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Heart Ring: of The

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Heart of the RING

“ Quality Ring Award Winner “

November 2006 Newsletter


Nov. 7, 2006 7:00 P. M. President
Regular Meeting Chuck Macan 913-681-0368
Nov 2——7 PM Best Western Vice President
Best Western Rainbow & Southwest Blvd. Matt Gurley 913-422-3596
( directly behind Applebee’s Restaurant ) Secretary
Roger Miller Roast John Hicks 913-334-1392
Nov 4—— 7 PM Treasurer
Bar opens at 6 PM Kirk DeWeese 816-224-5000
Blue Springs Country Club Sergeant at Arms
1600 N. Circle Julia Clark 816-478-9787
Board Member
Blue Springs, MO
Dan Bradbury 816-531-2468
Board Member
Aaron Fisher Lecture
Ken Reedy 816-734-1484
Nov 8——7 PM Board Member
Best Western Suite D Eric Woods 913-709-1606
Past President
Alan Goodheart 913-648-0331
News Editor
Eric Woods
5738 Long Ave
Shawnee, KS 66216
Mr. & Mrs. Woods 913-709-1606

A Wizard in My Wedding by Eric Woods

The first time I spoke with Pam (Christy) about marriage, (before point out that though I agreed - and indeed - did get down on one
we were even dating) I expressed that it was something I would knee and ask her to marry me; there was a stipulation: I would
probably never do. “I got plans, things to do... and a wife and not get married unless there was a wizard in my wedding. Now
kids would only slow me down.” Little did I know that sitting that may or may not be true, so as the Professors say: I digress.
across from me was a woman that would change all that; think-
ing to herself, “we’ll just see about that!” As a family that was united because of a love for magic we
wanted the day to be filled with magic. We are so fortunate to be
On October 7, 2006 all that witness saw about that first hand. a part of local magic clubs and have access to great illusions,
Before I venture too far into the details of that magical day, and decorations and great entertainers. Duane Fields did an awe-
to not disappoint Mrs. Woods, it is only right to tell you the some job creating a magical atmosphere and we had an All-Star
significance of that particular date. line up to put on a show before our wedding.

It was on the first Thursday of Oc- The afternoon began with a magic
tober 2004 that Jonathan’s Mom act by The Baron of Magic: Bar-
and I first met. One year later, on ron Stringfellow, who also served
the first Thursday of October 2005 as M.C. The next Performer was
we set our first date for the follow- Gene Turner, “America’s Friend-
ing Saturday at the Renaissance liest Pickpocket Entertainer.” The
Festival. The Wedding Party closing act was performed by,
magic shop owner and author of
One year after that, again on the Fly Like A Bumble-Bee: A Blind
first Thursday of October 2006, we Magician Shares His Most Power-
invited all Ring members to join us ful Secrets. The one and only Bob
in our magical celebration that Klamm. (We cannot thank you all
would commence the following enough!!)
After the shows the Preacher,
A Few of the Guests at a Fun-filled Magic Wedding! dressed in a robe and a funny hat
With that being said... I should
walked up on stage. A little while latter the groom noticed that To conclude this was a Magical day for many, but for three
his head movement was a signal that he was supposed to be up magicians that were brought together because of a common
there too. I reached the stage as the flower girls began dropping love for magic, this is a beginning of a Magical Life.
stars and playing cards down the isle. The crowd laughed as one
flower girl dropped a large clump of cards that echoed through-
out the community center, at the end of the isle.

Then the Wizard walked down the isle producing flowers that he
handed to the Princess he escorted. (Best Man and Bride’s Maid).
The rest of the wedding party followed. Here Comes the Bride
began to play. It finished but there was no Bride. It played again,
still no Bride. Jon Atkinson then came out holding a dress and a
letter saying “I’m Sorry. I can’t go through with it!”

There was a cage that had a letter saying “For

Anyone Who Objects.” I said “I object to
that” put that dress in the objection cage...The
cage was covered and to a bridal chorus that
would have made Jimmy Hindrex proud
(played by yours truly), the Bride appeared!

There were many more magic moments to take

place, including a mysterious transposition of
the Brides ring from a wine glass onto a magic
wand (an ancient ritual of Wizardry that proves
what the heart desires) performed by the Best
Man, Jay Mastin. My ring was produced from
the same nest of boxes I used when I proposed
to her. When we left the stage as man and wife
we walked under canes that magical appeared.

There were also perfectly planned mishaps that

added to the humor of the event. One good example is when the
Preacher asked, “May I have the rings please?” The ring bearer
brought them to the Preacher and he pointed him to the best man.
He gave the best man the ring and Jay started to perform his
Wizardry, only to be interrupted
by the Bride calling the ring
bearer to give the other ring to P.S. As a bonus I get to tell people: “I had a Wizard in my wed-
the Bride’s Maid. The Bride ding!”
then explained, “that’s what
happens with no rehearsal” Bar-
ron then say’s, “We don’t need
no stinking rehearsal,” at which Larry Poague predicts: “they
time his wife knock’s over a will be happy together!”
side table, then he say’s,
“Maybe we do.”

