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Case 1

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Submitted to: Sir Alex Ramos

Submitted by: Kim Nicole M. Reyes

MBBA – Human Behavior in Organization
Case 1


This case touches on the fundamental concepts of organizational behaviour such

as motivated behaviour, desire for involvement and value of the person (ethical

Several alternatives were presented in the case as suggestions to solve the

problem of Tony with his workplace. Among the alternatives, alternative 3 was chosen
which is to resign from the organization and find a workplace that suits the needs of
Tony. This is base on the concept of motivated behaviour, the desire for involvement
and value of the person. Even if Tony can handle the work, motivation is lacking with
the current setup in the workplace. The desire and need for involvement, as presented
in the Maslow’s hierarchy of need will not be satisfied. That is why it is suggested that
Tony resigns from Reese Company and find a new workplace that satisfies his needs
and be valued for his contributions in the company.

An ideal workplace is where discrimination of all kinds is prohibited and

penalizes, where individual differences are appreciated and promoted, where
compensation packages are reasonable and follows labour rules, where every effort is
appreciated by their superiors and motivation activities are implemented and
encouraged. Bureaucracy that is limited is also one of the ideal characteristics of a
workplace. Being promoted base on performance and effort will be the primary factor in
the promotion scheme and not just seniority and influence. Indeed, these are deemed
as the characteristics of an ideal workplace. Nowadays, majority of workplaces are
innovating and evolving where they adapt motivation into their activities, workplace
designs and organizational structure. Best example is the workplace of Google as they
provide facilities, competitive compensation packages and motivation activities to their
employees. In the Philippines, Isla Lipana, an accounting firm, adapted the workplace
design and culture of Google as they see a boost in performance in employees with this
scheme. Indeed, it is possible to find an ideal workplace.

In the case of Tony, the ideal workplace of Tony is O’Grady. Reese company
doesn’t match his definition of ideal that is why it is suggested that he resigns and find
his ideal workplace.
Tony sensed that his entry in Reese Company gained him unfavourable
response from the employees who are currently employed and have been in the
company longer than Tony. He is having a hard time adapting and blending in the
organization’s culture and tradition. Reese Company is bureaucratic, as compared to
the previous company of Tony which is O’Grady. The organization, which is Reese,
favors seniority over the expertise, time and effort given by employees. Tony has
contemplated that this has become his dilemma since being hired in Reese Company.

With Tony eliciting unfavourable responses from the employees who are
employed longer than him, it is wise that Tony tries to blend in the organization. The
following are the alternatives that he may resort to in order to resolve his dilemma:

1. Get to know the immediate employees under him or his subordinates. – allot time
in his schedule for short talks with the employees under his wing.

a. Having their stories heard by their boss makes the employee’s feel that they
are valued by their superior.
b. The strengths and weaknesses of his employees will be highlighted
c. Tony may assign activities and roles suited for each employee with the basis
of their strengths and weaknesses.

a. Some of the employees may not share their stories with Tony since he is a
b. Too much familiarity may develop and may unconsciously forget the
employee-superior relationship.

2. Build connections and trust within the organization. – learning the flow of
authority within the organization and establishing connection through social
interaction, proper delivery and execution of requirements and activities may
garner the connection and trust with certain people in the organization.

a. Trust and friendship is built once trust and connections are gained
b. Friendship is built little by little, allowing more opportunities for social
interaction and maybe, be included in out of town gatherings.
c. Has access to the department’s function as they already know that Tony’s
work is of superb quality.

a. It is hard to build connections and trust if you are a newbie, like Tony.
b. Some will not entertain the notion of trust with Tony due to his being a
c. The level of appreciation with Tony’s efforts and work may not reciprocate
that of Tony’s hardwork.

3. Tony may resign from the organization and look for more suitable workplace.

a. He may now be free from the unfavourable responses of the employees of
Reese Company.
b. he may now be stress free from the workplace
c. His efforts and expertise may be appreciated in some other workplace.
d. He can now have the opportunity to look for other workplaces that suits his
definition of an ideal workplace.

a. he may leave a negative image from the company who hired him.
b. The company may give him a hard time before executing his resignation letter
c. He’ll be the talk of the town for a few weeks.

