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Operating System

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A(n) _______ consists of a set of programs, which controls,

coordinates and supervises the activities of the various
components of a computer.
A. Operating System
B. Application Software
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above


A. Operating System

2. A(n) _________ is a program which acts as an interface

between a user and hardware.
A. Operating System
B. Application Software
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above


A. Operating System

3. ____________ is a boot strapping process which starts the OS

when a computer is switched on and the OS gets loaded from
hard disk to main memory.
A. Executing
B. Fetching
C. Booting
D. None of the above


C. Booting
4. When a computer is turned on after it has been completely
shut-down is called ___________
A. Cold Booting
B. Warm Booting
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above


A. Cold Booting

5. When a computer is restarted by pressing the combination of

Ctrl+ Alt+ Del key or by restart button is called ___________
A. Cold Booting
B. Warm Booting
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above


B. Warm Booting

6. _________ is a type of Operating System which allows only one

user at a time.
A. Single User Operating System
B. Multi User Operating System
C. Real Time Operating System
D. Embedded Operating System


A. Single User Operating System

7. Some Operating Systems use _________ multitasking to

prevent any one process from monopolizing the computer’s
A. preemptive
B. non-preemptive
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above


A. preemptive

8. _________ is the first program run on a computer, when the

computer boots up.
A. Processing System
B. System Operations
C. Operating System
D. None of the above


C. Operating System

9. BIOS stands for __________

A. Bias Integrated Output System
B. Bias Integrated Operator System
C. Basic Integrated Output System
D. Basic Input Output System


D. Basic Input Output System

10. Which process checks to ensure the components of the

computer are operating and connected properly?
A. Processing
B. Saving
C. Booting
D. Editing

C. Booting

1. Which of the following runs on computer hardware and serves

as platform for other software to run on _______
A. Application Software
B. Operating System
C. Peripherals
D. None of the above


B. Operating System

2. The main difference between Windows and DOS is the ability to

A. multitasking
B. speed up
C. run a program
D. None of the above


A. multitasking

3. ________ is a feature for scheduling and multi-programming to

provide an economical interactive system of two or more users.
A. Time Sharing
B. Multi-tasking
C. Time tracing
D. None of the above


A. Time Sharing
4. Which of the following is/are the function(s) of an OS?
A. Sharing hardware among users
B. Facilitating Input/output
C. scheduling resources among users
D. All of the above


D. All of the above

5. The simultaneous processing of two or more programs by

multiple processors, is __________
A. Time Sharing
B. Multi-processing
C. Time tracing
D. All of the above


B. Multi-processing

6. ___________ is the process of controlling and coordinating

computer memory, assigning portions called blocks to various
running programs to optimize overall system performance.
A. Time Sharing
B. Multi-processing
C. Memory Management
D. All of the above


C. Memory Management

7. Which plays an important role in Memory management for a

computer’s OS?
A. Time Sharing
B. Multi-processing
C. Paging
D. All of the above


C. Paging

8. In a ______________where multiple programs can be running

at the same time, the OS determines which applications should
run in what order and how much time should be allowed for
each application before giving another application a turn.
A. Single User Operating System
B. Multi User Operating System
C. Multi-Tasking Operating System
D. None of the above


C. Multi-Tasking Operating System

9. In _________ a number of jobs are put together and executed

as a group.
A. Single User Operating System
B. Multi User Operating System
C. Multi-Tasking Operating System
D. Batch Processing Operating System


D. Batch Processing Operating System

10. Server-Site Operating System are also known as ________

A. Single User Operating System
B. Network Operating System
C. Multi-Tasking Operating System
D. Batch Processing Operating System


B. Network Operating System

1. The operating system called Unix is typically used

A. Desktop computers
B. Laptop Computers
C. Super Computers
D. All of the above


D. All of the above

2. The ________ primarily take(s) care of the behind-the-scenes

details and manage(s) the hardware.
A. Application Software
B. Hard Disk
C. Super Computers
D. Operating System


D. Operating System

3. Operating System of a computer _________

A. Enables the programmer to draw a flow chart
B. Links a program with subroutine with reference
C. provides a layer, User friendly Interface
D. All of the above

C. provides a layer, User friendly Interface

4. The term “Operating System” means _______

A. A set of programs which control computer working
B. The way a user operates the computer system
C. The way computer operator works
D. All of the above


A. A set of programs which control computer working

5. This part of Computer Operating System manages the essential

peripherals such as the keyboard, screen, disk drives, and
parallel and serial ports _________
A. Basic Input/Output System
B. Peripheral Input/Output System
C. Secondary Input/Output System
D. Marginal Input/Output System


