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Selection of Transaction Advisor regarding Integrated

Strategic Development Plan, Institutional
Strengthening and Business Planning for Revenue
Restructuring & E-Governance Initiative

Transport Department
Government of West Bengal

Selection of Transaction Advisor for Integrated

Strategic Development Plan, Institutional
Strengthening and Business Planning for Revenue
Restructuring and E-Governance Support.

Transport Department
Government of West Bengal
To :


2) Deloitte

3) Ernst & Young


5) PwC Date:17.10.2019

Sub: Request for Proposal from the EmpanelledTransaction Advisors for

Integrated Strategic Development Plan, Institutional Strengthening and
Business Planning for Revenue Restructuring and E-Governance Support.


As your firm is an Empanelled Transaction Advisor, enlisted by the Finance

Department, Government of West Bengal, vide no. FS-116(PPP Cell)/2012 dated
10-09-2012 and no. 3738-F(Y) dated 11-06-2018 of Finance Department (PPP
Cell), you are requested to submit your Bid as per the RFP document enclosed, as
Transaction Advisors for Integrated Strategic Development Plan, Institutional
Strengthening and Business Planning for Revenue Restructuring and E-
Governance Support.

Yours faithfully,


Transport Department
Notice inviting electronic tender No.- 4063/WT/3M-23/2019, of Commissioner Transport
Department, Government of West Bengal, invites e-Tender for Transaction Advisors for
Integrated Strategic Development Plan, Institutional Strengthening and Business Planning
for Revenue Restructuring and E-Governance Support. (Submission of Bid through online).

Sl. Name of the work Earnest Price of Technical, Period of

No. Money Financial Bid Completion of the
(Rs.) Documents, tender work
&other Annexure

Selection of Transaction
1. Advisors for Integrated Rs 5.0 Lakhs Rs. 2000/- (To be paid 180 Days
Strategic Development by L1)
Plan, Institutional
Strengthening and Business
Planning for Revenue
Restructuring and E-
Governance Support.

1. Bids are invited for Transaction Advisors for Integrated Strategic Development
Plan, Institutional Strengthening and Business Planning for Revenue Restructuring
and E-Governance Support

2. Intending bidder(s) may download the tender document from the website
https://wbtenders.gov.in. directly by using Digital Signature Certificate & submit
bids online. (Details of which have been narrated in “Instruction to Bidders” i.e.
Section-A). Where an individual person holds a digital signature certificate in his
own name duly issued to him against the company or the firm of which he happens
to be a director or partner, such individual person shall, while uploading any tender
for and on behalf of such company or firm, invariably upload a copy of the
registered power of attorney showing clear authorization in his favour, by the rest of
the directors of such company or the partners of such firm while uploading the

3. Necessary earnest money will have be deposited by the bidder electronically:

Online through net banking enabled bank account, maintained at any bank, or by
generating NEFT / RTGS challan from the e-tender portal. Intending Bidder will
get the Beneficiary details from aforesaid e- tender portal with the help of Digital
Signature Certificate.
Intending bidder seeking transfer of EMD through NEFT / RTGS must read the
instruction of the challan generated from e-procurement site.
Bidders are also advised to submit EMD of their bid, at least 3 working days before
the bid submission closing date as it requires time for processing of payment of

4. Financial Bid will have to be submitted duly digitally signed in the Website
https://wbtenders.gov.in. Tender document may be downloaded from website &
submission of Financial Bid as per the Date/Time Schedule The documents
submitted by the bidders should be scanned copy of self-attested documents with
seal & should be properly indexed.

5. GST on work contracts is applicable as per rules as defined & amended under
provisions of finance Act. Tenderers are to claim GST as applicable as per rules
along with their bill and the same shall be paid or deducted. Their quoted rates shall
be exclusive of GST.

6. Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than 120 days (Days) from the last date
of submission of Financial Bid/ Sealed Bid. If the Bidder withdraws the Bid during
the period of Bid validity his Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited.

