Season 15 - Murder in Baldurs Gate
Season 15 - Murder in Baldurs Gate
Season 15 - Murder in Baldurs Gate
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BALDUR’S GATE .4 Blaze Ulder Ravengard 43
CITY ON A HILL 4 Exchequer Favil Blanthe 43
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CITY ON A HILL in part to its frequent mists and surely its residents’
Baldur’s Gate began its life as a hidden harbor where reputations, the settlement became known as Gray
traders would meet with pirates and “ghost lighters,” Ilarbor—a name Baldurians still use for the bay today.
folk along the Sword Coast who used lights to lure The city gained its current name centuries ago
fogbound ships toward shore, where they would run when the great explorer Balduran returned from his
aground and have their goods scavenged. After bit journey to the other side of Evermeet, the homeland
ting their targets, plunderers would journey leagues of the elves, where he searched for the fabled isles
upriver to the future site of Baldur’s Gate, at a turn of ofAnchorome. He spread around wild stories of his
the Chionthar that gave good harbor and relatively adventures as well as huge amounts of wealth, some of
easy access to the Trade Way, and then sell their which he spent to have a wall constructed around his
booty to traders without fear of meeting the goods’ oft-raided hometown. Balduran left again for Ancho
original owners. rome and never returned.
In time, industrious traders and herders decided Balduran’s gate-dotted wall encircled the homes at
that the excellent, albeit illicit, commerce outweighed the top of the bluffbut left the harbor arid the climb up
the bluffs’ poor soil, and they put down roots. I)ue the bluffs unprotected. This design allowed residents to
The ship in the Baldur’s Gate coat of arms represents both the city’s role as a hub for
river and ocean trade and its namesake, Balduran, an explorer who sailed west into the
unknown and returned with great wealth. The calm sea symbolizes the Gate’s intent
to be a peaceful power, and the clear, blue sky denotes optimism about its future.
The frequent fogs and drizzling rains put the city’s coat of arms at the center of
various jokes and sayings, such as uWhen the arms show true,” meaning never or
rarely, and “Don’t forget your coat,” indicating clear and sunny weather. Meanwhile,
sayings such as “The seas do roil” and “The ship is tipping” reference present danger
or trouble on the way.
useful in intercity
negotiations. Fol
lowing Amn’s founding,
trade boomed in the Gate’s
relaxed climate, and the city grew.
It burst its original hounds, consum
ing Gray Harbor as it grew up and down the
bluffs. The Upper and Lower cities’ fates were so
entwined the dukes ruled the Lower City couldn’t be
tax goods coming to market. Balduran’s colleagues, sea left exposed to raiders. Thus, Baldur’s Gate erected
captains to whom the harbor was home, angrily insisted two new wall segments along the bluffs that attached
the gate by which southern trade and the harbor traffic to the Old Wall, which was improved, and also kissed
entered the city was “Baldur’s Gate,” and they refused the River Chionthar twice, on the city’s western and
to pay. They fought, overthrew the enriched traders and eastern sides.
herders, and seized control of the city. Today. Baldur’s Gate still refuses to he constrained.
The four oldest captains, their days at sea drawing People and businesses blocked from residing within
to a close, turned over their ships to younger sailors, the walls huddle against them or sprawl along outly
who in turn supported the captains’ installation as ing roads. What once was two communities now feels
the fledgling city’s rulers. The aging skippers jok like three: the privileged Upper City, the hardworking
ingly called themselves “dukes,” hut the title proved Lower Cit) and the lawless Outer City.
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The crescent-shaped Lower City rings the harbor and
4 gains elevation up from the river until it meets the walls
of the Upper City. Its narrow, cobbled streets give way
to flights of stone steps in particularly steep locations.
Laborers and crafters of all sorts, including sailors,
salthands, shopkeepers, bakers, and finehand artisans,
whose work doesn’t require noisy forges or noisome
vats or ingredients, toil and dwell in the Lower City’s
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labyrinth of small, often subdivided buildings.
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A sprawl of paddocks, dirt streets, shanties, and semipermanent buildings outside the walls,
•• the Outer City accommodates everything the Upper and Lower cities don’t. It houses the dirti
est and smelliest trades. Horses, oxen, mules, and other beasts of burden and livestock aren’t
.:.±i allowed inside the city’s walls, so they are stabled, loaded and unloaded, or butchered here.
Long ago, the Council of Four decided not to pay the Flaming Fist to police the Outer City,
so the only law here is what common custom and the Guild—the city’s syndicate of thieves,
thugs, racketeers, loan sharks, and assassins—impose.
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The Coast Way goes south to Calimshan, pass
ing through settlements the size of hamlets and
kingdoms and everything in between.
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The Upper City exudes wealth. Its buildings shutters Sea Gate, Manor Gate, Gond Gate, and Heap Gate,
and doors bear vibrant colors and are smartly main the other four Old Wall entrances, are smaller struc
tained. Its streets are wide, and its terrain is nearly flat. tures created for the patriars’ convenience after the
At night, the magic lamps that hang from ornate arms Lower City was enclosed. Those who are not in the
extending streetward from most buildings keep its company of a patriar, not wearing a patriar’s house
avenues well lit. Rain runs off raised roads into drains, livery, or not bearing a patriar’s letter of employment
rather than pooling or flowing down streets, and sewers must use Baldur’s Gate.
carry away waste. Flowering plants that hang from The Wide: The Wide is the city’s only large civic
windows and climbing walls—and a ban on smelly busi space and serves as its market. By law, all buying and
nesses—help to sweeten the Upper City’s air. selling in the city not completed in a licensed and
Every Upper City citizen is either a patriar; a ser taxed establishment must be done in the Wide. Sellers
‘ant of a patriar. often coming from a proud line of at the daily market set up their tables, accoutrements,
retainers to the nobility; a Watch member, often also and wares just after dawn. At dusk, the Watch clears
a hereditary post; or an affluent business owner. the streets of visitors and vendors.
Upper City establishments serve the patriars and Decorum and order hold sway; street music and
other wealthy customers almost exclusively. This part noisy activities are prohibited. This rule does not per
of the city has few inns and no public taverns. Patri tain on days when the dukes declare that the Wide
ars do their drinking at home, in private clubs, or on be used for civic purposes and traditional market
overnight soirees into the Lower City. Few doors in holidays, such as Highharvestide. At these times,
the Upper City are open at night, and the streets are vendors suited to the festivities set up on the Wide’s
devoid of activity except for fringes while the area’s central expanse is given over to
Watch patrols. dances, contests, and games.
The Gates: The Old Wall, Most nights, the Wide is an empty space whose
the original wall built at Bal perimeter (and only that much) is illuminated by light
duran’s behest, contains the from the buildings that ring it. A patriar sometimes
Upper City. Six gates pierce it. schedules the space for an evening social event, such
The Black Dragon Gate pro as a concert, a grand ball, or a wedding.
tects the northern entrance High Hall: The building known as the High Hall
into the city and is named for was once the city’s last bastion against invasion, and
the black dragon head a victo it served that function again when Balduran’s associ
rious knight displayed there. ates led their tax revolt. Since then, alterations to let in
The head is long gone now, but more natural light and make the space a more com
a stone replacement projects from the w-all above the fortable place from which to govern have weakened
inner gate’s arch in honor of the old trophy.
Originally, the only gate leading to the harbor was
Baldur’s Gate, the passage that gave the city its name.
It is still the only gate in the wall segment separating
the Upper and Lower cities through which normal
traffic and trade is permitted. This segment is typi
cally referred to as “the Old Wall.” even though the
original wall enclosed the entire Upper City. Ironi
cally, despite the gate’s history as the flashpoint of
the tax revolt that established the dukes’ control, non
patriar merchants and travelers passing through the
gate are subject to tolls and taxes. The Watch always
guards Baldur’s Gate, and the Watch and the Flam
ing Fist use the site to transfer prisoners destined
either for trial in the High Hall or confinement in
the Seatower of Balduran.
its status as a fortress. The High Hall is used for pro Temples: Most of the city’s longest-standing and
fessional guild meetings, civic events, court trials, tax most influential temples are located in the Temples
counting, real-estate and law record-keeping, and any district. Several shrines and small temples dot the
thing to do with governance, including meetings of the Upper City’s other districts, and an oft-frequented
Parliament of Peers and the Council of Four. temple to Umberlee is located in Gray Harbor.
The long-held tradition of the whole citizenry voting Baldurians of all sorts give honor to Gond, and the
to elect dukes to the four lifetime posts ended after an temple complex to the god oflabor and inventions is the
attempted coup. Today, a parliament of representatives grandest of them all. His primacy has much to do with
chosen from among the patriars and the most wealthy the city’s shipping and shipbuilding industries. Hundreds
and influential Lower City residents elects new dukes. ofrail carts and seventy-six worker-powered, wheeled
One of the four dukes holds the title of grand duke and cranes aid movement ofgoods in the port, and dry docks
is empowered to break ties when the council’s vote is outfitted with hoists and pumps of Gond dot the quays.
evenly split. By tradition, and in the interest of good The High House ofWonders is a vast structure that
politics, one duke is always a high-ranking member of serves as the official temple and workshops of Gond.
the Flaming Fist, the mercenary company that is the The nearby Hall of Wonders is a museum open to the
city’s de facto army. public that displays the clergy’s inventions. The influ
Watch Citadel: The Upper City’s police force uses ence of Gond’s temple in the city has led to many
the Watch Citadel as a barracks and for training, stor attempts to co-opt its power, most recently by Brevek
age, and organizational needs. The citadel has only Faenor, loremaster most high of Oghma. The election of
a few jail cells, which the Watch uses to temporarily patriar Torlin Silvershield, the high artificer of Gond, to
hold those awaiting a trial in the High Hall or a trans the Council of Four quashed the loremaster’s influence
fer to the prison in the Seatower of Balduran. and reduced him to presiding over Oghma’s old shrine
The Watch staffs the Upper City’s walls and runs and the library in the High House of Wonders.
interior patrols day and night. The Upper City is the Manorborn: The city’s nobles have blood ties to
exclusive domain of the Watch; the Flaming Fist has the people who rose to power following Balduran’s
no jurisdiction here. And, conversely, the patriars do triumphant return. They largely consider themselves
not call upon Watch members to work outside the the rightful rulers and owners of the Upper City, that
area’s bounds. Watch members all live in the Upper being the old city—the true city.
City, and most belong to families that have a proud tra The patriars’ palatial homes are found in every
dition of loyalty to the patriars. Upper City neighborhood, but the grandest residences
At night, the Watch evicts everyone from the Upper blanket Manorborn, the Upper City’s western district.
City except for residents and their guests. All Watch Most members of the Parliament of Peers and their
members know every patriar by sight. Anyone else families live here.
is detained and politely (at first) questioned. Watch Grandest of all the manors, the Silvershield Estate
patrols release anyone who has a good reason to be occupies the district’s westernmost edge. It boasts
out and is dressed in a patriar’s house livery, bears a ornamental and kitchen gardens as well as a small
patriar-signed invitation, or carries a Watch-issued orchard. The Silvershield family’s reputation and
stamped and numbered wooden or silver badge. power were established more than a century ago, and
Passes that the Watch supplies are collected and High Artificer Torlin Silvershield is the latest member
changed often to foil counterfeiters. of the family to be elected to the Council of Four.
The High Hall once stood as the central bastion in Theoretically, anyone is welcome here. In practice,
the defense of Baldur’s Gate. In its heyday, it was an though, hardly anyone except for patriars uses the
ugly, powerful, and functional fortification. Its years space. Everyone else is too busy working to spend
as a defensive structure ended long ago, though. Since much time lolling in the High Hall’s garden.
then, so many modifications have been made to the The High Hall houses several small libraries tucked
building in the interest of comfort and beauty that in and about the structure on different levels and in
the lines of the original fort are hard to see. The basic different vings. These libraries contain all the city’s
structure remains, however. The building encloses a records going back hundreds of years. Laws, contracts,
central courtyard, which was once a bailey. Graceful architectural plans, court proceedings, government
windows now pierce the heavy walls, and soaring appointments, accounting documents, tax rolls, census
spires and leering gargoyles stand in place of the information, land grants, guild charters, and other
original battlements. documents are packed into rows upon rows of shelves
Almost all the governmental business of Baldur’s and tall scroll cases.
Gate is conducted here. The four dukes have sumptu In theory, the libraries are divided by topic of
ous offices and private meeting rooms in their own inquiry, but in actuality only the librarians (devotees
wing. The Parliament of Peers has a dozen small meet of Oghma who volunteer their time) can make much
ing rooms and one large chamber for whole-body sense of them. Some frustrated patriars and various
deliberations. The chamber’s gallery seats an audi barristers have campaigned in the past to have all the
ence of three hundred. Those seats are almost always libraries combined and catalogued in a sensible way,
filled when parliament is in session; on rare occasion, but there’s never been enough political will behind the
though, parliament clears the house for closed-door effort to dedicate funds for it.
debate over matters considered too sensitive or inflam In addition to being a place of civic activity, the
matory for spectators. High Hall also serves as a kind of secular temple. The
The High Hall also contains court chambers where ground floor of the easternmost wing is a museum to
the dukes sit in judgment (individually, seldom as a the history of Baldur’s Gate and a mausoleum for its
group) over accused criminals. The dukes often assign many dukes and heroes. There, a statue of Balduran
this duty to proxy judges on a rotating basis. Proxy looms over the city’s “holy relics” in a glass case. The
judges are not paid a salary, yet a temporary assign items inside are things he supposedly owned: a bat
ment to the High Hall’s bench is a plum duty for any tered helmet, tattered pieces of a cloak, a longsword
patriar, because hefty gifts and bribes flow to judges in a cracked leather sheath, a steel shield, and, oddly,
from the Guild, from those grateful to be exonerated, a butter knife. Lesser heroes recline in marble upon
and from those hoping to be exonerated. beds of stone or sit enthroned, bronze upon bronze.
Serving as a judge is not light duty. The only cases gazing toward some unseen horizon with reso
that require the decision-making of a judge are those lute nobility, their bones dry as twigs in the caskets
that involve real doubt about a defendant’s guilt, or beneath them.
unclear points of law. When someone is caught in All dukes have the right to be buried in the mauso
the act of committing a crime, or close enough to the leum, and most of those who are entombed on the site
performance of the act that the presiding officer is lie under the floor, so that anyone who w-alks through
reasonably certain that the suspect is guilty, the indi the room is stepping over graves. Because of the vaulted
vidual’s “trial” boils down to a simple administrative dungeons beneath the High Hall, those interred in the
and sentencing process that the Flaming Fist or the floor end up suspended somewhere in the stonework
Watch directly handles. It’s not uncommon for some between the museum’s floor and the dungeon’s ceiling.
one arrested for picking pockets in the morning to be Some graves have collapsed into the dungeons below, a
already serving a sentence in jail by evening. fact detectable from above by the hollow boom of foot
Aside from the aforementioned governmental steps on particular flagstones. The Parliament of Peers
offices, the High Hall is a place that Baldurians can decided not to address the issue of these “fallen heroes,”
enjoy. It includes a feasting hall that is used for both since they were assured by dwarf engineers that the
public and private banquets and a wing of meeting floor of the museum is in no danger of collapse.
rooms that are available to everyone on a first-come, The building’s entire structure is part of the Gate’s
first-served basis. The courtyard contains a small advanced water system. Below-ground catch basins
public garden that features walkways and benches. collect rainwater that runs off its roof. That water
flows through aqueducts to a cistern beneath the great into odd corners of the High Hall, as well as an
fountain in the Temples district. Thanks to the inno unknown number of connections to the Upper City’s
vative pumps of Gond, the Upper City’s fountains are water system.
both beautiful works of flowing-water art and sources A handful of chambers nearest the stairs have
of safe, clean water for residents. been converted into jail cells, but they are seldom
The original fortification’s dungeons still exist. used. The near-constant rain keeps the dungeons
Unlike the High Hall above them, they have seen perpetually damp and dripping. The only dangers
little renovation and no beautification since they were in the area come from swarming rats and the threat
excavated. Under vaulted ceilings supported by thick of becoming lost in the unmapped, echoing dark
pillars lie dozens of brick-lined chambers linked by ness. No one knows whether the master of walls, the
winding, rock-cut passages into a labyrinth that few master of cobbles, or the master of drains and under
dare to traverse. Entrance to the underground area ways should be in charge of the dungeons.
can be had by way of a handful of staircases tucked Consequently, no one takes responsibility.
The Wide, a sprawling marketplace, is the eponvmous shops, well-heeled merchants’ residences, trading and
landmark of this Upper City district. Its reputation as insurance offices, the sages’ and traders’ guildhalls,
a thriving crossroads of trade spans the Sword Coast the Undercellar’s public entrance, and Ramazith’s
and stretches as far east as Thay. Tower fill out the rest of the district.
During the day, the steamy aroma of roasted, spiced
meats mixes with the wet, earthy smell character
istic of Baldur’s Gate. Bright, multicolored awnings
Bailiff of the Wide
Someone has to the record the names and goods of
cover stalls in which tools, textiles, foods, luxuries,
sellers, manage disputes over stall space, and schedule
oddments, silks, scarves,
the Wide’s nighttime use to balance the concerns of
tobacco, Shining South
competing patriars. These and many other unenviable
spices, and all manner
tasks falls to the bailiff of the Wide.
of creature comforts
Each morning, Baliff of the Wide Jedren Hiller
from every corner of
wakes before dawn, meets his officers and assistants
Faerfln are bought and
sold. Prices are lower around the Beloved Ranger for a quick discussion of
in the Wide than else the changes for the day, and then heads to Baldur’s
where in the Gate, which Gate. While the assistants scatter across the Wide to
means negotiations are mark out stall placements with chalk, half the officers
usually sharper. Not all line up around the inside of Baldur’s Gate to hand
merchants here are in out stall-marker chits while the other half goes to the
Black Dragon Gate. Bailiff Hiller then squeezes out
the commodities trade. Tattoo artists, fortune tellers,
through the gate and begins assigning stall space to
sages, hedge wizards, astrologers, and poets also work
the merchants who have come for the day.
in the Wide. At tables throughout the market area,
Merchants who live in the Upper City receive their
Baldurians mingle to debate city affairs, philosophize,
stall markers early each day by nighttime doorstop
gossip, and conduct business and trade.
deliveries, and they begin setting up as soon as the
Meanwhile, strong, young delivery-makers bull
stalls are chalked. Anyone who forgot to request a
through the shoulder-to-shoulder crowds heading to and
stall on the previous day must wait for Bailiff Hiller
from stalls. If not for the tall poles they wear strapped
to pass through the Wide on his way to Black Dragon
to their backs and shoulders, the goods carried by these
young males and females would be easy targets. Atop the Gate after he finishes making the Baldur’s Gate
assignments. The bailiff gives out stall assignments
poles, out of a human-sized person’s reach, swivel and
according to a complicated formula that accounts for
sway baskets and crates full ofgoods. Seldom do these
similarity of goods, the length of time a merchant
top-heavy poles collide and become entangled. But when
has been selling in the Wide, one’s past infractions
they do, a row inevitably ensues. As soon as pole-carters
such as crossing a stall boundary, and rotating the
leave the open air ofthe Wide and enter less crowded
best sellers through the best locations for fairness. Of
city streets, they lower their merchandise to street level
course, everyone knows that a little something extra
lest enterprising bandits lean out second-story windows
can improve your standing in the Registry, the ledger
to strip them of their wares.
of the Wide’s market and social activity that is Bailiff
The Beloved Ranger statue is the only permanent
1-liller’s constant companion.
structure in the marketplace. All others are collapsible,
The bailiff of the Wide works under the auspices
movable, pitchable, or temporary. Competition for the
of Haxilion Trood, the city’s purse master. Trood is a
best stall locations is fierce. Upper City merchants have
meticulous coin-counter, so Hiller has been obliged to
the upper hand, of course, as do those with plenty of
turn down cash bribes. But giving him and his hungry
cash to grease the palms of the bailiff of the ‘Wide, his
crew some samples of food, or making deliveries to
officers, Watch soldiers who provide security and the
dozens of other outstretched hands bearing permits, his home of various goods “for inspection” is still quite
welcome (and often necessary if a merchant doesn’t
charters, and signet rings of office. A prime location
wish to languish in a less traveled area or some other
in the Wide can turn so much profit that almost any
unfortunate locale). What a shame it would be for the
amount of graft is justified in obtaining it.
Registry to dictate that a perfumer ended up next to
The Wide’s market area constitutes nearly half
someone selling roast meat?
of the district that bears the same name. High-class
Beloved Ranger
A statue of a powerful warrior in plate armor stands in
the Wide. Far from being the typical grim guardian,
this warrior wears an enthusiastic grin and cradles a
hamster in his hands. The late Orburt Lewel, an eccen
tric textiles merchant, erected the statue about seventy
years ago. According to legend, the featured figure is
Minsc, a dull-witted but brave warrior of Rashemen
who saved Level’s life from some forgotten danger.
The hamster is Boo. a pet that iv1insc referred to as a
“giant pygmy space hamster.”
The quirky statue is a favorite landmark and meet
ing spot in the ever-changing sea of market stalls, both
because it’s easy to spot and because Baldur’s Gate
loves its peculiar characters.
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The similar names of the High Hall, the High House of Wonders, and the Hall of Wonders cause endless confusion among
newcomers to Baldur’s Gate. Baldurians often further befuddle visitors by shortening the last two of these important build
ings’ names to “the House” and “the Hall.” Additionally, the High House of Wonders is sometimes referred to as “the Temple,”
and the High Hall is sometimes called “the Ducal Palace” or “the Palace.”
Hall of Wonders
and building sites citywide. Among other tasks, they The Hall of Wonders puts
replace broken spars in the port’s worker-powered, Gond’s magnificence on full
wheeled cranes; erect scaffolding around construc displai This building is a
tion sites; and venture into patriars homes to fix the museum as much as a reli
plumbing. gious site. For S cp, a visitor
The High House of Wonders hosts about one hun can enter to view—in long
dred priests and acolytes in its residential wing. By aisles and even hanging from
day, up to five times that many faithful fill the temple the ceiling—a gallery of holy
as people who live in other parts of the city arrive to relics ranging from the prag
work and learn. matic, such as ordinary locks
Most of those who enter the temple every day are and mechanical lock boxes
long-standing members of the city’s various craft disguised as furniture and
ing guilds who come to study, experiment, and teach. other household goods, to the scholarly, such as preci
Some are would-be apprentices hoping to make con sion water clocks and orreries.
nections and show off their talents to prospective More impressive inventions loom large amid the
masters. A few are individuals of great talent but small collection, such as a steam dragon (a steam-operated
means. Too poor to afford the entrance and class fees, engine for moving heavy objects), a steam-operated
such people can sometimes find a patron to pay for mechanical orchestra, and mechanical scribes that can
their tutelage in return for future indentureship. be linked in sequence to make many copies of exactly
All these folk are counted among the faithful, and what a person writes as he or she pens it. One of the
they are literally counted as they enter and exit the most popular displays among seafaring Baldurians is
House. The many fascinating items in the High House the collection of nautical tools, such as a gold filigreed,
of Wonders are theoretical experiments, early-stage coral-carved astrolabe and one of the first farseers
prototypes, or specially commissioned works—not (telescopes). Small signs indicate the purposes and
for the eyes of the public. Thus, Gondar door guards ways to use the items. Since visitors are not allowed
politely turn away the curious and those who do not to touch the inventions, numerous Gondar acolytes
have explicit business in the temple, directing them circulate throughout the Hall of Wonders and readily
across the square to the Hall of Wonders. demonstrate the items’ uses.
To exit the museum, a visitor must leave through a
shop filled with devices for sale. Printed catalogues of
additional items and larger devices that can be ordered
for later delivery are also on display. Locks, strong-
boxes, objects with hidden storage compartments,
steam dragons, water pumps, and more can he had for
the prices listed.
Because the Gondsmen are given to ostentatious
displays of wealth, rumors persist of a treasure vault
hidden beneath the temple and guarded by mechani
cal monstrosities. The rumors are mostly true. Behind
the grand altar in the High House of Wonders is a
complex pressure-plate system that opens a secret
passageway leading beneath the temple. Numerous
chambers and storerooms into which the public is
never invited exist beneath the site. Whether golems
or other automatons guard the rooms is known only to
the priests.
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High Artificer of Gond Torlin Silvershield stands as
the latest in a nearly unbroken line of Silvershields
who have been elected to the Council of Four. Power
has afforded luxury to the Silvershield family. Its
estate, roughly the size of a city block, attests to that.
It was built up over several generations on land the The garden has green lawns with a white-gravel
Silvershields purchased or were gifted as a show of path that meanders past exquisite statuary, through
gratitude or to solicit the discreet Silvershield touch. flower beds, and around trees and bushes. Peacocks
The estate is located in Manorborns western corner. strut freely across the property, and songbirds roost
A thick, 12-foot-high wall surrounds the compound in the trees. Pears and persimmons grow in the com
before joining the Upper City’s walls. Even though the pound’s small orchard. Silvershield’s are the only
neighborhood is a safe one, Silvershield always assigns persimmon trees in Baldur’s Gate. Around back, near
a handful of retainers to patrol the estate’s periphery the kitchens built against the outer vall, the path
wends past a small gazebo that houses a shrine to
for burglars and beggars who manage to sneak past
the Watch. Gond, then leads to vegetable and herb gardens set
The Silvershield estate dwarfs most other patri amid lines of blueberry bushes.
ars’ manors but has little of their coziness. When Duke Silvershield is most proud of his estate’s
Silvershield hosts a revel, sounds of music and laugh topiary maze. He commissioned master crafters
ter can seldom be heard beyond the walls of the at the High House of
behemoth estate. Deserved or not, the place has a rep Wonders to make several
utation for unfriendliness. modified, steam-dragon-
Armed guards are stationed at the gate of the com powered miniature cranes.
plex. A white-graveled courtyard extends from the gate They are arranged and
to the house’s portico, where a beautiful Gondar inven camouflaged within the
tion is suspended. This self-refueling oil candelabra is topiary, making the necks
designed to appear as eight miniature geysers spewing and tails of the animal-
gold and silver flames. shaped shrubbery move.
A long outbuilding on the manor’s northern side Silvershield, who claims
houses palanquins and sedan chairs. Silvershield he animated the topiary
seldom rides in such conveyances, but he strives to to amuse his children and
provide ever- courtesy and comfort to his guests. visitors, enjoys the maze immensely, particularly when
The grounds’ extensive gardens might be the his real peacocks im’estigate and confront their leafy
estate’s most distinctive and envied feature. The duke counterparts.
is fond of strolling as he meditates, and he often fusses On the manor’s ground floor, the Silvershields
over his garden as though it were a fourth child. The receive guests, play host to revels, and attend to minor
lush gardens have been designed with the cool cli business. The level hums with the soft, whirring
mate and damp weather in mind so that they display sounds of dozens of fragile, intricate clockwork inven
splashes of color regardless of the season. Over the tions brought here from the High House of Wonders.
years, the Silvershields have imported flowering plants In the grand foyer, a mosaic depicting the Silvershield
and colorful shrubs from as far north as the High coat of arms above the ship from the Gate’s coat of
Forest and sent master gardeners as far out as the arms—chosen to remind visitors whose city they’re
Moonshae Isles to collect specimens. Newly arrived in—stretches across the room’s ornate ceiling. A ball
plants and those that need special care grow in a room and a performance stage dominate the rear of
glass-walled greenhouse with mirrors set around its the building, and a handful of sitting rooms and salons
exterior to catch and concentrate the meager sunlight. complements them. In the western wing, a spacious
Although few in the city know it, Silvershield uses the feasting hail easily seats forty while providing plenty of
greenhouse to grow his own supply of sable moon- room for servants and entertainers to move about.
flower. It’s not for his own use, of course—Silvershield Below the ground floor, servants’ quarters pro
doesn’t allow himself to become intoxicated—but for vide personal space to maids, valets, retainers, cooks,
the entertainment of certain dissolute guests at revels and the many other staff members that support the
whose secrets might not otherwise be prized away. patriars’ luxurious lifestyle. The manor’s wine cellar,
storerooms, and servants’ common areas complete the dining room, a halfdozen guest bedrooms, a guest
basement level. The estate is in a constant flurry of parlor, a library, and the master suite. Silvershield also
action, especially down here. The Silvershields have maintains a home office in the tower, but he seldom
approximately fifty servants on hand at any given time, uses it. His real office is hidden behind a second-floor,
twenty other retainers and guards elsewhere on the hinged bookcase that leads out to a private walkway on
estate, and another ten to twenty out running errands the manor’s roof. Atop the roof, Silvershield has a work
in Baldur’s Gate. shop and study within a small solarium. The family and
The family lives on the manor’s upper floors. The servants are well aware of the “secret door” behind the
floors above the main house contain a private parlor, a bookcase, but the duke prohibits others from walking
nursery for Alana and Entar III, a bedroom and play the roof or entering his hideaway, which is where he
room for Skie II, and other rooms reserved for the conducts secret business and lays the groundwork for
children when they outgrow the nursery. The round his most sensitive schemes.
tower has three upper floors and is composed of a small
The Lower City, a great crescent of steep slopes sea captains, who settle their families in Lower City
descending to the docks, is packed tight with conjoined, homes. As a result, the Gate handles a wide variety
slate-roofed buildings that are made of stone and fea of cargoes. Many pirates looking to fence their latest
ture window boxes and stout shutters in vibrant hues. prizes also regularly tie up in the Gate.
The Lower City’s narrow alleys access interior court Visitors are often impressed by the harbor’s sheer
yards and other streets. Stone buttresses often span size and level of activity, marveling at its seventy-
its roadways, literally holding apart the upper floors six enormous cranes and its scoops and cargo carts,
of structures that face each other. Even though some which run on rails of steel along the docks and make
of these narrow supports act as pedestrian bridges, loading and unloading an efficient process. The dock
they are most often used by pigeons, gulls, rats, and equipment is operated by Balduran’s Honorable Com
cats. Lower City citizens are accustomed to their noisy, pany of Harborhands. but the priests of Gond devised
cramped existence. As the long-ago sage Asturgel of the and built it. Thus. Gond’s High House of Wonders
Gate wrote, “In the Lower City, we live and work atop receives 1 cp out of each fee paid for the use of a cart
each other untidily.” or a crane. All fees and ship manifests are taken to the
Trade is king in this section of Baldur’s Gate. Craft- Harbormaster’s Office, a tiny building with thick walls
work, repairs, and buying and selling consume the and barred windows that stands apart from other city
lives of the tradesfolk, shopkeepers, and day servants structures.
who dwell here. Commerce in shops and crowded The Water Queen’s House is also a solitary struc
streets begins before sunrise and continues until after ture. It dominates the end of a pier and descends on
dark. By day, each shop’s shutters are flung open. one side into the harbor. Waves have lapped against
At night, they’re firmly fastened shut, regardless of this temple of Umberlee for generations. Sailors and
w’hetber their windows have iron gratings. Aside from their families make frequent small offerings at it to
inns and taverns—which are open, well lit, and employ buy the Bitch Queen’s favor. Its priestesses can often
“trusties” to guard against vandals, drunkards, arson be seen descending the temple’s outside staircase to
ists, thieves, and brawlers—the Lower City is largely walk offerings into the river, where they disappear
dark and shuttered after sundown. beneath the waves and climb back up empty-handed.
Dark and Foggy Streets: Since the damp clings What happens to the offerings is a mystery no one in
to the entire city, the Gate’s cobbled streets are typi Baldur’s Gate has ever dared to investigate, and the
call)’ slick underfoot. ‘,iVhen traction becomes a real wrath of the whole city would surely fall upon anyone
problem, the locals spread straw or river gravel on the who did.
cobbles to help folk find their footing. Bloomridge: Lower City citizens generally lead
Communally maintained streetlights dot various a working-class existence, but successful merchants,
crossroads and light the darkest spots beneath the ship captains, landlords, and others who have access
Lower City’s many stone support arches. Oil-and- to wealth try to live as much like patriars as they can.
wick copper bowls, whose copper wing reflectors Rich folk sometimes purchase several Lower City
direct radiance, partially illuminate the Lower Citvs buildings, or even small
nicer districts. Glassless, tin candle lanterns throw blocks, and either raze the
light into its rougher neighborhoods. Both types of structures or modify and con
lighting are solidly constructed and mounted. Citi nect them to form a palatial
zens who live near the lanterns light them at dusk home. Slightly less prosperous
and, if wind or rain have not yet extinguished them, folk typically rent expensive,
blow them out at sunrise. upper-floor apartments, pre
The open doors of inns, taverns, and late-to-close ferring locations that feature
cafes spill some light into the streets, but most folk rooftop terraces or balconies
carry lamps or hire lamp lads and lamp lasses. These that offer fine views.
youths carry many-candled lanterns on long poles and, These impressive homes
for a few coppers, guide customers through the streets are mostly found in Bloom-
at night. ridge, a fashionable Lower City district dotted with
Gray Harbor: Baldur’s Gate has one of the largest, cafes, flower shops, and artisan boutiques. The district’s
busiest harbors on Faerün’s western coast. The city’s main street runs steeply up from the harbor to the Old
independent status and tolerant nature appeal to many
still missing, but the odd little black invitations occa
Wall. Numerous structures have exterior staircases and sionally appear on people’s doorsteps when no one is
open terraces built into or against the wall. looking.
The only blight in this otherwise upscale area is Flaming Fist: The Flaming Fist mercenary com
Mandorcai’s Mansion. This structure appeared out pany functions as the city’s de facto police force and
of nowhere. fully built and staffed, overnight on a army. At any given time, about three thousand of its
vacant lot. For several tendavs afterward, citizens gos six thousand members are out on campaign. Baldur’s
siped about Mandorcai, the eccentric, magic-wielding Gate has long maintained its neutrality in conflicts
builder of the place, and influential residents courted in the region, but the city profits from them all the
him, eager to retain the services of such a powerful same. Even though Baldur’s Gate has become more
wizard. prejudiced since refugees flooded the Outer City, the
Mandorcai then vanished from public life. No one Flaming Fist continues to draw its members from all
heard from him except through invitations he sent walks of life.
to various individuals. These peculiar missives were The Fist polices the Lower City and Wyrm’s Rock,
written in silver atop black paper folded into the and its soldiers stand sentry on the Lower City’s east
shape of a pentagon. Those who entered the mansion ern and western walls. Their presence, both on and off
to keep their appointments were never seen again. duty, deters bold crimes. Although some Flaming Fist
After a handful of such disappearances, a Flam soldiers live in barracks in the Seatower of Balduran or
ing Fist squad invaded the building. Only two of its Wyrm’s Rock, most have Lower City homes.
members emerged, and they spoke of shifting rooms, The Council of Four renews its contract with the
oppressive chants, and blood-soaked chambers. The Flaming Fist annually, so the mercenary company is
Council of Four would like to have the mansion torn nominally under the dukes’ control. The Fist earns
down, but no laborers are willing to touch the place. income, aside from the contract, from its share of the
Since the building does not appear to be dangerous taxes collected at the harbor, Basilisk Gate, and the
as long as no one goes inside it, the dukes have not Wyrm’s Rock drawbridges.
pressed the issue. Mandorcai and his servants are
made Gondar trebuchets atop the towers can fire thrice
the distance of a normal siege weapon, allowing hurled
stones to reach atop the cliffs on the opposite side of the
/ river (or even into the Upper City), although such shots
must be calculated and “made blind” due to the low
EATOWER OF BALDURAN elevation of the Seatower.
The Flaming Fist maintains two bastions in Baldur’s Gate, A 400-foot-long causeway connects the Seatower
Wyrm’s Rock and the Seatower ofBalduran. IfWyrm’s to shore. No gate or drawbridge along the span exists;
Rock is a symbol of the Fist’s unbreakable strength, then its length alone is considered sufficient defense, since
the Seatower is a symbol of its stature and success. attackers would be exposed to archers and missile fire
The Seatower serves the Flaming Fist as headquar along their entire approach. If enemies come to Bal
ters, barracks, naval base, prison, and fortress. The dur’s Gate, the Flaming Fist wants them to attack the
marshal and most of the officers responsible for day-to Seatower, believing that the sooner they do, the sooner
day Fist operations typically work from the Seatower. they’ll be defeated.
Its well-stocked armory houses longswords, short The Seatower houses about a hundred Flaming Fist
swords, cudgels, chainmail, bows, thousands of arrows, soldiers on a rotating basis, billeting them in levels of
pots of alchemist’s fire, other assorted tools for waging the towers not given over to the prison and in the two
war and policing the streets, and plenty of stone ammu buildings within the bailey. These buildings are the
nition for the Fist’s three parapet-mounted trebuchets. armory and the officers’ tower.
