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Section 4 Hoist System
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Section 4 Hoist System
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Section 4 Hoist System
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SUBSECTION 4A INTRODUCTION GENERAL lation of the major shaft assemblies. Repair of the major SCOPE Section IV’ is divided into subsections. Each sub- shaft assembliesis covered in the separatesubsections de. ibes he ‘voted to the individual shaft assembly. DESCRIPTION The hoist system includes the hoist motors and blowers, the gear case (transmission), the hoist drum ‘Subsection AC deseribes the disassambly and aseembly of shaft assembly, the hoist brakes, and the hoist cables (see the haist gear ease which includes the removal and instal- Figure 4:1) HOIST HOIST TRANSMISSION ROPE DRUM ‘GEAR CASE FORWARD SWING. MOTOR AND TRANSMISSION CASE Figure 48-1, Hoist System aanINTRODUCTION ‘The hoist system uses two ELECTROTORQUES controlled, fast response reversible, OC motors to drive thehoist trans- mission, The hoist transmission consists of two double re- ‘duction gear trains which drive the common hoist drum eer. The drum gear fastens directly to the hoist drum and drives the drum and hoist ropes tohoist and control the low fring of the dipper Gearing of the hoist machinery is enclosad in an oil tight ear case that has large breathers installed to prevant ex- ‘cessive pressures trom developing in the case. Lubrication for the hoist gear case is suppliod by two sources: the hoist lubrication system which force lubricates the bearings and HoIsT DRUM 1 ROPE 1 START AT TOP. ROPE 2 ROPE START AT END AT BOTTOM BOTTOM ‘SUBSECTION 48 spray lubricates the gears: and the central lubrication sys- tom which lubricates the holst drum oll seal, Tho goor casa serves as one of the side stands forthe holst drum and is bolted tomachinedpads on the revolving frame machinery deck, ‘The hoist brake system consists of two spring sat. air released, brakes. Thebrakedrumsare mountedontheends of the input (firat reduction) shafts of the holst transmis: ssion, When the hoist brokes areset they hold the hoist drum from undesired movement, REEVING Two hoist ropes are required on this machine. The hoist eeving of the hoist ropes is illustrated in Figure 44-2. Boom POINT SHEAVES EQUALIZER BLOCKS ROPE? END AT Tor Figure 48.2. ReevingSUBSECTION 4B HOIST MOTORS AND BLOWERS GENERAL Hoist power is provided by two last response DC motors The motors are specifically designed to operate in conjune- tion with the ELECTROTORQUE® conivol. Eachmotorhasa, blower mounted on it to provide cooling The hoist motors Jira mounted on motor base assemblies and use shoar blocks and shimming to property atign the ‘coupling between the motors and the firstreduction shatts INSPECTION AND REPAIR A periodic inepection of the hoist motors, Bwer assem bles. and couplings for proper operation and lubrication it recommended ‘Lubrication of the haist motors and coupleng is covered in Section X COUPLING HALVES Repair of a detectivenaist motor should be referred toelec- trical maintenance personnal. Repair of couplings or heist blower assembly is limited to replacement of damaged parts. HOIST MOTORS REMOVAL Rotor to Figure 48:1 and remove the hoist ‘motors as follows: 1, Remove required canepy sections (reer to Section ip 2. Remove all electrical power from the machine On the operator's console, display a tag con- taining @ warning not to start the excavator. MOUNTING MOTOR BASE Figure 48-1. Hoist Motor Assembly 484SUBSECTION 48 2. Mark and disconnect the electrical wiring to the haist motor and blower assemblies. 4, Romove the bolts from the coupling betwean the heist motors and first reduction shafts. Place @ pan under the coupling and slide the coupling halves apart 5. Measure and record the space between the faces of the coupling hubs attached the motor and the first reduction (input) shaft. This measurement will be used in the instal. lation and alignment procedures 6. Remove the motor mounting bolts. Loosen the align- ‘ment bolts in the support blocks if they are instalied. NOTE Mark the location of the shim packs on the motor mounting pads. Retain these shimsfor use during in stallation 7, Attach a sling to the lifting lugs provided on each motor tnd lift the motor from the motor base. The hoist motors weigh approximately 12.000 ibs. INSTALLATION. Install the hoist motors 2s follows: 1, Attach a sling to the lifting jugs provided on the holst motor. Lift the matar into position on the hoist motor bese, NOTE The motor coupling halves should be mountedon the hoist transmission input shaft and the motor shaft prior to performing shalt alignmant procedures, 2. Fabricate a “T" bar tool as shown in Figure 48-2 Tha too! should be the dimension measured in step 5 of the Hoist Motor Removal procedure 3. Position the hoigt motor on the motor base so the coupling of the motor and the first reduetion shaft are aligned using the “T” bor to maintain the proper spacing 4, Install the motor mount shimpacks that were removed in ‘step 4.ol the removal procedure in their original locations, ALIGNMENT INDICATOR TOOLS. Drak INDICATOR ALIGNING. INDICATOR ———| ToL TOOL POST post HOIST MOTORS AND BLOWERS. 5. Align tha hoist motor shaft coupling to the hoist trans mission input shaft eoupling (see alignment procedure} 5. Aftor proper alignment has been achieved between the motor anelfirt reduction shafts, drill and doweltve motor to the motor base at the diagonal mounting feet of the motor 7. Install the mounting bolts. required ream holes for the ‘mounting bolts in the motor base 8, Install the gasket between tha sloeve faces of the motor Coupling, slide the sieaves into place, and secure with the bolts and nuts es shown in Figure 48-3. Be sure to tighten the coupting bolts uniformly MOTOR SHAFT SLEEVE GREASE BORE SLEEVE I " Finst BS REDUCTION SHAFT FACIAL GAP. ~ Gasxer Figure 48-3. Hoist Motor Coupling O-RING O-RING. 1.50" (OR RECORDED FACIAL GAP “TP BAR Figuee 48-2 Alignment ToolsHOIST MOTORS AND BLOWERS 9 Install @ grease fitting in one lubrication hole and re- ‘move the alug from the other hale, The holes should be ina horizontal plate with respect to the centerline of the shaft. Pump grease through the fiting untlitis forced outthe hole, in the opposite side of the coupling. Use the typeof grease recommended in Section X. Remove the grease fitting and, stall the plugs in both holes. ALIGNMENT. If a haist motor is removed and reinstalled or replaced the coupling halves of the motor and heist trans- mission input shafts must be checked for proper face paral lism, vertical and horizontal position, and proper facial 99 35 illustrated in Figura 4B-4. Align the hoist motor shahs and input shafts as follows. 11 Position the hoist metor on the motor basa so that the coupling halves of the motor shaft and the hoist transmis ‘ston input shaft are apart (not fess than) the distance re- corded in step 5 of the ramoval procedure. The use of the fabricated “T” bar tool is recommended tsee Figure 482), 2 Align shaft facial paralietism a3 follows: A. Install aligning clamps tothe end retainers of the motor tnd first reduction shafis. Attach dial indicators as shown on Figure 48.5, B. Position the aligning tool posts in the vertical plane and set dial indicator #2 to 0.0 inches. C. Rotate the aligning tool posts 180.degrees and read dial Indicator #2. Divide the reading by 2. Thisindicates the shim value required to correct the misalignment. Place the aligning tool posts in ahorizontal plane and set dial indicator #2 t0 0.0 inches. E_ Rotate the aligning too! posts 180 degrees and read dist indicator #2. Divide the reading by 2. This indicates the amount the opposite end of the assembly must be ‘moved sideways to correct the misalignmant. F Repeat steps C, D and E until indicator #2 reads less, than 0.003 in the horizontal and vertical positions. 2, Check the-coupling tacial gap with the fabricated “T""bar tool, using the measured end between the coupling faces. and set the gap by positioning the motor an the motor base: {see Figure 48-2), at vertical position as follows (see Figure A. Position the aligning posts in a verticalplane. Set dial in dieator #1 to 0.0 inches. tor #1. Divide the reading by 2 This indicates the amount of vertical misalignment. SUBSECTION 48 PARALLELISM ‘AUGNMENT, NN HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT ‘VERTICAL ALIGNMENT - a $ret ure 4B-4, Shaft Alignments: G. if the motor shaft is low, install shims equal to the ‘amount of misalignmentuncer each mounting leg, If the shaft is high, remove shims under the mounting feet ‘equal ta the amount of misalignment. 