Alan Watts Zen
Alan Watts Zen
Alan Watts Zen
Now you say, 'Well, that sounds pretty easy. You mean
to say all we have to do is relax? We don't have to go
around chasing anything anymore? We abandon
religion, we abandon meditations, we abandon this,
that, and the other, and just live it up anyhow? Just go
on.' You know, like a father says to his child who keeps
asking 'Why? Why, Why, Why, Why, Why? Why did God
make the universe? Who made God? Why are the trees
green?' and so on and so forth, and father says finally,
'Oh, shut up and eat your bun.' It isn't quite like that,
because, you see, the thing is this:
So naturally, the real boss sits with his back to the wall
and his henchmen on either side of him. And so when
you design a church, what does it look like? Catholic
church, with the alter where it used to be--it's changing
now, because the Catholic religion is changing. But the
Catholic church has the alter with it's back to the wall at
the east end of the church. And the alter is the throne
and the priest is the chief vizier of the court, and he is
making abeyance to the throne, but there is the throne
of God, the alter. And all the people are facing it, and
kneeling down. And a great Catholic cathederal is called
a basilica, from the Greek 'basilikos,' which means
'king.' So a basilica is the house of a king, and the ritual
of the church is based on the court rituals of Byzantium.
And so what they did was got rid of the lawmaker and
kept the law. And so the conceived the universe in
terms of a mechanism. Something, in other words, that
is functioning according to regular, clocklike mechanical
principles. Newton's whole image of the world is based
on billiards. The atoms are billiard balls, and they bang
each other around. And so your behavior, every
individual around, is defined as a very, very complex
arrangement of billiard balls being banged around by
everything else. And so behind the fully automatic
model of the universe is the notion that reality itself is,
to use the favorite term of 19th century scientists, blind
energy. In say the metaphysics of Ernst Hegel, and T.H.
Huxley, the world is basically nothing but energy--blind,
unintelligent force. And likewise and parallel to this, in
the philosophy of Freud, the basic psychological energy
is libido, which is blind lust. And it is only a fluke, it is
only as a result of pure chances that resulting from the
exuberance of this energy there are people. With
values, with reason, with languages, with cultures, and
with love. Just a fluke. Like, you know, 1000 monkeys
typing on 1000 typewriters for a million years will
eventually type the Encyclopedia Britannica. And of
course the moment they stop typing the Encyclopedia
Britannica, they will relapse into nonsense.
And so in order that that shall not happen, for you and I
are flukes in this cosmos, and we like our way of life--
we like being human--if we want to keep it, say these
people, we've got to fight nature, because it will turn us
back into nonsense the moment we let it. So we've got
to impose our will upon this world as if we were
something completely alien to it. From outside. And so
we get a culture based on the idea of the war between
man and nature. And we talk about the conquest of
space. The conquest of Everest. And the great symbols
of our culture are the rocket and the bulldozer. The
rocket--you know, compensation for the sexually
inadequate male. So we're going to conquer space. You
know we're in space already, way out. If anybody cared
to be sensitive and let outside space come to you, you
can, if your eyes are clear enough. Aided by telescopes,
aided by radio astronomy, aided by all the kinds of
sensitive instruments we can devise. We're as far out in
space as we're ever going to get. But, y'know,
sensitivity isn't the pitch. Especially in the WASP culture
of the United States. We define manliness in terms of
agression, you see, because we're a little bit frightened
as to whether or not we're really men. And so we put on
this great show of being a tough guy. It's completely
unneccesary. If you have what it takes, you don't need
to put on that show. And you don't need to beat nature
into submission. Why be hostile to nature? Because
after all, you ARE a symptom of nature. You, as a human
being, you grow out of this physical universe in exactly
the same way an apple grows off an apple tree.
But however, you see, this whole idea that the universe
is nothing at all but unintelligent force playing around
and not even enjoying it is a putdown theory of the
world. People who had an advantage to make, a game
to play by putting it down, and making out that because
they put the world down they were a superior kind of
people. So that just won't do. We've had it. Because if
you seriously go along with this idea of the world,
you're what is technically called alienated. You feel
hostile to the world. You feel that the world is a trap. It
is a mechanism, it is electronic and neurological
mechanisms into which you somehow got caught. And
you, poor thing, have to put up with being put into a
body that's falling apart, that gets cancer, that gets the
great Siberian itch, and is just terrible. And these
mechanics--doctors--are trying to help you out, but they
really can't succeed in the end, and you're just going to
fall apart, and it's a grim business, and it's just too bad.
So if you think that's the way things are, you might as
well commit suicide right now. Unless you say, 'Well,
I'm damned. Because there might really be after all
eternal damnation. Or I identify with my children, and I
think of them going on without me and nobody to
support them. Because if I do go on in this frame of
mind and continue to support them, I shall teach them
to be like I am, and they'll go on, dragging it out to
support their children, and they won't enjoy it. They'll
be afraid to commit suicide, and so will their children.
They'll all learn the same lessons.'
