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Republic of the Philippines

City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page1


Nowadays, furniture with unique innovation and has many purpose are really
much appreciated and admired by the customers which lead them to buy the product.
Consider not only making furniture functional, but also make homes feel relaxing and
looks beautiful to the eye. Lampshade is used to protect the eye from the bulb's glare
and from direct light of the bulb.

This kind of proposed business offers a unique and high quality lampshade
because of the direct current (battery) source of led light’s neutral shade of white, to
comfort the eye and can be used while reading books, doing assignments, project
and doing paper works in the office. It also has different variants of colors like blue,
red and green, depending on the structure of the lamp.

To make the lamp more unique, and feels the refreshment and good
ambiance, lampshade comes with the different structure made of rock, pebbles clear
and colorful marbles. Also sceneries located in the Philippines like Mayon Volcano,
Banaue Rice Terraces, Windmill and falls. Not only that, the product also has a power
bank which makes the lampshade more functional and useful on emergency. This 3
in 1 product will surely be loved by the customers.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page2

A. Background of the Study

A lampshade covers the light bulb on a lamp to diffuse the light it emits. In late
17th century in Paris the first public street lamp or lanterns made their appearance in
the center of the streets. They lit the road during the night. The first lamp street
contains oil lamp with a number of wicks and the first public oil lamps in Milan,
financed by revenue from a lottery in 1785. Friedrich Albert Winson had the first idea
of industrializing lighting by producing gas in a factory and distributing it through a
pipeline. The flame fed by the gas coming out of the nozzle was intense uniform and
adjustable, white and brilliant instead of the reddish or orange of oil lamps.

In 1879, Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison independently developed

combining and perfecting existing element deriving from the research of Humphry
Davy, De Molelyn and Gobel the incandescent filament electrical light bulb. To
disguise the intense electric light, lampshade were used. Some were made by Tiffany
in colored glass. The great advantage of the electric light bulb was the absence of
flame and traces of combustion, thus avoiding all risk of intoxication, explosion or fire.

The proponents choose a business that offers not just a typical lampshade
seen in houses, but it has different variety that surely can attract the eyes of the
customers. This lampshade is not only meant to protect the eye from light emitted by
the bulb, but also gives an eye comfort for it has different sceneries that customer
can feel and to add as decoration in a room, as well.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page3

B. Objectives of the Study

Management Aspect

1. To develop an organizational structure and allocate human resources to

ensure the accomplishment of company objectives.
2. To promulgate an efficient business policies, rulings and regulations.
3. To identify the type of ownership to be formed.

Marketing Aspect

1. To recommend advertisements through social media.

2. To become one of the top competitors in the business industry.
3. To fulfill the demand-supply gap.

Technical Aspect

1. To create a perfect layout of the floor plan with the consideration of the proper
sanitation in the production.
2. To perform the right process of production and provide effective tools and
equipment used in the operation.
3. To observe proper schedule and capacity of every labor in the production.

Financial Aspect

1. To identify possible ways of maximizing the company’s profit while minimizing

its cost.
2. To guarantee the distribution of appropriate budget for the business.
3. To build a business that realizes profit after 5-10 years.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page4

C. Significance of the Study

This study will reveal the benefits of the business in the community.

Government – This business can help as a contribution for the growth of the industry
through the taxes covered by the business.
Customers – This business will assure customer’s good feeling and good ambiance
on availing multi-purpose UNILAMP.
Community – This business can provide employment, sponsor local charity events,
and conduct corporate social responsibilities.
Owners – Aside from gaining profit, the owner can be recognized by the customers
having good profile.
Future Proponents – This study will serve as a reference for the next researchers.

D. Research Methodology

The proponents conduct an interview as a primary research and gather

information by the use of Internet and books as a secondary research.

Data Gathering Procedures

The proponents visualize the innovation of the business concepts and search
for the target location then find related business and send a request letter for
interview then wait for the approval of the owner before starting to conduct an
interview for the feasibility study.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page5

Treatment of Data

Slovin’s formula is used in getting the sample size

𝑛 =
1 + 𝑁(𝑒)2

1 + (46,792)(0.05)2

𝑛 = 400 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠

𝑛 = 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
𝑁 = 𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
𝑒 = 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page6

E. Definition of terms

Allocate – To distribute human resource according to their proficiency.

Benign – Not to harsh or stern especially in nature or effect.
Cast Acrylic Sheet- A clear plastic-glass like used as the base of the miniature lamp.
Cost – An amount of money that must be spent regularly to pay UNILAMP.
Crafts – an activity involving skill in making miniature by hand.
Decoration – act or process of making miniature lamp to look more attractive.
Demand – Are the needs and wants of the target customer.
Effective – Producing a result that is wanted in particular client.
Efficient – Achieving maximum productivity with minimum waste and expenses.
Furniture – A moveable objects put into a house or establishments to make it
suitable and comfortable living or working.
Industry – A group of business that provide a particular product or services.
Innovation – Uniqueness of an item.
Lamp – Is a light that works by using electricity or by burning oil or gas with a holder
or cover.
Marble – Use as a reflector of the light in the UNILAMP.
Pebbles – a small and smooth stone use as a direct materials to form the main
Profit – Source of income gain from the business.
Promulgate – Something known in public.
Proponents – A person who agrees and support business.
Refreshment – the giving of fresh mental or physical, regaining strength or energy.
Resonates – Having particular meaning and importance for someone.
Sturdy – Strongly made
Wicks – A strip of porous materials which is liquid fuel use in a candle or lighter.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page7


Management aspect contains the information regarding the name and logo of
the business, the location of the business, the type of business ownership, legal
requirements needed, manpower qualifications and specifications, the flow of
communication, and the duties and responsibilities of each employee in the business.

The importance of these aspects is to know the guides on starting up the

business the proponents’ desire.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page8

A. Name and Logo of the Business

Unilamp is a lampshade product which the three (3) letters “UNI” in the
preceding word of lamp describes the only one miniature lampshade found in Taguig.
Hence, “Unilamp” describes and has the tagline “Your Nature in Lamp”

The green and blue ombre type of color in the name represents the nature
sceneries that can be found in the product. The black shadow is used to emphasize
the word “Unilamp”. The ombre color of yellow and red in the tagline symbolizes
feeling of happiness and excitement of when buying nature lamp. And the delight
color effect that matches the overall logo represents the color concept of the

Figure 2.1
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page9

B. Business Location

The business is renting a space worth Twenty-Five Thousands Pesos (Php

25,000) a month, with one hundred ten square meters (110sqm) located at Purok 5
A. Bonifacio St., Upper Bicutan, Taguig City. The business location is along the road,
wet and dry market, school, Barangay Hall, Health Center and other establishments
wherein the area is convenient to the people.

Figure 2.2
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page10

C. Types of Business Ownership

Partnership is a business owned by two or more partners, who share the

business capital, powers, responsibility and liabilities. It has a legal entity separate
and distinct from type of business ownership. The partnership is terminated when a
partner does the business alone.

The type of partnership is General. A general partnership is an agreement by

which partners conducting business jointly have unlimited liability, which means their
personal assets are liable to partnership’s obligations.

The form of business organization which is partnership is much

preferred for the operation of the business, since there are six (6) partners who are
involved in establishing the business.