A stone flung from atop the Seatower, with the added Although small caches of gear and weapons exist
impetus ofgravity behind it, is almost guaranteed to throughout the Seatower for ready access, the armory
crash clean through any wooden-hulled ship it strikes. holds most of the Flaming Fist’s hoard of war-making
A capstan at ground level in the tower can raise a mas materiel. The underground rooms beneath the armory
sive chain from the riverbed and stretch it taut across the are a virtual museum of every conflict in which the
harbor mouth from the Seatower to deep pilings under Flaming Fist has engaged. Everything from elephant
the easternmost wharf in Brampton. When the chain is barding to snowshoes can be found somewhere in the
raised, nothing bigger than a rowboat can sail into or out depths of the armory, all of the items carefully cata
of the harbor. Except for drills and maintenance checks, logued and regularly maintained.
the chain has not been raised for decades. A small section on the first floor is set aside as
The last time the chain was raised for defense a gallery. There, on racks and in cases, rest the tro
was to protect against a veritable fleet of Calishite phies of battles lost and won: Duke Eltan’s sword and
ships. Fishermen and merchants arrived in the eve- armor; a coral trident taken from a leader of the ltzcali
fling warning of a flotilla heading upriver, many of sahuagin; a tattered flag from Fort Beluarian: Kings
the ships flying Calishite flags. The dukes, having car, the massive sword of Sothillis the ogre king of
heard reports of war in the south but not having been Murannheim; and more. The armory also holds the
informed by any dignitary of Calimshan’s need to use Seatower’s kitchens and larder.
the river, feared invasion. When the ships arrived just The smaller officers’ tower serves as the quarters for
after sunset, the chain had been pulled up across the the marshal and a temporary billet for officers of vari
harbor, and ships full of Flaming Fist soldiers floated ous raiks. There, the marshal frequently speaks with
just beyond it with catapults and flaming arrows at the the officers of current events or plans campaigns. In
ready. They needn’t have bothered. The ships held no addition to meeting areas and private rooms, it holds a
Calishite warriors,just refugees from the war. When collection of books and scrolls in a library that the offi
the dukes determined the truth of the matter, the cers can use to study tactics, consult maps, and review
chain was lowered and the refugees were allowed into contracts. Beneath the officer’s tower are the Flaming
Baldur’s Gate. Citizens didn’t repel them as invaders, Fist coffers, in a lead-walled vault separated by yards
but neither did they make the Calishites welcome. The of solid stone from any other underground area. None
incident set the tone for relations between the refugees but the highest-ranking officers knows exactly where
and the people of Baldur’s Gate, and led to the found the door to the vault can be found and what the secret
ing of the separate settlement of Little Calimshan. is to opening it.
The Seatower is an impressive architectural work The Seatower’s least glamorous role is as the local
looming over the bay. It erupts from a rocky islet in prison. Long-term incarceration isn’t common, but
the harbor in such a way that attackers approaching plenty of people need to be locked up for a few days,
by boat will find few footholds at the tower’s base. Five tendays, or months. Three levels of dungeon extend
stout towers provide firing lines along all the Seatower’s beneath the Seatower. The two lowest are below the
walls and away from the islet in all directions. Specially harbor’s water level, so they are always frigid and
damp. The uppermost dungeon level is divided into members of Parliament’s Distinguished Union of
small cells that hold one to five prisoners each. The Metalworkers operate shops in the Seatower district,
lower levels consist of two large cells apiece. Under making it the best place in Baldur’s Gate to shop for
normal conditions, no more than twenty-five prison high-quality weaponry and armor at fair prices.
ers are housed together in a large cell. If the situation The high population of soldiers in the Seatower
calls for it, however, up to ten times that many can be district has inspired its thick concentration of taverns,
crammed cheek by jowl into each of those chambers. festhalls, and gambling parlors. These businesses are
The causeway connects the Seatoiver of Balduran clustered along the river, as far from the Old Wall and
to the city’s Seatower district. The tower affects nearly the trendy streets of Bloomridge as possible. On nearly
every aspect of district life. Many of its residents are every Flaming Fist paydayc Seatover becomes the Gate’s
Flaming Fist members who prefer the comfort of most boisterous corner, and Flaming Fist officers field a
apartments or family homes ashore to the spartan profusion of complaints about noise and brawling from
barracks of the Seatower. Many masters and veteran their Manorborn and Bloomridge neighbors.
r; 4 —
Less ignorant people remember the ships that The people of Little Calirnshan stand out amid
arrived by night. They recall the children’s frightened other Baldurians because most continue to wear the
faces and the adults’ exhausted resolution. They can fashions of the south regardless of the local weather.
still hear themselves saying the inn was full, or claim Speaking their own breathy tongue, Alzhedo, is a point
ing not to understand what was being asked for, even of pride, although nearly all of them can communi
though the Calishite’s expressions and desperate ges cate in Common and Chondathan well enough to be
tures spoke clearly in every language. understood. These little acts of rebellion against local
Hustled through the city and taxed for the privi custom speak both to the continuing friction between
lege of being kicked out in the middle of the night, the their settlement and the rest of Baldur’s Gate, and to
refugees found their way to the only place that wel the desire of many to return to lives in the south.
comed them: a long-standing The Calishites’ desire for the goods of their home
Calishite caravanserai on land has prompted overland traders from the south
the outskirts of the city. The to deliver cargo directly to Little Calimshan. This
owner was overwhelmed, commercial route started with the fortuitous sale of a
but once he heard his com few things the traders just happened to have, but now
patriots’ description of the caravans are bringing such goods in as much bulk as
wars that had consumed they can manage. Baldurians who are interested in
the south, his home became purchasing silks, Golden Sands beer, items made of
theirs. With every last copper Calishite steel, and other esoterica now regularly exit
of the wealth the travelers the city to buy from Little Calimshan’s bazaars, which
had brought, they paid the open to outsiders for a few hours around midday each
inflated prices of the guilds day. This turn of events caused some consternation in
to construct their homes, building up from the cara the Parliament of Peers due to lost revenue from taxes
vanserai as has been Calishite custom for generations. at Baldur’s Gate and port fees, but the Council of Four
Until the’ could return to Calimshan, they would live has eased those concerns by instituting a special tax on
behind the walls, being as hospitable to the Baldurians business conducted in a “fortification within the lands
as the Baldurians are to them. They reside behind the of entitlement.”
walls still, and few non-Calishites are welcome.
4) “ ——
spotting its tiny jetty, which is set below a long, steep, way to the second floor are warned to watch their step,
and exposed set of stairs, is a challenge at a distance. lest they break an ankle stepping into a murder hole.
No roadway around the fort exists; all traffic look (This warning is just entertainment for bored guards;
ing to cross to the other side of the bridge must pass all the murder holes are kept covered under normal
through the fortress’s guarded tunnel. A painted board circumstances to prevent such accidents and to keep
featuring the emblem of the Flaming Fist hangs above travelers from dropping trash through them.)
the tunnel’s entrance. The tunnel dominates the forts Above the armory are the officers’ and enlisted
first floor and is one long gauntlet of murder holes and mercenaries’ quarters. A shooting gallery encircles
arrow-slits. Several offices and chambers that support each level of barracks. In a pinch, X’Vvrm’s Rock could
toll collecting and provide some comfort to the guards uncomfortably garrison about a hundred soldiers. Typ
complete the tower’s first floor. ically, between twenty-five and fifty mercenaries are
The second floor of Wyrm’s Rock is an armory well present here.
stocked with oil, rocks, javelins, arrows, and other Below bridge level in Wyrm’s Rock, a high-
implements designed to kill invaders. Guests on their ceilinged dungeon is used as a storeroom. It holds
fi L
• \_-r
* -
First light finds the Upper City almost in silence. the choicest products and freshest food. These servants
Only a few black-clad Watch patrols sidle along the shop in the Wide throughout the morning. Their mas
streets, moving as soundlessly as drifting ghosts. As ters rise late and rarely emerge out of doors before
the foredawn tints the darkness, fires are built up, highsun, when their working days begin—if they work,
lanterns are allowed to gutter out, delicious cook that is.
ing smells strengthen and drift through the streets, Most Upper City patniars linger over their morn
and livened servants emerge to run urgent errands ing feasts and contemplate the coming evening’s
for their masters or head to the Wide to await mer social engagements. Entrepreneurs among them wake
chants’ arrivals. early and dine on sideboard meals of hot, smoked
Kitchens in the grand homes have been bustling flaked fish or eels and fresh-baked nut buns slathered
through the night. Servants use hand pumps to draw in flavored butter. Then they set out to see to their
water from cisterns in cellars and on roofs, heat it investments and make deals, often in Lower City trad
using coal or wood hauled in the previous day, and ing houses or small upscale taverns, where outsiders
then pump the heated water into bath and kitchen come to negotiate. In the afternoon, the late-rising
basins. Downspouts and underground drainpipes, patriars leave their homes to shop, make business
rarely large enough to be thought of as sewers, drain deals, and inspect new wares or hear proposals. The
away used water. rounds of dining and revelry that dominate the lives
On the other side of Baldur’s Gate—the great dark of the Gate’s wealthy and powerful start in early eve
arch in the old city wall for which the city is named— ning and often continue late into the night.
merchants and their assistants stamp their feet and The leisurely lives of the wealthy take place in the
mutter in the cold gloom, trying to keep warm as they eye of a storm. Around the patriars, servants bustle
wait for the gate to be opened so they can start selling continually. By dawn, kitchen fires have been burning
in the Wide. They hold their carts, covered trays, and for hours. The daily flurry of cooking, cleaning, fetch
cloak-bundled warm foods, and they wear carry sacks ing, and organizing of affairs begins before first light
and folding stools slung on harnesses. as well and continues throughout the day, out of sight
These merchants and assistants have been awake of the servants’ masters.
for hours, preparing and loading their wares in the In the Lower City, shops and cafes open their doors
Lower City. If they sell out before highsun, or noon, for business while other Baldurians begin their daily
they’ll have earned a little leisure and sleep—after routines. The city clogs with people climbing and
they buy or fetch from storage the ingredients and descending the steep streets. In the harbor, the docks
other raw materials they’ll need to make the next day’s never sleep, but daylight brings with it increased ship
wares. Afterward, they’ll seek early beds so they can traffic and movement of goods between ships, ware
rise in the middle of the night, sup on long-simmered houses, shops, and the Wide.
tea and stew, and prepare their wares all over again. Just as merchants wait for dawn to enter the Wide,
When the gates to the Upper City open to mer peddlers, travelers, and day laborers pack the north
chants and travelers, the Lower City’s steep streets ern road outside Black Dragon Gate, awaiting entry
remain shrouded in shadow. They stay gloomy until into the Upper City. The Upper City acts as a toll stop
the sun climbs high enough to lance over the bluff on Trade Way traffic, halting southbound travelers in
and shine down into the steep-sided crescent of Blackgate while those who journey north can enjoy the
crammed-together, motley buildings that descend to Lower City’s hospitality all night, unless they did not
the tall and narrow dockside warehouses, which the make it through Wyrm’s Rock before nightfall. The
mists surrender last of all. fortress raises its drawbridges at dusk and lowers them
As merchants set up their stalls in the Wide, ser again when the morning’s light first strikes the top of
vants of the wealthy mingle among them to purchase its towers.
Most merchants traveling the Trade Way or the darkness descends and “the wrong sort” emerges, lar
Coast Way use the city as the end point of their jour ders are hastily inventoried, and runners are sent to
neys, unloading goods and picking up new cargo for make last-minute purchases or place orders for goods
their return treks. Caravans that pass through the to be delivered on the morrow.
city use Baldur’s Gate as an opportunity to exchange Bakers who first threw open their shutters to sell
beasts of burden. They leave their horses or mules in steaming pork buns or dusky rolls (the latter are filled
Blackgate or the Outer City, have their goods hauled with chicken, turkey, or game bird, such as pigeon) to
through town, and pick up new animals on the other fellow Lower City folk in the foredawn are preparing
side. Indeed, the)’ must do so, since animals larger to close up shop. Their runners bring the last deliveries
than a peacock are banned within the city’s walls. of rolls and loaves to cafes, inns, and taverns as bakers
By the time the land routes into the city are opened wrap up leftover merchandise to sell at discounted
at dawn, business in the port has been roaring for rates the next day.
hours. Never truly at rest, work in Gray Harbor picks Patriars dine again near dusk. Then they either go
up in the misty predawn shadows as the previous out to feasts or revels or engage in leisure pursuits,
day’s fishing fleet returns and cargo vessels awaiting such as reading, acting, listening to music, gaming,
morning entry jockey for the best available dock. Soon and wooing. Quiet evenings are enjoyed at home or
the sounds of rumbling carts on quay rails, creaking another’s manor. If the latter, Watch soldiers later
worker-powered crane wheels, rattling and snapping escort sober visitors home while drunken ones typi
ships’ rigging, and squawking gulls and harborhands cally sleep over. Meanwhile, patriar revelers dance,
mingle in the unmistakable hubbub of the city’s port. drink, nosh, chatter, and engage in “sport,” such as put
As an)’ day unfolds, Baldur’s Gate becomes steadily ting on plays and solving in-house, arranged mysteries.
noisier and more bustling. The bulk of business is Drunkenness and debauchery, considered scandalous
conducted in the middle of the day, so sit-down high- at other times and occasions, are perfectly acceptable
sun meals aren’t common in the city. Patriars living at such fetes. In contrast, strict etiquette prevails at
their lives of leisure, however, do dine at midday, patriar feasts, which involve political conversations,
drinking cordials, or watered-down wine or fruit business proposals, metaphysical discussions, and
brandy, and nibbling on handtarts. These small pas entertainments featuring bards, musicians, or actors.
tries have either sweet or savory fillings. By tradition, Sunset sees the closing of most shops. But trading
the savory hors d’oeuvre are diamond-shaped and the appointments that often involve complicated patterns
sweet are round. of knocks or pass-phrases ensue, and Lower City and
Most everyone else spends the day in hard work, Outer City folk who have the desire, energy, and coin
buying and carrying food with them to eat at random head to taverns, such as Elfsong Tavern and Jopalin’s,
times “on the hob,” a common saying that refers to and other entertainment locales. During “the winding
the hobnailed boots most Lower City residents wear down,” as most locals call this time of day, hired musi
to lessen their chances of falling on the slick, cobbled cians give brief street performances to hook the ears
streets. Baldurians who have time to spare typically of passing folk and entice them inside the taverns, inn
frequent cafes and relax with a cup of tea or coffee and lounges, and clubs. Stiff drinks, large bowls of hearty
a bit of sweet bread. stew, bread and apples, and fried fish are staples in
City happenings reach a frantic peak just before such establishments.
dusk. The last deliveries to Upper City mansions are Afterward, the Gate’s workers return home to fall
hastily made, the Watch begins clearing the Wide, the asleep—sometimes on the floors of their own shops—
most fearful citizens work to finish their chores before and do it all again the next day.
Thick fog swirls in the damp, chill night. Echoes of soft footfalls and the sharper, heavier sounds ofbarrels and
crates being unloaded or doors slammed rebound eerily in the night. They seem to come from everywhere,
L including the barely seen night sky above, where a few bright stars wink through the mist. And always, the soft
scurrying of countless rats can be heard.
1 GI
Though it’s hard to see past the end of a quarter- a signatory to any contract, and unworthy of receiv
staff—or even a bargepole, of which there are hundreds ing hurl in the future. So, those who violate this code
in use down on the docks—the city is alive by night. must leave no survivors and be seen by no one who
Except for the Upper City, which “sleeps” largely by can identify them. And in the crowded city, sounds
moving all activities inside its tall, grand structures of fighting always cause someone’s shutters to creak
from which only feasting smells and the rare blasts open. Anyone seen wearing a mask who is not patron
of fireworks escape into the quiet streets. Otherwise, izing a festhall or attending an Upper City revel
Baldur’s Gate is a city that doesn’t shut down. It gets arouses instant suspicion.
quieter than by day and a trifle more private, in part On a typical night, when the Lower City is shrouded
because the bustle of shipping and shopping in the in fog, the mists are lighter in the Outer City and
streets dies down, but primarily due to the fog. lighter still in the Upper City, where moonlight makes
Unless a storm is raging or “new weather is blowing the thin fog glow milky white, outlining the figures of
in” (local parlance for a front of warmer or colder air moving or standing people within 140 feet or more.
moving through), the winds around the city tend to die Watch-escorted apprentice wizards make rounds to
down at night, which causes the river mists to coalesce recast any failed or dispelled light spells. ensuring that
into a soup of fog. In the Lower City, visibility drops the Upper City is always well lit and Watch patrols can
sharply to about 60 feet in lantern light or the length of see anyone they encounter out of doors.
a sailor’s arm in full darkness. Unless accompanied by The one place where hand lanterns aren’t needed
intense heat that is warm enough to evaporate the fog, in the Lower City is down on the docks and amid
such as that generated by a burning ship or building, the surrounding warehouses, where large, perma
all smoke is trapped, thickening the fog and making nent oil lamps burn to aid in the ongoing loading and
it smell strongly of whatever’s burning. In damp, chill unloading of ship cargo. These lamps are affixed to log
Baldur’s Gate, a lot of hearths, stoves, and ovens are in “booms,” or cranes and mounted on an axle between
use, sending smoke out into the roiling atmosphere. two upright posts, either at dockside amid building
Through this damp world of muffled smells and fronts or actually rising up among wharf-edge pilings.
hampered vision, Baldurians move cautiously, often Usually, locked chains control the angle of the booni.
resorting to lanterns and traveling in groups. The so the lamp can be lowered for refilling and raised to
Watch and the Flaming Fist patrol heavily, and many various heights to light specific spots. Most of the oil
folk are out on the streets, some engaging in legitimate used in such lamps comes from fish or whales and is
business and others in illicit pursuits. both smoky and reeking.
Any Lower City citizen who hears three sharp, swift The waters of the harbor and the river are apt to
raps on his or her door or shutter, followed by a fourth be as busy as the docks by night. Large shipping ves
and heavier blow, knows that someone outside is will sels rarely arrive to moor in the hours after sunset, but
ing to pay 2 cp or more for “burl,” or swift, temporary rowboats take sailors to and from ships anchored in
shelter from either the Flaming Fist or someone they open water, and fishing vessels set out downriver in
fear. Some residents of strategically located buildings, hopes of reaching the sea before dawn to make a good
such as those on sharp bends along the steepest Lower catch and return by dawn the following day. The poor
City streets, along narrow alleys, or near city gates, est city youths use the night hours to gaff fish and the
make a living from such fees. occasional seal attracted to lamp light, to net gulls as
Anyone who requests burl and then attacks or steals they sleep atop pilings, and to go “bobbing” for eels,
from the citizen giving shelter is marked citywide as usually using as bait a cluster of dead rats tied together
a “drowner,” someone no better than a rat that should by their tails or the severed head of a beast too rotten
he drowned. The betrayer instantly becomes ineli for a stewpot.
gible for guild or coster membership, unacceptable as
Many of those who aren’t working seek out the and then barred on the inside in the same way as the
city’s night life during the dark hours. A green-glassed doors. In the most dangerous areas of the Outer City,
lamp above an establishment’s door signals that the grates of welded bars are then affixed into place inside
place—perhaps below street level but more often just the windows. Bars and grates are often chained to
indoors—is open for business. It could be a tavern, an handles, railings, stout furniture, or “dogs,” which are
eatery, or a festhall. Such establishments range from metal pins slid into holes in walls, floors, or ceilings, to
the “highcloak,” or socially important, Elfsong Tavern keep them from being forced aside.
down to dingy rooms in which small, established Baldur’s Gate is famous for its shopkeepers setting
groups of Baldurians meet for their evening gossip and up interior crossbows on trip cords to “ventilate the
games. Such groups often engage in low-stakes gam unwanted.” Some establishments deal with security
bling over cards or dice. A lot of informal face-to-face in quite another manner: They never close and hire
business, whether outside the law or legal, goes on in toughs to provide armed security.
these places. By evening, the Upper City is at its social height
Day laborers dominate the traffic of the first half of indoors. The streets are deserted except for frequent
any night when they visit such places to get their main Watch patrols and the occasional patriar entourage trav
meal of the day, indulge in gossip or flirtations, and eling from house to house with livened servants and a
look for someone to hire them for the day to follow. As respectful Watch escort. Anyone who shouts while out
the night wears on, lowlier Baldurians who rise in the in the Upper City at night is likely to be clubbed silent
evening to work the dark hours arrive for their break by the Watch for failing to pipe down when ordered to
fast. The din of their indoor work can be heard for the do so. (Of course, if the boisterous one is a patriar, that
latter half of every night in the Outer City, but laws worthy will be hustled indoors instead.)
limit noisy dark-hours labor in the Lower City and ‘vVhen the time comes to sleep, patriars retreat to
ban it altogether in the Upper City. Other individuals their homes or enjoy the hospitality ola friend. Many
gather for meetings and meals throughout the night— of Baldur’s Gate’s shopkeepers, laborers, and craft-
hard drinkers, criminals of all sorts, the dejected, and workers grow accustomed to napping in odd moments
anyone looking for a dry spot on a wet or cold night by day (which is the real reason why most city shops
end up being the last patrons of any place of business have a bell or a chime that sounds when the front door
still open in the hours between midnight and dawn. opens) and sleeping when there’s noise and bustle all
So busy are the Gate’s less honest residents by around. This ability affords them the opportunity to
night that the Flaming Fist-controlled drawbridges rest for only a few hours at night and still get up in the
of Wyrm’s Rock are raised at sunset to cut off bridge predawn darkness to prepare for the next day. Many
access through the fortress until dawn. Timid shop harborhands simply lie down atop cargo that won’t
keepers and those who have the most valuable and soon be disturbed in warehouse lofts and sleep until
vulnerable wares—notably jewelry, perishables, and they are roused for their next shift. Others retreat to
weapons—close at sunset, typically clearing their shops their homes and apartments, often sleeping in crowded
aided by loaded crossbows or Flaming Fist assistance, rooms occupied by an extended family, multiple fami
if suspicious individuals seem unwilling to leave. They lies, or multiple renters. Those who have no bed for the
lock their doors, chain the handles of any double doors night will seek out any dry spot where Flaming Fist
together, shoot bolts, and drop stout wooden or metal patrols are unlikely to notice them.
bars into place inside cradles, thus barring cross hinges As the night wears on, different Baldiirians rise in
and door frames as well as doors. their separate but linked cycles of waking, working,
Windows, which rarely contain glass except in the playing, and resting, and the whole machine of a living
Upper City, are covered with stout, swinging shutters city runs on for another day.
The conflict played out in the court of war. Sailors,
HISTORY OF THE CITY pirates, and hardy Heapsiders battled farmers and
The Sembians have a saying: “Whoever holds the Gate merchants. The latter group would have crumpled
holds the goods.” Baldur’s Gate sits midway between immediately if not for the wall, a fact that later led
Waterdeep, known as the Jewel of the North, and the to the formation of the Watch. When the rabble and
merchant kingdom ofAmn. It controls the mouth of their rousers finally broke through Baldur’s Gate, the
the River Chionthar, which the heartland kingdoms fighters intended to attack the High Hall, where the
of Cormyr and Sembia depend on to quickly and reli defenders and their families had taken refuge—but the
ably reach Waterdeep and Amn. Baldurians have done four eldest sea captains argued for clemency. A vote
very well hosteling. resupplying, and taxing such trav was taken, the result of which showed that the cap
elers and traders. tains’ stirring words had inspired a truce.
Despite these attractive qualities, Baldur’s Gate was This moment lies at the root of how Baldur’s Gate
an unremarkable dot for most of history, an insignifi is governed today. The whole citizenry elected the sea
cant hamlet among dozens along the savage Sword captains to be the city’s governing body. The four were
Coast. Had any histories been written, they would respectfully dubbed “dukes,” though they were not
have told of dastardly pirates, daring smugglers, and true nobility, and the appellation stuck. The first dukes
heroic farmers struggling to survive while fending off became known as the Council of Four and served life
barbaric orcs and raiders. The great city that the Gate time terms in which they discussed city affairs and
has become was made possible through the philan made decisions jointly. When one died, a citywide vote
thropy of its namesake, Balduran. elected a new duke.
When Balduran returned from Anchorome, he Although the issue of taxation was put to rest for a
freely and equitably gave away his wealth, request while, the dukes came to see its necessity, especially
ing only that a portion of it be used to construct when raids on the growing Heapside community
a great wall to protect his hometown, then called necessitated the construction of additional protec
Gray Harbor. the great explorer was not one to drop tive walls. Thereafter, residents stopped referring
anchor for long, and he set sail on a second voyage to to the two districts as “Old Town” and “Heapside”
Anchorome from which he never returned. Regard and instead adopted the monikers “Upper City” and
less, Balduran’s entreaty far a wall was respected, and “Lower City.” By then sailors had taken news of the
a magnificent and strong granite bulwark was built city’s struggle to other lands, and the city became
around the hilltop settlement overlooking the harbor. known to most of Faerfln as “Baldur’s Gate.”
The hamlet of Gray Harbor swelled as people
flocked to its safety. The harborage was good, and the
site proved an excellent crossroads for trade between
Flaming Fist’s Founding
The Lower City struggled as a lawless area until a
the North. South, and central Heartlands. Wealth
warrior named Eltan, a native son of Baldur’s Gate,
flowed in with the people. New buildings were erected
founded the Flaming Fist mercenary company in the
until the city spilled over its wall and spread down the
city—and in so doing unified the many small mer
steep, crescent-shaped hill toward the harbor below.
cenary organizations throughout the Sword Coast
Residents began calling the original city “Old Town”
region. Fighters eagerly enlisted, expanding the fledg
and the area outside it “Heapside,” after the way its
ling group to almost two thousand members.
buildings were piled atop each other. The descendants
The power and political leverage that the Flaming
of Gray Harbor’s original inhabitants and residents
Fist gave to Eltan earned him a position as one of the
who were wealthy enough to buy property within the
council’s four members. In one ofhis first acts as duke,
walls became today’s patriar families. Those left out
Eltan quickly put Flaming Fist soldiers on police duty,
side the wall, including sailors, peasants, and crafters,
making the unpatrolled Lower City his top priority. He
supported the growing city.
used a portion of the taxes the dukes collected to pay the
mercenaries. The establishment of the Flaming Fist gave
Tax Revolt Baldur’s Gate considerable standing as a military power
As the influx of outsiders grew, Old Town began taxing on the Sword Coast, expanded the city’s tax revenue, and
all the goods and people that passed between the brought badly needed law and order to the Lower City’.
harbor and the town. The sea captains who had sailed Other than tripling in size to its current member
alongside Balduran protested the tax and organized ship of nearly six thousand, the mercenary company
the Heapside residents’ opposition. Leaders among the has not changed much since its early years. It still
commoners asserted that the w’all was a gift from Bal forms the core of the city’s military strength.
duran to all area residents, so the use of Baldur’s Gate to
pass into Old Town should be free to all.
Thus, the Outer City’s grim refugees who brought
BALDUR’S GATE TODAY along their grimmer gods grow poorer, and their
Today, Baldur’s Gate is one of the most poptiioiis cities resentment toward the Upper and Lower cities’ rich
in Faerfln. The last census indicated a staggering pop patriars and fat merchants festers. Meanwhile, tax
ulation, even without accounting for the people living and toll collectors harry the Lower City’s industrious
in the outlying villages and miles of farmland that crafters and traders, who are looked down upon by the
spread beyond the city. Baldur’s Gate claims the region patriars and envied by the Outer City’s teeming poor.
within twenty miles of its walls as “lands of entitle The rich are tempted to sin, and the righteous dare not
ment” over which it asserts “economic eminence,” a leave their homes for fear of robbery and harm.
term that gives the city numerous privileges but does It’s only a matter of time before something snaps.
not saddle it with many extra responsibilities. In actu
ality, Baldur’s Gate is now the de facto authority along
the Sword Coast for more than one hundred miles in GOVERNMENT
any direction. Prior to Valarken’s coup, Baldur’s Gate ran surpris
The Gate’s position as a nexus for sea trade colors its ingly well on the strength of gold-greased consensus.
people and culture. Many Baldurians make their liv When a grand duke died, anyone—citizen or not—
ings as sailors; shipwrights; harborhands, who unload could stand for election, adopting a color or a set of
river boats and stow goods in sea galleons; merchants, colors as his or her campaign’s identifier. After no
who outfit trade vessels and their crews; bankers, who more than a tenday, during which candidates would
ftind trade missions; and accessory servicers, who make speeches on city streets and at various guildballs
supply the suppliers, including the farmers, woodcarv and manors, votes were tallied in polling stations. To
ers, coopers, brewers, millers, and smiths that are part vote, each citizen would place 1 cp in the preferred
of urban life. candidate’s colored box.
The influx of immigrants to the Gate has greatly Of course, patriars used their influence to sway
augmented the traditional Baldurian lifestyle. Visitors voters and elect dukes, but so did anyone else who
can now hear traditional Halruaan drinking songs in wanted to capture the citizens’ attention. The four
the taverns, taste spicy Calimshan food at a fullbucket dukes, holding lifetime posts, would then debate
eatery, and purchase a water clock as good as any proposed new laws, vote on them, and issue, or not,
crafted in Neverwinter. decrees based on majority opinion.
At the same time, the rush of exciting, enjoy Today, the government looks much different. Those
able new ideas has also brought with it cultures and in the Parliament of Peers would say it is more effec
practices that many Baldurians find distasteful or tive and efficient. Composed of the heirs of the first
frightening. This reaction led to the founding of Little peers, Parliament meets most afternoons in the High
Calimshan, a neighborhood literally walled off from Hall to oversee the business of governance and justice.
its neighbors. The Outer City also hosts the district Even though the peers’ discussions are often conten
of Twin Songs, a sprawl of tiny temples and shrines, tious, loud affairs, majority opinion eventually rules on
where sites dedicated to dark entities such as Loviatar, any matter. The peers’ decisions are then put before
Hoar, and Beshaba stand unchallenged. the Council of Four, now composed of three dukes and
The Gate’s population has stabilized following the one grand duke.
recent migrations, but no consensus has been reached Each member of the Council of Four has one vote.
on how to incorporate the Outer City slums into the In the case of a tie, the grand duke’s vote counts as two.
walled Upper and Lower cities. Meanwhile, the huge In theory, the council’s vote then determines a decree’s
sprawl that is the Outer City, which includes the long final outcome. In practice, though, most of the dukes’
string of settlements running north and south on the votes have already been purchased. The Parliament
Trade Way, goes tinpoliced since the Parliament of of Peers has chosen three of the four sitting dukes—
Peers and the Council of Four will not provide the and Grand Duke Portyr, who has been in power
funds to expand either the Flaming Fist or the Watch. since before the Parliament of Peers was formed, has
The Outer City’s lack of authority and its infusion remained a malleable tool in the peers’ and city guilds’
of desperate refugees have greatly strengthened the hands. He is content to wield little real influence as
shadowy organization of thieves and thugs known long as he retains his luxuries and the people’s admi
simply as the Guild. Bolstered by new tactics, ideas, ration. Duke Abdel Adrian, on the other hand, is a
and victims on which to prey, the Guild now reaches frequent dissenter. Even so, the peers don’t go out of
its tendrils into every Gate enterprise, lowly and their way to cross him on serious issues, fearful of his
vaunted alike. influence over the Flaming Fist and the citizenry.
Baldur’s Gate keeps an extensive legal code in triplicate in When the events of Murder in Baldur’s Gate take
three separate High Hall libraries, in case of fire. Various place, the Council of Four consists of the people
patriars and Upper City barristers also retain backup copies. described below.
A complex web of regulations, decrees, contracts, and trea
ties comprises the code, but most citizens never see it and
wouldn’t understand it if they did. Duke Torlin Silvershield
In practice, the legal code gives the most rights and Leader of the city’s greatest patriar house, duke on
protections to the patriars and Watch. All other citizens the Council of Four, and head priest of its grandest
receive far less deference. Outer City residents are classi temple, Torlin Silvershield is one of the most power
fied as “visiting economic interests,” which affords them ful people in Baldur’s
some rights. However, with a word from a duke or a peer, Gate. Decades ago,
that classification could change to “visiting diplomat,” Silvershield helped
which offers numerous perks, or “invader,” which is essen defend the city during
tially a death sentence. Valarken’s coup and
Flaming Fist mercenaries are subject to the company’s assisted in founding the
military law, but the organization is beholden to the Council Parliament of Peers. He
of Four. Thus, any Fist soldier can be charged and arrested is a descendant of the
for civil crimes, such as breach of contract. great Entar Silvershield,
Meanwhile, the code grants Watch and Flaming Fist sol a grand duke at the time
diers the authority to mete out immediate punishment, up when Ahdel Adrian _.
petitions the dukes, the peers, and the Flaming Fist to Minor Shrines
be merciful in their judgments and actions.
A well on Windcobble Street has Eldath’s face carved
Lathander: The city’s shrine to Lathander, called
upon it, and folk touch it before drawing water in
the Rose Portal, is a sculpture located in the V7ide. An
the morning to bring peace throughout the day. In a
arch of rose-hued stone, it stands on a plinth several
graffiti-scrawled dead end that never sees full sun, the
steps above the street. By long tradition, no structures
destitute take solace in the shadow of a wall on which
are built east of the shrine, so nothing but the city wall
the black disc of Shar is inscribed. A small oak, one
and the fog stands between the Rose Portal and the
of only a handful of trees in the Lower City, struggles
first rays of the rising sun.
skyward from a crack in a low wall; on Greengrass and
A handful of priests of Lathander once presided
Highharvestide, folk string it with bread and fruit for
over the sun god’s shrine, which virtually all travelers
birds in honor of Silvanus. The gauntlets of Torm and
and entrepreneurs visited, Many folk exchanged mar
Helm are carved above each door in the towers of the
riage vows at the arch as well, passing through it to
city walls. These images flank the city’s heraldry and
signif’ a new beginning in their lives. Since the priests’
serve as an ever-present reminder of a soldier’s duty to
departure. the Rose Portal has fallen from favor—but
protect the city.
Baldurians still believe that climbing the shrine’s steps
Hundreds of these modest, makeshift shrines exist
and passing through its arch bring good luck.
in streets, on buildings, and within homes throughout
Oghma: The Unrolling Scroll, Oghm&s shrine,
the Upper, Lower, and Outer cities—as they do in many
stands in stark contrast to the surrounding buildings
other Faerñn locales—but a few objects of reverence
ofyeLlow stone and slate roofs. Like the High House of
warrant special mention.
Wonders and the Hall of Wonders, its pavilion is made
Siamorphe: The title and incarnation of Siamor
of white marble, but its arched roof is a vibrant red
phe, the exarch of nobility and the hereditary right
outlined in gold leaf. A wide reflecting pool rests in a
to rule, has passed from one worthy noble to another
deep basin under its roof, and a podium for speeches
throughout the history of the entity’s worship. Long
projects slightly into the water. The shrine’s unusual
ago, the patriars of the Gate worshiped Siamorphe’s
construction efficiently projects the words of a person
last male incarnation. But the patriars’ shift in attitude,
who speaks from the podium throughout the area.
wherein the;’ began to believe that their right to rule
Loremaster Most High Brevek Faenor, a man in his
gave them the right to profit from others rather than
late forties, officially oversees the shrine. For some
the responsibility to lead well, caused a decline in the
time now, he has been lax in his duties, allowing use of
worship of Siamorphe, whose dogma has as much to
the shrine to secular performers and anyone who has
do with responsibility as it does with entitlement. 1-lun-
news to spread. Oghma is the god of knowledge, inspi
dreds of years ago, at a time when little real worship of
ration, and ideas, and the shrine was built to be a place
Siamorphe occurred in Baldur’s Gate, the exarch rein
to share such things. However, the loremaster has had
carnated, becoming a female Waterdeep noble.
his eye oii the High House of Wonders since he moved
Yet even today shrines of Siamorphe remain in
to Baldur’s Gate. Thwarted in his recent attempt to gain
many patriar estates. Statues of Siamorphe as a regal,
control of Gond’s temple, Faenor can now be found
richly dressed man who has a sharp beard and bald
studying books in Gond’s library or near the Unroll
ing pate reside in neglected corners, dust;’ attics, and
ing Scroll glumly listening to Baldurians complain
statuary rooms crowded with capering satyrs, nobly
about the shrine’s posted speaking schedule. Mean
fallen warriors, and ships in the grips of krakens. At
while, Faenor keeps his ear to the ground as he awaits
the Silvershield estate, a statue of Siamorphe gazes
another chance to gain the highest seat in the High
out of a cloak of clinging clematis Flowers, decorous
House of Wonders.
but forgotten.
