Documents - Tips - Pyrolisis and Gasification PDF
Documents - Tips - Pyrolisis and Gasification PDF
Documents - Tips - Pyrolisis and Gasification PDF
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Edited by
Proceedings of an international conference held in Luxembourg, 23-25 May
Edited by
Commission of the European Communities, Brussek, Belgium
pert to the Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium
Vrije Univ ersiteit Brussel, Belgium
University of Aston, Birmingham, UK
EUR 12479
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Though interesting results and experiences have certainly been achieved, several
problems still remain and their solution will strongly influence the commercialisation
of Pyrolysis and Gasification all over the world.
It was the need to critically evaluate the progress achieved in this field and to draw
up recommendations for future work which prompted the Directorate General for
Energy of the Commission of the European Communities to organise this International
Conference with the assistance of the Directorate General for Information, Marketing
and Innovation.
While invited speakers from the Commission, EC countries, US, Canada and the World
Bank presented overviews on all aspects of Pyrolysis and Gasification processes such
as Feedstock Pretreatment and Characterisation, Gasification and Pyrolysis
Technologies, Products Upgrading and Utilization as well as Environmental and
Economic aspects, researchers and industrialists from 20 countries presented their
results and views in oral as well as poster presentations. The Workshops and Panel
Discussions gave the opportunity to all participants to express their opinion so that
realistic recommendations for future R & D and Demonstration activities could be
drawn up.
The Editors express their graditute to all the participants for their contributions as
well as to the Chairmen and Rapporteurs who assisted in making this a successful
Conference and we are confident that the contents of this proceedings will be a
valuable tool and source of information to all those working in the field.
R. CYPRES, B. BETTENS, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
Brussels, Belgium 209
A.V. BRIDGWATER, Energy Research Group, Chemical
Engineering Department, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
C. ROY, Université Laval, Département de génie chimique,
Quebec, Canada 394
G. BONINO, Biomass Energies Integrated Systems, Turin, Italy 527
General Directorate for Energy
Coma I ss Ion of the European Communities
200 rue de la Lol
Β 1049 Brussels Belgium
The demonstration programme In the "Blomass and energy from waste" sector
Is outlined In general, with particular reference to the subject of
"Pyrolysls and Gasification".
Comments are made on certain results obtained In the Member States and
general trends can be concluded.
These projects form the link between the research and development phase
upstream, possibly backed by a pilot project, and the commercial
exploitation phase downstream.
Under the Βiomass and Energy from Waste Sector of this Programme some 191
projects (Table 2) have been awarded support totalling 87,4 Mio ECU
(101,6 Mio $ ) .
In the short term It seems unlikely that these technologies are destined
for extensive application, and there is clearly a need for demonstration
measures before maximum use of their Interesting potential can be
In France some experiments Into the pyrolysls of solid urban waste have
encountered technical and economic problems whereas wood gasification and
torefactlon projects have demonstrated the reliability of these
For other Community countries too few data are available for any
conclusions to be drawn.
We are now starting to reap the benefits of this vast programme, which,
complementing measures taken at national level In the individual Member
States, has led to technological maturity and process reliability in
every respect.
This conference will be different from many others being held elsewhere
on this subject through Its mainly demonstration nature of the results
obtained and the guidelines that should emerge for future action In
Commission programmes.
Directorate General for Science Research and Development,
Commission of the European Communities
So, the energy sector should get the largest share of the resource. Of
course, the development and speed of penetration of the bio-energy sector
will depend largely on the future supply cost of biomass (30/60 ECU/ton (dm)
actually in Europe); on the cost of the conversion technology; and (mainly)
on the cost of imported oil.
Among the several conversion technologies so far developed in the
Community (direct combustion, air gasification, advanced gasification,
pyrolysis, liquefaction, catalytic conversion, bio-gasification) pyrolysis
today appears very promising and best suited to the implementation of large
biomass schemes like the LEBEN - Industrial projects. In fact pyrolysis or
synthetic-oil can be competitive on a relatively small scale of production.
This may also allow for large-scale biomass exploitation, the adoption of
modular conversion units with capacity in the range of 2:10 ton/hr, to match
in the most convenient way, the more or less productive and/or dispersed
resource available.
Oxygenate Fuels
Methanol Gasification Synthesis
Fuel alcohol Gasification Synthesis
Hydrocarboη Fuels
Gasoline Pyrolysis Hydrotreating
Pyrolysis Zeolites
Liquefaction Hydrotreating
Gasification via methanol MTG
Power Pyrolysis Turbine
Gasification Engine or turbine
Ammonia Gasification Synthesis
Speciality chemicals Pyrolysis Extraction and/or Conversion
Liquefaction Extraction and/or Conversion
• • • / • / , / • • •
: TECHNOLOGY s '/,- PRODUCTS . V I TECHNOLOGY -/// \ \ \ ν \ \
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MOONQ Slurry fuel
Primary Products
The primary products can be gas, liquid and/or solid char, depending
on the conversion technology employed. Most of the present interest centres
on liquid products due to their high energy density and potential for
premium liquid fuel substitution.
As far as biomass conversion is concerned, I would like to recall here
(a) the basic strategic considerations for the present and future R&D
programmes of the Commission suggest the production of two types of liquid
Bio-ethanol from sugar or starch (by advanced technologies and new
crops) for the transportation market and which should develop at a
significant rate after the year 2000 (presently given low emphasis by
the Commission) ;
- Synthetic-oil (pyrolytic-oil) from lignocellulosic material for
general thermal application, as a real substitute for the extensive
oil import market, which could be conveniently produced (technically
and economically) in the medium term (five years).
(b) In the EC the potential displacement by these two types of fuels is very
large and it has been estimated at:
2.2 million barrels OE/day for Europe (about 24% of total oil
(a) Within the framework of the general EC-Canada Agreement, DG XII has
proposed a collaborative programme on "pyrolysis and up-grading of pyrolytic
fuels". Furthermore, an international industrial consortium has been
constituted for the implementation of the first "fast pyrolysis pilot plant"
in Spain, the construction being foreseen at the end of 1989. This
technology should be able to convert lignocellulosic biomass into 60% oil +
10% charcoal + gas (energy efficiency > 80%).
(b) DG XII is joining efforts with DG XVII and DG I for a collaboration with
Brazil and other countries in the bio-energy sector.
This old technology disappeared by and large during the last 40 years.
Up to now only a low level of activity in Europe (seven years).
at present: 7 US$/barrel OE
in 1993: 4 US$/barrel OE
around 2000: 2 US$/barrel OE
+ $ 8 / b a r r e l for
dssulphurisation to
ECU/t (dm)
F i g . 2.
Until the discovery of large quantities of low cost petroleum and
natural gas in the early 1900's, wood supplied a significant proportion
of the energy requirements for heat and power. Combustion of wood in
various sized boilers produced steam to heat buildings, power industrial
machinery, and even power transportation vehicles such as ships, trains,
and farm machinery.
Today, it is estimated that biomass provides about 3 quadrillion
BTU's of energy per year in the United States. This corresponds with
about 4% of the annual U.S. energy demand. This energy comes primarily
from the combustion of wood and other forms of biomass to provide steam
and process heat. This contribution is very significant in relation to
other energy resources. Nuclear energy generation, for example, provides
about 4 to 5 % of the nation's energy supply. With proper resource
management and the development of efficient conversion processes, it has
been estimated that biomass resources can provide an even greater
fraction of this nation's energy supply. (1)
Liquid fuels derived from biomass are expected to contribute
significantly to this energy potential. As an abundant, renewable,
domestic energy resource, biomass can help the United States reduce its
dependence on imported oil. Biomass is the only renewable energy source
capable of supplying liquid transportation fuels. Thermochemical
conversion processes offer efficient methods for converting biomass to
liquid hydrocarbon fuels through a variety of processes. At present,
thermochemical research sponsored by the U.S. DOE is focussed on the
production of methanol or gasoline. Thermal conversion processes are
well suited to the conversion of wood and crop residues, which account
for the vast majority of the biomass resources in the United States.
These processes can convert all of the organic materials in the
feedstocks to liquid fuel products, with water and carbon dioxide as
byproducts. In addition, the thermochemical processes and their products
are relatively insensitive to variations in the feedstock.
Harvested biomass is typically a solid material having a low energy
density, as well as a tendency to biodegrade during storage. With the
advent of petroleum fuels, society has become very dependent upon fuels
which can be conveniently stored in a form having a very high energy
density and which can be transported and metered into a combustor as a
fluid. For example, the energy contained in a volume of aromatic
gasoline is equivalent to that in 4 volumes of solid softwood or 8
volumes of sawdust. Relative to coal, biomass is extremely easy to
liquefy or gasify due to its high reactivity. This characteristic makes
biomass a prime candidate for the production of liquids or synthesis
gases, which may be upgraded to transportation fuels. The diversity of
biomass suggests that fairly small conversion plants would be very
desirable, which can be quickly developed and constructed. Thus, the
conversion of biomass to liquid transportation fuels would favorably
impact local economies by the creation of employment opportunities in
rural areas.
Although the extent of the world's petroleum resources have been
traditionally underestimated, it is generally agreed that petroleum is
a finite resource and the only real question is when, not if, will
alternate sources of liquid transportation fuels be needed. However,
most of the world is dependent upon oil fields which are remote from the
consumer and upon long shipping routes and/or pipelines which will prove
to be very difficult to protect. Consequently, the next oil shortage
will most likely be caused by political decisions or by accidents, rather
than to depletion of the world's petroleum resources. Biomass resources
provide a secure fuel source, which is immune to these types of
Biomass also provides a method to help ameliorate carbon dioxide
emissions to the atmosphere. Recent concerns about the rising levels of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, implicate the widespread combustion of
fossil fuels. Since the use of biomass as a fuel involves the recycling
of atmospheric carbon rather than the conversion of fossilized carbon to
atmospheric carbon, future methods to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
should include the increased use of biomass as a source of fuel. This
implies the need for the development of technology related to the
conversion of biomass to more conventional forms of fuel.
The U.S. Department of Energy is sponsoring research on the
production of fuels through its Biomass and Municipal Waste Technology
Division. This research includes the development of energy crops and
their conversion to fuels using biological or thermochemical processes.
The biological processes typically produce plant oils, methane, or
ethanol. The thermochemical processes produce: a) methanol from
synthesis gases having a medium energy content; or b) biocrude liquids
for subsequent refining to a hydrocarbon gasoline, via catalytic cracking
or hydrogénation. The potential impact of this research would be a
seven-fold increase in the contribution of biomass to the energy consumed
in the United States from the current level of about 3% to a little over
20%. (1) For this large a contribution to the energy supply, successful
research must be completed in biomass production, as well as in the
conversion processes. Actual deployment of the several thousand biomass
heated disks and also exit at the circumference of the disks and pass out
of the reactor to the condensers. The disks had a diameter of 6.4 cm.
Feeding rates were 13 to 210 g/h. Maximum reported liquid yields from
sawdust were 54% (including moisture) at disk temperatures of 600 C, a
flow of nitrogen purge gas of 0.5 g N2 per g of sawdust, and a feeding
rate of 13 g/h. (25,26) If the developmental challenges can be met, the
CSM pyrolysis reactor offers a greater decoupling of the purge or carrier
gas flow rates than is possible with other fast pyrolysis reactors, e.g.
entrained flow, vortex, or fluidized bed reactors.
350 C, and liquid hourly space velocities of 0.6 and 0.1 in the first and
second reactors, respectively. Yields on a dry wood basis from pyrolysis
oils made by Georgia Tech were about 25 wt% of hydrocarbon product
containing only 1.3 wt% oxygen. More recently, this two-step process was
combined into a single, non-isothermal reactor at 13.8 MPa, which
maintained the inlet temperature at around 260 C and the outlet
temperature at around 375 C. With a LHSV of 0.1 volume of oil per volume
of catalyst per hour, the fast, pyrolysis oil from SERI was converted into
a product which contained only 1.3 wt% oxygen, a hydrogen-to-carbon ratio
of 1.68, and 73 vol% boiling in the gasoline range (C5 to 225 C ) . Liquid
product yields of about 20 wt% were reported based on the dry wood feed.
The cause for the difference in yields has not been addressed. (29)
Octane tests of the gasoline products, combined from several preliminary
hydrogénation experiments of the Albany oils, indicated a research octane
of 77. (29,30) Based on the fairly high hydrogen-to-carbon ratio and the
medium octane value, it is highly probable that the octane level could
be raised by optimizing the process or by removing some of the hydrogen
in a subsequent reforming step to increase the aromatic content, as is
commonly done in a typical petroleum refinery, i.e. with "Platforming".
The U.S. DOE has successfully transferred the technology for
gasification to produce low-energy gases and commercialization of this
technology is underway. Gasification of biomass to produce medium-energy
gases for methanol synthesis is still being researched at a low level of
effort and a pilot plant demonstration project is planned, in which the
U.S. DOE will share the cost of development with a private firm. Most
thermochemical research in the last few years has been directed toward
the production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels, i.e. gasoline. Using
pyrolysis oils formed during the fast pyrolysis of biomass, two promising
(18) EVANS, R.J., and MILNE, T.A. (1988) "Mass spectromctric studies of
the relationship of pyrolysis oil composition to formation
mechanisms and feedstock composition" in Ref. (2), pp. 264-279.
(19) KOVAC, R. (1988) "Production and upgrading of biomass pyrolysis
oils" in Ref. (1), pp. 5-20.
(20) KOVAC, R. (1989) "Liquid biofuels production by an entrained
pyrolysis process" in Ref. (4).
(21) DIEBOLD, J.P. and SCAHILL, J.W. (1988) "Production of primary oils
in a vortex reactor" in Ref. (3), pp. 31-40.
(22) DIEBOLD, J.P. and POWER, A.J. (1988) "Engineering aspects of the
vortex reactor to produce primary pyrolysis oil vapors for use in
resins and adhesives" in Ref. (2), pp. 609-628.
(23) SCAHILL, J.W. and DIEBOLD, J.P. (1988) "Adaptation of the SERI
vortex reactor for RDF pyrolysis" in Ref. (1), pp. 237-246.
(24) DIEBOLD, J.P., EVANS, R.J., and SCAHILL, J.W. (1989) "Fast
pyrolysis of RDF to produce fuel oils, char, and a metal-rich by-
product" in Ref. (4).
(25) REED, T.B. (1988) "Principles and operation of a novel "pyrolysis
mill" in Ref. (1), pp.247-258.
(26) REED, T.B. (1988) "Contact pyrolysis in a pyrolysis mill" in Ref.
(2), pp. 192-202.
(27) ELLIOTT, D.C. (1988) "Relation of reaction time and temperature to
chemical composition of pyrolysis oils" in Ref. (3), pp. 55-65.
(28) BAKER, E.G. and ELLIOTT, D.C. (1988) "Catalytic hydrogénation of
biomass-derived oils" in Ref. (3), pp. 228-240.
(29) BAKER, E.G. and ELLIOTT, D.C. (1988) "Catalytic upgrading of
biomass pyrolysis oils" in Ref. (2), pp. 883-895.
(30) ELLIOTT, D.C. and BAKER, E.G. (1988) "Catalytic hydrotreating
processes for upgrading biocrude oils" in Ref. (1), pp. 45-56.
(31) EVANS, R.J. and MILNE, T.A. (1988) "Molecular-beam mass-
spectrometric studies of wood vapor and model compounds over an H-
ZSM-5 catalyst" in Ref. (3), pp. 311-327.
(32) EVANS, R.J., FILLEY, J., and MILNE, T.A. (1988) "Molecular beam
mass spectrometric studies of H-ZSM-5 activity during wood
pyrolysis product conversion" in Ref. (1), pp. 33-43.
(33) MILNE, T.A., EVANS, R.J., and FILLEY, J. (1988) "Molecular beam
mass spectrometric studies of H-ZSM-5 activity during wood
pyrolysis product conversion" in Ref. (3), pp. 910-926.
(34) DIEBOLD, J.P. and SCAHILL, J.W. (1988) "Biomass to gasoline:
upgrading pyrolysis vapors to aromatic gasoline with zeolite
catalysts at atmospheric pressure" in Ref. (3), pp. 264-276.
(35) DIEBOLD, J.P. and SCAHILL, J.W. (1988) "Conversion of wood to
aromatic gasoline with zeolite catalysts", Energy Propress. Vol.
8, No.l, 59-65.
(36) SCAHILL, J.W., DIEBOLD, J.P., and POWER, A.J. (1988) "Engineering
aspects of upgrading pyrolysis oil using zeolites" in Ref.(2), pp.
(37) DIEBOLD, J.P. and SCAHILL, J.W. (1988) "Zeolite catalysts for
producing hydrocarbon fuels from biomass" in Ref. (1), pp. 21-32.
(38) WAN, E.I. and FRASER, M.D. (1988) "Economic assessment of
producing liquid transportation fuels from biomass" in Ref. (1) ,
pp. 111-121.
(39) GRABOSKI, M.S. (1989) Private communication with J.P. Diebold on
April 21.
(40) AYRES, W. (1987) "Commercial application of wood derived oil",
Enerpv Propress. Vol.7, No. 2, 77-79.
Bioenergy Research and Development
Technology Branch
Energy, Mines and Resources Canada
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0E4
Summa ry
During the late 1970's and early 80's there was a short-lived
perception of panic in energy security accompanied by exaggerated claims
of technical readiness of thermochemical conversion applications. Several
premature commercial demonstrations in the U.S.A. of pyrolysis and
gasification failed technically and financially. Governments and
investors became understandably cautious therefore when further approached
by technology vendors. American communities that once considered
gasification and pyrolysis of municipal solid wastes as environmentally
attractive alternatives to relieve pressure on decreased availability of
landfill sites for urban refuse, turned their attention to mass
incineration and refuse derived fuel (RDF) combustion applications.
Though environmentally less attractive in terms of emissions, combustion
offered less technical and financial risk than did the more exotic
thermochemical conversion options.
Canada was somewhat behind the U.S.A., having felt less apparent
impact from the energy supply disruptions of 1973 and 1979. In those days
also there was less pressure to find alternatives to landfilling of wastes
than there was in many U.S. cities, or, as there is in some Canadian
cities today. Canadian thermochemical conversion research, then in its
infancy, therefore focussed its effort on the long term. It assumed a
lengthy timeframe to mature innovative process developments. In theory,
this new breed of technologies would presumably become technically ready
for the 1990's or 2 1 s t century, in a world eager to embrace bioenergy,
particularly from wood, as a sustainable and environmentally attractive
energy resource.
Over the past decade, the science has become better understood and
technical advances have actually surpassed earlier expectations. Some
laboratories have begun to re-activate their upgrading research.
Scientists and engineers have broadened the scope of experimental
conditions and gained a much deeper understanding of the chemical
transformations of complex feedstocks to multiple products.
The first step in the process is to organize the four basic elements
of a technology by resource (eg. biomass, wastes, peat etc.), process(es),
product(s), and market application. The particular feedstock combined
with specific conversion processes and a particular market application of
products result in what we define as a Prospective Application of
Technology or PAT. The picture can become rather complex especially
when considering combinations of thermochemical, biochemical and
fractionation technologies that might be otherwise overlooked during
conventional analysis. In order to illustrate many of the various
combinations pictorially, we have constructed a 'PAT map.'
Thermochemie al "Τ Τ attractive*/
pyrolysis and/or χ y Ian s lionln votatile«
hydrotreating biochemical
solvent pressurized
partial oxidation
oxygen gasification
soivoiyss Various combinations of thermochemical,
hydrothermolysis biochemical, ex tract lon/fract Jona tion and
product separation derlvatlzatlon processes
oletins "* BTX acetic acid
diesel /urt
phenolic denVaoVes
synthesis gas gaso/ine components aahe¡áve¡¡lb¡nders lm, mol. m lignns
carbon 'llavoursl aromas
black charcoal
Figure I I
product derivation of thermochemical and biochemical lignins (eg.
resins, adhesives, cement dispersants).
° thermochemical treatment of the steam fractionated cellulose component
of biomass.
° direct steam (thermal) production of adhesives with a fibre byproduct
suitable for molding, pelletizing, or thermochemical or biochemical
calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) production a3 a road de-icer from
aqueous effluents (ie. dilute acetic acid) of pyrolysis and biochemical
° investigation of wheat chaff as a thermo- or biochemical conversion
° methanation of pyrolysis aqueous effluents.
° separation of short and long fibers of hardwoods where pulp would be
processed from the long fibers and fuels processed biochemically or
thermochemically from the lower value short fibers.
° source separated and/or prescreened, or raw, municipal wastes that
undergo thermochemical or biochemical conversion with or without
Table I
Federal Bioenergy R&D Funding
r™™^ , m ^
BPsTţjs man
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Table II
ethanol based blends and oxygenates and the longer term potential of neat
ethanol fuel along with value added byproducts. The program is divided
into a number of areas including enzymatic and acid hydrolysis of
lignocellulosics, steam and extrusion pretreatment and biomass
fractionation, novel fermentation engineering, biotechnology of enzymes
and microorganisms, anaerobic digestion, characterization and
derivatization of lignin, and the development of non-ethanol byproduct
streams, among others. The rate of achievements in this area over the
past four years rivals that in the thermochemical area. The lure and
promise of biotechnology and the recent accelerated progress are likely
the major factors in attracting industry participation in an area that
was viewed by our program as very long term as of only five or six years
are routed through a hot char bed below. The tars are to be cracked in
the second stage. The project now underway is to modify the gasifier,
optimize the operating parameters, and enhance cracking in the second
McGill University
Over the past several years researchers W.J.M. Douglas and D.G.
Cooper at McGill University have been studying an interesting
thermochemical approach to wood liquefaction using aqueous hydrogen iodide
at fairly mild conditions of pressure and temperature (125°C) . Still far
from certain is the exact nature of the liquid products and the
techno-economic practicality of hydrogen iodide recovery and recycle. On
the positive side, in addition to the low severity conditions of reaction,
the process removes about 80% of the oxygen in the wood, and the char
yield is low.
University of Toronto
Université de Sherbrooke
University of Waterloo
Ensyn Engineering
Laval University
Although the multiple hearth concept suffers from low heat transfer
relative to other pyrolysis processes, and, at first glance, is capital
cost intensive, it has a number of redeeming features that show commercial
promise as follows:
Centralized Analysis
The second prong of the approach was that all researchers were
provided with a standard wood sample, Populus deltoides, by Forintek
Canada Corp. The idea was that when each process development became
somewhat optimized, the researcher would submit oil from the standard wood
sample to the centralized analysis team.
The centralized analysis project has entered Phase II. Learning from
the successes and pitfalls of the first two and one half years, the scope
of this project has changed somewhat. Phase II has two major tasks.
- Elemental Analysis
Water Content
Carboxylic Acids
Gas Liquid Chromatography
Carbon-13 NMR
Gel Permeation Chromatography
Federal Office for the Environment, Berlin
Agricultural wastes, such as cereal straw, can be delivered to the end-user for £22/dryt.
Domestic and commercial refuse is widely available and can attract disposal credits of
£10 - £20/wet t which has a significant effect on the conversion economics.
Feedstocks generally considered for thermochemical conversion are wood and wood
waste, energy crops such as short rotation forestry and sweet sorghum, agricultural waste and
refuse (1). The main technical criteria for suitability for thermochemical processing are low
moisture content, and ash content and characteristics. The main economic criteria are cost
which includes production, collection and transport, and quantity which includes availability.
There is also the question of competing uses such as pulp and board manufacture, combustion,
recycling or material recovery rather than energy recovery.
2.1 Wood
Wood will be potentially available as a feedstock from residues generated within the
wood processing industries, presently unmanaged woodland, conventional forestry and from
plantations specifically grown to produce raw material for the biomass industries.
Processing Residues
Residues are generated within the forest products industry itself. Processing residues
are produced primarily in sawmills; these consist of slabs and blocks of wood, chips and
sawdust. However, with the increasing demand for raw material in the pulp and board mills
much of these residues go to these industries and are therefore unlikely to be available in large
quantities to the energy industry.
Unmanaged Woodland
There are several million hectares of woodland within Europe which is currently not
managed and which could be brought into production for biomass. In France and Italy alone
there are some 5 million hectares of overmature coppice. The maquis systems in the
mediterranean region and several other categories of natural vegetation offer good prospects to
be brought into management for biomass production (2). In the UK, the potential for
production of fuelwood from presently unmanaged woodlands is around 0.15 million wet t/y
Conventional Forestry
Conventional forestry practice gives several opportunities for harvesting wood for fuel.
Firstly, under current harvesting practice only the merchantable stemwood is removed from the
forest. The tops and branches, roots and stumps are left in the forest. The roots and stumps
can be harvested but it is a costly operation and there are potentially severe environmental
problems which limit their use. However, the tops and branches, so-called forest residues are
available for harvest. Secondly, early thinnings can be harvested using whole tree harvesting
techniques. A third opportunity lies in adapting harvesting systems to remove both the
stemwood and the "energy component" at the same time. These integrated harvesting systems
are attracting a great deal of interest world-wide because the overall harvesting system costs are
Modified conventional forestry management systems involve planting trees closer
together initially, taking heavy early thinnings using whole tree harvesting techniques, and
using integrated harvesting systems for later thinnings and clearfell.
For the UK alone by the year 2020 the total annual sustainable production of fuelwood
from conventional forestry could amount to some 4.8 million wet tonnes. In the longer term
modified conventional forestry could provide an additional 8 million wet tonnes per year (4).
Short Rotation Forest Biomass Plantations
Woody biomass can be purpose grown for energy in short rotation coppice biomass
plantations. These are intensively cultivated plantations using fast growing broadleaved trees
which coppice readily and are harvested every 3 to 5 years. The main species used are from
the genera Eucalyptus, Populus (Poplars) and Salix (Willows). Growth rates are high
giving productivities of around 10 to 15 dry tonnes per hectare and year (dt/ha/y) in commercial
operations. Coppice crops need to be grown on good fertile soils. Within Europe the
agricultural surpluses problem coupled with the revision of the CAP is leading to land being set
aside from agricultural production. Such land is well placed for coppice plantations. Of the 40
million hectares of land coming out of production in the CEC some 5 million hectares has been
conjectured to be available for energy plantations (2). In the UK, it has been estimated that if
0.82 million hectares of land currently in agricultural production were to change to short
rotation forestry then this would give an annual production of some 2.72 million wet tonnes
allow self loading and unloading, a wide range of available loads and the ability to revert to
conventional pulp haulage.
Container systems are used in the UK for several commercial operations. Tippers and
curtainsiders showed potential for use in the future when demand for industrial fuelwood will
be high allowing full utilisation of independent loaders. It is not feasible to use lorry transport
of whole trees and forest residues over long distances without compaction equipment.
Transport costs amount to some £0.07/wet tonne/km.
2.1.3 Storage of Wood Fuel
Storage of wood fuel will be necessary to bridge the gap between supply and demand
with due allowance made for the time required for drying and pretreatment. The storage can be
done in the open, under cover to protect it from rain or an enclosed space such as silos and live
bottomed bins which have to be linked to the gasifier feeding system. The type of storage is
strongly influenced by scale of operation and climatic factors. The most common type of wood
fuel is chipped wood.
If storage is required then it has to be carefully considered. Whole tree chips, due to
their high moisture content and foliage content, decompose rapidly (1 - 5% per month) during
storage. Such materials also present a fire risk because of heating during decomposition. A
further problem associated with the storage of wood fuels in enclosed spaces is the
development of microfungi the spores of which represent a serious health hazard (6). From
experimental experience, drying during storage will give a moisture change from a delivered
55% to an outgoing 40%. Costs of storage have been calculated to be of the order of £5/wet
tonne (7) (Table 1).
Stumpage (3.60) COST
Stumpage (1.00)
Stumpage - residue» (1.00)
(6.10) (4.70) (6.30) 20.60
Stumpage - realduea (1.00)
Considerable quantities of agricultural waste, such as straw, bagasse, corn cobs, and
rice hulls, arise in agriculturally based economies where there may be no ready market for solid
fuels. In many cases this material is free and may even have a credit or negative cost of up to
£-20/t because of the cost of disposal if it cannot be used. Particular features of agricultural
waste are that is is often already collected at one site and has often been subjected to extensive
pretreatment such as size reduction and drying. There will also usually be some storage and
material handling facilities. In addition such waste often creates a disposal problem with an
asociated cost. F or all these reasons, agricultural waste can be a very attractive feedstock for
conversion and upgrading, since the costs are low or even negative, i.e. attract a disposal
credit, and disposal problems can be solved. A summary of a variety of waste arisings in
several countries in Europe in given in Table 2.
In the UK, about 7 million t/y of surplus straw arise for which no ready market is
available, out of a total arising of about 14 million t/y. Comparable figures pertain to Europe.
Prices vary by location from £5 to £50/t, but representative costs have been estimated at about
£17/t on-site or £22/t delivered [10].
The wide variety of materials suitable for processing precludes consideration of each
individually, and the range is indicated in Table 3.
4.1 Resources
Considerable quantities of domestic and commercial refuse are produced from any
society which require disposal at a significant cost. Processes that utilise this waste, therefore,
can often justify a credit from the disposal authority, as a result of saving the disposal cost.
Raw waste attracts the highest credit but requires the most preparation. There is again the
advantage of "free" collection as with agricultural wastes. The largest arisings of waste that
also attract the greatest disposal credit often occur close to the potential market for the energy
products. Estimated arisings for Europe are shown in Table 4.
Some thermochemical processes have been devised that accept whole raw waste with
minimum pretreatment, such as the now abandoned Purox and Andco-Torrax processes.
Current thinking, however, is that some separation of inerts and pre-processing is necessary
for reliability and control in handling, feeding and conversion. Pretreatment of refuse to
produce a material acceptable for conversion would follow conventional refuse sorting
technologies, employing screening, shredding and classification. The products can range from
"fluff' (loose, low density material) through "crumb" (ie partially densified material) to pellets.
There are many proprietary systems on the market that have been proven for production of
refuse derived fuels.
Domestic refuse
In the UK, about 18 million t/y of domestic refuse are produced with a heating value of
about 9 GJ/t, and containing about 11 million t/y of combustibles, ie about 300 kg/head/y of
raw refuse or 150 kg/head/y daf waste. The average cost of disposal in the UK is claimed to
be about £6/t but these are believed to be very conservative with average costs of disposal
nearer £12/t, over a range of £5/t to as high as £40/t (13). In Europe, disposal costs are much
higher by a factor of up to 5, with typical figures at around £30/t. In some parts of the world,
disposal costs can exceed £70/t raw refuse. These figures will have a significant effect on
conversion economics if translated into credits. Further details of costs are given below.
Commercial refuse
In the UK, arisings of commercial solid waste have been estimated as 8 million t/y (dry
basis) with a heating value of around 16 GJ/t (dry basis) ie about 130 kg/head/y. The material
is generally cleaner and drier than domestic refuse with a higher proportion of packaging ie
paper, plastics, wood, etc. This is mostly handled by the private sector with a paucity of data
on quantity, quality and cost.
Industrial refuse
In the UK, combustible waste arisings from the UK industrial sector have been
estimated at 9 million t/y (dry basis) with a heating value of 16 GJ/t (dry basis), i.e. about 150
kg/head/y. This is also mostly handled by the private sector with a paucity of data on quantity,
quality and cost.
Other Wastes
Sewage sludge is another resource that is being investigated for thermochemical
processing. In the UK, sludge is generated at the rate of about 25 kg dry solids/head/y. A
disposal credit of up to £50/dry t is potentially available.
4.2 Refuse Processing
Most refuse processing or pretreatment processes are based on refuse separation for
RDF production in which the raw material is shredded to reduce particle size, screened to
separate inerts such as dust and glass, demetalled to remove cans, and classified as a refining
stage, giving a wet low bulk density (fluff) RDF product, although the sequence of these steps
can vary. The fluff can be dried, or pelleted then dried, and an intermediate step in the
production of pellets is a partially densified and dried material known as crumb. Each of these
operations has a cost associated with it which includes all capital and operating costs. This
permits the total cost of production of any RDF product to be estimated as shown below.
There will invariably be a residue after recovery of the fuel product which consists of nonfuel
materials and inerts, and which will have a much higher bulk density than the raw refuse. This
residue would normally be landfilled, and since the bulk density is so much higher, the cost of
this operation would be expected to be significantly less than for raw refuse due to the reduced
transport and handling costs.
volume rather than weight. It has been assumed that the disposal cost of the residue after
processing is half therawrefuse disposal cost.
From the methodology employed in the example in Tables 5 and 6, a general cost
model has been derived in Table 7 for the estimation of fuel costs for any raw refuse disposal
cost/disposal credit. This has been applied for a range of disposal credits in Table 8 to estimate
fuel costs at various levels of disposal cost/credit. This data is used in another paper at this
conference to estimate fuel gas and fuel oil costs from gasification and pyrolysis processes
Raw refuse
d.a.f. RDF 0.25 te
ash 0.05 te
waste, d.a.f.
0.34 te
ash 0.07 te
water 0-14 te
metal, d.a.f. 0.05 te
Total 1.00te
Shredding " " " £2.75 Metals 0.05 te Credit £2.00
Demetalling £2.00
Screening £2.75
Air classification £1.50
Total £9.00 Waste 0.55 te Disposal£0.275 D
Wet "fluff"
d.a.f. RDF 0.25 te
ash 0.05 te
H20 0.10te
Total 0.40 te
Drying £3.00 H20 0.06 te To atmosphere
Dry "fluff' RDF
d.a.f. RDF 0.25 te
ash 0.05 te
H20 0.04 te
Total 0.34 te^
Pelletising £3.00
Pelleted RDF
d.a.f. RDF 0.25 te
ash 0.05 te
H20 0.04 te
Total 0.34 te
The basic characteristics of biomass are summarised in Tables 9 and 10. Particular features
are the fairly high moisture content, low bulk density and wide particle size range.
Wood, municipal solid waste and agricultural residues are all potential feedstocks.
Wood will be available from processing residues, unmanaged woodlands, conventional
forestry and short rotation forest biomass plantations. Harvesting, processing and transport
systems for delivering wood fuel either already exist or are under development. Delivered fuel
costs will be between £28 - 36/ dry t from conventional forestry and in the order of £41/ dry t
from short rotation. Agricultural wastes, such as cereal straw, can be delivered to the end-user
for £22/dry t. Domestic and commercial refuse is available and can attract disposal credits of up
to £20/wet t which has a significant effect on the conversion economics, even after extensive
processing to separate the fuel rich fraction. Once at the plant, conventional handling,
screening and sorting systems can be utilized for all feedstocks. All aspects of the supply chain
are under active research and development which should result in reduced feedstock costs.
The work on wood as fuel (CPM) was supported by the UK Department of Energy and
the Biomass for Energy Programme of the CEC. The views expressed are those of this author
and not necessarily those of the sponsors.
Much of the data reported in this paper on refuse costs (AVB) were generated for the
Energy Technology Support Unit at the UKAEA, Harwell, UK, as an update of earlier work
(13). They are intended to be published in due course in a strategic review of thermochemical
conversion technologies for biomass and wastes (15). All opinions and statements are the
views of this author and in no way reflect any views of the UKAEA or the UK Department of
1 BRIDGWATER, A V and MITCHELL, C Ρ 1987. Interfacing biomass production and
biomass conversion. In 4th EC Energy from Biomass Conference. Ed Grassi et al.
Elsevier Applied Sci ρ 1174 -1178.
2 MITCHELL, C Ρ 1987. European forest energy scene. In Proc 4th EC Energy from
Biomass Conference. Ed Grassi et al. Elsevier Applied Sci ρ 54 - 58.
3 HARE, Ρ M; MARTINDALE, L Ρ and MITCHELL, C Ρ 1989. Supply and Use of
Wood Fuel in the UK. Energy Technology Support Unit, Harwell. In press.
BUNCE, R G H; and BARR, C J 1987. Growing wood for energy in Great Britain.
5 DERLER, R 1988. Measurements of tree fuel at eleven district heating plants in
Sweden. IEA/BE Report ρ 52.
6 JJIR IS, R 1988. Microfungi problem - health aspects. In Production, storage and
utilization of wood fuels. Proc IEA/BE Conference, Uppsala, Sweden Dec 6-7,1988.
2 Vols. Ed B O Danielsson and O Gislerud. Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences, Department of Operational Efficiency. Research Notes No 133/134 1988. ρ
163 - 167.
and drying of comminuted wood fuels. In Proc IEA Task VI Workshop "Wood
preparation, storage and drying". Lind, Denmark May 16 -18,1989. In press.
8 GUSTAFSSON, G 1988. Forced air drying of chips and chunkwood. In Production,
storage and utilization of wood fuels. Proc IEA/BE Conference, Uppsala, Sweden Dec
6 - 7, 1988. 2 Vols. Ed B O Danielsson and O Gislerud. Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Department of Operational Efficiency. Research Notes No
133/134 1988. ρ 150 -162.
Ν A and STORRY 1988. The potential for harvesting fuelwood in the United
Kingdom: A systems approach. In Proc IEA Workshop "Economic evaluations of
biomass oriented systems for fuel". Ed G Lonner and A Tornqvist Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Industry Market Studies, ρ 211 - 217.
10 CLEGG, J M et al., The acquisition and utilisation of straw as fuel, Silsoe College,
Report to ETSU, 1985.
11 BUNGAY, H R, "Thermochemical Processes", in Energy: The Biomass Options,
(Wiley-Interscience Publication, New York, 1981).
12 BOURDE AU, P H and FERRERÒ, G L, "Introduction and general presentation of the
R&D programme on recycling of urban and industrial waste", in Anaerobic digestion
and carbohydrate hydrolysis of waste; Eds. Ferrerò, G L, Ferranti, Μ Ρ and Naveau,
U, (Elsevier Applied Science, 1987).
13 BRI
D GWATER, A V; DOUBLE, J M and EARP, D M 1986. Technical and market
assessment of biomass gasification in the UK. Report to ETSU 1986.
14 BRI
D GWATER, A V, Economic and market opportunities for biomass derived fuels,
these proceedings.
15 BRI
D GWATER, A V and STRONACH, Ν J, "A Review of Thermochemical
Conversion Technologies", Report to ETSU, Department of Energy, 1989.
J R Barton
Warren Spring Laboratory
Department of Trade and Industry
The UK has over ten years experience in the design, operation and
monitoring of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) production plants and
combustion of the products. Although most plants recover the fuel
in pelletised form for use on conventional industrial solid fuel
boilers, shredded fuels are also made and used. The paper reviews
the technology adopted for fuel recovery and, given the
composition and processing characteristics of UK refuse, comments
on best practice based on the experience of commercial plants.
Brief comment is made on the combustion characteristics of RDF
based on laboratory research and practical experience in order to
highlight problem areas. The paper concludes that much better
guidance can now be given to designers of thermal treatment
processes on the role waste pretreatment can play in developing
more effective energy from waste systems, whether these involve
direct combustion or the application of pyrolysis or
Mechanical sorting systems, by separating, concentrating and
altering the physical nature of the waste, permit more effective
application of subsequent thermal, biological or other treatment and
recovery processes. They also offer the opportunity for improved
control over the environmental problems associated with waste treatment
and disposal. However, experience of sorting plants for MSW has been
mixed and full scale processes have generally not fulfilled
expectations. Often equipment capacity and availability has been lower
than expected and marketing problems have been experienced with the
products due to quality deficiencies, competition from alternatives or
the introduction of more stringent regulations governing use. Despite
these difficulties, significant progress has been made in terms of
achieving reliable plant operation and, more importantly, in
understanding the limitations and potential inherent in the approach
to permit better matching of feedstock characteristics with process and
« p £
Separation efficiency = iooC i00f x 100%
Paper 33 30 8 12
Plastic film 4 25 9 27
Dense plastics 4 15 6 30
Textiles 4 25 8 15
Misc. combustibles 5 25 12 13
Misc. non-combs 5 15 85 -
Glass 8 20 90 -
Ferrous 6 15 85 -
Non-ferrous 1 10 90 -
Putrescibles 20 65 8 6
Fines -10 mm 10 40 40 4
20 40 60 80 100
wt = 100%
cv = 9.1 MJ.Kg" 1 -· - -
ENERGY = 100%
wt = 66%
c v = 11.5 M J. K g " 1 * - - I
wt = 60%
cv = 12.5 MJ.Kg"1-»-
ENERGY = 82%
wt = 48%
cv = 13.4 MJ.Kg 1 '
ENERGY = 70%
wt = 36%
cv = 18MJ.Kg- 1 -*-—I
ENERGY = 70%
liberation stage to open bags and release refuse component (eg at the
Byker plant) is advantageous, a trommel can be designed and operated in
a manner which ensures sufficient liberation and breakage of friable,
non-fuel components (such as glass) to achieve efflicient screening.
Effective design criteria for fine screening duties have been
developed*·"', the equipment is simple and robust, designs for
feedrates up to 40 teh-* for a single unit are proven and scale up
for higher feedrates is possible. Running costs are low with specific
power consumptions below 1 kWh per tonne of raw waste processed. For
UK refuse the aperture size selected for fine screening is normally
between 40 and 60 mm, a size which ensures minimal loss of identifiable
combustibles categories ( 5%) whilst achieving removal of over 65% of
the putrescible category, over 90% of the -10 mm fines and over 85% of
the glass. Most metal reports to the topsize, fuel rich fraction, but
items such as small batteries and foil from wine bottles tend to report
to the fines and this results in reduced heavy metal contamination of
the recovered fuel.
One action of a trommel which is detrimental to downstream
processes is the tendency to 'create' ragtails; these are sausage like
composites of wire, string, textiles and plastics up to several metres
in length. Such items, along with the bulky items which 'naturally'
occur in refuse (eg matresses, dustbins etc) are difficult to size
reduce effectively. Some pulveriser designs, such as vertical shaft,
non gridded hammer mills are capable of coping with such materials but
the effect on gridded mills can be extremely damaging in terms of
throughput and availability. Fortunately a coarse screen section
installed in the trommel can reject such items with minimal loss of
fuel values and is strongly recommended. Table 2 shows the dramatic
improvement achieved at the RZR Herten plant by modifying the trommel
to scalp out items above approximately 500 mm in size. Close attention
needs to be given to the design of the screen plate to minimise
blinding and to ensure easy access to the external surface for cleaning
purposes. Experience suggests that downtime for cleaning can be kept
to below 10 minutes per 8 hour shift without adversely effecting
screening efficiency. Removal of coarse materials also improves the
efficiency of subsequent magnetic separation when this is carried out
before shredding in Stage 2.
The importance of trommel screening as the first fuel-non fuel
separation process is now well established, even without magnetic
separation, screening alone proved effective in terms of increasing
energy output and boiler efficiency for a conventional mass burn
incinerator at Sheffield*·''.
For UK waste, Stage 1 should result in a yield of 60% wt fuel rich
material, reporting a calorific value of approximately 11.5 MJ/Kg and
containing 83% of the original energy content.
Steady state -1
22 teh 27 teh"1
72% 96%
Hammer mill
specific power 25 kWh/tonne 18 kWh/tonne
refuse 20 155 150 24 335 16.8
(-50 mm fines
Proximate analysis
1 Heat release
From Table 4 it can be calculated that almost twice the volumetric
throughput of pellets is required to match the same thermal input of
coal. This affects fuel handling and feeding equipment more than the
combustion appliance because the higher volatile content of RDF and the
higher reactivity of RDF char compared to coal greatly reduces the
residence time requirements within the combustor for complete burn out.
Pellet density, size and shape will affect this but, to date, it has
not proved necessary to exploit the ability to change these properties
to increase (or reduce) heat release rates.
It is pertinent to note the difference in heat release
characteristics of RDF pellets compared to raw waste; the residence
time for pellets on a chain grate is approximately 15 minutes compared
to approximately 60 minutes for MSW on an incinerator grate. As
pellets have approximately 7 times the energy content per unit volume
compared to raw waste this suggests a 30 fold advantage over raw waste
in terms of grate area required to achieve the same heat release
3.2 Minimising clinker formation
Although clinker formation was a problem experienced on a number
of stoker/grate systems during early firing trials^^',
5. Conclusions
Whilst burning waste and waste derived fuels for energy recovery
has and continues to be an effective waste treatment option, problems
with clinkering, boiler fouling and emissions still occur under full
combustion conditions. Whilst some cost effective solutions are
available by improved production methods and improved combustion
control, other solutions will significantly increase the costs of using
RDF on conventional coal fired plant, particularly where stricter
emission limits are applied to RDF as compared to coal. Lower
temperature processes such as gasification or pyrolysis are looking
increasingly attractive as a means of reducing these costs.
In terms of preparing waste for thermal treatment, full scale RDF
plants have proved the potential for significantly increasing calorific
value, energy density and the provision of fuels with consistent
handling, feeding and combustion properties. These are all factors
which lead to substantial reductions in the cost of building and
running the thermal treatment plant compared to mass burn incineration.
The energy loss on converting raw refuse to an RDF can be restricted to
30% by effective plant design and for a range of RDF types there are
positive experiences to report on a variety of combustion plant.
Equipment requirements and processing costs for the various forms of
RDF are established in broad terms and matching fuel characteristics
with requirements for the thermal treatment stage is facilitated by the
availability of detailed analysis data and improved understanding of
the separation processes.
Raw refuse cannot be considered to be the optimum form or
composition for thermal treatment and energy recovery. There may be
arguments as to the degree of separation and processing warranted for
the most effective overall system, but there is no doubt that
pretreatment offers excellent opportunities for improving the thermal
treatment stage as well as the opportunity to recover additional values
from the residues by more appropriate, non thermal processing methods.
(1) DOUGLAS, E. Derivation of basic efficiency formula for
concentration operations. Trans. Inst. Mining and Metallurgy 71
(1961-2), pp697-704.
(2) LORBER, K.E. Incineration of RDF and incineration of total waste
- comparison of emissions. Paper to EC Seminar, Sorting of
household waste and thermal treatment of waste, Luxembourg,
Sept. 84. Applied Science, Elsevier 1985 pp208-225.
(3) VAN ROOSMALEN, G.R. et al. Heavy Metal Sources and Contamination
Mechanisms in Compost Production. Paper to MER 3 Conference,
18-20 March 1986, Antwerp. Belgium.
(4) BARTON, J.R. et al. The Use of Database and Modelling Techniques
in Furthering Developments in Solid Haste Processing in the UK.
Paper to 23rd intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference (ECEC), 31 July-5 August 1988. Denver, Colarado, USA.
(5) BARTON, J.R., WHEELER, P.A. The Benefits of Front End Trommelling
in Processing Municipal Solid Wastes. Trials at the Byker Plant -
June 1987. WSL Report LR661(MR)M, Sept. 1988, 39pp.
(6) WHEELER, P.A. et al. An Empirical Approach to the Design of
Trommel Screens for Fine Screening of Domestic Refuse to be
published, Resource, Conservation and Recycling (1989).
(7) BARTON, J.R., POLL, A.J. Preparation and Incineration of Screened
Refuse: Preliminary Trial, Sheffield, November 1986. WSL Report
LR592(MR), March 1987, 49pp.
(8) BARTON, J.R., POLL, A.J., WEBB, M., WHALLEY, L. Waste Sorting and
RDF Production in Europe. A report prepared for the Commission of
the European Communities R and D programme - Recycling of Urban
and Industrial Waste, Barking, England. Elsevier Applied Science,
Publishers Ltd, 1985, 209pp.
(9) BARTON, J.R. Development and Application of a Method for
Predicting and Assessing Performance of Operating Air Separators
in the Processing of Municipal Solid Wastes. Paper to EC Seminar
on Sorting of Household Waste and Thermal Treatment of Waste,
Luxembourg, 25-27 September 1984, London: Elsevier Applied
Science, 1985 ppl09-119.
(10) ROSENBRAND et al. The Separation Performance and Capacity of
Zig-Zag Air Classifiers. Paper to EC Seminar, Sorting of
Household Waste and Thermal Treatment of Waste, Luxembourg,
September 1984. Elsevier Applied Science, 1985, pp208-225.
(11) ENERGY EFFICIENCY OFFICE. Combustion of Shredded Industrial and
Commercial Waste in a Circulating Fluid Bed. Project Profile 206,
Energy Technology Support Unit, Harwell Laboratory, May 1985.
(12) RAMPLING, T.W.A., HICKEY, T.J. The Laboratory Characterisation of
Refuse Derived Fuel. WSL Report LR643(MR), Dec. 1987, 186pp.
(13) BURNLEY, S.J. The ETSU/WSL Refuse Derived Fuel Combustion Trials
Programme: A Review of Progress. WSL Report LR595(MR),
Sept. 1987, 33pp.
(14) BRINSMEAD, K.H. and REAR, R.W. The Formation of Alkali-Bonded
Deposits. Laboratory Studies of the Behaviour of Sodium Chloride
during Combustion. BCURA Inf. Circular No. 134, Doc. No. C/4950.
(15) HOS, J.J. et al. Gasification of Organic Solid Wastes in
Co-current Moving Bed Reactors. Energy from Biomass and Wastes
IV, Florida 1980.
From the broad use of thermochemical conversion of coal
and other solid fuels various methods have been estab
lished for their characterization with respect to pyro
lysis and gasification. The experimental techniques and
theoretical methods including those for reactor modeling
are reviewed, taking as examples those in use at Berg
bauForschung. Typical results achieved for coal and
lignites are shown, demonstrating how the experimental
devices and the theoretical background can be used to
characterize other carbonaceous materials like biomass
and wastes. The final aim is the design of new or the
optimization of existing processes with respect to the
feedstock available and the products desired.
As it is expressed in the introduction to the programme
of this conference, thermochemical processing is most impor
tant amongst the available technologies for biomass conver
sion. Such processes like pyrolysis, gasification and also
combustion have been since ever the basis for industrial con
version of coal. Therefore the purpose of this contribution
will be to review the main techniques for the characteriza
tion of coal with respect to pyrolysis and gasification,
thereby showing their importance also for the treatment of
other feedstocks.
First of all it has to be noticed that the term "conver
sion" is used differently in science and technology. As illu
strated in fig. 1, taking as an example gasification, it
stands in a narrow sense for the heterogeneous reactions of
carbon with gasifying agents such as Η,Ο, C0 2 , H 2 and 0 2 · In
a broader meaning it denotes the gasification reactor, that
means, it includes additional processes such as heating up,
drying and pyrolysis. In some reactors, in which heat has to
be provided for conversion, also combustion may be enclosed.
Finally, conversion means the whole process, starting with
the storage of the feedstock, its preparation and ending up
with valuable products at the one hand and the disposal or
utilization of the undesired residues on the other /!/.
Propertles m C H20
C CO2 53
and A sh
C H2 Properties
Gas Cleaning
Residue Disposal
Coke Oven
slow « 1 *· 20 min
Fixed Bed Gasifier
Entrained Phase
fast 500 100.000 10ms 2s
Fluidized Bed
dt t i f i
"t tilt t
The following examples for the results on coal characte
rization with respect to thermochemical conversion are mainly
taken from thermogravimetric measurements, which in combina
tion with product gas analysis has been proven to be a very
powerful method on laboratory scale. As an example for the
process development units a result from the plasma pyrolysis
reactor is shown lateron also.
Fig. 2 presents results obtained during the pyrolysis of
a hard coal in the thermogravimetric analysis device /4/. As
can be seen from the upper diagram on the left the sample was
heated at 3 K/min from room temperature to approximately
1000'C within approx. 6 hours. The primary measuring curve
relates to the mass left in the reactor. The coke formation
per unit time can be derived from this by differentiation.
The curves of gaseous product formation are obtained by gas
chromatographic analysis performed simultaneously to the TGA
measurements. The release of higher hydrocarbon gases leads
to rather simple curves so that it may be assumed that only
one reaction is involved in their formation with possibly 3
reactions at the most in the case of CH 4 . Obviously several
reactions contribute to the generation of Η,Ο, CO and CO,.
The formation curve of tar is obtained by subtraction of the
gas formation rates from the loss of mass. Obviously tar is
formed mainly in one reaction.
ι CCI *
gaseous HC
5?Is >]cmll
L· V
à ώ
500 700 WO
Temperature I'C I
o measured
3 reactions 2.order
— single reaction 1 . . . .
S = 0,003 i calculated
— total J
S: standard deviation
950 Í
0 5
Fia. 5; Rate of CH20gasification depending on pressure and
Finally, coke and pitch coke, that means carbonaceous mate
rial which is treated at high temperature significantly exee
ding 1200'C, show lowest reactivity. As main factors influen
cing the scattering of reactivity, chemical structure, physi
cal structure and catalytic influence of the ash constituents
have to be taken into account. Especially the coke, treated
at high temperatures shows very low reactivity as the active
6Û0 650
10" 2 g/gmin
10 bar, 10 Κ /min
* Kosovo
• Schwarze Pumpe
a Rhenish
20 χ Kolubara
° Spanish
t plasma generation
magnetic coil
plasma pyrolysis
H20—=i quench
Fia. 8; Laboratory reactor for the pyrolysis of solid
feedstock in a hydrogen plasma
acetylene yield
In w t - X of
feed cod (ar.)
coal: Cape Breton
Cape Breton^
/ / \S N Luisenthal
20· ffi\ (Saar)
10- (Ruhr)
1 1 1 -
2 4 6 8 4 6
specific energy input in kWi/tcg cool
( 1) VAN HEEK, K.H. and H.-J. MÜHLEN, Effect of Coal and
Char Properties on Gasification. Fuel Processing Tech-
nology, 15 (1987 ), p. 113/133
( 2) JÙNTGEN, H. and K.H. VAN HEEK, Reaktionsabläufe unter
nicht-isothermen Bedingungen. Fortschritte der chemi-
sehen Forschung 13 (1970), p. 601/99, Springer Verlag,
( 3) JUNTGEN, H. and K.H. VAN HEEK, An update of German non-
isothermal coal pyrolysis work. Fuel Processing Techno-
Vice President - Director of Alternative Energies Department
Kinetics Technology International SPA , Italy
Solid fuels use is becoming more and more difficult because of the
environmental problems connected with their handling and burning.
Strong efforts are carried on to develop suitable pretreatments to
overcome handling, combustion and pollution problems.
Slurrification of fossil coal (coal-water mixture, CWM) is starting
to have a significant role in the industrial installations. The
production of slurries based on charcoal from biomasses pyrolysis
shows specific difficulties and requires sophisticated technologies
and know-how. The ^critical factors and the results obtained with
our production process are illustrated. The production of charcoal
slurries on semi-industrial scale and their physical and
rheological behaviour is discussed. Evaluations of energy
consumption in slurry production and comparison with pit-coal
slurries is also analyzed.
Figure 1 shows the programs developed by KTI in fuels production
from biomasses pyrolysis. A ll the aspects of the production of these
alternative fuels was investigated including the ecological impact.
Figure 1 :
1. Pyrolysis process development
2. Charcoal and bio-oil utilization as fuels
3. Ecological impact (pyrolytic waters etc.)
4. Economics
The use of solid fuels is becoming more and more difficult because
of the environmental problems connected with their handling, sulphur and
ashes content.
A system to overcome these drawbacks has been the up-grading of the
coal transforming it in a coal-water slurry (CWM). The advantage is to
transfer the coal in a liquid fuel eliminating the pollution problems
connected with the storage, transport and handling.
The pollution due to SOx and ashes require further treatments. The
advantages are significant and a number of large industrial plants have
successfully adopted this system of burning coal and many others are
considering this possibility.
With the target of the maximum flexibility in the use of the
pyrolysis fuels, we started a program to develop the same system of
using charcoal.
2.1) Phase 1
Laboratory tests have been started using two different categories
of char produced in the Raiano pyrolysis plant from wood chips and olive
husks. The tests were oriented to investigate the following:
- grinding techniques
- granulometry distribution influence on the viscosity and
- dispersion and stabilization agent selection and dosing
- influence of the oxygen during char milling
- influence of the char pretreatment at high temperature.
The results of this first phase were:
a) The max. solid content of the char based CWM has been as high as
52% by weight, with a slurry viscosity below 1000 cP.
b) The bimodal size distribution curve of the pulverized char is
producing an unstable slurry.
c) By using a very finely ground char powder with a monomodal size
distribution, the same solid content and the same viscosity, as
for the bimodal distribution, was obtained but with the
advantage of a very good slurry stability. Another advantage is
the simplicity of the process to obtain the monomodal slurry.
d) None of the programmed surface modifications of the char
(heating treatment, wetting, ash leaching) resulted successful
in increasing the solid content in the char-water slurry.
e) The grinding of char under controlled atmosphere of nitrogen
increases the solid content of the char based CWM by 5 to 10J
with respect to the grinding in presence of air.
It is worth noting the peculiar behaviour of the char slurries with
respect to the granulometrie distribution. Monomodal is better than
bimodal which gives unstable mixtures. This is due to the surface
physico-chemical characteristics which are not modified by the thermal
and chemical treatments tried during the tests.
Figures2 and 3 summarize the results obtained for four typical
mixtures prepared from wood chips char and olive husks char.
Figure 4 shows the Theological behaviour of char slurries compared
with pit-coal conventional slurries.
Figure 5 shows the Theological behaviour of two typical slurries
with micronized char. The sample containing olive husk char has a lower
Figure 6 shows the trend of viscosity against the temperature.
2.2) Phase 2
At this stage of the program, the experimental work was transferred
from laboratory to pilot plant. The main targets were:
- Reproduction of the best lab results;
\ TOTBWTUTC « 20 ' c
1.4 ^\
1.2 ^ - W R T W T " ^ ™m rø απ« β , . „ „.„, Α Ι Β
* * * * * * auwr « Μ ΤΗ« κ« saio
0.2 -
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 *
Fig. 4. Charcoal Based Aqueous Slurry and Pit-Coal Water Conventional Slurry
Solid content
Values higher than those on lab scale are obtained, concentration
around 55-56J can be produced with micronized char.
Slurries viscosity
The samples produced in the campaign have a viscosity in the range
600-2000 cP at 30 deg.C, compatible with the pumpability requirements.
Furthermore the behaviour is pseudoplastic with significant advantages
in industrial application.
Figures 5 and 6 show the Theological behaviour of some samples.
Figures 7 and 8 Show the granulometry distribution of the same
Slurries stability
A series of slurries produced during the tests have been stored in
drums and the tendency to solid décantation and water separation checked
every 2/3 days. With the same frequency all samples have been roughly
mixed by hand. After forty days, the Judgement on the most significant
sets of samples can be summarized as follows:
E1 very good
E3 excellent
Ek very good
E5 good
E12 acceptable
In any case, thé analysis of the results shows that all the
products can be used in an industrial plant if midly mixed with a daily
frequency as it is normally done in all the installations using CWM.
2.3) Phase 3
Since the max. content of solid obtained using only char was 55-
56J, even using micronized powder, another line of investigation was set
up trying to produce slurries with char and pit-coal.
The basic concepts at the basis of this approach are:
- The pit-coal can be used for CWM production having solid content
up to 65-70J.
- The combination of the two coals makes possible to reconsider the
utility of the bimodal distribution using the pit-coal only for
the coarse function.
- The dilution of the polluting components (sulphur) makes possible
TEM"ERATURE ■ 20 ' c
—1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
1— i— 1 —
20 40 60 80 100
power station
High concentration
slurry ■
Experimental work
A first campaign of samples production was carried on obtaining
slurries with 60J of char and pitcoal. The ratio between the two coals
is 60 and 40? char. The coarse pitcoal is added to the char slurry
(50Í). The behaviour is Newtonian, the resulting slurries have a LHV
of 4000 Kcal/kg and are usable as fuel in a burner.
A second campaign aiming to increase the solid content to 65J is
carried on with a ratio char/pitcoal 40/60; 50/50 and 54/46. Analysis
of the produced samples show increasing viscosities. With small
adjustments on the additive quantity, which is increased to almost 1J
the slurries obtained are good and usable in a burner. The HV is higher
than 4500 Kcal/kg.
In conclusion, this second group of samples confirm the possibility
of producing mixed slurries with 65Í solid and good viscosity stability
and comparable with the pitcoal slurries.
The final experiments tried to increase furtherly the solid content
above 65%. The result was that it is still possible to reach 69/70% but
the viscosity is high and at the limits of acceptability for industrial
The energy consumption registration shows that during all the tests
the milling process was regular without big variation in power
absorption. Indications were also obtained for the consumptions
expected on industrial mills with capacity 10/100 times higher. Figure 7
summarizes the results obtained on pilot plant:
Figure 7
500 *^^«^_
*» ^^*^^
The case of the process investigated in this program allows the
production of excellent slurries with a solid content of 65>. Higher
concentrations are technically possible but not usable in industrial
burning systems. The resulting slurries have roughly 50J char, 50Í pit-
coal with a LHV above 4000 Kcal/kg.
Figure 8 shows the Theological behaviour of some typical products.
Energetic consumption: taking into condlderation the products with
solid (char/pit-coal 50:50), the energy consumption is 35 KWh/t of
slurry or 54 KWh/t of solid including the milling stage. The same value
for slurries with only pit-coal is 70 KWh/t of slurry with 70J solid or
114 KWh/t of coal. This calculation are relative to a slurry production
of 20 t/h.
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Unité "TERM"
1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, Belgium
Many important studies have been carried out on gas producers designs.
The gasified fuel has often been neglected . Indeed, a well-designed gasi-
fier will never work with fuels that do not have a minimum quality .
This paper presents the quality limits that fuels must have to be suc-
cessfully gasified in fined bed downdraft gasifier .
water in excess induces the hearth cooling . The resulting temperature does
not allow the cracking of the heavy hydrocarbons coming from the pyroli
sis zone of the gasifier . Moreover, the water itself is not cracked and
will condense later in the cooling and cleaning system .
it must also be said that, thermodynamically, it is always more interes
ting to gasify as dry as possible fuels .
Indeed, the gas LHV and the gasification efficiency quasilinearly de
crease from 0 to 50% moisture content (see fig. 1) .
The hydrogen and methane gains in the gas do not compensate the carbon
monoxide losses (see fig. 2) .
100 40
o CO
30 • CO,
Q 25
70 g 20
1 15
M 60
40 0
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
Fi g . 1 : Gasification efficiency Fig.2 : C0,H , CH4 and C0 2
and gas LHV as functions
contents in the gas as
of moisture content
functions of moisture
2.4. Size
The optimal size for a fuel that has to be gasified depends on the
gasifier hearth dimensions . It must be such as to allow an optimum air/
fuel contact .
It is generally considered that the length of the fuel must be between
1/10 and 1/5 of the hearth diameter . Out of these values, problems of ir-
regularities in the gasification process can occur :
- too long fuels can generate bridges preventing the fuel from flowing down
to the gasifier hearth . The gasification reaction can tend towards com-
bustion by air excess .
- too small fuels cause high pressure drops by forming a kind of airproof
cake .
For small size fuels (sawdust, agricultural residues,...) densification
can be a solution but the densified products must be of prime quality
and answer some criteria (see below) .
2.5. Bulk density
The fuel bulk density directly influences the gasification velocity
and the residence time of the fuel in the gasifier hearth . If the bulk
density is too low, it is difficult to maintain gasification reactions .
The air excess also turns gasification into combustion .
2.6. Ultimate analysis and heating value
If the only organic material is considered, it may be said that the
different kinds of dry biomasses more of less have the same composition in
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen : C = - 50%
H = I 6%
0 = - 44%
It corresponds to a formula of CH. ,, 0. .. and a lower heatingö value
c ίο α U T Λ 1.44 0.66
of 18.8 MJ/kg .
The latter mainly varies with the moisture and mineral contents (cfr
supra) .
2.7. Densified products quality
Densified products generally answer the above quality criteria .
Indeed, their moisture content is low (<10%) and their density is high .
Moreover, it can be possible to adapt their size to the gasifier hearth
dimension .
But another quality must absolutely be satisfied : cohesion
Researches carried out at the CRA allowed to develop testing methods
in order to determine this parameter .
This methods are described by Carré et al. (1984) .
The most important are the ones concerning the measurement of :
the density after different conditionings
the rate of volume change in immersion
the friability index after different conditionings
the elongation and swelling at 20"C 95% RH
Table 1 give the quality limits corresponding to these tests .
800 1200
Density at 20°C 65% RH (kg/m3)
Density at 20°C 95% RH (kg/m ) 77Δ50 100
Rate of volume change in immersion (% min)
Friability index at 20°C 65% RH
y/A0 3 \
Friability index at 20°C 95% RH ΈΖΣΖ.
10 25
Elongation at 20°C 95% RH (% initial length)
Swelling at 20°C 95% RH (% initial diameter)
Bad ////// Acceptable Good
When a gasification unit does not work properly, the gas producer,
i.e. the technology is more or less always suspected .
Actually, the operators are very often responsible for the problems
that occur . One of the reasons is that they are careless about the fuel
characteristics : the gasified biomass is too wet, or bad calibrated, or
contains too much inorganics .
They too often forget that downdraft fixed bed gasifiers require very
good quality fuels .
It may be said that the respect of the above prescriptions must allow
to avoid many important problems and to have a good working of the gasifi
cation installations.
CARRE, J., HEBERT, J. and LACROSSE, L. (1984) Critical analysis of the
dry process improvement of ligneous materials for energyproducing pur
poses . Final report CEC (DG VIII)CRA, 245p.
associated engineers for environmental protection technologies
20 40 60 80 1001%]
Fig. 1 Internal surface area of the different sorts of activated carbon
as a function of burnoff (Nz isotherm) (1)
It is evident that neither sewage sludge nor paper mill waste are
suitable for the production of activated carbon. Other important factors
for the possibility to use char as activated carbon are temperatur,
reactor type and the retention time of the pyrolysis of waste tyre.
Temperatures around 700 °C and retention times around 1015 minutes
during the pyrolysis process are advantageous for the production of
activated carbon. The fluidized bed reactor (AH) however produces char
which is not as suitable as the char in a rotation drum.
Our results show that the theoretical considerations borrowed from
coal gasification (2) are applicable to the partial gasification of
waste tyre char within the limits of permissible variation. This means
that the characteristics of the activated products can be calculated as
a function of burnoff, where the cavity structure of the feed char is
known. The correctness of the postulate can also be verified qualita
tively by the change in the pore distribution in the adsorption and
macro pore structure as a function of burnoff.
Fig. 2 shows the differential radius distribution of the adsorption
pore structure for activated carbon from waste tyre char with varying
burnoff characteristics.
To begin with, the char has narrow pores which expand to produce
larger pores in the course of partial gasification at higher burnoff
values. The maximum number of pores is reached at about 200 A.
Comparable samples of activated carbon from mineral coal have their
maximum number of pores at 100 A and less. For this reason, such
commercial activated carbon has a considerably greater internal (BET)
surface area (Hydraffin BS 12 - 1200 m z /g) with the same total pore
volume as activated carbon from waste.
radius [Ál
Fig. 2 Differential pore radius distribution for activated carbon from
waste tyres with varying burnoff characteristics
Activated carbon was contacted with the test substance phenol dis-
solved in water until an equilibrium condition was reached. As phenol
frequently occurs in waste water, it constitutes an interesting test
substance for waste water treatment. There are two standardized methods
for tests using phenol: the DIN standard test method 19 603, which
governs the determination of the isotherms using powdered activated
carbon in a mechanical shaker with an input concentration of 10 mg/1;
and the AWWA standard test method, according to which the phenol
adsorption of a layer of granulated activated carbon is determined when
subjected to a phenol solution flow.
The adsorption equilibrium was determined by contacting phenol dis-
solved in water at a fixed input concentration with a predetermined
quantity of activated carbon. If the carbon remains in equilibrium with
the solution for a sufficiently long period, and no further changes in
the adsorption behaviour are detectable, we speak of an equilibrium ad-
sorption. The concentration corresponding to this state is known as the
equilibrium concentration. The equilibrium adsorption Q Q is defined as
the quantity of the test substance in mg that can be adsorbed from the
solution per g activated carbon:
twt %] DCadsorption
A 700,til0
BŞ12, • Ι OW
1 ÍÍA700F
η »
Γ ι1
30 50 100 200 300
Fig.4 Dissolved carbon adsorption from waste water as a function of the
residual concentration in terms of loglog coordinates
... A 700,*10 °
214 ,' y~)
' . °
» BS12 \ · o 2
* X ^
without carbon y^ « Χ
30O[mgO2/l] 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 [mg/I]
BSB5input K2&2O7input
that the property of all used black carbon don't correspond to the
standard. The same results have been achieved in Japan by Kobe Steel,
Ltd. (4).
But in case of lower temperatures the black carbon quality
generally became better.
Another field of application which we examined concerns the black
carbon pigment in the production of printing inks. In a company for
printing ink in Berlin we examined the possibilities of utilization of
black carbon from the pyrolysis process of waste tyres for book,
offset, newspaper rotary and heliogravureink. Only one examined black
carbon met the requirements for the newspaper rotary print. The particle
size distribution, the adsorption capacity of oil, the set behaviour and
the swelling time corresponded the usual commercial requirements. The
ink proved to be slightly more blue than normal printing ink. The
intensity of ink of black carbon usually becomes better the smaller the
particle size granulation is and can be improved by a corresponding
> τ 1 I I ■» »
500 600 700 800 BOO f C] 900 600 700 βΟΟ 900 f C]
Catherine Esnouf
B.P. 121
92164 Antony Cedex
This session was concerned with feedstock variety and its adaptation to
thermochemical processes; two very different examples of charcoal valorization
were also presented.
Feedstock Characteristics
The diversity of feedstock was emphasised as being the most important
point, as the feedstock determines the process used and the products obtained.
This was clearly shown throughout the conference.
Feedstock diversity
Not only do different raw materials have to be considered, such as
agricultural waste, wood, refuse etc., but also the different characteristics of those
raw materials. Wood, for instance, is affected by the type of forestry it comes from,
the parts of the tree that are collected, and the harvesting techniques, giving rise to
as many products as there are processing lines.
This gives very different costs: wood from 48 ECU/dry t to 70 ECU/dry t;
agricultural waste 25 ECU/dry t; and municipal solid waste from 34 ECU/dry t (wet
fluff) to 53 ECU/dry t (dry fluff) and 65 ECU/dry t (pellets:RDF) without considering
disposal credits.
Feedstocks may need pretreatment to improve the subsequent process, but
it must be remembered that it involves additional cost. With regard to biomass, a
critical study on densification for gasification was presented, showing that good
and bad methods exist. The minimum cost of pelletisation is US$100/t.
Charcoal valorisation
Two different strategies for charcoal valorisation were reported:
(i) A large scale biomass project was presented in which charcoal-coal-water
slurries have been manufactured for burning in power stations. Compared to
coal slurries, the reduced energy needs and absence of sulphur are
advantages. The production cost was reported as US$25/t.
(ii) A project using wastes as feedstock for the specific markets of carbon black and
activated carbon was also presented. The effect of products specifications on
pyrolysis conditions and the importance of the feedstock were reported as major
considerations. An acceptable activated carbon was obtained in a three-step
process, but the carbon black produced was not of an acceptable standard so
that new markets had to be sought for the product.
Strategies of the latter type are more short-term as they provide answers to
environmental concerns and could therefore quickly prove profitable. Short-term
opportunities for pyrolysis and gasification mean, therefore, that diversification is
necessary such as looking for feedstocks that could match market needs through
appropriate processes.
Feedstock characteristics
A discussion took place on moisture content relating to the presentation by
Dr Lacrosse: what is the influence of water?
Is it the same on every process?
Is it right to suggest zero moisture content as the optimum?
