HCIA Resume Book 2019-2020
HCIA Resume Book 2019-2020
HCIA Resume Book 2019-2020
Columbia Healthcare and Pharmaceutical
Management Program
Columbia Business School’s Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Management (HPM) Program
provides students with a real-world understanding of the increasingly complex healthcare
environment. Through a multidisciplinary approach shaped by innovative course offerings,
complementary out-of-class activities, networking opportunities with industry leaders, and one-
on-one career planning/mentoring, the Program offers a dynamic learning experience focused
on the major issues affecting the global healthcare ecosystem. The HPM Program emphasizes
critical thinking and encourages the development of new approaches to address the strategic,
economic, competitive, technological, and sociopolitical challenges facing this important sector.
Healthcare courses are offered as electives (no minimum requirements) within the overall
curriculum at Columbia Business School, enabling students to tailor their coursework to their
individual needs and career aspirations.
The HPM Program offers students:
n A flexible, comprehensive, and pragmatic array of healthcare courses
n A career-focused approach to learning and professional development
n A powerful network of alumni and other healthcare business professionals
n A global perspective
n An entrepreneurial mindset
n An attractive New York City location
n Access to the world-class Columbia healthcare community
The HPM Program was established in 2006. It is currently led by Bunny Ellerin, who brings over
20 years of leadership experience in healthcare to Columbia Business School. Bunny’s diversity
of experience includes healthcare delivery, life sciences (pharma and medtech) and digital
health, giving her a broad-based knowledge of the entire ecosystem. The Program itself was
designed by seasoned industry executives who understand first-hand the skills and industry
insight necessary to be successful in this dynamic and highly challenged global business sector.
Healthcare electives build on the MBA Program’s rigorous core-curriculum and are designed
and taught by a unique mix of experienced industry executives and prominent CBS faculty.
They cover each major healthcare sector (biopharmaceuticals, medical devices and diagnostics,
healthcare services, and healthcare information technology) on a global basis, from both
industry and investor perspectives. Additionally, all functional areas are covered: strategy,
management, marketing, finance, business development, M&A, risk management, operations,
and policy.
The Program helps students successfully pursue careers in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology,
medical devices & diagnostics, healthcare services/HCIT, management consulting, investment
banking, equity research, venture capital, private equity, and entrepreneurship.
Information on the HPM Program can be found at: www8.gsb.columbia.edu/healthcare/
Haas School of Business Georgetown University School of Medicine New York University
Berkeley, CA Washington, DC New York, NY
MBA, 2019 MD, 2021 MS, 2011
Yale University ING CAPITAL, New York, NY
Ecole de Biologie Industrielle
New Haven, CT Senior Associate, Leverage Finance
Cergy, France
BS, Molecular Cellular Developmental 2018
MSE, Master of Biotech Engineering, 2010
Biology, 2015
Originate and execute leveraged finance
WEILL CORNELL MEDICINE, New York, NY transactions for a $1.4B portfolio with 37
San Francisco, CA
Quality & Patient Safety Internship companies in the Healthcare Services and
Investor Intern
2018 Medical Device space.
2018 – Present
Raising firm’s $120M fund to LPs Developed and implemented institutional Prepare and deliver marketing pitches,
worldwide. Creating templates catalogue opioid prescribing policy and pain credit analysis, including financial
(contracts, contents, …). management strategy for 1,900 clinicians. modeling, due diligence and discussions
with legal counsel on transaction
Published opioid report, resource toolkit,
BEE PARTNERS, San Francisco, CA documentation.
checklist, and patient brochures to change
VC Associate Intern
physician opioid prescribing behavior. CRÉDIT AGRICOLE, New York, NY
Senior Associate, Structured Finance
Screened 500+ proposals, did due CENTIVO HEALTH, New York, NY
2014 – 2017
diligence and prepared term sheets and MBA Internship
investment memos. Authored white paper 2018 Built and supported sustainable client
and compensations analysis. relationships for a $14B portfolio.
Collaborated with founding team to
MORIMATSU PHARMACEUTICALS, perform research and analysis to inform Relationship manager that contributed to
Shanghai, China provider network strategy. deal origination, live deal execution, and
Validation and Quality Manager financial due diligence.