Helm: In the past, Watch members, Flaming Fist
Lurue: The Knights of the Unicorn began as a lark
soldiers, bodyguards, caravan guards, and anyone who
of romantically minded sons and daughters ofpatriar
felt the weight of a duty to protect people or things often
families. They took the goddess Lurue as their mascot
frequented the Watchful Shield, a shrine to Helm.
and went on various adventures for fun. The reality of
Since the death of the God of Guardians, however, the
the dangers they faced eventually sank in, as did Lurue’s
small chapel and its porch-like, watch-post wings have
tenets, including that life is to be relished and lived with
stood empty as a form of monument to a god who died
laughter; quests should be taken on a dare; impossible
doing his duty. Rumors persist that ghosts guard the
dreams should be pursued for the sheer wonder of their
shrine at night, but the Upper City youths who visit the
completion; and everyone should be praised for their
Watchful Shield in search of adventure typically find an
strengths and comforted in their weaknesses.
angry Watch soldier instead.
Since the days of its formation, before the member
ship of the Knights of the Unicorn spread far beyond
Baldur’s Gate, the Helm and Cloak has been the
group’s de facto headquarters. The establishment’s MERCHANTS AND TRADE
common room still displays a marble carving of a uni Many outlanders think of Baldur’s Gate as a noisy,
corn head with a bronze horn. Many patrons touch crowded, bustling, stinking, and often fogbound port
or kiss the horn for good luck, and their attention has city that never sleeps. They say it is a place where
kept it gleaming for much of its length. everyone works hard at trade and craftwork, coins are
Gargauth: The mysterious Knights of the Shield king, and there’s no shortage of muscle and gumption.
has long counted many patriars and Gate merchants And they’re right. The Gate is a city of traders
as members. One long-ago leader of this secret soci through and through, and most Baldurians take to
ety, Duke Inseim Hhune ofTethyr, married one of his heart the motto “Claw hard, or fail and be forgotten.”
nephews into a patriar family. The duke then bought It’s one of the busiest Sword Coast ports. It processes
the family’s estate and turned it into a palatial man streams of nigh countless goods that constantly flow
sion for the local chapter of the Knights. His actions through it in all but the coldest winters, when the
also established the Hhune family as a patriar line. Chionthar ices over and Trade Way travel trickles to
What few in the Knights of the Shield knew then, a stop.
or know now, is that Hhune had been consulting Most days, though, trade is in full swing. Merchants
with the Hidden Lord of the Shield, a magic shield and couriers in the Wide carry goods in baskets
that would speak to Hhune when he touched it. atop tall poles, which they harness to their backs
This shield was not the long-lost shield of Silvrnn from and shoulders, to keep their wares out of the way of
which the group takes its name. Nonetheless, one of bustling crowds. Bulk goods that can’t be carried in
Hhune’s ancestors proclaimed it as the new totem of this fashion, such as coal, firewood, potatoes, and
the Knights of the Shield, unaware that it was a reposi casks of drinkables, are often sold sight unseen from
tory for the spirit of Gargauth, a devil who sought to be shops in the Wide or the Lower City and delivered in
worshiped as a god. handcarts.
As Gargauth began exerting control over Hhune, As a way to pinch coppers. some Upper City citi
the duke was compelled to build secret chambers zens send servants with carts to fetch items rather
of worship, and sewer entrances to them, beneath than have tradesfolk make deliveries to their doors.
his mansion. After Inselm Hhune’s death, “the Pit” Nevertheless, when the gates to the Upper City open
became an item of dark family lore that most Hhunes at dawn every morning, porters flood in, hastening to
preferred to forget about. Its current state is unknown Upper City addresses to make the day’s first deliveries.
to today’s family members. The moment the flood of deliveries passes, a reverse
flow of Upper City servants converges on the Old Wall
Twin Songs gates to run errands in the Lower City.
Citizens of the Gate see themselves as vital to com
This Outer City neighborhood holds shrines to more
merce, prosperity, and fulfilling the needs of the wider
gods than most people know of—at least until they
Realms. New ideas, new technologies, and new wares
pass through the place. Refugees from foreign wars or
flow through Baldur’s Gate. It is where fashions begin
disasters who come to Baldur’s Gate by way of Wyrm’s
or are anointed and where dreams are dashed or
Crossing often leave tokens of thanks to their gods
forged into real wealth. Baldurians are proud of being
upon their safe arrival. Tokens became displays, which
at the heart of it all, and they loudly assert their supe
then gained signposts, and awnings over the signposts
riority over their rivals in Waterdeep and Athkatla.
to shelter the contents. In time, it became a Baldur’s
Locals sneer at the so-called City of Splendors, calling
Gate custom to make certain that one’s favored gods
it a place of leisurely trade, where decadents play at
are represented among the riot of shrines, booths,
being merchants rather than really working at it. And
idols, altars, and temples that sprawls over the Chion
they deride folk in Athkatla as being too wealthy to
thar’s northern bank.
know enough about the world, real w’ork, or how to be
Church of Last Hope: This modest Twin Songs
good traders.
chapel professes allegiance to no deity, but it offers the
suicidal a reverent end to life through a ritual of rev
erie. Those who suffer from depression as well as the
horribly ill or maimed receive invitations from temple
staff, who ascribe their knowledge of those in pain
to divine inspiration. The fate of the souls that pass
through their hands remains unknown.
Professional Guilds Balduran’s Honorable
Baldur’s Gate is home to almost ninety professional Company of.
guilds. Most guildhalls are located in the Lower City,
Brewmasters (vintners and brewers)
even when their members keep shop and live elsewhere.
Publicans (innkeepers and tavernkeepers)
Since the troubles involving the Iron Throne, the Council
Builders (bricklayers, plasterers, joiners, and
of Four has required all guilds to acquire and maintain
official charters, and it has outlawed unofficial associa
Leatherworkers (tanners, saddlers, and curriers)
tions. Such charters must be renewed every year.
Artisans (painters, sculptors, poets, jewelers, and
The three classificatioHs of charters and the divisions
mosaic ists)
within them create a structure among the professional
Vesselmakers (potters and coopers)
guilds based on their wealth, traditions, and members’
Tinkers (tinkers, toolmakers, locksmiths, braziers,
social status. Those that provide goods and services to
glassblowers, and smelters)
the Upper City have the “Council’s Eminent Fellow
Woodworkers (shipwrights, carpenters, wain
ship” honorific, those belonging to the Lower City use
wrights, and woodcarvers)
the “Parliament’s Distinguished Union” honorific, and
Loremasters (mathematicians, philosophers,
those belonging to the Outer City have the “Balduran’s
astrologers, astronomers, and seers)
Honorable Company” designation. For example, the
Outfitters (ropemakers, sailmakers, wagoners, and
bakers, millers, and salters were granted their char
ter in the Outer City, so they are known collectively
Provenderers (salters, bakers, and millers)
as Balduran’s Honorable Company of Provenderers.
Harborhands (porters, sailors, harborhands, and
Membership in a professional guild is mandatory in the
Lower City, strong in the Upper City, and considered
entirely optional in the Outer City.
The city’s official professional guilds are organized
in the structure outlined below. Each guild is grouped
according to the classification of its honorific, and the
guilds within a united group are arranged in hierar SECRET GUILDS
chical order from the top down within each category. The establishment of laws for professional guilds officially
ended the public presence of the Iron Throne in Baldur’s
Council’s Eminent Gate, but it didn’t spell the end for the organization. Simi
larly, the Merchant’s League was originally based in Baldur’s
Fellowship of. Gate, and even though prominent patriar families such as
Seafarers (includes ship captains, pilots, naviga the Irlentrees, Miyars, and Sashenstars disavowed the group,
tors, and cartographers) its influence remains.
Traders (caravaneers and guides) Iron Throne: The Iron Throne has always focused on con
Financiers (bankers, moneychangers, and minters) trol of weapons, armor, and trade in iron. After the trouble
Healers (alchemists, surgeons, apothecaries, bota in Baldur’s Gate many decades ago, a crisis in its leadership
nists, and herbalists) led to its decline for a time. But it now secretly maintains a
Furriers (furriers and skinners) controlling interest in arms and armor made for the Watch
Sages (sages and wizards) and the Flaming Fist.
Merchant’s League: The Merchant’s League was once
Parliament’s Distinguished fully backed by the Council of Four, but its growing control
over trade in the city and its failure to effectively counteract
Union of. the Iron Throne caused the dukes to ban the organization.
Clerks (barristers, accountants, scribes, bookbind Although officially dissolved, the Merchant’s League con
ers, and printers) tinues to do business through its member families, which
Handlers (butchers, w’oolers, chandlers. fishmon control the Seafarers, Traders, and Woodworkers guilds.
gers, and beekeepers) Knights of the Shield: The Knights of the Shield is a vast
Metalworkers (blacksmiths, goldsmiths, silver secret society to which nobles, traders, and shopkeepers
smiths, armorers, and weaponsmiths) belong. Members pass information that seems like it might
Shoemakers (cobblers and cordwainers) be economically useful to other members and up the chain
Master Builders (architects, engineers, stonema of command so all can profit. Its members have kept a low
sons, glaziers, and plumbers) profile throughout the group’s existence, and they intend to
Clothiers (tailors, milliners, weavers, dyers, and keep things that way.
You can use the Gate’s news service to give your players a
sense that city happenings are continuing in their absence
OTHER BUSINESSES while their characters are engaged elsewhere. You can also
The Upper City boasts decorous storefronts, chic arti use Baldur’s Mouth to express how the heroes’ actions
san studios, and the Wide marketplace. Meanwhile, make news. For instance, if the characters are successful in
the Lower City is chock-full of shops and workshops, aiding or thwarting one of the factions in a public incident,
and the area’s rapid growth has pushed many other they could hear about the situation when they pass a crier
businesses into the Outer City. The first floors of most in the streets.
Lower City buildings contain businesses of some kind From time to time, the broadsheets of Baldur’s Mouth
or at least maintain street-frontage shops. have included caricatures of important citizens, such as
Describing the vast variety of Gate establishments dukes or parliament members. As the adventure progresses,
could fill its own book, so we encourage you to consult this practice of satirizing important people happens more
the Murder in Baldur’s Gate Dungeon Master’s Screen often as the city veers out of control. Characters might even
when you need to generate a shop name and describe find flattering or unflattering images of themselves in the
its services or wares. The entries below describe a paper, depending on what they’ve been up to lately.
handful of notable businesses in Baldur’s Gate. Baldur’s Mouth also has a darker element to it. Even
though Needle dislikes the Guild almost as much as he
Baldur’s Mouth loathes the patriars, he is a good friend and an admirer of
Baldur’s Mouth, the city’s news carrier, provides a Rilsa Rael. Her commitment to the Outer City’s residents
great service to people at every level of society. Town impresses him, and the newshound hopes to persuade
criers and printed broadsheets are its two methods of the Guild kingpin to help transform the Guild from a
spreading news. predatory criminal organization into a mercenary citizens’
The city has used Baldur’s Mouth many times to watch not unlike the Flaming Fist. He continues to support
spread word of new laws that the Council of Four Rael through Baldur’s Mouth unless someone persuades
passes, to broadcast holidays, and to communicate him that she is causing more harm than good. That task
election results. Criers announce news of the affairs wouldn’t be easy to accomplish, since Needle chooses
of kingdoms and nations throughout Faerñn, opening not to acknowledge the Guild’s role in the city’s growing
every declaration by shouting. “Harken, people of Bal instability.
dur’s Gate, to Baldur’s Mouth! The land changes, and
Baldur would have his people know!”
Ettvard Needle, the son of a wealthy Lower City
tailor, founded the Mouth. After growing up watch Candlekeep Chandlery
ing Upper City citizens compel his father to bend and On the signboard hanging above its door, the Can
grovel, Needle decided to give power to the people dlekeep Chandlery proudly advertises the “Longest
in the form of information. So he began paying lamp Lasting Lamps and Magically Made Missives in the
lads and lamp lasses to shout his stories of various Lower City.” Marcela Idhra, the proprietor of the place
injustices during the day. Since many of his employees and a wizard of some talent, came to Baldur’s Gate
were illiterate and had to memorize his news articles, from Candlekeep when her magical research and
Needle decided to teach them to read so he could give experiments became too disruptive for the other schol
them written copies. As his expenses mounted, Needle ars there.
sought out sponsors, which led to his attracting adver Her shop sells candles, soaps, and cosmetics to well-
tising and diversifying his criers’ stories. heeled customers in the Upper City. Her claim to fame
Baldur’s Mouth now earns its keep through adver is her whispering candle. Each such item has a fire
tising and is a functioning business. Formerly, to mephit magically trapped in its tallow. As the candle
publicize his sponsors, criers would hand out wooden burns, the mephit continually voices back whatever
chits that afforded the recipient a discount when sounds it heard while the tallow was being prepared,
redeemed at a particular shop or merchant stall. Now, in the voice of the speaker. Different voices can be
Needle uses several mechanical scribes that he pur recorded in different candles, so that when they are all
chased from the Hall of Wonders to rapidly produce burned they can make the sound of a conversation or
pamphlets and broadsheets that have advertisements musicians playing together.
in them. Many people find this feature both charming and
useful. Whispering candles are popular at patriars’
galas; one candle burning at the entrance can welcome
guests as they arrive, and many can be placed around
the wings of a ballroom to whisper pleasant reassur the axe to him while he was on a daring adventure.
ances or create an air of mystery. The Watch uses The truth is a lot less romantic. The “dancing axe” is
whispering candles with imbedded commands to time an illusion-cloaked, tamed stirge. Danthelon looses
its shift changes. It has long been a fashion among the creature when he closes the shop. Appearing as a
patriars to record their wills in whispering candles. double-bladed axe, the stirge can be glimpsed through
The candles are also appreciated by those who need the cluttered windows of the shop as it flits around the
c The Guild, the Flaming
to communicate discreetl
3 darkened interior.
Fist, and the patriars use whispering candles to com The tw’o crammed floors of Danthelon’s shop con
municate with agents, spies, and secret lovers. The tain items that an adventurer might need, including
chandlery has a secure room where messages can empty barrels and cages of all sizes,just-for-show
be whispered through a speaking tube into the boil armor, peddler’s carts, folding boats with oars, and
ing tallow’. Once a candle is formed, the only way to large lanterns fitted w’ith candles the shopkeeper guar
release the message (and return the mephit to its home antees w’ill burn for an entire day and night.
plane) is by burning the candle normall) If the candle Danthelon’s has a third floor and an attic, both of
is destroyed—smashed underfoot, for example, or which are occupied by a tenant, Yssra Brackrel. The
tossed into a fire—the message can’t be recovered, even half-elf is small and gaunt, and looks as if she might be
if the tallow is re-formed into a new candle. starving. She has glittering eyes, disheveled black hair,
Candles that contain vocal performances by noted and a habit of humming to herself Fierce “Yes!” and
bards or readings of epic poems are popular items “No!” whispers punctuate her wordless tunes.
in the shop. Idhra also carries a small line of novelty Brackrel advertises herself as a makeup artist and
candles that unexpectedly utter the roar of an owlbear, hairstylist; a sign dangling from the stairs that run up
for example, or some embarrassing sound. The price of the front of Danthelon’s building says as much. Brack
a whispering candle depends on its size, the circum rel has those skills and often uses them to maintain
stances of its recording, and the beauty of the candle her charade, but she makes her real living as a wizard
itself The smallest and plainest whispering candles, for hire, and is often in the Guild’s employ.
w’hich burn for only a minute, cost 25 gp. Grand and
complex arrangements of candles, such as the operatic
chandelier employed at the cotillion ball of Duke Sil
Felogyr’s Fireworks
Avery Sonshal sells pyrotechnics out of the four-story
vershield’s daughter, cost several thousand gold pieces.
w’orkshop in the Steeps known as Felogyr’s Firew’orks.
The business has been in his family since Felogyr
Counting House Sonshal founded it and gave it an alliterative name
The Counting House has stood as a center of trade and more than a century ago. Customers often call Son
business in the city for centuries. A thick-walled and shal by his ancestor’s name, and lie never bothers to
heavily guarded edifice on the waterfront, it serves correct them, believing there’s no sense in changing
as the primary location for exchange of currency and a recipe that works—especially when dealing with
valuation of gems and jewelry. smokepowder.
Its owner, a stern and aloof dwarf named Rakath Sonshal has a plump, young-looking countenance
Glitterbeard, holds the key positions of treasurer for and shaves his head. If not for his thick, mutton-
the Council’s Eminent Fello’.vship of Financiers and chop sideburns, he might be considered baby-faced.
is also the kingpin in the Steeps for the lawless Guild. A wizard and an alchemist who is a member of the
Loans and other debt markers, both legal and other Council’s Eminent Fellowship of Healers, Sonshal
wise, that he holds make certain no one in the city detests the presence ofnonmagical hangers-on in the
dares to challenge Rakath’s positions or attempts to guild, such as botanists and surgeons.
rob the Counting House. Felogyr’s Fireworks has retained a monopoly on
smokepowder production in the city since the busi
Danthelon’s Dancing Axe ness’s inception. Even the priests of Gond come to
Felogyr’s to fill their needs. In exchange, Sonshal has
This new but widely known business on Wyrm’s
never sold smokepow’der to anyone not of the temple
Crossing is named for its owner, the jovial seller-of-
of Gond or the Council of Four, except in the form of
sundries Entharl Danthelon. The blond-bearded dwarf
firew’orks. The shop does sell other items to a broad cli
deals in assorted quality secondhand goods, ranging
entele, specializing in torches and candle wicks w’hose
from pots and pans to rope, armor, and weaponry.
flames burn in various hues; smoke and flash effects
A flying, animated, double-bladed axe that obeys
for stage productions; and various flashfire rubs,
only Danthelon is said to guard the shop at night. The
which are spread on meats before they’re set alight to
proprietor tells anyone willing to listen that a grate
add distinctive smoky flavors.
ful elf princess w-ho was also a peerless sorcerer gifted
Torches that burn a rosy red are Sonshal’s top- a mound of gold to break the rules. Even if one were
selling item. Baldurians use them to illuminate a persuaded to do so, the attendant still wouldn’t allow
traditional cobble party, or outdoor storytelling ses inside anything that might be used violently, since
sion. When passersby see a rose torch lighting a street each acts as the sole custodian over his or her desig
corner, an alley, or a courtyard, they recognize that nated chambers and would be instantly implicated in
the symbol signifies an opportunity to hear and tell any incident.
tales of all kinds. The stories can be true or fiction. By
custom, cobble parties are quiet and polite affairs that
do not involve drinking or music.
Sorcerous Sundries
The tall, round building currently known as Sorcer
ous Sundries has the most magnificent roof in the city,
Hissing Stones Bathhouse a vast dome seemingly made entirely of stained glass.
In Seatower squats a low, stone structure built in the Inside, arched stonework that supports the roof above
classic Chessentan style. When the High House of the uppermost floor compromises the illusion, but its
Wonders and the Hall of Wonders were erected, an effect is impressive nonetheless.
enterprising Baldurian decided to capitalize on the Over the years, the structure has been employed
popularity of all things Chessentan and built a bath as a residence, a clothier’s shop, a restaurant, a green
house, complete with hypocaust floors, mosaic tiling, house, and a flower shop. Its current owner has
and artfully painted walls. The bathhouse was hugely returned the building to its original purpose, doing
popular for a time. After changing fortunes and hands business as a magic shop.
over the years, it’s now enjoying a renaissance due to The ground floor, the
Duke Abdel Adrian’s practice of visiting the location. only area into which
The Hissing Stones Bathhouse is built around a patrons are permitted,
central cloister that encloses its cold baths, which is awash in silk curtains,
are beautifully decorated. An impressive mosaic in thick rugs, and luxurious
the center of the cold baths dominates the scene. It furniture. Magical symbols
shows an arresting image of a wizard grappling with a liberally adorn the Sorcer
dragon as the two fall through the clouds. The dragon ous Sundries’ decor, and
is wrapped around the wizard’s body, and the wizard’s a sign inside the entrance
free arm is pointing a wand into the dragon’s roar assures customers that
ing mouth. Refracted light and rippling water seem to the symbols are protective
animate the figures, as though wind were ruffling the in nature. The ceiling is
wizard’s robe and the dragon’s wings were moving. made of multicolored glass, as are the outer rims of the
The Hissing Stones offers a number of amenities in structure’s upper floors. When light filters through the
addition to its cold baths. Steam rooms are available in stories of the building, moving rays and splotches of
its western gallery and hot baths in its eastern gallery. A multicolored light dance in the shop. Minor enchant
day at the baths costs 5 sp. For 1 gp, a customer can pur ments enhance the effect, making for captivating
chase time with a sinew soother, who relieves knotted skygazing as patrons wait for the proprietor to fetch
muscles. For 2 gp, a patron can soak in a curative salt ritual components or consult otherworldly entities.
bath, which is said to help ward off or remove illnesses. The wizard in residence, an aged human who calls
The Hissing Stones has a special niche in city poli himself Rivalen Blackhand, claims to have come
tics as a neutral and safe meeting place. Its proprietor, from Halruaa. Blackhand says he was once capable of
a moon elf named Merilyn Allaryr, doesn’t allow mighty magic before a battle with a demon blackened
patrons to bring anything inside the baths other than and withered his right hand, forcing him to end his
the cotton and silk bathrobes she provides, which lack adventuring ways.
pockets and folds. All patrons must entrust Allaryr Now Blackhand earns a large, steady income
with all the belongings they bring with them, includ from the import and sale of components for rituals
ing garments, jewelry, arms, armor, potions, tools, and spellcasting, dubious fortune-telling, and even-
magic items, and anything else they happen to be more-dubious spells of good luck or greater skill.
toting around. Blackhand flatly refuses to sell spells, and he denies
Allaryr won’t be bribed, and she makes absolutely having magic items for sale. However, to keeps the
no exceptions to this policy. She arranges a lot of rumors alive and his prices high, the wizard sends
important business meetings and knows that the suc his apprentice, a gnome named Gilligunn, to contact
cess of the Hissing Stones depends on its reputation as seekers of such items and make transactions “away
a safe place. Allaryr also pays her stewards and aides from the master’s eye.”
well enough that they are unlikely to accept less than
has at least four levels of cellars. Its rooms are low-
CAFES, INNS, AND ceilinged, dingy, and furnished with mismatched,
secondhand items. Its windows have iron bars on the
TAVERNS outside and heavy wooden shutters with wooden bars
The Gate’s economy relies on and caters to traders and on the inside. Patrons are told, “The boards are there
travelers who journey to the city by land and sea. Thus, to use. Management is not responsible for losses of any
the city has an expansive array of cafes, inns, and tav kind, including life and limb.” Not many people actu
erns from which to choose. Most such establishments ally sleep in the Blushing Mermaid, since raucous bar
are both inn and tavern, asthe tavernkeepers and inn fights are liable to erupt at any hour.
keepers guilds dictate. Cafes remain outside the guild The lobby is the only high-ceilinged room in the
system and sell only alcohol-free beverages, snacks, place. A life-sized, crudely carved, wooden mermaid
and other light fare. hangs above the reception desk. A score or more shriv
eled, blackened hands are nailed to the mermaid’s
5 According to the staff, “Folk who forgot their
The Blade and Stars bod
coin purses donated ‘em.”
This inn is named for its unusual signboard, an
Most of the Mermaid’s patrons are old, scarred
enchanted shield that was looted from a ruined village
sea dogs who whittle away the day and night nurs
in Amn following an old trade war. A circular piece of
ing drinks and swapping tales. Each one is a contact
wood painted black, its front displays a curved silver
for this or that cabal, thieving brotherhood, smuggler,
saber and a female’s pale, slender arm whose long
bandit group, fence, panderer, or some other shady
fingers grip the hilt of the blade. The enchantment on
dealer. Some work for the Guild. Negotiations with
the shield, still strong after decades of hanging out in
such contacts begin with a palmful of silver to loosen
all weather, causes glimmering motes of light to wink
one’s memory. If such a contact pushes a tankard
on and off as they travel across the saber. Many local toward a visitor during an interview, the sea dog is
legends have sprung up about the shield’s power and looking for a refill, but not of ale.
the saber depicted on it, but the inn’s proprietor insists The fare prepared at the Mermaid is simple and
that the illusion of “stars” is the shield’s only magic.
filling. It’s all decent except for a vile stew based on
Meanwhile, the shield still does what the inn’s founder
pickled fish. Many sailors order crusty nutbread rolls
intended it to do when she brought it back and hung it with thick gravy ladled over them or handwheels of
above the door: It draws business.
cheese. The Mermaid also serves raw fish on woodei
The interior of the Blade and Stars is an unre
platters, a tradition its chef (born in Kara-Tur) brought
markable yet comfortable inn. Lacking a tavern and a
to the tavern. Its house beer is a thick sea ale that’s
dining room, the long, tall building is filled with bed more bitter than most tongues find enjoyable. The
rooms and small apartments in which travelers can
establishment also serves stout, a Mintarn lager, and
stay for fair prices and have food and drink sent up to
whiskey strong enough to strip paint from wood.
them. Many of the rooms have private balconies over
hanging the street, providing visitors with a great place
to stay while watching the city in full sw’ing. Elfsong Tavern
Because eating requires renting a room, locals avoid One of the most well-known establishments in Bal
the Blade and Stars unless they need space for a pri dur’s Gate is located a few blocks from the Basilisk
vate gathering. The inn’s current proprietor, a Turmian Gate in Eastway. The name
female named Aurayaun, is happy to rent rooms for a of this tavern comes from
few hours, provided that the renters also place a large its unearthly tenant—a
order of food and drinks. disembodied elven voice
whose song occasionally
fills the tavern. The singing
The Blushing Mermaid isn’t loud enough to disrupt
The Blushing Mermaid is a noisy establishment whose conversation, but it is clear,
clientele is known to break into brawls over a spilled beautiful, and lamenting.
mug, a funny look, or an ugly face. It’s infamous The ballad’s lyrics make
throughout the Sword Coast as a place to do illicit clear that the ghostly lady is
business. Baldurians often warn travelers against visit lamenting a lover lost at sea,
ing the Blushing Mermaid unless they’re well armed,
but no one is sure how she came to haunt the tavern.
know how to use their weapons, and bring plenty of
The song often moves folk to tears, even when they
like-minded, trusted friends.
can’t understand the archaic dialect. Many customers
The Blushing Mermaid consists of a confusing frequent the tavern just to hear the melancholy ballad.
maze of wings and oddly interconnected floors. It
During the song’s infrequent occurrences, a customary house and had lurid pictures painted on its ceilings.
hush overtakes the crowd, and any noisy patrons find The original cloak was hers, but many mantles of dif
dangerous looks leveled at themselves. Customers are ferent colors and fabrics have been displayed above the
expected to be armed, and the known custom is that Cloak’s door since then.
all patrons need to watch their backs except when the The Helm’s common room holds a marble unicorn
sad lady’s singing. bust whose bronze horn is touched for luck. The statu
Elves hearing her song for the first time often ary is a symbol of the Knights of the Unicorn (see
appear stunned. By tradition, the bartender silently page 50), a group of chic-younglings-turned-adven
serves a first-time elf customer a free tallglass of elver turers who used the Helm and Cloak as an informal
quisst. First-time customers of any race who weep headquarters.
upon hearing the song usually find regular patrons A Cormvrean husband-and-wife team runs the inn
putting comforting arms around them. By tradition, and its large staff with smooth efficiency. Unknown to
music of an sort is not sung or played in the tavern. most. Vedren and Halesta are retired members of the
The ghostly lady has the audience to herself. Knights of the Unicorn. The organization has grown
The Elfsong Tavern’s ground floor is a taproom far beyond its humble beginnings and now boasts
that serves hearty, salty meals and saltier snacks—to members across Faerün. After \ edren and Halesta’s
encourage drinking, of course. Blue-glassed lanterns adventuring party fractured, the two humans came to
with blue flames (a Felogyr’s Fireworks product) light Baldur’s Gate to share a less dangerous life together.
the dark interior. Several cramped, twisting stairways The unicorn bust is a reminder of what brought them
lead from the taproom to upstairs meeting rooms that together. Still, old habits die hard, and the innkeepers
can be rented by the hour. Staffers politely ‘arn occu keep their ears to the street and their swords sharp.
pants when time is running short.
Alan Alvth, the tavern’s handsome, graying pro
prietor, has run the establishment for decades. His
Once a seedy dockside tavern catering to sailors with
half-elf mother’s elven blood has kept him living
thin purses, Jopalin’s transitioned into a cafe when
longer and looking better than full-blooded humans
coffee and tea drinking became fashionable—and as
his age. Myth continues his mother’s tradition of offer
membership fees increased for the tavernkeepers
ing patrons an informal, secret banking service. He
guild. The low-ceilinged eatery and its dockside seat
provides an extension of sorts on bar tabs, enabling
ing is now an establishment that sailors largely spurn.
customers to deposit money or take out loans, ifAlyth
Merchants and traders frequent Jopalin’s when they
trusts them enough.
want to appear fashionable and sophisticated but are
too busy to leave the port to take meals elsewhere.
The Helm and Cloak Jopalin, the cafe’s owner, is the half-elf son of the tav
Located at the heart of the Upper City, just steps from ern’s founder, after whom he was named.
the High House of Wonders and the High Hall, the
Helm and Cloak serves the upper crust and has prices
to match. Its food is excellent, and its accommodations
The Low Lantern
An aging, three-masted merchant ship rocks gently in
are sumptuous. The Helm is a fashionable place to
the water alongside the Stormshore Street dock on the
dine and chat. Patriars and Lower City residents who
harbor’s east side. Ostensibly a festhall, a tavern, and a
have lofty social ambitions favor it.
gambling house, the Low Lantern also serves as a place
Unlike other high-priced establishments, the Helm
for covert meetings in which sensitive and illicit plans
and Cloak doesn’t follow the latest fashions. Its propri
can be discussed without fear of eavesdroppers.
etors devote themselves to providing patrons with a
The open upper deck is a place of hanging lamps,
warm and comfortable environment in which to stay,
genteel repartee, smoking, and drinking. All the wilder
conduct business, or have a quiet meal or drink. Tradi
goings-on at the place normally happen belowdecks, but
tional good taste, plush ftirnishings, a quiet atmosphere,
special parties can be arranged to take place in the rig
and attentive service keep the Helm and Cloak busy.
ging and sail booms for those who are willing to brave
The upscale inn and tavern consists of two con
the heights and able to pay the high fee.
nected buildings. The Helm is an old rooming house
Most patrons arrive armed, and rowdiness is
that faces Gond’s High House of Wonders. A massive
common, but the Low Lantern’s ex-pirate “crew”
iron helmet once worn by a titan (according to the
moves quickly to quell large brawls and prevent fires.
wait staff) shadows its entry. The smaller Cloak, an
The “Lady Captain” Laraelra Thundreth—a gambler,
old house that fronts a courtyard off Windspell Street,
a sorcerer, and a secret Guild member—owns the oft
faces the High Hall. A cloak hangs over its porch. As
leaking and hastily repaired vessel.
the story goes, a priestess of Sune once owned the
Roisterers are warned that Three Old Kegs has a
The Splurging Sturgeon resident population of more than a dozen full-season
The Splurging Sturgeon struggled as a threadbare renters who are retired from the Flaming Fist. These
tavern for decades until its most recent owner, Hennut “weather eyes” won’t set foot outside the Kegs on any
Griot, took its humorous name seriously. Originally thing called an adventure, but they do defend the inn
from Ormpur, Griot discovered that her traditional staff, keep order, and dispense advice and useful con
fish dishes were too spicy for the local palate, so she tact information to guests who seem in need of it. They
hired Baldurian cooks to teach her Sword Coast reci make their coin as recruiters and watchers for the
pes. After she mastered those and earned a stellar Flaming Fist, message holders, and occasional armed
reputation, she expanded her menu to include dishes escorts for merchants who are transporting goods.
of her own for locals to try out. That success led Griot Alstan, Brunkhurn, and Klalbrot Wintersides,
to hire a series of cooks from many lands, and from known collectively as “the Old Toads,” own the Kegs.
them she learned to prepare exotic fish fare. Kindly but gruff, the three wart-covered brothers work
Now the Splurging Sturgeon cooks just about any tirelessly and watch over the tw’o-score w’orld-w’ise
thing that’s pulled out of the river or sea, and in dozens widows and middle-aged females who work for the
of ways. The Splurging Sturgeon rotates its dishes Kegs as maids, cooks, and servers.
based on popularity and availability. It also offers spe Unknovn to most patrons, the Old Toads are not
cials for the adventurous eater. wholly strait-laced. Deep inside one of their locked
keg cellars is the Big Hollow, a huge empty barrel that
Three Old Kegs sports a concealed door and vent holes. The Winter-
One of the most cozy, sides rent it as a hidey-hole for brief periods. Anyone
welcoming, and tolerant who uses the Big Hollow to imprison or mistreat some
establishments in Baldur’s one is reported to the authorities.
Gate, Three Old Kegs is
named for its sign, featuring The Smilin’ Boar
three lashed-together bar The Smilin’ Boar was once a failing tavern, until its
rels hanging from a pole. new owner, Jentha Allinamuck, took advantage of its
The place is immensely pop Bloomridge locale to convert it into a trendy cafe. The
ular, so much so that regular enterprising halfling knocked down a wall to create
wavfarers’ donations have harbor-view seating. She bought and demolished an
rebuilt the business after adjacent street-front shop and installed a veranda
lire gutted it on three sepa whose comfortable and colorful dinette sets are almost
rate occasions. always filled.
The current Three Old Kegs features a large, central Allinamuck kept the old tavern’s name and its rude
feasting hall whose entrance faces the bar and opens sign of a grinning boar mounting a sow. To play up the
directly into the main common room. The Kegs serves silly sign, the proprietor has stocked her cafe with tea
hearty, simple food and good brews and wine. The and coffee mugs in the shape of pigs’ heads and crafted
establishment also rents out two private dining rooms, a menu whose light appetizers have names such as sow’s
which are flanked by the kitchen and the pantries. delight, three pigs in a blanket, and corkscrew sausage.
Three of the Kegs’ floors are open to patrons, and its
small, spartan guest rooms boast individual chimneys.
The Kegs is known for the welcome it gives to travel The Undercellar
ers, and it offers mending, laundering, and weapon A cluster of chambers in a warren of storage cellars
and tool repair and sharpening services to guests. The beneath the city has been used as a seedy tavern and
building’s two levels of cellars and its attic serve as festhall for most of the Gate’s history. Archways, some
housing for the staff and as storage and work areas. with iron-barred, lockable gates, link the cobbled,
The first of the fires toasted the Kegs’ original thick vaulted chambers of the Undercellar. At least two
rugs and wall hangings, which have for the most part dozen ways in and out of the popular establishment
not been replaced, but the beloved inn and tavern exist. About half of them connect to other buildings.
offers just as many crowded bookshelves as its prede Not all are widely known, and a few are purposely
cessors did. The Kegs remains a quiet establishment kept secret.
that patrons seek out as a refuge from revelry and the The affable Heltur “Ribbons” Ribbond, a gaunt,
bustle of the streets. A popular spot for reading, nap bearded man, runs the Undercellar. Ribbons is always
ping, and idle gambling, the Kegs prohibits rowdiness. smiling, has never publicly lost his temper or shown
Patrons may wear weapons only in their rooms and in fear, and throws daggers and bottles with deadly
the arming lobby adjacent to the structure’s entrance.
accuracy. His cadre of toughs, which everyone calls THE FETCHER
“the Cellarers,” guard the festhall.
