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A Research Undertaken and

Presented to the Senior High School Faculty and Students

of Philippine Institute of Quezon City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research 2


Gorospe, Kristian O.

Lui, Elizabeth W.

Marcial, Johnniel Leiram E.

Group 3, Grade 12 - ABM/GA

October 26, 2017


First of all, the researchers are grateful to the Almighty God, for giving them the

wisdom, determination, inspiration and patience to finish this study. In the Lord, there is

really nothing impossible.

The researchers profound gratitude and deep regard to Mrs. Alicia L. Padua for her

exemplary guidance, valuable feedback and constant encouragement throughout the

duration of the study. Her valuable suggestions and perceptive criticism kept them working

to make this study in a much better way. Working under her was an extremely

knowledgeable experience for the group.

The researchers would also like to send their deepest appreciation to their parents

and friends for supporting them to finish this study successfully throughout the period.

They encouraged the researchers to continue to conduct this research.

The researchers would also like to send special thanks to Mr. Linbergh Ching for

practicing and giving out advices to the group for their defense.

And lastly, the researchers would like to thank the respondents, for giving some of

their time and effort to answer the given questionnaire.


The classroom environment serves as the main area where students are being taught

to develop their knowledge about the world and understand their societal role. Thus, a

classroom environment has three important elements that needs to be take in to

consideration - temperature, lighting, color. All of these three elements has significant role

with regard to determining how they affect the students’ behavior as they are part of a

classroom environment. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of

classroom aesthetics on students’ behavior particularly to students from Grades 10 to 12 of

the Philippine Institute of Quezon City. The method used to acquire the data needed was a

descriptive survey method. A survey questionnaire was used to gathering data which was

analyzed using weighted mean. The study revealed that among the three important

elements of classroom aesthetics, color is the only element on which the students consider

as least affecting their behavior. It is recommended that all the school’s administrators

continue to consider the three elements, lighting, temperature, and color in future plans for

change in classroom environment since these can affect the students’ behavior.



TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………. ii

ABSTRACT…………………………………………………….…. iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………….. iv


Introduction………………………….……………. 1

Statement of the Problem…………….…………… 3

Theoretical Framework…………………….…….. 4

Conceptual Framework…………………….…….. 6

Scope and Delimitation of the Study….…………. 7

Significance of Study………………….…………. 7

Definition of Terms……………………….……. 8


Review of related literature and studies……………. 9


Research Method……………………………..……. 21

Population and Sample of the Study………….…… 21

Data Collection Instrument……………………..…. 21

Data Gathering Procedure…………………………. 21

Statistical Treatment ………………………………. 22


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data……. 23



Summary of Findings………………………………… 29

Conclusions………………………………………….. 30

Recommendations…………………………………….. 30

REFERENCES……………………………………………………… 32


Appendix 1 Survey Questionnaire…………………………. 41


Table 2 The Effect of Temperature on Students’ Behavior........ 23

Table 3 The Effect of Lighting on Students’ Behavior.............. 25

Table 4 The Effect of Color on Students’ Behavior….………. 28


Figure 1 Classroom Environment in Relation to Student’s Behavior 6

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


In the current world today, students from various schools spend

tremendous amount of time studying inside the classroom. The classroom itself

serves as a specific area where students are being molded to be able to understand

their roles in the society. It is the place where the students develop their skills and

gain their knowledge. For these things to happen, students should be motivated to

study more and to treat studying as an entertainment for new knowledge not as

punishment given to them by their parents. In order to achieve such entertaining

approach, one must take into consideration the classroom’s aesthetic such as its

lighting, color, and temperature as it affects the behavior of the student.

The word aesthetic came from the German word “aisthetikos” which is

defined as the sense of perception. It is a branch of philosophy that examines the

nature of art and the people’s experience of it. It emerged during the 18th century

in Europe and developed in England as philosophers grouped together such fields

as poetry, sculpture, music, and dance (Bruyn, n.d). Bruyn elaborated that they

classified all the arts into one category and called it “les beaux arts” or the fine arts.

Aesthetic could be considered as one of the most important aspects in the

image of beauty and art. Benzu (2010) stated that aesthetic is concerned with

beauty and the appreciation of it. On the other hand, Jamaral (2013) elaborated that

aesthetic is not just based on the physical feature of a place but also pays attention

to people’s feeling of satisfaction. There are many factors that could be considered

as an aesthetic view. In an architectural aesthetic view, temperature, colors,

lighting and physical feature are very significant. While in an educational aesthetic

view, it could be considered as how people or specifically students communicate

and act themselves out into the classroom environment with their teachers and

fellow classmates.

Before, many schools around the world do not consider the classroom

aesthetic as important as other facilities do. These schools do not give much

importance to aesthetic as they think that it does not play a big role in a student’s

way of learning and productivity. Yet studies have been conducted and published

about the relationship of aesthetic and classroom behavior, Nowadays, many

schools see the importance of classroom aesthetics in the life of a student. As

studies show, classroom and its aesthetics plays a big role in the life of the child as

it can make the place and its environment feel comfortable and safe for the kids

and the teenagers to stay in as well as study.