6. Align the shat horizantal position as follows (see Figure 48-4) ‘A, Potition the aligning pasts in a horizontal plane, Setdial indicator #1 to 00 inches B. Rotate the aligning posts 180 degrees and read indica tor #1, Divide the reading by 2, This indicates the amount af horizontal misalignment. 48-3SUBSECTION 48 (C, Move the motor assembly sideways a distance equal to the amount of hortzental misalignment 6, Repeat all four alignment checks to insure adjustments. have inot moved and motor shaft and first reduction shafts are property alignod to within @,000 to + 0.003 inches of misalignment. MOTOR BLOWERS REMOVAL Rater to Figure 48-8 and remove the mounting serews andlockwashers Litttha blower assembly from tha hoist motors. REPAIR. Repair ofthe noist Diower assembly's timitedtor placing dafective parts. Motor, blower. inlet and exhauste bows and brackets can be removed and replaced as shown on Figure 48-6, NOTE Motor (02) is keyed to tho blower and care should be token when rainstalling that themotor and blower are property aligned HOIST MOTORS AND BLOWERS: DIAL INDICATOR #1 lat INDICATOR #2 Figure 48-5. Alignment indicator installation 2 139 1 03, BLOWER 07, CAPSCAEW 02. MOTOR 08. LOCKWASHER 03. CAPSCREW 09, SQUARE 04, LOCKWASHER 10. NUT 08, CAPSCREW 11. CAPScREW 06. BRACKET 42. LOCKWASHER 13. NUT Figure 48-6. Hoist Blower AssemblySUBSECTION 4C HOIST GEAR CASE GENERAL This subsection describes the hoist gear caso and covers the recommended inspection and repair for the gear case. ‘The subsection siso includes the disassembly and assam+ bly of the hoist gear case. Tho disassembly and assembly procedures of the; Include tha removal and installation of tha major shaft ‘sambiias of the hoist transmission shown in Figure For further service procedures ef the hol major shaft assemblies, ‘The combination hoist gear cave and side stand is fabri- cated of sturdy ail welded construction with liberal ribbing for strength and stability, The hoist gear case contains the geering which transfers power trom the hoist motor to the hoist deum gear. Major assemblies of the hoist gear case ‘re shown in Figure 4C-1 ‘Tha hoist gear case is pressure and spray ubeicated by the hoist lubrication system, The hoist drum oil seal is lubricated by the automatic tubrication system. (See Lubrication Section x.) INSPECTION AND REPAIR A pariodie inspsetion of the hoist gear ease and transmis sion is recommended. Tha inspection should includ check for oll leaks, clean case breathers. and boit tight ‘ess. The transmission should be inspected at intervals of 8000 hours, of annually for cracks in the teath faces, ang unusual weas, gailing, scaring ar spalling. Thegearscanbe viewed by removing inspection covers. on the hoist gear cave cover sections. A check of the gear case oil for metal particles i@ recommended every 160 hours, Repairs to the hoist gear case and transmission ara limit to-the raplacoment of warn or damaged components and the reversal of the hoist drum gear which is directly fast- ‘anad to the host drum (see applicable subsections for gear case component information) GEAR CASE (914J148-2) DISASSEMBLY ‘Tho comploto disassembly of the hoist goar ease may re- 0 removal and/or positisning of major components ‘0nd assemblies not covered in the shop manual. The fol- lowing procedure includes: general preliminary steps for the hoist gear case disassembly, and stops for gear case ‘component and shatt assembiy removal ATE. SHAFT ASSEMBLY Finst REDUCTION SHAFT ASSEMBLY Figure 4¢-1. Hoist Gear Case Majer Shaft Assemblies PRELIMINARY DISASSEMBLY. Prior to the disassembly of ‘the hoist gear case, pertorm the following 1. Piace the dipper on the ground and remove the hoist ‘cables {rom the hoist drum, 2. Remove required machinery cab canopy sections ms doserited in Saction I 3. Remove or reposition the gantry sssembly if required 4. Disconnect the hoist motor couplings as described in ‘Subsection 48.HOIST GEAR CASE SUBSECTION 4¢ 5. Disconnect the hoist gearcase lubricationsystem il and GEAR CASE COVER REMOVAL Refer to Figure 4C-2 and ‘grease lines. at the joints provided remove the gear case cover as follaws: 31, LOCKWASHER 32. NUT 33, CAPSCREW 34. LOGKWASHER 38. NUT 38. LOCKWASHER Figure 4¢-2. Hoist Case (914/148)SUBSECTION 4c NOTE ‘The hoist gear case cover is etwo piece assembly, but it isnot necessary to soparate the cover sections dur- ing romoval unless cover sections are damaged. 1. Remove the capscrewrs end lockwashars from the upper half of the four bearing cetainers/end covers located on the left side of the gear case and iogsen the capscraws on the ower half of the bearing retainers. NOTE Bearing retainer shims should be tied out of the way prior to lifting the hoist gear case cover to pravant the ‘shims from falling into the gear case during cover removal 2. Remove the upper capscraws and lockwashers from ‘cover plate (39) located on left side of the gear case, 2. Remove the upper capscrews and lockwashers trom the four bearing retainers/end covers on the right side of the gear case and loosen the bottem capscrems. Tie shims/gaskets out of the way. 4. Roter to Figure 4C-3 and remove the hoist drum ail seal ratainer ring sections (25) with gasket (36) and ramove oll ‘seals (31) and spacer (32) from the ol! seal cavity NOTE Oil seals (31) ave split with the butt joints located at the top of the seal cavity. The seal springs have hook ‘and eye fastenars located 80° avay from the butt join of the seals. The split in gasketis located 30°from the split in the ail seats, 5. Remove the gear case cover eapscrews, coupling bolts, juts, and lockwashers-from the ease cover flange. The two piece cover can be separated if required, by removing nuts, lockwashers, capserews and coupling bolts, from the cover ‘section flange (see Figure 4C-4) NOTE Coupling bolts ara installed in spacial bores located ‘around the gear case cover flange (see Figure 4C-a) ‘Keep these bolts separete from the other capscrews ‘as they must be installed in their special bores upon reassembly, CAUTION Oil ahrouds mounted on the holst drum andina Groove inside the hoist gear case cover will be damaged unless special care in handling is taken during the lifting of the case cover (see Figure 4¢-3), 6. Litt the hoist gear case cover off the base section and placa it 0” wood locks, The two place cover section weighs appreximately 4600 Ibs. 7. Remove gasket sections (13) rom the gear ease base at this time if there is a possibility of gasket material being dropped into the gear case (see Figure 4C-2) INTERMEDIATE PINION SHAFT REMOVAL, Remove the in- termediate pinion shaft assemblies from the gear casebese 1 follows (soe Figure 40-1}: HOIST GEAR CASE 1. Remove the capscrews and lockwashers trom the lower halves of the pinion shaft bearing retainersand ramove the bearing retainers, gasket, and shims from heist gear case base. Save the shims for reassembly, 2. Attach asling tothe intermediate pinion shaft and lit the shaft fram the hoist gear case3. Repeat step 2 for the remaining intermediate pinion shaft assembly, An in- termediate pinion shaft assembly weighs approximately 1950 Ibs. 4, Retor to Subsection 4E for inspection and repair proce- dures for the intermediate pinion shaft assembly. FIRST REDUCTION SHAFT REMOVAL. Remove the first ro- duction shaft assemblies from the goar case base as fol- lows (see Figure 4C-1) 1, Remove the hoist brake assembly as described in Sub- section 4G. 2. Remove the capseraws and lockwashars from tha lower hhalf of the bearing retainers and free the retainer from the ‘ene casa base. (Shims chould be tied to the retainers.) 3. Attach a sling to the first reduction shatt assembly and lift the shatt assembly from the gear case base, 4, Repeat stops 1 through 3 far the remaining first reduc~ tion shaft assembly. A first reduction shatt assembly woighs approximately 626 Ibs. 5. Refer to Subsection 4D for inspection and repair proce- dures for the first reduction shaft assembly, HOIST DRUM SHAFT ASSEMBLY REMOVAL Remove the hoist drum shaft assembiy from the gear case base as fol- lows: 1. Refer to Figure 4C:2 and remove the bearing cap pin head bolt assambliae (24)(eod bolts) and liftbearing cap\(04) from gear case base (03). 