Dr. Mark S. Rosenbaum Vita
Dr. Mark S. Rosenbaum Vita
Dr. Mark S. Rosenbaum Vita
Professor and Chair, Department of Retailing, University of South Carolina
Fulbright Specialist (Services Marketing, Uzbekistan),
Senior Fulbright Scholar (Nepal); Fulbright Scholar (Cambodia),
Research Faculty Fellow, W.P. Carey School of Business,
Visiting Professor of Services Marketing, American Hotel Academy, Brasov, Romania
Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing, Universidad de Externado, Bogota Colombia
Ph.D. Arizona State University, W. P. Carey School of Business, 2003; Major Field:
Marketing. Emphasis in Service Marketing
M.S. San Diego State University, 1999; Major Field: Total Quality Management
Thesis: A Review of Total Quality Management in Service Industries
M.A. New York University, 1996; Major Field: International
Business/Interdisciplinary Studies. Thesis: The Potential of Direct Marketing in
Southeast Asia
MBA University of Illinois at Chicago, 1991, Major Field: Marketing
B.S. Indiana University, 1988, Major Field: Finance
2020 - Saint Xavier University, Dean and Professor, Graham School of Management
2017 - 2019 University of South Carolina, Professor and Chair, Department of Retailing
2011- 2016 Northern Illinois University, Professor, Kohl’s Corporation Professor of
Retail Marketing
2006 - 2011 Northern Illinois University, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing
2003 - 2006 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing
1999 - 2003 Lecturer, Arizona State University
1998 - 1999 Lecturer, San Diego State University & California State University San Marcos
Services Marketing (MBA)
Marketing Internship (MBA)
Marketing Capstone (MBA)
Arizona State University, Department of Marketing, W. P. Carey School of Business, Executive Ed.
Executive Program: Honeywell
Award recipient for outstanding online faculty
Clarke, C. M. A., Buoye, A., Keiningham, T., Kandampully, J., Rosenbaum, M. S., and Juraidini, A.
(2019), "Some Foundational Factors for Promoting Human Flourishing," Humanistic
Management Journal. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41463-019-00064-8
Friman, Margareta, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Tobias Otterbring (2019), “The Relationship between
Exchanged Resources and Loyalty Intentions,” Service Industries Journal. Available at
Rosenbaum, Mark S. Rosenbaum, Kathy (Kawon) Kim, Germán Contreras Ramirez, Augusto
Rodríguez Orejuela, and Joohyung Park (2019), “Improving Well-Being via Adaptive Reuse:
Transformative Repurposed Service Organizations,” Service Industries Journal. Available at:
Russell-Bennett, R., Raymond P. Fisk, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Nadia Zainuddin (2019),
“Commentary: Transformative Service Research and Social Marketing – Converging
Pathways to Social Change,” Journal of Services Marketing, available at Emerald Insight DOI
10.1108/JSM-10-2018-0304/full/html. Available at:
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and German Contreras Ramirez (2019), “The Role of Cancer Resource Center
Services on Men’s Health,” Journal of Services Marketing, available at Emerald Insight
DOI10.1108/JSM-06-2018-0185. Available at:
Rosenbaum, Mark S., German Contreras Ramirez, Jeffrey Campbell, and Philipp Klaus (2019), “The
product is me: Hyper-personalized consumer goods as unconventional luxury,” Journal of
Business Research, Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.05.017
Demangeot, Catherine, Eva Kipnis, Chris Pullig, Samantha N.N. Cross, Julie Emontspool, Cristina
Galalae, Sonya A. Grier, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Susy F. Fest (forthcoming), “Constructing
a Bridge to Multicultural Marketplace Well-Being: A Consumer-centered Framework for
Marketer Action.” Journal of Business Research, 100, 339-353.
El-Manstrly, D. and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2018), “Encouraging male participation in cancer resource
centers,” Service Industries Journal, 38(1-2), 114-126.
Fisk, Raymond., Alison M. Dean, Linda Alkire (Nasr), Alison Joubert, Josephine Previte, Mark S.
Rosenbaum (2018), “Design for Service Inclusion: Creating Inclusive Service Systems by
2050,” Journal of Service Management, 29(5), 834-858. Recipient of Best Paper Finalist
Award for 2018.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Ofir Mimram, and Tali Seger-Guttman (2018), “The Role of Social
Incompatibility in Customer Discomfort,” Journal of Service Management, available at
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and Augusto Rodríguez Orejula (2018), “Understanding
Healthcare Service Quality in developing Latin America,” Health Marketing Quarterly, 35
(4), 167-185.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and German Contreras Ramirez (2018), "Understanding
Black Market Retailing: The case of Colombia’s San Andresitos," Journal of Service Theory
and Practice. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/JSTP-06-2017-0090.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Germán Contreras Ramírez, Jaime Rivera Camino (2018), “The
Restorative Potential of Biophilic Lifestyle Center Designs,” Journal of Retailing and
Consumer Services, 40, 66-73.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Germán Contreras Ramírez, Nancy Matos (2018), “A neuroscientific
perspective of consumer responses to retail greenery,” Service Industries Journal. Available
at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02642069.2018.1487406.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Carol Kelleher, Margareta Friman, Per Kristensson, and Anne Scherer
(2017), “Re-Placing Place in Marketing: A Formal Theory of Place,” Journal of
Business Research, 79, 281-289.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Eric M. Russell, and Rebekah Russell-Bennett (2017), “I’ll Wait for
Him”: Understanding When Female Shoppers Prefer Working with Gay Male Sales
Associates,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 36, 172-179.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and German Contreras Ramirez (2017), “How to Create a
Customer Journey Map,” Business Horizons, 60 (1), 143-150.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Rojan Baniya, and Tali Seger-Guttmann (2017), “Customer
Responses towards Disabled Frontline Employees” submitted to the International Journal of
Retailing and Distribution Management, 55 (4), 385-403.
Seger-Guttman, T., Iris Vilai-Yavnetz, and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2017), “Disparate Satisfaction
Scores? Consider Your Customer’s Country-of-Origin: A Case Study.” International Review
of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research, 27 (2), 189-206.
Malla, B. and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2016), “Understanding Nepalese Labor Migration to Gulf
Countries,” Journal of Poverty, 21, 411-433.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and German C. Ramirez (2016), “The Dark Side of
Experience Seeking Mall Customers,” International Journal of Retailing and Distribution
Management, 44 (12), 1206-1222.
Rosenbaum, Mark S, Ipkin Anthony Wong, and Cheng (Jake) Mingming (2016), “Introducing
Servicescape Knockoffs: Understanding consumer acceptance and rejection of inauthentic
retail establishments,” Journal of Business Research, 69 (7), 2448 – 2455. Selected for
publication as part of the Global Marketing Conference, Singapore 2014, selected as a best in
track manuscript.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Jane Van De Velde (2016), “The Effects of Yoga, Massage, and Reiki
Sessions on Cancer Resource Center Members’ Well-Being,” Clinical Journal of Oncology
Nursing, 20 (3), E77 – 81.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and German Contreras Ramirez (2016). The Restorative
Potential of Shopping Malls, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31, 157-165.