It was agreed that it depended on the process: gasification uses water for the
shift reaction and the performance improvement versus cost of removal of the last
remaining moisture is disputable. For pyrolysis, with water being produced in the
reaction, the less moisture content in the feed the better. On the optimum
gasification efficiency presented for partially carbonised (torrified) wood, Dr
Lacrosse said that it was the result of a theoretical computation, no experiments
having been performed. Mr Bonino stated that this was confirmed by his own
The discussion focussed on the briquetting technology for gasification where
it was asked what technologies had produced "good" and "bad" briquettes. Dr
Lacrosse replied it was very difficult to give a general answer, the methods being
as important as the equipment used. Generally screw extruders gave the best
results, but a small number of tests in a piston extruder in carefully controlled
conditions proved to be better on one occasion. It was suggested that a good
characterisation method for pellets was the measurement of mechanical strength at
high temperature.
Questions were asked on the cost of such pretreatment. Dr Lacrosse replied
that it depended greatly on the feedstocks, whether it had to be dried and/or ground
before compression. Whichever method was used, a minimum cost of US$100/t
was incurred reaching up to US$150-200/t.
Charcoal Characteristics
Questions were asked on lignite behaviour and whether the evolution of
reaction rate as a function of temperature and pressure were the same as those
presented for coal char? Mr van Heek replied that no systematic study had yet
been conducted, but that one has to be very cautious on extrapolations from one
feedstock to another. For instance in the case of ash content, carbonate formation
in the case of lignite leads to a reaction rate decrease with pressure increase.
With reference to the specific uses of carbon as higher value products,
questions were put forward concerning the value of the carbon black. Mr Bilitewski
stated that for an acceptable carbon black to be obtained, specific reaction
conditions had to be used in tire pyrolysis. The cost of making good carbon black
was 200-350 DM/t (1985 figures). For activated carbon, the process is more
complex and results in a production cost of 1200-1400 DM/t. Dr Roy, from the
University of Laval, indicated that in his process of vacuum pyrolysis, the resulting
char from tires had a better homogeneity but that the steel should be eliminated in
order to avoid catalytic formation of pyrolytic carbon.
Examples were requested of large scale uses of char-water slurries as well
as information on the economics of the process. Mr Antonelli stated that current
slurry usage concerned coal slurries; two large scale boilers in the petrochemical
industry presently use these slurries in Italy. Huge projects for coal slurry use exist
in the USSR, as slurries allowing the transport of coal in pipelines. As for the
economics, the last evaluation indicates a total production cost of 30-40 Lit/kg, i.e.
US$25/t; with the cost approximately equally distributed into operating cost, capital
cost amortization and energy cost. It was emphasised that charcoal use in
combination with coal in slurries permits a reduction in sulphur content.
In conclusion, the chairman asked Dr Bridgwater whether he could give a
breakdown of the biomass costs presented into labour, capital, and energy costs,
so that this could be extrapolated for developing countries as very high costs in
Europe compromise short-term energy uses through pyrolysis and gasification. It
was explained that the major costs are labour and capital and therefore
extrapolation must be carried out cautiously because if labour is expected to be a
lower cost, equipment could cost more or even be unavailable, even without
considering maintenance problems.
Matthew S. Mendis
Industry and Energy Department
The World Bank
This paper presents an overview of the history, technology and use of
small-scale biomass gasification systems in developing countries. The
experiences to date have been mostly disappointing due to several
reasons including: inappropriate technology and standards for developing
countries; use of unacceptable biomass fuels; lack of trained operators
and infrastructure support; lack of adequate user incentives; and
finally, marginal economics. Recent developments in utilizing
ferrocement instead of metal to fabricate biomass gasifiers have led to
drastic reductions in the cost of production and significant increases
in reactor service life. The resulting economics present a more
favorable picture for the future of small-scale gasification systems.
The basic principles of biomass gasification have been known since
the late 18 th century and commercial applications of the principles were
first recorded in 1830. By 1850, large parts of London had gas lights and
there was an established gas industry manufacturing "producer gas" from
coal and biomass fuels. The use of producer gas to run an internal
combustion engine was first tried around 1881. By the 1920s, producer gas
systems were being used to operate trucks and tractors in Europe. While
it was demonstrated that it was possible to operate engines with producer
gas, it was not convenient or reliable and producer gas systems for
operating mobile or stationary engines did not gain wide acceptability.1
Biomass gasification systems reappeared with a force in Europe,
Asia, Latin America and Australia during World War II as a result of the
scarcity of petroleum fuels. In Europe alone, almost one million gasifier-
powered vehicles helped keep basic transport systems running during the
War. In most cases, the gasified biomass fuels were either wood or
charcoal. Gasifier systems were generally abandoned with the reemergence
of relatively inexpensive liquid fuels after the War.
The "energy crisis" of the 1970s sparked a renewed interest in
biomass gasification systems. The technology was perceived as a relatively
cheap indigenous alternative for small-scale industrial and utility power
generation in those developing countries that suffered from high world
market petroleum prices and had sufficient sustainable biomass resources.
By the early 1980s over 15 (mainly European and North American)
manufacturers were offering small-scale wood and charcoal gasifier power
plants (up to approximately 250 kWe). In addition, at least four
developing countries (Philippines, Brazil, Indonesia and India) had started
gasifier implementation programmes based on locally developed technologies.
As a result of developing country interests and the possibilities for
export earnings, a large number of biomass gasification systems were
Chemistry. Biomass gasification is the process of conversion
through thermal decomposition of a solid biomass feed material to
combustible gas. Gasification is achieved in the presence of heat and a
limited supply (less than stoichiometric) of oxygen resulting in incomplete
combustion of the feed material. The result is a combustible gas. When
air (as opposed to pure oxygen) is used as the gasifying agent, the product
gas mainly consists of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen (N 2 ), hydrogen (H 2 ),
small amounts of methane (CH4) and other higher hydrocarbon gases. Due to
the nitrogen dilution, the product gas has a low energy or calorific value
in the range of 3.8 to 5.6 MJ/m3 as compared to natural gas which is the
range of 38 MJ/m3. Thus, producer gas from air gasification is suitable
for combustion in adjacent internal combustion (IC) engines, boilers or
kilns but is too dilute for economic transport in pipelines over long
Equipment. Biomass gasification systems consists of four principal
components :
(a) Fuel preparation, handling and feed system;
(b) Gasification reactor vessel;
(c) Gas cleaning, cooling and mixing system; and
(d) Energy conversion system (e.g., IC engine with generator or pump
set or gas burner coupled to a boiler or kiln).
Power Gasifiers. Gasification systems that are coupled to IC
engines to produce shaft power are called power gasifiers. When the gas
is to be used in an IC engine it is important that it is cleaned of all
particulate, tars and moisture and cooled to near ambient conditions to
ensure reliable and efficient operation of the engine. As such, power
gasifiers require elaborate gas cleaning, cooling and mixing systems and
in general have stricter fuel quality and reactor design criteria. An
example of a typical power gasifier system is shown in Figure 1.
Heat Gasifiers. Gasification systems that are used to fuel
external burners such as those found in boilers, kilns or driers are
referred to as heat gasifiers. Heat gasifiers differ from power gasifiers
in one important aspect. Heat gasifiers generally don't require elaborate
gas cleaning and cooling systems because the producer gas is usually
combusted externally in close proximity to the gasifier. Heat gasifiers
are also more energy efficient because they tend to utilize the sensible
heat and tars in the producer gas. As a result of the less critical gas
quality requirements, heat gasifiers, in general, are simpler to design,
construct and operate than power gasifiers and are more versatile in the
fuels they can utilize. Figure 2 illustrates a typical heat gasifier
Reactor Designs. The vessel or reactor used to convert biomass
fuels to gaseous fuels are called "gasifiers". These gasifiers are usually
characterized by the design of the "fuel bed" and the method in which the
biomass fuels are brought into contact with air and heat for the process
air —*~—
gas cooler/
cleaner engine power
ι' '
designs, while more robust and versatile in their operation are generally
more difficult to design , build and operate, are more expensive and are
presently not considered appropriate for small scale (less than 1 MWe) ,
developing country applications. As such, fluidized and entrained bed
gasifiers are not considered in this study.
Fixed Bed Gasifiers. The most common type of gasifier reactors
used in developing countries are the fixed bed type because of their
relative simplicity of design, low cost of fabrication and ease of
operation. Fixed bed gasifiers can be further characterized by the
direction of the flow of biomass fuel and gasification air within the
reactor. The principal fixed bed gasifier types are:
(a) Down-draft or co-current;
(b) Up-draft or counter-current;
(c) Cross-draft or cross-current; and
(d) Open-core.
Several variations exists within the four principal fixed bed
gasifier types. The exact choice of gasifier design is more a function of
the type of fuel to be gasified and the end use of the producer gas (for
power or heat). For example, power gasifiers fueled with unprocessed
biomass tend to be of the down draft design because of the ability of down
draft gasifiers to produce low tar gas. Heat gasifiers tend to be more of
the up draft or cross draft design. Charcoal fueled gasifiers can be
either up draft, down draft or cross draft. Open-core gasifiers are
designed for gasification of rice husks. Simplified block diagrams
illustrating the main types of biomass gasifiers considered in this study
are presented in Figure 3.
Fuel Characteristics. Given the state-of-the-art of commercially
available fixed bed gasifier systems and based on data obtained from the
UNDP/World Bank Biomass Gasifier Monitoring Program, at present, only wood,
charcoal, rice husks and coconut shells are considered suitable biomass
fuels for gasification. Biomass fuels such as wood wastes, coconut shells
and rice husks can generally be used with minor processing such as drying,
sizing and screening. The typical characteristics of these bioraass fuels
are presented in Table 1.
In order to ensure reliable and efficient operation, biomass fuels
for gasification must meet certain specifications. All gasifier types have
fairly strict fuel requirements with respect to size, moisture content and
ash content. Inadequate fuel preparation is an important and frequent
cause of technical problems associated with gasification and therefore a
strict organization and control of fuel preparation procedures is of utmost
importance. Table 2.2 presents a generalized overview of the most
important fuel requirements for the different types of gasifiers considered
in this study.
shells 25 0.8 79 20
air (as may happen during refueling) may form an explosive mixture. It is
not unusual for this to burn in a relatively harmless manner, especially
when the fuel level in the bunker is low. Risks to the operator can be
obviated by burning-off the gases in the bunker through introduction of a
piece of burning paper or the like. Also double sluice fuel feeding systems
prevent this type of risks. The major explosion risk lies in the lighting
of an un-vented cold gasifier. An explosive mixture may still be present
in the equipment and be ignited. Therefore cold systems should always be
carefully vented before ignition.
Toxic Effluent. A biomass gasification system produces ashes and
tar/phenol containing condensates. Ashes do not constitute an
environmental hazard and can be disposed of in the normal way. Condensates
amounts from down-draft gasifiers are normally small and also tar/phenol
contamination is relatively minor. The situation is different with the
large quantities of heavily contaminated condensates from up-draft and
"open-core" systems. Although no hard data are as yet available on
biodegradation of phenolic and tarry constituents from condensates of such
systems, it is clear that untreated disposal of such condensates is
environmentally unacceptable and can result in contamination of drinking
water, fish kills and other related effects. Therefore, this disposal
problem needs careful study before introduction of gasifier systems that
produce large quantities of condensate are considered.
Positive Impacts. The primary positive impact of biomass
gasification systems is the possibility of effectively utilizing a waste
biomass material such as wood residues, rice husks, coconut shells, etc.,
which could otherwise pose disposal problems and create localized fire
hazards, insect infestation, vermin breeding or odor during the decay
process. Air emissions from IC engines fueled with producer gas are
marginally cleaner than emissions with petroleum fuels. The main
advantages are the absence of lead and sulphur emissions with producer gas.
Additionally, gasification systems, by virtue of utilizing a biomass fuels,
do not contribute to the net increase of C0 2 in the environment as would
liquid fossil fuels.
The economics of small scale power gasifiers hinges on the savings
that can be realized by switching from high-cost liquid fuels (i.e.,
diesel) to low-cost biomass fuels. These fuel cost savings must be
measured against the additional capital costs of the gasifier, the increase
in operation and maintenance costs, and the reduced reliability of the
system. One way to evaluate the tradeoff between capital costs and
operating and maintenance costs is to compare the levelized costs of
electricity generated by each system. This has been done in a study based
on data collected under the UNDP/World Bank Biomass Gasifier Monitoring
Program (BGMP).7 The study compared generic wood and charcoal gasifiers to
diesel stand-alone systems from 5 kWe to 1 MWe.
The study evaluated commercially available power gasifiers in the
following ranges:
o Manual feed charcoal gasifiers from 5 - 200 kWe;
o Manual feed wood gasifiers from 5 - 200 kWe;
o Automatic feed wood gasifiers from 100 kwe - 1 MWe.
Figure 4 presents some of the principal findings of the study. The
analysis indicates that power gasifier economics is most strongly affected
by system size and by the relative cost of petroleum and biomass fuels.
Under the baseline economic price of diesel at US$ 0.20/1, charcoal
at US$80/t and fuelwood at US$20/t, none of the gasifiers evaluated in the
BGMP were economic. However, if economic price of diesel were assumed to
rise to US$ 0.40/1, as is the case in many isolated rural areas of
developing countries, then the manual feed charcoal gasifiers and wood
gasifiers above 30 kW become competitive. With the current low economic
prices of petroleum fuels, it is clear that power gasifiers will have a
niche only in remote applications where the economic cost of diesel is high
(due to transport costs and unreliable supplies) and the cost of biomass
fuels is low (due to surplus availability).
Recent work at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok
has resulted in a radical departure from conventional gasifier systems.
Due to the high costs of metal, fabrication of a 10 kWe charcoal gasifiers,
even when locally manufactured, is in the range of US$500/kW. As such, the
economics of gasification are marginal given current petroleum prices.
Under the leadership of Dr. Bob Reines, the AIT has developed a 10 kWe
"ferrocement" open-core charcoal gasifier with the resultant costs of only
$50/kW for the gasifier. The reactor is lined with refractory brick to
manage the normally high temperatures encountered in this zone. The
ferrocement components are water cooled which provides a relatively uniform
temperature gradient over the ferrocement surface minimizing thermal
stress. The water also serves as heat transfer fluid for gas cooling. As
a result, the ferrocement approach solves many of the material (thermal
stress and corrosion) as well as economic constraints associated with
conventional metal gasifiers. To date, ferrocement gasifiers have only
been demonstrated for small (less than 18 kWe maximum output) charcoal
New Economics
The ferrocement gasifier presents the possibility of a ten fold
decrease in the capital costs of a gasifier. A brief comparison of the
economics of a diesel generator set, conventional charcoal gasifier system
and a ferrocement gasifier system is presented to illustrate the impact of
this new approach. Table 3 outlines the basic assumptions used in the
analysis. Figure 5 shows the resulting levelized electricity costs (in
cents/kWh) of the three systems. At the current economic price of diesel
of US$0.25/1 and charcoal at US$40/t, the conventional gasifier is not
economic with a diesel system. However, the ferrocement gasifier has
levelized electricity about 11% lower than the diesel system. Figures 6
to 8 show a sensitivity analysis on charcoal and diesel prices, installed
— · — Diesel I 40c/l Diesel θ 20c/l -*- Clmrgns θ $BD7mt
-β- Woodgas/m $2Q/mt Woodgas/a $20/mt
m = manual / a = automatic
capital costs (ICC) and annual operating hours. In all cases, the $50/kW
ferrocement gasifier significantly increase the range in which the
technology is economically competitive with diesel systems
Based on the above discussion, the current status of biomass
gasification technology can be broadly summarized as follows:
(a) Commercially proven power and heat biomass gasifiers are available
especially when the fuels are charcoal, wood, coconut shells and
rice husks. Heat gasifiers are more tolerant of other types of
biomass fuels. However, only limited experience with "non-
conventional" biomass fuels is available for small-scale power
Figure 5. E l e c t r i c i t y C o s t Components
Cost of Electricity
vs. Charcoal Price
Coat of Electricity (c/kWh)
3 4 5 6 7 8 10
Charcoal Price (c/kg)
$eo/kW »200/kW »600/kw
Diesel · 20 e/l Diesel · 40 c/l
vs. ICC of Gasifier System
Cost of Electricity
vs. Operating Hours
Cost of Electricity ( c / k W h )
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 40GG 450G 5000 5500 6000
Annual Operating Hours
^ D i e s e l System — ι »50/feW Gasifier * 1500/kW Gasifier
A A C M Beenackers A V Bridgwater
Department of Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Department
University of Groningen Aston University
Nijenborogh 16 Aston Triangle
9747 AG Groningen Birmingham B4 7ET
The Netherlands UK
Biomass, as the only renewable source of fixed carbon, has attracted
considerable attention as a renewable energy resource after the oil crises of the last 15
years. Thermochemical processing has attracted considerable attention from the variety
of technologies available for converting biomass into more useful and valuable energy
products. As pyrolysis, gasification or liquefaction, this technology has been
researched and developed for the economic production of fuel products that may be
readily integrated into the energy infrastructures of both industrialised and developing
The characteristics of the generic types of thermochemical conversion -
gasification, pyrolysis and liquefaction - are described in this paper. The range of
products derivable from each system are discussed and related to each technology, and
the applications that have been researched to date are reviewed.
Current interest lies in relatively simple conversion technology to produce low
Joule gas and basic liquid fuels. Longer term possibilities include gaseous and liquid
hydrocarbon fuels, petrochemicals, bulk organics such as methanol and ammonia, and
chemical specialities.
The potential offered by biomass and solid wastes for solving some of the world's
energy problems is widely recognised. The energy in biomass may be realised either by direct
use as in combustion, or by upgrading into a more valuable and usable fuel such as fuel gas or
fuel oil or higher value products for the chemical industry. This upgrading may be by
physical, biological, chemical or thermal methods to give a solid, liquid or gaseous fuel. This
paper is concerned with thermochemical conversion, and it reviews the state-of-the-art in
gasification, pyrolysis and liquefaction of biomass.
Except for direct combustion which is outside the scope of this paper, there are three
thermochemical methods of converting biomassrgasification, pyrolysis and liquefaction. Each
gives a different range of products and employs different equipment configurations operating in
different modes. These are summarised below in Table 1, and the characteristics of the
technologies are described in Table 2. The basis of a fuel or chemical production system is that
the feedstock is converted to a useful primary energy product in a sequence of operations:
pretreatment, conversion, and primary upgrading by simple physical processing such as gas
scrubbing. Secondary higher value products may be produced by additional processing as
shown overall in Figure 1.
Table 1
Thermochemical Conversion Technologies and Products
Technology Primary Product Application
Pyrolysis generally gas fuel gas
liquid oil or liquid fuel substitution
solid char solid fuel or slurry fuel
Flash Pyrolysis liquid mostly oil or liquid fuel substitution
Slow Pyrolysis solid char mostly solid fuel or slurry fuel
Liquefaction liquid oil or liquid fuel substitution
Gasification gas fuel gas
Combustion heat heating
Table 2
Characteristics of Thermochemical Conversion Technologies
Figures quoted are typical, and can vary considerably according to technology and operating
Pvrolvsis Liquefaction Gasification
Slow Flash
Feed size any small small mixed-large
Moisture content low very low very low 50% max
Temperature, °C 500-700 500-900 250-350 800-1500
Pressure, bar 0.1-1 1 100-200 up to 30
Maximum throughput, t/h, 5 0.05 0.1 20
achieved so far
Gas yield, %wt on dry feed up to 40 up to 70 20 100-250
heating value, MJ/Nm3 5-10 10-20 2-6 5-15
Liquid yield, %wt on dry feed up to 30 up to 70 up to 50 up to 5
heating value, MJ/kg 22 22 27 22
Solid yield, %wt on dry feed 30 up to 20 up to 25 nil (ash)
heating value, MJ/kg 30 30 30 -
technologies for upgrading and likely viable size ranges are summarised in the relevant sections
V A . V WATER ^ . V >
Figure 1
Primary and Secondary Products from Thermochemical Biomass Processing
Table 3
Primary Thermochemical Conversion Products and Technologies
Product Form Components Source
Fuel gas LHV CO, H2, C02, CH4, N2 Pyrolysis, Air gasification
MHV CO, H2, C02, CH4, Pyrolysis, 02 gasification
higher hydrocarbons
Liquid OU Water insoluble Pyrolysis, Liquefaction
oxygenates of high
boiling point
Char-oil slurry Charcoal and oil Pyrolysis
Char-water slurry Charcoal, water and Pyrolysis
Aqueous Waste water water soluble } Pyrolysis
oxygenates of low boiling j Liquefaction acetic acid } Gasification
Solid Charcoal Pyrolysis
Heat Hot gas Combustion
Of the conversion technologies discussed in this paper, biomass gasification by now is
the most widely applied technology, except for charcoal production. However, relative to the
already significant contribution of biomass combustion to energy generation, the impact of
gasification of biomass for energy generation is still fairly limited. The main reason for this is
probably that the technology still has not reached full maturity. However, research efforts to
develop improved biomass gasification technologies have been impressive during the last 15
years. This is likely tö result in an increasing number of successful commercial biomass
gasification applications in the future and justifies a review of recent developments including
low joule and medium joule gasification and the role of catalysis in gasification.
poor flow due to low density and swelling in the pyrolysis zone
poor oxygen distribution due to small particle size
sintering arising from poor oxygen distribution
lack of a well designed continuous ash removal system.
Figure 2
Typical Distribution of Gasification Based Electrical Power Generation Units
Manufactured in the Industrialized World.
I - operating in industrialized world
II - operating in developing countries
III = I + II
* Β Cool
D Exhaust
dirty clean
product gas
Tar, Electricity
Figure 3
Gasifier-Reciprocating Engine Systems
A = Gasifier C = Gas-air mixer
Β = C leaning and cooling section D = Engine-generator set
Figure 4
Small Scale UT/ITB Downdraft Rice Husk Gasifier with Ash Removal System
Such a device is essential because the rice hulls keep their original shape after
gasification. After successful trials both at Twente University, The Netherlands and the
Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia, the first field unit of 10 kWe was installed at a
rice mill in an Indonesian village in 1986. It is operated by trained but otherwise unskilled
people. Now, after more than a year of successful operation the conclusion is that this
technology is promising and the Indonesian government has decided to start an implementation
On a larger scale, at 1-10 MWe, gasification of loose waste materials with relatively
high ash contents such as straw and rice hulls may be successfully gasified in fluidised beds.
For rice hulls van den Aarsen et al. have demonstrated this on a pilot scale [10]. Two methods
of gas cleaning are available: dry and wet. Dry dust removal can be carried out, for example,
by two cyclones in series followed by an impingement separator, filtration with high
temperature resistant fabrics and a cooler-condenser for tar and water removal [11]. The wet
method also uses cyclones followed by a wet scrubber, either of conventional or venturi type
design [12].
4.2 Low Joule Fuel Gas Utilisation
Gasification is a method to transfer the heating value of solid biomass into the heating
value of a combustible gas (and some sensible heat) while in combustion the heating value of
the solids is completely transferred into sensible heat. In principle, gasification offers some
advantages over combustion. Firstly, a gas has better burning properties relative to a solid.
The burning process is easier to control, it needs less excess air, it allows for simpler burner
construction, it causes no particle emissions, less air pollution and less fouling of the heat
exchange equipment. Further, gases can be burned in internal combustion engines (gas
turbines or reciprocating engines) and can be applied easily in combined cycles. Basically,
there are three main routes for combustion of the fuel gas produced (see Figure 5):
A) external combustion for heating or drying purposes or for electricity
generation with a steam cycle
B) combustion in a gas turbine
C) internal combustion in either a diesel engine or a spark ignition engine, both
for shaft power and electricity generation.
Figure 5
Low Joule Gas Production and Power Applications
4.2.1 External Combustion of Producer Gas
The direct use of the gas in a furnace (route A in Figure 5) is the simplest application
and this generally requires little or no gas treatment except for dust removal. For efficiency
reasons it is important to preserve the sensible heat of the product gas which requires close
coupling of the gasifier and the furnace. In many cases it is possible to convert an existing
natural gas or fuel oil fired facility to biomass firing by adding a gasifier. This requires some
repiping and change of burners etc., but not necessarily a derating of the facility. If a
completely new installation has to be constructed the situation is somewhat different and clearly
direct combustion is a competing alternative.
It should be realised that in many wood combustion installations some gasification
occurs, and complete combustion is realised by the introduction of secondary air. Thus, two
stage gasification with combustion and direct combustion systems are essentially the same.
There remains, however, a difference in controllability, especially under varying load
conditions. Generally it can be said that in gasification units combustion of the product fuel
gas can be expected to have less impact on the environment than in direct combustion. In
retrofitting an existing unit special attention must be paid to the burner. In most cases natural
gas or fuel oil will be replaced by a hot dirty gas of low heating value. The characteristics of an
ideal burner to cope with such a gas were defined recently as follows [13]:
• the burner should maintain stable combustion over a wide range of gas compositions and
gas energy content and should be adjustable without modification to accommodate different
gas types
• it should have low pollutant characteristics
• the burner should be able to handle dirty gas without clogging or frequent servicing
• the burner should be able to operate at low gas pressures
• if possible, the burner should be able to simulate the heat release patterns of a natural gas
burner so that retrofit modifications could be attempted.
Many types of commercially available burners for low Joule gases have been tested by
the Canadian Gas Research Institute but none were found entirely satisfactory, mainly because
of susceptibility to clogging or erosion/corrosion with dirty tar laden gases [13]. Therefore,
the Canadian Gas Research Institute has developed a modified two stage burner which,
reportedly, meets the characteristics described above. It can handle a gas with a calorific value
as low 3 MJ/Nm·' standard cubic meter which is heavily laden with dust and tar as results from
counter-current updraft moving bed gasification systems.
For dust, values vary from <0.5 to <20 mg/m^ whilst for tar a maximum value of 100 rng/m^
is quoted. There is much uncertainty on the efficiency of the gas cleaning methods. On dust
filtration some results have been published recently [17]. Primary cyclones were found to be
not effective for particles below 5 micrometer, Barrel filters not effective for diameters in the
range 0.3-3 micrometer and bag house filters not efficient for particles between 0.3 and 1.0
micrometer. However, two stage or two sleeve fibre glass filters were found to be effective for
any particle size. Tar removal seems to remain the major problem, particularly at the small scale
below several MWe where secondary gasification is not economical. Under specific, but
poorly understood conditions, particularly with respect to specifications on fuel size,
downdraft gasifiers can produce a relatively tar free gas. However, with irregular solids or
with no-throat gasifiers as developed for rice hulls, tar removal still requires further additional
Control devices for optimizing the fuel/air ratio to the engine under varying loads are
proven technology, as are the engines [18]. Whether to choose for a diesel engine or a spark
ignition engine will vary from application to application. For a discussion on this topic see
Kohan [19] for example.
For biomass based power stations of capacities of 10 MWe and higher, direct
combustion of biomass is technically proven and an economically feasible technology in some
applications [20]. It follows that there is still a need to develop biomass based power
generating systems in the capacity range of 1-10 MWe. It is here that gasification in fluidised
beds and/or in fast circulating fluidised beds may have potential. Both atmospheric gasification
and pressurised gasification may be considered, with the latter option probably in combination
with route B of Figure 5 (power generation by gas turbines).
For biomass based power generation in engines Fritz Werner has sold units up to 1
MWe [21] and Ahlstrom Oy in Finland has developed units for combined heat and power in the
range of 2-28 MWe + 3-35 MWt [2]. European operating experience both with a counter-
current Smaus system and a two-stage Michel Kim (Easimod) gasifier each at a capacity of 500
KWe have been collected by Friedrich Wahl GmbH. [22]. For operating experience in
developing countries, reference should be made to the reports of the World bank [23].
4.2.4 Gasification for Ammonia Production
A pressurised high temperature Winkler fluidised bed gasifier is operated in Finland for
ammonia production [24]. The feed is 23 ton peat per hour and the pressure is up to 4 bar.
The longest uninterrupted operation time so far has been 31 days.
4.3 Medium Joule Gasification
Medium Joule gas can be produced if oxygen instead of air is used as the gasifying
agent. Alternatively, steam can also be used as the gasifying agent but then some provision
should be made to supply sufficient heat to the gasifier because steam gasification is an
endothermic process. Various options are available as indicated in Table 5. The so called
Oxygen Donor Gasification process may lead to a Medium Joule Gas using air as the gasifying
agent. For a review of the various process principles and technologies, see Beenackers and
van Swaaij [25, 26].
Although none of these medium Joule processes are commercial yet, much
development work has been done during the past decade, particularly in the European
Community under the second E C Biomass Development Programme "Methanol from Wood".
An overview of the companies involved in medium joule gasification and of the process types
they selected to develop is presented in Table 5 above. Under the E C programme four pilot
plants were operated at design capacities ranging from 4.8 to 12 tons dry wood/day. An
overview of the results is presented in Table 6; a more comprehensive analysis of the results of
this programme has been published elsewhere [27]. The main result of this programme is that
atmospheric gasification with oxygen both in a classical fluid bed (Framatome) and in a fast
circulating fluid bed (Lurgi) are technically proven.
Table 5
Principle Gasification Routes for Medium Joule Gas from Biomass
Gasifying Agent Process Types Processes
Oxygen Downdraft SERI
Updraft SFW-Funk
Cross flow Foster Wheeler
Huid bed Framatome*
Circulating fluid bed Lurgi*
Entrained bed Texaco
Steam With heat carrier (doublefluidbed) Baillie
TNEE Compiegne*
C02 Acceptor
With indirect heat supply (fluid bed) ALI 'bN/ltaienergie*
With recycle of synthesis gas (fluid bed) ΚΉ
Air With heat and oxygen carrier John Brown/Wellman*
(double fluid bed)
* Sponsored by the Commission for the European Communities.
Table 6
Main Characteristics of Pilot Plant Projects for EC Methanol from Wood
Organ- Press:. Capacity Reactor Gasifying Duration H'carbon Reagent
isarion bars kg dry ţy£S agent of test in svngas. use. kg/
wood/h run vol % kg wood
Framatome 1 350 fluid bed+ 2° 0 2 & H 2 0 24 hrs 0.6 02:0.57
empty tube for 1° & 2° H20:0.08
gasifier gasifier
Lurgi 1 200 circulating 02&H20 36 hrs 6.5 02:0.453
(fluid) bed H20:0.02
John Brown 1 400 double fluid Air 9.5 hrs 12.5 Air only
/Wellman bed + chemically
active solids
Italenergie 1 500 1° fluid bed steam H20 for 1° 100 hrs 12.4 N/A
/AGIP gasifier heated gasifier, 02
through wall + 2° for 2° gasifier
fluid bed
Progress on circulating fluidised beds has been realised with both the AVSA process
[28] (G4) and the TNEE-Compiegne [29] (G5) dual fluidised bed. Due to significant
improvements in the slot designs of the former, the early problems of excessive gas-leakage
between the compartments have been largely eliminated.
The EC programme aimed to develop the large scale methanol from biomass
technology. With present oil prices below US$20/bbl this technology is not economically
feasible. However, application for power generation is already a viable option, depending on
site specific conditions. Prospectives for large scale power generation via pressurised
gasification of coal using low cost oxygen enrichment techniques such as membrane
technology, means that medium joule gas might also be viable from biomass. If so, there is an
extra incentive for pressurisation of the gasifier because of the increased flow ratiorproduct
gas/gasifying agent, in oxygen gasification relative to air gasification. This conclusion holds
for either methanol synthesis or power generation. In the latter technology the use of gas
turbines seems to be particularly attractive because of efficiency considerations. Although this
route is not commercially available yet, significant development work on pressurised medium
joule gasification is in progress; particularly in fluidised beds (see Table 7).
The Framatome project [30] (Gl, Gil) is the only pressurised pilot plant within the
EC. Operating results will probably become available from 1990 onwards. In parallel,
fundamental research is carried out by Gelus et al, on the kinetics of gasification under pressure
[31] (G10). This is considered to be essential research for pressurised units because hardly
any information is available on the influence of pressure on pyrolysis and gasification but for
the fact that such an influence exists.
Table 7
Pressurised Oxygen-Wood Fluid Bed Gasification Projects [30, 32-35]
Company Pressure CaDacitv Moisture Temperature
bar kg drv wood/hr wt% Ώ
Framatome 5-30 2500 15-40 800-1000
MINO 10-30 300 50 700-850
Biosyn/Omnifuel 14 1400 5-45 —
IGT 20 400 — ~
The crude pyrolysis liquid is a black fluid which is often referred to as bio-oil,
pyrolysis oil, or just "oil". The other main liquid product is a slurry which can be made from
water and ground charcoal with chemicals added to stabilise the suspension. Stable and mobile
concentrations of up to 60% wt charcoal have been reported. Slurries can also be made from
the oil and char.
In pilot plant work to date the gas is usually flared but in a commercial process it would
be used to drive the process or use it as a fuel gas for fuel drying or power generation [42].
In transport bulk density is important, and some estimated values are given in Table 8
above. Oil and slurry mixtures have a clear advantage over woodchips and straw in transport
bulk densities and notably in energy density. For longer distances this difference may be a
decisive factor.
Storage and handling may be important because of seasonal variations in production
and demand and some storage will always be required [43]. Apart from the bulk density and
energy density considerations, it is important to appreciate that crude biomass (such as wood
chips and straw) will deteriorate during storage due to biological degradation processes. Char,
however, is very stable and will not deteriorate. Another important factor is handling, in which
liquids have significant advantages over solids.
Potential disadvantages can arise from the chemical and physical instability of bio-oil,
bio-slurries and mixtures, although there are mixed reports on such problems. These are
discussed later, but unless the properties of these fluids can be completely controlled, the
advantages of liquid fuels cannot be fully realised.
Combustion, retrofitting, market flexibility. Generally liquid (or gaseous) products are
easier to handle in the combustion process and this is important in retrofitting existing
equipment. Existing oil fired burners cannot be fuelled directly with solid biomass without
major reconstruction of the unit, which may not be attractive in uncertain fuel markets.
However bio-oils, char-oil slurries and char-water slurries are likely to require only relatively
minor modifications of the equipment or even none in some cases [44]. Powdered coal fired
furnaces can relatively easily accept charcoal as a partial fuel replacement, as long as the volatile
content is compatible with the furnace design.
It is likely that gas turbines can be readily fired with bio-oil and slurry fuels although
care is needed with the alkali ash residue in the char content of the slurry [45]. Modified diesel
engines may also be modified to accept upgraded char/water slurries or related products, but
there is little recent practical experience as yet. In most countries there is a small market for
charcoal lumps and briquettes for leisure and industrial applications and small regional markets
for firewood, usually as logs. There is reported to be a growing demand for charcoal for
specialist steel and non-ferrous metal production [46].
Table 9
Characteristics of Pyrolysis Technologies [49]
Residence Heating Temp. Maior
time rate °Cmax product
Slow pyrolysis
Carbonisation hrs-days very low 400 solid
Conventional 5-30 m low 600 gas,, liquid & solid
Fast pyrolysis
Fast 0.5-5 s fairly high 650 liquid
Flash - liquid <1 s high <650 liquid
Flash - gas <1 s high >650 gas
Ultra <0.5 s very high 1000 gas
Vacuum 2-30s medium 400 liquid
Reactive pyrolysis
Hydropyrolysis <10s high <500 liquid
Table 10
Examples of Pyrolysis Technologies [50]
Pvrolvsis technology andI main product(s) Reactor Organisation. Country
Conventional for liquids Stirred bed Alten (KTI + Italenergie), Italy
Cyclonic for liquids and gases Cyclone Ensyn Engineering, Canada
Fast entrained flow for liquids Entrained upflow Georgia Inst Tech., USA
Vacuum for liquid fuels and chemicals Multiple hearth Laval University, Canada
Ablative for liquids and chemicals Vortex Solar Energy Research Inst., USA
Low temperature for liquids & charcoal Auger Tübingen University, West Germany
Flash fluid bed for liquids Fluid bed Waterloo University, Canada
Conventional for charcoal & liquids Downdraft Bio-Alternative SA, Switzerland
Molten salt Batch Aston University, UK
Methanopyrolysis for gases & chemicals Entrained flow Brookhaven National Lab., USA
Hydropyrolysis for gases & hydrocarbons Autoclave Toronto University, Canada
Twin fluid bed fast pyrolysis Twin fluid bed TNEE, France
Fluid bed Fluid bed University of Zaragoza, Spain
Vacuum for liquid fuels & chemicals Multiple hearth Laval University, Canada
Ablative for liquids & chemicals Vortex Solar Energy Research Inst., USA
Molten salt for gases & chemicals Batch Aston University, UK
Methanopyrolysis for gases & chemicals Entrained flow Brookhaven National Lab., USA
Hydropyrolysis for gases & hydrocarbons Autoclave Toronto University, Canada
One of the more innovative processes being developed is based on the principle of
ablative pyrolysis in which biomass "liquifies" if it is pressed onto a hot moving surface at
below about 650°C [51]. At these temperatures the liquid vapourises and if it is removed
sufficiently rapidly from the high temperature zone and quenched, high liquid yields with very
low char yields result The most advanced research of this type is being earned out at the Solar
Energy Research Institute [52] and a diagram of the equipment is shown in Figure 6. Other
processes based on a range of technologies are also well advanced [50] and await a suitable
opportunity for larger scale demonstration [53].
To liquid condensation
train and collection
Biomass pins
Screw feeder
400 to 750 °C Vortex receiver
Steam reactor
Figure 6
Vortex Ablative Pyrolyser at SERI [52]
5.4 Pyrolysis Products
5.4.1 Liquid Product
The process of pyrolysis is complex, but a recent theory is that primary vapours are
first produced, the characteristics of which are most influenced by heating rate. These primary
vapours then further degrade to secondary tars and gases, the proportions and characteristics of
which are a function of temperature and time [54]. Yields of liquids from pyrolysis can thus
be influenced by the rate of reaction, with fast or flash pyrolysis at lower temperatures of
typically 450-650°C giving the highest liquid yields.
This liquid product may be readily bumed [44] and has been employed for this purpose
[55]. There are, however, some precautions which have to be taken in handling, storage and
combustion due to the water and high oxygen content (P6). For these reasons, pyrolysis
liquids cannot be directly assimilated into a conventional fuel marketing infrastructure and some
conversion or upgrading is necessary to give a product that is compatible with conventional
fuels. Upgrading technology is not well developed with most attention being paid to either
hydrotreating or zeolite decarboxylation to give synthetic gasoline and other hydrocarbons.
and potentially deleterious physical and chemical changes in the liquid. Lower temperature
drying is not successful due to the nature of the relationship between water and the organic
component in which the water seems to be chemically combined, analogous to water of
hydration. This phenomenum makes claims of water content and consequently oxygen content
of liquids on a dry basis subject to some uncertainty. Water appears to be completely miscible
up to 20% by weight of total liquid, but above which an aqueous layer separates. Any water
that does separate must be carefully managed and this is discussed further below. Utilisation
and consideration of oil on a "wet" basis therefore seems to be more sensible. A much more
attractive approach appears to be to not condense the water by maintaining the pyrolysis
vapours above the dew point of water i.e. above about 110°C. The principle has been tried by
Roy in his vacuum multiple hearth pyrolyser [58] and successfully practiced by Bio-Altemative
Particulate levels may be high from char and ash carry-over. Separation of solids and
liquids is poorly understood with reliance placed on primary separation in the vapour phase
downstream of the reactor before condensation. Efficient separation inevitably causes some
condensation or precipitation and careful design is essential. Solid separation in the liquid
phase is not believed to have been studied, but is very likely to be troublesome. However, it is
clear that a fairly high level of charcoal can be assimilated in the liquid product, for example
Alten reported up to 15% [48] although some lumpiness was evident in the bio-oil. Both char
particle size and proportions will influence the liquid product quality. This is why research into
char-oil mixtures could prove valuable.
Oxygen content of the pyrolysis liquid is very high, at up to 40% wt. When produced
from dry or low moisture content feeds it typically has a heating value a little above that of the
biomass feed in the range 20 - 25 MJ/kg, which has caused it to be referred to as "liquid
biomass". The oxygen content arises from oxygenated compounds including phenols and
polyphenols, which can be recoveered as a valuable chemical fraction [60].
Low pH arises from the organic acid content (e.g. acetic and formic acids), and is
therefore corrosive. Mild steel is not suitable for handling or storage. Polypropylene piping
has been used to overcome this problem.
Polymerisation or deterioration of the liquid can be caused by temperatures above
around 100°C which adversely affect physical properties such as viscosity, phase separation,
and deposition of a bitumen-like substance. Heating the liquid to reduce viscosity for pumping
or atomisation needs to be considered carefully and thoroughly tested. Exposure to air also
causes deterioration, but at a slower rate than temperature increase. Maintenance in a sealed
enclosure has been claimed to cause substantial pressure increases, so some minimal venting is
necessary to avoid pressure build-up, but minimise exposure to oxygen. Pyrolysis liquid has
been stored in this way in a useable form for up to two years without problems (P6). Liquids
produced from refuse/MSW appear to be much more unstable [52, 61, 62].
Health hazards associated with pyrolysis liquids are also poorly understood. It has
been claimed that these are no worse than coal tar or crude oil [63].
Compatibility with conventional fuels is variously reported as immiscible but
compatible (P4). Pyrolysis liquids cannot be expected to be assimilated into a conventional
fuel marketing infrastructure without some conversion or upgrading to give a product that is
compatible with conventional fuels. One alternative is to feed to crude pyrolysis liquid into a
refinery for upgrading in orthodox refinery operations, utilising the hydrogen availability and
blending opportunities [64]. The alternative is to create a discrete pyrolysis liquids storage,
distribution and utilisation system, that is managed by experts who understand the special
problems of this fuel.
Some properties that have been reported are summarised and compared in Table 11.
The crude liquid product can be used directly if in a single phase. If more than about
20% water is present, it can be processed to overcome some of the above problems by
emulsification with the water content if this separates (at typically above 20%wt water).. This
controls the stability of the liquid to a certain extent, and also enables the contaminated water to
be effectively disposed of, but at the expense of a lower heating value product. The cost is
relatively high with additives costing about half the value of the product as fuel [46,48].
Table 11
Comparison of Pyrolysis Technologies - Typical Data [1]
Conventional Fast Flash
Alten * GIT Waterloo
Temperature, °C 500 480 510
Products, yield on daf feed
% wt gas 68 10
% wt liquid (dry) 21 51 66
% wt water 26 29 10
% wt char 21 20 14
Liquid characteristics
oxygen (raw product), % wt - 53 -
oxygen (dry product), % wt 15 42 39
water, % wt 14.6 17 18
viscosity, cps@40°C 300 220 40
pour point, °C 27 -23 -
density, g/cm^ 1.195 1.26 1.19
pH 2 2.4
HHV, MJ/kg raw product 26.3 18.3 16.3
HHV, MJ/kg dry product - 22.1 -
Elemental analysis, dry product
Cwt % 61.9 52.2 54.7
Hwt % 6.0 6.3 6.4
Owt % 14.9 41.5 38.9
H:C molar ratio 1.16 1.45 1.40
0:C molar ratio 0.18 0.60 0.53
Char content, % wt 9.2
* (P5).
Upgrading technology is based either on orthodox hydrogénation technology to
produce successively lower oxygen content hydrocarbons, or the evolving zeolite technology
to produce hydrocarbon fuels directly.
Hydrotreating is based on technology that is established in the petroleum industry and
is in principle readily adaptable to reducing or removing the oxygen content of the bio-oil.
Preliminary results indicate that conventional hydrotreating processes may be readily adapted to
pyrolysis liquids [65](P8) and [66]. An alternative approach is to send the crude bio-oil to a
conventional refinery for upgrading with fossil oil. This has not yet been examined.
Zeolite based synthesis of hydrocarbons has been extensively demonstrated for alcohol
feeds. Some experience has been gained on upgrading products of cellulose pyrolysis by
decarboxylation [52, 67, 68], but there is concern over the problems of coking which would
require aregenerativeprocess. No reliable results are yet available.
Neither technology is yet available commercially, nor have robust mass balance and
performance data been produced, although a comprehensive technoeconomic assessment
suggests that atmospheric flash pyrolysis gives gasoline costs approximately double that of
conventional fuels with the potential to reduce this considerably in the medium term [69]. The
zeolite decarboxylation route gives potentially higher quality products due to preservation of the
aromatic structures resulting in high levels of benzene, toluene and xylene.
An alternative approach is to reduce the oxygen content to a sufficiently low level that it
may be satisfactorily blended with conventional fuels. This might be achieved by less complete
hydrogénation, or by simple distillation over activated clay such as bentonite which is claimed
to give a stable and storable product in one low cost step. No work on blending requirements
is known to have been carried out, but has been considered as a possible route to utilisation
5.4.4 Slurries
A possible outlet for the char is slurrying with the oil, or with water, or with both oil
and water. Only a limited amount of char can be introduced into oil as unacceptably high
viscosities result from a char concentration higher than about 30% wt [46] (P4, PIO). The
maximum concentration of char in water that can be handled is about 60% to retain mobility
[42]. Costs of the additive are significant at about 1/3 of the slurry preparation cost [46].
Three phase slurries of bio-oil, char and water or waste-water are not feasible.
Coal-water slurries are increasingly used in large boilers and these slurries can be
simply and/or partially replaced by char-water slurries. The char/water slurry cannot,
however, be an outlet for pyrolytic waste water as unstable sludge formation results. The ash
content of the char is an important consideration in developing liquid fuels, and de-ashing
processes are being examined [70] (P6).
Although in principle it seems to be attractive to remix all products of pyrolysis process
into one single liquid biomass derived fuel, this does not currendy seem possible.
5.4.5 Chemicals
Several hundred chemical constituents have been identified to date, and increasing
attention is being paid to recovery of individual compounds or families of chemicals [52, 58,
71] (P7). The potentially much higher value of speciality chemicals compared to fuels could
make recovery of even small concentrations viable. An integrated approach to chemicals and
fuels production offers interesting possibilities for shorter.term economic implementation.
5.4.6 Water
A key feature of the pyrolysis process is that water is produced in significant quantities
of typically between 20 and 40% wt on the feed, depending on feed moisture content. The
water phase is highly contaminated with dissolved and suspended organics, with a COD of
typically 150 000. This therefore represents a major problem of disposal or utilisation. In the
selection of the primary pyrolysis products this waste water must be considered (PIO). If
biological treatment is not appropriate or too expensive, part of the heat of combustion of the
products will be required for incineration of this heavily contaminated water fraction. The
pyrolysis gas should primarily be used for this purpose but this may not be enough in cases
where the primary feedstock has a high water content and the gas is required for feed drying.
A potentially more attractive alternative route than incineration is oil condensation above
the dew point of water, i.e. about 110-120°C. The water then stays in the vapour phase and
can be burned with the product gas [59].
North America at a scale of up to 25 kg/h with plans for several commercial developments
ranging up to 20 t/h, including a commercial installation planned for California based on the
SERI ablative pyrolyser [72]. In addition to conventional and well established units for
charcoal production, a number of new carbonisation processes have become available for
production of slurry fuels from the charcoal and also recovery of the oil as a liquid fuel [73,
74]. These are, however, slow pyrolysis processes that give a low liquid yield. Examples of
current activities are listed in Table 13, all of which are orientated to liquid or slurry fuels
Table 13
Examples of Pyrolysis Processes
Status Reactor type Example, (country')
Pilot Cyclonic reactor Ensyn (Canada)
Cyclonic reactor SERI (USA)
Entrained flow GIT (USA)
Fluid bed Waterloo (Canada)
Multiple hearth Laval (Canada)
Demonstration Auger kiln Waste Water Treatment Centre (Canada)
Fixed bed Cemagref (France)
Fluid bed Waterloo (Spain)
Fluid bed or stirred bed Alten (Italy)
Rotary kiln Kiener (West Germany)
Commercial Fixed bed Bio-Alternative (Switzerland)
Horizontal moving bed Pyrosol (USA)
Cyclonic reactor (planned) Pyrotech (USA)
cost, ECU/t
200' 5t/h
20 Vh
40 50 60
Feed cost, ECU/t
Figure 7
Pyrolysis Oil Production Cost in relation to Fuel Oil Prices now &+50%
The high cost of high pressure processing, and unresolved problems of feeding
biomass slurries at high pressure, product separation from solvent if used, and use of high
pressure hydrogen have all caused significantly less activity in this area of thermochemical
conversion. Most work has been on a batch scale of operation (for example [75, 76] in
Europe, with only a few examples of continuous processing, including a 25 kg/h plant that was
built at Albany in the USA but has now been dismantled; a 1 kg/h plant in the USA [77] and
another in the UK [78].
More activity has concentrated on black liquor as a feedstock in recent years due to the
adverse economic situation for biomass derived fuels, and the economic and environmental
attractions of reducing the waste management problems surrounding black liquor [79].
The potential processing and reaction advantages of this conversion route should not be
ignored for longer term possibilities
6.2 Why is Liquefaction Interesting?
The particular interest of liquefaction is that a lower oxygen content product is produced
that is more stable and requires less upgrading to a hydrocarbon product. There are also
processing advantages with a liquid phase system that requires a lower volume reactor and
ancillary equipment, and also lower reaction temperatures that result in lower heat losses and
easier materials of construction problems.
A particular disadvantage is the high pressure requirement which is costly and
potentially more hazardous. This gives rise to feeding problems associated with slurries.
Hydrogen is often added to effect reducing reactions which increases problems and costs, and
In addition catalysts are often employed to improve yields of desired products which can lead
to more complex catalyst recovery systems or high costs from catalyst losses. A solvent is also
necessary as a solid carrier which requires separation and recovery and this also increases
process complexity and cost.
pottery). Current and short term economic applications lie in utilising wastes and
residues to produce power, and fuel gas where quality requirements are less
demanding. There is potential for the production of transport fuels and chemicals in the
longer term, particularly in less developed countries and those with few indigenous
conventional energy resources.
8.2 Pyrolysis
Pyrolysis offers the potential to convert solid biomass into a high energy density
product that is easy and inexpensive to transport and that may be readily utilised in existing
installations. The recent EC Energy from Biomass Programme actively examined many
aspects of the production, upgrading and utilisation of pyrolytic liquid fuels which will be
continued in the successor programme. There are still problems to be resolved, however, if the
potential of biomass pyrolysis is to be optimised, including product yield improvement,
product quality improvement, new upgrading methods, product testing and utilisation and
resolution of environmental problems [84, 85].
8.3 Liquefaction
Liquefaction produces a higher quality product in terms of heating value and physiscal
properties, but at the expense of the higher costs of pressurised processing and use of
hydrogen. Waste conversion, such as black liquor, is a potentially interesting option.
8.4 General C omments
The production of higher value products in combination with fuel production would
enhance the economic viability of the processes. An objective comparison of the various
technologies for different applications would be useful.
In general, there are still some technical gaps between biomass production and
conversion, and between conversion and application. These will need to be resolved as
attention continues to turn to renewable energies.
1 Bierback, H., Loeffler, J.C., Baguss, I., Knoche, R., The Gasification of Bark and
Sludges in a Lurgi Circulating Fluidized Bed, First Results of the Pilot Plant., in: Proc.
4th E.C. Conference Biomass for Energy and Industry, Elsevier (1987)
2 McKeough, P., Kurkela, E., Sipila, K., Thermochemical Conversion of Peat into
Gases & Liquid, Recent developments in Finland, Communication from Technical
Research Centre of Finland, 02150 Espo, Finland (1987)
3 Salo, K., :These proceedings
4 Klass, D.L., Resources and Conservation, 11 (1985) 157
5 Klass, D.L. in: D.L. Klass (Ed), Energy from Biomass and Wastes, IX, IGT, Chicago
(1985) 11
6 Bridgwater, A. V., in Bridgwater, A. V and Kuester, J. L. (Eds) Research in
Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, (Elsevier Applied Science 1988)
7 Padilla, A.A., in W.H. Smith (Ed), Biomass Energy D evelopment, Plenum Press,
New York (1985) 377
8 Kaupp, Α., Gasification of Rice Hulls, Theory and Practie, German Appropriate
Technology Exchange, Fed. Rep. of Germany (1983)
9 Manurung, R., Beenackers, A.A.C.M. in W. Palz, J. Coombs and D .O. Hall (Eds),
Energy from Biomass, 3rd EC Conference, Elsevier, London (1985) 900
10 Van den Aarsen, F.G., Beenackers, A.A.C.M., van Swaaij, W.P.M. in: B.
Kjellstrom, H.E.M. Stassen and A.A.C.M. Beenackers (Eds), Producer Gas 1982,
The Beyer Inst., Stockholm (1983) 381
11 BECE, Gasification systems, BECE, P.O. Box 498, 7600 AL Almelo, The
12 Susanto,H., Institute of Technology, Dept. T.K., Bandung, Indonesia
13 Schaus, O.O., Overall, J.C.K., Lee, G.K. in: D. L. Klass (Ed), Energy from Biomass
and Wastes, IX, IGT, Chicago (1985) 405
References to all these projects may be found in Proceedings of EC Contractors Conferences,
including the Biennual ENERGY FROM BIOMASS Conference Proceedings published by
Elsevier Applied Science. Projects are identified in the text by the reference numbers below.
G1 Air gasification of biomass for J. M. Lemasle FRAMATOME, France
fuel-gas production
G2 Catalytic steam gasification in fluidized J. Corella University of Zaragoza
bed of some biomasses existing in Spain
Spain to obtain a methane rich gas
G3 D evelopment of a new method for hydrogen W.P.M van Svaaij Twente University
recovery from lean gas mixtures using metal Netherlands
hydride slurries
G4 Further developments of the AVSA biomass H.A.Masson INIEX, Belgium
gasfication process
G5 Improvement of the dualfluidizedbed wood A. Le Lan T.N.E.E, France
fast pyrolysis gasification process; use of
catalyst and optimization of particulate solids
circulation techniques
G6 Modelling and application of biomass J.Heaton Energy Options Ltd., UK
gasification based power plants
G7 Modelling of biomass conversion processes B. Rhodes CHAM Ltd., UK
G8 Production of synthesis gas from biomass A.Bernardini ALTEN, Italy
gasification. Final data gathering.
G9 R&D of gasification module complete with G. Bonino B.E.S., Italy
filters for rice husk & Biomass residue
energy conversion
G10 Study of biomass gasification kinetics M.Gelus Université de Compiégne
under pressure France
G i l Syngas production from wood; the J Carré A.S.C.A.B, France
pressurised gasification unit of Clamecy
Ρ1 Accoustic agglomeration to clean G. Botti Progettazioni Industriali, Italy
pyrolysis gas
P2 D evelopment of a biomass utilization F.Cherubini Consorzio Cooperative
system at the power plant in Avezzano della Marsica, Italy
P3 Evaluation of potential penetration of F. Uccelli Italy
pyrolysis conversion technologies in
the mediterranean areas of Italy
P4 Improvement of pyrolysis emulsion/slurry, L Antonelli and F Fonzi, Alten, Italy
P5 Improvement of pyrolysis conversion F Fonzi and L Antonelli Alten, Italy
technology utilizing agricultural and
forestry wastes,
P6 New process of suspension pyrolysis M Ρ Chassin GRADT, France
and use of charcoal slurry, F Cailliez CIRAD, France;
C Esnouf Cemagref, France
P7 Production and utilization of synthetic IA Vasalos CPERI, Greece
liquid fuels
P8 Quality improvement of pyrolytic B Delmon UCL, Belgium
oils from biomass L. Leonardini CRITA, Italy
P9 Study on the production of charcoal slurry G. Salvi COGIS, Italy
based on biomass pyrolysis products
Thermo-chemical conversion of biomass produces always gases, liquids
and solids. How the products share between these three states depends on
the process and temperature is the more important parameter.
Pyrolysis is the breakdown of biomass by heat in the absence of air
or oxygène. If pyrolysis is run at slow rates and temperatures less than
500°C, then the process yields a maximum of solid residue, the charcoal.
In flash pyrolysis as in fast pyrolysis, heating rates are very high. The
solid residue is very small and the production of high quality gases is
very important, due to thermal craking of pyrolytic oils.
Liquefaction processes are related to direct high pressure
hydrotreatment. The aim is to maximize the liquid yield, with a low
oxygen content. It is obvious that liquids, because of their energy
density, appears to give the only way to use biomass in transportation. A
high yield of liquids could be obtained not only by liquefaction, but
also by pyrolysis and upgrading of pyrolytic oils.
There is no clear definition of the different processes of
thermochemical conversion. Neither the mass balance, nor the operating
conditions could bring a clear understanding of the lot of terms used in
the field of thermal biomass valorization. That could be a problem for
people in charge of reviewing the state of art of liquefaction.
In liquefaction processes, it is not obvious to evaluate the mass
balance and the results depends on the analytical methodology. Oil could
be the part which is extracted by a solvent as acetone or benzene or
methylene chloride and oil yields depend on the solvent, which is often
acetone. In this paper, conversion is evaluated as :
C 79 79,2 80
H 8,5 7,8 8,4
0 12,5 14,4 10
The major difficulties encountered with the Albany process plant was
the pumpability and the transfer of the slurry througout the
installation. To overcome these difficulties, some searchers such as
Eager (3) and White (4) used a screw-feeder or an extruder-feeder which
allow a certain defibration of the woody Material and a good circulation
of the slurry. The experimental device designed by Eager and al consisted
of an horizontal tubular reactor with an internal screw (Auger) which
vehicles water-wood slurry from a pressurized container through the
reaction zone. The liquefaction technique was not different from that of
LBL (catalyst Na 2 C0 3 , reductant gas : CO). The wood/water ratio being
about 0.4, Eager obtained good yields in produced oil (37 - 42 %)
nevertheless with a certain formation of wood char (1 - 15 * ) . Different
types of Auger have been tested. They were all subjected to serious
erosion or corrosion problems.
White and Wolf, at the University of Arizona have developped an
extrusion technique which permits a good feed and the pressurization of
the reactor as well as a mechanical pretreatment. The vertical reactor,
of plug flow type, was feeded with steam and CO so that H 2 was formed in
Source of oil LBL (N° 7) PERC (n° 12) GEORG TECH. LAVAL SERI
Temperature 398 397 353 258-400 259-376
Total oil 0.99 0.92 0.43 0.42 0.37.
1/1 feed oil
Aqueous phase 0.20 0.20 0.61 0.57 0.51.
1/1 feed oil
H_ consumption 616 548 457 711 689.
171 feed oil
Carbon conver- 14.1 9 17 35.5 25.
sion to gas wt %
Oxygen % 0.0 (14.4) 0.8 (12.5) 2.3 (52.6) 0.8(44.2) 1.3 (43.)
H/C ration 1.65(1.18) 1.5 (1.3) 1.67 (2.2) 1.7(1.77) 1.7 (1.7)
CS-225°C Vol. * > 87 37 72 87 73.
Benzene Indene/Indane
Toluene Cresol
m, ρ, o Xylene Xylenol
m, ρ, Ethylbenzene Naphtalene
1, 2, 4 and 1, 2, 3, 4 Méthyl-Benzene
Numbers of studies have been carried with different thermochemical
processes, i.e. pyrolysis, direct liquefaction and solvolysis show that,
liquid-oil can be obtained from a variety of wood materials. The yield of
this oil is in the range of 30 - 70 wt % based on the original solid
material. Whatever the type of the process, the oil produced is very
oxygenated compared with the petroleum products. The pyrolysis have an
oxygen content around 30 - 40 %; solvolysis oil in organic solvent
20 - 30 wt * and the oil obtained with direct liquefaction at high
pressure have a less oxygen content about 10 wt %.
Oxygen removal and molecular weight reduction are necessary to
produce usable hydrocarbon fuels. This can be actived either by catalytic
hydrotreatment on catalytic cracking. Catalytic hydrotreatment if often
carried in the presence of catalysts based on transition metals such as
CoMo, CoMos, MiMo, NiMos supported on alumine on in the presence of
Raney-nickel and noble metals like Pd, Rh under hydrogen pressure around
100 bar and at temperature range of 330 - 400°C. Catalytic cracking could
be realized with zeolite supported on silice-alumine at high temperature
450 - 550°C, zeolite such as HZSM-5 could eliminate the need of hydrogen
in the upgrading process and can effectively deoxygenate biomass oil to
produce hydrocarbons.
We can conclude that, for the feasibility of a liquefaction process
for producing hydrocarbon fuels, the research should be oriented to :
- regeneration of the solvent which gives maximum oil yield for
continuous liquefaction process ;
- catalysts development for cracking and hydrogénation of the higher
molecular weight components.
(1) APPEL H.R. and al. Conversion of Cellulose Wastes to Oil. US Bureau
of Mines - Report of Investigations 8013 (1975).
(2) THIGPEN P.L., BERRY W.L. Liquids fuel from wood by continuous
operation of the ALBANY biomass liquefaction facility. Energy from
Biomass and Wastes VI. Lake buena vit a Florida, Janv. 1982. IGT.
(3) EAGER R.L., MATHEWS J.F., PEPPER J.M. Can J. of Chem. Eng., Vol. 61,
p. 189 - 193.
(4) WHITE D.H., WOLF D. Advances in direct biomass liquefaction by the
extruder feeder method, pp. 827 - 842. Research in Thermochemical
biomass conversion. Phoenix, Arizona, April 1988. Eds Bridgewater
and al Elsevier App. Sci., London
(5) B00C0CK D.G.B and al Can. J. Chem. Eng., 57, pp. 98-101 (1979).
(6) BOOCOCK D.G.B, MACKAY D, LEE P. Can J. Chem. Eng., 60, pp. 802 - 808
(7) ROGERS D.Ζ., TRAN DINH AN. Examination of alternative catalysts for
direct biomass liquefaction, pp. 627 - 645, Proc. of the 14
Biomass thermochem. Conv., Contractors meeting. Arlington, Virginia,
June 1982.
Eng., 63, pp. 634 - 638 (1985)
(9) MEIER D., FA IX 0. Production and analysis of oil obtained by
catalytic hydroliquefaction of wood. pp. 804 - 815. Research in
Thermochem. Biomass Conversion Phoenix, A rizona, April 1988. Eds
Bridgewater and al. Elsevier App. Sci., London.
(10) GUPTA D.V., KRA NICH W.L., WEISS A.H. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des.
Dev. 15, n° 2, pp. 256 - 260, 1976.
B. Catalytic hydroliquefaction of biomass : Influence of Sulphur on
product distribution, pp. 1123 - 1127. 4 E.C. Conference on
Biomass for Energy and Industry, ORLEANS, May 1987, Eds Grassi and
al. Elsevier, App. S c , London.
(12) ARAYA P.E. and al. Can J. Chem. Eng. G4, pp. 775 - 780 (1986).
(13) VASILAKOS Ν.P., AUSTGEN D.M. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 24,
pp. 304 311 (1985).
(14) APPEL H.R., and al Conversion of cellulosae wastes to oil. US Bureau
of Mines. RI 7560
(15) YAN T.Y. "Liquefaction of wood and paper" Hydrocarbon Technology
Environment, A lternate Energy Sources IV, Vol. 6, TNIGAT VEZIROGLU,
Ed. Ann. Arbor S e , pp. 79 - 102 (1980).
(16) YU. SM. Solvolysis liquefaction of wood under mild conditions. Ph D.
Thesis. University of California Berkeley (1982).
J ., WEISS A H "Solid waste conversion : cellulose
liquefaction" Worcester Polytechnic Institute, National Technical
Information service Report n° PB - 239 509 US Dept of Commerce
Washington, DC 203 pp. (1975).
(18) VANASSE C , CHORNET E., OVEREND R.P. Can J. Chem. Eng. 66, pp.
112 - 120 (1988).
effects on liquefaction : solubilization profiles of a tropical
prototype wood : Eucalyptus in the presence of simple alcohols,
ethylene glycol, water and phenols. Research in Thermochemical
Biomass Conversion. Phoenix, A rizona, April 1988, Eds Bridgewater
and al.
(20) BOOCOCK D.G.B and al. Aspects of the steam liquefaction of poplar
wood in a gravit fed reactor, pp. 843 - 853. Research in
Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, Phoenix, A rizona, April 1988,
Elsevier App. Sci. Pub.
(21) MODELL M. Gasification and liquefaction of forest products in
supercritical water, pp. 95 - 119. Fundamentals of Thermochemical
Biomass Conversion. Estes Park, Colorado, Oct. 1982, Elsevier App.
Sci. Pub., Oct. 1982, Eds Overend and al.
(22) GRANDMAISON J.L., A HMED Α., KA LIA GUINE S. Solid Residues from
supercritical extraction of wood. Characterization of their
constituents, pp. 139 - 145. Pyrolysis oil from Biomass, Ed J.
Soltes, Ed., ACS Symposium series, 376.
(23) SOLTES EJ. and al Catalyst specificities in high pressure
hydroprocessing of pyrolysis and gasification tars. pp. 229 - 239.
During the 1960's the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
began the successful design and development of a patented Moving-Bed
(Vertical-Bed) Pyrolysis System for the conversion of biomass, municipal
wastes and sludge to high-energy density, transportable fuels (pyrolysis oil
and char) and a low-energy process gas which was used on-site for drying of
feedstocks (1). In the 1970's the Georgia Tech Moving-Bed Pyrolysis Process
was licensed to the Tech-Air Corporation (which became a subsidiary of
American Can Company) which, through a sub-license to American Carbons Co.,
has commercialized the technology. This technology was developed by Georgia
Tech and Tech-Air in four large-scale pilot plants and a commercial prototype
of fifty tonnes per day (TPD) which was operated continuously at a sawmill,
around the clock (24 hours per day) over a period of eighteen months before
the demonstration was terminated. That research, development and demonstra-
tion program, spanning 1968-1978, confirmed the reliability and high
efficiency of pyrolysis technology with biomass and municipal wastes, and the
economic viability of vertical-bed pyrolysis plants of 50-250 TPD. That
Georgia Tech Moving Bed Pyrolysis Process, in commercial form, remains the
standard for commercial biomass pyrolysis technology.
The design for the Georgia Tech Entrained Flow Pyrolysis Process
originated in 1978 with an internally-sponsored project for the development
of an innovative process for the thermochemical conversion of biomass to
synthesis gas via a combined pyrolysis-gasification process. Following a
contract award from the U.S. Department of Energy in 1980, and after
completion of bench-scale studies and the construction of a preliminary
conceptual design and preliminary economic studies, which indicated very high
potential for an economically viable, stand-alone process for liquid biofuel
production, continuing research and development focused on the design and
development of a new pyrolysis process. With the revised objectives, the new
Georgia Tech Entrained Flow Pyrolysis Process was focused on the maximal
production of the liquid biofuel, pyrolytic oil. A 1.5 TPD Process
Development Unit (PDU) was designed and installed in 1983. The purpose of the
experimental PDU was to investigate the entrained pyrolysis of wood under
steady-state conditions. The experimental parameters which have been studied
included feed material characteristics, particle size, pyrolysis temperature
and residence time. The data was analyzed in parallel and interactively, to
develop mathematical models of the kinetic and transport processes occurring
in the pyrolysis process. By this methodology the process model was
progressively refined and improved process parameter predictions were
developed for maximal oil production. In the later stages of program
development, after identification of key parametric parameters, oil yields
(dry basis) consistently in excess of 552 and achieving 602 were demonstrated
in steady-state operation of the PDU. Modeling indicates that 632 oil yields
are achievable in the PDU. The prospect of reaching 702 yields was indicated
with process design modification in future prototypes. The program
consistently demonstrated mass and energy closures of 100 ± 52 in which all
elements of the applicable equations were measured. The validity of
engineering data is unlike that of most other pyrolysis projects. It is of
significance that the excellent closures have been achieved in a large-scale
process demonstration unit. The experimental results have demonstrated a
gross product thermal efficiency of 942 and an overall process efficiency of
732. Oil and char yields (dry mass) exceed 702. A detailed summary of the
development of the Georgia Tech Entrained Flow Pyrolysis Process has recently
been presented (2) . This paper will focus on the conceptual design for a
manufacturing process using the proprietary Georgia Tech Process for the
production of liquid biofuel and co-products. The results of a detailed
economic analysis for a 200-dry TPD plant will be presented.
A manufacturing flow diagram which highlights the key pieces of
equipment and systems for commercial scale operation of the Georgia Tech
Entrained Flow Pyrolysis Process is given in Figure 1. There are three
principal sections to the manufacturing process: feed preparation, pyrolysis,
and product collection. A process flow block diagram is presented in Figure
2. The incoming feed and outgoing product streams are identified in
relationship to the key process operations of a 200-dry TPD plant. By
reference to both figures, the manufacturing process may be described.
Green wood chips at 502 moisture (wet basis) are brought from a
receiving and storage area and conveyed to a wood-burning dryer using a front-
end loader. The dryer is a fan-circulatory design fitted with a metering bin
and a particle collector. The burner is a co-fuel design and uses wood and
product gas. (The exhaust gases from the wood dryer burner will be passed
through, and air-cooled in, a heat exchanger and used as a conveying carrier
gas for the reactor feedstock.) The wood chips are dried to less than 10Z
moisture (wet basis) and are transferred to a storage bin which supplies feed
to the pyrolysis unit on demand and provides surge capacity. The feed is next
comminuted in a hammer mill, fitted with a vibratory screening circuit, where
grinding reduces the average particle size of the wood and the moisture
content to 6 Ζ (wet basis). The dried feedstock is screened to segregate
oversized pieces which are recycled to the hammer mill for regrinding. The
screened dry wood feedstock is transported to an enclosed feed bin mounted on
a lossinweight feeder. The particulate feed is dropped into a conveying
"inert" (nonreacting) gas carrier stream which consists of the combustion
products exhausted from the dryerburner. This stream is fed into the
pyrolysis reactor mixing zone where the wood and conveying gas are mixed with
the entraining hot, inert (nonreacting) combustion gases of a woodfired
burner. The wood is rapidly transported upwardly through the vertical
pyrolysis reactor and is completely pyrolyzed before exiting the reactor. For
a 200 TPD plant the entrained flow reactor will consist of a cluster of five
vertical tubes. The stream leaving the pyrolyzer consists of newlyformed
char, pyrolysis gases, water vapor (water of reaction, feedstockassociated
water, and combustion product water), and conveying/entraining combustion
gases. The char is removed by cyclone separation and is cooled before being
discharged into a sealed conveyor, whence it is fed via a rotary airlock to
a char conveyor. The char is conveyed to a storage bin from which it may be
retrieved by gravity flow for subsequent shipment. The char bin incorporates
a pressurerelief system. The hot pyrolysis gas and vapor stream passes
through a multiple organic spray (pyrolysis oil) quencher system to condense
vapors. The pyrolysis oil is collected in a series of patented high
efficiency, Georgia Tech proprietary rotary separators (3) as a relatively
narrow molecularweight fraction. This oil consists of a total liquid product
in total yield of 70.6Z with moisture content of 15Z (60Z dry oil yield).
Char Oil
storage storage
ground Dried
wood ground
N.B. The water is uniformly dispersed and bound in the pyrolysis oil fraction.
Maintenance of operating conditions above the dew point of water prevents
Mass and energy balances were calculated for a 200-dry TPD in support
of the economic analyses. The product mass and energy yields for a 200-dry
TPD plant, based on a mixed hardwood feedstock, is included in Figure 2.
