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Preparation of Magnesium Carbonate

 Light Variety
MgSO4 . 7 H20 + Na2CO3 →(MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H2O+ Mg (HCO3)2 + Na2SO4 + H2O

 6 MgSO4 . 7 H20 + 6Na2CO3 →(MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H2O+ Mg (HCO3)2 +6Na2SO4 + 41H2O

2ND EQUATION : 5Mg (HCO3)2 + H2O →(MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H2O + 6 CO2

*since connected and both equations dapat equal sila so we multiply the 1st BALANCED equation by 5*
 30MgSO4 . 7 H20 + 30Na2CO3 →5(MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H2O+ 5Mg (HCO3)2 +30 Na2SO4 + 205H2O
Reacting ratio:
o 30MgSO4 .7 H20 : 6(MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H2O
 5:1
o 30Na2CO3 . H20 : 6(MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H2O
 5:1
 Heavy Variety
5MgSO4 . 7 H20 + 5Na2CO3 . H2O →(MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H2O+ 5Na2SO4 + CO2+34H2O

Reacting Ratio :
5MgSO4 . 7 H20: 1 →(MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H2O

Test for Identity

1. Pinch amount + 5 mL HCl


(MgCO3)4.Mg(OH)2.5H2O + HCl →MgCl2+ CO2+H2O
2. Solution in Number 1 + 1mL NH4Cl + 1mL Mg Na2HPO4
 Mg+2
 NH4Cl + Na2HPO + MgCl2 →Mg Na2HPO4 + NaCl
(White Crystalline)
 Pinch amount of product + H2O to dissolve + 6M NaOH + titan yellow →Mg(OH)2 red lake

Physical properties:

 White amorphous powder, slight earthly taste, Bulky powder

Factors that determine the variety of MgCO3 prepared :

 Amount / volume & temperature of the water used in the preparation

 Temperature at which the ppt. is dried
Variety Amount/Volume & Temp of H20 Temp at which ppt is dried
LV Cold Water (62.5 mL) Dried in a temp nmt 100 C
HV Boiling water (12.5 mL) Dried without heat

Uses: Antacid & Laxative

Potassium Acetate

1. Aqueous solution of KAc (0.5 in 10), divide into 2 portions

a. K+
1st portion + Na3Co(NO2)6 dropwise until change
CH3COOK + Na3Co(NO2)6 → K2Na3Co(NO2)6 + NaCH3COO

b. CH3COO-
1. 2ND portion + FeCl3 dropwise until distinct change + acidify with 6M HCl
CH3COOK + FeCl3→ Fe (CH3COO) 3 + KCl
(YELLOW solution)
→ acidified with HCl forms FeCl3
2. Pinch amount CH3COOK + H2SO4 & HEAT
(Vinegar odor)
3. Solution in b-1 + 2 mL 95% C2H5OH, heat in water
(Fruity odor)
4. Pyrolysis
Heating strongly an organic substance which decompose into volatile and inflammable vapours and
leaves a residue containing particles of carbon.
a. Complete Oxidation
CH3COOK + O2→ K2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
(White residue)
K2CO3 + H2SO4→ K2SO4+ CO2 + H2O
b. Incomplete Oxidation
CH3COOK + O2→ K2CO3 + C + H2O
(Black residue)
K2CO3 + H2SO4→ K2SO4+ CO2 + H2O

Preparation of Potassium Sodium Tartrate U.S.P.

2 KHC4H4O6+Na2CO3.H2O + 6H20 →2KNa C4H4O6 + CO2

Test for Identity

1) 4mL mother Liquor + 10 ml H2o, divide to 4 portions
a. 1st portion + 3-5 gtts. Na3Co(NO2)6
 K+
 2KNa C4H4O6.4H2O + Na3Co(NO2)6→K2NaCo(NO2)6↓
(Yellow ppt)
b. 2 portion + 3-5 gtts K2H2Sb2O7 or KH2SbO4
 2KNa C4H4O6.4H2O + K2H2Sb2O7 →Na2H2Sb2O7 ↓
(White ppt)
 2KNa C4H4O6.4H2O + KH2SbO4→Na2 H2SbO4 ↓
(White ppt)
c. 3rd portion + AgNo3 dropwise until ppt + 6M NH4OH to dissolve ppt , heat in H2O
 C4H4O6 -2 (Tollen’s test)
 KNa C4H4O6.4H2O + 2 AgNo3 →Ag2C4H4O6 ↓+KNO3 + NaNO3 + 4H2O
(White ppt)
 Ag2C4H4O6 + excess 6M NH4OH → Ag (NH3)2 →heated →Ag0
(Colorless soln) (Silver mirror)
d. 4th portion + 6M CH3COOH → KHC4H4O6.4H2O↓+ CH3COONa
(White crys. “Cream of tartar”)

