Old Manual
Old Manual
Old Manual
4th Edition
Jerald R. Smith
Peggy A. Golden
Graduate School of Business
Florida Atlantic University
Vivek Patel
Technical Consultant
Special Consultants
Bryce Appleton
Former CEO, Midstate Airline
Michael Forte
Airline Captain
Revised 6-5-02
Accounts payable, 30; 34 Employee Compensation, 5; 33
Accounts receivable, 33 Employee turnover cost, 27
Acguisition of aircraft, 12
Administrative expense, 27
Advertising Budget, 4
Aircraft acquisition, 13 fares, 3
Aircraft scheduling worksheet, 99 Financial ratio analysis, 97
Aircraft utilization, 23 Financial ratios, 31
aircraft, types, 13
Fleet status report, 29; 31
Analyzing an industry, format, 65
Flight expenses, 26
Audit, management, 73; 76
Forms, 92
Forms and worksheets, 92
B Fuel Decision, 7; 8
cabin service, 3
Incident response, 15
Cargo service, 8
Incidents, 39
Case study, Mid-Continent Airline, 82
Income statement, 30; 33
Cash flow analysis, 29; 30
Income tax, 27
Certificates of deposit, 12
index, 2
Changes in Markets Served, 15
Insurance costs, 27
Changing in Markets Served, 15
Interest Expenses, 11; 33
Commissions, 26
Investment income, 12
common stock, 9; 30
Corporate Social Performance Budget, 9
Cost per seat mile, 26 L
Lease, 33
D Lease or buy analysis, 96
Line of credit $5,935,888, 30
Debriefing questionnaire, 80
Decision Diary, 93 Loans, long term, 10; 30
Decision form, sample screens, 70 Loans, overdraft, 11; 34
Decision forms, 101; 102; 103; 104; 105; 106; 107; 108; 109; Loans, short term, 10; 30
Decision Log for your firm, 66 M
Demand, 25
Demand Forecast, 26 Maintenance, 7
Demand Index, 30 Market characteristics of each type, 19
Depreciation, 27; 30 Market research cost, 30
Diary of team decisions, 93 Market research report, 29; 31
Direct flight expenses, 26 Market research studies, 14
Disk, how to enter decisions, 67 Market structure, 18
Disposal of aircraft, 14 Markets your firm is in, 19
Dividends, 12 Markets, added cost outside your region, 25
Maximum mileage, 99
Mid-Continent Airline case, 82
Mileage analysis, aircraft, 99
Minutes of team meetings, 61 Refunds, 26
Reliability Factor, 26
Retained earnings, 34
N Route map, 22
News message, 31
O sales force, 4
sales persons, 4
Organizational chart, 59
Sales Report, 32
Organizing your team, 70
Scheduling aircraft worksheet, 99
Other data on the report, 30
Social responsibility, 9
Other expense, 27
starting point for your team, 29
Other profits, 33
Starting position report, 30
Overhead, 27
Stock price, how it is determined, 35
Stock Sales, 10
P Stock, redeeming, 9
Stockholder's meeting, 75
Peer evaluation, 78; 79 Strategic plan, format, 64
Profitability analysis-type 2, 95
Profitibility analysis-type 1, 94
Profits, 30
Promotion Budget, 4 Taxes, 27
promotional fare, 17 training, 6
Turnover, employee, 27
Quality Index, 7
Quality Programs, 6 Verification total, 15
Quarter 0 financial statement, 29
Quarterly report, 30
R Wages, 5
Record keeping, team, 60
This section contains all information needed to make decisions in the simulation. Before
reading this section, refer to a Decision form [which is the last item in the manual] to get
an overview of all the decisions your team will be making.
The airline you are taking over is no stranger to thousands of people living in small communities
scattered throughout the United States. Like other commuter airlines, the company has been providing air
service to cities and towns that were unattractive to large carriers because of the population size or the
limited facilities at the local airport.
This airline was established as a "mom-and-pop" business to fill the void left by a larger regional airline
that abandoned the area. The airline grew from a fledgling carrier that transported 2,700 passengers in its
first year to a regional airline that is now carrying over 16,000 passengers annually. The case contained at
the back of this manual, Mid-Continent Airlines, was included to give you a better idea of the point at
which you are taking over the management of this airline. The present fleet consists of three 19 passenger
Beech 1900 aircraft.
In 1978, the Federal government deregulated the entire airline industry leaving all companies able to
compete for customers by creating competitive fare structures and competitive routes. One response by
major carriers was to diminish service to the less profitable markets and create hubs in large cities.
Commuter airlines jumped in to fill the service vacuums left in many medium-sized cities.
Today, as a member of the Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC) your airline has interline ticketing and
baggage arrangements with all major carriers. The agreement allows the airline to issue tickets to any
destination and to check baggage through to the final destination.
The operating history of the airline you are taking over has been one of slow growth over a 16 year
period. Selected operating and financial information for the past two years is shown at a later point in this
manual. However, the past lackluster performance of the airline is history. You are purposely not being
furnished with a great deal of past financial data because the industry is now deregulated and new
opportunities are available that the former management did not have.
The manual is arranged in the same order as the decision form and the headings are also the same as the
decision form.
The next section describes how to fill out the decision form. Since the simulation cannot be changed
once it is "run," it is critical that your team enter decisions correctly. A decision form is shown on the last
page of the manual.
FARE: per seat mile flown (Do not use a decimal) _______cents
This is an average of all types of fares the airline may have. You can determine the effect on a specific
market of raising or lowering the fare by multiplying this figure by the number of miles in the market.
For example, a ticket in a market of 400 miles = 400 x .35 = $140.00. Increasing the fare to 38 cents
would be calculated as: 400 x .38 = $152.00. However, demand will be somewhat lower with the higher
Last quarter the firm charged 35 cents per mile for its fare.
Do not attempt to price between these ranges as the decision entry program will not accept values not
listed above. A firm may use the sale on fares feature of the simulation to provide an exceptional fare to
selected markets. This will be discussed in the MARKETS section later in the manual.
Airline fares are one of the more complex pricing systems in the free enterprise world. All airlines post a
standard fare and then may offer special discounts on that fare. In addition, airlines develop a sale on
fares from time to time when opening a new market or to boost sluggish demand. A sale on fares
stimulates demand but reduces revenues. The competitive market is very reactive to fare changes; thus
fare reductions tend to be copied by competitors and the benefits to a single airline are short-lived.
The fare for your airline will be an average of all of your fares on a "seat mile flown" basis. This amount
is a reflection of your pricing strategy ranging from a discount airline to a premium service policy. Your
airline has been charging fares of 35 cents per seat-mile-flown. While the current fare of 35 cents per
passenger mile has been generating enough revenue for the current small fleet, the higher costs of
purchasing or leasing additional planes may require a higher fare structure. However you must always
take into consideration what fares your competition is charging.
For an airline to become a "discounter" in your simulated industry, it would need to price between 28 and
31 cents. As a low-cost producer, it should watch expenses carefully. There is room for at least one
discounter in your industry. At the other end of the spectrum we have the Luxury airline. A few airlines
have attempted "luxury" service in the real world and some have been successful. To be successful, the
highest level of cabin service and maintenance must be maintained. There is room in the simulated
industry for at least one "high-end" competitor. Demand is not as high but the additional revenues should
provide satisfactory profits; you MUST use cabin class aircraft (C to G) and cabin service #3 to build a
luxury image. In order to price correctly, a team wishing to discount or become a luxury carrier must set
their fares within the ranges shown in Table 1. Both discounters and luxury airlines must not fly too
many flights in any one market as there is limited demand for the specialized type of services.
DECISION 2: CABIN SERVICE (Enter a 0, 1, 2, or 3) ______
This item is your choice of the type of cabin service and food/drinks that are served on your flight. It is
not feasible to offer cabin service on aircraft that are not listed as Cabin Class, as the headroom is not
adequate. However, preboarding and postflight food and beverages could be provided in the case of
noncabin class flights.
The following table indicates the choices available for cabin service and the current costs.
Cost per
Passenger Flown
0 No cabin service 0
1 Free soft drinks, and pretzels or peanuts $1.00
2 Free soft drinks, snacks, and small snack meal for
Flights commencing between 6 and 8 A.M., 12 to 1P.M.,
and 6-7 P.M. (Includes carry-your-own on
non cabin class aircraft - Type A) $2.00
This cost is pro-rated for flights not providing snacks, so
the cost shown is charged to all passengers for easier
simulation accounting.
3 Free drinks & hors d'oeuvres on or
before all flights. Meal service as required. $5.00
Cabin service includes your choice of food and beverage service on flights. It is not feasible to offer
cabin service on aircraft types A or B, as the headroom is not adequate and these two aircraft types do not
require a cabin attendant. However, pre boarding and post flight food and beverages would be provided
and/or a box lunch could be furnished to each passenger as they board, in the case of non cabin class
flights. In terms of relative demand, there would be a slight sales advantage to a firm that had cabin
service on a route versus a competitor that did not. However, if all firms serving a route had the same
level of cabin service, none would have a sales advantage. Cabin service is representative of an overall
corporate philosophy and applies to your entire fleet. In other words, whatever level of cabin service you
choose becomes a blanket policy for all your routes.
Federal Aviation Administration regulations require an attendant on all flights utilizing aircraft with 30
seats or more. The additional labor cost of the attendant(s) is included in the operating cost of the larger
aircraft and you do not need to calculate or enter this on the decision form. If your team desires, you may
assume the sale of alcoholic beverages on cabin service levels 1, 2, or 3. Since the simulation assumes
round trip tickets, the cost of cabin service is two times the number of seats sold.
DECISION 3 - PROMOTION BUDGET (Enter in $ with no commas) $_______
These two budget items are crucial to your firm’s strategy. Last quarter the airline budgeted $2,500 for
promotion and $2,500 for advertising.
All airlines spend a significant amount of money to attract passengers. A unique aspect of this industry,
however, is that much promotional activity is targeted at online travel services and other specialists who
dispose of extra seats. These sources combined with travel agents, are responsible 75% of the tickets
sold. Promotions include packaged vacations, incentive plans for travel agents selling large numbers of
tickets, frequent flyer programs, familiarization (FAM) trips for travel agents, etc. Discounted tickets and
special fares are not included in this budget but are in the "sale on fares" decision which is available on a
market-by-market basis. Some airlines also sell their tickets directly from a Web site which reduces the
transaction cost somewhat without affecting the fare charged. If you want to sell tickets from your own
Web site, you must include at least $7,502 in the promotion budget EACH quarter. However, this may be
changed by your response to Incident C.
Airlines also advertise through the various media: billboards, magazines, television, radio, and
newspapers. The allocation of the advertising and promotion budgets is a reflection of the target market
for each airline. Those firms trying to attract the business traveler will use different media than those that
are after the casual traveler. Some companies participate in customized "in-flight" magazines placed on
board the aircraft to enhance and promote image.
Last quarter, your company spent $2,500 on promotional and $2,500 on advertising activities; this is a
very minimal amount. As your fleet increases you will need to budget substantially more. You have not
been producing an on-board magazine for your passengers; the cost for this would be $500 per aircraft
per quarter in addition to your normal advertising budget. To indicate you want to produce an on-board
magazine, enter a 1 as the right-hand digit in your advertising budget EACH quarter plus the total
cost of the magazine plus your normal advertising budget (example: $2,500 advertising + [10 A/C
$500 each] = $7501).
Your firm does not have any sales force now due to its small size. However, as you grow you may want
to add salespersons. The maximum you can hire or fire in a quarter is 4.
The cost of each salesperson is $12,000 per quarter, which includes the employee’s salary, travel
allowance, and fringe benefits. Airlines employ a sales force to act as a go-between in promoting
business with corporations and travel agents. One advantage of building a sales force, in addition to
additional sales, is the possibility of a greater volume of direct sales to corporations and tour promoters,
thus lowering the amount paid for commissions to travel agents.
Once hired, you do not enter salespersons on the payroll in this space or the program will continue to
hire more! (The total number of salespersons is tracked by the program.)
Use a minus sign to discharge salespersons. You may not hire or fire more than four
salespersons per quarter.
Your airline is now paying the average wages for a regional airline. This budget item is for wages and
fringes above the normal wage. The airline has never made additional payments to its employees.
You may increase wages and/or other benefits such as a stock-bonus plan and a profit-sharing plan. At
this time the firm does not pay any of these additional sums. It is operating on a "shoestring" budget and
paying minimal wages to most personnel. Although not making any additional expenditures adds to
employee turnover (currently 8% per quarter) and additional hiring as well as on-the-job training (OJT)
costs, former management felt this was the best in the past.
Your employee compensation has an effect on retention as well as your ability to attract the optimal work
force for your airline. Although many of the employees available to you are young and willing to work
for lower wages, they see the opportunities at larger airlines and treat you as a training environment.
More stable employees cost more but will not change jobs as readily. Some research indicates that a
sense of ownership created by profit-sharing and stock-bonus plans assists in employee retention. This
airline has historically paid prevailing (minimal) industry wages to its pilots, station managers and
maintenance people. Salaried professionals (company officers) are paid slightly over the minimum
market wage for these categories.
This item is used in conjunction with Decision 6. If managers and pilots are to be given an additional
sum, you may base the cost on $100,000 in quarterly wages per aircraft operated. If pilots only are to be
given a wage increase, base the additional compensation on $40,000 in quarterly wages per aircraft.
3 aircraft x $100,000 = $300,000 x .05 = $15,000 added cost per quarter
If ALL employees are to be given an additional sum, base the total wages on $140,000 per aircraft
operated. Example of 4% to all employees: Three aircraft x $140,000 = $420,000 x .04 = $16,800 added
cost per quarter.
You may add a stock-bonus plan to a wage increase or grant the stock-bonus plan without a wage
increase (by placing a zero in the wage increase enter line). The cost of the stock-bonus plan is based on
the number of employees required to operate each aircraft in the fleet, but for simplicity the cost is set at
$5,000 per aircraft operated. Employee compensation is charged for the cost of this stock. In addition, the
"stock sold" account on the cash flow statement shows the sale of the stock to the employee stock fund.
The shares of stock outstanding will also increase due to the sale of this stock.
The final option (either with or without an accompanying wage increase) is a profit-sharing plan. It is
based on 20% of the previous quarter's profits and the actual cost is charged; if there are no profits, none
can be distributed and there is no cost.
The amount of additional compensation (e.g., 2%, 3%) must be entered each quarter. The program
DOES NOT carry over previous decisions. Once a given level of additional employee compensation
is started, you should make every attempt to maintain it, since employee morale would be hurt by
giving something one quarter and lowering it the next.
A Tip: If you do pay additional wages, start modestly and increase pay as your profits increase (for
example 1 or 2%).
This budget is to provide additional training to employees and to create a quality management program.
Last quarter the airline budgeted $1,000 for extra training.
The regulatory environment of the airline industry requires some on-the-job training for flight crews and
other employees. In addition, some firms offer additional training and development to increase employee
competence, increase customer satisfaction, and create commitment to high-quality service. Average
training and development costs are $40 per employee per half-day workshop. Therefore, if you want to
provide a four hour seminar for 40 employees, the cost would be $1,600. A direct benefit of employee
(and thus organizational) development activities is that they seem to be related to retention of personnel,
which can also affect the reliability of your airline.
Your airline paid $1,000 last quarter for additional employee training. (Remember, this amount is in
addition to the legally required training of flight crews and maintenance personnel.)
Quality Programs
In addition to training, your firm may want to initiate quality programs. You may initiate such programs
on a department-by-department basis or all at one time (which would be considered a Total Quality
Management system). Programs cost $5,000 per quarter per department. There are four major
departments to consider: customer service, aircraft servicing, maintenance, and administrative. Thus, to
start a program for the entire company would cost a minimum of $20,000 per quarter. If you want to
emphasize quality even more, you may budget more than this amount. Once you start a quality program,
you should continue it indefinitely.
Quality Index
The public's perception of your firm, in terms of quality, will be published each quarter as a "Quality
Index." Your actual quality may be higher than this index, but it represents how the public perceives your
airline. A reminder: You must add your quality budget to your additional training budget and enter the
total amount each quarter.
The minimum required maintenance (Level 1) permits you to fly with some assurances of dependability.
However, the higher levels (2 or 3) can increase reliability somewhat as well as create a higher company
image. Currently the firm is operating at Level 1.
LEVEL 1: Legal minimum maintenance; normal interior cleaning of aircraft. Exterior cleaning
every 9 months. Reasonable parts inventory.
LEVEL 2: Legal minimum maintenance, some additional interior cleaning of the interior; exterior
cleaning of the aircraft every 6 months; and an additional 20% of spare parts in inventory,
which should result in less downtime for repairing aircraft. The current added cost of this
level is $2,500 per aircraft per quarter.
LEVEL 3: Legal minimum maintenance, more frequent interior cleaning of the aircraft; exterior
cleaning every 3 months; an additional 40% of spare parts in inventory, and a full
preventive maintenance program. The current additional cost of this level is $3,500 per
aircraft per quarter.
Federal regulatory agencies specify a minimal level of maintenance for aircraft. In addition, each
manufacturer provides a required maintenance schedule based on the maintenance record of each model
of aircraft. Recent articles in aviation periodicals suggest that consumers are affected by the overall
appearance of the craft, including external and cabin cleanliness.
The fewer types of aircraft you have, the lower your maintenance costs will be. As different types of
aircraft are added, a greater number of parts must be stocked, mechanics must be trained to work on a
new type, and specialized tools and equipment must be procured. It should be noted that Level 1 is a very
safe level of maintenance. Many airlines adhere to this level and have very good safety and reliability
records. However, other firms believe that higher levels of maintenance enhance their overall reliability
record and customer image.
Fuel costs are one of the largest line items in the expense statement. There are three options for
purchasing fuel; they are listed below.
0 = All fuel purchased on the spot market this quarter
1 = 50% purchased on open market and 50% on contract
2 = All fuel purchased on contract this quarter
You may switch from one type of fuel purchase to another from one quarter to the next. There is no
penalty for doing so.
This item is one of the most unpredictable expenses incurred in operations. Fuel can be purchased either
on the open market (as needed at various airports) or on a three-month contract that holds a fixed rate.
The contract price can either be somewhat higher or lower than the "spot" price at the time the contract is
negotiated, depending on the forecasted price of fuel for the next quarter. Your fuel has been purchased
on the open market the past quarter. [Fuel prices in the simulation may not equate to prices in the "real
world" due to the variability of prices there. They have been set in relation to other variables.]
Currently, your company is not in the cargo business. You may choose to enter the cargo
business at any time, or not at all. To begin hauling cargo on your passenger planes, you
will need to enter a budget for marketing your new service and decide if you want to hire
one or more salespersons to sell your cargo services.
To simplify matters, the simulation assumes that cargo will be loaded into the cargo bays of the aircraft
up to the maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft. However, passengers will not be bumped to make
room for cargo. In case there are more passengers and cargo than the aircraft can handle, the excess cargo
will be held until the next flight out or placed on another carrier. Thus, as you become more successful in
filling your aircraft with passengers, you will have less room for cargo. There is no provision in the
simulation for having an all-cargo aircraft.