A study that was conducted by Barret et al. (2015) at the University of

Salford, United Kingdom have assessed 153 classrooms out of 27 schools and

surveyed 3,766 pupils to reveal how classroom aesthetic affect the learning rates

of students. The result of the research shows that a classroom design can have a

50% impact to the students’ learning and can increase the students learning

outcome by 16%. Another study that was done in 2006 by the College Student

Journal stated that the color of a classroom can improve the productivity, moral

and reduce the absentees of the students by as much as 10%. Moreover, Innova

(2014) stated that there are specific colors that can improve a student’s IQ by 12

points in a period of time.

The Philippine Institute of Quezon City has been around for 54 years.

Through the years the physical features of the building such as the doors, walls,

floors, and classroom desks have been observed that there is a need for

improvement. With the issue of the features having a lack of improvement, the

researchers have observed that not much attention is given to address these issues.

The researchers decided to conduct this study because past studies shows that it

can greatly affect the way children behave in the classroom and also their

productivity. Thus, the researchers would like to find out what are the effect of

classroom aesthetic on the behavior of the students of PIQC.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine how classroom aesthetics affect the behavior

of the students.

Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of classroom aesthetics towards students’ behavior

in terms of:

1.1 Temperature

1.2 Lighting

1.3 Color

2. Which of the three types of aesthetic has the greatest effect towards the

behavior of the student?


Theoretical Framework

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (1986), construes human functioning as

a series of reciprocal interactions between personal influences, environmental

features and behaviors. Thus, the theory context mainly focuses on how these three

factors coincide with one another. While, Velayutham (2012) states that by using

the Social Cognitive Theory as a framework, teachers are able to alter school and

classroom structures (classroom environment) that may lead to student success,

and work to improve the students’ emotional states, their beliefs about themselves,

their habits of thinking, improve their academic skills and self-regulatory practices.

Murray’s Needs Press Model (1938) asserts that an individual’s need is aroused

directly by the occurrence of one or more pressures from within the individual’s

environment. The behavior and academic success of students could be dependent

upon the environment of classroom, on which Bellamy (2016) asserts that creating

a warm inviting area where children can comfortably and safely explore, engage,

and learn is the key to their success. Furthermore she added that there are multiple

ways to construct an inviting classroom by including such characteristics and

elements as comfortable lighting, temperature, warm décor, and warm colors and

maintaining an organized, safe classroom layout for students to engage in

purposeful lessons.

According to Bailey (2018), color psychology is one of the newest and

hardest branch of psychology because every people has different perception about

a specific subject especially when it comes to colors. Moreover, Bailey stated that

there are several factors that can influence the perception of a person by the means

of choosing a specific color such as age, gender and culture. According to Klaudia

(2017.) as she explains The Wright Theory by Angela Wright in 1970, specific

color can evoke certain emotion and impact a person’s mood and behavior, which

became the basis for the statement that color affects system.

The air temperature inside a classroom is very important in the productivity

of a student. According to Bellamy (2016), a classroom which is either too cold or

too hot makes the students lazy and can be a distraction in their studying.

Moreover, Wagner (n.d.) stated that a cooler temperature could make students

more alert and productive.

The lighting of a classroom is one of the most essential parts of learning

environment. Students could not concentrate and study well when the lighting is

very dim or very bright. A study by Bellamy (2016) included Kotaik and Oslen

statement. According to Kotaik and Oslen, who studied about the various aspects

of lighting that is needed inside the classroom for 50 years, sufficient light to read

a book and to see the writings on the wall is the acceptable standards that the school

uses. According to Wagner (n.d), daylight from the sun is also useful inside the

classroom but too much daylight could also have a bad effect on the productivity

of the students by making it complicated enough to focus on their study due to

direct sunlight.

The theories and the studies discussed can help on this research study

because the context mainly focuses on how the different factors of aesthetics,

particularly the classroom environment can affect the students’ behavior. Most of

the students see the classroom as their second home, and as such, their behavior

and academic success could be dependent upon the classroom’s environment.

Therefore, the study can contribute to the current knowledge by means of

knowing the different factors within the classroom that might affect the behavior

of the students in the classroom.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Classroom Environment in Relation to Student’s Behavior

The conceptual framework illustrated the factors that may take part in the

change of classroom environment. According to Bellamy (2016), changes such as

fluctuation in air temperature can make a student lazy and can also be a

distraction in studying. While color psychology states that the color of the

classroom can affect the students’ mood and behavior. Moreover, lighting in the

classroom can set the mood and improve the focus of the students in their studies.

These three factors are what can contribute to a classroom environment that can

lead to a change in student behavior.

Scope and Delimitations

Only the Junior and Senior high school students of school year 2018 - 2019

of Philippine Institute of Quezon City will be included as participants. Only the

physical environment such as colors, temperature and lighting will be considered

under the aesthetic of a classroom. This study focused only on the effect of

classroom aesthetics to students’ behavior. It would only find out to what extent

classroom aesthetic affect the student’s behavior.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the following:

Students. They are the ultimate recipients of this study because their behaviors

are greatly affected by the changes in the aesthetic of a classroom. This

study will enable the Junior and Senior High School students to improve

their intellectual capabilities inside the classroom.

