New Destinations b1 Teacher S Book PDF Downloads Free
New Destinations b1 Teacher S Book PDF Downloads Free
New Destinations b1 Teacher S Book PDF Downloads Free
samplepagescatalogueBeginners (A1.1) Elementary (A1.2)Intermediate (B1) Level B1+Pre-Intermediate (A2)Level B2Students BooksIt follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference the modular approach and is organized in topic-based modules.New Destinations is an exciting six-level course for young adult learners,
that takes them from Beginner (A1.1) to B2 level.Broaden your horizons6 LEVELS Beginner (A1.1) to B2 levelCourse Features: Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular information Lively dialogues presenting real spoken English An integrated approach to the development of the four skills Special emphasis on
vocabulary building Grammar presented and practised in context Systematic development of reading and listening skills and subskills A variety of communicative tasks Step-by-step approach to writing Activities encouraging critical thinking and personal response Practical tips helping students to become autonomous learners A round-up section in
each module providing regular revision and consolidation A grammar reference section Culture/cross-curricular pages with web links Songs Competence-based Tasks Extra Grammar Practicenew destinationsClear, flexible and compatible with competence-based programmes.American edition also availableBeginners (A1.1)Pre-Intermediate (A2)Level
B1+Elementary (A1.2)Intermediate (B1)Level B2with2Components for studentsComponents for teachersStudents Book Full-colour Workbook DVD Activity BookInterleaved Teachers BookClass CDsWorkbook Teachers EditionInteractive Whiteboard materialDVDOnline multimedia resources for students at www.mmpublications.comTeachers Resource
CD/CD-ROM with Tests Portfolio including projects Extra practice on: grammar & vocabulary, reading and speakingTeachers Resource CD/CD-ROM withOnline MM Placement Test3Modules Grammar Whats your name? Im.../My names... How do you spell...? Plurals (regular -s) Imperative (affirmative) The verb be (I, you, he, she, we, they) Possessive
adjectives (my, your, his, her, our, their) Who?/What?/How?/Where...from? a / an Cross-curricular page: The British Isles: Terminology p. 20 this / that / these / those The verb be (it) Plurals (regular-irregular) Possessive case Whose? The verb have got AdjectivesCulture page: How many names for family members? p. 34 Present Simple What time? /
When? Prepositions of time Adverbs of frequencyCross-curricular page: The Temb Indians of the Amazon p. 48 There is / There are Prepositions of place a(n) / the Object personal pronouns ImperativeCulture page: Whats up there? p. 62 a(n) / some Countable and uncountable nouns some / any would like + noun How much / How many?Cross-
curricular page: Jacket potatoes p. 76 The verb can Present Progressive Lets / How about?Culture page: Life in the fast lane... p. 90 Past Simple Time expressions Why? / Because Past Simple of the verb be Past Simple vs Present SimpleCross-curricular page: The race to the South Pole p. 104 Future be going to Time expressions want to / would like
to The verb should Culture page: Travelling to New Zealand p. 118Contents New Destinations Beginners A1.1Meeting peoplepage 7Time offpage 105Hellopage 41Thats me page 212Day in, day outpage 353Home is where the heart ispage 494Lets eatpage 635What are you up to?page 776It 9178Modules Grammar What?/ How?/ How
old?/ Where... from? this/that Imperative (affirmative-negative) The verb be These / Those Plurals Possessive adjectives Possessive case The verb can a/an Who...?Culture page:The history behind a name p. 20 Present Simple Prepositions of time would like to / want to like / love etc. + -ing Adverbs of frequency How often...? Once / Twice, etc. When...?
Cross-curricular page:Phishing for danger p. 34 Present Progressive Whose...? Possessive Pronouns There is / There are a(n) / the Present Simple vs Present Progressive Why?/ Because...Culture page:Life in Tornado Alley p. 48 (Un)countable nouns some/any/no How much/many...? much/many/a lot of/lots of/ a few/a little Object Personal Pronouns
The verb shouldCross-curricular page:Healthy smoothie recipes p. 62 Past Simple Past Simple of the verb be The verb could Adjectives-Adverbs of mannerCulture page:The British Education system p. 76 Future be going to can, could, may, will, would (for requests) The verb have to (affirmative) some, any, no, every (Compounds) Lets... / How
about...? / Why dont we/you...? Which...?Cross-curricular page:Animals in Danger p. 90 one / ones too / enough Comparative Forms Superlative FormsCulture page:Driving around p. 104 Present Perfect Simple (ever, never, before) Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple Reported Speech (Commands-Requests)Cross-curricular page:Ice Hockey p.