D. Legal Requirements
For Partnership

Business Name Registration
Validity: 5 years

 Accomplished Business Name Registration
 Tax Identification Number (TIN)
 List of five business names ranked according to preference
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page11

Mayors / Business Permit
Local Municipality where the business is located
Validity: 1 year

 Accomplished Business Permit Application Form
 DTI – Business Name Certification
 Sketch of the Business Location
 Fire Safety Inspection Clearance
 Sanitary Permit (from City Health Office)

Barangay Clearance
 Lease Contract
 2 pieces 2x2 I.D Picture
 Registration Fee, the amount of which depends on the type of business

 Tax Identification Number (TIN)
 Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) National Office

Social Security System (SSS) Certificate

 Accomplish R1 form
 DTI Permit
 Mayor’s Permit
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page12

Department of Labor Employment (DOLE) Registration (with 5 or more Employees)

 Accomplish Rule 1020 form
 Lay-out of business location
 Vicinity Map

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Certificate

 Verification Slip Form (re: proposed name)
 Accomplished Registration Data Sheet
 Articles of Partnership
 Written Undertaking to change Corporation Name

Phil Health

 Employer Data Record or ER1 form
 Business Permit/ License to operate or any document required for
partnership business

Estimated time of processing

Processing time normally takes four days from date of filing. During peak
season (usually first quarter of the year), processing time is approximately seven
working days.
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page13

E. Management of the Study

Mission: To produce a miniature-lamp inspired by different Philippine


Vision: To be known as the leading manufacturer and distributor of

miniature-lamp in the industry.

Core Values:

Local - to produce miniature-lamps locally here in the Philippines

Accessible – to have an area that is easy to find and can be reached by
the customers
Marketable – to produce a product that can attract customers
Patriotism - to provide miniature-lamp that features well-known
sceneries of the Philippines
Security and safety - to assure the people that the product is sturdy
and benign
Honest – to show people what you see is what you get
Accountable - to face the questions and complaints of the customers in
proper way
Docile - to teach and lead the workers on how to do the process in
making the miniature-lamps
Expertise – to hire professional workers fit to the said qualifications
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page14

F. Organizational Structures


Store Production
Manager Manager

Craft and Packaging Lighting
Design staff Staff (2) Crew (2)
Guard (1)

Figure 2.3
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page15

G. Employee Job Description and Qualification

Position Qualification Job Description

General Manager  Male or Female  Profitability planning and
 At least 35 years old and analyzing sales
above  Recruit, train evaluate and
 Graduate of business counsel workers
management or any  Regulate and implement
other related course the rules and policies
 Experience in any similar  Check the daily process of
position of at least 5 business performance
 Have good
communication skills
 Must have attended
trainings and seminars
about customizing and
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page16

Store Manager  Male or Female  Supervise and motivate

 At least 30 years old and employees
above  Manage the whole store
 Graduate of business
management or any
other related course
 Experience in any similar
position of at least 3
 Have good
communication skills
Production  Male or Female  Supervise and motivate
Manager  At least 30 years old and employees
above  Monitor and check the
 Graduate of business daily work
management or any  Manage the whole
other related course production
 Experience in any similar
position of at least 3
 Have good
communication skills
Sales Personnel  Male/Female  Receive and encode
 25 years old and above sales of the business
 At least college level  Accept money in form of
 Work and stay calm cash
under pressure  Responsible in the
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page17

 Have good collections of payment

communication skills  Check all receipt
 Ability to handle multiple  Count money in cash
demands of customer drawers to ensure that
amounts are correct and
that there is adequate
 Ensure high levels of
customer satisfaction
through excellent sales
 Deal and respond to any
complaints and monitor
customer service
 Assess customers’ needs
and provide assistance
and information on
product features
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page18

Lighting Crew  Preferably Male  Install and maintain

 28 years old and above wiring, control and
 At least Graduate at any lighting system
related courses in the  Read blueprints or
electrical wirings technical diagrams
 With 3 years of  Identify electrical
experience in installing problems with a variety of
lights testing devices
 Skilled in using hand  Repair or replace wiring
tools and power tools using hand tool or power

Packaging Staff  Male/Female  Examine and inspect

 18 to 30 years old containers, materials, and
 Able to perform products in order to
effectively and ensure that packaging
efficiently specifications are met.
 Measure, weigh, and
count products and
 Mark and label product
using marking tools
Craft and Design  Male/Female  Assembles every piece of
staff (Assembler)  25 years old and above the product.
 At least vocational  To design the product.
graduate at Art degree  To fully furnish the
 Artistic and Creative product.
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page19

Security Guard  Male  Patrol industrial and

 25 years old and above commercial premises to
 At least High School prevent and detect signs
Graduate of intrusion and ensure
 At least 3 years of security of doors,
experience in the field windows and gates
 With Security License  Monitor and authorize
entrance and departure
of employments, visitors
and other persons to
guard against theft and
maintain security of
 Answer alarms and
investigate disturbance

Table 2.1
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page20

H. Management Policies

This document contains the rules and regulations of the company. The
company policies which are formed by organization are for the safety and protection
of each employee inside the company. Also, accepts the employee to carefully read
and understand the contents as well as to always abide by them.

Recruitment and Selection Program

Major procedures are as follows:

The company will scan the entire resume passed by all the aspiring applicants.
This will help to select applicants according to their background and personal
information written in the application form.

Preliminary Interview
In this process, the company will call all the applicants they think are fit to the
job vacancies. They will check all the information written if it is correct and reliable
thru asking the applicant.

Aptitude Test
This will help the company to know if the applicants are literate and in good
physical condition.

Background Check
This is a very important step in recruiting and selecting workers because this
will give assurance to the company that the applicants is a good citizen and he/she is
not have any criminal violations.
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page21

Final Interview
After checking all the necessary information, the company will do a final
interview to the applicants who passed the initial processes.


Physical and Mental Examination

The applicants will undergo medical examination to test their physical fitness
and medical condition. This will give assurance to the company that the applicant is in
good health and not medically ill.

*Applicants who fail in any of the steps in the process of recruitment and
selection of applicants will be rejected. On the other hand, after passing all the steps
in recruiting applicants, the company will hire the applicants who made it up to the
last step.
Employment Requirements
Applicants who passed the Employments process must comply with the
following requirements:
 Birth Certificate (NSO)
 Transcript of Records/Diploma
 Social Security System (SSS)
 Phil Health
 Police Clearance
 Medical Clearance
 Bureau of Internal Revenue Forms (BIR) ( TIN Cards)
 Certificate of Employment (COE from previous company)
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

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Classification of Employment
The proponents choose permanent employment because permanent
employees are hired to work full-time and are paid directly by the company without
predetermined end date for the employment arrangement at hand. It is also good for
the company to lessen the time of recruiting.

The hired applicants will be required to attend orientation programs to be able
to enhance their knowledge and skills, and also to know their rights in terms of their
benefits and compensation. Company will also conduct employees’ orientation for
them to know their duties, responsibilities as well as rules and regulations of the
company. It is also for them to know the proper usage of the printing machineries and
equipment that they will use. The orientation will be conducted before the
performance of their work, then after 3 days, the applicants will be evaluated based
on their performance.

Personnel Records
Employments History:
 Job Application
 Resume
 Resume Cover letter
 Education Verification
 Employment Verification
 Position Job Description
 Employment Contract
 Emergency Contact Information
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page23

Working Hours and Schedule

The work schedule of the employees is 48 hours per week, Monday to
Saturday. Normal work hours is from 8 AM until 5 PM an employee will be informed
of work schedules by the immediate supervisor.

Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and punctuality are important qualities that the company will
expect from the employee. This must also have policies to be follow:

Eleven (11) paid holidays and nine (9) national special holidays and one (1)
local special holiday per year as provided under Proclamation no. 1105.