Teachers. They are the ones who can also be affected through the changes in the

aesthetic of a classroom. Moreover they are the ones who facilitate the

classroom and handle the students during specific subjects. This study will

help teachers to make their class more productive as well as make the

students more focus on the subject.


Administrators. They are the ones who have the authority to plan and decide the

outcome of the physical feature of the classroom. The result of this study

will help them in determining what makes an effective classroom

atmosphere for the students. This study will benefit the institution in

attracting future enrollees.

Definition of Terms

Aesthetic - as defined operationally aesthetics feature the insides of the classroom

such as color, lighting and temperature that can affect a student psychologically

Color - the property possessed by an object of producing different sensation on the

eyes as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light (dictionary.com)

Lighting - an equipment in a home, workplace, studio, theater or street for

producing light (dictionary.com)

Temperature - the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object,

especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a

thermometer or perceived by touch (dictionary.com)

Atmosphere - the environment currently present in the room (dictionary.com)

Humidity - moisture of the environment (dictionary.com)

Humid - highly moisturized environment (dictionary.com)

Chapter 2

Related Literature and Studies

Presented in Chapter 2 are the literature and studies that supports the idea

of the effects of classroom aesthetics on students’ behavior. Included in this

chapter is a definition of classroom environment, aesthetics, classroom aesthetics,

effects of lighting, temperature and color on students’ behavior and the effects of

classroom aesthetics on students’ behavior.

Classroom Environment

A classroom is an educational place for students and teacher to acquire and

develop their knowledge about the world. Classrooms are usually considered as

the second home for students as they spend almost all of their time inside the

facility. A classroom is also a place where students gets to understand their role in

the world and what do they want to acquire in the future (Phibzia, n.d). Every

school and administrator want the best for their students, by wanting the best for

the students’ learning, one should consider the environment of a classroom where

the students stay in, Thus, from making the class a productive and interactive one

to classroom own aesthetics (Hannah, 2013). According to Phillips (2018), the

environment of a classroom should be aligned with your objectives. The classroom

environment is said to have numerous positive and negative effects on students

(Cunningham & Miller, n.d).


• Positive effects of classroom environment

One of the positive effect that the classroom environment has is that it

enables the students or simply attracts the students to have their full attention to

such learning activities and provide a good behavior in learning through aesthetics

(Susi, 2015). Phillips (2014) also stated that by making a good environment inside

the classroom, students can develop a good morale, a positive interaction with their

teacher, an inviting environment for students to learn, empowers students in a way

and makes the students happier. A positive environment can also make a student

trust other, feel sense of belongings and encouragement to take in challenges

(Bucholz & Sheffler, 2009). Moreover, Young (n.d.) included Weimer’s statement

that a positive environment provides opportunities to build social skills and

strategies to help students succeed.

• Negative effects of classroom environment

A study by Milkie & Warner (2011) stated that a lack of resources inside a

classroom can impact children’s mental health due to frustration or a feeling of

discouragement because of the surroundings. The material resources that were

mentioned are the basic things in school such as: paper, pencils and art supplies.

According to Philips (2014), depression of the students can be caused by the

minimal lights and windows inside the classroom. Philips elaborated that rooms

that do not have any sufficient light can lead to difficulty in making use of the



According to Bryun (n.d) aesthetics is a universal discipline. The conception

of aesthetics is not only about looking in a specific way,but taking into account

how such infrastructures particularly school buildings attracting to the sense of the

body and one’s emotional life. Aesthetic comes from the German word

“aisthetikos” which is defined as the sense of perception. Apparently, aesthetic is

not only about things that are beautiful for the eye but about influencing all senses

as well. It is about seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. An aesthetic

which promotes the development of all senses. Aesthetic provides architectural

experiences for the senses in its proportions, scale, rhythm, light, materials, odours

and colours. (Kjærvang, 2006)

Classroom Aesthetics

Classroom aesthetics are usually not given much importance by the schools

before. Schools took the environment of the classrooms in terms of aesthetics as

insignificant due to the belief that aesthetics does not play any big role in the

learning and productivity of a student (Brouette, 2011). But as research has been

conducted about how effective classroom aesthetics are to students’ behavior,

different schools started to improve the aesthetics inside the classroom

environment gradually. According to Adoniou (2017), a highly decorated

classroom can serve more as a form of distraction rather than a tool to help children

learn especially in the lower grade year levels. But the aesthetics that are focused

on by some researchers includes the lighting, temperature, and color.


• Lighting
Lighting is considered as part of aesthetics. It is one the most important

considerations in building up a school. Without lighting it would be very hard for

students to learn since it would be difficult to see the text in the book or the writings

on the board. Facilities Net, a company that is building and operating management

and facility maintenance decisions magazine, stated that even if natural light

contains plenty of advantages it also has disadvantage when it comes to learning.

