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The document discusses the differences between parameters, statistics, populations, samples, observational studies and experiments. It also defines key statistical concepts and terminology.

The document discusses observational studies and experiments. Observational studies observe relationships without manipulation, while experiments involve manipulating a variable to determine its effect.

Examples of variables discussed include size (continuous), screen type (qualitative), number of channels (discrete). Variables can be classified as qualitative, quantitative, discrete or continuous based on their nature and measurement.

Section 1.

1 Interactive Assignment
Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers.
Complete parts (a) through (c) below.
(a) In statistics, results are always reported with 100% certainty.
Choose the correct answer below.
False. In statistics, results are not reported with 100% certainty.
Because statistical studies draw on samples, and because there is
variation within groups, results cannot be reported with 100%
(b) Statistical studies are not concerned with understanding the
sources of variability in data, only with describing the variability in the
data. Choose the correct answer below.
False. Statistical studies are concerned with both describing the
variability in the data and understanding the sources of variability in
data. Understanding the sources allows researchers to control it and
reach better conclusions.
(c) Suppose three different individuals conduct the same statistical
study, such as estimating the average commute time of students at a
college. It is possible that all three studies end up with different
results. Choose the correct answer below.
True. Statistical studies typically look at samples rather than entire
populations. Since each study is likely to draw different samples, it is
quite possible that each study ends up with different results, due to
variability in the data.

1.1.11 Determine whether the underlined value is a parameter or a

Telephone interviews of 1,502 adults 18 years of age or older found th
at only 69% could identify the current vice-president.
Is the value a parameter or a statistic?
The value is a statistic because the 1,502 adults 18 years of age or
older are a sample.

1.1.51 A news service conducted a survey of 1095 adults ages 18

years or older in a certain country, August 31−September 2, 2015.
The respondents were asked, "Of every tax dollar that goes to the
federal government, how many cents of each dollar would you say are
wasted?" Of the 1095 individuals surveyed, 35% indicated that 51
cents or more is wasted. The news service reported that 35% of all
adults in the country 18 years or older believe the federal government
wastes at least 51 cents of each dollar spent, with a margin of error of
3% and a 99% level of confidence. Complete parts (a) through (e)
(a) What is the research objective?
To determine the percent of adults in the country who believe the
federal government wastes 51 cents or more of every dollar
(b) What is the population?
Adults in the country aged 18 years or older
(c) What is the sample?
The 1095 adults in the country that were surveyed
(d) List the descriptive statistics. Choose the correct answer below.
35% of the individuals surveyed indicated that 51 cents or more is
(e) What can be inferred from this survey?
The news service is 99% confident that the percentage of all adults in
the country who believe the federal government wastes 51 cents or
more of every dollar received is between 32% and 38%.

1.1.17 Determine whether the variable is qualitative or quantitative.

Grams of carbohydrates in a donut
Is the variable qualitative or quantitative?
The variable is quantitative because it is a numerical measure.

1.1.27 Determine whether the quantitative variable is discrete or

Field goals attempted by a kicker
Is the variable discrete or continuous?
The variable is discrete because it is countable.

1.1.45 The data on below relates to characteristics of high-definition

televisions A through E.
Identify the individuals, variables, and data corresponding to the variables.
Determine whether each variable is qualitative, continuous, or discrete.
Setup Size (in) Screen Type Number of Channels Available
A 60 Projection 300
B 53 Projection 105
C 57 Plasma 423
D 48 Plasma 270
E 42 Projection 290
What are the individuals being studied?
The characteristics of high-definition televisions A through E
What are the variables and their corresponding data being studied?
Size (60, 53, 57, 48, 42), screen type (Projection, Projection, Plasma,
Plasma, Projection), and number of channels available (300, 105, 423,
270, 290)
Determine whether each variable is qualitative, continuous, or discrete.
Size is a continuous variable.
Screen type is a qualitative variable.
Number of channels available is a discrete variable.
Section 1.1 Homework
1.1.1 Define statistics.
Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, summarizing, and
analyzing information to draw a conclusion and answer questions. In
addition, statistics is about providing a measure of confidence in any

1.1.3 Fill in the blank.

A(n) _individual_ is a person or object that is a member of the
population being studied.

Descriptive statistics consists of organizing and summarizing
information collected, while inferential statistics uses methods that
generalize results obtained from a sample to the population and
measure the reliability of the results.

A(n) statistic is a numerical summary of a sample.
A(n) parameter is a numerical summary of a population.

1.1.6 Fill in the blank.

_Variables_ are the characteristics of the individuals of the population
being studied.

1.1.7 Determine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter.

A sample of professors is selected and it is found that 50% own a telev
Statistic because the value is a numerical measurement describing a
characteristic of a sample.

1.1.9 Determine whether the underlined numerical value is a

parameter or a statistic. Explain your reasoning.
The average annual salary of 50 of a company's 800 employees is $54,
Statistic, because the data set of salaries of 50 employees is a sample.

1.1.15 Determine whether the variable is qualitative or quantitative.

Number of brothers
The variable is quantitative because it is a numerical measure.
1.1.21 Determine whether the variable is qualitative or quantitative.
Distance in miles to nearest outdoor stadium.
The variable is quantitative because it is a numerical measure.