It’s rumored that Ribbons is actually a front, the
The Fetcher is an unflappable, obese, middle-aged man
fall guy in case something untoward should happen.
named Osgur Hallorn. This walrus-mustached puppetmaster
According to gossip, a shadowy owner known only as
runs gangs ofstreet urchins as spies and couriers. The latter
“Tallhat” employs Ribbons. Some whisper that Tallhat
fetch and deliver items for the Fetcher’s high-paying clients.
is really Duke Silvershield, while others say Tallhat
The Fetcher is a man whose big head, hands, and shoul
is the wizard Iorroakan (see page 63), or is actually
ders make his bulging belly not seem so protuberant. He has
Guildmaster Nine-Fingers.
a large, beaky nose. Half his scalp is covered in messy, dark
The Watch and the Fist never police the Under-
curls; the other half is naked except for a gnarled, old burn
cellar. Thus, the underground locale serves many
scar. He rarely shows fear or anger, preferring to be jovial;
unsavory characters, functioning as a meeting place
he drawls calmly in the face of danger. The choreographer
for the Gate’s underbelly professionals and bottom
feeders. Visitors are routine in the festhall’s popular of urchins spends most hours each day in the Undercellar,
where he has a back-corner office. Gangs of waifs and ras
areas, but anyone who wanders farther afield quickly
cals drift about the city doing his bidding, which includes
runs afoul of the Cellarers. If Ribbons doesn’t recog
spying on figures both prim and feral and delivering items
nize someone, he pointedly questions the patron about
that range from flowers to rubies.
his or her business in the Gate’s belly.
The Fetcher is always armed and protected. His walking
Several notorious characters, such as the Fetcher,
stick fires darts from one end when he triggers certain studs.
have put down professional roots in the Undercellar
Shadowing their provider, the man who has kept them fed
and have created Guild-approved corner offices for
and clothed when no one else would, are a score of acrobati
themselves. The Fetcher is almost always in. Ribbons
cally vicious street youths who carry knives fashioned from
directs many patrons to the Fetcher’s private cham
glass shards. While the Fetcher is in his office, a dozen or so
ber. It’s rumored that he’s a Guild agent whose hands
devoted cats perch on an unlit lamp wheel above his head
dance as he attends to numerous dirty strings, which
and pounce on anyone who menaces him.
happen to be attached to Baldurians in the highest and
The Fetcher is genuinely kind unless he is forced to be
lowest of places.
ruthless. Usually rumpled and sweating, he drinks a prodi
The Undercellar is also a place of business for
gious amount of wine daily without becoming inebriated.
Alfrus Manyblades, a fly-ridden, scarred, rasping old
Some folk believe that the Undercellar serves him rosewater
dwarf who sells weapons to anyone; Vug Gorkul, a
in wine bottles, so he’s actually sober.
sophisticated, effete yet monstrously large half-orc
The Fetcher is a Guild kingpin in the Upper City. He main
herbalist ‘ho purveys potent rnedicaments, exotic
tains his status by squatting on the Guild’s best resource for
liqueurs, and vitiating toxins; and Nasparl Nintan
its actions in the swanky portion of Baldur’s Gate—a secret
ter, a sardonic male half-elfwho wears an eye patch
tunnel beneath the Old Wall, which spans the dividing
and sells disguises ranging from the simple to the
line between the Lower and Upper cities. The exact path
through the cellars and sewers of the passageway is known
As a festhall, the Undercellar isn’t riotous or obvi
only to the Fetcher, a handful of his most trusted operators,
ously bawdy. Its public areas function mostly as
Nine-Fingers, and (unknown to the Fetcher) Rilsa Rael. The
guarded gambling dens and dining areas in which
Fetcher or one of his operators brings other Guild members
“sociable friends” lounge, chat, and sip drinks that
through the tunnel blindfolded and deliberately takes false
their suitors buy them. For private liaisons, compan
turns to confuse them.
ions sashay their suitors over to the Cellarers, who
The Fetcher has no ambition to rise higher in the Guild.
escort the participants to secluded quarters. Mis
He measures his wealth in terms of influence, not coin. He’s
treatment of a sociable friend results in a Cellarer
addicted to information and needs to be thought of as “in
immediately whisking the victim away and deserting
the know,” someone folk listen to and respect. He often
the offender in the perilous maze of darkness that is
orders his gangs to aid a promising prospect on a short-term
the Undercellar’s undercellar.
or long-term basis as an investment in the person’s future
and to gain the individual’s good favor. He lives in the cel
lars of more than a dozen city buildings he owns, rotating
between them as he sees fit, and none of his tenants have
any idea their landlord has secret rooms beneath their own.
looks much as it did when the Old Wall was first built,
CITY GATES although the tread of millions over the centuries have
The commercial blood of Baldur’s Gate is channeled worn smooth the cobbles running under it.
through its guarded gates. Eight gates allow traffic Public vehemence against taxation at this gate
through the city walls. Three face outward from the sparked the popular revolution that led to the instal
city, five face inward toward the harbor, and one pro lation of the first dukes centuries ago. Yet now the
tects the Watch Citadel. Only the Citadel Gate houses gate is a collection point for taxes that help fund the
no tax or toll collectors, because its use is restricted to city government, because the original Council of Four
the Watch. The gate toll is a trivial amount for anyone instituted taxation at the gate soon after the rebellion.
of even modest means—a few coppers at most—but it The irony of this situation is not lost on the citizens,
does curtail the comings and goings of beggars and but it provokes little bitterness; as the saying goes, “The
the very poor. Merchants who pass through a gate pay insult to history is history.”
taxes on the goods they bring to market. All these fees Old Wall Gates: Four smaller gates pierce the Old
are low individually, but so much commerce moves Wall within the city. From west to east, they are the
through Baldur’s Gate that transit fees fund much of Sea Gate, Manor Gate. Gond Gate, and Heap Gate.
the city’s needs. During the daytime, small Watch detachments guard
Citadel Gate: Citadel Gate is the only entrance to these gates to ensure that only those under a patriar’s
the Watch’s fortress and barracks, which nestles in order use them, and to protect the ubiquitous tax and
a salient of the Upper City’s landward wall. The gate toll collectors. These gates are guarded more closely at
has Watch soldiers on duty day and night. The Citadel night, because no one is allowed into the Upper City
is one of the few places inside the city walls that has after dark unless in a patriar’s company or livery or in
stables. The Watch maintains a small cavalry force, possession of a patriar’s invitation or Watch token.
nominally for defense and crowd control, but its chief Basilisk Gate: Piercing the city’s eastern wall, this
function is riding in parades and providing honor gate connects the Lower City to the road that stretches
escorts for aristocrats and visiting dignitaries. through the Outer City slums and southeast to Wyrm’s
Black Dragon Gate: Facing the Outer City neigh Crossing. The route eventually reaches the great Coast
borhood of Blackgate, Black Dragon Gate is also called Way that leads south to Amn, Tethyr, and Calimshan.
the Landward Gate and the Wrist of Baldur’s Gate, the The many statues inset in the walls and looming
latter being a poetic reference to the city’s shape curs’ from the battlements above earned the gateway its
ing around the harbor like that of a hand grasping for moniker. After an effigy of the first Duke Silvershield
gold. The great Trade Way to Waterdeep and the north was installed near the gate following his death, it
passes through Black Dragon Gate. Outside the Upper became popular among the patriars to place statues
City, the road extends through miles of sprawling of family members at the gate or to fund carvings of
slums, paddocks, cut-rate inns, and stockyards. heroic historical figures. The display became clut
The gate takes its name from the story about a tered, though, and fashion turned against the custom
Knights of the Unicorn adventurer who triumphantly decades ago.
displayed a black dragon’s head above the structure. Cliffgate: This minor gate gives access to the
As the tale goes, a dragon had threatened the city to Tumbledown district and the cliffs overlooking the
gain food and gold. A knight hid among the offered Chionthar River upstream from the harbor. Long ago,
tribute, supposedly covering his scent with pig dung, the Szarr family, whose members were merchants and
and ambushed the dragon as it slept. After birds farmers, owned an expansive holding that sprawled
picked clean the creature’s head and souvenir hunt over the area. But on a frosty, mist-shrouded night,
ers snatched most of its teeth, the Council of Four a rival family crept inside and slew them all, looting
elected to have a sculpted stone black dragon head and burning as they abandoned the scene. Now tales
installed over the gate’s inner entrance. Persistent abound about ghosts of the Szarr family wandering
rumors claim that the head can magically spew acid Tumbledown’s streets on murky nights to steal folk
at attackers during a siege, but no one can prove to away. Sheltered from landward winds by the hill,
have seen it do so. Tumbledown is often fogbound, which would seem an
Baldur’s Gate: Despite being the city’s name environment conducive to ghosts. But a more likely
sake, Baldur’s Gate is the oldest and least impressive explanation for those who mysteriously vanish are
of its entryways. The gates that lead out of the city rough handling, followed by tight bonds, a thick gag,
are necessary for its defense and thus have been well and a brief fall into the river.
maintained and bolstered through the years. The Old
Wall’s other gates were built later, at the behest of
wealthy patriars who could afford to lavish them with
fine doors and carved stone. In contrast, Baldur’s Gate
DEATH AND TAXES Funding the City
Baldur’s Gate has become home to vast numbers of Entry into Baldur’s Gate comes at a cost—literally.
refugees who sought to escape a brutal regime, a dead Everyone pays 2 cp to enter the city through either the
ened economy, war, miserable family politics, or any Basilisk Gate or the Black Dragon Gate. Folk looking
number of other social issues. But just like in the home to cross through Wyrm’s Rock must pay 2 cp apiece if
they left, death and taxes await them in the Gate. they’re on foot or horse or 1 sp apiece ifthey’re haul
ing carts or wagons. Sailors don’t pay a landing tax,
but ships do pay 1 gp for any day in which they load or
Cemeteries and Tombs unload cargo.
As in most walled cities, the most valuable commod Everyone who leaves the city with a handcart or
ity inside the walls of Baldur’s Gate is space. As such, carrying a litter pays 1 sp—even if the cargo is night
traditional graveyards are a luxury that the Upper and soil, goldflow, or trash. Or a person can pay 1 cp to exit
Lower cities can’t afford. The High House of Wonders “unladen” with whatever goods can be carried in hand
entombs its greatest leaders and saints in catacombs or on one’s back.
beneath that edifice. Most smaller temples and some People exiting with handcarts or litters pay addi
of the large family estates in Manorborn have burial tional taxes based on the amount and the nature of
niches in which patriars enshrine the cremated ashes what they carry or haul. Nightsoil carriers pay the
of their revered dead for posterity. Everyone else who lowest taxes, often amounting only to I cp more than
dies is left in the paupers’ ossuary in the Shrine of the the usual exit fee. Goldflow is useful for various manu
Suffering (see page 49) or buried outside the city. facturing work, so exiting with it costs an additional 3
Small cemeteries dot the crowded neighborhoods of cp. Trash is judged based on its potential resale value.
the Outer City. Most are disorganized affairs hemmed Those who can’t pay are turned back or have some of
in by rough stone walls or encroaching buildings. A what they carry confiscated as payment. Needless to
shared respect for the dead keeps people from living say, many of the Outer City’s poorest residents never
in or building over cemeteries, but it doesn’t stop them see inside the city’s walls.
from grave robbing. Thus, few Baldurians bury valu Even though tolls apply to the patriars. too, most of
ables along with their dead. them typically give collectors a sizable, one-time bribe
The largest cemetery is on a sprawling plot of land and never pay again, simultaneously gaining the right
near the cliffs in Tumbledown. This resting place has to skip to the head of the queue.
grown up around the tomb of the Szarr family, which Inside the city, anyone bringing goods to sell in the
had claimed the area before the Outer City expanded ‘Wide, through Black Dragon Gate or Baldur’s Gate,
over it. A few decades ago. some of the cliffs fell away, must pay half of what the cost would be to take the
dropping portions of the family’s plots into the water merchandise outside the city as a fee for a stall space
below and revealing crypts embedded in the cliff that in the Wide. Thus, to avoid doubling up on fees, mer
were apparent to anyone with a vantage from the river. chants try to sell all their goods in the ‘Wide each
Tomb robbers have come and gone, so now only bats day, and the last hours before dusk are a frenzy of
and cliff-dwelling birds haunt these crypts. Even so, deal-making.
eerie red and green lights are sometimes spotted in Twice-Yearly Taxes: The Watch and the dukes
the exposed chambers. provide no law or civic services outside the walls.
Hauling the Dead: For as long as anyone can but that doesn’t stop the Council of Four from send
remember, the Candulhallow family has operated the ing tax collectors to all Outer City building owners
city’s dead carts. Bodies of the dearly departed are on a biannual schedule. The collectors also circulate
loaded onto these hand-drawn wagons and carted to through the Lower City, but their Flaming Fist guard
the Shrine of the Suffering or outlying cemeteries. contingents are much smaller inside the walls. The
The Candulhallows, meanwhile, have a secret collectors’ take varies by building size.
smuggling arrangement with Nine-Fingers to con Upper City citizens and businesses pay biannual
ceal goods in the shrouds and funeral wrappings of taxes, too, but they negotiate their levels of taxation,
corpses in transport. Guards and toll assessors never deferment, and tax forgiveness in private meetings.
search the dead, so this scheme has worked flawlessly Patriar families pay the highest taxes in Baldur’s Gate.
for years. The discovery of this closely guarded secret As a way of legally buying power and influence in the
would rock the city as well as ruin the Cariduihallows. city, many wealthy families regularly cover the tax bur
dens of their servants and favored businesses as well.
naturally into the harbor, floats from the harbor to the
DRAINPIPES, CISTERNS, river, and drifts down the river to the sea. Meanwhile,
Lower City citizens catch most of their clean water in
AND SEWERS rain barrels. The area also boasts a few small wells and
Baldur’s Gate is blessed with plenty of rainfall—too fountains, which are replenished by runoff from the
much, according to some. The disadvantages of all Upper City.
that rain are that wooden buildings deteriorate faster Rain barrels are common in the Outer Cit 3 too,
than they would in a drier climate, many buildings feel but the area’s topography also allows people to dig
perpetually clammy inside, the Outer City’s unpaved wells. Refuse is another matter entirely. Everything
streets are often rivers of mud, and the Lower City’s ends up tossed into the streets or “gutterbrooks,”
streets are always slick. Benefits of the abundant rain which are dug haphazardly between buildings to
include the city’s beautiful window gardens and the fact drain standing water.
that the Upper City can collect plenty of clean drinking
water in rain-catching reservoirs instead of carrying or
pumping all its water up the hill from the river.
Below Ground
The sewers and aqueducts beneath the Upper City are
much the same in design. Most pipes and channels
Above Ground are small enough to be a tight squeeze for a cat, while
The roofs of the High Hall, the High House of many others are just big enough for a human to crawl
Wonders, and the Hall of Wonders are all efficient through.
rain-catchers, thanks to the engineering skill of In one of the large tunnels, a water channel runs
the priests of Gond. Over many years, the system down the center or along one side, and a narrow
expanded to include most of the Upper City’s large walkway spans one or both sides. The tunnel’s ceiling
buildings. Clean water runs from hundreds of roofs is arched and about 6 feet high. Such tunnels are
through intricate downspout systems into aqueducts never more than 10 feet wide and often are smaller
coursing beneath the streets to four separate, under than half of that.
ground catch basins. Two are located beneath the Locked iron gates are meant to bar residents from
streets of Manorborn, one beneath the Temples dis entering the sewers. But no one worries much about
trict, and one beneath the Wide. Atop each cistern is people sneaking into the sewers, so the locks of these
a monumental fountain from which residents draw barriers are mostly rusted into uselessness and the
water. Several of the largest estates in Manorborn have gates are sometimes lashed open to prevent them from
their own similar but separate catch systems built rusting shut.
around cisterns fed from slate roofs. The aqueducts are a different story. To safeguard
The plentiful rain also provides natural flushing the public, the master of drains and underways
for the Upper City’s sewage system. The sewage ensures that the aqueducts’ gates and locks are well
tunnels are much older than those of the drinking- maintained. Every entrance to the aqueduct system is
water system. The two systems are mostly, but not locked, and iron gates close off the tunnels every 400
completely, separate. A few underground sites exist to 500 feet. Only the master of drains and underways
where a person can cross from one set of tunnels to and the highest-ranking High House of Wonders
the other. Ideally, of course, water flowing through the priests have keys to the system.
sewage lines doesn’t cross into the aqueducts. The Upper City’s four water-storage cisterns are
Even with plenty of rain and the expert engineering cavernous, brick-lined rooms that house deep, circular,
of Parliament’s Distinguished Union of Master artificial lakes at their hearts. As many as eight water
Builders, the Upper City’s sewage system still depends channels enter one of these chambers. Iron gates block
heavily on physical labor for most of its maintenance. the tunnels, and pumps of Gond send cistern water up
It functions remarkably well, provided that the to street-level fountains.
laborers—all of whom live in the Outer City—stay on
the job.
The Lower City’s sewage system is comparatively
primitive. Most Lower City residents set their garbage
and sewage in the streets each night and morning.
They depend on, and pay fees to, collectors of nightsoil,
goldflow, and refuse. However, rain washes anything
that isn’t disposed of or collected appropriately down
the steep streets. Because the Lower City is built
around a crescent’s inside arc, everything drains
Imbralym Skoond, an aspiring young wizard from
MYSTERIOUS LOCATIONS Athkatla, bought Seskergates to use as his home and
Baldur’s Gate is home to many strange locations, such magic workshop. Before doing so, Skoond arranged to
as ?vlandorcai’s Mansion (page 18), Ramazith’s Tower, be introduced to Torlin Silvershield. The duke imme
and Seskergates mansion. A few of its more notorious diately saw a use for the man’s ambition and amorality
sites, including the Undercellar (page 58) and Wizard and seized the opportunity to gain a completely loyal
Cave, reside under the city’s skin. “personal wizard.”
After Skoond purchased the Seskergates man
Ramazith’s Tower sion, popular gossip held that the gaudy manor was
Ramazith’s Tower is a six-story, pagoda-style, cylin a perfect match for his outlandish, foreign customs.
Its garishness was only part of its appeal to Skoond,
drical structure of brick. Its numerous roofs jut from
the building every half floor, and a pointed rooftops though, whose real interest lay in the structure’s his
tory. Entwhistle Sesker, a successful smuggler who
the structure. Whether the tower is a unique Baldur’s
made his home a warren of secret passages, hidden
Gate landmark or a deplorable eyesore depends on
rooms, false walls, and concealed entrances and
on&s opinion.
exits, built the mansion in the Gate’s early years. By
The tower is named after Rarnazith, the sailor-
Skoond’s time, all but a few of the house’s more whim
turned-wizard who designed and erected it. During
sical secrets had been generally forgotten. Skoond,
his days as a mariner, Ramazith acquired vast knowl
however, sought out the manor after reading about it
edge of the sea. He became a full-fledged wizard to
in an old history of Baldur’s Gate.
further his interest in
Skoond’s tall, narrow mansion is barely furnished.
what lay beneath the
The wizard uses it only for sleeping and storage; he
waves. He must have
eats his meals out and spends every waking moment
discovered something of
running Silvershield’s errands and furthering his
great value in the watery
own plots. The young peer also secretly houses several
depths, because he had
alchemists and guards in Seskergates, using an alley
never been known as a
F’ behind his home to cover their comings and goings.
wealthy person before
construction began on
the tower that would Wizard Cave
Ramazith s Tower
bear his name and whose Rumor has it that a tower of stone, whose origin is
exotic architecture would unknown, stands on the brink of a vast crevasse some
remind him of his home in faraway Durpar. where deep beneath the Upper City. A wizard who
Eventually, Ramazith disappeared. No one knows used it as his home reportedly spoke of it on his infre
where or how but the most popular rumor is that he met quent trips to the surface. No one has seen the wizard
his doom during an ill-advised dalliance with a nymph. in thirty years. Now his tower stands empty in the
The tower is now home to Lorroakan, a young, dark, awaiting anyone brave enough to search for the
short-tempered, red-haired mage known for having secret sewer-to-cavern path leading to the structure.
expensive taste and being chronically short of funds. Baldurians call the tower’s location Wizard Cave, and
He is a recent arrival from Athkatla. Some Baldurians the term has become synonymous with “a fruitless and
gossip openly that he is the mysterious “Tallhat,” foolhardy endeavor.” For example, “So you’re going
reputed owner of the Undercellar. Others whisper looking for Wizard Cave?” or “Steal from the Counting
cautiously that he is an exiled Cowled Wizard and House? That’s a Wizard Cave!”
a fugitive from the arcanist cabal’s founders, House Few believe the rumors. But the tower and cavern
Selemchant in Amn. do exist, and the wizard did die . after a fashion. The
. .
Even though Lorroakan performs almost any magic magic of the tower’s mysterious builders has trapped
service for pay, he most often enchants clothes to make the wizard’s spirit in undeath within the structure—to
them water- and mildew-repellent, which is quite what purpose, no one knows. Perhaps the tower was
handy, given the Gate’s constant rain and moisture. originally a conqueror’s vanguard outpost, or maybe
Lorroakan refuses to sell the ritual to anyone. the structure stands in defense over such a location.
S e skergate S
For more than a century, this tall structure adjacent
to Mandorcai’s Mansion housed the Sesker merchant
family. The reclusive Osimund Sesker, the last of his
line, died alone in this mansion two winters ago.
AGE 124
three set out to recruit the characters. Thefigure steps into the crowd and is swftly out of sight. LU
If the characters reach Little Calimshan’s main gate its wheels. You have to pay to get in, and you often
near dusk, the hooded agent they met earlier is loiter have to pay to get out. In addition, toll and tax agents
ing outside the wall. The guide uses furtive signals to frequently demand bribes or confiscate alleged con
instruct the heroes to follow, but not too closely. A rogue traband, targeting folk from the Outer City because
understands immediately. Any other adventurer must they know no one listens to their complaints. The
make a DC 10 Wisdom check to sense his intent. poor of the Outer City are being kept poor.
The hooded figure leads them through the gate and + The whole system is unjust, but one toll collector in
up a set of stairs to the walkway built atop the walls particular has grown rich from stealing from Outer
that enclose Little Calimshan and divide it into smaller City citizens: Nant Thangol. Being stationed at the
compounds. After slinking through the wall-top pas highly trafficked Basilisk Gate and having a menac
sage’s twisting obstacle course, the guide drops into ing stare earned him the nickname “the Basilisk.”
a darkened, enclosed yard. The agent produces a key,
opens a door that spills warm light into the cool night, Rael wants the characters to rob Thangol, so she can use
and motions the characters to enter first. her shop to redistribute the dwarf’s gold to the Outer
City’s poorest residents. She won’t directly ask the adven
When the heroes enter, read: turers to commit robbery, though. She dances around the
Threeflickering oil lamps hang on copper chains. A central subject, stressing the people’s suffering and assessing the
fire pit embraces a heap ofcoals. Multicolored rugs and cush characters’ reactions to her tales ofinjustice. She refer
ions blanket thefloor, surrounding thefire in the Calishite ences Abdel Adrian’s charitable work, which earned him
style. Heavy drapes obscure the walls and the ceiling, creating the adoration of the Outer City. The Guild kingpin of Little
the impression ofbeing inside a tent. Calimshan discusses how the late duke and the Guild
A seamedface peers atyoufrom beneath a turban. The cooperated, despite the wishes ofthe Council ofFour, to
man, wrapped in an ornate, brocaded robe, sits beside a low ease peasants’ lives. She hopes to carry on his work.
If a character mentions the party’s recent encoun suspects they do. Either way she can’t risk the adven
ter with Thangol, Rael treats them to far worse stories turers reporting her to the Flaming Fist. Rael does her
about the Basilisk. She implies that no action will be best to part on good terms. She wishes the characters
taken against the dwarf unless they do something. (This happy, prosperous lives wherever their roads take them.
is untrue, though.) As soon as the adventurers are out of earshot, she orders
If a hero asks Rael about her connection to the Guild, their assassination through whatever means you devise.
she replies, “The patriars and the Fist blame the Guild
for everything that goes wrong, and yet they sit on their
hands in chairs of gold. You’ve seen the Outer City. No MEETING RAVENGARD
law’s out here but for the Guild. I help the Guild give If the characters have not gone to meet Rael, use the
people hope.” If the heroes press her on exactly what Nant Thangol encounter (see the previous page) as a
the Guild does, she admits that the group takes money precursor to their meeting with Ravengard, since they
from the wealthy through various schemes, such as would have to leave the city through the same gate.
blackmailing patriars with dirty secrets and conning After the long trek through the noisy and colorful
merchants who mistreat their workers. Outer City slums—passing reeking slaughterhouses,
If the heroes decline Rael’s proposal, she thanks tanneries, and overcrowded pack-animal corrals—the
them for coming and offers her assistance in the Outer characters reach Wyrm’s Crossing. Tall buildings shade
City if they ever need it. the crossing’s narrow street, which leads to a wooden
If the characters agree to participate, the “Tax drawbridge. Once there, white-clad mercenaries hail
Rebates” event in stage 1 should be their next step. the adventurers and lead them through a granite tunnel
into the fortress, where they see Wyrm’s Rock and its
Working for Rilsa Rael great, skyscraping slabs of granite up close. Their Flam
ing Fist escorts lead them to Wyrm’s Mouth, the highest
Characters who sign on with Rael, the
chamber in the tower.
kingpin of Little Calimsban and the
lieutenant of the Guild’s leader,
When the characters arrive, read:
Nine-Fingers, should not immediately
The marshal who approached you in the Wide stands at a
realize how highly placed she is
n’indow, looking out toward the harbor ofBaldur’s Gate. He
within the Guild. Rael has contacts
motions you over.
throughout Baldur’s Gate, not just in
“Look at Baldur’s Gate,” he says. “See how it grows
the Outer City. People show her a level of deference that
unchecked beyond the walls? Those slums and ghettos are
far exceeds her station as a shop owner.
breeding groundsfor a criminal cabal called the Guild. The
The block of buildings housing the Calim Jewel
Flaming Fist is charged with defrnding the Gate. Right now,
Emporium includes a two-room suite, accessible
the Guild, not some foreign enemy, is the city’s greatest threat.
through Rael’s back room and a secret door in an
It owns the Outer City.
adjoining alley. The rooms are clean, and the characters
“The Guild has us encircled like a besieging army. Its
can use them for as long as they work for Rael.
agents and rot are worming into every nook ofBaldur’s Gate.
If any characters observe the kingpin’s shop, they
These monstersfind victims wherever the Fist is not. They
see Rael and an endless string of visitors sharing tea
grow bolder daily. They infest our politics and businesses.
and talking within a screened-in booth while Musayed
“Abd ci Adrian was the Gate’s greatest citizen since Bal
watches the counter. They notice that the Calim Jewel
duran. Yet a Guild assassin attacked him in broad daylight. I
Emporium does little pawnshop business. In truth, Rael
will crush themfor it.
is conducting Guild business, including meeting with
“I need people such as you to help me. I can offer gold, of
people who seek the Guild’s help, doling out favors, and
course, but I also offer positions ofrank in the Flaming Fist
ensuring that no one forgets to whom they’re indebted.
and the honor the company’s tabard affords. ‘What say you?”
As the Guild becomes more violent, characters who
have cooperated with Rael might decide they would
If the characters accept this offer, proceed to the “Clos
rather work for someone else or might balk at being
ing the Vice Dens” event in stage 1. If they decline,
involved in the unsavory activities the organization
Ravengard offers them quarters in the barracks for the
sponsors. If Rael believes she can reel the characters
night. In fact, he hopes to keep them in Wyrm’s Rock
back in, she asserts that the ends justify the means,
until morning to keep any hint of his plan (detailed in
stressing that she doesn’t like the situation either. The
“Closing the Vice Dens”) from leaking out. He won’t
Guild kingpin argues that measured, judicious violence
prevent the heroes from leaving if they want to, but
now could avert an open revolt by Outer City residents.
Flaming Fist agents secretly follow them. If their next
If the characters don’t buy her line of reasoning,
stop is Little Calimshan, Ravengard assumes they have
Raci has a problem. By now the heroes either know
too much about her operation and the Guild, or Rael
betrayed his confidence and won’t trust them again law and order. The adventurers should know that they
unless they prove themselves through deeds. are extending the law’s protection to people who need it
If the meeting ends on friendly terms, regardless of and handing punishment on those who deserve it. Their
the heroes’ decision, Ravengard gives each of them a actions make them heroes to the members of the Lower
silver brooch resembling a flaming fist. If the characters City’s bourgeoisie, most of whom share Ravengard’s
want to speak with Ravengard, they need only show the concerns about what they see as a horde of immigrants
brooch to a gate guard at the Seatower of Balduran or and indigents accumulating outside the city’s walls. As
Wyrm’s Rock to gain admittance. the heroes’ reputation grows, strangers along the Lower
City’s wharfs and steep streets heartily greet the charac
Working for Ravengard ters; revelers and patrons treat them to dinners, drinks,
and tiresome explanations of what’s wrong in Baldur’s
Ravengard is not a zealot or a fascist—
Gate and how to repair it; and proprietors offer discounts
not yet, anyway. But the daily seepage
whenever they try to spend their own money.
of Guild-wrought corruption and
Ravengard resents the characters only if they leave
human damage creeping from the
his service on poor terms or have access to very sensi
Outer City into the Lower and Upper
tive information. He releases them from their Flaming
cities festers in Ravengard’s heart. The
Fist duties, provided they plan to leave town. But if the
Flaming Fist marshal views the Guild
heroes have secret knowledge, the marshal jails them in
as the Gate’s most pressing problem and the patriars’ cor
the Seatower’s dungeons. If the characters fight or kill
ruption and decadence as a close second, especially
Flaming Fist members, they lose the people’s good will
given the latter’s absolute control over the Watch.
and are hunted through the streets.
Initially, each task that Ravengard or his lieutenants
asks of the characters feeds the Fist’s goal of restoring
demand proof that the characters’ social status befits warehouses near the Brampton and
their attire. The guards order characters who can’t
Eastway docks, and large numbers of
provide proof to remove the forbidden items. If the
harborhands who live in the Outer City
adventurers comply quickly and politely, the soldiers
are employed there. These rough,
move on. If the heroes resist, the soldiers match push
mostly foreign workers congregate at
for shove and blade for blade. If the adventurers kill a
taverns and eateries after work. Raven
Watch member, the)’ are labeled murderers and treated
gard, suspecting them ofbeing behind the vandalism and
accordingly. If the soldiers win a fight, they confiscate
robbery of toll collectors, sends extra Flaming Fist patrols
any offending items, tie the characters’ hands, and lock
into the districts to encourage workers to move along
the group up for the night in the Watch Citadel.
home. That encouragement comes chiefly from the busi
A change is quickly apparent across the city. The nor-
ness end of a club or the flat of a sword.
mall)’ vibrant attire of Baldurians turns as somber as
Characters who spend much time in Brampton or
the weather. Although the Watch strictly enforces the
Eastway are bound to witness incidents of Flaming Fist
ordinance only in the Upper City, nearly everyone does
mercenaries (Flaming Fist privates, Flaming Fist
business there in the course of a day. Upper City residents,
sergeants, crew members, human bystanders,
in their rich, colorful clothing and glittering jewelry, stand
thugs, or tough thugs) roughing up Outer City resi
out like never before. Outer City dwellers take on the color
dents. Returning Day and the characters’ heroics are
of mud and shiver without their heavy fur cloaks.
still fresh in everyone’s memories. So if the adventurers
The heroes can’t prevent this event from occurring.
step in to break up a violent encounter, the Flaming Fist
If they appeal to Duke Silvershield, he pretends to sym
soldiers back down as a show of respect. If the charac
pathize with their argument but claims the “will of
ters instead join in the harassment, the mercenaries let
Parliament” is tying his hands.
them strike most of the blows.
The sumptuary laws remain in effect until the end
Summoned: If the characters take action, their par
of the adventure. As the city nears its boiling point in
ticipation is reported to Ravengard, and he summons
future stages, Watch soldiers brutally tear from their
the heroes to an interview. They aren’t compelled to go,
owners and instantly destroy any illegal items they see.
but the soldier who delivers the summons—Nordir Sam
ulkin, a human who commands three others—makes it
clear they’d be fools not to. He admires their courage
This event cannot be stopped, so Silvershield automatically
and tells the heroes they have nothing to lose and much
gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track.
to gain by impressing the Flaming Fist’s new marshal.
The tone of the meeting depends on what the char
Vandalism acters did. Ultimately, Ravengard wants the heroes on
News about tax collectors being robbed
stirs up the Outer City, and a rise in
petty vandalism hints at the growing PULLING RANK
agitation of the poor. As the Guild If the characters join the Flaming Fist, they can pull rank with
further fans the commoners’ discon subordinates to effectively quash many of Ravengard’s plans.
tent, vandalism becomes increasingly Such a situation can’t last, though. If the adventurers counter
visible and destructive. At first, angry mand Ravengard’s orders more than once, the marshal sends
slogans—such as “Down with the Patriars,” “Extinguish high-ranking members of the Flaming Fist (lieutenants or ser
the Flaming Fist,” and “Tear down this wall. Free Bal geants) to strip them of their rank and, if possible, arrest them.
dur’s Gate!”—appear on fences, Outer City buildings,
his side. He offers them the rank of flame, or lieutenant, Involving the Heroes: For the characters to
in the Flaming Fist. They would have all the authority intervene, at least one of four persons would need to
of that rank but none of its usual administrative duties. approach them, including Silvershield. Ravengard,
Instead, the heroes would report directly to Ravengard Rael, and Esgurl Nurthammas, the master of cobbles.
and carry out missions he assigns. The master of cobbles is responsible for roads,
If the meeting ends on friendly terms, regardless of bridges, and other public stonework. Niirthammas is an
the heroes’ decision, and the characters did not receive up-and-coming scion of a patriar family who is eager to
Flaming Fist tokens in stage 1, Ravengard gives each of demonstrate that he is ready for bigger duties. He offers
them a silver brooch resembling a flaming fist. If the 150 gp for the characters to track down and capture
characters want to speak with Ravengard, they need the vandals, telling the heroes to “make these devils pay
only show the brooch to a Seatower of Balduran or with their souls and save the city the expense of a trial.”
Wyrm’s Rock gate guard to gain admittance. This is a reckless statement. Nurthammas doesn’t
have the legal authority to sanction lethal force or the
KEEPING TRACK political clout to back it up. The adventurers might
Ravengard gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the find themselves in deep trouble if they take his words
heroes do not intervene to help the workers. to heart. If the characters kill the noble vandals, both
Ravengard and Silvershield are incensed.
Ravengard and Nurthammas want the same thing,
STAGE 3 but the marshal has the force of law behind his instruc
This stage features only one event, and which of the tions. Ravengard wants the culprits brought in alive
antagonists rises in Bhaal’s favor depends on what the for a public trial and punishment. This outcome would
characters do. anger Silvershield and wrongly implicate the nobles in
the defacement of the other statues rather than finger
an angry populace, which is what Rael wants.
Hands Off Silvershield’s interest is the opposite. When he heard
During a single night, five statues’ hands are stolen. The about vandalism to the Beloved Ranger and about a
sculptures include Seaserpent Tamed by Umberlee, missing group of youths from various patriar families,
near the ‘Water Queen’s House; Furs’ of the Fist, outside he put two and two together. Silvershield wants the van
the Seatower; Balduran Looks Out to Sea, overlook dals quietly brought back to safety before an angry mob
ing the river from east of the city; Six Wise Machinists, finds and lynches them. Because they are local heroes,
near the High House of Wonders; and Faithful Shop Silvershield calculates, the characters can likely move
keeper Meets the Honest Trader, at the foot of the around the city without interference from the Watch or
Counting HotLse pier. Merchants and civic leaders are the Flaming Fist, which are conducting their own wide
furious, Upper City and Lower City residents are angry, spread, impassioned searches and interrogations.
and Outer City dwellers are largely amused. Rael, like Silvershield, knows the culprits’ identities,
The following day, Flaming Fist patrols search gang having pieced together reports from her spies in patriar
hideouts and businesses known to be purchasers of households. She doesn’t want the youths protected. She
stolen goods, including Rael’s shop. None of the miss wants them exposed and their families humiliated.
ing hands are found. That night, the Beloved Ranger in Finding the Culprits: The characters can track
the Wide is hit—it loses Minsc’s hands as well as Boo the the vandals of the Beloved Ranger, beginning at the
hamster, whose scuplture is cupped in Minsc’s palms. Wide. A careful search of the area turns up a brooch
All Baldurians cherish Minsc and Boo, and the deface and a broken dagger. The youths used the dagger as
ment of this statue upsets the whole city. a hammer and a pry bar to break the statue. Marble
The vandals who struck the Beloved Ranger are not flakes are stuck to its pommel, and its blade is severely
the ones who damaged the other statues. Experienced gouged. The brooch fell from the cloak in which the
Guild thieves acting on Rael’s orders lifted the hands culprits wrapped the hands. The brooch bears the
on the first night, while a half-dozen bored, rebellious Ravenshade family crest, and the dagger carries the
patriar youths damaged the Beloved Ranger. mark of the Oberon family; both are well-placed patriar
When the young miscreants realize the outrage they households. If the heroes interview those families, they
have caused, they panic. They take Minsc’s hands (and find that each one has young members who have gone
Boo) to the shop of Horgold Hadru, a potter who works missing and receive descriptions of the youths.
near the southern end of Wyrm’s Crossing, where they From there, the heroes can talk with people who
seek refuge. Hadru takes in the adolescents to repay a might have noticed the suspects: Guards at Heap Gate
favor to one of their families, hiding them in the hang recognized the juveniles as patriars and opened the
ing cellar beneath his shop. Hadru, who knows the gate to them in the early-morning hours. A lamp lad
youths must be guilty of something and suspects the who waits around Heap Gate for customers took them
truth, is
growing increasingly panicked. to Brampton and received a hefty tip. A ferry operator
on the Brampton docks ferried the group to Twin Songs
near dawn and thought the adolescents were heading STAGE 4 w
for Wyrm’s Crossing. A merchant on the bridge’s south
ern side saw them enter Horgold Hadru’s pottery shop.