The Wedding was filled with

magic, laughter and fun. We had so much help from local mem-
bers of the IBM and SAM, to make this a really unforgettable
occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Woods would like to thank all of those
involved in the wedding, the performers, the guest, those that
helped set up/clean up, ect... We also want to thank those that
performed walk around magic at the wedding, and those that
filmed or took pictures. Thanks for the gifts. Special thanks to
the D.J. Rodeo, the band Tranquility Lost, Laird Wilcox and
Rod Sipe, for performing at the reception.

Ring 129 Halloween Show— Roeland Park

Community Center
By: Rod Sipe
It was Friday the Thirteenth and the Roeland Park
Community Center was the meeting place for some of
the scariest people ever to be seen in public. The outer
hallway was filled with costumed members of our Ring
129 who were supplying the entertainment for the
evening. Joe White thrilled the crowd with close-up
magic before the stage show and also at the intermis-
sion. The room quickly filled with children and adults,
some in costume and some not, but all excited to see smell of candy and escaped from his cage and magi-
the show. cally appeared in the back of the room to be calmed by
being given candy to keep him under control. It
The pre-show scene was very dramatic with the light- seemed weird at the time but I swear I saw Dale Huff-
ing down low and two cauldrons of fire burning on man one time act the same way at the smell of fresh
each side of the stage. The music quieted as the emcee donuts at our monthly meeting.
for the evening was introduced and it was non other
than Alabama Jones who smoothly moved the show The show resumed with Terry Magelssen doing a first
along as he introduced the acts and filled time to allow class act with his trained snake that does a card trick
the acts to set up. and a light saber that penetrates a balloon without
harm. He also suspended a volunteer from the audi-
The first act was Duane and Janie Fields with their ence in thin air and made a table float through the air
Phantom of the Opera act cleverly adapted to the seemingly weightless by unseen forces, truly out-
Halloween season. Many dove productions and a big standing. The final act was Steve Steiner and Genie
finish with the appearance of their Blue and Gold with his award winning act. With Steve as the Magi-
Macaw. Professor Poague with the assistance of a vol- cal Master, he magically produced Genie who together
unteer from the audience summoned the spirits and make magic happen. Included in the act was a levita-
created many weird and unusual happenings. Dennis tion , a decapitation with the Masters head coming off.
Burks did a nice turn with productions of many silks, The final curtain call allowed the performers to hear
parasols and even a skeleton. Dennis performed magic together the applause they so well deserved.
and danced to Michael Jackson’s Thriller and produced
his daughter from an empty cabinet. It took many people to put this all together with many
backstage helpers, the acts, the emcee and Terry Ma-
At the intermission a costume contest was held and the gelssen and crew. One of the finest shows ever pro-
winners awarded prizes for their efforts. duced by the club and all involved should be com-
Just after the intermission Alabama had the curtains
opened to show that Frankenstein got excited at the

RAFFLE TO HELP A MEMBER President’s Column

IN NEED by Chuck Macan

Earlier this year a beloved Ring 129 member passed Fall is really here. The leaves are
away suddenly leaving his wife who has both medi- changing and it is time to get ready for
cal and financial issues that did not go away. We as a holiday parties as the holidays are just
Ring (127 members) are trying to lend some assis- around the corner. Where has this year gone? This
tance by holding a raffle to present her funds to help Saturday night I am really looking forward to the
with her medical bills and housing issues. We plan roast of Roger Miller. We have a great lineup of
on presenting this at our December 7th meeting. speakers including an out of town guest, Mr. Don
Wiberg who is the International Secretary of the
The prize pool has grown to help make our gift to her IBM. Don will be at our Ring meeting Thursday so
even better. Because of this, we thought it appropri- plan on being there and greet him.
ate to open the raffle up to those within our fraternity
to have an opportunity to purchase the chance to win On November 8th we have scheduled a lecture—
magic or regalia at much reduced costs and in doing Aaron Fisher will be at US Toy. Aaron was voted
so helping one of your own "family" through some lecturer of the year by the Magic Castle. We will be
very difficult times. in for a great night of magic. Don’t miss it.

On October 13th the club performed a Halloween

$1 for 1 ticket show at the Roeland Park Community Center for
$5 for 6 tickets about 100 people. Jane Hurst told me that she had
$50 for 70 tickets numerous comments about how great the show was.
I want to thank Kirk DeWeese for producing and em-
$100 Gift Certificate - Magic Supply ceeing the show, Terry Magelssen for providing the
Company lighting and sound systems and stage acts by Duane
and Janie Fields, Larry Poague, Dennis Burks, Dale
$50 Gift Certificate - IBM Regalia Huffman as Frankenstein, Terry Magelssen, and
$150 Magic from L.C. Collier Steve Steiner and Genie for wowing the audience.
$50 Gift Certificate - Bradbury Books Before the show and at intermission walk around
$100 Gift Card - US Toy Magic performers, Joe White, Larry Warshaw, Eric Woods,
$100 Bill Malone 4 DVD Set and John Hicks. Doc Blum and Julie Clark worked
$150 Arm Chopper the magic kit table. Ring members came to the show
in costume included, Pam Woods, Jonathan Atkin-
$50 Gift Certificate - Klamm Magic son, Skeeter Luther, Alex Luther, Harley Manker,
Terry Davolt, Rod Sipe. Thank you all for your sup-
Dell Laptop Computer if we reach $1000 port, the show was one of the finest I have ever seen.
in sales
See you all November 2nd and for all who can come
Deadline for purchasing your chance to win these on November 4th to the Roger Miller Roast.
fabulous prizes is Sunday night, December 3rd at
midnight. Your tickets will be placed into the ticket
pool with all others, and your odds of winning is
determined by the total number of tickets sold.