Analyzed provider data to prioritize
2014 – 2017 national provider partners, assess Proposed and negotiated Term Sheets for
Strategic consulting to biopharma leaders coverage, and identify clients. new transactions.
building multi-million-dollar facilities. Led
clients included Unilever in South Africa RESEARCH, New York, NY CORPORATION, New York, NY
and Novartis in Singapore. MBA Researcher Associate, Project Finance
2017 – Present 2011 – 2014
Published journal article as lead author Maintained a portfolio for closed
Shanghai, China
in Health Affairs on value-based payment transactions including amendments,
Project Manager
programs to treat opioid addiction. administration and periodic credit reviews.
2012 – 2014
Supervised team of 10+ to quadruple Spearhead Commonwealth Fund
production capacity. publication investigating behavioral health
integration in primary care practices.
PHARMAPLAN, Lyon, France
Process Engineer
2011 – 2012
Conducted $24M compliance upgrade
project for Ipsen in France.
2019 : Benoit - Cohen
2019 : Daga - Ghosh
2019 : Yildirim - Levin
2019 : Martin - Reggi
Columbia Business School & Mailman School University of Michigan - University of Pennsylvania
of Public Health, New York, NY Ross School of Business, Ann Arbor, MI Philadelphia, PA
MBA & MPH, 2019 BBA, Strategy, 2012 BA, Biological Basis of Behavior, 2012
College Park, MD (BCG), New York, NY In-Semester Fellow
BS, Marketing 2013 Consultant Fall 2018
MEMORIAL SLOAN KETTERING CANCER Developing strategic partnership and
Developed best-in-class guidelines for monetization strategy for Mount Sinai’s
CENTER, New York, NY
regulatory change controls and regulatory Lab100, a hybrid clinic and lab that
MBA Intern, Operations Strategy
implementation with local health- leverages technology and data to redesign
authorities as part of integration of $17B ways to measure health and deliver care.
Managed the evaluation of pharmacy pharmaceutical with global distribution of
supply chain to streamline purchasing sterile injectables. MEDIDATA SOLUTIONS, New York, NY
approvals, assess demand, and improve Product Marketing MBA Intern
vendor contract terms. GOLDMAN SACHS, New York, NY
Summer 2018
Management & Client Strategy
Analyzed patient discharge data and 2014 – 2017 Collaborated across marketing, product,
observed hospital floor workflows to and sales teams to develop marketing plan
implement improvements to reduce Designed and led market share growth
and GTM assets for new data analysis and
discharge time by 9.7%. initiative across 500+ sales members,
professional services offering and increase
conducting competitive analysis and client
CLV of software-only customers.
MONTEFIORE HEALTH SYSTEM, segmentation to identify potential revenue
New York, NY of $150M+ over three years. Created customer segmentation
MBA Intern, Strategic Planning framework to prioritize highest
Led team of six across Sales, Legal, and
2018 opportunity targets and translated
Technology to design commercialization
Helped build service line strategies for customer behavior into data-driven digital
strategy, resulting in $3m+ revenue growth.
obstetrics department. marketing campaign.
Conducted study of 25+ investment firms
Developed market assessments to to develop accountability framework to BLUEPRINT RESEARCH GROUP,
determine strategic opportunities for respond to client feedback, generating New York, NY
clinical expansion. $2m+ growth in sales revenue. Senior Consultant
2012 – 2017
Manager, Media Strategy Senior Associate Consultant Managed client relationships and led
2017 2012 – 2014 insight development for product launch
and marketing strategy projects for life
Managed $30M+ media campaigns for Directed team of three consultants and six sciences companies including Roche/
Unilever and American Express clients. developers as project testing lead for sales Genentech, Amgen, AstraZeneca, and
Prepared a weekly competitive landscape and trading software, resulting in improved Allergan.
update of the haircare category for throughput rates.
Opened London office with Associate
Unilever clients that informed media Trained 30+ clients on IT procedures, Partner, winning and managing $8M in EU-
strategies. leveraging client insights and industry based project work in 2016-2017.
leading metrics to strengthen cyber
security, resulting in cost savings of $10m. Founded pro bono arm of company by
spearheading partnership with non-profit
Awarded “Rookie of the Year” honors for organization Solving Kids’ Cancer.
outstanding client service.