Hadru is nervous and evasive. He hands over the youths
Sanitation Strike
The Guild orchestrates waste-hauling
if the adventurers threaten him or bribe him with 10
slowdowns in the Upper and Lower
gp or more. (The potter had agreed to hide the group
cities. Garbage piles up in the Upper
because he owed the Durinbold family a favor.)
City’s avenues, and the Lower City’s
Once the guilty patriar youths are tracked to Had-
streets glisten beneath a film of
ru’s shop, the characters must either deliver them to the
sewage that’s washing downhill into
Flaming Fist checkpoint at Wyrm’s Rock or find a way
the harbor. The Outer City is less
to move the youths through it. Getting past the soldiers
affected, because garbage and unpleasant smells from
is easy if the characters escort the vandals out unobtru
tanneries, butcheries, and stables are ubiquitous in that
sively. The heroes raise suspicions if they are discovered
area. As long as the slowdown and the protests last, the
smuggling the youths in barrels or crates or the like.
Upper and Lower cities are incredibly unpleasant
places, making their residents irritable.
The most effective way for the characters to oppose
THE GRUMPY HALFLING Rael’s efforts is to bribe the nightsoil and goldflow’ car
After the heroes apprehend the guilty youths, they’ll have riers. One gp apiece would do it, but the city has about
at least a brief encounter with the Flaming Fist guards at 150 such workers. A few might admit to already taking
the checkpoint. This is your chance to introduce Lotgeir bribes to slow the work, although none gives a reliable
Shortcloak, an unhappy (and very vocal about it) member description of who bribed them.
of the Flaming Fist. While within earshot of the characters,
he complains to his fellow guards about having to work so KEEPING TRACK
hard. Judging from the other guards’ reactions, Shortcloak Rael gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the characters
complains like this a lot, and they don’t take him seriously. do not find a way to negate the shutdown.
Shortcloak might make another appearance in the “Prison
Break” event during stage 10. Ravengard for Duke
F Abdel Adrian’s death leaves a vacancy
on the Council of Four. Traditionally,
KEEPING TRACK someone who has strong ties to the
One of the three antagonists will benefit from this event, Lower City in general and the Flam
depending on the characters’ actions. ing Fist in particular holds that seat.
If the heroes kill the vandals on the order of the master of As Adrian’s second in command,
cobbles, Rael gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track because Ulder Ravengard has already
no official answer to a controversy that embarrasses both assumed control of the Fist, and he is the obvious
the patriars and the Flaming Fist is presented to the public. choice to take Adrian’s place as duke.
If the characters turn the youths over to Rael, her favor in But dukes are not appointed; the Parliament of Peers
Bhaal’s eyes rises one rank when she gives the vandals to a elects them. And, according to rumor, the peers want to
mob. The mob beats the adolescents, chops off their hands, stack the council with a fourth patriar to keep the Fist
and ties the other statues’ hands, which Guild members out. Ravengard is both angry and concerned about this
covertly provide to onlookers, around the juveniles’ necks development. The only patriar who has enough Lower
before dragging them from Norchapel to the Wide, where City support to stand a chance against Ravengard is
they are dumped at the Beloved Ranger’s feet. ‘vVyllyck Caldwell, an alchemist and lumber baron who
If the adventurers bring the culprits to Ravengard, he is well into his seventies.
rises one rank in Bhaal’s favor as the swell of negative Involving the Heroes: Ravengard invites the char
opinion, even among the patriars, prevents the youths’ acters to meet him at the Hissing Stones, a Seatower
parents from intervening to save them from the marshal’s bathhouse. Ravengard visits the bathhouse to relax or
sentence often years in the Seatower of Balduran. engage in sensitive meetings, as did Adrian. Inside the
If the heroes spirit the vandals back to Silvershield, Hissing Stones, patrons can literally hide nothing.
the duke gains one rank in Bhaal’s favor because he has At the meeting, Ravengard launches directly into
evidence planted on some of his personal enemies instead. the matter at hand—Wyllyck Caldwell. Ravengard
If the heroes don’t get involved, you decide who finds the likes Caidwell, especially because of the patriar’s
culprits and thus determines the youths’ fates. strong anti-Guild views. He doesn’t want to discredit
the man, but he won’t let those feelings get in the way
of himself becoming a duke. The marshal instructs the
adventurers to pressure Caidwell to turn down Silver- Performing this job would mar the characters’ repu
shield’s nomination, but without tying Ravengard to tations in Silvershield’s eyes, and the duke would need
the effort. to be convinced of their trustworthiness before offering
Ravengard knows an alchemist named Yssra Brack them work again.
rel, who has no love for the patriars and a fresh grudge Regardless of the outcome, Duke Sih-ershield is
against Silvershield; the duke recently had her jailed manipulating Grand Duke Portyr and the Parliament
for several days. Brackrel is willing to sign a statement of Peers handily without any other duke getting in the
swearing that CaIdwell’s alchemically treated lumber, way. So, for now, no new duke is elected.
the commodity responsible for his fortune, is danger
ous. These accusations won’t hold up to scrutiny, but KEEPING TRACK
airing the charges publicly would nonetheless damage Ravengard gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the
Caidwell’s reputation. Ravengard believes that leveling characters blackmail Wyllyck CaIdwell without revealing
the threat privately would be enough to persuade the Ravengard’s role, or if they fail to thwart Ravengard’s hired
bookish Caldwell to stay out of politics. blackmailers.
To fulfill the task, the characters need to gain an
audience with Caldwell, deliver the message “from
a concerned citizen,” keep Ravengard’s involvement STAGE 5
secret, and make it clear that Caldwell must decline
Silvershield’s nomination to ensure that the accusation
never becomes public. Caldwell is furious and presses
Upper City Lockout
The Upper City has always closed to
hard to know who is behind the blackmail. Regardless,
nonresidents at dusk. In response
he ultimately agrees to the proposition in order to avoid
to the growing disturbances, Silver-
a scandal.
shield convinces the other two
dukes to order the Upper City’s
gates barred at 3 bells.
PRELUDE TO DISASTER The chief effect of this restriction
During the course of any event, as the characters pass yet is economic. Lower City and Outer City merchants
another stinking trash heap (preferably in Bloomridge), a must close their stalls in the Wide hours earlier than
hero knowledgeable about magic or alchemy spots a cracked Upper City sellers. The residents of Blackgate who work
ceramic bowl stained with residue that smells of sulfur and unloading ships in the harbor or in many Lower City
smoke. A wizard or someone skilled in alchemy realizes the shops must leave their jobs hours early to reach the
substance is characteristic of a batch of smokepowder. The Black Dragon Gate before it is sealed. The alternatives
letters “F E L 0 G Y R / B G” are scratched into the bowl’s are a long, tiring walk outside the city walls or a long,
underside. The bowl is an important clue leading to Silver- miserable night in a cold Citadel cell after being caught
shield’s plot to blow up the High Hall and thus wipe out the in the Upper City later than 3 bells.
Parliament of Peers. (One of Imbralym Skoond’s apprentice As a result, ships sit unloaded at the piers while
alchemists tossed it in the trash.) outgoing cargo piles up qiiayside. And merchants and
Smokepowder is well known but not widely manufac shippers lose money, a tragedy in Baldur’s Gate.
tured. The only licensed smokepowder producer in Baldur’s In the Duke’s Employ: If the characters are work
Gate is Afery Sonshal, who runs Felogyr’s Fireworks on Bindle ing for Silvershield, he tasks them with patrolling the
Street in the Steeps. If the characters talk to Sonshal about Upper City’s well-lit streets for people who don’t belong
the bowl, see “Protectionism” in stage 5. there. Most are regular citizens who either don’t know
If the characters show the bowl to Sonshal, he scratches the new law or who were too slow getting out. Silver-
his head, scratches his nose, and then explains that it’s identi shield provides the characters with passports to ensure
cal to the mixing bowls he uses, right down to his ancestor’s that the Watch doesn’t arrest them. Such passports are
name being scratched into its base. The powder-maker tells extremely valuable; an ambitious merchant or Guild
the adventurers that a Rivington potter makes the bowls to member would pay up to 200 gp for one (but an open
Sonshal’s exact specifications, and he gave the name of that ing offer would be closer to 50 gp).
potter, Tacy Sands, as well as two others, to a man who paid Not Working for the Duke: If the adventurers are
him for the information a month ago. (He can describe the not working for Silvershield, the Upper City closes to
individual, who was Imbralym Skoond, but Skoond was using them, too. The Undercellar connects the Upper City
a spell to disguise himself at the time.) Sonshal is quick to and Lower City through secret, underground passages,
add that he doesn’t throw his ruined crockery in Bloomridge making it a good, albeit illegal, route in or out—assum
trash heaps, and any apprentice who ruins a bowl in this way ing the characters hear about it. Because they are local
deserves to be beaten like a rented mule. celebrities, Silvershield would give them Upper City
passports if they asked, as long as they haven’t worked luxury items popular with the patriars, such as incense,
openly for his rivals. spices, wines, magic supplies, and art objects.
If the characters are in the Upper City after the gates Typically, such taxation is the purview of the harbor-
close and do not have passports, they have a couple master in consultation with the duke associated with
of options. Hiding and outrunning Watch patrols as the Flaming Fist. Namorran cooperates even though
they go about their business might be the best choice. Ravengard does not yet have the title of duke, because
They could attempt to pass themselves off as legitimate he fully expects Ravengard to gain that post in the near
Upper City residents, but they would have to back up future. So the complaints of patriars aren’t enough to
their claim with appropriate dress and behavior. Few move Namorran on this issue, particularly if the “Upper
patriars walk the streets armed and armored or in City Lockout” curfew is still in effect. For Harbormaster
spattered traveling clothes, and Watch members pride Namorran to change his stance, he would need to first
themselves on knowing all patriars by face and name. hear from Ravengard that the marshal had reversed his
If the heroes want to reverse the curfew decision, position. Appointing a new harbormaster would be the
they can try appealing to Silvershield. But marshaling only other way to halt the taxation, but a new harbor-
the will of the other dukes and the patriars is a better master would immediately make many enemies in the
option. The policy is costing people at all levels of soci Lower City and among the Flaming Fist. “Who would
ety. If the heroes somehow muster enough support for dare take the job?” Silvershield meaningfully asks the
reversing the decision among the other dukes or the heroes if they consult him.
Parliament of Peers, Silvershield relents. The day before the new luxury taxes go into effect,
the characters receive a lamp lass-delivered invitation
KEEPING TRACK to “a private soiree” in Bloomridge. If they accept the
Silvershield gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the invitation and show up at the manor, see “Interlude 1:
characters fail to get the curfew overturned, Disaster in the Making.”
Ravengard gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the
JAILED! characters fail to halt the taxing of luxury goods.
If the Flaming Fist captures the heroes at some point in the
adventure, you have options from which to choose.
+ Allow events to proceed without the characters until
Interlude 1:
“Prison Break” in stage 10. Disaster in the Making
4 If the adventurers are on good terms with Rael or Coran, The “private soiree” alluded to in the characters’
have one of those people pull strings to secure the char invitation is a hedonistic revel hosted by the famed
acters’ release. citizen-adventurer Coran (Campaign Guide, page 38).
4 If the heroes are on good terms with Silvershield, have the He invites his guests to take advantage of his manor’s
duke arrange their trial and exoneration. sumptuous delicacies “while they’re still available.”
+ If the heroes are working for Ravengard, he could arrange In the course of the evening, Coran corners the char
for their release in return for some additional service. acters for a conversation, during which he hints that
4 Allow the characters to stage their own escape. Perhaps they might want to look into who else is stocking up on
they trick the guards, find a loose floor stone with a crawl goods and what they’re stockpiling. If the adventurers
space beneath it, or offer incriminating evidence to Raven ask for help or advice, Coran suggests they ask Har
gard against Silvershield or Rael in exchange for their bormaster Namorran for permission to examine the
freedom. As always, reward players’ creativity. Harbor Manifest. If the characters take him up on this
suggestion, continue with “Interlude 2: Harbormaster.”
Coran is pointing the heroes toward the “Smokepow
der Plot” event in stage 10. He knows that someone is
importing large amounts of smokepowder ingredients.
Protectionism Before Coran moves on to mingle with other guests,
The sumptuary law (stage 2) is a slap he offers the adventurers one more message.
in the face to wealthy Lower City citi
zens who aspire to noble station, and Read:
they are incensed about it. Though “Baldur’s Gate is a viper’s nest of schemes and schemers. I
Ravengard couldn’t care less, his offi wasn’t born a rich idler; I started out as a poor adventurer, like
cers are grumbling, and that’s you. Adjusting to my new lf in this labyrinth ofgossip and
unacceptable. In response, he uses his intrigue was no easyfeat. Ifyou find yourselves in trouble or
friendship with Harbormaster Erl Namorran to raise tar needing help sorting the Gate’s heroesfrom its villains, my door
iffs on fine goods shipped into the city. The taxes apply to is always open to you. But do me afavor; use the back door.”
named “Horus Kope, or something like that Say, you
Interlude 2: Harbormaster don’t suppose that was a joke?”
In addition to looking after the harbor, the harbor- Further investigation among harborhands reveals
master is responsible for maintaining the Harbor that the large cargoes were sent to several different har
Manifest, a record of everything shipped legally by bor-area warehouses. All have already been picked up.
river into or out of Baldur’s Gate. Harbormaster Namor The warehouse managers were paid in cash and have
ran is a martinet who refuses to let anyone who isn’t a no information about where the goods went when they
civic officer peek at the manifest. left their care. What they don’t know, but Imbralym
As a result, the characters might decide to sneak into Skoond does know, is that each of the shipments took
the harbormaster’s office at night. The huge, ancient a roundabout route to one of three secret entrances
door lock on the place is more ceremonial than practi into Seskergates, Skoond’s mansion in Bloomridge. The
cal. It’s easy to pick by anyone skilled in thievery. characters have no access to that information yet.
The manifest is another matter—it is a potent magic
item. When the harbormaster dictates to it, his w’ords
are magically recorded. Someone who wants to open
the book successfully must trace a magic pattern
embedded in its cover. The manifest has been opened
so many times that the tracing marks are clearly visible, Arson
but the pattern is so complex that following it properly The state of the city spirals further
requires a DC 15 Intelligence check. If it is opened downward as the Guild launches a
before the correct pattern is traced, the manifest campaign of targeted destruction on
screeches in a parrot voice, “Thief! Help! Thief! Help!” behalf of the Outer City against
If triggered, the book’s shouts soon attract the attention important Lower City and Upper City
of nearby Flaming Fist soldiers (privates and lieu locations. The targets are businesses
tenants) who patrol the docks. The loud cry repeats that draw money away from the Outer
endlessly until the symbol is traced correctly. City, guild halls that exclude Outer City residents from
If the characters open the manifest correctly, they membership or compete with Outer City guilds, and the
find a copy of every bill of lading for every cargo that homes of individuals who are particularly disliked.
has moved legally through the harbor since the mani Because of the frequent rains, near-constant damp
fest has been in use, which is a very long time. XVith a ness, and prevalence of stone construction in the city,
DC 15 Intelligence check every 30 minutes, a search structure fires seldom rage out of control. If a blaze does
ing character finds something notevorthv. Only one takeoff, it can be difficult to fight from the Lower City’s
character can read the manifest at a time. But with DC steep streets, and a large fire could readily spread uphill.
20 Intelligence checks, another couple of heroes could When a cry of “Fire!” is raised, it’s customary for citizens
conceivably discover interesting information while who hear it to drop whatever they’re doing and race to
reading over the first one’s shoulders. the scene to help, because a fire that goes unchecked
The characters uncover a few irregularities, but only threatens everyone.
one jumps out at them. For many years, Felogyr’s Fire This event’s fires burn out the interiors of the targeted
works has imported four identical shipments per year of buildings but don’t threaten to consume more of the city
dragon dung, salt of yolk, and charcoal. Anyone knowl unless you choose otherwise.
edgeable about magic or alchemy recognizes the items In the Guild’s Employ: If the characters are work
as key ingredients in the manufacture of smokepowder. ing for Rael, she might ask them to start some of the
A couple of tendays ago, less than a month after the fires. She would be more likely to ask the adventurers
arrival of the most recent regular shipment at Felogyr’s to scout potential locations, so she could call in profes
Fireworks, another consignment for five times the usual sional arsonists when no one is home. At this stage, Rael
amount was received. Two similar shipments preceded
it. The larger shipments were labeled “Deliver to H.
Kope, in care of Felogyr’s.”
Avery Sonshal can be found at Felogyr’s Fireworks SNEAKING SKOOND
in the Steeps. He is happy to discuss his shipments, but When the characters are in the Upper City one evening, they
swears he never made or took possession of the larger might spot Imbralym Skoond, Silvershield’s wizard, scuttling
orders .Months ago, a man (Imbralym Skoond in dis through the streets and nervously glancing over his shoulder.
guise) came to the shop and placed a huge order for The duke’s right-hand man is heading home after shifting casks
fireworks. He bought everything Sonshal had in stock, of smokepowder from a wine shop’s back room, through the
plus all the raw materials the shopkeeper had on hand. sewers, and into the High Hall. His clothing is smeared with mud.
The purchaser even paid a finder’s fee for the names For more information, see “Smokepowder Plot” in stage 10.
of Sonshal’s suppliers. Sonshal says the purchaser was
is interested in sending a message through property
damage, not in burning people to death. Old-School Dueling LU
If the characters take on Rael’s assignment, she In this stage, Silvershield manipulates
introduces them to Othial Burlfist, a member of the the Council of Four into reinstating
Flaming Fist who has approached Rael for a favor. In the dueling laws that date back to the
the company of this female half-elf, the characters can city’s rough-and-tumble days as Gray
move around the streets of the Lower City easily and Harbor. According to the old law, any
accomplish whatever they set out to do. The heroes person can demand immediate
might come across Burifist again during the “Prison redress in the form of a one-on-one
Break” event in stage 10. duel for any perceived wrong another person commits
Fighting a Fire: Characters who respond to a fire against that individual.
alarm have three options. They can help fight the fire, The law was based on the notion that the gods would
passing buckets and pitchers of water for 30 to 60 min bless and preserve duelists who were in the right. In
utes until the fire is extinguished. They can enter the contrast to modern dueling rules (see “Patriars,” page
building to rescue anyone trapped inside. Or they can 39 in the Campaign Guide), the old decree does not
try to spot and catch the arsonists, if the fire-setters are limit the types of armor and weapons that can be used,
still in the area. because equipment was considered irrelevant when
Fighting the Fire-Setters: lithe heroes try to stop the gods intercede on behalf ofjustice. In actuality, the
the arsonists, catching or killing the arsonists from two law heavily tilts the odds in a duel toward people who
fire-setting teams is sufficient to do so. The Guild mem have military training or who own magic armor and
bers work in five-person teams. Two arsonists (tough weapons.
thugs) set a fire, while three urchins (human bystand Traditionally, duels are fought to first blood, but the
ers) watch for patrols or potential witnesses. If the combatant who suffers the first wound can choose not
characters scan the crowd, tell them, “A child is studying to yield. Against a skilled duelist, first blood could mean
you from the street corner, failing to be subtle about it.” a lethal wound. Additionally, a better fighter could
If the heroes approach the child, two more urchins allow himself or herself to be lightly wounded and then
materialize and beg for spare coins, or plead for help press the battle to the death.
finding their lost little sister, in an attempt to divert the It is against the law’ for anyone to intervene in some
adventurers’ attention from the fire and the escaping one else’s duel. If a person intrudes on a duel, he or she
arsonists. The children will lead the characters away can be arrested or the original duelists’ friends can
from the scene if they can. challenge the intruder.
The fire-setters fight only if they have the benefit of Strutting Duelists: Shortly after the law goes into
surprise or are cornered. Otherwise, they run in sepa effect, a handful of patriars and Watch soldiers who
rate directions while the urchins do their best to cover believe the new rules give them an edge take to prowl
the arsonists’ escapes. ing the Lower and Outer cities looking for opportunities
A captured arsonist won’t crack under interrogation. to duel with anyone they find a reason to dislike.
Rael chose these individuals because they have been The characters can witness such an encounter at
toughened against physical and psychological pressure. any time. In one case, a patriar duelist wearing leather
A bribe of 20 gp, however, loosens an arsonist’s tongue. armor and wielding a fine rapier squares off against
The fire-setter reveals that a shadowy figure known as a lamp lad (human bystander) armed with a dagger.
Fruward the Nail hired the two-person team. Spectators watch, their expressions revealing disgust
Fruward is not well known outside a small circle of or excitement. The noble accuses the lamp lad of dis
criminals. He works directly for Nine-Fingers, arrang gracing his sister by leading her to vice dens against
ing jobs and payments with which she does not want to her will. The lad objects, saying he guided the girl only
be directly associated. The characters can ask around to places she told him to take her. Unless the heroes
the Outer City or talk with a Flaming Fist mercenary to intervene, the youth is cut down in the first exchange of
confirm Fruward’s association with the Guild. Track blows and dies in the street.
ing down Fruward, however, is next to impossible. The The city becomes an increasingly tense and bloody
Nail goes into deep hiding the moment he suspects the place. Gate residents, who carry knives for eating or
adventurers are after him. the odd task, begin bearing daggers, meat cleavers,
hatchets, billhooks, and clubs as everyone from Guild
KEEPING TRACK members to shopkeepers use the law to settle old scores.
RaeI gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the characters If the adventurers have made enemies or if they anger a
participate in the arsons, or if they fail to capture or kill the stranger, they could be challenged to duels as well.
arsonists responsible for at least two attacks. Opposing the Law: Convincing Parliament of Peers
members and Grand Duke Dillard Portyr to oppose the
law is the only way to end the slaughter. Impassioned
speeches could do it, hut the adventurers might need
to defeat more than a few patriar duelists to persuade STAGE 7
the rest of them to hack off.
Closing Baldur’s Mouth
Baldur’s Mouth is a one-page broadsheet,/
Silvershield gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the
characters fail to turn the Parliament of Peers against the
printed irregularly three to eight /
times a tenday, based on when it fills
reinstatement of the old dueling laws.
up with articles and advertisements.
Ravengard suspects that the
Kangaroo Courts Guild is using Baldur’s Mouth for
The criminal justice system in Baldur’s citywide secret communications. If
Gate calls on independent judges— the characters are in his good graces, he tasks them
dukes or their appointed patriar with investigating his suspicion. If the marshal and
proxies—to hear cases and pass judg the adventurers are not on friendly terms, Ravengard
ments based on law, tradition, and sends out Flaming Fist soldiers to rip papers out of folks’
common sense. For all its quirks, the hands and tear them off walls.
system functions reasonably well. At Indeed, the Guild has been using the news outlet
least, it did, until the Guild found enough patriars who to coordinate actions between its many cells. Informa
were susceptible to bribery or blackmail to take control tion about Guild meetings is coded into some of the
of the system, ensuring that anyone who has an impor broadsheets. When the sheet is folded in a particular
tant Guild connection isn’t convicted of a crime. way, a person can read the time and place of a gather
The rarity of convictions for Guild members infuri ing. Folded in a different way, it serves as a pass to gain
ates Ravengard. In response, he creates the Court of the admittance into the meeting.
Fist, an impromptu military tribunal that can convene Not all copies of an edition contain the code. Most
anywhere, hear evidence, and pass judgment. The pre of the papers reveal no secret information, even when
siding officer must be of flame rank or higher. folded correctly. A few trained mouthers (lamp lads and
These trials are illegal. Nothing in the city’s laws or lamp lasses who distribute broadsheets during the day)
the Flaming Fist’s charter gives Ravengard the author hand out special copies to operatives they know and
ity to create such a court. Only the peers and the dukes to people who look like Guild recruits—anyone accou
are in a position to stop the marshal. But Silvershield tered like a rogue, thief, assassin, or bard. With a DC 10
won’t object as long as the tribunals stay out of the Wisdom check, a character can spot a paper deliverer
Upper City, and the patriars are increasingly avoiding handling two separate stacks of papers.
travel outside the Upper City or contact with anyone Even with a coded version of the broadsheet in hand,
who isn’t in their elite circles. The Guild, meanwhile, a character still needs to figure out its puzzle. With a
doesn’t have the structure or the strength to challenge DC 15 Intelligence check, someone who is experiment
the Fist on its own terms. ing with ways to fold the broadsheet hits on the secret.
These kangaroo courts begin operating immediately, Once a character knows the technique, folding the
with Flaming Fist members capturing suspected Guild paper into the meeting-pass configuration is simple.
members and sympathizers and hearing cases involv The broadsheet directs those who decode the mes
ing everything from theft and libel to confidence games sage to “Gather at the last bell above the ankle of the
and murder. Sometimes the verdicts are proper and Sow’s Foot.” The “last bell” means midnight, and Sow’s
practical, such as when petty thieves are forced to pay Foot refers to that district. With a DC 10 Intelligence
restitution or slanderers are forced to publicly recant check, a character recalls hearing that Hamhocks
their lies. Some rulings are barbarous, such as when Slaughterhouse is located in that Outer City district
breakers of verbal contracts have their tongues cut out. and knows that a hamhock is the cut of meat above a
And some are fatal, such as when merchants who sell pig’s ankle. Otherwise, the adventurers can wander
spoiled goods are hanged in their shops’ doorways. around the streets and alleys of Sow’s Foot for 30 to 60
minutes and stumble on the answer when they spot the
KEEPING TRACK slaughterhouse.
Ravengard gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the Getting Inside: At Hamhocks Slaughterhouse,
characters fail to unleash the Parliament of Peers on the a tough thug guards the door. He demands that the
illegal Court of the Fist. heroes’ credentials, or the properly folded broadsheet,
be slid through a slot. He gives everyone a thorough
visual inspection and is suspicious of anyone who looks
like a wizard or a soldier. At the first sign that spies or
informants have compromised the meeting, the door
guard bars the entrance, and everyone inside dashes Darsh Nyach is one of the few members of the Parlia
out a side exit and scatters. ment of Peers who lives outside the Upper City. His son,
If the heroes are admitted and don’t arouse suspi Omdarsh, is 15 years old and often goes fishing along
cion, they hear discussion of Rael’s kidnapping plot (see the docks in Brampton. The lad set out for the docks
the next event). The discussion relies heavily on slang before dawn yesterday and hasn’t been seen since. No
terms that have meaning to rogues and similar individ one who lives along the most direct route between the
uals but sound like gibberish to most other people. For Nyach home and the harbor admits to hearing an alter
example, the plot to kidnap Omdarsh Nyach for ransom cation that morning.
is described as “hooking a toddle for rounds.” The characters’ best chance for catching the kidnap
Ravengard is determined to shut down Baldur’s pers is to deliver the ransom. The kidnappers’ note to
Mouth to prevent the Guild from using the paper for Nyach, which was delivered to him while he was in a
its own purposes—but he might well change his mind Parliament of Peers session, instructs him to bring 800
if the characters share their discoveries with him and gp to Blind Darcarvn’s corner in the Lower City just
persuade him to let the Guild keep its secret system. outside Baldur’s Gate. The instructions say to then drop
Now that Fist soldiers know what to watch for, they have 2 pp into the beggar’s coin cup.
a better chance of identifying Guild collaborators.
When the characters drop the platinum coins into
KEEPING TRACK the beggar’s cup, read:
Ravengard gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the Hearing the clink ofplatinum among his copper pieces, the
characters learn the Guild’s scheme and pass the details on to blind man nods in thanks and hands you a note. It reads,
Ravengard, or if they fail to prevent Fist soldiers from doing so. “You’re the pigeons now. Lets see ivho’sfaster, the real pigeon
or the volunteer pigeons. Bring the ransom to the roost. Don’t
Kidnappings be late.”
Kidnappings for ransom are uncommon Asvou read, Blind Darcaryn opens the basket next to him.
but not unheard of in Baldur’s Gate. A bird flies out and begins circling in the air.
The victims are not city leaders or
other figures of importance. Abduc The pigeon needs a short time to get its bearings before
tors instead target the leaders’ family it can head home. The characters lose sight of the bird
members, snatching them as they as soon as it passes over the nearby rooftops. Within the
venture through the city on routine next minute or two, one of them has to dash to the top
activities. Typically, kidnappers demand relatively low of the wall and watch where the pigeon flies. Any delay
ransoms, which are paid, and the victims are set free. means losing the bird.
No kidnapping victims in the Gate have been harmed, Steep stairs ascend the tower of Baldur’s Gate a
beyond the loss of a finger, for at least a generation. mere dozen steps from where Blind Darcaryn sits. The
Rael, however, is beginning to feel bloodthirsty. She Watch guards posted at Baldur’s Gate might recognize
unleashes kidnappers on a handful of targets, setting the characters and let them pass if it’s obvious they’re
high ransoms and offering murky payment instruc in a hurry. But the vigilar on duty will want an explana
tions that seriously limit the length of time families are tion when they come back down. If the heroes and the
given to pay. Rael hopes some families fail to meet her Watch are at odds, the characters might need to force
demands so she can order the hostages’ deaths. their way through the gate and up the tower.
The adolescent son of Valaith Chadur, a well-known The top of the wall affords a panoramic view of the
Lower City stonecarver, is the first kidnapping victim Lower City. From there, an observer can easily watch
to die. Simmur Chadur’s strangled body is found near the pigeon’s flight. It wings its way to a building four
the harbormaster’s office. The second slain hostage is blocks uphill from the harbormaster’s office. By noting
Lara Alreven, the wife ofAlraner Alreven, the owner details about that structure and its surroundings, the
of an artistic glassblowing shop. Her bludgeoned body heroes should be able to find it from the street.
is dumped near Elfsong Tavern. The third murdered Blind Darcaryn knows only that someone came to
victim is Harali Avir, the daughter of Aurayaun, owner him earlier and gave him 1 gp, the note, the basket, and
of the Blade and Stars. Her body is found in an alley verbal instructions to hand over the note and open the
behind Sorcerous Sundries. basket if he heard 2 pp drop into his cup. He was prom
Working for Ravengard: When the son of Darsh ised he’d be allowed to keep the platinum.
Nyach, a prominent merchant of sailcloth, is snatched, Rael’s orders to the kidnappers are to kill the hos
Ravengard might summon the characters. He is certain tage ‘hen the pigeon arrives and then clear out. But
to if they work for him at the time. He wants these mur her flunkies are tired of killing hostages for wages.
derers brought to justice—any justice. They want the ransom. The abductors wait 30 minutes
after the bird returns. If the heroes haven’t arrived by
then, fear of Rael overcomes their greed, and they kill
Omdarsh and abandon the hideout.
Run for It: To reach the right structure within 30 A small crowd of workers kept away
minutes, the characters need to push hard through the from their jobs by the turmoil in the
crowded, rain-slick streets. Each adventurer must make city gather in Norchapel. They intend
a DC 10 Strength check or a DC 10 Dexterity check to march to the High Hall and
in each district along the route, including the Steeps, demand that the Outer City be recog
Heapside, and Eastway. nized as part of Baldur’s Gate proper.
With a successful check in the Steeps, a charac This is a peaceful assembly con
ter crosses the remaining portion of the district in 8 cerned about the escalation of violence against Outer
minutes. On a failure, the crowds, cargo handlers, a City residents. If Guild agitators were to get involved,
wedding procession, or Guild agents slow the character, the group might become hostile.
and the trip takes 10 minutes. Ravengard’s officers tell the marshal that a group
With a successful check in Heapside, a character of rabble-rousers is moving through the city, gathering
crosses the whole district in 10 minutes. On a failure, strength as it goes. Ravengard assembles as many mer
the trip takes 12 minutes. cenaries as he can from the Seatower of Balduran and
With a successful check in Eastway, a character the Lower City, sends runners to alert the garrison at
crosses about a quarter of the way into the district, Wyrm’s Rock, and marches toward the Wide.
reaching the correct neighborhood in 4 minutes. On a As the protesters head toward the High Hall, their
failure, the character gets lost and takes 8 minutes to numbers swell from about two hundred to two thou
reach the right area. sand. It takes them an hour to reach Baldur’s Gate, the
Kidnappers’ Hideout: The kidnappers are in a entrance that leads into the Wide, and they don’t actu
dingy residence under a hat-maker’s shop. The small ally get into the High Hall.
home’s entrance is located in a narrow, crate-strewn When the protesters arrive at the gate, they find
alley and down a short flight of stairs. To enter the three hundred Flaming Fist soldiers blocking the street.
structure, an adventurer could pick the door’s lock with In addition, about a hundred retainers from patriar
a DC 12 Dexterity check or smash open the door with families and several High House of Wonders priests
a DC 15 Strength check. If a hero knocks on the door line the Old Wall along both sides of the gate. Every
and the home is still occupied, one of the kidnappers one on the wall is holding a crossbow. The streets are
calls for the visitor to enter. otherwise deserted, and all the surrounding buildings’
If the characters enter before the kidnappers leave, windows are shuttered. The Watch, responsible for
they encounter the abductors (haifling rogues and guarding the gate, is conspicuously absent. (Silvershield
thugs), as well as a Flaming Fist corporal (a friend called the soldiers away to prevent any blame from fall
of one of the thugs who heard about the ransom and ing on the Watch for what’s about to happen.)
switched allegiances). The abductors surround a youth If the characters do not intervene to forestall or
who is lashed to a chair. The heroes can negotiate or interrupt this event, it unfolds as follows.
fight their way through the situation. The abductors 1. Ulder Ravengard ascends a platform of barrels and
want money, and they want to leave. commands the crowd of unarmed commoners to dis
If the adventurers ask the kidnappers who hired perse and return home immediately.
them, they say “he” didn’t offer a name. But their + With a DC 10 Wisdom check used to spot any
description of their boss reminds the character who weapons among the protesters, an adventurer can
spoke with Rael in the Wide of the Guild kingpin’s see they are unarmed, except for a handful of ruf
appearance that day. After hearing about the botched fians who look like typical Guild operatives and
job, Rael goes into hiding long before anyone comes informants.
looking for her. 2. A male protester scrambles onto a low building and
Renegade’s Fate: If Ravengard hears about his answers, “We will speak with the Council of Four!
soldier turning traitor, he wants to keep the informa We demand recognition for Baldur’s forgotten, the
tion secret. In contrast, Rael or Silvershield would pay Outer City’s hardworking people!”
handsomely for that tidbit. The duke would use the
information as leverage against Ravengard in the coun 3. Ravengard declares that no one will negotiate with
cil, and Rael would plaster the news on handbills to a mob and repeats his demand that crowd members
turn the city against the Fist. return home. He adds that anyone who does not
leave voluntarily will be driven back by force.