1. New Year’s Day

2. Chinese New Year’s Day
3. People Power Anniversary
4. Maundy Thursday
5. Good Friday
6. Easter Sunday
7. The Day of Valor
8. Labor Day
9. Independence Day
10. Eid’l Fit’r
11. Ninoy Aquino Day
12. Eid’l Adha
13. National Heroes Day
14. Amun Jadid
15. All Saints’ Day
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page24

16. All Souls’ Day

17. Bonifacio Day
18. Christmas Eve
19. Christmas Day
20. Rizal Day
21. New Year’s Day

Employees are only allowed to absent with valid reason. They must inform the
management before his/her requested day but if any problems happen such as
emergency and urgent situation, it is considered as excuse absence of the
employees and will automatically be deducted to their salary.

Employees must be ready twenty (20) minutes before duty to avoid being late.

Written Reports of Warning (WR)

It is the notice calling the attention of the offense and warns the offenses’
repetition of such violations in the future

Whenever the worker is suspended, he/she will disengage from the
organization with the designated period of time without payment.
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central

Taguig City University Page25

Offenses Sanctions
Major Offense First Offense Second Offense Third Offense
Using illegal drugs Counseling/ Written Reprimand Termination
during work hours Oral Reprimand Suspension
Using alcohol drink Counseling/ Disciplinary Action Termination
during work hours Oral Reprimand Memo/
Written Reprimand
Smoking during Warning Disciplinary Action Termination
working hours Memo/
Written Reprimand
Sleeping during Warning/ Disciplinary Action Suspension
working hours Counseling/ Memo
Oral Reprimand
Robbery or Counseling/ Disciplinary Action Termination
stealing Oral Reprimand Memo/
Written Reprimand
Theft and any Counseling/ Disciplinary Action Termination
damage in shop Oral Reprimand Memo/
Written Reprimand
Threat Counseling/ Disciplinary Action Termination
Oral Reprimand Memo/
Written Reprimand
Illegal possession Warning/ Disciplinary Action Termination
of firearms Counseling/ Memo/
Oral Reprimand Written Reprimand
Injury to any Warning/ Disciplinary Action Termination
workmates Counseling/ Memo/
Oral Reprimand Written Reprimand
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Bullying to any Warning/ Suspension Termination

workmates Counseling/
Oral Reprimand

Table 2.2

Offenses Sanctions
Minor Offense First Offense Second Offense Third Offense
Non wearing of ID Warning Oral Reprimand Suspension
Improper attire/ Warning Counseling/ Suspension
Uniform Oral Reprimand
1 absent without Warning/ Disciplinary Action/ Suspension
valid reason Oral Reprimand Memo/
Written Reprimand
3 Late without the Oral Reprimand Disciplinary Action/ Suspension
permission of Memo/
management Written Reprimand
Littering on the Warning/ Disciplinary Action/ Suspension
floor or at any area Oral Reprimand Memo/
of the shop Written Reprimand

Table 2.3
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Performance and Appraisal

Giving merits and certificates, non-cash awards for recognition annually
Position No. of Employee Compensation
General Manager 1 Php 763.00 per day/
Php 9,919 per 15 days/
Php 19,838 per month/
Php 238,056 per year
Store Manager 1 Php 692.30 per day/
Php 8,999 per 15 days/
Php 18,000 per month/
Php 216,000 per year
Production Manager 1 Php 692.30 per day/
Php 8,999 per 15 days/
Php 18,000 per month/
Php 216,000 per year
Sales Personnel 2 Php 512.00 per day/
Php 6,656 per 15 days/
Php 13, 312 per month/
Php 173,056 per year
Craft and Design staff 3 Php 512.00 per day/
(Assembler) Php 6,656 per 15 days/
Php 13, 312 per month/
Php 173,056 per year
Packaging Staff 2 Php 512.00 per day/
Php 6,656 per 15 days/
Php 13, 312 per month/
Php 173,056 per year
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Lighting Crew 2 Php 512.00 per day/

Php 6,656 per 15 days/
Php 13, 312 per month/
Php 173,056 per year
Security Guard 1 Php 512.00 per day/
Php 6,656 per 15 days/
Php 13, 312 per month/
Php 173,056 per year
Table 2.4

Compensation and Benefits

Sick Leave

1. The employee must notify the manager at times of immediate medical

reason. She/he must get a conformation or note for approval
2. An employee will only be given a seven (7) days paid sick leave per
calendar year under the doctor’s prescription or written order.
3. An employee will given an additional thirty (30) days sick leave per
calendar year under the doctor’s prescription or written order.
4. An employee is required to present a medical certificate as a proof that
she/he did undergoes treatment.
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Benefits Compensation
Payday Regular employees are paid twice a
month. The first pay period is on 5th and
20th of each month. The cut-off payroll
will be 15 and 30. Advances and loans
against future pay are not allowed.
Accident insurance Each regular employee is insured by the
company and coverage is for accidents
that could result to death or permanent
disability. It covers medical expenses for
treatment of injuries which result to
disability or death for worth look.
Incentives and Recognition The company continuously develops this
kind of programs to help creative
healthy, competitive atmosphere among
the employees, mechanics will
announce ahead of time and rewards
await employees who met or surpass
the objective. The management team
regularly recognizes exemplary
performance within a specified period of
time. One of the recognition being given
is employee of the month, employee of
the year.
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Pay for Performance The management team will evaluate

your job performance once every six
months. Large increases are based on
the merit of your own individual
performance. Once your hourly rate
reaches the maximum for your position
level, you will be considered for a wage
review annually.
Annual Vocation Regular employees will be entitled to a
service incentives leave of 15 days with
pay or monetary year after completing a
year of service.
Maternity Leave Female employees are entitled to take a
leave of up to 60 days to give birth
through normal deliver, miscarriage or
medically necessary abortion, or a 78
days leave in case benefits is subject to
SSS Rules and Regulations.
Paternity Leave All married male employees are entitled
to 7 working days paternity leave with
pay for the first for deliveries the
legitimate spouse with whom he is living
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Solo Parent Act. It aims to promote the family as the

foundation of the nation and recognizing
the important role of the parents in the
shaping and development of the Filipino
Child. As a solo parent, employees are
entitled to Parented Leave of 7 days.
13th Month Pay Every year employees are entitled to
13th month pay which is equivalent to
1/12 of year basis salary. This is
released not later than December 24. If
an employee’s resign or your services
are terminated within the year they are
entitled to a pro-rated 13th month pay.
Phil health The Phil health program provides
benefits for hospital room and board
allowance, allowance for medicine,
laboratory examination, x-ray, surgeon’s
fee, operation room fee,
anesthesiologist’s fee and medical and
dental practitioner’s fee. However, the
allowances will not necessary cover the
total expense incurred.
SSS Benefit The social security system provides
benefits and services to the covered
employees and their families. The
company and the employees jointly
make monthly contribution to the SSS.
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Pag-Ibig Coverage of the Pag-Ibig fund is

mandatory upon all employees covered
by the social security system and
earning a monthly compensation of at
least Php. 4,000. The company and the
covered employees shall contribute to
the fund an amount equivalent two
percent of the monthly compensation of
each covered employees.

Table 2.5

The promotion of the employee will be based on being consistent and
excellent, for having great performance, attitude, and how to communicate to the
heads and even to his/her co-workers. Anyone may be promoted as long as he/she
deserves and gives all efforts to be on that position.

Separation from Service

He/she should turn over all the company uniforms/ ID cards and everything
that he/she has from the company.

