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ICELT Semester: 1/2016

Supervised and Assessed Teaching 1 - Lesson plan

Candidate Name: Ligia Cristina Lima Santos Balbino Candidate Number: 01

Date Day Number of Ss Level Length

The 3rd of March, 2016. Thursday 21 Intermediate 50’


Main aim: By the end of this lesson, students will have had the opportunity to develop
listening skills for main ideas as well as details on the topic of tests used in selection

Sub aims: By the end of this lesson, students will be better able to express their
opinions on the topic of tests.

Aims (teacher)

By the end of this lesson, I expect to have strengthened group cohesion as well as
successfully helped my students to lower their affective filter when it comes to authentic
listening passages.


In order to collect evidence of skills development for main ideas, students will be asked to take
notes of the answer of a general question about psychometric tests. After discussing their
answers with peers, they will be asked to justify their choices with something they have heard
or have taken notes of, which will serve as an indicator of ability to listen for main ideas.
Besides, I expect at least 60% to be able to briefly say what psychometric tests are all about.
When it comes to listening for details, they will be able to identify the answers they were more
sure of and explain why. Then, I will ask whether they were able to answer correctly more than
half of the task. I will be provided with some evidence of development of the skill if around 60%
of the students answer “yes”. Also, there will be a post-listening activity in which students will
be asked an opinion question leading them to a reflection on the listening tasks.


As students are aiming towards CEF B2 level, I assume that they will be able to briefly justify
all their answers, not only when it comes to the discussions which are before and after the
listening passage but also concerning the questions related to the recording, both for gist and
detailed information. When justifying, they will be able to use expressions to give opinion and
simple present structures, as well as first conditional structure if they feel the need to. In
regards to lexis, they will most likely be able to use the some of the words that will have been
worked on the pre-listening activity. Based on our first lessons, students will participate
willingly in the activities, as they have already mentioned enjoying doing listening activities in
class. Finally, I assume that changing pairs will be a bit uncomfortable as they have already
gotten used to working with specific classmates.

Group Profile and Rationale

The group is composed of twenty-one students being twelve female students and nine male
students. They are a group of teenagers ranging from thirteen to sixteen years old. The vast
majority of them are in their middle teens. In pursuance of better knowing students and
obtaining information on their learning objectives, a needs analysis questionnaire was carried
out on the first day of class with nineteen attendees. Being quite young and still not being able
to use much of their spoken English, most of them mentioned the importance of English
(probably because of living in a globalized world) and the future applications at work of their
studies. A small amount of them responded that they are not sure about what their goals were.
Concerning learning ability, they seem to be a mixed group, despite having a pretty similar
background. Motivation appears to be just fair, although apparently some students consistently
try to drag it down. As it is common amongst younger learners, a weakness the group presents
is related to keeping up with the L2 use in class and better elaborating on their responses.
Also, learners tend to stick their previous knowledge of lexis when speaking, thus the need for
me to constantly ask them to use more sophisticated vocabulary. In reference to learning
styles, most of the learners seem to be visual and auditory, as some of them have mentioned
not particularly enjoying having to stand up during lessons. In order to cater for them, I plan on
having the book exercise on the board and focusing on the pair or trio interaction without much
movement. With a view to better catering for the majority of learners, I plan on having the
questions for discussions on the board for them to refer to, as well as a script of the audio just
in case it is needed for better clarification of answers. In order to start developing the
kinesthetic learning ability of the group, in the post-listening phase, learner’s will be asked to
stand up and sit next to different colleagues to find out if their opinions are similar or different.
To get different learners to participate, when wrapping up activities, I will nominate them to
answer the questions. Considering students’ roles in this lesson, they will assume a
collaborative role throughout the lesson. Therefore, they will be asked to share comprehension
of the passage, what they found out about their peers and if they agree, and what their opinion
about the topic is.

Topic / context

The topic of this lesson revolves around the theme of tests used when hiring people. Learners
will discuss whether they agree that psychometric tests are a good way of measuring one’s
ability for a job position.

Timetable fit

In the past lessons, the students have had the chance to discuss about different work cultures
and learned some expressions in English related to work in general. Also, they have gotten
better informed about codes of conduct at work in Britain and discussed codes of conduct at
work and school in their city in Brazil using passive constructions and common collocations
related to work in English. This lesson sets the scene for the upcoming lesson which is
focused on describing professions and abilities one must have for a given job position.
Therefore, there will be moments in this lesson in which students will be asked about which
professions demand which kind of test and why, so as to check students’ use of adjectives to
describe job positions.

Anticipated problems and solutions – Task and Classroom Management

Anticipated problem 1: Students might lack the language to carry out some speaking tasks.
Solution: I will elicit expressions to give opinion and remind them to paraphrase what they are
not sure of.

Anticipated problem 2: Students may not know what to say as an answer for the questions, as
the topic is not familiar.
Solution: I will allow them some moments to think before actually talking to their colleagues.

Anticipated problem 3: Students might find the listening for detail task challenging.
Solution: I will help students to develop a strategy for the task, asking questions related to
what word might complete the gap, thus what type of word is needed to complete the gap. If
they do not come up with any, I’ll provide them with an example and elicit what type of word it
is. Apart from that, I will have them compare what they understood with another classmate
before they listen a second time. In case most of them are still struggling with the listening
task, I will pause the audio at regular intervals when checking the answers.

Anticipated problem 4: There can be an electric blackout.

Solution: I will have a printed version of the audio script so that if .necessary I can read the
dialogue in order for students to be able to perform the tasks.

Anticipated problem 5: Learners might find instructions hard to cope with.