Direct sunlight is not recommended inside the classroom because it can produce

unpleasant glare in the work surface which will serve as a distraction to students.

Classroom lighting is crucial in making sure that a classroom is in its most effective

state. According to Utility Rentals (2016), an equipment rental company based in

Berkshire, London, lighting possesses the ability to affect a person’s well-being

and health.

According to Standard (2018), a lighting company based in the United

States, there are 3 basic types of lighting, wherein each has its advantages and


- Ambient lighting

The ambient light is tasked to light up the whole room and it may either

be indoor or outdoor. However, ambient lighting has its advantages and its own

drawbacks. According to Quizlet.com, a website that gives out information about

different subjects, the disadvantage of ambient lighting is that there may be

instances wherein the light provided may not be sufficient for its purpose. They

added that red eye or glare may be present when this type of lighting is used

inside the classroom.

- Accent lighting

Accent lighting is tasked to create a focal point and light a specific part of

a room. Accent lighting is typically used to introduce different types of moods

inside a room. According to decortingden.com (2017), an interior design

company, accent lighting is primarily used to create focal points but it can also be

used is creating an accent for the wall decorations. Not only that but it can also

provide a certain atmosphere to the room.

- Task lighting

Task lighting is specifically designed to be used when performing specific

tasks such as reading books, fixing equipment and many more. According to

Hogrebe (n.d.), there are many advantages in using task lighting. First is that it

gives benefit for an individual in a production line wherein this kind of lighting

can help an individual improve focus, thus improving productivity. Second is that

task lighting gives the user control. It is given that task lighting are for small

objects such as flashlights. In this manner the user has the capability to move the

light to his/her will. Not only that but because of its compactness it is easily

mountable to a surface.

In a classroom setting Ambient lighting is of the concern since the lighting

equipment inside the classroom is tasked to light the classroom as a whole, unlike

accent and task lighting wherein both lighting equipments are used in lighting

specific parts of a room. The lighting color is another consideration. According to

Wagner (n.d) lighting color has an effect on people’s behavior towards a

particular setting, A pale or light green tends to encourage creative thinking,

making it an ideal color for a library, art room, or reading book, and warmer

colors such as red, oranges, and yellows tend to be more stimulating and may be

more appropriate for younger students.


Temperature is an important element in the classroom since it can affect

the moods of the people inside the classroom.

According to a screenflex article (n.d.) “Dunn and Dunn of LearningStyles.net

say that when temperatures are too hot or too cold, the brain is constantly

reminding the body to do something about that condition. Because of the constant

interruption, it is hard for the student to stay focused. Energy Air, Inc. (n.d), a

company that specializes in design excellence management, stated that when a

room is too warm the body temperatures rises which can lead students to become

sick, dizzy and disoriented. While Energy Air, Inc. also stated that when a

classroom is too cold it could make a student feel more isolated, lonely, depressed

and distracted. Feeling too cold could let the students suffer from an uncomfortable

feeling of communicating with people which will result to lack of focus. Another

study done by an undergrad at Loyola University found that air temperature has an

impact on memory ability. Using a computer generated memory test, 52 students


randomly participated in memory tests in rooms with varying temperatures. Room

temperatures were set at 72, 80 and 64 degrees F. The outcome showed that in the

environment with temperatures of 80 or 64 degrees, memory was

impacted negatively. Test scores were significantly higher in the classroom where

the temperature was 72 degrees.”

These data shows how much of an impact does temperature really has on

people. Not only that but according to Grohol (n.d.),

“high levels of humidity which is usually accompanied by hot weather lowered

scores on concentration while increasing sleepiness. A heat wave with high

humidity can sometimes cause us to feel like we are lacking energy.”

In a school setting here in the Philippines, it is very common for the Filipinos

to have a humid climate which usually comes with hot temperature. And due to the

climate, the temperature outside of the classroom is hot but when inside the

classroom the temperature is cold. Kannan (2012) included Dr. Aamerah Shah

statement, that sudden change in temperature can propose unwanted health

illnesses such dryness of skin, asthma attacks, flue, cold, sore throat and many

more. According to Taylor (2018), a treatment center for women stated that

“studies have shown that hot weather can lead to increased instances of aggression

or even violence”.

This may be due to the uncomfortable sensation one feels when in hot

environment. Chan (2014) article propose that cold temperature can lead to a

person feeling restless. Adding to this, a decrease in core temperature can initiate

the body’s sleep mode. With studies revealing how hot temperature can be harmful

and cold temperature promote sleep an ideal temperature which is between 16 to

24 celsius is recommended for schools (techaers.org.uk, 2010). Sansone (2016),

states that maintaining adequate ventilation and thermal comfort in classroom

contributes greatly the student learning and process. Proper ventilation and average

temperature has been proven to have a positive effect on the scores and

engagement of a student.