7. Date & Time Schedule: -

Particulars Date & Time

1. Date of Publishing NIT & Tender Documents 18.10.2019

2. Document download Start Date 19.10.2019 9.00 A.M.
3. Pre-Bid meeting 25.10.2019 12.00 P.M.
4. Start Date of uploading of bid document. 28.10.2019 2.00 P.M.
5. End Date for uploading of bid document 05.11.2019 2.00 P.M.
6. Date of opening of Technical Bid 07.11.2019 2.00 P.M.
7. Date of opening of Financial Bid To be notified later

8. Earnest Money:

The amount of Earnest Money is Rs 5.0 Lakhs. Earnest Money will be deposited Online
through net banking enabled bank account, maintained at any bank or: offline - through any
bank by generating NEFT / RTGS challan from the e-tender portal. Intending Bidder will
get the Beneficiary details from e- tender portal with the help of Digital Signature
Intending bidder who wants to transfer EMD through NEFT / RTGS must read the
instruction of the challan generated from e-procurement site.
Bidders are also advised to submit EMD of their bid, at least 3 working days before the bid
submission closing date as it requires time for processing of payment of EMD.
Bidders shall not have to pay the cost of tender documents for the purpose of participating
in e-tendering However, only the successful Bidder will be required to deposit cost of
Technical, Financial Bid documents, Tender Documents & others Annexure; in the shape of
Bank Draft / Pay Order on any nationalized bank drawn in favour of ‘West Bengal
Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited’ of e-NIT before executing
formal agreement.

9. The Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and
examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be
necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for the work as mentioned in
the Notice Inviting Tender, the cost of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder’s own

10. The intending Bidders shall clearly understand that whatever may be the outcome of
the present invitation of Bids, no cost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the
Department. Transport Department, Government of West Bengal reserves the right to
accept or reject any offer without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not liable for
any cost that might have incurred by any Bidder at any stage of Bidding.

11. No Conditional/ Incomplete Bid/ Tender will be accepted under any circumstances.

12. Transport Department, Government of West Bengal reserves the right to cancel the
N.I.T. due to unavoidable circumstances and no claim in this respect will be entertained.
At any stage of bidding or even after award of contract if any inadvertent typographical
mistake is found in the BOQ or any other tender document, the same will be so
corrected as to conform to the prevailing relevant Schedule of Rate and/ or Technically
Sanctioned Estimate or any other document as the case may be.

13. The Earnest Money may be forfeited –

a) If the Bidder withdraws the Bid during the period of Bid validity.
b) In case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails within the specified time limit to
Sign the agreement.
c) During scrutiny or at any stage of bidding or even after award of contract, if it is
come to the notice to tender inviting authority that the credential or any other papers
found incorrect/manufactured/fabricated, the bid will be considered as non-
responsive and out rightly rejected with forfeiture of Earnest Money and action will
be taken.


A.1. General guidance for e-Tendering

Instructions/ Guidelines for tenders for electronic submission of the tenders have
been annexed for assisting the contractors to participate in e-Tendering.

A.2. Registration of Contractor

Any contractor willing to take part in the process of e-Tendering will have to be
enrolled & registered with the Government e-Procurement system, through logging
on to https://etender.wb.nic.in the contractor is to click on the link for e-Tendering
site as given on the web portal.

A.3. Digital Signature certificate (DSC)

Each contractor is required to obtain a Class-II or Class-III Digital Signature

Certificate (DSC) for submission of tenders, from the approved service provider of
the National Information’s Centre (NIC) on payment of requisite amount details are
available at the Web Site stated in Clause 2 of Guideline to bidder DSC is given as a
USB e-Token.

A.4. The contractor can search & download NIT & Tender Documents electronically
from computer once he logs on to the website mentioned in Clause 2 using the
Digital Signature Certificate. This is the only mode of collection of Tender

A.5. Submission of Tenders

General process of submission, Tenders are to be submitted through online to the

website and only the Financial Proposal to be submitted before the prescribed date &
time using the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) the documents are to be uploaded
virus scanned copy duly Digitally Signed. The documents will get encrypted
(transformed into non readable formats) Documents only in pdf format are to be
submitted. The Financial proposal will be in excel format. Where an individual
person holds a digital certificate in his own name duly issued to him against the
company or the firm of which he happens to be a director or partner, such individual
person shall, while uploading any tender for and on behalf of such company or firm,
invariably upload a copy of registered power of attorney showing clear authorization
in his favour, by the rest of the directors of such company or the partners of such
firm, upload such tender. The power of attorney shall have to be registered in
accordance with the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908.