A. Basic Input/Output System

6. _________ controls the way in which the computer system

functions and provides a means by which users can interact
with the computer.
A. Application Software
B. Operating System
C. Super Computers
D. None of the above


B. Operating System
7. Linux is a(n) _________ Operating System.
A. Windows
B. Microsoft
C. Mac
D. Open Source


D. Open Source

8. All computers must have a/an ________

A. virus checking program
B. word processing software
C. attached printer
D. Operating System


D. Operating System

9. In real time Operating System, which is most suitable

scheduling scheme?
A. Round Robin
C. pre-emptive scheduling
D. random scheduling


C. pre-emptive scheduling

10. ________ allows multiple users to access a computer

system concurrently.
A. Single User Operating System
B. Multiple User Operating System
C. Real Time Operating System
D. None of the above


B. Multiple User Operating System

1. When a user application requests a service from the operation

system is referred as ___________
A. User Mode
B. kernel Mode
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above


B. kernel Mode

2. When the computer is executing on behalf of a user application

is referred as ____________
A. User Mode
B. kernel Mode
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above


A. User Mode

3. An operating system mainly used for Servers is called

A. Single User Operating System
B. Multi User Operating System
C. Real Time Operating System
D. Network Operating System

D. Network Operating System

4. _________ is a type of synchronous interrupt typically caused

by an exceptional condition (Ex:- division by zero or invalid
memory access) in a user process.
A. Thread
B. Call
C. Trap
D. None of the above


C. Trap

5. Which of the following is a core of an Operating System?

A. Thread
B. Call
C. Trap
D. Kernel


D. Kernel

6. The operating system uses _________ partition to boot your

A. Active
B. Passive
C. Extra
D. None of the above


A. Active
7. Every Computer has a(n) __________ many also have
A. Operating System; a client system
B. Operating System; Instruction sets
C. Application Programs; an Operating System
D. Operating System; Application Programs


D. Operating System; Application Programs

8. The _____ controls a client computer’s resources.

A. application program
B. instruction set
C. server application
D. Operating System


D. Operating System

9. The operating system determines the manner in which all of the

following occurs except _________
A. User creation of a document
B. User Interaction with the processor
C. Printer output
D. Data displayed on the monitor.


A. User creation of a document

10. When you turn on the computer the boot routine will
perform this test______
A. RAM test
B. Disk Drive test
C. Power On self Test
D. None of the above


C. Power On self Test

1. Which of the following controls the manner of interaction

between the user and the Operating System?
A. User interface
B. Language translator
C. Platform
D. Screen saver


A. User interface

2. Which one of the following is not the function of an Operating

A. Resource Management
B. File Management
C. Spreadsheet calculation
D. Processor management


C. Spreadsheet calculation

3. A small program that tells the operating system how to

communicate with a specific device is called __________
A. device driver
B. file manager
C. Google Drive
D. None of the above

A. device driver

4. Operating systems that run on computers and mobile devices

provided by a variety of manufacturers is called ________
A. device dependent
B. device independent
C. disk defragmenter
D. None of the above


B. device independent

5. ________ is a tool that reorganizes the files and unused space

on a computer’s hard disk so that the operating system
accesses data more quickly and programs and apps run faster.
A. device dependent
B. disk cleanup
C. disk defragmenter
D. None of the above


C. disk defragmenter

6. ________ is a tool that searches for and removes unnecessary

A. device dependent
B. disk cleanup
C. disk defragmenter
D. None of the above

B. disk cleanup

7. Operating systems that runs only on a specific type or make of

computer or mobile device is termed as ________
A. device dependent
B. device independent
C. disk defragmenter
D. None of the above


A. device dependent

8. An application that runs the same on multiple operating

systems is called __________
A. Single Platform application
B. device independent application
C. Cross Platform application
D. None of the above


C. Cross Platform application

9. Desktop operating systems that work in conjunction with a

server operating system is called _________
A. Mobile Operating Systems
B. Embedded Operating Systems
C. Client Operating Systems
D. None of the above


C. Client Operating Systems

10. Operating systems that can function as both desktop and
server operating systems is called ________
A. Mobile Operating Systems
B. Embedded Operating Systems
C. Client Operating Systems
D. multi-purpose operating systems


D. multi-purpose operating systems

1. An Operating System that can do multitasking means that

A. the OS can divide up work between several CPUs.
B. several programs can be operated concurrently
C. multiple people can use the computer concurrently
D. All of the above