Pyrolytic Oil, Dry Wt/Wt Dry Wood 0.60
Char, Dry Wt/Wt Dry Wood 0.12
Pyrolysis Gas, Dry Wt/Wt Dry Wood 0.10
Water of Reaction, Wt/Wt Dry Wood 0.18
Pyrolytic Oil
Specific Gravity 1.10
Higher Heating Value, Moisture Free 22.4 MJ/kg
Product Oil Moisture Content, Wet Basis 15Z
Higher Heating Value, Moisture Free 29.0 MJ/kg
For purposes of the economic analysis, the entrained flow pyrolysis
system was divided into six sections according to the operations performed:
wood delivery, wood drying, size reduction and storage, entrained pyrolysis
in the reactor, char removal, handling and storage, and oil removal, handling
and storage.
Purchase Installed
Cost ($) Cost (S)
Front-End Loader 100,000 100,000
Conveyor 10,000 11,700
Metering Bin 1,650 2,250
Dryer (with Fan) 119,800 166,600
Dryer Particle Collector 9,700 13,500
Dry Wood Storage Bin 34,650 38,100
Dryer-Burner System 15,500 21,600
Hammer Mill (with Screening) 141,650 198,300
Feed Storage Bin 105,900 116,500
Pyrolysis Reactor System 41,400 55,700
Feeder system 22,000 27,500
Gas Blower 26,950 35,050
Cyclone Separators 43,600 60,600
Storage Bin 71,100 78,200
Rotary Separators 30,500 42,450
Quench Spray System 12,000 16,650
Hold-Up Tank 19,000 22,850
Oil Storage Tank 73.600 91.250
The total capital investment for the 250-day TPD plant (60Z dry oil
yield) is given in Table III. No land cost is estimated since (a) the
pyrolysis process is based on a rural location where purchase cost is minimal,
(b) land may be leased at modest cost, (c) land is provided, and/or (d) the
plant only occupies A,460 sq.m. (48,000 sq.ft.) on a 1.0 ha (2.5 acre) site
which accommodates a thirty-day supply of wood feedstock.
The total direct plant cost amounts to $1.35 million and the total
capital investment (TIC) amounts to $2.3 million for the 200-dry TPD pyrolysis
plant. The total purchased cost of equipment was $0.88 million and the
installed equipment cost, as noted in Table II, amounted to $1.1 million.
Installed Equipment Cost 1,, 0 9 8 , ,800
Building and Services (5Z of Total
Purchased Equipment Cost) 44, ,000
Yard Improvements (4Z of Total
Purchased Equipment Cost) 35, ,200
Service Facilities (14Z of Total
Purchased Equipment Cost) 1 2 3 , ,100
Land: 1.0 ha (2.5 acres) N.C.
Engineering and Supervision (15Z of
Total Purchased Equipment Cost) 131,900
Construction Expense (10Z of Total
Direct Plant Cost) 130,100
200 MT/d
Repairs 10,500
Tonnes per annum 9,325
Tons (short) per annum 10,260
GJ per annum 94,750
MMBTU per annum 89,800
1990 stabilization price of $25.00 per barrel of crude oil, No. 2 fuel oil could
range from $0.63 $0.75/U.S. gallon (i.e. $0,166 $0.20 per liter). The
char revenue was based on a market price of $80/ton for briquette charcoal
(the sales price of the TechA ir charcoal in 197678). The gas revenue is
based on a value of $5.00/MMBTU ($4.74/GJ) which is significantly less than
liquid propane which it would displace ($9.25/MMBTU; $8.77/GJ). The total
projected sales revenue is expected to be $4.44 million per annum at current
market prices.
Case I Tax at 35Z 283,150 412,615
Case II No tax
Case I (A fter tax) $ 525,850 $ 766,285
Case II (No tax) $ 809,000 $1,178,900
The beforetax case could arise in subsidized situations. The after tax case
assumed a net income tax rate of 35Z. The plants were depreciated over ten
years with an accelerated rate applicable in years 15 per U.S. Internal
Revenue Service directives. The law provides for depreciation of plant
equipment over a fiveyear period and, for buildings and services, over a ten
year period. The results for both cases demonstrate excellent rates of return
on investment: 39.42 (after tax), 51.8Z (without tax). The respective net
annual profits were $526,000 and $809,000.
The payout period analysis and the discounted cash flowrate of return
analysis (DCFROR) are summarized in Table VII. Both "before tax" and "after
tax" cases were used as cited above.
The results of payout period analysis indicate that the capital
investment can be "paid back" in 1.6 years in the case of no income taxes, and
in only 2.1 years for the "after tax" case. The payout period corresponds to
the minimum length of time necessary to recover the original capital
investment in the form of cash flow to the project based on total income, less
all costs excepting depreciation.
Γ Working Salvage"] Γ 1
1 5
^Capital Value J [d+
" i) J
The Georgia Tech Entrained Pyrolysis Process is a technicallyproven and
costeffective method for the production of liquid biofuels and related
bioenergy products. Based on a detailed economic study for a 200dry TPD wood
pyrolysis manufacturing process the Georgia Tech process should be scaledup
to a commercial prototype scale and be actively commercialized. A summary of
the results of the economic analysis is given in Table VIII.
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy through the
Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Program, managed by the Battelle-Pacific
Northwest Laboratories, under subcontract B-C5863-A-Q.
Université Laval, Dept. of Chemical E n g i n e e r i n g , Ste-Foy, Québec, GIK 7P4
P e t r o - T i r e Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 1X1
Tire recycling h a s become a n e c e s s i t y b e c a u s e of t h e h u g e piles of t i r e s
which r e p r e s e n t a significant environmental r i s k . Each y e a r 24 million t i r e s
(220 kt) a r e disposed of in Canada and a b o u t 250 millions (2.3 Mt) in the
U.S. Table I r e p r e s e n t s c o n s e r v a t i v e estimates of used t i r e s for t h e EEC
and o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . While some of t h e s e t i r e s a r e recapped or g r o u n d u p
for special u s e s , most a r e simply dumped in r u r a l farm land or in landfill
s i g h t s . When buried in landfills t h e y eventually float to the surface, and if
piled t h e non biodegradable r u b b e r will cause serious harm if ignited by
l i g h t n i n g or v a n d a l s .
However, t h e t i r e s r e p r e s e n t a source of e n e r g y and raw chemicals for
t h e production of r u b b e r p a r t s . By thermal decomposition of r u b b e r , it is
possible to r e c o v e r to a c e r t a i n extent the initial i n g r e d i e n t s which c o n s -
t i t u t e a t i r e . T h e r e have been numerous a t t e m p t s to i n t r o d u c e economically
viable t e c h n i q u e s of t i r e p y r o l y s i s . It is beyond the scope of this p a p e r to
d e s c r i b e the v a r i o u s tire p y r o l y s i s v e n t u r e s worldwide and the many
Table I . T o t a l A r i s i n g s of Used T i r e s i n D i f f e r e n t C o u n t r i e s
Country Tonnage/Year Reference
technical s u p p o r t .
• The p r o c e s s is cost sensitive to the s u p p l y of r u b b e r feedstock. The
p r o c e s s will be more profitable if t h e r e is a tipping fee or management cost
a t t a c h e d to the reception of a t i r e .
• Attempts should be made to replicate t h e p l a n t s elsewhere n e a r l a r g e
piles t h r o u g h licensed or franchise a g r e e m e n t s , in o r d e r to s h a r e t h e risk
and optimize t h e i n v e s t m e n t . Marketing of the p y r o l y s i s technology is
r e q u i r e d , s t r e s s i n g t h e a d v a n t a g e s of t h e p r o c e s s in terms of t h e e n v i r o n
mental r e g u l a t i o n s . The p y r o l y s i s r o u t e has been lowprofile compared to
the o t h e r thermochemical t e c h n i q u e s so far, and it is a b o u t time t h a t a more
a g r e s s i v e marketing a p p r o a c h be launched in o r d e r to b r i n g to light the
d i s t i n c t a d v a n t a g e s of t h e p r o c e s s from an environmental point of view.
Our p u r p o s e is to meet a s many of t h e s e goals u s i n g t h e vacuum p y r o
lysis concept. This p a p e r will explain how t h i s can be done.
L a b o r a t o r y t e s t s were performed in a bench scale r e a c t o r to s t u d y t h e
influence of t e m p e r a t u r e a n d p a r t i c l e size d u r i n g p y r o l y s i s . For t h e s e t e s t s
approximately 1 k g of feedstock was p o u r e d into t h e r e a c t o r v e s s e l . P r e s
s u r e was maintained below 3 kPa d u r i n g t h e whole r u n . Experiment was
stopped when the final d e s i r e d r u b b e r bed t e m p e r a t u r e was r e a c h e d . A
detailed d e s c r i p t i o n of t h e a p p a r a t u s and p r o c e d u r e u s e d will be found
elsewhere (5). Regular t i r e s with no steel belt were u s e d for t h i s s e r i e s of
r u n s . The t i r e s had been p r e v i o u s l y s h r e d d e d to 1/4" 1/2" Tyler sieves
(6.3512.70 mm). The chemical composition of t h e r u b b e r feedstock is given
in Table III.
paper. The temperature shown is that of the bed of shredded tires. The
maximum oil yield was reached at a plateau temperature of about 415*C as
appearing in Table IV. At 415"C the yield of oils was 56.6%.
The gas phase was mainly composed of Ha, CO, COj and a few HCs. At
415'C, the gas has a g r o s s calorific value of 36800 J g - 1 with an average
molecular weight of 28.3. No H2S could be detected in the gas phase. If
any, its concentration must be low since a partial mass balance on the sulfur
gave 70.4% for the solid residue while 27.4% of the initial S found its way in
the oil, leaving 2.2% for l o s s e s and gases.
Two runs were also conducted at identical temperature (420 ± 5'C), one
with pieces of rubber sieved between 6.35 and 12.70 mm, and the other run
with larger chunks of old rubber of 150 to 400 mm. According to Table V
there was no significant difference between the two runs on the product
Size (mm) Oil (%) Solid residue (%) Gas (%) Water (%)
was 54%, 37.8% carbon black and fiber, 4.2% gas and 4.0% water. These
results were in straight correlation with the previous bench scale data.
An important engineering parameter to be considered when designing a
full scale pyrolysis plant is the quantity of energy required for the pyrolysis
reactions. This value has been empirically determined using the P.D.U.
described in this paper, and the detailed procedure has been published else-
where (5).
Figure 1. Schematic of the Vacuum Pyrolysis Process Development
Scrubber 1 Scrubber 2
tank Flore
leter I lv Filters
Ice P1™?
Limonene-ld 2.26
Toluene 1.05
Xylene (o-,m-,p-) 0.93
Styrene 0.82
Benzene 0.38
Dimethylcyclopentadiene 0.24
Methylpentene 0.23
Dimethylpentane 0.16
Cyclopentanone 0.15
with two reinforcement commercial blacks, N234 and N330, which price on
the market varied between 960 and 1040 Can $. As indicated in Table VII,
carbon derived from vacuum pyrolysis of used tires has an iodine number
greater than the standard blacks. The main disadvantage of the recycled
carbon is its high inorganic content (ash). Work is progressing in our
laboratory to purify the material in order to increase its potential value on
the market. It has numerous usages including reinforcement or semirein
forcement for bicycle tires, shoes, auto flaps, footwear, conveyor belts, dock
fenders. The carbon black acts primarily to strengthen and increase the
impact on abrasion resistance of rubber. Other uses also include pigments
for ink and reduction for ore refining.
Based on the background and engineering data reported in this work, a
preliminary feasibility study of the process was performed. The assumptions
used are summarized in Table VIII below.
Table VIII. Assumptions used for the process f e a s i b i l i t y study
Product Yield Price
Oil 55% Regular grade: 18.0 $/bbl
Improved grade: 19.4 $/bbl
Carbon black 25% Regular grade: 100 $/t
Improved grade: 485 $/t
Steel 9% 90 $/t
Fiber/Kevlar 5% 2 $/t
Gas 6% Used for makeup heat
Other assumptions
Tipping fee/Lean-up fee 1 $/tire
Tires per ton 110
Rate of inflation 5%/year
No credit given for re-usables or re-caps
A process for the recycling of used tires has been developed from bench
scale, to process development and pilot plant units. The project which is
still under development at Université Laval under contract with Petro-Tire
Inc. has great potential. There is a market for the oil, the carbon black
(1) Dufton, P.W. The Value a n d Use of S c r a p T y r e s . Rapra Technology
Ltd. England. Report dated 26 November 1987.
(3) Dodds, J., W.F. Domenico and D.R. Evans. S c r a p Tires: A Resource and
Technology Evaluation of Tire P y r o l y s i s a n d Other Selected Alternate
Technologies. N.T.I.S. Report # EGG-2241. P r e s e n t e d to t h e U.S. Dept.
of E n e r g y . November 1983.
(4) Kono, H. Onahama Smelting and Refining Co., Ltd. Iwaki City,
Fukushima. P r i v a t e communication. (1987).
This work has been s u p p o r t e d by the National Research Council of
Canada, the Natural Science and E n g i n e e r i n g Research Council of Canada,
E n e r g y , Mines and Resources Canada, Energie et Ressources Québec, U n i v e r -
sité Laval and P e t r o - T i r e Inc.
Digested, thermally conditioned and dried sewage sludge
has been pyrolyzed in an indirectly heated fluidized bed
reactor at temperatures ranging from 620°C to 750°C. A
quantity of up to 40 kg of sewage sludge per hour has
been converted into pyrolysis gas, oil, product water and
carbonaceous residues in a continuously working pilot
plant. The pyrolysis gas has a calorific value of approx-
imately 23 MJ/m3. The main constituents of the pyrolysis
gas are hydrogen, methane, ethane, ethene and propene as
well as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The oil frac-
tion yielded contains up to 30% aromatic compounds. The
heavy metals from the sewage sludge become to a large ex-
tent enriched into the solid residue on account of the
reducing conditions of the pyrolysis process.
More elaborate and refined purification methods in the
treatment of communal and industrial crude waste water are
leading to a continuous increase of the amount of sewage sludge
to be produced. The expected annual amount of sludge is esti-
mated to rise up to 320-430 mio m 3 in the EC in 1990 (1). At
present, the whereabouts of sewage sludge is distributed as
follows (2):
d e s t i l l i n g columns
cryostat —■
cyclone 1 uench c
°°l<=r quench cooler electrostatic :H,O
quench cooler precipitator
silo η
■tí 3,
lock Π Η,Ο
steam «_,,_. steam
=1 I
ν o i l Ί.,ΐ, j . η — ,
l^' Kigh
bollinj Xylene Toluene Benzene
fraction fractlor fraction fraction
compressed a i r ¡
overflow vessel
gasooeter compressor
pjrolysis gas/l
Γ heat exchanger
A V Bridgwater
Energy Research Group
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Department
Aston University
Aston Triangle
Birmingham B4 7ET
This overview provides what were seen to be the significant points and conclusions
from the papers presented in this session, some recommendations and à report on
the questions and discussion. It is hoped that the views of the authors are fairly
represented, and further details are contained in the individual contributions.
A summary of the World Bank monitoring programme has shown that biomass
gasification for heat applications has generally been successful, but for power
applications where gas quality is of prime importance, much less success has been
realised. Most projects have failed due to unacceptable fuels, untested equipment,
mismatch of system to application, poor training, lack of incentives and poor
economics. Proven fuels are charcoal, wood, rice husks and coconut shells.
Gasifiers cannot economically compete at present with diesel due to high capital
costs. Gasifier capital costs for charcoal are $500/kW, and for wood, $750/kW.
Total system costs for power generation for charcoal fuel are $1250/kW, and for
wood $1600/kW. A major breakthrough has recently been achieved at AIT in
Bangkok, Thailand with a ferrocement gasifier which costs about $50/kW compared
to $500 for a fabricated metal gasifier.
The economic attractiveness of biomass gasification systems for fuel and power is
very sensitive to fuel prices. The most interesting market is in the 10-300kW size
range, operating at more than 60% utilisation. Major inhibitions to development
are a lack of trained personnel, poor equipment maintenance, poor incentives for
implementation and environmental factors.
1 Continue support for monitoring to obtain better field data.
2 Learn from experiences to date and provide more technical and social
support for any new initiatives.
Low heating value gas production Systems are commercially available, but
generally not economic. Applications include process heat, for example drying,
and power from engines where considerable experience has been obtained. An
interesting system size for Europe is around 1MWe. Turbines offer considerable
potential but ideally require pressurised gasification and a particularly clean gas
both of which currently present problems.
Medium heating value gas production Considerable experience was gained in the
EC sponsored Methanol from Wood pilot programme. The Framatome pressurised
fluid bed oxygen gasifier at Clamecy is planned to be restarted which will provide
more data. Genedrally the technology is fairly well developed but uneconomic.
Catalytic gasification Good progress has been made in Spain and France on
catalytic gasification and in Sweden on secondary processing for gas quality
1 Obtain more field experience and data from operational gasifiers,
2 Initiate work on gasifier driven turbine power generation,
3 Continue R&D on product gas quality improvement.
Pyrolysis has been carried out in diverse processes to produce a wide range of
products including liquids, slurries, gases and solids. The technologies are less
developed, but there is more potential for production of liquid fuels as either fuel oil
substitutes, or by upgrading as synthetic hydrocarbons. More experience is
needed at pilot plant scale in Europe for pyrolysis processes and upgrading
technologies. Utilisation of the variety of liquid fuels that can be derived from
pyrolysis requires assessment and testing.
1 Improve the performance of pyrolysis processes,
2 Build pilot plant scale pyrolysis processes for liquids production at high
3 Continue liquids upgrading, particularly through zeolite synthesis of
4 Provide wider experienceof utilisation of all pyrolysis products.
As this is the least well developed conversion process, research should be
continued into as many variations as possible to more fully evaluate the technical
and economic opportunities for both chemicals and fuels production.
The entrained flow flash pyrolysis process has been subjected to continued
development and 60% weight yield of liquids (dry basis) has now been achieved.
A robust computer model has been derived and developed which predicts that
yields of more than 70% oil by weight could be achieved in the optimum
A 200 t/d commercial plant has been designed and assessed which gives an oil
yield of 60% wt at an energy efficiency of 73%. No waste water would be produced
by maintaining the vapour temperature above the dew point of water. The 200 t/d
plant has a total capital cost of $2.28 million and, with the product oil valued the
same as crude oil on a heating value basis, gives attractive profitabilities even in
the current economic environment with a payback time of around 2 years and a
discounted cash flow rate of return of around 30%.
Development will continue on the piolt plant and opportunities for demonstration
will be sought.
A novel tyre vacuum pyrolysis proces has been developed based on the
application of a biomass conversion technology to alternative feed, and a 250 kg/h
pilot plant has been built and operated This provides a more commercially
attractive opportunity than a biomass based process in the short term and enables
R&D activities to be maintained and provides valuable operating experience. The
products are oil, charcoal and carbon black, gas and steel. A 60 t/d (20 000 t/y)
plant has an estimated capital cost of CAN$ 7 million, and has been shown to be
profitable under current conditions. Development will continue and further
opportunities for this technology will be sought.
Fluidised bed pyrolysis of waste materials has been researched since 1970,
including earlier work on rubber and plastics which resulted in a demonstration
plant of 1 t/h operating in Southern Germany. This has been recently shut down
due to poor economics. Recent work on sewage sludge has given oil yields up to
40% by weight at lower temperatures of around 650°C, which reduce as the
temperature of pyrolysis increases, while the gas yield increases. Considerable
data has been collated but commercial feasibility has not yet been assessed.
What hazards are involved Pyrolysis oils are no worse than coal tar
with pyrolysis oil? or crude oil.
How is water managed in the GTRI Water would be maintained in the vapour
process? phase in a commercial plant. This has
been achieved in a fixed bed operation
and is planned for the entrained flow
What chemicals can be produced Lambiotte operating but with little interest.
from carbonisation plants? Extensive recoveryis practised in Brazil.
How does atmospheric tire pyrolysis. Vacuum increases the oil yield, and
compare with vacuum pyrolysis? improves the carbon black activity.
What are the power costs in As whole tires or 1/4 tires are processed,
tire shredding? power costs are very low.
What happens to the sulphur in the Sulphur is fixed by CaO & ZnO present in
products from tire pyrolysis? the tires
What is the cost of the sludge A 20 000 t/y dry solids process would
conversion process? cost $2million+ buildings + special costs
What is the conversion efficiency and The process is not economic without a
economics of sewage sludge pyrolysis? disposal credit for the sewage sludge.
Sunarna T-y
Over the last several years, the Waterloo Fast Pyrolysis Process
(WFPP) has been developed to maximize yields of liquids by the rapid ther-
mal decomposition of lignocellulosic biomass. The process operates at
atmospheric pressure and the reaction is carried out in a fluidized bed of
sand as a heat transfer medium. Optimal conditions for woody biomass are
450 C to 550 C and about 0.5 seconds gas residence time. The nature of
the fluidizing gas has little influence on yields.
Liquid yields from wood at optimal conditions are 70% to 80% of the
dry feed, with the organic liquid yields being 60% to 65% of the dry wood
fed. A description of the process and the yields obtained with various
types of biomass has been published previously by the authors (1)(2). Ex-
tensive identification and quantification of many of the individual com-
pounds present in these pyrolytic oils has also been reported (3)(4)(5).
It has been known for many years, as described in the extensive lit-
erature on the subject, that slow heating of cellulose under vacuum can
lead to significant yields of anhydrosugars, principally levoglucosan.
However, pyrolysis of wood, whether slow or rapid, normally gives very low
yields of levoglucosan. Instead, lower molecular weight oxygenated com-
pounds are the major products, and, as pointed out by the authors in a
previous publication [6], if fast pyrolysis is employed, then hydroxyacet-
aldehyde will be one of the principal products. In that publication, a
mechanism was also proposed to account for the formation of hydroxyacetal-
dehyde, in which it was assumed that levoglucosan was a precursor, and
Samples tested included poplar woods, both untreated as well as sub
jected to a variety of pretreatments, and a pretreated pine.
The St. Lawrence poplar was prehydrolysed with 0.5% HCl at 165°C for
6 minutes in a plugflow reactor a procedure which led to substantial
hemicellulose removal. Wayman poplar was whole wood pretreated with 2%
SO2 at 200°C for 45 seconds in a Wenger extruder. Biohol pine was auto
claved with 3% S 0 2 at 110°C for 2 hours. Hemicelluloses were partially
removed by this treatment. Stake poplar was steamexploded wood after
digestion at 322 psi for 2 minutes.
The acidhydrolysed samples were prepared by boiling the ground wood
meal in 5% H2SO4 for 2 or 6 hours as indicated in the tables, except in
the case of the Stake wood which was treated with cold (21°C) 5% HOSOA for
21 hours. Following the acid treatment the samples were washed with de
ionized water till acidfree. "Deionized" wood was prepared by percolat
ing 10 cm g of cold 0.1% H J S O A through a column of clean wood meal at a
rate of about 2 cm hr (g wood) , followed by washing with distilled
deionized water at a similar rate until the wash was acidfree.
Analysis of acid hydrolysate and of the water extract of the pyroly
sis oils was done by HPLC (A minex ΗΡΧ87Η column at 65°C, eluent 0.07N
H 3 P0 4 , eluent flow rate 0.32 χ 2.25 ml/min).
Except where otherwise noted, pyrolysis of raw or treated wood or
cellulose was carried out at standardized conditions near optimal for the
Waterloo Fast Pyrolysis Process for all runs, that is at 500°C, 0.46 to
0.50 seconds apparent gas residence time, nitrogen atmosphere, employing
the bench scale fluidized bed unit which has been described in detail
elsewhere (1).
Ash analysis was carried out by slow controlled combustion of biomass
in a muffle furnace at 650°C to prevent loss of volatile inorganic salts.
It was estimated that this method gave ash values accurate to 0.01 weight
Cellulose content was determined by gravimetry of the residue remain
ing after hemicelluloses and lignin were dissolved in a mixture of acetic
and nitric acids according to the procedure of Updegraff (10).
A sample of wheat chaff, both untreated and acid pretreated in the
same manner as the wood samples, was also pyrolyzed. Pyrolysis conditions
and analytical methods were the same as for other samples.
The "commercial" feedstocks were pyrolysed without further pretreat
ment with the results shown in Table 1. Results for untreated clean IEA
poplar are included for comparison. Pyrolytic lignin is the water
insoluble portion of the tar (5). Only the (anhydro) sugars and hydroxy-
acetaldehyde from among the water-soluble components are listed. Total
liquid yields (water + organics) for the pretreated materials range from
-61% (Biohol) to 81% (St. Lawrence) compared to 78% for the un-treated
wood. Sugar yields were in all cases relatively low. In the best case
(Wayman) 35.5% of the cellulose was converted to sugars.
Some of these materials were then subjected to hydrolysis with HoSO^
as described in the experimental section. This procedure causes extensive
hemicellulose removal resulting in an enhanced cellulose content. Ash
levels are also reduced. The results of pyrolysis of the hydrolysed sub-
strates are listed in Table 2. In all cases there is a sharp increase to
>66% conversion of cellulose to sugars. It should be pointed out that the
"char" in these cases is not solely primary but includes a fused material
accumulated at the reactor outlet and having the appearance of a carbon-
ized sugar.
An attempt was made to identify the important variables controlling
sugar yields. Clean IEA poplar was hydrolysed with f^SO^ in the manner
already described and pyrolysed at different temperatures and feed rates,
with varying water content and, in one case, with an additive (NHo). The
results are summarized in Table 3 which includes a detailed breakdown of
the compositions of the gas and the water-soluble organics. In some cases
a distinction is made between the primary char and fused materials
("coke"). In all cases primary char yields are nearly zero. Liquid
yields are uniformly high and gas yields correspondingly low as would be
expected from the pyrolysis of similarly treated substrates (cf. Table 2 ) .
In the case of Run S#l, following hydrolysis the lignocellulose was
steeped in dilute NHj for one hour, washed till ammonia free and dried.
Only in this case is the sugar yield significantly suppressed. Otherwise
no clear trends emerge of the effects of hydrolysis time, moisture con-
tent, pyrolysis temperature, particle size or feed rate.
We have also made a preliminary investigation of the feasibility of
obtaining high sugar yields from wood without preliminary hydrolysis of
hemicelluloses. For this purpose "de-ionized" IEA poplar was prepared in
the manner already described. In some cases 0.1 wt% of (NH^^SO^ or H2SO4
was added to the de-ionized wood by dissolving in a sufficient amount of
water to saturate the wood then drying at 105 C for one hour. The results
of these tests are shown in Table 4. Sugar yields are good with a presum-
ably catalytic enhancement by small amounts of (NH^^SO^ or H2SO4. Though
less than those from lignocellulose (i.e. acid hydrolysed wood) they are a
great deal better than those from untreated wood. To our knowledge they
are the highest ever reported from whole wood.
Fermentation tests were carried out by an independent consultant on
the liquid products produced by pyrolysis of acid treated poplar in a
pilot plant scale reactor (3 kg/hr feed). The anhydrosugars as produced
can be fermented only slowly, if at all, by the common ethanol producing
yeast strains. After hydrolysis of these anhydrosugars to glucose, how-
ever, fermentation proceeded to completion at a normal rate with common
bakers yeast, that is, in about 24 hours. If the hydrolyzed sirup of
hexoses was treated with activated carbon before fermentation, quantita-
tive conversion to ethanol occurred in 1.5 hours.
which are not removed by acid pretreatment. lhe chaff was given two
different acid pretreatments, 5% H^SO^ for 20 hours at 20°C, and 5% f^SO^
at 100°C for 2 hours. A summary of these pretreatment results is given in
Table 5.
Results of the pyrolysis tests at 500°C for the untreated and the two
pretreated wheat chaff samples are given in Table 6. Unlike wood, very
substantial amounts of a solid product were collected, which was in a
great part probably due to the high ash content of wheat chaff. However,
even if calculated on an ash free basis the amount of char product
obtained from acid prehydrolyzed wheat chaff was almost twice as high as
that from pretreated wood.
The composition of the liquid product obtained from pyrolysis of the
untreated wheat chaff was similar to that from wood. Similarly, the in-
fluence of acid pretreatment on the change of concentrations of main com-
ponents of the pyrolytic tar was much the same, that is, a very signifi-
cant increase was observed in the yield of sugars, mainly levoglucosan,
and a drastic drop in the yield of monomer fragmentation products such as
hydroxyacetaldehyde and acetol. The pretreatment of wheat chaff with
sulphuric acid at room temperature was more efficient in the enhancement
of the yield of pyrolytic sugars than was the hot acid pretreatment, in
contrast to the behaviour observed for raw poplar wood, but similar to
that of steam exploded wood. The conversion of cellulose into anhydro-
sugars reached a value of about 71% (glucose equivalent), which is a
little less than that for prehydrolyzed wood.
In view of these preliminary and non-optimized results, the processes
for the pretreatment and pyrolysis of wheat chaff appear to merit further
The factors which determine the yield of levoglucosan from cellulose
pyrolysis have been extensively studied. Apart from the hydrodynamic and
temperature regime, various intrinsic factors like cellulose morphology
and degree of polymerisation have been cited. Definitive evidence has
been hard to come by but one of the most clearly established effects is
the role of certain types of cations, especially alkaline and alkaline
earth, in even trace amounts, in catalysing fragmentation and charring
reactions and suppressing levoglucosan yields. Most of the published
studies of cellulose pyrolysis relate to slow, low temperature vacuum
conditions. The results from de-ionized wood indicate that the deleteri-
ous effects of cations persist in the case of fast high temperature pyrol-
ysis of whole wood (cf. Runs A-2 and S#3 in Tables 1 and 4 respectively).
This cation effect appears to be one of the principal reasons why the
commercial pretreated wood samples gave only poor to modest yields of
sugars. It will be noticed from Table 2 that acid hydrolysis of these
samples caused substantial reductions in ash content. (Most of the re-
maining ash is likely to be inert material like silica.) In fact the data
suggest that a mild cold de-ionization of these samples is likely to
cause substantial enhancement of sugar yield. The best results in Table 1
are for the SOn treated materials (Wayman poplar and Biohol pine). It is
possible that this treatment causes other changes which are conducive to
sugar formation. On the other hand the Stake wood gave excellent results
after a cold acid wash.
Acid hydrolysis under the conditions used also causes hemicellulose
removal. Our data (Table 4) confirm an earlier observation by Shafizadeh
and Stevenson [8] that, provided soluble ionic substances are removed, the
presence of hemicellulose in wood is not, per se, detrimental to
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support for a
portion of this work by the Renewable Energy Division of Energy, Mines and
Resources Canada, and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada.
The valuable assistance of Peter Majerski as operator of our pyroly-
sis pilot plant is also acknowledged with pleasure.
(1) Scott, D.S. and Piskorz, J., "The Flash Pyrolysis of Poplar Wood",
Can. J. Chem. Eng., 60, 666674 (1982).
(2) Scott, D.S., Piskorz, J. and Radlein, D. , "Liquid Products from the
Fast Pyrolysis of Wood and Cellulose", Ind. Eng. Chem. Proc. Des
Devei., 24, 581588 (1985).
(3) Piskorz, J. and Scott, D.S., Symp. on Production, A nalysis and Up
grading of Pyrolysis Oils from Biomass, ACS Meeting, Denver, April 5
10 (1987).
(4) Radlein, D. , Grinshpun, Α., Piskorz, J. and Scott, D.S., "On the
presence of anhydrooligosaccharides in the sirups from the fast
pyrolysis of cellulose", J. Anal. Appi. Pyrolysis, 12, 3949 (1987).
(5) Radlein, D. Piskorz, J. and Scott, D.S., "Lignin derived oils from
the fast pyrolysis of biomass", J. Anal. Appi. Pyrolysis, 12, 5159
(6) Piskorz, J., Radlein, D. and Scott, D.S., "On the mechanism of the
rapid pyrolysis of cellulose", J. A nal. A ppi. Pyrol., 9, 121 126
(7) Richards, G.N., "Glycolaldehyde from pyrolysis of cellulose", J.
Anal. Appi. Pyrol., 10, 251256 (1987).
(8) Shafizadeh, F. and Stevenson, T.T., J. Appi. Polymer S c , 27 4577
4585 (1982).
(9) Radlein, D., Piskorz, J., Grinshpun, A. and Scott, D.S., "Fast pyrol
ysis of pretreated wood and cellulose", ACS Preprints, Div. of Fuel
Chemistry, 32, No. 2, 2936 (1987).
(10) Updegraff, D.M., A nal. Biochem. 32, 420424, 1969
Table 1
Yields, wt X mf
Gas 10.8 7.6 14.0 7.5 13.0
Char 7.7 10.1 11.9 23.0 12.4
Water 12.2 2.9 8.5 10.6 3.2
Organics 65.8 78.4 63.2 51.0 58.9
Table 2
Run No. 10 14 46
Yields, wt X mi
Gas 6.9 6.4 6.6
Char S.2 10.5 6.7
Water 2.2 5.2 3.2
Organics 80.9 75.0 82.1
Table 3
Yields, wt % mf
Gas 6.4 6.9 6.4 4.4 4.3
Char 0.0 ]1 0.0 0.0
8.2 11 6.3
Coke 6.7 | 6.2 4.2
Organics 79.6 Ι 80.9 ι173.6 77.0 78.1
Water 0.9 2.2 6.3 10.0 9.6
Table 4
Pyrolysis of De-ionized IEA Poplar
Run No. S#3 S#4 S#5 S06 S#7
Temperature, "C 530 -530 -530 493 495
Feed Rate, g/hr 8.0 22.3 18.3 23.6 27.1
Additive (wt X ) * 0 Ν (0.1) Ν (0.1) Ν (0.1) Η (0.1)
Moisture, wt Ζ 0 3.0 28.9 11.4 7.0
Particle Size, mm -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
Yields, wt X mf
Gas 14.13 7.35 6.63 2.61 3.22
Char 2.5 1.66 3.93 0.67 0.72
Coke 2.77 4.68 5.41
Organics 60.50 66.07 75.24 75.93 66.10
Water 18.25 16.20 5.70 13.96 -17
Total Recovery 95.38 94.05 91.50 97.85 92.45
CO 4.86 3.86 2.94 trace 0.61
CO 2 8.75 2.90 3.09 2.37 2.27
CH,, 0.38 0.60 0.47 0.24 0.29
C 2+ 0.13 0.13 0.05
Cellobiosan 4.92 1.35 1.92 1.68
Glucose 0.94 0.81 1.12 1.00
Fructose (?) 1.81 1.22 1.92 1.84
Glyoxal 2.86 2.34 2.65 2.26
1,6-Anhydroglucofuranose 1.12 2.24 2.87 2.72
Levoglucosan 9.33 18.73 16.53 17.11 15.52
Hydroxyacetaldehyde 3.35 3.36 2.57 1.95 1.65
Acetic Acid 0.67 1.41 1.15 1.34 1.17
Pyrolytic Lignin 17.8 -21 18.9 22.4 23.1
X Cellulose 37.1 53.9 45.1 50.8 46.4
Conversion to Sugars
* Ν ■ (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 , Η
Table 5
Properties of Raw and Pretreated Wheat Chaff, mf basis
Pretreatment Feed removed A sh content Cellulose content
None 0 22.5 22.5
5X H 2 S0 4 , 15.6 28.8 26.0*
room temp., 20 h
5X H 2 S0 4 , 31.6 34.2 33.5*
b.p. temp., 2 h
Average of four tests
Table 6
Pyrolysis of Prehydrolyzed Wheat Chaff
Run # 57 56 66
Temperature, "C 502 500 495
Feed Wheat Chaff Wheat Chaff Wheat Chaff
acid washed acid washed untreated
at room temp.
, at 100'C
App. res. time, s 0.5 0.5 0.5
Feed rate, g/h 49.1 83.7 86.8
Amount fed, g 36.8 41.8 36.2
Moisture, w/w X 5.7 3.9 6.1
Particle size, mm -0.25 -0.25 -0.25
Yields, w/w X mf maf mf maf mf maf
Gas 8.7 12.2 8.4 12.7 11.0 14.1
Char 40.5 16.4 44.0 14.9 43.9 27.6
Water 6.0 8.4 7.7 11.7 8.6 11.1
Organics 42.4 59.6 38.4 58.4 37.2 47.9
Total 97.6 96.6 98.5 97.7 100.7 100.7
Levoglucosan 10.5 14.7 13.7 20.8 0.9 1.2
Other sugars 6.3 8.8 5.5 8.4 0.6 0.8
Hydroxyacetaldehyde tr tr tr tr 2.5 3.2
X Cellulose converted 70.8 63.1 7.3
into sugars (glucose
The pyrolysis of' rubber has long been the subject of study. The
initial aim was to regenerate isoprene, the monomer of natural rubber.
Then, after 1967, research was carried out into cracking at
temperatures of between 300 and 1 000°C. Temperature was seen to have
a marked influence on the kind of products obtained by cracking. At
low temperatures, aliphatic hydrocarbons predominate in the liquid
phase. At high temperatures, aromatic hydrocarbons, BTX and
naphthalenes are formed to the exclusion of all other products.
Pilot installations have been constructed in various countries -
by Goodyear and Interco Inc. (37.5 tonnes per day) in the USA, Kobe
Steel (20 t/d) and Energy Recovery Research (20 t/d) in Japan, Foster
Wheeler in Great Britain, Deutsche Reinfen- und Kunstoffpyrolyse
(15 t/d) and Mannesmann Veba Umwelttechnik (48 t/d) in the Federal
Republic of Germany, to name but a few.
The process developed by the ULB and the TSIRA Centre is based
on two-stage pyrolysis. During the first stage, rubber is
depolymerized at a relatively low temperature (around 500°C). During
the second stage, the volatile substances thus obtained are
post-cracked at temperatures of between 750 and 800°C. This process
exploits the fact that aromatization can take place only above 700°C,
whereas deploymerization and the formation of mainly C4 olefins
produces maximum yields at low temperatures. The aromatization
mechanism was studied in great depth by subjecting butane, butene and
butadiene to thermal cracking. These are aromatized mainly into
benzene, toluene and xylene as a result of Diels Alder cyclization
reactions, with two molecules being converted into C4, followed by the
dehydrogenation of cyclohexenes into benzene and its derivatives.
Pyrolysis with simultaneous post-cracking maximizes the yield of
benzoles. It is also possible, by varying the period of time for which
volatiles are retained in the post-cracking zone, to obtain high
yields of naphthalenes. This makes for flexibility of operation, as
the process can be made to function according to the market prices of
benzoles and naphthalenes.
Research was carried out into a full working plant consisting of
a pyrolysis furnace with a conveyor belt, a depolymerization zone and
a post-cracking zone. The furnace is charged with whole car tyres
(lorry tyres are first sheared) and the solid residue is eliminated in
the lower section of the furnace.
The results of our laboratory research were published in 1981 (12) and
were the subject of a feasibility and development study (13) which was
financed by the Walloon region and carried out jointly by the following
bodies working together on a temporary basis: the TSIRA Centre, the ICDI,
the Centre de Transposition Semi-Industrielle de la Recherche Appliquée
(Charleroi), and the Intercommunale de Collecte et de Destruction des
Immondices de la Région de Charleroi.
We studied a two-stage process comprising an initial low-temperature
pyrolysis phase followed by continuous post-cracking of resultant volatile
materials at a higher temperature. This concept is based on a fact revealed
by previous studies into the aromatization of short-chain olefins (14, 15,
16), namely that aromatization begins to take place at 750°C as a result of
the cyclization of olefins into C2, C3 and C4. Post-cracking at a carefully
chosen temperature effectively allowed an additional fraction of the gases
corresponding to these ethylene compounds to be aromatized.
4H8 + C
2H4 - C6H6 + 3H
4H8 + C
3H6 - C6H6 + CH
4 + 2H
70 ■ BTX
X ■^--^^Styrene
50 ■
20 to
20 \ o / •^Naphthalei
0 \
^ Isoprene
Fig. 1. Mass balance for tyre Fig. 2. Molar percentages of Fig. 3. Weight percentage of
pyrolysis with 450°C hot charge constituents of the gaseous phase constituents of the liquid phase
obtained by tyre pyrolysis with obtained by tyre pyrolysis with
45cPC hot charge 450°C hot charge
2 C 2 H 4 + 1 C 4 H 8 - 1,3 C 4 H 6 + ^
1.3 butadiene ethylene cyclohexene
C- r — O 4-methyl-l-cyclohexene
Pyrolysis was carried out three times, with the contact time being
varied by changing the rate of flow of vector gas (N ) . Three values were
used: 20, 40 and 60 ml per minute.
Michelin X tyres were used in all the tests. The results are given in
Tables I, II and III.
20 40 60
20 40 60
2 23.28 23.30 30.65
CH 56.15 53.85 47.36
C 14.95 16.78 13.56
C 3.21 3.56 4.51
3 R H 0.15 - 0.32
C 2.26 2.52 3.60
20 40 60
c6c7 +
isoprene 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.05 - -
Octene 0.16 0.27 0.25 0.09 0.15 0.07
Benzene 42.07 34.43 41.51 30.42 41.89 33.93
Toluene 15.32 15.06 17.14 14.25 15.55 13.04
Ethylbenzene 2.84 3.95 3.52 3.28 2.88 2.61
m + p-xylenes 0.62 0.82 0.69 0.66 0.65 0.46
o-xylene 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.10 - 0.09
indane, indene,t
etc) 2.35 2.42 2.98 2.69 1.87 2.10
Naphthalene 12.67 11.69 10.72 12.96 11.19 14.17
fluorene, etc) 12.97 14.59 9.79 15.85 10.10 12.29
Phenanthrene +
anthracene 5.59 5.38 3.92 5.62 5.04 5.89
Heavy fraction 1.41 8.47 5.74 9.52 7.32 12.41
3H6' C4H8' C
5 H 8 ' C 5 H 6 ' C 6 H 12
C 7 H 1 4 , Isoprene
Cyclohexadiene 4.10 3.59
Octene 1.88 2.06
Benzene 26.15 27.80
Toluene 17.27 17.81
Ethylbenzene 6.42
m-xylene + p-xylene 1.86 8.27
o-xylene 0.61 1.94
n-propylbenzene 0.11
Styrene 5.97 6.51
Ol -methylstyrene (unidentified) 2.34
Indane 2.42 3.23
Indene (unid.) 2.47 4.00
Methylindene (unid.) 1.35
Naphthalene 5.08 5.52
unid. 0.21
2-methylnaphthalene 2.66 2.72
1-methylnaphthalene 2.18 5.81
Diphenyl (unid.) 2.67
Acenaphthene (unid.) 2.62 4.71
Dibenzyl (unid.) 2.25
Fluorene (unid.) 2.91
Phenanthrene 2.37 2.25
m-phen., pyr., benzanth., H.F. 4.81 3.69
H 21.05 22.37
CH 51.66 53.63
C 13.92 12.10
C 7.48 6.66
C 0.82 0.59
C 5.06 4.64
Carbon residue accounts for between 35% and 40% of the weight of a
pyrolysed tyre. Its minimum value is that of a good smokeless fuel, since
all the organic matter has been decomposed thermally and the combustion
fumes no longer contain tar.
We studied the adsorption properties of various types of residual
carbon obtained from tyre pyrolysis after they had been activated by steam
and so converted into active carbon. This is an excellent adsorbent and is
well known on the market as a purification medium. Its high price does,
however, make it unsuitable for large-scale use as a water purifier.
There is clearly an interesting potential in being able to convert 40%
of a particular type of waste, in this case the scrap tyre, into active
Overall results are given in Figure 4, which shows isotherms of phenol
adsorption by carbon, where q represents the amount (in mgs) of phenol
adsorbed by a quantity g of carbon.
Activation is by steam heating at approximately 900°C. Activation time
is about 30 minutes. Under these conditions, the weight loss of carbon is of
the order of 30-40%. The test solution had a phenol concentration of
100 mg/1.
Some types of active carbon obtained from tyre pyrolysis (550, 600,
700°C) have adsorbent qualities which are very similar to those of
commercially-produced active carbon. Other types, obtained at pyrolysis
temperatures of between 450 and 500°C could also be used provided the higher
residual concentration of phenol is acceptable. Carbon produced by pyrolysis
could even be used "raw" for the pretreatment of heavily polluted water.
It will be seen from the isotherms that carbon obtained by pyrolysis
at 550°C is the best.
As far as abatement rates are concerned (Figure 5) , it will be seen
that in the case of high weight concentrations of active carbon (approxi-
mately 5 g ) , carbon obtained at 600°C adsorbs all molecules of phenol (rate
= 100%). For other types of carbon, the abatement rate is approximately 95%.
At lower concentrations (approximately 1 g) , carbon obtained at 500°C
adsorbs the most molecules (90%), followed by carbon obtained at 600°C and
700°C. Rates for carbon obtained at the latter two temperatures are of the
order of 75% to 85%.
In order to improve classification of the various types of active
carbon obtained, we also studied their adsorption properties vis-a-vis
methylene blue and iodine.
The solid phases used in these tests were obtained by steam or carbon
dioxide activation. Figures 6 and 7 show the adsorption capacity of these
types of carbon vis-à-vis methylene blue (curve a) and iodine (curve b ) , as
a function of activation time.
The specific surfaces of the various types of carbon derived from tyre
pyrolysis were measured both before and after activation. The specific
surface before activation, of the order of 60 m 2 /g, is the same whatever the
speed of pyrolysis. Steam activation creates specific surfaces of around
390 m 2 /g for slow pyrolysis and 290 m 2 /g for rapid pyrolysis.
To sum up, it can be said that this method, in which waste tyres are
used as a feedstock, produces oils with a high BTX content and carbon with
good adsorbent properties as a result of pyrolysis at a low temperature
(450°C) and simultaneous post-cracking at a high temperature (700 to 800°C).
Figure 8 shows the mass balance produced by treating one tonne of used
Abatement rate
A Commercial
Β 550°
C 70O°
D 600°
E 500°
F 450°
G Non-active
Residual concentration
Methyle Iodine
80 ■·
60 ·- .3
.. .2
10 15 20 min
Pyrolysis Postcracking
450500°C 75O80O°C
"2 3.8
CH4 O. 35
C 2 H„ 32
2 6 18.6
3 20.1
Mise. 3.15
_^ LIGHT B 105.8
BTX 2 6 0 kg T 68.6
Χ 37.4
Sty. 24.4
Misc. 29.8
carbon 359
steel 70
4 6 0 kg ash 31
Retreading 20%
Ground feedstock 0.5%
Export 10%
Pyrolysis 0%
Artificial reefs 0%
Incineration 25 to 30%
Tipping + 35% (difference)
Regeneration 3%
Marginal users 5%
4. 2 Cost of Collection
The remaining tonnage treated at the plant comprises tyres which are
delivered to the treatment centre, and for which payment is made. This is
the system used for incineration. In 1984, the CBR cement works at Lixhe
paid Bfrs 600 for each tonne of tyres delivered to the plant. This figure is
much lower than that quoted above for specific collection (Bfrs 1 550 per
tonne) . In the case of incineration, it is not possible to increase this
price without making it economically unviable to use old tyres as fuel.
Higher prices can, however, be paid for pyrolysis, although these must still
remain well below the cost of collection if there is to be a real advantage.
It has been estimated that, on the basis of the Lixhe experience, 45% of
used tyres in the Charleroi region could be obtained for Bfrs 600 per tonne
delivered to the plant.
The ICDI study showed that collection price increases rapidly in
proportion to distance from the treatment plant, particularly since there
are much fewer tyres to be collected near the outer limits of the region
The conclusions drawn by the ICDI led us to develop a new strategy for
the pyrolysis of used tyres. We do not think it reasonable to construct one
large plant in Belgium with an annual capacity of between 20 000 and 25 000
tonnes. (This figure corresponds more or less to the quantity of scrap tyres
which are not used for other purposes. ) Tyres would have to be collected
over long distances and the cost would soon become prohibitive. Moreover,
the need to guarantee the supply of tyres to the pyrolysis plant would leave
the plant in a weak position vis-à-vis collectors. The price of used tyres
would inevitably rise.
If, however, existing centres for the incineration of household refuse
were made to include small-scale, "sub-regional" units (i.e. units
corresponding to the amounts of used tyre waste produced by any one urban
area), this would constitute an extension of existing activities carried out
by such bodies. The collection of tyres would be carried out by the same
bodies responsible for collecting household waste.
Extractor ¡
j Light aromatics
ι (200 1 barrel)
Heavy o i l s
(200 1 barrel)
i»Water reject)
Water entry c i r c u i t
point )
Carbon Metal
con con
tainer tainer
Fig. 9. Operating diagram
Industrial unit for the pyrolysis of used tyres with Production Production
simultaneous postcracking. Capacity: 2000 t / a 780 t/a 140 t / a
(2 000 tonnes per annum capacity) would not only prove to be a profitable
investment, but would also solve a serious environmental problem.
If the hypotheses on which the operation of an industrial unit are
based can be shown to be realistic by the pilot plant, it could reasonably
be assumed that a considerable number of plants of this type might be
marketed both in Belgium and abroad.
The following conclusions can be drawn from this study into the
pyrolysis of tyres with simultaneous post-cracking:
The study into the cost of collecting used tyres shows that
expenditure increases rapidly in proportion to distance, and that a large
number of lorries and containers is needed if they are to be used solely for
this purpose. This is why the authors of the study believe that the
processing of used tyres must be carried out within existing structures for
the collection and treatment of urban waste.
The current collection capacity for the Charleroi region has been
estimated at 2 000 tonnes per annum. The tonnage of tyre waste that can be
treated by any one pyrolysis plant will depend on the size of the urban
centre which supplies it. Treatment capacity has been estimated at between 4
and 5 000 tonnes per year per million inhabitants.
We recommend that the idea of a single, large-capacity plant serving
an entire country or region, as has been proposed in the past, be abandoned.
A pyrolysis plant with a capacity of 40 to 50 000 tonnes per annum
creates a number of problems. Quite apart from the fact that the distances
to be covered within such a large region would drastically increase
collection and transport costs, there is also the danger that suppliers
might begin to speculate by stockpiling available tyres.
A large plant must be guaranteed regular supplies and would thus be
highly vulnerable to any manipulations in this supply. Furthermore, a large
plant requires a much greater level of investment and thus constitutes a
much higher financial risk for developers.
A large plant also needs the appropriate infrastructure, and since
this would have to be created from scratch, investment and running costs
would again be pushed up. We thus propose that the treatment of tyres be
integrated into existing regional and local centres (this solution could
also be adopted for other types of waste). This will effectively constitute
an extension of existing activities, and will mean that advantage can be
taken of the infrastructure and experience already to hand. It should be
emphasized that, under this scheme, the collection of tyres would be carried
out by bodies which are already highly experienced in the field of household
refuse collection. This does not, however, mean that this type of
installation would always have to be limited to small units. Indeed, these
could be of a considerable size where large centres of population are
concerned. It is clear that large urban centres such as Paris, London,
Tokyo, etc., represent a potential of tens of thousands of tonnes per annum.
3. Profitability
4. Market
Two aspects must be considered here: firstly, the market for pyrolysis
products, and secondly, the market for the sale of pyrolysis plants. As far
as pyrolysis products are concerned, i.e. BTX and residual carbon, the
market is favourable. It has been estimated that the demand for benzene both
in Belgium and worldwide will continue to increase steadily. The price of
BTX varies according to the price of oil, because light aromatics are
obtained by the steam cracking of oil fractions. Marketable quantities of
BTX produced by tyre pyrolysis are small in comparison with those produced
by the petrochemical industry, and would therefore have little or no effect
on prices.
Carbon can fetch prices of up to 10 times its minimum value (based on
calorific value) when it is used as a reinforcing medium in the production
of tyres, or as active carbon used in water purification (high-quality
utilization). However, since there are currently insufficient quantities of
this type of carbon to enable industrial tests and demonstrations to be
carried out, it is not yet possible to say that it will sell on the market
without additional and specific processing being carried out for each
individual application.
6. Ecological implications
(1) WILLIAMS, Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. Ser. A 1 5 0 , 241 (1860).
(2) STANDINGER and FRITSCHI, Helv. Chim. Acta, 5, 758 (1922).
(3) STANDINGER and GEIGER, Helv. Chim. Acta, 9, 549 (1946).
(4) MIDGLEY and HENNE, J. Amer. Chem. S o c , 26, 1215 (1929).
(5) KATO and SOMESHIMA, J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Japan, 3 8 , 596 (1935).
(6) O R O , HAN and ZLATKIS, Anal. Chemist., 39, 27 (1967).
(7) TANATA and GOMYO, Japan, Kokai 7438, 895 (CI. 14 E 331, 13(9) F2) 11
Apr. 1 9 7 4 , Appli. 7281, 419, 16 Aug. 1972.
(8) JO and YODA (Nippon Zeon C o , L t d ) . Japan Kokai 7 4 , 102, 595 (Cl. 14 E
331, I, 12(9)F2, 91 C 9 1 ) , 17 Sep. 1974, Appli. 73 1 4 , 588, 05 Feb.
(9) SONGA, G e r . Offen., 2, 3 2 8 , 400 (Cl. c 01b) 20 Jan. 1974.
(10) ISHIBASHI, NODA and TERADA, Japan Kokai 7545, 799 (Cl. C O I B , B O I D ) , 24
Apr. 1975, Appli. 7396, 413, 27 Aug. 1973.
(11) KUDO, Japan Kokai 7575, 593 (CI. COIB, BOID), 20 Jan. 1975, Appli. 73
126, 013, 09 Nov. 1973.
(12) R. CYPRES and B. BETTENS, "Traitement pyrolytique des déchets de
caoutchouc". Ann. des Mines de Belgique, 10, 873-890, 1981.
(13) Convention Region Wallonne-Association Momentanée ICDI-TSIRA, "Faisa-
bilité de petites unités de pyrolyse de pneus usagés avec postcraquage
simultané", 171 pp, 1984.
(14) R. CYPRES and C. BRAEKMAN-DANHEUX, "Processus d'aromatisation dans la
formation des goudrons de haute température". Ann. des Mines de
Belgique, 11, 1109-1115, 1974.
(15) R. CYPRES, C. BRAEKMAN-DANHEUX, R. DERIE and M. BERKOL, "Aromatisation
of a C 4 alkane/alkene/hydrogen mixture obtained by catalytic dehydro-
genation of isobutane". J. Anal. Appi. Pyrol., 1, 339-246, 1980.
(16) R. CYPRES, "Aromatic hydrocarbons formation during coal pyrolysis",
Fuel Process. Technol., 15, 1-15, 1987.
(17) MADORSKY, "Thermal Degradation of Organic Polymers", p. 219, Inter-
science (1969) .
43, 2312-18 (1951).
(19) BREDAEL P., Ann. Mines Belgique, 12, 1045, 1975.
(20) BENSON and HAUGEN, J. of Phys. Chem., 71, 6, 1967.
Pyrolysis is one of the alternatives to be considered for conversion
of biomass to activated carbon, fuels and chemicals. Pyrolysis processes
of biomass at moderate temperatures (380600 a C) yield a pyrolytic oil
which is a mixture of organic chemicals with water, a low BTU gas and char
coal. Flash pyrolysis of lignocellulosic materials leads to an increase
in the amount of liquids produced.
High temperature (>700 9 C) flash pyrolysis of biomass yields a mixture
of gases: carbon oxides, hydrogen and light hydrocarbons. Flash pyrolysis
can be achieved discharging the biomass on a hot sand fluidized bed
The process of biomass decomposition occurs via both primary and se
condary reactions. By selecting the operating conditions (temperature,
heat transfer and residence time of volatiles), it is possible either to
accelerate or to slow down the different reactions involved in the process,
according to their apparent activation energy. Using catalysts is another
way to change the most favourable reaction paths.
Catalysts may be classified as primary or secondary. Primary catalysts
Almond shells were washed, dried, crushed and sieved to obtain a uni
form material. The almond shells composition (wt%) is the following: 29%
cellulose, 19% hemicellulose, 51% lignin, 0.2% ash (d : 0.2970.500 mm).
Calcinated sand, at 900 2 C was used as an inert bed in the fluidized
bed reactor (see references 1, 2, 3 ) . Pyrolysis in the experimental system
was run as follows: First, a dried almond shells sample of the selected
particle size was placed in the feed hopper. The inert gas flow (from an
industrial Ν source) was set and the oven switched on. Once the reactor
reached the selected temperature, the feeding valve was opened and the
sample fell into the sand bed fluidized reactor.
In order to carry out the experiments at moderate temperature with
almond shells impregnated with CoCl , the samples were prepared as follows:
Five batches of 60 g of almond shells mixed with catalysts solutions of
known concentrations were prepared in a "rotavapor" Buchi, providing agita
tion and a 60 mmHg vacumm for 2 hours. Afterwards, the samples were dried
at 110 9 C for 20 hours. Once the five samples were prepared, they were
mixed well.
In addition, an A nalytical Flash Pyrolysis A pparatus (Pyroprobe 100)
was used for catalyst screening (nominal heating rate 20 s C/ms).
Analytical methods and more details of the equipment and procedure
used can be found elsewhere (1, 2, 3 ) .
k = 7.11.107exp(-32.0/RT) s _ 1
k = 1.49.108exp(-35.1/RT) s" 1
k = 14.73exp(-10.8/RT) s-1 (R in Kcal/molsK)
Temperature 365 400 420 425 440 440 460 495 495 495 610 710
Solids 69.2 54.2 47.0 46.8 29.4 30.6 27.5 26.4 26.3 26.4 11.3 6.7
Liquids 21.1 36.3 41.4 41.6 57.0 52.0 56.0 58.5 57.2 59.3 65.1 43.2
acetic acid 0.42 3.2 3.5 4.0 10.3 9.0 9.0 10.0 9.6 9.9 10.4 7.7
2-furaldehyde 0.77 0.045 0.46 0.5b 0.91 0.64 0.67 0.75 0.57 0.40 0.85 0.67
water 10.6 16.6 16.4 16.7 18.7 16.4 17.7 16.7 17.7 16.7 16.5 14.2
methanol+formaldehyde 0.33 1.4 1.0 1.5 0.92 1.3 1.1 0.56 1.1 1.2 0.70 0.58
acetone 0.04 0.06* 0.14* 0.16* 0.12 0.26 0.25 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.25 0.17
2-propanol 0.01 - - - 0.06 0.18 0.33 0.05 0.06 0.04 _ 0.04
hydroxyacetone 0.79 0.88 0.92 0.85 2.1 1.4 1.5 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.4
l-hydroxy-2-butanone 0.59 0.40 0.52 0.50 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.3 0.66
3-methyl-l-butanol 0.67 0.26 0.33 0.41 0.44 0.77 0.81 0.41 0.90 0.78 0.46 0.22
propionic acid - 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.49 0.28 0.33 0.10 0.17 0.15 0.18 0.26
acetaldehyde - - - - 0.06 - 0.01 0.10 0.21 0.24 0.10 0.16
dry residue at 120 2C 7.9 13.0 18.0 16.4 24.1 20.6 22.3 27.0 23.0 26.1 34.5 18.1
Gases 5.3 8.1 8.3 8.6 13.1 13.3 14.2 14.4 15.7 14.3 22.9 53.2
CO 4.4 6.0 4.8 4.9 9.0 9.0 9.9 10.2 10.3 10.0 10.6 13.3
CO 0.90 1.9 2.9 3.1 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.6 4.7 3.8 10.7 34.5
4 0.04 0.13 0.36 0.44 0.37 0.47 0.61 0.61 0.70 0.50 1.6 5.4
2 - 0.09 0.15 0.15 - 0.09 0.10 - - - - 0.23
95.6 97.3 96.7 95.1 99.6 95.9 97.7 99.2 99.2 100 99.2 103
Tables IIII
Influence of the CoCl to almond shells ratio. Yields (wt%) on moisture free almond shell
(1) Font, R., Marcilla, Α., Verdú, E. and Devesa, J. (1986) Fluidized
Bed Flash Pyrolysis of Almond Shells. Temperature Influence and Cata
lyst Screening. Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 25, 491.
(2) Font, R., Marcilla, Α., Devesa, J and Verdú, E. (1988) Gaseous Hydro
carbons from Flash Pyrolysis of A lmond Shells. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.
27, 1143.
(3) Verdú, E. (1988) Thesis Dissertation. Pirólisis de Cascara de Almendra.
Universidad de Alicante.
(4) Scott, D.S. and Piskorz, J. (1984)The Continuous Flash Pyrolysis of Bio
mass. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 62, 404.
(5) Beaumont, 0. and Schwob, Y. (1984) Influence of Physical and Chemical Pa
rameters on Wood Pyrolysis. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 23, 6377
(6) Finney, C S . and Garret D.E. (1974) Flash Pyrolysis of Solid Wastes. E
nergy Sources, 1, 295.
(7) Sass, A. (1974) Garret's Coal Pyrolysis Process. Chem. Eng. Prog., 70,
(8) Goldstein, I.S. (1981) Organic Chemicals from Biomass. CRC. Boca Raton
Fl., Chapter 5.
(9) Thurner, F. and Mann, U. (1981) Kinetics Investigation of Wood Pyroly
sis, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 20, 482.
(10) Shafizadeh, F. (1975) Industrial Pyrolysis of Cellulosic Materials, Ap
plied Polymer Symposium, John Wiley & Sons, 28, 153.
(11) Smicek, S. and Cerny, C.T. (1970) Active Carbon, Elsevier Pubi. Co.,
(12) Gray, M.R., Corcoran W.H. and Gavalas, G.R. (1985) Pyrolysis of a Wood
Derived Material. Effects of Moisture and Ash Content, Ind. Eng. Chem.
Process Des. Dev., 24, 646.
Molten alkali metal salts are recognised as having considerable potential as
high temperature liquid phase media lor the pyrolysis, gasification,
combustion and catalytic conversion of organic chemicals. A two litre
capacity molten salt system for the pyrolysis of biomass is described. The
heating rate of wood, in both air and molten salt, has been studied and
compared, and has been found to be between four and ten times faster in
molten salt. The pyrolysis of wood in both molten Li/Na/K carbonate and
Na/K hydroxide eutectics has been studied and the results of these studies
are presented. The hydroxide melt system is favoured as it produces good
purity hydrogen. However, the melt system becomes contaminated with
carbonate and organic residues and the hydroxide, being consumed,
requires regeneration; preliminary studies indicate this to be feasible.
Molten salt processes are already well established, particularly in the
metallurgical industry, where they are used for thermochemical and heat
treatment and for cleaning (1). More recently, molten alkali metal salts, in
particular, have been recognised as having considerable potential as high
temperature, liquid phase media for the pyrolysis, gasification, combustion, or
catalytic conversion of organic materials such as biomass, coal and a variety of
waste products. A number of examples, from laboratory scale to demonstration
plants, have been developed throughout the world for coal gasification (2)(3)(4);
biomass and waste gasification (5) and combustion (6); and plastics pyrolysis (7).
Fused metal salts as reaction media for the thermal conversion of biomass
have a number of advantages over conventional gas phase processes:
(i) Chemical stability in the liquid phase at temperatures up to 1000°C;
(ii) Appropriate physical properties of high thermal conductivity, low
viscosity, low volatility, and appropriate melting point temperature;
(iii)The ability to dissolve biomass into the liquid phase, so that heat and
mass transfer become homogeneous and, therefore, very rapid;
(iv)The possibility of homogeneous catalysis or chemical reaction to control
the chemical composition of the products.
The Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at Aston
University has been carrying out a 2-year contract with the European Community
continuing its research into thermal processing of biomass in molten salts (8)(9).
This paper summarises the experimental work performed to date within the
contract . Molten salt processing has been studied for some ten years in the
Department, and biomass conversion for almost as long, with the thermochemical
processing of biomass in molten salts first being studied in 1980 (10).
The experimental equipment has been described in detail before (11)(12). It
consists of a two litre capacity stirred tank reactor into which the biomass is fed by
a sealed laboratory scale screw feeder. Vapour leaving the reactor is cooled by
water-cooled heat exchangers which condense the liquid products, which are
then collected for analysis. The product gas is burned in a flare. The reactor is
heated by a purpose built 3 kW electric resistance furnace, with a three-term
electronic temperature controller.
The product gas composition is continuously monitored for H2, CO, CO2 and
CH4 using dedicated gas analysers and recorded, at about 10 second intervals,
by a micro-computer based data-logger, developed within the Department for
use with an open-core downdraft gasifier (13). Reactor pressure is measured
using a water manometer, product gas flowrate by rotameter and total volume of
gas produced by gas meter; these variables, along with the temperature of the
salt bath, are recorded manually.
To prevent the ingress of air into the system and to provide a 'carrier' for the
gas analysis system, the rig is operated with a nitrogen purge. This purge is
introduced at three points, the stirrer, the feeder and the reactor, the flow of each
being metered separately.
The experimental work so far performed has covered three main areas,
particle heating rate tests, pyrolysis in the molten lithium/potassium/sodium
carbonate eutectic and pyrolysis in the potassium/sodium hydroxide eutectic.
difficulties (see Section 4), was later reduced to a rate of 4.9 g/min in one minute
cycles (1 minute on/1 minute off). The feed material used consisted of in-house
manufactured pine 'chips' (without bark) sieved to the size range 0 to 4.75 mm.
15 mm Air
• 15 mm Salt
A 12 mm Salt
10 u
20 40 60 80 100
% Ultimate Temperature
The work of I rédale and Hatt (10) also showed that the composition of the product
gas and the yield of gas were strongly dependent on the melt temperature. This
is currently under investigation to determine the optimum operating temperature.
The majority of the carbon in the feed is not liberated as part of the gaseous
or liquid products, but is retained in the melt either as an organic residue, which
may consist of formate or ethanoate ions (10), or by reaction with the hydroxide to
form carbonate. Melt with these 'impurities' is known as 'fouled'. Figure 2
illustrates the effect of the amount of wood pyrolysed on the hydroxide and
carbonate levels in the melt. The colour of the melt and of its aqueous solution,
also vary with the quantity of wood pyrolysed. Colours vary from that of the fresh
melt (which is white when solid and colourless when liquid) with a colourless
solution, via a pale yellow, of melt and solution, to a dark brown coloured melt
and solution. The light absorption, of the solution is directly proportional to the
quantity of wood pyrolysed, with a characteristic absorption at 260 nm. The
colouring of the melt is probably due to the organic residue, although the fraction
of this residue in the melt has not, as yet, been reliably quantified.
υ3 10
s 250
100 200 300 400
S ace hari η ic Acids-
1,2 - epoxides
'poxioes 1
6 CO + 6 H 2 5 CO +κ C H 4 + 3 H 2 < 6C
6 C FF lragments
shift I shift 11pyrolysisJ
There is considerable evidence that molten salts are potentially valuable
media for the conversion of biomass into useful fuels and chemicals. The work
performed in this project and by other groups has demonstrated the technical
feasibility of this type of process.
The salt employed has been demonstrated to have an important influence
on the process and hence the products. The salt type determines whether it acts
simply as a heat source or as a chemical reagent. Previous work at Aston (21 )
has demonstrated the use of molten salts as liquid phase catalytic reaction
media. It should, therefore, be feasible to select a suitable salt and catalyst
system to produce specific products.
The sodium carbonate melt acts as a heat source causing the wood to
undergo 'normal' pyrolysis, although at higher heating rates than conventional
pyrolysis systems which employ a gaseous heating medium. The suitability of
this system for gasification and combustion has already been demonstrated, its
particular advantage being its ability to absorb contaminants, such as sulphur.
The hydroxide melt system produces hydrogen of high purity and, therefore,
has considerable potential to provide hydrogen either as a fuel gas or as a
chemical reagent, for instance for the upgrading of pyrolytic oils. A potential
problem of this salt system is the fouling of the melt, with carbonate and an
organic residue, requiring the melt to be regenerated. However, there is
evidence to suggest that this may be feasible by reaction of the fouled melt with
steam. Partial regeneration of the melt to recover hydrogen and methane by heat
treatment has already been demonstrated. This heat treatment is believed to
drive off the organic residue remaining in the melt.
(1) Anon., "Guidelines for Safety in Heat Treatment - Part 1 Use of Molten Salt
Baths", The Wolfson Heat Treatment Centre, Aston University B'ham, (1981)
(2) Chong V M, "Coal Gasification Process", US Patent 3 770 399, (Nov. 1983)
(3) Susie M et al., "Coal Gasification in Molten Salt", Glas Sriska Akademija
Naukai Odelene Prirodus Matematickih 48 (1981) 27.
(4) Cover A E & Schreiner W.C., "The Kellogg Molten Salt Process", Energy
Communications 1/2, (1975) 135.
(5) Yosim S J & Barclay Κ M, "The Gasification of Wastes Using Molten Salts",
Preprint, ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry 21/1 (1976), 73.
(6) Moffat J M & Kohl A L, "Gasification of Wood in a Bath of Molten Alkali
Carbonates", in "5th Canadian Bioenergy R&D Seminar", ed. Hasnain S,
Elsevier Applied Science (1984).
(7) Bertolini G E & Fontaine J, "Value Recovery from Plastics Waste by Pyrolysis
in Molten Salts", Conservation & Recovery 10/4 (1981) 27.
(8) Maund J K, Bridgwater A V & Smith E L,"Thermal Conversion of Biomass in
Molten Salt Media",'Energy from Biomass 1', G Grassi & H Zibetta (eds),
Elsevier Applied Science, London (1987)
(9) Maund J K, Bridgwater A V & Smith E L.'Thermal Conversion of Biomass in
Molten Salts", '4th EC Conference - Biomass for Energy & Industry', Orléans,
France, (May 1987)
(10) Iredale PJ and Hatt BW, "The Pyrolysis and Gasification of Wood in Molten
Hydroxide Eutectics", in, "Fundamentals of Thermochemical Biomass
Conversion", Overend RP, Milne TA an<-" iVludge LK (eds), Elsevier Applied
Science, London (1985).
(11) Earp D M and Maund JK, "Thermal Conversion of Biomass in Molten Salt
Media", Third EEC Progress Report - January to September 1988.
(12) Earp D M and Maund JK, "Thermal Conversion of Biomass in Molten Salt
Media", paper presented at, "Energy from Biomass - EEC Contractors
Meeting", Paestum, Italy (1988)
(13) Earp DM, "The Gasification of Biomass in a Downdraft Reactor", PhD Thesis,
Aston University (1988)
(14) Venning NJ, "Fuels from Tyres by Pyrolysis in Molten Salts", PhD Thesis,
Aston University, (1981)
(15) Pitt MJ, "Pyrolysis of Plastics in Molten Salts", MPhil Thesis, Aston University,
(16) Maund JK and Earp D M, "Fuels from Biomass by Conversion in Molten
Salts", pp. 542-556 "Research in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion",
eds. A V Bridgwater & J L Kuester, Elsevier Applied Science, (1988)
(17) Yasunishi A & Tada Y, 'Wood Pyrolysis in Molten Salt', Kagaku Kogaku
Ronbunshu, 11/3, (1985) 346.
(18) Tada Y & Yasunishi A, 'Wood Pyrolysis with Molten Salt as Heating
Medium', Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu, 13/3, (1987) 376.
(19) Smith EL, Private Communication
(20) Maund JK, "Thermal Conversion of Biomass in Molten Salt Media", paper
presented at Institute of Energy Conference: "Gasification - Status and
Prospects", Harrogate, UK, (May 1988)
(21) Al-Muslih E F, "Oxidation of Organic Compounds in Molten Salts", PhD .
Thesis, Aston University, (1984)
F l a s h - p y r o l y s i s of an i t a l i a n c o a l ( S u l c i s c o a l ) has been
i n v e s t i g a t e d in f l u i d i z e d bed p y r o l i s e r in n i t r o g e n or
methane a t m o s p h e r e and between 600 and 900 °C. The
maximum t a r y i e l d s i s o b t a i n e d a t 600-620 °C. The
p y r o l y s i s o i l can be upgraded a f t e r w a r d s . Experiments i n
methane a t m o s p h e r e s u p p o r t a p o s s i b l e r a d i c a l i c mechanism
for t h e r e a c t i o n .