2) Pyrolysis
a. Complete Oxidation
KNaC4H4O6.4H2O + O2→ K2CO3 + Na2CO3 +CO2↑ + H2O
(White residue)
K2CO3 + H2SO4→ K2SO4+ CO2 ↑+ H2O
b. Incomplete Oxidation
KNaC4H4O6.4H2O + O2→ K2CO3 + Na2CO3 +CO2↑ + C + H2O
(Black residue)
K2CO3 + H2SO4→ K2SO4+ CO2 ↑+ H2O

Potassium Iodide Saturated Solution

KI (s) + H2O → KI (sat)

 Clear colourless and odourless solution having a characteristic, strongly salty taste
 Reaction with Litmus paper :Neutral or slightly alkaline to litmus paper; sp.gr. 1.7000

Test for identity

 3 drops of KISS + 10 drops CHCl3 + 2 drops 3MH2SO4 + KMnO4 dropwise → note CHCl3 layer
 3 drops of KISS + 3 drops of H2O + acidify with 6M CH3CHOOH + 3 drops NaNO2 + 1 drop of starch
solution → note colour
 5 drops HgCl2 + Sn Metal + excess KISS → note VISIBLE RESULTS

Oral Rehydration Solution

 Normal healthy Intestine

 Continuous exchange of H2O through the intestinal wall by osmosis
 Up to 20 L of H20 is:
 Secreted and nearly as much is reabsorbed every 24 hours
 Mechanism allows reabsorption into the blood stream of soluble metabolites from digested
 In State of Diarrhea
 There should be electrolyte ion balance
 More H2O is secreted than reabsorbed
 Na is lost (store in the interstitial fluids and blood plasma (extracellular fluids))
 Chronic loss of K (repeated attacks of diarrhea) (K held in the intracellular fluids), results in muscular
weakness, lethargy and anorexia
 Concentration of Na+
 In the extracellular fluid
 135-140 mmol/L for proper functioning of the body
 Controlled by the renal function
 In case of Dehydration
 H2O is conserved by anuria (no passage of urine, in practice is defined as the passage of lesse than
50 milliliters of urine in a day. Anuria is often caused by failure in the function of kidneys)
 Na is not regulated
 Continued Diarrhea
 Cause rapid depletion of H2O & Na
 More than 10% loss of body fluids, death occurs
 Best method to combat dehydration caused by diarrhea
 50 mL/ Kg body weight ( for mild dehydration)
 100 mL/ Kg given over 4 hours (Moderate dehydration)

Approximate concentrations of the principal ions in the Plasma, Interstitial & Intracellular fluids in an average man

Ions Plasma Interstitial Intracellular

Na 140 Mmol/L 144 Mmol/L 10 Mmol/ L
K 4 4 155
Ca 2.5 2 1
Mg 1 1 15
CL 102 114 5
HCO3- 27 30 10
HPO4 1 1 50

Concentration and Function of Glucose in the ORS

 Glucose – absorbed through the intestinal all

 Na – carried by a co-transport mechanism
 1 molecule glucose co-transports 1 molecule Na (1:1 ratio)
 Glucose – does not co-transport water
 Increased conc. Of Na across the intestinal wall that pulls water through it

Reason why it is NOT advisable to give commercial drinks (Gatorade) in treating diarrhea

 Composition of ORS
 Complex carbohydrates or 2 % glucose , 50- 90 mmol/ L Na
 Commercial drinks DO NOT MEET the criteria & should not be used for the purpose of treating diarrhea

Role of K+ in oral rehydration therapy

 Repeated diarrhea- causes chronic loss of K+ resulting to muscular weakness, lethargy & anorexia
 Restoring K+ deficit- promotes a feeling of well-being, stimulates appetite & activity of the patient
 K+ unlike Na+ - absorbed passively

Reason why HCO3- is included in the ORS

 Relevant for correction of metabolic acidosis of diarrheal dehydration.