He/she should turn over all the company uniforms/ ID cards and everything
that he has from the company.
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Termination may occur if an employee is not following the rules and policies
declared by the owners, staffs can be terminated easily and free to exit the company.

Code of Ethics
It states the principles and expectations governing the behavior of
individuals and organizations in the conduct of internal auditing. It describes the
minimum requirements for conduct, and behavioral expectations rather than specific

Hygiene and Sanitation (Attire and appearance)

As an employee of every company especially for those who are involved in
services. It is better to face the customers presentably as you can. Wearing the
uniform assigned together with the ID or name plate. For girls, they should put on
some light make up and tie hair properly. The boys should have haircut that suits
their position.

Arrival and Departure of Employees

Each employee has their own schedule of working hours. It is either they are in
the morning shift, mid shift or closing. If these schedules are already given they must
know how to manage their time so that they can arrive early to start the tasks on time
and they can go home on the usual time.
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I. Project Status and Timetable

August – February
Activity Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.

Plan the Business

Seek for Location

Register with
Government Agencies
Renovation of business
location and
improvement of the shop
Acquisition of Equipment
and Supplies
Purchase of product and
hiring of employee
Start of the Operation

Table 2.6
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This chapter interprets the result of conducted survey by illustrating all the data
gathered from the respondents. It also states the analyzed demand and supply of the
product that will be distributed to the customers. It identifies all the aspects related to
the awareness of the product.

This process can internalize business strategy by knowing its distinctive

competence from competitors using SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and
Threats) Analysis. Marketing aspect consist of target market, competitive advantage,
and marketing strategies.
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A. Industry Profile

Companies in this industry manufacture electric light bulbs and tubes as well as
lighting fixtures, lamp shades, and other components and parts. Major companies
include Acuity Brands and Hubbell (both based in the US), as well as OSRAM
(Germany), Philips Lighting (the Netherlands), TCP International (Switzerland), and
Zumtobel (Austria). Demand depends primarily on residential, industrial, and
commercial construction activity. Profitability depends on efficient operations. Large
companies have advantages in purchasing power, manufacturing volume, and
distribution efficiencies. Small companies compete by offering specialized products
and superior customer service in regional markets. The US industry is concentrated:
the largest 50 companies account for about 70% of revenue. Major product
categories are residential and nonresidential lighting fixtures and other lighting
equipment (together about 88% of industry revenue) and lamp bulbs and parts (about
12%). Lighting fixtures consist of metal, glass, and plastic products in various
decorative styles. Lamp bulbs consist primarily of incandescent, fluorescent, light-
emitting diode (LED), and three types of high-intensity discharge (HID) bulbs: metal
halide, sodium, and mercury vapor. See where the Lighting Equipment Manufacturing
industry is concentrated geographically and research companies by financials and
key corporate data.
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B. Demand and Supply Analysis

Demand Analysis

Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Projected 48,813 50,922 53,121 55,415 57,806
Market 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Projected 43,931 45,830 47,809 49,874 52,025

Table 3.1
The table above shows that the population is increased by 4% every year to
get the total demand, projected population multiplied by the who are likely to buy the
product of the business.

Supply Analysis

Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Projected 43,931 45,830 47,809 49,874 52,025
Increase in 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%
Projected 1,757 1,833 1,912 1,995 2,081

Table 3.2
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The table above represents the supply analysis. To get the total supply, total
demand is multiplied by the increase of population percentage.

C. Demand and Supply Gap

Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Projected 43,931 45,830 47,809 49,874 52,025
Less: 1,757 1,833 1,912 1,995 2,081
Gap 42,174 43,997 45,897 47,879 49,944

Table 3.3

The table shows the gap between Total Demand and Total Supply. The gap is
increasing every year.

Slovin Formula:
𝑛 =
1 + 𝑁(𝑒)2

𝑛 = Sample size
𝑁 = Population size
𝑒 = Margin of error

1 + (46,792)(0.05)2

𝑛 = 400 respondents
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2019 – 50,411 4%
2020 – 52,589 4%
2021 – 54,693 4%
2022 – 56,881 4%
2023 – 59,156 4%
20% / 5 = 4% increase every year
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Demographic Profile of Respondent

Percentage Distribution According to Sex


59% Male

Figure 3.1


FEMALE 234 59%
MALE 166 41%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.4

The graph shows the frequency distribution of the respondents according to

gender. Based on four hundred respondents, 59% is female and 41% is male.
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Percentage Distribution According to Age


8% 39%

18-25 Years Old

26-33 Years Old
34-40 Years Old
45% 41 Years Old and above

Figure 3.2


18-25 yrs. old 157 39%
26-33 yrs. old 179 45%
34 -40 yrs. old 34 8%
41 and above yrs. old 30 8%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.5

Based on four hundred respondents, 45% belongs to 26-33 years old, 39% is
18-25 years old, while 34-40 years old is 8%, and same with 41 and above has 8%
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Percentage Distribution According to Civil




Figure 3.3


Single 308 77%
Married 92 23%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.6

The graph shows the frequency distribution of the respondents according to

Civil Status. Based on four hundred respondents, 77% is single and married is 23%.
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Percentage Distribution According to

Employment Status
7% 14%

Self Employed


Figure 3.4


Student 56 14%
Employed 288 72%
Self Employed 28 7%
Unemployed 28 7%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.7

Based on four hundred respondents, Employed is 72%, Student is 14%, while

Self-employed is 7% same with Unemployed is 7% also.
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Percentage Distribution According to Daily



P100 and below

P501 and above

Figure 3.5


P100 and below 25 45%
P101-P200 14 25%
P201-P500 11 19%
P501 and above 6 11%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.8

Based on four hundred respondents, majority are earning P100 and above
with 45%, 25% is earning P101-P200, 19% of the respondents are earning P201-
P500, while 11% is earning with P501 and above.
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Percentage Distribution According to Monthly



12% 51%

P10,000 and below


29% P20,001-P30,000
P30,001 and above

Figure 3.6


P10,000 and below 147 51%
P10,001-P20,000 84 29%
P20,001-P30,000 36 12%
P30,001 and above 23 8%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.9

Based on four hundred respondents, 51% respondents is earning P10,000 and

below, 29% respondents is earning P10,001-P20,000, while 12% of the respondents
is earning P20,001-P30,000, and lastly 8% of the respondents is earning P30,001
and above.
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Part II.

Frequency Distribution according to familiar

with lampshade



Figure 3.7


Yes 378 94%
No 22 6%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.10

Based on four hundred respondents, 94% of the respondents are familiar with
lampshade, and 6% of the respondents are not familiar with lampshade.
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Frequency Distribution according to kind of

light they use when sleeping at night
2% 28%



Figure 3.8


Fluorescent 113 28%
Bulb 159 40%
Lampshade 43 11%
None 77 19%
Others 8 2%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.11

Based on four hundred respondents, 40% of the respondents use Bulb, while
28% respondents the majority prefers to use Fluorescent, 19% of the respondents
prefer not use light while asleep, 19% of the respondents use Lampshade and lastly
2% of the respondents use other light like Starry Night, Night Light and etc.
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Frequency Distribution according to sceneries

they prefer


Mayon Volcano (Speaker)

Wind Mill
Banaue Rice Terraces


Figure 3.9


Mayon Volcano (Speaker) 87 22%
Wind Mill 190 47%
Banaue Rice Terraces 101 25%
Others 22 6%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.12