1.1.23 Determine whether the quantitative variable is discrete or

Number of beats in a song
Is the variable discrete or continuous?
The variable is discrete because it is countable.

1.1.29 Determine whether the quantitative variable is discrete or

Height of a child
Is the variable discrete or continuous?
The variable is continuous because it is not countable.

1.1.39 A polling organization contacts 1499 adults who are 20 to 90

years of age and live in Europe and asks whether or not they had
voted in the last federal election.
What is the population in the study?
Adults who are 20 to 90 years of age and live in Europe.
What is the sample in the study?
The 1499 adults who are 20 to 90 years of age and live in Europe.

1.1.40 A quality-control manager randomly selects 90 bottles of

ketchup that were filled on May 8 to assess the calibration of the filling
What is the population in the study?
Bottles of ketchup produced in the plant on May 8.
What is the sample of the study?
The 90 bottles of ketchup produced in the plant on May 8.

1.1.50 A study conducted by researchers was designed "to determine

if application of duct tape is as effective as cryotherapy in the
treatment of common warts." The researchers randomly divided 70
patients into two groups. The 35 patients in group 1 had their warts
treated by applying duct tape. The 35 patients in group 2 had their
warts treated by cryotherapy. Once the treatments were complete, it
was determined that 60% of the patients in group 1 and 80% of the
patients in group 2 had complete resolution of their warts. The
researchers concluded that cryotherapy is significantly more effective
in treating warts than duct tape.
(a) Identify the research objective. Which of the following is correct?
To determine if duct tape is as effective as cryotherapy in treating
(b) Identify the sample. Which of the following is correct?
The 70 patients with warts.
(c) List the descriptive statistics. Which of the following is correct?
60% of patients in group 1 and 80% of patients in group 2 with
complete resolution.
(d) State the conclusion of the study. Which of the following is correct?
Cryotherapy is significantly more effective than duct tape in treating

1.1.55 A published study looked at levels of a protein released when

the heart is stressed. Researchers measured the protein levels in 1040
patients and followed their health for six years. People with the highest
protein level were 1 ¼ times more likely to die from any cause than
those with the lowest. The lead researcher said, "It sort of tells you
that no matter what condition you have, higher levels of these proteins
are associated with worse outcomes."
Use this information to answer the questions that follow.
(a) Identify the research question the study addresses.
Which of the following is the research question?
How is the level of a certain protein associated with a person's health?
(b) Identify the population.
What is the population?
All people.
(c) Identify the sample.
What is the sample?
The 1040 patients in the study.
(d) Identify the descriptive statistics.
Which of the following lists the descriptive statistics for this study?
People with the highest levels of the protein were 1.25 times more
likely to die than those with the lowest levels.
(e) Identify the inferences of the study.
What can be inferred from the study?
Higher levels of the protein are associated with worse outcomes.

1.1.59 Explain what is meant when it is said that "data vary". How
does the variability affect the results of statistical analysis?
Saying "data vary" means that the values of the variable change from
individual to individual. In addition, certain variables can change over
time for certain individuals. Because data vary, two different statistical
analysis of the same variable can lead to different results
Section 1.2 Interactive Assignment
1.2.9 Determine whether the study depicts an observational study or
an experiment.
Fifty patients on dialysis are divided into two groups. One group
receives an experimental drug to fight cancer comma the other a
placebo. After two years, kidney functionality is measured.
Does the description correspond to an observational study or an
The study is an experiment because the researchers control one
variable to determine the effect on the response variable.

1.2 RA-1 Researchers wanted to know if there is a link between

proximity to high-tension wires and the rate of leukemia in children.
To conduct the study, researchers compared the rate of leukemia for
children who lived within 1/2 mile of high-tension wires to the rate of
leukemia for children who did not live within 1/2 mile of high-tension
wires. The researchers found that the rate of leukemia for children
near high-tension wires was higher than the rate for those not near
high-tension wires. Can the researchers conclude that proximity with
high-tension wires causes leukemia in children?
No, because this is an observational study.

1.2.19 Researchers wanted to determine if having a television (TV) in

the bedroom is associated with obesity. The researchers administered
a questionnaire to 395 twelve-year-old adolescents. After analyzing
the results, the researchers determined that the body mass index of
the adolescents who had a TV in their bedroom was significantly higher
than that of the adolescents who did not have a TV in their bedroom.
Complete parts (a) through (e).
(a) Why is this an observational study? What type of observational
study is this?
Why is this an observational study?
This is an observational study because the researchers observe the
behavior of the individuals in the study without trying to influence an
explanatory variable of the study.
What type of observational study is this?
Cross-sectional study
(b) What is the response variable in the study? What is the
explanatory variable?
What is the response variable in the study?
The response variable is the body mass index of the adolescents.
What is the explanatory variable?
The explanatory variable is whether the adolescent has a TV in the
bedroom or not.
(c) Can you think of any lurking variables that may affect the results of
the study?
Yes. For example, possible lurking variables might be eating habits and
the amount of exercise per week.
(d) In the report, the researchers stated, "These results remain
significant after adjustment for socioeconomic status." What does this
The researchers made an effort to avoid confounding by accounting for
potential lurking variables.
(e) Does a television in the bedroom cause a higher body mass index?
No, a television in the bedroom and obesity are associated because the
body mass index of the adolescents who had a TV in their bedroom
was significantly higher than that of the adolescents who did not have
a TV in their bedroom.