Tsiotsou, Rodoula and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2016), “Services in the New Economic and Social
Landscape,” Journal of Services Management, 27 (2), introduction.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Rebekah Russell-Bennett, and Judy Drennan (2015), “Commercial Friendships
between Gay Sales Associates and Straight Female Customers in Luxury Settings: A Proposed
Theoretical Framework,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 27, 179-186.
Martin, Drew, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Sunny Ham (2015), “Marketing Tourism and Hospitality
Products Worldwide: Introduction to the Special Issue,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (9),
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2015), “Guest editorial: Transformative Service Research: Research that
Matters, Services Industries Journal, 35 (15/16), 801-805. Special issue editor,
Transformative Service Research II, Mark S. Rosenbaum, Ed.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2015), “Guest editorial: Transformative Service Research: Focus on Well-
Being,” Service Industries Journal, 35 (7/8), 363-367. Special issue editor, Transformative
Service Research. Mark S. Rosenbaum, Ed.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ipkin Anthony Wong, (2015), “Green Marketing Programs as Strategic
Initiatives in Hospitality,” Journal of Services Marketing, 29 (2), 81–92.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ipkin Anthony Wong (2015), “If You Install It, Will They Use It?
Understanding why Hospitality Customers Take “Technological Pauses” from Self-Service
Technology,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (9), 1862-1868. Selected for publication as
part of the Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, 2012, selected as a best in track manuscript.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and German C. Ramirez (2015), “Promoting Problem-
Based Learning in Retailing and Services Marketing Course Curricula with Reality
Television,” Journal of Education for Business, 90 (4), 182-191.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Jill Sweeney, and Carolyn Massiah (2014), “The Restorative Potential of Senior
Centers,” Managing Service Quality, 24 (4), 363-383.
Laurel Anderson, Amy L. Ostrom, Canan Corus, Raymond P. Fisk, Andrew S. Gallan, Mario Giraldo,
Martin Mende, Mark Mulder, Steven W. Rayburn, Mark S. Rosenbaum, Kunio Shirahada, and
Jerome D. Williams (2013), “Transformative Service Research: An Agenda for the Future,”
Journal of Business Research, 66 (8), 1203-1210. Recipient Emerald Citations of
Excellence, 2016
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Carolyn Massiah, and Richard Wozniak (2013), “Social Commonalities and
Subjective Discounts,” International Journal of Retailing and Distribution Management, 41
(9), 671– 687.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Jillian Smallwood (2013), “Cancer Resource Centers as Third Places,”
Journal of Services Marketing, 27 (6), 472 – 484.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Kate Daunt, and Anny Jiang (2013), “Craigslist Exposed: The Internet Mediated
Hookup,” Journal of Homosexuality, 60 (4), 505-531
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Ioana Moraru, and Lauren Labrecque (2013), “A Multicultural Service
Sensitivity Exercise for Marketing Students,” Journal of Marketing Education, 35 (1), 5-17.
Awarded best paper at the Marketing Educator’s Conference 2012, Long Beach, California.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Gianfranco Walsh, and Richard Wozniak (2012), “Family Allowances as
Reverse Retail Discrimination,” International Journal of Retail and Distribution
Management, selected as a best paper at the American Associate of Collegiate Retailing
Association (ACRA) Spring Conference, 40 (5), 342 – 359.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Drew Martin (2012), “Wearing Community: Why Customers Purchase a
Service Firm’s Logo Products,” Journal of Services Marketing, 26 (5), 310-321. Selected as
Best in Track paper at the American Marketing Association.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Gianfranco Walsh (2012), “Service Nepotism in the Marketplace,” British
Journal of Management, 23(2), 241–256. (Appeared in Online First, 2011).
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ipkin A. Wong (2012), “The Effect of Instant Messaging Services on
Society’s Mental Health,” Journal of Service Marketing, 26 (2), 124-136.
Spears, Daniel L and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2012), “The Packaged Tourist: A Japanese and American
Perspective,” Tourismos, 7 (1), 19-40.
Wong, Ipkin A. and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2012), “Beyond Hardcore Gambling: Understanding Why
Mainland Chinese Visit Casinos in Macau,” Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 36
(1), 32 – 51.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Jillian A. Smallwood (2011), “Cancer Resource Centres: Transformational
Services and Restorative Servicescapes,” Journal of Marketing Management, 27 (13/14),
1404-1425, selected as a best paper finalist at the Academy of Marketing 2011 Conference.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Jillian Sweeney, and Jillian Smallwood (2011), “Restorative Cancer Resource
Center Servicescapes,” Managing Service Quality, 21 (6), 599-616, selected as a best paper at
the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy 2010 Conference.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Canan Corus, Amy L. Ostrom, Laurel Anderson, Raymond P. Fisk, Andrew S.
Gallan, Martin Mende, Mark Mulder, Mario Giraldo, Steven W. Rayburn, Kunio Shirahada,
and Jerome D. Williams (2011), “Conceptualization and Aspirations of Transformative
Service Research,” Journal of Research for Consumers, Issue 19, available at:
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Carolyn Massiah (2011), “An Expanded Servicescape Perspective,” Journal
of Service Management, special issue, selected as a best paper at the American Marketing
Association Services Marketing Special Interest Group (SERVSIG; Ray Fisk and Lia Patrcio
Guest Editors), 22 (4), 471-490.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Ronald Kuntze, and Barbara Ross-Wooldridge (2011), “Understanding
Unethical Retail Disposition Practice and Restraint from the Consumer Perspective,”
Psychology & Marketing, 28 (1), 29-52.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ipkin A. Wong (2010), “Value Equity in Event Planning: A Case Study of
Macau,” special issue on latest trends in tourism, Marketing Intelligence and Planning. 28 (4),
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Jillian Sweeney, and Carla Windhorst (2009), “The Restorative Qualities of an
Activity-Based, Third Place Café for Seniors: Restoration, Social Support, and Place
Attachment at Mather’s –More-Than-a- Café,” Seniors Housing & Care Journal, 17 (1),
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ipkin A. Wong (2009), “Modeling Customer Equity, SERVQUAL, and
Ethnocentrism: A Vietnamese Case Study,” International Journal of Service Industries
Management, special issue on Southeast Asian marketing, Jochen Wirtz guest editor, 20 (5),
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2009), “Exploring Commercial Friendships from the Employees’ Perspectives,”
Journal of Services Marketing, 23 (1), 57-67.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Daniel L. Spears (2009), “Using Group Comparisons in AMOS to Explore
Shopping as a Travel Driver,” International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality
Research, 3(4), 313 – 325.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2008), “Return on Community for Consumers and Service Establishments,”
Journal of Service Research,” 11 (2), 179-196. “Best Article Award Finalist,” for 2008.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2008), “Doing Quantitative Grounded Theory: A Theory of Trapped Travel
Consumption,” Grounded Theory Review, 7 (3), 83-91.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., James Ward. Beth A. Walker, and Amy L. Ostrom (2007), “A Cup of Coffee
with a Dash of Love: An Investigation of Commercial Social Support and Third-Place
Attachment,” Journal of Service Research, 10 (1), 43-59. “Best Article Award Finalist,” for
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ipkin A. Wong (2007), “The Darker Side of the Servicescape:
A Case Study of the Bali Syndrome,” International Journal of Culture, Travel, and
Hospitality Research, 1 (3), 161-174.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2007), “The Hedonic Repeat Visit: Exploring Consumption Differences
between First-Time and Repeat Japanese Visitors in Hawaii,” Tourism Analysis, 11 (5),
Rosenbaum, Mark S., and Carolyn Massiah (2007), “When Customers Receive Support from Other
Customers: Exploring the Influence of Intercustomer Social Support on Customer Voluntary
Performance,” Journal of Service Research, 9 (3), 257-270.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., and Detra Montoya (2007), “Exploring the Role of Ethnicity in Place
Avoidance and Approach Decisions,” Journal of Business Research, 60 (3), 206-214.
