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DFE - Interview Questions and Answers: T24 System - Work File - Output File (.CSV, XML, Etc)

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DFE - Interview Questions and Answers

1. What are the approaches/ types used in Data Formatting Engine?

Outward -Extraction – Extract Records from T24 System
Inward - Updation – Loading / Posting records into T24 System

2. What are the applications which needs to be setup / configured in

T24 for DFE?

3. What is the process / flow involved in DFE Outward?

 System will read data file which holds information to be posted
and update same in work file.
 Output File will be generated and updated in configured path.
T24 System ->Work File-> Output File( .csv,xml, etc)

4. What is the name of Work File involved in DFE Outward process?

5. What are the JOB Names which perform this outward process in

6. What is the role of DFE.OUTWARD.FILE.EXTRACT in DFE

It is a multi-threaded routine which will extract data from
applications mapped and update in Work File – DFE.OUTWARD.

7. What is the role of DFE.OUTWARD.FILE.EXTRACT.POST in

DFE Outward?
It is a single-threaded routine which will read data updated in
Work File – DFE.OUTWARD. WORK.FILE and update data to output
file in given format.

8. What is the process / flow involved in DFE Inward?

 T24 system will read data file received from Third Party System
and uploaded into Work file.
 Records will be uploaded into T24 from WorkFile.
Flat File ->Work File-> T24 System.

9. What is the name of Work File involved in DFE Inward process?

10.What are the JOB Names which perform this Inward process in

11. What is the role of DFE.INWARD.PRE.PROCESS in DFE

It is a single Thread routine which will update WorkFile
(DFE.INWARD. WORK.FILE) with data given in Flat File.

12. What is the role of DFE.INWARD.FILE.PROCESS in DFE

It is a Multi Thread Routine which will post records available in
work file (DFE.INWARD.WORK.FILE)into T24.
13. What is the application name in which T24 will log where process
status and error log?

14. What is the application name which needs to be setup during

outward real time process?

15. Why we will be using the field MSG.POST.TYPE used in

It is for defining mode of Outward Real Time Interface. It will be
Given with values when we give value as ONLINE for mode of
Transaction is given as online.

16. What will be the possible values for MSG.POST.TYPE?


17. What will happen if we give FINAL.MSG.SYNC /

DFE.OUTWARD. FILE.EXTRACT extracts data from T24 and
populate to a Work File.
DFE.OUTWARD. FILE.EXTRACT.POST concatenates all messages
from Work File into single file and publish to CALLJEE

18. What will happen if we give EACH.MSG.SYNC /

DFE.OUTWARD. FILE.EXTRACT extracts data from T24 and publish
it to Third Party.

19. In Outward Real time process, what is the application where will do
mapping details to publish data to external System?
DFE.CONNECTOR. DETAILS (It comes into picture when we use
Mode of Transaction as Online)

20. In Outward Real time process, how will you do setup to publish data
as SOAP request to external system?
Setup in TAFC
Setup should be done in both DFE.CONNECTOR. DETAILS
A record should be created in DFE.CONNECTOR.DETAILS with
below information
JEE Host
JEE Port
Record ID should be given in DFE.PARAMETER to link.
Setup in TAFJ:
Jms Context Factory field in DFE.CONNECTOR. DETAILS

Below setup in DFE.PARAMETER

21. What is the application which is used to transform messages in XML
format to other formats (HTML, etc.,)?

22. What are the available options for related to ID of records while
uploading data?
ID.GEN.TYPE is the field in DFE.MAPPING which has 3 options.

23. Which is recommended among DATA and AUTO and why?

DATA is the option which is recommended as T24 has locking
If AUTO has been chosed while uploading, then it may lead to Time

24.What are the routines (Fields) you can attach it in DFE.MAPPING?

There are 5 fields (5 routines). They are
Also File Selection , ID Routine, Field Operation, Field Conversion.
25. I have to select / restrict certain records by multiple filters and
should perform some validations as well. How will you achieve this
while extraction?
It can be done by routine level. It is by attaching routine to

26. DFE.MAPPING provides a facility to attach routine during

selection of raw data being uploaded into T24 from flat file and being
extracted from T24 as a flat file.
Data Formatting Engine (DFE)
 Data Formatting Engine (DFE), a common interface framework is designed in such a way that it
supports both uploading of messages/files received from external system into T24 as well
extract data from T24.
 DFE is capable of handling both online messages and offline files.
 DFE supports delimiter based files and fixed position messages/ files.
 DFE is capable of handling both synchronous and asynchronous messages.

Used for Reporting Tool:

Extract data from T24 in the form of Excel and Text format with specified Delimiter(;).

Applications used for DFE:

Helptext for T24 DFE applications:




Run the service in TAFJEE

It was allocate the agent to run the service and run the service .

Once the service was run successfully it create a CSV file we have mentioned in the DFE.PARAMETER

Sample Routine files:

File path : (“../” should indicates the “/home/T24DM/TAFJ”)

../(path you want to extract the report)


 “/home/T24DM/TAFJ” is TAFJ_HOME.
 “DFE.EXTRACT” is the folder, It contains the extracted CSV files.

Ex : MCB.INTRF.007.20190828.CSV (if Today date is “20190828”)

Example Output file :

CSV file should have extract data format be like

'Arrangement Id':';':'Loan Status':';':'Overdue Status':';':'Loan Installment
Amount':';':'Loan Payment Frequency':';':'Loan Last Paid
Amount':';':'Overdue Date':';':'Loan Close Date':';':'Total Number of
Bill':';':'Outstanding Bill':';':'Total Amount Due'


This is a mapping table where we will define data that
is required for DFE framework during inward / outward processing.
During Inward processing, Inward message data being uploaded to T24
application within raw message data (Flat file) will be located in this table.
During outward processing, actual data extracted from T24 raw data will be
located in this table.
This table has 33 fields totally and has below 3 mandatory fields.
File Name
GB Description
Record Format
FM, VM, SM - A symbol or a group of character which will DFE use for
replacement during upload and extract
Value defined in this field will be sent as delimiter in extracted file during outward
Value defined in this field will be located in incoming file as delimiter during
Inward process
ID Gen Type – Auto Data Rtn
Auto – It should be selected in certain inward message/file uploads.
It is during File upload of FT, AAA, etc.,
Set of fields (ID Routine, ID Position, ID Length are not required for
Rtn- Routine based ID Generation
Data – As is (Both Inward and Outward)

ID Routine – User Routine to form @ID of a record will be defined.

It can be used during both inward and outward process.
It can be used during both position-based and delimiter-based process.

ID Position – Position of ID in
It can be used during both inward and outward.
It can be used during both position-based and delimiter-based process.
Value in this field decides position of ID in incoming data and
extracted data.

ID Length – Field will be defined with numeric value which denotes length of
the ID to be picked during position-based process.
Value in this field can/can’t be defined during position-based process.
Value in this field is not required for Delimiter-based process.
It can be used during both inward and outward.

This is the Parameter table where we will define

Mode of transaction and basic details

Unique path where extracted data from T24 to be placed
Unique path to pick up the file for upload.
This has 8 Mandatory fields.
It differs based on inward / outward

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