KEEPING TRACK + With a DC S Wisdom check to sense motive, a
RaeI gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the characters hero realizes that Ravengard is unhappy about the
fail to save the kidnapped youth. presence of the retainers and acolytes of Gond. The
marshal glances uneasily at the people on the wall
several times and twice dispatches officers in their rf
If the Heroes Take Action: The characters can try
direction on unknown errands. to avert the disaster. w
4. The crowd breaks out into shouting and chanting, Talking to the mob won’t work. The protesters com
making further communication impossible. prise a leaderless mob whose members believe the
Flaming Fist won’t attack them, and no words can per
5. Ravengard climbs down from the barrels, speaks a
suade them to disperse.
few words to his second-in-command, and then dis
Ravengard is determined to break up the mob and
appears into a press ofjunior officers.
send it packing. He didn’t come here for a massacre, but
+ With a DC 15 Wisdom check, a character spots he didn’t come to negotiate either. To try to dissuade
Imbralym Skoond skulking among the patriars’ him from attacking, the characters must first reach
retainers and speaking angrily to several of their him. They can do so, if they received silver brooches
leaders moments before the first bolt is launched. from Ravengard in a previous meeting and flash them
6. The patriar retainers and the acolytes of Gond now. Otherwise, they can’t get past his guards.
launch a volley of crossbow bolts into the crowd, kill The only argument that can persuade Ravengard to
ing dozens and injuring many more. In moments, back away from this confrontation is the contention that
screaming protesters run in every direction. the patriars’ retainers are looking for a chance to trigger
+ With a DC 10 Intelligence check, an adventurer a bloodbath and, if that happens, the Flaming Fist will
recalls that Ravengard and the flame he spoke to be blamed. Ravengard doesn’t care that the protesters
issued no command before the crossbows were fired. are unarmed and thus far peaceful. He wants to make a
Armed retainers released the first bolts, and the aco statement that the Guild and the Outer City won’t soon
lytes of Gond followed suit. forget. He is not, however, willing to lose control of the
situation because of provocation from the patriars.
7. The Flaming Fist mercenaries (privates, corporals.
If the heroes convince Ravengard to stand down,
sergeants, or lieutenants) and the armed retainers
he details a third of his force to screen off the retain
advance into the panicked mob, striking at unarmed
ers and the acolytes of Gond. He then orders the rest
people who are scrambling to get away.
of his mercenaries to advance in lockstep down the
The next five minutes are a wild, scrambling streets, pushing the protesters ahead of them through
panic of people pressing into packed streets as they the Steeps at sword point. Many people are clubbed and
try to escape. When it ends, the streets are clear trampled, but no one is killed.
of protesters, except for 120 dead and hundreds of
other victims who are too badly wounded to flee. KEEPING TRACK
8. After the initial bloodbath, the Flaming Fist soldiers Silvershield gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the
regroup into their formations, and some patriar characters fail to convince Ravengard to avert a bloodbath.
retainers ivalk through the streets murdering
wounded “rioters” who are too injured to fight back.
By the end of the day, the count rises to 183 STAGE 8
bodies gathered from within a few blocks of Bal This stage features only one event, and all three antago
dur’s Gate and 36 more collected from the streets of nists rise in Bhaal’s favor if the characters do not quell a
Heapside and Eastway, where they were trampled rioting mob.
during the retreat or collapsed from wounds. Many
more victims succumb to injuries in the coming
days. The number of wounded protesters is impos
sible to know, but is in the hundreds at least. Tension in the city has been building up like water
On the other side of the ledger, a crossbow bolt behind a dam, and it suddenly breaks loose in a riot.
killed one retainer. Officially, an armed rioter was Some say a duel got out of hand. Others say an argu
responsible, but it’s more likely he was the victim of a ment between harborhands and a merchant started the
fellow retainer’s badly aimed shot. None of the Flam problem. Afterward, no one remembers how it began.
ing Fist soldiers was injured. If the heroes are in the Upper City or the Lower City
when the riot starts, they hear a low roar in the dis
4- With a DC 15 Intelligence check, a character
tance. If they are in the Outer City, they eventually see
determines that in the streets where the Flaming Fist
huge plumes of smoke rising from near the harbor.
pushed back the crowd, many of the dead appear to
A riot of enormous proportions has engulfed the port
have been knocked unconscious with a club or the
and its surrounding streets. Outer City and Lower City
flat of a blade, which Fist soldiers are trained to do
residents are tearing shutters and doors off buildings,
against unarmed foes. Then the victims were fatally
smashing objects, and hurling dissenters into the bay.
stabbed after the protesters who were still standing
Keeping Their Distance: If the characters stay out
had fled.
of the way, RaeI’s agents whip the crowd into a ftiry.
Not only are shops, ships, and warehouses looted, most Wyrm’s Rock. Unlike the smuggling involved in the first
are torched as well. The full force of the Flaming Fist source, which the Guild excels at, the latter method of
explodes out of the Seatower of Balduran to quell the procurement is daring and exceptionally risky.
riot, using lethal force on resisters. Duke Silvershield The armory thefts require the reluctantly given aid
sends the Watch down from the Upper City to aid the of Favil Blanthe, Exchequer of the Flaming Fist. As a
Flaming Fist. This troop movement traps rioters and young man, Blanthe was a talented Guild rogue, but
those seeking to flee the violence on the western and he fled following a near-fatal clash with a cohort in
northern sides of the harbor in a vise. Anyone who crime. He crafted a new identity for himself, joined the
flees from the Flaming Fist ends up facing the Watch’s Flaming Fist, and gradually climbed in rank and his
swords and vice versa. superiors’ estimations. As exchequer, Blanthe controls
Stepping In: The characters might oppose the riot the Fist’s bookkeeping and, by extension, its armories.
or try to calm the rioters. Their efforts could include, Rael uncovered the truth of Blanthe’s past and is
but aren’t limited to, challenging the mob’s leaders or using it to blackmail him. So far, she has demanded
trying to persuade them to go home, convincing Watch only an occasional crate of short swords or crossbows
and Flaming Fist soldiers to lower their weapons so from the Fists abundant stores. As long as the price and
they don’t appear to be thirsting for a fight, wheeling a the risk remain low, Blanthe plays along to protect his
keg of ale into the street and offering everyone drinks position and reputation.
if they agree to sit down and talk, steering rioters down In the Guild’s Employ: Ifthe characters are working
dead-end streets, and protecting shops and goods. for the Guild, Rael asks them to accompany several Guild
It’s vital that players explain how their characters’ members to Wyrm’s Rock to pick tip more weapom.”Por
actions can affect the rioters or the soldiers and that the ters” drag a cart to the fort’s gates, wave a work order signed
heroes work together. The adventurers’ actions must be by Blanthei, pickup their consignment, and walk out again.
coordinated and amplify one another to have an effect Though this is usually a straightforward task, something
on the mob. If everyone tries a different approach— about the characters might tip offthe guards (Flaming
intimidating a few people here, convincing a handful Fist privates and a sergeant), particularly ifthe characters
over there—the party won’t make a dent in the throng. have already had difficulties with the group.
If the characters come up with an effective plan, and Not Working for Rael: If the characters are not in
their players make a few successful checks, the crowd cahoots with the Guild, they can learn about the weap
around them settles down, and the resulting calm ons smuggling in one of three ways.
spreads outward from there. A few ugly incidents might + The two youngest Candulhallows, Resper and his
still develop in other areas, and a large number of people sister Taleene. conclude that the family’s longtime
are incarcerated, but the day turns out far more peaceful smuggling arrangement is leading the family toward
than it would have without the characters’ intervention. disaster. They ask the characters to help them sever
ties to the Guild, but thex’ don’t reveal the family’s
KEEPING TRACK past decade of under-the-table dealings.
If the characters fail to calm the rioters, Rael, Silvershield,
+ Blanthe senses Rael’s demands are increasing. He
and Ravengard all gain one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track.
worries he won’t be able to conceal the loss of much
more inventory, so he approaches the characters and
STAGE 9 asks for help without exposing his crimes.
+ The characters stumble on one or both smuggling
plots when they hear weapons jangle in a passing
Weauon Smuc1in deadcart or notice the glint of polished blades tucked
As Bhaal’s influence on Rael grows, beneath beggars’ and laborers’ tunics.
she begins covertly arming the Outer
City’s residents. Most Outer City KEEPING TRACK
dwellers carry only daggers, which Rael gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the characters
even children have, and clubs. Rael is help the Guild steal weapons from the Flaming Fist, or if
procuring and distributing swords, they fail to discover and reveal to Ravengard at least one of
shields, and crossbows to anyone who the two weapon-smuggling plots.
promises to use them “when the time is right.”
The weapons come from two sources. Trading vessels
bring the bulk of the arms into the harbor inside misla
beled crates. From the harbor, the Candulhallows family
(see “Death and Taxes,” page 61 in the Campaign Guide)
carts the munitions away alongside the dead. Guild
agents steal the rest from the Flaming Fist armory at
Funeral Procession Martial Law I.LJ —
As two laborers who work for the By this point, Ravengard’s declaring
Canduihallow family wheel a smoke- martial law is more a formality than
powder-laden coffin on a two-wheeled a change of affairs. The city has prac
pushcart through Bloomridge (see tically been under martial law for
“Smokepowder Plot” in stage 10), one days, but the notices that criers shout
of them thoughtlessly knocks out the and nail to walls make it official: Bal
contents of his pipe onto the cart. A dur’s Gate is now under the Flaming
sprinkling of loose smokepowder blazes up, and the Fist’s military protection.
alarmed carters jump back, allowing the coffin to tumble Under martial law, an order from any Fist mercenary
to the cobblestones. It spills open, one of the three casks carries total authority, and anyone who fails to comply
of smokepowder inside splits—and kaboom! can be arrested or executed on the spot. Only Flaming
‘When the smoke clears, seven people are dead, Fist soldiers are allowed to wear armor or carry weap
including both carters, and all the surrounding build ons larger than a table knife. Gatherings with people
ings are damaged. outside one’s immediate family are forbidden. Everyone
Any of Bhaal’s favored three can ask the characters must be off the street before the sun falls behind the
to look into this incident. Everyone wants to know what w’estern wall. No ships are to enter or leave the harbor
happened, including Silvershield, who can make a without clearance from the Seatower of Balduran.
pretty solid guess, of course. Ravengard and the rest of An uneasy truce is drawn between the Upper and
the city is sure the Guild is responsible. Rael and Nine- Lower cities. According to Ravengard’s declaration, the
Fingers know the Guild had nothing to do with it, but restrictions of martial law apply to the Upper City, too.
they are itching to know who did. But for the time being, he chooses not to challenge the
Surviving witnesses are as puzzled as everyone else Watch on its home turf. All five gates into the Upper
and quickly point fingers at the Guild. They describe City are closed, though, and no one can get through
a typical street scene, mentioning a few Flaming Fist them without an awfully good story.
soldiers standing on a corner, a couple of carters slog Once martial law is declared, it remains in effect
ging alongside their cart, a couple of acolytes of Gond until the end of the adventure.
strolling past, a patriar woman berating her servants, Armed and Scuttling: From this point forward,
children playing, and a few adolescent boys insulting unless the characters are Flaming Fist members or
each other. Then suddenly everything was flame and carry Ravengard’s silver tokens, they cannot easily
thunder and whistling debris. Persistent questioning move around the Lower City while wearing armor and
reveals that the carters were hauling a coffin, and press carrying weapons.
ing on that point stirs two people to recall that the last To move from one district to another requires DC
thing they saw was the coffin falling. 10 Dexterity checks to sneak past Flaming Fist patrols.
The Canduihallows vehemently deny that the explo If half or more of the characters succeed on such a
sion had anything to do with the casket, which they check, all of them proceed unnoticed. If the party fails
claim was empty. The undertakers report the coffin by only one check (two successes and three failures,
was being delivered to a Manorborn address. (If the for example), it can retreat in the direction from which
characters ask where, they say, “The lives and affairs of it came without being noticed. Otherwise, the patrol
patriars are not your business. Nor is our family’s busi spots the adventurers and pursues to arrest them. (If
ness yours.”) The carters, or so they claim, were taking a the characters are apprehended, see “Jailed!” on page
detour to avoid a particularly crowded street along their 17 for ideas on how they might get out.)
path. The explosion site in Bloomridge near Seskergates Anyone who wears a Watch uniform in the Lower
does lie along a drastic, but not wholly unbelievable, City receives steely-eyed glares from Flaming Fist mer
detour from the most direct route. cenaries but can travel the streets with minimal hassle.
The Guild relies on sewers, rooftops, and the Under-
KEEPING TRACK cellar’s secret passages to move around. People who
Silvershield gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track unless have excellent Guild contacts or 50 gp apiece can also
the characters somehow uncover stage 10’s “Smokepowder travel through the Undercellar.
Plot” during this event.
This event cannot be stopped, so Ravengard automatically
gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track.
+ Lotgeir Shortcloak joined the Flaming Fist on a lark
STAGE 10 and now proclaims for all to hear that he would buy
The events of this last stage before the finale depend on out his contract if only he could afford it. (The heroes
where the three antagonists are on Bhaal’s Favor Track. got a glimpse of Shortcloak at the end of stage 3.)
Play out the events associated with the two highest- It’s all just talk, though. Despite his constant com
ranked agents on the track. If all three are of equal plaining, the halfling enjoys being a Flaming Fist. If
rank, play out all three events. someone approaches him with a scheme for betrayal,
In addition, these events weigh heavily on whom he reports the incident to his superiors.
Bhaal chooses, and they are very difficult to prevent. If + Othial Burlfist, a half-elf, fled an arranged marriage
the heroes significantly impede one of these events, it and joined the Flaming Fist for the anonymity it pro
not only prevents the associated agent from rising on vided her—but another mercenary uncovered her
the track, it sets him or her hack five ranks. past and is now blackmailing her. She approached
Rael for the Guild’s help, and in return for a prom
Prison Break ise of assistance Burifist has agreed to aid the prison
With the Seatower of Balduran filled to break. (The characters might have met Burifist
bursting following the riot, Rael plans during the “Arson” event in stage 6.)
to raid the military structure and
release the prisoners locked in its If the heroes are working with Samulkin or Burifist,
dungeons. The Seatower is a formida that person escorts the characters and their team across
ble fortress, and attacking it is a the causeway under the guise of a supply delivery.
thorny problem for any force. When they reach the gate, the bomb is detonated, and
The harassment ofYssra Brackrel in the event the traitor melts into the crowd and disappears.
“Search and Seizure” (stage 1) pushed the alchemist If the characters approach the tower stealthily or
into Rael’s outstretched arms. In the days since, Brack in disguise without the help of a traitor, they must use
rd has concocted a single smokepowder bomb. It could Charisma checks against the guards’ Wisdom to avoid
blast open the structure’s front gate if the bomb were detection. The odds are high that the mercenaries
placed against it. notice the heroes’ subterfuge and either halt them or
A large group of Flaming Fist soldiers (corporals, attack outright, depending on what they’ve spotted.
lieutenants, privates, or sergeants) guard each end of Carnage: Once the prisoners (thugs) are released,
the Seatower’s causeway. More crossbow-carrying mer the escapees turn on the guards (privates, and the
cenaries (privates) are posted atop the gate. breakout becomes a bloodbath. The prisoners who stir
In League with the Guild: If the characters are vive make a dash along the causeway to the Seatower
working for Rilsa Rael at this stage, she probably trusts district, there to disappear into alleys and side streets.
them as far as she trusts anyone. The Guild kingpin Unless the “Weapon Smuggling” plot in stage 9 was
tasks them with planning the attack, so the decision for revealed to Ravengard, the Flaming Fist is in worse
how to breach the Seatower falls to the players. shape than its members realize. When the mercenar
If the characters decide to run the attack, Rael ies muster to fight the prisoners, they find weapons
provides them with a group of well-armed ruffians and ammunition missing from the armory. When they
(thugs, tough thugs, haifling rogues and a bomber). pursue the criminals into the streets, they find the
She explains to them that if the bomber reaches the missing weapons in the hands of Rael’s allies and sym
Seatower gate at the end of the causeway, the dwarf’s pathizers ttough thugs and thugs), who step out from
smokepowder bomb is powerful enough to blow the their hiding places to ambush the soldiers.
gate open. The rogues, who know the Seatower’s layout, Not Working for the Guild: If the characters are
then could use the commotion and confusion to slip not associated with the Guild, Rael uses other person
inside, dash to the dungeons, and release the prisoners. nel to plan and execute the attack. If the characters are
If the characters don’t have their own plan for get on hand when it happens, they can join either side of
ting the strike team close to the gate, Rael offers them the battle, or not, as they see fit. If the adventurers tag
the assistance of someone within the Flaming Fist. She along with Rael’s strike team, they run into a group of
provides them with the names of three likely prospects. guards (Flaming Fist corporals, lieutenants, pri
vates, or sergeants) who heard the blast but have no
+ Nordir Samulkin, a human, has racked up large
idea what’s happening and have received no orders.
gambling debts that he is eager to keep hidden from
his brothers, who are also in the Flaming Fist. (The KEEPING TRACK
characters might have met Samulkin during stage 2 RaeI gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the characters
in “Flaming Fist Thuggery.”) arrange a prison break, or if they fail to prevent the Guild
from doing so.
to the council, Silvershield believes it’s only a matter of
Smokepowder Plot time before the whole city dances to the Guild’s tune.
For months, Silvershield has been
So Silvershield decides to cleanse the corruption
secretly stockpiling smokepowder in
from Parliament, but he has little control over who gets
the Upper City. Its method ofmanu
elected to that body. Since he can’t cleanse it judicially,
facture was once a secret of Gond’s
and with his mind turning toward thoughts of elabo
devotees, but religious doctrine has
rate, magnificent murder, he alights on another plan—a
banned the substance since the
shockingly drastic plan.
secret escaped into the wider world.
If Parliament can’t be repaired, he reasons, then
As the high artificer of Gond, Duke Silvershield consid
it must be swept clean. It must be done in a way that
ers it his right to have the stuff made, and the duke has
blames the Guild and rallies the people to support the
had Irnbralvm Skoond hard at work making batches of
dukes. Silvershield resolves to eliminate Parliament in
it for some time.
one awe-inspiring crash—by blowing up his smokepow
In the early phase of the plan, Silvershield’s wizard
der stash beneath the High Hall while Parliament is in
bought up Avery Sonshal’s smokepowder stores and
session. If the plot works, Silvershield concludes, the pop
lined up suppliers so he could arrange to produce more.
ulace would revile the Guild and elect a new parliament.
Skoond imported loads of aichemical ingredients and
In addition, a new parliament would be much harder for
stored them in Lower City warehouses before slowly
the Guild to subvert, since all its members would believe
sneaking them into his mansion, Seskergates, through
the Guild had murdered their predecessors.
its many entrances. He then enlisted a few apprentices
Silvershield and Skoond alone know all the details of
and hid them away in the mansion’s cellars to turn the
the plan to blow up Parliament. The handful of people
ingredients into smokepowder.
they’ve tapped for help along the way know only their
At first, the duke didn’t have any intentions aside
own pieces of the puzzle. Aside from the heroes, no one
from vague thoughts of breaking Sonshal’s monopoly
is in a position to stop Silvershield.
on fireworks production and putting on a great show.
Use the information in the following sections to
But as Bhaal’s influence continued to twist his thoughts.
guide the action, depending on how the characters
Silvershield settled on a more insidious idea.
decide to proceed.
The adventure has one other possible ending. If the heroes You can play out this event in one of two ways.
eliminate Bhaal’s favored three or if the characters’ methods Your first option is to instruct the Chosen character’s
throughout the adventure were bloodthirsty, they become player to mercilessly attack the remaining heroes until the
more attractive vessels to Bhaal, and the god of murder character is killed. Perhaps if the character is later raised from
chooses one of them. (Pick the character whose behavior the dead, Bhaal relinquishes his grip.
best exemplifies Bhaal’s principles.) Your second option is to tell the Chosen character’s player
In that case, the remaining dukes still arrange the citywide to attack the heroes—but at the end of each round in which
festival. During the fete, the characters are lauded as heroes. no one is killed, give the Chosen character a saving throw
When all attention is focused on them, one transforms into to regain control. After regaining control, the hero is still the
the Chosen of Bhaal and begins trying to kill everyone within Chosen of Bhaal. Tell the player that with each creature the
reach, especially former friends. character kills, Bhaal grows stronger. Bhaal could then visit
A character who becomes a Chosen retains all his or her the hero in dreams to taunt him or her, reveal secrets, or give
normal statistics and also gains the benefits described under advice that seems good but leads to deadly encounters.
Chosen of l3haal in the conversion guide.
wheel in wine casks and set up tables atop which they operate the trebuchet. Two additional soldiers come up
place goblets and tankards. the stairs and join the fight in every even-numbered
In closing, Silvershield gestures to the hogsheads round until the Chosen of Bhaal dies. All Fist merce
and encourages Baldurians to drink deeply of the best naries fight until slain. w
vintage of the High House of Wonders to honor the I-
dead and herald a new beginning for Baldur’s Gate. The I.L.
EvEnts supplEmEnt
If you need them, statistics blocks for the hunting On Board: If the adventurers agree to Ravengard’s
hounds, the rats, and Thurgo Songbuckle are provided plan and take the items to Tumbledown, they must
at the end of this supplement. enter the cemetery at night to avoid being seen. A mau-
soleum near the cliffs, its locks and seal long broken,
Keeping Track provides stairs into the crypts.
Rael gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the characters Old bones, stone sarcophagi, and bird and bat drop-
fail to capture or kill Thurgo Songbuckle. pings surround a young woman’s body, which several
ghouls are devouring. (If you need them, statistics
Planted Evidence blocks for the ghouls are provided at the end of this
If the characters performed their supplement.)
“Ravengard for Duke” task well in If the heroes defeat the ghouls, they can examine
stage 4, the marshal invites them to the body and determine that the woman had sundown
his office in the Seatower of Balduran. fever, an illness common in the Outer City, and that she
was struck on the head and stabbed several times. With
He gets right to the point. Read: a DC 10 Wisdom check, an adventurer knows that the
“If you want to crush evildoers, I can bludgeoning and the stabbing were inflicted after the
put you in the best position—and give you the best weapons. victim’s death. (Ravengard hired two grave robbers to
That is, evil mustn’t be fought with evil, but fire must be dig up the body, dump it here, and inflict the wounds
fought with fire. while hired thieves procured the “evidence” from its
“The council is too timid to wield the Flaming Fist. We previous owner. The ghouls finding the corpse wasn’t
could have wrung out the city’s dirty water long ago if we’d part of the plan.)
been allowed to really squeeze. I know where trouble hides, If the characters plant the items, Baldur’s Gate is
who foments it, and who profits from it. But the Guild has abuzz the next day with the news of Rillyn’s arrest for
purchased the Gate’s judges, so justice always loses in court. committing a ritual, cult murder in Tumbledown. The
“Their cozy setup is about to end, though, once some well- killing surprises no one, however, in light of the patri-
placed ‘evidence’ surfaces. I think you can make that happen. ar’s sable moonflower addiction, which was discovered
Do you understand?” at the same time.
By afternoon, the rumor mill hits a crescendo when
If the characters indicate that they understand and news reaches the streets that Rillyn has implicated
don’t object to planting evidence, Ravengard snaps his Nine-Fingers as his cult accomplice in the killing and
fingers. An assistant steps forward and passes a small claimed that the Guild leader’s real name is Astele
bundle to whichever character has done the most Keene, leading to that individual’s arrest. Now both are
talking or appears to be in charge. locked in the Seatower.
In the bundle are a bloodstained dagger, an ornate Feeling vindicated despite his role in the proceed-
smoking pipe, and the upper third of a broken walking ings, Ravengard rejoices in Rillyn’s losing his judicial
stick. The name of the patriar “Ariax Rillyn” is etched post and acting as a credible witness against Nine-Fin-
into the pipe. Acording to Ravengard, Rillyn often pre- gers at the same time.
sides over trials of alleged Guild operatives and rules Double-Crossing Ravengard: If the characters
in their favor. The pipe reeks of the highly addictive, accept the mission but don’t plant the evidence, or
illegal sable moonflower. The cane’s head and the dag- they don’t accept the mission and instead prevent it,
ger’s pommel bear the Rillyn family crest (a barren tree they infuriate Ravengard, who must have the dagger,
within a triangle). the cane, and the pipe to proceed with his plan. Stung
Ravengard tells the heroes about the Szarr family by this betrayal, Ravengard orders the Flaming Fist
crypts located in the cliff face below Tumbledown. The to scour the city and capture the heroes, using any
marshal circumspectly instructs the characters to plant means necessary. The characters would be wise to
these three items in the crypt tonight and leave the rest seek Silvershield’s protection or disappear into Rael’s
to him. warren of safe houses. If Ravengard catches them, they
If the characters ask about the person they’re are thrown into the Seatower of Balduran’s deepest,
framing, Ravengard assures them that Rillyn has com- dankest dungeon.
mitted far worse crimes than what this evidence would
Keeping Track
pin on him.
Ravengard gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the
Not on Board: If the heroes refuse to participate,
characters plant evidence to frame Ariax Rillyn, or if they
Ravengard shoots them a look of disgust, makes a dis-
fail to prevent Fist agents from doing so. If the heroes accept
paraging remark, and dismisses them with a wave of
the terms and then don’t deliver, Ravengard imprisons them
his hand. The meeting is over, and someone else plants
but does not gain a rank in Bhaal’s favor.
the evidence.
Legal Troubles of his financial troubles, he lives in a tenement in
Duke Silvershield seethes over the When the characters reach his door, Groat opens
blackmailing of Wyllyck Caldwell a viewing slot. When he sees armed strangers, he
(see “Ravengard for Duke” in stage 4) assumes they’ve been hired to beat his debts out of him.
and the frame-up of Ariax Rillyn (see He slams the slot shut, dashes out a back window, and
“Planted Evidence” above); the latter makes tracks along the slate rooftops, jumping from
has been a longtime Parliament of shanty to shanty at breakneck speed. A character can
Peers ally. So Silvershield decides to break down the door with a DC 10 Strength check.
retaliate against the Fist marshal and turns his consid- After that, the chase is on.
erable legal power against people under Ravengard’s Groat’s course begins on relatively flat roofs before
protection. Soon, the characters hear gossip about the reaching pitched rooftops. If the characters follow,
Watch dragging people from their homes on “trumped- describe the steep, rain-slick slates sliding under their
up charges.” boots; the dizzying height and muddy roads far below;
If Silvershield trusts the characters or wants to give Groat’s wild leaps; and the shouts of onlookers watching
them another chance, he summons them to his estate. the soggy, madcap parade from the street below.
He instructs them to locate and bring three Baldurians Play out the pursuit for as long as you want. Have
to him for questioning. The duke subtly implies that Groat and the characters make ability checks to jump
the characters can use force if needed. He gives the across alleys and balance on the slippery slate. When
adventurers “real evidence” (copies of witnesses’ sworn he misses a check at some point, Groat falls to the street
statements against Norold Dlusker, Ellyn Harbreeze, and dies.
and Stepan Groat). While deputizing the characters, Opposing the Arrests: It Silvershield does not ask
Silvershield expresses exasperation with the Flaming the heroes to make the arrests, an Upper City friend
Fist, referring to it as “somehow too busy with other or someone knowledgeable, such as Coran (Campaign
duties to enforce the law.” Guide, page 38), tips them off. If the characters oppose
Norold Dlusker might be familiar to the characters the detentions, they can challenge the Watch soldiers
from “Search and Seizure” in stage 1. The patriar, who who come for Dlusker, Harbreeze, and Groat. Confront-
works as a cloth merchant, is deeply in debt to Guild ing the Watch alongside Flaming Fist soldiers or as Fist
loan sharks. These lenders force Dlusker to launder representatives would be the most effective approach.
money and perform other services for the Guild. The Watch members are within their rights to arrest
impoverished patriar also provides the Flaming Fist Upper City folk, such as Dlusker, but their authority in
with inexpensive wool for uniforms. His arrest would the Lower City is less clear without the grand duke’s
please Silvershield on three levels: It would hurt the express support, which they don’t have.
Guild, remove a Flaming Fist resource, and hide away
a patriar who is an embarrassment to his peers. When Keeping Track
either the characters or Watch soldiers come for him, Silvershield gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the
Dlusker offers only feeble protests, since he knew his characters go after Norold Dlusker, Ellyn Harbreeze, and
ties to the Guild would eventually lead to trouble. Stepan Groat, or if they fail to prevent Watch soldiers from
Ellyn Harbreeze, a plump, freckled, and friendly arresting those individuals.
redhead, operates Harbreeze Bakery, a business she
inherited from her mother. Silvershield claims that
Harbreeze’s mother never paid the immigrant estab- Loose Tiles
lishment tax to set up her business. The baker fights her Most buildings in the Upper and
arrest, pounding her fists on whoever tries to grab her, Lower City have steep roofs of gray
clutching at the door frame, and screaming, “You can’t slate. When those tiles come loose,
arrest an innocent woman! I’ll die if you throw me in a they skitter down and crash to the
dark, damp dungeon! You’ll kill me, you will!” street below. Usually the result is
She’s both wrong and, tragically, right. The charac- nothing more than a good scare for
ters can arrest an innocent person. And if Harbreeze people standing nearby, but some-
is locked in a cell, she contracts a wasting disease that times it’s tragic.
kills her within two tendays, unless she receives magic “Accidents” don’t always happen accidentally,
healing. If the characters bring in Harbreeze kicking however. It’s uncommon but not unknown for thugs
and screaming, be sure that a Watch soldier tells them and assassins in Baldur’s Gate to drop roof tiles on
in a few days about her illness. unsuspecting victims. Sometimes the crashing tiles just
Stepan Groat is a Flaming Fist lieutenant who send a brief message: Watch your step. Other times,
owes a substantial gambling debt to the Guild. Because they deliver a final sentence: Death.
This event occurs when the Lower City is hit by a
Scuttling the Fleet
spate of roof tile incidents. Tiles mysteriously slip loose
and fall into crowds, injuring wealthy merchants, Rael wants to strike the merchants
nobles, soldiers of the Flaming Fist who use their fists where it will hurt them the most. In
too freely, and anyone else the Guild might have taken Baldur’s Gate, all wealth eventually
a dislike to. Tragically, tiles falling into crowds also hit traces to shipping in the harbor. With
innocent bystanders. one surge of violence, she plans to
These and similar “accidents” escalate quickly. Soon, burn or scuttle as many ships in the
barrels are careering down steep Lower City streets harbor as possible. The losses could
and ropes are snapping on cranes on the wharves, ruin some of the city’s merchant families, in addition to
sending cargo plummeting earthward. Everyone in the the many deaths that will result.
Lower City is put on edge. Special lookouts are posted This event should occur at night, when the attackers
along the wall between the Upper City and Lower City can have the cover of darkness. The ideal spot for the
where they can watch for any suspicious activity on all characters is in or near the Seatower, but they can get
the rooftops below them. into the action from anywhere in the city.
Rilsa Rael is behind these attacks, having hired a few The plan is for three groups of saboteurs in small
guild thugs to carry them out, but she doesn’t tip off the boats to row through the harbor, setting ships aflame
characters to this fact even if they are working with her. with hurled pots of alchemist’s fire. When their ammo
The heroes will find it difficult intervene in these is expended, they will escape by rowing out of the
events unless they happen to be in the right place at harbor and to a secluded landing spot downriver.
the right time, or unless she makes them the target of Each boat has a driver at the tiller in the stern
such an attack. The best way to help might be to spread (tough thug) in charge of six rowers (thugs) plus two
out across the city and work out some signal with the dwarves at the bow (bombers) who fling the alche-
Watch on the wall. That way when a Watch member mist’s fire. The clay pots are slung on ropes so they can
spots something suspicious, a character has a decent be launched like slingshot. Each boat is stocked with
chance of getting there in time to confront the culprits. twelve alchemist’s fire pots.
Of course, being spread out might mean that a hero The arsonists begin separated. Their first attacks hit
might have to confront the culprits (a couple of tough the Bloomridge piers, the Steeps wharf near the Count-
thugs) alone. ing House, and along the Heapside quay. The three
If the PCs don’t investigate and interfere, an entire boats then row in unison for the biggest concentrations
building under construction collapses mysteriously. of ships at the Eastway and Brampton piers. Thanks to
Grathus Mimdur, a builder who always hires laborers the darkness and the fog, there will be great confusion
from the Outer City and pays good wages, is killed in about where these fires are coming from. It might take
the collapse. His death stirs angry reactions through some time for ship crews to figure out that the attackers
the Outer City and brings an end to the “accidents.” are on the water, not on land.
Characters can become the target of an accident Unimpeded, this attack will wreak havoc on
if they’ve angered Rael or another Guild member shipping in Baldur’s Gate. Most of the fires will be
recently. Or a character might be a target when he or extinguished by fast-acting crews, but eight ships will
she arrives on the scene. A runaway handcart or barrel be completely consumed, five others crippled, the piers
can be evaded with a DC 10 Dexterity check. Falling badly damaged, and several fortunes lost. Every mer-
roof tiles require a DC 15 Dexterity check to dodge. chant in the city will be at the gates to the Seatower,
Either causes 1d10 damage if it hits. screaming for revenge.
If characters join in this attack, the best places for
KEEPING TRACK them will be in the bows of the fireboats, flinging pots
Rael gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the characters of alchemist’s fire. If they are on good terms with Rilsa
fail to catch or kill some of the culprits. Rael, she offers them the job. The drivers will steer the
boats wherever the characters command. The first few
attacks will have complete surprise, but by the time
the arsonists close in on the Eastway piers, most of the
harbor will be awake and on the lookout for trouble.
Allow the characters to make Charisma checks (DC
10) to keep their crews quiet. If a rowboat is detected,
it comes under a hail of crossbow bolts (from ship
crewmen represented by thugs). As the boat rows away,
each nonplayer character in it is attacked once by this
crossbow fire, and each player character is attacked
three times.
If the characters are near the harbor when this
attack commences, they have many ways to get
involved. The most likely are helping to fight the fires After so many attempts to bring down
on a ship or trying to locate the origin of the fires and the Guild, Ravengard concludes that
then attacking a boatload of arsonists from shore, or it can’t be done by external force. The
even commandeering a small boat and giving chase. Guild must be destroyed from the
The possibilities are nearly endless, so the specifics are inside, by infiltrators.
left in your hands. If the characters are on decent
If the characters are in or near the Seatower when terms with him, Ravengard calls upon
this attack commences, they have a unique opportunity. them; and even if the heroes are known to be associates
The Seatower is equipped with Gondar-built trebu- of Rilsa Rael or otherwise seem to be in league with the
chets meant specifically for sinking hostile ships in the Guild, Ravengard tries one last time to recruit them to
harbor. Characters might know about these already if his cause. He summons them not to the Seatower but
they were given a tour by Ravengard. Otherwise, the to the Elfsong Tavern. Ravengard reserves a back room
heroes could be corralled by a low-ranking Flaming Fist and arrives incognito. Three of his best men (Flaming
officer who recognizes them or whom they’ve worked Fist sergeants), also in mufti, are stationed in the
with before, or by Ravengard himself, and asked to help common room, with five Flaming Fist privates loiter-
crew the siege weapons. ing in the streets outside in case of an emergency.
To observers atop the Seatower, the fog drifting Ravengard offers 150 gp per character, paid up
across the harbor does a poor job of concealing the front, plus an equal amount paid after the Guild is
outlines of the arsonists’ boats. Firelight from burning brought down. He also promises that the characters
ships and occasional glows of moonlight through the will be unconditionally pardoned for any crimes they
clouds provide sporadic, dim illumination. Each time commit or have committed. When the job is done, they
another ship flares up, the characters have one chance will receive safe passage by ship from Baldur’s Gate to
to spot an attacking rowboat with a DC 15 Wisdom anywhere along the Sword Coast they choose, in case
check. If one or two characters spot a boat, it can be they fear retribution from surviving Guild members.
attacked by a trebuchet with a –3 penalty to the attack Whether they leave or stay in Baldur’s Gate, they
roll. If three or more characters spot a boat, it can be will have honorary commissions at the rank of blaze
attacked with no penalty. Have a character make the in the Flaming Fist, which means they would collect
attack roll against AC 9. On a hit, the boat is destroyed the monthly pay of that rank (75 gp per month) while
in a small explosion of the remaining alchemist’s fire. shouldering none of its duties.
