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STEM - GP12GLT IIh 57 62

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DAILY LESSON School Grade Level

LOG Teacher Learning Area GENERAL PHYSICS 1

Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 8 Quarter SECOND


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate of an
The learners demonstrate an
The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate of an understanding of 1st law of
understanding of:
understanding of: understanding of work done during thermodynamics; Thermodynamic
1. Ideal gas law.
1. Thermodynamics System volume changes. process, adiabatic, isothermal,
2. Internal energy of an ideal gas
isobaric, isochoric.
B. Performance Standard The learners are able to solve multi- The learners are able to solve multi- The learners are able to solve multi- The learners are able to solve multi-
concept, rich-context problems using concept, rich-context problems using concept, rich-context problems using concept, rich-context problems
concepts from rotational motion, concepts from rotational motion, concepts from rotational motion, using concepts from rotational
fluids, oscillations, gravity, and fluids, oscillations, gravity, and fluids, oscillations, gravity, and motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity,
thermodynamics. thermodynamics thermodynamics and thermodynamics
C. Learning Competency/ 1. Enumerate the properties of an 1. Distinguish among system, wall, 1. Compute the work done by a gas 1. State the relationship between
Objectives ideal gas. and surroundings. using dW=PdV changes internal energy, work
Write the LC code for each. (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-57) (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-59) (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-61) done, and thermal energy supplied
2. Solve problems involving ideal gas 2. Interpret PV diagrams of through the first law of
equations in contexts such as, but not thermodynamic process. thermodynamics.
limited to, the design of metal (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-60) (STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-62)
containers for compressed gases.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages General Physics 1 By Early Sol Gadong
and Raphael Balleza pp. 341- 343
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource https://int.search.myway.com/search/
qVAvmieRM1E https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X
Link: //youtu.be/0jx0wkU9Elo %5ECRB%5Exdm214%5ETTAB03%5Ep
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= b05CaG7TsQ
A. Reviewing previous The teacher will have a short recall of An ideal gas takes up a volume of 20 Let the students to recall the Let the students to recall the
lesson or presenting the previous lesson which is about liters, has a pressure of 1.3 atm, and a interpretation of PV diagrams of a process on how to compute the
the new lesson Stefan-Boltzmann Law and the heat temperature of 301 K. How many thermodynamics process. work done by a gas.
moles of the gas are present?
current formula for radiation and
conduction by means of a short group
game. The teacher will ask question to
the class and the first group to answer
correctly will have a point. The group
with the highest points will win the