2. Refer to Figura 4C-3 and remove bearing retainer (19) with shims (16, 17 and 16), cepscrews (20) and lockwash- ‘ers (21) fram the drum shatt side stand assembiy (41), 3, Remove the bearing cap, pin head bolts, nuts, and bear- ing cap from the side stand assembly, 4, Remove the upper section of hoist gear ease oil shroud (30) as follows (see Figure C-3)- Nate Hoist goar case oil shroud (90) consists ol two sac- tions. The bettom section Is fastened inside the Bot- tom section of tha hoist gaat case with tie wired cap- screws. On some models.of excavator the top saction 's fastened to the bottom section with four tie wirod Capscrews and held in piace by a groove in the gear case cover. To remove this type of oll shroud perform steps 4A ond 48 and proceed to step 5. On other ‘models the top shroud is heid in placa in a machined Groove. The top section of the gear case and clips are at the ends of the shroud, This shroud section canbe romoved by parforming step 4B and procesding to step 5. A. Cut the tie wire and ramove the four capscraws. aca‘SUBSECTION 4c ot. SHAFT 02, DRUM 03. GEAR 04. BOLT COUPUNG 05. NUT 06. COTTER PIN 07. SPACER (08. RETAINER PLATE 93. BOLT 10. TE WIRE 11. BEARING ACh TOP HALF OF SHROUD HELD IN GROOVE OF 36 GEAR CASE COVER, ENLARGED SECTION LOWER SHROUD MTS. 12. BEARING HOUSING 79. FLAT 13. DOWEL PIN 24, SLOTTED HEX NUT 14. SPACER 28. COTTER PIN 18. BEARING HOUSING 26. ROPE CLIP 18. ADJ, SHIM 27. LOCKWASHER 47. ADJ. SHIM 28. HEX NUT 18 ADJ. SHIM 29, BOLT 19. BEARING RETAINER 30. OlL SHROUD. 20. CAPSCREWS 31. O1LSEAL 21. LOCKWASHER 32. OIL SEAL SPACER 22. RELIEF FITTING. 33, CAPSCREW Figure 4C-3. Hoist Orum Shaft Assembly (100J3276-4) sessene a az. HOIST GEAR CASE LOCKWASHER . RETAINER RING GASKET . CAPECREW . LOCK WIRE Olt SHROUD HOIST DRUM HUB. SIDE STAND SEAL SPRINGS HOIST ROPES #3 ANG 2HOIST GEAR CASE PIN HEAD BOLTS SUBSECTION 4¢ o1 coUPLING ‘BOLTS (01) 01. SECTION “A- couruns 8 10% BOLTS (01), 04 o a else Spores] [hess e = - Tr lo 0) lo] ote P=afo] Tp] 1 fo] ofe= = rODIG} a OF couruNG o1 SECTION “8.8” BotTs (01) Figure 4C-4, Coupling Bolt Location 8. Lift the upper shroud seetion clear of the hoist drum. 5. Remove hoist drum oil shroud (39) as follows: NOTE Hoist drum oil shroud (39) consists of swe sections which are fastened to the hoist drum with tie wired capscrows (see Figure 4C-3) A. Position the hoist drum so that oil shroud section joints 78 on the herizontal canterline of the hoist drum, 8. Cut the tie wires, remove tho capseraws and lift the ‘upper section of oi! shroud (39} clear of the hoist drum, . Rotate the hoist drum to position the remaining hoist ‘drum oil shraud section on top and repeat step SB for the remaining oil shroud section. 405‘SUBSECTION 4c 6. Attach a sling to the hoist drum shaft assembly and lft ‘the assembly from the goar casa base and side stand. The hoist drum shatt sssembly weighs approximately 48500 Is. 7. Reter to Subsection 4F for inspection and repair proce- dures for the hoist drum shaft assembly, NOTE Ht necessary the lawer section of the hoist gear case ‘il shroud can beremoved after step 6, by cutting the tie wires, removing the capscrews and lifting the oit ‘shroud section out of the gear case base. ASSEMBLY The holst gear case is assembled by installing the maior assemblies as described in the follawing steps (seo Figure AC} NOTE The assembly procedures were written an the basis that a complete disassembly of the hoist gear case has been dane; that the gear case machined surfaces are sloan end tree from damage; ant thet major assemblies have been inspected and assembled a described in other subsections of this shop mans FIRST REDUCTION SHAFT INSTALLATION. Install the first reduction shaft assembly as follows: ‘The first reduction oil linger assemblies mut be able to drain for proper lubrication, Insure ‘that the cored drain slots in the first reduction retainers are in line with the slots in the gear ‘ease during first reduction installation. 4, Liftthefirstreduction shaft assembly into positionon the gear case baso (see Figure 4C-1) This shaft assembly ‘waighs approximataly 670 Ibs, NOTE The coupling facial gep described in the alignment procedure, Subsection 48, can be used to Insure proper clearance between the hoist motor and fi reduction shaft coupling hubs. 2. Ineura the firet reduction shatt retainer O-rings have coating af lubricant and arw in proper position, then fasten the shaft retsiner t0 the gear case with the lower cap- screws, lockashers. Tighton the capscrews finger tight 3, Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the remaining first reduction shaft aasembly, NOTE ‘The 0.020 inch retainer shims that were removed at disassembly should be saved for installation later. 4 install the hoist brake assemblies, Refer to holst brake installation procedure in Subsection 4G, ace HOIST GEAR CASE HOIST DRUM SHAFT ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION. Refor to Figure 4C-3 and install the hoist drum shaft assembly as follows 1. Install the lower half of gear caso oil shroud (30) in the hoist gear case bese, Lockwire the cepscrews. 2. Install bearing dowel pin (13) in the gear ease besring block. Insure that dowel pin (13) aligns with the hole in the drum shaft bearing rece while lowering the holst drum Into position, 3. Lift tha hoist deum shaft assambly into position en tho ‘hoist gear case bese and side stand, This assembly weighs: ‘approximately 44,500 Ibs. NOTE The positioning of the side stand bearing during the hoist drum shaft installation is important! A grease bore in the bearing race should be at the top of the bearing for alignment of the lube fitting in the side stand bearing block. Refer to Figure 4C-5. BEARING WBE RETAINER SIDE STAND Figure 40-8. Side Stand Bearing Block Assembly 4, eter to Figure 4¢-2 and install drum shaft beering cap (04) on the gear case bearing block as follows: ‘A. Lift boaring cap (04) onto the gear case basring blockHOIST GEAR CASE B. Partially assemble a pin hoad bolt {rod bolt) (24) by starting a split nut onto the rod belt end that has the most thrasds (C. Insert the pin head bolt assembly, from step 48 down through the bearing block bore. 0. install an O-ring and a spit nut, with an O-ring groove, tanto the lower and of the rod bolt Turn the nut until a ack pin can be Inserted through the split nutand hole in the rod bolt. Take care not to damage the O-ring, (866 Figure 4¢-6) NOTE To prevent damage to O-rings during the tightening of the top nuts, arod bolt O-ring kit (101427) has been developed, The installation of this kt will lock the rod bolts and split nuts together in pairs (as shown in Fig- ure 40-8) and proven tha rod bolt and lower nut from turning, E. Repeat steps 4A through 4D for remaining bearing esp pin head bolts, Figure 4-6, Rod Bolt Lock Pin Assembly (101 4J27-3) Possible damage to the pin head boit O-ring: will occur if the bolt and lower nut rotate during the tightening of the top nut, F_ Tighten the top nuts on the bearing coppinhaad botts to the proper torque, Lock the top nuts by inserting a cotter pin through the split nut and the hole in the bott 5, Refer toFiguredC-3.andinstall thehoist drumit shroud (39) as follows: ‘A. Install one hatf of oil shroud (38) an the hoist drum with capscrews (37), Lockwire the eapscraws, BB. Rotate the holst drum 180" and repeat step 44 for the remaining half of oil shroud (39). SUBSECTION 4c C. Fasten the ends of oll shroud (39] with espscrews and ockwire the eapseraws. 6. install the upper seetion of oil shroud (30). Refer to Fig: ure 4C-3. Fasten the oll shroud ends together with cap- seraws and securely lockwire the capscraws, 7. Install the side stand bearing cap and secure with four pinhead bolt assemblies, Insure the bore in the bearing cup Aligns with the graase fing in thebearing retainer cap (308 Figure 4C-5). & Install the sige stand bearing retainer with the shim pack that was removed at disassembly, Tighten the capscrews in ‘even steps, alternating from side to side until theretainer is: torqued 10 the proper torque. NoTE naw shims are required for bearing retainer instal- lation, the proper shim thickness can be determined as follows: A. install the bearing retainer without shims. 1B. Tightan the retainer with capscrews in aven steps until the retainer is tight against the bearing race. . Measure the gap betwoan the retainer and the bearing block at three places 120° apart. D. Average the measurements. This measurement is the amount of shims to be used, INTERMEDIATE PINION SHAFT ASSEMBLY INSTALLA- TION, The intermediate pinion shaft assemblies shown in Figure 4C-7 are installed as follows 1. Insure the dowel pins (11) as shown in Figure 4C-7 are installed into the bores in bearing housings. 