Based on four hundred respondents, Wind Mill is 47%, Banaue Rice Terraces
is 25%, Mayon Volcano (speaker) is 22% and others sceneries like Boracay and etc.
is 6%.
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Frequency Distribution according to

innovation they want to add in lampshade


Bluetooth Speaker
Power Bank
Colorful Neon Lights


Figure 3.10


Bluetooth Speaker 130 32%
Power Bank 139 35%
Colorful Neon Lights 84 21%
Watch 47 12%
TOTAL 400 100%

Table 3.13

Based on four hundred respondents, 35% of the respondents choose the

innovation with Power Bank, while the 32% choose Bluetooth Speaker, Colorful Neon
Lights has 21%, and 12% respondents choose Watch.
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Frequency Distribution according to buy

miniature lamp inspired by different sceneries




Figure 3.11


Yes 360 90%
No 40 10%
TOTAL 400 100%
Table 3.14

Based on four hundred respondents, 90% of the respondents are going to

buys miniature lamp inspired by different sceneries, while 10% only are not interested
to buy miniature lamp inspired by different sceneries.
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Frequency Distribution according to Type of

Lamp they prefer

51% 49%

Direct Current (Battery

Electric Current (Power

Figure 3.12


Direct Current (Battery Source) 196 49%
Electric Current (Power Source) 204 51%
TOTAL 400 100%
Table 3.15

Based on four hundred respondents, Electric Current (Power Source) is 51%

and Direct Current (Battery Source) is 49%
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Frequency Distribution according to Style of



55% None

Figure 3.13


Traditional 133 33%
Modern 219 55%
Cottage 13 3%
Antique 19 5%
None 16 4%
TOTAL 400 100%
Table 3.16

Based on four hundred respondents, the majority of 55% is Modern,

Traditional is 33%, while 5% of the respondents have their own Antique style of
lampshade, 4% of the respondents have no lampshade, and other 3% of the
respondents have their own style of lampshade which is Cottage.
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Frequency Distribution according to

Accessibility of Miniature Lamp in Upper



Figure 3.14


Yes 296 74%
No 104 26%
TOTAL 400 100%
Table 3.17

Based on four hundred respondents, majority of 74% of the respondents said

yes to accessibility of Miniature Lamp in Upper Bicutan, and 26% of the respondents
said no to accessibility of Miniature Lamp in Upper Bicutan.
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Frequency Distribution according to Accessibility

of Miniature Lamp if Upper Bicutan are not

Barangay Lower Bicutan
Barangay Tanyag
SM Bicutan
Other Mall

Figure 3.15


Barangay Lower Bicutan 27 26%
Barangay Tanyag 3 1%
SM Bicutan 55 54%
Other Mall 19 19%
TOTAL 400 100%
Table 3.18

Based on four hundred respondents, the majority of 54% of the respondents

said at SM Bicutan the best place to relocate the Miniature Lamp, while 26% of the
respondents said at Brngy. Lower Bicutan the best place to relocate the Miniature
Lamp, 19% of the respondents said in other mall like Market Market, SM Aura and
etc. the best place to relocate the Miniature Lamp, and 1% of the respondents said at
Brngy. Tanyag.
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Frequency Distribution according to Capability

of Miniature Lamp


44% P400-P600
18% P1,000 and above

Figure 3.16


P100-P300 214 32%
P400-P600 115 18%
P700-P900 29 44%
P1,000 and above 42 6%
TOTAL 400 100%
Table 3.19

Based on four hundred respondents, the majority of 44% are willing to buy
Miniature Lamp at price of P700-P900, while the 32% of the respondents are willing
to buy Miniature Lamp at lower price of P100-P300, 18% of the respondents are
willing to buys at price of P400-P600, and 6% of the respondents are willing to buy
Miniature Lamp at high price of P1,000 and above.
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Frequency Distribution according to Best


9% 2%


Social Media

Figure 3.17


Social Media 295 74%
Tarpaulin 60 15%
Flyers 37 9%
Others 8 2%
TOTAL 400 100%
Table 3.20

Based on four hundred respondents, majority of 74% of the respondents want

to promote Miniature Lamp in Social Media, Tarpaulin is 15%, while Flyers is 9%, and
2% of the respondents want to promote Miniature Lamp in TV Advertisement, Radio
Advertisement and etc.
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Frequency Distribution according to Concern

when buying Lampshade

28% 29%

Weight of item

Figure 3.18


Price 116 29%
Style 132 33%
Color 29 7%
Weight of item 10 3%
Origin 113 28%
TOTAL 400 100%
Table 3.21

Based on four hundred respondents, the majority of 33% of the respondents is

Style, Price is 29%, Origin is 28%, Color is 7%, and the lowest of 3% is Weight of
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D. Target Market

Unilamp is located at Purok 5 A. Bonifacio Street, Barangay Upper Bicutan,

Taguig City where the target customers are any gender, ages from 25 years old and
above. The proponents chose the location because it is a commercial lot along the
street, near barangay hall, church, wet and dry market, school and other
establishments wherein the area is accessible and convenient to the people.
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E. SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Keystone  Well-established  Glass-  Fast moving  Arrival of

Lamp area made lamp item same
(BGC,  Well-known as a that can be  Expansion of business
Taguig) lamp supplier in easily business concept
Taguig area broken
 Has many  Too
branches located expensive
in different areas
 Good quality of
lights used
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Unilamp  Multi-purpose  New in the  New market  Newly

lamp industry  Promotional established
 The base is made discounts store
of fiber glass so it  The area is
cannot be easily near to high
broken establishments
 The first to
produce miniature
 Accepts order with
no minimum
number required
 More attractive
rather than any
plain lamp
 Feels the
because of nature
display of the
 Budget friendly
 Flexible workers
 Artistic workers

Table 3.4
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F. Competitive Advantage

Keystone Lamp UniLamp

Product  Offers lamp made of glass  Has design based on the
 Commonly offers typical different sceneries found in the
concept of lampshade Philippines
 It is a multipurpose product
because aside from
lampshade, it has also a power
bank that has high capacity
and use as a charger for any
Price  Offers high price  Budget friendly
Place  Located at BGC Fort  Near residential area
Bonifacio, Taguig City
Promotion  Connects to online shops  Facebook page
(LAZADA and Shopee)  Instagram
 Promotional discount
 Leaflets
 Tarpaulin
 Gmail
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People  Operated by incorporation  Unilamp personnel are

considered through partners
with the knowledge of
lightings, cable wires, design,
crafts and arts.

Table 3.5
G. Market Share Projections

Marketing Shares
Keystone Unilamp



Figure 3.1

The Unilamp has a competitor like Keystone. The proponents find out that
Keystone has a market share of 92%.
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H. Price Study

1.) Nature Lamp (Volcano)

Variable Expense Variable Cost Pre – assumed Cost per piece
no. of pieces
Fiber Glass 100 1 100
D.C. – L.E.D. 180 1 180
Direct Materials 1,000 5 200
Labor 1,935 9 215
Utility Expense 304 16 19
Miscellaneous 192 16 12
Total P 726

Table 3.6

Mark up = 20% UP = 726 Mark up = 145.2

SP = UP x (Mark up + 1)
= 726 x (.20 + 1)
= 726 x 1.2
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= 871.2 x (.12 Vat)

= 871.2 + 104.54
Selling Price = P 975.74
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I. Marketing Programs
There are different strategies to promote the business that will give great
influence and advantages. It is the way to recognize its existence and encourage the
Advertisement and promotions like social media are implemented by Unilamp
to increase the sales to attract the interest of people and raise customer awareness
of the product that Unilamp offers.

