WP 9900 Caen
WP 9900 Caen
WP 9900 Caen
LIMITED WARRANTY: Architectural Coatings Canada, Inc. warrants performance of its products to its intended use if properly applied in accordance with the label
directions and the specifications of the technical data sheet. Having no control over the application methods and conditions or the circumstances related to its use,
no other warranty, expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise is given. This limited warranty extends only to the original purchaser of the product and is not
transferable or assignable. If the product fails to conform to this limited warranty, we will, at your option, furnish replacement product or refund the purchase price.
This limited warranty excludes (1) labour or costs of labour for the application or removal of any product and (2) all other direct, indirect, incidental, special or
consequential damages.
Before use, be sure to read and follow the instructions and warnings on the label and Safety Data Sheet. See other
cautions on last page.
Available at Dulux Paints Stores across Canada and Bétonel-Dulux Stores in Quebec 05/2019
Proper surface preparation is essential. All recommended Wood surfaces:
Surface must be dry, clean, free of grey wood fibres, oil, wax, mildew, • WoodPride 100% Acrylic Solid Colour Siding Stain.
loose stain or all other contaminants. - Apply stain to all 6 sides of wood. Spot prime all end grain and any
• Mildew must be removed by washing affected area with a solution cracked, cut or damaged areas. Two coats are recommended on
of 30% household bleach and 70% water. Rinse well. Do not mix all surfaces for better durability and appearance.
bleach solution with other cleaners.
• Bare weathered wood: Clean with Dulux Deck Wash.
• Coating in poor condition: Remove any trace of loose or peeling
stain with Dulux Wood Stripper, a pressure jet or by scraping,
depending on the surface condition. Sand the edges. Clean with
Dulux Deck Wash.
• New wood: Wash well with Dulux Deck Wash.
• Coating in good condition: Wash well with Dulux Deck Wash.
• All surfaces: At the end of the surface preparation, rinse well with
water. If water beads, surface preparation must be repeated. Let
dry for at least 24 hours in dry weather. Lightly sand with 80-grit TANNIN BLEEDING: Some woods, such as redwood and cedar,
contain natural, water-soluble tannin, a coloured wood extract, which
sandpaper to dull the surface. Eliminate sanding dust. Remove
tends to “bleed” or migrate to the surface. If tannin bleeding occurs,
grade stamps or pencil marks by sanding. Seal knots and sap allow the coating to dry completely, then wash with a mild detergent
streaks with shellac solution and rinse with clear water.
PRECAUTION: Dry sanding will give rise to dust and/or Cleanup
hazardous fumes. Wet sanding should be used wherever possible. Remove as much product quantity as possible and clean
Wear suitable respiratory protective equipment when exposure tools with lukewarm soapy water immediately after use.
cannot be avoided by adequate local ventilation. WARNING! If you Clean spills right away with a damp cloth.
scrape, sand, or remove old paint, you may release lead dust.
LEAD IS TOXIC. Contact a regional Health Canada office for more Storage and Transportation
information. Keep product cool and dry. DO NOT FREEZE
• Recommended primers: No primer is required. However, for
light or pastel colour on bare wood, to prevent tannin bleeding
of knotty or reddish coloured wood with natural dyes, initially Consult your municipality about proper disposal procedure
apply an appropriate primer. of residue in accordance with the laws and respect the
Application environment. Do not pour down a drain or storm sewer.
Moisture content of the wood must be between 12% and 18%. For Safety Measures
maximum protection, wood must be stained on all six sides. DO NOT
THIN. When using more than one container of the same colour,
intermix to ensure colour uniformity. Stir thoroughly and often during EYE AND SKIN IRRITATION. Avoid breathing vapours, spray
or mists. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective
use. Apply to a small area and allow stain to dry to ensure acceptable
gloves/clothing and eye/face protection. Keep out of reach of
appearance. Apply two thin coats with a high-quality brush or
children. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for
paint/stain pad. When applying by roller, always back-brush for best use. Note: These warnings encompass the product series.
results. To help avoid lap marks, apply to only a few boards at a time, Prior to use, read and follow product-specific SDS and label
and maintain a wet edge. information. FIRST AID TREATMENT: Contains: nepheline
Application Conditions syenite; titanium dioxide. If swallowed, call a Poison Control
Apply when air and surface temperatures are 10°C to 32°C (50°F Centre or doctor immediately. If in eyes or on skin, rinse well with
to 90°F) and will remain above 10°C (50°F) for the next 24 hours. water. If breathed in, move person to fresh air. For workplace
For maximum protection, wood must be stained on all six sides. use, an SDS is available from your retailer or by calling 1-800-
Tools 463-7426. EMERGENCY SPILL INFORMATION: 514-645-1320.
• Brush: synthetic bristles (nylon, polyester)
• Roller: lint free – 10 - 15 mm For product information call: 1-800-387-3663
PPG Architectural Coatings Canada, Inc. The PPG Logo is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc., WoodPride and Dulux are
1550 rue Ampère, Suite 500 registered trademarks of AkzoNobel and are licensed to PPG Architectural Coatings Canada, Inc.
Boucherville (Quebec), J4B 7L4 for use in Canada only. The Multi-Coloured Swatches Design is a registered trademark of PPG
Architectural Finishes, Inc.
This technical data sheet, No. 9900A replaces all earlier versions. Edition 05/2019