2. Lift the intermediate shaft assembly into position in the. hoist gear case base, This shatt assembiy into position in the hoist gear case bese. This shatt assembly woighs approximately 1820 fas. 3, Install the right sido intermediate shaft bearing retainer (22, with a.0158 inch gasket{08) between bearing housing (20) and the gear case bearing block. Tighten retainer cap- serews (Q3}equally until snug tight 4 Install the loft intermediate shaft bearing ratainer (01) ‘with a,0156" gasket (1 2)betwean bearing housing 10} and the gear case bearing block. Tighten the retainer cap: ‘scraws (03) equally until shug tight. 5, Check that the gear train rotates freely, then loosen the retainer capscrews (03) 6. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the remaining inter- ‘mediate pinion shaft assembly, HOST GEAR CASE COVER INSTALLATION. Install the as- ‘sembled heist gear case cover as follows: 1. Inspect the gear case and insure that Il internal cap. screws, and pin heed bolt (‘od bolt) assemblios are secure- ly lockwared; and the gear case is clear of forsign materia 40-7SUBSECTION 4¢ 01. RETAINER, 02. CAF PLUG 93. SCREW 04 LOCKWASHER 08. SCREW 06. THE WIRE 97, RETAINER, 08. SEARING 1" 2 13, 14 16, PINION SHAFT 8. KEY Figure 4C-7. Intermediate Pinion Shaft HOIST GEAR CASE 1. BEARING RETAINER GASKET (.0158") HOUSING O-RING » RETAINER GEAR CASE BS28ssSUBSECTION 4¢ seeded Bearing SS HousiNG ~°. NGS ‘SHIM (0.020") Figure 46-8, First Reduction Shaft Bearing Retsiner installation 2. Rotate the hoist drum shaft assembly and check the hoist gearing for proper operation 3. Install the hoist gear case gasket sections an the gear ‘case base (see Figure 4C-2) To prevent damage to the first reduction bear- ing retainer O-rings the retainers shauld be po: joned as shown in Figure 4C-8 prior to the lowering of the gear case cover onto the bi section. 4. Loosan the first reduction shalt bearing retainer exp. ‘screws and position tha retwiners as follows HOIST GEAR CASE A. Slide the first reduction shaft assembly to the right far ‘enough to clear the retainer O-ring as shown in Figure ac-8, B. Stide the left retainer away from the baaring block to clear the retainer O-ring, ©. Repeet siops 44 and! 8 Gn she remaining fiat reduction shaft retains 5. Loosen the intormadiate pinion ehaft retainereand pra tion the retainers to clear the gear case cover as the cover is lowerad into place. Insure that the gaskets an the right side retainer ar@ positioned to clear the gear case cover during step 7. 6. Check the hoist geat case cover mating surfaces to in sure that the surfaces are free fram damage. Care should be taken to inure that the gear ease oil shroud is engaged in tha groove on th inside of the gear case cover as the cover is lowered anto the gear case base. Refor to Fig- ure 40-4. 7. Lift the hoist a case base. 8. Align the gear case cover by installing the coupling bolts ‘with lockwashers and nuts in the special bores in the hoist gear case, Refer to Figure 4C-4 for coupling bok locetions. Tighten the coupling bolt nuts finger tight F ease eover inte position on the gear 9. Position the first reduction shatt bearing retainers aso lows: A, Pull rotainer and bushing housing away from gear case face, as shown in Figure 4¢-8, Insure that the first reduction shat bearing re- tainers do not rotate. The cored drain slots must line up with the drain slots in the gear case bearing block for proper lubrication. Re- to Figure 4C-8, B. Install a 0.020 inch shim between the right bearing re- tuiner and the gear case bearing block. NOTE ‘The first reduetion bearing retainae shims double as gaskets, Thase shims are split for ease of installa tion. It is recommended that the split be positioned at tho top af the vertieal center line of the first reduction pinion shat . Jack the bearing housing retainar and the first reduc: tion pinion shaft into position by tightening the retainer acoHOIST GEAR CASE capserews in equal stepe. Tighten the capserews snug fight. Take eare not to damage the retainer O-ring. D. Install a 0.020 inch shim berween the lef bearing rratainer and the gear case bearing bleck. Taking carenot to Gamage the retainer O-ring, tighten the retainer cap- ‘acraws inequal steps until the capacraws are snugtight. (See NOTE Step 98.) E. Repeat stops 9A, B,C and D for the remaining first reduetion shaft bearing retainare. 10, Rotate the hoist drum and check the hoist gearing for propor operation. 11, Tighten the intermediate pinion shaft bearing retainer eaptcrews in equal stops unl the capscrows ere snug, vat. 12. Repeat step 11 on all of the intermediate pinion shatt boaring retainers (itam 44, Figure 4C-2) 13. Rotate the hoist drum and chack the gearing for proper operation, 14, Tighton the gear case coupling belt nats in steps alter- ating {fom one side of the gear cose to the othor until all ‘nuts ato tightened to their specified torque 16, Install the hoist gear case cover capserews, lockwash- ‘ers, and nuts and tighten the nuts in equal steps to the ‘specified torque. 1. Tighten the bearing retainer capscrews on ail hoist Gear case bearing retainers in equel steps to the specified torque. NOTE ‘The recommended torque or the first reduction shatt bearing retainer capscrews is 170 tt-Ibs. Refer to Table 1-2 for specified torques. 18, Refer ro Figure 4C-9 and install the heist drum gear case oll veal assembly as follows: A, Lubricate the seal surface on the deur and inner seal (31) with lubricating ott 8. Separate the seal ends and carofully position the seal ‘oround the shaft with the butt joint at the top of the seal cavity. SUBSECTION 4c . Lubricate the sea! spring and insiall it around the shat Connect the ands andinsert the spring in the lip groeve ‘With the spring end 90° away from the but jit. NOTE {f oll soais (31) leaked bofore removal. the outsice drum diameter should be checked. The drum diam: ‘eter should be berwean 49.376.and 49,370 inchos, it the drum is worn tothe low and of the tolerance limit, increasing the seal spring pressure by shortening the spring length will help eliminate theteskage. Nominal ‘spring fength is. 149.062 snenes, with 8 minimum length of 142.082 inches. a not shorten the spring bbolow 142.082 inches. ©, Align the sea! ends, start the butt joint into the sealcav- ity first and then install the rest of the seal eventy into. the cavity E. Tap evenly around the circumforence until the soa! is Sswatad in the cavity. F. Install. spacer sections (32) and rapast steps 184 through 18E for outor seal (31). G, Install oil seal retainer soctions and gasket (35 and 36), When filling the hoist drum seal cavity with lubricant be careful not to over fill and invert the seals. 1H, Fill the oll seat cavity with fubricant, Refor to Section X for lubricant specifications. 1, Instail the gear case cover piate (item 39, Figure 4C-2) 20, Connect the oll and lubrication lines to the hoist gear case, 21, Align and couple the hoist motor shefts and first ro- duction shafts as described in Subsection 48, hoist motor (installation procedure, 22. Adjust the hoist brakes as described in Subsection 4G, 23, Install the machinery house canopy sections as eseribad in Section Il 24. install the hoist cables onto the drum as shown in Figure 4&1SUBSECTION 4D FIRST REDUCTION SHAFT GENERAL Thore are two first reduction shaft assemblies in the hoist ‘gear train, Each shaft assembly is driven by a hoist motor through a gear type coupling, Each first reduction shaft has a brake wheel mounted on the end of the shath opposite the coupling. ‘The fiest reduction shafts are forged and machined with 3 helical pinion as an integral part of thashatt One endof the shaft assembly has a cylinderieal roller bearing and the other end tras a double raw tapered roller bearing to permit smooth rotary motion and to take thrust loads imparted in horizontal directions. Non-rubbing labyrinth type seals are incorporated at each end of the first reduction shafts, Drain channels are pro- vided in the retainers and bearing blocks to.tlow oil toflew theough the bearings and labyrinth seals bock to the gear ease lubtication system, The bearing retainers have O-rings to prevent oll leakage past the stationary parts of the shaft assembly, INSPECTION AND REPAIR Inspection of the first reduction shaft assembly is per: formed during periodic inspection and overhaul of thet ‘gear