If you want to initiate your cargo service, you must budget at least $10,000 per quarter for added
overhead. To add a salesperson whose sole duty is to sell cargo services, you must add $12,000 to the
cargo marketing budget for each salesperson (in addition to any advertising). NOTE: This salesperson is
not included in passenger salespersons hired, but included only in your "Cargo Marketing Budget." The
reason for this is that salespersons involved in selling passenger service are calling a different type of
customer (e.g., mainly travel agents) and so they cannot be used in cargo sales, as this is a very
specialized business. You may hire as many salespersons as you think you need and the budget must be
entered every quarter. Your net profit after direct cargo expenses will be shown on the income statement.
As in any new service, it will take some time to build up your cargo service and produce a profit.
For example, if you want one cargo salesperson and $2,000 in cargo advertising, you would enter
$24,000 each quarter (Overhead $10,000 + Salesperson $12,000 + Advertising $2,000).
If you fail to enter your cargo budget, when you do begin again you will need to "build up" your
image and presence which will take at least 3 quarters.
The budget for this area will provide funds for the social responsibility of your firm. In addition to the
amount budgeted, you may choose to target a specific area where the budget is to be used. Use the key
numbers listed below and enter the key as the right hand digit of your budget ($4,001 or $10,006, etc).
You may budget any amount in even thousands, with a $1,000 minimum. The examples for each
category are meant to be broad categories and not specific items. Last quarter the firm did not budget any
funds for these programs.
1 = Local college that has an aviation mechanics program just beginning and has a pilot training
program in the planning stage
2 = Local community causes (Community charities, Homeless, etc.)
3 = Ecological causes (Recycling research; Air, water, and noise control, etc.)
4 = Political causes (Citizens for Better Government, Get-out-the-vote campaign, etc.)
5 = Health and family care issues (AIDS and/or other disease research, etc.)
6 = Animal causes (Save the whales, Save the Owls, Save the ______, etc.)
7 = Educational causes (Support for a primary or secondary school in your area, support for
an aviation program at a local technical school, improving dropout rate in your area schools)
8 = Other issue or program that your team considers to be an important corporate social
performance goal. This should be written on the margin of the decision form each quarter.
9 = General charitable causes, not specified
While it would be difficult to ascertain a cost/benefit for this budget item, many firms believe
strongly in supporting the communities in which they do business. The argument is made that a
“strong community is good for our business in the long run.”
Your company may choose to raise capital by issuing common stock. It is sold at the
closing price posted the previous quarter and the funds are available immediately. To sell
stock, enter the dollar amount (not the number of shares) on the decision form.
The current market price is posted on your quarter-end financial statement and this is the price at which
the stock will be sold. This sale will take place on the first day of the upcoming quarter so the cash from
the sale is available in the quarter in which the stock is sold.
If financial conditions warrant, your stock may be repurchased at market price anytime after quarter
5. However, your bank requires that you have no greater than a 1:4 equity-to-debt ratio at all times as
a condition of your loans. That is, you should have at least $1 in equity for each $4 in loans
(including long- and short-term loans). Maximum redemption is $500,000 per quarter.
You may repurchase stock by placing a minus sign before the dollar amount you want to redeem;
however, you may never have less than 150,000 shares.
Your corporate charter requires that you maintain a minimum of 150,000 shares of stock (the
beginning number of shares in quarter 0).
Remember that the Earnings per Share figure is affected any time additional stock is issued. This is
termed “dilution of stock value” but can be overcome with improved earnings in future quarters.
If you give shares of stock to employees (Decision 6, Employee Compensation), the number of
shares of stock will increase by the number required to make the stock-bonus payment.
DECISION 14: SHORT-TERM LOANS (Use minus sign to make a loan payment) $_______
Your firm will need additional "working capital" as it grows. This is the purpose of short-
term loans. Your line of credit is based on several financial factors.
Short-term loans are based on a 90-day demand note. You may expect the bank to agree to renew ("roll
over") these notes every 90 days automatically if desired. However, during certain "tight" fiscal
conditions, banks may "call" the demand note for payment. For this reason, firms should be very careful
about borrowing long-term capital needs on a short-term (demand) note. Repayment of short-term notes
is your responsibility, i.e., the loan will be automatically renewed unless you place the desired repayment
amount on the decision form as a negative number. Your short-term interest rate will fluctuate with your
firm's overall financial condition; it will be posted on your report each quarter.
The current short-term loan annual rate is 10%. The bank’s requirement for the short-term loan is that it
may not be used for the purchase of aircraft. This is the purpose of the long-term loans. Short-term loans
are used for increasing working capital when increasing budgets.
DECISION 15: LONG-TERM LOANS (Enter minus for extra loan payoff) $_________
Your airline may borrow long-term capital with long-term (mortgage) loans at 9% for the purchase of
aircraft. This interest rate is fixed for the duration of the simulation. Your bank has granted your firm a
line of credit, which includes both long-term and short-term loans. This line of credit is posted on your
quarterly report.
Place the amount of NEW loan desired. The bank will make an automatic deduction from cash for a loan
payment. If you wish to make an additional loan payment in addition to the automatic payment, use a
minus sign to make the additional repayment.
If you want to borrow more than the line of credit, you may do so by increasing your equity (i.e., selling
stock). For each $1 in stock sold, the long-term loan limit increases $4. You may sell stock and borrow
this larger amount in the same quarter.
The long-term loan is issued for approximately 12 years. Since you may be adding to this blanket
mortgage loan from time to time, the repayment schedule could get complex; therefore, to simplify the
repayment computation, 2% of the balance of the long-term loan is automatically deducted from your
bank account each quarter. The bank will lend UP TO 80% of the total finance needed by the company.
Thus, you may borrow less than 80% of what is needed but not more. The rest will have to be financed
through shares of stock. In any case, you will need to obtain the balance through the sale of stock or cash
on hand.
Note: You must record the stock and loan values on the decision form. The program will not do your
financing for you when you acquire a new aircraft.
Note: The decision entry program will not prevent you from entering an amount greater than the
maximum allowed. It is your responsibility to stay within your bank's policy regarding the
maximum amount of a long term loan.
If you want to make a new loan and pay off an old loan, enter the net value. For example, old loan
balance = $500,000. New funds required: $750,000. Enter the difference, or $250,000.
The bank will reduce your cash for an automatic loan repayment amounting to 2% of the loan balance
each quarter.
Overdraft Loans
If your firm does not have a good method of cash planning, your cash position may be in jeopardy. Any
time the cash outflow is greater than cash income, the bank will automatically issue an emergency loan
for the exact amount of the overdraft and the loan is added to the short-term loan balance already in
existence. The interest charged will be twice the usual short-term rate for the firm (20 to 22% per year)
for one quarter. The rate then reverts to the short-term rate.
The interest is charged the first day of the FOLLOWING quarter. You can determine quickly if you have
had an emergency loan issued because your cash balance will be zero! You are not required to make any
decision form entry to pay off an overdraft loan, as it becomes part of your current short-term loan. You
can pay all, part, or none of it whenever your cash position allows.
The total interest expense shown on the report will consist of Short-term loan interest + Previous
Quarter’s Overdraft loan interest + Long-term loan interest.
DECISION 16: DIVIDENDS PAID (Total dollars to be paid) $_________
The firm paid its shareholders $2,000 in dividends last quarter. A dividend payment will
be adjusted based on the amount of quarterly profits if the payment exceeds the profits
OR if the firm has negative retained earnings.
In addition to a cash dividend, your firm may declare a 5% stock dividend. This grants 5% more shares
to each shareholder without any direct cash cost to the firm. The number of shares outstanding will be
adjusted on the firm's quarterly report. To enter this decision, place a 1 (one) on the decision form in the
"Dividends Paid" block. If your firm declares a dividend and there are not enough profits earned in the
quarter to equal the dividend payment, the program will automatically reduce the dividends declared to
an amount that does not exceed current profits. If you have negative retained earnings, your dividend will
be canceled. (Sorry, it’s the law!) Again, remember that declaring a stock dividend will increase the total
number of shares and can dilute the earnings per share.
It should be noted that the shareholders are the owners of the firm and do expect dividends
as soon as it is prudent.
If your firm grows and becomes profitable, it may have additional funds that should be invested in a
Certificate of Deposit.
Although some portion of your cash must be set aside for current expenses incurred but not yet paid (i.e.,
accounts payable), excess cash can be used to generate investment income. You may buy 92-day
certificates of deposit that pay interest at 3% less than the prime lending rate (5% annual). These CD's
expire on the first day of the coming quarter and will not be available as cash in the quarter they are
purchased. They are NOT available for cash during the quarter in which they were purchased. Thus, if
you have a cash flow problem, it is possible to need an (emergency) overdraft loan while owning a
certificate of deposit.
Another alternative for excess cash is to pay off any short-term and/or long-term loans. You
should not finish the simulation with a large cash balance AND bank loan balances.
There are seven types of aircraft available to your company. Each has unique benefits and
limitations (see Table 4 below). All of the aircraft are preowned but are in excellent
condition. When you takeover the airline, it has three type A aircraft (19 seats each).
There are two sections on the decision form that can be used for aircraft acquisition. You may use one
(Decision items 18 to 20) for leasing and the other (Decision items 21 to 23) for purchasing. Or you may
acquire one type of aircraft on one section and another type of aircraft on the other section.
A= Beechcraft 1900 $2.0 19 268 No Prop Jet $80,000 No toilet, low headroom
B = British Aero 31 $2.2 18 253 Yes Prop Jet $82,000 Standing room, toilet
C = Embraer Brasilia $3.1 30 294 Yes Prop Jet $132,000 Standing room, toilet
D= Saab 340 $3.4 34 272 Yes Prop Jet $144,000 Standing room, toilet
E = CanadairERJ135 $4.3 37 400 Yes Jet $184,000 Standing room, toilet
F = ATR42 $4.4 46 300 Yes Prop Jet $185,000 Standing room, toilet
G= ERJ145RegionalJet $5.8 50 450 Yes Jet $240,000 Standing room, toilet
or Embraer Jet
1. Because there is a sufficient number of manufacturers of commuter aircraft, delivery time is very
short; you may order an aircraft for either purchase or lease and expect to put it into service on the
first day of the next quarter (e.g., the quarter you are turning in the decision form). Used aircraft are
also selling very well and you can expect to sell your used aircraft quickly, having the cash in the
quarter in which they are sold.
3. Cabin class indicates enough headroom to walk upright in aisles, facilitating the ability to serve food
and drinks. The type indicates if the aircraft is a prop jet (propellers powered by jet engines) or pure
jet (Jet).
4. While there are several other manufacturers of commuter/regional aircraft, the types shown above are
simply a sample of the sizes and features available. The lack of production in the U. S. of a given
variety of commuter aircraft has provided an international look to many U.S. fleets. All aircraft listed
above have very acceptable safety and maintenance records and there is no attempt in the simulation
to offer one aircraft that is "better" than another.
5. The key to aircraft selection is in matching equipment to the market. The optimum (round trip) range
for types A-D is 280 - 400 miles, and types E and G are optimum for flights at and above 400 miles.
This does not mean that you can't use aircraft above or below their optimum mileage but the costs
will be slightly higher if you do.
6. Teams that offer more seats than possible according to their fleet will be punished severely!!
Aircraft can be either purchased or leased. If purchased, aircraft can be financed through loans, issuing
stock, or a combination of both. If leased, the lease is a ten year operating lease. An operating lease
requires no current financial outlay but the aircraft reverts to the lessor at the end of the lease. Your
present fleet is financed through a combination of debt and equity; their values and accumulated
depreciation are reflected on the BALANCE SHEET and on the FLEET STATUS REPORT.
Do not forget to sell stock or take a loan to purchase an aircraft. The program does not do this for
you automatically!
You may dispose of up to three aircraft in a quarter. Leased or owned aircraft may be
disposed. The cost to dispose of a leased aircraft is $50,000. An owned aircraft will be
sold at book value (cost less accumulated depreciation). A brokerage fee of 1% of the
book value of the aircraft will be assessed. The disposal costs will be shown as "Other
Expenses" on the Income and Expense statement. Due to space limitations on the
decision form, you can only dispose of three aircraft each quarter.
Use the SERIAL NUMBER of the aircraft and not the aircraft type.
24. Serial Number of one aircraft to be sold _____ (Use this slot first)
25. Serial Number of one aircraft to be sold _____
26. Serial Number of one aircraft to be sold _____
Once you have disposed of an aircraft, DO NOT place it on the next quarter’s decision form!
Enter zeros if you do not have any aircraft sales.
Although it is somewhat costly to dispose of an aircraft that your firm has purchased or leased, you
should do so if the aircraft no longer fits your strategy. If you want to convert a leased aircraft to a
purchase, talk with your instructor and he/she may refund the $50,000 charge through the "Other
Expense Adjustment" feature in the Compute section of the program.
Most of the market research activity in the airline industry involves counting passengers and reading
timetables. However, there are certain studies that can be useful for planning purposes. You may
purchase any or all of the following reports:
A. Business conditions forecast for four quarters $1,000
B. Average industry quality budget and the employee compensation plan for each airline $2,000
C. Estimate of average fare for each airline and the cabin service policy for each airline $4,000
D. The estimate of TOTAL seats sold daily in each market (not the seats sold for each airline)$8,000
E. Average promotion budget, average advertising budget, salespeople for each airline $16,000
To order market research reports, place the TOTAL AMOUNT for all studies desired on the decision
form. For example, if you want the first two studies, you would enter $3,000 on the decision form
($1,000 + $2,000 but with no commas = 2000). All 5 studies would cost $31,000. In addition, you will be
provided (at no charge) the current number of flights in each market for each competitor and the fare,
sale, if any. These reports will be printed on page two of your firm's financial report and the "seats sold"
information will be printed adjacent to each market on page 3 of the financial report.
Most teams do not order enough market research to keep informed about competitor’s strategic
Each quarter has a mini-case, which is termed an incident. These may be found in Section
4. Your team will need to debate the issues being presented by the incident and enter the
appropriate response here. If you don't like any of the choices, you must still select the
one closest to your opinion. The incidents are required, not optional.
The response to the decisions may or may not have an effect on your firm's sales or costs in subsequent
quarters. USE INCIDENT A FOR QUARTER 1 (your first decision) which is creating the name for your
company. Thereafter, the incident to use will be listed in the MESSAGES section on your quarterly
The Verification Total has no impact on your results, but to help the person entering the decisions. If the
total on the decision routine matches the total items on the decision form, the values have been entered
correctly. Add all positive values and subtract any negative values.
Your overall strategy will be reflected in your decisions regarding which markets to
serve, and how many flights to schedule with which size aircraft. Refer to the market
entry section below (Table 5) as you read through this section.
Only enter values for a market you want to change! For example, you do not need to enter a market
that you served the previous quarter unless you are making a change in one of the elements in that
market. You may enter changes up to a maximum of 14 markets.
You may "mix" the types of aircraft serving a market. Enter the total seats representing this mix.
Examples are shown below in Table 5.
If you are changing any items in a currently held market, enter all items even though you may be
changing only one item this quarter.
You do not need to enter a market that you served the previous quarter unless you are making a change
in one of the elements in that market.
(These are not quarter 0 entries but sample entries.)
Flights are always entered as the number of Round trip flights between the cities comprising the
market. You should take this into consideration when calculating the mileage involved.
NEVER schedule less than two round trip flights per day except in resort and foreign markets where
one flight per day is acceptable, but not necessarily optimum.
Double check your TOTAL SEATS PER DAY in each market. This number must not exceed the
formula shown (# flights x seats on the type aircraft flown) because you will be charged operating
costs based on the total seats in each market.
Enter zeros beside a market you wish to abandon. If a market is abandoned, and then re-entered
later, it will take the usual three quarters to build up demand in the market.
A FINAL REMINDER! To keep from entering all markets each quarter, enter only values for a
market you want to change.
How to Complete the Fare sale Column
0. Regular fare: No sales this quarter; usually used in developed markets.
1. One-month fare sale: 1/3 off the regular fare for one month. The next two months the fare would
be the normal rate.
2. Two-month fare sale: 1/3 off the regular fare for two months and then reverts to the regular fare
for the third month.
3. Three-month fare sale: 1/3 off the regular fare for all three months of the quarter.
EXCEPT FOR RESORT MARKETS, all fare sales revert to zero the next quarter. i.e., if you set a fare
sale of 1, it will remain in place only one quarter. If you want to repeat it, enter it again on the
Markets form. Resort markets are excepted: there the fare sales stay at “2”.
Before making any decisions, you MUST obtain from your instructor the
number of teams that are playing the simulation.
The simulation automatically creates a certain number of markets according to the number of teams
competing. Table 6 indicates the market numbers used for various size classes (e.g., teams). Example: If
8 teams are competing, there would be a total of 35 markets available, consisting of market numbers 1
through 35.
No. of Teams Market Numbers No. of Teams Market Numbers
Participating Used Participating Used
4 1 - 17 9 1 - 41
5 1 - 26 10 1 - 44
6 1 - 26 11 1 - 52
7 1 - 35 12 1 - 52
8 1 - 35
Your firm is currently serving the cities (i.e., markets) as shown in Table 9 on page 19. Each firm in the
simulation begins with the same general market structure and exactly the same passenger load (i.e.,
sales). Each firm is competing with one or two other firms in four markets and each has a market that
currently has no other carrier in it. There are also markets that have just had a major carrier pull out and
are therefore now open to the commuter airlines in the simulation. Routes range in length up to 600
round trip miles with an average daily passenger load between 15 and 32 passengers. In addition to the
regular routes, there are one or more resort markets that are 600 miles and currently have an estimated
demand of 20 to 30 passengers per day. Currently no firm is serving this market.
These different configurations are included in Table 7. Each market is identified with an Identification
Letter (A, B, C, D, E, F, R). In order to accommodate a different number of teams, several markets in the
table below have identical characteristics. You can find the markets that your airline is now serving and
the total market structure for your size industry by consulting the following tables.
Your firm is currently serving one Market Type A, one Market Type B, one Market type C, one Market
Type D, and one Market Type E. No one is serving any markets represented by Market Types F (a
foreign market) or R (a resort market).
Your team may add any market in the simulation at any time. The cost to open a new market is
$10,000. This cost is automatically charged to Passenger Service expenses. The new market is opened
immediately. There is no waiting period. Your team may also abandon a market at any time at no cost.
Per Firm Round-
Market Market R-T Seats Trip
Type Number Per Day Miles Description
A 1,9,21,30,38 20 600 From your mini-hub to a medium city with light
47 manufacturing and service businesses.
B 2,10,22,31, 30 400 Service between 2 medium cities. One has a large
39,48 number of service businesses and the other a military
C 3,11,23,32, 19 340 From your mini-hub to a regional hub that has a large
40,49 number of heavy manufacturing firms.
D 4,12,24,33, 29 360 From your mini-hub to a medium city that has a major
41,50 university and extensive business services, with a
stopover halfway out from the hub at small but growing
technology cluster. For simplicity, fares are the same to
either destination.
E 5,7,13,15,18, 29 400 From your mini-hub to a medium city that has a new
25,27,34,36, and growing industrial park.
F 6,8,14,16,19, 30 to 420 From your mini-hub to a foreign city not too far from the
26,28,35,37, 60 border that has a diversified industry and tourist trade.