Section 1.2 Homework

What is an observational study?
An observational study measures the value of the response variable
without attempting to influence the value of either the response or
explanatory variables.
What is a designed experiment?
A designed experiment is when a researcher assigns individuals to a
certain group, intentionally changing the value of an explanatory
variable, and then recording the value of the response variable for
each group.
Which allows the researcher to claim causation between an
explanatory variable and a response variable?
A designed experiment allows the researcher to claim causation
between an explanatory variable and a response variable

What is meant by confounding?
Confounding in a study occurs when the effects of two or more
explanatory variables are not separated. Therefore, any relation that
may exist between an explanatory variable and the response variable
may be due to some other variable or variables not accounted for in
the study.
What is a lurking variable?
A lurking variable is an explanatory variable that was not considered in
a study, but that affects the value of the response variable in the
study. In addition, lurking variables are typically related to explanatory
variables in the study.

What is a cross-sectional study?
Cross-sectional studies are observational studies that collect
information about individuals at a specific point in time or over a very
short period of time.
What is a case-control study?
Case-control studies are observational studies that are retrospective,
meaning that they require individuals to look back in time or require
the researcher to look at existing records.
Which is the superior observational study? Why?
Neither study is always the superior to the other. Both have
advantages and disadvantages that depend on the situation.

What does it mean when an observational study is retrospective?
A retrospective study requires that individuals look back in time or
require the researcher to look at existing records.
What does it mean when an observational study is prospective?
A prospective study collects the data over time.

1.2.11 Determine whether the study depicts an observational study or

an experiment.
A poll is conducted by a school's math department in which fifth-
grade students are asked if they prefer to be in their math class or
their science class.
The study is an observational study because the study examines
individuals in a sample, but does not try to influence the response

1.2.15 Determine whether the study depicts an observational study or

an experiment.
Eighty patients with bone cancer are divided into two groups. One group is
treated with experimental surgery. The other is not. After one year, both
groups are questioned about their pain from the cancer.
The study is an experiment because the researchers control one
variable to determine the effect on the response variable.

1.2.18 Researchers wanted to determine if there was an association

between daily coffee consumption and the occurrence of skin cancer.
The researchers looked at 93,270 women and asked them to report
their coffee-drinking habits. The researchers also determined which of
the women had nonmelanoma skin cancer. After their analysis, the
researchers concluded that consumption of six or more cups of
caffeinated coffee per day was associated with a reduction in
nonmelanoma skin cancer. Complete parts (a) through (c).
(a) What type of observational study was this? Explain.
This was a cross-sectional study because all information about the
individuals was collected at a specific point in time.
(b) What is the response variable in the study? What is the
explanatory variable?
What is the response variable in the study?
The response variable is whether the woman has nonmelanoma skin
cancer or not.
What is the explanatory variable?
The explanatory variable is consumption of caffeinated coffee.
(c) In their report, the researchers stated that "After adjusting for
various demographic and lifestyle variables, daily consumption of six
or more cups was associated with a 30% reduced prevalence of
nonmelanoma skin cancer." Why was it important to adjust for these
The researchers may be concerned with confounding that occurs when
the effects of two or more explanatory variables are not separated or
when there are some explanatory variables that were not considered
in a study, but that affect the value of the response variable.
Section 1.3 Interactive Assignment
1.3.7 A student entering a doctoral program in educational psychology
is required to select three courses from the list of courses provided as
part of his or her program.
EPR 614, Interpretive Methods in Educational Research
EPR 664, Educational Research Planning and Interpretation
EPR 682, Research in Child Development
EPR 681, Fieldwork Methods in Educational Research
EPR 671, Theory of Measurement
(a) List all possible three-course selections.
(b) Comment on the likelihood that EPR 614, EPR 664, and EPR 681
will be selected.
(a) Select all the possible three-course selections below.
664, 682, 681 682, 681, 671 614, 664, 682 614, 682, 681
614, 664, 671 614, 681, 671 664, 681, 671 614, 664, 681
614, 682, 671 664, 682, 671
(b) There is a 1 in 10 chance that these courses will be selected.

1.3.9 A small community college employs 52 full-time faculty members. To

gain the faculty's opinions about upcoming contract negotiations, the
president of the faculty union wishes to obtain a simple random sample
that will consist of 5 faculty members. She numbers the faculty 1 to 52.
Use the random number technology output shown below to determine the
numbers for the 5 faculty members included in the sample.
25, 15, 3, 17, 3, 12, 5, 16, 48
First chosen member: 25
Second chosen member: 15
Third chosen member: 3
Fourth chosen member: 17
Fifth chosen member: 12
Section 1.3 Homework
1.3.1 What is a frame?
A frame is a list of the individuals in the population being studied.

1.3.3 What does it mean when sampling is done without replacement?

Once an individual is selected, the individual cannot be selected again.