case. Repair of tha shaft assembly limited tot placement ofall O-rings and parts found to be damaged ar sxeessively worn, Refer to Figure AD-2 for shalt assembly dimensions. All bearing cones must be preheated prior to installation on the shafts. Extreme care must FIRST REDUCTION SHAFT ASSEMBLY (910J536-1) REMOVAL. Removal of the first reduction shatt assemblies is described in Subsection 4¢ under the disassembly of the hoist gear case. DISASSEMBLY. Figure 4D-2 is provided as a foldout to al- low easy reference while disassembling the shaft assem. blles, Rater to Figure 4D-2 and ditassamble the reduction shaft assembties as follows: 1. Remove retainer piate (35) from the end of the pinion shat 2, Pull brake whee! (24) and spacer (33) from the pinion shaft 3. Remove retainer (30). labyrinth specer {28}. snd spacer (27) trom shatt (23), 4. Remove O-ring (28) from retainer (30), 5. Ramove retainer (26) from the pinion shaft. The bearing ‘cups and outer cone of bearing (26) will come aff the shaft with retainar (25), NOTE The cups, cones, and spacer of bearing (26) are matched and must be kep! together asa set thayare to be reinstalled, 6, Remove O-ring (24) and the cup and outer eone of bear- ing (28) from bearing retainer (25) 7. Pull the spacer and inner cone of bet pinion shaft (23), 8. Remove retainer plate (10), coupling half (04), and ‘spacer (13) from pinion shaft (23). Remove O-ring {08} rom ‘coupling haif (04), Remove retainer (17), labyrinth spacer 14), and spacer (19] rom pinion shaft (23). Remove O-ring (18}from ret er (17). 10. Remove bearing retainar (21) from the pinion shaft Bearing (20} will be remaved with retainer(21). Remove O- ring (22) and bearing (20) from the retainer (21. INSPECTION, Giean and inspect all parts per the dimen: sional measurements shown in Figure 40-2, Check parts visually for cracks, breaks, or excessive wear. Check the lateral running clearance af bearing (26) as.tol- lows: 1. Assemble the inner and outer cones into the bearing cup. Do not install the spacer between the canes at this time. ng (26) from 2, Place the assembled bearing on a surface plate, Place a 40 to BO pound weight on the bearing assembly, and rota the bearing cup. This will seat ll parts of the bearing, 80-1‘SUBSECTION 4D 3. Take indicator readings from the surface plate to the top ‘of the upper bearing cone. The weight mustremaininplace ‘while taking this reading 4, Remove the wright and upper bearing cone. install the spacer and reinstall the upper bearing soneand weight. Ro- late the bearing cup to reseot the bearing perts. 5. Take Indicator readings as described in stop 3, 6. Subtract tha reading taken in step 3 from the reading taken in step 9. If the difference between the readings ex- ceeds 0.016 inch, the spacer must be machined, or the bearing should be reptaced. ASSEMBLY. Reter to Figure 40-2 andassemble the irstre- duction shafts as follows: Double row tapered raller bearings on this ma- chine are matched bearings. Parts of a match: ed bearing should not be interchanged with arts of identical bearings. The bearing cones and bearing cups of amatched bearing mustbe installed on a shaft in the same order that the new bearing comes packaged. 1. Preheat and install a cone of bearings (26) over the 4 inch shoulder of first reduction shaft (23) 2. Install the spacer of bearing (26) against the installed cone, 3. Install the matching cup of bearing (26) in the bearing housing of retainer (25), NOTE Some double row matched bearings are etched with letters on the sides of the cones and.cups. It does not matter which side goes on the shaft first. The important thing is that the lettered parts match when bearing is installed as shown in FigureaD-1. "A" side of cone matches “A” side af cup. matches “C side of cup. ‘neve O-ring (24) and install iton retainer (26) 5. Install retainer (25), with cup of bearing (26), over the cone of bearing (26) already installed on pinion shatt (23). Insure that the Bearing paris mateh side of cone 4, kuirica 6. Preheat and instal! the remaining cone of bearing (26) ‘onto pinion shaft (23). Seat this coneinto the matching cup. 7. Install spacer (27)andlabyrinth spacer (2610n thepinion shaft NOTE Labyrinth spacers (28 and 14) must be installod with the 1/2 inch wide band elosest to the eenter of the pinion shaft 8, Install new O-ring (28) on retainer (90) and install re- tainer (3C} on pinion shalt (23) 40.2 FIRST REDUCTION SHAFT CONE CONE ‘cur Figure 40-1. Double Row Bearing Installation 8. Align the drain slots of labyrinth spacer (28) and retain. ‘ers (25 and 20); fasten the retainers together temporarily with bolts until the shafi assembly is ready for installation, 10. Preheat and install the inner race of bearing (20) onto pinion shaft (23). 11. Install the outer race of bearing {20) into ret er (21), 12. Lubricate a new 0 (21) 13. Install retainer (21) on pinion shaft (23) with the outer ‘bearing race over the inner race of beating (20) 14, Install spacer (18) and labyrinth spacer (14) on pinion ‘shaft (23). See the note following step 7. 18. Install new O-ring (18) on Fr tginer (17) onto pinion shaft (23), 19 (22) and install it on retainer ner (17) and ins ire 16. Align the drain slots of labyrinth spacer (14) and re ‘tainars (17 and 21), fasten the retainers together with bolts until the shalt is ready for installation. 17. Install spacars (¥3 and 33) on the pinion shatt. insure that the spacers fit in the machined grooves of retainors.(17 ‘and 30), 18. Instail a new O-ring in the sleave af coupling (04), end ‘assemble coupling hub and sieeve. 19. Install coupling (O4}hub onto the splines of pinion shaft (23) and install rotainer (10). Secure the capserews with lockwire 20. Install brake wheel (34) ante the splined end af pinion ‘shaft (23) and install retainer (35). Secure the retainer cap: screws with lockwire. INSTALLATION, Installation uf the first reduction pinion shafts is described in Subsection 4C under the assembly af the hoist gear case.FIRST REDCTION SHAFTS Tobe aeRO derren|oescnenon | "eee [ho ae tet idaoe, tie |__|netanen 7h etanen o oo SHAFT — (0D [Sour oa 1 aan os. courte 7) — . nor [ese none oe: oasaer oe orm oS: Revemen ‘AST REDUCTION ‘SUBSECTION 40 rn wrt i sa i H wee sa RE-AMEN 8. anscen wt Senn 3 anne reve a anen ws sone Bone va sracen row siart ‘eae i onme ve woomasien 2 petaen mean” i sana, ‘a one i cen 7 Figure 40-2. First Reduction Pinion Shatt (8101536) 409SUBSECTION 4E INTERMEDIATE PINION SHAFTS GENERAL ‘There are two intermediate pinion shaft assemblies used in ‘he hoist geartrain. Each imermediate shaft acsembly con- ‘sists. of # pinion shaft with an integrally forged and ma- cchined spur cut pinion, # keyed and press fitted helical cut ‘gear, two double row tapered roller bearings with bearing housings and bearing retainers (see Figure 4-2), ‘The intermediate shaft essembly is driven by the first re- ‘duction pinion and transmits the hoist power to the main hoist gear which is mounted directly to the hoist drum, ‘The intermediate shaft assambly is fores and spray lubri- cated by the upper lubrication system INSPECTION AND REPAIR Inspection of the intermediate pinion shaft assembly isper- formed during periodic Inspection and overhaul of the hoist gear case. Repair of the intermediate shaft assembly is limited to tho replacement of all parte found to ba damaged ‘oF excessively worn, Refer to Figure 4E-2 for shaft assom- biy dimensions. All bearing cones must be preheated prior to installation on the shafts, Extreme care must be taken to assure bearings are never hosted ‘over 300°F (148.0°C), INTERMEDIATE PINION SHAFT ASSEMBLY (10043283-2) REMOVAL. Removal of the intermediate pinian shatt as- ‘sembly is described in Subsection 4C, hoist gear case dis- assembly procedures, DISASSEMBLY. Refer to Figure 4£-2 and disassemble the Intormadiate pinion shatt assembly as follows: 1. Pull bearing retainer (22) and bearing housing (20) aff the intermediate pinion shaft assembly. 2, Remove O-ring (21), gasket (19) and dowral pin (1 1) trom housing (20). 2. Remove retsinar (18) from the end of pinion shaft (16). 4. Remove the cup und cones af bearing (17) from the pinion shatt. NOTE The cups and cones of bearing (17} are matched and ‘must be Kept together if they are to be reinstalled 5, Remove bearing ratziner (01) from the pinion shaft Remove O-ring (09) and eap plug (02} from retain. 