Deborah McCabe, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Jennifer Yurchisin (2007), “Perceived Service Quality
and Shopping Motivations: A Dynamic Relationship,” Services Marketing Quarterly, 29 (1),
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2006), “Exploring the Social Supportive Role of Third Places in Consumers’
Lives,” Journal of Service Research, 9(1), 59-72.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Daniel L. Spears (2006), “Who buys what? Who does that? The Case of
Golden Week in Hawaii,” Journal of Vacation Marketing, 12 (3), 246-255.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Daniel L. Spears (2006), “An Exploration of Spending Behaviors among
Japanese Tourists,” Journal of Travel Research, 44 (4), 467-473.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Daniel L. Spears (2005), “Who Buys That? Who Does What? Analysis of
Cross-Cultural Consumption Behaviors among Tourists in Hawaii,” Journal of Vacation
Marketing, 11 (3), 235-247.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Carolyn Massiah, and Donald W. Jackson J. (2005), “The Role of Trust in
Professional Services Relationships,” Services Marketing Quarterly, 27 (3), 115-135.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Amy Ostrom, and Ronald Kuntze (2005), “Loyalty Programs and a Sense of
Community,” Journal of Services Marketing, 19 (4), 222-233.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2005), “Meet the Cyberscape,” Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 23 (7),
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2005), “The Symbolic Servicescape: Your Kind is Welcomed Here,” Journal of
Consumer Behaviour, 4, 257-267.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ronald Kuntze (2004), " Looking Good at the Retailer's Expense:
Investigating Unethical Retail Disposition Behavior among Compulsive Buyers.,” Journal of
Retailing and Consumer Services, 12 (3), 217-225.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ronald Kuntze (2003), “The Relationship between Anomie and Unethical
Retail Disposition" Psychology and Marketing, 20 (12), 1067-1093.
Widmier, Scott, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Donald Jackson Jr. (2003), “Keys to Implementing
Productive Sales Force Automation,” Marketing Management Journal, 13 (1), 1-13.
Naumann, Earl, Donald W. Jackson, Jr. and Mark Rosenbaum (2001), “How to Implement a Customer
Satisfaction Program,” Business Horizons, 44 (1), 37-46.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Carolyn Massiah (2013), “The Challenge of Managing a Service Context,”
in Serving Customers: Global Reflections on Services Marketing,” in Serving Customers:
Global Services Marketing Perspectives, Ray Fisk, Rebekah Russell-Bennett, and Lloyd
Harris, eds. Tilde University Press.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Carolyn Massiah (2010), “Beyond the Physical Servicescape:
How Social, Symbolic, and Restorative Servicescapes Influence Consumer Behavior,” in
Environmental Psychology: New Developments, eds. Jorge Valentin and Lucila Gamez,
Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 195-210.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ipkin Anthony Wong (2008), “When Tourists Desire an Artificial Culture:
The Bali Syndrome in Hawaii,” in Tourism Management: Analysis, Behaviour, and Strategy,
ed. Arch Woodside and Drew Martin, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI, 174-184.
Social Innovation Thought Leadership Conference, hosted by Fordham University, Tarrytown, NY,
November 1-3, 2018. Measurement and Outcomes: Assessing the Economic and Social
Impact of Sustainability Efforts.
“Theorizing beyond the horizon: Service Research in 2050,” November 3-5, 2017 hosted by The
University of Queensland and the Australian National University, Brisbane, Australia. All
invited tracks will be published in the Journal of Service Management.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., German Contreras Ramirez, Jeffrey Campbell, and Philipp Klaus (2019), “The
Product is Me: Hyper-Personalized Consumer Goods as Unconventional Luxury” American
Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference, August 9-11, Chicago, IL.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., German Contreras Ramirez, and Dahlia El-Manstrly (2019), “A Neuroscientific
Perspective of a Shopper’s Response to the Presence of Others in Enclosed Shopping Malls:
Exposing the Terror Genie,” Frontiers in Services Conference, July 18-21, National University
of Singapore, Singapore.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Philip Klaus, and Volker G. Kuppelweiser (2019), “Thinking for Service
Inclusion: Reimagining our Understanding of Consumers in Marketplaces,” 26th Recent
Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Conference, July 8-11, Tallinn, Estonia
Rosenbaum, Mark S., German Contreras Ramirez, Dahlia El-Manstrly, and Jason Sit (2019), “A
Neuroscientific Perspective of the Presence of Shoppers in Enclosed Malls,” 26th Recent
Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Conference, July 8-11, Tallinn, Estonia.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ohad Bolotin (2019), “Marketing Technology Workshop: Teaching Internet
Solutions with Wix” Marketing Educators’ Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 3-5.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2018), “The New Hyper-Personalization Luxury Market: Using a Customer’s
DNA in Consumer Goods Industries,” International Conference on Tourism and Retail
Management, at the Institute for Tourism, Macau, China, December 2-4.
Fisk, Ray, Alison Dean, Linda Alkire, Nichola Robertson, Mark S. Rosenbaum, Josephine Previte, and
Alison Joubert (2018), “Design for Service Inclusion: Creating Just Service Systems,”
presented at Frontiers in Service Conference, Austin, TX, September 6-9.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Dahlia El-Manstrly (2018), “Cancer Resource Centers and the Male Cancer
Patients,” presented at Frontiers in Service, Austin, TX, September 6-9.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and German Contreras Ramirez (2018), “A Neuroscientific Perspective of
Consumer Responses Towards Retail Greenery,” presented at 25th Recent Advances in
Retailing And Services Science Conference, Madera, Portugal, July 16-18.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Kawon Kathy Kim, German Contreras Ramirez, Augusto Rodríguez Orejuela,
Joohyung Park (2018), “The Transformative Third Place,” presented at SERVSIG
Opportunities for Services in a Challenging World, IÉSEG School of Management, Paris-La
Défense Campus, France, June 14 – 16, 2018.
