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Teacher Candidate Lesson Planning Sheet

Urban Institute of Teacher Education

Teacher Name Galiba Dzaja

Grade Level 5th
Subject Social Studies
Date 09/30/19

Part One: Lesson Focus – “The What”

Thinking Points: What am I expecting students to learn? What materials and resources am I
planning to utilize? What will I accept as evidence that my students have learned?
Content Objective: Students will know what the 13 original colonies were and be able to
What do I want my locate them on a map.
students to know and be
able to do? Students will be
able to ……

Standard: Standard 1
What is the CCSS that Students will understand how the exploration and colonization of North
corresponds with this America transformed human history.
objective? Objective 1
Describe and explain the growth and development of the early
American colonies.
a. Using maps – including pre-1492 maps – and other geographic
tools, locate and analyze the routes used by the explorers.
b. Explain how advances in technology lead to an increase in
exploration (e.g. ship technology).
c. Identify explorers who came to the Americas and the nations
they represented.
d. Determine reasons for the exploration of North America (e.g.,
religious, economic, political).
e. Compare the geographic and cultural differences between the
New England, Middle, and Southern colonies (e.g., religious,
economic, political).
f. Analyze contributions of American Indian people to the colonial
Language Objective: Students will be listening to a presentation. Take turns speaking in
What will my students do complete sentences to peers. They will follow along and write on their
to learn and/or incomplete map while listening.
demonstrate their mastery
of the lesson by reading,
speaking, writing, or

Assessment: I will use their interactions and conversations that they have with their
What assessments will I peers as an assessment. I will also check off their maps at the end to
utilize to determine that my make sure they have followed along and understand.
students have learned and
met the objective?

Materials and Resources: Materials

What materials and  Pencil
resources will I utilize to  Map Worksheet
facilitate student learning?  Crayons

13ColoniesMapWor 13 Colonies.ppt
 https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/ushistory/b

Part Two: Lesson Implementation – “The How”

Thinking Points: How will I teach to ensure learning for all students? How will I engage my
students in the learning process? How will I check for understanding throughout the lesson?
How will I make instructional adjustments for students that are in need of additional support?
Lesson Components with Teacher Expectations: Student
Estimated Timeframe Instructional Strategies/Activities/ Expectations
Lesson Introduction: Students will watch a video from Students will be
8 minutes BRAINPOP that will introduce them to the expected to listen
How will I clearly communicate building of the 13 colonies. At the end of quietly.
the objective and purpose for the video I will ask them what they have
learning? How will I provide learned. Then I will tell them that we are
background knowledge? How about to learn more.
will I “hook” the students?
Check for Understanding: I will ask them questions at the end of the Students are
How will I know that all video and have a class discussion. expected to
students know the objective and participate in the
purpose of the lesson? class discussion and
share what they have
Instructional Strategy: Teacher I will be showing the 13 colonies Students are
Modeling – “I Do” PowerPoint and explain to the students expected to listen
5 minutes the 3 different regions and fill out one of and watch how I
What will I say and do as I the colonies and 1 region on the map that would fill out the
demonstrate the demonstrated is shown on the PowerPoint. map.
the concept?
Check for Understanding: I will ask the students to give me a thumbs Students are
How will I know that the up if they understand how to fill out the expected to listen
students have a clear map worksheet as we go through the and use class
understanding of the concept? PowerPoint. procedures to show
they understand.
Instructional Strategy: Guided As a whole class we will fill out 2 or 3 more Students are
Practice – “We Do” colonies on our map. I will engage expected to be ready
10 minutes students by using a team and student if they are called on
How will I engage my students selector to have them help me fill out randomly and
instructionally with the some of the colonies. listening when their
concept? peers are talking.
Instructional Strategy; Students will then be required to Students are
Independent Practice independently fill out their worksheets for expected to fill out
10 minutes the rest of the PowerPoint. I will stop at their map worksheet
How will I provide my students certain times during the PowerPoint and and engage in
with the opportunity to engage gave them turn to partners and share what partner discussions.
in independent practice? What they have learned or their answer to the
will the students who have question asked.
finished early do?
Check for Understanding I will listen to students’ discussions and Students are
How will I know that the glance at their map worksheets expected to have
students have a clear throughout the PowerPoint to make sure their worksheets
understanding of the concept? they are on task and following along. filled out and
contribute to
Lesson Closure We will review what we have just learned Students are
5 minutes by having a mini quiz at the end of the expected to engage
How will I review and clarify the PowerPoint and also comparing pour maps in the quiz and
concepts taught? with those of our teammates. compare maps with
their peers.

Part 3: Post Lesson Analysis – “The What’s Next”

Data Analysis:
What will I do next based on
analysis of the assessment
What components of the lesson
went well? What components
will I modify?

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