123-126 Insurance Code
123-126 Insurance Code
123-126 Insurance Code
Deviation is a departure
from the course of the voyage
insured, mentioned in the last two (2)
Section 123. When the voyage sections, or an unreasonable delay in
contemplated by a marine insurance pursuing the voyage or the
policy is described by the places of commencement of an entirely
beginning and ending, the voyage different voyage.
insured in one which conforms to the
course of sailing fixed by mercantile Kinds of Deviation
usage between those places. 1. Proper Deviation
2. Improper Deviation
Section 124. If the course of sailing is
not fixed by mercantile usage, the Marine Insurance is unique in that it has
voyage insured is that way between certain implied warranties. One of which
the places specified, which to a is provided in Section 125.
master of ordinary skill and
discretion, would mean the most Implied Warranty Against Improper
natural, direct and advantageous. Deviation – Unreasonable delay in
pursuing the voyage; or the
commencement of an entirely different
Route - the route that a vessel should voyage.
take is governed by Sections 123 and
124 of the Insurance Code.
How to determine the course of the
voyage? SEC. 126. A deviation is proper: