Note: In a TAFJ environment, the sources should not be packaged within a
BUILD.CONTROL application. The sources must be controlled only via the JAR files
and the IDE should be used for the sources. Therefore, the functionality of the fields
7 to 12 are now outdated and will no longer be supported for usage on TAFJ
This table is the gateway of Build Control Tool. This table is used to save and release the
BUILD.CONTROL pack. Field descriptions are as follows:
Main Screen
Enter BUILD.CONTROL, MAIN at the Command Prompt.
Enter the ID that you would like to give to your Build Control Package (Having a date
component will help).
This will open up a set of associated versions as shown below.
Give a brief description on this package/in case of patch – what is the patch for
Mnemonic – Mnemonic code of the pack
To save a Package
Use this screen to define the path where
BUILD.CONTROL Units will be saved
DL.DEFINE will save the data (as in ../F.DL.DATA)
What Happens
While SAVE – A new folder with the name same as the Record ID, is created under this path
and the build control unit is saved in this path (similar in function to DL.DEFINE Unit)
Use this screen to define
SAVE.BP where the programs/object codes ($ Files) reside,
Selection criteria (Saved Lists should be prefixed with „SL-„ or this can be a jQL
RELEASE.BP where the programs/object codes ($ Files) need to be restored in the
destination environment.
JBCDEV_LIB & JBCDEV_BIN to be set when Compiling/Cataloguing in the destination
environment. Leaving these fields blank will result in the default JBCDEV_LIB and
JBCDEV_BIN, as defined in REMOTE.CMD or .profile, being used. If the above JBCDEV_LIB &
JBCDEV_BIN are not defined in $JBCOBJECTLIST, system will throw error.
What Happens
While SAVE – A new folder with the name same as the PROGRAM.BP is created under Build
Control Unit Save path and the Saved list or the Select Command is used to select the
PROGRAM.BP and the records are copied to the Build Control path‟s BP folder.
While RELEASE – The Release BP, if it doesn‟t already exist, is created in the destination
environment and the contents of the BP in Build Control unit are copied to the Release BP.
After setting JBCDEV_LIB and JBCDEV_BIN to required values, the copied files – depending
on whether they are source or object codes, are either Compiled using EB.COMPILE or
Catalogued using CATALOG command.
Use this screen to
Define the DL.DEFINE units that need to be saved as part of this package.
Define the company from which the records defined in DL.DEFINE need to be saved, in case
there are FIN type file records.
What Happens
While SAVE – The DL.DEFINE units are saved by invoking DL.DEFINE.RUN and the resultant
DL.DEFINE units are copied into Build Control save path.
While RELEASE – The DL.DEFINE Units will be copied to ../F.DL.DATA/DL.RESTORE and
DL.PARAMETER.RUN and DL.DEFINE.RUN will be invoked to release and restore the DL
DEFINE records.
Dict Items
Use this screen to
Define any Dictionary items – I-Descriptor definitions that need to be saved as part of the
package. (Only enter the Standard Selection ID and the I-Desc Name. The properties will
automatically be defaulted from STANDARD.SELECTION. Every time the Build Control is
saved, these properties are refreshed automatically from STANDARD.SELECTION.)
What Happens
SAVE – The properties – like TYPE, FIELD NO, VAL PROG and all other Standard Selection
fields are saved in their corresponding fields in R.NEW of BUILD.CONTROL.
RELEASE – I-Descriptor name is checked in STANDARD.SELECTION and updated with the
details from R.NEW; the STANDARD.SELECTION record is locked, updated and written to
$NAU. OFS.GLOBUS.MANAGER is used to authorise this STANDARD.SELECTION record and
thereby rebuilding dictionary.
Use this screen to define the
Local ref definitions for all the T24 applications that need to be part of this package. (This
Local tables should be presented in LOCAL.TABLE)
What Happens
While SAVE – Nothing. The definitions are validated.
While RELEASE – based on the definitions and after ensuring that the Local ref fields are
available in LOCAL.TABLE, the corresponding LOCAL.REF.TABLE record is updated with this
definition. If the Local Ref is already attached to the application, then the Association is
overwritten with this definition.
Flat Files
Use this screen to define
The path of flat files (Unix/NT directories – TYPE UD Files) that need to be created when
restoring this package.
