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Isu Brochure

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Ilia State University (ISU), located in Tbilisi, of Law) offer distinctive training in their
Georgia, is a flagship public research respective directions and along with 30
and comprehensive higher education large and small scale research institutes,
institution in the South Caucasus which centers and stations – create in-depth
focuses on scientific advancement and research opportunities in social sciences,
transferring top notch knowledge to humanities, business, law, life sciences,
facilitate societal development. earth sciences, and hard sciences.
Established in 2006 as a merger of six ISU has secured unique position in
different institutions, each having a long Georgia’s educational system for its
history and a diverse institutional profile, contribution to science popularization,
Ilia State University justly occupies the top boosting entrepreneurial ecosystem of the
position among research universities in country and actively carrying out social
South Caucasus (according to SCimago responsibility projects.
Institutions Rankings).
With the highest competition rate for
Our mission revolves around three main
PhD programs in the nation, extensive
principles: Unity of Teaching and Research,
international ties, around 16,000 students,
Unity of Liberal and Specialized Education,
over 1,500 highly qualified academic
and Unity of Universal and Local.
and research staff, and with renovated
Its 4 faculties (Faculty of Arts and research infrastructure in several
Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences Georgia’s regions, ISU has become one
and Medicine, Faculty of Business, of the most desirable universities to study
Technology and Education, and School and work for in the country.

Professors &
1000 Lecturers

23 Bachelor &
49 Graduate
(Master and PhD)


301 Researchers
90 Ongoing
Research Projects

Around 30
Research Institutes
MISSION & Centers
The mission of Ilia State University is to create, N1 Research
transfer and apply knowledge for the purpose of University in South
scientific advancement and societal development Caucasus (SCimago
at both the local and international level. Institutions Rankings)

Over 30 Million
VISION GEL - Income from
International Donors
Ilia State University will be the leading and rapidly during 2006-2018
developing research university in Georgia and
the entire region by 2024 creating the bases N1 Choice for
for scientific and technological progress, high Georgian Freshmen
standard educational processes and public well- since 2015
being through its innovative approaches.


Faculty of Arts &
SOCIAL Sciences
EQUAL ACADEMIC Faculty of Natural
& OPENESS Faculty of Business
ACADEMIC Technology and

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Faculty of Arts and Sciences is one of the

largest and oldest schools of ISU. The faculty
offers highly reputable academic programs
on all 3 levels (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and
Doctoral) including in Liberal Arts, Philosophy,
Education, Political Science, International
Relations, Psychology, Sociology, European
Studies, History, Foreign Languages,
Theatre Studies, Music, Religion Studies,
Public Policy, Soviet Studies, Archeology, Art
Studies, Medieval Studies, Social Work and
other programs covering the fields of Social
Sciences, Humanities and Arts.

Faculty of Arts and Sciences is the partner

of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree
in Central and East European, Russian and
Eurasian Studies (CEERES), together with the
Glasgow University (UK) and Tartu University
(Estonia), funded by European Commission.

Faculty of Natural Sciences

and Medicine

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Medicine is

a research intensive school offering a wide
diversity of top quality academic programs. It
implements BA, MA and Ph.D. programs in
Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics, Biology,
Neurosciences and Biochemistry, Ecology and
Genetics, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Nutrition Science, Sustainable Natural and
Forest Resources Management, New Materials
for Nanoengineering, Energy and Mineral
Resources Management and Sustainable
Development, Green Architecture and Software
Engineering. In 2019 the faculty launches
Medical Doctor (MD) Educational Program.
The faculty holds top positions in Caucasus for
its research in astronomy and astrophysics,
neurobiology, ecology, genetics, and
evolutionary studies. Basic and applied
research is performed in a number of research
laboratories and facilities located both on
campus and in various regions of Georgia.

Faculty of Business, Technology

and Education

Faculty of Business, Technology and

Education, restructured in 2019, unites over
7,000 students within its undergraduate and
graduate programs. The Faculty unites the
Business School, the School of Technology
and the School of Education.

United under the umbrella of the new faculty

students will be able to benefit from the synergy
of the three increasingly interconnected
academic fields, implement high-tech projects
jointly at the university labs, as well as begin
startups and acquire versatile knowledge and
skills to become successful freelancers.

The hands-on approach and entrepreneurial

spirit is supported by engaging students in real-
work environment in the modern labs, research
activities and offering practical experience in
cooperation with Georgian and international
industries and educational institutions.