• Color

The colors that both children and adults usually see can be a huge factor that

affect their behavior and increase the productivity inside the workplace (Olesen,

2017). Color psychology is one of the newest branch in psychology. It talks about

how people are affected just by seeing a specific color. The choice of colors are

usually influenced by culture, age, and gender which is a big factor on selecting

what color should be chosen for a specific event, place or thing. International

Association of Color Consultants - North America, is an association which focuses

on color, stated that poor color choices can lead to irritability, lack of interest and

behavioral problems. While Cherry (2018) stated that color is considered as a

powerful communication tool that gives people an idea on how they should feel

and act in a place. Cherry further elaborated that colors can be used as a signal

action, influence the psychological thinking, and improve the mood and the

productivity of a person. According to Innova design group, a company that

designs, manufacture, and supply furniture and interiors to educational,

commercial and healthcare sectors, implementing specific color in a classroom can


influence the emotional state and behavior of a student. A study that was done in

2006 by the College Student Journal showed that the color of a classroom can

improve the productivity, behavior, and reduce the absentees of the students by as

much as 10%. According to Bennett (2018), in the past there was a common belief

that a more colorful classroom can result to a better education for students. Yet this

common belief was debated by the recent researches which they argued that too

much and too bright colors n lead to overstimulation for students. While Bennett

also elaborated that colorless walls can also bring problem for students. The reason

behind this is that a colorless wall is often considered boring and lifeless which

will lead students to be uninterested in terms of learning.

- Warm Colors or Dark Colors

Warm colors are classified into red, yellow and orange. A study done by

Flanagan (2018) stated that warm colors can also be considered as dark colors.

According to Gremilion (2011) this type of colors can evoke feeling of happiness,

optimism, energy and an increase of appetite. The color red as Gremilion have

stated is the warmest and most dynamic color. It can increase the heart rate of a

person and let him/her feel excited. While the color orange can attract the attention

of the people especially for the children. The color yellow on the other hand can

let a student feel cheerful but can also irritate the eyes of the students when there

is a reflection from the light (Gremilion, 2011)


- Cool Colors

Cool colors such as green, blue and purple are usually calming but can also

express sadness (Gremilion, 2011). According to Nunes (2018), the color blue can

increase productivity and creativity but can lower the pulse rate and body

temperature of a student. The color green on the other hand can stimulate emotional

lift but can also be associated with envy. While the purple color can increase the

productivity of a person.

- Neutral Colors

Neutral Colors are classified into white, gray, black and brown. According

to Innova Design Group, the neutral colors such as white and black could lower a

student’s IQ. The color gray can cause eye fatigue in a person. While the color

brown can be warm but will not stimulate any emotion.

According to Olesen (2017) the ideal colors for pre - school and elementary

classrooms are warm and cool colors since these colors can stimulate energy and

productivity of a child. Moreover, Oselen stated that for the upper grade and

secondary level the cool colors are better because they can enhance the

concentration of the students. Oselen also stated that for the hallways, a wide range

of color can be used because it can evoke distinctive personality. Lastly for the

library, the color green can be used because it can enhance quietness and


Effect of Classroom Environment on Students Behavior

Most students spend large amounts of time inside their classroom with their

teacher because this is the area where they are being taught and molded to fill a

certain role if they want to achieve success in the future. Hannah (2013) states

that the classroom is where they will gain an understanding of their place in the

world and the gifts that they have to offer. It is where the students develop what

they want their future to look like, as well as gain the knowledge and skills

needed to reach their goal. Hannah also added that the classroom environment

plays a crucial role in keeping students engaged and allowing them to be

successful within the classroom.

A classroom environment, however, is not the only thing that needs to

be taken into account. The factors that embody the whole classroom could also

be considered, such as the colors, lightings, and the temperature. These factors

can affect the learning and behavior of the students. The classroom’s color can

attract the interest of the students. The classroom temperature can affect the level

of focus of the students. Finally, the brightness or dimness of the lightings is one

of the significant factors that could affect the students’ eyes and focus towards

the lecture.

One of the first areas that make a noticeable impact on student success

is the physical environment of the classroom. This can pertain to variety of

details, whether it be the structure, the resources within, or the color. All of these

can play a role in determining whether the classroom will be conducive for

learning. Each may not have a large effect individually, but together they can

work to strengthen a students’ ability to learn (Hannah, 2013). Classroom

environment and its factors affect the students’ behavior and learning as it

engages the students to focus more and help them in their endeavor towards

academic profoundness. Students may not consider some significant factors, but

this must function effectively, as what Colbert (n.d) said that it is important for

classrooms to be attractive to the eye. It is equally, if not more important, that

they function effectively.

According to Warfield (2016) the physical environment can have such

an impact on students since it could affect a students’ academic progress by as

much as 25%. Moreover, color, classroom organization, cleanliness, sufficient

supplies, and bright lights can enhance learning experience and boost student

achievement. She added that the students who mostly get involved in the creation

of their environment (pertains to the creative and artistic classroom

designs/aesthetics) experience a sense of empowerment and community that can

help increase their overall motivation.