From the three alternatives proposed, alternative 3 is assessed to be the best
choice in this situation. An autocratic type of organization governs Reese Company
where the basis is power and authority rules the organization. Seniority is considered
power by the people in Reese that is why Tony is welcomed with unsolicited responses
from the employees because he was hired in a high position immediately upon entry
while some of the employees are employed there for a long time and still awaits to be
promoted in the position that he was hired. This is not the environment in which Tony
has worked for the past ten years that which O’Grady has.
Indeed, it is only through resignation that Tony may fulfil the higher needs in
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. With his experience in O’Grady and throughout the years
of experience, he has indeed fulfilled the lower tiers of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Money may satisfy him, but with his reaction and contemplation with the situation, a
satisfying, peaceful and healthy work environment will satisfy him more than money
can. That is why, alternative 3 is the best resolution in this case.

With alternative 3 to be implemented, the following is the outline for the
implementation of the chosen alternative:
Persons Involved Task Duration
1.Accomplish Tony To finish, submit 2 months
unfinished work and Departments and accomplish
tasks work and tasks
assigned to Tony
before resigning
2.Submit Tony To write and submit 1 month
resignation letter HR personnel a formal letter of
Immediate boss of resignation
Tony indicating the
intention and reason
for leaving the
3. Have a Tony To search for 1 month
background check Prospects workplace culture,
of companies with tradition and
ideal workplace organizational
environment behaviour of the
businesses before
submitting resumes
4. Update LinkedIn Tony To update LinkedIn 1 month
profile, if applicable Prospects for profile for easy
and submit resume workplace access of
to business credentials
To submit resumes
to business via
online or personal
encounter with HR
Case 2

In this case, it is seen that perception influences the attitude. Jack is an ex-
convict. He is given another chance by Susan as Susan is also an ex-convict. That is
why the perception that Jack will change is given to Jack as Susan has the perception
that another chance should be given to ex-convicts. However, that is not the case for
the employees. They have this perception that ex-convicts will remain as violators of
law. That is why their attitude towards Jack is not good. They always blame Jack for
circumstantial instances such as missing wallets, money and other properties of the
company because of their perception that Jack is an ex-convict. Personality plays a role
in this perception-attitude game. A personality not open to change is will have a
negative perception to ex-convicts. An open personality will have otherwise. This is why
Jack has been blamed with robbery.
Four alternatives have been proposed in this case. Alternatives 1 and 2 are
suggested as solutions to the problem. Alternative 1 is the investigation of the
accusations to Jack and have Jack take a leave while the investigation is being
conducted. Alternative 2 is implementing a new internal control system for the safety
and security of the employees and the assets of the company. Having these alternatives
followed and implemented will clear the name of Jack if he is truly innocent and at the
same time, have a long-term solution to the missing items in the company. this is to
provide safety, security and thus increasing motivation in the workplace.
Susan has an employee named Jack who is an ex-convict. Series of events
pertaining to missing money and objectives had elicited unfavourable responses from
employees pointing to Jack as the culprit. A lot of employees are requesting Susan to
fire Jack because of this circumstantial events with no hard evidence pointing Jack to
the case. Susan is in dilemma of what to do with the situation.

The following are the alternatives suggested as solution to the problem of Susan:

1. Investigate on the cases being thrown at Jack. Have Jack take a leave first while
the investigation is ongoing.

a. Due process will be given to Jack as the cases will be investigated
b. The employees will be secured knowing that investigation is ongoing
c. Having Jack take a leave also gives him a chance to stay away from
d. Having Jack take a leave will have an objective investigation.

a. It will take a long period of time before the investigation is concluded
b. Jack may exhaust all his leave privileges and may not have a source of

2. Implement a verified internal control system for the safekeeping of the assets and
the safety of the employees.

a. It will add security to the employees that internal control is heightened
b. Monitoring of the workplace will be easy with the use of technology
c. Robbery, violence and other issues with the workplace will be lessened
due to having an internal control system such as CCTV camera’s,
biometric access to offices and time-in and time-out.
d. More opportunities for employment due to creation of a new department
that will handle the internal control standards of the company

a. It’s costly
b. It takes time to setup

3. Conduct seminars and workshops regarding discrimination, GMRC, formation

and others related to values.
a. It will bring awareness of the employees about the consequences of
discrimination and the advantages of motivation
b. More opportunities of learning
c. Proper orientation and correcting perspective to the employees having
trouble into accepting an ex-convict as a co-worker.