School of Law

In recent years, Ilia State University School

of Law has emerged as one of the foremost
educational institutions in Georgia. The law
school runs the following degree programs:
Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Master of Private
(Business) Law (LLM), Master of Public Law
and Policy and Master in Criminal Law.

The faculty unites seasoned lawyers from

all walks of life: judges adjudicating cases in
common courts or the Constitutional Court of
Georgia, successful in-house and litigation
lawyers, human rights defenders, public
prosecutors and women’s right activists.

The goal of the School of Law is to produce

not only successful lawyers, but all-round
professionals who are ready to pursue
successful careers in different sectors.


Evgeny Kharadze
Abastumani National
Astrophysical Observatory
Institute Earth Sciences
Institute of Biophysics
Institute of Theoretical
Institute of Fundamental
And Interdisciplinary Iliauni Botanical Institute, Tbilisi
Mathematics Study
Institute of Chemical
Tengiz Oniani Laboratory of
Sleep-Wakefulness Study
Institute of Ecology
Institute of Zoology
Botanical Institute Around 30 Research Institutes & Centers for fundamental and
Dimitri Uznadze Institute of applied research
Numerous research sites throughout Georgia
Institute of Linguistic
Astrophysical Observatory in Abastumani
Institute of Comparative
Alpine Ecology Research Station in Stepantsminda
Literature Maritime Research Station in Grigoleti
Institute of Social And Field research base in Dedoplistkaro
Cultural Studies 90 Research projects (over 300 in 10 years)
Child Development Institute The highest research citation index in Georgia
Institute of Demography 16 of the 40 leading scientists in Georgia (40%) are conducting their
And Sociology
research within various institutes and research centers of ISU
Institute of Medical
Research Majority of university research is published in hard sciences
Institute of Addictology
Institute of Applied Physics
Institute of Economics &
Institute of Energy & OF THE YEAR 2017
Sustainable Development
School of Healthcare & Prof. Timothy Blauvelt - the best foreign scientist, Kartvelology
Insurance Prof. Tamar Makharoblidze - the best scientist, Georgian studies
Giorgi Tsereteli Institute of Prof. Temur Zakarashvili, Vasil Kukhianidze and David Kuridze -
Oriental Studies the best research group, Astrophysics
Savle Tsereteli Institute of
By Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation


Annual Institutional Award of 3000 GEL
for Young Researchers
Research Vessel St. Ilia, Grigoleti

Supporting Young Scientists

Transdisciplinary “Lehmann- Structured PhD Programs
Haupt International Doctoral
School” In cooperation with the University of
Göttingen (Germany) ISU launched a
In 2017 Ilia State University established joint project supported by the Volkswagen
the Transdisciplinary “Lehmann-Haupt Foundation and the National Science
International Doctoral School” (IDS). The Foundation of Georgia, to jointly offer
IDS is set to become an umbrella doctoral structured doctoral training in following
school with common, subject-overarching disciplines: General Linguistics,
instruments for all faculties. Language and Language Change, East-
European History, Religious and Cultural
Due to its strong focus on international Studies, Political Science, Forest Ecology,
exchange and mobility, the IDS will offer Cosmology, Geophysics and Astrophysics,
Cotutelle-based PhD projects leading Chemical Biology, Development
to double or even multiple degrees. The Economics, Constitutionalism.
IDS stands for excellence in doctoral
education to lift the Georgian PhD to a new The partnership foresees a Cotutelle-
level of international coampetitiveness by based joint supervision by professors of
generating an inclusive, interdisciplinary ISU and University of Göttingen for 12
and international academic culture and selected students, as well as one-year
research environment for its PhD students research mobility in Germany and the
as early stage researchers. award of a double PhD degree.


Ilia State University is part of the Horizon 2020 project NUCLEUS, which aims to develop and
implement inclusive and sustainable approaches to Responsible Research and Innovation
in partner institutions. Based on the analysis of structural and cultural obstacles to RRI, ISU
will introduce innovative approaches to overcome these barriers and stimulate research and
innovation which continuously reflects and responds to societal needs. Project will also develop
practical guidelines on RRI for HEI’s and funding agencies in Europe and globally.