A.5. 1 Tender Committee (TC)

i. Tender Committee constituted headed by Commissioner, Transport Department will

function as Tender Committee for determination technically qualified contractors.
ii. Opening of Technical proposal :-
Technical proposals will be opened by the Tender Committed through its authorized
representative electronically from the web site stated in Cl. No. 2 using their Digital
Signature Certificate.
iii. Uploading of summary list of technically qualified bidders will be made.
iv. Pursuant to scrutiny & decision of the Tender committee the summary list of eligible
bidder & the serial number of work for which their proposal will be considered will
be uploaded in the web portals.
v. During evaluation the Tender Committee may summon any of the bidders & seek
clarification/ information or seek additional documents or original hard copy of any
of the documents already submitted & if these are not produced within the stipulated
time frame, their proposals will be liable for rejection.

A.5. 2 Financial proposal

i. The financial proposal should contain the following documents in one cover (folder)
i.e. Bill Of Quantities (BOQ). The bidder shall quote their rate of the intended job
online through computer in the space marked for quoting rate in the BOQ. Quoting
rate in any other form or in any other document will render the tender liable to be
summarily rejected.

Note: Only downloaded copies of the above documents are to be uploaded virus scanned &
Digitally Signed by the contractor.

A.6. Penalty for suppression / distortion of facts:

Submission of false document by bidder is strictly prohibited & if found bid will be
considered as non- responsive and out rightly rejected with forfeiture of Earnest Money and
action may be referred to the appropriate authority for prosecution as per relevant Act.

A.7.Rejection of Bid:

The tender inviting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and/ or to cancel
the Bidding processes and reject all Bids at any time prior to the award of Contract without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder/ Bidders or any obligation to inform
the affected Bidder or Bidders of the ground for such action from tender inviting authority.

A.8.Opening of Financial Bid:

A.8.1. Financial proposals will be opened by authorised representative of Tender


Award of Contract:

A.9.1. The Bidder whose Bid has been accepted will be notified by the Tender Inviting &
Accepting Authority. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract.

A.9.2. The Tender Accepting Authority will reject a proposal for award if it determines that
the Bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in
competing for the contract in question and may declare the firm ineligible, either
indefinitely or for stated period of time, for awarding contract with Transport Department,
Government of West Bengal or any of its parasatals.

In this contract, there is no provision of Price Escallation or Price Adjustment

Price preference.

B. General Instructions and Terms of Reference

Instructions for Submission of proposal (Financial Bid)

All tenders in response to this invitation shall be submitted in one Part i.e. Least cost
Financial Bid through e-Tendering mode. It Should be submitted in the manner specified
above or will be summarily rejected. Bidders are advised to Submit Certificate
indicating that they have read and understood all clauses and points enumerated in
different paras of Terms of References and Scope of Works. Other documents may be
submitted in case, if required by Department in the course of evaluation.

Transport Department, Government of West Bengal deals with wide spectrum of public
services such as issuance of driving licenses, registration of vehicles, issuance of permits,
operation of public transport services, development of transport infrastructure and
promotion of private sector investment in transport sector. The department aims to provide
an efficient, transparent and smart transport system for the state.
The registration related activities are being looked after by Regional Transport Authorities
(RTAs) located at the District Headquarters as well as some newly created Additional
Regional Transport Offices in sub-divisional towns. The Public Vehicles Department (PVD)
in Kolkata looks after the said work within Kolkata Municipal Authority (KMA) area. State
Transport Undertakings viz. West Bengal Transport Corporation (WBTC) renders transport
services within Kolkata and its suburban areas, South Bengal State Transport Corporation
(SBSTC) looks after transport services in the districts of South and South-Western Bengal
while transport facilities in the districts of North Bengal are primarily dependent on North
Bengal State Transport Corporation (NBSTC).

