DFE - Interview Questions and Answers: T24 System - Work File - Output File (.CSV, XML, Etc)
DFE - Interview Questions and Answers: T24 System - Work File - Output File (.CSV, XML, Etc)
DFE - Interview Questions and Answers: T24 System - Work File - Output File (.CSV, XML, Etc)
19. In Outward Real time process, what is the application where will do
mapping details to publish data to external System?
DFE.CONNECTOR. DETAILS (It comes into picture when we use
Mode of Transaction as Online)
20. In Outward Real time process, how will you do setup to publish data
as SOAP request to external system?
Setup in TAFC
Setup should be done in both DFE.CONNECTOR. DETAILS
A record should be created in DFE.CONNECTOR.DETAILS with
below information
JEE Host
JEE Port
Record ID should be given in DFE.PARAMETER to link.
Setup in TAFJ:
Jms Context Factory field in DFE.CONNECTOR. DETAILS
22. What are the available options for related to ID of records while
uploading data?
ID.GEN.TYPE is the field in DFE.MAPPING which has 3 options.
Helptext for T24 DFE applications:
Run the service in TAFJEE
It was allocate the agent to run the service and run the service .
Once the service was run successfully it create a CSV file we have mentioned in the DFE.PARAMETER
“/home/T24DM/TAFJ” is TAFJ_HOME.
“DFE.EXTRACT” is the folder, It contains the extracted CSV files.
This is a mapping table where we will define data that
is required for DFE framework during inward / outward processing.
During Inward processing, Inward message data being uploaded to T24
application within raw message data (Flat file) will be located in this table.
During outward processing, actual data extracted from T24 raw data will be
located in this table.
This table has 33 fields totally and has below 3 mandatory fields.
File Name
GB Description
Record Format
FM, VM, SM - A symbol or a group of character which will DFE use for
replacement during upload and extract
Value defined in this field will be sent as delimiter in extracted file during outward
Value defined in this field will be located in incoming file as delimiter during
Inward process
ID Gen Type – Auto Data Rtn
Auto – It should be selected in certain inward message/file uploads.
It is during File upload of FT, AAA, etc.,
Set of fields (ID Routine, ID Position, ID Length are not required for
Rtn- Routine based ID Generation
Data – As is (Both Inward and Outward)
ID Position – Position of ID in
It can be used during both inward and outward.
It can be used during both position-based and delimiter-based process.
Value in this field decides position of ID in incoming data and
extracted data.
ID Length – Field will be defined with numeric value which denotes length of
the ID to be picked during position-based process.
Value in this field can/can’t be defined during position-based process.
Value in this field is not required for Delimiter-based process.
It can be used during both inward and outward.
This is the Parameter table where we will define