It is also a polynucleotide but the pentose ribose has a free hydroxyl group in position 2′. It is a long chain
polynucleotide which exist in a regular conformation like a double-chain DNA although some viruses [e.g., reoviruses
and wound tumour virus) have double stranded RNA. The single RNA strand is folded upon itself, either entirely or in
certain regions.
RNA does not contain the pyrimidine base thymine but the pyrimidine uracil instead. In region where purine-
pyrimidine pairing takes place, adenine pairs with uracil and guanine with cytosine.
This is so named because it is the type of RNA which carries information for protein synthesis from the DNA (genes)
to the sites of protein formation (ribosomes). Only about 5% of total cellular content of RNA is m-RNA. Its strands
exhibit considerable differences in length with molecular masses of about 500,000 to 4 million. Its sedimentation
coefficient is 8S.
There is evidence that the half life of mRNA may vary from very short to very long.
Messenger RNA is always single stranded. It contains mostly the bases adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil. The
sequence of bases in mRNA molecules is complementary to the bases that constitute the genetic code. In messenger
RNA, no base pairing takes place. In fact base pairing in the mRNA destroys its biological activity.
Messenger RNA is transcribed on a DNA strand through the enzymatic action of RNA polymerase. Synthesis begins at
the 5′ end and proceeds to the 3′ end.
It occurs in combination with protein as ribonucleoprotein in the minute round particles called ribosomes which are
attached to the surfaces of the intracellular membrane system called- endoplasmic reticulum. It constitutes about
80% of the total RNA of the cell. The molecular weight of rRNA ranges from 40000-1000000. It may have some folds
to have a complex structure.
It is being synthesised on special regions of chromosomal DNA that are concentrated in the nucleoli, small densely
staining spots in the nucleus. Ribosomal RNA molecule may be a short compact rod, a compact coil or an extended
The rRNA does not show pyrimidine equality. The rRNA strands unfold upon heating and refold upon cooling. The
rRNA has been found to be stable for at least two generations.
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
The name transfer RNA is applied to same soluble RNA because of its role in “transfer” of amino acids in the process
of protein synthesis. It is the smallest of the RNAs containing about 15-80 nucleotides, with a molecular weight of
25,000 d. This constitutes 10-15% of total RNA of the cell.
The structure of transfer RNA molecule is conventionally represented in the form of a clover leaf although recent
evidence indicates that tRNA molecules are L-shaped.
Transfer RNA is synthesised in the nucleus on a DNA template. Transfer RNA does not show any obvious base
relationship of DNA.
The main function of transfer RNA is to carry amino acids to mRNA during protein synthesis. Each amino acid is
carried by a specific tRNA.
It consists of the middle three bases on the anticodon loop which forms the anticodon. The latter recognizes the
three complementary bases which form the codon of mRNA.
This is common to all tRNA and consists of G-T-Ψ-C-R sequence on the T Ψ C loop.
This is the site by which the activating enzyme recognizes and charges specific amino acid with tRNA
The 2 metre long eukaryotic human cell DNA is to be packed in the cell of about 5-10 micrometer in diameter. In
order to facilitate its package, the helical DNA molecule is bound, tightly around beads of basic proteins called
histones, which are spaced at regular intervals.
The complexes of histones and DNA are called nucleosomes. Each nucleosome contains eight histone molecules, two
copies each of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 winding 146 base pairs of DNA.
Between the two nucleosomes there is a spacer DNA of 54 base pairs with a single histone molecule (H1).