Project Objectives
The envisaged project within the Transport Department, Government of West Bengal shall
have the following objectives:
• Standardization of the departmental Business Processes
• Documentation of the Standard Operating Procedures
• Reviewing the MV Tax structure and support Transport Department development of
Strategy for the implementation Tax Reform for augmenting the MV Tax
• Assistance in functional integration & customization of Vahan 4.0 &Sarathi 4.0
system software in regards to adopted strategy.

Scope of Work of Consultant

1. Comprehensive study of all functional divisions, business divisions, entities and any
other strategic team/group within the Transport Department followed by analysis of the
findings. The Consultant will objectively assess, analyse, document the current state of
affairs of the Department, and identify the functional areas for improvements.

Department-wide Business Processes Review and Standardization focused on

detailed analysis of current (as-is) processes, identification of gaps, benchmarking with
existing standards and best practices, and design of future (to-be) processes to enable
seamless, integrated, effective, and efficient execution of the Vision and Mission of the
Department and of the State.

Establishing cost-effective and measurably more efficient set of Standard Operating

Procedures (SOPs) across the whole Department, by redesigning, reorganizing and
reengineering of all existing business processes, as well as introducing the new ones (if
necessary) for accomplishing the Departmental mandates. Key Activities under this
would involve the following :

a. Discovery Workshops – intensive few-day workshops that bring together

the Consultant and Departmental personnel, and help all the stakeholders
determine how the business processes are done currently, what are the
existing problems and occasional issues, and how to solve critical business
problems and achieve key business objectives.
b. As-Is Study – Review, map and analyse current organizational structure and
business processes including the roles and responsibilities of institutional
structures and individual functions - vertically at all levels of administration,
and horizontally across other key cross-functional departments as well as
risks inherent to the current maps.
c. Gap analysis - Analyse performance and structures of current business
processes and the redefined (improved) processes, in order to clearly point-
out the benefits, but also the possible virtual changes that could impact other
aspects of the Departmental business systems.
d. To-Be Study - Provide detailed recommendations on business practices
improvements with a focus on increased interagency harmonization,
improved effectiveness, greater efficiency and a measurable reduction of
transaction costs, improving performance through KPI’s
2. Revenue augmentation strategy will be developed to support funding priorities and
enable agility and innovation in the organization. The key activities under this would
involve the following.

• Comparative analysis of revenue structure of other states: Explore opportunities

to increase overall Department revenue by studying the revenue structure of different
states and identifying potential new sources adopted by the nodal agencies, under the
ambit of the prevailing Act.
• Comprehensive study and analysis of existing revenue streams from different
a. Motor Vehicle Tax under different category such as
✓ Non-Transport Vehicles/ Private vehicle

✓ Goods & Commercial Vehicles

✓ Passenger Vehicles based on seating capacity

✓ Construction Equipment Vehicles

✓ Tax from other State Vehicles (Entry Tax)

✓ Green Tax

✓ Taxes on invalid carriage / adapted vehicle

✓ Taxes of Agricultural vehicles

✓ Taxes on second vehicle ownership

b. Permit fee structure under different category such as

✓ Application fee for grant, renewal, transfer and countersign of permit
other than temporary permit

✓ Fee for grant renewal and countersigning of permit other than temporary

❖ For stage carriage

❖ For goods carriage

❖ Tourist Permit

❖ National Permit

❖ For contract carriage other than motor cab and maxi cab
❖ For Private Service vehicle

❖ For Maxi cab- For one region and whole State

❖ For Motor cab- For one region and whole State

✓ Fee for grant of temporary permit-

✓ Application fee of replacement of vehicle under permit

✓ For transfer of permit-

❖ For stage carriage

❖ For goods carriage

❖ For contract carriage other than motor cab and maxi cab

❖ For maxi cab

❖ For motor cab

❖ Fee for transfer of permit to the legal heirs of the permit-

holder in the event of his death shall be

✓ Issue of a duplicate permit

✓ Appeal against the order of the State or Regional Authority –

✓ Filling any miscellaneous application containing a prayer before the

State Transport Appellate Tribunal

✓ Alteration of motor vehicle in the permit

✓ Grant or renewal of agent’s license

✓ Appeal against the order of licensing Authority

✓ Application for grant ore renewal of agent’s license for sale of tickets

✓ Grant or renewal of agent’s license for sale of ticket for travel by public
service vehicle-

c. Fee structure for Driving License

✓ Issue of learner’s licence for each class of vehicle

✓ Learner’s licence test fee or repeat test fee, as the case may be
✓ For test, or repeat test, as the case may be, of competence to drive (for
each class of vehicle)