National Astrophysical Observatory, Abastumani


dissipation in the solar chromosphere” “Our Mysterious Sun: Magnetic
The “Alfvén wave dissipation in the solar Coupling between Solar Interior and
chromosphere” article by ISU professor and Atmosphere”
researcher of Abastumani Astrophysical In September 2017, the Astrophysical
Observatory, Teimuraz Zakarashvili and Observatory of Ilia State University
his British and American colleagues has organized the large scale international
been published in the influential scientific conference involving world’s leading
journal Nature Physics in 2018. The article scientists and research institutions.
provides the first observational evidence Current achievements and future
of Alfvén waves heating chromospheric perspectives of magnetic connection
plasma in a sunspot umbra through the between solar interior, photosphere,
formation of shock fronts. chromosphere, corona and solar wind have
Evgeny Kharadze Abastumani National been discussed. Latest developments in
Astrophysical Observatory preparation for upcoming solar missions
(solar the probe, solar orbiter) and ground-
OBSERVATION: Binary Asteroid based telescopes (DKIST, EST) have
In 2016, the astronomers of Abastumani been in the spotlight.
Astrophysical Observatory observed a Evgeny Kharadze Abastumani National
very rare object - the binary asteroid 5872 Astrophysical Observatory
Sugano. Binary asteroids are made of two
bodies orbiting each other. 5872 Sugano
is at a distance of about 300 million km
from Earth. Its bodies are 5.6 and 1.7 km With the support of CRDF Global funding
in diameter. The research was conducted Pathogens Research and Education Center
in collaboration with US and Czech was established at Ilia State University. The
scientists. A group of astronomers of center is equipped with a biosafety level
Abastumani Observatory led by Dr. Raguli 2 and proteomics study equipment. The
Inasaridze are monitoring the near-Earth aim of the center is molecular-biological
asteroids, with 70-cm Meniscus telescope. characterization of particularly dangerous
Evgeny Kharadze Abastumani National pathogens of Georgia.
Astrophysical Observatory Institute of Chemical Biology

Project: Exploring Biodiversity in the Caucasus Region

BOOK: “Plant Diversity in the Central bioinformatics expertise and hardware for
Great Caucasus: A Quantitative the analysis of big genomic data.
Assessment” The outcomes of the ongoing pilot projects
A new Book by ISU Professors George will be reflected in the online database
Nakhutsrishvili, Otar Abdaladze, Ketevan www.biodiversity-georgia.net, hosted by
Batsatsashvili, in collaboration with Swiss the scientists of the Institute of Ecology.
Institute of Ecology
professors Eva Spehn and Christian
Körner has been published by Springer. DIGITAL HUMANITY PROJECTS:
The book presents the first assessment
of the high-elevation flora of the Central National Corpus of Georgian Language
Caucasus with a community ecology - annotates corpora of about 128,000,000
emphasis. tokens. The first section of the corpus
Institute of Botany, Institute of Ecology combines primary sources of “Pre-
Athonian” period (V-X AD) of Georgian
PROJECT: Exploring Biodiversity in literary tradition. The bilingual part of the
the Caucasus Region corpus contains corpora of main Georgian
literary and historical texts - The Knight
ISU teamed up with the Zoological in the Panther’s Skin (Georgian-English)
Research Museum Alexander Koenig and and The Georgian Chronicles (Georgian-
University of Göttingen to carry out DNA Armenian).
barcoding of the Caucasian biodiversity.
The project Georgian-German The Epigraphic Corpus of Georgia
Biodiversity Center (GGBC) is supported - documents the cultural heritage
by the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und monuments preserved in Georgia, such
Raumfahrt. The main target activity of as Georgian, Urartian cuneiform, Aramaic,
the GGBC is development of powerful Persian, Greek, Armenian, Albanian and
infrastructure for storing large DNA and Arabic stone inscriptions and manuscripts
tissue collections, barcoding wild and dating from V AD.
domestic animals, plants, fungi and other The Prosopographical Database
organisms ever recorded for Georgia (and of 20th Century Georgia - compiles
potentially other parts of the Caucasus prosopographical dataset for Pre-Soviet
region), for sequencing genomes of and Soviet Georgia.
genetically unstudied organisms and Institute of Linguistic Studies