The related literature and studies discussed the effect of classroom

environment towards student behavior and the several factors that could widely

contribute to what this research study is trying to look for. The classroom

environment is the educational place for students; this is where they are being

molded and taught to increase their knowledge about the world that they live in.

A classroom environment has positive and negative effects to the learner, and

these effects should be recognized by the students to aid them positively in their

learning. Classroom environments vary through classroom aesthetics in a way

that it focuses on the exact nature of the classroom, and it also focuses on the

representation of beauty, art, style, and how the classroom attracts the interests of

the students. The classroom aesthetics contains three important factors that

embody the whole classroom: colors that can attract the students towards their

productivity, lightings that help them visualize the entire lecture properly, and

temperature that sets the mood of students to further focus more to usher an

attitude towards academic excellence.


Research Methodology

Research Method

The study made use of descriptive survey method. Descriptive survey method is

designed for the investigator to gather information about presenting existing conditions.

According to Gay (1976), descriptive method is a process of involving collection of data

in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status of the

subject of the survey. It is used in the study to gather data on the effects of classroom

aesthetic on student’s behavior.

Population and Sample of the Study

The population consist of 103 students from Grades 10 to 12. The entire population

served as respondents for the study.

Data Collection Instrument

The data collection instrument used in the study is a survey questionnaire. The study

is composed of 15 questions. The set of questions will provide data on how classroom

aesthetic affects a student’s behavior. The questionnaire made use of likert scale to

determine how can classroom aesthetic affect a student’s behavior.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data of the study was collected by using a questionnaire through google forms.

The questionnaire was distributed to 103 respondents during their free time on weekends.

The collection of questionnaires was collected immediately after they were answered. Then

these were collated, interpreted and analyzed.

Statistical Treatment

The data that were collected were analyzed through the use of frequency,

percentage and weighted mean.

Frequency - Gathering and listing down the total number of respondents who

answered each item in the questionnaire.

Percentage - The total number of respondents multiplied by 100

Weighted Mean - Used in the descriptive statistical analysis to get the average

answer of each item in the questionnaire.


Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data

gathered by the researcher from the respondents

Table 1

The Effect of Temperature on Students’ Behavior

5 4 3 2 1 μ Verbal Interpretation

1. A cold classroom temperature

makes me feel uncomfortable 24 37 26 20 6 3.47 Neither
when studying
2. A cold classroom temperature
makes me sleepy during class 13 35 33 22 10 3.17 Neither
3. A hot classroom temperature
serves as an interruption in 11 11 38 30 23 2.62 Neither
4. An average room temperature
classroom improves my mood 22 48 35 4 4 3.71 Agree
5. An average room temperature
classroom improves my 19 43 42 6 3 3.61 Agree
understanding capabilities

Grand Mean: 3.31 Neither

Table 1 shows a grand mean of 3.31 for the students’ response which indicates

that they neither agree nor disagree that temperature affects the students’ behavior. It is

also seen that the majority of the student respondents answered neither because they

probably believe that a warm and low classroom temperature is just a normal factor that

affects their behavior. It also shows that some of the student respondents agreed that an
average classroom temperature has an effect towards their mood and understanding

capabilities. As shown above in question number 4 with a mean of 3.71 and question

number 5 with a mean of 3.61.

According to a screenflex ( n.d.) “Dunn and Dunn of LearningStyles.net stated that

when temperatures are too hot or too cold, the brain is constantly reminding the body to do

something about that condition that results to constant interruption which could affect the

focus of the students.

Based on the study conducted by Energy Air, Inc. (n.d), a company that

specializes in design excellence management, which states that when a room is too hot

the body temperature rises, much like when a temperature spikes a person can feel sick,

dizzy and disoriented. Moreover, a study conducted at Westview High School by Perez

et.al. (n.d) shows how an average score results were affected by warm temperature. The

study then further added that at 81 degrees Fahrenheit, students averaged a score of 72%.

Based on the study that was conducted, it simply justifies that a warm classroom

temperature serves as an interruption to the students which affects their behavior.

According to the study conducted by Energy Air, Inc. (n.d), when the classroom is

too cold, a student will likely feel more isolated, lonely, depressed and distracted. The

student would suffer in an uncomfortable feeling when they are communicating with their

teachers and fellow peers due to too much coldness as a resulting to the lack of focus.

Furthermore, a study conducted at Westview High School shows how an average score

results were affected by low temperature. The study revealed that at 61 degrees

Fahrenheit, students average a score of 76%. Yet a study that was conducted by the

O’Connor (2009), which stated that a cold classroom can make a student feel restless

which can initiate the body’s sleep mode.

A study conducted by Sansone (2016), which states that maintaining adequate

ventilation and thermal comfort in classroom contributes greatly the student learning and

performance. The study that was done by Sansone supports the idea of items 4 and 5

wherein proper ventilation and average temperature is proven to raise student engagement

and scores in classroom as shown in the table regarding the effect of temperature on

students’ behavior, which pertains to the improvement of mood and understanding

capabilities of students.