Continued reduction of crude oil and natural-gas reserves
stimulates the interest of many research groups in coal
conversion to gaseous or liquid products, which can represent
new raw material for the chemical industry.
In our laboratory, research on the utilization of Sulcis
coal as an alternative to direct combustion was started a few
years ago 1 - 2 ; in this connection, we began to study fluidized
bed flash-pyrolysis of this coal.
In the present communication, we report some of the
results obtained in this research.
Pyrolysis experiments were conducted in a fluidized bed
stainless steel pyrolyser able to heat coal powder at 10^
C/sec with short residence time (0.3 sec)3. in this way, the
tars undergo only a partial decomposition and can be quickly
Table 1 reports the approximate and ultimate analysis of
Sulcis coal :
Tab. 1 Analysis of Sulcis coal
Proximate analysis Ultimate analysis
Moisture (wt%) 7.4 C (wt% maf) 68.2
Ash (wt% mf) 10.9 H (wt% maf) 4.8
Volatile matter (wt% mf) 45.3 Ν (wt% maf) 1.7
Fixed carbon (wt% mf) 43.8 S (wt% maf) 8.7
Fig. 1 reports the yields of total volatile matter, tar,
gas and hydrogen sulphide against temperature in nitrogen
atmosphere; Fig. 2 reports the tar-component yields (A STM
A Hydrogen sulfide
O C1-C3 hydrocarbons
Π Tars
• Volatile matters
Τ — ι — ι — ι — Γ
soo 6βο τοβ eoe 9oa IDOO
m —
BOO eoo TOO eoo 900 1000
F i g . 2. Yields of l i g h t o i l s and c a r b o i d s v e r s u s temperature
ils «««^^
primary light oils
^ ^ ^ second ary gas
sem icoke ^~
^ residue
carboids ^
secondary light oils
primary gas
The coal decomposes essentially with a radical mechanism.
The volatiles formed include unreactive substances as well as
reactive ones (carboids). Especially in the intial stages of
decomposition, when free radicals are likely to exist, the
unreactive volatiles (primary light oils and gases) escape
into the atmosphere. Only a part of the reactive volatiles
escape, while the most of them polymerize giving a semicoke;
or decompose into secondary light oils.
In turn the semicoke reacts to gives gas and a solid
residue. The breakdown of the primary light oils, and of the
secondary ones perhaps, is noticed at higher pyrolysis
temperatures (600750 * C ) , as well as an increase in carboids.
The decrease of carboids in the oil produced at 900 °C can be
explained by quick decomposition.
A further check of the validity of such mechanism was
provided by some tests carried out in methane atmosphere. In
our experimental temperature range, methane cracking gives a
high concentration of free radicals5. These react with the
radicals deriving from coal pyrolysis, particularly with the
carboids that are thus quenched, hindering their decomposition
into semicoke and secondary light oils.
Infact, we observed a greater tar production but
especially a variation in composition (light oils/carboids
ratio) in methane than nitrogen atmosphere, as we can be see
in Tab. 4.
(1) C. Botteghi, L.Conti and R. Mansani, Boll. Soc. Sarda
Sci. Nat.; 19, 27 (1980)
(2) L. Conti, C. Botteghi and R. Rausa, Tecnologie Chimiche,
4, 38 (1981)
(3) L. Conti and R. Rausa , Fuel Processing Technology,
17, 107 (1987)
(4) S.C. Che, S.A. Quader and E.W. Knell, in "Refining of
Syntetic Crudes". M.L. Gorbaty and B.M. Harney, Editors,
Am. Chem. Soc. Washington, D.C. (1979)
(5) D.B. Anthony and J.B. Howard, AICHE Journal; 22, 625
D J O'Neil
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia 30332
Session 4 (Pyrolysis Case Studies) consisted of five papers, with two papers
withdrawn. The Session was chaired by Dr G Grassi assisted by Dr A V
which has not been addressed, and which was raised from the audience, is the
effect of build-up of adventitious impurities (e.g. metals in the wood) which can
radically and rapidly change the rheology of the molten salt system as well as
change the eutectic point or stability of the eutectic mixture. The latter, in turn, will
affect the reaction temperature stability and, hence, the process. The investigators
reported that their runs were not of such a duration that these problems had been
On a positive note it was suggested to the researcher that he might explore
the use of processes for decarboxylation of waste terephthalate compounds
(polymer production by-products). D r Maund reported that they had used the
process elsewhere for monomer recovery from waste polymers and were currently
investigating the decomposition of glass-reinforced plastic with a goal of recovering
the resin decomposition products (possibly monomer derivation) after dissolution of
the glass in the molten salt. (NOTE: It appears unlikely that Ε-glass and possibly A-
glass would dissolve completely without radically altering the composition, reaction
temperature, and rheology of the salt medium).
In summary, a much greater experimental base with the lab-system appears
to be required and it would seem that each process application would have to be
tailored for each feedstock.
To reduce our great dependence on oil and gas, the biggest commodity
export of Indonesia, since the last decade the government has adopted a
policy to conserve its petroleum reserves and prolong the availability of
an exportable surplus by promoting the development of alternative energy
resources where these can provide an economic substitute for oil. The
development for alternative energy resources then raised our interest in
biomass gasification.
Gasification is a thermochemical process in which the purpose is to
transfer the chemical energy contained in the solid fuel into a gasesous
energy carrier, preferably with a minimum " loss " into thermal energy.
This process creates many possibilities to generate low, medium or high
Btu of gases, depends on the reactor type and the gasifying medium
In Indonesia, agriculture wastes are abundant in many areas and not
utilized well. It is estimated that about 29 millions ton wastes per year
are produced and as by products, they have a negative value due to the
high cost involved in disposing of them. They should be properly handled
and several concepts for handling and converting these wastes into a
valuable gas fuel have been developed.
To utilize and increase the value of agriculture wastes, the
Fluidized Bed Gasification is one of the most promising conversion
process because of its ability to use a wide variety of fuels.
Since the gas quality produced by a gasifier depends on the nature
of the fuel used and gasifier operating conditions, these conditions need
to be optimized in order to be able to provide data for application
A schematic diagram of 16 inch diameter pilot plant fluidized bed
rice husks gasifier is given in figure 1. A s shown in this figure, a
rotron cyclonair blower supplied fluidizing air to the plenum of the
reactor through an LPG start - up burner which was used to preheat the
bed before commencement of solids feeding. A fter the bed temperature
reached 950 - 1000°F the starting burner was then shut off and the feeder
was simultaneously started. The bed material within the reactor is an
aluminum oxide refractory sand having a particle size as shown in
table II. The air passed from the plenum through the distributor into the
bed to react with the rice husks which have been introduced into the bed
via the feeding system.
The rice husks were stored in a surge hopper ι metered through a
three-screw feeder, directed through a pressure sealing rotary lock
hopper to an injector conveyor, and then injected into the lower part of
the bed, just above the distributor. Upon entering the reactor,
sufficient amounts of rice husks burn to bring the bed temperature up to
the desired set point temperature. During operation the Barber - Colman
temperature controller automatically set the gasifier air flow rate.
After some initial oscillations in the range of 30°F about the set point,
the bed temperature settled down and remain within 8-10°F of the set
point. The gas leaving the reactor bed was passed through a double
cyclones in which most of particles were separated from the gas stream.
Subsequently the gas was burned in a dual fuel burner having an array of
LPG/or natural gas and low Btu gas heads. Table II shows the operating
variables used in the experiment.
Cyclones / Exriauşt
Hoppe /
VΦ Ι v älart Up
Burner P i
^Ftow Control Valve
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of BPPT gasiti« during test at the Puspiptek
Energy Research Laboratory( Serpong.
Hot Filter
(glass wool)
to GLC
\Condensate Flask
Gasification efficiency.
The following are the general and specific overall conclusions
obtained by this study :
100 5,000
A/F Ratio
Process Yield
1,325 1,575
1.300 1,650
Figure 5. Efficiency of fluidi zed bed gasifier
- For every given fuel flow rate, the air fuel ratio increases with
rising the bed operating temperature.
- At higher operating temperatures the lower heating value of product gas
also decreases due to the more fuel have to be burned to attained that
higher temperature level.
- As another result of rising the operating temperature is an increases
in process yield.
- The maximum energy output of the gasifier was 2920 Kcal-gas/Kg-daf fuel
at the fuel flow rate of 93 Kg/hr and the bed temperature of 1445" F.
The air fuel ratio and the lower heating value of the product gas in
this condition were 0.35 and 975 Kcal/Kg respectively.
- Fuel to gas energy efficiency of the gasifier was 63-67%.
References :
Italenergie S.p.a. 67039 Sulmona AQ, Italy
C + CO = 2 CO H = + 168 kJ/mole
C + H.O = CO + H. H = + 175 kJ/mole
2 2
CO + H.,0
0 2 + H,
H2 H° = + 2.9 kJ/mole
C + 2H_ = CCH. H = - 75 kJ/mole
*2 * H 4
The fourth reaction is not facilitated by operating at low pressure and at
high temperature.
The partial oxidation with air of the material to be gasified is the
solution commonly used to obtain the necessary process heat. This method
makes it possible to use a gasification plant of simple design, but has the
disadvantage of producing a gas diluted with the nitrogen contained in the
air. Consequently, the gas produced has a low calorific value (900 -
1 200 KcalAg) ·
This entails a number of disadvantages : the gasification plant must be
directly coupled to the steam generator in order to use the large sensitive
heat of the gas produced at high temperature; the steam generator must
undergo considerable modification to ensure that high efficiencies are
obtained; if the gas is used in internal combustion engines instead of gas
oil or petrol, then the gas must be sufficiently purified and cooled.
If it is necessary to produce gas for subsequent use in the synthesis
of methane ("syngas") , or if it is required to produce a gas of medium
calorific value, this difficulty must be overcome. Numerous technical
solutions have been singled out in this respect. For example, the process
heat is generated inside the gasification reactor by partial combustion of
the biomass with pure oxygen instead of with air (1) , or with oxygen
obtained from the thermal decomposition of particular chemical compounds
(2) ; the process heat, generated outside the gasification reactor, is
supplied to the biomass by an inert material circulating between a
combustion chamber and the gasifier (3); lastly, the gasifier is heated from
The process we proposed uses the last of the possibilities listed
above. In comparison with gasification with pure oxygen, the process has the
advantage of not requiring an oxygen generation plant from the production of
The process heat is provided by means of an annular chamber placed
around the gasification reactor; high temperature flue gases obtained by the
combustion of a part of the gas produced with air, pass through this
chamber. In order to facilitate heat transfer from the flue gases to the
gasifier walls, a granular inert material, which is fluidized by the rising
gaseous current, is introduced into the annular chamber. Likewise, the
transfer of the heat to the biomass particles is facilitated by a bed of
Preliminary Design
The gases leaving the cracking chamber have to be cooled down to 240°C
in a first stage. After this, fine solid ash-like particles are separated by
a fine mesh filter. In a second cooler the syngas will be cooled down to
to atmosp.
2.3 Gasifier
R = 96
H (% by volume) = 32
CO 11
= 22
co2 II
= 15
= 23
= 8
The calorific value of this gas is 2 700 Kcal/kg; it may, therefore,
be considered as gas of medium calorific value and, as such, can be used
directly for the generation of steam and/or electric power as a substitute
for natural gas.
The addition of 98 kg/h of oxygen and the resulting temperature
increase of the gas in the cracking chamber permits the almost quantitative
completion of the reaction:
CH 4 + H 2 0 = CO + 3 H 2
In this way, the reduction of the methane content in the gas produced
is accomplished, and 730 kg/h of syngas with the following composition is
obtained :
H (% by volume) = 31
CO " = 24
CO " = 14
H20 " = 30
CH " = 1
The process then provides for cooling the gas by direct injection of
water, and utilization of its sensitive heat for the production of
superheated steam. As a result of this treatment, a large part of the steam
present in the gas is condensed, the remaining 543 kg/h of gas having the
following composition :
H (% by volume) = 44
CO " = 34
C02 " = 16
H20 = 4
CH " = 2
This should, then, meet the specification required for a gas assigned
to the synthesis of the methane. This balance shows that from the
1.98 Gcal/h introduced with the biomass into the gasifier, 1.47 Gcal/h is
obtained from the system in the form of syngas. This corresponds to an
efficiency calculated at 74%.
This balance does not make allowance for the thermal leakages through
the surface of the pieces of equipment and for sub-actions and the
consumption of energy necessary for working the pumps, the fans, the
instruments, etc. However, it should be noted that since we are dealing with
an experimental plant the possible energy recoveries have not been
optimized; for example, the sensitive heat of the flue gas discharged into
the stack at a temperature of 340°C can be used for drying the biomass.
We carried out some modifications of the plant. The most important was
the replacement of the hot gas blower with an ejector. These modifications
allowed the final data gathering and test-run to be planned on a suffi-
ciently reliable basis. They also improved the plant safety. Particular care
was devoted to :
check of the new equipment installation and the plant status in cold
testing of the individual equipment in no-load condition;
heating up of the process circuit;
running and test of the plant for five days of continuous operation;
data collection, elaboration and analysis.
when the gasification circuit was about 400°C (inner bed temp.), the
auxiliary recirculation fan was replaced with an ejector system;
during this operation it was necessary to take care of the main
equipment to avoid problems related to the several thermal expansions
of each system.
When the process temperature into the inner bed was reached, the
gasification circuit was recirculated with nitrogen to substitute the hot
air used during the heating up. Biomass feeding started only when oxygen
content was less than 0.05% (by volume) into the circuit. The feeding system
had mainly two problems: clogging and sealing.
In order to assure a good seal of the screw feeder, special attention
was devoted to keeping it constantly full of biomass. In this way a good
sealing was obtained to prevent the syngas leaking. The analyser showed some
problems when the water content was high and, in these conditions, special
precautions were required to assure reliable results. However, at the same
time many samples were sent to the laboratories for check analysis.
The data collected from the tests were acceptable and satisfied the
heat and material balance. These gasification tests prove the innovative
concept on which the gasification plant is based; indirect heating by
fluidized bed. In addition, the possibility of obtaining a medium Btu gas
without using oxygen has been demonstrated. From the data obtained, we
calculated a heat transfer coefficient figure of about 200-250 Kcal/h m2 °C.
The certified gas analysis coming from different laboratories
confirmed the expected figures.
The main data are :
H : 33 5
co2 : 24 9
CH : 13 3
C : 0 30
C : 2 70
N : 2 45
: 0 05
syngas LHV 3480 KcalAg
( 14 6 M J A g )
electrical energy 505 kWh/h
2. Considering S 9 . 4 5 m2
H2 = 1 8 8 0 0 0 / 9 . 4 5 / 1 0 0 χ 0 . 8 = 159 K c a l / m 2 h " C
= 250 K c a l / m 2 h ° C
Since the energy crisis of the seventies, research on biomass conversion
focused on producing a fuel gas for energy purposes and several R & D
programmes on biomass gasification were initiated. Soon It was realised that
fluidized bed reactors offer significant advantages over other types of gasifier
configurations such as isothermal operation, simple scaling up procedures, high
(industrial) capacities a good turn down ratio and multi fuel operation as long as
feed size restrictions are respected. Their versatility helped to establish them as
the reactor configuration of choise and several R & D projects were initiated in
the Universities (eg. 1 - 5) as weel as private companies such as Omnifuel (6) of
Canada and Vyncke N.V. of Belgium (7).
In 1980 an R & D programme was initiated between Vyncke N.V. of
Harelbeke Belgium - a boiler manufacturer - and the Department of Chemical
Engineering and Industrial Chemistry of the Free University of Brussels (V.U.B.).
The programme was financed by the Institute of Scientific Research for the
Industry and Agriculture and aimed at the commercial production of downdraft and
fluidized bed gasifiers. Initially a co-current downdraft moving bed gasifier was
designed, built and tested and since 1983, this type of gasifier has been marketed
by Vyncke N.V. In 1982, a fluidized bed gasifier process development unit (PDU)
was designed by the V.U.B. on the basis of a laboratory scale pilot plant (8) and
built at the Vyncker N.V. workshop. The unit was subsequently commissioned and
an extensive experimental programme was executed to identify the influence of all
It was envisaged that the fluidized bed would be operated under different
conditions and with a variety of feedstocks. In order to provide for every
possible experimental condition the reactor was provided with 2 feeding ports
(one above the surface of the bed at fluidization conditions and the other 0.1 m
above the distributor), 2 ports for overbed preheating burners, several measuring
ports for thermocouples and pressure gauges and 2 observation ports. Special
consideration was given td the distributor configuration which should allow the
passage of heavy and/or bulky material such as stones and conglomerated inerts.
It was decided to use a pipe grid distributor which has such capabilities. A layer
of refractory bricks forms the inner linning of the shell to give a finished diameter
of 0.8 m at the bed section and 1.2 m at the freeboard section. The fluidized bed is
shown in Figure 1.
The pilot plant consists of a feeding system (a hopper equipped with a
variable speed screw for metering the feedstock, a rotary valve and a conveyor
screw), the fluidized bed reactor, air compressor, preheating burner, a flare, a
control cabin and a gas sampling system. The latter consists of a cyclone, a
cooler (tube and shell), a filter, a gasmeter and a suction pump. Gas samples were
taken directly from the gas collector of the flare and were analysed locally by gas
chromatography In the control cabin and field laboratory.
The gasification process is depicted in the process flowsheet, Figure 2.
The feedstock was delivered by a particle board manufacturer in closed
containers. A front end loader transported the feedstock to the conveyor belt for
loading the hopper. The feedstock flowrate was calibrated by direct measurement
of the weight through an opening below the rotary valve. It entered the reactor
above the surface of the bed. A compressor supplied the air required to fluidize
the bed, while the air flowrate was measured by a rotameter. The air was fed
through the preheating burner to the collectors of the distributor and from there it
entered the bed. The feedstock pyrolysed as it fell into the fluidized bed to
produce pyrolysis gases and char. The char was gasified by steam and carbon
dioxide and partially combusted by oxygen, while the pyrolysis gases participated
in secondary reactions. The product gas and fly ash were led to the flare were the
gas was burned.
A small fraction of the gas (about 20 % by volume) was removed from the
product gas burner and passed through the cyclone to remove the fly ash and
through the cooler to condense the steam and tars. The experimental procedure as
well as the feedstock properties has been described in detail esewhere (9).
All units in mm
- ► To gas analysis
Cyclone \ p
Fluidized bed
Figure 2: Process flowsheet
increased after a steady state has been attained, the amount of oxygen supplied in
the reactor increases and hence the degree of combustion. Since more heat is
liberated the bed temperature Increases (see Figure 3) while the gas quality falls
due to higher concentrations of CO2 and H 2 0 . This is illustrated in Figure 4 which
also compares the results of the PDU to results obtained at the laboratory scale
fluidized bed gasifier at the V.U.B. Due to the higher degree of combustion, the
gas yield also increases with higher values of air factor as shown in Figure 5,
which also compares data with the bench scale plant at the V.U.B. Figure 6 shows
the influence of the air factor on the thermal efficiency (defined as the chemical
energy of the gas divided by the chemical energy of the feedstock at moisture, ash
free basis).
In general there is good agreement between data obtained from the two
plants although the scale up factor was in the order of about 100. Data from bark
gasification show consistantly a lower performance but this is due to the very
high ash/in erts content (24 wt %) of the bark which resulted in gas of inferior
quality. Nevertheless the trend is the same for all parameters and feedstocks. A
carefull examination of Figures 4-6 reveals that the best performance was
achieved in the air factor range of 0.2 -0.4.
Thermodynamic prediction
ξ 800
*> 600 ■
7 1. Wood shavings
2. Bark
3. Refuse derived fuel
Experimental data
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Air factor
Air factor
r Τ
0.4 0.6 Ο.8 1.0
Air factor
Figure 6: Thermal efficiency vs the air factor
6 «g
4 SL
£ c
700 800
Bed temperature
The PDU fluldized bed gasifier was scaled up by a factor of about 100 from
a Denen scale plant successfully. Under similar operating conditions the
performance of the PDU was better than that of the bench scale plant.
(1) R.S. Burton and R.C. Baillie, Fluid bed pyrolysis of solid wastes materials,
Combustion, 13-19 February 1974.
(2) P.T. Raman, W.P. Walawender, V. Shimizu and L T . Fan, Gasification of corn
stover in a fluidized bed : effects of superficial gas velocity and feed size
fraction, Fuels from biomass and wastes, eds. D.L Klass and G.V. Emert,
Ann Arbor Science, 1981.
(3) M. Findely, V. Flanigan and H. Sineath, Phase II, GROW Project, Proc, 13th
Biomass Thermochemical contractors meeting, Arlington, Virignia, October
(4) F.G. van der Arsen, A.A.C.M. Beenackers and W.P.M, van Swaaij,
Performance of a rice husk fuelled fluidized bed pilot plant gasifier,
Proceedings, 1st International Producer Gas Conference, Sri Lanka,
November 1982.
(5) J. Schoeters, K. Maniatis and A. Buekens, The fluidized bed gasification of
Biomass : Experimental studies of a benchscale reactor, in print with
(6) G. Gurnik, K.O. Luke and D.C. Pollock, Application of a fluidized bed gasifier
to conversion of forest biomass to an energy source, Report to ENFOR
(7) K. Maniatis, J. Schoeters and A. Buekens, Fluidized bed gasification of
biomass, Reports 1-4 and 8. Reports to Vyncke N.V.
(8) J . Schoeters, K. Maniatis and A. Buekens, Fuel gas from agricultural
residues in a fluidized bed reactor, Proc. 2nd World Congress of chemical
engineering, Montreal, October 1981.
(9) K. Maniatis, A.V. Bridgwater and A. Buekens, Fluidized bed gasification of
wood" Proceedings, Research in Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass,
Phoenix, 1988.
Biomass gasification process has received a great
attention in Indonesia, and it shall be a national asset
in the near future. Essential steps to be considered in
realizing this program are (a) making the existing field
test units as a nucleus for the dissemination and culti
vation, (b) establishing necessary local institutions for
monitoring and technical assistance, (c) building up an
infrastructure in the regions concerned in order to pro
vide repair, maintenance as well as production fasili
ties, (d) creating a funding or credit system for the
investment of a gasification unit.
Factors affecting the success of the implementation
of biomass gasification process, however, are not only
the process reliability, but also a short term profit for
the user, motivation of persons involved in the program,
supply and preparation of the feedstock, the local mana
gement and the financial support during the introduction
Gasifications of various type of biomass including wood,
coconut shell, palmnut shell, corn corb and rice hulls have
been tested at ITB. Intensive studies on the gasification of
wood and of rice hulls have been done at our laboratory and
reported eg. in [1,2,3]. Field tests have also been conducted
in several places, in Java Island. Performance of 15 kW wood
gasification in Balong, Middle Java, was reported already in
[4,5,6]. This unit has now an operating record of about 12000
hours. Experiences in the field operation of rice hulls gasi
fication are presented in [7]. In our experiences, the
producer gas is used as an oil substitution upto 80% for
diesel engines. The choice of diesel engine instead of gas
engine is due to the fact that the diesel engine has been
introduced since the sixties, and hence its infrastructure has
already been established.
Based on our previous field experiences and on an econo
mic analysis, the implementation of biomass gasification pro
cess in Indonesia needs a scenario regarding to the direction
and the way of further development, so that the biomass gasi
fication shall become a national asset, and its benefit and
usefulness are felt in the social dan economic life of the
Indonesian people. A proposal and a progress of the scenario
for the implementation of gasification technology are describ
ed in this paper. A short discussion on the economic of the
gasification process is also presented.
The real economic evaluation of six Presidential promo-
tion units could not been evaluated yet, since the units have
not been operated in regular and commercial bases. Taking the
investment cost of the gasification unit into account, the
operation of a gasification unit for the oil substitution in a
diesel genset, usually saves only a marginal amount of money.
The difference of the diesel oil price and the gasification
feedstock is apparently not big enough in this moment to com-
325 houses
Samarinda Unit
location : Desa Segihan, Recamatan Sebulu,
Tenggarong, East Kalimantan
fuel : wood wastes from wood industry
local supervisor : PT. Pupuk Kaltim
(fertilizer company)
Institute of Technology in Surabaya
end use of energy : electric power for wood industry
rural electricity in the evening
Palembang Unit
location : Desa Sungai Buaya, Palembang, South Sumatra
fuel :wood wastes from house components industry
local supervisor : University of Sriwijaya,
PT PUPUK Sriwijaya (fertilizer comp,
end use of energy : electric power for wood industry
Straw has been pyrolysed and gasified in batch and con-
tinuous reactors. The effect of dolomite as a tar cracking
catalyst has been studied and experiments with other
catalysts will be performed in the future. The termal
cracking of pyrolysis tar and the effect of residence time
in the cracking zone has been studied. The heat transmis-
sion in straw of various densities formed the basis of
dimensioning of a continuous reactor for pyrolysing straw.
A continuous reactor for gasification of loose straw has
been developed. Superheated steam has been used as the
gasifying agent. Future gasification experiments will
include C0 2 and air as gasifying agents.
In - 1986 the Danish Ministry of Energy decided that
future small scale combined heat and power stations should
be based on domestic energy sources like natural gas,
wastes and biomass. Additionally the field burning of
straw has been banned from 1990, which increases the
interest in discovering alternative applications for straw.
For smaller combined heating and power plants, the
energy efficiency would improve if an engine was used
instead of a steam turbine to deliver the mechanical energy
to the generator.
For this reason a research and development program has
been started regarding pyrolysis and gasification of
biomasses, mainly straw. The research at the Laboratory
for Energetics started in February 1988, and has the object
of making the Laboratory a center of knowledge in Denmark.
The collection of data is obtained by literature studies,
through visits to institutions and departments having R&D
in gasification of biomass and especially by experimental
work. The Laboratory has also participated in the devel-
ment of a pyrolysing unit in co-operation with a consulting
engineering company. The experiments in this paper are
only concerned with the research performed at the Labora-
tory for Energetics.
The research has been split up into 5 main subjects:
1. Know-how.
2. Gas from straw as fuel in small co-generation plants.
3. Gas purification.
4. Tar products used as fuel in internal combustion
5. Gas from pyrolysis and gasification of straw as fuel in
gas engines.
Pyrolysis reactor
Gas outlet
IS Second reactor
X Gas outlet <
Time (minutes)
Pyrolysis reactor
Second reactor
JU ill
ill ãGas c o l l e c t i n g cylinders
Gasifying agent
Gas outlet
Collection of char
1. Rensfelt, E., C. Ekström: Fuel gas from municipal waste
in an integrated circulating fluid-bed gasification/
gas-cleaning process. Energy from biomass and wastes
XII, New Orleans, Feb. 1988.
2. Olsen, G.: Research in tarcracking and applications of
tar. Presented at the international conference:
Pyrolysis and Gasification, Luxembourg, May 1989.
The performance of air and steam blown gas producers
deteriorate rapidly when low quality high ash coals
are used as feedstock. An investigation was carried
out to determine to what extent gas quality and gas
output can be improved when the blast air is enriched
with oxygen. Extensive testing was done on a small
industrial scale gas producer plant (5 GJ per hour
output). Using the data obtained, a techno-economic
study was done to determine the optimum level of
oxygen enrichment to be used for various coal
qualities. The investigation showed that enrichment
of air with oxygen was economically attractive based
on both capital expenditure and running costs.
In South Africa approximately 1 million tons of coal
is consumed in gas producers annually. In these units the
coal is gasified with air and steam to produce a low Btu-
gas mainly from bituminous coal and some anthracite. The
gas is used in industries where cheap heat is required,
such as the brick-making industry for the firing of brick
kilns, calcination of calcium carbonate in the paper and
board industry and for steam raising in boilers originally
designed for oil-firing. In certain heating applications
such as the manufacture of refractory materials, furnace
temperatures in excess of 1600 c 3 a r e required. Due to its
low calorific value (+-6 MJ/NM ) it is difficult to
achieve these temperatures with producer gas alone, and it
has to be enriched with expensive fuels such as Sasol gas
or LPG.
Another disadvantage of standard air and steam-blown
gas producers are their low thermal output to diameter
ratios. This is due to large amounts of inert nitrogen
that passes through the system. This leads to lengthy
payback periods on capital.
It has been suggested that oxygen enrichment (see
Appendix 1.2 for definition of oxygen enrichment as used
in this paper) of the blast air to a gas producer can in
the first place produce a cold clean gas to give flame
From an operational point of view oxygen enrichment
Fig. 1. Gas producer modified for pressurized operation and oxygen enrichment
MENT OF BLA ST(X) 0.0 l.B 4.1 6.0 B.O 7.9
COOL FEEORATE(KB/H) 69.0 72.7 7B.7 B9.2 103.2 llO.O
OXYGEN FLOWRATE(NH3/H) 0.0 3.3 7.3 9.6 12.4 14.Β
AIR FLOHRATE (NM3/H) 14B.B 143.2 130.7 119.β 110.9 103.6
STEAM FLOWRATECKB/H) 26.3 30.3 33.2 37.7 39.1 42.3
BLAST SAT. TEMP.(C) 33.4 SB.2 60.4 63.7 63.1 66.9
HOT RAU BAS EFF.(Ï) B3.1 BO.O B7.7 BS.6 BB.l B2.7
HOT DETARRED BAS EFF(X) 73.0 73.2 BO.7 BO.4 79.3 74.2
COLD CLEAN BAS EFF(X) 69.3 6B.0 76.3 73.Β 73.1 70.3
Steam out
Anular boiler * Gas outlet
0.92 m
Coal bed I.D. lining 0.15 m
Depth 1.51 m *0.83 m ■
B l a s t pipe 0.15 m
Steam + oxygen
oxyge + a i r '
Fig. 2. Gas p r o d u c e r d i m e n s i o n s
Fig. 3. Effect of oxygen
9' enrichment on the
β calorific value
■a ξ of gas
> Ό
U U 4
•Η U
i*j Iti
•Η 4»
U O»
ι · ι ι ι Ι
2 3 5 6 7 β 9 10
Oxygen enrichment (%)
Fig. 5. Effect of oxygen
enrichment on thermal
output at a constant
2,23 / blast rate
« 2,00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Oxygen enrichment (%)
1.1 Explanation of the term "blast saturation temperature"
(BST) .
Blast saturation temperature refers to the amount of
water vapour present in the air blast. The air is
saturated with water at the particular temperature
(BST) and from the partial pressure of water at this
temperature and the total pressure the AIR/HO ratio
can be calculated. The blast saturation temperature
is a convenient way of measuring the ratio of air
flow to steam flow since it requires the measurement
of only one patrameter (BST) and of the determination
of both flows separately.
In the case of oxygen enrichment the blast saturation
temperature refers to the ratio of water vapour to
enriched air. It can, therefore, be used just as in
the standard air blown case to control the 0„/H_0
ratio of the blast.
The blast saturation temperature will not give a
consistent indication of the 0_/H_0 ratio if the
blast is oversaturated or undersaturated. For the
blast to be just saturated the air and steam have to
meet the following requirement before mixing.
Power production from coal with Integrated Gasification-Combined
Cycle (IGCC) is becoming an increasingly promising technology for the
1990s. Processes based on oxygen gasification and cold gas cleanup offer
an environmentally acceptable alternative for coal utilization. These
IGCC processes can already now be considered commercial. Oxygen
gasification, however, is not economically competitive in small and
medium-size scale power plants. Hot gas cleanup is also an alternative
which has potential for increasing the efficiency of power generation
significantly IM. Using air gasification and hot gas cleanup seems to
be a promising method for simplifying the IGCC process.
A joint research project to study Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combus-
tion (PFBC) and pressurized gasification was initiated in 1988 in Fin-
land in which IVO Oy (the largest utility company in Finland), Helsinki
University of Technology and VTT are cooperating. This project is part
of the National Combustion Research Program "Liekki", which is financed
by the Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry.
The main emphasis of this research project is on the utilization of
peat and wood wastes, which are the only important indigenous solid
fuels in Finland. The project was started by designing and constructing
the PFBC/G test rig, capable of operating at pressures up to 10 bar. The
test rig was commissioned in summer 1987 and it is located at the Labo-
ratory of Fuel Processing Technology of VTT. During 1987 the test rig
was used for studying fluidized bed combustion /2, 3/. This paper pre-
sents some of the results from the first gasification test period in the
summer 1988.
The goals of the first phase of gasification experiments were:
a) to study the effect of operating conditions on gasifier performance
(carbon conversion, gas composition),
b) to generate basic data on gas impurities, which are released in peat
gasification and might cause problems in gas turbines (alkali
metals, particulates) or in high-temperature filters (tars).
One of the most important research topics in this project is the be-
haviour of alkali metals in gasification. There are very little measured
data available on alkali metals release in coal gasification and no data
at all on peat or wood waste gasification. Thermodynamic projections /k,
5/ however show that alkali metals volatilization might be a severe
problem in IGCC systems applying hot gas cleanup. Vapor phase alkali
metals cannot be removed by hot filtration and the conventional
standards for gas turbines typically limit the alkali levels to below
0.1 ppm (w) in flue gases entering the turbine.
A schematic diagram of the Pressurized Fluidized Bed Gasification
(PFBG) test facility is shown in Figure 1 and some of the technical data
for the rig are presented in Table I. The heart of the facility is the
reactor, which is a 5.6 m high pressure vessel of 0.6 m in indiameter.
Its inside is refractory-lined to provide a bed diameter of 0.15 m and
freeboard diameter of 0.25 m.
Primary gasification air and steam were introduced to the reactor
through a multiorifice plate distributor. Secondary air was introduced
above the fluidized bed to increase freeboard temperature in order to
crack tars and improve carbon conversion. Hot gases leave the freeboard
and pass first through two cyclones operating at high temperature (e.g.
800 °C)and then through a third cyclone operating at reduced temperature
(e.g. 300 °C). Finally, after the pressure let down, the product gas is
burnt in an atmospheric combustion chamber. The elutriated fines cap-
tured in the cyclones were collected and weighed. Recirculation of fines
was not effected in these experiments .
The test rig included a wide range of measuring devices and sampling
systems. The gas analysis included on-line measurement of the major gas
components (CO, C0p, Hp, CHjj) as well as sampling systems for chromato-
graphic analysis (Cj-Cc hydrocarbons, H2S). For the determination of
tars and NHo a gas slipstream was led through heated lines into gas
washing bottles filled with dichlormethane (for tars) or an aqueous so-
lution of 5 % H2S0ij (for NHo). Detailed description of sampling methods
for both gas and tars as well as analytical techniques are described
elsewhere /6, 7/.
Particle measurements were based on isokinetic sampling. Samples are
extracted from the gas duct after the second cyclone. Particle con-
centrations were determined using an absolute filter, which was placed
in an electrically heated casing. The size distribution was measured by
coulter counter from collected samples. A detailed description of part-
icle measurements is given in /8/.
For the determination of the concentration of vapour phase alkali
metals in product gas a sample was led through an absolute filter into
gas washing bottles. The sampling lines and the filter were electrically
heated to the same temperature as the gas exiting from the gasifier. The
sodium and potassium concentrations in the washing liquid samples were
determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy.
The gasification experiments were carried out using crushed peat
Gas analysis
t sampling
Rue gas
Primary air Dust removal
t Bed removal
Fuel gas output, NnH/h (wet gas) 109 117 166 198 207
Fuel gas composition, % vol
(wet gas)
CO 10.6 10.8 11.9 9.6 9.2
co 13.7 12.5 13.6 13.9 13.2
H 2
2 13.7 10.1 13.2 12.7 12.1
CHn 3.3 3.6 3.6 3.4 3.7
C 2 Hn 0.34 0.58 0.35 0.24 0.17
C2Hc 0.24 0.31 0.15 0.16 0.19
N2+Ar 45.3 47.3 44.8 42.7 39.9
H20 12.8 14.8 12.3 17.4 21.5
Benzene, mg/Nm^ (wet gas) 3600 5170 3930 3700 3520
Toluene, mg/ΝπΗ (wet gas) 510 1240 130 65 45
Naphtalene, mg/Nup (wet gas) 705 1480 705 740 670
Tars & oils total, mg/NnP 5500 11200 5300 5100 4800
Carbon conversion efficiency, % w
to dry product gas 80.7 68.7 79.3 83.6 81.2
to gas + tars 83.3 73.5 81.7 86.2 83.7
tions of the product gas for three set points. Due to the small number
of samples and the generally known problems in the reliability of
sampling methods, no final conclusions should be drawn from these
figures concerning the effect of operating conditions on the release of
alkali metals. However, the total concentration of alkali metals in the
product gas seems to be at least an order of magnitude higher than
allowable to a gas turbine but not quite as high as predicted by
thermodynamic equilibrium calculations.
► TA RS λ OLS 2 . β %
12%' ' ' 0.1%
+ \
1200 X
Peel < 3 mm
AR 1.61.8 Nma/kopMtyMf) + x
Fţ_——— ¿~~ Pert.5mm
0 1 ι 1 r— —ι 1 1
780 800 820 840 860
■ < 5 mm. 4 5 bar
(1 η
A m.e1.8Nm3/kep«rt<maf>
~ ++
0 1
1 1 1 1—■ Γ —Mt—<f J f-\ nil
780 800 820 840 860
The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of the technical and
analytical staff of the Laboratory. Special thanks are expressed to Mr.
Reino Flinkman and Mr. Jarmo Kleemola for operating the test facility.
1. Solantausta, Y. & Kurkela, E. The production of electricity from
peat by Integrated Gasification CombinedCycle Conversion. IGT Conf.
on Biomass and Wastes XII, New Orleans, Feb 15 19, 1988. 12 p.
2. Horvath, Α., Hulkkonen, S. & Jahkola, A. Emissions of a peat burning
pressurized fluidizeed bed combustor. Int. FBC Conf., Dec 12
13,.1988, London, UK. 12 p.
3. Hulkkonen, S., Jahkola, A . & Kurkela, E. The Otaniemi PFBC/G
research project. The 10th Int. Conf. on Fluidized Bed Combustion,
San Francisco, April 30 May 3, 1989. 8 s.
4. Mojtahedi, W. & Backman, R. A lkali metals volatilisation in
pressurized fluidized bed combustion and gasification of peat. 4th
Int. Fluidized Combustion Conf., Dec 1213, London, U.K. 16 p.
5. Mojtahedi, W. & Backman, R. Release of alkali metals in pressurised
fluidisedbed combustion and gasification of peat. Espoo 1989,
Technical Research Centre of Finland, Publications 53. 48 p.
6. Leppälahti, J., Ståhlberg, P., Simell, P. Nitrogen compounds in
peat and wood gasification and gas combustion. Conf. on Research in
Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, May 2 6 , 1988, Phoenix, A ri
zona, USA. 14 p.
7. Simell, P. Kotimaisten polttoaineiden kaasutuksessa syntyvät terva
maiset epäpuhtaudet (Tarry impurities developed in the gasification
of indigenous fuels). Espoo 1988, Technical Research Centre of Fin
land, Research Reports 631. 53 p. + app. 22 p. (in Finnish).
8. Hulkkonen, S. Particle Measurements of the Otaniemi PFBC/G test
rig. Espoo 1988, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Symposium
Series 83, p. 251 262.
The seven papers presented in this session indicate that extensive research has
been carried out in the field of biomass, wastes and solid fuels gasification in a
variety of reactor configurations and at practically every scale of operation varying
from the laboratory scale up to full scale demonstration plants.
However, commercialization has been hampered due to the low cost of
hydrocarbon fuels and to technical problems concerned with the use of the fuel gas in
engines, (see also rapporteur's summary of session 6).
Extensive efforts have been made by several Less Developed Countries and most
notably by Indonesia, for the implementation of gasification technologies in rural
areas (see also rapporteur's summary of session 3). In Less Developed countries, not
only techno-economic problems must be overcome but social barriers as well in order
to allow for the successful introduction, operation and maintenance of gasifiers and
their supporting systems.
Professor Corella commented that the performance of the ITALENERGIE dual
fluidized bed pyrolyzer/gasifier reactor was not optimal since the operating
temperature was too low and the specific throughput was only 100-300 kg/(hr. m 2
while much higher values have been reported by Battelle Columbus at 9000 kg/(hr.
m2)· The low bed height to bed diameter ratio was mentioned as a possible cause. The
chairman of the section, Professor Beenackers, responded that indeed operating
problems exist but these were related mainly to the heat transfer through the wall
separating the two fluidized beds. Dr. Fonzi added that the main cause for the
operating problems was related to the new operating regime of the reactor which was
used only as a gasifier to produce a fuel gas and not synthesis gas as originally
In response to Dr. Shah's suggestion that local manufacturing of gasifiers in
Indonesia and more generally in the Less Developed Countries will accelerate the
transfer of technology. Prof. Beenackers reported that indeed through the Dutch
Development Cooperation project JTA 9A in Indonesia gasifiers are manufactured
locally. Dr. Maniatis added that Darmawan, a private company and Bisma Borna Indra a
state owned company, both are involved in manufacturing gasifiers in Indonesia.
Dr. Stiles commented that successful introduction of gasifiers in Less Developed
Countries strongly depends on the selection of the right materials for construction.
Too often gasifiers are badly corroded after only a few months of operation. This was
accepted by the floor but it was also suggested by Dr. Maniatis that better motivation
of the operators can improve considerably the lifetime of a gasifier by careful
controlling of the particle size of the feedstock by which usually the yield of tars can
be reduced significantly.
Professor Corolla asked for extra information on the pressurized fluidized bed
gasification of peat and more specifically about the type of inert bed material used and
on the reduction of tars by catalytic activity of dolomite. Dr. Kurkela responded that
although the initial bed material was sand, it was soon replaced by peat ash. Tests
with dolomite are planned, however, the emphasis will not be on the reduction of the
yield of tars since tars are no problem as the gas is burned hot in a gas turbine, but in
improving on the carbon conversion efficiency. Dr Dierven suggested that it would be
useful to have continuous in-line measurements of the concentrations of the major
gaseous components such as H2, O2 etcetera.
Professor Beenackers wondered why part of the cyclone discharge is not recycled
in the Finnish peat gasifier in order to improve on the carbon conversion efficiency.
Dr Kurkela commented that the cyclone discharge consists of very fine particles
which are difficult to handle due to their low bulk density. On the commercial aspects
of turbines fueled by gasifiers Dr. Kurkela commented that such systems can be built
soon since there is some interest from private companies on such technology but
economics play an important role on the commercial prospects.
Dr. Capart asked whether the effect of heavy metals has been evaluated at all on
gasifiers but the Chairman commented that with biomass feedstocks there are no
problems with heavy metals in the gasifier.
On the question of Professor Corella concerning experiments with dolimite, Dr.
Olsen reported that all their experiments were carried out in a thermal cracking
reactor while catalytic cracking with dolomite has been planned for future research.
Dr. Stiles reported that with dolimite tars can be converted to gas and transparent
liquid while no sintering effect has been observed. His group is working in developing
secondary catalytic reactors for the conversion and subsequent elimination of tars.
Dr Olsen commented on a question from Dr Shah, that current practice in Denmark for
straw disposal involves burning it while some heating plants also use straw as a fuel.
On a question by Dr. Dierven concerning the quality of coal used in the oxygen
enriched air updraft gasifier, Mr. Engelbergh replied that the coal had an ash content
of 25 wt % and a sulphur content of 1,5 wt %. In response to a question by Dr.
Maniatis concerning the economics of using oxygen as a gasifying medium Mr
Engelbergh stated that for the experiments in question liquid O2 from a storage tank
was used. However, he commented that with advances in pressure swing adsorption
techniques it will soon be possible to use of O2 seperation processes on site.
Prof. Beenaeckers enquired about the new aspects of this research in relation to
the Lurgi oxygen gasifier. Mr Engelbergh responded that the new aspects were in the
operation below the ash fusion temperature of coal and in applying air enriched in
oxygen up to 10% instead of 100%. The 10% limit was governed mainly by
limitations in steam addition which in used as a temperature moderator. With no
further questions from the floor the Chairman acknowledged the valuable
contributions of the participants and closed the session.
At the present time many gasification installations depend on the use of gas cleaning sys-
tems which are powerful, reliable and economic within a given context and which give all the
guarantees required for the environment. The extent and difficulty involved in the cleaning of
a gas depends on many factors: the type of installation (fixed bed updraft, downdraft, cross-
flow, fluidized bed or circulating bed), the size of the installation, the type of biomass used
and its water content, transportation constraints and the eventual use of the gas. At the same
time, the solution adopted must take into account the site characteristics (availability of water,
electricity supply etc.). Whatever the production system used, the gas will contain varying
quantities of dust, tar and water vapour which will give aqueous condensates when cooled.
Therefore a series of different gas cleaning systems will be required. In order to prevent the
condensation of tars and their mixture with dust to form a semi-solid mixture which could
block parts of the apparatus, the first step consists of dust removal at high temperature. This
is followed by cooling of the gas by direct or indirect contact to its dew point, causing the
formation of liquid tars and aqueous condensates. It is then often necessary to use further
techniques in order to trap water and tar mists remaining in the gas. In the particular case
where the gas is to be used in chemical synthesis, it is also necessary to remove any catalytic
poisons which could affect following processes.
The best method to obtain a clean gas at the exit of the installation is to generate the least
amount of tar possible in the first instance. Most manufactureres claim extremely low concen-
trations and even complete absence of tars (except for fixed bed updraft gasifiers). Practical
experience and varied research shows that the removal of tar is a serious problem and that its
total elimination is not easy (1).
In figure 1 (2) emission of different gasifiers are given and in particular the tar and solids
content of the gas produced. The main method used to obtain low tar contents is to attain very
high temperatures either in the gasifier ( in the case of downdraft, DelaCotte type recirculating
or high temperature circulating bed) or in a post combustion chamber which may be catalytic.
Catalysts have also been used in the gasifier itself to reduce tar emissions and improve the
overall energy balance.
removed by the cyclone depends on the inlet gas velocity and the diameter of the entrance
window. Classical cyclones follow certain rules linked to this diameter. Theoretically, both the
efficiency of dust removal and the pressure loss increase with increased entry speed and/or re
duced diameter. The size of the cyclone and its cost may be correlated to the inlet area.. In or
der to obtain low exit concentrations (around 300 mg/m3) consisting of small particles (around
5 μτη) it is necessary to use small diameter cyclones which in tum leads to the use of multicy
clones. By placing several cyclones (usually 3) in series, it is possible to obtain an output
compatible with the tolerances required for gas turbines.
However, the pressure loss and cost of these small cyclones is significant
Straightthrough cyclone with reverse flow
In order to improve the efficiency of the cyclones by reducing entrainment by bouncing
small particules off the wall, a flow of clean gas is added with a descending circulatory mo
vement . These devices have a very high effeciency (95% for particles > 5 μπι).
Straightthrough cyclone with moving impellers
Another solution to giving gases a rotational motion is to use rotating disc devices . The
principle of these devices necessitates careful design, construction and installation.
According to reference 9 there are some devices in existance which are capable of functio
ning at flowrates of 8000 nß/h and a maximum temperature of 400 °C. The output dust
concentration is of the order of several mg/NirA Devices capable of handling 100,000 Nm^/h
are being studied.
2.2.2 Hydraulic dust removal
In order to function at high temperature, the cleaning fluid must remain liquid, leading to
the use of organic fluids or salts. This technique results in very high efficiencies. At the pre
sent time very little research is being carried out in this field, probably due to problems envi
saged concerning corrosion and choice of materials.
2.2.3 Electrostatic filters
These filters are mainly used to collect airborn ash in modern pulverizedfuel power plants,
and seem well adapted to the elimination of soot suspended in combustion gases. Much re
search has been carried out to increase the operating temperature of theses filters. The main
difficulty encountered is to find materials which remain insulators at high temperatures. Fur
thermore, the dust particles must be capable of being attracted. Research appears promising,
but the problems of the behaviour of electric insulators, the dimensional stability of ionisation
cells and the removal of collected dust remain to be solved.
cocurrent or crossflow configurations may be adopted. These towers are excellent for col
lecting large particles and for cooling the gas.
Centrifugal spray scrubbers
The use of centrifugal force allows the removal efficiency of the spray scrubber to be in
creased by increasing the speed of the droplets in relation to that of the gas. Small baffles give
the gas a spiral motion. This increase in efficiency is counterbalanced by a higher pressure
drop across the system. Such devices have an efficiency of more than 97% for particles larger
than Ιμιτι.
Self induced spray scrubbers
In this type of scrubber the gas is introduced at high speed just above or below the surface
of the liquid. The resulting high turbulence give rise to excellent gas/liquid contact. The ad
vantage of these scrubbers is their ability to cope with high solids concentrations.
Impingement plate and packed column scrubbers
The gas to be treated passes through a series of liquid layers. These scrubbers are more ef
ficient for the removal of fine particles than evaporative scrubbers, but result in high pressure
drops. The design of the columns is analogous to that of plate distillation columns or packed
absorbers. The type of packing used can be commercially available or manufactured using a
variety of materials.
Disintegrator scrubbers
If very small particles must be recovered (smaller than Ιμπι), the scrubber must provide a
very finely dispersed mist. These tiny droplets result in a very high surface area over which
contact can occur. In order to obtain this fine mist, the liquid is introduced between the rotor
and stator of a special device. The gas must be prepurified (concentrations < 23 g/m3) and
have particles greater than 10 μπι eliminated, as these would tend to erode the baffles contai
ned within. Energy requirements are high (around 5.27.0 kJ/m3 of gas treated), but effi
ciency is excellent with respect to particles below Ιμτη.
Venturi type scrubbers
In this type of device the speed of the gas causes atomisation of the liquid. The energy is
supplied by the pressure loss of the gas. The efficiency is improved if conditions are created
such that condensation can occur in the throat of the venturi. Venturi scrubbers can be sup
plied with one or more throats in parallel or in series. Permanent pressure drop is of the order
of 0.4 to 1.0 kPa and efficiency can reach 99% for particles smaller than 5μιη.
Free jet washers
In this device, atomisation of the water is caused by a jet of compressible fluid and takes
place around the exit nozzle of thisfluid.Pollutants are trapped in the turbulent region directly
following the jet
2.3.2 Electrofilters
Such filters have already been used with success in coking plants to eliminate tars. Various
electrode configurations are possible: a wire placed in the centre of a vertical cyclinder, perfo
rated or corrugated electrodes, or single or double plate electrodes. Efficiency is excellent
(greater then 99%). Pressure loss in these devices is low, which suits them to the treatment of
large flows. Small electrostatic filters capable of trapping tars emitted from gasifiers are being
studied (12).
2.4 Demisters
After leaving a cooling and condensation stage, the gas still contains water and tar in the
form of mists which must be trapped in demisters. These usually consist of a porous bed. As
the liquid particles agglomerate and flow by gravity there is no need for a cleaning system, but
it is of course necessary to provide a drain for the collected liquid. Materials which can be
used vary greatly. Woven metal is often employed; fibrous waste such as wood wool may
also be used. Large particles are usually trapped by a metallic grid system. These filters re
quire frequent cleaning andreplacementand, therefore, regular and careful maintenance. In the
case where the gas is to be used in a motor, a simple paper filter which doubles as a security
measure is placed at the inlet. If the tar removal system is not cleaned regularly, the filter
blocks and stops the motor.
In practice, the devices described can be arranged in very different ways in order to carry
out the cleaning of biomass gas. For each particular type of gasifier, it is necessary to set up a
chain giving an efficiency compatible with the final use of the gas. In order to ensure stable
operation, the removal of ash and tar is carried out, as much as is possible, in two different
steps. If tar removal only is required, wet scrubbers are the current system employed. Table 1
(2) gives the combination of devices necessary for particular applications and different gasi
(1) Rensfelt E. "Practical Achievements in Biomass Gasification " Bioenergie 84
conference Vol.1 ρ 174 ; ed. H.E. Grens et A.Ellogard; Applied Science publisher
London (1984).
(2) B rown M.D., E.G.Baker, L.K.Mudge "Environmental design considerations for
thermochemical biomass energy" Biomass 11(1986)255270.
(3) B arrett J.R., R.BJacko "Environmental aspects of biomass furnaces used in
agriculture air pollution and grain contamination " B ioenergie 84 conference Vol.4
ρ 442 ; ed. H.E. Grens et A.Ellogard; Applied Science publisher London (1984).
(4) Epuration du Gaz de bois pour la combustionSaskatchewan Power Corporation
Rapport SPC n° 440019791 (énergie derechange)(1980).
(5) Emerging clean coal technologies ; Noyes data corporation (1986).
(6) Strauss W. "Industrial Gas Cleaning " Pergamon (1975).
(7) B atel WV'Dust extraction technology" Technicopy Limited (1976).
(8) Donovan R.P. "Fabricfiltrationfor combustion sources " Marcel Dekker, Inc
This work has been done under contract n°86 - Β - 7031 - 11 - 004 - 17
mg / Normal m
100 1.000 10.000 100.000
T" T"
Entrained Bed
tVWVv _
Tar Particulates
1 0 ^
_ o
β «« o a Ζ
c · c β to
3 β
— o
Figure 2 Allowable particulate loadings for various end uses (from ref. 2).
'Venturi Scrubber
"Fabric Filter
Cost Relative Precipitator
to a Medium L
Mil· I I Cyclone
,' I I I I I |
0,1 1 10 100
Penetration (1 η ) %
Figure 3 Relative cost of different apparatus versus efficiency (from ref. 11).
1- C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of pvrolvsis ails
specifications. For a N° 6 fuel oil, distillates account for between 5 and 20%
while for a N° 2 fuel oil they account for between 20 and 50%.
Table 2: Influence of the nature of the oil and the water content on viscosity.
Maximum viscosity
■ tor typical storage
ƒ Maximum viscosity
for pumping and handling
Steam atomization
Mechanical atomization
NHV (Kcal/kg)=81xC%+300x(H%-l/8xO%)+25xS%-53.46xH%
pyrolysis oil presented in Table 1 show that if all the oxygen is eliminated as
C O 2, the hydrocarbon yield is 43% with an H/C ratio of 2. If all the oxygen is
eliminated as CO the hydrocarbon yield is 27% with an H/C ration of 4 while if
the oxygen is eliminated as water, the yield is 14.0% with an H/C ratio of 1.4.
A synthetic zeolite catalyst (ZSM-5) has been particularly effective in the
conversion of oxygenated compounds, mainly methanol to hydrocarbons (1) (2).
In the case of methanol, during the early stages of the reaction, it is rapidly
converted to dimethylether and water. The first hydrocarbons produced are
mainly olefins which react to give paraffins and aromatics. Typical yields
obtained in a fixed bed are hydrocarbons, 43.7%; water, 56.2%; CO and CO2, 0.04%,
the rest being coke and oxygenates. Alcohols are good feeds for transformation
by this process because of the low tendency to produce coke which deactivates
the catalyst. One of the first researchers to study the conversion of pyrolysis
vapours over a zeolite catalyst was Frankiewicz. Vapours were produced by the
pyrolysis of solid wastes and were contacted with the catalyst in a second reactor
(3). Reaction of a model compound, furfuryl alcohol was also studied. Since then,
several groups have studied the conversion of pyrolytic vapours of biomass
over this catalyst (4)(5)(6).
Using this catalyst, most of the oxygen (between 70 and 80%) is eliminated
as water and the rest as CO and CO2. Parallel undesired reactions also take place
such as coke formation throught aromatization reactions which contribute to
the reduction of hydrocarbon yields due to the consumption of carbon atoms. As
disclosed in (6) hydroxyl and methoxy groups tend to reject oxygen in the form
of water, aryl ethers reject a nearly equal amount of oxygen as carbon
monoxide and water, carbonyl and formate groups reject oxygen as carbon
monoxide and carboxyl as carbon dioxide and water.
Since rejection of oxygen as water involves the elimation of hydrogen,
Chang et al (7) have introduced the concept of "effective hydrogen index" (EHI)
defined as :
where H, C, Ο, Ν and S are atoms per unit weight of sample. They show that
compounds with EHI<1 cause a rapid deactivation of the catalyst and give a poor
product distribution. But they propose also that a lower catalyst deactivation a
synergistic yield improvement could be obtained by co-processing the low EHI
feed with a sufficient amount of high EHI compound, which could act as some
kind of hydrogen donor. Methanol could be used as a high EHI feed.
The yields obtained by Chen et al. (4) when pyrolysis vapour is contacted
alone with methanol (1:1 ratio) in a fluid bed with a ZSM-5 catalyst are shown in
Table 2.
CO% 0.7
002% 10.5
H20% 70.7 82.1
Cl-C4% 2.5 2.7
C5+ hydrocarb.% 6.0 11.2
Coke% 9.6 4
- Reaction of the highly reactive free radicals with one another to give
higher molecular weight materials including coke;
The latter possibility can be exploited to stabilize the radicals and facilitate the
conversion if the concentration of hydrogen-rich compounds which are able to
donate hydrogen is high enough.
The effect of the temperature is also very important and we have found,
like Elliot (9), that a pretreatment at around 230°C allows for a "stabilization" of
the oil and higher yieds are obtained in the second stage of the pretreatment.
Without the pretreatment, the polyhydroxylated compounds polymerize and
deactivate the catalyst very quickly.
In the test effected in this laboratory to upgrade pyrolysis oils, tetralin
was used as hydrogen donor.
Table 3 shows the influence of the tetralin on the nature of the product
obtained kwhen pyrolysis oils produced at the Raiano demonstration unit (Italy)
are processed in two stages.
%HDO 70 85
%HDN 58 85
Volatile fraction% 50 95
Stage 1 Stage 2
Total oil (L/L feed oil) 0.69 0.62
C5-225°C (L/L feed oil) 0.07 0.45
Hydrogen consumption (L/L 60 576
feed oil)
The total oil yield obtained for the combined two-stage process is 43% and
the fraction C5-225°C amounts to 31%.
The results obtained by processing different pyrolysis oils enables Elliot
(9) to estimate the following mean yields: 0.5-0.55 1 of oil could be produced per
litre of pyrolysis oil processed; the oil could contain 2-3% of oxygen and could
have a H/C ratio of 1.5 and a density of 0.9-0.92; about 50-60% vol. of the oil could
be in the gasoline boiling range; about 30% is distillable, the rest being a
residual oil.
The oxygen content of the oils obtained at different contact times show
(Fig. 2) that only an LHSV lower than 0.2 allowed for an oxygen content lower
than 2%. This is inconsistent with the facility found to remove oxygen from
model compounds (10) and cannot be attributed to the conversion of heavy
compounds because petroleum cuts with higher mean molecular weight are
processed at higher space velocities. On the contrary, such a low space velocity
can be explained by a deactivation. The use of a hydrogen donor allows for
higher conversions under the same reaction conditions. The product obtained
by hydrotreating pyrolysis oils is highly aromatic and constitutes an excellent
BTX or gasoline cut. The cetane index is too low to contribute significantly to a
diesel cut.
• TR7
(1) S.L. Meisel, J.P. Mc Cullogh, CH. Lechthaier and P.B. Weiz, "Gasoline from
methanol in one step", Chemtech, Vol. 6, 1976, p. 86.
(2) C D . Chang and A.J. Silvestri, "The conversion of methanol and other
oxygenated compounds to hydrocarbons over zeolithe catalysts", J. Calai.,
Vol. 47, 1977, p. 249.
(3) T.C. F rankiewicz, The conversion of biomass derived pyrolytic vapors to
hydrocarbons, p. 123 in Proceedings Specialists' Workshop on F ast
Pyrolysis of Biomass, ed. J.P. Diebold, Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA,
October, 19-22,1980.
(4) N.Y. Chen, D.E. Walsh and L.R. Kocnig, "F luidized bed upgrading of wood
pyrolysis liquids and related compounds", Am. Chem. Soc. Div. F uel. Chem.,
Preprints, Vol. 32, n° 2, p. 264, April 5-10, 1957, Denver, Colorado, USA.
(5) P.D. Chantal, S. Kaliaguine and J.L. Grandmaison, "Reactions of Phenolic
compounds over H-ZSM 5", Appi. Cat., 18, 133-145 (1985).
(7) CD. Chang, W.H. Lang and A.J. Silvestri, U.S Patent 3.998.898 (1976).
(8) M. Renaud, J.L. Grandmaison, Ch. Roy and S. Kaliaguine, "Conversion of
vacuum pyrolytic oils from populus deltoides over H-ZSM 5", Am. Chem.
Soc. Div. Fuel. Chem., Preprints, Vol. 32, n° 2, p. 276, April 5-10, 1957,
Denver, Colorado, USA.
(9) D. Elliot and E. Baker, "Hydrotreating biomass liquids to produce
hydrocarbon fuels", in Energy from Biomass and Wastes-X, Ed. D. Klass,
Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London, 1987, p. 765.
(10) M. Callara , MSc. Thesis, September 1988, University Catholique de
(11) Finney CS. and Sottier J.G., AICHE Symposium Series N° 164, Vol. 71, p. 51.
In the Netherlands the concern for the greenhouse effect is strongly
increasing beside many other environmental concerns. Using biomass materi-
als for energy generation has compared to the conventional fuels the great
advantage of no C02-contribution to the atmosphere, because of the closed
cycle in which it is used. It will become probable that political pressure
with regard to the use of biomass materials for energy generation will
arise. Until sofar quite a lot of producer gas projects have failed. Many
problems still have to be solved. For the developed world, in particular,
an extra problem is that generally rather a lot of manpower attention is
necessary to operate a producer gas engine system. This is than an impor-
tant cost factor. This paper emphasizes on the enumeration of the different
problems in gasifier engine systems. Furtheron new technologies to overcome
these problems are discussed. The paper ends up by making recommendations
for the future research.
Generally there is an interaction between problems in the gasifier and the
engines. For this reason these problems are summed up in general terms.
The most important problem, with the application of gasifiers, is the
fact that the gas quality (calorific value and the amount of dirt) is de-
pendent on the fuel parameters. In particularly in respect to water con-
tent, ash content and chop size.
Water content of the fuel: Tar formation is the most general problem,
due to lower temperatures in the reactor. Tar formation leads to rapid
engine failure when it is not filtered out. This means that the possibility
to control the gasifier is strongly reduced with increasing water content
of the fuel.
Ash content of the fuel: In case the ash content of the fuel exceeds a
certain value there is a possibility of slagging in the reactor. Generally
this problem is solved (at least in smaller gasifiers) by manual operation
of the grate. This needs a lot of attention from the operator.
Chop size: Generally the chop size has to be adapted to the reactor
design. Sometimes it is necessary to reduce the chop size. This is labour
and mechanical power consuming.
The most common problem with the application of producergas in combustion
engines is the lifetime of the engine. This is quite a general complain al-
though documented cases are known of very good lifetime combined with good
gas cleaning.
Engine wear is a result of unwanted components such as dust, tar and
corrosive components in the gas. This is strongly dependent on the proper
operation of the gas cleaning system.
Dust: Soot, carbon and ash particles are produced in the reactor and
carried with the gas. In case the gas cleaning operates insufficient, this
material comes into the engine cylinders and creates wear of the cylinder
wall and piston rings. Due to the resulting "blow by" these particles can
also come into the lubricating oil. These particles, in particular when
they are larger than the thickness of the oil film, can also damage the
bearings. The information avalaible is insufficient with regard to maximum
allowable concentrations and size. Noticed is that the wear is also depen-
dent on the type of engine.
Tar: Tar is formed during the gasifying process. Although some manu-
facturers of gasifiers claim that no tar is formed it is noticed that tar
is always present sometimes as small droplets. Tar as such does not create
abrasive wear but can settle down on valves, piston rings, etc. and thereby
obstruct the operation. Sometimes tar becomes bitumenous, which can create
problems at particularly at starting of a cold engine.
Corrosive components: The corrosive components in the gas (carbon
acids, ammonia) do not create problems when the engine is on its working
temperature. But during cooling down of the engine condensates can be form-
ed resulting in fast corrosive wear of cylinder and piston rings. Furtheron
there is the suspect that small amounts of sodium in the lubricating oil
(from the producergas fuel) can create valve corrosion.
A specific problem with the application of producergas in engines is
the fluctuating caloric value of the gas. This leads to changing engine po-
The chemical composition of producergas is such that in particularly
due to the large carbon monoxide content a relative slow combustion speed
occurs. In particularly with fast running engines this results in reduced
power and efficiency. Generally power and efficiency start to reduce at en-
gine speeds above 2300 rpm. This means that for obtaining a certain power
relative slow running and thus large and expensive engines are necessary.
Good mixing of the gas with the combustion air is necessary to obtain
a homogeneous mixture and to avoid wrong fuel distribution over the diffe-
rent cylinders. This can substantially reduce engine power and efficiency.
The most common problem with the application of producergas in otto engines
is the power loss in comparison with the operation on petrol or natural
g a s . T h i s i s d u e t o t h e r e l a t i v e l o w c a l o r i f i c v a l u e of t h e g a s , r e s u l t i n g
g e n e r a l l y i n r e d u c i n g e n g i n e power by some 4 0 - 5 0 % . T h i s makes a much more
expensive engine n e c e s s a r y t o r e a l i z e a c e r t a i n power.
C a s e s a r e known ( i n p a r t i c u l a r l y w i t h o n e o r two c y l i n d e r s ) t h a t o s -
c i l l a t i o n i n t h e i n l e t m a n i f o l d , a g a s s t r e a m o c c u r s , r e s u l t i n g i n power
l o s s e s up t o 70%.
I n p a r t i c u l a r l y i n o t t o e n g i n e s due t o hot p a r t s b a c k f i r e can o c c u r .
T h i s c a n r e s u l t i n damaged e n g i n e p a r t s a n d i n some c a s e s e v e n t o e x p l o s i o n
in the gasifier.
D i e s e l e n g i n e s c a n be o p e r a t e d p a r t l y on p r o d u c e r g a s i n s o c a l l e d d u a l - f u e l
o p e r a t i o n . Due t o t h e f a c t t h a t a d i e s e l e n g i n e h a s r e l a t i v e e x c e s s a i r
a v a i l a b l e , t h e power l o s s i s r e d u c e d t o some 10%. I n j e c t i o n o v e r s m a l l
q u a n t i t y o f d i e s e l o i l (some 10-15% of t h e amount on maximum power) i s a l -
ways n e c e s s a r y t o i g n i t e t h e g a s / a i r m i x t u r e . E n g i n e s w i t h d i r e c t i n j e c t i o n
a r e more f a v o u r a b l e f o r t h i s o p e r a t i o n t h a n e n g i n e s w i t h a p r e - c h a m b e r
( p r e - c h a m b e r t e n d s t o c r e a t e p r e - i g n i t o n ) . I t w i l l be c l e a r t h a t a t low
e n g i n e power t h e r e l a t i v e amount of d i e s e l o i l r e p l a c e d t e n d s t o become
s m a l l e r . T h e r e f o r e t h i s type of o p e r a t i o n i s f a v o u r a b l e for engines running
under c o n s t a n t high l o a d .
Sometimes t h e d i e s e l f u e l i n j e c t o r s i n d u a l - f u e l o p e r a t i o n become
o v e r h e a t e d . Due t o t h e f a c t t h a t t h e s m a l l e r amount of d i e s e l o i l g i v e s a
s m a l l e r amount of c o o l i n g on t h e i n j e c t o r .
In d u a l - f u e l o p e r a t i o n sometimes knocking o c c u r s . This engine knocking
can r e s u l t i n s e v e r e e n g i n e d a m a g e . T h e c a u s e i s p r o b a b l y o v e r f u e l l i n g o r a
r e l a t i v e high hydrogen content i n t h e g a s .
pickup microprocessor
blems in the gasifier itself can be controlled more accurately with much
less attention from an operator. Think e.g. of measurement of the oxygen
content in the producergas. That is an important parameter regarding the
proper functioning. Furtheron temperatures can be measured in the gasifier
in the bed and automatic actions such as some air injection or operation of
the grate can be done automatically. By such an accurate control tar and
soot formation will be reduced. It will be clear that with such system a
very good interaction between the engine and the gasifier becomes possible.
This also can be of great advantage for start-up and turn down.
New sensors: When a system is operating under micro-electronic con-
trol, new sensors could be added. These new sensors than could influence
the process or give a warning. Examples:
- sensor for water content in the fuel. Generally a gasifier is designed
for a fuel with a limited amount of water content. If, however, water
content would be different and this would be known continuously, the pro-
cess could probably be influenced to a certain extent. This influencing
could be e.g. slowing down the process
- sensor for tar in the gas. Tar is quite dangerous for the engine. If tar
is formed, although not expected, a warning would be very useful. Also to
Power Improvement: Due to the low calorific value of the gas the high
power loss generally occurs, which results therein that a more expensive
engine has to be applied to obtain a certain power. The following actions
can improve engine power:
- ignition. Stronger ignition can keep engine longer on good power. Such
electronic ignitions with also more improved timing characteristics and
correct spark plugs for this are available on the market
- spark plug engines tend to have a compression ratio which is not optimal
for producergas. For producergas engines a compression ratio of about
12.5 is possible and this gives some 10% power increase and some 8% re-
duction in fuel consumption. Manufacturing of modified pistons is often
possible without extreme cost
- oxygen enrichment. When oxygen enrichment would be applied for the gasi-
fier, it can also be considered to apply it for the engine. Each volume
percent increased oxygen can generate some 5% more power. This enrichment
can probably only be done up to some 26 volume percent in air because
otherwise probably engine knocking will occur
- more air supply to the engine. Power of the engine will be increased lea-
nier with more air for the combustion. For this the following possibili-
ties can be considered:
. turbocharging. Turbocharging is widely applied on diesel engines and
more recently on spark ignition engines as well. The componentry is
available for most of the engines. This method increases engine power
easily by some 30%. Until sofar it is nearly not applied with producer-
gas, because of insufficient filtering. The speed in the turbo is so
high that small particles rapidly create corrosive wear. This means
that filtering on in particularly dust has to be nearly total, which
makes it neccesary to apply larger and more expensive filters. The ap-
plication of roots blowers looks to be more attractive for the time
. roots blowers. Roots blowers are mechanically driven, so called positi-
ve displacement pumps. These blowers are less sensitive to dust and
tar. Herewith also the power can be increased by some 30%. However,
compression ratio of the engine generally has to be reduced to some 7
tö avoid engine knocking, thus for that other pistons have to be ap-
plied as well.
. tuning. The suction of the air for combustion is of a pulsating nature
due to the opening and closing of the air intake valve. Due to this wa-
ves occur in the intake system. Generally these waves reduce the amount
of air sucked in. It is however possible to give the intake system such
dimensions that these waves increase the amount of air sucked in. Quite
often a power increase of 10-15% is possible. The modification of the
engine manifold is such that part of the intake manifold consists of
tubes for each cylinder. The method is not sensitive for dust and is as
a construction rather simple. The disadvantage of the method is that is
generally works in a small engine speed range (which for stationary en-
gines is generally not problematic) and quite specific knowledge is ne-
cesary for the designing.
. less air resistance. Sometimes producergas systems are built with a lot
of tubing with sharp edges, etc. In such tubing sometimes negative wor-
king waves occur. Optimizing on this design is generally quite useful
and relative simple.
- micro-electronic control. Maintaining an optimal adjustment will increase
the average power output.
Adapted engine oils: Special lubricating oils for engines which run on
acid containing gases have been developed. These oils generally have a high
Total Base Number (TBN). A high TBN means that the oil has a high acid nu-
tralizing capacity. These oils generally nutralize a sul far well, but not
always chlorine and fluorine. With an optimal engine jail protection against
an hydrogen sulfide concentration of some 2000 mg/m is possible. In that
case oil change time has to be reduced by half. Concentrations larger than
5000 mg/m cannot be dealt with by adapted engine oils and reasonable oil
change times.