Half of the boat’s crew dies, and the other half gets If the characters accept this offer or negotiate a
picked off or captured by sailors. better one, the assignment is simple. Ravengard wants
There are trebuchets on each tower, but only three them to assassinate Rilsa Rael, the Fetcher (use tough
have a good enough view of the situation to attack. thug statistics), and Nine-Fingers (if she isn’t locked
Each requires a five-person crew. They can be manned in the Seatower). Key figures inside the Guild probably
entirely by Flaming Fist privates, or characters can trust the characters already, and if they don’t, charac-
step into the crews. Each weapon can attack once when ters who offer their services to the Guild should get
a boat is spotted. It takes about 15 minutes to reload a Rilsa’s attention. It should be easy for them to get close
trebuchet between shots, so it’s likely that only three to these targets and strike the killing blow—or poison
shots can be gotten off before the Guild members flee. their food, or cause their deaths in any of a dozen other
For an added twist, a ship moored at the quay in ways. With the Guild decapitated, the Flaming Fist can
Eastway becomes a roaring inferno, and the flames hit smaller operators hard while there’s confusion in
threaten to spread to the harbormaster’s office. The the Guild’s ranks. All the characters need to do is carry
quickest way to prevent a disaster is to sink the burning out three efficient murders, and they can retire in style.
ship from the Seatower. Its AC is 12. Two hits are What Ravengard asks is almost certainly impos-
needed to sink it, but they must be scored instead of sible, and he knows it. Assassins might pick off one of
hitting the Guild boats, or it will be too late. these targets, maybe even two, but the odds of killing
Ravengard will be highly pleased if the attack is all three are next to zero. Nine-Fingers, Rael, and the
crushed from the Seatower. Fetcher always have bodyguards nearby. Furthermore,
all three would need to be hit simultaneously, or the
KEEPING TRACK news of one attack would send the others scrambling
Rael gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the heroes fail for their safe houses.
to catch or kill the members of at least two boats. Still, the characters are free to try. Ravengard will
reluctantly let himself be negotiated up to almost any
price, since he doesn’t expect to ever have to pay it.
If the characters refuse, Ravengard is disgusted. The evidence consists of crossbow bolt heads, bits of
He strips them of any rank he has given them and fletching torn off in crossbow wounds, the presence of
demands they return the brooches that were given to precise stabbing wounds rather than the more vicious
them, if they have them. Ravengard thereafter sends slashing and bludgeoning wounds typical of highway
his agents against the one Guild member he’s sure he bandits, and the fact that though the victims were
can find—the Fetcher. If the characters fail to warn him apparently robbed, their bodies weren’t stripped of
or another Guild member of Ravengard’s intent, the fine clothing and shoes, items that always are in high
Fetcher and a number of other people are killed in a demand among rough-living bandits.
bloody battle in the Undercellar. If the characters are working for Silvershield,
he might dispatch them to the north or south along
KEEPING TRACK the road to retrieve the bodies and return them to
Ravengard gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the Baldur’s Gate for interment befitting respected citi-
characters succeed in killing any of the three Guild members zens (only Silvershield knows they were threatened
or fail to warn them of Ravengard’s intent. with accusations and public disgrace, after all) and
destroy any evidence that could incriminate the
Exile Watch in the attacks.
Grumbling by middle-class mer- If the characters are working for Ulder Ravengard or
chants against the patriars is reaching Rilsa Rael, either of them would like to have evidence
a fever pitch. A certain amount of that these murders were committed by the Watch,
class envy has always simmered because that fact could implicate the dukes.
beneath the surface, but Torlin Characters who march out the road looking for
Silvershield hears something more bodies can find more than that. A band of real highway-
dangerous in these rumblings. He men (thugs and tough thugs) have followed rumors to
fears that if certain individuals are allowed to speak the area, hoping to pick the bodies clean.
freely, their anti-patriar ideas will spread.
Everyone who knows Duke Silvershield understands
Silvershield gains one rank on Bhaal’s Favor Track if the
that once he puts his weight behind an accusation, no
characters fail to tell either Ravengard or Rael about the
one accused of a serious crime has any future in Bal-
evidence of Watch involvement.
dur’s Gate. That’s what Silvershield counts on when he
turns his mind to ridding himself of problems from the
Lower City.
The duke summons the heads of four prominent
Lower City families to private meetings at his estate.
Each of them is offered a simple choice: Pack your fami-
lies and your fortunes and leave Baldur’s Gate forever,
or face accusations from the High Hall that will ruin
you. All four chose exile.
Their departures are noted by acquaintances and
neighbors, but many people are leaving Baldur’s Gate
these days. Four more families pulling up stakes does
not raise too many eyebrows, but then a rumor spreads
from the Wide a day later: Merchants traveling north
on the Coast Way passed the sites of two massacres
along the road. Two entire families, well off by the looks
of them, had been robbed and murdered, their bodies
dumped beside the road.
The murders were the work of special teams of the
Watch that were dispatched specifically to guarantee
that the exiles could never break their agreements and
return to Baldur’s Gate. They took steps to make the
attacks look like common highway robberies turned
murderous, but characters who are familiar with the
gear and the methods of the Watch can pick out the
telltale signs automatically with a careful inspection
of the bodies or with a DC 15 Intelligence check and
a general inspection at either of the massacre scenes.
D&D Next Statistics Rat
Tiny Beast
Hunting Hound Armor Class 11
Medium Beast Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Armor Class 12 Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft.
Hit Points 5 (1d10) Str 6 (–2) Dex 11 (+0) Con 10 (+0)
Speed 30 ft. Int 3 (–4) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 4 (–3)
Senses low-light vision Alignment unaligned
Str 11 (+0) Dex 14(+2) Con 11 (+0) Languages —
Int 2 (–4) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 8 (–1)
Alignment unaligned Traits
Languages — Mob Tactics: The rat gains a cumulative +1 bonus to attack
rolls for each friendly creature that also has this trait and is
Traits within 5 feet of its target, to a maximum of +5.
Scent: The hound has advantage on checks made to find
hidden or invisible creatures.
Melee Attack—Bite: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 1
Actions piercing damage.
Melee Attack—Bite: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
Encounter Building
1d8 piercing damage. If the attack deals 5 or more damage,
the target falls prone. Level 1 XP 10
4th Edition Statistics Thurgo Songbuckle Level 3 Skirmisher
Small natural humanoid (shapechanger), halfling XP 150
Hunting Hound Level 1 Minion Skirmisher HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +7
Medium natural beast XP 25 each AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +7
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +4 Speed 6, climb 4 (rat or hybrid form only) Low-light vision
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +6 Traits
Speed 6 Low-light vision Regeneration
Standard Actions Thurgo regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and has
m Bite F At-Will at least 1 hit point. When Thurgo takes damage from a silvered
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC weapon, regeneration does not function on Thurgo’s next turn.
Hit: 3 damage, or 6 against a prone target. Standard Actions
M Predator’s Strafe F At-Will m Dagger (weapon) ✦ At-Will
The hound shifts up to half its speed and makes a melee basic Requirement: Thurgo must be in human or hybrid form.
attack at any point during that move. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Str 10 (+0) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1) Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage, or 2d6 + 6 if Thurgo has combat advantage
Con 11 (+0) Int 2 (–4) Cha 8 (–1) against the target.
Alignment unaligned Languages — m Bite (disease) ✦ At-Will
Requirement: Thurgo must be in rat or hybrid form.
Rat (Swarm) Level 1 Skirmisher Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 100 Hit: 1d4 + 4 damage. If the target is granting combat advantage
to Thurgo, it also takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). At the
HP 27; Bloodied 13 Initiative +5
end of the encounter, the target makes a saving throw. On a
AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 11 Perception +4
failure, the target contracts wererat filth fever (stage 1).
Speed 6, climb 2 Low-light vision
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks;
Move Actions
Rat Scurry F At-Will
Vulnerable 5 to close and area attacks
Requirement: Thurgo must be in rat form.
Effect: Thurgo shifts up to his speed.
O Swarm Attack F Aura 1
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 4 damage, and
Minor Actions
Change Shape (polymorph) ✦ At-Will
the swarm can slide it 1 square as a free action.
Effect: Thurgo alters its physical form to appear as a Tiny rat, or a
Medium unique human or hybrid.
The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature,
Skills Bluff +6, Stealth +10
and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The
Str 10 (+1) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 12 (+2)
swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged
Con 15 (+3) Int 13 (+2) Cha 11 (+1)
attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is large enough
Alignment evil Languages Common
for at least one of the creatures it comprises.
Equipment dagger
Standard Actions
m Swarm of Teeth F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Ghoul Level 3 Soldier
Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage, or 1d10 + 8 if the swarm moved at least 2 Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 150
squares during this turn. HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +7
Effect: The swarm can shift 1 square. AC 19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 14 Perception +1
Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 9 (–1) Speed 8, climb 4 Darkvision
Con 11 (+0) Int 1 (–5) Cha 7 (–2) Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Alignment unaligned Languages — Traits
Weakened Paralysis
Whenever the ghoul takes radiant damage, one creature immo-
bilized or stunned by the ghoul can make a saving throw against
one of those effects.
Standard Actions
m Claws F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
M Ghoulish Bite F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized, restrained, stunned, or uncon-
scious creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Skills Stealth +10
Str 14 (+3) Dex 19 (+5) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
3rd Edition (v.3.5) Rat Swarm
13 hp (4 HD)
CR 2
Statistics N Tiny animal (swarm)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +6, Spot +7
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12
Hunting Hound CR 1 Resist half damage from slashing and piercing
hp 13 hp (2 HD) Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
N Medium animal Speed 15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft.
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +5, Spot +5 Melee swarm (1d6 plus disease)
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 Base Atk +3; Grp —
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) Atk Options disease, distraction
Melee bite +3 (1d6+3) Abilities Str 2, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Atk +1, Grp +3 SQ swarm traits
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Skills Balance +10, Climb +10, Hide +14 +16, Listen +6, Move
SQ scent; a hunting hound has a +4 racial bonus on Survival Silently +8, Spot +7, Swim +10
checks when tracking by scent Feat Alertness, Stealthy, Weapon FinesseB
Feats Alertness, TrackB Disease (Ex) Filth fever—swarm attack, Fortitude DC 12,
Skills Jump +8, Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +3, Survival +1 incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con.
The save DC is Constitution-based.
Thurgo Songbuckle CR 5 Distraction (Ex) Any living creature that begins its turn with a
swarm in its square must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or
Male halfling wererat rogue 3
be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
hp 26 (4 HD)
NE Small humanoid (shapechanger)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +9, Spot +7 Ghoul CR 1
Languages Common, Halfling hp 13 (2 HD)
AC 21, touch 19, flat-footed 13 CE Medium undead
Resist evasion; DR 5/silver Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +2, Spot +7
Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +7; +1 to all saving throws, +2 morale Languages Common
bonus against fear AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5
Melee dagger +10 (1d3–1), bite +5 (1d4–1) Immune undead immunities
Base Atk +2; Grp –4 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Atk Options Sneak Attack +2d6, Weapon Finesse Melee bite +2 (1d6+1 plus paralysis and ghoul fever), 2 claws
Abilities Str 8, Dex 27, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11 +0 (1d3 plus paralysis)
SQ alternate form, rat empathy, trap sense +1, trapfinding Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Feats Acrobatic, Alertness, Iron Will, Track, Weapon Finesse Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con —, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills Balance +11, Bluff +7, Climb +6, Diplomacy +2, Hide Feats Multiattack
+19, Intimidate +2, Jump +6, Listen +9, Move Silently +17, Skills: Balance +6, Climb +5, Hide +6, Jump +5, Move Silently
Spot +7, Tumble +19 +6, Spot +7
Possessions dagger Ghoul Fever (Su) Disease—bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation
In dire rat form, Thurgo has the following statistics: period 1 day, damage 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex. The save DC is
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. Charisma-based. An afflicted humanoid who dies of ghouls
Melee bite +10 (1d4–1), no dagger fever rises as a ghouls the following midnight. A humanoid of
Skills Climb +14, Swim +7 4 HD or more rises as a ghast, not a ghoul.
In halfling form, Thurgo has the following statistics: Paralysis (Ex) Those hit by a ghoul’s bite or claw attack must
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 13 succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4+1
Ref +11 rounds. Elves have immunity to this paralysis. The save DC is
DR none Charisma-based.
Melee dagger +7 (1d3–1), no bite attack
Skills Balance +9, Bluff +7, Hide +16, Move Silently +14,
Tumble +16
Abilities Dex 21, Con 14
AGE 12 +
Monster statistics
Bhaalspawn Slayer Chosen of Bhaal
Medium Humanoid When Rilsa Rael, Torlin Silvershield, Ulder Ravengard, or a
Armor Class 14 character becomes the Chosen of Bhaal, he or she gains the
Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8) following benefits.
Speed 40 ft.; see Traits below
Senses darkvision 60 ft. Traits
Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Con 15 (+2) Climb: The chosen can climb as part of its movement. No
Int 11 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 13 (+1) ability check is required.
Alignment chaotic evil
Immunities: The chosen is immune to disease and poison.
Languages Common
Jump: The chosen can jump as part of its movement. No
Traits ability check is required. Jumping in this way does not provoke
Climb: The slayer can climb as part of its movement. No ability opportunity attacks.
check is required. Murder Magic: A creature hit by the chosen’s attack must
Immunities: The slayer is immune to disease and poison. succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, or the
creature’s speed drops to 0. Instead of moving on its turn, or
Jump: The slayer can jump as part of its movement. No ability as an action, the target can attempt a DC 10 Constitution
check is required. Jumping in this way does not provoke check, ending the speed reduction if the check succeeds.
opportunity attacks. If a creature that already has a speed of 0 is hit by the chosen’s
attack, the creature must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
Actions throw or become stunned for 1 minute. A creature stunned in this
Melee Attack—Claws: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: way can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage, and the target must make a DC ending the stunned condition on a successful save.
10 Constitution saving throw. Failed Save: The target’s speed
magically drops to 0. Instead of moving on its turn, or as its
action, the target can attempt a DC 10 Constitution check, Coran
ending the speed reduction if the check succeeds. Medium Humanoid (Elf )
Melee Attack—Bite: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature that Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
has a speed of 0). Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) piercing damage, and the Hit Points 39 (6d10 + 6)
target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Failed Speed 35 ft.
Save: The target is stunned for 1 minute but can repeat the Senses low-light vision
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the stunned Str 13 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Con 12 (+1)
condition on a successful save. Int 12 (+1) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 16 (+3)
Alignment neutral
Encounter Building Languages Common, Elvish
Level 3 XP 110
Bomber Expertise: Coran has 2d6 expertise dice. If he uses any dice,
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf ) he regains them when he completes any rest. Coran can spend
Armor Class 13 (hide) a die to roll it and add its result to an attack roll as part of the
Hit Points 17 (2d10 + 6) action to make the attack.
Speed 25 ft. Free Spirit: Coran is immune to the charmed condition and
Senses darkvision 60 ft. cannot be put to sleep.
Str 16 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Con 17 (+3)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 11 (+0) Keen Senses: Coran has advantage on Wisdom checks to
Alignment neutral listen and spot.
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
Traits creature). Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Dwarven Resilience: Bomber has advantage on saving throws
against poison and resistance to poison damage. Ranged Attack—Longbow: +6 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one Volley: Coran can spend an expertise die to make a longbow
creature). Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. attack against two creatures within 20 feet of each other.
Crew Member Flaming Fist Corporal
Medium Humanoid (Human) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 13 (studded leather) Armor Class 18 (plate mail)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 25 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 11 (+0) Con 12 (+1) Str 16 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)
Alignment neutral Alignment neutral
Languages Common Languages Common
Actions Actions
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one Surge (recharge 5–6): The corporal makes two melee attacks.
creature). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Melee Attack—Heavy Flail: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Encounter Building Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Level 1 XP 20
Encounter Building
Level 4 XP 150
Fire Mephit
Small Elemental (Fire)
Armor Class 14
Flaming Fist Lieutenant
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3); see Traits below
Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3)
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Speed 30 ft.
Str 8 (–1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 12 (+1)
Str 16 (+3) Dex 14 (+2) Con 13 (+1)
Int 9 (–1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 13 (+1)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)
Alignment neutral
Alignment neutral
Languages Common, Ignan
Languages Common
Flame Healing: The mephit is immune to fire damage, and it
Melee Attack—Bastard Sword: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
regains a number of hit points equal to any fire damage dealt
creature). Hit: 1d10 + 3 slashing damage. If the attack deals 9
to it.
or more damage, the target falls prone.
Melee Attack—Claws: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
Guardian: If an enemy within 5 feet of the lieutenant attacks
5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage and 2 (1d4) fire damage.
a target other than the lieutenant, that enemy provokes an
Breath Weapon (recharge 6): The mephit breathes a 15- opportunity attack from the lieutenant.
foot cone of flame. Creatures in the cone must make a DC
11 Dexterity saving throw. Failed Save: 9 (2d8) fire damage. Encounter Building
Successful Save: Half damage. Level 3 XP 80
Melee Attack—Longsword: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Hit: 1d8 + 2 slashing damage. If the private deals 7 or more
damage, the private can push the target back 5 feet and move
5 feet to remain within 5 feet of the target. This movement
does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Ranged Attack—Light Crossbow: +1 to hit (range 80 ft./320
ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Encounter Building
Level 1 XP 20
Flaming Fist Sergeant Harbor Manifest
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Uncommon wondrous item
Armor Class 20 (plate mail, shield)
Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Speed 25 ft. The leather for this manifest’s cover has a faint, intri-
Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 14 (+2) cate pattern on it.
Int 12 (+1) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 12 (+1) Property: To open the manifest, one must trace the
Alignment neutral magic pattern on its cover. The book has been opened so
Languages Common many times that the tracing marks are clearly visible, but
the pattern is so complex that tracing it properly requires
Actions a DC 15 Dexterity or Intelligence check. If opened incor-
Surge (recharge 4–6): The sergeant makes two melee attacks.
rectly, the manifest screeches in a parrot voice, “Thief!
Melee Attack—Flail: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: Help! Thief! Help!” The cry repeats until the symbol is
1d8 + 3 bludgeoning damage. If the attack deals 8 or more traced correctly. An individual who has opened it cor-
damage, the target falls prone. rectly once need not perform the check again.
Encounter Building In addition, while it is open, the manifest records on
Level 4 XP 200 its pages any words dictated to it.
Traits Actions
Brave The halfling has advantage on saving throws against Melee Attack—Fist: +0 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 1
being frightened. bludgeoning damage.
Lucky: If the halfling rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll, ability Ranged Attack—Rock: +0 to hit (range 20 ft./80 ft.; one
check, or saving throw, the halfling can reroll the die but must creature). Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.
use the new roll.
Encounter Building
Opportunist: If the halfling has advantage on an attack roll, the Level 1 XP 10
halfling can give up the advantage to make two attacks.
Sneak: The halfling has advantage on Dexterity checks to sneak. Imbralym Skoond
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Actions Armor Class 12
Melee or Ranged Attack—Dagger: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft. or Hit Points 18 (4d6 + 4)
range 30 ft./120 ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing Speed 30 ft.
damage, and the target cannot make opportunity attacks Str 10 (+0) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1)
against the halfling until the halfling’s turn ends. Int 17 (+3) Wis 17 (+3) Cha 12 (+1)
Alignment neutral evil
Encounter Building Languages Common
Level 1 XP 20
Spellcasting: Imbralym is a 4th-level spellcaster that uses
Intelligence as his magic ability (spell save DC 14). Imbralym
has the following spells prepared:
Cantrips—minor illusion, ray of frost, shocking grasp
1st level (4/day)—color spray, magic missile, shield, thunderwave
2nd level (3/day)—invisibility
Melee Attack—Quarterstaff: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 110
Laraelra Thundreth Nine-Fingers
Medium Humanoid (Half-Elf ) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) Armor Class 15 (leather)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Senses low-light vision Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Con 14 (+2)
Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Int 13 (+1) Wis 17 (+3) Cha 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 12 (+1) Alignment neutral
Alignment neutral Languages Common
Languages Common
Traits Acrobatic Escape: While Nine-Fingers is moving on her turn,
Focus: If Laraelra damages a creature, she can choose to gain her AC is 18.
advantage on her next attack roll made against that creature.
Focus: If Nine-Fingers damages a creature, she can choose
Laraelra must rest to regain the use of this trait.
to gain advantage on her next attack roll made against that
Opportunist: If Laraelra has advantage on an attack roll, she creature. Nine-Fingers must rest to regain the use of this trait.
can give up the advantage to make two attacks.
Sneak Attack: If Nine-Fingers has advantage on an attack roll,
Sneak: Laraelra has advantage on Dexterity checks to sneak. she can give up the advantage to deal 2d6 + 6 extra damage.
Patriar Retainer Rilsa Rael
Medium Humanoid (Human) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 12 (leather) Armor Class 15 (leather)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 33 (6d6 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Con 12 (+1) Str 14 (+2) Dex 18 (+4) Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Alignment neutral Alignment neutral
Languages Common Languages Common
Actions Traits
Melee Attack—Longsword: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Focus 2: If Rilsa damages a creature, she can choose to gain
Hit: 1d8 + 2 slashing damage. If the retainer deals 7 or more advantage on her next attack roll made against that creature.
damage, the retainer can push the target back 5 feet and move She has two uses of this trait, and she must rest to regain any
5 feet to remain within 5 feet of the target. This movement use she expends.
does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Slick: Rilsa has advantage on ability checks made to persuade,
Encounter Building sense motive, and sneak.
Level 1 XP 20 Sneak Attack: If Rilsa has advantage on an attack roll, she can
give up the advantage to deal 2d6 + 6 extra damage with an
Patriar Youth attack that hits.
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Tactical Acumen: If Rilsa moves 15 feet or fewer on her turn,
Armor Class 10
her movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Hit Points 5 (1d8 + 1)
Speed 30 ft. Tactical Commands: Any friendly creature that can hear Rilsa
Str 11 (+0) Dex 10 (+0) Con 12 (+1) and is within 30 feet of her can move 15 feet or fewer on its
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 11 (+0) turn, and this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Alignment neutral Actions
Languages Common
Slash and Dash: Rilsa makes short sword attack against one
creature and then moves using Tactical Acumen. She can then
Actions make a dagger attack. Her turn then ends.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Improvised Weapon: +1 to hit
(reach 5 ft. or range 20 ft./40 ft.; one creature). Hit: 2 (1d4) Melee Attack—Short Sword: +7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
bludgeoning damage. creature). Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Melee or Ranged Attack—Dagger: +7 to hit (reach 5 ft. or range
Encounter Building
30 ft./120 ft.; one creature). Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.
Level 1 XP 10
Encounter Building
Level 5 XP 300
Smokepowder Maker
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 22 (4d6 + 8)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 14 (+2)
Int 16 (+3) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 11 (+0)
Alignment neutral
Languages Common, Goblin
Melee Attack—Quarterstaff: +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Ranged Attack—Ray of Frost: +4 to hit (range 100 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 4 (1d8) cold damage, and the target’s speed drops
by 10 feet until the end of the maker’s next turn.
Acid Spray (recharge 5–6): Each creature in a 15-foot cone
originating from the maker must make a DC 11 Dexterity
saving throw. Failed Save: 13 (3d8) acid damage. Successful Save:
Half damage.
Encounter Building
Level 2 XP 50
Thug Torlin Silvershield
Medium Humanoid (Human) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 17 (scale mail, shield)
Hit Points 9 (2d8) Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Str 12 (+1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 11 (+0) Str 15 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Con 15 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Int 11 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 18 (+4)
Alignment neutral Alignment neutral
Languages Common Languages Common
Actions Traits
Melee Attack—Dagger: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: Spellcasting: Torlin is a 6th-level spellcaster that uses Wisdom
3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. as his magic ability (spell save DC 14). He has the following
spells prepared:
Ranged Attack—Light Crossbow: +1 to hit (range 80 ft./320
Cantrips—spare the dying, light, resistance
ft.; one creature). Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage.
1st level (3/day)—command, cure wounds, shield of faith
Encounter Building 2nd level (2/day)—hold person, lesser restoration
3rd level (2/day)—dispel magic, prayer
Level 1 XP 10
Tough Thug Multiattack: Torlin makes two melee attacks.
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Melee Attack—Morningstar: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
Armor Class 12 (leather)
creature). Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft. Encounter Building
Str 14 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Con 14 (+2)
Level 5 XP 350
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment neutral
Languages Common Ulder Ravengard
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Traits Armor Class 20 (plate mail, shield)
Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12)
Thug Tactics: The thug has advantage on attack rolls against
Speed 25 ft.
any enemy that is within 5 feet of one or more of the thug’s
Str 17 (+3) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2)
Int 11 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Actions Alignment neutral
Melee Attack—Dagger: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: Languages Common
4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Ranged Attack—Light Crossbow: +3 to hit (range 80 ft./320
Multiattack: Ulder makes two melee attacks, only one of
ft.; one creature). Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
which can be a shield attack.
Encounter Building Melee Attack—Bastard Sword: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
Level 2 XP 40 creature). Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage.
Melee Attack—Shield (recharge 6): +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and Ulder
pushes the target up to 10 feet, and then Ulder moves up to
10 feet. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
If the target ends the movement within 5 feet of a creature
friendly to Ulder, the target provokes an opportunity attack
from that creature.
Guardian: If an enemy within 5 feet of Ulder attacks a target
other than Ulder, that enemy provokes an opportunity attack
from Ulder.
Encounter Building
Level 6 XP 580
Viekang Watch Soldier
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 15 (leather armor)
Armor Class 17 (scale mail, shield)
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft.
Str 12 (+1) Dex 19 (+4) Con 14 (+2)
Str 14 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Con 12 (+1)
Int 13 (+1) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment chaotic evil
Alignment neutral
Languages Common, Elvish
Languages Common
Traits Actions
Blade in the Dark: If Viekang hits with a melee attack against
Melee Attack—Longsword: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
a creature from which he is hidden, he deals 2d6 + 4 extra
Hit: 1d8 + 2 slashing damage. If the attack deals 7 or more
damage with that attack.
damage, the soldier can push the target back 5 feet and move
Actions 5 feet to remain within 5 feet of the target. This movement
does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage. Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +1 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one
creature). Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Ranged Attack—Light Crossbow: +5 to hit (range 80 ft./320
ft.; one creature). Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage. Encounter Building
Veil of Shadow (recharge 4–6): A 10-foot radius sphere Level 1 XP 20
centered on Viekang fills with darkness. Darkvision cannot
see through this darkness, and no light can illuminate it, but Yssra Brackrel
Viekang can see in it. Viekang can then move if he wishes, Medium Humanoid (Half-Elf )
and he can make a Dexterity check with advantage to become Armor Class 12
hidden. The darkness lasts until Viekang attacks or until the Hit Points 18 (4d6 + 4)
end of his next turn. Speed 30 ft.
Senses low-light vision
Encounter Building
Str 10 (+0) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1)
Level 4 XP 230
Int 17 (+3) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 12 (+1)
Alignment neutral
Watch Sergeant Languages Common
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Armor Class 16 (chain mail) Traits
Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3) Bluff: Yssra has advantage on Charisma checks to bluff.
Speed 25 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 11 (+0) Con 13 (+1) Spellcasting: Yssra is a 4th-level spellcaster that uses
Int 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 11 (+0) Intelligence as her magic ability (spell save DC 14). She has
Alignment neutral the following spells prepared:
Languages Common Cantrips—mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost
1st level (4/day)—burning hands, magic missile, shield
Actions 2nd level (3/day)—flaming sphere, mirror image
Melee Attack—Halberd: +4 to hit (reach 10 ft.; one creature). Actions
Hit: 1d10 + 2 slashing damage. If the attack deals 8 or more
Melee Attack—Quarterstaff: +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one
damage, the target falls prone.
creature). Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. If the attack
Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +2 to hit (range 80 ft./320 ft.; one deals 5 or more damage, the target falls prone.
creature). Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
Encounter Building
Reactions Level 2 XP 50
Guardian: If an enemy within 10 feet of the sergeant attacks
a target other than the sergeant, that enemy provokes an
opportunity attack from the sergeant.
Encounter Building
Level 3 XP 70
4th Edition Statistics Bhaalspawn Slayer
Medium natural humanoid
Level 3 Elite Soldier
XP 300
Abdel Adrian Level 3 Soldier HP 94; Bloodied 47 Initiative +6
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 AC 19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 14 Perception +1
HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 Speed 8, climb 8 Darkvision
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +6 Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Speed 5 Saving Throw +2; Action Points 1
Standard Actions Standard Actions
m Fist ✦ At-Will m Claws F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage, and Abdel marks the target until the end of Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
his next turn. M Double Attack F At-Will
M Powerful Strike (weapon) ✦ Encounter Effect: The Bhaalspawn slayer uses claws twice.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC M Cruel Bite F At-Will
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone. Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized, restrained, stunned, or uncon-
Skills Diplomacy +7 scious creature); +8 vs. AC
Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) Move Actions
Alignment unaligned Languages Common Prodigious Leap F At-Will
Equipment plate armor Effect: The Bhaalspawn slayer jumps 4 squares. This movement
does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Triggered Actions
Acolyte of Gond Level 1 Soldier M Blood Frenzy F At-Will
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 100
Trigger: A bloodied enemy adjacent to the Bhaalspawn slayer
HP 31; Bloodied 15 Initiative +2 shifts.
AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 12, Will 14 Perception +2 Effect (Opportunity Action): The Bhaalspawn slayer uses claws
Speed 5 against the triggering enemy.
Standard Actions Str 14 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (+1)
m Warhammer (weapon) F At-Will Con 15 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 13 (+2)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, or 1d8 + 6 while the acolyte is adjacent to
an acolyte ally.
r Crossbow (weapon) F At-Will Bomber Level 2 Brute
Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Medium natural humanoid, dwarf XP 125
Hit: 1d8 + 2 damage. HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +2
Str 13 (+1) Dex 11 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) AC 14, Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 14 Perception +3
Con 15 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Speed 5 Low-light vision
Alignment unaligned Languages Common Saving Throws +5 against poison effects
Equipment chainmail, warhammer, crossbow, 20 bolts Traits
Stand the Ground
Whenever the bomber is pulled, pushed, or slid, he can move 1
square less than the effect specifies.
The bomber can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone
when an attack would knock him prone.
Standard Actions
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.
R Alchemist’s Fire (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 5 fire damage, and 5 fire damage to all creatures adja-
cent to target.
Str 16 (+4) Dex 12 (+2) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 17 (+4) Int 11 (+1) Cha 11 (+1)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Dwarven
Equipment hide armor, short sword, 6 flasks of alchemist’s fire
Crew Member Level 2 Skirmisher
Chosen of Bhaal
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 125
When Rilsa Rael, Torlin Silvershield, Ulder Ravengard, HP 36; Bloodied 18 Initiative +3
or a character becomes the Chosen of Bhaal, he or she AC 15, Fortitude 14, Reflex 12, Will 13 Perception +2
gains the following benefits. Speed 6
Traits Mob Rule
Climb While at least two other crew members are within 5 squares of
The chosen gains a climb speed of 6. the crew member, it gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses.
Immunities Standard Actions
The chosen is immune to disease and poison. m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Expert Jumper Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
The chosen can jump as part of its movement. No ability check Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage.
is required. Jumping in this way does not provoke opportunity Str 14 (+3) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 12 (+2)
attacks. Con 12 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 10 (+1)
Murder Magic Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Whenever the chosen hits a target, the chosen makes a second- Equipment leather armor, short sword
ary attack (+6 vs. Fortitude). On a hit, the target is immobilized
(save ends). If the target is already immobilized, it is also stunned
Fire Mephit Level 3 Skirmisher
until the end of its next turn.
Small elemental humanoid (fire) XP 150
HP 46; Bloodied 23 Initiative +6
Coran Level 6 Artillery AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +0
Medium fey humanoid, elf XP 250 Speed 6, fly 6 Darkvision
HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +7 Immune fire
AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 18 Perception +11 Traits
Speed 7 Low-light vision Regeneration
Traits The mephit regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and
Wild Step has at least 1 hit point. When the mephit takes cold or psychic
Coran ignores difficult terrain when he shifts. damage, its regeneration does not function on its next turn.
Standard Actions Standard Actions
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will m Claws (fire) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and Coran shifts 1 square. Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). If
r Longbow (weapon) F At-Will the target is already taking ongoing fire damage, it increases by
Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +13 vs. AC 5 up to a maximum of 10.
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage. C Flame Blast (fire) ✦ Recharge 5 6
R Harrying Shot (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +6 vs. Reflex
Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 3 fire damage.
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage, and until the end of Coran’s next turn, its Move Actions
allies gain combat advantage against the target while adjacent Dancing Flames ✦ At-Will
to the target. Effect: The mephit shifts up to half its speed.
Free Actions Skills Bluff +8
Elven Accuracy F Encounter Str 8 (+0) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 8 (+0)
Effect: Coran rerolls one of his attack rolls and uses the second Con 14 (+3) Int 8 (+0) Cha 14 (+3)
result. Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Primordial
Skills Athletics +10, Bluff +12, Stealth +12, Thievery +12
Str 14 (+5) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 16 (+6)
Con 13 (+4) Int 13 (+4) Cha 18 (+7)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Equipment leather armor, short sword, longbow, 20 arrows
Flaming Fist Corporal Level 2 Elite Brute Flaming Fist Private Level 1 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 250 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 100
HP 88; Bloodied 44 Initiative +2 HP 28; Bloodied 14 Initiative +3
AC 14, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +1 AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12 Perception +0
Speed 5 Speed 5
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 Standard Actions
Standard Actions m Longsword (weapon) F At-Will
m Heavy Flail (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage.
Hit: 3d6 + 3 damage. M Drive Back (weapon) F At-Will
M Double Attack F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Effect: The corporal uses heavy flail twice. Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage, and the private can push the target 1
Triggered Actions square and then shift 1 square to a square the target occupied.
M Smash Back (weapon) F Recharge when first bloodied R Crossbow (weapon) F At-Will
Trigger: An enemy hits the corporal with a melee attack. Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The corporal uses heavy flail against Hit: 1d8 + 1 damage.
the triggering enemy. Str 16 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Wis 10 (+0)
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidate +7 Con 12 (+1) Int 9 (–1) Cha 9 (–1)
Str 17 (+4) Dex 12 (+2) Wis 10 (+1) Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Con 14 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 13 (+2) Equipment scale armor, light shield, longsword, crossbow, 20 bolts
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment plate armor, heavy flail
Flaming Fist Sergeant Level 5 Elite Soldier
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 400
Flaming Fist Lieutenant Level 3 Soldier HP 126; Bloodied 63 Initiative +4
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 AC 21, Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 17 Perception +3
HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 Speed 5
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +6 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Speed 5 Standard Actions
Standard Actions m Flail (weapon) F At-Will
m Bastard Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 8 damage.
Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage, and the lieutenant marks the target until M Tactical Attack (weapon) F At-Will
the end of the lieutenant ’s next turn. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
r Javelin (weapon) ✦ At-Will Hit: 1d10 + 7 damage, and the target grants combat advantage
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +8 vs. AC until the end of the sergeant’s next turn.
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. Effect: One of the sergeant’s allies within 5 squares of the target
M Powerful Strike (weapon) ✦ Recharge 5 6 can make a basic attack against the target as a free action.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Triggered Actions
Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone. M Tripping Flail (weapon) F At-Will
Triggered Actions Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to the sergeant.
M Interceding Strike (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +8 vs.
Trigger: An enemy marked by the lieutenant makes an attack Reflex
that doesn’t include the lieutenant as a target. Hit: The target falls prone.
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +8 vs. Skills Athletics +11, Intimidate +8
AC Str 18 (+6) Dex 10 (+2) Wis 13 (+3)
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage. Con 15 (+4) Int 12 (+3) Cha 12 (+3)
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidate +7 Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) Equipment plate mail, heavy shield, flail
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment plate mail, bastard sword, 4 javelins
Halfling Rogue Level 2 Skirmisher Imbralym Skoond Level 4 Controller
Small natural humanoid XP 125 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 175
HP 34; Bloodied 17 Initiative +6 HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +4
AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 16, Will 14 Perception +1 AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 15 Perception +5
Speed 6 Speed 6
Traits Standard Actions
Nimble Reaction m Quarterstaff (weapon) F At-Will
The halfling gains a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Standard Actions Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and Imbralym can slide the target 1 square.
m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will r Magic Missile (force, implement) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature)
Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, plus 1d6 if the halfling has combat advan- Effect: The target takes 5 force damage.
tage against the target. R Brilliant Chains (implement, lightning) F Encounter
Effect: The halfling can shift 1 square. Primary Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
r Sling (weapon) F At-Will Hit: 2d8 + 3 lightning damage, and Imbralym makes the
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +7 vs. AC following secondary attack.
Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, plus 1d6 if the halfling has combat advan- Secondary Attack: Ranged 10 (two creatures within 5 squares of
tage against the target. the primary target); +7 vs. Reflex
M Mobile Melee Attack F At-Will Hit: 3 lightning damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Effect: The halfling moves up to 4 squares, using dagger at any Whenever the target ends its turn more than 5 squares away
point during the move. This movement does not provoke from the primary target while it is slowed, it takes 5 lightning
opportunity attacks from the target of the attack. damage and falls prone.