Child Development Institute , Tbilisi


Iliauni literary Contest has a history of eight
is a multifunctional and multi profile unit years. To support Georgian Literature,
at Ilia State University, which creates Ilia State University annually offers the
a space for education, research and highest literary award of 10,000 GEL to
quality services in the domain of child and the authors of the best new original novels
adolescents’ development. or translations. The winner is chosen by
The Institute unites the following centers: a jury of ISU’s professors and students.
Preschool and Inclusive Education Nine Georgian authors and translators
Center have received one of the most prestigious
Practical Center for Education, literary award in Georgia:
Aka Morchiladze for “Mameluk” (2010)
Consulting and Rehabilitation of
Zaza Burchiladze for “Inflatable Angel” (2011)
Children with Special Needs
Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili for “Who Killed
Early Childhood Development Center Chaika?” (2013)
Autism Center Jaba Zarqua for “The Reader Must Die” (2013)
Currently the institute provides services to Zaza Chiladze for the translation of “Flags in
around 200 children and adolescents with
the Dust” by William Faulkner (2014)
special needs free of charge, in cooperation
Nana Eqvtimishvili for “The Pear Field” (2015)
with Tbilisi City Hall. Through private
donations the institute recently established: Archil Kikodze for “Southern Elephant” (2016)
Lasha Bughadze for “Little Country” (2017)
Sensory room Zurab Jishkhariani for “Chewing Downs:
VR Laboratory Sugar Free” (2017)


The ISU Sign Language Lab within the Institute of Linguistic Studies introduced the first Georgian
dactyl alphabet available online as well as printed Lexicon of Georgian Sign Language. The project
is funded by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. The lexicon is created with the direct
participation of the deaf community and is complemented with the sign language grammar and
methodological guidebooks for schoolteachers.

Ilia State University, Solar Photovoltaic Systems


Ilia State University launched a new SUSTAINABILITY
project, Online Iliauni, in order to make Ilia State University is the first HEI in
knowledge accessible to a wider audience. Georgia to use solar energy power.
This allows any interested individual to Since 2016, two buildings of ISU are fully
complete various types of online courses supplied with energy provided by solar
relevant to their interests. The portal offers photovoltaic systems. Solar photovoltaic
following educational resources: systems installed on campus provide 35
Courses – Complete courses in various kilowatt of energy power - ecologically
disciplines, as well as tests for assessing pure electricity, free from any harmful
their progress after the course. Along with emissions.
video lectures textual versions of lectures The Project for Introduction of Clean
are also available. Students can connect Energy by Solar Electricity Generation
with the lecturers as well. System was financed by the Government
of Japan. This is the first solar power project
Lectures – Video recordings of stand- of this scale implemented in Georgia.
alone lectures (e.g., lectures by invited Within the framework of the project, ISU
and/or visiting lecturers at Iliauni). received not only environment friendly
power source, but also fully equipped
Tutorials – Practical tutorials focused on
lab for ecology research. Study tours for
specific skills’ development, e.g., binding
schools and wider society are organized
a book, voice processing or tree pruning,
to demonstrate the benefits of renewable
and solar energy.
Online Television – Short films, in which Ilia State University is one of the first
renowned Georgian scientists elaborate educational institutions in Georgia to
upon their professional choices. introduce waste separation and recycle
residual paper as well.
Online Training Courses for Unified
National Entrance Examinations – Various
resources for future students, willing to pass
unified national entrance examinations.
ISU offers adaptive environment for
Website: http://online.iliauni.edu.ge people with special needs.

Iliauni Science Picnic


Iliauni Science Picnic is one of the largest Iliauni Science Café offers informative
and most successful annual outdoor and inspiring gatherings to the audience
events organized by Ilia State University interested in diverse fields of science
since 2012. The event aims to present regardless of their age, occupation,
science to people in a fun way, and by field of studies or experience. Regular
doing so, make it attractive for attendants meetings focusing on different scientific
of different age groups and professional topics represent a great opportunity for
backgrounds. gaining experience and knowledge both
for presenters and café guests. ISU
It has been the first and only large-scale professors, researchers, students, as
event in Georgia contributing to the well as invited speakers from all over the
promotion of science in all age groups. world discuss their latest achievements
Various onstage shows, engaging and science development trends with
experiments as well as contests related interested audience.
to biology, physics, astronomy, chemistry,
architecture, robotics and many other
disciplines. Since 2016, Iliauni Science ILIAUNI YOUNG EXPLORERS’
Picnic became the major activity within the
national Science and Innovation Festival CLUBS NETWORK
organized by the Ministry of Education Iliauni Young Explorers’ Clubs Network
and Science. unites science teachers and school
ISU is the member of the European Science children with different scientific interests
Events Association (EUSEA) and regularly from around Georgia to conduct various
invites international partners to attend the experiments, contact other clubs,
Science Picnic as participants or visitors. exchange ideas and improve critical and
The event hosts participants from not only creative thinking abilities.
Georgia, but countries such as Poland,
Estonia, Israel, Germany, Ukraine, etc.

In 2017, the number of attendants

exceeded 25,000.