Back-up gas: When gas quality and gas amount changes drasticly and
when a rather continuous power is required, the application of a socalled
back-up gas can be considered. This could be natural gas or LPG when avai-
lable. Some engine manufacturters have developed a system whereby can be
switched from one gas to another. It is however possible to operate the
back-up gas on a continuous base and not just be switching. Such a system
operating on a continuous base basicly uses all the producer gas available
but takes additional backup gas until the required power is obtained. This
system operates by a pressure controller which has some difference to the
setting of the producergas pressure. Also the application of micro-electro-
nics simplify the application of such a back-up gas.
(6) WEIDE, J. van der and SEPPEN, J.J. Avanced hardware and combustion
technology for gaseous fuels at TNO, Conference Gaseous Fuels for
Transportation, Vancouver 1986
(7) Weide, J. van der, Experiences with CNG and LPG operated heav
duty vehicles with emphasis on US HD diesel emission standards, SAE
paper 881657.
SERI, Colorado, USA
Techniques exist for the clean up of gasifier gases for engine usage,
but they are expensive. They do require periodic filter maintenance or else
they fail on a system. It was mentioned that at the Loma Plata plant in
Paraguay there are three engines with 40 000 to 60 000 hours of successful
In response to van der Weide suggesting research to couple state-of-
the-art computer for engine control to a gasifier, Dr Esnouf commented that
such a system, both hardware and software, had been used to control a
charcoal gasifier at CEMAGRAF with an engine.
Dr Luengo commented that on-board computer control of engines burning
gasahol had not been very successful in Brazil. Dr van der Weide replied
that they had to add a fuel analyser before they could successfully control
gasahol combustion; a feature which Ford Motor Co will incorporate in a
flexible fuel vehicle.
The following areas were suggested or were implied from the floor
during the discussion, and may well be worth consideration:
The economics of gasification and pyrolysis is concerned with costs of production,
values of products, and markets. There are a variety of roles in the implementation of a novel
idea to a commercial installation: the technology developer, the technology licensee, the
equipment manufacturer, the equipment user, and the energy product user. Some of these
functions may be combined.
It is important to distinguish between the different expectations of these different
• The technology developer invests on a relatively speculative basis that he will make a profit
on sales of the equipment and/or the licence in the medium to long term. He will commit
resources at relatively high risk, possibly as part of an R&D strategy, or possibly as an
opportunistic response to a funding resource.
• The technology licensee acts as an interface or broker between developer and equipment
manufacturer. His role can be significant for non-commercial developers of technology
such as Universities. The equipment manufacturer will often adopt this role as part of the
normal process of commercialisation of new ideas.
• The equipment manufacturer may have developed his own technology, or be the
technology licensee. He will manufacture and usually market the complete system to the
equipment user to produce his own energy product. Alternatively he may set up an
operation to use his own process to produce energy which he directly sells into the energy
market, in which case he is also the equipment user. He will have conventional industrial
profitability targets to meet in terms of overall company profitability, and in terms of
venture profitability.
• The equipment user will either buy the equipment for production of an energy product
(such as fuel gas or power) for his own use, or to export it These two situations will have
different economic criteria to meet If the energy product is generated for internal use, such
as to replace a more expensive fossil fuel, the financial target is quite stringent, typically
requiring a payback time of less than 2 years as it will have to be funded out of revenue
costs. In the case of exporting energy as a utility, the operation would often be viewed as a
more conventional investment, and judged against a much longer time horizon according to
the orthodox practice of the industrial sector concerned - for example for power production
a 20 year equipment lifetime is not unreasonable.
• The energy product user may be the purchaser of the equipment, or he may be the customer
of a renewable energy utility. In either case his financial objective is clear: to buy energy as
cheaply as possible, and if investment is required, to minimise the payback time, which
might be not more than one or two years.
There are two main roles in this development chain - the equipment manufacturer, and
the energy product user. Their viewpoints are summarised in Table 1.
There are, therefore, complex interactions between feed, reactor, and application,
which cannot be generalised and defined by a standard system. The more sophisticated
systems can cost several times more than a basic system where the feed may be in a form that
may be fed directly to a gasifier or pyrolyser, and the application requires minimal gas clean-
up. An indication of the relative capital costs of various components of a complete system is
summarised in Table 3 - this is only a very approximate guide to illustrate relative magnitudes
rather than absolute relationships.
times the equipment cost. In the paper industry (with similar types of processing equipment),
the accepted ratio of total plant cost to equipment cost is about 2.25, confirming this
For smaller units which are not skidmounted, less onsite fabrication would be
required than for the large units, and the ratio of total plant cost to equipment cost will be
smaller than that for large units. Afigureof 1.75 has been used for calculating total plant costs
from equipment costs where no installed cost data is available.
Cost data
In order to provide a consistent basis for analysis and estimation of gasification and
pyrolysis system capital costs, information has been collated from a variety of sources for 48
systems in respect of a basic gasifier/pyrolyser from prepared feed on the ground to a clean,
cold fuel gas (3, 7). Included is the feeding system, gasifier or pyrolyser, ash discharge,
cyclone, wet scrubber and water recycle. Excluded are all operations prior to the reactor (such
as drying, chipping etc), wastewater treatment, gas distribution, and utilisation.
Data are usually available as a single figure representing the equipment cost of a
gasifier/pyrolyser system from the feeding equipment to clean gas ie it includes equipment for
the feeding, gasification/pyrolysis and gas cleanup steps of the process. In some cases total
plant costs are available in addition to or instead of the delivered equipment cost. Where
necessary adjustments have been made to exclude or include relevant equipment and/or costs
according to the defined scope. All throughputs are based on dry ash free (daf) basis
The capital cost considered is a total plant cost including equipment, installation,
design, project management and commissioning, but excluding land costs. Where data have
been collected on a delivered equipment cost basis, this has been converted to a total plant cost
by multiplying by suitable factors. In all cases it has been adjusted to a 1989 time basis with a
process plant cost index, and to a West European location with a location factor. The data is
correlated in Figure 1, shown in Figure 2 by type of reactor, and by process in Figure 3. (8)
10 :
Capital cost, High cost level
£1988 * ţ >
10 j Low cost level
J· ^r%
10' 1
10: :
f"y •
104 ■ ■ ■■■■ι
10"1 10" 101 10 Capacity,
Capital cost, Fixed beds
£1988 Χ
χ Fluid beds
Χ χ
10 11
α π "α
10° Π
10" 10° 101 102 Capacity,
daf t/h
Figure 2 B iomass Gasifier and Pyrolyser Capital Costs by Type of
Capital cost, * Pyrolysers
£1988 à
î ° Gasifiers
106f CtfU
a i
10" I I I I Ill4 I I I MIN) l i l i Ulf |
troubleshooting and performance guarantee This probably also represents the target or lowest
achievable cost for gasification systems. The upper line represents the cost of high technology
systems eg twin fluid bed systems and stirred bed systems and/or systems supplied by major
companies who can provide extensive technical support, and performance guarantees. The
data is correlated in cost models summarised in Table 4.
In the longer term, learning and development will tend to reduce capital costs towards
the lower end and a "target" capital cost has therefore been employed in the economic analysis
to represent a short to medium term realistic goal. This target figure has been used for
estimation of fuel gas production costs.
Power Generation
An add-on cost based on a gas engine system is given in the equation below based on
reported data from about 10 sources and discussions with experts. The rule of thumb
relationship that 1 t/h daf biomass will generate 1MW power is reasonable at large plant sizes
of more than 1MW, but as the plant size decreases the biomass requirement increases due to
lower system efficiencies at lower capacities. A relationship between biomass consumption
and power generation has been derived and is given in Table 5, together with capital cost
correlations for power generation and system costs (9). It should be noted that power costs are
Three feedstocks are considered: straw as representative of agricultural waste; refuse or
MSW as domestic, commercial and industrial solid waste; wood as representative of energy
crops and forestry products.
Considerable data on arisings in terms of quantity and quality and cost of feedstock
have been collated in recent years by the EEC and national bodies, and this section summarises
the essential features of available feedstocks in order to relate these to gasification and pyrolysis
technology and economics. Costs of feeds relating to UK situations and practice, with some
European data, are summarised in Table 7 (8,11). Wastes are likely to attract higher credits in
Europe due to higher disposal costs, while energy crops and similar materials are likely to have
similar costs. This data, therefore, can be viewed as conservative.
About 7 million t/y of surplus straw arise each year in the UK for which no ready
market is available, out of a total arising of about 14 million t/y (12). Comparable figures
pertain to Europe. Prices vary by location from £5 to £50/t, but costs have been estimated at
about £17/t or £22/t delivered (12).
Domestic About 13 million t/y of domestic refuse are produced with a heating value
of about 9 GJ/t , and containing about 8 million t/y of combustibles.(12), ie about 250
kg/head/y. The average cost of disposal in the UK is claimed to be about £6/t but these are
believed to be very conservative with average costs of disposal nearer £12/t, over a range of
£5/t to as high as £40/t. (2) .In Europe, disposal costs are much higher by a factor of up to 5,
with typical figures at around £30/t. This will have a significant effect on conversion
economics below if these costs are translated into credits.
Commercial: Arisings of commercial solid waste have been estimated as 7.4 million
t/y (dry basis) with a heating value of around 16 GJ/t ie about 130 kg/head/y. The material is
generally cleaner and drier than domestic refuse with a higher proportion of packaging ie paper,
plastics, wood, etc.
Industrial: Combustible waste arisings from the UK industrial sector have been
estimated at 8.4 million t/y (dry basis) with a heating value of 16 GJ/t, ie about 150 kg/head/y.
Wood and wood waste
Wood and wastes are available in a variety of forms:
Forest residues - These have to be removed from existing plantations
for silvicultural reasons.
Wood processing residues - These are wastes that arise in the timber production
industry, usually adjacent to the forest resource.
Waste from the wood manufacturing industry
Fuel wood
Energy crops
Typically the forest products industry generate about 50% waste in the production
process. A considerable proportion of this is utilised in a variety of industries for combustion
and specialist products such as cat litter, horse show ground cover, poultry bedding, etc. There
is still a considerable potential resource available.
Other Wastes
Sewage sludge is another resource that is being investigated for thermochemical
processing. Sludge is generated at the rate of about 25 kg dry solids/head/y. A disposal credit
of up to £50/dry t is potentially available.
The types of feedstock and costs are summarised in Table 8A, with the effect on feed
cost and gasifier performance summarised in Table 8B.
Utilities include:
• electricity, for driving pumps, blowers and feeding systems,
• wash water for product gas scrubbers,
• fuel gas for drying,
• fines for drying, and/or separate gasification to produce fuel gas,
• steam for steam gasification, or moderation of oxygen gasification. If required, steam
would probably be raised on site within plant battery limits, and probably from a waste
heat boiler.
• oxygen for oxygen gasification. If required, oxygen would probably be purchased and
charged to feedstock.
• waste water treatment.
None of the systems examined require fuel gas, fines, steam or oxygen services.
Noneof the systems allowed for waste water treatment in process or cost terms. It is assumed
that all other energy requirements are met in-house without requiring conventional fuels except
for start-up.
Power costs of gasifiers and pyrolysers have been collated and analysed for which the
mean value is £0.114/GJ (2). However, this does not include any other utilities costs such as
water purchase and waste water treatment, where very little data is available. A utilities cost of
£0.25/GJ was used for the base case in the production cost calculations which includes a
contribution for water purchase and treatment.
Yearly maintenance cost is usually estimated as a proportion of the system capital cost,
for which an average value of 2.5% of total plant cost has been found (2).
Annual overheads cost is usually expressed as a proportion of the capital cost, similar
to maintenance cost. The economic model uses a fraction of the total plant cost to calculate
annual overheads which include rates (local tax), insurance and all head office expenses.
Payroll overheads have been included in the labour costs.
No relevant published data has been found which can be used to estimate overheads for
any one location. The only data available estimated the overheads for a commercial fluid bed
system to be 8% of the total plant cost (2). The local rates and insurance for a gasifier or
pyrolyser would typically be 4% of the capital cost. Multiplying this figure by 2 to cover head
office expenses, gives 8%, which matches the earlier estimate. This figure of 8% of total plant
cost was therefore used in the economic analysis.
The cost per shift used for the base case is £25 000/year. This includes the cost of one
operator per shift, plus the costs of supervision and payroll overheads. It has been assumed
that the costs of supervision are shared with other plants on a site. F our shifts are required for
continuous operation, three shifts per day, plus an extra shift to cover rest days. If operation is
restricted to weekdays only, then three shifts will be sufficient. There can be significant
variation in labour costs by location and in overheads according to local practice, so each case
has to be assessed on its own merits. Labour costs, however, are usually a relatively small
part of the total product cost. F or less than full time utilisation of the equipment
correspondingly less labour is required, for example 4 or 5 shifts may be required for 8000 h/y
or 330 d/y operation, and only thre required for 5 or 4.5 d/week operation.
Power Generation
It is assumed that no additional raw materials, utilities, or labour are required for power
generation. Maintenance and overheads are allowed for in the relationships to total capital cost.
Plant Availability
Plant availability is a measure of the proportion of time that a plant operates compared
to the time that it should be available. Gasification is continuous process that is not conducive
to stopping and starting, and it would therefore be usual to expect a gasification system to
operate continuously. There are many reasons why this does not happen in practice such as
equipment failure, feed problems, planned maintenance requirements, disputes, unfavourable
costs, and lack of demand for products. Plant availability can thus be considered to have two
components: planned and unplanned shutdown. A fluid bed gasifier, for example, may readily
be shut down overnight and restarted from hot within minutes, whereas a fixed bed gasifier can
perhaps be turned down significantly, but cannot be turned off, so different systems will have
different capabilities.
A full year contains 8760 hours, and it is usual in the process industries to allow about
10% of this time for routine or planned maintenance, leaving typically 8000 hours for
operation. Utilisation of equipment for less than 8000 hours per year is thus affecting costs in
an adverse way by increasing the capital element of the production cost. Relatively small scale
gasifiers, however, will often not need to operate all year round, for example at weekends
when the factory may be closed, which would reduce operating hours to around 5000 h/y. For
power production, demand may only be for hours of darkness or aound 4000 h/y. These
effects can be readily incorporated into economic analyses.
There is also unplanned maintenance that is caused, for example, by equipment
breakdown, lack of training, feed blockage, or ash sintering. All are associated with emerging
technologies that are not yet fully developed, and which are responsible for many of the
unfavourable reports associated with biomass gasification. There are many reasons and always
good solutions to these problems, but they do not provide sufficient reassurance to the potential
user or purchaser. These effects are more difficult to include in economic assessments due to
their unpredictability and lack of data for evalution. It is therefore only possible to account for
this aspect of availability by a blanket approximate figure. Subsequent analyses combine all
these effects into one overall figure.
One of the largest biomass gasifiers currently operating in the world is achieving an
availability of 85% on a scheduled 8000 h/y, from operation for over a year, in Quincy,
Florida. It is, therefore, possible to design and operate a gasifier with high reliability and
availability, and there is a need to support such iniatives to overcome the uncertainties still
associated with this technology.
Methods of Fuel Gas Production Cost Estimation
There are two approaches to the evaluation of a proposed project - calculation of a
product cost with comparison of this cost to the alternatives, or conventional measurement of
profitability using criteria such as payback time, return on investment (ROI), net present value
(NPV) and discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFRR).
Product cost is conventionally calculated by totalling the feedstock cost and operating
costs and adding to them a capital amortisation charge, which covers recovery of the capital and
interest payments on the capital employed.. The product cost may then be compared with the
product selling price to assess profitability of the initial investment. Product cost can either be
an actual cost of production as described above, or a return on the investment can be added to
give a notional selling price, which is again compared to the current market price to establish if
there is a surplus. This latter approach is less common as two measures are required - setting a
target return for the venture, and comparison of calculated product selling price with market
place prices.
In contrast, conventional profitability measures include all cash flows, both income and
expenditure, but do not include charges for interest or capital recovery. This is because they
are designed as a method of comparing investment in a project with the investment of a similar
sum in a bank for example or similar investment medium. DCFrr and ROI are expressed as a
percentage rate of return, which can be compared with the bank interest rate, or more usually
with a target rate of return that the company sets for any new investment and which considers
cost of capital and risk. NPV is expressed as the value of a project in current money values, at
a fixed rate of return which is usually taken as the companies target rate of return. All these
measures are usually expressed in real terms. Payback time is the time taken for the capital to
be recovered, ignoring interest payments, and is usually expressed in nominal terms.
Information Requirements
A considerable amount of information has to be collated or estimated in order to derive
a production cost estimate. This is summarised in Table 9 for a "base case", which is used to
estimate production costs of fuel gas and power, and to carry out a sensitivity analysis. The
various operating cost estimates have been derived from procedures or estimates set out above
and key aspects are amplified below. The effect of small changes in financial data, such as
interest rates and escalation rates, can be significant over the long lifetimes anticipated for
process plant such as this, (lives of 15 years are commonly quoted), due to the compounding
effect of small annual changes. These effects have not been explored here but can be examined
through sensitivity analyses. Supplementary data is included in Table 10.
Gasifier technology: An air blown fluid bed is assumed to be employed although the choice
will have little effect on costs.
Gasifier efficiency: Gasifier efficiencies of 58% to 93% have been used dependant on moisture
content of feed and product. Appropriate data has been used in the calculations and cost
estimates (8)
Feedstock: Three feedstocks are considered - straw, refuse and wood. In each case several
variations are included to represent the most likely alternatives. This is one of the major cost
sensitivities that is explored in detail below for each energy product Other variationsd are
included in the sensitivity analyses later.
Feedstock heating value: This is assumed to be 20.00 GJ/t on a dry ash free basis (daf).
Number of shifts (for 8000 h/v operationl: This is taken as 4 for continuous operation as it is
common practice in the process industries. Lower levels of operation are assumed to require
less shifts as summarised in Table 10 below. Hours of planned operation must not be
confused with hours of achieved operation - the former requires manning for the hours
planned, while the latter is a consequence of unplanned shutdown which reduces output
without a concommittant saving in fixed costs suchn as labour.
Table 10 Pertinent Data for Estimation of Production Costs and
Performance of Sensitivity Analyses
A Capital costs (see Table 4)
Case lt/h 2.5 t/h 5t/h 10 t/h
Cold clean fuel gas - target cost £291 500 £563 800 £928 700 £1 529 800
(target cost = mean of average and lower cost - see text)
Hot raw fuel gas £247 800 £479 300 £789 500 £1 300 500
(target less 15% for omission of gas cleaning equipment)
Power generation (from Table 5) £606 500 £1 173 100 £1 932 400 £3 183 000
(1 t/MWh, target cost + generating costs)
Capital cost to cold clean gas (from Table 4)
Lower £213 000 £412 000 £678 600 £1 117 800
Average £370 000 £715 700 £1 178 900 £1 941 800
Higher £735 000 £1 421 700 £2 341 800 £3 857 300
Β Operation, hours per year
Basic h/v No of Shifts Actual h/v at Availabilities
50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
4 500 2 2 250 2 700 3 150 3600 4 050
5000 3 2 500 3000 3 500 4000 4 500
6000 4 3000 3600 4 200 4 800 5400
7000 4 3 500 4 200 4900 5600 6 300
8000 4 4000 4 800 5600 6 400 7 200
C Refuse feedstock cost for different cases (from Table 7)
Product Disposal Cost raw Cost product:. Cost d.a.f.
credit. £/te refuse. £/te Ms. product. £/te
Wet "fluff' RDF 5 3.38 8.45 13.50
10 -0.25 -0.60 -1.00
15 -3.88 -9.63 -15.50
20 -7.50 -18.70 -30.00
Dry "fluff' RDF 5 6.38 18.75 25.50
10 2.75 8.10 11.00
15 -0.88 -2.55 -3.50
20 -4.50 -13.20 -18.00
Pelleted RDF 5 9.38 27.55 37.50
10 5.75 16.90 23.00
15 2.13 6.25 8.50
20 -1.50 -4.40 -6.00
Project life: This taken to be 10 years in common with process plant in the process industries.
Scheduled operating hours per year: An 8000 h year is assumed (the availability of 80% gives
6400 h/y). Lower levels of plant utilisation can be considered in a sensitivity analysis.
Availablility (Actual operating hours / Scheduled operating hours): 80% is a reasonable and
achievable target for well run biomass gasification plants.
Actual operating hours (see Table 10): This is the planned operating hours of 8000 h multiplied
by the anticipated availability of 80% giving an actual operation of 6400 h/y.
Throughput: This is taken as 5 te/h on a daf basis, as being able to exploit the economies of
scale at a reasonable and achievable size for short term implementation. This is one of the
major cost sensitivities that is explored in detail below for each energy product
Capital cost (including working capital): This is taken as the mean of the lower and average
capital costs derived in the cost analysis above, and is refered to as the "target" capital cosd.
For the 5t/h plant the cost adopted is £928 700, and details of the data employed for the range
of plant sizes considered is summarised in Table 10. This approach was taken as there are
substantial learning effects to be enjoyed from replication, and the cost figures used will
therefore provide a production cost that is representative of short term achievable costs, without
adopting an unduly optimistic viewpoint of minimum cost, or an unnecessarily pessimistic
view of average or high costs with no further developments possible.
Feedstock cost after processing as stated (see Table 7).
Utilities cost is taken as £0.24/GJ produced (8).
Yearly maintenance cost, is expressed as a fraction of the capital cost at 0.025 which is taken
from Table 9.3.5.
Yearly overheads is taken as a fraction of the capital cost at 8.0% (2)
Total cost of labour per shift of £25 000/y from Table 9
Nominal cost of capital. An average long term view of the cost of money is taken as 10 % in
real terms, which is that usually attributed to a low risk investment Sensitivity analyses can be
carried out on both on cost of capital and plant life, but previous experience shows that these
are not significant
Inflation rate is assumed to average 5%/y.
Production Cost Estimates
Production cost estimates have ben derived for a range of typical feedstocks for Europe
at different scales of operation. These are summarised in tabular form thus:
Fuel Gas Production Costs by Feed Type - Cold Clean Gas
This situation is often considered to the most likely short term opportunity for fuel gas -
low heating value clean and cold fuel gas for retrofitting. The system has been described
earlier as an erected plant which processes feed on the ground to a clean fuel gas. All capital
costs and direct operating costs are included except:
• wastewater treatment - there is wide range of contamination possible depending on
gasification technology and feed, and a wide range of treatment costs depending on
extent of contamination, technology, and local requirements,
• a return on the investment - expectations of a commercial return depend on several
factors such as the role of the investor, the perceived risk, and short and long term
views of the energy market.
The estimated production costs are shown in Table 11.
Fuel Gas Production Costs by Feed Type - Hot Raw Gas
Production of hot raw gas instead of cold clean gas as shown in the above analysis,
has been derived by subtracting 15% from the capital cost for loss of water washing
facilities, and an increase in gasifier efficiency due to utilisation of the sensible heat in the
hot gas which amounts to an increase in gasifier efficiency of about 12% (see Table 11).
The results are summarised in Table 12. There is less confidence in the production costs
for hot raw gas due to less reliable data on costs and performance of such systems, and
definition of realisable sensible heat.
Table 11 Fuel Gas Production Costs by Feed Type - Cold Clean Gas
Scope: As in Table 9
The current maximum published interruptible natural gas price is £2.9/GJ. 80%
gives a fuel gas price of £2.32/GJ. Costs underlined are those below this current
market value of £2.32/GJ
Feedstock Production cost. £/GJ
1 t/h 2.5 t/h 5i/h 10 t/h
Conversion at 75% efficiency
£22/t delivered (£26/t daf) 3.72 2.93 2.63 2.45
£17/t on-farm (£20/t daf) 3.32 2.52
Wet fluff £-0.60/t product (£-l/t daf) 2.01 1.18 0.86 0.67
Includes disposal credit £10/t raw refuse
Conversion at 71% efficiency with moisture at 25%
Dry fluff £8.10/t product (£11/t daf) 2.68 L21 1.61
Includes disposal credit £10/t raw refuse
Conversion at 76% efficiency with moisture at 10%
Conversion at 58% efficiency with moisture at 50%
£30/tdaf 5.08 4.07 3.67 3.44
£20/tdaf 4.22 3.20 2.81 2.57
Table 12 Fuel Gas Production Costs by Feed Type - Hot Raw Gas
Scope: As in Table 9
Current published interruptible natural gas price is £2.9/GJ. 80% gives a fuel gas
price of £2.32/GJ. Costs underlined are those below this current market value of
Production cost. £/GJ
1 t/h 2.5 t/h 5t/h 10 t/h
Conversion at 90% efficiency
£22/t delivered (£26/t daf) 3.04 2.48 2,17 2.03
£17Λ on-farm (£20/t daf) 2.72 2.08
Wet fluff £-0.60/t product (£-l/t daf) L52 0.94 0,69 0.54
Includes disposal credit £10/t raw refuse
Conversion at 87% efficiency with moisture at 25%
Dry fluff £8.10/t product (£11/t daf) 2.19 1.57 1.33 1Δ2
Includes disposal credit £10/t raw refuse
Conversion at 91% efficiency with moisture at 10%
Conversion at 73% efficiency with moisture at 50%
£30/tdaf 3.98 3.19 2.90 2.72
£20/tdaf 3.29 2.51 2.21 2.04
£30/tdaf 3.67 0.31 3.36 2.59 0.27 0.24 0.26
£20/tdaf 2.81 0.31 2.50 1.72 0.27 0.24 0.26
as the process is assumed to be energetically self sufficient by using this byproduct gas.
Yields of liquids from pyrolysis can be influenced by the rate of reaction, with fast or
flash pyrolysis at lower maximum temperatures giving the highest liquid yields, with up to
75% wt being reported. This liquid product may be readily bumed and has been employed for
this purpose. Problems have, however, been reported in its use, and special precautions may
have to be taken in handling, storage and combustion. For these reasons, pyrolysis liquids
cannot be readily assimilated into a conventional fuel marketing infrastructure, although there is
adequate evidence that they can substitute for fuel oils in several applications. The discount
necessary for these lower quality fuels to be adopted in place of conventional fuels could be up
to 20%, but this is insignificant compared to the current range of oil prices in the market place
as shown later. Upgrading is necessary to give a product that is compatible with conventional
fuels, but this is expensive. The products that are considered in the economic analysis are
listed in Table 1 with explanations for selection, and significant parameters and properties.
Liquid fuel production from waste with its high disposal credit clearly offers the more
attractive opportunities for commercial implementation, with oil and char-water slurries giving
similar production costs. Char-oil slurries offer a significant advantages due to the higher
yields of products, but there are more uncertainties in their production and use which require
resolution. Both feed cost and product yield are major economic factor in minimising product
cost. Both wood and agricultural wastes offer opportunities for oil and char-oil products at
higher capacity plants and if the feed cost is sufficiently low. Char-water slurries are less
interesting in these situations.
A major uncertainty is the value to be attached to the product It might be compared to a
light fuel oil with a scheduled price in the UK as high as £3.63/GJ which opens up wider
opportunities for wood, agricultural wastyes such as straw, and energy crops. Alternatively if
the product is compared to heavy fuel on the open market, and also requires a discount for
successful sales, then only larger capacity high disposal credit waste fed processes have a
chance of success. On the market side, therefore, conventional liquid fuel product prices and
their movements are a dominant influence on the rate of implementation and degree of success
of these technologies.
the recently completed IEA DBL (Direct Biomass Liquefaction) study (14), which will be
continued as ALPS (Assessment of Liquefaction and Pyrolysis Systems).
The production cost analyses presented above show the short term potential for energy
production from wastes, particularly where there is a substantial credit associated with disposal
of the waste, as feedstock contribution is particularly significant. Why, then, has so little been
done to gasify these wastes, or any attractively priced biomass resource?
The answers are firstly that considerable attention has been paid to waste conversion
throughout the world, and secondly the lack of success is due to many factors, including
technology, economics, environment, politics, and social attitudes. A comprehensive
assessment of these factors and their interactions cannot be considered here, but some of the
salient points are identified.
• There arg still technical problems to be resolved in reliability and performance, but these are
not insurmountable and there is evidence in several operating examples in Europe and
North America where problems have been satisfactorily resolved.
• The economic attractiveness has been reduced by low conventional energy prices which has
removed the pressure to resolve technical problems and develop better systems. This is
compounded by the perceived uncertainty of these newer methods of energy production,
with a preference by industry and government to invest in low risk ventures in the absence
of any significant economic advantage.
• A further factor in the perception of gasification arises from comparisons with conventional
fuels i.e. natural gas. This is widely available, totally reliable, and with zero contaminants,
none of which applies to biomass or waste derived low or medium heating value fuel gas.
There is considered indifference to examination of alternative fuel specifications by many
users who take a conservative viewpoint. There is a similar perception of pyrolysis
products arising from comparisons with conventional fuels i.e. fuel oils. The lack of
understanding of the nature and utilisation constraints of these new fuels is likely to inhibit
their use in the short term.
• In a more unstable environment, the incentives to find alternative energy sources will cause
more serious attention to be placed on these technologies. The pressures will come from
the environmental lobby who expect cleaner and safer waste disposal methods, and the
energy lobby who will react to an unstable energy supply situation when it arises.
There seems little doubt that there will be considerable opportunities for thermochemical
conversion of biomass and solid wastes in the future particularly if there is pressure from
increasing conventional energy prices and also from environmental concerns over waste
management practices. There is need for technology assessment and, if appropriate, support
for long term demonstration. This will help ensure that the technologies are sufficiently
developed and mature to provide reliable service when the occasion demands.
Much of the data reported in this paper were generated for the Energy Technology
Support Unit at the UKAEA, Harwell, UK, as an update of earlier work (4). They are
intended to be published in due course in a strategic review of thermochemical conversion
technologies for biomass and wastes (8). All opinions and statements are the views of the
author and in no way reflect any views of the UKAEA or the UK Department of Energy.
1 Feldman, H, et al., US DoE Thermochemical Contractors Meetings, Portland 1984,
and Minneapolis 1985
2 Smith, D, John Brown Engineers and Constructors Ltd, Private communication
3 Β H Levelton & Associates Ltd, Enfor project C-258, "A Comparative Assessment of
Forest Biomass Conversion to Energy Forms." Volume V, D ata Book of Unit
Processes for Primary Conversion by Thermal, Chemical and Biological Methods.
4 Bridgwater, A V, Double, J M, and Earp, D M, "Technical and market assessment of
biomass gasification in the UK", report to ETSU, UK Dept Energy, 1986
5 "Revised Guide to Capital Cost Estimation", Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK,
6 Watt Committee: Working Party on Gasification; "The Cost and Competitiveness of
Low Calorific Value Fuel Gas from Coal".
7 "Energy from Biomass: A Process Manual for 90 Conversion Routes:. Technical
Insights Inc, Fort Lee, New Jersey, USA, October 1983.
8 Bridgwater, A V and Stronach, Ν J, "A Review of Thermochemical Conversion
Technologies", Report to ETSU, Department of Energy, 1989
9. Bridgwater, A V and Double, J M, Institute of Energy, May, 1988
10 Bridgwater, A V and Double, J M, 4th EC Conference on Biomass for Industry and
Energy, Orléans, (Elsevier Applied Science, 1987)
11 Mitchell, C Ρ and Bridgwater, A V, These proceedings
12 ETSU personal communications
13 Bridgwater, A V, Beenackers, A A C M and van Swaaij W Ρ M, "Biomass Pyrolysis
and Liquefaction: Status and Opportunities in the European Community", Proceedings
of Euroforum New Energies, EEC Conference, Saarbrücken, October 1988
14 Elliott, D C, et al "A Technical and Economie Analysis of D irect Biomass
Liquefaction", in Energy from Biomass and Wastes XJU, IGT, February 1989.
- Noxious gases as 00, NO», SO*. Wood and biomass rarely contain sulphur,
which means that fuels derived from them have significant advantages
over the conventional fuels.
The mechanisms of the pyrolysis process determine the nature and con-
centration of pollutants, which vary according to a wide range of parame-
ters. Among these, reaction temperature and the kinetics of thermal trans-
fer are the most significant.
Where industrial combustion units are concerned, pollution is limi-
ted thanks to the optimisation of techniques or to the installation of
effluent reprocessing systems. The same is true for industrial charcoal
production units where emissions are infrequent and very brief when tech-
niques are well mastered, the main polluters are small-scale units using
partial-combustion techniques where all smoke is discharged into the air.
Production units with clean kilns are uncommon in Europe and almost unk-
nown in developing countries.
The table 1 gives data from different studies in the matter. The fi-
gures given are not necessarily directly comparable as the objectives
and methods used in the studies were not identical.
These studies show fairly high levels of pollution and wide varia-
tion in results, the latter being mostly due to the differing conditions
of equipment operation as the table makes clear. For example, the parti-
cle emission factor varies from 0.5 to 22 g/kg of wood according to furna-
ce temperature and to the size of wood pieces. Under poor operating condi-
tions, domestic heating appliances become "faulty pyrolysers".
Work by DUSSERRE <15> on wood-fired boilers confirms these results
and clearly indicates the prospects that can be opened up by improving
In addition to environmental problems, high emission levels of un-
burnt effluent have the following consequences :
- Corresponding reduction in conversion yields. Energy yields are of less
than 50 X for charcoal production by means of partial combustion techni-
ques without heat recovery systems.
- Reduced efficiency and reliability of equipment. Flues in residential
heating units require more frequent maintenance and fire hazards are in-
creased with poor performance.
- Wood becomes less competitive in relation to conventional fuels such as
This gives all the more cause for concern for the following reasons :
- Wood is superior to other biomass fuels and is the most convenient to
use in all the sectors concerned and especially for residential hea-
ting purposes. It must also be noted that wood and charcoal meet as
much as 90 X of energy needs in some developing countries, where the im-
provement in energy yields from charcoal production is essential and
must be given priority. Any action taken in this area must include mea-
sures to reduce pollution.
- Wood has a very good public image, which provides a firm basis for all
action taken in view of developing its use for energy production. This
is particularly true in the present context of increasing public aware-
ness of environmental and ecological problems.
- Pollution could be significantly reduced if techniques which have now
been perfected were applied under appropriate conditions. Manufactu-
rers should be aware of these and provide instructions as to the size
of wood pieces to be used, maximum moisture content, loading frequency,
etc ...
Besides reducing pollution, lowering emission levels through optimi-
sation, better definition of equipment and effluent recovery during the
carbonization process will lead to financial gains as a result of improve-
ments in yields and performance. Prospects are therefore promising in
this respect as reducing pollution does not necessarily involve additio-
nal expense to the user.
Although pollution resulting from the use of wood for energy produc-
tion should not be underestimated, woodfuel use must be considered wi-
thin a wider context.
The table 2 <14> <15> makes a comparison between the different fuels
used for heating purposes in units of different sizes :
As for the previous table, care should be taken in comparing these re-
sults. These clearly indicate that residential heating is a source of pol-
lution, with coal being the worst offender.
It should also be noted that motorway transport causes the follo-
wing forms of pollution <16> :
lhe observations given here and the numerous research programmes now
in progress indicate that there are prospects for significant improve
ments in equipment performance. Unfortunately, as can be seen from the bi
bliography, few coordinated programmes have been implemented at Euro
pean level, in comparison with studies carried out in the US over the
last 10 years. It is therefore necessary to :
Develope methods and equipment for standard!zed sampling and analysis
which are specific to each situation. The methods used by DUSSERRE, for
instance, were not applicable to carbonization processes.
Such methods must be recognized and accepted by all laboratories and
should be flexible enough to allow for the following :
. application by all laboratories (cost of implementation)
. ease of implementation
. permanent review of cycles allowing sequential sampling of suffi
cient duration.
Carry out fundamental research on pyrolysis with particular regard for
yield improvement and a corresponding reduction in unburnt emission
through a better understanding of phenomena and the redefining of appa
ratus and their implementation.
Carry out a large number of equipment performance tests by working on
the parameters affecting thermochemical reactions in the conversion pro
cess. The aim is to acquire data needed for further development and fi
nalizing of new techniques. Quantification of effects on the environ
ment must be undertaken at the same time.
Supply training and information to users.
Develope new and more efficient techniques and equipment. In the case
of charcoal production, this will necessarily require the elaboration
of effective smokerecovery systems. The prospects of smokeincinera
ting systems appear to be promising as these would not only reduce pol
lution but also supply considerable quantities of heat which can be ma
de use of during the process (drying out of wood before carbonization).
(1) ROBERT E., MANNING I &. J., COOK W., HAYES T. Preliminary report on a
study of the ambient impact of residential wood combustion in Peters-
ville, Alabama. Residential solid fuels conference, Portland, Oregon,
USA, 1981.
(2) CARLSON J., Residential wood combustion in Missoula, Montana.
An overview of its air pollution contributions, health effects, and
proposed regulatory solutions. Residential solid fuels conference,
Portland, Oregon, USA. 1981.
(3) DECESAR R. The quantitative impact of residential wood combustion and
other vegetative burning sources of the air quality in Medförd, Ore-
gon. Residential solid fuels conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 1981.
(4) S.C. BHATTACHARYA, N. SHAH. Utilization of producer gas for drying
agricultural crops. Regional seminar on alternative energy applica-
tion in agriculture. THAILAND, 1986.
(5) M. STASSEN. Baseline monitoring need. Chevet gazifier station in Se-
chelle. UNDP European Bank. Biomass technology group. TWENTE. Juil-
let 86.
(6) GIRARD P., MEYER C , BOILOT M., FONTELLE. Caractérisation des émis-
sions de carbonisation en four à combustion partielle. Mise au point
de systèmes de traitement des fumées de carbonisation. 4ème Conféren-
ce européenne. Biomass for energy and industry. 1987.
Experimental measurement of missions from residential wood burning
stoves. Residential solid fuels conference, Portland, Oregon, USA.
(8) CITEPA. Monographie. Carbonisation du bois et pollution atmosphéri-
que. 1986.
(9) MEYER C. Détermination des rejets atmosphériques lors de la carbonisa-
tion par combustion partielle. Mémoire de fin d'études ENITA-CTFT.
(10) RUDLING L., AHLING B., LÖFROTH G. Chemical and biological characteri-
zation of emissions from combustion of wood and woodchips in small
furnaces ans stoves in Sweden. Residential solid fuels conference,
Portland, Oregon, USA. 1981.
(11) BEAUMONT 0., Pyrolyse extractive du bois. Ecole des Mines de Paris.
(12) CERN. Etude de la consommation de bois de chauffage en maisons indivi-
duelles (résidences principales). Saison de chauffe. 1984-1985.
mical use of biomass in France. Evaluation and trends in AFME strate-
gies. 4ème Conférence europénne. Biomass for energy and industry.
(14) COOPER. Evironnemental impact of residential wood combustion emis-
sion and its application. Air pollution control. Vol. 30. pp. 855 à
861. 1980.
(15) DUSSERE P., Etude des chaudières à bois : contribution à la mesure
des émissions des composés imbrûlés, à l'évaluation des rendements
énergétiques et à la modélisation de la combustion. INSA. 1986.
(16) DELSEY M., La pollution due aux moyens de transport. INRETS Laboratoi-
re énergie nuisances. Note d'information n' 13. 1979.
Condensable organic
compound (g/kg wood) 3.0 8.4 0.8 2.1 14.525.3
Federal Office for the Environment, Berlin
For the past 15 years researchers from both the scientific world and
industry have been attempting to develop new waste treatment processes
which might prove more effective than the conventional methods of
landfill, composting and incineration in meeting current demands for
the exploitation of waste by the recovery of raw materials and energy.
One such process is pyrolysis. High hopes were initially vested in
this process, so high in fact that the judicious . use of known
technology was occasionally prevented. Only a very small number of the
waste treatment processes which have proved successful in the Federal
Republic of Germany have been, or are yet to be, tested on a large
scale. Materials recovery or waste disposal is given main priority
depending on the type of waste used as feedstock. Ultimately, the
overall criterion by which such processes are judged is their impact
on the environment. Although pyrolysis is not expected to revolution-
ize the treatment of waste in the future, it should, in individual
instances, be able to complement existing processes, or offer a
practical alternative.
In the early seventies, two main methods were used to treat household
waste in the Federal Republic of Germany: landfill and incineration. Under
the landfill programme, a total of more than 50 000 refuse tips were in the
process of being reduced to approximately 500 controlled landfill sites.
Waste incineration technology had reached a relatively advanced level, after
being given a particularly important boost in 1974 by changes to the
technical specifications for air pollution control : these introduced limit
values for the emission of noxious gases such as HCL and HF for the first
time, and made the use of waste gas scrubbers obligatory in incineration
It was then that the first energy crisis struck. An artificially
induced fall in the supply of crude oil, the main source of energy, prompted
various countries in the West to step up their search, not just for new
reserves of oil and natural gas, but also for alternative organic materials
which, after suitable treatment (pyrolysis, degasification, gasification),
might yield oil and gas. Consideration was given to anything with a high
organic content: household refuse, sewage sludge, special category waste,
scrap tyres, the organic component of material from breakers' yards, waste
from the plastics industry, etc. Research was carried out into processes for
treating this waste, such as the rotary kiln, the vertical reactor and the
fluidized bed (direct and indirect heating).
Very few of these processes were in fact new. The practice of heating
wood to produce charcoal, a clean fuel which gives off very little smoke,
was widespread even in the Middle Ages. The degasif ication of coal to
produce town gas became popular in the 19th century, though it was rendered
largely redundant by the advent of natural gas, and is now confined to the
production of coke for the iron industry. The coal and gas industries also
produced most of the raw materials for the chemical industry before the
development of petrochemistry.
On the basis of past experience, it ought therefore to have been
fairly obvious that pyrolysis and gasification would not solve the energy
problem in one fell swoop, and that such processes might even lead to new
pollution problems. In certain circles, however, euphoria reached such a
pitch that experts who were anything but wholly enthusiastic were branded
"anti-environmentalist". The words of one inventor summed it all up: "If we
pyrolysed all household waste using my process, and then did the same with
all plastic waste, scrap tyres, dead wood from the forests and all old
asphalt road surfaces, we would have so much oil that we wouldn't have to
import any. Plans for new nuclear power stations could be scrapped, and
power stations which are already operational could be shut down. So why
won't the state promote research into this form of energy?".
That is precisely what the state has done. In the Federal Republic of
Germany, approximately DM 400 million was spent on research into waste
disposal between 1976 and 1989, of which 10% (DM 40 million) was devoted to
pyrolysis and gasification. What exactly has been achieved, and where do we
stand today?
2. These new processes would make it possible to recover not only energy,
but also large quantities of valuable materials contained in waste,
such as synthesis gas, oil, coke and metals.
3. These new processes would be able to cope with varying quantities of
non-homogenous waste, so that all types of waste (including special
category waste and sewage sludge) produced within a given collection
area could be disposed of together.
4. These new processes, besides achieving all the above, would have
minimal impact on the environment.
1. Waste incineration was an easy target for the critics: the process had
been in use for more than 30 years and had thus been subject to
rigorous scrutiny. Small wonder, then, that its disadvantages were so
well known. By contrast, no pyrolysis or gasification process had yet
undergone such a gruelling test.
2. Incineration as a process cannot be dismissed out of hand simply
because some plants are badly designed or poorly run. The incineration
of waste is itself primarily an environmental protection measure. The
fact that it, like any conversion process, has its disadvantages,
should and does encourage efforts to improve it. The great potential
in this field has not yet been exhausted by any means, as can be seen
from the latest developments in waste incineration as a way of
reducing harmful substances.
3. The debate tended to become unduly restricted when incineration and
pyrolysis/gasification were being considered as alternatives. The new
processes also have their advantages and disadvantages, so decisions
as to which of these processes to adopt should be made on a case-by-
case basis - and other possibilities should also be considered.
Whatever truth there may be in the saying that the better is the enemy
of the good, the fact remains that the debate on incineration versus
pyrolysis has occasionally produced quite unsatisfactory solutions. Suppose,
for example, that all the waste disposal sites in one particular area were
full, and that the required reduction in the volume of waste could not be
achieved by recycling, then incineration might well be the only solution
left. However, it proved impossible to persuade the politicians of this
fact: the technology employed in the incineration industry may well be
state-of-the-art, but pyrolysis was considered to be better. The upshot was
that tips which were already full to capacity continued to be used (perhaps
without proper foundation work being carried out and without due attention
being given to the problem of water seepage) , or waste was moved to other
KWU plant (Goldshöfe): scrap reduction; pyrolysis drum heated indirectly via
internal off-gas pipe; gas converter (cracking achieved by substoichiometric
partial combustion in coke bed at approximately 1 000°C); two-stage
scrubber; gas engine with generator; deposition of pyrolysis residues.
Alternatively, it has been suggested that the cracked pyrolysis gas be
cleaned in a spray dryer producing no waste water, and burned off directly
in a waste heat boiler.
DBA plant (Burgau): scrap reduction; pyrolysis drum heated indirectly via
outside wall; cyclone for partial dust removal; secondary combustion chamber
at around 1200°C; boiler with turbine and generator; deposition of pyrolysis
residues (further reprocessing of residues in planned).
PKA plant (Aalen/Unterkochen): waste sorting plant; reprocessing plant for
the "light fraction" (compressed pellets); pyrolysis drum heated indirectly
via gas burner; cyclone for partial dust removal; gas convertor (cracking in
coke bed); single-stage wet scrubbing; rotary burner; boiler with turbine
and generator; burning off of pyrolysis gas together with biogas from a
waste composting plant (alternatively, gases can be used in a gas engine);
calcination plant for the processing of pyrolysis residues ; ozonation plant
for cleaning continuously discharged waste water.
KWU low temperature carbonaization plant (Ulm/Wiblingen): waste treatment;
pyrolysis drum; sorting of pyrolysis residues; cylinder crushers or swing
pipes for pulverizing fine fraction; smelting furnace for pulverized
pyrolysis residue and low-temperature carbonization gas (at between 1200°
and 1300°C); waste heat boiler with turbine and generator. There are plans
to use the smelt granulate as building material or landfill. Two other
pyrolysis processes are being developed, mainly for plastic and special
category wastes. These are the fluidized bed process (Ebenhausen) and the
rotary drum process (Salzgitter) (2).
BBC plant (Ebenhausen): special category waste fed in small pieces into a
fluidized bed reactor via rotary feeder and worm conveyor; fluidized medium
heated to between 500 and 850°C depending on final product desired; removal
of dusts and carbon black from pyrolysis gas; cooling of gas and, where
This model is linked to the natural ecosystem via input (supply of raw
materials) and output (amount of residue). Waste management activities
impose a system of internal and external cycles on this flow chart, dividing
it up into five separate levels of action. The top two levels correspond to
production and consumption, whilst the bottom three represent waste
treatment and the various technical processes available.
If a high percentage of targets is met on one level, the amount of
materials passed down to the next level will be smaller relative to the
quantity of material passed into the recycling chain. The further down this
model a type of material moves, the more specialized the technology
required. The meeting of waste management targets becomes more elaborate and
expensive with every step. Put another way, action taken at production and
consumption level is much more effective as a means of conserving resources
and protecting the environment than are attempts to treat the waste
The waste management targets for each action level can equally be
regarded as the "five principles" of waste management, as follows:
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium
for smaller throughputs at low costs and with low environmental impacts.
Important RSD funds were allocated for that purpose and some pyrolysis
plants were put into operation. It appeared however that urban waste
pyrolysis showed specific disadvantages and still required improvement in
order to be competitive.
Anyway, all the technologies are to be considered with their
respective advantages and disadvantages on a case by case basis, without
leaning too much towards one single technology in particular.
Chairman: J. BARTON
Rapporteur: J.PISKORZ
Given the limited time available it was agreed that the scope of the
discussions should be directed to identifying aspects of pretreatment and
characterization where further RSD or coordination activity was required.
Based on the conference presentations and experiences of the group members,
it was clear that pretreatment requirements for differing feedstocks varied
widely and there would be little benefit in detailing the design performance
and cost criteria associated with any particular system or equipments.
However, differentiation between waste feedstocks and biomass was considered
to be an important factor in terms of the approach adopted and scope or
degree of pretreatment required.
Generally waste feedstocks attracted a disposal credit, they required
and could support (using the disposal credits) a higher degree of feed
preparation. Treatment option would be influenced not only by the
requirements of the thermal treatment step but also by disposal or recovery
option for the residues from pretreatment. In addition, the distribution and
fate of toxic or hazardous components in the waste would play a more
important role in determining pretreatment requirements.
For biomass, whether specifically 'farmed' or the residues from
cropping activities, alternative disposal costs tended to be low and hence
the collection and pretreatment costs had to be fully justified by product
revenues from the thermal treatment stage. However, biomass was usually less
complex in terms of physical and chemical characteristics and thus simpler,
less costly feed preparation methods could usually be developed.
In terms of specific processes used in pretreatment, a few general
comments were made on the following :
It was concluded that whilst many mistakes had been made in selecting
pretreatment equipments, there were enough good examples available and
reported of the above processes to avoid major problems in the future
provided designers and manufacturers took on board past experience. For
novel feedstocks prior testing would always be recommended and this should
be closely linked with an assessment of the response of the downstream
thermal treatment stage.
Whilst the selection of equipments was inevitably feedstock and
process specific, a common factor for all systems was the need for effective
handling, feeding and storage systems. A catalogue of problems was reported
by group members for this aspect with many processes failing due to an
inability to maintain and control material flow.
Three main factors were considered to require further study.
when reporting test work and experience. The size, shape, particle and bulk
densities and permeability of feedstocks used affect the thermal process and
such information was needed for developing suitable pretreatment options.
This was an area where an expert group could develop a checklist of
specification requirements, how they should be measured and how they should
be reported.
On specific techniques, mention was made that when assessing slagging
characteristics, the conventional determination of the deformation and flow
temperatures of ash could give misleading results. Initial preparation of
the test sample from the feed material using low temperature, plasma
techniques, as opposed to using a conventional ashing furnace or ash from
the process, could avoid physico-chemical reactions which prevent
identification of the presence of low melting temperature components.
Based on the discussions, the priority areas for further study which
could be supported by the EC in future programmes were as follows :
A V Bridgwater C Roy
Energy Research Group Université Laval
Chemical Engineering D epartment D épartement de génie chimique
Aston University Ste-Foy
Aston Triangle Quebec
Birmingham B4 7ET G1Κ 7P4
UK Canada
The chairman opened the session by showing a series of transparencies
which summarised the main characteristics of the pyrolysis technologies available.
The advanced pyrolysis technologies are: fast pyrolysis, flash pyrolysis, ultra
pyrolysis, vacuum pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis. These were compared with the
more conventional carbonisation technologies. As opposed to conventional
pyrolysis where the main objective is to produce charcoal, the advanced pyrolysis
route leads to a high yield of organic liquids in the first instance.
The general characteristics of pyrolysis oils were described together with the
properties of the solid product (charcoal). The oil can be used as a fuel and also
contains hundreds of valuable chemicals which can potentially be recovered.
There is also a consensus on how slurries of char-oil and char-water can be
prepared for power generation. The chairman concluded his brief introduction by
showing the different prospective combinations of primary and secondary products
from biomass pyrolysis.
There was a consensus about the fact that finding a market for the pyrolysis
products is vital for the feasibility of the process. However, getting rid of wastes is
another goal which is not always compatible with this primary objective of finding a
market for the products. As a consequence, it is imperative that the governments
contribute to the development of recycling technologies together with the private
sector. In fact, there is a growing interest nowadays from large firms for pyrolysis,
due to the positive image such an involvement can stir in the public.
Pyrolysis has many applications, both in the lage variety of feedstocks that
can be treated and in terms of the many types of products it is possible to obtain
during the different processes in development. This development requires time,
financial assistance and collaboration between all participants.
This International Congress and the Workshop are examples of
collaboration which should be mainyained on a regular basis, perhaps in North
America and in Europe.
Laboratory of Fuel Processing Technology
Technical Research Centre of Finland
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
University of Groningen, Netherlands
1. Catalytic Gasification
The chairman wishes to thank all who participated to the workshop. The
input of E. Kurkela and M.S. Mendis is especially acknowledged.
E. Churin
Unité de Chimie et Catalyse des Matériaux Divisés
Place Croix du Sud, 1
134 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
The workshop was organised to discuss the possibilities for the upgrading of
biomass-derived oils to transportation fuels or high-value chemicals and other potential
uses other than just as a heavy fuel.
To obtain high quality fuels or chemicals the oils must be upgradfed in order to
reduce the oxygen content, increase volatility and reduce molecular weight.
The catalysts used in this process are CoMo and NiMo supported on alumina,
the liftime of which needs to be established. It was stressed that it could be very
interesting to conduct a study that would lead to the understanding of the degradation of
the oils or hydrotreated oils containing some phenols which could act as antioxydants.
It was estimated that about 75% of the primary pyrolytic vapours could enter the
pores (as studied by molecular beam mass spectrometry at SERI) which means that the
time lapse between pyrolysis vapour production and zeolite contact should be very
short. Phenolic compounds exhibit a low reactivity on this catalyst and contribute to
coke formation. For this process, research should be oriented towards the modified
zeolites in order to diminish coke formation and increase the reactivity of some
Concerning the use of the pyrolysis oils without any chemical transformations,
the only utilization discussed was the replacement of pure phenol in resin production.
The phenolic and neutral fraction extracted after elimination of acidic compounds could
replace half of the puie phenol used in phenol-formaldehyde resin. This research is
sponsored by the industry and industrial implementation is well advanced.
Typ· of watt·
Figure 2: Distribution
Figure 1 : Annual distribution of
proposals by type of waste
Ξ F R 32
^ IR 2
1.43% □H IT 36
^ NL 11
Π PO 3
■ UK 4
3.57% BE 7
DK 5
5.00% FRG 34
2.86% 25.71% GR 4
2.14% SP 2
defective logs from the wood based industries and logging operations.
Availability of rubberwood
The economic lifetime of a rubber tree is about 25-30 years. At the end of its economic
life, a typical rubber tree has a height of about 18 m, a diameter of about 70 cm at ground level
and an average dry weight of about 3.6 tonnes with composition summarised in Table 2.
Table 1 Comparative Cost of Energy Table 2 Composit ion of Rubber
in Rural Industries Trees at the end of their
Economic Life»
Enerpv Calorific value Fuel cost Components Drv weipht
source fGJ/tei ŒCU/GJ1 kg %.
Diesel 44.3 3.55 Leaves 67 1.9
Charcoal 30.5 1.74 Leaf-stalks 9 0.3
Wood, wet 12.5 0.70 Twigs 105 2.9
Coal 29.3 1.74 Small branches 163 4.5
Side branches 410 11.4
Main branches 1258 35.1
Main stem 1032 28.7
Roots 547 15.2
TOTAL 3591 100.0
The area of planted rubber plantations in Malaysia is about 1.67 million ha. About 3%
of the planted area is replanted every year (Anon, 1987) yielding about 3.6 million tonne of
wood. Out of this amount of wood available, it is estimated that only 10% is used as timber
and 15% is consumed by the rubber smoking, brick, tobacco and the charcoal industries. The
remaining 75% of the rubberwood available is left in the replanting area to be burned later.
Hence the amount of rubberwood available for fuel or other further down-stream processing is
very substantial (Ambrin et al, 1987).
The most common method of firing bricks in Malaysia is by the updraft kiln method.
The kiln has no permanent top, but the outer wall, base and fire tunnels are permanently built
with bricks. The walls on either side are buttressed and the comers are heavily constructed.
Access into the kiln is through a doorway at the end walls. The doorway is filled temporarily
with closely laid bricks (without mortar) during the kiln operation.
After the process of preparing the wet bricks, the green bricks are carefully loaded into
the kiln. Small spaces are left in between the bricks in order to allow hot gases produced from
the fire at the base to rise. Rubberwood is placed in the firing tunnel and is fired, gently at first
to allow water to escape from the bricks until the kiln reaches a certain temperature. This is
indicated by a red glow at the top of the kiln at night. The sink of the bricks (after shrinkage)
against the permanent side walls is an indication of the firing process. Generally the firing
period is between 4 to 10 days. A typical amount of fuelwood required to manufacture 1 kg of
brick is 0.3-0.4 kg (Hoi, 1987).
Heat for the sawmilling industries
The basic use of wood as a fuel in the sawmilling industry for generating steam in
boilers has been a common practice in Malaysia. For most Malaysian wood species, the gross
calorific value of oven-dried wood is about 18 MJ/kg. High lignin and resin contents in wood
such as for some dense species will result in a higher calorific value. Moisture in the wood
will also decrease the calorific value of the wood. In a typical case, air-dried wood with a
moisture content of 10% has a gross calorific value of 16 MJ/kg. For freshly sawn wood this
value is around 10 MJ/kg (Tan, 1985). Because of the lower heating value of green wood,
preliminary drying is always preferable although not always practical. In a typical sawmill the
energy requirement per unit of the product is summarised in Table 4.
The amount of wood wastes available is around 5.4 million t/y, so only a small
percentage is utilised. The rest is left in the field either to be disposed of by burning or by
natural deterioration. Hence the amount of unexploited wood resource is very substantial. The
total amount of wood wastes used as fuel in the country is summarised in Table 6.
In the last decade, very little attention has been focussed on the potential of harnessing
energy from the forest because of the availability of cheap fossil fuels in the country.
However, as the fossil fuels in the country are very limited, it will only be a matter of time
before the non renewable resources will be depleted. It has therefore become increasingly
urgent for the government to look for alternative resources to satisfy her future energy needs
(Salleh and Hoi, 1983). Recently, there has been renewed interest all over the country to
reassess the possible contribution of wood to future energy requirements. While the
ingredients are already there, means have to be taken by all concerned to exploit the potential
fully by intensive research and development efforts. Only then will the long term objective of
the government be fully realised.
1. Anon (1986). Yearbook of statistics 1986. D epartment of Statistics, Government of
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2. Hoi, W Κ and Baharuddin, Y (1987). Wood as an alternative source of energy. Paper
presented at the Asian Physics Symposium, October 1987, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
3. Anon (1987). Lapuran perangkaan tahunan tanaman semula 1987. RISD A, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
4. Ambrin Buang and Mohd. Nazuri Hashim (1987). Current analysis of the rubberwood
industry with special emphasis on marketing. Proceedings of the Second Rubberwood
Seminar, December 1987, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
5. FAO (1973). A market analysis of Malaysian wood products. Technical Report No.6,
FO:DP/MAL72/009 Rome, Italy.
6. Hoi, W Κ and Low, C Κ (1986). The use of fuelwood in the smoking of
rubbersheets. Report of consultancy on wood energy use in Malaysia. UND P, 1986,
Rome, Italy.
7. Enno Heijnermanns and Hoi, W Κ (1987). Preliminary report of energy use in tghe
natural rubber industry of Malaysia. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
8. D aham Mohd. Daud (1987). Pengawetan tembakau dengan menggunakan gas cecair
petroleum. Paper presented at National Tobacco Conference, December 1987m, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
9. Hoi, W Κ (1987). Fuelwood trees for rual industries. Paper presented at Confernece
of Multi Purpose Tree Species, December 1987, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
10. Tan, Y E (1985). Calorific value of some Malaysian Timber. The Malaysian Forester,
28: 148-153.
11 Hoi, W K, Ali S and Megathewar (1986). Small-scale charcoal from small holders in
Malaysia. Paper presented at Rubber Planters' Conference, October 1986. Ipoh,
12 Hoi, W Κ (1983). Country status on charcoal production and technology, Paper
presented at experts consultation on charcoal technology, FAO, Bangkok, Thailand.
13 Hoi, W Κ (1986) Charcoal production from beehive kilns. Paper presented at
International Union of Forestry Research Organisations Conference, Yugoslavia, 1986.
14 Hoi, W Κ and Putri, F (1988). Wood eneigy activities in Malaysia. Paper presented at
Regional Workshop on Biotechnology, February 1988, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand.
15 Salley, Μ Ν and Hoi, W Κ (1983). Research in biomass energy - Problems and
Prospects. Paper presented at the consultation of wood energy programme in Asia and
Pacific region. FAO, 1983, Rome, Italy.
low investment;
good care of boilers ; warm-heaters and generators operating conditions
and life are improved;
easy operation; automatic feeding of fuel pellets is included;
low cost of maintenance and service;
high energy efficiency (82%) on heating capacity 4000 kcal/kg to
4200 kcalAg» leads to 80% of specially designed boiler, warm-heater
and generator.
Hot densification belongs to the'group of technologies which utilize
biomess as energy source thermochemically (ie. direct burning, pyroly-
sis, gasification) (1). The object of briquetting is to produce a solid
bio-fuel with higher Volumetric Energy Density {VED), and better trans-
port, handling and combustion properties (2), (3), (4).
During hot densification of lignocellulosic materials, complex com-
petitive physicochemical phenomena are taking place (e.g. development of
thermoplasticity, hydrolysis, production of anhydrosugars) (5),(6). These
phenomena depend on the pressure, temperature, time, and, in several
cases, on other parameters of densification.
Tne object of this work is the understanding of the mechanism of hot
densification and the development of mathematical models linking the pro-
cess yields with the various densification parameters.
The raw materiel of thermochemical densification was conifer saw
dust. The sawdust was densified in a heated mould by a laboratory hydrau
lic press. The densification temperature, pressure and time varied
between 80215°C, 100400 bar and 0.254 h, respectively. The bulk den
sity of both the raw material and the product (briquette) were determined
geometrically. Moisture contents were found according to ASTM (D 1037).
Total process weight loss, organic volatiles loss and weight loss after
weight stabilization at ambient humidity were also determined (7). The
volatiles loss were calculated from the weight decrese of the dry matter.
The calorific value of the solid fuel produced was analyzed according to
ASTM (D 271).
yro 0.9620.0379*xt40.0180*XP+0.0911*xT+0.00215*xt**»
0.111*χ,»*χτ0.0687*χτ*χ* +0.0422*xat
+0.0166*xap0.234*x=T +0.0177*xt*Xp*xT (1)
yTO: * process gross total yield (100total loss, see Table I).
XtÄ (2)
Xp·* 3 (3)
V_ S (4)
t: compression time, h
Ρ: pressure, bar
Τ: temperature, Κ
ρ a*exp(b*P) (6)
p: density, g/cms
a 0.52 0.97
b 0.00060.0007
r 2 0.60 0.99
The ai« of the work is to design and develop a whole process of charcoal slurries production
for use in siali and medium size boilers and lov speed diesel engines. Two possible flowsheets
have been tested : without ash renoval, a binary charcoal/water iiixture contraining 571
charcoal, exhibiting a LCV of 16900 KJ/Kg and a dilatant behaviour has been obtained. Ash
renoval, including acid treatment and selective aggloiieration leads to a ternary
lixture, containing 471 of charcoal and 12S fuel-oil, of a LCV of 18700 KJ/Kg, exhibiting a
pseudo-plastic behaviour and meeting the pollution standards requirements.
Preliminary combustion tests shov better burning properties for ternary Bixtures.
Economic estiiiate show that slurries would be coiipetitive with a fuel oil at 7.5 ECÜ/GJ.
Significant cost reduction can be obtained in the future in formulation optimiza- tion, and
pyrolysis liquids valorization. Anyway, tie grants presently needed by farmers for
competitivity are less than for other agricultural policies.
Common agricultural productivity trend shows that european agriculture produce and will
produce more and more surpluses. In year 2000 the area corresponding to surpluses will probably
represent 151 of present agricultural area (1). Short rotation forestry is proposed for those
areas, but a very large market must be found for such a large wood production. Household
and flats heating would be consistent with it, but bioiass is not a fuel easy enough to handle.
Charcoal : water slurries considerably improving biomass storage, transportation and handling,
might therefore be a right solution.
The aim of the work presented here is to design and develop a whole process for such slurries'
production and use in small and medium size boilers and in low speed diesel engines.
The paper present results on ash removal, slurry formulation, preliminary burning tests and
Slurries must satisfy several objectives, of somewhat contradictory nature :
The minimum lov calorific value (LCV) required for the liquid to be usable in the current boilers
retrofitted is 16700 KJ/Kg.
The slurry must satisfy fluidity specifications : it must be stable (no solids deposit) and its
viscosity must not exceed 2 Pa.s (2000 cp) for a shear rate of 100 s .
The slurry must respect standards against atmospheric pollution : less than 0.24 g/HJ must be
discharged from plants under 3 HW.
For small scale boilers, intermittent operation needs easy ignition characteristics for the fuel.
Details on the way to obtain those results are given in (2).
charcoal 80,
water r
1 ./ addi ti ves
( Γ Q wet ball mill ί. rHCL .water N>
bimodal granulometry : 420 IA
wet ball mill 813/1
liquid : fueloil
water + additives
charcoal : water : additives slurry purified *■ sãfc&gSi
57 : 42 : 1 <— charcoal + fuel
even though it is rich in ash. The wood chips are pyrolyzed in a CemagrefFramatome pyrolyser vith
recycling of volatile latter, which enables maximum charcoal yield.
The line is presented in figure 1.
Details on paraietric studies for fonulation optimiza tion are given in (2).
λ typical slurry obtained fro« a bimodal granulometry(70t of lean diameter 4 μ and 301 of
■ean diaieter 2^)contains 571 charcoal, 421 water, It of Tamol (naphtalene sulfonate) as dispersing
agent and 20 to 50ppm of carboxyiethyl cellulose ("Hercules") as stabilizer.
Such a slurry has the specifications required as it has an effective lover calorific value
(taking into account the heat a vaporization of vater) of 16900 KJ/Kg and a viscosity of 1900 cp
at 100 s . The Theological behaviour of the slurry is dilatancy (apparent viscosity increases
with the shearing rate).
When ash removal is included, the production line is sore complex (see figure 1). To achieve
satisfying residual ash content, acid and selective agglomeration cleaning lust be coibined (details
in (2)).
The hydrophobic liquid used here is domestic fueloil which has the advantage of enhancing the
final energy content of the slurry.One may also envisage light fractions of crude oil not currently
marketed(presently used mixed with heavy fuels) or light crude oils.
The tvo cleaning steps are complementary,since selective agglomeration preferentially
eliminates the silica and the alumina.Neutralization is not necessary since separation of the
agglomerates liberate the acid aqueous phase.The agglomerates are just rinsed until a neutral pH is
A typical ternary ultracarbofluid ("bioDCF") contains 47» of charcoal, 121 of fueloil,
401 vater, 0.8t of a dispersing agent (nonionic vetting type, such as Cemulsol) and 20 ppm of
stabilizer. The viscosity is 1900 cp at 100 s" 1 and the Theological behaviour is pseudoplastic
vhich is a positive effect of tremendous importance. The slurry has a LCV of 18700 KJ/Kg, 751 of
which is due to the charcoal, and an ash content of 0.8i.
Preliminary combustion tests have been performed on a 100 KM furnace. Burning properties are
much better for a bioDCF than for binary slurries (conversion efficiency of 0.98 as compared to
0.82 at optimum air excess). Flame stability and ignition facility vere satisfactory for
bioDCF. Detailed experimentation have still to be carried out.
Binary mixtures estimates vere presented in (3). A preliminary estimate is presented here for
The size of production unit is determined by the forestry density around it, to optimize
the transportation/scale economics ratio. A 0.1 density shovs that a 2700 T/day of slurry size of
unit is an optimum. For such a capacity, the capital costs are broken dovn as follows (table I).
reception Drying Pyrolysis Milling Gasbumer
and and and turbo Total
storage slurry alternator
costs 19 5.7 9.1 18.5 8 60.3
in 10 ECU
The production cost is broken down as follows : the standing charges and staff costs
represent 11.71 of total cost ; the operating costs, additive, HCL, and fuel oil, represent
24.91 of total ; the wood transport and storage represent 13.4t of total and the wood itself,
50t of total cost.
As a conclusion, the production cost of bio-DCP is estiiiated at 850F/T (120 ECU/T), that is to
say 6,5 ECD/GJ. Considering the present official OPEC price for crude oil (18 $/bbl), bio-DCF is
nearly twice the price of doiestic fuel. As coiipared with the binary slurry, the cost is not
significantly higher (6.5 and 6.3 ECD/GJ).
The lain iteis taking up that price are the wood, and the fuel and additive. So, finding
alternative additives and hydrophobic phases is of treiendous importance for cost reduction.
Considering other possible iiproveients, an increase in short rotation coppice fro· 13 T/ha to
17 T/ha would save a significant 81 for bio-DCF and 111 for binary ikes.
A pyrolysis liquids valorization could also lean a significant cost decrease ; the lost
siiple way is to sell their energy content on-site, through steai generation for instance. This
would represent a 10< reduction for bio DCF and a 13.51 for binary lixes. Of course, any
lore valuable strategy aiongst the eierging technologies for pyrolysis liquids use (upgrading to
«otor-fuel for instance) will represent a significant iaproveient.
The coiparaison with other fuels lust be iade in tens of final energy cost, that is
to say including the boiler's capital cost and efficiency and the boiler operating tiae per year
(the hypothesis here is 4000 h/year). In the case of bio-DCF, the boiler is not equipped with ash
reiover and dust recovery in siokes.
The co«parison of bio-DCF with light fuel oil is shown on figure 2 ; it can be seen that
the bio-DCF would be coipetitive for a light fuel oil cost of around 7.8 ECD/GJ, that is to say
around 40$/bbl crude oil. For binary slurries, the coipetitiveness would be obtained for a price of
6.5 to 7.4 ECO/GJ.
These results can be teiipered in teres of comon agricultural policy in Europe ; table II
shows the grant to faners needed for present coipetitiveness with fuel oil and it appears that the
proposed energy line is very interesting.
Table II
Cost of different agricultural policies grant
required in FF/ha -year
U / G J —j—ι—τ ι ι ! ι ι ι ι ! ι ι ι ι ! ι ι ι ι ! ι ι ■ ι j ι ι ι ι ι
:::#F ""T
* : ::::::::::
I ""f"" ^
* ., :::::
.r ty..''
X 4 MW
° 2 . 5 MW
j + 1 MW
: · 500 KW
_l , , ,, , . , . , , , , ι , , . , i . . . . i . , . .
Figure 2
Two types of slurries satisfying the specification have been obtained. Econoiiics are already
interesting in tens of agricultural policy and of exportation to developing countries,
but they could be iiproved by pyrolysis liquid valorization and choice of other conponents in
fonulation. The burning properties in boilers and engines bave also to be studied now.
(1) BECKER J.J (1986). Etude des débouchés énergétiques de l'Agriculture en coipléiient des
débouchés agricoles traditionnels. Thèse de Doctorit université Paris Dauphine
(2) ANTONINI, G, i al (1988). Fomulation and Theological properties of charcoal liquid fuels
Euroform New Energies, Saarbrücken Vol 3 pp 629 631 N.S Stephens t Associates.
(3) ESNOOF. C , LESANT. V. (1988) New Process of suspension Pyrolysis and use of charcoal
slurries id Vol 3 pp.635637.
Bio-oils derived from wood pyrolysis and/or liquefation processes are
complex mixtures of many organic compounds varying greatly in size, molecu-
lar structure and polarity. The recovery from pyrolytic bio-oils of
useful products is worthly to be considered especially if it can be
regarded as a significative step of an integrated up-grading process. In
fact, pyrolytic bio-oils require, in general, to be up-graded since they
rarely meet the standards for commercial fuels. On the other hand,depending
on the type of wood and on the operating conditions of pyrolysis, bio-oils
are usually characterised by an high percentage (from 10 to 60%) of phenol
and phenol omologs (1) which are by far the most valuable product of wood
pyrolysis. When these compounds are not recovered as chemicals they are
usually destroyed during the fuel up-grading process.