43,46,52 See Note 2 below.
R 17,20,29,44 20 to 600 From your mini-hub to major resort/recreation area like
30 Las Vegas; Vail, Col.;Orlando, Fla.; Atlantic City, N.J.
See Note 3 below.
1. Market type indicates that these markets have similar demand.
2. This is the opportunity to become an international carrier. Depending on your operating area, the
foreign city could be one of the following. Any cabin class aircraft would be ideal for the route but
the 19-seat A/C should not be used.
Canada: Halifax, Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver
Mexico: Tijuana, Mexicali, Hermosillo, Chihuahua, Juarez
Bahamas: Freeport, Nassau, and various out islands
3. Pressurized aircraft and a fare sale #2 or #3 fare must be utilized in the resort market (Type R). While
no airline is flying there now, it is thought the demand can be developed. Even if there are no
competitors in the resort market, there are charter flights by tour operators that keep the price
pressure heavy thus; the required fare sale of 2.
4. The maximum number of seats in any market is 222!
Use Table 8 below to obtain the markets your firm is in. Then go back to Table 7 to ascertain the
TYPE of market for each.
Check the market characteristic (Table 7) to determine the characteristics of each market you are in. Then
complete the chart on the next page to ascertain the size and characteristics of your current markets. The
example below is for Company #8. Note that the market numbers are copied (left to right) from Table 8,
in the order given, on to the appropriate blanks below.
Market Market Round trip Total Seats Estimate of Seats
# Type Flights/day Avail/day Sold per day
30 A 2 38 18
31 B 3 57 30
32 C 2 38 18
33 D 3 57 30
34 E 3 57 45
35 F 0 0 0
29 R 0 0 0
Your instructor will inform you of your company number and the total number of
teams competing so that you can complete the chart below to obtain your market
numbers. Obtain the market numbers you are currently serving from Table 8.
Complete the following chart using market numbers from Table 8.
Chart 1
Your Airline’s Beginning Markets
The following formula shows how to calculate number of seats that you make available per day:
# Round trips x Capacity of the Aircraft flying this route = Seats Available (e.g., 3 x 19 = 57)
In the first quarter of the simulation, in addition to your current markets, you may begin service in ANY
MARKET IN THE SIMULATION. Thus, if you are company #7 in a seven company industry, you
may start service in any market in your industry (Market #1 through #29 - see Table 8). If you are
company #4 in an 11 company industry, you may enter any market in that size industry (market #1
through #46). At the beginning of the simulation, each company is serving a market by itself (a no-
competition market); this is not a monopoly! Other teams may enter this market at any time.
Note: Use the Aircraft Scheduling Worksheet (Form 5) in the back of this manual to calculate
number of seats, markets, and allowable mileage each quarter. There is a substantial penalty if
you exceed either your number of seats or your allowable mileage.
To help you visualize the route system in the simulation, a generic route map is shown on the next page.
This generic route map is shown to aid you in visualizing the markets and their relationships. It is termed
generic because this two hub route scheme repeats according to the number of firms competing in a class
(for every two firms there is a pair of hubs as shown below). To match up your markets to this map, use
Tables 7, 8, and Chart 1. At the beginning of the simulation, all firms are competing with other firms in a
market represented by Market Types A, B, C, and D. All firms are operating without competition in one
market represented by Type E. No one is serving markets in Market Types F (foreign) or R (resort).
If you have information overload at this point, you may skip this section until after you
have made your first decisions. However it must be read after you have received the first
decision’s report. It will aid in "polishing up" your strategy.
Airplanes do not generate revenues when they sit on the ground. Therefore, utilization is a variable that
can affect successful operations. A typical aircraft will be scheduled from 12 to 14 hours per day If you
exceed the maximum, you may expect additional maintenance costs and "DOWNTIME," with the
accompanying loss of passengers as flight schedules are canceled. A form, "Aircraft Scheduling
Worksheet" is included in the back of this manual for you to calculate the mileage each quarter. A small
amount of additional mileage will be accommodated to allow for minor mathematical errors on your part.
While there may be a slight decrease in maintenance costs if you fly less than 100% of the
If you exceed the maximum, you may expect additional maintenance costs and "DOWNTIME," with the
accompanying loss of passengers as flight schedules are canceled. A form, "Aircraft Scheduling
Worksheet" is included in the back of this manual for you to calculate the mileage each quarter. A small
amount of additional mileage will be accommodated to allow for minor mathematical errors on your part.
While there may be a slight decrease in maintenance costs if you fly less than 100% of the maximum
miles allowed, it is also good strategy to fly the maximum miles in order to more completely utilize your
The maximum mileage is calculated on a fleet basis; therefore, if the total mileage scheduled is
somewhat less than the maximum, you may be able to squeeze out one more flight. You must fly this
flight in the aircraft with the lowest number of flight miles. In other words, you could not fly the extra
flight with a preferred aircraft.
Your takeover fleet of three Beech 1900s is serving several markets. Cabin service is not provided; it is
not practical on this type of aircraft, as it does not have enough headroom for stand-up serving. The
major advantage is that by having a bullet-shaped fuselage, it has a higher cruise speed than most of its
The 18-passenger Jetstream does have the headroom for food and beverage service; however, it costs
more and has one less seat than the Metroliner. Since the FAA does not require a cabin attendant for
aircraft of less than 30 seats, placing a cabin attendant on this aircraft just to provide cabin service would
be uneconomical. Firms should attempt to match markets, demand, and amenities with the type of
aircraft placed into service.
While the current fleet of 19-passenger aircraft is serving the airline at the present time, increased
demand will place a strain on your fleet. While the current fare of 35 cents per passenger mile has been
generating enough revenue for the current fleet, the higher costs of purchasing or leasing added planes
may require a somewhat higher fare structure. If you do raise fares, it is suggested that you increase fares
slowly (1 cent per mile) and determine how the increase affects your demand and what reaction it has on
your competitors’ pricing.
Market Success Factors
The number of flights per day is a crucial factor to the success of an airline. Too few flights prompt
prospective passenger to drive to the nearest competing hub and too many can be too costly to maintain.
With the exception of the resort run, it is not practical to fly only one or two round trip flights per day
into a market; there would be no passenger loyalty and the cost to maintain a station there would be
prohibitive. Since the breakeven point for a flight is 45 to 55% load, the careful balancing of flights and
seats in a market is an important decision for your team.
When entering a market for the first time, your management team should recognize that there is a certain
"lag" effect of developing that market. Advertising and sales promotion will be an important part of
developing new markets. It may take one or more quarters to fully develop a market.
You can differentiate yourself in individual markets by your frequency of service (flights per day in a
given market), seats flown per day in that market, aircraft choice for that route, and fare sales (when
desired). Three or more round trip flights per day in a market is usual while two round trip flights is
minimally acceptable. Therefore, you may NEVER schedule less than two flights per day. The exception
to this is the resort area and foreign market (F); you may serve these markets with one flight per day.
This is a "market driven" industry and simulation. It is VERY IMPORTANT to continually analyze
markets, calculate breakeven number of passengers, and make adjustments. Customers are NOT very
"brand loyal" and look for attributes such as frequency of service (which also translates into number of
seats provided in a market per day), and, to a lesser extent, price of the fare. Costs are relatively fixed in
the airline business (e.g., it costs nearly the same amount to transport one or nineteen passengers between
two points). Sometimes the difference between a profit and loss is one additional passenger per flight per
It takes two to three quarters to develop a new market and build a passenger base.
Most manufacturers advertise that the breakeven load for their aircraft is in the 45-55% range; this covers
all operating costs but not fixed costs. You may mix the type of aircraft serving a market. For example,
you may schedule two flights of a type A aircraft (19 seats) and two flights of a type C aircraft (30 seats)
for a total of four daily flights and 98 daily seats in market number X (19+19+30+30).
The program will optimize your daily aircraft schedules. For example, if you have three flights with the
same type aircraft, it will assign departure times of 7 A.M., 1 P.M., and 7 P.M.. If you have four flights
consisting of two 18- or 19-seat aircraft and two larger aircraft, the departure times will be 7 A.M. and 7
P.M. for the larger aircraft and 11 A.M. and 3 P.M. for the smaller aircraft. This assum- ion is based on
the fact that loads are larger for the first morning flight and the last evening flight.
Due to longer distances involved when a firm operates out of its usual geographic region, there may be
slight additional costs of serving those markets outside your current region. These costs are for overnight
expenses for the crew, maintenance runs to airports without maintenance facilities, and purchasing fuel at
the destination regardless of price at that location. Thus, direct flight expenses may be slightly higher for
markets served outside your region. While the additional expense is not prohibitive, you should be aware
of the possibility.
As the length of the flight increases (termed "stage" length), the average seat mile cost declines; thus it is
more efficient to operate aircraft over longer stage lengths. However, to simplify the financial report, all
of these factors are taken into consideration and an average cost per seat mile is calculated. Each firm’s
region is assumed to be those markets shown on Table 8 beside each firm’s company number.
The following list indicates the sales on fares that are available and what their effect would be on the
ticket price for a 400-mile flight. Fare sales revert to zero the following quarter, with exception of
resort markets which stay at the fare sale set.
Form Entry:
0. Regular Fare .35 per mile x 400 miles = $140.00 ticket revenue
1. One-month sale = one-third off the regular fare for 1 month. The next two months
the fare would be the normal $140.00. Average ticket revenue $124.44.
2. Two-month sale = one-third off the regular fare for two months and then revert to
to the regular fare for the third month. Average ticket revenue $108.92.
3. Three-month sale = one-third off the regular fare for all
three months of the quarter. Average ticket revenue $93.33.
Teams should be very aware of the large losses that could occur if the sale on fares is used in all
markets in the same quarter.
The following tabulation describes the effect on revenues in a market when the various sale pricing
strategies are involved. Be aware of the losses that occur when having a sale of two or three months.
Exception: resort markets where additional demand helps to make up for the fare sale of "2".
Revenues Net
Lost Revenues
1-month sale on fares 11% 89%
2-month sale on fares 22% 78%
3-month sale of fares 33% 67%
Overall demand is affected by several factors, including general business conditions, availability of
flights, fare structures, the optimism of the traveling public about economic conditions, and whether
vacation plans via air are in order. In addition, the demand includes the growth of the regional airline
business, as larger carriers pull out of unprofitable markets. A news message will be printed on your
quarterly report announcing various types of economic activity in certain markets; this may necessitate
adding flights or beginning service in these markets. Analyzing your existing and potential markets is a
key element in managing your airline. A current demand index is printed at the top of the second page of
the student report and is based on a starting index of 100. Future forecasts of demand may be obtained by
purchasing the first Market Research Study ($1,000). Remember that a forecast is a forecast, not a
certainty. The demand forecasts are updated each quarter and a new four-quarter forecast made. Do not
assume you can purchase a demand forecast every four quarters and have up-to-date information! If the
current demand is 100 and forecasted demand the next quarter is 110, this would indicate a 10% increase
in overall industry demand. If additional flights are added to a market, there can be some demand
stimulated as travelers switch from ground to air transportation. For first quarter planning, the demand
forecast is very positive-at least a 10% increase in demand in each of the next two quarters.
The winter quarter is particularly difficult to keep an airline on schedule; you may expect your usual
reliability to be reduced about 2 to 4% during the winter quarter (Quarters 4, 8, and 12).
Commissions paid to travel agents are 10% of the ticket price; however, not all tickets are sold through
agents so the commission expense will be calculated at about 9% of the gross revenues at the beginning
of the simulation.
Flight operation, fuel, maintenance, and passenger service expenses are directly related to miles flown.
The current cost for these four items is about 11.5 to 12.5 cents per seat mile flown. Thus, for the 19-
passenger Beech 1900 this would be (.1188 x 19 seats) $2.26 per mile flown. The 30-seat Brasilia would
cost about $3.56 per mile flown (.1188 x 30 seats). These four key items are distributed as follows at the
beginning of the simulation:
Cents per % of
Seat Mile Total
Flight Operations 3.60 30%
Fuel 2.76 23%
Maintenance 3.12 27%
Passenger Service 2.40 20%
11.88¢ 100%
Flight operations include crew cost, dispatching and weather services, baggage/mail/cargo handling, and
aircraft handling on the ground. Passenger service includes the cost of the reservation and ticketing
service, ticket counters and terminal baggage service, and rent of terminal passenger areas. The $10,000
cost associated with opening a new market is added to passenger service expenses. Cabin (food) service
is not included in the above costs. It is shown separately on the income and expense statement.
Insurance Insurance costs are based on the total seats in the fleet and the size of the aircraft. The current
cost of $10,260 is based on the following calculation: 3 aircraft with 19 seats each = 57 seats x $180 per
seat per quarter = $10,260. Larger-capacity aircraft have a higher insurance rate. Any aircraft in the fleet
with more than 30-seat capacity are charged $300 per seat per quarter.
Depreciation is the total current depreciation calculated at 1.75% of the cost of each aircraft owned per
quarter. This seemingly low rate takes into account the salvage (resale) value of the aircraft at the end of
any given number of years of use. In addition, the facilities and equipment account is depreciated at
$5,000 per quarter.
Taxes are calculated at 40% of profits. If a firm has losses, the tax credit will carry forward in the amount
of the losses. Therefore, a quarter in which you use up all your tax credits may show less tax expense
than usual, as the 40% rate will apply to the nonsheltered profits only. While the 40% rate may appear
high, it includes not only income taxes, but property tax, licenses, and VAT in the areas where that tax is
in effect.
The increases in cost at various levels of fleet size are the result of extra management, support personnel,
administrative space, and maintenance facilities required as fleets and firms become larger.
Other Expenses
Other expense refers to expenditures that may occur from time to time but do not fit into other categories.
This includes the brokerage fee when selling an aircraft or the fee to break a lease and other costs
associated with the mini-cases or incidents described later in the manual.
There could be more than one item making up the other expense total, so try to figure it out on your
own before asking your instructor why the computer made an error!
This section contains an analysis of the quarter 0 financial statements WHICH IS THE
airline at the beginning of quarter 1. The report you will receive each quarter will consist
of a balance sheet, income and expense statement, cash flow analysis, operating data, and
other industry information.
A report for your starting position (quarter 0) is shown on the next three pages. This is the "starting
point" for your management team, that is, the current condition of the firm you are taking over. This is
the same format for the report you will receive as feedback after each quarter.
You are purposely not given a large quantity of past performance data because the simulation
represents a "new beginning" for this airline. Major carriers are pulling out of markets and
changing their markets served daily, thus presenting new opportunities the firm has never had in
the past.
The balance sheet will indicate the usual balance sheet items. The net amount of the fixed asset "facilities
and equipment" will be shown AFTER depreciation of $5,000 is deducted each quarter. (This is done to
save space on the report.) Total Assets should be equal to Total Liabilities & Equity; however, due to
rounding errors the two totals may be off slightly.
This analysis will show the various cash sources and uses for the quarter. In the interest of space, some
items are combined (e.g., commissions and refunds). Note that depreciation is subtracted from "Total
Expenses" before it is entered on the cash flow analysis. This is due to the fact that depreciation is
basically an accounting entry for tax purposes and not a cash expense at the time.
This report will show the number of seats furnished in each market by each airline. If you purchase the
$8,000 market research study, you will be furnished with the total number of seats sold in each market.
This report will show your current fleet of aircraft and information on their value, if purchased, or the
lease cost, if leased. Other data included will be various news messages to your firm, and reports
concerning your incident decisions.
Expenses: AIRCRAFT:
Flight Operations 293,299 Cost 2,500,000
Fuel 225,253 Less Depreciation -800,000
Maintenance 254,192 Net Aircraft 1,700,000
Passenger Service 195,532 Facilities/equip- net + 100,000
Cabin Service 0 Fixed Assets 1,800,000
Insurance 10,260
Marketing Expenses 5,000 Total Assets 2,482,089
Add. Employee Compensation 0
Quality and Training 1,000
Hiring/On-Job-Training Costs 21,000
Social Performance Budget 0 Accounts Payable 344,070
Market Research Cost 31,000 Short-term Loans +150,000
Interest Expense 10,364 Total Current Liabilities 494,070
Lease Payment 0
Administrative Exp 100,000 Long-term Loans 300,000
Depreciation 48,750 Total Liabilities 794,070
Other Expense 0
Total Operating Expense 1,195,650 Common Stock 1,500,000
Operating Profit/Loss 40,192 Retained Earnings 188,019
Other Profit/Loss 0 Total Equity 1,688,019
Cargo Profit less Marketing 0
Profit Before Tax 40,192 Total Liabilities & Equity 2,482,089
Less Income Tax (40%) 16,076
Net Profit 24,116
Dividends Paid 2,000
Profits Retained 22,116 ** OTHER DATA **
Stock Price: per share $20.00
** CASH FLOW ANALYSIS ** Demand Index this Quarter 100
Beginning Cash & Previous 91,640 Total Aircraft/Seats 3/57
Short-term Investment 0 Total Revenue Passengers 20461
Gross Revenue(60%) + 894,456 Total Miles Flown-Daily 5,360
Accounts Receivable + 427,018 Maximum Mileage-Daily 5,400
Stock Sold + 0 Available Seat Miles(a) 8,147,200
Loan Proceeds + 0 Revenue Passenger Miles(b) 4,259,321
Other Inc & A/C Sale + 0 Passenger Load Factor(b/a) 52.2%
Total Cash Inflow 1,413,114 Yield per Rev Pass Mile $0.350
Commissions + Refunds - 254,919 Yield per Avail Seat Mile(a) $0.183
70% of Operating Ex - 802,830 Cost per Avail Seat Mile(b) $0.178
Accounts Payable - 245,504 Profit per Avail Seat Mi(a-b) $0.005
Income Tax - 16,076 Total Employees 81
Total Loan Payments - 6,000 Employee Resignations( 8.64%) 7
Purchase S-T Invest - 0 Fuel: Spot Price this quarter $.96
Dividends - 2,000 Fuel: Contract next quarter $.96
Equipment Purchase- 0 Line of Credit $6,326,076
Total Cash Outflow 1,327,329
Net Cash 85,785 Short-term Int Rate 10.0%
Overdraft Loan 0 Long-term Interest Rate 9.0%
Ending Cash 85,785 Shares Stock Outstanding 150,000
Earnings per share $ .16
Serial A/C Accumulated Book Lease Cost
Number Type Cost Depreciation Value $ per quarter
1 A 700,000 200,000 500,000 0
2 A 800,000 250,000 550,000 0
3 A 1,000,000 350,000 650,000 0
Smith Econometrics, Ltd. demand forecast for next 4 quarters: 100 104 1XX 1XX
Employee Compensation Co. 1 to 4:0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
(First item is Compensation # and second item is the percent of wage increase)
Average Quality and Training Budget: $1,000
Fare for each company: .35 .35 .35 .35
Cabin Service Codes: 0 0 0 0
Average Promotion Budget: $2,500
Average Advertising Budget: $2,500
Average Quality Score is: 68
Salespersons for Co 1 to 4: 0 0 0 0
Firms in the Cargo Business: No firms are currently in the cargo business
Market research for Seats Sold is shown on page 3 of this report under the column titled
"Total Sold"
The overall demand for the next two quarters looks very promising for commuter/regional
carriers due to the major airlines pulling out of many markets.