6. Remove retainer (07) and pull baaring housing (10) from the pinion shaft. The cup and one cone of bearing (08). and Gasket (12) will be removed with housing (10) 7, Remove gasket (12), cup of bearing (08) and dowel pin (11) from bearing housing (10), NOTE ‘The cups and cones of bearing (08) are matched anct must be kept together if the bearing is to be reinstalled. 8. Pull the remaining cone of bearing (08) and spacer (13) from pinion shak (15) 9. Press first reduction gear (14) off the intermediate shatt (15). The first reduction gear (14) is keyed to the shaft as- sembly. The first reduction gear weighs epproximataly 1400 tbs, INSPECTION. Inspect all parts of the intermediate shaft 2e- semnbly for cracks, breaks, or excessive wear and check shatt dimensions per measurements shown inFigure 4E-2 Replace all parts found to be damaged or excessively worn, ASSEMBLY. Refer to Figure 4£-2 and assemble the inter- mediate pinion shaft as follows; 1. Install key (1 8)in the keyway of shaft (15) and press first reduction gear (14) on tha pinion shatt. 2. Install spacer (1:3) against the first reduction gear Components of bearings (08 and 17) are matched and must not be interchanged with ‘each other or other identical bearings. 3. Preheat and install one.cone of bearing (08)tight against spacer (13)SUBSECTION 4E NOTE ‘Some double row matched bearings are etched with letters on the sides of the cones and cups, I does not matter which side goes on the shaft first. The impor- tant thing is that t @ fettorad parts match when besr- ing is installed as shown in Figure 4£-1. “A side of ‘cone matches “A side of cup, “GC” side of cone matches “side of cup. Figura 4€-1. Double Row Baaring Installation 4, Install the cup of bearing (08) into housing (10). The ‘boating cup must be tight against the housing flange and the recess in the cup must match the dowel pin ote in housing (10). install gasket (12) on housing and hold in place with tape. Install dowel pin (11) into housing 10) and ‘bearing (08), INTERMEDIATE PINION SHAFTS 5. Install housing (10) and cup of bearing (08) over the stalled bearing cone, 6: Install spacer of bearing (08) and place the remaining preheated cone of bearing (08) over the pinion shaft against the spacer, 8. Install O-ring (08) and cap plug (02) on Siide retainer (01) in housing (10) and hold in place tem- orarily using fwo capscraws with nuts 9. Preheat and install one cone of beasing {17}on the short ‘end of pinion shaft (16), Install the bearing specer against the installed cone, 10. Install the cup of bearing (17) over the installed cone Install the remaining preheated cone over pinion shaft (15) Into the bearing cup. Insure the cones and cups of bearing (17) maten. 11, Install retainer (18) and secure with scrow (08), 12, Placa gasket (19) over housing (20) and slide housing ‘over cup of bearing (17), The hale in housing (10) must be aligned with the recess in the bearing cup. Install dowel pin in housing (20) 13. Install O-ring (21) and cap plug (02) on retainer (22, ‘Slide retainer (22) in housing (20) and hold in place tempo- rarity using two capscrewrs with nuts NOTE Seraw {03}, and lock washers (04) willbe installadion the intermediate pinion shaft assemblies when the shaft assembling are installed in the heist gear cas INSTALLATION. The installation of the intermediate pinion shaft assembly is described in Subsection 4G, hoist gaar case assembly procedures,INTERMEDIATE PINION SHAFTS ano g o 10" sis — 950" +1. s050° 7710 MACHINE 13° REF, ‘cone T SETTER) DIMENSION | mRCMES ren [oe 0 ASE AGRE ‘05 BEARING RETAINER © [oo I ‘SHAFT * |e I ‘SHAFT a1 ‘GEAR GORE: a) SPACER BORE o ousiNG tone RETAINER 22. RETAIER SUBSECTION 4 Figute 46:2, Intermediate Pinion Shaft ‘Assembly (10019253-2) a3SUBSECTION 4F HOIST DRUM SHAFT ASSEMBLY GENERAL The hoist drum shaft assembly consists of a spur cut hoist (gear, a prass fitted hoist drum, 8 tapared roller bearing sup- ported hoist shaft, a drum mounted ell shroud, and rope clamp bodies along with ether components as shown In Figure 4F-3, The hoist crum gear is bolted directly to, ond located by, a hoavy flanga on the hoist drum. The hoist drum gear is driven by two second reduction pinions which are located on opposite sides of the hoist gear. This gear train elfec- tively cancels pinion forces and allows the drum shaft 10 ‘Support only the load imposed by the hoist cables. ‘Tha hoist drum assembly (s mounted with the heise drum {goar in the hoist gear case, The drum shat is supported by doubie row tapered roller bearings at exch end. The bear- ing blocks are integral pets of the hoist goar case and the sido stand assembly. Two oll shrouds and a twin fiction seal assembly mounted ‘round the gear case side of the holst drum prevent oil leak- 2g¢ from the hoist gear esse, The hoist gear and the roller bearing mounted in the gear ‘case are lubricated by the upper ol lubrication system. The Hoist drum seal and the side stznd bearing are lubricated ‘with grease by tha contral lubrication system, INSPECTION AND REPAIR A periodic inapection of ol paris f the hoist drum shaft as- ‘Sombly is recommended. During periodic end overhaul in- spections check components for cracks, breaks and/or ex- cessive wear, The hoist gear can be viewed through accesses in the hoist gear case. Ropair of she hoist drum shaft assembly includes the replacement of excessively ‘worn of damaged parts, reversal of the hoist gear, and ‘welding repair of the hoist drum and/ar grooves. NOTE Mt wolding repairs aresmallinnaiure, thodeumcanbe repaired in place, otherwise remove the drum for bottor accessibility. HOIST DRUM SHAFT ASSEMBLY (100/3276-4) REMOVAL Removal of the hol stdrum shaft assembiyis de- scribed in Subsection 4C, holst goar case disassembly procedures. DISASSEMBLY, Refer to Figure 4F-3 and disassemble the holst drum shaft assambly as follows: NOTE To aid in the selection of the proper handing equip ment for the hoist drum shat components, the ‘approximate weight are as follows: the hoist shaft, 3600 Ihs.:the hoist drum, 28,000 tbs. the hoist goar, complete heist drum shaft assembly, 44,500 ibs. DISASSEMBLY. Figure 4F-3 is provided as a foldout to allow eo3y reference whila disassembling the hoist drum shaft. Disassemble the hoist drum shaft as follows: 1. Remove retainer (44) and shims (41, 42and43) fromthe Fight end af the drum shaft NOTE ‘Shims (41, 42.and 43) shou'd beretained as thoy may ‘be reinstalled at assembly 2. Remove retainer (37) and pull housing (40) from dren ‘shaft (34). The cup and outer cone of bearing (38) vill be re- moved with housing (40) 3. Ramove tha cup and outer cone of bearing (26) from housing (40), Pull the spacar and inner cone of bearing (38) ‘from drum shaft (34). NOTE The cups, cones and spacer of bearing (38) matched and must be kept together if they are to be rolngtatted, 4, Pull spacer (35) from drum abate (34) 5, Remove retainer (03) from the laft end of thecrum shaft. 5, Remove dowel pin (08) and pull bearing housing (06), ‘The cup and outer cone of bearing (O4)willba removed with rousing (08). 7. Remove the cup and outer cone of bearing (Od) from ‘housing (08), Pull the inner cone and spacer of bearing (04) from drum shaft (34). NOTE The parts of bearing (04) ore matched parts.and must tbe kopt togather if they are to be reinstalled. arySUBSECTION 4F 8. Remove spacer (10} fram drum shatt (34. 9. Prose shaft (34) from. drum shaft (11). Shaft must be pressed fram the gear end of the crum assembly, Shatt (34) wwaighs approximately 3600 Ibs. 10, Remove hoist gear (05)tromhoist drum (11}as follows: A. Support the hoist gear with suitable fitting equipment, B. Remove cotter pins (07), nuts (06), and coupling bolts (11) from the hoist gear and drum flange. NOTE When hoist gear coupling bolts {1 2) re removed, recommended that the old botts be replaced with new coupling bolts prior to assembly af the hoist drum shaft assembly, €. Litt hoist gear (05) from the hoist drum, 11, Ht required, ramove hub (33) from the hoist drum, INSPECTION, Inspect all parts of the holst drum shatt as- sembly per the dimensional measuremants shown in Fig: ure 4F-3, Chock eompanonts visually for eracks, breaks or excessive wear, REPAIR. Repair of the hoist drum shaft components is limited to the replacement af damaged or excessively warn parts with rwo exceptions. A worn hoist gear can be re- versed on the hoist drum toget wear outof both sides ofthe 19" RAD. 5.00" GROOVE PITCH _ SECTION A-A HOIST DRUM SHAFT ASSEMBLY teeth. Thehoistdrum can berepatredby using thetollow-up. welding provedure. To weld on the heist drum grooves. proceed as follows: If any flame hardened material remains in the repair areas and it is welded ovar, cracks witl form after the repair. To avoid this, preheat the repairarea, soaking itto 800°F, then slow coal the area using asbestos blankets or othar suit. able material 1. Attach the weiding ground cable to the drum to avoid passing welding current through the drum shaft beerings. 