Ultramar Homenergy: Enfield Denture Clinic
Ultramar Homenergy: Enfield Denture Clinic
Ultramar Homenergy: Enfield Denture Clinic
New Years Eve There will be Thank you to all who sent Robert Bond Garage
Tickets cards, brought food, phone Hwy 202, #2125 Gore.
on sale Nov 29/10 calls, and prayers during Vehicle Repair.
at the Hants North Legion LEGION for the my recent hospitalization
MONTH OF Up to date scanner
for members. and recovery at home. Your
Band is Street Legal. DECEMBER. thoughtfulness is very Solus Pro 2010.
2 tickets per person. They will resume on much appreciated. Heavy Truck Repairs.
$15.00 each JANUARY 8th, 2011 Judy MacDonald Call 632-2777
Allison Land Surveys Ltd L.D.B. Kitchen & Bathroom Ideas Kennetcook Laundry
Contact Michael Allison Think Local - go local - buy local Open 8am - 8pm
ph. 883-7541 cell. 476-3805 www.dibari.ca 632-2502 7 days a week
Elmsdale Truro
205 Highway 214 643 Prince St.
883-1550 893-4204
1-888-511-0777 1-866-894-4204
Lunch Card Party Christmas Tree Lighting Joe’s Refrigeration & Oil Furnace
Dec 3rd, 2010 Crib & 45's, 10am. East Gore Community Hall, Repair. 35 years experience,
East Gore Community Hall Dec 5th, 2010 6:30-7:30pm. licensed. $65/hr. 369-2664
How Cool People Stay Warm! Breakfast/Brunch We want to thank all who organized,
Visit Rocaro Alpacas for luxuriously Sun Dec 5th, 9am -12pm, donated items, and attended the dime
warm local and fair trade Alpaca Walton Fire Hall. auction in Latties Brook on the Nov 19
products at affordable prices. Menu includes Ham, Bacon, Eggs, as well as the individual donations that
Socks, scarves, gloves and duvets. Toast, Hash Browns, Tea, Coffee, have been received. The funds will help
The perfect gift for those hard to buy Juice. Adm $6 adults. Child $3- 12 Jim get the MS treatment sometime in
for people on your list. and under. Take-out available- pick the new year. Thanks ever so much for
all the support. Jim Russell and family
261-2122. www.rocaroalpacas.ca up only. Proceeds WSVFD
Open Daily:
Mon- Fri 6am-9pm; Sat/Sun/Holidays 9am-9pm
Gift Certificates 4309 Highway 236, Kennetcook NS Debit and Major Credit
Available 362-2059 Cards Accepted
DAVIS- We the family of the late Martell Davis wish to Lori Harvey
thank family & friends for your love and support during HOUSECLEANING SERVICES
this very difficult time. Thanks to the first responders 369-2249
from Noel Fire Department, the paramedics and the Welcomes you to a XMAS OPEN HOUSE at
staff of Colchester Regional Hospital for all you did for 4748, Hwy 215, Noel... Fri Dec 3, 2:00-10:00
papa. Thanks to Reed and his staff for your compassion Free draw for housecleaning
and understanding, the minister, Gus MacDonald for a Refreshments and snacks
beautiful service, Sarah and the choir and Don Hines
Xmas is coming, get ahead of the game...
for his wonderful words. Thanks to the pallbearers, the
Free consultations, total confidentiality
legion for the lovely lunch at the reception, all the visits
while he was in the hospital and since his passing, the GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE!!
cards, food and donations in papa’s memory.
Having an organized, shining, disinfected home
Thanks to Joanne, Theresa, and Amy for making it
is a gift of peace of mind that anyone would
possible for papa to stay in his home where he wanted
welcome in today’s hectic world.
to be. Special thanks to Elmer for all he did for papa
Introductory offer 4hr/$50 until Jan 15, 2011
and my sisters Lotta and Shirley and for being there for
And remember, drop by Dec 3rd, 2:00-10:00 for
me. We will never forget the thoughtfulness
shown to us by everyone.
Ron & Arlene, Ken & Lilla, and families (Don’t Be Shy, Drop By And Say Hi ()
Craft & Bake Sale Dec 4th from Apartment for rent in Kennetcook Drift climbers will be holding a
10am-12 @ Faith and Action Church available December 1st, call 362- supper @ Merlin White’s on Dec 12th
Walton. Call Debbie 633-2078 2522 for further information. starting at 3pm.
For Sale: 2000 For Sale: Battery operated Foggy Hollow Farm
Chev S10 4 X 4 extended Scooter & charger 4 wheel 3949 Highway 215, Noel 902-369-2568
cab. 4.3 automatic, incl & seat go go style $500 Christmas Gift Shop now open. All boxed sets
box cover & action firm. Tread mill pro-form ornaments ½ price. New selection kitchen ware & table
factorycap. Excellent cond 435 ex. Exc cond $ 400 ware in bamboo, stainless and porcelain. Individual
260,000 km. Price $ 4500 6' Alum Ramps $ 100 ornaments for gifts or trees. Tapestry place mats &
OBO. Call 362-2448 or may be seen @ 8412 Hwy runners. Gifts & Home decor from around the world.
456-8754 for more info. 354 or call 369-2555 Foggy Hollow–Here–For you
Wood Stove for sale $ 100.00. Beautiful Round We would like to thank everyone who attended our
Chinese Woven Wool Rug 6 ft Diameter, Ivory w rose house warming and to those who sent gifts. A special
floral border $ 250.00 & matching 4 x 6 rug $ 100.00 thank you to everyone who helped out. Everything was
For more information call 261-2003. greatly appreciated. Jen, Kris, Logan & Blake