a. It may not be effective to the employees
b. Costly
c. The solution doesn’t answer the root cause of the problem

4. Fire Jack.

a. The employees will find security knowing that the one they are blaming is
b. Motivation to work with security will increase again

a. Due process is not given to Jack
b. Legal repercussions may follow due to having no hard evidence pointing to
Jack in all the cases

With the alternatives presented, it is ideal that alternative 1 and 2 will be
implemented to bring security and safety to the employees and assets of the company
at the same time clear the name of Jack from the employees if he is proven innocent. A
new system of internal control will be implemented also as it will have a long term effect
to the company in safety, security and motivation.

The following procedures will be implemented to alternative 1 and 2:

Persons Involved Task Duration

1. Assign a team Jack To compile 2-3 months
qualified to HR personnel evidences to verify
investigate the the accusations
2. Hire a consultant Susan To plan and design 2-3 months
for the design of HR personnel the internal control
the internal Consultancy firm system of the
control system company
To approve and
execute the plan
and design of the
control system
3. Monitor the Susan To monitor and 2-3 months
installation of the HR personnel verify if the
internal control executives installation is in line
system with the plan and
Case 3

With Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Lemuel Greene is assumed to be in the Self-
Actualization level of need where compensation doesn’t make him happy anymore, nor
recognition or fame. He found satisfaction in teaching those in the floor level employees,
the silent heroes – maintenance staff, janitors, and other aids in the business which
gave him purpose and he did something to fulfil this need of purpose.
Teaching suits him. It is through teaching that he found his purpose. His need of
purpose is only satisfied when he initiated the drive for literacy and expertise in
technical writing for those who haven’t graduated a degree or those who only know how
to write their names.
In this case, the main problem is how to keep the employees motivated.
Alternative 3 is the best solution which is studying the needs and level of satisfaction of
employees in the company and creating plans and design of activities, roles, and
schemes to keep them motivated.
Lemuel Greene cannot find satisfaction and motivation anymore in the bonuses
and incentives he is receiving from his good performance as an employee. He proposed
that he be able to teach at floor level employees the expertise even if the pay will be
smaller. The problem is how can Lemuel Greene and the company’s employees stay
motivated aside from monetary motivators.

The following alternatives are suggested to solve the problem statement:

1. Adopt a school from the provinces as corporate social responsibility and have
Lemuel Greene be the head of the endeavour.

a. The company has a CSR program
b. Lemuel Greene and other employees as volunteers will be motivated in
working and sharing their expertise to those who need it.
c. People will gain skills and may open doors of opportunity for them
d. Literacy in the community will increase

a. It takes a portion of the employee’s time to engage in CSR work while
working for the company
b. Few people may volunteer themselves for the cause

2. Give recognition to the achievements of Lemuel Greene and the employees who
studied under his wing and performed better after gaining skills.

a. It will increase motivation
b. It let’s the employee feel appreciated
c. Increase morale and may lead to increase in performance

a. Some may be envious with the awardees
b. Rubrics or standards to be set for the awardees may be hard to determine
c. Some employees may not be noticed or their efforts not recognized
3. The company should study the level of needs of the employees in order to
provide activities to satisfy these needs and keep them motivated; plan, design
and execute activities and roles that will satisfy their needs and helps them be

a. The different needs of employees in different levels of the organizational
hierarchy will be determined and documented
b. Specific needs of employees may be satisfied and keep the employee
c. Employees will feel that they are appreciated and taken care of by the
d. Better performance will manifest from the motivated employees
e. Having more motivated than satisfied employees

a. It takes time to conduct the study
b. Expense to execute due to the different activities or designation of roles to
keep them motivated
c. Some needs may not be satisfied due to some failures of the study to record
the specific needs of employees.

With the dilemma at hand, it is Alternative 3 that suits as the solution for the
problem presented. Conducting a study to determine the needs of employee’s at
different levels of the organizational hierarchy to plan, design and execute activities and
roles to keep them motivated is a more likely solution to the problem of keeping the
employee’s and Lemuel Green motivated. More motivated workers is better for the
company than having satisfied workers because motivated workers perform better than
satisfied workers.