You know that story about all the limbs of the body. The
hand said 'We do all our work,' the feet said 'We do our
work,' the mouth said 'We do all the chewing, and
here's this lazy stomach who just gets it all and doesn't
do a thing. He didn't do any work, so let's go on strike.'
And the hands refused to carry, the feet refused to
walk, the teeth refused to chew, and said 'Now we're on
strike against the stomach.' But after a while, all of
them found themselves getting weaker and weaker and
weaker, because they didn't realize that the stomach
fed them.
Now I'm not saying that that's bad, that's fun. You're
playing the game that you don't know that black and
white imply each other. Therefore you think that black
possibly might win, that the light might go out, that the
sound might never be heard again. That there could be
the possibility of a universe of pure tragedy, of endless,
endless darkness. Wouldn't that be awful? Only you
wouldn't know it was awful, if that's what happened.
The point that we all forget is that the black and the
white go together, and there isn't the one without the
other. At the same time, you see, we forget, in the same
way as we forget that these two go together.
Now, it's very difficult--you can very easily slip into the
state of consciousness where you feel you're God; it can
happen to anyone. Just in the same way as you can get
the flu, or measles, or something like that, you can slip
into this state of consciousness. And when you get it, it
depends upon your background and your training as to
how you're going to interpret it. If you've got the idea
of god that comes from popular Christianity, God as the
governor, the political head of the world, and you think
you're God, then you say to everybody, 'You should bow
down and worship me.' But if you're a member of Hindu
culture, and you suddenly tell all your friends 'I'm God,'
instead of saying 'You're insane,' they say
'Congratulations! At last, you found out.' Becuase their
idea of god is not the autocratic governor. When they
make images of Shiva, he has ten arms. How would you
use ten arms? It's hard enough to use two. You know, if
you play the organ, you've got to use your two feet and
your two hands, and you play different rhythms with
each member. It's kind of tricky. But actually we're all
masters at this, because how do you grow each hair
without having to think about it? Each nerve? How do
you beat your heart and digest with your stomach at the
same time? You don't have to think about it. In your
very body, you are omnipotent in the true sense of
omnipotence, which is that you are able to be omni-
potent; you are able to do all these things without
having to think about it.
But you see, we are playing a game. The game runs like
this: the only thing you really know is what you can put
into words. Let's suppose I love some girl, rapturously,
and somebody says to me, 'Do you REALLY love her?'
Well, how am I going to prove this? They'll say, 'Write
poetry. Tell us all how much you love her. Then we'll
believe you.' So if I'm an artist, and can put this into
words, and can convince everybody I've written the
most ecstatic love letter ever written, they say 'All right,
ok, we admit it, you really do love her.' But supposing
you're not very articulate, are we going to tell you you
DON'T love her? Surely not. You don't have to be
Heloise and Abyla to be in love. But the whole game that
our culture is playing is that nothing really happens
unless it's in the newspaper. So when we're at a party,
and it's a great party, somebody says 'Too bad we didn't
bring a camera. Too bad there wasn't a tape recorder.
And so our children begin to feel that they don't exist
authentically unless they get their names in the papers,
and the fastest way to get your name in the paper is to
commit a crime. Then you'll be photographed, and you'll
appear in court, and everybody will notice you. And
you're THERE. So you're not there unless you're
recorded. It really happened if it was recorded. In other
words, if you shout, and it doesn't come back and echo,
it didn't happen. Well that's a real hangup. It's true, the
fun with echos; we all like singing in the bathtub,
because there's more resonance there. And when we
play a musical instrument, like a violin or a cello, it has
a sounding box, because that gives resonance to the
sound. And in the same way, the cortex of the human
brain enables us when we're happy to know that we're
happy, and that gives a certain resonance to it. If you're
happy, and you don't know you're happy, there's
nobody home.
-------------- ALAN WATTS: THE NATURE OF
CONSCIOUSNESS, pt 3 of 3 ---------------------------------
----------------------------------------------- In last night's
session, I was discussing an alternative myth to the
Ceramic and Fully Automatic models of the universe, I'll
call the Dramatic Myth. The idea that life as we
experience it is a big act, and that behind this big act is
the player, and the player, or the self, as it's called in
Hindu philosophy, the _atman_, is you. Only you are
playing hide and seek, since that is the essential game
that is going on. The game of games. The basis of all
games, hide and seek. And since you're playing hide &
seek, you are deliberately, although you can't admit
this--or won't admit it--you are deliberately forgetting
who you really are, or what you really are. And the
knowledge that your essential self is the foundation of
the universe, the 'ground of being' as Tillich calls it, is
something you have that the Germans call a
_hintengedanka_[?] A _hintengedanka_ is a thought
way, way, way in the back of your mind. Something that
you know deep down but can't admit. So, in a way,
then, in order to bring this to the front, in order to know
that is the case, you have to be kidded out of your
game. And so what I want to discuss this morning is
how this happens. Although before doing so, I must go
a little bit further into the whole nature of this problem.
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