2. Clean the area to be repoired of all flaked ond mashed ‘material by grinding. NOTE ‘Maintain the original rope groove contour as muchas Possible t0:minimiza the final grinding. ithe build-up required is less than 1/8 inch, grind the groove con- 10Ur to allow for the thickness of one hard surfacing weld pass. Refer to Figure 4F-1 for groove dimen: sions. 3. Preheat the repair ar (204.2°¢) to approximately 400°F J 65.260" DIA, DRUM (REF) — 58" PITcH OIA. _ 53,750" DIA. BOTTOM OF GROOVE Figure 4F-1. Hoist Drum Groove TemplateHOIST DRUM SHAFT ASSEMBLY Welding should be continuous until completed ‘once tha job is started. Do nat allow area to coo! during the walding procedure, Care must be taken to avoid all undercutting. Assure smooth blending of wold mata! and paront ‘metal at the beginning and ani 4. Bulld up the drum groove contour as follows: NoTE tt fs recommended that « template of the drum ‘arooves be made prio to the rework to aid in the ri Dulld and final grinding (see Figure 4F-1) for dimen: sions. A. IT Dulld-up requires less than 1/8 inch build-up, pro coed to stop C. 1B. It build-up required is over 3/16 inch (4.8 mm)in depth, use P&H 11W electrodes (AWS E-10018) and build up within 3/16 inch of groove surface before proceedingto stop © ©. Weld up as close to: the original groove contour as possible, using hard surface electrodes (Airco #388) that can be deposited in mult-layers and give RC 47.52 a8 deposited NOTE Never build up more than three passes in depth win hard surtocing electrodes 1D. Grind weld deposit smooth and to the proper rope gloove contour after it has cooled. ASSEMBLY. Refer to Figure 4F-3 and assemble the holst drum shatt as follows: Double row tapered roller bearings on this ma- ching are matched bearings. Parts of s match- ed bearing should not be interchanged with parts of identical bearings. The bearing cones and bearing cups of amatched bearing must be instalied on # shaft in the same order that the ‘now bearing comes packaged. 1, Press hub (33) into drum (11), Weld hub (33) into drum (11), {see hoist drum repair procedures for weld proce- dures}, 2. Prost shat (34) into the hoist drum. Shaft (34) must be inserted trom the right end of thedrum, The rightsideotthe drum ts opposite the gear end. 3, Install hoist gear (05) on the heist drum, Secure with new coupling bolts (12), nuts (06) end cotter pins (07). Gear {05} weighs approximately 3300 lbs SUBSECTION 4F NOTE Bolts (12) which secure hoist gear (05) te hoist drum (11) are body fitted coupling bolts. and must be packed in dry ice prior to assembly, 4, Install spacer (36) on the right end of shaft (34). The flat ‘aldo of spacer (35) must be placed against the shaft collar ‘The components of bearing (36 and 04) are matched and must not be interchanged with each other or other identical bearings. The bearing cones must ba prehested prior to installation on the shafts. Extreme care must be token to assure bearings are never heated over 300°F (148.0°C), 5. Preheat and install one coneot be spaces (35), ing (38)tight against NOTE Some double row maiched beurings are etched with letters on the sides ofthe cones and cups. itdoes not matter which sida goes on the shatt first. Tho Important thing is that the fettered parts match when bearing 's installed es shown in Figure 4F-2. "A" side ‘of cone matches “A” side of cup, "C™ side of cone matches." side of cup CONE Figure 4F-2. Double Row Bearing Installation 6. Install the cup of bearing (36) into housing (40). The bearing cup must be tight against the housing flange and the recess in the cup must match the dowel pin hole in housing (40), 7. Install housing (40) and cup of bearing (36) over the in- stalled bearing cone. 4F-3SUBSECTION 4F 8. Install spacer of bearing (36) end place the remaining ‘preheated cone of bearing (36) over shaft (34) against the bearing spacer 5S. Install retainer plete(37handsecure with capscrews(38) ‘and lockwire (39). 10. Place retainer (44) into housing (40), tightan suf iy o insure thatthe cup of bearing (36) istight against the flange of housing (40). Measure tho gap betwean ro- tainer (44) and housing (40}. install shims (41, 42 and 43) equal to the measured gap. 11. Install relief fitting (47) into retainer (44). 12. Inetall two halves of oll shroud (13}.0n the laft side of hoist drum (11), Seeure oil shroud with screws (17) 13. Install spacer (10) on drum shaft (34). Preheat and in- stall one cone of bearing (04) on shatt (34) agai (19, APRA HOIST DRUM SHAFT ASSEMBLY 14. instal cup of bearing (04) into housing (08). The recess Inthe bearing cup must match the dowel pin hole in hous- ing (08), Take note that the etched letters onthe bearingcup land the instalied.cone will match wheninstalling the hous» ing and cup. See Nate in step 5 of this procedure. 15. install housing (08) and bearing cup on shatt (34) over ‘the installed bearing cone. 16. Install spacer and preheated cone of bearing (04) into ‘the bearing cup against the installed bearing cone. Take ‘note that the etched Ietters on the bearing cones match the ‘eters on the bearing cup. 17, tnsiall retainer plate (03) and secure with eepseraws (01) and lockwire (02). INSTALLATION. Installation of the hoist drum shaft is ‘described in Subsection 4C under the topic, Assembiyot the ‘gear case.HOIST ORUM SHAFT ASSEMBLY 13, surovo 14 screw 18 TEWIRE: DIMENSION 00. SHAFT 1, ORE 1, BORE 0.0. SHAFT TO. OmUM BORE 00 SHAFT oD. Housing 16. HOUSING BORE oo ‘SPACER 1. ‘HOUSING BORE 00. RETAINER 39, RETAINER PLATE 3a. screw 30 Te wie 4 HOUSING: 4 sine 2 swt ©. sam 44 RETAINER 45, LOcKWASHER 4. screw ©. FING, SUBSECTION 4FSUBSECTION 4G HOIST BRAKES GENERAL The holst brakes are apring-set, ait-toloated holding brakes. When the operator presses the hoist/crowd brake relaase button on the control cansale, a solencid valve is operated, applying sir pressure to the hoist brake roto- chambers, The rotochambers push the spring rod Bssemblies against brake spring pressure and force the brake jaws apart, roloasing the brakes. ‘Two hoist brake assemblies are used on this machine to ‘hold the dipper from lowering wher the machine is idle. A brake assembly é mounted on each of the first reduction ‘shafts of the hoist transmission. Both input shatts of the hoist transmission are heli whan the operator sets the brake or there is a joss of air pressure from the machine's, ‘ir system. CENTERING ADJUSTMENT BOLT This subsection covers the removal disassembly assembly and installation proceduras of the hoist brake assemblies. Algo included are recommended inspection and repeir peo- eedurss, PERIODIC INSPECTIONS: The hoistbrake assemblies shouldbe inspected periodically for brake show lining woar, condition of the drum, end ‘proper brake linkage adjustment. The frequency of inspec- tion depends an eperating conditions but should not ex- ceed intervals of 1000 hours, NOTE Life of the brake shoe linings ean be greatly extended bby maintaining proper broke linkago adjustment (see Brake Adjustments) BRAKE JAW tte nop SPRING BRACKET SPRING ROD Locknurs BRAKE Figure 4G-1. Hoist Brake (100J1242-6)SUBSECTION 4G Every 6000 hours a thorough inspection of the hoist brake assembly components is recommended as follows: 1 Visually check brake components for wear, greese or oil contamination, glazing, cracks, warping, and distortion, any part af the brake shoe: linings are worn 0 5/1 inch or dre contaminated with grease of oilhe brake linings should be replaced. See Inspection and Repair procedures in this subsection 2. Check rotochambers for ait laaks. Refer to. Subsection ge HOIST BRAKE ASSEMBLY (1001242. REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY Major components sueh as the ratochambar and the brake shoes can be removed without detaching the compiote brake assembly from the mounting bracket (sae separat procedures in this subsection) BRAKE REMOVAL. Refer to Figure 4G=1 and remove the ‘brake from the mounting bracket as follows: 1. Apply air pressure to the rotochamber, M the excavetor’s ‘ir Supply 1s not available, use portable sir supply capable of at least 110 pei sir pressure. 