Raymond P. Fisk, Alison Dean, Linda Alkire, Alison M. Joubert, Josephine Previte, Nichola
Robertson, and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2018), “Service in 2050,” presented at SERVSIG
Opportunities for Services in a Challenging World, IÉSEG School of Management, Paris-La
Défense Campus, France, June 14 – 16, 2018.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Dahlia El-Manstrly (2018), “Cancer Resource Centers and their Male
Cancer Patients,” presented at the 15th International Research Conference in Service
Management, La Londe les Maures, France, June 10 - 13 2018.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., German C. Ramirez, and Nancy Matos (2018), “A Neuroscientific Perspective
of Consumer Brain Activity Towards Retail Greenery,” presented at the Innovation,
Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Development Conference, Universidad de Los Andes,
Cartagena, Colombia, May 30 – June 1, 2018.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and German C. Ramirez (2017), “Understanding consumer
acceptance or rejection retail black market retailing: The case of Colombia’s San Andresitos,”
presented at the Association of Consumer Research Latin American Conference, July 5-8,
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and German C. Ramirez (2017), “Understanding
Consumer Acceptance or Rejection of the Retail Black Market,” presented at the 2017 Recent
Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference, June 26-29, Burnaby/Vancouver.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. Carol Kelleher, Margareta Friman, Per Kristensson, and Anne Scherer (2017),
“Re-Placing Place in Marketing: A Formal Theory of Place,” presented at QUIS 15, June
12-15, University of Porto, Portugal.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Tali-Seger Guttmann, and Ofir Mimran (2017), “Negotiating Discomfort: Israeli
Arabs and Jews in Service Settings,” presented at QUIS 15, June 12-15, University of Porto,
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Drew Martin, and Tali Seger-Guttmann (2016), “Giving Meaning to Places of
Destruction: The Impact of Visiting Holocaust Sites on Israeli Jews,” presented at the 2016
Global Marketing Conference, July 21-25, Hong Kong, China.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and German C. Ramirez (2016), “The Dark Side of
Experience-Seeking Mall Shoppers,” presented at the 2016 Recent Advances in Retailing and
Conference Science Conference, July 11 – 14, 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio L. Otalora, and German C. Ramirez (2016), “The Dark Side of
Experience-Seeking Mall Shoppers,” presented at Frontiers in Services Conference, July 11 –
14, 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. June 23 – 26, Bergen, Norway.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Judy Drennan (2016), “Commercial Friendships
between Gay Sales Associates and Straight Female Customers,” presented at SERVSIG 2016,
Maastricht University, June 17 – 19, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Tali Seger-Guttmann, and Iris Vilani-Yavetz (2016), “Disparate Satisfaction
Scores? Consider a Customer's Country-of-Origin: A Case Study,” presented at SERVSIG
2016, Maastricht University, June 17 – 19, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2016), “Disabled Front-Line Employees and Service Quality,” presented at the
Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, June 2 - 4, 2016, Toulouse Business School,
Toulouse France.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Russell-Bennett, R., and Drennan, J. (2015), “Of Course You May Help Me!
Commercial Friendships between Gay Male Sales Associates and Straight Female Customers
in Retail Stores,” presented at 22nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing
and Consumer Services Science, July 27-30, 2015, Montreal, Canada.
Defries A., Russell-Bennett, R., Johnston, K., and Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2015), “Silver Surfers:
Proposing an E-Servicescape Framework for Active Ageing,” presented at the 2015 World
Social Marketing Conference, April 19-21, Sydney, Australia.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Ray Fisk, and colleagues (2014), “Special Session:
Transforming Consumer’s Lives through Marketing,” presented at the 2014 International
Social Marketing (2014 ISM) conference at Monash University, Peninsula Campus
(Frankston), July 17 – 18, 2014.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2014), ““Classroom Rescue! Introducing Reality Television to Retailing and
Services Marketing Course Curricula,” presented at 21st International Conference on Recent
Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, July 7-10, Bucharest, Romania.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Judy Drennan, and Carolyn Massiah (2014),
“Commercial Friendships between Gay Salesmen and Straight Female Customers,” presented
at presented at the American Marketing Association Services Marketing Special Interest
Group, June 13-15, 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Marianne Cirone, Jill Smallwood, and Jane Van De Velde (2014), "The Effects
of Reiki, Yoga, and Massage Services on a Cancer Resource Center Member’s Well-Being,”
as part of a special session, “Social Marketing and Transformative Service Research:
Exploring the Similarities and Differences of Two Research Approaches.” presented at the
American Marketing Association Services Marketing Special Interest Group, June 13-15,
2014, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Rosenbum, Mark S. (2014), “Commercial Friendships between Gay Sales Associates and Straight
Female Customers in Luxury Settings,” presented at the American Marketing Association
Services Marketing Special Interest Group, June 13-15, 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2014), “Commercial Friendships between Gay Sales Associates and Straight
Female Customers in Luxury Settings,” presented at the Monaco Symposium on Luxury,
INSEEC and the University of Monaco, Monte Carlo, Monaco, April 10 – 11, 2014.
Rosenbum, Mark S., Marianne Cirone, Jill Smallwood, and Jane Van De Velde (2014), “The
Transformative Effect of Reiki, Yoga, and Massage Services on Cancer Resource Center
Members’ Well-Being,” presented at the American Marketing Association, Winter Marketing
Educators Conference, February 21-23, Orlando, FL. This is part of a special session on
Transformative Service Research.
Mulder Mark, Sven Tuzovic, Justine M. Rapp, and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2013), “Paradox of New
Textbook Adoption: When Do ‘Newest’ Editions Matter to Students?” Presented at the
Marketing Educators Association Conference, April 18-20, Portland, OR.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Marianne Cirone, Jill Smallwood, and Jane Van De Velde (2013), “The
Transformative Effect of Reiki, Yoga, and Massage Services on Cancer Resource Center
Members’ Well-Being,” presented at the Frontiers in Services Conference, July 4-7, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Rosenaum, Mark S. and Jillian Sweeney (2013), “Restorative Senior Center Servicescapes & Senior
Health,” American Marketing Association Marketing & Public Policy Conference, May 30 –
June 1, Washington, D.C.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Anthony Ipkin Wong (2013), “Is Green Red or Black? Understanding how
Luxury Hospitality Customers Value Green Initiatives,” World Social Marketing Conference,
April 21-23, Toronto, Canada.
Rosenaum, Mark S. and Ioana Moraru (2013), “Retail Rescue! Introducing Reality Television to
Service-Oriented Course Curricula,” Marketing Educators Association Conference, April 18-
20, Portland, OR.
Rosenaum, Mark S. and Ioana Moraru (2013), “Retail Rescue! Introducing Reality Television to
Retailing Course Curriculum,” American Collegiate Retailing Association Conference, March
20-23, Nashville, TN.
Rosenbum, Mark S., Marianne Cirone, Jill Smallwood, and Jane Van De Velde (2013), “The Effect of
Reiki, Yoga, and Massage Services on Cancer Resource Center Members’ Well-Being”
presented at the American Psychological Oncology Society10th Annual Conference, February
14-16, Huntington Beach, CA.
Rosenbum, Mark S., Richard Wozniak, and Carolyn Massiah (2012), “Social Commonalities and
Subjective Discounting,” presented at the American Marketing Association Summer
Educator’s Conference, August 17-19, 2012, Chicago, IL.