B. several programs can be operated concurrently

2. Which of the following is a database of information about the

Windows operating system including customized settings and
software installations?
A. registry
B. performance monitor
C. changelog
D. None of the above


A. registry

3. You need to create new volumes and format a new disk you just
installed on your Windows 7 computer. Which tool should you
A. format
B. Disk Management
C. Disk Utility
D. None of the above


B. Disk Management

4. Which of the following is a valid permission in the Linux file

A. Full Control
B. Modify
C. Write
D. Change


C. Write

5. Which of the following commands should you use to delete files

on a Linux system?
A. mv
B. rm
C. delete
D. expunge


B. rm

6. When an application is running it’s memory space cannot be

accessed by other applications is known as ________ mode.
A. real
B. virtual real
C. compatibility
D. protected


D. protected

7. In what mode can only one program be executed at one time?

A. real
B. virtual real
C. compatibility
D. protected


A. real

8. Desktop Operating System is also called a ________

A. Single User Operating System
B. Multi User Operating System
C. Embedded Operating System
D. Client Operating System


D. Client Operating System

9. The network administrator uses the _________ to add and

remove users, computers, and other devices to and from the
A. Single User Operating System
B. Multi User Operating System
C. Server Operating System
D. Embedded Operating System

C. Server Operating System

10. If application software, such as a Web browser, has stopped

responding and the hard disk’s LED blinks repeatedly, the
operating system probably is ________
A. Multitasking
B. De-fragmenting
C. Thrashing
D. None of the above


C. Thrashing

The portion of an OS that relates to the user and to applications is

called _________
A. root
B. shell
C. registry
D. None of the above

B. shell

2. What is the primary method for implementing Virtual Storage?

A. Paging
B. Fragmentation
C. Translation
D. None of the above

A. Paging

3. The portion of an OS that is responsible for interacting with the

hardware is called ________
A. root
B. shell
C. registry
D. kernel

B. shell

4. The breaking apart of files into separate segments as they are stored
by an operating system on the hard drive is known as ________
A. Paging
B. File Fragmentation
C. File Management
D. None of the above

B. File Fragmentation

5. __________ is the file management program built into the recent

Windows operating systems.
A. Search Tool
B. File Explorer
C. File Compression Program
D. None of the above

B. File Explorer

6. A type of operating system designed to be installed on a network

server is called _______
A. Personal Operating System
B. Embedded Operating System
C. Mobile Operating System
D. Server Operating System

D. Server Operating System
7. __________ enables two or more users to run programs
A. Personal Operating System
B. Embedded Operating System
C. Mobile Operating System
D. Multi User Operating System

D. Multi User Operating System

8. ________ is an operating system that organize and coordinates how

multiple users access and share resources on a network.
A. Personal Operating System
B. Embedded Operating System
C. Mobile Operating System
D. Server Operating System

D. Server Operating System

9. ________ allow user-level processes to request services of the

Operating System
A. Paging
B. Fragmentation
C. System Calls
D. None of the above

C. System Calls

10. What is/are the major activity of an OS with regard to memory

A. The creation and deletion of both user and system processes
B. The suspension and resumption of processes
C. The provision of mechanisms for process synchronization
D. All of the above
D. All of the above

1. What are the major activities of the OS with regards to storage

A. Paging
B. Fragmentation
C. System Calls
D. All of the above


D. All of the above

2. A(n)_____ is a set of programs designed to manage the

resources of a computer, including starting the computer,
managing programs, managing memory, and coordinating tasks
between input and output devices.
A. Application suite
B. Interface
C. input/output system
D. operating system (OS)


D. operating system (OS)

3. What happens when you boot up a PC?

A. Portions of the operating system are copied from disk into memory.
B. Portions of the operating system are copied from memory onto disk.
C. Portions-of the operating system are compiled.
D. Portions of the operating system are emulated.

A. Portions of the operating system are copied from disk into

4. The blocks of code, included in the operating system, that

software applications interact with are known as:
A. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
B. complimentary Metal-Oxide Conductors (CMOS).
C. Device drivers.
D. Bootstrap loaders.


A. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

5. MS-DOS is a(n) ____________ operating system.

A. point-and-click
B. user-friendly
C. command-driven
D. Mac


C. command-driven

6. All of the following statements concerning windows are true

A. windows are an example of a command-driven environment.
B. windows can be resized and repositioned on the desktop.
C. more than one window can be open at a time.
D. tool-bars and scrollbars are features of windows.