2. Hold the brake in the released position by turning the Stop nut tight against the brake jaw spring bracket 3. Shut aff the air supply and release the air pressure from the rotochamt Note Any air rapped in the hoist brakes can be removed by loosening the airline connection at the roteehamber land gently tapping the fitting to allow pressure to escape, 4, Disconnect the air line trom the rorachamber. 5. Remove the four mounting belts and lockwashers and Ii the brake assembly clear of the brake drum. BRAKE SHOE REMOVAL Rofer to Figure 4G-S.and remove tha brake hoe assemblies as follows: 1. Lock the brake in the released condition, See steps 1 and 2 of the brake assembly removal procedure Friction plugs (43, 44, 50 and 52) are com: presseaagainst the inside of the brake jaws (18 22) by springs (44 and 81). Thebrake sh ‘should be removed carefully to prevent the friction plugs from popping out with force. 2. Remove eye pins (06 and 54) and retaining pins (05 and 53). Carefully remove brake show assemblies (38 and 46) from brake jaws (18 and 22), 1-2 HOIST BRAKES: 2. Check the wear of friction plugs (43, 48, 60 and $2) and replace if necessary, Refer to Figure 4G-2 for plug dimen- sions. 1 01a, 750" DIA, ‘aeer 74s" ava" Dia, FRICTION END ‘SPRING END 13/18" 2132" a11va2" Figure 46-2. Frietion Plug Dimensions (1841083) ROTOCHAMBER REMOVAL. Rafer to Figure 4G-3 and re: move the rotochamber 5 follows: 1. Lock the brake jn the released condition and vent the fotochamber, See steps (1, 2. 3nd 4) of tha Brake removal procedure, 2, Remove nuts (16 and 17}, Remove mounting nuts for Fotochamber (25) and pull the rotochamber away from brake jaw (22) until nut (23) can be removed fram rod(24), 3, Remove the rotachamber from brake jaw (22) and remove tie rod (24), Refer to Subsection BE for ro1o- chamber service. MOIST BRAKE DISASSEMBLY. If complate disassembly of ‘the Moist brake \s required perform the following 1. Brake removal procedures ctops 1 through 6. 2 Broke show removal steps 2 and 3. 2 Rotochamber removal steps 2 and 3 Spring pressure must be released from the brake jaws prior to disconnecting the jaws from the brake base. 4, Release the brake spring pressure by removing nuts (18 and 19) and slowly removing nut (20) Irom spring rod (21), 5. Disassemble the remainder of the brake assembly os illustrated in Figure 4G-3 INSPECTION AND REPAIR Repair of the broke assembly includes the replacement of ‘damaged or warn parts, overhaul of the rotochamber and ‘the replacement of brake linings. Inspect and repair the brake assembly as follows. 1. Check tha rotochambers for air leaks. I necessary, ever- haul the rotochamber as deseribed in Subssetion BEHOIST BRAKES SUBSECTION 46 on. Pin 28. 7 02. EVE PIN, 26 38 03. WASHER NUT 27. 39, 16. NUT 28. 40. LINING 17. NUT 29. 41. RIVET 18. JAW 30. 42. PLUG 19. JAM NUT at. 43, PLUG 20. NUT 32. 44. SPRING 21, ROD SPRING 33. 45. PLUG 22. JAW 36. 46. BRAKE SHOE 23. NUT 38. 7. LINING 58. WASHER 24. ROD 36. BUSHING 8. RIVET. SCREW 81. LOCKNUT Figure 4G-3. Hoist Brake (100J1242-6) 2 Check all springs for cracks. warping and distortion Check the roe langth of the brake spring, This dimension should be 18 inches. 2. Check the frietion plugs tor excessive wear, Friction plug dimonsions are shown In Figure 4G.?. Replace if neces. sary, 4. Measure the thickness of the brake linings. The linings: sshould be replaced when worn te a thickness ef 5/16 ineh 9F 1053, Rofer to Figure 46:4 and roplace the brake tinings as follows: ‘A. Remove the rivet hole phigs and remove existing rivets: from the brake shoes and linings. BL Remove the old linings from the brake shoes and place ew linings in position on tha face of the shoes. Align tha holos in the naw linings with tha rivet holes in the brake thoos. 46.3‘SUBSECTION 4G ©. Install new rivets to secure the new linings to the br shows, Place new rivet hole plugs in the linings. 5. Check all bushings for excessive waar. Replace as noc- essary, Rivet Figure 4G-4, Brake Lining Installation ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION ASSEMBLY. Refer to Figure 46-3 and assemble the hoist broke a follows: NOTE Assembly procedures were written on thebasisthata complete disassembly and inspection of the hoist brake has been done, 1. Install bushings (95, 96, 27 and 38) and centering bolts ‘with nute (92 and 33) on brake base (34). 2. Install brake jaws (18 and 22) in brake base (34) ond se- Cure with retaining pins (07 and 57) and eye pins (02 and 58) Assemble brake shoes (39 and 46) with friction plugs: and springs as shown in Figure 46-3 Install brake shoes. (38 and 48) on brake jaws (¥8 and 22) and secure with taining pins and eye pins 4. Install pins (09 and 11) in brake jaw(18)and secure with snap rings. 5. Assemble the brake spring rod and spring assembly as follows A. Screw nuts (27 and 26) on spring rod (21), B. Slide woshor (28), pressure block (29), and the brake spring onto spting rod (21), C. Coat spring rod(21} and the inside diameter of spring rod uicle bushing (31) with grease and slide bushing (31) onto the spring rod ag.4 HOIST BRAKES: Do not compress brake spring (30) whan in- stalling nuts (19 and 20). , Position the end of the spring rod through the bore of fbrake jaw (22) and screw stop nut (20) anto the spring rod, Install nut (19) on saring rod (21). 8. Position the end of spring rod (21) through pin (O9} and install nut (15} on the spring rod 7. Serow locknut (61) and tie rod (24) on the shaft of rto- chamber (25), until the shaft bottoms out in the tie rod Tighten rotochamber locknut (61) against the tie rod. {8 Position the rotochambar on brake jaw (22) with te rod (24) through the bore and install nut{23)an the tierod. Post- tion the end of tie rod (24) through bake jaw pin (08), 8, Install the rotochamber mounting nuts and lackwash- €r8 07 the rotochamber mounting lugs and tighten te the proper torque 10, Install nuts (16 and 17) on the and of tie rad (24), INSTALLATION, Refer to Figure 4G-5 and install the x= sembled hoist brake as follows: 1, Loosen nuts (01,07 and 08) and liftthe brake assembly ‘over the brakedrum on the lirst reduction shaft. Position the brake base on the hoist brake mounting bracket NOTE Position the hoist brake assembly so that the roto- chainber air connection is. pointing away from the hoist gear case. 2. Install the mounting bolts, lockwashers and nuts. Tighten the nuts to specified torques. Insure that no air pressure is in brake tine. 3. Connect the quick exhaust valve and air piping to the rotachamber. 4, Perform steps 1 through 7 of the brake adjustment pro- cedure. BRAKE SHOE INSTALLATION. If the brake shoes ware ro- ‘moved for lining replacement without ramoval or completa disassembly of the brake, they may be installed by perform~ ing the following: 1. Step 3 of the assembly procedure, 2, Steps 1 through 7 of the adjustment procedure, ROTOCHAMBER INSTALLATION If the rotochamber was romoved without removing the brake assambly, it may ba installed by performing the following: 1. Steps 7 through 10 of the assembly procedure. 2. Step 3 of the installation procedure, 3, Steps 1 through 7 af the adjustment procedure.HOIST BRAKES. ADJUSTMENT Adjust the Hoist brake to compensate for normal lining woar, ining replacement. or after assembly asoliows (S00 Figure 46-5) 1, Insure that there isno air applied to the rotachamber. 2. Adjust the spring longih to 16-378 inch (41,6 em) using ‘huts (OT nd 04), Tighten locktuts (02 and 05) ‘&. Tighten stop nut (03) against tocknut (02), 4, Adjust nuts (06 and 07) toobtain a 13/16 inch (20.6 mm) clearance between therotechambet rameandthe collar on the tie cod. Tightan ruts (08. 07 and 8), 5. Apply air pressure to the rotochamber, releasing the hoist brake &_ coumoisrance “= — (BRAKE RELEASED) ‘SUBSECTION 4G, 6. Adjust the two canvering sdjustmant bolts (09) to tha base of the brake so there is equal elearance between tha brake drum and each brake shoe (12) Tighten the adjust= ‘ment bolt focknuts (10). ing adjustment bolts (08) and the stop blocks (11) should be 0.125 inches maximum, 17, Reset the hoist brake and chock the spring length and clearance dimensions. Readjvat if these dimensions have changed, 01. TENSION ROD NUT (INNER) 02, TENSION ROG NUT (OUTER} 03, STOP NUT (04. SPRING ADJUSTING NUT 05, LOCKNUT 09, TIE ROD NUT (INNER) 07. TIE ROD NUT {OUTER} 0a. LOcKNUT 08. CENTER ADJUSTING HOLT 10, LocKNUT 14. STOP BLOCKS 12, BRAKE SPRING 13. BRAKE SHOE 14, TIE ROD 15, ROTOCHAMBER 16, BRAKE DRUM Py (° ok ; 1 (GRAKES SET) Figure 4G-5, Brake Adjustment (100)1242-6)
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