IEEE Paper
IEEE Paper
IEEE Paper
Abstract— Actual operating conditions of Secondary Radial into several segments like spider network. The social
Distribution System are unbalanced in nature and for stable Information sharing between the swarms are made strong and
operation of the system, the distribution system engineer should adaptive. Authors [5] proposed two methods, first one uses
account for operational imbalances within the system. With the the index vector method and the second one uses loss
continuing increase in load demand, future expansion of the
network is to be done basing on the load flow study of the
sensitivity factors for optimal size and sitting of capacitors in
distribution system network and thus, it is one of the most secondary distribution networks. In both methods, loss
important research fields for electrical engineering. Optimally reduction is same but the second method requires less
placed Distributed Generation (DG) units reduce system losses reactive power compensation. S. Sudhakar Reddy [7]
and lead an improvement in the voltage profile, system proposes the optimal size and location of DG and kVAr
reliability, load ability, voltage stability, voltage security and compensation by using the PSO method on the 37 bus system.
power quality. There are several techniques available for the This will be increasing the loading capacity of the secondary
optimum size and placement of DGs in the unbalanced radial distribution system within the thermal limits and energy
secondary distribution system (URSDS). In this paper, in saving. The article [8] presents the optimal placement and
URSDS, optimal placement of DGs is determined by using
modified sensitivity factor method and optimal size is
size of multiple DGs by applying hybrid PSO & Honey Bee
determined by using Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Mating Optimization (HBMO) methods. This method
(APSO) technique. The proposed technique is tested on 25 & 37 precisely improves voltage fluctuations and minimizes power
bus URSDS. Results show that network power losses are losses. M.H. Moradi, M. Abedini [9] proposed novel
reduced and voltage profiles are improved in each phase with combined Genetic Algorithm (GA) for optimal location of
optimal allocation. DG and PSO for optimal size of DG to minimize the power
losses, embellish the voltage stability in the system. In [10]
Keywords— Secondary radial distribution system, H. Manafi proposed both PSO and Differential
Unbalanced, Distributed Generation, PSO.
Evolution (DE) techniques for optimal place and size of the
I. INTRODUCTION DG. DE technique has good convergence rate and provided
the optimum results compared to PSO. In [11] Mohamed
Secondary Distribution system is a vital part of the Imran.A and Kowsalya.M used Loss sensitivity factor
electric power system since the reliability of electric power method to find the best locations for DG units. Bacterial
supply to the consumers is necessary. About 70% of losses Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) is used to find the
are occurred in the distribution system, while 30% losses optimal size of DG in order to minimize the operational costs,
occurred in the transmission system [14]. DG is a small scale network power losses and improving voltage stability. Banaja
power generation that is typically embedded within the Mohanty, Sasmita Tripathy [12] used Teaching Learning
secondary distribution system. By introducing DG units at Based Optimization (TLBO) method in order to find the
proper positions with the appropriate size distribution system optimum site and size of DG in the secondary distribution
losses can be reduced considerably. Main aim of the network. This method is tested against 33 and 69 bus systems
Distribution Generation is to minimize the losses, cost, and the results showed the good performance and
improve voltage profile, stability and to reduce greenhouse effectiveness of this method over Genetic algorithm and
gas emissions. Thus, DG placement and sizing are important Evolutionary methods. P.Vijay Babu and S.P. Singh [13]
factors in distribution systems. presented a two-stage procedure based on Loss Sensitivity
A simple but efficient 3-ϕ load flow algorithm for factor and analytical methods in order to find the location and
secondary radial distribution networks is proposed by size of the capacitors for optimizing the energy savings. This
Thukaram.D [1]. This method uses forward-backward technique is applied to 15, 34 and 69 bus systems. Apart from
propagation to find line currents and voltages. In [2], PSO the energy savings, operation and installation costs are
technique is used for determining the optimal size for included in this paper. In [14], Ant Lion optimization method
capacitive compensation and loss sensitivity factors for is used to find the optimal DG in order to reduce the losses
determining the optimal location to improve the voltage and voltage profile improvement. This method is based on the
profile as well as to minimize the active power loss in the hunting nature of ant lions. The effects of DG are investigated
secondary distribution system. Md. Sakhawat Hossen on the 37-bus unbalanced system in [15]. In this paper, the
[4] proposed a new evolutionary optimization based on PSO size of the DGs obtained based on the ambiguity methods and
technique called adaptive particle swarm optimization the location is found by using weighted multi-objective
technique. In this technique, the given search space is split Improved Particle Swarm Optimization technique.