Rosenbum, Mark S. (2012), “From Service Blueprint to the Service Plan,” presented at the American
Marketing Association Summer Educator’s Conference, August 17-19, 2012, Chicago, IL.
Part of a special session hosted by the Services Marketing Special Interest Group on Service
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ipkin Anthony Wong (2012), “If You Install It, Will They Use It?
Understanding Why Hospitality Customers Take “Technological Pauses,” presented at the
Global Marketing Conference, July 19-22, Seoul, South Korea.
Massiah, Carolyn, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Richard Wozniak (2012), “Why Social Commonalities
Encourage Discounting in Retail Stores,” presented at the Academy of Marketing
Conference, July 2-5, Southampton Management School, Southampton, United Kingdom.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Anthony Ipkin Wong (2012), “Conceptualizing and Measuring Return on
Green Equity,” presented at Frontiers in Services Conference, June 14-17, University of
Maryland, Bethesda, MD.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Jillian Sweeney (2012), “The Impact of Restorative Senior Centers on
Members’ Health,” presented at SERVSIG International Service Research Conference, June
7-9, Hanken School of Economics. Helsinki, Finland.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Carolyn Massiah (2012), “It's More Than Physical...It's Social, Natural,
Symbolic, and Virtual Servicescape Stimuli,” presented at SERVSIG International Service
Research Conference, June 7-9, Hanken School of Economics. Helsinki, Finland.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Anthony Ipkin Wong (2012), “Green, Red, and Black: Return on Green
Equity,” presented at SERVSIG International Service Research Conference, June 7-9, Hanken
School of Economics. Helsinki, Finland.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Lauren I. Labrecque, and Ioana Moraru (2012), “Bringing Cultural Diversity to
Service Marketing Courses: A SERVQUAL Exercise,” presented at Academy of Marketing
Science Conference, May 16-19, New Orleans.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ioana Moraru (2012), “Bringing Cultural Diversity into a Service Marketing
Course: A SERVQUAL Exercise,” presented at the Marketing Educators’ Association
Conference, April 19-21, Long Beach, CA. Awarded Best Paper.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Richard Wozniak, and Carolyn Massiah (2012), “Social Commonalities and
Subjective Discounting,” presented at the American Marketing Association/American
Collegiate Retailing Association Triennial Conference, April 18-21, Seattle, WA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Canan Corus (2012), “A Call for Transformative Service,” presented at the
American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference, Feb 17-19, St. Petersburg,
Corus, Canan, Bige Saatcioglu, and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2012), “Health Services are Transformative
Services: Vietnam Application,” presented at the American Marketing Association Winter
Educator’s Conference, Feb 17-19, St. Petersburg, FL.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2011), “Forecasting the Use of Emerging Social Media and Technological
Innovations at McDonald’s Corporation,” presented at the American Marketing Association
Summer Educator’s Conference, Aug 5-7, San Francisco, CA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Drew Martin (2011), “The Relationship between Integration in a Fitness
Based Service Community and "Wearing" Community,” presented at the American
Marketing Association Summer Educator’s Conference, Aug 5-7, San Francisco, CA.
Awarded a best paper in track award.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Ronald Kuntze, and Barbara Ross-Wooldridge (2011), “Understanding
Unethical Retail Disposition Practice and Restraint from the Consumer Perspective,”
presented at the Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Reims,
Champagne, France, July 19-23, 2011.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Jillian Sweeney, and Jill Smallwood (2011), “Restorative Cancer Center
Servicescapes,” presented at Academy of Marketing Conference, July 5-7, University of
Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. Finalist for best conference paper.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Jill Smallwood (2011), “The Role of “Third Place” Social Support and
Mental Fatigue Reduction in Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life,” presented at Frontiers in
Services Conference, June 30 – July 3, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Jill Smallwood (2011), “The Role of “Third Place” Social Support and
Mental Fatigue Reduction in Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life,” presented at the 3rd
Transformative Service Research Conference, June 24- - June 26, Baylor University, Waco,
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Jill Smallwood (2011), “The Role of “Third Place” Social Support in
Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life,” presented at QUIS 12th International Research Symposium
on Service Excellence in Management, June 2-5, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Gianfranco Walsh, and Richard Wozniak (2011), “Family Allowances as
Reverse Retail Discrimination,” presented at the Association Collegiate Retailing Association
Spring Conference, March 3-5, Boston, MA. Recipient of a best paper award.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Kate Daunt (2011), “When Consumers Have No Option:
A Cambodian Case Study Regarding Counterfeit Designer Merchandise,” presented at the
American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference as part of a special session,
Customers Behaving Badly in Service Settings: Issues and Implications, February 18-20,
Austin, TX.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Ronald Kuntze, and Barbara Ross-Wooldridge (2011), “Understanding
Unethical Retail Disposition Practice and Restraint from the Consumer Perspective,”
presented as the American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference as part of a
special session, Customers Behaving Badly in Service Settings: Issues and Implications,
February 18-20, Austin, TX.
Sweeney, Jill and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2010), “The Role of Third Places in Reduction of Mental
Fatigue,” presented at the Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy ANZMAC
Conference, Nov 29 – Dec 1, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Rosenbaum, Mark S (2010), “Changing Student's Lives: The Impact of the Fulbright on Our Student's
Lives,” presented at the 33rd Annual Fulbright Association Conference, Buenos Aires,
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Kate Daunt (2010), “People as Virtual Products: Analyzing Human
Exchanges on Craigslist.” presented at the American Marketing Association Summer
Educators’ Conference, Aug 13-16, Boston, MA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Kate Daunt (2010), “People as Virtual Products: Analyzing Human
Exchanges on Craigslist and Gumtree.com,” presented at the Association for Consumer
Research 10th Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, University of
Cambria, Ambleside Campus, June 26 – 29, Ambleside, United Kingdom.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Jillian Sweeney, and Carla Windhorst (2010), “Restoring Senior Health at a
Third Place: Restoration, Social Support, and Place Attachment at Mather’s - More-Than-
aCafé,” presented at the American Marketing Association Services Marketing Special Interest
Group (SERVSIG) International Service Research Conference, June 17-19, Porto, Portugal.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Carolyn Massiah (2010), “Servicescape Stimuli: The Interplay of Physical,
Social, Symbolic, and Restorative Stimuli on Customer Behavior” presented at the American
Marketing Association Services Marketing Special Interest Group (SERVSIG) International
Service Research Conference, June 17-19, Porto, Portugal.
Wong, Ipkin Anthony, Mark S. Rosenbaum, Liu, Matthew T. (2010), “Examining Value Equity in
Event Services: The Moderating Role of Event Experience,” Academy of Marketing Science
(AMS), May 26-29, Portland, Oregon.
