Do Students Spend Too Much Time in School?: Unit Question
Do Students Spend Too Much Time in School?: Unit Question
Do Students Spend Too Much Time in School?: Unit Question
word families
scanning for names, dates, and times
capitalization and punctuation
simple present
Unit Question
20 Unit 2
22 Unit 2 | Do students spend too much time in school? Oxford 2000 keywords
C. PREVIEW Look at the title of the magazine article and the maps.
What three countries will the article be about?
Tip for Success D. QUICK WRITE Think about your school. Answer these questions. Use
The word school this section for your Unit Assignment.
can refer to any
educational institute. 1. How long is the school day?
The words college
and university 2. How long is the school year?
often have the
same meaning.
3. When do students have vacation?
France Kenya
2 Marie lives in France. She says, “My 3 Samuel is from Kenya. He says, “Our academic
school year lasts from August to June with year starts in June. The year has three terms, and
four seven-week terms. We have one or two each term lasts for 13 weeks. That feels like a
weeks of vacation after each term, and we long time. We get a one-month break after each
have a two-month vacation in the summer. term. The school day in Kenya begins at 8 a.m.
The school day in France is from 8 a.m. to and ends at 4 p.m. Students pay for school. It’s
4 p.m. with a two-hour lunch break. Students not free like in some other countries.
B. Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct each false
statement to make it true.
ONLINE E. Go online to read Online High Schools and check your comprehension.
Critical Thinking Tip B. Complete the chart with words from Activity A. (An X means that the
In Activity B, you word doesn’t exist or that you don’t need to know it.)
classify words
by the part of
speech. Classifying Noun Verb Adjective
information helps
you see patterns so 1. academy X academic
you can understand
information better. 2. difficulty X
For example,
nouns often end 3. X enjoyable
in –ty: difficulty,
personality, university, 4. friend X friendly
popularity, activity.
5. help
6. intelligence X
7. study
Schools in Germany
1 Jens lives in Germany. He says, “We
start school at 7:30 in the morning. That’s
too early for me! Classes end at 1:30 p.m.,
so our school day is only six hours. Our
school day is pretty short, but our school
year is really long. The term begins in
September and lasts until July. We take a
short vacation in the summer—about six
weeks. We study for 200 days each year. But
I enjoy school. I study with my good friends,
and we learn a lot of interesting things. I
think our time in school is about right.”
students in Germany
Schools Around the World
2 Around the world, students spend different
numbers of days in school. For example,
students in France study for 170 days each
year, but in Australia, the school year is
200 days long. The number of hours each
day is also different from country to country.
The school day in France and Kenya is eight
hours long and lasts from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. But
students in France get a two-hour break for
lunch, so they only study for six hours a day.
Students in Spain start school at 8:00 a.m.
and attend class until 3:00 p.m. Their school
day is seven hours long. In Germany,
the school day is only six hours long. students in Kenya
ONLINE C. Go online for more practice with scanning for names, dates, and times.
B. Choose two questions from Activity A and write the answers. Look
back at your Quick Write on page 23. Think about what you learned.
My answer:
My answer:
UNIT At the end of this unit, you are going to write about a school. Your
sentences will include information from the reading, the unit video,
and your own ideas.
Capitalization Rules
1. Capitalize the first word in a statement or question.
I have a short study period every afternoon.
Do young students usually wear uniforms?
3. Capitalize the days of the week and the months of the year.
Classes start on Monday, October 12.
Punctuation Rules
1. End every sentence with a period (.).
The high school has difficult academic classes.
Negative statements
subject do/does + not verb
do not
I / You / We / They
take a lunch break.
does not
He / She
B. Write questions with Do or Does. Answer the questions. Then ask and
answer the questions with a partner.
1. you and your friends / study together
Do you and your friends study together? No, we don’t.
2. your teacher / talk to you about college
3. your best friend / speak English well
4. you / like academic courses
5. your school / have a vacation soon
6. you / enjoy math classes
7. your teacher / give a lot of homework
Do you has a busy academic life?
UNIT In this assignment, you are going to write about a school. Think about the
Unit Question, “Do students spend too much time in school?” Use the reading,
the unit video, and your work in this unit. Look at the Self-Assessment checklist
on page 34.
ONLINE Go to the Online Writing Tutor for a writing model and alternate Unit Assignments.
ONLINE B. WRITE Answer the questions about the school. Write complete
sentences. Use your BRAINSTORM chart to help you. Go to iQ Online
to use the Online Writing Tutor.
Check (✓) the skills you learned. If you need more work on a skill, refer to the
page(s) in parentheses.