 Metabolic Acidosis
 Results whenever there is electrolyte imbalance & fluid loss like in the cases of diarrhea
 Corrected by addition of K+ in the ORS

50 mL/Kg body wt. Mild dehydration every 4 hours

100 mL /Kg body wt. Moderate dehydration every 4 hours
10 mL / Kg body wt. Diarrheal stool, after 4 hours, the patient is reassessed
5mL If patient is vomiting every 5 minutes
Increasing gradually as tolerated

 CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

 Ca(OH)2 + S →CaS5 + CaS2O3 + H2o
 CaS5 + HCl → S+ CaCl2 + H2S
 Balance them all out since they are all related

 3CaO + 3H2O → 3Ca(OH)2

 3Ca(OH)2 +12 S →2CaS5 + CaS2O3 + 3H2o
 2CaS5 + 4HCl → 8S+ 2CaCl2 + 2H2S

Physical Properties: Pale yellow, odourless, very fine amorphous powder, neutral to litmus

Test of purity

1. 15 ml washings into 3 portions

a. 1st to Litmus paper
b. 2nd + 2mL K2C2O4 = white ppt of Ca (impurity)
c. 3rd + 2ml AgNO3 = white ppt of Cl (impurity)
2. Pinch amount of precipitated Sulfur + 1mL CS2 = Soluble – absence of other forms of S

Solution is kept alkaline in the preparation of precipitated Sulfur

 Flowers of S
 Contains small amount of As2S5 when digested with Ca(OH)2, Calcium arsenite & Calcium
sulfoarsenate [Ca3(AsO4)2 & Ca3(AsS4)2 ] are formed which are soluble in the alkaline liquid.
 2 As2S5 + Ca(OH)2 → Ca3(AsO4)2 & Ca3(AsS4)2 + 4 H2O + 2 H2S

If solution is made acidic

 Ca3(AsS4)2 (Calcium sulfoarsenate) – decomposes into insoluble As2S5 which will again contaminate the
ppted. S.
 Ca3(AsS4)2 + 6 HCl → 3CaCl2 + As2S5 ↓ + 3H2S
(yellow ppt)

Preferred ppted Sulfur – Liquid mixtures because the particles are lighter and more easily suspended

Chemical names :

Lime – CaO ; Lime water, Slaked lime – Ca(OH)2; Limestone – CaCO3; Milk of lime - susp of Ca(OH)2

Other forms :

 Sublimed Sulfur or Flowers of Sulfur or Azufire

 Washed Sulfur

Allotropic forms: Rhombic → Monoclinic → Liquid/ Mobile Sulfur → Plastic

Uses of Sulfur:

 Scabicide, Cathartic
 Used in various skin disease for its keratolytic & fungicidal action
 Dermatological agent in the treatment of :
 Seborrhea- abnormal secretion of sebum from sebaceous gland giving an oily/scaly appearance to
the skin
 Acne
 Psoriasis

Boric Acid

 Colorless, odourless, sour taste

 Crystals/ Scaly – soluble in H20
 Powder- tends to float on the surface of H20
 Soapy Feeling

HCl used instead of H2SO4 in the preparation

 HCL- volatile acid, no residual traces will remain on the crystal surfaces when dried
 H2SO4 – non –volatile , less easily removed

Cold water used in washing the crystals

 Crystals are less soluble in cold water

Therapeutic Uses:

 Eyewash or collyria;
 Bacteriostatic Agent
 Buffer component

Official solution before use for ophthalmic purposes

 Solution- warmed or diluted with equal volume of water , some will crystallize out and should be
dissolved otherwise will irritate the eyes.

Calculate the volume of 12N HCl (D= 1.185 g/ml containing 36.31% by mass of HCl) necessary to react with the amount
of borax used in the preparation.

 Na2B4O7.10H2O + 2 HCl → 4H3BO3+ 2NaCl + 5 H2O

 Theoretical mass of HCl from 30g Na2B4O7.10H2O = 5.74 g HCl
 12N HCl (D= 1.185 g/ml containing 36.31% by mass of HCl) or
 Vol = (wt* % w/w) / sp.gr = (5.54 g HCl * 0.3631) /1.185 g/ml = 13.33 mL
 *15 mL of the HCl was used in the preparation ;
 15- 13.33 = 1.67 ml excess of HCl used in the preparation

Calculation of Theoretical yield

 Determine the Limiting reagent; Choose the smaller value

g borax (molar mass)→ mole borax (mole ratio) → mole of H3BO3 (molar mass) → g H3BO3
g = Molar x Molar mass x L

Calculation of Percent Yield

 Actual yield / theoretical yield x 100%

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