Wong, Ipkin Anthony, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Ruth Mo Wah Yeung (2010, February 8-9), “Value
Equity as a Customer Satisfaction Driver in Tourism Settings,” Council for Australian
University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Wong, Ipkin, Anthony and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2009), “Understanding How Consumer
Ethnocentrism affects Customer Equity in a Transitional Economy,” Academy of
International Business, Dec 3-5, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2009, July 22-24), “Unmasking Family Allowances: A Theory of Service
Nepotism,” presented at Institute of Service Excellence, Singapore Management University,
Inaugural Global Conference on Service Excellence, Singapore.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Debra Zahay, and Ipkin A. Wong (2009), “The Unintended Consequences of
Obtaining Social Support from Virtual Third Places,” presented at
American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL. Part of a
Special Session on, “Introducing Sustainable Services Marketing,” Services Marketing
Special Interest Group. Other presenters include: Eric Arnould, Ray Fisk, Steve Grove, and
Eileen Bridges.
Wong, Ipkin Anthony and Mark S. Rosenbaum, (2009, May 28-31). “Exploring the Travel Motives of
Mainland Chinese tourists in Macau,” presented at the 7th Asia-Pacific CHRIE Conference,
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Ipkin Anthony Wong (2008, November 6-8), “The Janus Effect of Virtual
Third Places: Exploring the (Un) Healthy Benefits and Consequences of Online Social
Support,” presented at the 22nd Service Conference and Workshop, University of
Westminster, London.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2008, August 14-17), “Can Video Arcade Patronage Be a Solution for Teenage
ADHD?” presented at the 2008 Summer Society of Consumer Psychology/American
Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Ronald Kuntze, and Barbara Ross-Wooldridge (2008, May 28-May 30), “A
Theory of Unethical Retail Disposition Practice and Restraint,” presented at the 2008 La
Londe Service Management Conference, La Londe, France.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Deborah Brown-McCabe (2008, May 28-May 31), “Understanding How
Consumers Rationalize Purchasing Illegal Designer Merchandise and Exploring Alternative
Methods to Curtail the Behavior,” presented at Academy of Marketing Science 2008 Annual
Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2007, December 6-7), “ROI on Third Place Communities,” presented at
Marketing Science Institute’s Engaging Communities for the Company and the Brand,
Boston University School of Management.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2007, August 17-August 30), “Transformative Service Research: Exploring
How Teens, Jocks, and Middle-Aged Women Find Social Support in Video Arcades and
Gyms,” American Psychological Conference/Society for Consumer Psychology, San
Francisco, CA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2007, June 14-17), “Transformative Service Research in Developing Countries:
Creating a Modified Service Blueprint in Developing Countries,” QUIS 10, the 10th
International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Orlando, FL.
Mackie, Brian, Joan Petros, and Mark Rosenbaum (2007), “Building Ethical Leaders Using an
Integrated Ethics Framework,” presented at Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Annual
Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2007, August 3-6), “Exploring the Bali Syndrome in Hawaii,” presented at a
TOURSIG Special Session on Tourism Shopping, presented at 2007 AMA Winter Marketing
Educators’ Conference, Washington, DC.
McCabe Brown, Deborah and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2006), “Exposing the Designer Paradox:
Understanding How Consumers Rationalize Purchasing Counterfeit Designer Merchandise,”
presented at Association of Consumer Research Conference as a special session, Sept. 28 –
Oct. 1, Orlando, FL.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2006), “Serving Coffee and Love: Understanding Exchanges between
Commercial Friendships,” presented at American Marketing Association Summer Educators’
Conference, August 4 – 7, Chicago IL.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2006), “Understanding Cheers: Older Aged and Elderly Consumers in a Diner,”
American Psychological Association, Society of Consumer Psychology Division, Aug. 10 -13,
New Orleans, LA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2006), “Cathartic Consumption: Understanding Why Consumers Seek Social
Support in Third Places,” Frontiers in Services Marketing, June 29 – July 2 Brisbane,
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2006), “Cathartic Consumption: Understanding Why Consumers Seek Social
Support in Third Places,” presented on a special session of “Current Perspectives on Retailing
& Shopping Research,” Academy of Marketing Science, May 24-27, San Antonio, TX
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Deborah McCabe, and Jennifer Yurchisin (2006), “Changing Perceptions:
Exploring the Dynamic Relationship Between Consumer Shopping Motivations and
Perceived Service Quality,” Association of Collegiate Retailers Association, April 6 – 8,
Fayetteville, AR.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2005), “The Impact of Intercustomer Social Support on Behavior.” Frontiers in
Services Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Arnould, Eric, Fleura Bardhi, and Mark S. Rosenbaum (2005). Special Session on “An Examination
of the Concept of Postmodern Home and the Role of Consumption in Home-Making
Practices." Association of Consumer Research, San Antonio, TX.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Daniel Spears (2005), “Who is Buying the Louis Vuitton Handbags and
Macadamia Nuts? An Investigation of American and Japanese Tourist Consumption
Patterns,” presented at a special session, “Tourism Segmentation—Does it Really Work,”
American Marketing Association Summer Educator’s Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2005), “The Hedonic Japanese Tourist,” presented at the Fourth Consumer
Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure Research Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Recipient of Best Paper Award.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Daniel Spears (2005), “Who Buys That? Who Does What?,” presented at
the Fourth SERVSIG American Marketing Association Conference, National University of
Management, June 2 -4, Singapore.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2004), “Using the Literature in a Grounded Theory Study,” presented at the
Grounded Theory Seminar, Grounded Theory Institute, New York City, NY.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Amy L. Ostrom, Beth Walker, and James Ward (2004), “Looking Beyond the
Physical Realm: A Theory Regarding the Role of Places in Consumers’ Lives,” presented at
Quis 9 Service Excellence in Management: Interdisciplinary Contributions, Karlstad, Sweden.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2003), “A Conceptual Theory Regarding How Consumers Sense They Are
Unwelcome in the Marketplace,” presented at the Grounded Theory Seminar, Grounded
Theory Institute, New York City, NY.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Carolyn Massiah and Donald W. Jackson, Jr. (2003), “An Investigation of the
Role that Trust Plays between Customers and their Accountants,” presented at the Summer
Educator’s Conference, American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Carolyn Massiah and Donald W. Jackson, Jr. (2002), “An Analysis of the Role
of Trust in Professional Service Relationships,” presented at the 10th International Colloquium
in Relationship Marketing, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Amy Ostrom and Ronald Kuntze (2002), “An Analysis of the Relationship
between Anomie and Retail Return Policy Abuse,” presented at the Summer Educators’
Conference, American Marketing Association, San Diego, CA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Amy Ostrom (2001), “An Exploratory Investigation of the Relationship
between Loyalty Programs and a Sense of Community,” presented at the Summer Educators’
Conference, American Marketing Association, Washington, D.C.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Amy Ostrom and James Ward (2001), “What Consumers Seek in an Internet
Site Design: The Influence of Goals and Expertise Level on Internet Browsing,” presented at
the Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference: The Society for Consumer
Psychology, Seattle WA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Amy Ostrom (2001), “An Exploration into the Relationship between
Loyalty Programs, Community, and Customer Loyalty,” presented at the XIX Annual
University of Houston Doctoral Symposium in Marketing, Houston, TX.