✓ Issue of a driving licence

✓ Issue of International Driving Permit

✓ Addition of another class of vehicle to driving licence

✓ Endorsement or renewal of authorization for vehicle carrying hazardous


✓ Renewal of driving license

✓ Renewal of a driving license for which application is made after the

grace period

✓ Issue or renewal of licence to a school or establishment for imparting

instructions in driving

✓ Issue of duplicate licence to a school or establishment for imparting

instructions in driving

✓ An appeal against the orders of licensing authority

✓ Any application for change in address or any other particulars recorded

in the driving licence e.g. address etc.

d. Fee structure for Vehicle Registration

✓ Issue or renewal of certificate of registration and assignment of new
registration mark:

❖ Invalid Carriage

❖ Motor cycle

❖ Three wheeler/Quadricycle/Light Motor Vehicles: (Transport

& Non Transport Vehicle)

❖ Medium goods vehicle

❖ Medium passenger motor vehicle

❖ Heavy goods vehicle

❖ Heavy passenger motor vehicle

❖ Imported motor vehicle/ motor cycle

✓ Issue of duplicate certificate of registration

✓ Transfer of ownership

✓ Change of residence

✓ Recording alteration in the certificate of registration

✓ Endorsing hire purchase/lease /hypothecation agreement-

✓ Conducting test of a vehicle for grant or renewal of certificate of fitness

✓ Grant or renewal of certificate of fitness for motor vehicle

e. Fee structure for Trade Certificate for Vehicle Dealers
✓ Grant or renewal of trade certificate in respect of each class of vehicle

✓ Duplicate trade certificate

f. Any other matter/matter(s) as decided by Transport Department.

• Revenue realization from Licensing service of Pollution Testing Centre, Licensing

service of Petrol Pump, Licensing service of Motor Driving Training Institute.
• Electric Vehicle Policy: Derive the Electric Vehicles Policy of the State and suggest
reforms to encourage Electric Vehicles usage in the state. Suggest measures to ramp-
up the electric charging points for vehicles in coordination with CESC and

• Assistance in new policy framework:

✓ Fancy Number/ Choice number auction policy

✓ Scrapping policy framework

• Tax defaulter list and suggested ways of recovery of o/s tax

• Provide recommendations to the Department of Transport to improve revenue

3. Improve legal and regulatory compliance: To assist the implementation of the

following acts and suggest technology driven interventions to improve legal and
regulatory framework compliance
• The Motor Vehicles Act 1988
• The Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989

• The West Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax Act 1979 Tax Act

• The West Bengal Additional Tax & One-time Tax on MV Act, 1989 Addl Tax

• The West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules 1989

• The Motor Vehicles (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2019

• Road safety related Matters and Safe Drive Save Life campaign, Lead agency

• Business process at STA/RTA including issues relating to permit fees/ C S fees etc.

4. Extension of e Governance initiatives – Coordination between different stakeholders,

risk identification and derivation of mitigation strategy, implementation and
handholding support for the e-Governance services, technology management,
assessment of technical preparedness and support to all DTOs (District Transport
Office) & RTAs.
• Study for implementation of Vahan 4.0 in all the RTOs – (Online vehicle
registration, dealer point registration, online payment of tax, integration with GRIPs

• Study of implementation of Sarathi in all RTOs.

• Recommend benchmarked best practices for doorstep delivery of services

• Assess digital payment services at various RTOs and recommend the way forward
for improved digitization

• Assistance in functional integration & customization of Vahan 4.0 &Sarathi 4.0

system software in regards to adopted strategy.