Facebook Page

Figure 3.2
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Instagram Page

Figure 3.3

Activity Duration Responsibilities Budget

1. First 100 One day only Manager/Sales P 5,000
customers will (February 6, 2019) Personnel
giving giveaways
freebies on the
opening day
2. 20% discount for One day only Manager/Sales P 10,000
the first 20 (February 7, 2019) Personnel
3. 15% discount for One day only Manager/Sales P 5,000
the customers (February 14, 2019) Personnel

Table 3.7
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The chapter discusses about the process of merchandising and activities of

the store. It state also the flow of the machineries and equipment that will be used
inside the store and how will it cost.

The chapter also talks about the whole structure of the store form partners to
the staff and how the partnership works. It also includes product description, flow
chart process, plant location, plant layout, operating schedule, personnel
requirements, office supplies, utilities and waste management.
The objective of the study is to determine the technical necessity of the proposed
business in order to function efficiently and with ease. This aspect will affirm the
successful realization of the project study.
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A. Product Description

Product Description Advantages Features Functions

The miniature lamp
has design based
on the Falls found in
the Philippines
It is a 3 and 1
Not using lampshade comes
Dim light, electric Made of with the different
endorsing of current. pebbles color of a battery
tourist spots Patriotism in with glue source of LED Fairy
in the every stick. Lights (Blue, Red,
Philippines. sceneries Formation Green, Warm and
found in the of rocks. White) and at the
Philippines. same time it can
also be use as a
source of light in
case of
emergencies like
brownout, blackout
and even in a dark
places, since it is a
battery source of
power that lasts up
to 3-12 months.
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The miniature lamp

has design based
on the Banaue Rice
Terraces found in
the Philippines It is a
product because
Not using aside from
Dim light, electric Made of lampshade, it has
endorsing of current. pebbles also a power bank
tourist spots Patriotism in and Foam that has high
in the every sheet. capacity and use as
Philippines. sceneries Formation a charger for any
found in the of rocks. gadget. And same
Philippines. with our first product
has design based
on Falls it can be
use as a source of
light in case of
emergencies like
brownout, blackout
and even in a dark
places, since it is a
battery of source of
power that lasts up
to 3-12 months.

Figure 4.1
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B. Production Flow

Pebbles, Acrylic glass, Marbles, Fairy LED

Raw Materials Lights, Foam Sheet, Glue Stick and etc.

Miniature Lamp Cutting, Forming, Designing, Finishing and etc.


Finished products Recycling and

Inspection / Testing Packaging Disposal

Figure 4.2
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Business Process


A customer Great the customer Assist the customer
will come in

Provide suggestions to
Think if he/she will the customer if they Let the customers
approve the want to purchase choose what they want
suggestions given additional items

CUSTOMER: Accept and get the Get the total amount
suggested item and of the items
Refuse and proceed proceed to the purchased by the
to the counter counter customer

Give the receipt Get the payment
including the change of Put the payment into from the customer
the customer cash register and account it

Package the item and Give thanks to goes out with
give it to the customer the customer satisfied and
happy smile

Figure 4.3
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C. Business Location

Purok 5 A. Bonifacio St., Upper Bicutan, Taguig City

Figure 4.4
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Location Map

Purok 5 A. Bonifacio St., Upper Bicutan, Taguig City

Figure 4.5
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D. Business Layout
5000 5000

( 2.00m X 1.20m )


( 3.20m X 3.50m )

( 2.50m X 3.50m ) LOCKER AREA
( 1.20m X 4.90m )
( 3.80m X 1.20m )



( 2.40m X 4.90m )



( 4.70m X 4.80m )



( 5.10m X 4.90m )
( 2.20m X 4.80m )







Figure 4.6
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E. Operating Schedule

Employees Schedule Working Hours

General Manager Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Store Manger Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Production Manager Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sales Lady Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cashier Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Craft and Design Staff 1 Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Craft and Design Staff 2 Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Craft and Design Staff 3 Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Lighting Crew 1 Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Lighting Crew 2 Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Packaging Staff 1 Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Packaging Staff 2 Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Security Guard Monday - Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Table 4.1

The business operate from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

 Break is 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm
 The rest day of employees is Sunday
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F. Personnel Requirements

Position No. of Employees Salary per month

General Manager 1 Php 19,838
Store Manger 1 Php 18,000
Production Manager 1 Php 18,000
Sales Lady 1 Php 13,312
Cashier 1 Php 13,312
Craft and Design Staff 3 Php 13,312
Lighting Crew 2 Php 13,312
Packaging Staff 2 Php 13,312
Security Guard 1 Php 13,312

Table 4.2

Employee ID

Front View Back View

Figure 4.7
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Manager Uniform

Front Back

Figure 4.8
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Staff Uniform

Front View Back View

Figure 4.9

Laborer Uniform

Front View Back View

Figure 4.10
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G. Office Supplies\Equipments\Furniture & Fixtures

Office Supplies
Items Description Supplier Quantity Unit Cost Total

Record Book 168 Mall 3 Php 64.00 Php 192.00

Marker 168 Mall 1 box Php 150.00 Php 150.00

Scotch Tape 168 Mall 3 Php 50.00 Php 150.00

White Board 168 Mall 1 Php 379.00 Php 379.00

White Board 168 Mall 2 Php 37.00 Php 74.00


Scotch Tape 168 Mall 1 Php 519.00 Php 519.00


Stapler 168 Mall 2 Php 131.25 Php 262.50

Staple Wire 168 Mall 2 Php 40.00 Php 80.00

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2 reams
Bond Paper 168 Mall (Short and Php 185.00 Php 390.00
Long) Php 205.00

Pencils 168 Mall 2 box Php 94.00 Php 188.00

Ballpens 168 Mall 2 box Php 72.00 Php 144.00

Paper Clams 168 Mall 1 box Php 86.00 Php 86.00

USB Flash 168 Mall 2 pcs Php 579.00 Php 1,158


File Rack
168 Mall 1 Php 777.00 Php 777.00

Clip Board 168 Mall 2 pcs Php 40.00 Php 80.00

Cutter 168 Mall 2 pcs Php 90.00 Php 180.00

Folders 168 Mall 12 pcs Php 7.00 Php 84.00

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Scissors 168 Mall 2 pcs Php 44.00 Php 88.00

Inks 168 Mall 2 sets Php 1,099 Php 2,198

Receipt 168 Mall 10 pcs Php 8.00 Php 80.00

Paper Rolls

Foam Sheet 168 Mall 12 pcs Php 35.00 Php 420.00

Total Php 7,529

Table 4.3
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Items Description Supplier Quantity Unit Cost Total

Computer Hyper 1 unit Php Php

Desktop Market 24,000.00 24,000.00

Printing Hyper 1 unit Php Php

Machine Market 3,999.75 3,999.75

CCTV Hyper 6 units Php Php

Camera Market 1,622.75 9,736.5

CCTV Monitor Hyper 1 unit Php Php

Market 9,990.00 9,990.00
Hyper Php Php
Airconditioner Market 2 units 29,999.75 59,999.5
Ace LED Php Php
Fluorescent Hardware 4 units 981.24 3,924.96

Electricfan Hyper 6 units Php Php

Market 5,048.00 30,288

Currency Hyper
Counting Market 1 units Php Php
Machine 7,299.75 7,299.75
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Cash Printing Hyper 1 units Php Php

Receipt Market 1,371.9 1,371.9

Total Php

Table 4.4

Furniture & Fixtures

Items Description Supplier Quantity Unit Cost Total

Steel Filling Tutuban 2 pcs. Php Php

Cabinet Center 5,000.35 10,000.7

Wall Clock Shopping 2 pcs. Php Php 300.00
Mall 150.00

Fire Tutuban 3 pcs. Php Php

Extinguisher Center 750.00 2,250.00

Office Chair Tutuban 3 pcs. Php Php

Center 899.00 2,697.00
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Office Table Tutuban 2 pcs. Php Php

