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3 authors, including:
Guler Yildirim
Inonu University
All content following this page was uploaded by Guler Yildirim on 13 March 2018.
Supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), project no.114S860.
Prosthodontist, Atasehir Oral and Dental Health Center, Istanbul, Turkey.
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey.
Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey.
Figure 3. Representative scanning electron microscopy images of fracture surfaces (original magnification ×2500). A, Prettau without thermocycling. B,
Prettau with thermocycling. C, Copran without thermocycling. D, Copran with thermocycling. E, Katana without thermocycling. F, Katana with
388.99 C
404.57 C
Heat 2.88 J
DTA (uV)
304.99 C
TC 279.37 C Heat 1.20 J
16.39 J/g
320.24 C
partial dentures were able to withstand the mastication Further studies should evaluate slotted restorations made
forces in the posterior region (958 N). Lithium disilicate from monolithic zirconia materials. Also, the number of
specimens had significantly lower fracture resistance (303 restorations in which structural changes occur and
N). A few studies on inlay-retained fixed partial dentures resistance begins to be affected should be investigated.
have been reported. The monolithic zirconia crowns were
therefore compared in this study in terms of their fracture CONCLUSIONS
resistance. Lameira et al12 showed that the fracture
Based on the findings of this in vitro study, the following
resistance of polished zirconia (3476.2 ±791.7 N) and
conclusions were drawn:
glazed zirconia crowns (3561.5 ±991.6 N) was similar,
and these 2 groups were more durable than layered 1. Inlay-retained fixed partial dentures produced from
(0.8-mm zirconia coping + 0.7-mm porcelain veneer) Prettau, Copran, and Katana CAD-CAM monolithic
zirconia crowns (2060.4 ±810.6 N). Johansson et al13 zirconia blocks had similar fracture resistance with
reported that monolithic zirconia crowns (2795 N and and without thermocycling.
3038 N) demonstrated greater fracture resistance than 2. The fracture resistance was higher than that
other crown types, and zirconiaeceramic crowns (2229 N) required for a posterior restoration.
were more resistant than monolithic lithium disilicate 3. Thermocycling equivalent to 1 year of aging had no
crowns (1856 N) and veneered monolithic zirconia effect on the resistance of zirconia restorations.
crowns (1480 N and 1808 N). 4. The fracture resistance of restorations with tube-
Because this study aimed to retain the cavity size, the and box-shaped cavity designs did not differ.
connector size was kept smaller than usual to test the
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12. Lameira DP, e Silva WAB, e Silva FA, De Souza GM. Fracture strength of Corresponding author:
aged monolithic and bilayer zirconia-based crowns. Biomed Res Int Dr Guler Yildirim
2015;2015:418641. Inonu University, Faculty of Dentistry
13. Johansson C, Kmet G, Rivera J, Larsson C, Vult Von Steyern P. Fracture Department of Prosthodontics
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veneered crowns and lithium disilicate crowns. Acta Odontol Scand Email:
14. Stober T, Bermejo J, Rammelsberg P, Schmitter M. Enamel wear caused by Acknowledgments
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15. Nakamura K, Harada A, Kanno T, Inagaki R, Niwano Y, Milleding P, et al.
The influence of low-temperature degradation and cyclic loading on the Copyright © 2017 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.