5. Development of effective communication strategy of different initiatives of Transport

Department for better citizen interaction and highlighting the initiatives of Transport
Department in different forums.
Project Deliverables
Brief description of Deliverables related to the Scope of the Work has been provided in the
below mentioned table:

Milestone Brief of Services Deliverables

Activity-1: The Inception Report must cover the following Project

Project process during the project. Inception
Planning & • Stakeholder mapping Report
Inception • Identification Issues, Assumptions, Constrains &
Phase Dependency related to Project
• Project risk management process
• Communication and escalation process
The acceptance of the Inception Report by the client
is necessary before proceeding to the next stage of
the project

Activity-2: Consultant shall perform the following key activities As-Is

As-Is Study during this phase: Assessment
• Detailed study of existing processes including Report
stakeholder consultation and review of existing
acts and regulations pertaining to Taxation
• Identification of current Revenue generating
areas and ways to Improve
• Preparation of Draft Report for Quality & Risk
• Submission of Final Report

Activity-3: Consultant shall perform the following key activities Benchmarki

GAP during this phase: ng Report
Analysis • Study the Sectorial Trends in Other States & best
Practices Study
• Identify Revenue Leakages Area and ways to
• Preparation of GAP Analysis and Benchmarking
• Submit the report for Approval
Activity-4: The Consultant shall prepare/update the documents Final
To-Be in this phase : Perspective
Study • Business practices improvements with a focus on Plan
increased interagency harmonization
• Detailed Documentation of all new/updated
Standard Operating Procedures with inputs from
Internal & External Subject Matter Experts
• Knowledge Transfer and Maintenance plan for
Periodic Updation of the SOPs and its review in
compliance with Amended Laws
• Preparation of Detailed Stakeholder Discussion
Report, User Manuals etc.

Project Timelines & Payment Terms

The table below presents TimeLine & Payment Terms for the Transport
(T Represents Project Sign-Off Date)

Deliverables Timeline Payment Terms

Project Inception Report T+1 Month 10% of the quoted Cost

AsIs Assessment Report T+2 Months 20% of the quoted Cost

GAP Analysis &Benchmarking T+4 Months 20% of the quoted Cost


Final Perspective Plan & T+6 Months 50% of the quoted Cost
Project Closure Report
Project Team Credentials Criteria
# Name of position Requirements

1 Profile 1:Project • Graduate with MBA (Masters in business

Manager(One)- administration)/PGDM (Post graduate diploma in
Management management) from a recognized university
profile of more • Minimum 10 years of relevant professional experience
than 10 (ten) • Experience of handling similar type of project with at
least 2 State Government clients / Central government
years’ experience entities in the Transport & Mobility sector
who will centrally
supervise the

2 Profile • Post Graduate Degree/Diploma from a recognized

2:Transport university
Subject Matter • Minimum 10 years of experience in the
Expert(One) - transport/logistics domain. Well versed in the nuances
of existing government policies, MV Act, industry
Consultant with
trends and market dynamics.
more than 10 (ten) • Understanding of existing and upcoming Environmental
years’ experience regulations

3 Profile 3: • Post Graduate Degree/Diploma from a recognized

Business university
Process • Minimum 5 years of relevant professional experience in
Reengineering working with Central and State Government entities
• Experience of handling similar type of projects
highlighting study of Government Acts, Rules and
Consultant with 7 Guidelines. Providing recommendations on legal and
(seven) years’ policy framework to improve compliance and service
experience delivery.
4 Profile • Bachelor of Engineering/Technology and MBA (Masters
4:Business in business administration)/PGDM (Post graduate
Analyst (Two)- diploma in management) from a recognized university
Consultant with >3 • Minimum 2 years of relevant professional experience
(three) &<6 (six) • Experience in business analysis domain, preparing
process maps, supporting workshops, requirement
years’ experience gathering, documentation, presentations with
Government clients

*All resources to be deployed full time for the entire duration of the project.
Resources expect the SME should be company payroll to ensure quality,
accountability and consistency of work to be delivered for this project.

Bids to be evaluated on Least Cost basis depending on the Submitted Financial Bid
and Accompanied Certificate.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by ANUP KR
Date: 2019.10.18 15:45:39 IST
Location: West Bengal-WB

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