Jackson, Donald W. Jr. Mark S. Rosenbaum and Scott Widmier (2001), “An Examination of Selected
Factors Related to Sales Force Automation Productivity,” presented at the National
Conference in Sales Management, Dallas, TX.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Amy Ostrom (2000), “A Comparison of Reward-Based and Discount-
Based Reward Programs on Store Loyalty,” presented at Frontiers in Services Conference,
Nashville, TN.
Sherrard, William R., Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Fred Raafat (2000), “Reverse Logistics in
Manufacturing: The Managing of Returned Merchandise,” presented at the Production and
Operations Management Society, San Antonio, TX.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Fred Raafat, and William R. Sherrard (1999), “TQM and Retailing: The
Customer as the Center of the Universe,” presented at the Western Decision Sciences
Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Lois Bitner-Olson (1999), “An Analysis of Merchandise Return Patterns in
order to Determine Potential Consumer Abuses and Affects on Traditional Marketing
Response Hierarchy Models,” presented at the Western Decision Sciences Conference, Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Fred Raafat, William R. Sherrard, and Helio Yang (1999), “Reverse Logistics:
The Managing of Returned Merchandise,” presented at the Production and Operations
Management Consortium, San Diego, CA.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Mauricio Losada Otálora, and Germán Contreras Ramírez (2017) ,"Out in the
Open: Understanding Consumer Acceptance Or Rejection of Colombia’S Black Market", in
LA - Latin American Advances in Consumer Research Volume 4, eds. Enrique P. Becerra,
Ravindra Chitturi, and Maria Cecilia Henriquez Daza and Juan Carlos Londoño Roldan,
Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 5-10.
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Rojan Banya, and Tali Seger-Guttmann (2016), “Disabled Frontline Employees
and Service Quality,” Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, Book of Proceedings.
ISBN: 978-2-9549997-1-5. http://cerr.sciencesconf.org/conference/cerr/book_cerr_en_3.pdf
Rosenbaum, Mark S., Ronald Kuntze, and Barbara Ross-Wooldbridge (2011), “Understanding Why
Customers Choose to Abuse or Not to Abuse, Return Policies, in Academy of Marketing
Science World Marketing Congress 2011 Conference Proceedings.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Jillian Smallwood (2011), “The Role of Third Place Social Support in
Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life,” in QUIS 12.0 (The 12th International Research Symposium
on Service Excellence in Management) 2011 Conference Proceedings.
Wong, Ipkin Anthony, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Matthew Tingchi Liu (2010), “Examining Value
Equity in Event Services: The Moderating Role of Event Experience,” in Academy of
Marketing Science 2010 Annual Conference Proceedings.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Daniel L. Spears (2007), “Meet the Packaged Tourist: A Japanese and
American Perspective,” in the Proceedings of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant,
and Institutional Educational Conference, Dallas, TX.
Rosenbaum, Mark, Tanuja Singh and Daniel L. Spears (2006), “Japanese Tourism In Hawaii: An
Empirical Investigation Of Japanese Gift Giving During Golden Week,” in the Proceedings of
the 2006 Academy of Marketing Science/Korean Academy of Marketing Science Cultural
Perspectives in Marketing Conference (ed. Junyean Moon) in Seoul, South Korea, July 1215,
ISBN 89-7218-311-3 (CD-Rom).
Ronald J. Kuntze, Barbara Ross Wooldridge, Mark S. Rosenbaum (2006), “Exploring the
Motivations of Deshopping: Beyond Sykes and Matza’s Rationalizations,” in Retailing 2006:
Strategic Challenges in the New Millennium, Special Conference Series, XI, Joel R. Evans,
editor. Hofstra University, Hempstead NY, Academy of Marketing Science 2006, pp.143147.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2018), “Editorial: Being Relevant, Interesting, Timely, and Entertaining,”
Journal of Services Marketing, 32(7), 789-791.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2013), “Ask the Expert: Reality Rescue!” Retail Education Today, 33 (2), 4.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2007, November), “Tribute to Barney Glaser,” The Grounded theory Review:
An International Journal, 65-66, Special Issue.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2005), “Omiyage Unwrapped,” Hawaii Retailer, 10 (2), 1-2.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Daniel L. Spears (2004), “Who is Buying the Designer Handbags and
Macadamia Nuts,” Hawaii Retailer, 9 (2), 7.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2004), “The Center for Retail Excellence,” Hawaii Retailer, 9 (1), 10.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. and Carol Pregill (2003), “Hawaiian Retailing Reconsidered,” Hawaii Retailer,
8 (2), 8.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2003), “Return Policies" Hawaii Retailer, 8 (1), 11.
Abbott Nutritional Products (Lake Forest, IL): Created a digital marketing plan for four Abbott
products including Similar, PediaSure, Ensure, and Glucerna.
Abbott Nutritional Products (Lake Forest, IL): Created an international marketing plan for Asia and
Latin America (1); (2) Create global strategies for BRIC-MTV countries; (3) Create new
product ideas for the nutritional product division based upon emerging technologies.
Calamos Investments (Naperville, IL): Create an international social marketing plan for the
Caterpillar (Peoria, IL). Designed solutions for training ethics to front-line employees in
Caterpillar’s Thailand facility.
General Motors Daewoo Division (Hanoi, Viet Nam): Implemented a service quality analysis,
findings were also published in the Journal of Services Management (formerly known as the
International Journal of Service Management).
Greenlee Tools (Rockford, IL): Create a digital marketing strategy for the U.S. based tool
Jewel-Osco (SuperValu, Itasca, IL): Created a marketing plan that focused on targeting millennial
Jewel-Osco (SuperValu, Itasca, IL): Created a marketing plan for organic grocery products.
LivingWell Cancer Resource Center (Geneva, IL): Implemented a marketing research project to
understand which activities (e.g., education, fitness, nutritional, special events/presentations)
supported by the cancer resource center had the greatest health benefits for both cancer
patients and survivors.
Engaged in an in-depth study regarding how to bring men into cancer resource centers.
McDonald’s (Oak Brook, IL): Created a technological forecasting for the company in which I
predicted how the firm’s in-store and drive-thru customers will employ technology during the
exchange process.
McDonald’s (Oak Brook, IL): Created a strategy to reach younger aged consumers, including
teenagers, by revamping brand image and marketing programs.
Northern Illinois University College of Business (DeKalb, IL): Implementing a marketing strategy
to increase online education endeavors at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Turning Point Domestic Shelter (Woodstock, IL): Created a digital marketing strategy to help
victims, their abusers, and family members understand available services.