Current Return Return Return Debt to Daily Seat per Available
Ratio on Sales on Equity on Assets Equity Productivity Seat Mile
1.2 .009 .014 .009 .278 4.537 .183
(For a Four Company Industry)
Format: Co#/Flights flown per day/Seats offered per day/Fare Sale/Seats Sold
Market Seats
Number Sold
1 40 1/2/38/0/20 2/2/38/0/20
2 60 1/3/57/0/30 2/3/57/0/30
3 38 1/2/38/0/19 2/2/38/0/19
4 58 1/3/57/0/29 2/3/57/0/29
5 29 1/3/57/0/29
6 29
7 29 2/3/57/0/29
8 0
9 40 3/2/38/0/20 4/2/38/0/20
10 60 3/3/57/0/30 4/3/57/0/30
11 38 3/2/38/0/19 4/2/38/0/19
12 58 3/3/57/0/29 4/3/57/0/29
13 29 3/3/57/0/29
14 0
15 29 4/3/57/0/29
16 0
17 0
Notes: The TOTAL SOLD column will be printed if the firm purchases that
particular market research study. It will give the total seats sold in each
market by all firms in that market. The sales shown above for markets 1-5 are the
same as the five markets each firm is operating in. Refer to Table 8 for the
current market numbers that your company (number) has been assigned.
The Seats offered per day is calculated by multiplying the number of flights
flown per day times the seats (capacity) of the type aircraft used in that
market. Example in Market #1: 2 flights x 19 seats per aircraft = 38
If you enter more flights than your aircraft can fly in a day (greater than 1800 miles per day), the
maintenance program will be short-changed and the aircraft could/will suffer a serious mechanical
problem. In addition, the FAA will issue a substantial fine to your firm for lack of required maintenance.
All of the costs of flying the aircraft will increase also (maintenance, flight operations, fuel and overtime
for passenger service personnel. It does not pay to enter incorrect values on the decision form
Your revenues are calculated by the passenger miles flown multiplied by the average fare on a
passenger-mile basis.
Marketing Expenses
Your marketing expenses include both advertising and promotion budgets as well as the salaries for
outside salespersons at $12,000 per quarter. All three of these items will be included in the total for
"Marketing expenses" on the income and expense statement.
The report provides the employee turnover percentage, actual number of employees leaving during the
quarter, and the additional cost of this turnover, which is listed on the income statement as "Hiring/OJT
If you refer to the Quarter 0 report, you will notice that the firm had a turnover of 7 employees in quarter
eight and the cost of this is listed under Hiring/OJT costs, i.e., 7 x $3,000 = $21,000.
Interest Expense
Interest expense is the cost of your short-term and long-term loans. Interest is calculated on the loan
balances as shown on the current Balance Sheet. If an overdraft loan is needed, this interest cost will
appear the quarter AFTER the loan is required. The reason for this is that the loan was granted on the last
day of the quarter and was due to be paid off in the following quarter along with the interest due.
However, as with all short-term loans, you must specify a loan payment by inserting the amount
preceded by a minus sign.
The interest on your Certificates of Deposit will be shown. The rate of interest is 5% per year.
Lease Payments
Lease payments represent the amount due for all aircraft that are leased. Since these are operating leases,
the aircraft do not appear on the balance sheet as an asset. Leases will be granted for an indefinite period,
but there is a $50,000 fee to cancel the lease and return the aircraft to the lessor. The firm does not have
any aircraft under lease at the current time.
Other Profits/Losses
If other sources of income become available during the simulation, the net income after expenses will be
shown under the category "Other Profits or Losses" on the income statement. If you have more than one
additional source of income in a quarter, both will be totaled in this figure.
Accounts Receivable
Only 60% of the gross revenues each quarter appear as a cash source because that is all that was
collected by the end of the quarter. You may expect the 40% balance to be a cash income next quarter;
this balance is shown on the Balance Sheet as Accounts Receivable. There is no method of increasing or
decreasing the 60%-40% schedule.
Accounts Payable
Only 70% of the expenses had been paid by the end of the quarter and the balance of 30% is shown as
Accounts Payable on the Balance Sheet. In addition, expenses due to travel agency commissions (10%)
plus customer refunds (as determined by your reliability factor) will be paid during the current quarter.
Note: The entry "70% of operating expenses" on the Cash Flow statement is 70% of operating expenses
LESS depreciation, since depreciation is not a cash expense.
Overdraft Loan
If the total cash available is not sufficient to meet cash demands, your bank will automatically issue your
firm an "overdraft" loan. This loan will cover your cash shortage exactly and your Ending Cash will
show a zero balance. The interest for this loan is not charged until the following quarter.
Retained Earnings
Retained Earnings is an accounting entry of all past profits less dividends paid. It represents the profits
that have not been paid out to stockholders but have been retained by the firm for growth needs. Retained
earnings have been used for various assets and do not represent cash!
The productivity section of your report shows TOTAL PASSENGERS boarded for the quarter. Your
airline operates 80 days per quarter, which includes 5 weekdays and more limited service on weekends.
The TOTAL MILES FLOWN per quarter is a reflection of all of your trips in all of your markets. The
MAXIMUM MILEAGE your fleet may safely and efficiently fly is listed in this section.
AVAILABLE SEAT MILES FLOWN is the number of seats available on all of your routes and can be
calculated by multiplying the seats available per flight by the miles in the particular market. Then add all
these individual markets for the total.
REVENUE PASSENGER MILES (RPM) is that portion of available seat miles that actually had a paying
passenger. This is calculated by multiplying the total passengers flown on each flight by the length of the
flight in miles by the total flights each quarter. (This is a difficult calculation but it is done easily by the
computer program!)
Your PASSENGER LOAD FACTOR is a ratio of revenue passenger miles divided by available seat miles.
This indicates the average percentage of seats occupied. You will need from 50 to 56% to break- even.
The YIELD PER REVENUE PASSENGER MILE is obtained by dividing revenues by revenue passenger
The COST PER AVAILABLE SEAT MILE is calculated by dividing total operating costs (including
commissions and refunds) by seat miles. This will indicate how much it is costing to fly one seat one
mile (whether occupied or not). The YIELD PER AVAILABLE SEAT MILE is total revenues divided by
available seat miles; this indicates the revenue for each seat flown one mile.
CALCULATING BREAKEVEN LOAD: An easy method of determining your breakeven load is to divide
the cost per Available Seat Mile by the Yield per Revenue Passenger Mile. To use quarter 0 as an
example: .178 / .35 = .509. Therefore a 50.9% passenger load is the airline's Breakeven Point.
EMPLOYEE TURNOVER information is given along with total employees at the end of the quarter and
employees lost due to turnover during the quarter. To decrease employee turnover, the firm must pay
higher wages and increase the training budget.
The SHORT-TERM INTEREST RATE for each firm can also be different, according to the overall
financial condition of the firm. At this point, the firm is being charged 2% over the current prime rate for
short-term loans (10%) and 9% for long-term loans. The firm's interest rates as well as the prime rate
could change during the course of the simulation.
The LINE OF CREDIT for each firm is different and is a function of the bank's credit practices at the
time a loan is negotiated and the firm’s financial health and financial history. Normally, the line of credit
is equal to four times the total equity of the firm less short term and long term loans. If the decision entry
program will not allow you to enter this estimated value, you will be notified when you attempt to enter a
loan amount in the decision entry program.
FUEL PRICES are quoted for the open market in the current quarter (spot prices) and for the three-month
contract for next quarter. There is no forecast for spot fuel prices as they are determined on a day-to-day
basis during the quarter.
The price of stock is based on several factors: book value (total equity divided by shares outstanding),
earnings per share, dividends paid, return on sales, earnings trend, and other factors more subjective in
nature, such as good cash management, reasonable flight reliability, financial stability, and profit
consistency. The number of outstanding SHARES OF COMMON STOCK is also given. The stock price
in the industry can be very volatile from quarter to quarter, so do not be discouraged by temporary
Do not make your decisions with the single goal of increasing your stock price. You will be "chasing"
the stock price the entire duration of the simulation and not applying your strategy in operating the
firm. If you stay focused on your operating strategy, profits should/will follow.
Some occurrences have a cause-and-effect relationship, and your team will be able to respond with
corrective action. Other occurrences are strictly accidents of fate in operating an airline. Some messages
on the team's report are factual, while others are industry rumors. You need to discuss the importance of
the messages to your team and discern which is which!
Anytime after quarter 5 you may merge with another firm in your industry (e.g., class), if your instructor
allows mergers. The merger will be a "paper" merger as there is no method of combining balance sheets
within the computer program. In essence, a holding company is formed and the two airlines operate as
separate profit centers for the remainder of the simulation. One of the advantages is that you can share
market research information and save expenses. You can also rearrange your route structure so you are
not competing in any markets; this relieves some of your equivalent to boost other markets. In addition, a
sharing of successful strategy during the succeeding quarters may help each team become more efficient
and effective.
You will need to change the names of both airlines to reflect the merger; an example: TransAir East and
TransAir West. To reflect this change in the computer, place the company number of the firm you've
merged with as the right-hand two digits of your advertising budget each quarter (e.g., $20,011 indicates
this firm has merged with company 11). In addition, inform your instructor in writing of this merger. One
of the benefits of merging is that the business of one airline will help boost traffic in the other because it
is assumed that you share one or more hubs.
There are certain decisions that need to be common with both firms. These are fare and cabin service.
Other decisions that should be common but not required are (1) employee compensation, (2)
maintenance level, and 3) incident response. For purposes of any common class activities, such as a
stockholders’ meeting or final audit report, consult with your instructor as to whether these should be
done by the entire merged group or by each team independently.
Period Revenue Available Yield per Yield per Load Net Fuel -
Passen- seat miles Revenue Available Factor Profits Spot/
ger Miles Passenger Seat Mile Contract
4,250,888 8,147,200 .178 .183 52.2% $22,647 .97/.93
The airline you are taking over has been in business a few years but lacks much meaningful historical
data due to its size and limited record-keeping. It began with 9 seat aircraft and slowly traded up plane by
plane until it achieved its present fleet 2 years ago. That is the period of time shown on the table above.
You will note the fluctuation of fuel prices. Since fuel is a large expenditure for an airline, your
management team should follow the trends carefully and contract for fuel when it is prudent to do so.
This chart is for general information only and does not pertain to the markets in the simulation. Your
team may use this to better understand how the hub-and-spoke system works. You may want to assume a
hub city from above and choose spoke cities approximating the distances involved to add realism to the
simulation. Due to the rapid changes in the airline industry, the chart above may have changed since the
printing of the manual.
This section contains 15 incidents, enough for each decision period. The incidents are identified A
through O with two additional optional exercises (P and Q). Use Incident A for quarter 1. Thereafter, the
incident to be used will be printed on your firm's quarterly report. Make a decision concerning each
incident and enter your response on the decision form. Your instructor may want you to write the
rationale for your decision and submit it (only one form to be turned in for each team). The two optional
incidents have no consequences but are more of an “Optional Assignment” that may be assigned by your
instructor. The incidents follow:
Incident A: Naming Your Airline Industry ____ Quarter____ Company ____
This form should be submitted to the instructor with the decisions for the first quarter.
One of the most important decisions a new firm makes is naming the business. Often the first contact
prospective customers have is when they phone the airline to make a reservation. When the operator
answers, doesn't Americana Airlines sound more professional than DJS Air? In fact, your instructor
may build in demand for your airline after ranking the names of all the firms in the industry.
Although you can rename your airline if the first name selected turns out unsatisfactory or the
strategy of your airline changes, it is important to select a name that would stand the test of time and
perhaps even be adaptable to a new strategy if you desired to change your strategy sometime during
the simulation play. However, it may be strategically sound to change the name of your business if it
(1) gains publicity; (2) helps get rid of an old image; and/or (3) expresses the NEW image. For
example, if you decide to affiliate with a large carrier (e.g., American), you may want to change your
name to take advantage of the connection, AMERICAN EAGLE. If you later decide to become a
luxury or low-price carrier, you may want to express your new strategy in a new name, e.g., Translux
or Western Econlines.
Some factors you may want to take into consideration in naming your business and some right/wrong
examples are:
3. Is the name an ego trip or does it contain meaningless names/words representing the owners?
DWT Airlines (first initials of the owners) or We Three Airlines
4. Is the name distinctive, perhaps catchy, and easy to remember? Will it be conducive to future
advertising jingles and logos? Eastern Econo Airlines vs. JanSanMark Airlines
5. Does the name lend itself to future changes in services or expansion of the product line
(example: cargo, charters)? Petes Passenger Express vs. Americana Airlines
Of course, some of the factors above have conflicting requirements. You will need to determine
which factors are most important for your teams needs. The worksheet on the reverse side may aid in
selecting a name.
(for example, you will be given the opportunity to begin cargo service and auto rental in the
DESCRIBE YOUR TARGET MARKET (the demographics of the segment of the population you
want to serve. Example: Scot Air, the low price leader.)
MARKET MIGHT RELATE TO (Example,"Fly Sublime the On-time Airline."):
DESCRIBE THE MOTIF (cabin design, color schemes, aircraft paint design) you may use.
(Example: A recent airline chose the color blue and chose the name "Jet Blue."
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
The station manager at one of the cities you serve just called and reported that the captain of the
aircraft that just landed had keeled over in the cockpit as the plane was about to land. The first officer
quickly took the control, circled the field as he pushed the captain’s limp body away from the
controls and safely landed the aircraft. The aircraft was met by an ambulance and the captain was
taken to the hospital for observation. Except for surprise at the turn of events, the passengers did not
know of the potentially dangerous situation that had occurred. The station manager made this call to
headquarters before the press came around for a statement. He believed the passengers had all left the
terminal without talking to anyone from the press but could not be sure. He was asking your
headquarters staff for advice.
A staff meeting was quickly called. One of the officials felt that since the passengers were not fully
aware of the situation, the whole affair should be kept as quiet as possible. Another said that sooner
or later the press would find out and demand a response. In addition, a report would have to be made
to the FAA within 24 hours. Once that report was made, the records would become available to the
press under the open records law. Another staff member thought the affair should be kept quiet until
pressure was put on the airline for information. "Perhaps the whole thing will dissipate on its own,
within time," he said. Another believed that honesty was the best policy although it could radically
hurt business; the flying public may be turned off by the incident and refuse to fly the airline until
some time had passed. A lively debate followed but the phone soon rang and a report from the
hospital said the captain had a mild heart attack but would be OK. This was even worse news than if
it had merely been an episode of heartburn. Here are the choices available:
1. Quickly prepare a press release saying the captain had suffered some type of mishap and had to
be taken to the hospital. No other details would be released. As one staff member put it, "Give
them something but not the whole story. This could be very harmful to our image."
2. Advise all members of the company to adhere to a "no comment" policy and hope the whole
thing will be quickly forgotten."After all," stated one person, "we are under no obligation to tell
the pubic everything that happens around here."
3. Prepare a succinct press release, as described below, along with a "no further comment" notice
to the staff: "The captain aboard flight 27 became ill during the flight and was taken to the
hospital upon landing for observation."
4. Send the CEO on a quick "business trip" and respond to all inquires with "The CEO is not
available and company policy states that only he/she can make announcements about the
airline." It is hoped this action will take the immediate heat off the situation and it will be
forgotten by most people by the time the CEO returns a week later.
5. Prepare a press release that gives all the details of the incident.
6. One staff member believes the airline can gain positive publicity by releasing the following
press release: "First Officer Larry Jonesz took heroic action in saving the aircraft and passengers
in a potentially serious situation through his fast action in the cockpit, etc.
Select the one that you feel is the closest to the action you should take and place it on your decision
INCIDENT C: Channels of Distribution-Dot Com?
Historically, about 90% of the tickets sold by airlines have been processed through travel agents who
are awarded a commission of about 10% of the ticket price. In the past two decades, these
transactions have been conducted through computer reservation systems owned by the airlines
themselves. Recently, the channel of sales has migrated to the Internet through the use of both
independently-owned and airline-owned online travel services. In order for this to work, however, the
airlines have had to upload their constantly changing fare structures as well as paying a commission
on each ticket sold. Today, most airlines also sell their tickets online directly from their own Web site
at slightly reduced prices. If they issue an electronic ticket to the customer (no actual paper ticket is
issued), there is even a lower cost of ticketing, since the transaction is consummated through
computer links at the airport without additional paper trails.
As the simulation opens, your company is still selling directly to the customer through phone banks
or issuing tickets through travel agents and corporate travel accounts. You recognize that new
customers are less likely to buy tickets through these channels. In considering your strategy, you
must take into account the fact that one of your largest travel agents has threatened to give the tickets
on your routes to your competitor(s).You may change your mechanism for ticket sales as follows:
1. Maintain your phone banks and travel agent relationships. Offer electronic tickets at a 4%
discount. This will also decrease your cost of operations slightly.
2. Join several Web consortiums for ticket sales. Maintain your telephone access. Commissions to
the consortiums are 3% of sales along with the possibility that you will generate some new
demand. The consortium, which has the advantage of having several independent sites, would
charge 5% to you in commission and give the customer a 2 to 5% discount.
3. Maintain your telephone bank and open a Web site of your own for ticket sales. You will have a
one time $20,000 startup cost but no commissions will need to be paid on tickets sold on the
Web. Discount the tickets 2 to 5% to the customers that order through your web site.
4. In order to avoid the additional expense of managing a Web site, contract with owners of a large,
nationally-known site to sell tickets. Their ability to get you on their Web site within two weeks
has great appeal. Sales should increase with such a well-known site. They would charge you 5%
for each ticket sold and would also sell the tickets at a 2 to 5% discount. No front-end cost.
Your maintenance chief has reported that a mechanic you hired from another regional airline told him
that the other airline did a lot of "pencil maintenance." That is, they wrote a lot of things in the
maintenance logs that did not actually get done-required inspections, repairs, and parts replacements.
He said "The outfit is just a big accident, waiting to happen." Your maintenance chief wanted to
report it to the executive committee to see what, if anything, should be done. He stated that the
mechanic reported that he quit that airline because he did not like to be associated with such an
activity. The other airline has competed against you in the past and is likely to compete in at least
one market in the future. It has a reputation of being very aggressive competitively.
1. Report the incident to the FAA (the other airline will be able to ascertain who made the report).
2. Phone the president of the other airline and tell him what you heard . You are on neutral terms
with that person as he is your competitor.
4. Report it to an official of the Airline Association. You cannot be sure the official or the
association will take any action, but at least your conscience will be clear. It is somewhat
possible your name might be leaked to the competitor.
5. You determine that the matter is either (1) none of your business or (2) that the report is just
"sour grapes" from a disgruntled employee. So you decide to do nothing.
During the last meeting of your management team, the planning officer presented a proposal for
diversifying. It was to acquire a rental car agency at the smallest city you are currently serving. While
there is a car rental agency located downtown at a service station and a locally owned taxi service
serves the airport, there is no car rental agency serving the airport. Although the total passengers
boarded daily there is modest, quite a few people do inquire about the availability of rental cars. Your
local station manager is very excited about the prospects of building up a reasonable rental business
there and wants the opportunity to try it.