1.3.5 As part of a college literature course, students must select three

classic works of literature from the provided list and complete critical
book reviews for each selected work. Write a short description of the
processes that can be used to generate a simple random sample of
books. Obtain a simple random sample of size 3 from the list.
1. Death of a Salesman
2. A Tale of Two Cities
3. Crime and Punishment
4. Pride and Prejudice
5. Huckleberry Finn
6. The Sun Also Rises
7. The Scarlet Letter
8. The Jungle
9. As Upper I Lay Dying
Which of the following would produce a simple random sample?
List each book on a separate piece of paper, place them all in a hat,
and pick three.
Number the books from 1 to 9 and use a random number table to
produce 3 different one digit numbers corresponding to the books
Use the portion of the random number table provided below to obtain
a simple random sample of size 3 from this list. If you start on the left
and take the first three numbers between 1 and 9, what three books
would be selected from the numbered list? 61166 22686 81332
The Sun Also Rises, Death of a Salesman, A Tale of Two Cities
Section 1.4 Interactive Assignment
1.4.25 A club wants to sponsor a panel discussion on an upcoming
election. The club wants to have four of its members lead the panel
discussion. To be fair, however, the panel should consist of two
members of each party. Below is a list of members in each party.
Obtain a stratified sample of two people from party 1 and two from
party 2.

Party 1 Party 2
Bolden Nolan Cooper Ochs
Carter Pawlak Engler Rice
Haydra Tate Keating Thomas
Lukens Wright May Weber

Which of the following is a possible list of club members to lead the

panel discussion?
Nolan, Haydra, Keating, Ochs

1.4.27 The human resource department at a certain company wants to

conduct a survey regarding worker benefits. The department has an
alphabetical list of all 3405 employees at the company and wants to
conduct a systematic sample of size 40.
(a) To find k, compute N/n and round down.
The population is the employees in the company, and hence N=3405.
The desired sample size n is 40.
To find k, we compute N/n and round down.
Thus, we take k to be 85.
(b) Determine the individuals who will be administered the survey.
Randomly select a number from 1 to k. Suppose that we randomly select
10. Then the first individual in the survey will be 10.
The second individual in the survey will be 10+k. Therefore, the second
individual in the survey will be number 10+85=95.
The third individual in the survey will be 10+2k. Therefore, the second
individual in the survey will be number 10+2•85=180.
We continue selecting every kth person to participate in the survey.
Therefore, the last person in the survey will be number
10 + 85(40 - 1) = 3325.
Section 1.4 Homework
1.4.2 Which sampling method does not require a frame?

A(n) cluster sample is obtained by dividing the population into groups
and selecting all individuals from within a random sample of the

A(n) stratified sample is obtained by dividing the population into
homogeneous groups and randomly selecting individuals from each

Determine whether the following statement is true or false. Explain.

1.4.6 When taking a systematic random sample of size n, every group
of size n from the population has the same chance of being selected.
False, because certain groups would never be selected.

1.4.7 A simple random sample is always preferred because it obtains

the same information as other sampling plans but requires a smaller
sample size.
False, because other sampling techniques may provide more
information for less cost than a simple random sample.

1.4.8 When conducting a cluster sample, it is better to have fewer

clusters with more individuals when the clusters are heterogeneous.
True, because when the clusters are heterogeneous, they are scaled
down versions of the population.

1.4.9 Inferences based on voluntary response samples are generally

not reliable.
True, because it is often the case that the individuals who volunteer do
not accurately represent the population.

1.4.10 When obtaining a stratified sample, the number of individuals

included within each stratum must be equal.
False. Within stratified samples, the number of individuals sampled
from each stratum should be proportional to the size of the strata in
the population.
1.4.11 To estimate the percentage of defects in a recent
manufacturing batch, a quality control manager at Apple selects every
13th iPod that comes off the assembly line starting with the eighth
until she obtains a sample of 100 iPods.
What type of sampling is used?

1.4.13 To determine customer opinion of their pricing,

Greyhound Lines randomly selects 40 busses during a certain week
and surveys all passengers on the busses.
What type of sampling is used?

1.4.15 Apple wants to administer a satisfaction survey to its current

customers. Using their customer database, the company randomly
selects 80 customers and asks them about their level of satisfaction
with the company.
What type of sampling is used?
Simple random

1.4.19 A magazine asks its readers to call in their opinion regarding

the amount of advertising in the present issue.
What type of sampling is used?

To determine her heart rate, Miranda divides up her day into three
parts: morning, afternoon, and evening. She then measures her
heart rate at 3 randomly selected times during each part of the day.
What type of sampling is used?

1.4.23 A salesperson obtained a systematic sample of size 30 from a

list of 600 clients. To do so, he randomly selected a number from 1 to
20, obtaining the number 11. He included in the sample the 11th client
on the list and every 20th client thereafter. List the numbers that
correspond to the 30 clients selected.
11, 31, …, 591
Section 1.5 Interactive Assignment
1.5.5 The manager of a shopping mall wishes to expand the number of
shops available in the food court. He has a market researcher survey
the first 90 customers who come into the food court during weekend
mornings to determine what types of food the shoppers would like to
see added to the food court.
(a) The survey has bias. Determine whether the flaw is due to the
sampling method or the survey itself. For biased surveys, identify the
cause of the error.
What is the cause of the bias?
Sampling bias
(b) Suggest a remedy to the problem.
Which of the following is the best way to remedy this problem?
Ask customers throughout the day on both weekdays and weekends.

