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Bhardwaj et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (6): 323-328 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.3024 ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (6): 323-328 (2017)
Research Article

Preservative Effect of Pomegranate Peel Extract on the Keeping Quality of

Cream Based Fat Spread

Rashmi Bhardwaj1*, B. V. Balasubramanyam2, Diwakar Mishra1 and Ashok Papasani3

Ph.D. Scholar, 2Principal Scientist, 3M.Tech. Scholar,
Dairy Technology Section, ICAR- NDRI (SRS), Bengaluru-560030
*Corresponding Author E-mail: bhardwaj.rashmi20@gmail.com
Received: 26.05.2017 | Revised: 30.06.2017 | Accepted: 4.07.2017

Pomegranate peel, which is a waste, is a potential source of polyphenolic compounds having
antioxidative and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, utilization of pomegranate peel extract as
a natural preservative in cream based spread presents a scope of imparting its health benefits to
the consumers. The pomegranate peel extract (PPE) was added at 1% level on fat basis in the
spread and storage studies were conducted to analyse the preservative potential of PPE on the
keeping quality of the spread. The storage studies indicated PPE incorporated spread had
antioxidation ability and %RSA comparable to BHA. The test sample had a shelf life of 2 months
due to antimicrobial effect of the extract, in contrast to control sample having 1-month shelf life
at refrigeration temperature.

Key words: pomegranate peel extract, shelf life, polyphenols, antioxidant, antimicrobial agent

INTRODUCTION principles like phenolic compounds with total

Pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit has phenol content of 147.8 mg GAE/g DW11. It is
shown an explosion of interest during the last also recognized for its many health promoting
decade and has gained a tremendous qualities and apparent wound healing
popularity, because of its numerous health properties2, anticancer property5,
effects. In fresh weight, the peel and internal antiatherosclerotic and antioxidative
membranes of the pomegranate represent 50% capacities .The cream and butter based
on average. This has lead to an increase in the spreads are high fat products (40-80%) with
waste effluents in many countries, where high water activity due to its higher moisture
factory of juice production were installed content of (30-50%). The sensory quality of
(USA, Spain, India, China). This waste is the spread is greatly affected during storage
mainly composed of peel of the pomegranate period due to oxidation of fat.
peel which is a very potential source of active
Cite this article: Bhardwaj, R., Balasubramanyam, B.V., Mishra, D. and Papasani, A., Preservative Effect
of Pomegranate Peel Extract on the Keeping Quality of Cream Based Fat Spread, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.
5(6): 323-328 (2017). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.3024