The following are the procedures to be followed for the implementation of the
alternative chosen:
Persons Involved Task Duration
1.Conduct meetings HR personnel To ask the 1-2 days
to assess the Board of directors employees of their
current situation concerns and
requests about
2. Perform a survey HR personnel To ask the 2-3 days
Employees employees about
their individual
3. Tally the survey HR personnel To evaluate the 2 days
and interpret the Employees results of the survey
results and determine the
areas that are
considered as
primary needs of
the employees
4.Plan and design HR personnel To meet, plan and 2 weeks
new activities, roles Management design activities,
and schemes to Board of directors roles and schemes
further satisfy the
needs and motivate To forecast if the
the employees in schemes, activities
working hard and roles will truly
motivate the
5. Execute the plans HR personnel To perform all the
and monitor the Employees plans listed to
results Management motivate the

To evaluate the
consequences of
the results
Case 4

Executive Summary

Misunderstandings often happen in the workplace. These may be due to informal

communication, grapevine communication or most probably because of nonverbal
communication. Such is the case between Martin and Sharp. Nonverbal actions such as
not talking to each other, refraining from being associated with each other or even not
complimenting achievements of each other may be signals that they do not like each
other. However, as the story progresses in the case, Martin and Sharp were indeed
having misunderstandings of their actions. If Mr. Attridge did not intervene, deep scars
in the friendship of Martin and Sharp may arise. Such misunderstandings in the
workplace affect the employees who are involved in the workplace such as the feeling
of tension and awkwardness between these two employees. Indeed, a solution must be
made in order to prevent future happenings of the same issue.

Alternative 3 is suggested as the best solution to the problem wherein Mr. Attridge will
call frequent meetings to employees discussing company news, events, promotions and
activities to have an opportunity to talk about it, clarify issues with management, resolve
issues with co-workers and mine suggestions from employees if proposals are needed.
This will strengthen the communication within the group and avoid anymore
misunderstanding. Indeed, communication is important in the workplace as they help
the company grow and be well-coordinated.
Martin and Sharp’s relationship as friends had not been scarred by a
misunderstanding if only Martin and Sharp communicated properly their views and
perspective about each other. As such, the manager or the boss of Martin and Sharp
should prevent such miscommunication between his employees from happening again.
The problem at hand is that how will such misunderstandings be prevented in future

The following are the possible solution to the problem stated:

1. William Attridge, the boss of Martin and Sharp, should spearhead a team building
activity at least twice a year.

a. It allows bonding activity among employees
b. It let’s them get to know the strengths and weaknesses of each employees
c. It’s a form of relaxation from work

a. It’s costly
b. Kill-joys or those who refrain from participating from activities may be present

2. William Attridge should fix misunderstandings at the moment he feels that

tension is present between employees.

a. it revolves the issue quickly
b. involved employees have the opportunity to clarify issues
c. it lessens the possibility that it will affect the workplace

a. it may only worsen the situation
b. the involved parties may not cooperate
c. possible misunderstanding may also arise.

3. Meetings should be held as often as possible to discuss company events and

activities in which their opinions may be heard.

a. Management has constant interaction with employees
b. The opinions of employees are heard and may be considered as alternative
proposals if such are needed
c. Misunderstandings have the opportunity to be clarified
a. Employee involvement may be less
b. Time consuming

With the problem at hand, it is deemed that alternative 3 be the best solution to
the problem. Downward, upward and lateral communication should be encouraged as
often as possible so that misunderstandings arising from informal communication,
grapevine communication or nonverbal communication may be clarified before the
issues affect the workplace settings. Downward communication is from the superior
down to his subordinates. In alternative 3, Mr. Attridge has the opportunity to convey
news, opinions and activities through the frequent meetings. Lateral communication is
where the employees communicate to other employees at their same level. In
alternative 3, the meetings provide opportunity for the employees to talk to other
employees. Martin and Sharp may settle their misunderstandings in these types of
meetings. Upward communication is where the subordinates communicate with their
superiors. The opinions of the employees may be heard by Mr. Attridge in the meetings.
Therefore, frequent meetings may solve issues present in the workplace that is why it is
the best solution to the problem.

The following procedures may be followed to execute alternative 3.