1.5.4 Distinguish between nonsampling error and sampling error.

Nonsampling error is the error that results from undercoverage,
nonresponse bias, response bias, or data-entry errors. Sampling error
is the error that results because a sample is being used to estimate
information about a population.
Section 1.5 Homework
What is a closed question? What is an open question?
A closed question has fixed choices for answers, whereas an open
question is a free-response question.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of question.
Closed questions are easier to analyze, but limit the responses. Open
questions allow respondents to state exactly how they feel, but are
harder to analyze due to the variety of answers and possible
misinterpretation of answers.

1.5.2 What does it mean when a part of the population is under-

A part of the population is under-represented when it is proportionally
smaller in a sample than in its population.

1.5.7 An anti-drunk driving advocate wants to estimate the percentage

of people who favor increasing the penalty for drunk driving. He
conducts a nationwide survey of 1450 randomly selected adults 18
years and older. The interviewer asks the respondents, "Do you favor
harsher penalties for those convicted for drunk driving?"
The survey has bias. Which of the following best describes the
Response bias

1.5.8 A polling organization conducts a study to estimate the

percentage of households that has high speed Internet access. It mails
a questionnaire to 1448 randomly selected households across the
United States and asks the head of each household if he or she
has high speed Internet access. Of the 1448 households selected, 40
The survey has bias. Which of the following best describes the

1.5.11 A magazine is conducting a study on the effects of infidelity in a

marriage. The editors randomly select 400 women whose husbands
were unfaithful and ask, “Do you believe a marriage can survive when
the husband destroys the trust that must exist between husband and
marriage can survive when the husband destroys the trust that must e
xist between husband and wife?” This survey has bias.
(a) What is the type of bias?
Response bias
(b) What is a possible remedy?
Reword the question.

1.5.15 Suppose you are conducting a survey regarding violence among

teenagers the Los Angeles school district. You obtain a cluster sample
18 schools within the Los Angeles school district and sample all
sophomore students in the randomly selected schools. The survey is
administered by the teachers.
The survey has bias. Which of the following best describes the
Response bias

1.5.17 Surveys tend to suffer from low response rates. Based on past
experience, a researcher determines that the typical response rate for
an e-mail survey is 30%. She wishes to obtain a sample of 150
respondents, so she e-mails the survey to 1000 randomly selected e-
mail addresses. Assuming the response rate for her survey is 30%, will
the respondents form an unbiased sample? Explain.
Is the sample unbiased?
No. The survey still suffers from undercoverage (sampling bias),
nonresponse bias, and potentially response bias.

1.5.21 Suppose you are reading an article online when the following
text appeared in a popup window: ''Would you be interested in
participating in a short health dash related survey question mark If
you qualify and complete this survey comma you will receive $ 2.00 .
Your participation will make a difference.'' What tactic is being used to
increase the response rate for this survey?
The company is using a reward system in the form of the $2.00
payment and an incentive by telling the readers that his or her input
will make a difference.

1.5.22 Consider the following question from a recent poll.

Thinking about how the abortion issue might affect your vote for major
offices, would you vote only for a candidate who shares your views on
abortion or consider a candidate's position on abortion as just one of
many important factors? [rotated]
Why is it important to rotate the two choices presented in the
The choices need to be rotated to minimize response biases.

1.5.23 A poll is being conducted at a sporting event to obtain a sample

of the population of an entire country. What is the frame for this type
of sampling? Who would be excluded from the survey and how might
this affect the results of the survey?
What is the frame for this type of sampling?
The frame is the entire population of the country.
Who would be excluded from the survey and how might this affect the
results of the survey?
Any person who does not enjoy watching sporting events is excluded.
This could result in sampling bias due to undercoverage.

1.5.25 Suppose you are conducting a survey to find your class's

feelings on a new song. You want to take a simple random sample of
the population of 40 people. However, 10 people out of the population
are not in class today. Do you believe this can affect your ability to
obtain accurate polling results about the entire population? If so, how?
Yes, especially if the people who are not in class today have a trait
that is not accurately represented by the remaining people in the

1.5.33 Suppose that a radio station predicted that Candidate A would

defeat Candidate B in a certain election. They conducted a poll of
automobile owners with a response rate of 23%. On the basis of the
results, the radio station predicted that Candidate A would win with
57% of the popular vote. However, Candidate B won the election with
about 62% of the popular vote. At the time of this poll, most
automobile owners belonged to the party of Candidate A. Name two
biases that led to this incorrect prediction.
Sampling bias: Using an incorrect frame led to undercoverage.
Nonresponse bias: The low response rate caused bias.

1.5.35 Consider a survey conducted of football players in a certain

country. One aspect of the survey is to determine the number of goals
scored the number of goals scored by players of the championship.
Complete parts (a) through (f).
(a) What is the population of interest for this portion of the survey?
All players of the championship
(b) What is the variable of interest for this portion of the survey?
Number of scored goals
(c) Is the variable qualitative or quantitative?
(d) What is the level of measurement for the variable?
(e) Is a census feasible in this situation?
(f) Is a sample feasible in this situation?