2019 : Reitan - Tudhope
University of Michigan Columbia Mailman School of Public Health Columbia Business School
Ann Arbor, MI New York, New York New York
BA, History and International Studies, 2013 MPH, 2019 MBA, 2019
PFIZER INC, New York, NY University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill MERCK & Co., Kenilworth, NJ
Summer Associate, Marketing Chapel Hill, NC Summer Treasury Intern
2018 BA, Economics, 2013 2018
Applied behavioral economic concepts HOSPITAL FOR SPECIAL SURGERY, Made recommendations to improve
and market research findings to enhance New York, NY Merck Shares Repurchase Program by
key consumer marketing tactic for vaccine Pre-MBA Strategy Intern modeling various pricing methodologies;
adherence. 2013 recommendations are adopted by
company’s Treasurer and implemented by
Conducted market research with 250+
JOHNSON & JOHNSON end of internship.
parents to test new creative concepts for
Medical Device Marketing MBA
vaccination reminder postcards. ASUS, Taipei, Taiwan
Summer Associate
2018 Controller of Sales and Marketing
2015 – 2017
Consultant, 2016 – 2017 Developed a marketing strategy refresh for
Business Analyst, 2014 – 2016 a $50M medical device within the Ethicon Doubled APAC regional profit in one year
Biosurgery product suite. by providing P&L simulations and analytical
Created strategic vision for Fortune
insights for partnering sales and marketing
100 pharmaceutical company’s contract
HOSPITAL FOR SPECIAL SURGERY, managers; monitored $1.5B annual revenue
manufacturing business; interviewed
New York, NY for 14 countries in APAC region.
executives, launched and analyzed
Pre-MBA Strategy Intern
employee survey, and presented findings Controlled $50M annual marketing budget
to senior leadership. and allocated to branches strategically;
Developed dynamic dashboards for served as sole APAC representative to
Managed design of global operating
C-Suite to analyze regional markets, communicate headquarters profit strategy
model for $500M joint venture between
patient geography, and competitive market to overseas sales managers and sales force.
Fortune 500 medical device company and
private equity firm; worked with VP-level ASUS, Taipei, Taiwan
clients in finance and supply chain to build DELOITTE CONSULTING, McLean, VA Finance Analyst
operational process flows, draft contracts, Consultant, Strategy & Operations 2014 – 2015
and prepare staff for organizational 2015 – 2017
changes. Increased $4M profit in 2 years by
Worked across provider space to conduct optimizing operation process between
Analyzed customer data sets for medical outpatient and competitive analysis and sales team and accounting department.
device company’s $24M product line build financial models for C-suite clients to
integration; built model to monitor sales monitor implementation of newly adopted ERNST & YOUNG, Taipei, Taiwan
and prioritized field force outreach to help strategic initiatives. Auditor
client exceed goal of retaining 70% of pre- 2012 – 2014
acquisition revenue. Led teams of data scientists, designers,
and developers to apply design thinking Conducted analytical procedures to
Led trainings for nine functional and transform big data into user-friendly detect unusual trends or periodic
departments and conducted vendor prototypes for multiple clients through a variances in financial statements.
coordination for launch of software Deloitte Analytics Fellowship.
product to streamline management of
$100M in accounts receivable for regional Established global reporting processes to
hospital system. track execution of new finance activities
across all locations globally for two major
pharmaceutical companies.
Galileo Strategy Intern RESEARCH, Houston, TX MBA Intern, Corporate Development &
2018 Director of Operations Strategy
Led the initiative to identify and design 2016 - 2017 2018
the most viable and lucrative blockchain Created multi-million dollar budgets Conducted due diligence for multi-billion
solution specifically targeting the for trials with major pharmaceutical dollar capital deployment initiative.
inefficiencies of the pharmaceutical companies, including Bayer, Allergan, and Developed go-to-market strategy to
industry. AbbVie. differentiate Advance in competitive
Researched and analyzed competitor Managed staff of seven and recruited marketplace.