A firm that has been very successful at franchising such operations is interested in supporting your
efforts. This firm would sublease autos to you as needed and provide insurance coverage (insurance
is difficult to obtain for small operations such as this). The firm would guarantee the availability of
enough autos to handle 90% of the business 90% of the time; in other words, it is not profitable to
keep an expensive inventory for the few times of high demand.
The start-up costs would be $200,000. This would pay for the cost of the initial franchise fee,
advertising, paving of a small storage lot, and rebuilding your ticket counter to include space for the
retail business. Although the start-up costs are higher than the package business, the payoff
possibilities are also higher. Again, extensive cost and revenue studies have been made. They indicate
a high probability of success but conflicting data on HOW successful.
Starting losses of from $3,000 to $10,000 per quarter could be expected the first one or two quarters.
After that, there is a 10% probability of just breaking even, a 60% probability of making $60,000 per
quarter, and 30% probability of making between $60,000 and $100,000 per quarter.
The director of marketing focused on the crux of the matter as she noted, "After making a cost-
benefit analysis of both propositions, it will boil down to the question, What business are we in-or,
what businesses should we be in? It is an important strategic question. Personally, I think we should
be in the TRANSPORTATION business and this acquisition would fit that mission."
The financial vice president responded with a worried look, "Yes, but it will take financial resources
away from our passenger airline business. Are we strong enough to take on something new?"
Another staff member responded, "A competitor may chose to pick up the franchise if we don’t.
Perhaps we should consider it as a defensive strategy and not necessarily one in which we plan to
make a profit."
The president added, "Does this fit with our strategic plans?"
Due to simulation constraints, this is not an option later in the game. Place the number of your
response on your decision form and explain your rationale on this sheet, including the mathematical
calculation you may have used to aid in making the decision. Turn this sheet in to your instructor.
Note: Costs of starting this business will be allocated over eight quarters.
Select one of the choices above and place it on your decision form.
INCIDENT F: Dual Designate
Your airline has been offered the opportunity to dual-designate with a major carrier at your regional
hub. This carrier is a profitable major company with a history of good passenger service and safety.
Dual designation allows all of your markets to be listed with the listing of the larger carrier in the
computer reservation system and in its published schedules. You thus become the spoke operation for
smaller communities. Although some autonomy is sacrificed by the feeder carrier, sales will increase.
Currently, you routinely hold your outgoing runs from your hub until the major carriers have brought
passengers into the hub. However, they do not delay their departures for your connecting passengers.
The major carrier with which you are discussing dual designation has stated they will work closely
with you on both departure and incoming flights. Examples of these types of agreements in the
industry are numerous. They include U. S. Air Express, Delta Connection, American Eagle,
Continental Express, and Northwest Airlink.
The vice president of marketing feels the move would be an excellent opportunity and one that would
assure the future of the airline. The president knows some of the stockholders would prefer not to
give up the image, name, and autonomous operation of the firm. The director of planning has
expressed concern about the contractual ability of the major carrier to control scheduling and route
structure. The VP of finance countered this objection with "I don't think there's a future for
independent airlines without some type of connection with a major carrier. If we pass this up we may
not get the same opportunity again with a carrier of this stature. I think we should accept or we will
slowly be squeezed out by other carriers who have taken advantage of aligning with a major carrier."
The carrier with whom you are negotiating asks that you repaint your fleet with their colors and
insignias at a cost of $30,000 per aircraft. (This cost will be allocated over the next 10 periods.) Your
airline will also be renamed to indicate your connection with the carrier. Your schedules will be
dictated by the schedule of the major carrier. There may be some change in your routes.
1. Accept the offer. The successful firm(s) will be notified next quarter and any costs will be
charged automatically at that time.
2. Make a counteroffer to become an informal feeder for the major carrier’s operation but retain
your name and right to schedule routes. (If another firm agrees to accept the offer [option 1], it is
unlikely the major airline would accept this counteroffer.)
3. Investigate the possibility of merging with another commuter airline to provide the financial and
fleet strength to become a strong independent regional airline. (See page 34.)
Place your decision (1, 2, 3, or 4) on the decision form. You will be informed on the next quarterly
report if the negotiations were successful.
INCIDENT G: The Charter Trip
On Friday afternoon you received a call from a gentleman who identified himself as the CEO (Chief
Executive Officer) of a firm in a small city about 100 miles from your headquarters. He wanted to
charter an aircraft to make a trip to a small U.S. border town. He assured you that you would not be
required to fly over the border into a foreign country or deal with customs agents. The trip would
depart tomorrow (Saturday) evening, make a two-hour stop at the town's airport, and return sometime
after midnight Sunday morning.
The caller cautioned you about the confidentiality of the trip and requested that your two "most
closed-mouthed" pilots fly the charter. In reply to some serious and repeated questions concerning
the mission and legality of the trip and/or cargo, the caller assured you that the trip was for legal
business purposes and no contraband would be involved. He alluded to "a highly sensitive business
matter" that would have an enormous effect on his firm if "the parties can agree."
The aircraft you would have available to send is in good condition and its maintenance schedule is
up-to-date; thus the trip would not endanger the readiness of the aircraft for its normal schedule the
following Sunday.
The prospective customer has offered you a fee that would net your firm $5,000 profit above the
direct costs. The fee is somewhat large, considering the length of the trip, but the caller offered it and
you did not object.
A check of the telephone directory of the caller's city did indicate a telephone number and street
address for the firm. Due to the lateness in the day and the fact the next day is Saturday, you could
not obtain any further information about the firm.
Your director of marketing is urging you to take the charter due to the potential profit and future
business this firm might provide. "I've heard of the company. They're in air conditioning or
something like that. I've also heard they're either trying to acquire another company or they're about
to be acquired. This might be the final closing of the deal."
Due to the expansion possibilities brought about by the effects of deregulation and a good demand
forecast, you are considering adding a salesperson to your staff. A competing airline, which is larger
than yours, has a sales manager who has built a large corporate customer base. Because of her
pleasant personality and convincing style, she has been able to successfully cultivate the travel agents
in the region as well as sign several corporations for steady charter business. One of your friends
believes she can be lured away from her current employer with a bonus of $10,000.
Another important position for your firm to consider is that of director of maintenance. This area can
either make or break an airline in a hurry. Complete and timely record keeping is a requirement of the
FAA and one that gets many airlines in trouble. Parts inventory management as well as mechanic and
aircraft maintenance scheduling are also crucial elements to an effective and efficient maintenance
operation. A talented director is working for another competitor of yours, and he could probably be
lured away for a bonus of $10,000.
Two of your owners discuss the situation: "I just don't like taking an employee from a competitor. It's
bad business--they could turn around and hire one of the people we've invested a lot in. Don't we
have a responsibility to competitors as well as to our passengers and staff?"
"I don't think so; after all, business is business! Besides, the employees are making the free choice to
move-we're just offering them the kind of salary their current employer should have offered them!"
1. Hire the salesperson. Other expense will be charged $10,000. (Also, hire one salesperson on line 5
of the decision form.)
2. Hire the director of maintenance. Other expense will be charged $10,000 for the bonus.
3. Hire both. Other expense will be charged $10,000. (Also, hire one salesperson on line 5 of the
decision form.)
4. Hire neither.
Note: If you want to hire a salesperson this quarter but not the person described above, you may do
so by entering that hire on the decision form as usual.
INCIDENT I: Hiring Decision
There will be a vacancy for a station manager soon. The station manager is the top manager in one of
the airline's airports and is responsible for all activities at the airport, from ticketing passengers to
handling the fueling and turnaround of an aircraft. The station manager usually supervises one or two
ticket clerks, two baggage handlers, and one or more aircraft servicing people. He/she works from
the first flight in the morning until the last flight at night, often a 10 to 12 hour day, five to six days a
week. He/she must be good with the public and very passenger oriented-when anything out of the
ordinary happens, it falls on the station manager to make things right with the passengers. The station
with the opening currently has an all white, male crew. The only requirement in the job advertisement
is that the applicant have "related experience in the airline industry." You have pared the list of
applicants down to the following four individuals:
1. A middle-aged minority female who was formerly a cabin attendant for an airline that went
bankrupt. She received excellent annual evaluations and one award for "Cabin Attendant of the
Year." She is bright, articulate, and seems to be highly motivated. She stated that she can learn
technical parts of the job quickly (supervision of baggage handling, fueling, restocking the
aircraft, etc.). She is the only applicant with a college degree. One of your staff people stated, "If
we are going to stay ahead of the EEO on affirmative action, now is the time to start."
2. A middle-aged white male who was assistant station manager for five years for a large airline
who wanted to relocate. He appears to be pleasant and easy-going and has good
recommendations from his former employer. He could step in and immediately do the job well.
3. The ticket agent at the airport where the opening has occurred has applied. She has been working
for the airline two years and has had very good performance evaluations. She worked as a
baggage handler a few times when needed but has not done some of the other jobs she would be
supervising. The out-going station manager has stated "I think, in time, she could learn how to be
a good station manager. She will make some mistakes but everybody does. The company should
send a strong message to employees that promotion from within is our policy."
4. The son of the owner of the largest employer in town has just graduated with a two-year associate
degree from a well-known aviation management program. He is very mature for his age (28) and
a sharp individual. He did have training in station management in his aviation program. The
bonus in hiring this young person is that the airline would undoubtedly get all the business from
his father's firm, which is substantial, since he brings people in from all over the U.S. to his plant.
His father is very influential in the city and has made it known to the president of your airline that
he would consider it a personal favor if the airline hired his son.
During the last meeting of your management team, the chief financial officer presented a plan to
phase out the airline's major supplier of expendable supplies (such as oil, tires, hydraulic fluids, and
other non-engine related parts). He had received a bid from a competing firm (Apex) to provide these
supplies at an annual savings of at least $10,000. The director of maintenance spoke against the
"I know that Apex Suppliers are a little less expensive but our current supplier, Vest Brothers, has
been a very dependable supplier; they've shipped items needed in an emergency on Saturdays,
Sundays, and holidays. They've always taken back any overstock item and given full credit to us.
Although Apex Suppliers have a decent reputation, I don't think they'll give us the same service we're
currently getting. It takes a long time to learn to work together like we do with Vest; price isn't
The financial vice-president responded, "Well, Apex has assured me they will give even BETTER
service and provide electronic data interchange (EDI) for ordering and billing; this will reduce lost or
misplaced supplies and parts by 10%. If they don't perform as promised, we have a 30-day
cancellation clause built into the contract. Remember, we've given Vest Brothers a chance to bid
again and they've told us they're at rock bottom prices now. But I personally think that if we
continued to play one against the other we could get even lower prices."
The worried maintenance chief retorted, "I sure like the idea of savings of 10%. But if it doesn't work
out with Apex and we want to get Vest back, we'll have to start building the relationship again. And
anyway, don't we have some responsibility to suppliers as well as our other publics?
"Not if the suppliers can't meet the competition's prices," retorted the VP.
2. Business is business; the bottom line is all-important. Switch to the low bidder (Apex).
3. Attempt to continue to work with both suppliers, working one against the other until an even
better deal emerges.
INCIDENT K: Advertising Campaign
Your salesperson reported her concern over some grapevine information that she picked up during
her last tour of travel agencies. A few of the agents are reporting that potential passengers seem to be
booking reservations on competing airlines. The reasons given are:
a. Although you run promotional fares occasionally, passengers report that the restrictions are so
tight and the available seats set aside for these fares are so limited that they cannot buy tickets at
the advertised fees.
b. Your advertisements claim you are the On time airline-the airline with the best on-time record.
However, your record is not much better or worse than that of your competitors but you have been
advertising this slogan so long that many of the (infrequent) traveling public believe it! Frequent
travelers on your airline know of your somewhat average record and joke about the ad. Some
You are aware that airline passengers are not "brand loyal." Therefore, advertising is a way of
putting your name in front of the public. Most people are leery of advertising anyway, so you feel
you must compete with other airlines in any way you can, as long as it is legal. Statistics from the
Regional Airline Association indicate that a significant portion of passengers who request a
promotional fare will buy a ticket at the regular fare if there are no discount seats available.
While you are aware of the average reliability record of your airline, your marketing manager insists
that "harmless trade puffery" is standard business practice and until someone brings suit against the
firm, it should continue using this very successful slogan.
1. Run a promotional campaign to explain your promotional fare rules and why ALL seats cannot
be sold at these low fares. This should improve your credibility with the travel agents and public
somewhat. The cost is $10,000.
2. Cease using "The on-time airline" as a motto and replace it with something more catchy, clever,
cute, or honest, or all! The ad agency fee is $5,000.
Place your response (1, 2, 3, or 4) on your decision form. Any costs will be charged automatically to
other expenses.
Note to teams: While your team may feel that this type of thing would never be approved in the first
place, assume it did happen. Actually, it did occur to the airline upon which this simulation was
INCIDENT L: Air Ambulance Service
Your firm has been approached by a large hospital in one of the cities you are currently serving to
provide air transportation for certain critically ill patients. These patients would need to be brought in
to the hospital from various cities in your geographical area and, in some cases, flown back to their
home-town or the hospital at their home city for further recuperation. The prospective client has built
a reputation for conducting a particularly complicated medical procedure and is one of the few
hospitals in the country that can perform this procedure. The trips would be made on an "as needed"
basis and would be taken after regular scheduled hours (i.e., from 10 P.M. until 6 A.M.). Each charter
would bring in revenues averaging $3,000.
To take on this business opportunity, you need to equip two aircraft with medical equipment and
stretcher tie-downs. This would cost $12,000.
The accounting for this special charter business would be kept separately and any profits or losses
would be shown under OTHER PROFITS/LOSSES on the Income Statement. It is assumed that your
smallest aircraft would be used for this service. Revenue and cost estimates indicate the gross profits
could be as little as a few thousand dollars to as much as $20,000 per quarter.
Your president states, "I think it would be a great public relations move to take this project on. We
have aircraft sitting on the ground at several cities overnight, positioned for the early morning run
and this project could be done without repositioning any aircraft."
The director of maintenance responds, "Our routes are spread out far enough now without going to a
lot of cities where we don't have maintenance facilities. I don't think we should do it. Besides, we're
in the passenger business, not the charter business."
The vice president of finance interjects, "I do not agree with you.- we're in the transportation business
and this is transportation! In addition, I've looked at the cost/income projections with the hospital
staff and I think it will pay off. Even if we just breakeven, it's a great public image move. We have a
few pilots who have even agreed to fly for free if it is a charity case."
Due to simulation constraints, this is not an option later in the game. Place the number of your
response on your decision form, explain your rationale on this sheet and turn it in to your instructor.
If you do not own one of the aircraft listed below, you must pass on this incident as the other aircraft
are too large and expensive to operate for this type of service.
1. Begin the service with the smallest aircraft in your fleet, a type A, B, C , D, or E aircraft.
Place your response (1, or 2) on your decision form. Any costs will be charged automatically to other
INCIDENT M:Flight for Congressman
An official from the headquarters of your local Congressman called today. They are interested in
having your airline provide shuttle service for the Congressman and/or his staff three to six times per
month. The compensation would average $1,500 per flight; this amount covers the fuel and
maintenance costs on your smallest aircraft. Trips would be scheduled a week in advance and the
flights would not always occur on the same day of the week. Occasionally a Saturday trip might be
Acceptance of the offer would give you access to this Congressman who is on the Senate Military
Transport Committee. This committee is responsible for final approval of contracts to private
aviation companies who transport military personnel. You have some interest in this business since it
is potentially more steady than regularly scheduled passenger business and there are contracts
available. One of the Congressman’s aides hinted that a military contract would be the "reward" for
offering your services. This could be a lucrative contract. In addition, the Congressman is also
expected to be on the air transportation committee, if elected.
The irregularity in the Congressman's schedule might cause you some slight difficulty in operating
your regularly scheduled routes. You figure that you can divert an aircraft from an unprofitable route
if necessary; a Saturday run would require that you defer preventive maintenance on one aircraft for
a week. What should you do?
1. Accept the offer. Your operations chief is clever and you believe that she/he will be able to solve
any scheduling dilemmas.
2. Indicate that you are extremely interested; you can do business if they can provide a schedule at
least two weeks in advance. (However, this action might result in the contract being awarded to a
carrier who does not make this stipulation.)
An employee of one of your better travel agencies calls to inform you that your top salesman has
been giving kickbacks to one or more employees of the agency. (If you don't have a salesman, it is
one of your staff members who also makes sales calls.) In checking over his expense records, you
have find some irregularities on his expense account. The next morning you receive a call from one
of your station managers who tells you he had confiscated an airline pass from the salesman’s look-
alike brother. The brother was trying to board a flight of yours and, when stopped, said his brother
(your employee) had loaned him his pass. Your policy states that no one can use an employee's pass
except the employee to whom it is issued. When you call the salesman (or staff member) in to discuss
these problems, he denies kicking back any money and says that his brother must have picked up his
pass when he was visiting last weekend and that he had no knowledge his brother had his pass.
Your management team has gathered to discuss what, if any, action to take against him. "Yes, " stated
the marketing manager, "he has been a naughty boy. But he is one of our top people and has brought
in some nice contracts. He is a hard worker, and very loyal to the company. After all, we don't pay
these people very much and if he wants to loan his pass to his brother, well it is like a perk;
employees can only fly if there is an empty seat so no real harm was done. And besides, I don't think
we could have ever cracked that travel agency if he had not been good to their people. If he did make
gifts of appreciation, they came out of his own pocket."
"What about the expense account irregularities?" asked the financial manager. The marketing
manager replied, "Well, if we paid our people better wages they wouldn't have to pad their expense
account. Anyway, he was probably using it to tip the travel agent. He considered his generosity to the
travel agent a simple "gratuity" for treating him and our company so nice, and sending us business.
After all, it is good business and a common business practice to give gifts of appreciation to good
customers. Can we tell a guy how to use his own money?"
1. Tell him that you need the business from the travel agent and you don't want to know about any of
his dealings. However, he should keep better track of his flight pass.
2. Have a talk with him and advise him that such practices must cease. Tell him that if word about
this ever got to the other travel agents, the airline would be in a very embarrassing position.
3. Have a talk with him and tell him he is on probation for a year and that if anything else happens,
he will be dismissed.
4. Dismiss him and replace him immediately. You need to send a message to all employees that the
rules were made NOT to be broken. (If you do this, the program will automatically replace him
with a new person. You do not need to do anything on the decision form under Number of new
salespersons hired.)
The planning officer of your airline has been gathering information concerning several opportunities
for your firm. Since the climate seems good for additional common stock sales and bank loans, the
possibilities of expansion through merger and acquisition seem very good. An opposite twist has also
presented itself-an offer to purchase your airline! A thorough investigation and analysis by a
competent financial analyst specializing in such matters will cost $3,000 for each item listed below
and will be completed in three to nine months (with the exception of selection M which costs
$6,001). This would be a necessary first step in pursuing any of these business opportunities.
Although these opportunities may not be possible before the end of the simulation, your instructor
wants you to determine which you feel are appropriate. Indicate on a separate sheet of paper why
your team chose each of the opportunities it did and turn it in to your instructor. Enter on the decision
form the total amount you want to spend for the investigation(s), e.g., $6,000, 9,000,12,000, etc.