Classical models for the characterization of complex petroleum
fractions are based on measured properties of pure compounds and/or
pseudoCompounds such as boiling point and specific gravity. Recently new
correlations have been developed which require, for each petroleum
fraction (pseudocomponent), more sophisticated informations: NMR, elemental
analysis, and IR spectroscopy. However, for the investigation of the fea
sibility of our separation process it must be pointed out that much at
tention has to be paid to the problem of binary and pseudobinary interac
tion parameters.
The approach proposed is similar, in principle, to that used by Alessi
et al. (5) and by Yu et al. (6) for heavy ends characterization and super
critical carbon dioxidebitumen phase behavior. It is based upon the
attainment from the biooil of five homogeneous fractions. This makes it
possible to define and evidence some pseudocomponents for which one
determines the average molecular weight. Then, pseudobinary and
pseudoternary equilibria data between fractions and carbon dioxide can be
experimentally determined at laboratory level: solubility of each fraction
(or pure component) and solubility and selectivity of their binary mixture
in supercritical carbon dioxide are used as equilibrium data. In addition,
when other vaporliquid equilibrium data (bubble and dew points, PTx, PTy,
PTxy and PvT) are available from the literature for pure and binary
mixture, they can easely inserted in the procedure for determining binary
interaction parameters.
As thermodynamic model for the whole system carbon dioxidebiooil we
use an equation of state (EOS) which, following Lüdecke and Prausnitz (7),
has been obtained by using the equation of MansooriCarnahanStarling (8)
for the repulsive term and that of Soave (9) for the attractive term in
combination with a density dependent mixing rule proposed by
Panagiotopoulos and Reid (10). This equation, which is characterized by
three adjustable parameters for each binary or pseudobinary system, has
been applied successfully to the prediction of phase behavior of carbon
dioxidelemon oil system at pressure from 30 to 110 bar and at temperature
from 308 Κ to 323 Κ (11).
The three binary interaction parameters for each binary or
pseudobinary system containing carbon dioxide are calculated from the
experimental solubility data by minimising the following objective
S = Σ.(y y )? + Σ.(Y Υ J2 (2)
ii exp cal ι il exp cal ι
The solubility of a single pure or pseudocomponent and of their binary
mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide are obtained by using the single
pass flow apparatus. A detailed description of this apparatus and its
operation mode have been reported in a previous paper (11). It has been
designed to operate up to 1000 bar and 473 Κ and can be used without any
modification as a semicontinuous extraction laboratory plant. It is used
in combination with an optical cell of few cubic centimeters (Nova Swiss)
which allow us to verify the number of cohexisting phase at the same opera
ting conditions of the single pass flow apparatus.
Before starting with the systematic experimental and theoretical study
described in the present papar, we used our laboratory extraction plant to
extract with supercritical carbon dioxide phenol compounds from a sample of
pyrolytic biooil obtained from the fluidised bed reactor of Raiano
(Italy). We operated at 313 Κ and 300 bar obtaining an extract which,
after depressurization and separation of carbon dioxide, was analysed for
phenol and phenol omologs content. We found in appreciable amount phenol,
cresols, xilenols and other substitutes.
The development of lignin applications a s a raw material i s being widely
investigated in recent years. One interesting way is pyrorysis and carbonization to obtain
chemicals (1,2] and a char which can be u s e d as substrate for the preparation of carbon
materials [36].
In this paper, we study the preparation of activated carbons from eucallptus kraft
lignin by a twostep procedure consisting In Inert atmosphere carbonization followed by
CO2 partial gasification.
Labscale experiments have been carried out in a stainless steel cylindrical reactor
16 c m length and 8 c m l.d. electrically heated. The s y s t e m h a s a time/temperature
programmer which allows to control temperature and heating rate. Gases ( N2 or CO2 ) were
continuously passed at a 10 1/h (STP) flow rate. Thermogravimetric experiments were also
accomplished using a model Thermoflex Rlgaku thermobalance.
The carbonized products were analized for elemental composition ( C, H, N, S )
using a 2 4 0 C PerkinElmer apparatus for C, Η, Ν and a JuliusPeter for S. Ash content was
also determined in every sample.
The raw material w a s eucalyptus kraft lignin supplied by the Empresa Nacional de
Celulosas, S.A. from its lignin precipitation pilot plant.The precipitating agent w a s H2SO4
at a controlled pH and the lignin w a s centrifuged and dried. The final product h a s the
following typical composition: 53.7% C, 4.5% H, 0.1% N, 1% S, 30.5% O and 10.2% ash
content. The relatively high ash content is most probably due to precipitate enmeshment
and can be easily reduced by diluted acid washing. A s will be emphasized later, this is a n
Important variable in the carbonization process and t h u s we have peformed experiments
with different ashcontent lignin.
Characterization of the porous structure of the products have been carried out from
77 Κ N2 adsorption isotherms using a Sorptomatic 1800 ( Carlo Erba Strumentazione ).
Figure 1 s h o w s the TG and DTG curves obtained for lignin at a 5 ° C / m l n heating
rate. The TG s h o w s a n Initial weight loss attributed to moisture followed by a plateau
region up to about 2 0 0 °C. At this temperature, devolatilizatlon begins and extends up to
about 600°C where a constant 55% weightloss level is reached. The DTG exhibits a small
maximun due to moisture loss and a wide peak from 200 to 500 °C with a maximun at
370 °C.
CARBON 7 0 0 9 0 0 °C, C0 2 7 0 0 9 0 0 °C, N ,
The results obtained on the carbonization experiments revealed that the most
important loss of volatile matter occurs within the 300500 °C range and a nearly constant
yield close to 40 % ( referred to organic matter ) is reached beyond 700 °C. The carbon
content of the final products becomes very close to 95 % at this temperature. An important
feature is the evolution of S content, which goes from 1 % in the initial kraft lignin to less
than 0.5 % at 500 °C and 0.25 % at 900 °C.
The apparent surface area of the carbonized products shows an increase up to 800
°C followed by a decrease in the 700900 °C range, which becomes specially significant at
900 °C. Decrease In apparent surface area could be explained as the result of increasing
rearrangement of parallel layers of carbon atoms.
Figure 2 shows the N2 adsorptiondesorptlon isotherms corresponding to the 700
and 800°C chars. B oth exhibit a shape characteric of microporous solids. This thermal
range was adopted as the optlmun for carbonization. At 700°C, the devolatilization process
requires no more than one hour and the apparent surface area of the resulting carbon
becomes close to 500 m 2 / g , reaching a value of 600 m 2 / g at 800°C.
al «♦« ♦ * _ ■ α
♦π Π D
E 150 * *
a 700°C Char
o 800 e C Char
0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
F i g . 2 . A dsorptiondesorption isotherms of N 2 at 77 Κ of chars: open points,
adsorption; closed poi nts, desorption.
0 4 0 6
Fig. 3. Adsorption-desorption isotherm of N 2 at 77 Κ of the activation
product corresponding to a 55X burn-off: open points, adsorption;
closed points, desorption.
Pilot plant studies are at present at the plant start-up stage. The pilot plant has two
main sections ( carbonization and activation ), the furnace being in both cases of screw-
conveyor type and electrically heated. An intermediate paddle crusher allows to grind the
char before CO2 activation. This becomes convenient as same degree of agglomeration is
observed in the carbonization step.
The authors wish to express their gratitute to the Empresa Nacional de Celulosas,
S.A. for providing the financial support for this research. T. Cordero also acknowledges to
the Spanish CICYT-D GICYT for a R+D grant.
(1) JEGERS, H.E. and .KLEIN, M.T (1985). Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 24 173
(2) NUNN, T.R et al, (1985). Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 24 844
(3) OTANI, Cet al, (1984). J.Chim. Phys., 81 887
(4) OTANI, Cet al., (1986). Ceramica, 32. 315
(5) POLI
D ORO, H. et al., (1986). Ceramica, 32. 181
(6) OTANI, C. et al., (1988). Proc. Carbon'88, p. 648. Newcastle uponTyne.
The preparation of COa activated carbons from chromium
tanned leather waste has been used as a way to reduce
the volume of this residue and to find a practical
application. The effect of some preparation variables
(temperature, soaking time, heating rate, etc.) on the
adsorption characteristics of the carbons has been
studied using N 2 (77K) and COa (273K) as well as mer
cury porosimetry. The microporosity does not change
much during activation in COa, very likely because of
the blocking caused by the Cr203 particles. Since the
volume of macropores is very high in all carbons, in
creasing with burnoff in COa, they could be useful in
adsorption from solution processes.
The tanning and footwear industries produce a large
volume of chromiumtanned leather waste which contains an
average 6 wt% of Cr203 , introduced in the leather during
the tanning process with chromium (III) salts (1). A t
present, this waste does not have any practical application
and in fact, its elimination is very problematic because of
economical and ecological considerations. It is therefore
important to find a way of elimination of the waste in which
useful materials could be obtained. This paper presents a
such new way of elimination by producing activated carbons.
This approach has the advantage of considerably reducing the
volume of the waste and, additionally, of producing adsor
bent carbons with adequate adsorption capacity towards gases
and solutes in aqueous solution.
The leather waste used as precursor in this work was
of black boxcalf type with aniline finish. The leather
was cut in 2x2x2 mm cubes in order to obtain granular ac
tivated carbons although, in some cases, shreded leather
was also used. The leather was carbonized in a tubular
furnace under a Na flow (80 cm3/min) at different tempera
tures (773 and 1123K), heating rates (1.5 and 5K/min) and
soak time (2,5 and 10 h ) . The carbonized material was
activated in a flow (80 cm3/min) of C0 2 at 1098K for 228 h.
The nomenclature of the samples includes: precursor, car
bonization conditions (2 digits) and time of activation.
The characterization of the porous texture of the
carbons was basically carried out by adsorption of N2(77K)
and C02(273K) using a conventional gravimetric system fitted
with silica spring balances; mercury porosimetry was also
used for the larger size pores.
The chemical analysis of the leather shows that this
material may be useful for the preparation of activated
carbons since it has a 45 wt% of elemental carbon. The
leather has an ash content of about 6 wt%, most of which is
Cr 2 0 3 . This high content of chromium in the leather could
be considered as an inconvenience for the preparation of
activated carbons, but it was shown that the whole amount of
chromium remains as Cr203(2) in the final carbons, this
being a very stable oxide.
The carbonization process of chromiumtanned leather was
studied in a previous report (3) as a function of tempera
ture; the process was almost completed at 1000K, with a
yield of 23%, similar to that found for many lignocellulosic
materials (4). For this reason, a carbonization (in nitro
gen) temperature of 1123K was used in most cases. The
carbonized leather was activated in a flow of COa, under
different experimental conditions. There follows a short
analysis of the role of some of the variables used in the
preparation of the activated carbons.
Global V(cm3/g)
Yield micro meso macro
Carbon T(K) (wt%) N2 CO2
The micropore volume of the activated carbons prepared
from chromium-tanned leather waste does not change much for
the different variables introduced in the carbonization and
activation processes, being about 0.30 cm3/g (equivalent
surface area: 900 m 2 / g ) . This may be surprising when compar-
ing with other carbon precursors but it may be explained in
terms of the high Cr 2 0 3 content. Cr 2 0 3 particles may be
blocking the entrance of a relatively large proportion of
narrow pores; although there are additional data confirming
this hypothesis (3), the effect of the Cr 2 0 3 could be in-
directly shown by using both pickled leather (without
chromium) and "extracted" leather (after chromium extrac-
tion) as precursors for the carbon.
1. LANGERWERF, J.S.A J. Soc. Leather Technol. Chem. 69,
166 (1985).
Pyrolysis and Gasification. Luxembourg. 1989.
R., Proc. Int. Conf. Carbon. Newcastle upon Tyne.
p.280. 1988.
M. and RODRIGUEZ-REINOSO, F., J. Chem. Technol.
Biotechnol. 3_0, 65 (1980).
5. DUBININ, M.M. "Progress in Surface and Membrane
Science." Ed. D.A. Cadenhead. Academic Press. New York.
1, 1 (1975).
In an earlier publication (1), it was reported that the conclusion
reached by an International Energy Agency (IEA) study group under the
Direct Biomass Liquefaction Project was that the atmospheric pressure
flash pyrolysis process was a cost effective and technically feasible
method for the production of liquid fuels from wood and peat. However, if
hydrocarbon-based transportation fuels were the desired product, further
processing of the crude liquid pyrolysis oils was needed to produce
marketable gasoline or diesel range products. This IEA report has since
become more generally available (2).
In our laboratories one of the most successful atmospheric flash
pyrolysis processes for conversion of biomass to liquids has been devel-
oped over the past ten years (the Waterloo Fast Pyrolysis Process or
WFPP). In our earlier publication with researchers at Battelle, Pacific
Northwest Laboratories (1), the pyrolytic liquid obtained from the flash
pyrolysis of peat employing WFPP technology was used as a feedstock for
the successful catalytic hydrotreating reported then. The present work
describes the results obtained using a modified hydrotreating apparatus
when a lignin fraction of biomass is used as a feedstock. The lignin used
in this work is one of the products which can be obtained from our atmos-
pheric flash pyrolysis process, details of which can be found in earlier
publications (3). When wood or other biomass undergoes rapid pyrolysis
about 80% to 85% of the lignin present is depolymerized, vapourizes and
A continuous packed bed catalytic reactor was used, modified from
that described by Elliott and Baker (6). A schematic of the apparatus is
shown in Figure 1. The reactor itself had a capacity of 96 ml and was
only about one-quarter the size of that used by Elliott and Baker. The
pyrolytic lignin feed could be readily liquefied by heating, but a con-
trolled minimum temperature was desirable because of the thermal sensitiv-
ity of the material. These requirements were met by the use of a unique
free-piston feeder. The feed vessel was surrounded by a heating jacket in
which thermostatically controlled heating fluid was circulated. The feed
vessel contained a free piston which separated the liquefied lignin from
water or other appropriate displacement fluid. Feed rate was controlled
by a twin head HPLC pump which drew the displacement fluid from a reser-
voir and which could deliver from 0.25 to 24.0 ml/ min of liquid.
The catalytic reactor had a two zone furnace which allowed an axial
non-isothermal temperature gradient to be imposed. Operation was co-
current, upflow. Liquid product was collected under pressure in two traps
with intermediate cooling. Details of operating conditions are given in
the next section.
■6 000
5 000-
O 4000
O 3000
H 2000
nF-i. i- L i u J L
*-* ' I 1
6 8 10 12 14
TIME (min)
^ 9 io
o 13 17
g 2 0 0 0 b- J IS 16
yjL 2 3
TIME ( m i n )
zs β 000
z 6000
_, 4000
O 2000
7 β
TIME (min)
The raw material for the tests described here was a sample of hog
fuel from the Pacific north-west. Hog fuel is the waste cuttings gener-
ated by sawmills, and normally contains a high percentage of softwood
bark, in the case of the present sample, about 80%. The sample used con-
sisted of a mixture of waste from two species, Amabilis fir and Western
hemlock, which are commonly harvested and processed together. The hog
fuel was dried to 9.5% moisture, ground to -1 mm and then pyrolyzed at
525 C and atmospheric pressure in a sand fluidized bed. Apparent vapour
residence time was approximately 0.45 seconds. The crude pyrolysis oil
was water extracted to give a yield of pyrolytic lignin of 21.2% of the
hog fuel fed (both on a moisture free basis). Analysis of this lignin
fraction is given in Table 1.
The pyrolytic lignin composition was investigated by means of GC-MS
analysis and by C NMR spectroscopy. A typical GC-MS chromatogram is
shown in Figure 2, the peaks shown a« tentatively identified in the GC-MS
spectra are mainly methoxy and dimethoxy phenols, and substituted methoxy
phenols e.g. 2-methoxy-4-(l-propenyl) phenol. The NMR spectra shows some
differences in structure of this lignin as compared to those obtained from
hardwoods such as poplar (4). The guaiacyl/syringyl ratio is high, con-
sistent with the lignin from the softwood component of the feed. A signi-
ficant amount of carbonyl groups are also indicated, a feature which is
almost completely absent in hardwood lignins. Presumably, these arise
from the high extractives content of the bark, and in particular the
tannins, resinous and waxy fractions which would contain carboxylic acid
or ester linkages.
The results for two upgrading runs are given in Table 2. In each of
these runs the same catalyst was used without replacement or regeneration
and it had already been in operation for over six hours. In both runs, a
constant flow of hydrogen was maintained and total reactor pressure was
14 MPa. The catalyst used was sulfided commercial Co-Mo pellet supplied
by Katalco Corp., and 65.7 grams were initially charged to the reactor.
The reactor was filled with lignin, the desired axial temperature gradient
established, and flow started which was recorded as zero time.
The results in Table 2 for the two runs show a high conversion of the
feed to a liquid organic fraction, 64% and 61% respectively, representing
a carbon conversion of about 78% to liquid hydrocarbons. The oxygen con-
tent of this light organic fraction was about 0.5%, and oxygen removal was
about 85% as water. Only about 1% of heavy residue remained, which was
readily soluble in methanol.
The second test (Run B) was carried out at twice the feed rate but
otherwise essentially the same reaction conditions as the previous run.
Very similar yields were obtained even though the space velocity was
doubled. The short-fall in the overall recovery of products (4% to 9% of
feed) appears to be due to the loss of volatile hydrocarbons in the C¿ -
Cg fraction when the liquid product was depressurized.
The light organic product had an elemental analysis of C - 88.48%,
H - 11.06% and 0 (by difference) - 0.46%. The H/C atomic ratio is 1.50,
suggesting an appreciable aromatic content. The results of GC-MS analysis
of the light organic fraction are shown in Figures 3 and 4. Material
eluted in the first five minutes consisted of normal and cyclic alkanes to
C Q , as well as simple aromatics. Small amounts of phenols eluted next and
the final group of compounds were largely alkanes, both straight chain and
branched, from C-,? t o C?6· Peak numbers shown in Figures 3 and 4 are
identified in Figure 3.
Z5 8 0 0 0
o 32
33 34
¡Γ 2 0 0 0 35
τ— iL —t
12 13 15
TIME (min)
3 8 000
•7 6 000
Ο 2000 36
A- ι
Λ. —I
19 20
TIME (min)
60 ^ ^ *
li Jf^*^^
Lu ^/^
O 50 ^ s *
3? j r
UJ 40 aS"^
2 ^JL
3 - ß*
_l /
O 30 it
> ^M
u /
_l 20 ~ M
Q ^
2 _ /
• y
0 »·—"ι
5 20 45 70 95 120 145 170 195 220 245 270 295 320 345
Figure 5. Simulated distillation curve for light organic product from
hydrotreating of pyrolytic lignin (Run 3 ) .
The CNMR spectra of the light: organic fraction was also measured.
A clean separation of two major groups of hydrocarbons was obtained, that
is, aliphatic and aromatic, with almost no indication of any oxygen con
taining structures. Integration of the aliphatic peaks, most of which
were characteristic of nalkanes, indicated that 61.7 ± 0.8% of the carbon
was aliphatic. Therefore, the substantial fraction of aromatic carbons,
about 38%, suggests that the light organic fraction is more similar to a
kerosine than to a diesel fuel. A dditional peaks in the NMR spectra indi
cated the presence of some naphthenic structures also, or of other con
densed aromatic or hydroaromatic structures.
A simulated distillation of the light organic fraction was also
carried out using the SIMDIS chromatographic method (Sulpeco Inc. Petrocol
3710 column with qualitative calibration mix) according to A STM method
D3710. The resultant cumulative boiling point curve to 345°C (the maximum
calibration point) is shown in Figure 5. This analysis was carried out
some months after the preparation of the lignin derived hydrocarbon
liquid, and it was estimated that 5% to 10% had been lost, representing
the most volatile fraction. Figure 5 shows that about 65% or more was
below 345°C BP with about 50% boiling within the gasoline range. With
fresh product and more careful recovery of volatiles, it is estimated that
about 60% of the product would be gasoline range hydrocarbons containing a
high percentage of simple aromatic compounds, and cyclic alkanes. The
heavier fraction boiling above 225 C would be largely straight chain
alkanes and might be suitable for use as a component of diesel fuels.
The successful hydrotreating of this lignin fraction from the pyroly
sis of a waste wood and bark mixture suggests that similar lignins from
other processes, such as that recovered during fuel alcohol production
from lignocellulosics, might also be similarly upgraded with good yields.
The authors would like to express their thanks to the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for the financial
support of this work.
Y. (1988). Energy and Fuels, 2, 234235.
" technical and economic
analysis of direct biomass liquefaction" Paper 45, IGT Symposium on
Energy from Biomass and Wastes XIII, New Orleans, Feb. 1317.
(3) SCOTT, D.S., PISKORZ, J. (1985). Bioenergy 84; Egneus, H.; Ellegard,
A. Eds. Elsevier Applied Science, London, Vol. Ill, 1522.
(4) RA DLEIN, D., PISKORZ, J., SCOTT, D.S. (1987). J.A nal.A ppi. Pyrolysis
12, 5159.
(5) PISKORZ, J., SCOTT, D.S., RADLEIN, D. (1989). A CS Symposium Series
"Production, Analysis and Upgrading of Pyrolysis Oils from Biomass"
E.J. Soltes, Ed. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
(6) ELLIOTT, D . C , BA KER, E.G. (1987). Energy from Biomass and Wastes X;
Klass, D.L. Ed., Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, 765784.
Table 1
Run Number 3 4
Yields, grams
3H8 0.72 0.63
7.67 7.28
* C - 88 .48, H - 11.06
A series of carbons has been prepared by carbonization
in nitrogen followed by activation in carbon dioxide
of chromiumtanned leather. The porous texture of
carbons has been characterized by adsorption of N2
(77K) and isobutane (261K). There is a progressive
increase in porosity upon activation with CO2 up to
about 50% burnoff followed by a decrease for larger
extents of burnoff. This is due to the progressive
increase in the Cr20 3 content of the carbons. Both
Xray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy
show a homogeneous distribution of Cr 2 0 3 particles
through the carbons and in addition the mean particle
size increases with burnoff. The CraC>3 particles block
the entrance of the micropores of the carbon but at the
same time they act as skeleton for the structure of the
carbons which have appropiate mechanical resistance.
A previous report (1) has shown that chromiumtanned
leather can be used for the preparation of activated carbons
having a large volume of macropores and equivalent surface
areas around 1000 m 2 /g. The carbons had a very high ash
content, most of which were chromium compounds, and it
should be admitted that this inorganic matter must somewhat
affect the texture and adsorption properties of the carbons.
Finding the role of the chromium compounds in these carbons
is not an easy task since those compounds could be in the
interior of the narrow pores. This paper presents the
results found using different experimental approaches, in
the study of the effect of the chromium compounds in both
the structure and the adsorption properties of carbons
prepared from leather.
A series of carbons covering the 770% burnoff range
have been prepared from chromiumtanned leather by car
bonization in nitrogen at 1173K for 5h followed by activa
tion in carbon dioxide at 1098K for 460h. The nomenclature
20 40 BO 80
Bum—off rø
40 H
20 40 60 00
Figure 2. Evolution of ash content with burnoff
In order to understand the evolution of adsorption
capacity of the carbons for large burnoff it is important
to know the chemical nature of the ash and its evolution
during activation. Xray fluorescency and difraction,
together with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) may provide
the information required. The SEM pictures for the char
obtained at 1173K show prismatic particles uniformly dis
tributed (see Figure 3b); EDA X analysis showed that these
particles were basically constituted by chromium. Xray
diffraction for the char showed the presence of aCr 2 0 3
crystals, being the only chromium compound in the carbons.
Figure 3 includes the SEM pictures corresponding to
the leather, the char and one activated carbon. Figure 3a
shows the fibrous aspect of the leather, with no Cr 2 0 3
particles on the surface since the leather was treated
during tanning with Cr(III) coordination compounds. When
this leather is carbonized (Figure 3b) the surface shows
the presence of porosity which is developed upon activation
(Figure 3c); in both the char and the carbon Cr 2 0 3 particles
are seen in the pictures. The mean Cr 2 0 3 particle size
(calculated from the Xray diffractograms) increases with
burnoff as shown in Table 1. Such an increase is more
noticeable in the first stages of activation and it takes
place to a lesser extent after 50% burnoff, when the in
crease in ashcontent is more important.
TABLE 1. Some data for carbons
d (nm)
Carbon (2Θ=65.1)
Char 26.8
P7 26.8
P25 29.9
P39 33.8
P58 34.9
P64 36.1
P70 37.4
R., Int. Conf. Carbon. Newcastle upon Tyne. p.280.
DUBININ, M.M. "Progress in Surface and Membrane
Science". Ed. D.A. Cadenhead. Academic Press. New York.
£, 1 (1985).
3. RODRIGUEZ-REINOSO, F. "Carbon and Coal Gasification".
Eds. J.L. Figueiredo and J.A. Moulijn. Martinus Nij-
hoff, Dordrecht, p.601 (1986).
Two activated carbons from olive pits were prepared by
carbonization and subsequent activation in COE» for ¿f8
(carbon A ) and 82 hours (carbon B> to produce different
micro and macroporosi ty. Both carbons were used to sup
port Fe 3 (C0)ie and both gave welldispersed Fe/C
catalysts which retained small Fe crystallites under
reaction conditions. A sprepared samples (no initial
reduction) were active but a high temperature reduction
at 673K increased the TOF for ΑFe whereas the TOF
remained the same for BFe. A lthough catalytic behavior
was similar in general, the BFe catalyst produced much
less ChL,, which may reflect an effect due to
microporosi ty.
The suitability of iron catalysts to convert syngas to
hydrocarbons is well known (1). Bulk Fe is employed
commercially, but iron supported on carbon <2>, silica (3) and
alumina (4) has been frecuently studied. However, it is dif
ficult to obtain very small Fe particles on oxide supports be
cause the precursors do not reduce easily. Thus an inert sup
port with no surface oxygen groups, such as carbon, may be
atractive, especially when combined with the use of iron car
bonyl clusters such as Fe 3 (C0)i e and Fe(C0)s (5). On the other
hand, Jung et al. (2,6) found that carbons with large surface
areas favoured the formation of welldispersed iron. Highly
dispersed, unpromoted Fe/C catalysts can be prepared which
have high activity and higher that expected olefin/paraffin
ratios (6B). This indicated that the microporosity of the
carbons might play a role in obtaining highly dispersed Fe
(9). However, Kikuchi et al. (10) concluded that the iron par
ticle size is not a strong function of the carbon surface
area. Because there are controversial papers on this topic,
the major aim of this study was an analysis of the influence
of the porosity and the pore size distribution in carbon on
the dispersion and kinetic behavior of carbon supported iron
It is well known that the activation of 1ignocellulosic
Supports. Figure 1 shows the N e adsorption isotherms at
77K for carbons A and B. The application of the Dubinin
Radushkevich (15) and the BET method (16) to the data gave the
surface areas <S> and micropore volumes (Ve.) in Table 1, which
also includes the C 0 S micropore volumes. Mercury porosimetry
curves are given in Figure 2. A cross sectional area of 0.162
nm was used for N e at 77K and its liquid density was 0.B08
g/ml. Carbon A shows a narrow microporosi ty (N s and C 0 B
micropore volumes are quite similar), a poorly developed
mesoporosity, and a small macroporosi ty; the distribution of
porosity in carbon A is therefore very narrow. However, carbon
Β was much more micro and macroporous than carbon A although
the mesopore volume remained almost unchanged. Consequently
the pore size distribution of carbon Β is well extended.
Chemisorption. Table 2 shows the H e desorption and CO up
takes (values have been corrected for adsorption on the
support). In general, hydrogen adsorption gives low surface
coverages on very small Fe particles (2,6,14). CO adsorption
on Fe at 195K is tipically less than that at 300K because of
the different stoichiometry and absence of carbonyl formation
(2). Three of the four catalysts conform to this pattern, and
the unusually high uptake on the BFe (fresh) sample may be
due to CO retention in very small micropores during degassing.
1. Dry, Μ.E. "The Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis". Catalysis :
Science and Technology. J.R. Anderson and M. Boudart eds.
Springer, Berlin. 1, 159 (1981).
2. Jung, H.J., Mulay, L.N., Vannice, M.A., Stanfield, R.M.
and Delgass, W.N., J. Catal. 76, 208 (1982).
3. Ida, T., Tsuiki, H., Ueno, Α., Tohji, Κ., Udagawa, Y.,
Iwai, Κ. and Sano, Η., J. Catal. 106. 248 (1987).
4. Ruckenstein, E. and Sushumma, I., J. Catal. 97., 1 (1986).
5. Phillips, J. and Dumesic, J.Α., Appi. Catal. 9, 1 ( 1984) .
6. Jung, H.J., Walker Jr., P.L. and Vannice, M.A., J. Catal.
75. 416 (1982).
7. Jones, V.K ., Neubauer, L.R. and Bartholomew, L . Η . , J ■
Phys. Chem. 90., 4832 (1986).
8. Sommen, A., Stoop, F. and var der Wiele, Κ., Appi, Catal.
lit. 277 (1985).
9. Schmitt, J L. and Walker Jr., P.L Carbon 9, 791 (1971)
10, 87 (1972).
10. Kikuchi, E. and Morita, Y , J. Catal. 57, 27 (1979).
11. Rodriguez-Reinoso, F., Martin-Martinez, J.M., Molina
Sabio, M. and Lopez-Gonzalez, J.D., Carbon 23. 19 (1985).
12. Rodriguez-Reinoso, F., Martin-Martinez, J.M. , Molina-
Sabio, M., Torregrosa, R and Garrido, J., J. Colloid Interf.
Sci . 106. 315 (1985).
13. Ameise, J.A., Schwartz, L.H. and Butt J. B., J. Catal. 72.
95 (1981).
14. Venter, J., K aminsky, M., Geoffroy, G .L. and Vannice M.A.,
J. Catal. 103. 450 (1987).
15. Dubinin, M. M. and Radushkevich, L. Proc. Acad. Sci.
USSR 55, 331 (1947).
16. Brunauer, S., Emmett, P.H. and Teller , J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 60, 309 (1938).
17. Chen, A.A., Vannice, M.A. and Phillips, J., J. Phys. Chem
91. 6257 (1987).
18. Martín-Martínez, J.M., and Vannice M.Α., To be published.
19. Snel, R. and Zwart, J., Appi. Catal. 22, 337 (1986).
20. Chen, A.A., Philips, J., Venter, J.J. and Vannice, M.A.
J. Catal., In press.
Σν Ρ
• A. Nv
_Av \
2- \ \
ι ι Λ-~-ι
8 Ρ/ Po A logD
Figure 1 Figure 2
Adsorption Data for the Carbons
Vc.DR (cm 3 /g) VMercury poros. (cm 3 /g )
Carbon (m B /g) N a /77K C0 B /273K mesopores macropores
Catalyst wt% He C0/195K C0/300K CO/Fe D(Fe./Fe„ )"=
<> A t 300K.
<<"■ From C0/195K, CO/Fe. = 0.5.
Catalytic Behavior of Fe/C Catalysts
(P = 0.1 MPa, H E / C O = 3, Τ = 54BK)
Select i vi t ies in the CO Hydrogénation Reaction
(Ρ = 0.1 MPa, He/CO =3)
The regulations lay down waste product thresholds for dusts and gases
(in effluents discharged into the atmosphere) and for liquid effluents. At
1' - Probe
2' - Cyclone
3' - Filter
4' - Finned cooler
5' - Electric heating unit
Flow regulation valve
Flow regulation unit
Counter (optional)
Diaphragm Regulating
| / va lve
Since the gas is transferred from the inside of the chimney to the
filter medium through a heated tube (a probe) with a nozzle at the open end,
it was noted that :
this heating affects the products sampled and radically modifies their
proportions, producing cokéfaction and deposition on the inner surface
of the probe;
the very nature of the sampling equipment prevents recovery of the
condensates, except with the first apparatus (see French standard
X43-003). However, as mentioned above, the figures for the material
recovered are too low and distorted.
This was installed to process the gases from the kiln before they are
analysed by chromatography (CPG) (4). The apparatus consisted of a
succession of condensers. It quickly became apparent that the quantity of
products to be processed required greater volumes and that the rapid cooling
of these gases (heavy tar-like hydrocarbons) quickly clogged the sampling
line and modified the measured outputs used for calculating the mass flows.
The condensation unit must be able to trap all the liquid and
particulate phase: water, organic pollutants (acids, methanol, furfurylic
compounds, phenolic compounds and t a r s ) . Various contact elements such as
Raschig rings and glass spheres were not satisfactory (incomplete recovery
of the sample) and were abandoned in favour of vessels of the simple washer
type followed by sinteredplate vessels. These collected all the tars. A n
electrostatic filter was also tried, but although this process traps the
components satisfactorily, it also alters them by oxidation, and was
therefore not adopted.
The flat filter must trap material by filtering the gases after
condensation. Its retention capacity must be high. Tests showed that 0.5U
was sufficient. Its chemical composition should not affect the products
which pass through it. Glass fibre or PTFE are suitable.
If condensation is optimized, this filter becomes the indicator of the
efficiency of the upstream processes (in general the fraction recovered is
equivalent to 1 0 3 % of the condensate) . It is simply maintained at a
temperature too high for residual condensation, which might cause abnormal
clogging of the filter.
The purified gases are sampled in sequence downstream of the counter.
The pressure and temperature parameters are also recorded to correct the
volumes extracted.
The sampling line in its final form is represented diagrammatically in
Figure 3.
Temperature sensor
Filter / F 1 ™ »x*«· \ Gas
holder I I ""i" , Simpli no
Gas meter
Manometer 1Γ"9Μ
Compressed air
Chimney flow Trap for condensed particles Regulation for isokinetic sampling
The work presents a new type of wood wastes incinerator.
Incinerator can be used to utilize different kinds of wood
wastes which might be contaminated by pieces of
noncombustable wastes like bricks, stones or metallic
parts. Low quality non-uniform wood wastes can be burnt in
the incinerator without any previous separation,
segregation or cleaning process. The incinerator prototype
as a typical combustor was investigated using a sectional
hot water boiler as a waste heat boiler.
Two of the applicable utilization methods for wood wastes
are combustion or gasification. However, simultaneously the
heat from the combustion process must be used in the
existing factory heating system. In case of wood wastes and
if we can not expect very efficient preprocessing systems
(as is normally the case in small factories) the
combustion process is difficult to run mainly due to
different wastes structure, big water content depending on
the season, and due to big contents of non combustible
waste like sand, stones, bricks, metallic parts and so on.
Taking into account these circumstances and the fact that
the waste composition changes within a very wide range even
during one day it is obvious that any kind of incierator
will have to work in very difficult conditions from the
point of view of the combustion process stability.
Typical properties of the wastes (sawdust, chips of
pinewood and sprucewood) utilized in the small industrial
scale prototype of the combustor are presented below:
Chemical constitution of the dry substance: C=0.5,
H=0.96, 0=0.439, N=0.001;
- Moisture content: W=0.2-0.5;
Ash content: A=0.01;
Net calorific value: Qw=(7.4-13.4) GJ/kg;
- Bulk density gw=(150-180) kg/m3
Total content of volatiles 0.75-0.8.
air I
Table 3
Amount of wood wastes 96 kg/h
Temp, of flue gas in the outlet of the combustor 1000°C
Excess air number 1.5
Air flow (total) ( 4.7-5)nm3/kg
Flue gas flow from the combustor 5.7 nm3/kg
Net calorific value of wood wastes 10.5 GJ/kg
Moisture content 25 %
Amount of coke (10-20) kg/h
Because of the higher flue gas flow some troubles with a
slight overpressure inside the boiler were noticed. This
was due to the too small capacity of the draft fan which
was running under maximal performance. It is necessary to
stress that no changes were done in the existing system.
Also some fluctuations inside the combustor occurred
especially during startup. After some time the heat
accumulated in the combustor walls and mass of wastes
accumulated inside the ash chamber protected very
sufficiently the stability of the combustion process.
1. Summary
TABLE 4. PCDD, PCDF and PCB concentrations in high boiling pyrolysis oils
(values in yg/kg) ; (n.d. = not detectable)
Distribution of lead
TABLE 5. (Contd.)
Distribution of cadmium
28 0.07
52 0.04
101 0.06
138 0.08
153 0.09
180 0.04
Trichlorbiphenyl 0.292
Tetrachlorbiphenyl 0.331
Pentachlorbiphenyl 0.447
Hexachlorbiphenyl 0.317
Heptachlorbiphenyl 0.097
Oktachlorbiphenyl n.d.
Nonachlorbiphenyl n.d.
„ 75.
Table 8 illustrates the contents of PCDD and PCDF in sewage sludge feedstock
and in high boiling oils in the 690°C and 750°C experiments.
Straw has been pyrolysed at 600°C in a continous reactor
with s feed rate of 3 kg/h. The tar produced has been fed
through an empty reactor of varying size and temperature
and finally the gas was led through four washing bottles
where the condensate was accumulated. The tar fraction
with boiling point between 100°C and 200°C was separated by
distillation and the amount, heat of combustion and
viscosity were analysed. The tar fraction with boiling
point 100°C - 200°C as well as the total amount of conden-
sate is reduced by increased cracking temperature and the
residue turns from sticky tar to powderish carbon black.
The gas volume increases with increasing temperature and
increasing residence time. The gas composition is only
dependent on the cracking temperature.
Pyrolysing biomass produces incinerable gas, char and tar
in various amounts according to the pyrolysing conditions.
The char can be gasified and the tar cracked thermally or
cataly-tically into gas and carbon .black, leaving ashes as a
residue. Instead of converting the biomass energy only
into incinerable gas by this procedure, the possibility of
producing liquid fuels is of great interest, as these fuels
have a wider range of applications and are easier to store
and distribute.
As a part of the biomass gasification research programme
at the Laboratory for Energetics, the possibility of
producing applicable tar by pyrolysing straw has been
investigated. The tar has been compared to diesel oil, as
it was meant to mainly substitute this fuel in internal
combustion engines if possible.
The experiments were performed to give information about
the amount and quality of tar according to cracking
temperature and residence time. The tar was produced by
pyrolysing straw at 600 °C, 1 atm in a continuous reactor
with a feeding rate of 3 kg straw/h. The gas and tar were
fed through an empty reactor of varying size and tempera
ture and finally washed in acetone in four successive
washing bottles. The system was dismantled between each
experiment in order to measure the amount of char produ
ced. The secondary reactors had the volumes of 1.5 1 or 10
1 and the temperature of the same reactors was set to 600,
800, 900, 1000 and 1100 °C.
x π
1ρ _^_—^
==H ' '" L u
t — V
is t
Piston Pyrolysis
Four gas washing
bottles in series
Collection of char
The amount of total condensate collected in the washing
bottles is reduced when the temperature of the second
reactor is increased as seen in Figure 2. It is remarkable
that the total amount of condensate does not exceed 6% of
the inserted straw.
i ι (g/kg straw)
Total condensate
10 -
(g/kg straw)
60 ■
Total condensate
» ( c) Temp.
O 6O0 700 800 900 1000 1100
Volume of
second reactor: 10 1
500 ■
300 Volume of
second r e a c t o r : 1.5 1
• No second r e a c t o r
■k ( C) Temp.
O 600 700 800 900 lOOO llOO
Volume of second r e a c t o r : 1 . 5 1
600 700 800 900 lOOO 1100
• CO
* CO.
40 ° C
0 ( C) Temp.
600 700 800 900 looo lieo
Figure 4: Ga s composition.
(MJ/Nm )
20 ■
18 ·
16 Volume of second reactor: 10 1
14 .
12 . No second reactor
Volume of second reactor: 1.5 1
_^ Γ Ο Temp.
τ 1 1 ι 1—
O 6O0 700 800 900 1000 1100
Volume of second
reactor: 10 1
Volume of second
30 reactor: 1.5 1
20 No second reactor
+r ι 1 1 Γ 1 ^ ( C) Temp.
O 6O0 700 800 900 ÍOOO 1100
The tar distillates obtained by this series of experi
ments represents up to 3% of the energy introduced with the
straw. The efforts made to collect the tar and to separate
the tar fractions by distillation, indicate that producing
liquid fuels from straw is not profitable.
However the experiments showed that thermal cracking at
1100°C can convert tar to gas and carbon black and because
of the latter, the gas is not perfectly clean even at this
temperature. Before introducing the gas to a gas engine it
has still to be cleaned.
The residence time, which was 67 sec. in the experiments
including the 1.5 1 second reactor and approximately 35
sec. in the experiments with the 10 1 volume second
reactor, seems only to have influence on the gas volume
produced. The reduction in total condensate is to small to
measure. The difference in gas composition and total
condensate accumulated in the experiments with 1000 and
1100°C 2nd reactor temperature, is due to a difference in
gas temperature in these experiments. The 1.5 1 second
reactor was not big enough for the gas to reach the reactor
temperature, whereas the 10 1 second reactor has a suffi
cient volume for the gas to reach the applied temperature.
Pelletised municipal waste (RDF), wood, rubber tyre and crop waste was
pyrolysed at 500 C in a 200 cc static batch reactor in the presence of
nitrogen. The derived hydrocarbon liquids were condensed in a cold
trap, dried and analysed for their properties as fuels in comparison
with crude petroleum oil. The properties of the derived oils varied
depending on the original waste material. Rubber tyre waste produced
a low viscosity oil with a CV of 42.0 MJ/kg, the oils derived from
wood, crop and RDF were viscous liquids with CVs of 21.1, 27.3, and
22.1 MJ/kg respectively. Sulphur contents were lower compared to a
medium petroleum fuel oil. FTIR was used for functional group
characterisation and showed the samples were complex with carboxylic
acids, alcohols, alkanes, alkenes, phenols, aromatic and polyaromatic,
ketones and aldehydes being identified. Molecular weight ranges of
the oils by SEC showed a range similar to petroleum oil and a shift to
higher molecular weights was observed on storage indicating
polymerisation. Simulated distillation of the lower boiling point
range of the oils by pyroprobe gas chromatography showed that similar
ranges to petroleum oil were found for the wood and RDF, whilst rubber
and crop oil had higher ranges.
The main routes investigated for energy recovery from waste have so
far centered on heat recovery from incineration (1,2), gasification (3,4),
gas production from landfill sites (5,6) and pelletisation for substitute
solid fuel (7,8). However the production of liquid hydrocarbons from waste
material and their properties as fuels has received less attention. The
production of liquid fuels from waste has advantages over other forms of
energy from waste recovery systems, in that since the fuel is liquid it may
be stored and transported and hence the fuel product does not have to be
used at or near the recycling plant. The derived oils may be upgraded to
refined fuel or added to petroleum refinery feedstocks. Also the products
may be important for their use as refined chemicals, high concentrations of
potentially valuable chemical feedstocks such as benzene, toluene and
naphthalene (9) may make the economics of pyrolysis of waste a more
attractive proposition.
(MJAg) (%) (MJAg) (%)
Rubber Tyre 39.8 1.3 42.0 0.2
Crop 15.5 0.1 27.3 0.1
Wood 18.4 0.1 21.1 <0.1
RDF 21.0 0.2 22.1 <0.1
in wood and rubber tyre waste derived oils has been demonstrated in the
literature (9,16,17). Single and polycyclic and substituted aromatic
groups are indicated by the absorption peaks between 675 and 900 cm-1 which
are present throughout all the samples but to a greater extent in the
rubber tyre and crop waste pyrolytic oils. Phenols, and 2 to 4 ring
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been identified in wood derived
oil (16,17). Benzene, toluene and 2 to 4 ring PAH together with alkyl
- Crop Wood
■ Tyre RDF
derivatives have been identified in rubber tyre waste oil (9,18). The
presence of O-Η vibrations between 3050 and 3600 cm-1 together with the
presence of C=0 stretching vibrations between 1650 and 1850 cm-1 indicates
the presence of carboxylic acids. These are most significant in the oils
derived from wastes containing a high proportion of cellulose and
hemicellulose, i.e. the wood and the RDF which may contain up to 85% paper
(16). Carboxylic acids are also indicated, but to a lesser extent in the
crop and rubber pyrolytic oils. Carboxylic acids in wood derived oil have
been identified in the form of formic, acetic, propionic, and butyric acids
(16,17,19). The presence of the C=0 stretching vibrations with absorbance
between 1650 and 1850 cm-1 may also indicate the presence of ketones and
aldehydes since aldehydes have been identified in pyrolytic oil from wood
(16,19) and ketones from RDF (16). The absorbance peak between 1575 and
1650 cm-1 represents C=C stretching vibrations indicative of alkenes and
are represented in all the samples. A lkenes have been identified in oil
from wood (19) and municipal waste (15). The group of overlapping peaks
between 950 and 1325 cm-1 most promonent in the wood and RDF samples most
probably represent the presence of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols
and also phenols due to the C-0 stretching and O-Η in-plane deformations of
these functional groups. A lcohols and phenols have been identified in wood
(16,19) and RDF (16) derived oils.
Figure 2 shows the molecular weight range of the stored pyrolytic oils
compared to Brent petroleum oil. Table II shows the highest molecular
weight recorded and the number and weight averages, which shows that high
500 ■
C r o p ^ **
**" ....7
/ /
400 » / 'Ί å ι
/ i i
/ Tyre /
/ Φ..·' /''
/ . · ■ "
Λ' ι
300 / 4 Λ /
/ ^. A'
/ . .·'
Wooçi. y/
// I?DF
200 ί
' Petroleum
100 »
^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ j t 1 ■
0 20 40 60 80 100
% Recovered
Figure 3. Simulated distillation of lower boiling point
fraction of pyrolytic oils.
molecular weight fractions are present in all the samples albeit in low
concentration. Molecular weight ranges in oil from wood waste of over 2000
(20) and up to 10000 (15) have been recorded. Figure 2 also shows a sample
of RDF derived oil analysed after only 4 days compared to the sample stored
for several weeks, there is clear evidence of a shift in the histogram to
higher molecular weight compounds and Table II shows an increase in both
the number and weight average molecular weights, indicating polymerisation
of the sample during extended storage. Polymerisation of wood derived oil
has been observed after only 3 days storage (20) and cellulose derived oil
also exhibits polymerisation on storage (16). The polymerisation of waste
derived oils is a disadvantage in that storage for any length of time has a
deleterious effect on the oil, increasing the viscosity and consequently
the handling problems of these oils.
Figure 3 shows the simulated distillation range of the oils and
petroleum oil using pyroprobe GC. The results represent the simulated
distillation range only for those compounds that are volatilised below 500
C. In all cases the first distillation fraction was higher than petroleum
oil, the middle distillate fraction most closely represented by wood oil
and to a lesser extent RDF oil. The highest distillation range was found
for crop waste oil and is reflected in the much larger molecular weight
range and higher number and weight average molecular weights (figure 2 and
Table II). Since polymerisation of the samples has taken place during the
extended storage period, they will represent a higher boiling point
fraction than originally condensed from the reactor. The residue retained
in the pyroprobe after volatilisation represents the high molecular weight
fraction which is not analysed by this method and thus simple distillation
refining of the oils is made more difficult than at first indicated by
figure 3. The polymerisation of the samples also leads to difficulties in
defining the refinery processing applicable to these oils if they are
stored for extended periods.
This work was supported by the UK Science and Engineering Research
Council under grant number GR/F/06074. We would also like to thank Leeds
university personnel, A. Wheeler, J. Taylor, D. Mills and G. Nedjad and Dr.
T. Rampling WSL and M. Eastwood E. Sussex C.C. for waste samples.
(1) Clark J.A.J. I.Mech.E. Paper No. C08/88 (1988).
(2) Dent C. & Krol A.A. MSW conversion to Energy, Harwell HMSO (1987).
(3) Finney C S . S Garrett D.E. Energy Sources 1,3 (1974).
(4) Preston G.T. Waste Age 7,5 88-91 (1976).
(5) Richards K.M. Proc. Energy from Landfill Gas, Solihull OK Oct (1976).
(6) Biddle C.A.R. & Naylor E. I.Mech.E. Paper C13/88 (1988).
(7) Jackson D.V. & Tron A.R. Int.J.Energy from Wastes 6,1, 31-44 (1985).
(8) Porteus A. Refuse Derived Fuel 38-56 App. Sci. Pubs. London (1981).
(9) Collin Jones J.L. & Radding S.B. ACS Syp.Sr.130 (1980).
(10) ASTM D 2887-84 (1988).
(11) Kawakami S. in Jones J.L. fi Radding S.B. ACS Syp.Sr.130 (1980).
(12) Suzuki M. & Sato H. Jpn.Kokai Tokkyo JP61/7387 (1986).
(13) White E. & Thomson Jones J. fi Radding S. ACS Syp.Sr.130 (1980).
(14) Delmon B. et al, in Grassi G. S Zibetta H., Energy from Biomass-1,
Elseveir, London (1987).
(15) Pober K.W. s Bauer H. in Anderson L.L. S Tillman D.A. Eds. Fuels from
Waste, Academic Press, New York (1977).
(16) Rampling T.W. & Hickey T. WSL LR643(MR) HMSO (1988).
(17) Soltis E.fiLin ACS Div. Fuel Chem. 32, No. 1-2 (1987).
(18) Kaminsky W.S Sinn Jones J. & Radding S. ACS Syp.Sr. 130 (1980).
(19) Pakdel H. fi Roy C. in ACS Div Fuel Chem. 32, No. 1-2 (1987).
(20) Johnson D.K. fi Chum H.L. in ACS Div. Fuel Chem. 32, No. 1-2 (1987).
Gasifier systems usually consist of a reactor with feeding
and ash discharge devices,gas cleaning and cooling equip-
ment and gas utilisation installations. Feed preparation
is also often accomplished at the same place.
During each of the process steps gaseous, liquid or solid
effluents may be generated causing damage to public health
or the environment on short or longer term if not properly
managed. In addition some of these activities may be asso-
ciated with discomfort by inadmissible noise levels, un-
pleasant smells or dust emissions.
Most attention is however given to the intermediate pro-
ducts of gasification, which are separated as aqueous con-
densates or are contained in the solid residues. Part of
these products are potential water pollutants whereas
other may show carcinogenic properties.
Gasifiers are used for producing a gaseous energy carrier
from solid combustibles in cases where the wanted form of ener-
gy may not technically or economically be produced by direct
The principle of gasification is based on the combustion
process in which the air intake is lowered so that the produced
gases contain part of the energy of the fuel in the form of
combustible gaseous molecules, mainly carbon monoxide and also
small portions of lower hydrocarbons. Instead of air as the
reacting gas also steam, oxygen or air enriched with oxygen
and/or steam may be used.
The unwanted products of gasification, which are steam,
higher hydrocarbons and dust are separated in the gasifier
system and some of them may cause damage to public health or
the environment if not properly managed. Also other adverse
effects on the environment may be produced by gasifier systems,
including inadmissible noise levels, unpleasant smells or dust
Gasifier systems usually consist of a reactor with feeding
and ash discharge devices, gas cooling and cleaning equipment
and a gas utilisation installation. Also fuel preparation may
be accomplished at the same place.
Gasifier fuels may include coal, peat, wood and wood
wastes, forestry and agricultural residues and wastes from
Reactors for gasification may be classified according to
the type of flow of the combustibles as entrained flow, flui
dised bed or fixed bed gasifiers. The latter, which are most
common, may be subdivided in updraft, downdraft and crossflow
gasifiers, indicating the flow direction of the gases in the
During gasification the bulk of the solid fuel and the
reactants are transformed into permanent gases, steam, higher
hydrocarbons and dust or particulates, leaving the reactor as
a raw gas stream. At certain reactor types part of. the steam
and the higher hydrocarbons may leave the reactor as a conden
sate. At the bottom of the reactor a solid residue is dischar
ged consisting of mineral ash and char.
The higher hydrocarbons, often indicated as tars and oils,
are intermediate reaction products, which are formed in varying
quantities according to the properties of the fuel, the type of
reactor and the operating conditions. Also the characteristics
of the tars and oils are influenced by the same variables.
The tar and particulate concentration ranges in the raw
gas depend largely on the type of reactor. For fixed bed gas
ifiers the concentration of particulates is typically below
10 g/Nm whereas for the other types this value is usually ex
ceeded. The ţar loadings are in most reactor types higher than
5 to 10 g/Nm , except for downdraft and crossflow gasifiers,
showing values of 10 to 100 times lower than the other types.
The dust and particulate loadings in the raw gas may be
specified as fly ash, char particles, soot, carbon black and
mineral vapors. Fly ash consists mainly of mineral matter. Char
particles represent pyrolysed or partly burned biomass that is
fine enough to be entrained in the raw gas stream. Soot or car
bon black is very fine pure carbon dust, a product of reverse
reactions or cracking of tar liquids, which may adsorb a number
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Mineral vapors consist of
mineral matter boiled off in the oxidation zone.
The solid residue collected at the bottom of the gasifier
represents in principle the incombustible fraction of the fuel
but also considerable amounts of charcoal may be present. The
The disposal of such residues may need special care because of
the presence of airborne particles, which may contain polycy
clic aromatic hydrocarbons, carcinogenic substances, and be
cause of the fire risks.
The condensate collected from the reactor at certain ga
sifier types consists mainly of water but may contain consider
able amounts of acetic acid and other water soluble organic
compounds, such as phenol and furfural. Also small amounts of
Conditioning of the gas consists mainly of the separation
of tars and particulates from the raw gas and at the same time
cooling it in order to make it suitable for a given utilisation.
The systems available for gas conditioning may be classified as
wet, dry or semi-dry systems.
Wet systems include spray towers, wet packed beds and ven-
turi scrubbers. They usually use water to collect the gaseous,
liquid or solid impurities, which implies extra waste water to
be disposed of. On the other hand cooling of the gas occurs at
the same time as cleaning and fire or explosion risks are
minimised or are non-existent.
In dry systems the impurities may be separated as a dry
material, which may be disposed of without the environmental
care needed for liquid effluents. However dry dust may be
hindering or even dangerous when handling and may also give
specific disposal problems. Examples of dry systems include
cyclones, fabric filters, dry packed beds and electrostatic
With semi-dry systems the residue disposal may be less
problematic but their use is generally limited to large scale
operations, for economic reasons.
The liquid wastes generated during gas cleaning and
cooling generally contain less oils and tars than the gasifier
condensate discussed in previous chapter. The nature of the
organic load may be similar with respect to the number of com-
pounds but the presence of high boiling fractions tends to be
favored. Usually this waste contains also dust particles.
Disposal of considerable amounts of contaminated conden-
sate in the environment without adequate measures may cause a
risk for water pollution. This may be due to water soluble
organics such as phenol, especially if the applied concentra-
tions inhibit or destroy biological life. At lower concentra-
tions some of the potential water pollutants may however be
biodegradable in water or soil.
Water pollution may also be caused by compounds such as
benz(a)anthracene or benzo(a)pyrene, which show carcinogenic
properties. Despite of their insolubility they may be dispersed
in water adsorbed on particles and be dangerous for human
health after bioaccumulation in the food chain.
In this respect the disposal of dust may need also special
attention because char particles may adsorb non-polar organic
compounds up to 20 to 40 % of their weight whereas this may be
higher for soot and carbon black. Such particles may be dis-
persed via the atmosphere and contaminate air and food sub-
In order to control such problems several solutions have
This paper atten.pts to highlight the major environmental
and public health aspects of gasifier systems. The range of
aspects includes minor issues, such as noise, dust and odor
problems, and major issues, such as risks for water, air and
soil pollution, including cancer risks. The extent to which
these adverse effects may be produced depends on the type of
reactor, its capacity and operating conditions, the type of
feedstock, gas conditioning and gas utilisation.
Brown, M. D., Baker, E. G., Mudge, L. Κ., Environmental
design considerations for thermochemical biomass energy,
Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington, 1986.
Buekens, Α., Schoeters, J., Thermal methods in waste dis
posal, Part I : Pyrolysis and gasification, Commission of the
European Communities, Brussels, 1984.
Fachhochschule Fresenius, Department of Trace Analysis, Dambachtal 20
D-6200 Wiesbaden Federal Republic of Germany
Direct pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS) is applied
to standard samples of wood constituents such as glucose, celiobiose,
cristalline and amorphous cellulose, birch hemicellulose, and birch lignin.
The thermal behaviour and chemical characterization of these polar low
molecular weight plant constituents as well as complex biomaterials by
thermal degradation coupled with soft ionization mass spectrometry is
shown. This high-vaccum (in-source) technique allows molecular weight
distribution profiles of thermally released material to be rapidly obtained
at both low and high mass resolution. The main topic is to demonstrate
that the thermally released chemical species are directly related to the
original structure of the starting material and artifact formation during
pyrolysis plays only a minor role under the selected experimental
conditions. Thus, for qualitative and quantitative investigations of
biomass, in particular dried, milled wood, the method can be utilized for
basic research on wood composition and quality control of biomass
conversion processes.
The global search for alternative energy sources based on biomass and
current problems of tree damage have created an urgent demand for analytical
methods directly applicable to plant materials. The first requirement of such
methods is that they should provide an immediate "fingerprint" of the whole sample
with minimal preparation so that the sample may be identified by eye, library
searching or more sophisticated pattern recognition methods. The second
requirement is that it should be possible to identify relevant chemical species ·
present as biomarkers and perhaps responsible for the "fingerprint" differences and
variations found.
The importance of biomass as a renewable starting material has steadily
increased and in particular its pyrolysis and gasification processes play an
important role in the search for alternative energy resources. Around the year
2,000 biomass may already provide approximately 696 of the total primary energy
demand in the countries of the European Community (2). As biomass conversion
increases in importance so too will the applied analytical methods. The
responsibility assigned to such methods in predicting and steering the successful
outcome of large-scale chemical engineering operations could well become
enormous. The situation is complicated by the intrinsic variability of the naturally
produced feedstocks together with quality control of the desired products such as
charcoal, gases, liquid fuels. Much interest therefore attaches to the development
of rapid, reliable and comprehensive techniques which may be suitable for
application to both feedstocks and products initially in pilot studies and later in
automated factory environments (3).
Characterization of plant materials by Py-FIMS, Part VI. For Part V see ref.(l).
119 163
iXm Ά ise |l<fl|tltl|ΜΙ>|ΊΊ
05 ¡98
204 252 28B j306
Lu 15Β 2ΘΘ 258 380
ι^·'>ι>1 >I HI 11 ■ ι.,,.■,
358 400
io c Ρ
ç a :£
4 3Ί tf3 28ÍT3
? 6
348 3 6
470 510
tifili» ^ h i
208 3Θ0 '40Θ 500
Fig. 2 Pyrolysis FI mass spectrum and thermogram (plot of the total ion current
(TIC) versus temperature) of crystalline cellulose,
profile will be referred to as a thermogram and the ion current is seen to start
around 230°C, maximize at 305°C and end at 335°C heating. When the FI mass
spectra in this temperature range are summed, a timeintegrated FI mass spectrum
is obtained which summarizes the m/z (mainly molecular ion) contents of the
thermogram. The spectral pattern obtained is highly differentiated and free of
background revealing the advantages of this ionization technique. The major
pyrolysis products have peaks at m/z 162, 1Ψ4 (base peak), 126, etc. Differences
observed between this spectrum and that of amorphous cellulose are described
below. The creation of such a timeintegrated survey spectrum also has the
advantage of telling the analyst which ions are the most significant thereby
allowing him to plot individual m/z values in the thermogram. The time
(temperature) of occurrence of these ion currents is important in deciding whether
a peak is probably a released volatile (low mass, low temperature, short time) or a
low mass pyrolysis product (high temperature , long time). This is illustrated by the
total and selected ion current plots of pine wood flour in the following paper (17).
c) Amorphous cellulose
The thermogram and timeintegrated survey spectrum of amorphous
cellulose are shown for comparison in Figure 3. The thermogram is somewhat
t» *
100 1
x ?. 05,
S = £
Φ O S3
50 100 200
Temperature [°C]
o 60
5 40
m W f JUifc
43 0
<»·η·Ί~>·.·| ) . < . |
broader than that in the crystalline case (Fig. 2) as the start of the intense TIC is
around 195°, maximum at 295° and end at 335°C. The typical hexose signal at m/z
162 is less significant the intensity ratio m/z 162 / 144 (base peak) averages 16%
in the crystalline case (5 determinations) compared to 5% in the amorphous case.
This observation should be helpful in an estimation of naturally occuring cellulose
as reported, for instance, in soils (12). Moreover, m/z 126 is more abundant in the
amorphous case (74% compared with 51%) and, in addition, the amorphous
spectrum has a significant peak with m/z 114 (approx. 30% of base) which falls
below 15% of base peak in the crystalline case. The signal at m/z 114 is of
particular importance in the following discussion of polyoses in birch wood,
d) B irch Hemicellulose
Softwood xylans are characterized by arabinofuranose linked by
oC(l«—3)glycosidic bonds to the xylan backbone (16). The survey spectrum shown
in Figure 4 and is dominated by the base peak at m/z 114 and large ions in the
lower mass range e.g. at m/z 96, 86, 74 and 60. In addition to low abundant ions for
monomeric pyrolysis products of lignin, the small signals at m/z 210, 332 and 418
are due to lignin contamination (see e) below). The pentose molecular ion
(arabinose ) at m/z 150 and the product of direct water eliminations at m/z 132 are
clearly discerned but of relatively low abundance. Thus, it appears difficult to
identify hemicellulose on the basis of nominal mass peaks by PyFIMS alone.
74 96
138 164
200 250
ι, |.»τί·, I
Γ" " ■Ι Ι Ι
350 4Θ0 45Θ 508
«34 « 5 9 6 Θ.0
^(^Mtf^JJ^^IfUlnHlMi |
100 280 308 408 500 680 780 880 908
n/Z ►
e) Birch Lignin
The survey spectrum of birch lignin is shown in Figure 5 and is
characterized by intense ions having signals of the nominal mass 180, 210 (base
peak), 332 and 418. Investigations by PyGC/MS and accurate mass measurements
using PyFIMS allowed the assignments of these lignin pyrolysis products. Coniferyl
alcohol (180.0786; C . Q H ^ O J ) , sinapyl alcohol (210.0892; CjjH^O^) and
syringaresinol (418.1628; Cj^HjgO«) were identified (18). In addition a lignin dimer
of yet unknown structure Γ332.Ι26Ό; C , O H 2 Q 0 6 ) was found. A further significant
spectral characteristic is the absence of any significant peaks between m/z 54 and
m/z 150. In the higher mass range above m/z 418, however, numerous FI signals up
to m/z 878 are registered. In general, the sensitivity of PyFIMS for thermally
stable lignin subunits is high, as can be derived, for instance, from the weak but
distinct FI signals at m/z 210, 332 and m/z 418 in the previous spectrum of
hemicellulose (Fig. 4). The method apparently has great potential for the detection
of lignin traces in preparations of wood and wood constituents.
The results obtained from both two model sugars and of the three major
macromolecular components cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin clearly show that a
direct, characteristic relationship exists between the products of thermal
degradation monitored by PyFIMS and the original chemical structures of even
such complex biological materials as wood.
Raw feedstocks, intermediate fractions and finished products can be
directly compared and differences investigated where considered necessary. The
potential importance of the combined techniques in production is increased by the
suitability of the spectral data for direct incorporation into computerized process
monitoring and control systems. The method as described has consequences for
both research and production aspects of biomass conversion and the search for
alternative energy sources.
This work was financially supported by the D eutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie,
Bonn-Bad Godesberg, and the Umweltbundesamt, Berlin.
Direct pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS) is used for
the investigations of birch and pine woods. The thermal behaviour and
global chemical characterization of these complex biomaterials by in-
source thermal degradation coupled with soft ionization mass
spectrometry is demonstrated.
Comparison between the spectrum of a synthetic blend (cellulose, birch
hemicellulose and birch lignin) and an authentic birch wood sample clearly
shows that artefact formation in temperature-programmed Py-FIMS is
negligible. Curie-point pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
(Py-GC/MS) is further employed to investigate the identities of selected
pyrolysis products. The combined methodology should find use in
fundamental research in the thermal analysis of plant materials as well as
in applications to environmental problems such as the present tree
damage and/or in monitoring feedstocks and products in biomass
In a concomitant publication (1) the state of the art of pyrolysis-field
ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS) for biomass investigations is described and
an analytical scheme is introduced, based upon this method and pyrolysis-gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) for the rapid profiling of biomass
and identification of plant constituents. Recent work has demonstrated the
usefulness of direct Py-FIMS in combination with Py-GC/MS in characterizing
tobacco (2), food (3), spruce needles (<0 and soils (5,6). The reproducibility of the
Py-FI mass spectra of plant materials (7,8) and plant litter in forest soils (9) has
been shown by the application of chemometric methods.
The present paper reports the application of the improved Py-FIMS
method (7) to birch and pine woods. In particular, the complementary techniques of
capillary column Curie-point Py-GC/FIMS and Curie-point Py-GC/EIMS for further
characterization of Py products are described.
il (ίΜ,^μΜΜί,^Ι^ι,ι,,ΐΜ,^ν,.,Λ,,,ί
2ββ 3ββ 48β see 6ββ 7ββ see
m/2 ►
^ l | h h38ΘfJ4«if
*ln2ΘΘ 400
^ f*t*p rii r<*' ti1! f ■■■
500 608 788 800 988
1 »♦*♦
416 879
596 6 4 4 689 Θ55|
ι ι\
„ I , , i ι ! r., il » ^ V " '*
,, M V;>.,,..Mr 1·' " ' ' " ' 'Ίft":'" ·'! ' '' ' ''!
4¿0 3¿0 6¿0 7β0 β0β
20000 18Θ
two spectra are now clearly revealed. Highmass peaks above the xaxis e.g. m/z
596, 64Ψ, 689, 855 or 879 are those which are either absent in the blend or present
to a much lesser extent. These significant groups are probably due to
aliphatic/paraffinic lipid components which are, of course, not present in the blend.
Peaks below the xaxis are those present to a lesser extent in the authentic wood
spectrum e.g. m/z 180 and 210. The sensitivity of PyFIMS for these aromatic
lignin constituents, coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol, is very high as can also be derived
from Fig. 5. Thus, these constituents are overemphasized in the summed spectrum
of the synthetic mixture. However, it has to be considered that these subunits may
also be overrepresented in the lignin preparation due to the isolation procedure.
When the subtraction from the authentic wood spectrum is performed by
calculating the corresponding sensitivities of PyFIMS for cellulose, hemicellulose
and lignin, only minor intensities of signals below the xaxis are observed.
As an important result, the statement can be made that the method gives
a qualitative estimate of wood and wood constituents mixtures and that the
formation of artefacts (i.e. pyrolysis products which are not directly related to
chemical substructures in the macro molecules) is negligible.
b) Pine Wood
The survey FI mass spectrum obtained from pine wood is reproduced in
Fig. 3. The survey spectral pattern is highly differentiated and free of background
40 29
85 226
18 i+\ 98 i 2
20 ™ 2 8 4 3 0 θ 328
KÅ AM ML *witi
200 230
t 330
¿ løøj
I 80
£ 60i
2 ØH 4 β
374 sS 0 :2
' ι lΙ ?
i ί««»474
Γ " ?
59Θ 612 626
øtllHl'<'i'if ll>|i(.i|.ÍlÍvl|Í,|,4„^il|ltÍ|ilJUk„|ÍlÍl
500 55β 6ΘΘ 650
indicating once again the advantages of this ionization technique. The major
products start at the highmass end with m/z 682; a series at 598, 612 and 626 with
CH_homologues; and continues with a series at m/z 226, 270, 272, 284, 286, 300,
302and 328 which is partly due to lignin dimers. This has been confirmed by
accurate mass measurements giving, for instance, 270.0895 ( C . n H ] 4 0 A ) , 272.1048
( C 1 ( . H , 6 O j , 284.1047 ( C , 7 H , , O a ) , 286.1200 ( Ο , , Η , . Ο Λ 300ϊ099Γ ( C 1 7 H . , 0 5 ) ,
302ñl5S (CjyHjoO,.) ancT 328.1344 (C^HjgO^f (15). In this reference fignin
monomers have afso'Deen reported from spruce wood and litter at m/z 150, 152,
178 and 180. In addition, two main groups of components are seen in the ranges m/z
300396 and m/z 420550. The large peaks at m/z 18, 31, 43, 60, 84, 96, 98, 114
(partly), 126, 144 and the weak 162 are typical of hexose sugars, mainly cellulose
Figure 4a shows the thermogram for the total ion intensity (Til, plot of
the intensity of all ions in the recorded mass range versus temperature) which
yields a maximum at 320°C. In order to illustrate the usefulness of the time (and
temperature)resolution in deciding whether a peak is a released volatile or higher
temperature pyrolysis product, the FI signals for water (18.0106; HO),
methoxystilbenol (226.0994; C^H.^O) and tocopherol (430.3811; C2^^-^
were chosen. The first m/z 18 is clearly released volatile water whereas the later
m/z 18 (300 to 400°C and around 450°C) indicate water eliminations which
originate from higher temperature Py processes. Also, the temperature frame for
the release of the volatile wood constituent methoxystilbenol (m/z 226) is
completely resolved from the thermal production of tocopherol (m/z 430).
In addition, complete thermal fractions of pyrolyzates can be displayed
which give full PyFI mass spectra as illustrated for the temperature range 50 to
250 C in Fig. 4b. As illustrated for soil samples (6), it can be assumed that this
third dimension of the pyrolysis mass spectra plus high mass resolution is an
20- 18 180
; 9 6β n
Ji.H'l'· Jk-Λτ Lt Jll TVU+
Fig. Ψ a) Thermogram of pine wood showing the TIC trace together with the
single traces for m/z 18, 226 and 430 illustrating the time-resolution;
b) Pyrolysis FIMS survey spectrum of pine wood obtained by summing the
mass spectra from 50 to 250 C in Fig. 4a.
essential step for a better understanding of pyrolysis pathways and the identity
and thermal behaviour of individual chemical species.
Curie-point Py-GC/FIMS
The field ionization mass spectra contained within a whole Py-GC/FIMS
run may be summed in a similar way to give a time-integrated survey spectrum.
c I
< 40· 60
20 74 138
α: 58 97 182
84 ι 112
|61 7 'I 2 æo
. . . ι \°Ι ?7η
ι 1—270
[ ^ . ^ i j k tø)l| m IUmiJUL
50 100 150 200 250 300 350
12 ι b)
IBI. A^^IU. —_^
m/z 180
m/z 178
m/z 164
0 I H 11 1111 11 11 U I I 11 | I l I 11 111111 11 I ì I A I |*H+1 I 11 I 11 [ I 11111 I 111 I |
οΓ ¿00
« 200
3. 100
I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I I J' I I I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' ι
2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 11:00 12:00 U:00 16:00 Time [min]
ι 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 1111 I I I
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 ¿50 500 Scan Number
The survey spectrum obtained in the pine wood analysis is reproduced in
Fig. 5a and shows strong peaks at m/z 12Ψ, 126, 138, 150, 152, 16*l·, 166, 178, 180
and 182. This spectrum summarizes the whole molecular weight contents of the
GC/MS run. It is also highly differentiated and may be compared with the low
molecular weight region of the direct PyFIMS thermogram (Fig. kb). Indeed, a
relatively small group of peaks (e.g. coniferyl alcohol) is evident having a similar
profile superimposed on the weak cellulose peak at m/z 180. The thick film
capillary column used in this case has a higher sample capacity allowing more
information to be obtained from the less sensitive FI technique but discriminates
strongly against higher molecular weight or polar components.