strategies and made recommendations to physicians and certified medical assistants
senior management. to conduct clinical trials. BRUNSWICK GROUP, Shanghai, CN
Account Director
Increased projected revenue by $1.5M by
bidding for and winning over 15 clinical
New York, NY
trials for various health conditions. Developed and implemented
Senior Associate
2016 – 2018 comprehensive communication and
QUORUM BUSINESS SOLUTONS, stakeholder engagement strategies for
Led the BNY Mellon Blockchain Client Houston, TX clients during business critical moments
Engagement Initiative, which reconciled Senior Consultant affecting reputation and valuation.
client demand for blockchain-based 2012 – 2016
solutions with the capacity constraints EMERGING STRATEGY, Shanghai, CN
Directed a budget for the management
faced by our blockchain solution Consultant
of wind turbines in 10 states that reduced
development team. 2014
data retrieval time by 10% and simplified
Directed client engagement strategy to report generation for daily business Oversaw the company’s largest
capitalize on knowledge of the clients and operations among client Land, GIS, and engagement, global market assessment for
on insights into industry trends to win reporting teams. a leading educational testing company.
additional mandates, particularly in the Pitched mapping solution to Land
CLO and non-performing loan servicing Management team (responsible for North GBI, Shanghai, CN
space. America assets); awarded $10,000 to Content Marketing & Corporate
implement. Communications Specialist
New York, NY Developed and customized applications
Associate Consultant per user needs by partnering with client Created GBI’s first marketing strategy
2015 – 2016 Land/GIS team leads. for growing product portfolio of market
intelligence and mobile applications for
Performed market analysis focusing on China and Brazil’s healthcare industries.
demand and competition through market
sizing and revenue estimations,which
PFIZER, New York, NY
identified key market entry points for
International Public Affairs Consultant
Synpulse’s FinTech-centric consulting
2011 – 2012
Evaluated government regulations and
developed stakeholder engagement
strategies to influence operating
2019 : Wang - Zhou
NY PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL, Analyzed opportunities for divestitures, Directed team of five in the management
New York, NY leveraged buyouts, bolt-on acquisitions, of commercialization programs that
Researcher, 2014 – 2015 and transaction financings for public and facilitated partnerships between digital
private companies in industries such as health startups and enterprise healthcare
Developed rodent model to further study healthcare, technology and consumer. firms.
ECMO and analyze its impact on multiple
Prepared clients for M&A execution Led market-access program for proven
physiologic parameters.
process including the creation of technology companies looking to grow
Consented patients and collected tissue marketing materials and development of their business in the Indian healthcare
samples for studies of serum protein levels operating and pro forma financial models market.
in patients with aortic stenosis, and in for diligence.
patients undergoing treatment for aortic Evaluated 330 health tech companies from
Negotiated concurrent merger agreements
aneurysms, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 29 countries, resulting in the selection of
and liaised with clients, outside legal
and end-stage heart failure. 22 pilots to test solutions in the Indian
counsels and public company business
market, delivering care to 24,000 patients
across 80 clinical sites.
BANK OF AMERICA MERRILL LYNCH, Analyzed tech pilot outcomes along with
New York, NY
New York, NY data on company growth, commercial
Researcher, 2016
Investment Banking Analyst, Global contracts and funding to generate insights
Worked in Columbia University Medical Industrials Group on program success; Presented findings
Center’s Department of Orthopedic 2015 – 2017 and recommendations to client to inform
Surgery to develop predictive model of expansion of the program to a new
functional outcomes after surgical and Completed 15+ M&A processes and debt/
emerging market.
nonsurgical treatments of distal radius and equity financings for large-cap industrial
ankle fractures. companies. DIGITASLBI, New York, NY
Performed industry benchmarking and Account Executive
PITANGO VENTURE CAPITAL competitive landscape analyses on 2014 – 2015
Herzilya, Israel business services and chemicals sub-
Summer Intern, 2013 Defined strategy for personalized
verticals for weekly client distribution.
marketing campaign for $5B branded
Worked with one of Pitango’s biotech medication aimed at healthcare
portfolio companies to search for and professionals, based on the physician
establish new areas of market penetration journey, historical data, customer behavior
for novel product. and segmentation.