Copyright © Nov.-Dec., 2017; IJPAB 323

Bhardwaj et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (6): 323-328 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
It not only deteriorates the quality of the fat decomposition and formation processes of
rich foods and brings about chemical spoilage; chemical and biochemical nature are initiated
it also produces free radicals and reactive from the onset of storage which ultimately
oxygen species (ROS) which are reportedly renders the product unacceptable after a
associated with carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, certain period of storage.The PPE was added
inflammation, ageing and cardiovascular as natural preservative to cream based spread
diseases13. With the growing awareness among at 1% level of the fat to study its effect on
the consumers the use of natural preservatives shelf life of the spread. In addition, the
in the foods is gaining importance. Though synthetic preservative i.e BHA (2ppm,
the use of chemical preservative such as BHA antioxidant agent) and potassium sorbate
is permitted in the fat rich products, the use of (0.05%) and sodium benzoate (0.05%)
natural antioxidants improves the safety of the (antimicrobial agent) containing sample was
food and thus adds value to the product. also studied to observe the comparative effect.
Similarly, natural antimicrobial ingredients The results are presented in the following
will help in controlling spoilage and sections.
pathogenic microorganisms. FFA (% Oleic acid)
Toxicological effects of synthetic Free fatty acids analysis serves as a measure of
substances together with consumer preference hydrolytic rancidity in the fat rich products.
for natural products have resulted in increased The study was conducted to determine the
interest for the search and use for natural effect of storage days and different treatments
preservatives from fruits and vegetables that on the FFA content in the fat spread during
might help attenuate spoilage reactions. storage period. The results are delineated in
Considering the popularity of cream based Figure 1. The results show that the FFA
spreads and beneficial as well as antioxidative content increased with the increase in storage
and antimicrobial properties of active days in all the spread samples. The increase in
principles of pomegranate peel, the present FFA content has been reported by Reddy et
work was carried out to study the preservative al10., while studying storage life of chakka
effect of PPE on the keeping quality of cream based butter spread. These researchers have
based fat spread. also attributed the rise in FFA content of
spread to the continuous lipolytic breakdown
MATERIAL AND METHOD as a result of high microbial count with the
The FFA content in spread sample was progress in storage period. A low value of
determined as % oleic acid adopting the FFA in NP sample evidenced the antimicrobial
procedure of AOAC1. The peroxide value was potential of the extract and hence less lipolytic
also determined by the method of AOAC1. breakdown in the spread showing.
Antioxidant activity was measured using 2, 2- Peroxide value (m eq. KOH/1000 g Fat)
diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) dye, as per The changes in peroxide value in the spread
the procedure described by Shimada et al12. samples during storage are shown in Figure 2.
Oiling off was analyzed by the method of de The figure shows the changes in peroxide
Man3. The total number of viable bacteria in value (expressed as milli equivalent KOH/
sample was enumerated by the standard plate 1000 g fat) as affected by the preservative
count method using milk agar4. The plates treatments during storage period. As depicted
were incubated at 37˚C for 48 hours and after in Figure, the increase in peroxide value was
that enumeration was done. fastest and significantly (p<0.05) high in
control during the progress of storage period
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION while the NP sample had the values at par with
Shelf life of any food product is governed by the SAA sample throughout its shelf life
the extent of progression of deteriorative indicating that PPE was comparable with BHA
changes that occur during storage. Several in controlling the oxidative rancidity. Kanatt et
Copyright © Nov.-Dec., 2017; IJPAB 324
Bhardwaj et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (6): 323-328 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
al ., also reported that PPE was effective in per cent when compared to 0th day. SAA
controlling oxidative rancidity in chicken sample also had an insignificant increase in
products. oiling off from 1.01 to 1.16 per cent till 45th
Antioxidant activity (%RSA) day. On 75th day of storage the oiling off
Antioxidant activity of the samples was significantly increased to 1.47 per cent in
measured during storage to study the effect of SAA. The gradual non significant increase in
treatments on the antioxidant activity of the oiling off upto 45 days implies that the spread
spread samples and the results are presented in possessed good emulsion stability upto 45
Figure 3a and b. It is evident from the figure days thereafter slight destabilization of the
that %RSA of the samples was significantly emulsion started which may be due to
affected by the given treatments. The compositional degradation of the spread
antioxidant activity of fresh control sample leading to oil separation. It was observed that
was observed to be 12.20 %RSA which may there was no significant difference in the
be contributed by the olive oil incorporated in oiling off in the samples subjected to different
the spread. While the fresh spread with NP treatments. This shows that the treatments
and SAA samples had a significantly high have no influence on emulsion. The results are
antioxidant activity than control sample with in accordance with those reported by Patange
82.10 and 82.33 %RSA respectively. Studies et al8, in ghee based low fat spread.
of Li et al7., have shown that PPE had Total bacterial count (log10 cfu/g)
markedly higher antioxidant capacity than the The cream based spread samples were plated
pulp extract in scavenging the superoxide using standard plate count milk agar for
anion radical. Kanatt et al6., also reported that estimating the total bacterial count and the
Pomegranate peel extract (PE) showed results are presented in Figure. 5.The study
excellent antioxidant activity during 2-3 weeks shows that the incorporation of PPE in spread
refrigerated storage of chicken products. could enhance shelf life of cream based spread
Oiling off (%) upto 60 days under refrigeration conditions
The samples with different treatments were when compared to control sample with a shelf
analyzed to study their effect on the oiling off life of 30 days. Tarkhasi14 reported that
in the samples during storage. The findings are compared with the control sample, PPE in
presented in Figure 4. It results reveal that the treated samples delayed the growth of Total
control sample having a shelf life of 30 days Viable Count during the storage period of
did not show any significant increase in oiling Edible Coating Containing Pomegranate Peel
off during storage. Sample NP was found to a Extract silver carp fillets. There are similar
have an insignificant increase in oiling off reports about antimicrobial effect of natural
upto 45 days of storage while on 60th day, the antioxidant on quality and shelf life of fish
increase in oiling off was significant with 1.44 fillet during refrigerated storage9.

Fig. 1: Effect of storage days and treatments on the FFA (% Oleic acid) of the cream based fat spread
during storage
0.2 Control
0.15 NP
0.1 SAA
0 15 30 45 60 75 days
## Control- containing no preservative, NP- sample containing pomegranate peel extract (PPE) (1% on fat basis), SAA- sample containing
sodium benzoate (0.05%) and potassium sorbate (0.05%) and BHA (0.02). Sample composition 20.65% milk fat, 14.35% olive oil, 5% rice
bran oil, 1.25% salt, 0.2% xanthan gum
Copyright © Nov.-Dec., 2017; IJPAB 325
Bhardwaj et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (6): 323-328 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Fig. 2: Effect of preservatives on peroxide value (m eq. KOH/Kg Fat) of cream based fat spread during

0.1 Control
0 15 30 45 60 75
Note: Refer to Figure 1##

Fig. 3a: Effect of preservatives on antioxidant activity (%RSA) of cream based fat spread (control)
during storage

11 Control
0 15 30 45 60 75
Note: Refer to Figure 1##

Fig. 3b: Effect of preservatives on antioxidant activity (%RSA) of cream based fat spread (NP and SAA)
during storage
81 NP
80 SAA

0 15 30 45 60 75
Note: Refer to Figure 1##

Figure 4: Effect of preservatives on the oiling off (%) of the cream based fat spread during storage

0.5 SAA
0 15 30 45 60 75
Note: Refer to Figure 1##

Copyright © Nov.-Dec., 2017; IJPAB 326

Bhardwaj et al Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 5 (6): 323-328 (2017) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Fig. 5: Effect of preservatives on Total Bacterial Count (log 10 cfu/g) of cream based fat spread during

3 Control
0 15 30 45 60 75 day
Note: Refer to Figure 1##

CONCLUSION Journal ofFood Science and Technology,

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waste disposal as well as food preservation. comparison with pomegranate pulp
extract. Food Chemistry, 96: 254-260
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for providing the facilities to accomplish this Patil, G.R. and Bhosle, D.N., Storage
project. related changes in ghee-based low-fat
spread. Journal of Food Science and
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