Risk factors as shown below are on a scale of very low risk (1) to very high risk (10). The risk factor
takes into account the economic stability of that particular type of business, the difficulty in operating
it, competition, and the profit potential.
a. Acquiring a food service company that serves several airlines. It is located in the airline's largest
hub. The cost is $500,000 and the Return on Investment (ROI) is estimated to be in the 12-20%
range with a risk factor of 5.
b. Going into the car rental business at one of your high-traffic cities. The facts are the same as
presented in incident E except it is in a different city than depicted in that incident. Risk factor 5.
c. Begin a new company that would refurbish commuter aircraft. Due to the increasing cost of new
aircraft, it is felt that many airlines would be interested in rebuilding and refurbishing their
current fleet instead of purchasing a new fleet. The cost would be $2 million and the ROI is
estimated to be in the 15-28% range with a risk factor of 6.
d. Acquiring a ground service business that serves eight cities, including three which you are
currently serving. This type of business handles all baggage, refueling, interior cleaning and
restocking of rest rooms, etc., for airlines. The parent company of the service wants to
concentrate on businesses more in line with its other holdings and is willing to sell for $1 million.
The ROI is estimated at 14-25% with a risk factor of 6.
e. Purchasing a small airline that is currently competing in two of your markets. The firm is
operated efficiently and has seven Metroliners and one Jetstream; all aircraft and facilities are
leased. The owner wishes to retire and is asking $2 million with liberal credit terms. ROI
estimate 20-30%; risk factor is 7.
f. Purchase a building for the firm's offices in a renovated downtown building with a prestigious
address. A ten year, 6% historical development loan is available. Cost $300,000. Savings in rent
would be $30,000 per year.
g. Open a Fixed Base Operation (FBO) at one of your hub cities. An FBO fuels and maintains
airline, business, and private aircraft; rents, leases, and sells aircraft. The facility could also serve
as a minor repair station for your aircraft. The cost is $1 million and ROI 10-33%. The risk factor
is 5.
INCIDENT O: Diversification Planning (continued)
h. Open a training facility for airline pilots. The center would specialize in offering the recurrent
training required by the FAA to smaller airlines that cannot afford a facility of their own. A
modern simulator would be acquired, which would be very enticing to many airlines. This
diversification would allow your own pilots to train with the very latest technology. The cost
would be $250,000; ROI of 15-20% and risk factor of 4.
i. Leasing three cargo jets which you would operate exclusively for a large air-package service
firm. The firm is willing to give a four-year contract with a clause that automatically adjusts the
fees to reflect the current cost of fuel. The cost to establish the business (crew training, additional
maintenance facilities and equipment) is $300,000. The ROI is 20% and the risk factor is 3 to 4.
j. Becoming the regional distributor for a new 19-passenger airliner built in Spain. It is a cabin
class, pressurized, prop-jet aircraft with a restroom. The aircraft's strong features are its luxurious
interior design and state-of-the-art cockpit. The manufacturer is willing to lease one of the
aircraft to you to put in service and concurrently serve as a demonstrator for $72,000 per quarter.
The aircraft sells for $4.2 million with a sales commission of 5%. The cost of establishing a sales
office, critical parts inventory, and first-year marketing expenses is $250,000. The ROI could be
negative or as high as 1000% if a large order is obtained. The risk factor is 7-8.
k. Refurbish waiting areas in all cities served with a new, upbeat motif, including new counters,
signs, and furniture. Cost: $20,000 per city. This cost would be to conduct a market research
study to ascertain whether passengers really care about waiting-area ambiance.
l. Investigate the possibility of self-insuring all aircraft for any damages to the aircraft itself.
Liability insurance would continue to be placed with an insurance company. The banks and
leasing companies would require that you deposit $300,000 per aircraft in an escrow account as a
reserve against any damage. You would receive interest on this deposit at 2% above prime. You
haven't had any hull damage in three years. Hull insurance premiums average $5,000 per year per
m. Make a recommendation to the board of directors to accept or reject the offer of a large
conglomerate to purchase all the common stock of your airline at 20% above market price. Each
member of the management team would receive a "golden parachute" contract that paid $100,000
if involuntarily separated from the firm. NOTE: The fee for analyzing this proposal is $3,001.
OPTIONAL EXERCISE 1: Passenger Bill of Rights
Most airlines have either been pressured or have done so on their own, created a Passenger Bill of
Rights. The is usually a short list of the responsibilities the airline has to its customers. It should
include everything thing from the rights when a passenger is “bumped” or has a flight canceled, to
lost baggage.
You may want to search the web sites of airlines for some ideas. You may use a “bulleted list” to
keep the document from being too wordy (long winded). Keep the language concise and clear. Write
it at the ninth or tenth grade level.
Submit ONE statement per team. Keep a copy for your firm’s records.
Most firms have an Employee Handbook which describes all employee policies. This assignment will
accomplish the same objective except it is to be a concise list (not a book!) of the policies you have
for your employees. It should cover everything of importance, including vacations, sick leave,
absence without notification, insubordination, promotion policy (promote from within or go outside,
and the circumstances for each), child care policy, etc. It is suggested that you use a “bulleted list” to
keep the total length reasonable. Write at a level that even an employee without a high school
diploma can understand it.
Submit ONE list per team. Keep a copy for your firm’s records.
When your instructor sends you the history so that you can print your report, it will come as an
attachment to a message. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN THIS ATTACHMENT as it is simply a
file with data in it and is NOT a self executable program,( thus the name, DATA1.A3 or whatever).
COPY THIS FILE to either your A: drive or to C:/Airline if you are storing data on your hard
drive. Then use the Student simulation program to open the file and print it.
This section contains instructions on loading decisions on the student disk, information to aid you in
organizing your team, suggestions for keeping records, and information on how to do a strategic plan and
an industry study.
Suggested Duties
Vice-President Financial analysis & control; lease/buy analysis; recommends fuel and of
Finance financial decisions (loans/CD's).
Vice-President Analyzes all markets and service to those markets; recommend the planning
of new routes and changes in current routes, aircraft procurement and
disposal from maintenance point of view.
If there are fewer than six people on your team, you will need to double up on some of the duties. In
particular, the president may want to assume the duties of the planner, and the Operations VP assume
the maintenance duties. In a simulation, the president DOES NOT have veto power or the final
word.. Of course, your team may make any rules it wishes, but if the president is too heavy-handed,
everyone else may quit! (See your module book paragraph 4.2.1.)
The president should be chosen carefully! Choose someone who can provide the team with time
discipline and keep everyone working. The president must take the lead in planning meetings,
delegating work assignments, and other leadership duties. (See the management carrousel
modulebook paragraph 4.2.3.) If someone tries any position and does not like it, the team should be
open to switching positions. In fact, if the accountant in the group takes the role of financier, others
won't learn some of the areas of accounting and finance that may come in very useful later in their
AIRLINE is a highly sophisticated interactive simulation and should not be taken lightly by your
team. Success in the game, both in terms of the learning experience and company profits, is directly
related to the degree of organization and cooperation among company (team) members. Game results
are directly correlated to well-thought-out analysis and strategic planning in the decision process. An
early and complete familiarization with the contents of the student manual will increase the chances
of success; knowledge of the proper use of analysis forms (or the same work accomplished on a
personal computer spreadsheet) is imperative if one is to stay abreast of the game.
Record Keeping
Your instructor will tell you which of the following organizational assignments will be required:
1. Prepare an organization chart to include your team members’ names and include what you think
would be the next lower level of personnel on your chart (i.e., who would report to each of your
3. Company Logbook
Each company should keep a logbook of the important data accumulated while playing the
simulation. Logbooks are analogous to the written records that firms maintain during the course of
normal operations. All data, information, charts, copies of forms that were turned in, graphs, and
narratives should be included. Your instructor will inform you whether this is to be turned in at the
end of the simulation or be available during class periods for spot checks.
Your instructor will tell you whether this is a requirement and whether it is to be handed in with the
decisions or kept in the company logbook. In either case, the minutes should be recorded WHEN
THE MEETING OCCURS, not re-created from recall later.
The minutes do not need to be written following Roberts Rules of Order but rather should indicate
the rationale of the KEY decisions that were made; minority views should be indicated as well as
those of the majority. Any discussion that may be considered relevant should be recorded; in all cases
major decisions and the rationale behind those decisions should be recorded. Examples include: fare
changes; aircraft purchases and why a certain type of aircraft was chosen; changes in cabin service;
major shifts in advertising, promotion, or training budgets; major changes in employee compensation
and why one alternative was chosen over others; which method of acquiring and financing new
aircraft was chosen and why (lease or buy, bank loan or stock issue).
There are forms at the end of this section (titled Airline Simulation Decision Log) that can be used to
record your meetings.
Planning is the process of preparing for the future. While thoughtful and detailed planning does not
ensure success, the vast majority of successful organizations practice good planning and strategic
analysis. Of course, a firm can do too much detailed planning and not be flexible enough to react to
environmental changes and opportunities. On the other hand, operating without a plan also has its
drawbacks; if an organization doesn't know where it's going, how will it know when it gets there?
There is a hierarchy to the planning process-from the broad and general direction set by top
management to the detailed planning required at the operating level. The outline below indicates this
V. Establish Goals and Objectives Which Will Accomplish the Desired Course of Action
VI. Prepare an Action or Strategic Plan that Describes How the Objectives Will be Accomplished
VII. Establish Policies, Standard Operating Procedures, and Methods Which Will Expedite the
Accomplishment of the Objectives
VIII. Establish a Control and Feedback System to Keep the Organization on Track with the
Strategic Plan
Textbooks in the strategic management area define key terms that are used somewhat differently. We
are using generic approach to strategic planning; however, your instructor may have a preferred
method or format rather than the one suggested. Here are some definitions that may be useful:
PURPOSE (Mission or Master Strategy): Denotes what the firm should be doing and why it exists. It
answers the question "What business are we in?" in terms of market needs.
GOALS OR OBJECTIVES: Specifies what the firm is striving for, what it wants to achieve. It is
highly desirable that targets be established that are quantifiable and measurable.
STRATEGIES: A description of HOW the firm intends to achieve its objectives, i.e., a detailed
Action plan.
POLICIES, PROCEDURES, METHODS: Detailed plans that govern decisions at the operating level
to expedite decision making and implementation.
One Objective could be: To attain a 20% market share in 10 markets within 18 months.
A Strategy to implement this objective: To increase the sales force to two full-time salespersons
and to increase advertising 25%.
A Policy: To fly the first 200 pounds of cargo for a new customer free.
The format on the next page may be useful to your team in its strategic planning.
The following format may be used as a guide for preparing your strategic plan.
VII. Standard procedures, methods, or operating plans that need to be established to implement the
Analyzing the industry in which one is doing strategic planning is an important aspect of gathering
data on the firm's external environment. While all libraries have secondary sources for obtaining
industrial information, primary sources, such as interviewing an official in the industry, would be
extremely valuable to the business student. An outline for an industry study is shown next.
3. Competitive Structure
Determine whether the industry is monopolistic, oligopolistic, highly competitive, etc.
Determine the size and strength of firms in the industry (a few very large, one or two large and
the balance small, etc.). industry leaders and followers.
6. Industry Opportunities
Consider new businesses you might enter, demographic and technological changes that
may increase the potential for new product lines or service businesses, etc.
7. Industry Threats
Demographic or socioeconomic changes that are a threat, increased government intervention or
regulation, substitute products, spiraling costs causing prices to increase thereby decreasing the
potential market.
Availability of raw materials or supportive goods or services. If the industry is based on serving
another industry, what is the economic health of the supported industry?
State any major change in your overall strategy (e.g., long-term objectives) and how it differs from
the original. [For quarter 1 please state your overall strategy.]
List each MAJOR decision or change in previous operating policy you are going to make this quarter
and give the rationale behind the decision:
Your instructor may enter your decisions from a decision form that you will submit, or you may be
entering decisions on a disk. If you are entering decisions on a disk, this section will apply. The
instructor may want your decisions on a (floppy) disk. However, if the instructor is not in your
locality, such as in a web-based course, you will use the decision entry program on the disk and it
will create a file containing your decisions. You can then send the instructor the file as an Email
After your team meets and makes decisions, your next step will be to enter those decisions on your
student disk. If the instructor asks you to furnish a disk, do not take chances- purchase a new disk.
This will ensure the disk is not problematic. The instructor will need to furnish the student programs
for the disk. You may have the Decision Entry Program on your C: drive or on a floppy disk.
Locate the program MENU on the program location. You may use Windows Explorer and double
click on MENU. Or you may go to START, then RUN, and type
C:\(enter where your programs have been stored)\AirlineStudent (and press return).
The exact location designation must be exact or you will get a "file not found" error.
Examples of entries on the RUN menu:
C:\Airline\AirlineStudent.exe This tells the computer to go to a director you have created titled
Airline and then run the program AirlineStudent
You won’t need to type the .exe. It is shown so you will know the entire file name.
In any event, you will need to know your team number, Industry Designation (A-Z), and the number
of teams in your industry to continue.
A menu will appear. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will then begin to enter your
decisions in the same order as they appear on the decision form in the back of this manual. Do not
panic if you make an error. The program allows you to make corrections all the way through. If you
want to modify your decisions after you have left the computer terminal, you must run the entire
entry program from the beginning; however, that should be no problem and it will only take a few
minutes-a small price to pay for indecision!
If there is a printer attached to your computer, you may make a copy of your decisions to check
against what you intended to enter. It is the second item on your menu. If you submit your decisions
via disk or file, your instructor will need a copy of your decisions in case there is a problem reading
your disk. In most cases, a system (shared) printer may also be used if the computer is wired to the
system printer.
When you have finished entering your decisions we strongly recommend copying your decision file
to another floppy disk. This backup disk should be in the possession of another team member. Do not
store the disk between the pages in a book or in a hot location such as your car; this can damage the
Do not attempt to print your quarterly report at this time (third item on the menu)! The
decisions must first be processed by the instructor’s computer to compute all the values that
are used in the report. Your instructor may print the quarterly reports for you.
If you not located at the instructor’s location, the history file with quarterly report values will be sent
to you via Email attachment.
You may be asked to send your decisions to your instructor via Email. In this case you will attach the
decision file that the Decision Entry Program creates to an Email to your instructor. Since each
quarter has a different file name, here is the key. The file will be named Team#.IQ where # is the
team number, I is the industry designation, and Q is the quarter number. Thus the file for Team 3,
Industry A, and quarter 2 would be Team3.A2
Always test your file for a virus before sending to your instructor. Free virus-checker programs are
available on the Internet.
CAUTION! If you send the TEAM (decision) file via Email, make sure your mail browser does not
have the option checked that reads something like "Send attachments in the body of the message."
The attachment will "open up" when the instructor opens the Email and the decisions will appear in
the body of the message in a long string of numbers, thus unusable by the instructor. Always send a
copy of your decisions with the decision file. This will allow your instructor to enter your decisions
in case the file is unreadable by the program.
File Extensions
You will need to read the entire file name if you send files back and forth to your instructor. If you
cannot see the .exe at the end of AirlineStudent when you are in Windows Explorer, then you will
need to change your Windows settings. The following directions are general in nature so you may
need to get help or read the computer/windows manual to ascertain how to re-sent the file name
protocol. If you need to change settings (Windows 98 instructions) then go to Windows Explorer,
then VIEW, then FOLDER OPTIONS, then ADVANCED SETTINGS, then make sure the "Hide File
Extensions" box is not checked
If you are going to print the quarterly report, your instructor will send you a file to do so. It is named
Data#.IQ where # is the team number, I is the industry designation, and Q is the quarter number.
When your instructor sends you the history so that you can print your report, it will come as an
attachment to a message. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN THIS ATTACHMENT as it is simply a
file with data in it and is NOT a self executable program,( thus the name, DATA1.A3 or whatever).
COPY THIS FILE to either your A: drive or to C:/Airline if you are storing data on your hard
drive. Then use the Student simulation program to open the file and print it.
COMPLETED DECISION FORM AT THE SAME TIME. This will allow the person processing the
disks to check on any decision item that is in doubt, or if the file is corrupt, they can re-enter your
DISK, YOU WILL BE FINED $10,000! The simulation cannot be processed piecemeal. All
student disks must be in to begin the program execution. If your disk is not in, the decisions
you made the previous period will automatically be used without review or modification by
the instructor. Thus, if you made decisions the past period that could damage your firm this
new period, tough luck! Once the decisions are processed, there is no way to go back and
rerun the period. To do this would change the results of ALL firms since the demand function
is interactive.
Reminder!Decision Files TO the instructor are named TEAM#.IQ and files coming back from
the instructor are named DATA#.IQ
More than one member of the team should keep the files.
WARNING! At most universities, one or more computer viruses are present and reside on common
area (e.g., computer center) computers. You should ask the computer center staff member whether
this is the case and use a virus-detection program to clean your disk before turning it in to your
instructor. Viruses can destroy all data on a disk, including your history and decision files.
** Entry Program **
* You will have two screens that look similar to your decision form. At the end of each screen, you will
have the opportunity to correct any mistakes.
* At the end of the entry screen, you will be given a verification total. This should correspond with the
total on your decision form.
* Responding with the Enter key to any item assigns a zero to that item.
* You will have a chance to correct entries after all the items have been entered.
Company 1 DECISION FORM Quarter No. 0
CHANGES IN MARKETS SERVED (Third Screen in the program)
Enter ONLY the markets you want to change. If abandoning a market, enter zeros for all three entries.
If you are changing any items in a market, enter all four items even if only changing one, e.g., market #,
# flights, # seats, type of fare sale. When finished, enter no changes at the bottom of the form.
Except in the resort and foreign markets, the minimum number of flights per day is two.
You only need to enter markets which have a change, not all your markets.
If you abandon a market, enter all zeros. Once you have abandoned a market and want to reenter it,
you must build the market demand up again. There is not carry over effect.
This section contains forms for completing a management audit, stockholders meeting, and peer
Your team should be prepared to make a short (8-10 minute) presentation to the class. Your instructor
may also want a written report; if so, the report should be typed and be well organized. Make sure you
turn in any additional analyses you performed in order to make better decisions, including charts, graphs,
etc., for which you have not received credit. You may want to prepare a short handout for the class
indicating the main points of your report.
For the purpose of this audit, assume that your firm is a case study out of the textbook! Investigate the
performance of the firm as though you were management consultants brought in to determine what kind
of job the management team of the firm has done. Of course, there are several methods of approaching
this assignment and you are encouraged to be creative. The major point you will be graded on is your
OBJECTIVITY AND HONESTY in reporting your findings; i.e., be brutally frank! Your instructor has
been following all the teams closely via administrator records furnished by the computer, and any
attempt to "whitewash" or omit critical points will be dealt with unkindly. Listed below are some key
questions to help you get your thinking caps on. However, your report (both verbal and written) may
follow any CREATIVE format you wish; just try to address in some way or other most of the points
covered below.
Your instructor may ask you to conduct the audit by playing the role of a consultant firm. This will
encourage objectivity on your part.
1. Refer to the original goals and objectives. Did the strategies work as planned? What strategies,
goals, objectives, policies, etc., were changed? Why?