118My world page 7Things I do page 21Something differentpage 35Food for thought page 49I did it! page 63Whats happening?page 77Simply the best! page 91What an experience!page 105Hellop. 412345678Contents New Destinations Elementary A1.24Modules Grammar Present Simple vs Present Progressive Stative verbs Past Simple used to
Prepositions of time QuantifiersCulture page:Fandoms p. 18 Past Progressive Past Simple vs Past Progressive Time Clauses (when, while, as, as soon as) Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Simple vs Past SimpleCross-curricular:Who really discovered America? p. 32 can, could, may, be able to have to, dont have to, need to, dont need to, neednt,
must, mustnt Indirect questions ComparisonsCulture page:Quiz: Famous Landmarks p. 46 Future will will have to, will be able to Time clauses (when, after, before, until, as soon as) too-enough Relative clauses (who-which-that-where)Cross-curricular:Green Roofs p. 60 Infinitives -ing should - had better Passive Voice (Present Simple - Past
Simple)Culture page:Call for help! p. 74 may, might, could Conditional Sentences Type 1 if vs when so / neither / too / either Present Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive vs Present Perfect SimpleCross-curricular:Music genres p. 88 Question tags Negative questions Exclamatory sentences Clauses of result Reflexive pronouns Past Perfect
SimpleCulture page:The dollar p. 102 Reported speech (statements, questions, commands, requests) Conditional Sentences Type 2 Wishes and unreal pastCross-curricular:Installation art p. 116Modern timespage 47A helping handpage 61The time of my life!page 75Job huntingpage 89Lifestylespage 103Networkingpage 5Unforgettablepage 19What a
place!page 3312345678Contents New Destinations Pre-Intermediate A2Modules Grammar Present Simple - Present Progressive Stative verbs Questions and Question words Indirect questions Past Simple used to - be/get used to Past Progressive Past Simple vs Past Progressive Relative clauses Adjectives - Adverbs of manner Comparisons Present
Perfect Simple Present Perfect Progressive must, have to, need, would rather, had better may, might, could must, cant Future tenses Time clauses Conditional sentences (Types 1, 2) Articles - Nouns - Determiners Past Perfect Simple - Past Perfect Progressive Reported Speech (statements) Reported Speech (questions, commands and requests)
Passive Voice I Clauses of reason, concession, purpose Passive Voice II Infinitives and -ing forms Causative form Modal verbs + have + past participle Conditional sentences (Type 3) Wishes and Unreal Past all / both / neither / none both... and... / neither... nor... / either... or...Life in the 21st centurypage 101Were only human!page 117Cultures &
customspage 5People to admirepage 21Everyday lifepage 37 1234578Pack your bagspage 856Fact or fictionpage 69Mother Naturepage 53Contents New Destinations Intermediate B15Modules Grammar Present Simple - Present Progressive Stative verbs Comparisons Countable and uncountable nouns Past Simple - Past Progressive Past Perfect
Simple - Past Perfect Progressive used to - would - was/were going to Present Perfect Simple - Present Perfect Progressive Relative clauses should - ought to - had better Future tenses Other future forms Time clauses Conditional sentences (Type zero, 1, 2) must - have to - need Infinitives and -ing forms may - might - could must - cant Question tags
Passive Voice Clauses of con Full PDF PackageDownload Full PDF PackageThis PaperA short summary of this paper0 Full PDFs related to this paperDownloadPDF Pack Gió 7 November, 20202020-11-07T21:37:45+07:002022-03-20T23:55:53+07:00 Other Download New Destinations by MM Publications 2015 (PDF, Mp3, Doc). Author: H. Q. Mitchell,
l, Marileni Malkogianni. New Destinations New Destinations is a new secondary course for teenage and young adult learners, taking them from Beginner to B2 level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. Key features: Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular
informationLively dialogues presenting real spoken EnglishAn integrated approach to the development of the four skillsSpecial emphasis on vocabulary buildingGrammar presented and practised in contextSystematic development of reading and listening skills and subskillsA variety of communicative tasksStep-by-step approach to writingActivities
encouraging critical thinking and personal responsePractical tips helping students to become autonomous learnersA round-up section in each module providing regular revision and consolidationA grammar reference sectionCulture / Cross-Curricular pages with web linksSongsExtra Grammar PracticeCompetence-based Tasks Currently the payment
gateway is having problems. Please contact us if you need to buy books.Đối với khách hàng ở Việt Nam: Liên hệ trực tiếp với Admin để thực hiện mua hàng bằng cách chuyển khoản ngân hàng nội địa. Note: When using "FAST DOWNLOAD" you will get all the files listed in the "SLOW DOWNLOAD" section. Password Extract:
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