Such a timeintegrated PyGC/FIMS spectrum can act as a rough bridge
between the direct PyFIMS masses and the fingerprintlike mass spectra obtained
after Curiepoint PyGC/EIMS (see below). As in the thermogram case, the survey
spectrum tells the analyst which are the most significant masses so that selected
ion chromatograms may be directly plotted. Normally, the choice of ions to include
in such mass chromatograms can be a very tedious process, involving examination
of the spectra corresponding to many GC peaks. An example of such a mass
chromatogram formed from the PyGC/FIMS data for the pine sample is shown in
Fig. 4b for the m/z values 180, 178 and 16f, together with the TIC chromatogram.
Curiepoint PyGC/EIMS
The same sample subjected to PyGC/EIMS gave the TIC profile shown in
Fig. 5c containing a wealth of EI spectra suitable for identification purposes. Mass
chromatograms may then be constructed in the same way as in the PyGC/FIMS
case, above, and the spectra may be compared by their GC retention indices.
Further investigation of structures :
The peaks present in the direct Py survey spectrum may be further
investigated either by high resolution mass measurement (volatile and involatile
components) and by PyGC/MS using both FI and EI modes (volatile components).
Thus, a powerful strategy emerges for the rapid characterization or identification
of survey spectrum components (Schulten et al., 1989b). This may be of particular
importance where the survey spectral peaks are found to differ significantly
between, for example, 'good' and 'bad' batches of feedstock for a particular
Using such a strategy, the following survey spectrum peaks (at least in
part) were tentatively identified (volatiles) :
m/z 58, acetone; m/z 60, acetic acid; m/z 112, 2-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-
cyclopentene-1-one; m/z 124, 2-methoxyphenol and 1,2-nonadiene; m/z 138,
phenol-2-methoxy-4-methyl; m/z 150, acetophenone, 2-hydroxy-4-methyl; m/z 164,
phenol, 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)- and phenol, 2-methoxy-4-(l-propenyl)- and
phenol, 2-methoxy-5-(l-propenyl); m/z 166, acetophenone, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy
and phenol, 2-methoxy-4-propyl; m/z 180, 2-propanone, l-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy)
and phenol, 4-(3-hydroxy-l-propenyl); m/z 182, benzeneacetic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-
The major molecular ions found in the Py-GC/FIMS case are m/z 150, one
prominent GC peak, m/z 164, three prominent GC peaks, m/z 180, five prominent
GC peaks (plus three others, probably fragment ions owing to somewhat longer
retention times).
These results show that the Py-FIMS method is readily applicable to wood
and wood components to yield highly differentiated and interpretable mass spectra.
Also illustrated is the potential of accurate mass measurement and Curie-point Py
GC/MS for further investigation of single components. The additional possibility of
cross-correlation between the GC FI survey spectrum containing all the molecular
weight information of the GC run and the FI chromatogram containing the time
dimension and therefore retention index data, suitable as a further important
identification parameter. Thus, it is possible to rapidly obtain a more
comprehensive picture of the whole sample contents from occluded volatiles up to
the m aero molecular structure.
The GC/MS part of this work will be further improved by ready
availability of modern high capacity capillary columns allowing higher mass and
more polar Py products to be separated and identified. Cryogenic trapping followed
by derivatization for gas chromatography should present no significant difficulties
in those cases where considered desirable. In the present work, emphasis has been
placed on illustration of rapid profiling so that a fast GC temperature program has
been chosen. For research work involving a thorough attempted identification of
components, a much slower temperature program or longer GC column may be used
thereby improving the separation and information content of the chromatogram.
The potential also exists for creation of libraries of Py-FIMS spectra as
well as application of pattern recognition techniques (13,14,16) to aid further
investigation both from a fundamental research point of view and for application in
commercial biomass conversion. One of the most important aspects of this
treatment is the demonstrated power of chemometrics using the integrated
approach allowing incorporation of external parameters such as chemical, physical,
technical properties and spectroscopic data e.g. IR, NMR etc.
The results obtained from both a real wood samples and a synthetic blend
of the three major macromolecular components cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
clearly show that a direct, characteristic relationship exists between the products
of thermal degradation monitored by Py-FIMS and the original chemical structures
of even such complex biological materials as wood. Artefact formation may occur
during pyrolysis but obviously plays only a minor role and can be excluded for the
major observed signals.
Thus, it can be expected that technical processes of biomass conversion
can be simulated qualitatively and quantitatively in the ion-source microreactor of
the mass spectrometer. If sufficient data sets are available, modeling and
prediction of biomass properties should be accessible by chemometric evaluations.
The recycling of waste oils which are contaminated with
organo-chlorine compounds is a problem of growing
economical and ecological importance. The combination of
the Recyclon-procees with fluidized bed pyrolysis offers
suitable method to dispose high loaded oils. In contrast
to other technologies the enormous advantages of the
described process are the low emissions, the low PCB-
concentration and high quality of the yield products and
the minimal amounts of pyrolysis residue.
More or less viscid liquid waste are used which are
composed of mineral oils, synthetic oils, oil containing
residues or water oil mixtures (1). The elemination of waste
oils in the Federal Republic of Germany was reorganized in
1986. Now it is part of waste ordinance according to which the
originator of the waste has to pay for its elimination.
Because of rising amounts of used lubricants with
different compositions (of polychlorinated compounds) in the
industrialized world, its recycling gets economical and
ecological importance. Especially the possibility of the
formation of highly toxic dioxines and furanes from chlorine
containing compounds by combustion or any other thermal
utilization attracts attention.
Many waste oils contain considerable concentrations of
chlorinated hydrocarbons because of the contamination of used
motor oils with used transformer oils.
The conventional utilization of waste oils gets impossible
because of the emissions of ordinary reprocessing plants. The
Recyclon process (2) offers a solution for dehalogenation of
waste oils by the reaction of a fine sodium dispersion with
chlorinated hydrocarbons to sodium chloride. After
distillation, a distillation residue of about 20% of the
feedstock is obtained. The combustion or deposition of this
viscous, salty residue is very difficult. The conversion to
chemical raw materials succeeds by fluidized bed pyrolysis.
Aliphatic Compounds
C , Hydrocarbons 0,19 0,75 1,99 0,05
C Hydrocarbons 0,9 1,87 1,28 0,08
C„ Hydrocarbons 0,24 0,193 o,97 0,09
C Hydrocarbons 0,81 0,86 0,39 0,66
C Hydrocarbons 1,02 0,49 + 0,13
C Hydrocarbons 0,76 0,86 0,49 0,38
C Hydrocarbons 0,89 0,43 0,50 0,57
Cyclopcntaclicnc n.d. 0,2 0,30 0,76
Aromatic Compounds
Benzene 0,42 2,44 12,93 16,34
Cyclohexadiene 0,03 0,38 1,29 o,37
Toluene 0,25 3,20 8,88 10,74
Ethylbcnzcnc 0,05 0,56 1,01 1,27
m/p-Xylcne 0,10 0,71 1.93 2,42
Styrcnc/o-Xylcnc 0,13 0,76 2,92 6,19
Mcthylstyrenc n.d. 0,74 2,04 3.49
Indcnc 0,14 0,44 1,26 4,35
Mcthylindcnc 0,15 0,87 i,99 2,75
Naphthalene 0,15 0,38 1,44 4,58
2-Mcthylnaphthalcne 0,01 0,22 0,74 1,45
i-Methylnaphthalene 0,01 0,17 0.59 1,26
Biphenylene 0,01 0,07 0,15 0,24
Accnaphthcnc 0,01 0,12 0,30 0,35
Acenaphthylcne 0,01 0,11 0,34 0,45
Fluorene n.d. 0,11 0,31 0,25
Phenanthrene n.d. 0,09 0,25 0,19
Anthracene n.d. 0,05 0,15 0,05
Other Hydrocarbons 8,13 16,4 30,5 14,6
Tar 85.59 64,79 25,06 25,96
C/H ratio of tar I/I,74 1/1,67 1/1,01 1/0,94
(1) Gesetz über die Vermeidung und Entsorgung von Abfällen
(AbfG) (BGBl.) (waste law of FRG) I p. 1410
(2) Patent in FRG no. DE 2813200 C2, 1986
(3) Patent in FRG no. Ρ 3728871.7, 1988
Due to the extension of the sewage sludge system in the Federal
Republik of Germany the annual amount of sewage sludge is increasing
constantly. Considering the restrictions on waste disposal, such as
composting and agricultural utilization, thermal processes are be-
coming more and more significant. Beside the mineralization and steri-
lization of sewage sludge in refuse incineration plants or flui di zed
bed reactors the ENERGAS pyrolysis process (ENERGAS Klärschlamm-
Pyrolyse = EKPy) is an interesting alternative for the treatment of
sewage sludge. The simple, compact construction of the indirectly
fired pyrolysis reactor including its measuring and regulation system
is suitable for the thermal treatment of sewage sludge. Additionally
it is possible to link noxious substances such as heavy metals, HCl,
etc. by additives.
The products obtained are gas and coke. The gas is combusted in
order to provide the energy for the degassification process and to
produce hot-water, steam and electricity with the surplus energy. Due
to its residue content of carbon the coke can be sold as a fuel or
used as activated carbon.
The process is especially suitable for catchment areas with a low
population density (100.000 EGW = calculated refuse production per
inhabitant) where the sewage sludge transport to bigger, thermal dis-
posal plants (refuse incineration plants etc.) is economically un-
The essential pyrolysis rections happen at the temperature range of 200 and
520 550 °C. At a higher temperature range turnover is neglible. The use
of higher temperatures is only suggestive to expedite the pyrolyis
Additionally it is of high significance that at low temperature ranges
of 250 350 °C only 50 % of sewage sludge input can be decomposed and
therefore considerable amounts of anorganic substances remain in the
Advisably, the pyrolysis of sewage sludge is conducted up to a final
temperature of 520/550 °C. It is also possible to fix the final temperature
at 480 500 °C and to prolong the time of treatment accordingly.
Biomass Energies Integrated Systems
25 Strada della Viola, 10133 Turin, Italy
is reduced to between four and four and a half hours. Several stages of
charcoal formation are observed during this period. Although the engine
exhaust fumes have a temperature of about 380°C at the beginning, the final
emission temperature at the chimney of the kilns remains constant at about
100°C. The wood absorbs heat as it is dried, giving off its moisture as
water vapour. Subsequently, the temperature rises and eventually reaches the
point where exothermic decomposition of the wood starts. The temperature
stabilizes at approximately 500°C.
Kilns of several cubic metres in size can cool off overnight so that
the charcoal can be removed on the following day. In order to make this
operation easy, rapid and relatively clean, nets are previously laid in the
kilns to wrap round the wood contained therein and form packages one over
the other. Thus the charcoal can be unloaded simply by hooking up the nets.
burning the vapours and gases in order to dry the commercial wood
produced by the sawmill ;
separating gas from condensibles to use it in a dual fuel diesel
engine, the condensates to be burnt in the drying furnace.
Pyrolysis of big wood blocks (65 mm* 35 mm* 35 mm) of Oak and plaquet-
tes (250 mm* 40 mm* 25 mm) of Assao was studied in a laboratory re-
tort to investigate : 1. Supplementary Specific Energy required to
carbonise 1 kg of dry wood (termed hereinafter as SSE). An attempt is
also made to estimate thermicity of pyrolysis reactions and the va-
lue is verified later by isothermal calorimetrie analysis.
2. Indicators characterising the retort carbonisation such as :
a) weight & net energy efficiencies,
b) effluents produced per kg. of dry wood carbonised (condensi-
bles and non-condensibles),
c) effluents produced as a function of carbonisation cycle time,
d) SSE consumption.
The pyrolysis retort set-up is classical (with possibilities of recu-
peration of all effluents generated) and uses electrical resistors to
provide heat for carbonising wood. Electrical energy utilized during
a complete cycle of carbonisation was measured by a w-hr meter to es-
timate the SSE. Other technical carbonisation process parameters (i.e.
initial wood moisture, final temperatures, residence time at final
temperatures and heating rates employed) were varied and chosen to ap-
proach field carbonisation at industrial scale. This paper reports
the typical results achieved with the laboratory set-up used. The re-
sults are compared with the industrial retort-kiln measures.
The objective of this research work was to characterise the batch re-
tort pyrolysis process.
The details about the wood used in this study are given in Table 1.
Schematics of the laboratory retort with condensate recuperator and measu-
rement instrumentation used is shown in Fig. 1. Two wood heating rates
such as 1.5 'C/min (Tests 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 4 8) and 4,5 'C/min (Tests 3 & 4)
were used. The final temperatures reached i.e. 400-600 "C corresponds to
the field charcoal making practise and the typical heating rates em-
ployed for field carbonisation are mostly between 1-2 *C/min. The emis-
sions of carbonisation were passed through the condensor maintained at
0 "C and additional security condensor traps assured the complete conden-
sation before the emissions pass through a dry filter, gas meter and fi-
nally were collected in a rubber balloon.
The condensates recuperated at different temperatures were measured
for its weight and were later analysed in the laboratory to know its com-
position according to the procedure given in (3). The non-condensable
fraction was sampled during the cycle at different temperatures and was
analysed to know the correct composition by gas chromatography. The calo-
rific values were calculated separately for condensables and non-condensi-
bles and were added to give total potential energy of the effluents.
The charcoal was analysed for its humidity, volatile contents and ash
to calculate PC (fixed carbon) content (proximate analysis method
NF B55101). The calorific values of wood and charcoal were determined by
bomb calorimeter. The charcoal friability was measured using a classical
method of trommel adapted from coal testing procedures. The friability of
charcoal is a commercially important parameter and here it gives a relati-
ve measure of physical strength of charcoal which could indicate its re-
sistance to handling losses.
Measurement of SSE of carbonisation and estimation of heat of pyroly-
sis : the effective energy used to carbonise 1 kg of dry wood was found
as below :
Em = ( E(w + r) - E(r) )/Mb
Em : energy consumption measured giving SSE in MjAg dry wood
E(w+r) : energy required to heat wood charge and retort
E(r) : energy required to heat only retort without wood
Mb : weight of dry wood
The following equation calculates Ec : t^f
Ec =CMw.Cpw(100 -Ti) + Mw.Lv + Mb.Cpb(270 - Ti) +l7J Mr.CptdT]] /Mb
Simplification : Tf( Mr.CptdT = (Mb + Mc)/2).Cpt (Tf - 270)
Where, zjo
Mw : weight of moisture in the wood
Cpw Cpb, Cpt : specific heat of water, dry wood and residual weight
at about 270 "C (residual charge is considered as torrefied wood)
Lv latent heat of vaporisation of water at 100 *C
Mc weight of charcoal produced
Ti, Tf initial and final temperature respectively
Mr residual weight between 270 "C and Tf that changes
with temperature and is close to (Mb + Mc)/2
The Ec aand Em values were compared. Since the measured values turned
out to be always
a inferior to those calculated we are lead to formulate a
hypothesis that the differential heat comes from reaction heat which is
evidently exothermic. Thus an estimation of pyrolysis heat value (Hr) was
done as below :
Hr = Ec - Em
To verify the results obtained from the retort isothermal calorime-
trie analysis was done using Calvet type calorimeter (SETARĂM HT 1 000).
3 |—
I. Retort
2. Heating program renul ator 3. Temperature recorder Refrigerant 5. Condensate collector 10. Dry filter
II. Security vase 12. Gas meter 13. Gas collector balloon
1) 14.0 550SM 2.0 47 1,5 19,8 7,9 90,9 34,3 17,1 35,0 39,8 56,6 0,16 434 0,70
2)9.0 550600 2,0 0 1,56 19,9 6,4 92,6 35,2 16,3 35,5 41,1 63,1 0,17 414 0,(1
3)5.5 550600 2,5 31 1,47 19,2 4,9 94,1 31,5 31,5 21,6 33,6 44,1 0,19 426 1.72
4)5.5 550600 2,5 29 1,51 19,2 5,4 93,2 34,7 34,7 21,0 32,1 41.5 0,19 399 0,(9
511.0 400475 4,1 10 2,65 20,3 16,2 11,9 32,8 32,8 34,0 34,1 53,1 0,11 450 0,(7
6)7.3 400475 1,5 10 2,65 20,3 11.4 79,9 32,5 32,5 35,3 35,3 55,3 0,12 409 0,63
7)5.5 440490 0,6 0 2,96 20,3 16,0 80,3 32,7 32,7 35,1 35,2 56,1 0,13 433 0,67
114.0 390410 0 0 2,49 20,3 24,4 73,2 31,0 31,0 37,8 34,6 57,7 0,10 371 0,56
(*) negligible
3. A.C.C. i)wastewood
two retorts coupled . without
capacity 5,6 m3 each emissions 11,7 - 47 3,16 - 7,2
. with
emissions 11.7 0,88
ii) propane 11,7 1,3 - 1,54
(*) negligible
1. Background
During participation and work in an adviser group for the Danish
Ministry of Energy, 15 gasification plants, mainly in industrial scale
in various countries, have been visited. The aim of the work was to
registrate state-of-the-art and to point out R&D areas of interest for
The biggest unexploited biomass resource for gasification and
pyrolysis purpose in Denmark is straw and municipal organic waste, but
energywise utilization of this resource is mainly seen as incineration
plants for production of district heating.
Straw is, however, abundantly available in Denmark and the northern
agricultural zones in general, and abroad there is hardly no previous
experience abroad with pyrolysis and gasification of straw. Therefore
the R&D of processes where this resource can be converted to electricity
are given a high priority in Denmark.
In the following, one of the new promising concepts is described.
Surface temperature
100 300 500 700 °C
ι 1
I Seperate super-heater
380167 bar 4 8 5 1 66 bar
Pvrolvsls gas
> ^
Fvrolvsis unit /T\ I District \
Ruegas K J\ heating/ >
to filter/scrubber \ry IhBatsink /
Fig. 2 Simplified process diagram
Municipal refuse
Furnace Steam
\ \
56% >6.5 MJ/s
Waste Heat
11.6 MJ/s
10440kJ/kg Power/heait ratio = 0.31
f Ruegas
Waste i
10440kJ/Xg Power/heat ratio = 0.4
Fig. 4 Sankey diagram for a waste to energy plant improved with the
pyrolysis unit
Pyrolysis produces a solid char, liquid products (tar and pyroligneous acid) and a fuel
gas, the proportions of which are dependent on the process conditions and the nature of the
feedstock. Current interest is focussed on liquid fuels which include the crude pyrolysis liquid
or "bio-oil", upgraded products such as gasoline and diesel, char-water slurries and char-oil
slurries. The first of these, bio-oil, is of particular interest as it is a liquid that can readily
substitute for conventional hydrocarbon fuel oils, and it has been produced on laboratory scale
processes at yields of up to 70% using fast or flash pyrolysis technology.
This paper prescribes a specification for an ideal pyrolysis process. By analysis of
reaction mechanisms, reaction pathways, models of pyrolysis processes, and evaluation of
technical requirements, a conceptual process is outlined and compared to the initial
The specifications of an ideal pyrolysis process are set out in Table 1. While clearly
these are not all possible and some are contradictory, this does identify the main features that a
successful and competitive process has to address. After consideration of the principles of
pyrolysis, these are re-examined to form the basis of a potentially successful plant.
Pyrolysis liquids approximate to the original biomass in elemental composition by the
following idealised relationship:
C6H9O4 —> C6H9O4
In practice the following reactions can be considered to occur in flash pyrolysis:
2C6H9O4 —> 2C6H7O3 + 2H2O
4C6H9O4 —> 16CO + 8CH4 + 2H2
2CO + 2H2O —> 2C02 + 2H2
QU Char Gas Water
Maximum oil yield Minimum char yield Minimum gas energy Minimum yield
Maximum oil HHV Minimum volatiles As clean as possible Minimum COD
Minimum char content Neutral pH
Minimum oxygen content
Minimum water content
Neutral pH
Easy upgradability
Low viscosity
Single phase
High stability
saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons and some polynuclear aromatics. These are generally
formed only in high temperature conversion processes such as gasification and combustion,
and in low yield.
lePyrolytlt severity ι
Heating rate
Heating rate and final temperature both play important roles in the product distribution
and yields from pyrolysis. At low heating rates of less than l°C/s and at relatively low
temperatures of less than 500°C, char, gas and liquid products are produced in approximately
equal amounts. Flash and fast pyrolysis, including ablative pyrolysis, are claimed to involve
extremely high heating rates of up to lxl06°C/s and very short residence times of less than 1
second in order to maximise either liquid or gas production while minimising char formation.
If the desired product is liquids, moderate temperatures of between 400°C to not more than
650°C and rapid quenching have to be employed so that pyrolysis vapours are condensed
before secondary reactions occur. Higher yields of gases are obtained at temperatures greater
than 650°C. The main focus of pyrolysis research in Europe currently, is the production of
liquids either for direct use or for upgrading to give high quality hydrocarbon fuels such as
From the specifications outlined in Table 1 and the comparisons of the flash pyrolysis
technologies mentioned above, ablative pyrolysis appears to be the most attractive route to
employ for the production of liquid fuels. This is due to the high heat transfer rates, low
reactor volume, better temperature control, and potentially higher liquid yields resulting from
these advantages.
Fundamental research on ablative pyrolysis has been carried out by Ledè et al. (3). A
stainless steel disc of 7.5 cm diameter, spinning at a constant and controlled speed, was heated
to different temperatures by four gas burners underneath. Wood dowels were pressed
vertically onto the hot surface by weights on the upper part of the rod. From their experiments,
the following relationships were obtained:
(i) V = a.p
where V is ablation rate, m/s (speed of consumption of wood dowel)
ρ is pressure, Pa
a is constant, m slPa1
(Ü) h = 0.017 ρ
where h is heat transfer coefficient, W m2K4
ρ is pressure, Pa
(iii) Td = 739 Κ (466°C)
where Td is temperature of decomposition
Ledè believed that decomposition occurs and is completed when the temperature of
wood reaches 466°C independent of the reaction conditions. This behaviour of wood was
likened to the phase change phenomenon of fusion.
Based on this work, a conceptual design study produced the specification outlined in
Table 2. The pressure between the particle and the reactor wall needs to be as high as possible
for optimum results, but there will be mechanical considerations in meeting this objective.
Other aspects that require resolution in the experimental development is the masking effect of
multiple particles on the interaction of particle and wall and volatilisation of liquid products.
The vaporised liquids require rapid removal and quenching to avoid secondary reactions.
Partial vacuum operation would avoid the need for flushing gas.
As a result of the above work, the main conclusions are :
• Ablative pyrolysis is the most promising route to employ for the production of liquid fuels
based on the ideal pyrolysis process specifications and characteristics outlined.
• Further research is required in the area of the of pyrolysis kinetics.
"1. Evans R J and Milne Τ A, "Characterization of the Pyrolysis of Biomass 1:
Fundamentals", Energy and Fuels, American Chemical Society Journal, 1, No 2, 1987.
2. D iebold J Ρ and Power A J, "Engineering Aspects of the Vortex Pyrolysis Reactor to
Produce Primary Pyrolysis Oil Vapours for Use in Resins and Adhesives", in Research
in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 1988,
Bridgwater A V and Kuester J L (eds), ρ 609, (Elsevier Applied Science Publishers,
London and New York, 1988).
3. Ledè J, Panagopoulos J, Li Η Ζ and Villermaux J, "Fast Pyrolysis of Wood: D irect
Measurement and Study of Ablation Rate", Fuel 64, Nov. 1985, ρ 1514.
4. Tran D Q and Rai C, "A Kinetic Model for Pyrolysis of Douglas Fir Bark", Fuel 57,
1978, ρ 293.
5. Madorsky S L, Hart V E and Straus S J, Journal of Research of the Natural Bureau of
Standards, 56, (6), 1956, ρ 343-354.
6. Tinney E R, "Tenth Symposium (International) on Combustion". The Combustion
Institute : Pittsburgh, 1956, ρ 925.
7. Nunn Τ R, Howard J B, Longwell J Ρ and Peters W A, "Studies of the Rapid Pyrolysis
of Sweet Gum Hardwood", in Fundamentals of Thermochemical Biomass Conversion,
Estes Park, Colorado, Oct 1982, Overend R P, Milne Τ A and Mudge L K (eds),
Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, New York, 1985, ρ 293-314.
8. Bradbury A G W, Sakai Y and Shafizadeh F, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 23,
1979, ρ 3271-3280.
9. D iebold J Ρ and Scahill J W, "Ablative Entrained-Flow Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass" in
Proceedings of the 16th Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Contractors' Meeting,
Portland, Oregon, 1984, ρ 319.
10. D iebold J, "The Cracking Kinetics of Depolymerized Biomass Vapors in a Continuous
Tubular Reactor", MASc Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA, 1985.
11. Liden A G, "A Kinetic and Heat Transfer Modelling Study of Wood Pyrolysis in a
Fluidized Bed", MASc Thesis, University of Waterloo, Canada, 1985.
12. Gorton C W and Knight J A, "Oil From Biomass by Entrained-Flow Pyrolysis",
Biotech, and Bioeng. Symp., No 14, 1984, ρ 14-20.
13. Scott D S, Piskorz J, Bergougnou M A, Graham R and Overend R P, "The Role of
Temperature in the Fast Pyrolysis of Cellulose and Wood", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 27,
1988, ρ 8-15.
14. Vasalos I, Stoikos T, Samolada M, Achladas C and Papamargaritis C, "Production and
Utilization of Synthetic Liquid Fuels", 'EEC Contractors' Meeting - Energy from
Biomass', Paestum, Italy, May 1988.
15. Krieger-Brockett B and Glaister D S, "Wood D evolatilization- Sensitivity to Feed
Properties and Process Variables" in Research in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion,
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 1988, Bridgwater A V and Kuester J L (eds), Elsevier
Applied Science Publishers, London and New York, 1988, ρ 127.
- drying phase ;
- degassing phase;
- gasification and reduction phase;
- combustion phase.
Water Purification
- chemical treatment;
- biological purification;
- filtration through activated carbon.
Raw gas
Air^| 0
19 20
J. Munck
Dansk Termo Industri/I. Krüger AS
The gasification process is characterized by coupling of the
following well-known processes:
1. Pyrolysis of biomass
) CO
Cat > 2
Biomass + heat loo:600»c P» ) CH 4
) H^O
) ashes/remaining carbon
2. Watergas production
) CO
Carbon + H O + heat P- ) CO
800-1000° ) H.
Methanization „
C0 + C ^ CH 4 + H 2 0 + heat
°2 + » 2 - 3 5 0 ^
The key process in the concept is the pyrolytic process. For
nearly one year a pilot plant has been in operation with a capacity of
approx. 50 kW measured as gas production.
By using straw as a biomass at the pilot plant the following key
figures have been measured:
Production of gas: Åpprox. 1 Nm'/kg dry straw
Heat value: Âpprox. 12,5 MJ/Nm1
Composition: Approx. CO 12% vol.
CO 30%
CHT 16%
H 37%
Ν, 1%
2 C 7 4 %
Åshes: Approx. 0,2 kg/kg dry straw
Carbon content in ashes: 50%
An energy calculation for the plant (process No. 1) has given the
following results:
Straw feeding: 100%
Gas production: 77%
Remaining carbon: 18%
Process heat: 5%
For the process No. 2 (water gas production) only a few tests have
been made, but the results have shown that the carbon is very active
and consequently more or less can easily be converted to water gas. A
more theoretic study has shown that the water gas process can eventu
ally take place in the pyrolytic reactor.
This concept will be tested within the next 6 months.
The conversion to methan (process No. 3) is regarded more or less
as a fully developed process which can be supplied from engineering
firms specializing in catalytic processes. Therefore, this process will
be added when the two other processes have been fully developed.
As the pyrolytic reaction is the key process, the pyrolytic
reactor will be described in more details.
The pyrolytic reactor (the pilot plant) has a diameter of 60 cm
and a total height of 100 cm.
The reactor is indirectly heated by a heat exchanger built in the
In the top of the reactor a distributor is situated spreading the
straw all over the area of the reactor.
The catalytic layer has a height of approx. 40 cm and is placed in
the bottom of the reactor on a screen.
The catalytic pellets have a size of 515 mm. The working
principle is as follows:
The disintegrated straw is feeded into the reactor by means of a
screw and is spread over the catalyst by the distributor.
In the top of the catalytic layer the temperature is approx. 100°C
and at the bottom approx. 600°C.
The straw is forced through the catalyst by a vibration technique,
and during the passage of the catalyst the temperature of the straw is
increased from 100°C to 600°C.
Aah Catalytic
Filter pyrolysis
1 1 Water gas
reactor Cyclone — t
Gas Catalytic
The concept can also be used in connection with other biomasses
than straw and should therefore have a high market potential not only
in the industrialized countries but also in the developing countries.
A few tests have been made on gasification of rice shells,
bagasse, seed wastes, chopped wood and sludge from wastewater treatment
The ail of the project is power production in siali units in rural areas of developing
countries. The selected process is the gasification of charcoal obtained froi agricultural
wastes, straw, cotton stalks, grasses. The paper presents the results obtained on a pyrolyser
pilot of 100 Kg/h of straw. Straw bales are carbonized in fixed bed in continuous operation.
Long t e n stabilized operation has been obtained, with 331 charcoal yield and various
volatile content. The charcoal obtained is further aggloierated in a revolving pan and
resulting balls are gasified in a 15 Kg/h crossdraft gasifier. Experimental results show a
0.77 energy efficiency and a LCV of gas produced of 42004600 KJ/Ni3.
Preliiinary economics show that the profitability of the line greatly depends on the
operating tiie of gasifier unit.
The ai« of the project is power production with raw «ateríais other than wood (often rare) or
fossil fuels (often «ported, rare and expensive). It concerns siali ans lediui sized units (550
KH) in rural areas of developing countries.
The selected process is the gasification of vegetal charcoal obtained froi agricultural wastes,
such as wheat and rice straw, cotton stalks and grasses.
A new concept of pyrolyser was developed and preliiinary results presented in (1). Nore
ampíete results are given here, including gasification tests. A preliiinary econoiic estilate is
also presented.
The pyrolyser is a continuous fixed bed, processing bioiass in the fori of lediui density
rectangular bales (100120 Kg/i 3 ). It has been previsiouly described (1) The resulting charcoal is
crushed to I n , lixed with a binder and then aggloierated in siali bales (20 to 30 η diaieter) in a
revolving pan.
The pan used is a laboratory unit producing 50 Kg/h, but this device is comercial in sizes
up to 1 ton/h. The balls characteristics are presented in table I.
« Starch
Pulverulent Charcoal
100 Kg/h
Wheat and r i c e Stra·
Cotton s t a l k s
300 Kg/h
_ j
5 χ 100 KW 3
100 Kg/h
The resulting balls have then been gasified in a cross draft gasifier of 15 Kg/h inputffigure
2). This gasifier has been experimented on charcoal in long tiie run (2).
Variable quantities of stea« have been added to the air, so that the gasification temperature
would be lowered, in order to avoid clinker formation. The steam/charcoal ratio selected is 0.47 so
that a temperature of HOO'C and a very limited fusion of ashes are obtained.
sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
residence 12 15 17 17 17 20 22 23 27
temperature 450 425 420 460 525 640 480 560 530
volatile 20.2 16.6 13.2 12.8 11.6 7.8 12.7 10.4 8.1
similar results were obtained with cotton stalks, only the pressure drop of gases in the bale
being much lower.
charcoal balls gasification with steam led to a gas containing 22251 CO, 1114* H 2 , so
a lower calorific value of 42004600 KJ/lfir. It represents an energy efficiency (LCV gas/LCV
charcoal) of 0.84 without water vaporisation and of 0.77, the latter taken into account.
This means a general efficiency of the process of (LCV gas/LCV biomass) 0.4 (without
valorization of volatile matter in excess).
The gas must be cleaned (filtration) before the engine as it contains around 0.16 g/m3 of
dust and 0.058 g/mJ of tar. The balls behaved perfectly during gasification, keeping their form
and solidity.
2 3 4
2 3 4
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 3. F U E L - O I L P R I C E IN ECU/GJ
45 66 89 11 1
22,5 33 44.5 56
Tbe coiplete line, carbonisation to electricity production, is estimated. The pyrolyser and
revolving pan are 100 Kg/h charcoal capacity and each electricity unit is 20 KW. (1520 Kg/h
charcoal). They are locally lanufactured except for the recycling fan of pyrolyser.
The capital costs break down as follows (table III) :
Tbe charcoal Manufacture capital costs break down as follows (table III).
For the electricity generator, the additional cost as coipared with a fueloil engine is 65 to
85 10 3 FF.
For the gasifier unit, two operating tiie are studied : 2500 h/year for irrigation of 2 crops
per year, and 4000 h for a village or craftsian electricity production. For the pyrolyser,
1000 h/year corresponds to a pluvial rice crop giving 0.8 to 1.3 ton of straw per ha and year,
that is an area of 200350 ha ; 2000 h/year for the saie crop on an area of 400700 ha and 4000 h
for an irrigated rice crop giving 8 to 13 ton straw/ha and year, on an area of 100 to 140 ha.
Maintenance costs are increased as coipared with european standards, up to 10Î of capital cost
per year.
At first the straw is given no price, except for harvest salaries.
Given a fueloil price, a laxiiui price for charcoal balls purchase is coiputed, allowing
profitability for the electricity unit. This price is coipared with the liniiui selling price
for pyrolyser profitability.
The carbonisation of straw or cotton stalks bales is technically feasible in a fixed bed
continuous reactor. But the overall process seeis quite coiplex to iipleient so that profitability
of the line is only obtained when the electricity generator set is operated for a longtime,
irrigation of two crops per year or electricity production for craftsmen.
(1) ESHODF. C al (1987) Mobile straw pyrolyser. Bioiass for Energy and Industry pp
10631067 Elsevier applied Science.
(2) PLANCON. M, GOOPILLOH. J.F, ESHOOF. C (1988) Automated operation of lean gas engines
Research in thenocheiical Bioiass Conversion pp 10491056 Elsevier applied Science.
The convertion of organic wastes from broad origin (forest and
agricultural wastes) into a range of products that can be used as fuels,
is a good challenge. Pyrolysis is attractive because solid biomass wastes
which are difficult to burn in existing equipments can be converted into
products (charcoal, oil) with advantages in transport, storage and
In this field of recuperating energy from biomass, environmental
requirements are the most important task for the design of pyrolysis
A technology has been developed by Bio-Alternative S.A . in order
to produce charcoal, bio-oil and bio-gas from biomass wastes.
In order to study the processing of any biomass and to optimize
the quality and yield of the products obtained by the pyrolysis process,
Bio-Alternative S.A . operates a pilot unit allowing the continuous
treatment of 50-100 kg of raw material per hour.
In the fixed bed, the biomass is continuously in motion towards
the oxydation zone where the partial combustion of the pyrolysis gases
occures in order to maintain the carbonization process (see figure 1 ) .
Bio-Alternative S.A. carried out an extensive experimental program on
the pilot plant for evaluation of a wide variety of biomasses (see
following table).
3.1 Products
Results of the pyrolysis process are presented in the following table:
Table 2 : Pyrolysis industrial plant; results
Material Capacity Energetic balance
2150 kg/hr
INPUT Oak wood 100 %
(20?ó moisture) ZXS3ZZ2ESX ¿XVWSAXX
3.2 Analysis
Analysis of the products are the followings
high calorific value 7250 kcal/kg
ashes 3%
volatiles 15 %
humidity 2 %
fixed carbon 80 %
sulfur content 0,1 %
high calorific value 5350 kcal/kg
water content 15 %
sulfur content 0,3 %
high calorific value : 1000 kcal/kg
non-condensable content : 15 % CO; 13 % C02; 48 % N2; 8 % H2;
6 ro 0 2 : 3/0 CH4.
3.3 Use of the products
The pyrolysis plant of Olivenza is associated to a bricketting unit
which production is destined to the barbecue market (total capacity :
2500 kg briquettes per hour).
Presently, the charcoal production is completely supplied to
barbecue market but investigations are planned on activation process
and utilization as charcoal slurry.
The bio-oil is distributed as industrial fuel and the bio-gas is
used on site in the briquetting unit.
Our investigations are in progress to use them for electricity
The experimental programme of Bio-Alternative S.A. on the pilot
plant permitted the realization of a "second generation" pyrolysis
industrial plant.
Our present R&D programmes are the followings :
- Use of charcoal as slurry for substitution to mineral liquid fuels.
- Use of bio-oil in turbin and diesel systems (electricity production)
- Use of bio-gas in a motor and boiler for electric and thermic pro-
Figure 1 :
Uio-Alternative S.A.
pyrolysis process flow sheet
Figure 2:
Pyrolysis industrial plant
in Olivenza (Spain)
Two different types of Greek lignites were evaluated using the fast
pyrolysis process in a fluidized bed reactor. The innovation of our
experimental system is that the reactor effluent is connected on
line with an FID and a TC detector for the continuous monitoring of
total hydrocarbons and total gases respectively. The total yield
distribution of the various products was obtained as a function of
pyrolysis temperature and lignite particle size. Two kinetic models
for coal decomposition were also tested for the determination of
the appropriate kinetic parameters. From this work it can be
concluded that:
i. The produced gases from the pyrolysis of Greek lignites are
dominated by oxygen compounds CO«, CO. A number of hydrocarbons are
also produced (C,-Cg).
ii. The experimental results are interpreted reasonably well with
the competing reaction model.
Pyrolysis, one of the most important coal conversion process, has
special importance for the Greek economy because of the big reserves of
lignite in two regions (Ptolemais and Megalopolis). It is possible the
big reserves of peat in the region of Philippus will be used in the
future to solve the energy problems of Greece.
Pyrolysis involves heating of coal at elevated temperatures in the
absence of air and it is a chain of decomposition reactions where the
linkages between aromatic clusters are broken and volatile decomposition
products are produced(l)
The objective of this investigation was the evaluation of Greek
lignites with respect to the distribution of gas and liquid products,
and the development of a kinetic model suitable for the decomposition of
Greek lignites.
2.1 Unit description. A schematic diagram of the fluid bed reactor is
shown in Fig. 1. The heart of the unit is a stainless steel reactor
vessel. A close tube section at the top of the reactor is used to
introduce lignite sample to the fluid bed.
The unit is also equipped with a gas feed system which includes the
following gas components: N 2 , Air, H-0. In this work pyrolysis was
studied using N- as fluidizaiion gas.
The reactor effluent passes through a stainless steel coil placed
inside a cold liquid bath where the condensation of the liquids is
taking place. The rest of the pyrolysis products are collected in a gas
collection system (in a gas cylinder by liquid displacement).
The key to the successful testing of lignite with this sytem is the
withdrawal of two small sidestreams at a location downstream of the
reactor and the continuous monitoring of the total hydrocarbon evolution
profile with a Flame Ionization Detector (FID) and the total gas
evolution profile with a Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD). The two
detectors are connected with a personal computer for the treatment of
data. From profiles like these, we can find the kinetic of evolution of
total HC and total gases during flash pyrolysis.
2.2 Unit Operation. A fixed amount of heat carrier (silica sand) is
introduced in the stainless steel reactor. A sample of dry lignite (2
gr) is introduced in a easily friable glass container when the bed reach
the desired temperature. The glass is dropped inside the fluidized bed
and thereby the sample is intimately mixed with the inert heat carrier.
2.3 Gas and Liquid Analysis. The gases from the collection system were
withdrawn and analyzed in a system of gas chromatographs: an FID (column
porapak QS) and a TCD (column carbospheremolecular sieve). The former
was used to detect hydrocarbons and the latter CO, CO, H, N, Oj.
The liquid products were collected from the stainless steef coil
(which is placed in the cold bath) with a mixture of methyldichloride
and methanol (1:1 v/v). The solution was removed by evaporation
approximately at 47°C followed by a vacuum treatment using a rotary
2.4 Sample Preparation. TABLE I: Elemental analysis
Greek lignite samples
from the Ptolemais and Ptolemais 1 ignite Megalopolis lignite
Megalopolis locations % wt (MF) % wt % wt (MF) %wt
were selected for this
study.The preparation C 52.35 20.67 29.48 16.00
of the samples includes: H 3.52 1.39 1.83 0.99
crushing of raw material Ν 1.89 0.74 1.51 0.83
production of fraction S 1.10 0.43 3.40 1.86
with desired size homoge 0(diff.) 18.74 7.46 19.96 10.94
genization of samples, Ash 22.20 8.80 43.82 23.88
elemental analysis(tabl .1) Moisture 60.50 45.50
and proximate analysis. total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
energies for the reactions of CO production are rather high and they
necessitate elevated temperature (1).
Regarding the yield of light hydrocarbons it should be noted that
each product exhibits different trend and behavior. The CpH. yield
increases monotonically with temperature. At elevated temperature this
increase in yield is extremely rapid (Fig. 3 ) . Except of the
hydrocarbons included in Figure 3, many hydrocarbons (C 3 C 6 ) have been
produced and detected from pyrolysis.
TABLE II: Megalopolis lignite kinetic parameter [K (sec" ) , E(KJ/Kmole)]
Κ = 1.8xl06exp(93453/RT) (from Chang et al.)
K b = 0.448exp(27727.8/RT)
K c = 96.65exp(38406.7/RT)
K =
ob HC 01024exp(40253.4/RT)
K =
oc HC l546exp(26038.93/RT)
G = 1.322+5.47xl0"4(T500)+7.5655xl0"5(T500)2
A 0 = 6.8465.89xl0"3(T500)9.251xl0"6(T500)2 [T: °C]
A (% wt. dry lignite)
The kinetic model for our case must concern the production of total
gas and total HC from pyrolysis as we have the production profiles from
TCD and FID respectively.
It must be mentioned here that the non ideality of apparatus
affects the TCD and FID signals. The non ideality of the system was
revealed using tracer responce analysis tests (CH. was used as a tracer)
and obtaining the RTD curve. Many different kinetic models have been
proposed to explain the reaction scheme for the decomposition of coal
during the pyrolysis. THe nCSTR in series model describes well our
system (5).
The system effect on TCD and FID signals was taken into account using
the convolution integral (5).
The effect of heat and mass resistances on the kinetic model was
negligible because for the experiments Megalopolis lignite with small
particle size (60 µm) was used (3, 4 ) .
Among the literature models we verified that the two competing
rection model described in (2) interprets better our experimental
results (Fig. 4, 5 ) . This model refers to a single coal particle and for
the total gas and total HC production takes the form:
The preexponential factors
Κ Κ. and the activation energies
Aj — — > TAR — — > GAS + CHAR of each kinetic constant of
model and the parameters A
Lignite G (2) are presented at
Κ Table II. It was considered
A 2 — — > GAS + CHAR here that A , G are not
constants bat functions of
temperature (6).
h u r ^ t o t a ! HC + CHAR
^A^ ^ G S , 1 +. CHA R
total HC + CHA R
The investigation of Greek lignites under the process of pyrolysis,
using a fluid bed reactor resulted in the conclusion that Greek lignites
produce high gas yield while the yield of liquids were relatively low.
The produced gases were dominated by oxygen compounds which mainly
consist of CO« especially at low temperature. At higher temperature the
yield of CO was also high. Other gases produced in significant amounts
were CH., C^H., Η„, CgHg, C,H„, CH,. Another result is that important
differences were not observed between the behaviour of the two type of
Greek lignites (Ptolemais and Megalopolis) and that lignite particle
size has not important influence on the total products yield.
Except from the evaluation of Greek lignites our experimental
system has the ability for kinetic modeling studies. The non ideality
of the experimental system has been found using tracer response
tests.The model of nCSTR in series simulates perfectly the system. It
was found that the two competing reaction model interprets reasonably
well the experimental data.
A system of traps has already constructed at the pyrolysis reactor
exit. With this system we can trap various samples from the produced
gases during the pyrolysis as a function of time and temperature.
These samples are analyzed in gas analyzers and so the time and
temperature distribution of each pyrolysis product can be obtained.
These profiles are very important because they can lead to the evolution
kinetic of each discrete pyrolysis product.
This work was supported by the Greek General Secretariat for
Science and Technology and the European Community Contract
(1) Bautista, J.R., Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 1986, 25, pp. 536544
(2) Chang, P.W., Swamy, Κ.D., Knell, E.W., Coal Process. Tech., 6, 20
(3) Agarwal, P.K., Genetti, W.E., Lee, Y.Y., Fuel., 1984, vol. 63
(4) Gavalas, G.R., Wilks, K.A., AIChE J., vol. 26, 1980
(5) Wen, C.Y., Fan, L.T., "Models for Flow Systems and Chemical
Reactors", Marcel Dekker Inc., New York 1987
(6) Gavalas, G.R., "Coal pyrolysis", Coal Science and Technology 4,
Elsevier, Amsterdam 1982
' 5 °° * · ώ0
ÄUiÖUdr" ^
Fig 2 Effect of temperature on Fig. 3 Effect of temperature on
pyrolysis yields from Megalopolis pyrolysis yields from Megalopolis
l i g n i t e : o, C0 2 ; ■, CO; „ . ™ R l i g n i t e : o, CH^; ■, CjH^; 0 , H2
0 io io èo èo 100 izo 140 ileo tao zoo 220 240 Ao 100 120 140 180 ISO 200 220 240
Pyrolysis of biomass (wood) and its constituents (cellulose and lignin) has
been studied directly into the ion source. The different ionization techniques
used (NH3, N2, NH3 + N2) for the MS analysis of primary pyrolysis products
led to similar pyrograms. The total ion current (T.I.C.) from biomass
presented two peaks partially separated which can be attributed to two
separate steps. The comparison of cellulosic T.I.C, lignin T.I.C. and
fragmentograms corresponding to several ions that are representative of
these components indicated that the first biomass pyrolysis products stemmed
from lignin decomposition while the last one stemmed from cellulose
Pyrolysis of biomass, which leads to gas, liquid and char, is a very complex
reaction which is difficult to study. The chemical complexity of biomass and the
number of parameters influencing pyrolysis (temperature, residence time, thermal
flux...) make difficult the "mastering" of this reaction.
However, advances in pyrolysis industrial application will take place only if
chemical transformations encountered during the process are understood. Some
studies have been published, but the problem of mechanisms and kinetics remains
unsolved. These studies can be divided in two classes :
- those using thermal analysis (thermogravimetry (1-6) or GC/MS
coupling in association with thermal analyses (7)
- those using direct analysis of pyrolysis products by mass
spectrometry (8).
This last approach is seducing because it allows to escape partly the
inconvénients of thermal analysis.
The samples, either woods of various species or their constituents (lignin and
cellulose) were pyrolyzed directly into the ion source by means of a L.I.D. rod, with
the same conditions (fast temperature rise : 9°C/s, between 40°C and 800°C, then
isothermal at 800°C).
We choose chemical ionization (ionization gas : NH3 or ND3), electronic
impact giving too many fragments. Examples of pyrograms and averaged mass
spectra recorded during pyrolysis of extracted celluloses and extracted lignins are
reported respectively in figures 1 and 2. In order to allow comparison we report the
behavior of two woods under the same conditions, characterized by their pyrograms,
fragmentograms and averaged mass spectra (figure 3).
100% 100%.
20 % 25%
800*0 800 C
330 350 3 7 0 390 410 430 450 470 4 9 0 510 530 550 570
F r g u r e 1 : P y r o g r a m s ( T . I . C . ) and a v e r a g e d mass s p e c t r u m
of e x t r a c t e d celluloses F r o m d i f f e r e n t w o o d species:
A P y r o g r a m of e x t r a c t e d b i r c h c e l l u l o s e .
B P y r o g r a m of e x t r a c t e d e u c a l y p t u s c e l l u l o s e .
C Mass s p e c t r u m r e s u l t i n g f r o m p y r o l y s i s o f e x t r a c
ted b i r c h cellulose
100% 100°¿
800 C eoo C
211222 235 , Q , 301 315
"J ' V 249 271 285 . ,
k ^ L l a . 1 u . ^ J h . . T l L . , i J . l | . ....É^.Ji
80 100 120 140 160 160 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
t x16
¡401 42β
41 9 ||
387M*° 5 *1»
SWHÉ^llllÉiliÉÉtlllillHjt l l t l r t l Mii* iliiiy.lin ιίίΐι y i K l I Ιΐ|ΐΐΙΙι»Ι» ι il ι
330 350 370 3 9 0 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 550 570
Μ:180 1 r
330 370 410 450 490 530 570
Τ. I.C.
800 C 800 C
1x16 570
162 I
115 134 222
240 282 324
■ ■■ *t H .·Ιΐ!· F i g u r e 3 : P y r o l y s i s oF d i f f e r e n t wood species:
80 120 160 200 240 2 80 ~320 A and Β P y r o g r a m s a n d f r a g m e n t o g r a m s of
r e s p e c t i v e l y b i r c h and beech wood.
Ç, D a n d E : Mass s p e c t r a c o r r e s p o n d i n g r e s p e c t i v e l y
to d e c o m p o s i t i o n w a v e s of c e l l u l o s e f r o m
342 384 a b i r c h w o o d a n d oF l i g n i n s f r o m a
1 b i r c h w o o d and a beech w o o d ·
330 370 410 450 490 530 570
This paper describes the concept, the development and the operation of an
interconnected fluid bed system able to generate, autothermally, a medium BTU gas
from urban refuse.
In one fluidized cell, the raw waste is pyrolyzed by cooled, recycled pyrolysis
gas at about 700° C, leaving char as a residue.
The bed material, mainly sand, ash and remaining char, is sent through non
mechanical valves to the fluidized bed combustion chamber where the char is burned
at about 850° C in an air flux.
The flue gases pass through a gasair heat exchanger and downstream cleaning
equipment before being vented by the stack.
The hot bed material flows back from the combustion to the pyrolysis chamber,
again through non mechanical valves. This flux of hot solid provides the heat supply
needed to support the heating and the pyrolysis of the feedstock.
Experimental results on solid circulation fluxes and on pyrolysis and combustion
kinetics are reported.
in 1988 the Körber prize was awarded to the team of Professors, Sinn and
Kaminsky for the demonstration of the thermochemical treatment of municipal refuse
in an environmentally acceptable way. Prof. Buekens and Dr. Dragala were appointed
as mentors to the project, with the task to advise respectively on the technical and
economic aspects and on the cleanup of the wastewater generated.
The Laureates envisaged a reactor configuration based on the fluidized bed
technology and the combination of gasification and combustion processes as the most
promising way in tackling this accute problem. The main reason was that during
relatively low temperature gasification process (about 700°C) most of the heavy
metals are not vapourised and the final volume of flue gases is significantly
decreased. The char remaining after the gasification proceses can be combusted to
provide the heat necessary to sustain the gasification process so that the overall
system can operate autothermally. There are several possible configurations for
suppyling the heat from the combustion reactor to the gasification reactor but the
most reliable method seems to be the utilization of a solid heat carrier as was
successfully demonstrated in catalytic cracking processes using fluidized bed
reactors. This paper presents a conceptual design of one particules reactor
configurations to be evaluated in this project.
3.1. Instrumentation
Gas flows are determined by means of using Pitot tubes situated in each of the
ducts suppling air to the four cells, of the system. Pressure drops through the
distributor and the fluid beds are measured with water manometers. The pressure
drop at the immerged orifices is also measured. Solid circulation is studied by
injecting a pulse of hot solid (200 g, 150 degrees Celsius) at the top of cell 4. The
thermal wave is detected in the several parts of the unit by small thermistors. The
solid dispersion mechanism is much more rapid than non stationary conductive heat
transfer from particle to particle.
The conduction process thus only affects the thermistor responses as a drift of the
basis line.
and fluctuates between 200 and 1000 kg/s m2 and presents a maximum for Ho/H -
0.92. A predictive correlation has been derived from a sensitivity analysis
performed on th parameters by stepwise regression, as shown on figure 4.
4. Conclusions
1. A new combustor/pyrolyser system has been investigated. It is characterised
by compactness, simplicity and reliability.
2. Cold tests model have shown that mass transfer rates as high as 1000 kg/sm2
are possible between the combustor and the pyrolyser. The main operating
parameters have been identified and optimised. It has been shown that the solid
transfer rate is measurable by a simple differential pressure measurement, which is
very attractive from a viewpoint of regulation and control.
3. Pyrolysis and char combustion studies have been successfully performed.
5. References
1. H.A. Masson, A twin fluid bed pyrolyser combustor system, Research in
Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, ed. A.V. Bridgwater, J.L. Kuester,
Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1988.
h static Ü/U
I f mf
reduced gas
'U/Umf>l 'U/V'2 '»/"mfΊ '"/"mf'2 « " « W i 'u/umf>2
F i g . 1 . P r i n c i p l e s of s o l i d c i r c u l a t i o n
ΓΎΊ ΓΎ1! ,u
'S. w m
m... il!
"Ί u2 ,ûl_ Ú2J
C^ 1 2 3 4 p
o φ
Fig. 2. Avoiding gas mixing in communicating fluidized bed systems
^o .69
3 1 34 17 H
m = 0.2573 I O ( (¡A)" · ) ( (4)' ) (sin ( )π ) Ref·96
°p ρ .42
s = h χ 1
S = H X L
Df : hydraulic diameter of the communication window = 4 s / perimeter
d = solid particles mean diameter
■>£ x U fa
Re f : Reynolds number relative to window
O 1.25 10
steam aj.r (recycled gas)
air steam
(recycled gas)
This paper describes experiments performed at the Free University of Brussels (VUB),
Department of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry (CHIS).
These experiments were performed in order to improve the yield of MMA monomer
produced during PMMA waste pyrolysis.
The results of this study were used to design a fluidized bed monomer recovery system
for the Shanghai Resource Recovery & Utilization Co (Peoples Republic of China).
(CH2CHCl)n » (CHCH) + H a
Table 1 gives the yield of monomer during vacuum pyrolysis [1]. The yields reported
here are only indicative. Under different pyrolysis conditions (temperature, pressure,
residence time) other results will be obtained.
Polymethylmethacrylate >98%
Polytetrafluoroethylene 99
Poly (methylstyrene) 95
Poly (methylstyrene) 70
Polystyrene 45
Polyacrylonitrile 5
Polypropylene 2
Polyethylene 0
I ß «I
C02CH3 OO^O^
The double bond strengthens the bond in αposition and weakens the bond in β
position, so that the molecule decomposes in the latter bond to yield the following
CH2 C · "CH2 - C
Οθ2 α *3 CO^CHj
The first radical then depropagates according to a free radical mechanism [3].
A higher temperatures the distinction between stronger and weaker bonds becomes
less pronounced so that a random homolytic scission occurs :
Both radicals react further and produce monomer by unzipping of the main polymer
PMMA is used under two forms : extrusion grade and cast material. The latter has an
extremely high molecular weight, so that thermal reprocessing is no longer feasible.
Instead, the polymer may be reconverted to monomer by pyrolysis.
Because of the relative ease with which PMMA depolymerizes, some dedicated small
scale pyrolysis units have been in use.
The techniques which have been used are :
1. Pvrolysis in a bath of molten lead [4]
The PMMA waste is fed batchwise or semi-batchwise in a vessel filled with
molten lead at a temperature of 400 to 500°C. The monomer vapours are then
condensed and the monomer is recovered after a final purification step
The units are quite simple to construct and to operate. The main disadvantages
are the difficult temperature control resulting in a reduced monomer recovery
and the local overheating of the vessel walls which cause carbon depositions,
because of fouling the unit has to be cleaned at regular intervals (6 to 8 hours)
which is quite cumbersome.
2. Pyrolysis in an extruder [5]
In this process a modified polymer extruder is used. The shredded PMMA
waste is molten at 250°C and passes through an reaction zonde at 500 to 600°C.
It is claimed that high yields (95%) are possible without excessive carbon
3. Pvrolvsis in a heated cauldrons
This system has been used by Shanghai Resource Recovery & Utilization Co.
PMMA waste is batch fed in a cauldron, placed in a coal-fired brick-lined
furnace. After preheating, volatiles are driven off gradually. The remaining
carbonized residue is allowed to burn out in situ, at the end of the production
cycle, which takes 8 hours (one shift).
i. Experimental
The test unit consists of :
a preheating system for the fluidizing gas (steam);
a fluidized bedreactorwith an internal diameter of 15 cm in the bed zone
and of 30 cm in the freeboard zone. The reactor is made of Inconel 600
alloy and is electrically heated;
a screw feeder;
a cyclone separator;
a condensor (shell and tube heat exchanger).
The unit is fluidized with steam.
Thereactionproducts are :
a liquid product containing the MMA monomer. This liquid is separated in an
organic phase and the condensed water (from the fluidizing steam), in which
some MMA is dissolved.
PMHA f e e d
•ngA Organic phase
a t e r phase
■ 1
• 2
\ B
B \
300 400 500 600
Temperature (*C)
On the basis of experimental work conducted in a fluidized bed bench scale
plant the operating conditions for the fluidized bed pyrolysis of PMMA were
optimized. This has allowed to design a commercial scale (300 kg/h) reactor for
use by Shanghai Resource Recovery and Utilization Company.
University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy
Regione Abruzzo, Avezzano, Italy
E.Ν.E.Α., Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Roma, Italy
The purification of aqueous olive oil mills effluents, which are u
sually referred as Vegetation Waters ( V.W. ) , is a serious problem for
major virgin olive oil producing countries like Italy, Spain and Greece.
For example in Italy about 3,200,000 tons of olive per year are processed
in 11,000 olive oil mills, producing 600,000 tons of oil and 1,600,000
mes of V.W.. These waste waters are brownish and evil smelling and are
very polluting, being characterized by a COD ranging from 30 to 200 g/1
and a BOD5 from 30 to 100 g/1.
Disposal of V.W. by soil irrigation is no more allowed by italian
law since march 1989. Various methods have been proposed for the disposal
of V.W., but until now only incineration of V.W. concentrates is a really
efficient treatment (1,2). However the salts contained in V.W. (1.5? 2% by
weigth) at the temperatures involved in incineration process induce foul
ing of the equipments compromising the smooth running of the process. We
propose a process for thermal decomposition of V.W. which allows to over
come both the problem of energy demand and fouling caused by melting of
salts. The process is based on a two stage thermal decomposition of V.W.:
in the first stage concentrated V.W. are mixed with olivestones obtained
from exhausted olivehusks, dried and pyrolyzed; in the second stage
both liquid and gaseous pyrolysis products are burnt. During the pyroly
sis the salts separate on the wood charcoal bed while the organic com
pounds originally contained in the V.W. are extracted as gaseous pro
ducts. The characteristics of charcoal produced by pyrolysis are not si
Extr. Syst oil [g/kg] dr:Led residue salt cont. [g/kg] COD [g/1]
at 110 C[g/kg]
át Jt
<$> Tl
^k o
3 <·>
OIL 3.0*10b
GAS 1.8*106
TOTAL 4.8*106
The proposed twostage thermal decomposition process for the purifi
cation of aqueous olive oil mills effluents allows to overcome both the
problem of energy demand and fouling caused by melting of salts. Charcoal
of commercial value is produced as a byproduct thus allowing a decrease
of the operating costs.
(3) DI GIOVACCHINO, L., (1985). Sulle caratteristiche delle acque di
vegetazione delle olive-Nota I, La Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze
Grasse, LXII 411-417.
(4) DI GIOVACCHINO, L., (1985). Sulle caratteristiche delle acque di
vegetazione delle olive-Nota II, La Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze
Grasse, LXV 481-487.
Biomass gasification under atmospheric pressure in order to produce
syngas as a raw material for ammonia or methanol synthesis is today
feasible. However, gasification under pressure appears to be highly
profitable because the energy cost of the methanol production is lower
and the processing of pressurized gas (rich in CO, H 2 and CH^) requires
smaller equipments and is therefore less expensive.
Whatever the method of working of a gasifier (fixed bed or fluidized
bed), the biomass is volatized in the same various stages. These are
mainly pyrolysis of virgin wood, and combustion and gasification of the
wood charcoal, by-product of the pyrolysis.
The chemical gasification step is the slowest and undoutbly it
limits the rate of the whole process.
The main reactants of gasification are carbon dioxide and steam. The
reactions can be written as :
C + C 0 2 -» 2 CO
C + H 2 0 -> CO + H 2
To obtain information and values about gasification reactions,
thermogravimetric analysis is undoutly the most effective method. The
thermobalance set in out laboratory allows such an investigation into the
kinetics of gasification with a pure gas (C0 2 , H 2 0) or with mixed gas, in
isothermal conditions up to 1000°C and under pressure up to 25 bar.
a two step process which creates an instable oxide C(0) formed from a
free active site of carbon : C«
Cf + C02 C(0) + CO
C(0) CO + η C f
The reactor of the thermobalance
is a refractory steel tube of 5 cm
internal diameter, heated by a tubular
oven (4 kw). A steam generator (10 kw)
and a superheater (3 kw) are connected
to the reactor.
The thermobalance is designed to
operate in isothermal conditions. The
wood or charcoal sample is contained
in a 0 5 mm mesh basket which is
lowered quickly (5 seconds) into the
heated zone of the reactor, by an
electrical winch itself hung from the
balance plate.
The weighing system is a modified
SARTORIUS 1264 balance set in the
pressurized housing, the electronics
remaining outside. The reactor is
swept by the contained gas (C0 2 ,
steam) and the balance housing by, a
slight counterflow of N 2 in order to
protect the weighing systems.
40 60 80 100
TIME (minutes)
Fig. 3 : CHARCOAL GASIFICATION BY C0 2 : Influence
Fig.2: CHARCOAL GASIFICATION : MASS LOSS VS TIME of pressure on the gasification rate
(m ^ 1,5 g u ■ 5 cm/s).
(T = 900°C, m 0 1.5 g, u 3 cm s"1)
m. dt
Φ ■"") 7 2 CO
5.10 5.10 2 ICJCOJ « I
4.10 4.IO"'
ΐ.10 LIO"*
2.ΙΟ 2.10''
Ι 0" io»
15 20 20
Fig. 4 CHARCOAL GA SIFICA TION BY HjO : Influence of Fig. S : CHARCOAL GASIFICATION : Influence of
presaure on the catalytic effecc.
pressure on the gasification rate
(m »l.Sg « = S cm/s).
d*p d
P , 2 dp RTLa
( — )a + — — + V (1 + P)
dx 1 + ρ dx χ dx De P„
dp ρ : volumic fraction of the reactant gas
— 0 χ : radial coordinate
dx L(m) : radius of particle
P„(Pa) : total pressure
R (J mole~ 1 K" 1 ) : ideal gas contanst
De (ma s _ 1 ) : mass diffusivity of the gas
χ — 1 , ρ — ρ V (mole m 3 s 1 ) : rate of reaction
T (K) : temperature of gasification
The mass balance equation was numerically solved by the Runge Kutta
method and the profile of the reactant gas concentration optimized by a
"shooting method" (criterion P(L) — Ps).
The mass diffusivity of the reactant gas De is uncertain ; however,
from the GROENEVELD'S investigations on the diffusivity of C 0 2
throughout slices of wood char (7), its value was fixed at
k, PC0 2 k 2 PC0 a
1 + k 3 PC0 2 + k A PCO
'1 0 . χ
Fig. 6 : Profiles of intreparticular gas concentration
(1) GA DSBY J. and al. Proc. Roy. Soc. London (1948), p. 35776.
(2) BLA CKWOOD J.D., Coke and Gas, (1960) 22, p. 190194.
(3) TURKD0GA N E.T., VINTERS J.V., Carbon (1970) 8, p. 3953.
(4) BLA CKWOOD J.D., INGEME A .J., A ustralian J. Chem. (1960) 13,
p. 194209.
(5) ERGUN S.J., Phys. Chem. (1956) 60, p. 480485.
V N SWAAIJ Fund, of
Thermochem. Biomass. Conv., Estes Park, Colorado 1822 Oct. (1982).
(7) GR0ENEVELD M.J., The cocurrent moving bed gasifier Ph. D Thesis,
Twente University (1980).
Safety stop
Gas cooler Gas cleaner
Figure 2 Gasifier
The diesel engine using a dual fuel system has the following specifications:
Type : Two cylinder, 4 stroke direct injection
Volume : 2 litre, bore 87.5 mm, stroke 110 mm
Compression ratio : 17.5 :1
Power : 13 kW at 2000 rpm
Governor : mechanical
Cooling : water cooled
Starter : hand cranking
The petrol engine which is operated fully on gas has the following specifications:
Model Toyota model 4K
Cylinder volume 1.29 litre, bore 75 mm, stroke 75 mm
Compression ratio 9:1
Maximum power 45 kW at 5600 rpm
Cooling system water cooled
Starter electric starter
Both the engines are coupled to a simple generator with the following specifications:
KVA 7.5
Rpm 1500
AC volt 415
AC amps 10.5
Frequency 50 Hz
bridging occurs in the region just above the air injection nozzles resulting in poor gas
production. When this occurs the fuel lid has to be opened (although it is extremely
dangerous) and a stick has to be inserted into the fuel bed in order to relieve the blockage.
The gasifier can be started easily with a battery and good gas production can be attained
within 10-15 minutes. If the moisture content and sizes of the feedstock used are correct the
gasifier system can be left to run for hours without much supervision. Refueling can be carried
out with the engine running but idling. The charcoal bed in the reducing zone, however, has to
be changed after every 20 hours of operation because the ash and fines will block the flow of
the gas and the output power will be significantly reduced. This process normally takes about
1 hour.
The cloth filter has to be changed after every 20 hours of operation. The cloth filter can
be reused after cleaning by shaking. The process of changing the filter normally takes about 1
hour. In order to maintain a constant output power, the cylinder head, valve port and valve
seating has to be cleaned after every 100 hours of operation. The time needed for this
operation is normally 1 hour. Because of high temperatures in the reactor chamber, the
asbestos gaskets in the reduction zone, fuel lid and the ash door have to be replaced after 300
hours. Failure to replace these gaskets can adversely affect the performance of the gasifier due
to leakage of air.
It has been found that the paint on the walls of the reactor will start to peel badly after
300 hours of operation. For long term protection of the gasifier it is necessary to repaint the
walls of the reactor and cyclone with heat resistant paint after every 300 hours of operation.
Studies on the gasification of rubberwood charcoal and the utilisation of producer gas
in internal combustion engines has shown that it is possible to develop small inexpensive
down-draft gasifier systems for rural applications by using locally available material. The main
constraint in the utilisation of producer gas in engines is the cleaning of the gas to that it is free
of impurities. Not much work has been carried out to develop a simple but efficient gas
cleaning for the gasifier.
The assessment of the results has shown that low power output systems fuelled by
charcoal have considerable potential for a number of rural applications including water
pumping, drying of food and shaft power production. Apart from being reliable, these
systems are easy to operate and maintain. The main problems in the utilisation of this system
lie in the inconvenience in the start up and the maintenance of the filter system by the operator.
(1) Anon, "Producer gas: another fuel for motor transport:", National Academy Press,
United States, 112pp, 1983.
(2) Anon, "Producer gas technology", Papers presented at International Producer Gas
Conference, Bandung, Indonesia. The Beijer Institute, Sweden, 1985.
(3) Graf, U, "Charcoal gasification at the Forest Research Institute Malaysia. "Report of
short-term expert", D eutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit, West
Germany, 1986.
(4) Hoi W K, Low, C Κ, and Wong, W C, "The production of charcoal by the improved
transportable metal kiln.", Paper presented at International Conference on Rural
Technology, Kuala Lumpur, 1985.
(5) Hoi, W K, "The production of rubberwood charcoal by the transportable metal kiln",
Paper presented at Rubber Research Institute Colloquium on Research and
Development in Rubberwood, Kuala Lumpur, 1985.
The aim of the study was to extend use alternatives for gasification
technology by studying the suitability of updraft gasification for
gasifying waste fuels. The waste fuels studied were municipal waste,
forest residues, straw and car scrapyard waste. The present version
of the gasifier is well suited for forest residues, pieceshaped
municipal waste and car scrapyard waste. Faultless operation of the
gasifier with crushed and chopped municipal waste and straw requires
the use of a fuel mixture of larger piece size, for example, sod
peat or wood chips, or changes in the construction of the gasifier.
The flue gas emissions are fairly low, although the plant is not
equipped with flue gas purification. A scrubber used in the
experiments reduced the particulate contents of the flue gas by 70 %
to 50 mg/m2n and the heavy metal contents in solids by 30 99 %.
The scrubber had no significant effect on gaseous emissions. As the
specific emissions of certain components of unpurified flue gas are
much lower than those from grate and fluidized bed combustion, the
flue gases can be purified further at lower investment costs. The
competitiveness of the gasification plant seems to be good in the
size class of 5 15 MW and municipal waste as the fuel. Two Bioneer
gasification plants for forest residues with 4 and 6 MW gasification
outputs have been in operation in Sweden since 1986. The first gasi
fication plant designed especially for municipal waste will be put
into operation during spring 1989 in Italy.
The use of updraft fixedbed gasification for producing district
heat was developed to a commercial level in the early 1980s in Finland.
There were a total of nine Bioneer gasification plants in operation in
1988 in Sweden and in Finland. These plants produce district and process
heat and are fueled with sod peat, wood chips and wood residues. Bioneer
gasifiers are manufactured for the output class of 1 15 MW.
In the Bioneer gasifier the fuel is gasified with air and steam in a
reactor of shaft furnace type. The process was primarily developed for
the gasification of sod peat and other pieceshaped biofuels. The flow
chart of the Bioneer gasification district heating plant is shown in
Figure 1.
The temperature of the combustion zone in the lower part of the
gasifier can be controlled by the amount of steam fed along with the
β 10 14
gasifying air. In this way, ash melting, occurring even at low temper
atures, and problems due to it in the operation of the grate and in the
ash removal can be prevented. The steam reacts with hot carbon in the
gasification zone and forms carbonmonoxide and hydrogen.
The proportion of tar condensed in updraft gasification is as high
in the product gas that the gas cannot be used as such for example for
the fuel of gas engines or conveyed long distances in pipelines. In the
existing Bioneer plants the gas is burnt close to the gasifier.
The competitiveness of the Bioneer boiler plant compared to conven
tional solid fuel boilers is based on the following factors:
high reliability, automatic operation, high degree of utilization
high efficiency even at partload
low specific emissions, small need of flue gas purification
possibility to employ different feedstocks in the same plant.
In the last few years, the research and product development work on
updraft gasification, done in cooperation with the Laboratory of Fuel
Processing Technology of VTT and Bioneer Oy, has focused on the gasifi
cation of different waste fuels. Tests have been performed mainly at a
test station of 1 MW gasification output, where the gas is burnt in a
multiple tubular boiler. Experiments have also been carried out with
municipal waste at a district heating plant of 6 MW.
yards, and mixtures of these, sod peat and wood chips. Properties of the
waste fuels are presented in Table I.
The gasification tests with different waste fuels took 3 1 0 days.
In the determinations, attention was paid especially to adjustments of
the plant, to tar contents of the product gases and, for municipal
waste, to flue gas emissions, in addition to fuel and process measure
Table II. Composition and net calorific value of dry product gas.
equipment was not used at the test station. A t the district heating
plant, the flue gases were purified with a wet scrubber.
The contents of heavy metals presented in Table III were determined
only for the solid matter, except that of mercury. The mercury contents
also include steam phase. The PA H contents include 7 compounds, chlor
benzenes 11 compounds and chlor phenols 23 compounds. 15 compounds were
determined for chlorinated dibenzofuranes and 12 compounds for chlor
inated dibenzopdioxines.
One of the greatest advantages of updraft gasification is a low
particulate content of unpurified flue gas, when further purification is
more simple and cheaper than in most combustion processes.