How closely did the firm end up doing what it said it was going to do?
(Your team will not be penalized on this point if your goals did change substantially. Just be honest.)
2. The functions of the manager are planning, organizing, directing work, and controlling.
To what extent and how were these functions handled by this team? Comment particularly on the
controls that you may or may not have used. Were they effective?
Did the team have enough records, controls, and worksheets to manage effectively?
4. If the management team were going to be transferred, what advice should it give to the new team
coming in to manage this company?
5. Does the firm have a prudent dividend policy? What would a committee of stockholders say about
this firm's treatment of its stockholders?
6. Did the team make decisions on a rational basis or did it often "stab in the dark"?
8. At this point, is the firm a healthy, going concern? Is there any evidence of “end playing” the
simulation? Such evidence would include a large dividend payment at the end, reducing all budgets,
buying or selling stock to influence the stock price, etc.
9. Was there any evidence of lack of teamwork in the firm? If so, what communication, decision-
making, and cooperation efforts need improving?
One of the peer audit forms on pages 74 and 75 is usually completed after the last decision period and
submitted to the instructor. This MUST be done without consultation with other team members. Your
instructor will inform you which form to use.
(If assigned by your instructor)
Corporations report the state of the organization to their owners (stockholders) on an annual basis.
Sometime after your first year of operations, you may be asked to conduct an annual meeting with the
class acting as your stockholders. The actual length and format of the oral presentation will be assigned
by your instructor. The annual meeting is used to communicate the condition of the corporation to the
owners and is a public relations vehicle for the general public, investment bankers, and prospective stock
purchasers. [Hint: Do not feel you must "tell all" and reveal all your future plans in detail. Likewise, you
may merge certain expenses on the financial statements you prepare, e.g., under Marketing expenses you
could include promotions budget, advertising, marketing research, and salespersons expenses.
Each team will be expected to prepare a short Annual Report to its stockholders and reproduce sufficient
copies for each of the other teams and the instructor. You should check the annual report section in the
library to get a more complete idea concerning what should be included. Some items that the firm should
include in the written portion are: a brief synopsis of sales and earnings trends; an explanation of start-up
problems and how they are being overcome; a general statement of the financial health of the firm; and a
discussion of dividend plans and policy, expansion plans, future prospects, etc.
In addition to this brief narrative of operations, you will need to include the financial report for your
firm. The financial report includes, at a minimum, an income statement, balance sheet, statement of
changes in financial conditions, and explanations that include comparisons to prior-year data. This listing
is not meant to limit other financial information you may want to include in your report. Since all
financial reports use the previous year with which to compare current performance, use the beginning
balance sheet for Quarter 0 (see page 27). For an annual Profit and Loss statement, multiply the quarter 0
sales and expenses times 4 to obtain a full year of profit and loss information for the previous year.
Each member of each team is responsible for analyzing the annual reports of the other teams and asking
questions during the presentations.
Industry _____ Co _____ MANAGEMENT AUDIT - Form 1
This form should be completed and handed in to the instructor no later than ________. Note: Exclude in
any numerical reporting any instances that were the fault of the computer or the administrator.
1. How many times did the team have a zero cash balance (overdraft loan)? _____
2. How many times was there an excess amount of cash that was not invested in CDs (excessive is
defined as over $300,000)? _____
3. How many quarters did you have aircraft utilization of less than 95%? (from the Mileage Analysis
form) _____
5. In view of your dividend record above, do you think you were fair with the owners (stockholders) of
the firm? Why or why not?
6. How many markets did you abandon during the simulation? ______
If you abandoned a market and re-entered it, count it! Why did you abandon the markets, if any were
7. Total amount spent on market research for the entire simulation: $__________
Do you think this was sufficient? Too much?
8. What was Average Passenger Load Factor (for entire simulation)? ________%
10. What are your profits (before dividends) since quarter 0? $ ______________
11. Profit per passenger flown for all quarters being reported (total profits before dividends divided by
total passengers for all quarters): $ __________
12. Return on sales for the entire simulation (total profits before dividends divided by total revenues):
13. Return on equity for entire simulation (Total profits before taxes divided by average total equity):
14. What was your average stock price for entire simulation? ____.___
15. What was your reliability at the end of the simulation? _______%
16. What was your employee turnover at the end of the simulation? ______%
17. How many quarters did you exceed the maximum mileage? _______
Quarter Quarter .
1 _____ 7 _____
2 _____ 8 _____
3 _____ 9 _____
4 _____ 10 _____
5 _____ 11 _____
6 _____ 12 _____
19. Indicate any other factors that are relevant to this audit of your airline:
The purpose of this analysis is to give credit to those students who went the "extra mile" or who did their
fair share of the simulation work. Conversely, if any team members did not do their fair share (for
whatever reason) then they should not get full credit for the simulation work. Be assured that all data on
this form will be held in confidence.
5 = A team leader in ideas; enthusiastic; had a lot of good ideas
4 = Contributed greatly to the team; did more than his/her fair share
3 = Had good ideas from time to time; an average performance
2 = Probably was either too quiet or not sufficiently interested to be an effective academic contributor
to the team
1 = Contributed little to the team
5 = THE TEAM LEADER (only one or two persons may receive this score)
4 = A team player, second to the leader only slightly (two people may be
assigned this score if they were co-leaders)
3 = An average member of the team; good work
2 = Slightly below average member of the team
1 = Contributed the least to the team
(Peer Evaluation normally used at mid-semester)
As a member of your firm's Executive Compensation Committee, you have been assigned the task of
allocating $40,000 among the managers of your firm.
NOTE: A fair, firm, and objective performance evaluation is a crucial function of the manager. While
peer evaluation is not an easy task, your instructor expects you to complete this task honestly.
Fill in names of
the executives of Fill in the
your firm, including Amount of the
your own Executive Bonus
TOTAL $ 40,000
3. To what extent did the simulation help you understand the operation of an organization from the
viewpoint of top management?
4. An objective of a simulation is to help participants understand the TOTAL firm and interrelationships
between the different functional areas. To what extent did the simulation achieve this objective?
5. To what extent did the simulation help sharpen your ability to analyze problems and recommend
solutions (i.e., decision making skills)?
6. What other skills did you learn because of the simulation and group decision making that occurred?
7. How many hours per decision period did your team meet as a team (either face-to-face, phone, or via
Internet: _____ hours at the beginning ______hours after Quarter 4
8. How many hours per decision period SHOULD a team meet to make decisions? _____
9. How many hours per decision period did YOU spend (excluding team meetings) in preparing for the
team meeting or in doing outside work, gathering data, analyzing data, working with a spreadsheet
program, etc.? _____
10. Please make any comments you feel (pro and con) about any of the incidents:
11. Please make any comments you feel (pro and con) about any other part of the simulation:
12. Do you have any other suggestions concerning the simulation or the method in which the instructor
handled it?
13. Suppose that another student told you she was going to take this course next semester. She has the
choice between a course that has case studies only and a course like this one that has a business
simulation. What would be your advice about the course choice?
14. What would be your advice to her about the simulation if she were to take the course with the
This section presents the case of a firm that is about the same size and condition of the firm your team
will manage in the simulation. Analyzing the airline industry and this case will help prepare your team
for the internal and external environmental factors in the simulation. Note: This case was written after
extensive research into an actual commuter airline.
Mid-Continent is well known to thousands of people living in small communities scattered throughout
the Great Lakes region. Like other commuter airlines, the company has been providing air service to
cities and towns that were unattractive to large carriers because of the population size or the limited
facilities at the local airport.
In 1978, the Federal government deregulated the entire airline industry, leaving all companies able to
compete for passengers by creating competitive fare structures and competitive routes. One response by
major carriers was to diminish service to the less profitable markets and create hubs in large cities.
Commuter airlines jumped in to fill the service vacuums left in many medium-sized and small cities.
This airline was established as a "mom and pop" business by the fixed-base operator in a North Central
state to fill the void left when North Central Airlines abandoned the area. The airline grew from a
fledgling carrier that transported 2,710 passengers in its first year, to a regional airline that was carrying
90,000 passengers in 2000. The airline has had a cyclical history of profitability, ranging from small
losses to small profits. Loads have been from 4 to 15 passengers per flight. (Nine passengers is slightly
above a breakeven load.) The present fleet consists of three 19-passenger Beechcraft 1900s.
As a member of the Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC) and by virtue of bilateral agreements with
major carriers, Mid-Continent currently has interline ticketing and baggage arrangements with all major
carriers. The agreement allows Mid-Continent to issue tickets to any destination at competitive rates and
to offer the convenience of baggage checked through to the final destination. Increased sophistication in
equipment has increased dependability.
The designations "commuter" and "regional" have become synonymous as the small airlines fill gaps left
by large carriers and create their own mini-hub operations in medium-sized cities that have lost their
major airline service.
Mid-Continent often competes with other commuters as well as some national airlines for modest
numbers of passengers departing from a location. This smaller market is reflected in the type of
equipment flown. The available aircraft range in size from 15-passenger prop jets to 50-passenger fan
jets. Although some of the equipment dates back to the 1950's, newly developed commuter aircraft
contain state-of-the-art technology in materials, fuel efficiency, noise abatement, and nonflammable
cabin materials. Since there is an abundance of preowned equipment available as other, larger and more
profitable airlines “traded up,” the airline has a large choice of aircraft to choose from if they decide to
The composition of the fleet of any airline may reflect corporate strategy. Since there is no perfect
aircraft for all markets, airlines have the discretion of selecting from a wide variety of aircraft types.
Although aircraft selection has an impact on demand, the potential increase in revenue-passenger miles
flown in the "perfect aircraft" can be offset by higher costs as the maintenance department has to stock
more parts and train mechanics to work on a larger variety of aircraft; pilot training costs are increased as
Passengers have a definite preference for cabin-class service (i.e., flight attendants and stand-up head
room), and a slight preference for jet aircraft (versus prop jets, which are in wide service).. The revenues
generated may be offset by the higher cost of equipment, speed, fuel efficiency, or other variables that
affect the cost of operating the equipment. Thus, a successful commuter/regional airline may have a fleet
that includes a potpourri of equipment, including smaller craft. See Table 4 on page 13 for aircraft
descriptions and costs.
Airline fares are one of the more complex pricing systems in the free enterprise world. All airlines post a
standard fare for each portion of a route in the Department of Transportation listings; this is known as the
"Y" fare. These fares are set artificially high and are used as a baseline for discounts and to calculate
portions of tickets that are issued in conjunction with other airlines. In addition, airlines develop
promotional fare packages from time to time to introduce new service or promote sluggish demand.
Promotional fares stimulate demand but reduce revenues. The competitive market is very reactive to fare
changes; thus fare reductions tend to be copied by competitors and the benefits to a single airline are
Although many airlines maintain independent ticketing services, approximately 75% of the tickets sold
for Mid-Continent are booked through travel agents. The fee for this service averages 10% of the ticket
price, and therefore it is common practice to forecast net revenues at an amount that is 90% of the sales
forecast for the coming financial period.
In recent years, several of the major airlines have developed computer reservation services (CRS). Since
the mid-1970's, the ease of using the listings made them popular with travel agents. Since travel agents
are the main source of sales, Mid-Continent Airlines subscribed to these listings. This imposed additional
variable costs per ticket of approximately 1%. Lately, many firms on the Internet have entered the
business of selling airline tickets and packages.
Airlines such as Mid-Continent generally fly routes that terminate in larger cities that have major airline
connections. Passengers prefer nonstop flights at convenient times and this factor can stimulate demand.
However, since the demand may be small at any particular stop, commuter and regional airlines will
often provide direct service (on the same plane) to a hub city, making one or more stops along the way.
(Direct service means no aircraft change, although the aircraft may make a stop or two.) Mid-Continent
managers have these strategic options:
1. They may choose to stay totally independent of larger airlines and issue separate tickets.
2. They may have "interline" agreements with larger airlines for connecting routes to other cities not
served by Mid-Continent.
3. They may actually use the designator or symbol of the larger airline, paint their airplanes the logo and
colors, and establish a formal arrangement to feed the major carrier's routes (e.g., the Delta Connection,
United Express). This is termed "dual designating" and many small airlines have found it to be the key to
Each strategy has an impact on demand and the level of revenue from a portion of a flight. The
independent ticketing approach may yield the largest per capita revenue for each ticket issued but
prohibits through-ticketing, thus limiting the potential market. An interlining agreement provides
through-ticket and baggage service but decreases the portion of the fare received by the commuter
airline. Dual designation with a major airline makes the commuter airline appear to be part of the larger
network. However, the commuter/regional airline pays a fee ranging from 5% to 10% per passenger
boarded and sacrifices much scheduling autonomy.
Airplanes do not generate revenues when they sit on the ground. Therefore, utilization is a variable that
can affect successful operations. A typical aircraft can be flown for 10 to 14 hours a day, which allows
for overnight maintenance and an average of 10 to 12 legs per day. This calculates at 1,800 miles flown
per day for the airline’s aircraft.
Despite the 1978 deregulation of fares and routes, Mid-Continent and the industry as a whole tend to be
heavily regulated in several areas. Minimum equipment maintenance schedules are specified and
monitored by government agencies. This requires extensive record keeping. In addition, some airlines
choose a maintenance program in excess of Federal requirements to decrease unplanned, out-of-service
time and to increase safety. The extra maintenance provides the same marginal benefits to the company
that an insurance policy might; it is difficult to determine the most cost-effective level. Minimum levels
of pilot training are mandatory and become a cost of doing business. Some airlines provide training
beyond the minimum level to increase pilot effectiveness. However, those commuter/regional airlines
that provide extensive training lose a greater portion of their pilots to larger airlines.
Aircraft that have more than 30 seats require a special certification by the FAA; moreover, they are
required to have a flight attendant. The paperwork to document compliance with these regulations can
result in increased staff size. Compliance with regulating agencies is costly to the airlines in terms of the
staff needed, the paperwork required, and the direct costs incurred.
Mid-Continent Airlines has several types of fixed assets: airplanes, ground equipment (i.e., ground power
units, tugs, de-icing equipment, baggage carts, and trucks), maintenance hangars, office facilities, and
computers. In addition, preventive and corrective maintenance require an inventory of spare parts that
may include extra engines. This inventory can tie up significant amounts of cash. Some fluctuation
occurs based on the size and the composition of the fleet.
Assets are financed through several channels. Aircraft may be leased for a period of time ranging from 1
to 15 years . Leasing provides advantages to an airline that does not have cash available for a loan down
payment, does not have sufficient collateral, or wants to use a specific type of equipment for a limited
period of time. Airplane leases may be either operating or capital leases. Operating leases do not appear
as assets on the balance sheet and do not increase the value of the company to its owners. A capital lease
appears as an asset and as a long-term liability on the financial statements.
A second financial market available to the airlines is the conventional loan. Loans require down
payments plus some assurances to the lender (collateral) that the payments can be made. The typical
loan period is 10 to 12 years. Airline equipment may also be financed by a stock issue. The risks in
acquiring all of the necessary funds are higher but a well-managed company may be able to finance
purchases for a lower cost of capital by issuing stock. Fledgling airlines frequently need a line of credit to
finance current assets and meet ongoing expenses (working capital). This is usually handled by a line of
credit (demand notes) that ranges upward from 2% over the prime interest rate. As with other businesses,
an inability to meet current expenses can be the downfall of an otherwise solvent commuter/regional
Currently, Mid-Continent has 81 employees. Because of its small size, the salaries and wages of
employees have been below the "market" for airline employees of national and major airlines. Station
personnel are frequently paid minimum wage; this salary differential holds true for pilots and ground
crews. Thus, they have become a training ground for the larger airlines, with relatively high employee
turnover (15% or more) causing additional expense to the airline. Strategies used by other regional
airlines to counteract this problem:
a. Encourage a sense of ownership in the company through stock options and profit-
sharing. Employees are called "managers" of the position they hold. (e.g., a ticket agent
becomes a customer service manager).
b. Job design of ground crews includes rotation through several types of positions.
c. Development of clearly defined "career paths."
The relationship between salaries and turnover is not clear, since the major airlines are thought to have
higher status. This may diminish the effect of increased remuneration. Mid-Continent has been passive
about the turnover problem and views it as a cost of doing business. In some small cities, the airline’s
success in ground crew and station personnel retention has been a function of the available job markets in
those locations.
Mid-Continent is organized into five small departments: operations, flight, maintenance, passenger
service, and administration. There is little overlap between the areas, and employees must have
specialized training as required by regulatory agencies.
All functions, including marketing, ticketing and computer information services, are handled by these
departments. Creating an efficient organization is difficult for Mid-Continent and other small operators,
as well as costly in terms of personnel. Those airlines that are dual designators with major airlines may
receive services such as ground operations or computer information systems as part of the agreement.
Remaining autonomous is costly to Mid-Continent in terms of organizational design as well as in
attracting passengers.
A significant cost to airlines is the operation of "stations" in the airports. The station provides the
boarding, baggage handling, and ground services to the passengers and aircraft; thus both corporate
image and competence are important issues. A commuter or regional airline may choose to establish its
own station or may subcontract for space and staff from another airline.
Opening an autonomous station is expensive, due to rentals and staffing. However, the company can
usually maintain better control of the passenger and flight-operation activities with its own policies and
procedures for ticketing and handling of station equipment. The station can also enhance the image and
visibility of the airline. Contracting for gate services (ticketing, food, and fuel) from another carrier
provides quick start-up and minimal costs of operation. However, the other carrier's employees are not
subject to the jurisdiction of the contracting airline; this may create problems for the airline, its
equipment, and passengers. Mid-Continent uses both contract services and its own stations, depending on
the assessment of potential demand from the location. Opening its own counter costs at least $10,000;
contracting for a station costs $3000-$4000 monthly rent plus promotional expenses.
In 2002, the owners of Mid-Continent felt that they were at a crossroads. They had just received an offer
of a loan of $500,000 that would greatly bolster working capital and make it possible to increase their
three-plane fleet by leasing additional equipment.
Deregulation had opened many possible markets and airlines such as Air Wisconsin had made moves to
fill the void created as the larger carriers pulled out of the smaller markets. The loan was being offered at
12% annual interest; the duration was to be six years. Mid-Continent was required to use all existing
assets as collateral. In addition, the lender was to receive 30% of the common stock of the corporation.
While the owners did not like the idea of giving up some of the ownership of the firm, they felt they
could not get traditional bank financing because of their inadequate earnings record.
However, a second possibility had also arisen. A large holding company had offered to purchase the
airline for the book value of $1,737,182 plus $250,000. This was an interesting offer to the owners as
they could walk away from the business with a moderate “nest egg.” The felt that if they were going to
sell, it was a fair offer in light of the poor earnings record of the airline.
The decision was important enough to get some advice from a consultant, Dr. Peggy Golden, who was a
certified pilot and had been the CEO of a small but successful commuter operation. After several days of
studying the situation, Dr. Golden met with Jerald Smith, president of Mid-Continent to report her
The Options
"I have studied your flight operations, finances, and marketing strategies and can find strengths and
weaknesses in each area. My greatest concern is that your aircraft are not the best type for the 600 (round
trip) mile markets and that you are not taking advantage of some markets that are wide open,"
commented Dr. Golden.