Researched and analyzed market potential,
Collaborated with leadership team to
growth opportunities, competition,
develop tech partnership strategy for a
differentiation, and executive teams of
patient-centered platform that promotes
biotech companies as potential investment
preventive health measures for better
2020 : Efron - Guzik
THE KINETIX GROUP, New York, NY PwC, New York, NY MERCER, New York, NY
Senior Director Manager Associate
2017 – 2018 2018 2014 – 2018
Managed European headquarters in Managed operational transformation Consulted large clients on healthcare
Dublin, Ireland ensuring full compliance at US Department of Veterans Affairs - strategy including medical, prescription
with Irish revenue and business authorities, Office of Community Care, including a drugs, vision and wellness benefits.
establishing transfer pricing protocols, and full process redesign of core business
Forecasted healthcare costs analyzed key
implementing cross-office workflows. functions (eligibility, authorization, care
areas of healthcare spend and proposed
management, provider payment, member
Conducted competitive landscape solutions to mitigate costs.
service and network management),
analysis, market shaping, and value
business process implementation, change Acted as key contact for office on
proposition development in the insurer
management, communications and healthcare startups and organized
and health system channel for first FDA-
training. informational presentations for consultants
approved Biosimilar.
by healthcare startups including behavioral
Senior Associate
Drove practice transformation and data health and diabetic management
2015 – 2018
initiatives in the largest urology group in companies.
America for innovative payment reform Redesigned a health system’s care
Coordinated medical insurance RFPs and
program aimed at improving oncology care. management model across their 10
summarized and illustrated results for
hospitals through orchestrating three
THE KINETIX GROUP, New York, NY executive management.
100+ person interactive design sessions
Director with frontline staff, doctors and leaders NORTH SHORE LIJ TRANSPLANT
2013 – 2018 with the goal of providing the right level CENTER, Manhasset NY
Led multiple market access and payor of patient care based on disease acuity Administrative Intern
marketing projects for pharmaceutical in the right care setting to reduce acute Summer 2013
clients. care length of stay, cost of care, and
increase patient experience. Collaborated on a three-person consulting
Preformed internal change management, team focused on strategic outreach
market positioning, research, branding, Identified over $120M in margin projects aimed at increasing patient
and annual planning activities for a $7B eye enhancement opportunities across an volume.
care company to establish a new strategic 11 hospital health system in their 15+
non-clinical shared services departments Wrote business plan and presentation for
account management organization.
and worked directly with leaders to establishment of an outpatient.
Researched, authored, and pitched new further analyze cost drivers and prioritize
business presentations to pharmaceutical initiatives to align costs with the system’s
companies and national health systems, strategic priorities.
presenting a patient-centric approach to
market access. Associate
2013 – 2015
Analyzed healthcare provider deals
(operational due diligence, clinical
synergies, volume trending), revenue
cycle (cash collections trending over
baseline), and academic medical centers
(funds flow).
2020 : Hamlin - Landsman
Mailman School of Public Health Shri Ram College of Commerce Columbia Business School
New York, NY New Delhi, India New York, NY
MPH, 2021 BA, Economics, 2013 MBA, 2020
Cornell University
BA, Biology and Society, 2015 Mumbai, India Associate Consultant
Investment Professional 2017 – 2018
PUTNAM ASSOCIATES, Boston, MA 2015 - 2018
Executed due diligence on business
Senior Associate Consultant
Led product and market diligence for key development opportunities for Fortune
2017 – 2018
plasma products, and created investment 100 biopharma client.
Executed valuation for successful thesis to conclude India’s first PE
Served in contract position as Global
partnership between pre-IPO transaction in the space.
Commercial Portfolio Director at a Fortune
biotech company and $3B Japanese
Tested efficacy of marketing plan of optical 100 pharmaceutical firm.
pharmaceutical manufacturer in the
retail chain by leading a consumer survey;
Japanese depression market. Revamped commercial strategy for a $1B
used findings to simplify and redesign
vaccine brand, resulting in 4% increase in
Led team of 5 to develop financial pricing structure.
one-year sales.
forecast for $1B+ anti-depressant across
Examined commercial viability of a
7 developed markets (US, EU5, Japan) Served as assistant launch manager for an
portfolio of twenty generic molecules
by integrating provider and payer key oncology drug gaining a new indication.
across several parameters to gain approval
opinion leader (KOL) feedback, company
for investment. Business Analyst
financials, and secondary market research.