1.5.36 Why is it rare for frames to be completely accurate?

It is rare for frames to be accurate because frames are obtained
periodically, whereas populations are constantly changing.
Section 1.6 Interactive Assignment
1.6.8 To determine if topiramate is an effective treatment for alcohol
dependence, researchers conducted a 14-week trial of 371 men and
women aged 18 to 65 years diagnosed with alcohol dependence. In
this doubleblind, randomized, placebo-controlled experiment, subjects
were randomly given either 300 milligrams (mg) of topiramate (183
subjects) or a placebo (188 subjects) daily, along with a weekly
compliance enhancement intervention. The variable used to determine
the effectiveness of the treatment was self-reported percentage of
heavy drinking days. Results indicated that topiramate was more
effective than placebo at reducing the percentage of heavy drinking
days. The researchers concluded that topiramate is a promising
treatment for alcohol dependence. Complete parts (a) through (f).
(a) What does it mean for the experiment to be placebo-controlled?
The experiment will have a control group that takes a placebo, which
is a innocuous medication, such as a sugar tablet. This control group
serves as a baseline treatment that can be used to compare to the
group that is actually taking the medication.
(b) What does it mean for the experiment to be double-blind? Why do
you think it is necessary for the experiment to be double-blind?
First, explain what it means for the experiment to be double-blind.
Neither the subject nor the researcher knows which treatment the
subject is receiving.
Why do you think it is necessary for the experiment to be double-
The experiment is double-blind so that the subjects receiving the
medication do not behave differently and so the individual monitoring
the subjects does not treat those receiving medication differently from
those receiving a placebo.
(c) What does it mean for the experiment to be randomized?
It means that the subjects are randomly assigned to take either the
topiramate or the placebo.
(d) What is the population for which this study applies? What is the
The population is all 18-65 year olds with alcohol dependence. The
sample is 371 men and women aged 18 to 65 years diagnosed with
alcohol dependence.
(e) What are the treatments?
300 mg of topiramate or a placebo daily, and a weekly compliance
enhancement intervention
(f) What is the response variable?
Percentage of heavy drinking days

1.6.RA-1 Determine whether the following statements are true or


(a) When a factor is controlled by setting it to three levels, the

particular factor is of no interest to the researcher.
The statement is false because a factor that is controlled and set at
various levels is a factor of interest to the researcher.
(b) Randomization is used so that those factors not controlled in the
experiment "average out" their effect on the response variable.
The statement is true.

1.6.13 Researchers wanted to test the effectiveness of a new drug

therapy for treating patients with manic depression. To do this, they
identified 135 patients with a diagnosis of manic depression. Patients
were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Forty-five
patients were randomly assigned to receive the new drug therapy,
another 45 received the older drug therapy, and the final 45 received a
placebo therapy. To measure the effectiveness of the treatment,
researchers scored each patient on a standardized rating scale for
manic depression. After collecting and comparing the scores for the
three treatment groups, the researchers concluded that the new drug
therapy is significantly more effective than both the older drug therapy
and the placebo therapy in the treatment of manic depression.
Complete parts (a) through (e).
(a) What type of experimental design is this?
Completely randomized assignment
(b) What is the population being studied?
All patients with a diagnosis of manic depression
(c) What is the response variable in this study?
The score on the standardized rating scale for manic depression
(d) What are the treatment(s)?
The new drug therapy, the older drug therapy, and the placebo therapy
(e) Identify the experimental units.
The 135 patients with a diagnosis of manic depression

1.6.18 A physician wanted to compare two types of headache relief. One

type is medication and the other is using pressure points. It is a common
belief that medication relieves pain faster.
This belief is tested by having 10 migraine sufferers compare both types of
pain relief and recording their observations on a standardized scale of
response. A coin flip was used to determine which type of headache relief
each individual would try first. Results indicated that there was no
difference in the two types of pain relief.
What type of experimental design is this?
Matched pair
What is the response variable in this experiment?
The recorded observations
What is the treatment?
The types of pain relief
What are the experimental units?
The migraine sufferers
Why is a coin used to decide the headache relief each individual would try
To eliminate bias as to which pain relief was used first

Section 1.6 Homework

(a) Define experimental unit.
A person, object, or some other well-defined item upon which a
treatment is applied.
(b) Define treatment.
Any combination of the values of the factors (explanatory variables).
(c) Define response variable.
The quantitative or qualitative variable for which the experimenter
wishes to determine how its value is affected by the explanatory
(d) Define factor.
A variable whose effect on the response variable is to be assessed by
the experimenter.
(e) Define placebo.
An innocuous medication, such as a sugar tablet, that looks, tastes,
and smells like the experimental medication.
(f) Define confounding.
The effect of two factors (explanatory variables on the response
variable) cannot be distinguished.

1.6.2 What is replication in an experiment?

Replication is applying each treatment to more than one experimental

1.6.3 Explain the difference between a single-blind and a double-blind

In a single-blind experiment, the subject does not know which
treatment is received. In a double-blind experiment, neither the
subject nor the researcher in contact with the subject knows which
treatment is received.

1.6.6 Determine whether the following statement is true or false.

Generally, the goal of an experiment is to determine the effect that the
treatment will have on the response variable.

1.6.9 A school psychologist wants to test the effectiveness of a new

method of teaching Statistics. She recruits 400 fifth-grade students
and randomly divides them into two groups. Group 1 is taught by
means of the new method, while Group 2 is taught via traditional
methods. The same teacher is assigned to teach both groups. At the
end of the year, an achievement test is administered and the results of
the two groups compared.
What is the response variable in this experiment?
The score on the achievement test
Which of the following explanatory variables is manipulated?
Method of teaching
How many levels of the treatment are there?
What type of experimental design is this?
Completely randomized assignment
Identify the subjects.
The 400 students.