Moreover, the data collected from a study done by the University of Scranton

reveals that at 72 degrees Fahrenheit, the student achieved an average score of 90%. The

data shows that the respondents agreed that an average classroom temperature has a great

impact regarding the level of focus, mood, and comprehending capabilities of the

students as something that has an effect towards their behavior.

Table 2

The Effect of Lighting on Students’ Behavior

Item 5 4 3 2 1 μ
1. Brightly lighted classroom improves my
24 47 29 10 3 3.70 Agree
overall focus
2. Dim lighted classroom makes me sleepy
25 34 38 14 2 3.58 Agree
during class hours.
3. Brightly lighted classroom improves my
11 38 51 10 3 3.39 Neither
energy level.
Continuation of Table 2 26

4. Dim lighted classroom improves my mood for

11 29 38 30 5 3.10 Neither

5. Dim lighted classroom improves my

7 30 43 29 4 3.06 Neither
understanding capabilities.

Grand Mean: Neither

Table 2 shows a grand mean of 3.37 which indicates that they neither agree nor

disagree that the classroom lighting has an effect towards their behavior. The table also

shows that the respondents agree that a brightly lighted classroom improves their overall

focus. However, this response apparently contradicts their answer in item 1 when they

agreed that brightly lighted classrooms improves my overall focus and item 2 when they

agreed that dim lighted classroom makes me sleepy during class hours.

A study conducted by Campus (2017), stated that researches have revealed how

brightly lighted classroom can intensify a person’s emotion. A researched done by Vast,

Young & Thomas (2010) shows that a person’s emotion can influence their attention and

concentration. They elaborated that positive emotions were likely to lead to an

improvement in overall focus and automatic physical movement. While Airfal (n.d)

supported the research of Campus (2017), which stated that a positive or negative

emotion is intensified by bright lighted room. The data above justifies the following

answers from the respondents that bright lighted classroom can improve a student’s

overall focus.

A physician from Chan (2014), suggested that Melatonin, a highly sensitive

hormone which can be turned off or on depending on the intensity of light. The physician

further elaborated that melatonin production is greater when a person is subjected in a

dark environment rather than being subjected to a bright environment. People who will be

now subjected in a bright environment will have a decrease of melatonin production

(Chan, 2014). The information from Chan justifies the outcome of item 2 which states

that dim lighted room makes the respondent sleepier. However, results from item 3

reveals how brightly lit classroom has little to no effect to the energy levels of the

respondents. This may be true since there are other several factors that can affect energy

levels. The factors may include the foods and liquids that the students take and how

frequent they do exercise. According to Bouchez (n.d.) a simple solution to dehydration

is to drink a tall, cool glass of water. This is important since it can boost one’s energy

after a workout session wherein the body is craving for fluids. Not only that but Bouchez

stated how eating whole grain foods which are slow digesting kind can leave an

individual full for a longer time. An article written by Levin (2017) showed how exercise

can play a big role in boosting one’s energy levels. She also added how vitamins such as

vitamin D can affect your energy throughout the day. As such, all of these gathered

information simply indicate that there are other possible factors with regard to energy


An article by Trezise (2017) stated that classrooms are emotional setting wherein

students’ emotional experiences can impact their ability to learn. Pekrun et al. (2002)

indicates that anxiety is not the only emotional experience in the classroom. Emotions

such as enjoyment, anger, hope, pride and boredom, can each affect students and learning

in a variety of ways. The data from Pekrun et al. justifies how a person’s understanding

capability can be affected by his/her mood which is in turn affected by lighting.

Table 3

The Effect of Color on Students’ Behavior

Item 5 4 3 2 1 μ Verbal Interpretation

1. A neutral colored room

23 44 40 6 0 3.74 Agree
improves focus.
2. A dark colored room makes
11 43 40 12 7 3.35 Neither
me sleepy during class hours.
3. A dark colored room
9 20 49 29 6 2.97 Neither
improves my mood for studying
4. A bright colored room makes
11 40 48 10 4 3.39 Neither
me more energetic.
5. A bright colored room serves
16 25 51 16 5 3.27 Neither
as a distraction

Grand Mean: 3.34 Neither

Table 3 shows a grand mean of 3.34 for the students’ response which indicates

that they neither agree nor disagree that color of the classroom is something that affects

their behavior. It is also seen in the table that most of the student respondents answered

neither, probably because they believe that any classroom color whether it’s dark or

bright is just a normal factor that may or may not affect them. However, table 4 shows

that the student respondents agreed that a neutral colored classroom has an effect towards

the improvement of their overall focus.

According to the study conducted by Olesen (2017), colors that both children and

adults usually see can be a huge factor that affect their behaviour and increase the

productivity inside the workplace but it depends on which type of color will be the best

one. As such, the findings of the study by Olesen, contradicts the results shown in Table 4

and it simply shows that most colors that are usually seen by students do not literally served

as a huge factor that affects their behavior but rather a normal factor for which is basically

dependent upon the students’ choice and their age.

