neste next
sist last
riktig correct
tidlig early
mulig possible
annen another
begge both
i løpet av during
i tillegg in addition
av og til sometimes
i dag today
i går yesterday
for å in order to
å føle seg føler seg følte seg har følt seg to feel