Heart Ring: of The
Heart Ring: of The
Heart Ring: of The
It was on the first Thursday of Oc- The afternoon began with a magic
tober 2004 that Jonathan’s Mom act by The Baron of Magic: Bar-
and I first met. One year later, on ron Stringfellow, who also served
the first Thursday of October 2005 as M.C. The next Performer was
we set our first date for the follow- Gene Turner, “America’s Friend-
ing Saturday at the Renaissance liest Pickpocket Entertainer.” The
Festival. The Wedding Party closing act was performed by,
magic shop owner and author of
One year after that, again on the Fly Like A Bumble-Bee: A Blind
first Thursday of October 2006, we Magician Shares His Most Power-
invited all Ring members to join us ful Secrets. The one and only Bob
in our magical celebration that Klamm. (We cannot thank you all
would commence the following enough!!)
After the shows the Preacher,
A Few of the Guests at a Fun-filled Magic Wedding! dressed in a robe and a funny hat
With that being said... I should
walked up on stage. A little while latter the groom noticed that To conclude this was a Magical day for many, but for three
his head movement was a signal that he was supposed to be up magicians that were brought together because of a common
there too. I reached the stage as the flower girls began dropping love for magic, this is a beginning of a Magical Life.
stars and playing cards down the isle. The crowd laughed as one
flower girl dropped a large clump of cards that echoed through-
out the community center, at the end of the isle.
Then the Wizard walked down the isle producing flowers that he
handed to the Princess he escorted. (Best Man and Bride’s Maid).
The rest of the wedding party followed. Here Comes the Bride
began to play. It finished but there was no Bride. It played again,
still no Bride. Jon Atkinson then came out holding a dress and a
letter saying “I’m Sorry. I can’t go through with it!”
Earlier this year a beloved Ring 129 member passed Fall is really here. The leaves are
away suddenly leaving his wife who has both medi- changing and it is time to get ready for
cal and financial issues that did not go away. We as a holiday parties as the holidays are just
Ring (127 members) are trying to lend some assis- around the corner. Where has this year gone? This
tance by holding a raffle to present her funds to help Saturday night I am really looking forward to the
with her medical bills and housing issues. We plan roast of Roger Miller. We have a great lineup of
on presenting this at our December 7th meeting. speakers including an out of town guest, Mr. Don
Wiberg who is the International Secretary of the
The prize pool has grown to help make our gift to her IBM. Don will be at our Ring meeting Thursday so
even better. Because of this, we thought it appropri- plan on being there and greet him.
ate to open the raffle up to those within our fraternity
to have an opportunity to purchase the chance to win On November 8th we have scheduled a lecture—
magic or regalia at much reduced costs and in doing Aaron Fisher will be at US Toy. Aaron was voted
so helping one of your own "family" through some lecturer of the year by the Magic Castle. We will be
very difficult times. in for a great night of magic. Don’t miss it.