1.6.12 To help assess student learning in her developmental science

courses, a science professor at a university implemented pre- and
post-tests for her developmental science students. A knowledge-
gained score was obtained by taking the difference of the two test
What type of experimental design is this?
Matched pair
What is the response variable in this experiment?
Difference in test scores
What is the treatment?
Science course

1.6.15 Researchers wanted to evaluate whether a certain herb

improved memory in elderly adults as measured by objective tests. To
do this, they recruited 85 men and 126 women older than 55 years
and in good health. Participants were randomly assigned to receive the
herb, 40 mg 3 times a day, or a matching placebo. A measure of
memory improvement was determined by a standardized test of
learning and memory.
(a) What type of experimental design is this?
Completely randomized design
(b) What is the population being studied?
Adults older than 55 years and in good health
(c) What is the response variable in this study?
The score on the standardized test of learning and memory
(d) What is the factor?
The herb
What are the treatments?
40 mg 3 times a day or a matching placebo
(e) Identify the experimental units. Which of the following is correct?
The 85 men and 126 women older than 55 who are in good health that
participated in the study

1.6.21 A researcher has decided to test the effectiveness of a drug

meant to reduce high cholesterol through a completely randomized
design. She has obtained 9 volunteers with high cholesterol: Amanda,
Brian, Christine, David, Emily, Fred, George, Heather, and Ivan.
Number the volunteers 1 through 9, alphabetically. Use the third row
of digits in the random number table below to randomly assign 3 of
the volunteers to the experimental group (ignore zeros). The
remaining volunteers will go into the control group. List the individuals
in each group.
Row 1 12663 41156 64019 98021
Row 2 16902 87195 56738 04609
Row 3 63949 92781 15758 58246

What are the numbers of the three volunteers selected?

6, 3, 9 (List the terms in the same order they appear in the original
List the three individuals assigned to the experimental group. Choose
the correct answer below.
Fred, Christine, Ivan
List the remaining individuals assigned to the control group. Choose
the correct answer below.
Heather, Emily, Brian, Amanda, David, George

1.6.25 Suppose you are interested in comparing brand A interior latex

paint to brand B interior latex paint. Design an experiment to
determine which paint is better for painting cabinets.
Choose the best design for this experiment.
Matched-pairs design because experimental units are paired up and
there are only two levels of treatment.

1.6.29 Researchers wish to know if there is a link between

hypertension (high blood pressure) and consumption of sugar. Past
studies have indicated that the consumption of vegetables offsets the
negative impact of sugar consumption. It is also known that there is
quite a bit of person-to-person variability as far as the ability of the
body to process and eliminate sugar. However, no method exists for
identifying individuals who have a higher ability to process sugar. It is
recommended that daily intake of sugar should not exceed 5800
milligrams (mg). The researchers want to keep the design simple, so
they choose to conduct their study using a completely randomized
design. Complete parts (a) through (c).
(a) What is the response variable in the study?
Blood Pressure
(b) Name three factors that have been identified.
Body’s ability to process sugar
Daily consumption of sugar
Daily consumption of vegetables
(c) For each factor identified, determine whether the variable can be
controlled or cannot be controlled.
Blood pressure is not a factor.
Daily consumption of sugar can be controlled.
Daily consumption of vegetables can be controlled.
Body's ability to process sugar cannot be controlled.
Age is not a factor.
Gender is not a factor.
If a factor cannot be controlled, what should be done to reduce
variability in the response variable?
Experimental units should be randomized to each treatment group.

1. Consider a survey conducted of computer gamers in a certain
country. One aspect of the survey is to determine the
the time of gaming per day
in a particular country. Complete parts (a) through (f).
(a) What is the population of interest for this portion of the survey?
All gamers of the country
(b) What is the variable of interest for this portion of the survey?
Time of gaming per day
(c) Is the variable qualitative or quantitative?
(d) What is the level of measurement for the variable?
(e) Is a census feasible in this situation?
(f) Is a sample feasible in this situation?

2. As part of a college literature course, students must select three
classic works of literature from the provided list and complete critical
book reviews for each selected work. Write a short description of the
processes that can be used to generate a simple random sample of
three books. Obtain a simple random sample of size 3 from this list.
Which of the following would produce a simple random sample? Select
all that apply.
Number the books from 1 to 9 and use a random number table to
List each book on a separate piece of paper, place them all in a hat,
and pick
Use the portion of the random number table provided below to obtain
a simple random sample of size 3 from this list. If you start on the left
and take the first three numbers between 1 and 9, what three books
would be selected from the numbered list?
27227 87017 89694
The Jungle, Death of a Salesman, The Scarlet Letter

3. A polling organization contacts 2259 undergraduates who attend
a college and live outside the United States and asks whether or not
they had taken a course in conversational English during their studies.
What is the population in the study?
Undergraduates who attend a college and live outside the United
What is the sample in the study?
The 2259 undergraduates who attend a college and live outside the
United States

4. A television station asks its viewers to call in their opinion
regarding the desirability of programs in high definition TV.
What type of sampling is used?