Center 7,399.00 14,798.00

L300 Van Mitsubishi 1 pc. Php Php

1,315,000 1,315,000

Total Php

Table 4.5

Raw Materials
Items Description Supplier Quantity Unit Total
Glue Gun Shopping 10 pcs. Php Php
Mall 50.00 500.00
Glue Stick Shopping 5 boxes Php Php
Mall 210.00 1,050.00
Pebbles Marble 1 sack Php Php
and 2,500.00 2,500.00
Marble Marble 1 sack Php Php
and 2,500.00 2,500.00
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Acrylic Ace 50 pcs. Php Php

Sheet Glass Hardware (7½x7 2,000.00 100,000.00

168 50 pcs.
Fairy LED Shopping (1 pc. Per Php Php
lights Mall 3 meter) 130.00 6,500.00

168 20 sets
Foam Sheet Shopping (5 pcs. Php Php
Mall Per set) 79.00 1,580.00
Ace Php Php
L-square Hardware 2 pcs 1,121.49 2,242.98

Tape Ace 2 pcs Php Php

Measure Hardware 285.00 570.00

Diamond Ace Php Php

Cutter Hardware 3 pcs 249.00 747.00

Level Bar Ace 2 pcs Php Php

Hardware 505.00 1,010.00

Grinder Set Ace 2 pcs. Php Php

Hardware 1,643.00 3,286.00
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Varnish Ace 10 pcs. Php Php

Hardware 30.00 150.00

Total Php

Table 4.6
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Cleaning Materials
Items Description Supplier Quantity Unit Cost Total
Clorox Shopping 2pcs. Php Php
Mall 105.00 210.00

Pail Shopping 2 pcs. Php 65.00 Php
Mall 130.00

Broom Shopping 2 pcs. Php 55.00 Php
Mall 110.00

Broomstick Shopping 2 pcs Php 25.00 Php 50.00

Dustpan Shopping 2 pcs. Php 20.00 Php 40.00

Trash Bin Shopping 2 pcs. Php Php
Mall 285.00 570.00

168 Php
Can Liners Shopping 10 rolls Php 3,360.00
Mall 336.00
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Rug Shopping 3 pcs. Php 80.00 Php
Mall 240.00

Rubber Shopping 5 pairs Php 75.00 Php
Gloves Mall 375.00

Liquid Shopping 2 pcs. Php Php
Detergent Mall 100.00 200.00

Dishwashing Shopping 2 pcs. Php 45.00 Php 90.00
Liquid Mall

Sponge Shopping 3 pcs. Php 10.00 Php 30.00
Mop Shopping 2 pcs. Php Php
Mall 150.00 300.00

Brush Shopping 2 pcs. Php 70.00 Php
Mall 140.00
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Glass Spray Shopping 3 pcs. Php Php
Cleaner Mall 100.00 300.00

Glass 168
Cleaner Shopping 2 pcs. Php Php
Wiper Mall 180.00 360.00

Tissue Shopping 5 packs Php 15.75 Php 78.75

Tissue Shopping 1 pc. Php Php
Holder Mall 555.75 555.75

Total Php

Table 4.7
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H. Utilities
Utilities Provider Monthly Expense Total Amount
Php 5,000.00 Php 60,000.00

Php 10,000.00 Php 120,000.00

Telephone and Php 999.00 Php 11,988.00

Total Php 191,988.00

Table 4.8

I. Waste Management

Waste Management is all the activities and actions required to manage waste
from its inception to its final disposal. This includes among other things, collection,
transport, treatment and disposal of waste together with monitoring and regulation. It
also encompasses the legal and regulatory framework that relates to waste
management encompassing guidance on recycling and other.
UniLamp provides cleaning materials for cleaning inside the working area and
other rooms of the shop. Non-biodegradable is separated from biodegradable
materials to prevent chemical reaction. Provide trash bin for materials that are been
wasted. The waste will be collected weekly by the municipal solid waste
management. Scrap material like Acrylic sheet glass will be use to create new
product such as Keychain, tokens, plaques or any collectible item.
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Socio-Economic Aspect refers to the possible contribution of a certain

organization on the society where it belongs.

UniLamp will give benefits not only to the society and to the government but also to
the environment in terms of the things that it can and may contribute. The business
will also serve as a friendly place to all valued customers by providing them the
products offered.

This chapter includes the main contributions that UniLamp can provide and
give to the Philippine economy, employment generation where the business gives job
opportunities to some unemployed individuals and environmental conservation where
the business accepts and adapts government regulations regarding in the
development of the environment. This chapter also comprises the contribution of
UniLamp in Filipino people.
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A. Contributions to Philippine Economy

Every business establishment will be a great help for the growth and
development of the Philippine economy. These will only be possible if every firm will
be responsible enough to perform their duties and obligation to their customers,
community and of course to the government. UniLamp will definitely contribute for
additional earnings to our government by means of paying right taxes. Through this,
the government can be able to perform its function well including continuous support
and assistance to the business industry, providing projects for the community such as
building infrastructures, public schools and hospitals, strengthening arm forces for the
security and protection of the country men and other indispensable projects that will
benefit people.

B. Employment Generation

The business will provide job opportunities to many individuals. Every society
wants all qualified members to be gainfully employed. When individuals are employed
they are able to raise their children support them though the payment of income
taxes. UniLamp will help to lessen the rate of unemployment.

C. Environment Conservation

The proponents comply with laws and regulations related to environment

conservation and health/safety matter and conduct environmental conservation
activities aiming at achieving levels higher than those stipulated in these laws and
regulations, and act based on “sustainable development” on every aspect of the
business activities.
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This chapter includes the conclusions and recommendations that have

been given. The conclusion includes the findings of the study. These findings of the
study comprise the summary, generalization and the terms that have been
discovered throughout the study. The recommendations are those cited for the
benefit and improvement of the business.
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Management Aspect

1. The proponents conclude that Line and Staff Type Organizational Structure is
the best organizational structure to be used for the business UniLamp and
allocate human resources to ensure the accomplishment of company
2. The proponents conclude that the Management Policies, Rulings and
Regulations are important in every business to have an effective and efficient
job performance.
3. The proponents conclude that Partnership is the best form of ownership for
this kind of business.

Marketing Aspect

1. The proponents conclude that Social Media is the best Advertisement to

promote the business UniLamp.
2. The proponents conclude that the Business UniLamp is become one of the top
competitors in the business industry.
3. The proponents conclude that the survey result will help the business UniLamp
to fulfill the demand-supply gap.

Technical Aspect

1. The proponents conclude that the Business Layout will be guide to build
business UniLamp and the consideration of the proper sanitation in the
2. The proponents conclude that Business Production Process with effective
tools and equipments are important for a business to create product.
3. The proponents conclude that Schedule of the business is important to know
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how the business operates in a day to day basis.

Financial Aspect

1. The proponents conclude that Financial Statement is important to identify

possible ways of maximizing the company’s profit while minimizing its cost.
2. The proponents conclude that the distribution of appropriate budget is
important for the business UniLamp.
3. The proponents conclude that putting an initial capital of Php 10,000,000.00
will return after 5 years to 10 years.
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Management Aspect

1. The proponents recommend line and staff for it is one that directly advances
an organizational in its core work. Manager and employees of the business
should posses the qualification needed in the job. The staff officers look after
the detailed analysis of each important managerial activity which is a relief to
the line officers.
2. The proponents recommend to give employees manual so that employees can
inform and understand what is expected of the company to them and what
they can expect from the company. Be knowledgeable about the Policies,
rulings and regulation of the company. Employees must be aware of their
duties and responsibilities in the company.
3. The proponents recommend partnership for it is the best form of ownership for
this kind of business.