Iliauni Pre-accelerator

30 Trainings & Masterclasses

80 Start-Up Ideas
170,000 Gel Start-Up

Over 100 Start-Ups annually

80% low tech, 20 % high tech
50 events
180,000 GEL Start-Up
revenue ZOOMOUT Pre-Accelerator
ZOOMOUT is the first Georgian pre-accelerator providing
early stage support and extensive guidance to start-up

GameLab product presented Iliauni FabLab allows students to create prototypes for their
at Casual Connect event in business ideas and receive guidance when developing a
2015 new product.
Immersive Visualization Lab
Crytek’s VR First Partner ILIAUNI GameLab
GameLab Iliauni the only innovative mobile and computer
games lab in Georgian HEIs.
1st TCO in Georgian HEI
Est. in 2014, CRDF/GRDF TCO provides support services to transform the innovations
grant into commercially viable products.
Legal support services
ISU organizes GEW annually since 2016 focusing on women
GEW and young entrepreneurs.
More than 10 local &
international partners
Diverse events - makeathons,
creathons, workshops, public
lectures, start-up markets etc.



More than 500 partners around globe Curriculum/
Academic Development 48 %
President of Black Sea University
Network in 2016-2018
Research 25 %
1st Georgian degree awarding
institution within the EMJMD Program
CEERES Institutional
Development 22 %
60 partners within Erasmus + ICM
Over 200 student & staff exchanges
every year Other 5 %
15 Erasmus + CBHE projects, 2 as
grant holder/coordinating university
1st grant holder in TEMPUS from
Partner in 27 Tempus projects, grant KEY DONORS
holder of 2 projects
2 funded partnerships under FP7
2 successful projects under Horizon
1 Jean Monnet Network Project & 1
Jean Monnet Chair
More than 70 ongoing international
Income from international grants during
2006-2018: over 30 million GEL.

New SDSU Georgia Building at ISU Campus, Tbilisi


UNIVERSITY (California, USA)
The Master in Central and East
European, Russian and Eurasian ISU in cooperation with San Diego
Studies (CEERES), offered by the State University (SDSU) Georgia, offers
consortium of eight universities and internationally accredited dual degree
coordinated by the University of Glasgow bachelor programs in STEM disciplines:
(UK) provides unique opportunity to study electrical engineering and computer
in three or four international universities, engineering.
and to emerge with three Masters degrees The new building for engineering
from three separate institutions. Students programs, constructed within this
who specialize in Caucasian Studies will partnership will host 7 most important
spend the second year of their studies at technical labs.
ISU and obtain academic degrees from
three universities: DOUBLE DEGREE IN BUSINESS
Master of Arts in Social Science WITH THE UNIVERSITY
(Central and East European, Russian OF APPLIED SCIENCES
and Eurasia Studies), The University of BURGENLAND (Austria)
Tartu, Estonia;
International Master in Central and ISU School of Business, in cooperation
East European, Russian and Eurasian with the University of Applied Sciences
Studies, The University of Glasgow, Burgenland (Austria) offers a double degree
UK; opportunity to the students of English Master
of Business Administration. This partnership
Master of Caucasian Studies, Ilia State
allows ISU students to receive specialized
University, Georgia.
training in marketing and consumer
insights, along with the additional diploma
Ilia State University is also associated in Master of Arts in Business by the Austrian
partner of the European Politics and university. Austrian students acquire MBA
Society: Vaclav Havel Joint Master qualification from ISU. Student mobility is
Program, coordinated by the Charles financially supported within the Erasmus +
University in Prague (Czech Republic). KA107 projects.



* Per Year Graduation Party 2017

Iliauni Anniversary 2017 Science Picnic 2016

Iliauni Students’ Life Fair Iliauni Job Fair

Sports at Iliauni Sudents’ Expedition



Along with an extensive selection of
books by Georgian and foreign publishers
Ligamus provides space for variety of
public events, e.g. book presentations,
public lectures, etc.

Book House “Ligamus”


Iliauni Theater is Georgia’s the first

and only professional university theater
operating since 2010. The Iliauni Theater is
the best place for training and professional
growth of ISU Theater Education Center
students. The stage frequently features
other professional theater projects as well.

Iliauni Theater


ISU Library, open 78 hours per week,

provides easy-to-use and accessible
information resources by offering diverse
services to students and staff. Up to 4
million printed items, electronic catalogues
and electronic library, access to video
lectures and a number of academic and
scientific databases are offered in all 11
reading halls across the university campus.


Student Clubs are important part of

ISU student life. All students have the
opportunity to join or establish a club
according to their own interests and

Iliauni Student Clubs

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