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December 10 T Board

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511 Kingsley Ave.
Orange Park, FL 32073-4829
st rd
Stated Communications 7:30PM 1st & 3rd Monday
Order of Eastern Star 7:30PM 1 & 3 Tuesday
Orange Park Lodge has an active Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. The following are eligible for
membership: Affiliated Master Masons in good standing, females related to those Master Masons or if deceased,
were in good standing at the time of their death. Contact: Carol Davis, Secretary for information. 904-264-0745

December AL 6010 December AD 2010

From the East:
2010 Officers My Brothers,
As my year as Worshipful Master draws to close, I want to thank
WM Jeff Foster – 814-3931
each and every one of you for all for the support that you have
S.W. Duane Trump – 772-7648
given me throughout the year. Without your support we could
J.W. - Ronald Smith – 993-8524
not have had such a successful year.
Treas. Wayne Williams PM - 272-5487
For those of you who are continuing on, or accepting your first
Sec. Charlie Frey, PM – 563-3340
appointment, I commend you for stepping forward. Although a
S.D. Corey Kosciuszko - 535-8428
successful lodge is the collective effort of every brother, it is the
J.D. - DJ Levy – 860-6740
elected and appointed officers that steer the ship.
S.S. Leif Olsen - 759-0543
The first duty of every lodge officer, from the Tyler to the
J.S. – James Orner – 254-8866
Worshipful Master, is to serve the craft. I challenge you to not
Marshal Richard Bilyard II – 982-5273
only accept the title for the office you are appointed or elected
Chaplain – Tom Olsen 424-1566
to, but to take ownership of the duties and responsibilities that
Tyler - Bill Stevens – 264-4183
come with it and perform them to the best of your ability.
Once again I want to thank our Junior Warden, Bro Lief Olsen
Unless otherwise noted in the Trestleboard, Dinner and Bro Phillip Cannon for the outstanding effort and hard work
WILL be served prior to all meetings and special in preparing our annual Thanksgiving Day feast. All of their
events. hard work, and the brothers that volunteered to cook a turkey or
ham, was greatly appreciated. I estimate we had approximately
170 guests.

I hope to see all of you in Lodge on Monday, 6 Dec for election

of Officers.
Congratulations to new Master Masons Fraternally
Jeff Foster
Mark S. Balester
Michael W. Jarrell
Todd O. Jennings From the Secretary’s Desk:
Laurence P. Westberry Brothers,

You all should have your dues notices by now. I was a

We do need more Mentors and Instructors. We little bit late getting them out this year but they all have
have several new Brothers who are going been mailed. Please do everything that you can to get
your dues money mailed in or given to me at the office. As
through the degrees so if you can help, please I’ve said before, our dues money is what keeps our lodge
let me know. alive and operating. It’s the only significant input we get all
year. Please do the best you can.
2010 Committees Calendar of Events – December 2010
Finance Vigilance
Duane Trump, SW Ron Smith, JW
William Walker PDDGM Danny Griffith, PDDGM
Mon 6 – Stated Communication – Election of Officers
Randy Rogers PM Vince Dreyer, PM Dinner – 6:30 (steak and all the trimmings)
Board of Relief Petitions Meeting at 7:30.
Jeff Foster WM Charlie Frey, PM
Duane Trump SW Lew Smith, PM
Ron Smith JW Arthur Morrison, PM
Tony Cerra
Mon 13 – Lodge DARK – no meeting
Charity Jeff Foster, WM th th
Jeff Foster, WM Blood Bank Wed 15 – 11 & 12 Masonic Association meeting
William Walker, PDDGM Jack Welkenbach, PM Hyde Park Lodge
Jack Welkenbach, PM Board History & Archives Dinner – 6:30
Duane Trump, SW Elmer Coffman, P GM Meeting – 7:30
Lodge Property William Walker, PDDGM
Duane Trump, SW Public Education & Citizenship
Wayne Williams, PM Elmer Coffman, Grand Treasurer/PGM Sat 25 – MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
George VanValkenburg Jeff Foster, WM
Sick & Visitation Duane Trump, SW
Bill Stevens Ron Smith, JW
Jerry Austin, DDGM Publicity & Scholarship Mon 27 – Installation of Officers for 2011
Charlie Frey, PM Dennis Smith, PM Dinner – 6:30
Memorial Randy Rogers, PM Installation – 7:30
Charlie Frey, PM Jack Welkenbch, PM
Lew Smith, PM Lodge Website The Installation is open to the public. All family and friends
Catechism, Mentors Ron Smith, JW are invited.
Rudy Boatright, PDDGM Corey Kosciuszko, SD
Lew Smith, PM DJ Levy, JD
Jeff Foster, WM James Orner
Richard Bilyard
Masonic Education
Elmer Coffman, PGM
Pat Farrell, PDDGM - ---------------------------------------
Rudy Boatright, PDDGM
Jerry Austin , DDGM Do your part and donate blood as often as
Jeff Foster, WM you can. It is one of the best charities that we
can all donate to. Who knows when you might
need some blood yourself!

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