A Genetic Based Algorithm For Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems
A Genetic Based Algorithm For Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems
A Genetic Based Algorithm For Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems
in distribution systems
The distribution system is considered not only as one of the important parts of the electric
power system but one of the most complicated systems created by the mankind. It
constitutes the link between electricity utilities and consumers. Usually, it suffers from
unbalanced feeder structures and unbalanced loading which affects system power quality
and electricity price. This paper introduces a Genetic based Algorithm (G.A) to determine
the states of the switches for minimum loss configuration. The proposed G.A is applied for
multi-objective programming to solve the reconfiguration problem in distribution systems.
The problem of feeder configuration can be looked upon as an optimization problem, where
the objective function reflects the different goals that the individual utilities may pursue. A
weighed multi-objective function is used in this paper to investigate the utilities interests.
The algorithm can be directed to minimize the losses which are a major sign of better power
quality. Also, the operator has the ability to direct it to minimize the active power loss,
voltage drop, complex power and neutral current of the main transformer. A radial distribu-
tion system is used to demonstrate the capability of the proposed G.A.
" "#$ %"& ' !
/" ."( 01
+ , (&
- . .()
" "
8 % 9) .( .
4 5 # .2()
3 #$ )
%"= @"7 .
+= .( +>(
+& + ?' !7 +( 2# (8($
/ 7
." )) +
+ ' ! -
+ +( ?'
A" 8
, 8(0
B -
4) 2# = . #$ - %
/ +
.8( 87 6C &
.( D
4 ?' = ./ .( +
#$ %&
F=w1 TSu +w2 TLl +w3 AVd +w4 ItN+ w5 Tdt , (11)
I tN = ∑I tP . (7)
P =a ,b ,c subject to:
1 n and
Td0 = ∑ ( d 0 ,k ) 2 , (9)
n k =1
w1+w2+w3+w4+w5=1. (13)
and In which VDS, d0s and d2s are the specified
values for voltage drop, zero-and negative-
Vk( 0 ) sequence voltage unbalance factors for all load
d0 ,k = .
Vk( 1) points, respectively, I tNS is the specified neu-
tral current for the main transformer at the
distribution substation and wk denotes a
1 n
Td 2 = ∑ ( d 2 ,k ) 2 , weighting factor that can be adjusted by dis-
n k =1 tribution engineers for their request.
spaces. The search of any G.A starts with a Each string is divided into a number of sub
random generation of a population of strings. strings equals the number of the problem
variables. Each sub string consists of a
number of genes to present one of the
variables in a certain coding system. Fig. 1
depicts the flow chart of the proposed G.A
5. Application
Table 3
Genetic algorithm results with load pattern 0.4, 0.4, and 0.2
Switch off [7 9 14 28 32] [7 9 14 28 32] [7 9 14 28 32] [7 9 14 28 32] [7 10 14 28 32]
Switch on [33 34 35 36 37] [33 34 35 36 37] [33 34 35 36 37] [33 34 35 36 37] [33 34 35 36 37]
TSu (kva) 2252.682 2252.862 2252.862 2252.862 2247.555
TLL ( kw) 158.121 158.121 158.121 158.121 158.856
AVd (%) 2.761 2.761 2.761 2.761 2.765
INt (Amp) 126.607 126.607 126.607 126.607 126.61
Tdt (%) 2.011 2.011 2.011 2.011 2.014
Fitness* 0.6711 0.6837 0.6774 0.7029 0.725
Table 4
Genetic algorithm results with load pattern 0.1, 0.2, and 0.7
Switch off [14 20 21 25 29] [7 9 14 28 32] [10 19 22] [10 16 20 23] [9 15 21 23]
Switch on [33 34 35 36 37] [33 34 35 36 37] [34 35 37] [34 35 36 37] [34 35 36 37]
TS u (kva) 8943.48 6195.37 9862.03 9448.09 9372.76
TLL (kw) 233.927 311.667 212.746 215.558 114.4
AVd (%) 4.522 2.861 4.705 3.489 2.171
INt (Amp) 221.676 374.67 175.001 184.712 199.892
Tdt (%) 6.233 5.945 7.225 9.058 6.428
Fitness* 0.4228 0.6325 0.5296 0.6012 0.6632
*Fitness is the weighed multi-objective function
Case 5 in table 4 leads to lower active distribution feeders and 32 buses distribution
power losses than case1 in which the system showed the efficiency and capability of
weighting factor is directed towards the G.A in solving this type of problems. The
minimization of losses only. So using the G.A algorithm can be directed easily by experience
for solving the multi-objective optimization of the operator to minimize the total active
problem for feeder reconfiguration leads to power losses and at the same time improving
minimizing or improving total active power or minimizing total complex power, average
losses, total complex power, average voltage voltage drop, neutral current of the trans-
drop, neutral current of the main transformer former and total voltage unbalance factor
and total voltage unbalance factor. which are a major sign of better power quality.
6. Conclusions References
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