What Happens
While SAVE – Nothing
While RELEASE – The path, folders are created and a VOC pointer is created with ID as the
last part as the ID
In the above case, a folder in the path ../bnk.interface/git/GIT.INWARD will be created and a
VOC pointer will be created with ID as GIT.INWARD.
GIT.BP - This is the BP defined as PROGRAM.BP, from which programs were selected.
SAVEDLISTS - If a Saved list had been mentioned in SELECT.CMD field, then that Saved list
will be copied under this folder. During RELEASE Operation, this will be copied over to
&SAVEDLISTS& in the destination environment.
To Release a package
Use this screen to define
Enter the BCON release path in the field „Release Package is Available under‟
This release path should be same, where the BUILD.CONTROL Unit has been copied over.
The system will default the path where the DL Units need to be copied (as in
../F.DL.DATA/DL.RESTORE or../DL.RESTORE) which may not be the same in both Save and
Release environments. Manually change the value if the system raises an error.
At field input level, if the path is correct, then the system will load the remaining fields based
on the index file BCON_TMNS000-GPAC.SADB stored under the release path.
Once validated the record, system will automatically populate the remaining fields based on
the Index file BCON_TMNS000-GPAC.SADB as shown below.
In the Release tab, in the field „OFS Source to be used for Authorising‟ enter the ID of the
OFS.SOURCE to be used for authorising the records. At this field input, the system will
default Authorisation Priority. The user can amend this priority as applicable.
Now commit the record.
Open the same record and Verify it (V function).
Note: It is strongly recommended to use the classic screen to release the BCON unit
which holds the Object codes and Data records. Follow the below steps to release
the unit in classic mode.
Give the Description, Mnemonic, Action and Release path as shown below.
Now the system will ask to reload the package. Press „Y‟ and enter. Now the system
should be reloaded the BUILD.CONTROL unit based on the index file.
Enter the OFS.SOURCE.ID as „BUILD.CONTROL‟ and enter.
Verify the same BCON unit record in the new session as shown below.
Now the Data records will be authorised automatically using the Build control tool.
Then check the session, whether all the data records are authorised successfully.
If any of the record is not authorised successfully, then authorise it manually.
Note: If any BATCH record needs to be RELEASED for multiple companies (Ex: MF1,
EU1 etc), we should “SAVE” the BATCH.NEW.COMPANY record along with the
BATCH Record from the Source environment.
Note: If the user chooses to release using PGM.RELEASE, then, the Action must first
be set to DL.RESTORE and Verified first (so that the programs are restored).
Subsequently, the Action can be set to PGM.RELEASE and Verified.
With this action, BUILD.CONTROL restores all the data records part of the DL Units
specified in the multi-valued field DL.DEFINE.
Since the sample BUILD.CONTROL unit TMNS000-BCON.REL.SAMPLE also contains
data records, it can be used for testing DL.RESTORE alone.
When the ACTION is set to RELEASE, BUILD.CONTROL automatically copies the DL
Units from F.BCON.DATA/RELEASE to the DL Restore path (as in,
F.DL.DATA/DL.RESTORE), and then uses DL.PARAMETER & DL.DEFINE to release &
restore those records.
However, when the Action is set to DL.RESTORE, the system assumes that the
required DL Units are already present in the DL Restore path (as in
F.DL.DATA/DL.RESTORE or ../DL.RESTORE). The user has to move the DL Units
manually under the DL Restore path before setting the Action to DL.RESTORE
With this action, BUILD.CONTROL authorises all the data records part of DL Units
specified in the multi-valued field DL.DEFINE
Since the sample BUILD.CONTROL unit TMNS000-BCON.REL.SAMPLE also contains
data records, it can be used for testing AUTH.DL.RESTORE alone.
This will enable Authorisation of Restored records. However, when Action is set to
AUTH.DL.RESTORE, the system assumes that the records have already been restored
and will only attempt to authorise them.
Note: If the user chooses to authorise using AUTH.DL.RESTORE, then, the Action
must first be set to DL.RESTORE and Verified (so that the programs/records are
restored). Subsequently, the Action can be set to AUTH.DL.RESTORE and Verified.