A. windows are an example of a command-driven environment.

7. In Windows XP, if you want to see the file size and modified
dates of all files in a folder, the best viewing option is the
__________ view.
A. List
B. Thumbnails
C. Details
D. Icon


C. Details

8. The operating system allows users to organize the computer’s

contents in a hierarchical structure of directories that include
all of the following EXCEPT:
A. files.
B. folders.
C. drives.
D. systems.


D. systems.

9. The memory resident portion of the operating system is called

the ________
A. registry.
D. kernel.


D. kernel.
10. Which of the following does NOT occur during the Power-On
Self-Test (POST)?
A. The Scan Disk utility begins to run.
B. The video card and video memory are tested.
C. The BIOS identification process occurs.
D. Memory chips are checked to ensure they are working properly.


A. The Scan Disk utility begins to run.

1. Which of the following type of software that controls the

internal operations in the computer and controls how the
computer works with all its parts?
A. Shareware
B. Public domain software
C. Application software
D. Operating system


D. Operating system

2. Specialized programs, designed to allow particular input or

output devices to communicate with the rest of the Computer
system are called_______
A. compilers
B. device drivers
C. interpreters
D. operating systems


B. device drivers
3. Programs designed to perform specific tasks related to
managing computer resources are called ________
A. system Software
B. operating system
C. Application software
D. Utility programs


B. operating system

4. The combination of the operating system and the processor is

referred to as the computer’s_________
B. platform.


B. platform.

5. The ____________, stored on a ROM chip, is responsible for

loading the Operating System from its permanent location on
the hard drive into RAM.
C. device driver
D. supervisor program



6. Which of the following is the correct sequence of actions that

takes place during the boot-up process?
A. Load operating system – Activate BIOS – Perform POST – Check
configuration settings
B. Activate BIOS – Perform POST – Load operating system – Check
configuration settings
C. Perform POST – Load operating system – Activate BIOS – Check
configuration settings
D. Activate BIOS – Check configuration settings – Perform POST – Load
operating system


B. Activate BIOS – Perform POST – Load operating system –

Check configuration settings

7. All of the following are steps involved in the boot process

A. load the operating system into RAM.
B. the power-on self-test.
C. activate the basic input/output system (BIOS).
D. load application programs.


D. load application programs.

8. The Basic Input/Output system (BIOS) is stored in:

C. the CPU.
D. the hard drive.


9. Ensuring that the essential peripheral devices are attached and
operational is the____________ process.
A. configuration



10. All of the following are TRUE regarding virtual memory

A. any amount of RAM can be allocated to virtual memory.
B. the setting for the amount of hard drive space to allocate to virtual
memory can be manually changed.
C. this temporary storage is called the swap file (or page file).
D. virtual memory is physical space on the hard drive.


A. any amount of RAM can be allocated to virtual memory.

1. Which of the following does not support more than one

program at a time?


2. Which mode loads minimal set of drivers when starting
A.Safe Mode
B.Normal Mode
C.VGA Mode
D.Network Support Mode


A.Safe Mode

3. The primary purpose of an operating system is a _________

A. To make the most efficient use of computer hardware
B. To allow people to use the computer
C. To keep system programmer employed
D. To make computer easier to use


A. To make the most efficient use of computer hardware

4. _________is a complete operating system that works on a

desktop computer, notebook computer, or mobile computing
A.Embedded Operating System
B.Standalone Operating System
C.Emerging Operating System
D.None of the above


B.Standalone Operating System

5. SCSI stands for ___________

A.Systems Computer Systems Interface
B.Small Computer Small Interface
C.Systems Computer Small Interface
D.Small Computer Systems Interface


D.Small Computer Systems Interface

6. _________ is an Operating System function that allows the

user to switch between tasks by giving the focus to the
application the user brings to the foreground.
A.Task Management
B.Time Management
C.Resource Utilization
D.None of the above


A.Task Management

7. The part of a hard disk that is dedicated to a particular

operating system or application and accessed as a single unit is
called ________
D.None of the above



8. _______ is an Operating system function which handles or

manages primary memory.
A.Task Management
B.Time Management
C.Resource Utilization
D.Memory Management


D.Memory Management

9. An installation of an OS onto a completely empty hard disk or

one from which all data is removed during the installation is
called __________
A.Hard Installation
B.New Installation
C.Clean Installation
D.None of the above


C.Clean Installation

10. _______ allows you to select the OS you want to boot into
every time you start the computer.
D.None of the above



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