Persons Involved Task Duration

1. Mr. Attridge Mr. Attridge To write the time, 1 hour
should write a Secretary venue, and day of
memo calling for the Employees the meeting
meeting with the
agenda included To highlight the
agenda for the
2.Mr. Attridge sends Mr. Attridge To send via email or 1 hour
the memo to the Secretary written memo the
employees Employees announcement for
the meeting
3.Facilitate the Mr. Attridge To discuss the 2-3 hours
meeting by Secretary agenda of the
discussing the Employees meeting
Have the secretary
take the minutes of
the meeting
4.Have an open Mr. Attridge To hear out the 15-30 minutes after
forum after each of Secretary opinions of the each agenda
the agenda Employees employees
regarding the

To take down notes

of suggestions
5. Be the liaison Mr. Attridge To clarify 15-30 minutes after
officer between Employees misunderstandings each agenda
employees between employees

To mediate between
involved parties

To prevent parties
from being physical
6.To talk privately to Mr. Attridge To hear out the 1 hour after the
employees who Concerned employees privately meeting
have unsettled employees and to resolve their
disputes after the issues privately
Case 5

Fancy Footwear company was used to having a laissez-faire type of leadership
wherein the leader delegates the tasks, activities and schedules to the subordinates and
afterwards, have little intervention in the accomplishment and monitoring of the
delegated work. Once Betty Kesmer earned her managerial position in the company,
she has implemented her own leadership style which she believed is one of the best
styles available for her. However, it backfired. Increased employee turnover happened
because the employees are not used to this kind of leadership style and wishes to
remain where they are currently in the company. Indeed, this is the problem that
Kesmer faced.
In this case, Alternative is presented to solve the problem of Kesmer. A smooth
transition may be implemented if Kesmer resolved to use the situational type of
leadership style. In this style, leadership is based on situation to situation and on certain
factors affecting the company. Flexibility can be seen as one of the characteristics and
improved employee productivity once their needs are satisfied is guaranteed. Truly,
resistance to change is present but once a smooth transition is introduced, a less
laissez-faire style may be welcomed by the employees.
Betty Kesmer implemented a new leadership style in the Fancy Footwear
company. She formed groups to enhance employee involvement. However, increased
employee turnover resulted to such change in leadership style. How can Kesmer
implement her changes without eliciting a negative reaction from the workers?

The following are the alternatives to solve the problem statement:
1. Study the work environment first and plan afterwards.

a. Kesmer will know the culture and tradition of the employees
b. She’ll have the idea on how to approach them
c. She may conduct trial and error in the leadership style depending on the
strengths and weaknesses of the employees

a. It’s time consuming
b. One leadership style may not be suitable to another

2. Kesmer should have introduced himself first in the very first meeting with the
employees and allow the workers to speak out their expectations with her and
the company.

a. Kesmer will have an idea of the expectations of the employees with her as
their boss.
b. The meeting can be a stepping stone to strategize her approach with the
c. Ways on how to improve productivity may arise from the expectations of the

a. Some employees may not participate in the meeting
b. Old ways might be suggested as they are comfortable with it
c. Resistance to change may arise.

3. Kesmer should implement a situational type of leadership until the employees get
the hang in the change of leadership style before going to Likert’s model of
Participative groups.

a. It allows flexibility in the leadership style from the different levels of
b. Each employees needs and satisfaction is addressed by these leadership
c. Slow but consistent transition from once laissez-faire leadership style going to
situational and may in turn go to participative group style of Likert’s.
d. Increased productivity may be achieved

a. Some may resist the change
b. Some activities or advances may not be applicable to all

With the stated problem, the best solution to it is alternative 3. Alternative 3
implements the situational style of leadership wherein an effective leadership style will
vary from situations to situations depending on several factors such as the personality
predisposition of the leaders, the characteristics of the followers, the nature of task
being done and other situational factors. Kesmer may implement this slowly but
consistently so that the employees have a smooth transition from a laissez faire style to
a more participative type of leadership. That way, employees are satisfied and their
performance may improve. Indeed, there is no one best leadership way in a situational
type that is why it is the best one Kesmer can implement.