The results agree with the result of the study conducted by Bennett (2018) which

asserts that too much color, or colors that are too bright, can lead to over stimulation. It

justifies the result that brightly colored classroom serves as a distraction for the students.

Moreover, according to Sleep.org (n.d.) a bright, vibrant color can instantly boost one’s

energy levels and make one feel more ready to get moving. The gathered data pertaining

to the bright colored classroom simply provides a backdrop of serving not only as a

distraction but a more positive way of boosting the energy of the student respondents,

creating an interest for the students and attracting the students’ attention. In addition, a

study conducted by Smith System (n.d.) states that bright colors elicit the feelings of

liveliness, happiness, energy and excitement.

A study conducted by Mahnke (1996) recommended neutral colours for middle

school and high school classrooms because these colours had the ability to relax and

focus learners' concentration. Neutral colors had the ability to improve the focus of the

students as they utilize a normalcy among all of the different colors design in a classroom

environment and prevent distraction and interruption of the students’ attention.

According to the study conducted by Mendez (2018) darker colors create negative

emotions that appear to be affecting the mood of a student. Negative emotions could lead

to either making a student sleepy in class or serve as a distraction for the improvement of

the students’ focus. While Mendez found out that darker colors create negative emotions,

the results of this study show that a dark colored classroom neither affect nor not affect

them. They see color not a factor that should be considered in related to students’

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Classroom aesthetics has always been an issue whether it can or cannot affect the

behavior of the students. The types of classroom aesthetics that the researchers included

for this research are the temperature, lighting and color of the classrooms of the

Philippine Institute of Quezon City.

The study was conducted to determine the effect of classroom aesthetics on

student’s behavior in terms of: temperature. lighting and color. This research is most

relevant among the students from Grades 10 to 12 of Philippine Institute of Quezon City.

The study made use of Descriptive Survey Method. The study was conducted by

gathering data and relating other literatures to the research itself. The researchers then

formulated survey questionnaires to be answered by the respondents. The survey

questionnaire is included a set of questions and is measured through the use of the Likert

scale. The data gathered was analyzed through frequency, percentage and weighted mean.

Summary of Findings

This study yielded the following findings:

1. Majority of the student respondents neither agree nor disagree that the classroom

temperature has an effect towards their behavior. However, a greater percentage of

the respondents agree that average classroom temperature has an effect towards their

mood and understanding capabilities.


2. Majority of the student respondents neither agree nor disagree that the classroom

lightings has an effect towards their behavior. Thus, a greater number of students

agree that brightly lighted classroom improves overall focus and dim lighted

classrooms makes the student sleepy during class hours.

3. Majority of the student respondents neither agree nor disagree that the color of the

classroom has an effect towards their behavior. More adversely, a greater percentage

of the respondents agree that a neutral colored room can improve one’s focus.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The behavior of the Philippine Institute of Quezon City students in general is not

affected by the classroom temperature, color, and lightings since they are used to

these three as normal and necessary elements of a classroom environment condition.

2. Among the three elements - lighting, temperature, and color, color is only the element

on which the students consider as least affecting their behavior.


Based on the findings and conclusions, it is recommended that:

1. the administrators continue to consider lighting, temperature, and color as something

that can affect the students’ behavior. So that they can use the information when they

consider changing the classroom environment.

2. the teachers to be aware of the effects of the different elements to the student’s

behavior for they can consider these elements when evaluating a student’s attitude


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Appendix 1

Survey Questionnaire

July 30, 2018

To the respondent:

We would like to request your assistance in answering this survey which will provide

data or information for our research entitled: “The Effect of Classroom Aesthetic on

Student’s Behavior.” This study aims to determine how a specific aspect of aesthetic such

as lighting, temperature and color affect a student’s behavior in class. Strict

confidentiality will be observed.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Gorospe, Kristian

Lui, Elizabeth

Marcial, Johnniel Leiram

Name (OPTIONAL) : ________________

Grade Level: _______________________


Direction: Read each statement below and then indicate your level of agreement as to

how the specified classroom features affect your classroom behavior.

Use the scale below to rate the following statements:

5 - Strongly Agree

4 - Agree

3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

A. Temperature

Questions 5 4 3 2 1

1. A cold classroom temperature makes me feel

uncomfortable when studying

2. A cold classroom temperature makes me sleepy during

class hours.

3. A hot classroom temperature serves as an interruption

in studying

4. An average room temperature classroom improves my

mood for studying

5. An average room temperature classroom improves my

understanding capabilities.

B. Lighting

Questions 5 4 3 2 1

1. Brightly lighted classroom improves my overall focus.

2. Dim lighted classroom makes me sleepy during class


3. Brightly lighted classroom improves my energy level.

4. Dim lighted classroom improves my mood for


5. Dim lighted classroom improves my understanding


C. Color

Questions 5 4 3 2 1

1. A neutral colored room improves focus.

2. A dark colored room makes me sleepy during class


3. A dark colored room improves my mood for studying

Continuation of Table 2

Questions 5 4 3 2 1

4. A bright colored room makes me more energetic

5. A bright colored room serves as a distraction

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