B. Establishing a purpose Think*Pair*Share Using powerpoint presentation, the Ask the students, to tell whether the Present a video clips about first law
for the lesson Allow students time to think about teacher will let the student to watch situation represent examples of work of thermodynamics.
prompts A-C below on their own, video about thermodynamics system and identify the one doing the work Link:
share their answer with the person and after that they will going to and on which object the work is done. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X
ENGAGE next to them, and then discuss as a answer the guide question. b05CaG7TsQ
class. • How does thermodynamics help us 1. A girl pulling her cart.
Prompt A: How many donuts are in a in our daily life? 2. A mango fruit falling from a branch.
dozen? [Twelve] 3. A man lifting a box to be placed on a
Prompt B: How many babies were table.
born if someone had triplets? [Three]
Prompt C: How many individual socks
are in a pair? [Two]
Prompt C: How many atoms are
contained in a mole? [6.022*1023]
C. Presenting Picture Analysis Present a video presentation about the Let the students write what they
examples/Instances of The teacher will present some sample Present different examples about process on how to compute the work learn about on the video.
the new lesson problems related to ideal gas laws. Thermodynamics system. done by a gas.
D. Discussing new The students will be divided into 5 INTERACTIVE LECTURE DISCUSSION Group the class into four groups. Group the class into four groups.
concepts and groups. They will watch a video clip • Discussion about thermodynamic Through collaborative Learning
practicing new skills # 1 about ideal gases. Let them answer system and distinguish system, wall or Each group will write some they will share what they learned
the following guide questions. surroundings information based on the video. on the video.
1. What are the properties of ideal gas • Interpretation of PV diagrams of
EXPLORE law? thermodynamic system Let the students to explain the
2. What are the different formula process.
needed to compute for the different
Ideal Gas Laws.
Link: //youtu.be/0jx0wkU9Elo
E. Discussing new Students will watch 2 videos about
concepts and thermodynamic processes and PV
practicing new skills # 2 Students will present their answer for diagram. Links:
the given guide questions on the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
board. qVAvmieRM1E Pressure and volume vary: W=dw =
EXPLAIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= pdV
F. Developing mastery Students will answer a given problem. Students will answer this problem. Let the students state the First law
(leads to Formative The teacher will let the students work 1. Calculate the change in the internal 1.A bicycle tire was inflated to 9.3 bar of thermodynamics.
Assessment 3) in pairs as they answer five sample energy of a system that does 500 J of total pressure in the cool of the
problems. After 10mins., 5 volunteers work as a heat reservoir transfers 700 morning when the temperature was
J of energy into the system. 50°F. Later, the bicycle was used for a
will be called to present their solutions
race on hot roads in the afternoon,
in front of the class which is written in when the temperature of the
manila paper. Complete explanations tire rose to 120°F. Assuming that the
is expected to those who will present volume of the tire stayed the same and
their output. that the gases behave
ideally, determine the pressure of the
hot tire in psi.
G. Finding practical The teacher will present pictures Guided questions: Ask the students, Why do we need
application of concepts showing some real-life applications of to study the law of
and skills in daily living
Ideal Gas laws then the students will 1. Can you give me a list of the most Ask the students, to explain thermodynamics, can we apply this
identify each orally. Let the students interesting applications of this quotation “I like work; it in our daily lives?
relate their own experiences to the thermodynamics? fascinates me, I can sit and look at it
2. What are the importance of it in our
lesson being discussed. for hours.”
daily lives?

- Jerome K. Jerome

H. Making generalizations The teacher will call on a The students will explain the Students will explain how work done Let the students summarize the
and abstractions about representative per group who will thermodynamic processes in the class by a gas using dW=PdV. topic by asking a questions.
the lesson summarize what they have learned based on what they learned from the
about the days’ lesson. discussion.

I. Evaluating learning The students will answer the following 1. Explain why the variable Q is Students will answer this to evaluate Students will answer the given
problems using G-Given R- Required E- positive when heat flows into a them. problem.
Equation S-Solution A-Answer Method system. 1.Determine the pressure (in atm) 1. Calculate the change in the
1. If I have 4 moles of a gas at a pressure 2. Explain why the variable W is exerted by 1 mole of methane placed internal energy of a system that
of 5.6 atm and a volume of 12 liters, negative when work is done by the into a bulb with a volume of 244.6 does 1000 J of work as a heat
what is the temperature? system on the environment. mL at 25°C. Carry out two calculations: reservoir transfers 500 J of energy
2. If I have unknown quantity of gas at in the first calculation, assume that into the system.
a pressure of 1.2 atm, a volume of 31 methane behaves as an ideal
liters, and a temperature of 87 degrees gas; in the second calculation, assume
C, how many moles of gas do I have? that methane behaves as a real gas and
3. If I contain 3 moles of gas in a obeys the van der Waals
container with a volume of 60 liters and equation. [Hint: The van der Waals
at a temperature of 400 K, what is the constant are available in your
pressure inside the container? textbook.]
A. Additional activities for Students will answer the following Students will answer the problem.
application or problems: 1. The atmospheric surface pressure on
remediation 1. If I have 7.7 moles of gas at a Venus is 90 bar. The atmosphere near
pressure of 0.09 atm and at a the surface is composed of
EXTEND temperature of 56 degree C, what is 96% carbon dioxide and 4% other
the volume of the container that the gases. Given a surface temperature of
gas is in? 2. If 730 K, what is the density of
I have 17 moles of gas at a temperature carbon dioxide present at the surface?
of 67 degree C, and a volume of 88.89 Report the density in g/mL; assume
liters, what is the pressure of the gas? ideal gas behavior.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:

Mary Joy DS. Villangca

SHS Teacher III

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