The following are the procedures on how to implement the situational type of

Persons Involved Task Duration

1.Observe the Kesmer To walk around the 1-2 days
employees first Employees company and
observe the
2.Spend time to talk Kesmer To talk and know 1-2 days
and interview Employees what their needs is
employees and how they will
react with certain
leadership styles
3.Plan strategies Kesmer To plan activities, 2 days
and activities that Employees strategies and roles
will match the needs HR Personnel where the
of the employees employees are
satisfied and
performance is
4.Implement the Kesmer To implement step 1-3 months
strategies Employees by step the changes
HR personnel planned by Kesmer
5.Get feedback from Kesmer To know the 1 week
the employees Employees opinions of the
about the new employees
leadership style regarding the new
leadership style of
6. Alter ineffective Kesmer Upon knowing the 1-3 months
strategies and Employees feedback, make
improve effective changes in the
styles plans, strategies
and roles for
improvement of the
leadership style
Case 6
Being in a team means having the same vision, mission and goal. The
improvement and growth of a company depends on core teams running the company
towards the same end. Veering far from the goal by a member is risky and may entail
drastic effects to the company as a whole such as what happened with Jose.
Jose is faced with the problem that the matrix team formed suggested to use the
existing product design which is far from the goal set by the presidents of the new
venture. The matrix team was formed for the sole purpose of creating a new design. But
with the adjournment of the meeting, the results were far from the goal set. That is why,
alternatives were proposed on how Jose should have approached the problem.
With the alternatives proposed, Alternative 2 is suggested as the solution to the
problem. Alternative 2 states that Jose should have requested that the members of the
matrix team be those who have the same vision and goals. A screening process should
have been done first and those who have the same vision and goals and those who
possess commitment in the achievement of these goals should be included in the matrix
team. That way, the vision and goals of the new venture will be achieved.
Jose and the matrix team failed to meet the goal of creating new designs for the
new venture of the company. Jose is now thinking what would be the best alternative
that he should have done in order to meet the goal tasked to him by the presidents.

The following are the alternatives proposed to the problem stated:
1. Jose should have pooled the ideas that are in line to the goal of the company and
do not entertain those who stray far from the goal.

a. Ideas will be filtered
b. Only those helping achieve the goal will be entertained
c. Distractions are avoided

a. Conflicts will arise
b. Creativity will be hindered due to limitations present

2. Jose should have requested that the members of the matrix team be those who
have the same goal.

a. The group will truly be formed as a team with one goal
b. Easy administering of activities that will help achieve the goal
c. The right individuals are with the team even if they have fallen short of the

a. Screening of members is time consuming
b. There may not be enough people that will fit the job

3. Jose should have not adjourned the meeting with the resolution that is far from
the goal and let the meeting proceed until the cooperation and integration is met.

a. It will meet the goal of the new venture
b. New ideas will be formed and resolution to the conflict will be made
c. Unity may arise if a resolution is met

a. Conflicts will arise
b. Cooperation may decrease
With the problem at hand, the best solution to the problem is Alternative 2 in
which the members of the matrix team are screened. The root cause of the problem is
that the members itself do not believe that innovation to the product is needed. As such,
even if the meeting proceeds for a long duration, their hearts are not set into creating a
new product but for the existing design to still be used. Knowing that a new venture is
formed, it is indeed crucial that a new design be implemented as the signature of the
venture. Looking for right people who have the same vision in the new venture should
be done in order for the goal to be executed. In a team, having one vision makes the
wheel turn faster. Indeed, Jose may have requested a new set of team working for the
same vision.

The following steps may be taken to implement Alternative 2:
Persons Involved Task Duration
1. Being assigned Jose To request that 1 month
as the Management screening is
chairperson, important in order
Jose may to filter people who
request for have the same goal
screening of for the new venture
team members.
2. Once approved, Jose To conduct a 1 month
screen members Management screening process
base on their Employees base on effective
commitment and not measures from
solely on credentials different companies
like Apple in order
to screen the right
3. Orient the team Jose To set the first 1 day
members of the Matrix Team meeting in order to
vision, mission and steer the plans and
goals of the new designs according
venture to the VMGO’s of
the company
4. Conduct Jose To make the vision 1-2 months
meetings for Matrix Team and mission of the
planning, designing new venture a
and implementing tangible product
the activities of the such as the new
matrix team design.

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