DGmin = minimum DG rating & TABLE I. BUS VOLTAGES WITHOUT & WITH DG ON 25- BUS
N= number of steps to move the particle from one
position to the other. Without DG With DG
Bus No.
Step5: Run the URSDS load flow algorithm as given in |Va| pu |Vb| pu |Vc| pu |Va| pu |Vb| pu |Vc| pu
section II by placing a particle 'i' at the candidate bus and store 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
the real power loss (PLwithDG).
2 0.9720 0.9726 0.9767 0.9771 0.9776 0.9809
Step6: Evaluate the fitness function value (PLwithoutDG -
3 0.9644 0.9652 0.9705 0.9696 0.9702 0.9746
PLwithDG) of the particle ‘i’ and check with previous particle
best (pbest) value. If the current fitness function value > pbest 4 0.9613 0.9620 0.9682 0.9664 0.9670 0.9724
value, then assign the pbest value to the current value. 5 0.9600 0.9605 0.9671 0.9651 0.9655 0.9713
Step7: Find the current global best (gbest) maximum value
6 0.9596 0.9603 0.9654 0.9699 0.9704 0.9742
among the particles individual best (pbest) Values and check
7 0.9498 0.9503 0.9562 0.9651 0.9654 0.9695
Variational Algorithm
8 0.9566 0.9578 0.9632 0.9668 0.9679 0.9720 APSO
Method [8]
9 0.9450 0.9458 0.9518 0.9655 0.9659 0.9698 Ph-A Ph-B Ph-C Ph-A Ph-B Ph-C
10 0.9403 0.9412 0.9475 0.9658 0.9664 0.9700 DG
Size(kW) 205 205 205 215 215 215
11 0.9380 0.9391 0.9454 0.9667 0.9673 0.9707 DG
12 0.9371 0.9381 0.9442 0.9657 0.9663 0.9696 Location
13 13
13 0.9373 0.9383 0.9446 0.9697 0.9704 0.9738 Number)
Real Power 28.6 33.3
14 0.9469 0.9473 0.9533 0.9623 0.9624 0.9667 32.01 25.04
Loss (kW) 27.23 7 21.21 9
15 0.9463 0.9468 0.9527 0.9616 0.9619 0.9661 Reactive
Power Loss 32.7 30 31.89 37.08 35.4
16 0.9485 0.9488 0.9550 0.9639 0.9639 0.9684 6
17 0.9460 0.9461 0.9522 0.9613 0.9612 0.9655 Minimum 0.95 0.95 0.955
0.9557 0.9613 0.9504
Voltage 78 11 7
18 0.9567 0.9580 0.9631 0.9618 0.9630 0.9673 % Voltage
4.43 4.22 3.87 4.96 4.89 4.43
19 0.9532 0.9544 0.9589 0.9583 0.9594 0.9630
20 0.9519 0.9529 0.9572 0.9570 0.9579 0.9613
The performance of the 37-bus system with DG is also
21 0.9529 0.9548 0.9594 0.9580 0.9598 0.9636 compared with the results of variational algorithm similar to
22 0.9506 0.9530 0.9575 0.9557 0.9580 0.9616 the 25-bus system and the results are tabulated in Table VI.
23 0.9584 0.9590 0.9657 0.9635 0.9640 0.9698 TABLE IV. BUS VOLTAGES WITHOUT & WITH DG ON 37- BUS SYSTEM.
24 0.9564 0.9572 0.9641 0.9616 0.9622 0.9682
Without DG With DG
25 0.9541 0.9555 0.9622 0.9593 0.9605 0.9663 Bus No.
|Va| pu |Vb| pu |Vc| pu |Va| pu |Vb| pu |Vc| pu