RBI - QUIZ – 3
Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________
Please circle or tick the correct one. Please note that there is only one correct answer.
1. API 580 is specifically targeted at the application of RBI in the
a) Hydro carbon industry
b) Chemical process industry
c) Ship building & fabrication units
d) All the above.
e) a & b
2. RBI is based on sound, proven risk assessment and management principles. None the less, RBI will not
compensate for
a) Inaccurate of missing information
b) Operating outside the acceptable design envelope.
c) Lack of qualified personnel or team work.
d) Lack of sound engineering or operational judgment.
e) All the above.
3. Following equipment are not covered under the RBI by API 580
a) Pressure vessels
b) Process piping
c) Boilers and heaters
d) Instrument and control system.
4. Probability of failure analysis is made from
a) loss of containment that occurs due to deterioration mechanism
b) Consequences of the failure
c) Done just with previous experience.
d) All the above.
5. Graphical representation of scenarios from potential accidents outcome will be called as
a) Accident event.
b) Process tree.
c) Consequence tree.
d) Event Tree.
6. Risk prior to mitigation activities.
a) Unmitigated risk
b) Acceptable risk
d) None of the above.
7. RBI methodology can be adopted for
a) Entire operating unit
b) Section of operating unit
c) Major system or Major Equipment.
d) All of the above.
8. RBI analysis accuracy depends on the following.
a) Sound Methodology
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RBI - QUIZ – 3
Name:____________________________________________ Date:_____________
Please circle or tick the correct one. Please note that there is only one correct answer.
b) Quality data
c) Knowledgeable Personnel
d) All the above.
9. Which of following mechanism is most likely to result in thining?
a) Sulphidation
b) Stress corrosion cracking
c) Fatigue
d) None of the above.
10. The term failure used for failure analysis in RBI typically means.
a) Loss of containment.
b) General corrosion
c) Thinning
d) All the above.
11. RBI Management means.
a) Risk mitigation
b) Risk acceptance
c) Risk communication.
d) All the above.
12. ISO risk line represents.
a) Constant risk line
b) RBI is not considering such thumb rules
c) Typical line represents no of accidents happened in the plant.
d) None of the above.
13. Logic models that are being used in Quantitative Risk analysis will have the modeling systems such as
a) Event tree
b) Fault tree
c) Analysis tree
d) All the above
e) A & B
14. Various ways which lead to the occurrence of event
a) Fault tree
b) Event tree
c) All the above
d) None of the above.
15. Typical parameters used for assessing environmental damages
a) Acres of land affected per year
b) Mile of shore line attacked per year
c) Number of human resources affected
d) All the above.