WeCare Pregnancy Center (DeKalb, IL): Implemented a marketing research project to understand
why college students (male and female) choose abortion and adoption options when
confronted with unplanned pregnancies.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2019), “Pop-Up Stores as Marketing Mavens,” presented at the International
Conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management 2019, Nankai University, Tianjin,
Panel Discussant: How to Publish Journals in Top Journals
Panel Discussant: Application of New Technology in Service Industry
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2019), “Moving the Economy Forward: Focus on Services,” presented at
Actions Strategy of Uzbekistan: Macroeconomic Stability, Investment Activity, and
Perspectives of Innovative Development,” Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent,
Uzbekistan, May 27-28, 2019.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2019), “Case Study: Fulbright Fellowships to Catalyze Faculty Collaborations,”
presented at the American Councils Central Asia University Partnerships Program, Tashkent,
Uzbekistan, May 16-17, 2019.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2019), “Case Study: University of South Carolina Certificate Program,”
presented at the American Councils Central Asia University Partnerships Program, Tashkent,
Uzbekistan, May 16-17, 2019.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2019), “Working with the University of South Carolina: A Perspective,”
presented at Identifying U.S. Companies Needs for Better Workforce in Uzbekistan and
Central Asia, April 18, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by: The American-Uzbekistan
Chamber of Commerce.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2012), “What are Services and How to Plan for Them,” executive education
session in conjunction with PS Business School, July 14-15, Yangon, Myanmar.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2012), “Some Reflective Thoughts regarding E-listening,” plenary speaker at
Frontiers in Services Conference, June 14-17, University of Maryland, Bethesda, MD.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2011), “Integrating Ethics into Marketing Research and Services Marketing,”
presented at Northern Illinois University, 2011 College of Business Faculty Development
Workshop, February 23, 2011, DeKalb, IL.
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2010), “Changing Student's Lives: The Impact of the Fulbright on Our Student's
Lives,” presented at the Fulbright Association 33rd Annual Conference, Buenos Aires,
Rosenbaum, Mark S. (2010), “Service Quality for Training the Trainers,” presented at Marie Stopes
International Viet Nam, Sisterhood Social Franchising Project for the Thai Nguyen, Thua
Thien-Hue, and Vinh Long Provinces, January 4-9, 2010, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City,
Service Marketing and Retailing: Retention strategies, loyalty programs, the drivers of
customer loyalty to services businesses, and communities in service settings.
Travel, Leisure & Hospitality: International tourism. Tourism shopping, motivation for
travel, Asian travel.
Non-medical cancer care: Exploring how non-medical services, such as massage, yoga,
Reiki, can enhance cancer patients’ lives.
Older-aged consumption: Exploring the effects of negative life events, such as
bereavement, divorce, loneliness, on marketplace behavior among senior citizens. Services
Marketing in Developing Nations. Social marketing. Engaging in transformative service
research, especially in developing nations.
Environmental Influences on Customers: The effect of retail atmospherics (physical,
social, humanistic, and symbolic) on a customer’s behavior within service environments.
Psychological and sociological factors that influence a customer’s behavior in a specific
service setting.
Became an “NIU Ally” for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning
Students. Completed training, February, 2009.
Recipient of the “Ally Award,” by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Studies Program
at Northern Illinois University, April 1, 2008.
Interviewed by Newstalk106-108fm, Moncrieff with Sean Moncrieff, current affairs radio
talk show in Ireland, July 31, 2007.
Work with Marie Stopes International on improving service quality to over 600
reproductive health clinics in 38 developing nations. Have assisted clinic directors in
Vietnam, Fiji, China, India, Yemen, Uganda, South Africa, Philippines, Romania,
Mongolia, and other countries on improving service quality.
University of Hawaii
Launched the Center for Retail Excellence at the University of Hawaii in conjunction with
Retail Merchants of Hawaii. Developed working relationship with RMH, and RMH’s
Executive and Education Committee Members. Named Research Director, Center for
Retail Excellence, University of Hawaii.
Led international delegation of marketing professors to Japan, Beijing, Shanghai, and Ho
Chi Minh City, August 2004, for University of Hawaii’s Center for International Business
and Education Research (CIBER).
Nominated by Center for International Business and Education Research (CIBER) to
represent the University of Hawaii on a delegation of business professors to Hong Kong,
Southern China, Macau, and Shanghai.
Research quoted on CNBC, The American Dream, on March 21, 2007 regarding Journal
of Service Research (2007) article.
Interviewed on Chicago National Public Radio (WBEZ, 91.5 FM)March 19, 2007, Eight
Forty-Eight Segment, regarding recent research.
Quoted in Monitor on Psychology (2006, October 9), Vol. 37 (9), p. 20, “Restaurants
Serve Social Sustenance.”
Quoted in Chicago Tribune (August 12, 2006), “Hangouts Feed souls of Lonely,” by
Kayce T. Ataiyero.
Quoted in Pacific Business News article, September 9, 2005 by Nina Wu, regarding
Japanese Golden Week research.
Quoted in Honolulu Star Bulletin article, Hey! Big Spenders, by Allison Schaefers,
regarding Center for Retail Excellence and study regarding Waikiki tourism.
Interviewed by Channel 2, Fox, on October 22, to discuss the Center for Retail Excellence
and the Waikiki tourism study.
Interviewed by Channel 9 on February 5, 2004 to discuss the Janet Jackson costume
Interviewed twice by Channel 8 News in August 2004 to discuss the marketing of Kobe
Bryant products.
Associate Editor, Journal of Business Research
Regional Associate Editor, Journal of Service Theory and Practice
Southeastern U.S. Board Member: Marketing Educators’ Association
Track Organizer:
Global Marketing Conference, 2016, Hong Kong: Trends in Physical and E-
commerce Retailing: http://gammaconference.org/2016
Recipient of College of Business & NIU Research Summer Grant Money to use with
research projects in conjunction with LivingWell Cancer Resource Center,
Summer 2011.
Named Lillian Cobb Fellow for achievements in global education and service,
20062007; 2998-2009.
Recipient of $1,000 grant to attend Dee Fink & Associates, “Designing Courses for
Significant Learning Workshop” Chicago, IL (May, 2008).
Recipient of $2,500 Lillian Cobb Faculty Travel Fellowship for International Teaching
and Service, to use for not-for-profit work with an NGO in Myanmar, Spring,
Recipient of $2,500 Raymond D. Grant award for incorporating technology into the
classroom, Spring, 2007.
Recipient of $1,000 award by Retail Merchants of Honolulu to launch the Center for
Retail Excellence at the University of Hawaii, September 2004.
Recipient of $600 award by University of Hawaii, CIBER, for software purchase.
Recipient of University Research Council Award, January, 2004.
Recipient of CIBER grant, participated in U.S/Hong Kong, Pearl River Delta Faculty
Development Program, January, 2004.
Nominated for “Best NIU Faculty University Professor,” 2013
Recipient Marketing Department Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, 2013
Nominated for “Best NIU Faculty University Professor,” 2012
Recipient Marketing Department Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, 2012
AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Emory University, 2002
Sun Devil Advocate Teaching Award, 2002
ASU Center for Services Leadership Research Award, 2001
University of Houston Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2000 ASU
Graduate Student Research Award, 1999
Mark S. Rosenbaum
Jane Mall
Director, Employer Relations at University of Denver, Career Services
jane.mall@du.edu 303.871.2694
Jane Mall was the Director of Northern Illinois University’s Experiential Learning Center, in which
she hired me as a coach for consulting projects including Calamos, Abbott Nutritional Products,
McDonald’s, Jewel-Osco. She is extremely familiar with my ability to work with corporate sponsors.