2015 – 2017
Associate Consultant
Investment Banking Analyst Drove turnaround of an underperforming
2016 – 2017
2014 - 2015 hemophilia brand by diagnosing cause of
Built dynamic financial model for leading patient loss and recommending remedy
Identified potential cross-border and
pharma company in immuno-oncology strategies.
domestic M&A targets for healthcare and
space evaluating strategic pricing and
IT clients. Designed patient-flow forecast model
contracting structures to hedge against
competitive entrants. distributed to 45 country brand leads.
Selected, as part of a 3-member team, to
set up healthcare practice; generated a ALPHASIGHTS, New York, NY
BRIGHAM AND WOMEN’S HOSPITAL, 20+ lead pipeline.
Boston, MA Lead Analyst, Analyst
Research Coordinator 2013 – 2015
2015 Managed relationships with ~50 clients
Managed engagement with 400 national from a management consulting firm, driving
sites and 7,000 patients on an NIH- over $400K in annual revenue.
funded clinical trial, while coordinating Performed opportunity assessment to
diverse teams in the successful delivery of prioritize growth practice areas in largest
cardiovascular trial products. client account.
Initiated audits and resolved $10,000 in
payment discrepancies across 400 sites;
Developed payment checklist to ensure
quality control which resulted in 100% on-
time delivery.
2020 : Li - Mustafa
2020 : Nimmo - Reis
Brown University St. John’s University, College of Pharmacy New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY
Providence, Rhode Island and Health Sciences School MD, 2007
AB, Biology & Pre-Medicine, 2013 New York, NY
MS, Industrial Pharmacy, 2012 University of California, San Diego
UNITEDHEALTHCARE, Minnetonka, MN San Diego, CA
Program Manager of Advanced Reporting & Manipal University, College of BS, Biochemistry and Cellular Biology, 2003
Analytics for Provider Services Pharmaceutical Sciences,
BS, Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2009 CENTER, New York, NY
Spearheaded executive reporting and data Assistant Professor of Radiology, Director of
readiness for health plan expansion adding CONTINEO HEALTH, New York, NY Interventional Radiology Research
45,000 providers to UHC’s central region. Practice Lead, Population Health 2016 – Present
Facilitated application upgrade by 2012 – present
Advised and Implemented switchover to
ensuring cross-functional collaboration and Led and advised institutional healthcare Epic Electronic Medical Records as part of
implementation between business and IT client on implementing electronic health the Clinical Leadership Group.
to maintain data security and reporting record systems.
reliability for 650,000 providers. Directed Interventional Radiology Services
Led and advised healthcare organization at NYP Lawrence hospital and oversaw
UNITEDHEALTHCARE, Minnetonka, MN and accountable care organizations to 20% year over year growth.
Manager of Customer Care Reporting meet the healthcare regulatory reporting
2016 – 2017 tied to payor based financial incentives. UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER,
Dallas, TX
Managed 12-person global reporting team Evaluated investment opportunities Assistant Professor of Radiology,
constructing visual reports from UHC for seed stage funding in high impact Interventional Radiology Quality
national call center data. healthcare segment. Improvement Liaison
Hired top-talent to bolster operational 2013 – 2016
performance. Tripled productivity Designed and managed the interventional
in database optimization project. radiology quality improvement program.
Transformed data run time to expedite
data delivery to customers. Lead the interventional radiology division
in research production during 3-year
Led first UHC provider experience tenure.
reporting initiative on quality metrics such
as issue turnaround time and inventory
2020 : Rivera - Rusinkiewicz
Conducted statistical analysis of survey Performed statistical and economic Facilitated International Clinical Trial.
data for 960 patients with diabetes analysis using Stata and SPSS for economic Implemented new customer complaint
(across 7 countries) to quantify factors litigation casework, primarily in the process, resulting in 70% decrease in cycle
that drive insulin adherence; results were provider space. time.
presented at the 77th Scientific Sessions Evaluated complex datasets to create
of American Diabetes Association. tangible deliverables presented as expert
testimony to the DOJ and FTC.
2020 : Satish - Thomson
Columbia University School of Social Work University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT Ph.D. in Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA)
New York, NY Physiology and Neurobiology, 2015 Buenos Aires, Argentina
M.S.S.W., 2012 MS in Cell Biology, 2009 BSc, Industrial Engineering
2020 : Woodruff - Zhao