Smith replied, "I am aware of this but the FAA has had us under scrutiny lately. Our oldest Beech needs
updated instruments and radios. In addition, one aircraft is 18 years old and all were purchased "used."
The oldest one is beginning to be more costly to maintain at this point. You can see how maintenance
problems with their associated costs and the weather have kept us from flying at an optimal level. We
have cash problems that are exacerbated by overhead costs. We need a certain level of support personnel
to maintain a three-aircraft fleet; however, we could add two more aircraft at no additional overhead
The president continued, "There are markets that are not currently being served in our area and I think we
could lease a couple of new aircraft. But it takes from 6 to 12 months to get to the breakeven point in a
new market, and we just don't have the working capital for that. I suppose if we tightened our belts and
tried to get some short-term credit at a couple of banks in the small cities we serve, we could do it. We
can't grow because of our slim profits, and because we can't grow we can't improve our profit picture. It
seems like a vicious circle!"
"I have evaluated the two options that are available to you," said Dr. Golden. "The $500,000 loan has the
potential to provide enough cash to improve your maintenance program and add a substantial amount to
your working capital. This would make your firm much more attractive to a leasing company and you
would be able to lease some additional aircraft. In fact, there are aircraft manufacturers who have gotten
very aggressive lately in order to sell pre-owned aircraft that have been traded in for new planes; I think
they would be able to offer you good leases. Right now the going rate for a pre-owned, newly refurbished
British Aero 31 is $2.2 million and the monthly lease is $82,000."
Smith responded thoughtfully, "Yes, that five hundred grand would sure get us out of the hole and we
would be able to take advantage of some the markets that are opening up. However, giving up 30% of
the common stock just sticks in our craw a bit. But I guess if I were lending this shoestring airline
money, I'd feel the same way. So, what do you think about the offer from the holding company?"
"I have to admit that the offer is very fair," the consultant stated. "It would give you an opportunity to
walk out free of any debt. The holding company wants to keep Mid-Continent flying, since it is the only
airline serving their home-office city. You would have the satisfaction of knowing that your years of hard
work were not in vain and the name Mid-Continent would continue."
"If we keep the airline, what kind of strategies would you suggest?" asked the president.
Golden responded, "The possible strategies are about the same regardless of who owns the airline. The
crucial thing is to maximize the use of your equipment and serve markets that will provide you with
greater than a breakeven load. You may have to give up some markets to which you have an emotional
attachment because you have served them for such a long time.
"The airline can remain small and the owners can have fun and some sense of satisfaction out of it. You
are both in your mid-50s and in excellent health. You do have a positive cash flow and are making a
decent living. On the other hand, there is potential for growth in this industry at this time. If the airline
expands, the organization will have to change in order to accommodate this new strategy; this would
adhere to the strategic-planning principle of creating a structure that aids in implementing a new strategy.
"Some commuter airlines are looking outside their traditional business for new ways of generating
revenues. Package freight services and junkets to ski resorts provide revenue beyond passenger service."
Smith replied, "Although we are using our Beechcraft 1900s in a 300-mile market, there are better planes
for the longer routes. In addition, passengers on junkets and vacation runs prefer more luxurious aircraft
than Mid-Continent currently owns."
"That is correct," Golden pointed out. "Some of the new ideas might require larger aircraft, such as the
Fairchild Metroliner, British Jetstream, or Brasilia."
Smith looked out the window of his office at a Mid-Continent plane being serviced and replied, "Well,
thanks for taking a look at our operation and giving us your opinion. We have a difficult decision to
Golden gathered her papers from off the desk and said, "It was nice meeting you. Good luck on
whichever decision you make."
1. What should the current owners do-sell or keep the business? Justify your answer.
2. Regardless of the decision by the original owners,
a. Develop a short strategic plan, including objectives and strategies for the future of
b. What markets should Mid-Continent be in? (Be specific. See the list of markets on page 89.)
c. What should they do about aircraft acquisition? See page 13 in this manual.
d. What other critical issues does this case present?
Note: For the latest financial statements for this firm, see page 28 in the front of the manual.
Note: A Type A aircraft has 19 seats with 4’6" headroom and no toilet.
(This firm's Geographical Region)
In the table above, Total seats per day = # of flights x # of seats in the type aircraft used in that market, e.g.,
market 1: 2 x 19 = 38. Thus, the airline flew 38 seats per day in market 1 and sold 22 seats for a load factor of
Flight #1 600
Flight #2 400
Flight #3 400
Flight #4 400
Total Miles Flown 1,800
Total flights = 13
Total mileage 1,800 + 1,800 + 1,760 = 5,360
Maximum mileage = 1,800 per aircraft x 3 = 5,400
Underflew by 40 miles per day (which is not enough to add a flight
as the market with the lowest mileage is 340 miles per day.)
1. One commuter aircraft can cover approximately 1,800 miles per day. A "market" consists of a round
trip between two cities.
2. The breakeven for most small commuter aircraft is a 40 TO 50% load factor, e.g., a 19-passenger
craft would be 19 x .40 = 7 or 8 full fare passengers. This would include direct but not fixed costs of
operating the aircraft. Total costs would require 55% load or 19 x .55 = 10 passengers.
3. For information on new aircraft available to Mid-Continent, consult the Aircraft Specification Table 4
on page 13.
This section contains various forms and worksheets to aid your team in making better decisions and to
keep abreast of your performance in relation to the industry averages. Decision forms for recording your
decisions each period are also included. There are two types of Market Profitability Analysis attached.
Some preferred one over the other in our alpha test of the 4 th edition, so we are including both versions.
Decision Diary Industry ___ Co ____
Quarter # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cabin Serv.
Emp Comp
% Wages
Cargo $
SocPerf $
S-T Loan
L-T Loan
Mkt Res
Market Profitability Analysis:- Type 1 Form 1
Breakeven Number of Passengers (the number of passengers needed to pay costs but no profits)
Divide market operating cost (2) $ _____________
By total revenue (b) $______________ = ____________
(This is your Breakeven # of passengers in a day to breakeven in this market)
Compare this number with the actual seats sold in that market to ascertain if the market is earning a
profit (from the quarterly report): _______
Round trip miles per market
Market Profitability Analysis: Type 2 Market #_____ Form 2
Direct Costs
Total quarterly cost of flight operations + fuel + maintenance
+ passenger service + cabin service $ ___________
divided by total quarterly available seat miles _________ = $ 0.___(2)
times # avail daily seats provided in this mkt by our firm (_____) = _________
times the # of round trip miles in this market ________
= Daily Direct Costs in this Market $ __________(3)
Load factor
Revenue passenger miles (5) _________
divided by ASMs (4) _________ = ______%
Buy or Lease Analysis Prepared By _______________________ Co # ____ Form 3
Note: This is a relatively simple calculation and does not take into account the present value of money
nor future income streams. It assumes a 12-year loan. A spreadsheet program (constructed by you)
could give a more explicit comparison. One benefit of purchasing is that you are building assets on the
balance sheet. However, this also requires obtaining extra capital to pay the principal each quarter. The
repayment of principal has no effect on profit and loss but does require additional capital acquisition.
On the other hand, leasing is a straightforward approach to acquisition.
A/C 1 2 3 4 5 6
TYPE Quarterly Annual Lease Purchase Annual Annual Total
Lease Cost Cost Col 1 x 4 Price Interest Cost Depreciation Interest &
(000) (000) $million Col 3 x .09 Col 3 x .08 Depreciation
(000) (000) (000)
A 80 320 2.0 180 160 340
B 82 328 2.2 198 176 374
C 132 528 3.1 279 248 527
D 144 576 3.4 306 272 578
E 184 736 4.3 387 344 731
F 185 740 4.4 396 352 748
G 240 960 5.8 522 464 986
A/C 8 9 10 11 12
Type After-Tax After-Tax Interest Lowest Asset Base You need to
Annual Lease + Depreciation First-Year being calculate
Cost Cost Difference: built each additional
Col 2 x .06 Col 9 x .06 L = Lease year if cash flow
(000) (000) B = Buy purchasing required if
(000) aircraft purchasing
A 192 204 L By 12 160
B 196 224 L by 28 176
C 317 316 equal 248
D 442 346 L by 96 272
E 442 438 L by 4 344
F 444 448 L by 4 352
G 576 591 L by 15 464
In order for this information to be meaningful, it should be compared to the ratios the previous quarter
and against the industry averages. You should then indicate which of the ratios are not As good as
industry averages and state why there is a variance.
Total current assets Total current liabilities = _________ _________ = _______ _______
EFFICIENCY MEASURES: These indicators show the efficient use of assets of the company.
Asset Turnover:
Debt-To-Total Assets:
Debt to Equity:
Gross Rev Flt Cost Fuel Maint Pass Serv Commissions Refunds =
Gross Revenue
Return on Assets:
Return on Investment:
Return on Equity:
Return on Sales:
Aircraft Scheduling Worksheet Form 5
Objective: Total miles each aircraft should be as close to 1,800 miles as possible. Some aircraft may be a
few miles over as long as other aircraft are a few miles short. Use the calculation below to ascertain the
total miles per day you may fly.
Number of Aircraft in your fleet ____ times 1,800 miles per day = ___________ maximum miles.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM Co Name________________________
1. FARE (per seat mile flown) Groups: 28-31, 35-40, 48-51 Enter in cents (no decimal) _____
14. SHORT-TERM LOAN (use a minus sign to make a loan payment; Enter in $ no comma) $___________
15. LONG-TERM LOAN (use minus sign to make an extra loan payment; Enter $ no comma) $___________
16. DIVIDENDS DECLARED (total dollars to be paid; lack of profits will void) $___________
Notes: 1. Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Include items 1 - 17. Subtract negative numbers.
(2) All items except #5 to be entered each quarter even if there is no change. (3) Loan payment in addition to automatic pymt.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM
18. Number of Aircraft (0 - 4) _____ (See page 12)
19. Type of Aircraft (A - G) _____
20. Lease (1) or Purchase (2) _____
24. Serial Number of First Aircraft Disposal _____ (Use this space first if disposing. See page 14 )
25. Serial Number of Second Aircraft Disposal _____
26. Serial Number of Third Aircraft Disposal _____
27. Total Cost of Market Research Studies $_________ ($0 to 31000. See pg 14)
28. Incident Response _____ (You must know the incident being used)
NOTE: Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Add all numbers.
29.CHANGES IN MARKETS SERVED: Enter only the markets in which you have a change. If
changing any items in a currently held market, enter all items even though you may be
changing only one item this period. Enter zeros beside a market you wish to abandon. A Fare
Sale must be entered each quarter for each market if you wish to continue it.
Total Seats
Round (Flights x Type of
Trip Seats on all Fare
Flights A/C in this Sale
Market per day market) (0 - 3)
Example across: 2 4 76 0
_____ ____ ______ _____
_____ ____ ______ _____
_____ ____ ______ _____
_____ ____ ______ _____
_____ ____ ______ _____
_____ ____ ______ _____
_____ ____ ______ _____
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MARKET CHANGES = 14. Example of entry for "Total Seats per day" in a particular market: If
you have 3 flights per day with an aircraft that has a capacity of 19 seats, 3 x 19 = 57 Total Seats per Day. Do not make an
error as you will be charged for the total seats flown in a market. See page 14 for additional information.
© 2001 Software license requires new student manuals each semester used. Illegal to use otherwise.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM Co Name________________________
1. FARE (per seat mile flown) Groups: 28-31, 35-40, 48-51 Enter in cents (no decimal) _____
14. SHORT-TERM LOAN (use a minus sign to make a loan payment; Enter in $ no comma) $___________
15. LONG-TERM LOAN (use minus sign to make an extra loan payment; Enter $ no comma) $___________
16. DIVIDENDS DECLARED (total dollars to be paid; lack of profits will void) $___________
Notes: 1. Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Include items 1 - 17. Subtract negative numbers.
(2) All items except #5 to be entered each quarter even if there is no change. (3) Loan payment in addition to automatic pymt.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM
18. Number of Aircraft (0 - 4) _____ (See page 12)
19. Type of Aircraft (A - G) _____
20. Lease (1) or Purchase (2) _____
24. Serial Number of First Aircraft Disposal _____ (Use this space first if disposing. See page 14 )
25. Serial Number of Second Aircraft Disposal _____
26. Serial Number of Third Aircraft Disposal _____
27. Total Cost of Market Research Studies $_________ ($0 to 31000. See pg 14)
28. Incident Response _____ (You must know the incident being used)
NOTE: Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Add all numbers.
29.CHANGES IN MARKETS SERVED: Enter only the markets in which you have a change. If
changing any items in a currently held market, enter all items even though you may be
changing only one item this period. Enter zeros beside a market you wish to abandon. A Fare
Sale must be entered each quarter for each market if you wish to continue it.
Total Seats
Round (Flights x Type of
Trip Seats on all Fare
Flights A/C in this Sale
Market per day market) (0 - 3)
Example across: 2 4 76 0
© 2001 Software license requires new student manuals each semester used. Illegal to use otherwise.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM Co Name________________________
1. FARE (per seat mile flown) Groups: 28-31, 35-40, 48-51 Enter in cents (no decimal) _____
14. SHORT-TERM LOAN (use a minus sign to make a loan payment; Enter in $ no comma) $___________
15. LONG-TERM LOAN (use minus sign to make an extra loan payment; Enter $ no comma) $___________
16. DIVIDENDS DECLARED (total dollars to be paid; lack of profits will void) $___________
Notes: 1. Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Include items 1 - 17. Subtract negative numbers.
(2) All items except #5 to be entered each quarter even if there is no change. (3) Loan payment in addition to automatic pymt.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM
18. Number of Aircraft (0 - 4) _____ (See page 12)
19. Type of Aircraft (A - G) _____
20. Lease (1) or Purchase (2) _____
24. Serial Number of First Aircraft Disposal _____ (Use this space first if disposing. See page 14 )
25. Serial Number of Second Aircraft Disposal _____
26. Serial Number of Third Aircraft Disposal _____
27. Total Cost of Market Research Studies $_________ ($0 to 31000. See pg 14)
28. Incident Response _____ (You must know the incident being used)
NOTE: Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Add all numbers.
29.CHANGES IN MARKETS SERVED: Enter only the markets in which you have a change. If
changing any items in a currently held market, enter all items even though you may be
changing only one item this period. Enter zeros beside a market you wish to abandon. A Fare
Sale must be entered each quarter for each market if you wish to continue it.
Total Seats
Round (Flights x Type of
Trip Seats on all Fare
Flights A/C in this Sale
Market per day market) (0 - 3)
Example across: 2 4 76 0
© 2001 Software license requires new student manuals each semester used. Illegal to use otherwise.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM Co Name________________________
1. FARE (per seat mile flown) Groups: 28-31, 35-40, 48-51 Enter in cents (no decimal) _____
14. SHORT-TERM LOAN (use a minus sign to make a loan payment; Enter in $ no comma) $___________
15. LONG-TERM LOAN (use minus sign to make an extra loan payment; Enter $ no comma) $___________
16. DIVIDENDS DECLARED (total dollars to be paid; lack of profits will void) $___________
Notes: 1. Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Include items 1 - 17. Subtract negative numbers.
(2) All items except #5 to be entered each quarter even if there is no change. (3) Loan payment in addition to automatic pymt.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM
18. Number of Aircraft (0 - 4) _____ (See page 12)
19. Type of Aircraft (A - G) _____
20. Lease (1) or Purchase (2) _____
24. Serial Number of First Aircraft Disposal _____ (Use this space first if disposing. See page 14 )
25. Serial Number of Second Aircraft Disposal _____
26. Serial Number of Third Aircraft Disposal _____
27. Total Cost of Market Research Studies $_________ ($0 to 31000. See pg 14)
28. Incident Response _____ (You must know the incident being used)
NOTE: Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Add all numbers.
29.CHANGES IN MARKETS SERVED: Enter only the markets in which you have a change. If
changing any items in a currently held market, enter all items even though you may be
changing only one item this period. Enter zeros beside a market you wish to abandon. A Fare
Sale must be entered each quarter for each market if you wish to continue it.
Total Seats
Round (Flights x Type of
Trip Seats on all Fare
Flights A/C in this Sale
Market per day market) (0 - 3)
Example across: 2 4 76 0
© 2001 Software license requires new student manuals each semester used. Illegal to use otherwise.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM Co Name________________________
1. FARE (per seat mile flown) Groups: 28-31, 35-40, 48-51 Enter in cents (no decimal) _____
14. SHORT-TERM LOAN (use a minus sign to make a loan payment; Enter in $ no comma) $___________
15. LONG-TERM LOAN (use minus sign to make an extra loan payment; Enter $ no comma) $___________
16. DIVIDENDS DECLARED (total dollars to be paid; lack of profits will void) $___________
Notes: 1. Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Include items 1 - 17. Subtract negative numbers.
(2) All items except #5 to be entered each quarter even if there is no change. (3) Loan payment in addition to automatic pymt.
Co #___ Ind___ Qtr#___ AIRLINE DECISION FORM
18. Number of Aircraft (0 - 4) _____ (See page 12)
19. Type of Aircraft (A - G) _____
20. Lease (1) or Purchase (2) _____
24. Serial Number of First Aircraft Disposal _____ (Use this space first if disposing. See page 14 )
25. Serial Number of Second Aircraft Disposal _____
26. Serial Number of Third Aircraft Disposal _____
27. Total Cost of Market Research Studies $_________ ($0 to 31000. See pg 14)
28. Incident Response _____ (You must know the incident being used)
NOTE: Verification Total is for computer entry verification only. Add all numbers.
29.CHANGES IN MARKETS SERVED: Enter only the markets in which you have a change. If
changing any items in a currently held market, enter all items even though you may be
changing only one item this period. Enter zeros beside a market you wish to abandon. A Fare
Sale must be entered each quarter for each market if you wish to continue it.
Total Seats
Round (Flights x Type of
Trip Seats on all Fare
Flights A/C in this Sale
Market per day market) (0 - 3)
Example across: 2 4 76 0
© 2001 Software license requires new student manuals each semester used. Illegal to use otherwise.
Serial A/C Accumulated Book Lease Cost
Number Type Cost Depreciation Value $ per quarter
1 A 700,000 200,000 500,000 0
2 A 800,000 250,000 550,000 0
3 A 1,000,000 350,000 650,000 0
Smith Econometrics, Ltd. demand forecast for next 4 quarters: 100 104 1XX 1XX
Employee Compensation Co. 1 to 4:0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
(First item is Compensation # and second item is the percent of wage increase)
Average Quality and Training Budget: $1,000
Fare for each company: .35 .35 .35 .35
Cabin Service Codes: 0 0 0 0
Average Promotion Budget: $2,500
Average Advertising Budget: $2,500
Average Quality Score is: 68
Salespersons for Co 1 to 4: 0 0 0 0
Firms in the Cargo Business: No firms are currently in the cargo business
Market research for Seats Sold is shown on page 3 of this report under the column titled
"Total Sold"
The overall demand for the next two quarters looks very promising for commuter/regional
carriers due to the major airlines pulling out of many markets.
Current Return Return Return Debt to Daily Seat per Available
Ratio on Sales on Equity on Assets Equity Productivity Seat Mile
1.2 .009 .014 .009 .278 4.537 .183