You can DONATE using our secure PAYPAL site

with a Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or American Dues are Due.
Express. You may also use PAYPAL's eCheck to Pay your annual dues by the December Meeting and
deposit directly from your bank account. Log on to attend the first Regular Lecture FREE.
the ring129 website for Paypal Link.

Candy Collier is recovering from

brain surgery due to head trauma. I
am sure that she would appreciate
calls or letters of encouragement
from her magic family.

It is almost time to turn in your Sorcerer’s Candy Collier

39 Lane Q PO Box 105
Circle Worksheet. You can find the Clearview City KS 66019
worksheet in the downloads section at 1-913-585-9995 Home
www.ring129.com 913-597-1506 Cell

Turn them in by Dec. 21 to Kirk DeWeese, October Magician’s of the Month

Doc Blum, or Rod Sipe
Stage Winner Close-up Winner
Josh Chaikin Ken Reedy

Want Ads Slate of Officers for 2007 –

President – Michael (Doc) Blum

Vice President – Julia Clark
Submit your Want Ads: Secretary – John Hicks
& Buy, Sell, and Trade… Treasurer – Kirk DeWeese
Sergeant at Arms – Mike Melito
Check the website and you will see a new form in the Board Member – 3 year term – Rod Sipe
downloads section that will allow you to put your want Board Member – 2 year term – Eric Woods
ads in the newsletter. This free service to all paid mem- Board Member – 1 year term – Ken Reedy
bers may include, but is not limited to magic items. Past President – Chuck Macan

Our Web Page Sick and Convalescent

Go to www.ring129.com
If you know of a ring member or their family member who is
User Name: ring129 Password: aj hospitalized or has passed away Contact:
See all the new changes that have been made and that you
can download!! If you have questions, contact Ken Reedy at Carl Macan
816-734-1484 or email him at ... 913-648-1465
webdesigners@kc.rr.com. crm130@aol.com (if e-mail is sent please contact Carl by
Ken Reedy phone to let him know to check his e-mail account)

Magician of the Month Winners

Stage Close-Up Stage Close-Up
01/06 Roger Miller ——— 07/06 Mike Melito Mike Melito

02/06 Barron Stringfellow ——— 08/06 Harris Duetsch ———

09/06 ——— Blake Silvernail

03/06 Eric Woods ———
10/06 Josh Chaikin Ken Reedy
04/06 J. E. Mastin ———
11/06 ——— ———
05/06 Marty Isenberg ———
12/06 ——— ———
06/06 Steve Steiner ———
Kirk DeWeese
634 SW Walnut
Blue Springs MO 64014

The Heart of the Ring is published monthly as a

service to the members of IBM Ring 129. Views
and comments do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Ring 129 officers, the IBM, or the

Members are encouraged to submit articles and

comments for publishing and earn
additional Sorcerer’s Circle Points.

Articles must be in the

Editor’s office by the 20th of the month.

The time has come to pay your annual

dues. Pay your dues by the December
meeting and you will attend the first
Regular Lecture FREE!!

RING 129 AGENDA Tentative Lecture Schedule

This Month Items in red have firm dates, all others are not yet
set or are subject to change. Check the ring website: www.ring129.com
for up-to-date info on all lectures.
Regular Meeting Jan 28 Magician Of the Year Stage
Nov 2——7 PM Feb 18 Kids Show (RPCC.)*
Best Western Aaron Fisher Lecture
Mar 11 Magic Auction
Nov. 8 ——7 PM
Roger Miller Roast Apr ??
Nov 4—— 7 PM May ??
Bar opens at 6 PM Jun 03 Ring Picnic
Blue Springs Country Club Unless Specified All lectures held at:
1600 N. Circle
Jul 29 Close-up Magician of the Year
Aug ?? US Toy Magic
Blue Springs, MO
Sep ?? 2008 W. 103rd Terr.
Aaron Fisher Lecture Leawood, KS 66206
Oct 13 Halloween Show (RPCC.)*
Nov 8——7 PM Nov 4 Roger Miller Roast
Best Western Suite D Sorcerers Circle: $5
Nov ?? ` Regular Member $6
Dec ?? Non-Member $15
Board Meeting
Nov.??—— 7 PM *Roland Park Community Center
Denny's Restaurant 4850 Rosewood Drive
9001 Shawnee Mission Pkwy Mission, KS 66205

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