Marketing Aspect

1. The proponents recommend promoting the product of the business with the
use of social media such as, Facebook, Instagram, Website etc. for those are
the best way to advertise the product.
2. The proponents recommend that to be one of the top industries in market
should focus on company's vision, mission and core values and other goals. It
is also achieved through effective performance of the management and
employees of the business.
3. The proponents recommend that the survey questionnaire must be cleared,
answerable, mindful and helpful for information needed by the business.
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Technical Aspect

1. The proponents recommend the space tool should work with most kind of plan
drawings. When generating space you can use AutoCAD REVIT and 3D for is
known for its professional design programs for designing buildings, planning
home, office and business layout.
2. The proponents recommend to use a machines suitable to their business to
reduce effort, time and extend the ability of the employees to perform task
beyond their normal duties and more output to be produce.
3. The proponents recommend that business should check the daily operating
schedule to optimize work, workloads in the production or manufacturing
process. It's also aims to maximize the efficiency of the operation and reduce

Financial Aspect

1. The proponents recommend to measure the inflow and control the outflow,
don't chase profit, but let it follow the effort by continuously striving for creative
ways to maximize revenues while minimizing expenses.
2. The proponents recommend that the source of fund of the partners must be
from personal savings, sold properties, inheritance or loan. Carefully plan the
financial asset to achieve financial success.
3. The proponents recommend checking, analyzing and evaluating the business
financial status to know if it is gaining or not.
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Socio-Economic Profile / Barangay Profile

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Articles of Partnership

General Partnership



(Partnership Name)


That we, the undersigned partners, all of legal age, residents and citizens of the
Philippines have on this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of
forming a general partnership under the following terms and conditions and subject to
existing and applicable laws of the Republic of the Philippines:


ARTICLE I. Partnership Name: That the name of this partnership shall


and shall transact business under the said company name.

ARTICLE II. Business Purpose: That the purpose/s for which this partnership is
formed is/are:

ARTICLE III. Principal Place of Business: That the principal place of business of
this partnership shall be located at :

(complete address)

ARTICLE IV. Term of Existence: That this partnership shall have a term of
_________ years from and after the original recording of its Articles of Partnership by the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
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Articles of Partnership

ARTICLE V. Partners’ Circumstances: That the names, nationalities and complete

residence addresses of the partners are as follows:

Name Nationality Complete Residence Address

ARTICLE VI. Capital Contributions: That the capital of this Partnership shall be
the amount of ____________ (P_________), Philippine Currency, contributed in cash by the
partners, as follows:

Name Amount Contributed

Bereso, Cherry May M. Php 1,666,667.00

Magdaong, Jetter S. Php 1,666,667.00
Moster, Geraldine C. Php 1,666,667.00
Omar, Norhassan M. Php 1,666,667.00
Pelobello, Jose Martin G. Php 1,666,666.00
Rocero, Ma. Laisa Lyn J. Php 1,666,666.00
Total: Php 10,000,000.00

That no transfer of interest which will reduce the ownership of Filipino citizens to less
than the required percentage of capital as provided by existing laws shall be allowed or
permitted to be recorded in the proper books of the partnership.
ARTICLE VII. Sharing Ratios: That the profits and losses of this partnership shall
be divided and distributed proportionately on the ratio of the capital contribution of each

ARTICLE IX. Management: That this partnership shall be under __________, as

General Manager, who shall be in charge of the management of the affairs of the company.
He shall have the power to use the partnership name and in otherwise performing such acts
as are necessary and expedient in the management of the firm and to carry out its lawful

ARTICLE X. Undertaking to Change Name: That the partners undertake to

change the name of this partnership, as herein provided or as amended thereafter,
immediately upon receipt of notice or directive from the Securities and Exchange
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Commission that another corporation, partnership or person has acquired a prior right to the
use of that name or that the name has been declared as misleading, deceptive, confusingly
similar to a registered name, or contrary to public morals, good customs or public policy.
Articles of Partnership

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signatures this ____ day of
______, 20___, at ________.

______________________ _______________________
(name of partner) (name of partner)

______________________ _______________________
(name of partner) (name of partner)

(Names and Signatures of the partners and TIN)

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____________________________) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in _________________, this ____day of

_________, 20___, personally appeared the following persons:

Name TIN/ID/Passport No. Date & Place Issued

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Articles
of Partnership constituting of _____pages, including this page where the acknowledgement is
written, and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place above written.

Doc. No. ______;
Page No. ______;
Book No. ______;
series of 20 ______.
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DTI Forms
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SEC Forms
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Mayor’s Permit/ Business Permit

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Barangay Clearance
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Sanitary Permit
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Fire Permit
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Validated Survey Questionnaire with cover letter

October 22, 2018

Dear Respondents:


We, fourth year Bachelor of Science in Business Management students from TCU,
would like to conduct a survey with you regarding our Business Feasibility Study of
putting up a UniLamp business in your area.

Rest assured that all information gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality
and for school purposes only.

We look forward to your positive response and cooperation. Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,

The Proponents
Bereso, Cherry May M. _______________
Magdaong, Jetter S. _______________
Moster, Geraldine C. _______________
Omar, Norhassan M. _______________
Pelobello, Jose Martin G. _______________
Rocero, Ma. Laisa Lyn J. _______________

Noted by:

Prof. Norlyn V. Ilarina-Gozum, LPT, M.M Prof. Jerry L. Fernandez

Business Feasibility Study Adviser Feasibility Study Adviser
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Name (optional): ______________________

Sex: Male Female
Age: 18 - 25 26 - 33 34 - 40 41 and above
Civil Status: Single Married
Employed Status: Student Employed Self Employed
If Student Daily Allowance: 100 and below 101 - 200 201 - 500
501 and above
If Employed Monthly Income: 1,000 - 10,000 10,001 - 20,000 20,001 -
30,000 30,001 and above

1. Are you familiar with Lampshade?

Yes No
2. What kind of light do you use when sleeping at night?
Fluorescent Bulb Lampshade None Others
(Specify): _________________
3. If sceneries would be incorporate in a lampshade, which one do you prefer?
Mayon Volcano (Speaker) Wind Mill Banaue Rice Terraces
Others (Specify): _________________
4. What innovation do you want to add when you buy a lampshade?
Bluetooth Speaker Power Bank Colorful Neon Lights
5. Are you going to buy miniature lamp inspired by different sceneries?
Yes No
6. Which type of lamp do you prefer?
Direct Current (Battery Source) Electric Current (Power Source)
7. What style of lampshade is currently in your home?
Traditional Modern Cottage Antique None
8. Do you think that Upper Bicutan is accessible when buying miniature lamp?
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Yes No
9. If NO, where do you want to locate miniature lamp?
Lower Bicutan Brngy. Tanyag SM Bicutan Other Mall
10. At what price of miniature lamp are you willing to pay?
100-300 400-600 700-900 1,000 and above
11. What kind of advertisement do you prefer to promote miniature lamp?
Social Media Tarpaulin Flyers Others (Specify): __________
12. How often do you buy household lampshade?
Once a week 2-3 times a month Every 6 months
Once a year
13. What is your top concern when buying a lampshade?
Price Style Color Weight of item Origin (Who
made and where it was made)

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