5. The human resource department at a certain company wants to
conduct a survey regarding worker benefits. The department has an
alphabetical list of all 6425 employees at the company and wants to
conduct a systematic sample of size 60.
(a) What is k?
(b) Determine the individuals who will be administered the survey.
Randomly select a number from 1 to k. Suppose that we randomly
select 13. Starting with the first individual selected, the individuals in
the survey will be 13, 120, 227…, 6326.

6. Determine whether the following statement is true or false.
Generally, the goal of an experiment is to determine the effect that the
treatment will have on the response variable.

7. To estimate the percentage of defects in a recent manufacturing
batch, a quality control manager at Microsoft selects every 14th
software CD that comes off the assembly line starting with the eighth
until she obtains a sample of 110 software CDs.

8. A physician wanted to compare two types of headache relief.
One type is medication and the other is using pressure points. It is a
common belief that medication relieves pain faster.
This belief is tested by having 10 migraine sufferers compare both
types of pain relief and recording their observations on a standardized
scale of response. A coin flip was used to determine which type of
headache relief each individual would try first. Results indicated that
there was no difference in the two types of pain relief.
What type of experimental design is this?
Matched pair
What is the response variable in this experiment?
The recorded observations
What is the treatment?
The types of pain relief
What are the experimental units?
The migraine sufferers
Why is a coin used to decide the headache relief each individual would
try first?
To eliminate bias as to which pain relief was used first

9. Researchers wanted to determine if there was an association
between daily coffee consumption and the occurrence of skin cancer.
The researchers looked at 93,532 women and asked them to report
their coffee-drinking habits. The researchers also determined which of
the women had nonmelanoma skin cancer. After their analysis, the
researchers concluded that consumption of six or more cups of
caffeinated coffee per day was associated with a reduction in
nonmelanoma skin cancer. Complete parts (a) through (c).
(a) What type of observational study was this? Explain.
This was a cross-sectional study because all information about the
individuals was collected at a specific point in time.
(b) What is the response variable in the study? What is the
explanatory variable?
What is the response variable in the study?
The response variable is whether the woman has nonmelanoma skin
cancer or not.
What is the explanatory variable?
The explanatory variable is consumption of caffeinated coffee.
(c) In their report, the researchers stated that "After adjusting for
various demographic and lifestyle variables, daily consumption of six
or more cups was associated with a 30% reduced prevalence of
nonmelanoma skin cancer." Why was it important to adjust for these
The researchers may be concerned with confounding that occurs when
the effects of two or more explanatory variables are not separated or
when there are some explanatory variables that were not considered
in a study, but that affect the value of the response variable.
10. The data on the right relate to characteristics of high-definition
televisions A through E.
Setup Size (in) Screen Type Number of Channels Available
A 46 Plasma 299
B 56 Projection 116
C 48 Projection 423
D 43 Projection 270
E 57 Plasma 289
Identify the individuals, variables, and data corresponding to the
variables. Determine whether each variable is qualitative, continuous,
or discrete.

What are the individuals being studied?

The characteristics of high-definition televisions A through E
What are the variables and their corresponding data being studied?
Size (60, 53, 57, 48, 42), screen type (Projection, Projection, Plasma,
Plasma, Projection), and number of channels available (300, 105, 423,
270, 290)
Determine whether each variable is qualitative, continuous, or
Size is a continuous variable.
Screen type is a qualitative variable.
Number of channels available is a discrete variable.

11. Suppose you are the president of the student government. You
wish to conduct a survey to determine the student body's opinion
regarding student services. The administration provides you with a list
of the names and phone numbers of the 487 registered students.
(a) Discuss a procedure you could follow to obtain a simple random
sample of 5 students.
(b) Obtain this sample.
96783 75881
08283 05149
72771 13357
78083 80385
20245 41638
35004 29884
44991 98786
46812 83019
87110 91582
93699 65211
(a) Which of the following procedures could you follow to obtain a
simple random sample of 5 students? Select all that apply.
List each name on a separate piece of paper; place them all in a hat,
and pick five.
Number the names from 1 to 487 and use a random number table to
produce 5 different three-digit numbers corresponding to the names
(b) Obtain this sample using the portion of the random number table
provided in the problem statement. Start with the first column of the
first row and work down each column.

12. Determine whether the study depicts an observational study or
an experiment.
Fifty patients on aspirin are divided into two groups. One group is
treated with a new anti-ulcer drug. The other is not. After one month,
both groups are questioned about their stomach pain.
Is the study an observational study or an experiment?
The study is an experiment because the researchers control one
variable to determine the effect on the response variable.

13. An antigun advocate wants to estimate the percentage of people
who favor stricter gun laws.
He conducts a nationwide survey of 1 comma 203 randomly selected
adults 18 years old and older. The interviewer asks the respondents,
"Do you favor harsher penalties for individuals who sell guns
illegally?" This survey has bias.
(a) What is the type of bias?
Response bias
(b) What is a possible remedy?
Reword the question.

14. Determine whether the quantitative variable is discrete or
Amount of snowfall in a year
Is the variable discrete or continuous?
The variable is continuous because it is not countable.

15. Define statistics.
Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, summarizing, and
analyzing information to draw a conclusion and answer questions. In
addition, statistics is about providing a measure of confidence in any

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