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +8, Stealth +9, Thievery +9 A Cacophonous Burst (implement, thunder) F Encounter
Str 12 (+2) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 11 (+1) Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 squares (creatures in the burst);
Con 10 (+1) Int 10 (+1) Cha 14 (+3) +7 vs. Fortitude
Alignment unaligned Languages Common Hit: 2d6 + 5 thunder damage, Imbralym pushes the target 1
Equipment leather armor, dagger, sling, 20 bullets square from the center of the burst, and the target is dazed
(save ends).
Harbor Manifest Level 1 Uncommon Triggered Actions
Deflecting Shield F Encounter
The leather for this manifest’s cover has a faint, intricate pattern
Trigger: Imbralym is the target of a melee or ranged attack.
on it.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Imbralym gains a +4 bonus to the
Wondrous Item 360 gp defense targeted by the triggering attack until the end of
Property Imbralym’s next turn.
To open the manifest, a magic pattern must be traced on its Skills Arcana +11
cover. Tracing it properly requires a successful DC 15 Dexterity Str 10 (+2) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 17 (+5)
or Intelligence check. If it is opened incorrectly, the manifest Con 12 (+3) Int 18 (+6) Cha 12 (+3)
screeches in a parrot voice, “Thief! Help! Thief! Help!” The cry Alignment evil Languages Common
repeats until the symbol is traced correctly. An individual who Equipment robes, quarterstaff, orb
has opened it correctly once need not perform the check again.
While it is opened, the manifest records on its pages any words Laraelra Thundreth Level 2 Skirmisher
dictated to it. Medium natural humanoid, half-elf XP 125
HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +6
AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12 Perception +1
Human Bystander Level 1 Minion Brute Speed 6
Medium natural humanoid, human XP —
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +0 Combat Advantage
AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +0 If Laraelra hits an enemy that is granting combat advantage to
Speed 6 her, the enemy takes 1d6 extra damage.
Str 10 (+0) Dex 10 (+0) Wis 10 (+0) Standard Actions
Con 10 (+0) Int 11 (+0) Cha 8 (–1) m r Dagger (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Alignment unaligned Languages Common Attack: Melee 1 or Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage, and Laraelra can shift 1 square.
M Dazing Strike (weapon) ✦ Recharge when the attack misses
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
Laraelra’s next turn.
Effect: Laraelra can shift 1 square.
Skills Stealth +9, Streetwise +7, Thievery +9
Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 13 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, 4 daggers
Nant Thangol Level 1 Skirmisher Patriar Duelist Level 2 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid, dwarf XP 100 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 125
HP 33; Bloodied 16 Initiative +3 HP 39; Bloodied 19 Initiative +7
AC 15, Fortitude 14, Reflex 12, Will 14 Perception +8 AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +8
Speed 5 Low-light vision Speed 6
Traits Traits
Stand the Ground Combat Advantage
Nant can move 1 square fewer than the effect specifies when If the duelist hits an enemy that is granting combat advantage to
subjected to a pull, a push, or a slide. the duelist, the enemy takes 1d6 extra damage.
Steady-Footed Standard Actions
Nant can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone when an m Rapier (weapon) F At-Will
attack would knock him prone. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Standard Actions Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.
m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 3 damage, and Nant can shift 1 square. Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.
r Throwing Dagger (weapon) F At-Will M Two-Weapon Rend F Encounter
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Effect: The duelist uses rapier and short sword against the same
Hit: 2d4 + 3 damage, and Nant can shift 1 square. target. If both attacks hit, the target takes 4 extra damage.
M R Double Dagger Strike (weapon) F Recharge 4 5 6 Triggered Actions
Effect: Nant makes two basic attacks. Duelist’s Accuracy F Encounter
Str 16 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Wis 17 (+3) Trigger: The duelist makes an attack roll.
Con 17 (+3) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Effect (Free Action): The duelist rerolls the attack roll and uses the
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Dwarven second result.
Equipment leather armor, 8 daggers Skills Bluff +7, Stealth +10
Str 12 (+2) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)
Nine-Fingers Level 6 Elite Skirmisher
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 500
Equipment leather armor, rapier, short sword
HP 140; Bloodied 70 Initiative +10
AC 20, Fortitude 17, Reflex 20, Will 18 Perception +11
Speed 6 Patriar Retainer Level 1 Soldier
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 100
Traits HP 28; Bloodied 14 Initiative +3
Cunning Escape AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12 Perception +0
If Nine-Fingers starts her turn dazed, immobilized, restrained or Speed 6
stunned, she can immediately make a saving throw to end the Standard Actions
effect imposing the condition, even if the effect does not nor- m Longsword (weapon) F At-Will
mally end on a save. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Standard Actions Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage.
m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will M Drive Back (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 3d4 + 7 damage, or 6d4 + 7 if Nine-Fingers has combat Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage, and the retainer can push the target 1
advantage against the target. square and then shift 1 square to a square the target occupied.
r Thrown Dagger (weapon) F At-Will Str 16 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Wis 10 (+0)
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 11 (+0)
Hit: 3d4 + 7 damage, and the target grants combat advantage Alignment unaligned Languages Common
(save ends). Equipment leather armor, longsword
M Darting Blades F At-Will
Effect: Nine-Fingers uses dagger twice, and she shifts up to half
Patriar Youth Level 1 Minion Brute
her speed between the attacks.
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 25
Move Actions
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +1
Acrobatic Escape F Recharge when first bloodied
AC 13, Fortitude 13, Reflex 12, Will 13 Perception +2
Effect: Nine-Fingers shifts up to her speed.
Speed 6
Skills Stealth +13, Streetwise +10, Thievery +13
Str 12 (+4) Dex 21 (+8) Wis 17 (+6)
Standard Actions
m Improvised Weapon (weapon) F At-Will
Con 14 (+5) Int 13 (+4) Cha 14 (+5)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.
Equipment leather armor, 10 daggers, thieves’ tools
Str 11 (+0) Dex 10 (+0) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Rilsa Rael Level 6 Skirmisher (Leader) Thug Level 2 Minion Brute
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 250 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 31
HP 69; Bloodied 34 Initiative +9 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +1
AC 20, Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 18 Perception +8 AC 14, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 14 Perception +2
Speed 6 Speed 6
Standard Actions Standard Actions
m Short Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and Rilsa shifts 1 square. Hit: 6 damage.
m r Dagger (weapon) ✦ At-Will R Crossbow (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 or ranged 5/10 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 7 damage. Hit: 6 damage.
M R Slash and Dash (weapon) ✦ Recharge 4 5 6 Str 11 (+1) Dex 10 (+1) Wis 12 (+2)
Effect: Rilsa uses short sword, shifts 2 squares, and then uses Con 12 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 10 (+1)
dagger. Alignment unaligned Languages Common
M Triggering Slash (weapon) ✦ Recharge 5 6 Equipment dagger, crossbow, 20 bolts
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and one ally can shift 1 square and make a
Tough Thug Level 2 Brute
melee basic attack as a free action.
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 125
Skills Athletics +11, Diplomacy +11, Insight +8, Stealth +12
HP 42; Bloodied 21 Initiative +3
Str 16 (+6) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 11 (+3)
AC 11, Fortitude 13, Reflex 11, Will 11 Perception +2
Con 13 (+4) Int 10 (+3) Cha 16 (+6)
Speed 6
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, short sword, 6 daggers
Thug Tactics
While the tough thug is within 5 squares of another tough thug,
Smokepowder Maker Level 4 Artillery the thug gains a +4 power bonus to damage rolls.
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 200 Standard Actions
HP 46; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +6 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Speed 6 Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage.
Standard Actions r Crossbow (weapon) F At-Will
m Staff (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 1 damage.
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. Str 14 (+3) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 12 (+2)
R Acid Stream (acid, implement) F At-Will Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 13 (+2)
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Hit: 1d8 + 5 acid damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save Equipment dagger, crossbow, 20 bolts
R Icy Stream (cold, implement) F Recharge 5 6
Torlin Silvershield Level 5 Controller (Leader)
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 200
Hit: 1d10 + 9 cold damage, and the maker slides the target up to
HP 60; Bloodied 30 Initiative +3
3 squares.
AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 19 Perception +4
Skills Arcana +13
Speed 5
Str 15 (+5) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 18 (+7)
Con 16 (+6) Int 21 (+8) Cha 15 (+5)
Standard Actions
m Mace (weapon) F At-Will
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Goblin
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Equipment staff
Hit: 1d8 + 9 damage.
M Priest’s Shield (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage, and Torlin or one ally adjacent to him gains
a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of Torlin’s next turn.
R Command (charm) F Encounter
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dazed until the end of Torlin’s next turn. In addi-
tion, Torlin can knock the target prone or slide it up to 5 squares.
Minor Actions
C Healing Word (healing) F 2/Encounter (1/round)
Effect: Torlin or one ally within 5 squares of him regains 10 hit
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Insight +9, Religion +9
Str 12 (+3) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 14 (+4)
Con 15 (+4) Int 14 (+4) Cha 16 (+5)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment scale armor, mace
Ulder Ravengard Level 6 Elite Soldier (Leader) Viekang Level 4 Lurker
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 500 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 175
HP 140; Bloodied 70 Initiative +7 HP 44; Bloodied 22 Initiative +10
AC 22, Fortitude 19, Reflex 17, Will 18 Perception +8 AC 18, Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +9
Speed 5 Speed 6
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 Standard Actions
Traits m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
O Knight’s Aura F Aura 1 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Any unmarked enemy that willingly leaves the aura provokes an Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage.
opportunity attack from Ulder. r Crossbow (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Standard Actions Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
m Bastard Sword (weapon) F At-Will Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC M Blade in the Dark (weapon) F Recharge when Viekang uses veil
Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage. of shadows
M Double Attack F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Effect: Ulder uses bastard sword twice. Hit: 4d6 + 10 damage.
Minor Actions Miss: Half damage.
M Shield Shove (weapon) F Recharge when first bloodied Veil of Shadows (zone) F Recharge when Viekang uses blade in
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Fortitude the dark
Hit: Ulder pushes the target up to 2 squares, and then shifts up Effect: Close burst 1. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the
to half his speed. If the target ends the push adjacent to one end of Viekang’s next turn. The zone blocks line of sight for all
or more of Ulder’s allies, one of those allies can make a melee creatures except Viekang. While entirely within the zone, crea-
basic attack against the target as a free action. tures other than Viekang are blinded.
Miss: Ulder can push the target 1 square, and then he can shift 1 Triggered Actions
square. M R Clever Dodge F At-Will
Triggered Actions Trigger: An enemy pulls, pushes, or slides Viekang while he is in
M Knightly Riposte F At-Will the zone created by his veil of shadows.
Trigger: An unmarked enemy in Ulder’s knight’s aura uses an Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Viekang makes a basic attack against
attack power that doesn’t include Ulder as a target. the triggering enemy and then shifts up to 2 squares to another
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Ulder uses bastard sword against the square in the zone.
triggering enemy. Skills Bluff +9, Intimidate +9, Stealth +11
Skills Athletics +12, Bluff +11, Intimidate +11 Str 12 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 15 (+4)
Str 19 (+7) Dex 14 (+5) Wis 10 (+3) Con 14 (+4) Int 13 (+3) Cha 14 (+4)
Con 14 (+5) Int 12 (+4) Cha 16 (+6) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Elven
Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, short sword, crossbow, 20 bolts, cloak
Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, bastard sword
Watch Sergeant Level 3 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150
HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +6
Speed 5
Standard Actions
m Halberd (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage, and the sergeant marks the target until
the end of the sergeant’s next turn.
R Shortbow (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage.
M Powerful Strike (weapon) ✦ Recharge 5 6
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone.
Triggered Actions
M Interceding Strike (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Trigger: An enemy marked by the sergeant makes an attack that
doesn’t include the sergeant as a target.
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 2 (triggering enemy); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage.
Skills Streetwise +7
Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment scale armor, halberd, shortbow, 20 arrows, brass whistle
Watch Soldier Level 1 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 100
HP 28; Bloodied 14 Initiative +3
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12 Perception +0
Speed 5
Standard Actions
m Longsword (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage.
M Drive Back (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage, and the soldier can push the target 1
square and then shift 1 square to a square the target occupied.
R Shortbow (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 1 damage.
Str 16 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 12 (+1) Int 9 (–1) Cha 9 (–1)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment club, scale armor, light shield, longsword, shortbow, 20
arrows, brass whistle
3rd Edition (v.3.5) Bhaalspawn Slayer
hp 33 (6 HD)
CR 3
Statistics CE Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +1; Senses Listen +6, Spot +6
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
Abdel Adrian CR 4 Resist DR 5/magic
Male human fighter 4 Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +6
hp 37 (4 HD)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 30 ft.; Jump
NG Medium humanoid Melee 2 claws +8 each (1d8+2) and
Init +5; Senses Listen +4, Spot +6 bite +6 (1d6+1)
Languages Alzhedo, Common, Chondathan, Dwarven Base Atk +6; Grp +8
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 9
Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +4 SQ blood mad
Speed 20 ft. in half-plate (4 squares), base speed 30 ft. Feats MultiattackB, Great Fortitude
Melee gauntlet +8 (1d3+4) Skills Climb +16, Hide +6, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Sense
Base Atk +4; Grp +8 Motive +6, Spot +6, Survival +6
Atk Options Combat Expertise, Power Attack Blood Mad (Ex) If the Bhaalspawn slayer takes combat
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14 damage, it is blood mad on its next turn. While blood mad,
Feats Combat Expertise, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, the Bhaalspawn slayer gains a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon and melee damage rolls, and suffers a –2 penalty to AC.
Specialization (longsword) Jump (Ex) The Bhaalspawn slayer can jump as part of its
Skills Balance –5, Climb +3, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist –5, Hide movement. Jumping does not require a check and does not
–5, Intimidate +7, Jump –8, Listen +4, Move Silently –5, Ride +6, provoke attacks of opportunity.
Sense Motive +6, Spot +6, Swim –8
Possessions masterwork half plate, gauntlets Bomber CR 2
Female or male dwarf expert 3
Acolyte of Gond CR 1/2 hp 28 (3 HD)
Female or male human warrior 1 CN Medium humanoid
hp 11 (1 HD) Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Listen +0, Spot +0
LN Medium humanoid Languages Common, Dwarven
Init +0; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1 AC 11, touch 9, flat-footed 11
Languages Chondathan, Common Fort +5 (+7 against poison), Ref +0, Will +3; +2 against spells
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 and spell-like effects
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +3 Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), base speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +4 (1d4+2)
Melee heavy mace +2 (1d8+1) Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +0 (1d8) Combat Options Quick Draw
Base Atk +1; Grp +2 Combat Gear 4 alchemist’s fire
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 9 Abilities Str 14, Dex 9, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 7
Feats Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), SQ stability, stonecunning
Armor Proficiency (Medium), Iron Will, Martial Weapon Feats Quick Draw, Toughness
Proficiency (all), Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Skills Appraise +5, Craft (alchemy) +5, Disguise +1, Forgery +5,
Proficiency (all), Toughness, Tower Shield Proficiency Heal +3, Intimidate +4, Jump –4, Knowledge (architecture
Skills Balance –4, Climb –3, Craft (any one) +2, Escape and engineering) +6
Artist –4, Hide –4, Jump –9, Knowledge (architecture and Possessions leather armor, dagger
engineering) +2, Knowledge (religion) +2, Move Silently –4,
Swim –7
Possessions masterwork chainmail, masterwork light crossbow
(20 bolts), heavy mace
Chosen of Bhaal Fire Mephit CR 3
When Rilsa Rael, Torlin Silvershield, Ulder Ravengard, or a hp 13 (3 HD); fast healing 2
character becomes the Chosen of Bhaal, he or she gains the N Small outsider (extraplanar, fire)
following benefits. Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +6, Spot +6
Speed The creature gains a climb speed equal to its base land Languages Common, Ignan
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15; Dodge
In addition, the Chosen can jump as part of its movement.
Immune fire
No ability check is required. Jumping in this way does not
Resist DR 5/magic
provoke opportunity attacks.
Vulnerable cold
Special Qualities A Chosen retains all the special qualities of
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
the base creature. In addition, the Chosen gains DR 5/magic
and is immune to disease and poison. Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (average)
Special Attacks A Chosen has all the special attacks of the Melee 2 claws +4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 fire)
base creature, and it gains the following special attack. Base Atk +3; Grp –1
Murder Magic (Su) Those hit by the Chosen’s attack must Special Actions breath weapon, summon mephit
succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or be immobilized for Spell-Like Abilities (CL varies):
1d4 rounds. If the target is already immobilized, it is also 1/hour—scorching ray (DC 14, CL 3rd)
stunned until the end of its next turn. 1/day—heat metal (DC 14, CL 6th)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Coran CR 7 Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative
hp 27 (7 HD) Skills Bluff +8, Escape Artist +7, Hide +11, Listen +6,
Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Move Silently +7,
Male elf fighter 3/rogue 4
Spot +6, Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings)
N Medium humanoid
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +8 Fast Healing (Ex) A fire mephit heals only if it is touching a
Languages Alzhedo, Common, Chondathan, Elven, Dwarven flame at least as large as a torch.
Breath Weapon (Su) 15-foot cone, damage 1d8 fire, Reflex
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 19
half DC 12. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a
Resist evasion
+1 racial adjustment.
Immune sleep
Summon Mephit (Sp) Once per day, a mephit can attempt to
Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +4; +2 against enchantments
summon another mephit of the same variety, much as though
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) casting a summon monster spell, but with only a 25% chance
Melee +1 dancing longsword +9/+4 (1d8+3) of success. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the
Ranged masterwork longbow +11/+6 (1d8) summons that day. A mephit that has just been summoned
Base Atk +6; Grp +8 cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour. This ability is
Atk Options Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, sneak attack the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 18 Flaming Fist Corporal CR 2
SQ trapfinding, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge Female or male human fighter 2
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Improved Unarmed hp 17 (2 HD)
Strike, Negotiator, Persuasive
LN Medium humanoid
Skills Bluff +16, Climb +8, Diplomacy +17, Disguise +10,
Init +1; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
Forgery +9, Gather Information +14, Hide +12, Intimidate
Languages Chondathan, Common, Illuskan
+14, Jump +9, Listen +4, Move Silently +12, Search +5, Sense
Motive +14, Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +8 AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
Possessions +1 glamered mithral chain shirt, +1 dancing Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
longsword, masterwork longbow (20 arrows) Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), base speed 30 ft.
Melee heavy flail +5 (1d10+3)
Crew Member CR 1/2 Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Female or male human warrior 1 Atk Options Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved
hp 11 (1 HD) Trip
N Medium humanoid Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 10
Init +0; Senses Listen +1, Spot –1 Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip,
Languages Chondathan, Common Weapon Focus (heavy flail)
Skills Balance –3, Climb –2, Escape Artist –3, Gather
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12
Information +1, Hide –3, Intimidate +5, Jump –8, Listen
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will –1
+2, Move Silently –3, Ride +2, Sense Motive +2, Spot +2,
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Swim –6
Melee shortsword +2 (1d6+1) Possessions breastplate, heavy flail
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10
Feats Skill Focus (Gather Information), Toughness
Skills Gather Information +5, Listen +1, Swim +5
Possessions leather armor, shortsword
Flaming Fist Lieutenant CR 3 Halfling Rogue CR 2
Female or male human fighter 3 Female or male halfling rogue 2
hp 27 (3 HD) hp 9 (2 HD)
LN Medium humanoid N Small humanoid
Init +1; Senses Listen +4, Spot +5 Init +3; Senses Listen +6, Spot +3
Languages Chondathan, Common, Illuskan Languages Common, Halfling
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 Resist evasion
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), base speed 30 ft. Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +2; +1 to all saving throws, +2 morale
Melee bastard sword +6 (1d10+3) bonus against fear
Ranged javelin +1 (1d6+2) Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Base Atk +3; Grp +5 Melee shortsword +5 (1d4–1)
Combat Options Quick Draw Ranged sling +5 (1d3–1)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 10 Base Atk +2; Grp –4
Feats Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Atk Options sneak attack +1d6
Quick Draw, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bastard sword) Combat Options Weapon Finesse
Skills Balance –6, Climb –5, Escape Artist –6, Gather Information Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11
+1, Hide –6, Intimidate +5, Jump –11, Listen +4, Move Silently SQ trapfinding
–6, Ride +2, Sense Motive +3, Spot +5, Swim –12 Feats Weapon Finesse
Possessions half plate, bastard sword, 4 javelins Skills Balance +5, Bluff +4, Climb +1, Escape Artist +5, Gather
Information +3, Hide +12, Jump –3, Listen +6, Move Silently
Flaming Fist Private CR 1 +10, Open Lock +7, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +7,
Spot +3, Tumble +8
Female or male human fighter 1
Possessions leather armor, shortsword, sling (10 bullets)
hp 11 (1 HD)
LN Medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 Harbor Manifest
Languages Chondathan, Common To open this book, a magic pattern must be traced
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 on its cover. It has been opened so many times that
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0 the tracing marks are clearly visible, but the pattern
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), base speed 30 ft. is so complex that tracing it properly requires a DC
Melee longsword +3 (1d8+2) 15 Dexterity or Intelligence (Arcana) check. If it is
Ranged light crossbow +0 (1d8) opened incorrectly, the manifest screeches in a parrot
Base Atk +1; Grp +3
voice, “Thief! Help! Thief! Help!” The cry repeats until
Atk Options Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
the symbol is traced correctly. An individual who has
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
opened it correctly once need not perform the check
Feats Alertness, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
Skills Balance –4, Climb –3, Escape Artist –4, Hide –4,
again. While it is open, the manifest records on its
Intimidate +3, Jump –9, Listen +3, Move Silently –4, Sense pages any words dictated to it.
Motive +2, Spot +3, Swim –8 Moderate transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous
Possessions scale mail, light steel shield, light crossbow (20 Item, alarm, amanuensis (MoF), clairaudience/clairvoy-
bolts), longsword ance; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 8 lb.
Imbralym Skoond CR 4 Nant Thangol CR 1/2
Male human wizard 4 Male dwarf expert 1
hp 22 (4 HD) hp 10 (1 HD)
NE Medium humanoid N Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1 Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Chondathan, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Illuskan Languages Common, Dwarven
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 AC 11, touch 9, flat-footed 11
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Fort +4 (+6 against poison), Ref –1, Will +3; +2 against spells
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) and spell-like effects
Melee dagger +1 (1d4–1) Speed 20 ft.(4 squares)
Base Atk +2; Grp +1 Melee dagger +2 (1d4+2)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 4th): Base Atk +0; Grp +2
2nd—detect thoughts (DC 15), invisibility, mirror image Abilities Str 14, Dex 9, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7
1st—charm person (DC 14), color spray (DC 14), mage armor, SQ stability, stonecunning
shield Feats Persuasive
0—detect magic, light, message, ray of frost (+4 ranged touch) Skills Appraise +2, Bluff +4, Forgery +2, Gather Information
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 16 +2, Intimidate +4, Jump –4, Knowledge (local) +2, Knowledge
Feats Combat Casting, Negotiator, Scribe Scroll, Toughness (nobility and royalty) +4, Sense Motive +3
Skills Bluff +6, Concentration +8, Craft (alchemy) +4, Possessions leather armor, dagger
Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (local) +4,
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +5, Perform (dance) +5,
Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5
Nine-Fingers CR 6
Female human rogue 6
Possessions noble’s outfit, 45 gp
hp 23 (6 HD)
N Medium humanoid
Laraelra Tundreth CR 2 Init +8; Senses Listen +7, Spot +11
Female half-elf rogue 2 Languages Alzhedo, Chondathan, Common, Dwarven, Illuskan
hp 13 (2 HD)
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 18
N Medium humanoid Resist evasion
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Listen +6, Spot +5 Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +4
Languages Alzhedo, Common, Elven
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 Melee masterwork dagger +9 (1d4+1)
Resist evasion Base Atk +4; Grp +5
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0; +2 against enchantments Atk Options sneak attack +3d6, Weapon Finesse
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 17
Melee masterwork dagger +3 (1d4+1) SQ trap sense +2, trapfinding, uncanny dodge
Base Atk +1; Grp +2 Feats Improved Initiative, Negotiator, Persuasive, Weapon
Atk Options sneak attack +1d6 Finesse
Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 12 Skills Appraise +7, Bluff +14, Climb +5, Diplomacy +12,
SQ trapfinding Disable Device +6, Disguise +12, Escape Artist +7, Forgery
Feats Stealthy +10, Gather Information +12, Hide +13, Intimidate +16,
Skills Diplomacy +10, Gather Information +8, Hide +9, Listen +7, Move Silently +13, Search +6, Sense Motive +13,
Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Open Lock +7, Search +6, Sense Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +11
Motive +5, Spot +5, Swim +6 Possessions ring of protection +1, masterwork studded leather,
Possessions leather armor, masterwork dagger masterwork dagger
Patriar Duelist CR 2 Rilsa Rael CR 6
Female or male human aristocrat 3 Female human rogue 6
hp 17 (3 HD) hp 35 (6 HD)
N Medium humanoid N Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Listen –1, Spot –1 Init +4; Senses Listen +6, Spot +6
Languages Chondathan, Common Languages Alzhedo, Chondathan, Common, Dwarven
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 17
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2 Resist evasion
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3
Melee masterwork rapier +5 (1d6+1) Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee masterwork rapier +3 (1d6+1), masterwork shortsword Melee dagger +9 (1d4+2)
+3 (1d6) Melee dagger +7 (1d4+2), dagger +7 (1d4+1)
Base Atk +2; Grp +3 Ranged dagger +9 (1d4+2)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 12 Ranged dagger +7 (1d4+2), dagger +7 (1d4+1)
Feats Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Finesse Atk Options Sneak attack +3d6
Skills Bluff +3, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +5, Intimidate Abilities Str 14, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 14
+7, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge SQ trap sense +2, trapfinding, uncanny dodge
(nobility and royalty) +6, Ride +5 Feats Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
Possessions masterwork studded leather, masterwork rapier, Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger)
masterwork shortsword, 50 gp Skills Balance +6, Bluff +11, Climb +8, Diplomacy +7,
Disable Device +8, Disguise +11, Escape Artist +7, Gather
Patriar Retainer CR 1 Information +7, Hide +13, Intimidate +7, Jump +12, Listen
+6, Move Silently +13, Search +7, Sense Motive +8, Spot +6,
Female or male human fighter 1
Tumble +15
hp 11 (1 HD)
Possessions leather armor, 6 daggers
N Medium humanoid
Init +4; Senses Listen +0, Spot +2
Languages Chondathan, Common Smokepowder Maker CR 2
Female or male human wizard 2
AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13
hp 15 (2 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0
N Medium humanoid
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Init +1; Senses Listen –1, Spot –1
Melee longsword +4 (1d8+2)
Languages Chondathan, Common, Elven, Illuskan
Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Atk Option Power Attack AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
(longsword) Melee quarterstaff +1 (1d6)
Skills Balance –1, Climb +1, Escape Artist –1, Handle Animal Base Atk +1; Grp +1
+1, Heal +1, Hide –1, Intimidate +3, Jump +1, Move Silently Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 2nd):
–1, Spot +2, Swim +0 1st—color spray (DC 14), mage armor, magic missile
Possessions studded leather, longsword 0—acid splash ×2 (+2 ranged touch), ray of frost ×2 (+2 ranged
Patriar Youth CR 1/4 Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 9, Cha 9
Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Illusion), Toughness
Female or male human aristocrat 1
Skills Concentration +8, Craft (alchemy) +7, Decipher Script
hp 7 (1 HD)
+7, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Spellcraft +9
N medium humanoid Possessions quarterstaff, spellbook
Init +4; Senses Listen –1, Spot –1
Languages Chondathan, Common
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Fort –1, Ref +0, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee unarmed strike +1 (1d3+1)
Base Atk +0; Grp +1
Abilities Str 13, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 12
Feats Improved Initiative, Persuasive
Skills Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (local)
+3, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +3, Ride +2
Thug CR 1/2 Torlin Silvershield CR 6
Female or male human warrior 1 Male human cleric 6 (Gond)
hp 8 (1 HD) hp 36 (6 HD)
N Medium humanoid N Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1 Init –1; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Common Languages Chondathan, Common, Dwarven, Elven
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Dodge AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1 Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +11
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), base speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +1 (1d4) Melee masterwork heavy mace +5 (1d8)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8) Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Base Atk +1; Grp +1 Special Actions rebuke earth creatures 7/day (+7, 2d6+10,
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13 6th), turn air creatures 7/day (+7, 2d6+10, 6th), turn undead
Feats Deft Hands, Dodge 7/day (+7, 2d6+10, 6th), spontaneous cure spells
Skills Bluff +3, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Sleight of Hand +6, Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 6th; creation 7th):
Use Rope +4 3rd—searing light (+3 ranged touch) ×3, stone shapeD
Possessions leather armor, dagger 2nd—eagle’s splendor, sound burst (DC 16) ×2,
spiritual weapon, soften earth and stoneD
1st—animate ropeD, divine favor, doom (DC 15),
Tough Thug CR 2 entropic shield, shield of faith
Female or male human fighter 1/rogue 1 0—detect magic, light ×2, purify food and drink ×2
hp 15 (2 HD)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 19
N Medium humanoid SQ Craft and Earth domains
Init +3; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 Feats Combat Casting, Iron Will, Negotiator, Persuasive, Skill
Languages Chondathan, Common Focus (Craft)
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Dodge Skills Balance –5, Bluff +10, Climb –4, Concentration +9, Craft
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0 (sculpture) +6, Diplomacy +14, Escape Artist –5, Hide –5,
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Intimidate +9, Jump –10, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge
Melee dagger +5 (1d4+2) (nobility and royalty) +7, Knowledge (religion) +8, Move
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8) Silently –5, Sense Motive +10, Swim –8
Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Possessions masterwork scale mail, masterwork heavy steel
Atk Options sneak attack +1d6 shield, masterwork heavy mace
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 12
SQ trapfinding Ulder Ravengard CR 6
Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger) Male human fighter 6
Skills Balance +2, Climb +6, Escape Artist +2, Hide +5, hp 49 (6 HD)
Intimidate +6, Jump +1, Move Silently +5, Swim +0 LN Medium humanoid
Possessions studded leather, dagger, light crossbow (10 bolts) Init +5; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +5
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), base speed 30 ft.
Melee masterwork bastard sword +12/+7 (1d10+6)
Base Atk +6; Grp +10
Atk Options Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved
Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Persuasive,
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon
Specialization (bastard sword)
Skills Balance –7, Bluff +8, Climb –4, Diplomacy +6, Escape
Artist –7, Hide –7, Intimidate +10, Jump –10, Move Silently –7,
Ride +3, Sense Motive +5, Swim –12
Possessions full plate, heavy steel shield, masterwork
bastard sword
Viekang CR 4 Watch Soldier CR 1
Male human fighter 1/rogue 3 Female or male human fighter 1
hp 24 (4 HD) hp 15 (1 HD)
CE Medium humanoid LN Medium humanoid
Init +7; Senses Listen –1, Spot –1 Init +4; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
Languages Common Languages Common
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Dodge AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15
Resist evasion Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +0 Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), base speed 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee longsword +3 (1d8+2)
Melee shortsword +7 (1d6+1) Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6)
Ranged light crossbow +6 (1d8) Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Base Atk +3; Grp +4 Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Atk Options sneak attack +2d6, Weapon Finesse Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Toughness
Abilities Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 14 Skills Balance –5, Climb –3, Escape Artist –5, Hide –5, Jump –9,
SQ trap sense +1, trapfinding Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +2, Listen +3, Move Silently
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse, Weapon –5, Sense Motive +2, Spot +3, Swim –8
Focus (shortsword) Possessions scale mail, longsword, shortbow (20 arrows), brass
Skills Climb +5, Disguise +9, Hide +10, Intimidate +4, Jump whistle
+7, Move Silently +6, Open Lock +6
Possessions masterwork studded leather, shortsword, light
crossbow (20 bolts)
Yssra Brackrel CR 4
Female half-elf wizard 4
hp 19 (4 HD)
Watch Sergeant CR 3 CN Medium humanoid
Female or male human fighter 3 Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +2, Spot +2
hp 30 (3 HD) Languages Alzhedo, Chondathan, Common, Dwarven, Elven
LN Medium humanoid AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
Init +4; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5; +2 against enchantments
Languages Common
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 Melee quarterstaff +1 (1d6–1)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +2 Base Atk +2; Grp +1
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), base speed 30 ft. Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 4th):
Melee halberd +6 (1d10+3) 2nd—blur, glitterdust (DC 16), Tasha’s hideous laughter (DC 16)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d6) 1st—mage armor, magic missile ×2, shield
Base Atk +3; Grp +5 0—acid splash (+4 ranged touch) ×3, light
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12 Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Investigator, Toughness, Feats Combat Casting, Deceitful, Scribe Scroll
Weapon Focus (halberd) Skills Concentration +8, Craft (alchemy) +11, Diplomacy +1,
Skills Balance –4, Climb –2, Escape Artist –4, Gather Disguise +4, Forgery +7, Gather Information +1, Knowledge
Information +3, Hide –4, Intimidate +5, Jump –8, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Listen +2, Search +5, Spellcraft +13, Spot +2
(nobility and royalty) +3, Listen +4, Move Silently –4, Search Possessions quarterstaff, spellbook
+2, Sense Motive +3, Spot +4, Swim –6
Possessions scale mail, halberd, shortbow (20 arrows),
brass whistle
Leader of the greatest patriar house in Baldur’s
Gate, head priest of its grandest temple, and one
of the four dukes of the city, ‘lorhu Silvershield is
arguably the most I)0’erf111 nsan in the city.
As such, he sees himself as an embodiment
of the best of Baldur’s Gate, and he takes
great pailis to present a proud example for
others to follow.
Silvershield is a natural diplomat and
consummate actor. The best interests of Baldur’s
Gate are fhremost in his mind, and he views
what’s good fbr him as also good for the city.
As a priest of Gond, lie believes firmly in being
industrious, so lie constantly multitasks except
when his plans are best served by focus.
Formerly a 1)01(1 thief who scoffd at both
the Guild and the law, Coran made his
fbrtunes and currently entertains himself as a
merchant, master of information, and famous
(or infànsous) socialite.
Coran no lmsger conducts daring robberies,
but he still craves excitement, and SO he likes
to goad others into audacious feats. lie loves
being in the know and playing the sardomc,
world-wise observer. He is a witty voice of
experience who dispenses advice, and points
the clueless toward clues. What sonic call
manipulation, Coran calls guidance.
II dhyTy I b
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Rael’s talent at going unnoticed and her skill
with a knife earned her a position at the side of
Nine-Fingers, leader of the thieves’ guild.
First serving as a hodyguard—Nme-Fingers’s
favorite, in fact---Rael was soon removed from
that duty so she could act as the guildinaster’s
full-time counselor and occasional surrogate.
Rael learned to exploit others from an
acknowledged expert--Nine-Fingers--but she
does not insulate herself from her affairs as
Nine-Fingers does. Instead, Rael prefers to take
a lJ(’rsonl hand in most matters.
Passionate and proud, Rael is devoted to
selpiiigtlse downtrodden.
Ravengard was the fourth son of a lowborn smith
iii the Lower City. With no hope fbr inheriting
Raveisgard is the incarnation of militarism; the
only beauty lie appreciates is precision, and the
only thing lie values is utility. Ravengard is stolid
amid terse by nature, slow to speak and make
decisions, except when it comes to l)attle.
Once a decision is made, though, lie works
relentlessly to see it through.
Imbralym Skoond was a dancing master in
Athkatla until he discovered his aptitude for the
magical arts. With his charm, a talent for magic,
and no apparent scruples, Imbralvm c iiickly
attracted I)uke Silvershield’s attention. 1)uke
Silvershield used his influence to have Skoond
made a Peer (the most recent appmntment to
the parliament), and the wizard has been his
lapdog ever since.
Skoond presents a well-mannered, empathetic,
and smiling front, but behind this mask is the
mind of an unprincipled schemer. Skoond wants
wealth and pmver, and he will say or do anything
Nine-Fingers is the unassuming gufidmaster
of the only thieves’ guild in Baldur’s Gate. She
climbed its ranks with incredible speed and
maintains her position by being coolly ruthless.
True to her name, she is missing the littlest
I finger on her right hand. Few people know how
she lost it, and Nine-Fingers never shares secrets
unless it profits her.
It’s said that Nine-Fingers “never gets angry,
but always gets even.” ihis saying is only a
fragment of the truth. In reality, she is patient,
unflappable, and level-headed. Nine-Fingers
speaks softly and chooses her words carefully.
She doesn’t threaten or plead—she doesn’t need
to. A few words in the right ear can accomplish
virtually anything she wants.
, Three Old Kegs