The emission values presented in Table II cannot be considered as
typical emissions from a plant based on the gasificationcombustion pro
cess. The values are primarily test results for dimensioning the es
sential flue gas purifiers (e.g. wet scrubber and fiber filter) and for
evaluating purification costs.
The tests indicated that the updraft gasifier is well suited for the
gasification of pieceshaped waste fuels. When using chaff and fuels
with a high fines content, the use of a support fuel is required either
in the gasifier or in the combustion of gas to guarantee the faultless
operation of the gasification plant. The flow of the fuel can also be
improved by equipment technical measures. As the product gas contains an
abundance of condensing compounds, the gas should be burnt in the im
mediae vicinity of the gasifier. The need for flue gas purification is
lower in gasification than in direct combustion.
A peat ammonia factory was put into operation at the Oulu Works of
Kemira Oy in summer 1988. The factory uses about 1.2 million MWh sod
peat for producing 80 000 t/a ammonia for fertilizer production. The
total investment in replacing the old heavy-oil based plant with a
peat-based one was FIM 225 million, and it concerned peat handling,
drying and gasification and gas cleanup. The plant is the only plant
producing synthesis gas from peat in the world. Similar technology
can also be used for biomass. Sawdust has been gasified mixed with
peat. Sod peat is crushed and dried in a pressurized steam dryer,
and the dry peat is then gasified in a pressurized HTW gasifier with
oxygen and steam. The trial runs of the plant were started in May
1988, and ammonia production in August 1988. The longest uninter-
rupted operation time has so far been 31 days.
41 t/K moUtun 40%
t siuda»
Dual ttpåntion
The peat is fed with the nominal flow of 25 t dm/h into the HTW
gasifier. The gasifier has operated as expected. The large amount of
fines among the peat and the high naphtalene content of the gas have
caused malfunctions. A new parallel crusher is being installed at the
plant to improve the particle size distribution of the peat. Benzene
scrubbing has been intensified to remove naphtalene. The naphtalene
content might also be reduced by using limestone in the fluidized bed.
The typical operation values for the gasifier are as follows: bed
temperature 700 °C, free-board temperature up to 900 °C; gas composi-
tion: carbon monoxide 35, hydrogen 32, methane 6 - 8 , and carbon dioxide
22 vol?. The peat feed is 23 t/h, oxygen demand 290 Nm3/t peat (maf) and
steam 160 kg/t peat; synthesis gas output 925 Nm3/t peat (CO + H2). The
κ 31 .β
< 25.1
u .
κ 20.0
LU 10.0
I 7.9
3 β.3
s S.0
υ 4.0
ι.082 0.106 0.21 0.6 1 1.88 3.15 4.78 9.52
Material Particle Moisture NFF
size content opening vol. wt
d|ç value wtJ cm kg/nP
Sod peat crush
Crush 1 (dried) 0.63 12.1 10.8 29.9 355
Crush 2 (dried) 0.17 11.9 17.4 14.9 512
Crush 3 0.16 30.9 9.4 22.1 470
Crush 4 0.4 27.9 5.8 14.0 470
Crush 5 (dried) < 0.4 14.0 14.2 18.1 512
Crush 6 (dried) 0.37 14.8 12.4 46.4 292
Crush 7 (dried) < 0.37 14.5 9.4 25.2 311
Crush 8 0.5 21.4 8.7 29.1 348
Milled peat 1 <3 11.0 5.9 10.4 200
Milled peat 2 <3 36.9 3.2 39.8 300
Pellet crush 0.5 21.7 7.5 4 550
Lignite <0.27 16.7 24.7 31.6 653
carbon conversion is 88 % and the ash is fed into the steam boiler for
total carbon utilization.
Research has focused on the reactivity of peat and the behaviour of
ash in gasification. The reaction rate of different sod peat chars has
been slightly lower than that of lignite. The attrition of peat grains
in the bed can be significant /3/. The reactivity of char is reduced by
The deposit formation of ash is in accordance with the theory of
sintering by viscous flow in peat gasification. According to this
theory, glassy particles are sticked to each other as a result of
viscous flow. The siliceous ash molten in the oxygen flame forms glass.
The peat ash is typically siliceous and hence, deposit formation with
this mechanism can be expected /4/. A laboratory method based on the
measurement of compression strength was developed for testing the
sintering tendency of ash /5, 6/ and viscosities were also measured for
different peat ashes. The compression strength of ash pellets as a
function of the B/A index is shown in Figure 3, which indicates a good
correlation at 800 °C in these tests. This index describes the ratio of
alkaline and acid oxides in the ash. The viscosity of ash as a function
of temperature, measured at the Institute of Gas Technology, is
presented in Figure 4. The viscosity measured at 1 000 °C also cor
relates with the B/A index well /4/.
Figure 3 . Compression s t r e n g t h as a function of the B /A index.
Figure 4. A sh v i s c o s i t y as a function of temperature.
Thermochemical processing of agricultural (corncob, cereal straw,
...) and forest residues (branches, chips, thinning residues, ...) is an
interesting alternative for small scale energy production. In
particular, air gasification in a downdrat moving bed gasifier
yields a LHV gas with a low tar content, which is useful for
electricity and/or heat production in isolated communities farms
and small industries (ceramics, dryers, wood processing, ...). Two
gasifiers of the type described above have been developed in order
to process agricultural and forest residues which are produced in
important amounts in the regions of Aragon and C a s t i l l a - L e ó n
(Spain). The first one is capable of processing 50 kg. of biomass
per hour and the second 200 kg. of biomass per hour. Both gasifiers
have a similar structure although there are substancial
differences between them, These differences were introduced in
the design of the second gasifier in view of the experience gained
with the first one, and of the modelling studies carried out. Both
installations are described and some results obtained in them are
concentrici 10 mm. thick brick layers. The inner one is built with a
refractory material of a high alumina content (82-84% A l 2 0 3 , 12-14%
S i 0 2 , 1 % Fe 2 0 3 .), whereas the outermost layer is built with a thermally
insulating material in order to avoid heat losses. The external wall is
covered with a 5 mm. thick F-lll carbon steel layer, which also serves
as a support for the whole ensemble.
Under the gasifier there is a wedged compartment built on
refractory concrete, on whose sloped walls the ashes slide to a screw
conveyor, at the bottom of the cavity. This conveyor transports the
ashes to a hopper where they are stored. The compartment also
contains the exit pipe for the gases leaving the gasifier.
The biomass feeding system is connected directly to the gasifier,
in order to avoid leaks. It consists of a 700 I. hopper in which the
biomass required for a given run is loaded at one time. The feed is then
introduced in the gasifier by means of an electrically driven ram. The
whole ensemble is made of 3 mm. thick carbon steel plate.
Several thermocouples are located at different heights in the
gasifier, as shown in Figure 1. Two of them Fe-Konstantan are in the
drying-pyrolysis zone, and there are also thermocouples (Ni-Cr-Ni)
just beneath the throat in the combustion zone and also under the ash-
removal grid. A portable temperature probe was also available to
pinpoint temperatures in different parts of the installation.
The 200 kg/h plant is basically similar to the plant of 50 kg/h,
the main differences being due to the higher scale employed.
Moving upwards from the bottom, the gasifier of this plant can be
described as follows: It consists of 1000 mm. i.d., 1200 mm. length
cylinder which narrows, reaching a diameter of 500 mm., 250 mm.
above the end of the straight section. A symmetric widening follows,
reaching again 1000 mm. i.d. in a distance of 250 mm. This is continued
by a second cylinder of constant, 1000 mm. i.d. and 350 mm. lenght. A
scheme with the dimensions of gasifier is shown in Figure 2.
A ceramic material with a density of 350 kg/m 3 was used to make
the body of the gasifier. This material was chosen in view of its good
insulating properties. However, its resistance against erosion was not
so good. Thus, it was internally covered with 1/8" thickness of an
erosion-resistant material with a density of 3450 kg/m 3 . Between
both layers of materials an annulus of 100 mm. thickness was filled
with ceramic wool, made of the same nature as the ceramic material
used for the outer layer. Finally as in the 50 kg/h. Plant, the external
wall of the gasifier is surrounded by a F-lll carbon steel shell.
The ashes are removed using an eccentric stainless steel rotating
grid. Its capacity for ash removal has been determined in previous
calibration measurements.
The experimental program which is being developed studies the
influence of the following process variables:
a)Air flow rate to the system. This variable controls the oxigen
input to the gasifier for the partial combustion of the pyrolysis
products. By this means the energy requirements of the process are
b)Residence time of biomass in the gasifier. In the 50 kg/h. plant,
this is inversely proportional to the percentage of reaction time in
which the grid vibrator is working. In the 200 kg./hr plant, the
residence time is inversely proportional to the rotating velocity of the
During the experiments gas samples are taken at regular intervals
from the exit pipe. These samples are collected for GC analysis. At the
end of each experiment the amount of biomass consumed is determined.
The weight of ashes and fines is also determined.
The results of previous test in the 50 Kg/h. Plant were used to
select the following ranges of operating conditions for experiments
with wood chips: Air flow rate: 40-70 Nm 3 /h., % Vibration:15-50
(which corresponds to approximately 50-80 min. of residence time in
the gasifier), Air to biomass ratio: 1.1-2 Nm 3 /kg. Table I shows the
operating conditions for two series of runs with wood chips in the 50
kg/h. plant and 29 % vibration were used as reference in these
experiments. Some of the results obtained in the 50 kg/h. plant are
shown in Table II. These correspond to the two series of experiments
mentioned above. Table III shows some results obtained whith wood
chips in the 200 kg/h. plant.
The average composition (volume percent) of the gas obtained
falls into the following ranges: N 2 : 45-60 %, CH 4 : 0.25-2.5%, H 2 : 10-
22%, CO: 13-25%, C0 2 : 8-19%, C2H2+C2H4: traces.
The authors express their gratitude to C.A.I.C.Y.T. for providing
financial support for the building of the 50 kg/h plant and to
Consejería de Economía y Hacienda de la Junta de Castilla-León, I.D.A.E.
and C.I.E.M.A.T. for providing financial support for the building of the
200 kg/h plant.
6 40 29 31.7 79
7 50 29 44.7 55
8 60 29 39.3 62
9 70 29 44.9 55
Table II. Resu ts obtained in two series of runs with wood chips
Run Gas flow rate LHV gas Gas Yield
(Nm3/h.) (kcal./ Nm3) (Nm 3 gas/kg. biomass)
1 73.2 939.7 1.59
2 72.1 1011.1 2.02
3 79.1 1006.3 1.77
4 71.7 925.7 2.64
5 79.3 1061.2 3.12
Steam gasification of four different biomass (pine sawdust, pine wood chips, cereal
straw and thistles (Cynara Cardunculus ) from energetic crops) has been carried out
in a 15 cm. i.d. continuous fluidized bed gasifier. The gas, tar and char yields, the exit
gas composition and the conversion of carbon have been determined at temperatures
between 650 and 780°C (923-1053 K) for each type of biomass. At the same
gasification conditions and due to the different structure and size of the particles,
important differences are observed in the product distribution depending on the
gasification temperature and on the biomass used. The differences in H2, CO and C02
in the gas product are important at low gasification temperatures. These differences
decrease on the temperature increasing up to 780°C at which a gas composition
similar for all types of biomass is obtained.
The type of biomass is an important factor to be considered in the gasification of
biomass in fluidized beds. A same gasifier should process the different types of biomass
produced in the surroundings at the different seasons. Therefore, we considered
necessary to know how the product distribution changes and what problems can appear
when the biomass to be processed is changed.
Scott and Piskorz, Nunn et al., Prasad and Kuester, etc... have studied the pyrolysis
and gasification in fluidized beds of maple, poplar bark, bagasse, wheat straw, etc...
Regarding this work it is important the previous one of Walawender and Fan of the
Kansas State University who studied the steam gasification in a 5 cm i.d. fluidized bed of
cotton wood (branches) (1), of pure cellulose (2), and of dried feedlot manure (3). Their
work is interesting and useful; however, in our region the most abundant types of
biomass are different from the ones they use. As well, we believed that there was still
work to be done in this specific field. Therefore, we have studied the steam gasification
of different types of biomass. This study has been carried out in a 15 cm. i.d. fluidized
bed gasifier at temperatures between 650 and 780°C.
The installation used in this work is shown in Figure 1. The gasifier is a 15 cm. i.d.
fluidized bed of 1.2 m. total height. The gas distributor plate was made of special
nozzles. Its good operation has really been of key importance in the good progress of this
research. The bed is silica sand (from beach), 32 cm. height at u = umf and t=0. The
biomass feeding point is at the bottom of the bed, at 5 cm. above the gas distributor, and
it is also fundamental for obtaining high throughputs and results similar to those of large
gasifiers (4). The biomass is continuously fed to the gasifier at a prefixed constant flow
rate. In principle, this operation is not easy because of the characterestics (form, size,
easy pyrolysis,...) of the biomass and the high temperature of the gasifier, but this
problem was solved in our installation. The gasifier was externally heated by an electric
oven. The plant has two lines in parallel for introducing the gasifying agent (steam) or
other gases (air, N2...). The gases from the gasifier pass through a cyclone for
separating the dragged fines (ash, char, sand), by a water-cooled heat eschanger in
which the steam and the tars are condensed, and by a demixter consisiting of five glass-
bulbs arranged in parallel and with a glasswool filling. After the continuous measurement
of the gas flow, gas samples are taken and analyzed by gas chromatography.
The main operation parameters are given in Table I. The bed temperature was varied
from one run to another, maintaining constant the other parameters. The effect of the
H20/biomass ratio and of the space-time (Ho/uo) for the gas were previously studied
Four different types of biomass have been processed. Pine sawdust, small pine wood
chips with a small quantity of bark, cereal (wheat) straw (one of the most abundant and
available residues in Spain) and, finally, thistles from energetic crops have been
processed. In Table II the main physicochemical characteristics of these biomass are
shown. Concerning their fluidization, Aznar et al. (7,8) determined the umf, ucf,
terminal velocities, bed and particle densities and the segregation In the biomass-sand
and char-sand mixtures, for the biomass used here and with sand (and other solids) of
different sizes. In Table II it can be observed how the four types of biomass have a
similar composition (dry-ash-free). According to Prasad and Kuester (9) the
hydrogen/oxigen ratio (H/O) in the biomass is a important parameter for the composition
of the gas produced.
being more acute at high temperatures. Thus, for example, at 780°C (1050 K) the gas
yield is of 1.2 Kg. of gas/Kg. of sawdust, whilst with thistles it is only of 0.63. This
increase of the gas production with the temperature may be due to the greater production
of gas in the initial pyrolysis (more rapid at higher temperatures) and to the endothermal
reactions of gasification of the char: on increasing the temperature the tar cracking and
steam reforming reactions are favoured with the resulting decrease of the same and the
gas yield increase.
M * Sawdust
•t· Straw
t Straw . Wood Chips
* Wood Chips 1
■* Thistle
* Thistle
υ ♦ Sawdust
o.i E
0.' >
600 650 700 750 6 600 650 700 750 800
Figure 2.Gas yield vs temperature Figure 3.Gas yield (Nm3/Kg daf) vs temp.
For comparing which is the production of gas by Kg of net biomass, the volume of
gases produced per Kg of biomass dryasffree has been calculated. This gas yield at
different temperatures is shown in Figure 3. In this Figure two groups of well
differentiated biomasses can be observed now: on the one hand sawdust and straw and
on the other chips and thistles. It is observed how the sawdust and the straw give a gas
yield quite a lot higher than that of the chips and thistles. The difference is high and it can
be attributed to the different sizes (and shapes) of the particles of each biomass used.
Thus, for the sawdust particles (spherical and of a very small size) the effectiveness
factor (h) is near the unit. In the case of the chips their surface/volume ratio is much
less and their char is gasified more slowly (h<1). Something similar happens with the
thistles. In the case of the triturated straw its particles have a laminar shape, with a
very small thickness. Then, the preferential direction of the gasification reaction is the
transversal. Therefore, their characteristic dimension respect to the gasification (its
thickness) is very small with a behaviour similar to that of the sawdust particles (h =
1). The night gas yield obtained with the straw can also be explained by a possible
catalytic effect of its ash: it is abundant in the straw and it has a high content in K20
which favours the charsteam reaction.
+ Straw
40 • Wood Chips
H Thistle
» Sawdust
600 650 700 750 800 600 650 700 750 800
Figure 4. Char yield vs. temperature Figure 5. Tar yield vs. temperature
Besides the already known decrease of the tar yield with the Figure 5
it is observed how this value is very similar for the different biomasses. The smaller
production of tar occurs with the sawdust, coinciding with its greater yield to gases,
coming from the cracking and reforming of the primary tars.
Gas composition
The [H2] [C02]/[CO] [H20] ratio of the exit gas for each biomass and the curve
corresponding to the thermodinamic equilibrium constant are shown in Figure 6. These
curves are similars to those presented by
Figure 6
Maniatis and Buekens (10). The direct reaction of the watergas shift reaction has a
kinetic constant greater than the inverse reaction at temperatures below 810°C (1083
K). A t this temperature both constants (direct and inverse) are equal: Κ » k1/k2 = 1
(Figure 6), Prasad and Kuester (9), Walawender et al. (2). Besides, in our reactor the
partial pressure of the steam (in the denominator of the above ratio) is much greater
than that of the other components (1,5 to 3 times greater than that of the H2, which is
the component which is found in greater proportion in the dry gas). Then, on increasing
the temperature, the experimental ratio comes near the theoretical one, Figure 6. In
simple words, a progressive increase of the concentrations of H2 and C 0 2 , and a
reduction of that of CO is produced when the gasification temperature is increased. More
details about the gas composition will be given in the extended version of this work (11).
The present work has been carried out within the Shared Project between the CA ICYT
(Madrid) and the CEE (DG XII), Contracts ns A G3/84 and EN 3B0103E. The authors
acknowledge the F.P.I, grant awarded to J. Herguido by the Spanish Ministry of Education
and Science.
(1) Singh, S.K., Walawender, W.P., Fan, L T . , Wood and Fiber Science. 18 (2), 1986,
(2) Walawender, W.P., Hoveland, D.A ., Fan.L.T., Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev.. 2 á
1985, 813817.
(3) Raman, K.P., Walawender, W.P., Fan, L T . , Ind. Eno. Chem. Process Des. Dev.. l à ,
1980, 623629.
(4) Corella, J., Herguido, J., A lday, F.J., 'Pyrolysis and steam gasification of biomass
in fluidized bed. Influence of the type and location of the biomass feeding point on
the product distribution'. In 'Research in Termochemical Biomass Conversion',
Bridgwater, A .V. and Kuester, J.L. (eds), Elsevier A ppi. Sci. Pu. London, 1988,
(5) Corella.J., A dánez.J., GonzálezSáiz.J., Herguido.J., 'Steam gasification of biomas
i fluidized bed reactor", in 'Biomass for Energy and Industry. 4th E.C.Conference'.
Grassi, Delmon, Molle and Zibetta (eds). Elsevier A ppi. Sci. Pu.,1987, 11071111.
(6) A gorreta, E., A znar, M.P., Corella, J., 'La gasificación de serrín de pino con vapor
de agua en un pequeño de lecho en continuo; Estudio de las variables del proceso'. 11
Jornadas Biomasa. Soria (Spain), 1987, pp. 4.131/4.135.
(7) A znar, M.P., GráciaGorrfa, F.A ., Corella, J., A n. Quim. (Madrid^. 8_4_,1988a, 379
(8) A znar, M.P., GráciaGorria, F.A ., Corella, J., A n. Quim. (Madrid), 8_4_,1988b, 386
(9) Prasad, B.V.R.K., Kuester, J . L , Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.. 27 , 1988, 304310.
(10) Maniatis, Κ., Buekens, Α., EPE, Vol XVII, n a 34, 1982, 3539.
(11) Corella, J., Herguido, J., GonzálezSáiz, J., to be published.
We are going to improve the gas composition from a fluidized bed gasifier by using catalysts
placed in a secondary bed in series with the gasifier. Catalysts for tar cracking, methanation and steam
reforming will be used. To know their activity preliminary results in the same installation without
catalyst are needed. Then, in this part I preliminary runs have been carried out with the secondary
reactor empty and filled with silica sand. A bench scale facility based In a 6 cm. id. fluidiced bed
gasifier, a porous metallic filter and a 4 cm. id. secondary vessel have been used. Working at 750°C in
the gasifier, steam/biomass ratio of 0.9-1.1, and 6-9 g. biomass/min. the tar and CH4 contents in the
exit gas are about 100 g/Nm 3 and 6-9% vol. respectively. The product distribution and gas
composition are given for several operating conditions
It is well known that the gasification of biomass in fluidized beds still has technical problems or, at
least, that it could be improved. One of these problems is the quality of the gas produced. When air
is used to gasify, not much tar is produced but the gas only serves to be burnt and, sometimes, with
dificufty. When steam is used as gasifiing medium, the exit gas is composed of H2, CO, CO2, CH4,
some C2 and C3, tars and elutriated char and ashes. This gas could be used as syntesis gas
(CO+H2,H2+N2), as H2 rich gas, or to be burnt as medium heating value gas. In the first case the 5-
10% vol CH4 content should be eliminated. In the later case the CH4 content should be increased.
And the tars should always be entirely eliminated for many and well know reasons.
There appears to be a clear necesity of reforming or modifiing the gas composition. Together
with other possible technical solutions (O2 Introduction, use of very high temperatures, etc..) the
use of catalysts could be a good or possible solution.
Thus, catalysts could be used for, at least, tar cracking, methanation or steam reforming of the
CH4. It is curious to observe how these processes or solutions have been widely used and studied
in the petroleum and coal refineries and industries but not in the thermochemical processing of
biomass. So, this and forthcoming papers will be devoted to the experimental study of the use of
catalysts in the steam gasificaton of biomass in fluidized beds.
As an starting point one had to face to, at least, three questions: 1st) Which catalysts to use?
2nd) Where to place them? 3rd) Which is the most commedable scale to investigate these
The catalysts we have used have been of three very different types: tar cracking, methanation
and steam reforming of CH4. The results with the last two will be shown in the next EC Conference
in Lisbon (September 1989). Here we will only show the preliminary results (part I) and the results
with some tar cracking catalysts (part II).
About the important question of where to place the catalyst, we think we already have defined
ideas but it is also necesary to say that each author seems to have his own opinions. At least three
different sites or emplacements can be envisaged for the catalyst: 1) impregnated in the biomass, 2)
in the same gasifier, mixed or instead of the silica sand, and 3) in a secondary reactor in series with
the gasifier. In our oppinion the methanation and the steam reforming catalysts have to be placed in
a secondary reactor for, at least, three other reasons: 1st) these commercial catalysts are made to be
used in fixed bed, not in fluidized beds (like the gasifier); 2nd) the temperature of these two
processes can be different from that of the gasifier; 3rd) the gasifier atmosphere can deactivate the
catalyst. About the cracking catalysts, these catalyst could be used in the same gasifier (1) or in a
secondary reactor. In part II of this work only its use in a secondary reactor will be studied and shown.
Two stage processes are know for coal gasification (2) but these processes (and even studies) for
gasification of biomass are very scarce.
We think that the scale of the research (i.e. the size of the gasifier and of the catalytic reactor) is
an important and previous decision that can influence not only further important results like the
product distribution and gas composition (see, for instance ref. 3) but also future decisions about
the technical and economical viability of the process. Between very small gasifiers (i.e. 2-3 cm i.d.)
and pilot plant gasifiers (larger than 15 cm i.d.), for the reasons exposed in (4) we have chosen here
an intermediate or bench scale installation. This installation has a continuous feeding of biomass and
a continuous reforming of real exit gas from the gasifier of biomass.
To compare results, to clearly see the effect of the catalyst and to differentiate it from the effects
(thermal cracking, for instance) of the installation, previous runs have been made: i) without the
secondary catalytic reactor; ii) with this reactor being empty and iii) with this reactor filled with inert
silica sand. Only these results will be shown in this part I.
A scheme of the installation can be seen in figure 1. The gasifier is a 6 cm i.d. fluidized bed, 30
cm height, externally heated by a 4 Kwatt furnace, followed by a disengaging zone 20 cm i.d., and
14 cm high. This upper zone was always thermally isolated to diminish tar condensation. The gas
distributor was a plate with 9 bubble cups of 8mm diameter with 10 holes each one of 0.8mm
diameter. At not very hight superficial velocities this plate gives small bubbles (good gas-solid
contact). Before the gas distributor plate there was an elicoidal pipe to preheat the fluidizing and
gasiting gas. This fluidizing gas was always steam.
to vent
Secondary bed
The continuous feeding system of the biomass has had special importance. Althought several
improvements were made some runs had to be stopped by the plugging of this system. Main
aspects of this feeding systems are: the downpipe or standpipe has to be externally refrigerated
(with several quenching air flows). This downpipe has a 3 cm. diameter to dinimish its plugging. The
screw feeder has 3.5 cm i.d. The usual biomass flow rate was 6-10 g/min. (0.36-0.6 kg/hr). As
biomass, pine (pinus pinaster) sawdust was always used (C:40.8%wt, H: 6.3%wt, 0:52.9%). Its size
was always -630+250 mm, its humidity about 10-14% wt and its LHV 4400 kcal/kg daf.
After the gasifier there was a porous metallic filter (10 mm nominal pore size and 50 cm length).
Then, there was the catalytic bed of 4 cm i.d. and 15 cm height. At its bottom there was a bubble cup
(2 cm o.d.) as gas distributor. At the top there was another bigger zone of 8 cm i.d. and 20 cm. high.
At the exit of this catalytic reactor there is an heat exchanger, a tar and water receiver, an
effective demixter (with glass wool), a continuous flowmeter, a gas sampling device and the exit gas
pipe. About every 10 minutes a gas sample was taken which was analyzed by conventional gas
cromatography. Sometimes, in the same run, several samples of the condensed liquid were taken.
This liquid was analyzed by several methods: liquid cromatography, total organic carbon, tar
extraction with solvents, etc... All these analysis allowed us to know the evolution and deactivation
of the catalyst when it was used.
It is necessary to cite the complexity of this installation, the difficulty of carrying out the runs in
good contitions (maintaining constant the flowrates, temperatures, pressures, e t c . ) , the high num-
ber of plugs and conections which made escapes of gas highly probable, the difficulty in closing the
mass balaces, etc... The % of 'valid runs' was increasing with time, improvements, experience,...
In the gasifier there was always silica sand of -200 +125 mm (umf = 5 cm/s; Ucf = 9-2 cm/s), with
Ho = 30 cm(at t=0 and u=u m f). The superficial gas velocity at the gasifier inlet was 15,18 or 21 cm/s.
This variable is very important since it determines the segregation or not of the char in the upper part
of the bed, the gas velocity at the exit, the gas velocity at the inlet of the secondary reactor and the
space-time or mean residence time in this secondary reactor.
Char and tar were collected in different quantities (and of different types!) in the different parts of
this installation. Unless stated, char and tar yields will be refered to all the installation and for the
whole of the run.
The product (gas, tar, char) distribution and the gas composition in different runs with different
temperatures in the secondary reactor (empty) are shown in figures 2 and 3. To compare with further
results with catalyst, two data are important and should be remenbered: the tar and the CH4
contents in the gas. The tar content is between 76-120 g/Nm 3 equivalent to tar yields of 5.9-8.1
Kg/Kg daf. The CH4 content in the gas is between 5 and 9 % vol.
Compariing these results with those previously obtained in the same rig but without fitter and
secondary vessel, less tar and more gas yield are now obtained. We think this is due to the
existence of thermal cracking in the filter and in the secondary vessel. Also, there is now more H2
and CO2 and less CO. This can be easily attibuted to the existence now of more volume at high
temperatures for the gas phase shift reaction (CO+H2O = CO2+H2).
=· 60.
> 50
Τ 40.
O 30 □
υ π
(0 20 ■ ■
° 10 Λ
0. •
— Γ — · — ι—'
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Figure 2. Effect of the temperature of the Figure 3. Effect of the temperature of the
secondary reactor (empty) on the secondary reactor (empty) on the
product d i s t r i b u t i o n gas composition at the exit of
(■ gas; ° char; · tar) the installation
<H, CD, CO. CH 4 )
οι σι
ι . ι
.♦ *
• »—
t 40
S 30 α
20 El
O 10 . ■ »
0 .
ι ' Ι '
5 10 C 5 15
Figure 4. Gas yield vs. height of the Figure 5. Gas composition vs. height of
secondary bed with sand the secondary bed with sand
(297 + 200 Mm). T ^ secondary
bed 745 ± 10°C
The effect of the temperature of the secondary bed with silica sand (being the filter temperature
= 550°C), for two sands and two different bed heights, is shown in figures 6 and 7. Comparing with
the results obtained in the empty reactor there is not a sensible influence of the sand, indicating this
solid is inert. The product distribution and gas composition will be used in further parts of this work as
the basis to see the effect of several catalyst placed in the secondary reactor.
60 • •
50 * •
I 40
2 30
8 ÜU H Β
< 10 »
o «
300 400 500 600 700 800 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
F i g u r e 6 . E f f e c t of t h e temperature of Figure 7. Gas composition a t t h e e x i t o f
t h e secondary bed with sand t h e I n s t a l l a t i o n v s . temperature
of 297 + 200 um, 10 cm high of the secondary r e a c t o r with
sand of 630 + 297 μιη, 14 cm high
(u ( g a s i f i e r ) = 15 cm/s
u (secondary bed) = 57 cm/s)
(2) Juneja, M.N.; Mazundar, A; Biswas, D.K.; Rao, S.K. Fuel Sci. Techn. £(2),
1987, 4560.
The use of dolomites for the cracking of tars in gases from steam gasification of
biomass in fluidized beds has been studied. The installation was based in a bench scale
facility with a 6 cm i.d. fluidized bed gasifier operating at 750 °C, a porous metalic
filter at 530°C, and a 4 cm i.d. secondary bed filled with dolomite and operating
between 400 and 950°C, mainly between 800 and 900 °C. D olomites from Spain,
Sweden and United Kingdom have been used. Above 800-850°C tar conversions higher
than 95% and tar concentrations in the gas less than 200 mg/Nm3 have been obtained.
The deactivation of the dolomite along the time-on-stream has been studied and the life
of the dolomite is given.
In part I we indicated how the product distribution and the gas composition from
biomass gasifiers or pyrolyzers can and have to be improved. In particular, tar and CH4
contents in the gas obtained are far from the optimal ones. This part II will be only
devoted to the tar elimination in the exit gas by catalytic cracking . The problems that
tar gives are well known, and this tar has to be eliminated, or at least diminished to a
great extent. This tar could be eliminated by using very high temperatures or
introducing oxigen in the gasifing gas.The first solution is not easy when fluidized beds
are used as gasifiers and the use of oxigen Introduces the necesity of an auxiliary O2
production plant. So, here we are going to continue the study of another solution for tar
elimination. This solution is based in the use of cracking catalysts.
In the petroleum refineries very difficult feedstocks and heavy oil fractions (end
b.p. >600°C) are easily cracked in riser reactors operating between 500 and 620°C (at
the bottom) and contact times with the catalyst of 2-4 seconds. These commercial
catalysts (fesh or 'in equilibrium') could also be used in blomass gasification/pyrolysis
for tar cracking but its very low mean diameter (about 70 μηι) makes them easily
elutriables (terminal velocity, ut=20 cm/s). So they can be used only in riser gasifiers
or circulating systems (l)Therefore, here we are going to study another type of
cracking catalysts: dolomites.
At least, in recent years in four countries (Sweden, France, Spain and USA) studies
have been made about tar cracking with dolomites. Important and previous works have
already been made. Among others, there are the studies in Sweden of the Royal
Institute of Technology (2) and of Studsvik Energy (3), in France of Magne, D eglise and
colls. (4), in USA of Battelle-Pacific NorthWest (i.e. 5), of Longwell, Peters and colls.
(6) and of Wen and Cain (8) and in Spain our previous work on this subject (9). To make
here a comparative study of these works is imposible by the obliged length of this
communication. So we can only summarize the previous findings in two main ideas:
Calcined dolomites are very active for cracking of tars coming from biomass or coal
gasification or pyrolysis, and there is still a lot of work to be done to optimize the use
of dolomites in these processes.
The specific fields in which there is not much knowledge are: the deactivation rate
of the dolomite, its fluiddynamic properties and the effect of the origin or provenance
of the dolomite in its activity. This work is a step more in the study of these factors.
Associated with the cracking of oils, hidrocarbons or tars there is always coke
formation on the catalyst surface that in oil cracking deactivates the catalyst in a few
seconds. So, in tar cracking we are going to find this deactivation of the dolomite by
The catalyst (dolomite) can be placed in several places. In a previous work (10) we
placed it in the same gasifier. In this work only its use in a secondary reactor in series
with the gasifier will be studied.
The realtionship between the particle size of the dolomite and the superficial gas
velocity (u) in the cracking reactor is very important. Remember that the particles
with a terminal velocity (or chocking velocity in risers) less than u will be carried out
of the bed. Thus, for a fixed superficial gas velocity at the gasifier inlet, and given the
diameters of the gasifier (or pyroliser) and of the cracking reactor, the dolimite has to
have a given minimun particle diameter to be fluidized and not carried out from the bed.
Gas samples were collected each about about every 10 minutes and analysed by gas
cromatography. The condensed liquid (mainly water) at the cracking reactor exit was
taken about evry 10 minutes. It was analysed by liquid cromatography and its TOC
(Total Organic Carbon) content determined. The TOCvalue was converted to the
equivalente amount of tar on the assumption that the molecular weight of tar was equal
to that of phenol, like Sjöström et al. did it (2)
We have used three different dolomites from three different countries:
1. Spanish, from 'Dolomitas del Norte' of Cantabria (North of Spain). Its size was
innitially 1000+600 \im but given that u 0 2 = 5070 cm/s and that there was some
carry over it was increased to 2.0+1.0 mm.
2. Swedish Sala Dolomite kindly given by the R.I.T. of Stockholm. It was of the
same origen as that used in ref. 2.
3. English, the 'stone' used in the John Brown/Wellman gasifier. It had a size of
2.5+0.6mm and it was really a calcite.
Their detailed characterization is more than length of this paper. We ca only
say that they were calcinated at 900°C first in a furnace and afterwards in the same
cracking vessel previous to its use and that this variable, for instance, had some
The gas yield obtained with the Spanish dolomite at different temperatures of the
dolomite bed is shown in figure 1. A bove 700°C a gas yield increase is observed due to
the tar cracking as will be shown bellow.
*: 80
6 0
Figure 1. Gas yield at different υκ>·
temperatures of the bed with > 40
dolomite. <
(3 ?ο· ■ I I I ι1—ι—■—ι—■—
400 600 800 1000
The most impresive and spectacular effect of the dolomite is in the conversion or
cracking of tars. In figure 2 the tar conversion with the Spanish dolomite at different
temperatures is shown. A bove 800850°C tar conversions (cracking) higher than 95%
are obtained. The tar concentration in the exit gas at different bed temperatures is
shown in fig. 3.
There is a very clear diminution of the tar content in the exit gas when dolomite is
used at temperatures above 800°C aprox. But these results are the average for each
run of 1 hr. length and τ of 0.17 seconds or τ' of 0.21-0.26 hr, like in ref.(2). Let us see
what happens in the first minutes of reaction.
In figure 4 the tar conversion in the secondary bed and at two temperatures (of the
cracking bed), 780 and 840°C, is shown at different times-on-stream of the (Spanish)
dolomite. The tar concentration in the exit gas from the dolomitic bed at different
times-on-stream is shown in figure 5. Several clear and important effects can be seen
in these figures .For instance: the deactivation of the dolomite affects the tar
conversion or the tar content in the gas. The deactivation occurs in several minutes.
The temperature is an important factor. With the space-time used, at 840°C a tar
conversion of 99% and a tar content in the gas of less than 200 mg/Nm3 can be
achieved, but this only in the first 40 minutes (of using the dolomite).
< -ι-
20 40 60 80 100 Ο 20 40 60 80
Figure 4.- Tar conversion in the bed Figure 5.- Tar concentration in the
of dolomite vs. time on stream. exit gas from the bed of dolomite vs
time on stream.
The deactivation by coking of the dolomite also influences the gas composition which
varies with time-on-stream of the dolomite, as can be seen in figure 7. At t>60
minutes, the gas composition is the same as those obtained when sand was used in the
secondary bed.
Intimated asociated with 840°C curve in figures 5 and 6 are the cromatograms
(liquid cromatography) shown in figure 7. They correspond to the condensed water at
the exit of the bed of the Spanish dolomite (at 840°C). In the first three samples the
dolomite was still active and there are few components and in small quiantity in the
condensed water. A fter about 40 minutes (see also figs 5 and 6) the bed begins to be
deactivated and the cromatogram now shows more componentes and in more quantity
which corresponds to a lower tar conversion in the bed of dolomite.
Figure 7.- Liquid cromatograms of the condensed water collected at the exit of the
secondary bed of dolomite, at different intervals of time-on-stream.
The use of biomass as an energy carrier could solve some of the main energy problems especially
in developing countries,and gasification of lignocellulosic material in order to produce lean
gas suitable to fuel an engine seems to be one of the most promising techniques.
Nevertheless,among t h e different technologies available (fixed bed,updraft o r
downdraft,fluidized bed...) none appears able to face properly the major problem related to
the presence of tars in the gas produced.CEMAGREF developped a new technology which enables the
elinination of the tars produced during pyrolysis i n an internal burner in order to obtain a
clean gas.An automation of the wood feeding system and the internal running of the gasifier was
carried out to ensure a good gas quality even in non stationary operating o f t h e system.Tests
results obtained o n a pilot unit developed in CENAGREF showed l o w t a r content a n d good
gasification efficiency in the range o f 5 0 t o 2 0 0 kg/H o f d r y wood chips.
Therefore a generating set including a POYAUD g a s engine of 120 kW was implemented at the end
of t h e line,and t h e power is c o n s m e d i n a flexible resistance.Long r u n tests will be
conducted in order to prove the industrial feasibility of the process.
Among the various energy from biomass lines CEMAGREF identified the gasification technique as
one of the most promising especially in Developing Countries.
The aim of the research described here is indeed to produce a tar free lean gas,from high or
medium grain size lignocellulosic biomass. Moreover,the thermal engine fueled with lean gas mustbe
as flexible and reliable as with an oil derived fuel.It is therefore necessary to automate the part
of the line upstream from the engine (biomass feeding,control of the inner operating parameters of
the gasifier according to the power level required by the engine).
A first set of experiuents aimed at obtaining a steady-state operating of the line at
different lean gas outflow levels.Table 3 gives some results obtained during twenty hours of
autonatic operating.As long as the engine was not functioned at the end of the line,the variation
in gasifier loading was obtained by changing Manually the position of the exhaust gas valve.This
operation was not perfectly representative of the actual control by an engine as it did not take
into account a possible change in the heating value of the lean gas occuring during the transient
phases.A quick switch of the lean gas production fro« 600 Ni3/h (200 kg/h of dried wood chips) to
300 Hi3/h and vice versa could be realized while Maintaining the adequate temperature levels and
the geometry of the biomass bed,the change in operating paraneters being done autonatically.Moreover
no unexpected production of tars was collected in the gas analysis system.
The good results obtained so far encourage us to carry on with the project.Two aspects will be
worth developping in the future.
It would also be interesting to use the experiiiental data obtained on the prototype at ANTONY
and co«pleientary analyti caldata («ainly obtained with a big sized thermobalance developed at
CEMAGREF) to develop a «odel for the optinal diiiensioning of the gasifier for a given power
level,depending on the biomass (especially its grain size) to be processed.
Long-run tests(around 1000 hours)should highlight the feasiblity of the line on an industrial
scale.But,these tests are significant only when the lean gas produced fuels the engine which is the
weak point of such a power line.
Moreover,it could be checked if the response time of the gasifier to a variation of the load
has the saee îagnitude as the response tiae of the engine,in order to obtain the sate flexibility as
with diesel oil.
Therefore a 120 kW POYAUD spark engine is implemented at the end of the line.The engine runs
an alternator and the power is consuied in a flexible resistance.
With the relative coeplexity of the CEMAGREF process and the cost of the autonation,the
comercial size of the gasifier will be in the range of 500 to 5000 kg/h of dry wood.
An economic calculation related to an unit of 1000 kg/h of dry wood was carried out and the results
are shown in diagram 4.
Two raw laterial scenarios were considered :
-wood as a by product in an agroindustrial complex(palm or
hevea plantations...)at a cost of 15$/ODT(collecting cost only),
-wood produced in energy plantations at a cost of 35$/0DT (Eucalyptus in Brasil or Congo...)
It caie out that even if wood has to be produced in energy plantations,it lakes sense to
iipleient the gasification technology in areas of Developing Countries far from the coast (because
of the high transportation cost by road or railway of the diesel oil).
(1) BECKER,J.J,Fixed bed gasification of lignocellulosic bioiass the CEMAGREF process
Conference "Research in TermochemicalBioiass Conversion",Hay 1988,Phoenix,USA
(2)BECKER,J.J and GAUDEMARD ,S.,Développèrent d'une ligne de production d'électricité à partir
de biomasse.Société française des thermiciens,journée d'études "Les loteurs à biogaz",
Noveiber 1988,Paris,FRANCE
CEMAGREF Fixed bpd Gasifipr
air_ J I , recycling gas
(from recycling fan)
gasification area
(bed of charcoal only)
Schematic of the pilot unit in ANTONY
Feed rate (kg/h) 210 Dry gas ««position (1) H2 45/52
C o m p e t i t i v i t y of Low B TU gas
l o c a t i o n : a f r i k a n coast
2 on equipment F r a n c e b a s i s )
l e a n gas
^ oil price
» ψ
location : continental Afrika
(x2 on diesel oil ; χ 1,6 on equipment France
Monomer p r e c u r s o r s
of l i g n i n Monomers o f l i g n i n
Phenylalanine 14
n i ^^ÎOCH 3
Cinnamic a c i d
(cycle C)
1 Τ 3
Cinnamic a c i d , 14 . OH
(α C)
: coumaryl a l c o h o l
R. = Η, R = OCH : c o n i f e r y l a l c o h o l ) main p o p l a r
R, = R, = OCH : sinapyl alcohol ) monomers
TABLE II. Specific radioactivity of the various C lignocelluloses
Precursor Lignocellulose Radioactivity (Bq/mg)
Phenylalanine (U C) 642 000
Cinnamic acid (cycle C) 1 128 000
Ferulic acid (0 CH ) 618 000
Cinnamic acid (alpha C) 1 526 000
TABLE III. Distribution of carbon in the different phases resulting from the
pyrolysis (as a percentage of the number of moles of initial
carbon) and marked carbons in the same phases (as a percentage of
the initial radioactivity)■
Products of pyrolysis
a b c d
C% 33 36 32 33
Gas phase
R% 6 15 34 31
C% 25 40 34 44
Solid phase
R% 25 40 34 44
C% 42 24 34 23
Liquid phase
R% 50 37 45 21
The gaseous phase contains approximately one third of the carbon atoms
of the starting material. A nalysis of the radioactivity of the gaseous and
solid phases shows significant differences depending on how the
lignocelluloses are marked. With lignocelluloses synthesized from uniformly
marked phenylalanine (a) , the radioactivity of the whole gaseous phase
represents less than 6% of the initial radioactivity, while the solid
residue and the tars represent 44% and 50% respectively. This shows the low
contribution of the lignin to the formation of pyrolysis gas, as already
noted for the lignins extracted (2, 3 ) . In the cases where a single carbon
atom is marked (c, d) , the total radioactivity of the gas represents a
significant fraction of the initial radioactivity (34% and 41% respect
ively) : in this case the atoms marked have been for the most part
incorporated into the gaseous phase.
The results of a more precise study of the radioactivity of the
various constituents of the gaseous phase are given in Table IV. For each
gas the expression of the results is based on a comparison of the following
ratios :
Radioactivity of gas i
and R% =
Total radioactivity in the gaseous phase
The most abundant constituents are carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The
latter represents approximately 45% of the volume of the gas obtained but is
not mentioned in this study, which is concerned with determining the origin
of the carbonaceous gases from the macromolecules marked with 1 4 C .
TABLE IV. Distribution of carbon (in brackets ) and marked carbon in the
various constituents of the gaseous phase for a given test. The
average value of the carbon content of the gases produced by the
different lignocelluloses is also given in the Table.
b c
co2 (21) 8.5 (17) 10.8 (22) 5.7 (21) 22.2 (24)
The marked atoms are present in all the gases (the small quantities of
CjHg detected preclude a significant measurement). This fact is observed
even in the two cases where only one type of atom is marked (c and d) ,
showing that flash pyrolysis causes ruptures of links which cause the
formation and subsequent recombination of marked atomic entities. In all
these cases, the radioactivity measured for a gas is not proportional to its
carbon content (see in particular CO and CH^ for the lignocelluloses a,b,d
and CO and CO2 for lignocelluloses a,b,c). These results show that under the
conditions of flash pyrolysis lignin degrades mainly into CO and to a lesser
degree into CH4 and CO2, and hydrocarbons into C2.
In cases where the lignin is marked on the extracyclic methoxyl group
(c), the radioactivity of C H 4 is equivalent to that of CO. The result shows
that the OCH 3 group forms CH. and CO in equal quantities. It confirms the
theory that the origin of the methane produced by the degradation of the
lignins is the methoxyl group (4).
With the C lignin lignocelluloses, of which the precursor is
cinnamic acid marked on the carbon of the lateral chain, the high radio-
activity of the CO2 suggests a large proportion of the x; in the
formation of the CO_.
This work was carried out with financial support from the Agence
Française pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie and the Conseil Regional de
The paper deals with computing of the reduction zone height in a shaft
furnace used for gasification of waste wood by means of experimental
research on the kinetics of reduction reactions (charcoal reacting
with CO2 and H2O) . The problem has been narrowed to the analysis of
the process carried on the average temperature where ash is drained
from the combustion zone in a solid state. The research results show
that in a temperature range of 700-1100 °C the reactions go in a
kinetic-diffusive area and the charcoal particle diameter has no
effect on the rate constant. Coefficients in Arrhenius equation are
evaluated. Two alternative mathematical models of the reduction zone
have been worked out: one for air-flue gas blast and another one for
air-steam blast. It has been confirmed that at the analysed temper-
atures in the combustion zone reduction reactions cease before a state
of equilibrium is reached in the system.
In the reduction zone in gas generators there are five main reactions
defining the process :
C + CO = 2 CO (5) CO + H 2 0 = C 0 2 + H 2 (8)
C + 2 H 2 0 = C 0 2 + 2H 2 (6) C + 2H 2 = CH 4 (9)
C + H 2 0 = CO + H 2 (7)
After some tests two reactions describing the whole process (e.g.
reactions (5), (6) or (7), (8)) should be chosen. The combustion zone
influences the reduction zone. To lower its temperature to 1000-1200°C,
steam or flue gases should be added to air blast. Apart from carbon dioxide
and steam, the gases leaving the combustion zone consist also of some
amounts of carbon monoxide and hydrogen oxide which are difficult to define.
The content and temperature of the gas leaving the combustion zone give some
details necessary for reduction zone analysis.
The research has been carried out mainly on charcoal being a gasific-
ation product of oak wood which belongs to a group of waste materials with
high volatile content. A flow power reactor has been used, where CO2, H2O,
mixture CO2-N2, H2O-N2, C0 2 -H20-N 2 were passed through a sample of charcoal,
within the temperature range of 700-1100°C. After having analysed the gas
content downstream before and after the sample, constant reaction speeds
have been defined as koo2 and kH20 in different temperatures, and then the
value of coefficients A and E have been computed in equation (12).
It seems to be interesting that experiments carried on for different
charcoal granulation proved there is no influence of particles granulation
on values kcc>2 and kH2Û. Introductory measurements proved that the flow rate
as well as content of entering gas influence the value of ko02 and kH2Û.
Therefore the research has been carried on when flow rate and content of
entering gas are similar to those occurring in industrial gas generators. An
analysis of the results showed that CO as well as CO, are formed as a result
of coal reaction. For a model description of a simultaneous reaction of
2,5 100
H, MJ£l_
^~—~~ Hop
HOP __
0,003 0,004 0.003 ή«, <""°' 0,007 ' o.õõl õÕõí ο,οοί n t , fr¡"g' õ[Õoy
' m1 a
2,5 ifOO
H, MV«
0,5 SO
6» 100 f, JUL. HO ao fOÕ S, ±í_
m \
. Hgp
Λ . . * · <*
Fig. 1. Dependence of reduction zone height Hop and H90 and calorific
value of the gained gas MWd on temperature in the combustion
zone ts, blast stream ns, solid phase density ρ and heat
losses Qs (for Ot = °°)
charcoal with H2O and CO2, reaction systems (5) , (6) are the most
applicable. The following results have been gained:
Reaction A , m3 Ag s, E, J/kmol
C + CO = 2 CO 1007600 184650000
C + C 0 2 = 2 CO 25230655 212650000
C + 2 H O = CO + 2H 2946990 188278000
0,3 1Z0O
fJ t,
0,25 1100
0,2 1000
Hjo H»
0,1S 900
Ο,Β 1,5 H, m 2
The objective of this study has been to provide a greater understanding of
the biomass gasification process through the development and use of
computer models. A new theoretical equilibrium model of gasification is
described, based on the operating condition called the adiabatic carbon
boundary. This represents an ideal gasifier working at maximum efficiency -
the point where the carbon in the feedstock is completely gasified. It is used
as a "target" against which to compare the results of real gasifiers. A second
model has been developed which uses a stagewise approach in order to
model fluid bed gasification, and the results have indicated that pyrolysis
and the reactions of pyrolysis products play an important part in fluid bed
gasification. Results from both models are presented.
The work described in this paper was undertaken in order to obtain a better
understanding of the chemical processes which occur in a biomass gasifier. The
first stage of the work was to construct an idealised model of gasification against
which the performance of real gasifiers can be measured. Some results of this
work have been presented elsewhere [1]. The second stage was to construct a
more sophisticated model of fluid bed gasification which uses a stagewise
approach. Both models described here are relatively simple, and both are
designed to predict the steady-state performance of a gasifier in terms of the
compositions and flowrates of its input and output streams. A representation of
this is shown in Figure 1. The models are not kinetic models, and they cannot be
used to size gasifiers or predict the spatial variation of reaction conditions within
the reactor.
| Heat losses |
The basis of any model of gasification is the material and energy balances
over the gasifier, but these balances are not sufficient on their own to calculate
the values of the unknown variables. The relationships of chemical equilibrium
have frequently been used as well [eg 2,3]. In addition to the mass and energy
balances and equilibrium relationships, other assumptions are needed, and the
number of assumptions used determines the number of degrees of freedom in the
system. Some of the variables in the system will be determined by
circumstances, for example the feedstock composition, flowrate and temperature.
Others will be chosen by the designer, typically the gasifying agent temperature
and composition and the pressure of the gasifier. If it is assumed that the reactor
is well mixed, as might be the case for a fluid bed gasifier, the outlet temperatures
will be equal to the reaction temperature. This leaves only one additional
variable to be specified, which can be either the gasifying agent flowrate or the
reaction temperature.
There are two cases of chemical equilibrium, the first when there is excess
carbon present in the system and char appears in the solid residue, and the
second where all the carbon is gasified in an excess of gasifying agent. There is
a third special case at the point between these two cases where the carbon is
completely gasified without an excess of gasifying agent. This point is known as
the carbon boundary. Previous work has enabled models of gasification to be
constructed for the cases either side of the carbon boundary, but in the current
work it was decided to concentrate on the carbon boundary itself, as explained
below. In the case of a carbon boundary equilibrium model with the assumptions
and design variables as described above both the temperature and gasifying
agent flowrate are fixed by the material and energy balances. Thus, for a given
feedstock, gasifying agent composition and operating pressure the carbon
boundary condition is achieved at a unique set of operating conditions.
In an ideal gasifier, the carbon boundary condition will give the maximum
chemical energy in the product gas. In the case where there is excess carbon in
the system, the char residue will contain chemical energy, allowing less chemical
energy in the gas phase. However, excess gasifying agent would reduce the
amount of chemical energy in the system by boosting the temperature of the
system and converting energy to sensible heat of the product gases. Thus, the
equilibrium carbon boundary model represents an ideal gasifier working at
optimum operating conditions for a particular feedstock and gasifying agent, and
can be used as a theoretical optimum against which the performance of real
gasifiers can be compared.
The results of a sensitivity analysis performed using the carbon boundary
model have already been published [1]. Figure 2 is an example of the output
obtained: it shows the effect of biomass moisture content on performance for an
oxygen gasifier. The sensitivity analysis predicted that the parameters which
have the most effect on gasification were biomass moisture content and gasifying
agent composition.
The reaction temperatures predicted by the model are lower than are
achieved in real gasifiers. The equilibrium model takes no account of reaction
rates and in real gasifiers higher temperatures must be used in order to achieve
reasonable gasification rates. If an equilibrium model is to be used for predicting
the performance of a real gasifier rather than providing an idealised target, a fixed
temperature model should be used operating with an excess of gasifying agent
over the carbon boundary case, with the equilibrium temperature being based on
actual values.
E Key
» H2
oα. CO
E * C02
-*- CH4
O M H20
·»■ Temperature
20 40 60 80
Biomass moisture, % dry basis
Figure 2 Typical Results of the Carbon Boundary Equilibrium Model
when the hydrocarbons and tars from pyrolysis passed to the product gas, whilst
all of the other pyrolysis products passed to the char gasification stage. This is a
model of the case where there is good mixing within the reactor, but reaction
rates prevent the decomposition of the hydrocarbon products of pyrolysis. A
conceptual diagram of this model is presented in Figure 4.
Product gas
Drying, pyrolysis
and tar cracking
The model has only been tested over a limited range of reaction conditions,
because of the lack of pyrolysis data. The pyrolysis data used are from Belleville
and Capart [4], and were obtained under reaction conditions similar to those
found in a fluid bed gasifier.
Table I shows a comparison with published results from two fluid bed
gasifiers. The results were obtained using the same operating conditions in the
model as were reported with the actual gasifier results. No experimental
parameters have been used to fit the results of the model to gasifier results.
There is good agreement with the results of the Lurgi Circulating Fluid Bed
gasifier, but poor agreement with the results of the Mino gasifier. This is probably
because the Lurgi CFB has good mixing within the reactor, as assumed in the the
computer model, whereas in the Mino gasifier there may be poor mixing. There is
also the possibility that the pyrolysis data used in the model are not applicable to
the feedstock used in the Mino gasifier.
Note : Compositions adjusted to a nitrogen-free basis. Gas yield is expressed as Nm 3 dry gas per
kg dry, ash free feedstock. Feedstock is wood, gasifying agent is oxygen/steam and
reaction temperature is 780°C.
The stagewise model does not provide the information required for sizing a
gasification reactor. Models for calculating the char gasification rate are well
established [eg 8]: this is the rate determining step in gasification [9].
The equilibrium carbon boundary model of gasification represents an
idealised gasifier and may be used as a target against which to compare the
results of practical gasifiers. Equilibrium models do not predict accurately the
results of fluid bed gasifiers because of the effects of pyrolysis, but stagewise
models which use equilibrium for char gasification calculations and empirical
pyrolysis models can predict the results of well-mixed fluid bed gasifiers.
The authors are grateful to the Science and Engineering Research Council
for their support of J M Double.
1 D ouble J M, Bridgwater A V, "Sensitivity of Theoretical Gasifier Performance to System
Parameters", in Palz W, Coombs J, Hall DO (eds), "Energy from Biomass: 3rd EC Conference",
Elsevier Applied Science, 1985.
2 Gumz W, "Gas Producers and Blast Furnaces: Theory and Methods of Calculation", J Wiley and
Sons Inc, New York, 1950.
3 D esrosiers R, Thermodynamics of Gas-Char Reactions", in Reed Τ Β (ed), "A Survey of
Biomass Gasification", Solar Energy Research Institute, Colorado, USA, 1979.
4 Belleville P, Capart R, "A Model for Predicting Outlet Gas Concentrations from a Wood Gasifier",
in Bridgwater A V (ed), Thermochemical Processing of Biomass", Butterworths, London, 1984.
5 D ouble J M, "The D esign, Evaluation and Costing of Biomass Gasifiers", PhD thesis, Aston
University, Birmingham, England, 1988.
6 Mehrling P, Reimert R, "Synthetic Fuel from Wood via Gasification in the Circulating Fluid Bed",
in Beenackers AACM (ed), "Advanced Gasification, Methanol Production from Wood - Results
of the EEC Pilot Plant Programme", D Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1986.
7 Hall D O, Overend R P (eds), "Biomass: Regenerate Energy", Wiley, New York, 1987, p248.
8 Buekens A G, Schoeters J G, "Modelling of Biomass Gasification", in Overend R Ρ et al (eds),
"Fundamentals of Thermochemical Biomass Conversion" Elsevier Applied Science, Barking
England, 1985.
9 Smith E L, Shand R N, "Design and Evaluation of Biomass Gasification Systems", in Grassi G et
al (eds), "Biomass for Energy and Industry, 4th EC conference", Elsevier Applied Science,
Efeu GmbH
Research and Development for Energy and Environment
D-5830 Schwelm
The dosing silo has a reliable air buffer delivery system. Fuel is fed continually
from the silo into the bottom of the primary reactor, whereby the rate of fuel
feeding is controlled automatically depending on the various process parameters.
A portion of the fuel is fed into a circumjacent primary chamber and ignited
with preheated air. The combustion in the primary chamber stabilizes
gasification in the primary reactor and allows the removal of stones at this
During the intermediate gasification, gas conversion takes place at approx.
900° C in a rotating Venturi-burner; whereby gas and flue charcoal are
circulated. The conversion temperature is regulated with a secondary air supply.
Tar and phenols are hereby practically fully converted.
Depending on the direction of rotation of the Venturi-burner during the
intermediate gasification, flue charcoal (wood charcoal) from the primary
reactor can be either refed to the Venturi-burner or extracted via an integrated
worm gear. Depending on how long the charcoal remains in the intermediate
gasification (a regulable timespan) a high level of activation can be achieved so
that the use of wood charcoal as activated charcoal is possible.
The coke reactor also prevents tar and phenols from escaping from the primary
reactor and stabilizes the heating value of the generator gas at a high level.
Coke cosumption lies at around 1 % of the primary fuel quantity. (The coke
reactor is equipped with a stepped grate into which the air heater is integrated.
The primary air is pre-warmed up to approx. 520° C, the generator gas cooled
down to approx. 330° C.)
1. Dosing-silo
2. Air bag
3. Screw conveyor
Underfed primary-
4. Vertical conveyor
5. Agitator
6. Guide blades
7. Rotating grate
8. Venturi-burner
9. Worm gear
for charcoal
10. Air-heater
11. Step grate
Figure 1)
Figure 2) illustrates the pre-drying and excess heat utilization. The drier has an
outer jacket of gill plate and a rotating cone made from perforated plate which
carries a progressive spiral conveyer. The fuel is in a ring channel around the
spiral cone. The rotation of the cone is such that the fuel is loosened and
carried upwards. Extraction of the fuel takes place at the bottom. The drying
air flows radially from the outside to the inside of the drier in the bottom area,
then upwards through the interior of the rotating cone and finally in a radial
direction from inside to outside through the fuel bed. The drying air is pre-
warmed up to over 100° C by using the hot generator gas and hot water in the
gas scrubber.
Figure 3) illustrates the 4-stage gas scrubber (2 jet scrubbers and 2 packing
scrubbers) with subsequent cooling tower, gas blower and burn off. During the
first three scrubbing stages the level of condensate is regulated and, in contra-
flow to the gas, enriched with ammonium. The removal of the ammonium-
concentrate takes place dependent on the level of concentration in the first
scrubbing stage. Condensation of the water contained in the cooled gas takes
place principally in the fourth scrubber. The condensate has only traces of
ammonium at this stage.
Figure 3)
Professor Institut für Technische und
UNIVERSITY OF ZARAGOZA Makromolekulare Chemie
Facultad de Ciencias Bundesstraße 45
Ciudad Universitaria D - 2000 HAMBURG 13
BABU, S.P. Professor
Director, Process Research Dpt. de Ingenieria Quimica
USA - CHICAGO, IL. 60616 E - 50009 ZARAGOZA
Engineer INTECUS
ITABIA Krefelderstraße 20
Via Archimede, 161 B - 1000 BERLIN 21
I - 00127 ROMA
Professor BONFITTO, E.
Institut für Organische Chemie Technical Officer - Engineer
Auf der Morgenstelle 18 Piazza Torlonia 91
D - 7400 TUBINGEN 1 I - 67051 AVEZZANO (AQ)
Ingenieur Civil Enseignant, chercheur
200, rue des Chêra COMPIËGNE
Β 4000 LIÈGE 10, Square Sutterlin
Director CARLSSON, K.B.
33, Chaussée de Mons Dept. FUM
S 35187 VÄXJÖ
Dipl.Ing. CARRE. J.
Bartningstraße 49 27, rue Louis Vicat
Reader in Chemical Engineering CASTILLO, S.
UNIVERSITY OF ASTON Teaching and Research
Department of Chemical Engineering Laboratoire de Recherche sur
Aston Triangle l'Energie
F 31062 TOULOUSE Cedex
Project leader in thermochemical CHURIN, E.
biomass conversion Researcher
Dpt. Fare Unité CATA
CRECASACCIA 1, Place Croix du Sud
I 00100 ROMA
BUEKENS, A. Prof. Chem. Eng.
Professor Dept. Chem. Eng.
Directorate General for Energy Unité CATA
200, rue de la Loi 1, Place Croix du Sud
Β 4131 AWIRS Dpt. Chimica Ing. Chim. e Materiali
Chimie génerale et Carbochimie DENIS, E.
CP 165 Research & Development Engineer
Β 1050 Bruxelles CHI (Cockerill Mechanical Industries
Seraing) et C.R.l.G. (Centre de
Recherches de l'Institut Gramme)
DABORN, G.R. 25, rue de la Sablonnière
Department of Trade & Industry Β 4900 ANGLEUR
Gunnels Wood Road
Research and Development Director
Thesard Guest Street
Faculté des Sciences UK LANCASHIRE WN7 2HE
Ile du Sauley
F 57000 METZ
Research Engineer
V E C U S ENERGY SYSTEMS Ltd Laboratoire de Chimie Organique
Longmace House Structurale
Mill Lane Arundel Bâtiment F
UK WEST SUSSEX BN18 9AH 4 Place Jussien
F 75005 PARIS
P.O. Box 510
Administrateur de Société
DEHAYE, J. 21, Square Larouse
14, rue FrançoisdeSourdis
F 33077 BORDEAUX Cedex
Research Assistant
ENEA Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Viale Regina Margherita 125 P.O. Box 5058
I 00198 ROMA NL 2600 GB DELFT
43, rue Paton I 00189 ROMA
F 59800 LILLE
DIEBOLD, J. Process Engineer
Engineer STUDSVIK ENERGY (A division of
Cole Blud Dpt. Applied Technology
USA Co 80401 GOLDEN Studsvik Energy
Energy Program Manager ELAMIN, A.
Boeretang 200 Appt. 239
B 2400 MOL 3, Square Blaise Pascal
Postfach 1108 P.O. Box 217
Chemical Engineer Expert
Department of Chemical Engineering COMMUNITIES
Aston Triangle Directorate General for Energy
UK BIRMINGHAM B4 7ET 200, rue de la Loi
Geschäftsführer FARGIONE, P.
C.DUPRÉ GmbH & Co KG Engineer
FranzKirrmeierStraße 17 UNIVERSITY OF ROME
D 6720 SPEYER 244, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II
I 00186 ROME
Research A ssistant FENZL, W.
Dpt. of Chemical Engineering & Projektmanager
Applied Chemistry VOESTALPINE
Aston Triangle Turmstraße 44
AERIMPIANTI S.P.A. Investigator
21, Via Bergamo Dpt. de Ingenieria Química
I 20135 MILANO Facultad de Ciencias
E 50009 ZA RA GOZA
Institut für Technische und GAUTIER, E.
Makromolekulare Chemie Technical Director
Bundesstraße 45 S.E.S. SOFT ENERGY SYSTEMS
D 2000 HAMBURG 13 S.P.A.
64, Via Marino Ghetaldi
I 00143 ROMA
Ingénieur GAVR0, S.
UNIVERSITÉ DE TECHNOLOGIE DE Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
BP 649 Institute for Thermal Technique and
F 60206 COMPIEGNE Cedex Nuclear Technique
Tvornicka br. 3
Kernforschungsanlage E BEAZ S.A .
D 5170 JÜLICH Alameda Recalde, 18
E 48009 BILBAO
Diplom Ingenieur GIRARD, P.
FLEUS Ingénieur de Recherche
Kutsteinerstraße NWl 45 bis, Avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
D 2800 BREMEN 33 F 94736 N0GENY/MARNE
COMMUNITIES Alexandervon HumboldtStraße
Directorate General for Science, Postfach 20 10 45
Research and Development D 4650 GELSENKIRCHEN
200, rue de la Loi
GRGUREVIC, S. Ph.D. Student
M. A. Econ. Research Associate CEMAGREF
Marsala Tita 16/11 BP 121
P.O. Box 317 F 92164 ANTONY Cedex
HAANAPPEL, V.A.C. General Manager
P.O. Box 217 Grossheide 323
HUMMELSIEP, H. Consultant
Abteilungsleiter KNIGHT CONSULTANTS, Inc.
Sulzbachstraße 26 USA - ATLANTA GA 30345
IACOBONI, S. Chemical Engineer, Researcher NTU A
Department of Trace Analysis Department of Chemical Engineeerlng,
Dambachtal 20 Div. IV
D - 6200 WIESBADEN 42, Patision street
GR - 10682 ATHENS
Administrateur KROMSBEIN, G.
ENS0F0R S.A. Process Engineer
Friedrich-Uhde-Straße 15P.O. Box
Consultant to DG XII El
11 Orchard Crescent
UK - HERTS SGI 3EN Engineer
JØRGENSEN, L. Centervej 2
Engineer DK - 6000 KOLDING
Induetrivaenget 27 KURKELA, E.
DK - 3400 HILLERØD Research Scientist
Biologinkuja 5
Ingenieur Forestier
Centre d'adaptation des techniques
de l'energie bois - "CATEB" KUTUBUDDIN, M.
BP 11596 Institut flir Organische Chemie
Auf der Morgenstelle 18
D - 7400 TUBINGEN 1
Prof. Dr.
Institut fUr Technische u. LACROSSE, L.
Makromolekulare Chemie Gasification Coordinator
Bundesstraße 45, 2 23, Avenue Maréchal Juin
Dpt. R & D Ph.D. Chemistry
P.O. Box 209 Instituto Espafiol del Calzado
DK 9100 AALBORG Polig. Ind. campo Alto
PO Box 253
LUENGO, C A . E 03600 ELDA (A licante)
CXP 6165 6, Centre International Rogier
Ingénieur Chimiste Manager
45 bis, Avenue de la belle Gabrielle GottliebDunkelStraße 21
GeschäfsfUhrer Research Scientist
Loher Straße 1 Laboratory of Fuel Processing
D 5830 SCHWELM Technology
Biologinkuja 35
SF 02150 ESP00
Senior Scientist
CNR Instituto di Ricerca Sulle OLSEN, G.
Acque Chemical Engineer
DTH Building 403
Engineer R&D
21, Via Bergamo Research Director
Georgia Institute of Technology
M.Sc. Engineering PARK, D.
I KRUGER A/S Research Scientist
P.O. Box 131
Chemical Engineer
Gladsaxevej 363 PASSANO, E.
21, Via Bergamo
I 20135 MILANO
Postfach Professor
Departamento de Ambiente
DirectorateGeneral Engineer, Managing Director
Telecommunications, Information, INNOSYS
Industries and Innovation Heimdalsgade 14
Manager of research cenere Area Manager
Centervej 2 S 61182 NYKÖPING
Research Engineer Postfach 10 17 50
DepC. of chemical Engineering
POHLMANN, K. Postfach 100 252
Institue fUr Technische und
Makromolekulare Chemie RODRIGUEZ JIMENEZ, J.J.
Bundesstraße 45 Professor
D 2000 HAMBURG 13 Dpto. Ingenieria Química
Facultad de Ciencias
POOS, Α. Campus Universitario de Teatinoe,
DirectorateGeneral Personnel and
Administration RODRIGUEZ MIRASOL, J.
L 2920 LUXEMBOURG Research Felo«
Dpto. Ingenieria Quimica
Facultad de Ciencias
Ingénieur en chimie Campus Universitario de Teatinoe,
CH 2063 E N G O L L O N N E U C H A T E L E 29071 MALAGA
Institut fUr Technische und CR.T.N.
Makromolekulare Chemie Via A. Pisano
Bundesstraße 45 I 56100 PISA
D 2000 HAMBURG 13
Scientist Institut für Technische und
Gunnel8 Wood Road Bundesstraße 45
R&D Manager Research Scientist
BIONEER OY Biologinkuja 5
PL 537 SF 02150 ESPOO
SCHÄDEL, S. Managing Director
Institut für Technische und NETTEZZA URBANA
Makromolekulare Chemie 52, Via Baccio Da Montelupo
Bundesstraße 45 I 50142 FIRENZE
D 2000 HAMBURG 13
SCHIEBER, A. Senior Scientist
FRA GmbH CNR Instituto di Ricerca Sulle
Postfach 1645 Acque
D 7080 AALEN 5, via F. de Biasio
I 70123 BARI
CivilEngineer STÂHLBERG, P.
ÖKOINSTITUT e.V. Research Engineer
PrinzChristiansWeg 7 Laboratory of Fuel Processing
D 6100 DARMSTADT Technology
Biologinkuja 35
SF 02150 ESP00
Head Department
Department of Trace Analysis Director
D 6200 WIESBADEN P.O. Box 217
Research Engineer STEFFENSEN, U.
45 bis, Avenue de la belle Gabrielle Institut für Technische und
F 94736 NOGENTSURMA RNE Makromolekulare Chemie
Bundesstraße 45
D 2000 HAMBURG 13
SIB0N0, A.
1, Via Caffaro STENHOLM, M.
Gladsaxe Møllevej 15
Director of Laboratory
Laboratory of Fuel Processing STEPPAT, H.
Technology Dipl.Ing.
Biologinkuja 35 Kufsteinerstraße 18
STREHLER, Α. Development Engineer
Weihenscephan Bayer Z.I.U.
Landesanstalt flir Landtechnik I 33100 UDINE
Am Staudengarten 3
STRIPP, O.F. Professor
Südetenstraße 2 Wyckiat Mechaniczny
D 6920 SINSHEIM 111 Konarskiego 18
Etudiant WANZL, W.
Faculté des Sciences BERGBAUFORSCHUNG GmbH
Ile du Sauley FranzFischerWeg 61
F 57 045 METZ D 4300 ESSEN 13
Secrétaire A dministration Dipl. OK
Avenue Prince de Liege, 7 Kufsteinerstraße NWI
Β 5100 NAMUR D 2800 BREMEN 33
Msc. Lecturer
Department of Chemical Technology UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS
Robert Bosch Straße 82
D 7080 AALEN
WOLPERT & JONES (Studies) Ltd.
Hunters, Holly Hill
Colemans Hatch
Institut fUr Technische und
Makromolekulare Chemie
Bundesstraße 45
D 2000 HAMBURG 13
Department of Chemical Technology
Research Engineer
120, Via A. Pisano
I 56100 PISA