Solution: I will ask ICQs and get students to explain what they have to do when needed.
Examples: Do you need to take notes? (yes)
How many words do you need to write in each gap? (one)
When I play the audio, do you talk or take note? (take notes)

Anticipated problem 6: Students might not know how to answer to the question “How far do
you agree with…?”
Solution: I will elicit ways of answering the question before having students answering it in

Specific target sentences / vocabulary / functional exponents / pronunciation areas

Psychometric, measure, ability, personality, reasoning, match skills

Functional Language:
Language for expressing opinion: I think; I guess; In my opinion; To me, I believe that; I´d say

Language for expressing agreement/disagreement: I don´t agree at all; I agree completely; I

couldn’t agree more; I agree to some extent; You’ve got a point, I’m afraid I disagree.

Pronunciation areas:
Word stress and juncture of isolated phonemes to make the words: psychometric, measure
Language Analysis + Anticipated Problems and Solutions

Language analysis

Psychometric (taken from Cambridge Dictionaries Online)

Meaning: designed to show someone's personality, mental ability, opinions, etc.:
Pronunciation: /ˌsaɪkəʊˈmetrɪk /
Form: Adjective

Problem: Students might pronounce it as /ˌpsaɪkʌˈmetrɪk /

Solution: I plan to check if the “p” sound should be pronounced. If they say “yes”, they I will
visually demonstrate on the board that the “p” should be omitted when the word is pronounced,
crossing the letter. As for the second boldfaced sound above, I intend to drill the word and
check how it should be pronounced before the tasks.

Measure (taken from Oxford Dictionary Online)

Meaning: to find out the size, length, or amount of (something), to judge the importance, value,
or extent of (something), evaluate
Pronunciation: /ˈmeʒər/
Form: transitive verb

Problem: Students might not easily understand the meaning of the verb, because did not need
to use this word before in spoken production.
Solution: I intend to use Concept Checking Questions to help learners better understand the
If you measure, do you have a general idea or a more precise idea of something? (a more
precise idea)
Which document do schools use to have a more precise idea of student’s performance? (tests)

Meaning: the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a conclusion
or judgment, the ability of the mind to think and understand things in a logical way
Pronunciation /ˈriːzənɪŋ/
Form: Uncountable noun

Problem: Students may not have been exposed to the word and have difficulties to understand
the recording for not having understood the word.
Solution: Ask Concept Checking Questions if the problem arises.
Does this word refer to something physical or mental? (mental)
If you have good reasoning, do you think in a disorganised or logical way? (logical way)

I think /θɪŋk/
Problem: Students may mispronounce the verb, saying /fɪŋki:/ or /tɪŋki:/
Solution: I plan to monitor Students’ performance and give feedback both in an on the spot
fashion and in a delayed form.
Material / visual aids / texts / listening materials etc
Listening passage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMSNMvS9b4M
Pre-listening tasks: Adapted from Associação Cultura Inglesa de São Paulo material and :
DUMMENT, P., BENNE, R.R. & CROSSLEY, R. Aspire. Upper Intermediate Combined
Edition. National Geographic Learning, 2013.
While-listening and one of the post tasks: Associação Cultura Inglesa de São Paulo
Extra post tasks (flipchart): Made by myself
Lesson Plan - Procedures

Interaction pattern
Step Aim Activity / Procedures Materials Timing
Lead – in: T asks students if they remember what topic they have been talking T – Ss 9 minutes
about in the past lessons. (work)
1 (Appendix 1)
to generate T asks Ss if they like using their mobile phones.
T asks Ss whether they have many apps in their mobiles.
interest and T then tells Ss to imagine that they have created an app for mobiles
and became very successful. Following that, T tells Ss they need to
establish hire a personal assistant. T asks them which qualities they believe
context. they will look for in a personal assistant.
T allows Ss some time to think and take notes.
T tells Ss that they will now talk to other “geeks” and check if their
ideas about qualities which are important in a candidate, how to find
out about them and their opinion about the best practices are the
same or different from their colleagues’.
T elicits expressions to give opinion, agreeing and disagreeing before
the task.

Ss – Ss
T indicates with body language that they can start working in trios.

Ss ask and answer the questions in trios. T – Ss

T wraps up activity asking the “geeks” some ideas on ways of Ss – T

selecting workers.

T provides Ss with feedback on their spoken production. T – Ss

Engagement: T – Ss
T asks Ss if they have heard about psychometric tests.
to raise Ss
2 interest about T tells Ss they will work in pairs and will have only 30 seconds to try
the topic of to come up with the answers for the tests
(Appendix 2)
the lesson
and to pre- Students solve the tests in pairs.
teach the T – Ss 6 minutes
T congratulates Ss who have tried to answer the tests, and then asks
meaning of Flipchart
them to check if their feelings towards the activities are the same as
main topic of (Appendix 3)
their colleagues’.
the listening
passage. T asks Ss to ask each other questions to check that.
Ss ask each other the questions and T wraps up the activity naming 3
Ss – T Flipchart
students to answer if their feelings were similar or different from their
(Appendix 4)
T - Ss
T provides Ss with feedback on their spoken production.
Pre-listening: T asks Ss to remember the previous activities in the lesson. They are T – Ss
business people and some people use psychometric tests when 6 minutes
3 To link steps selecting.
of the lesson T tells Ss she wants to know their opinion on the role these tests play
and activate in selecting.
Ss schemata T elicits expressions to give opinion and reminds Ss they need to
justify their answers.
on the role
Ss ask and answer the question in pairs. S–S
psychometric Flipchart
tests may (Appendix 5)
T briefly wraps up activity by naming 3 students to speak their minds T – Ss
have in on the topic.
While T tells Ss they will listen to a man talking about these tests. T- Ss
listening 1
4 (listening for T asks Ss to try to answer the first question from the “While
viewing” section of the hand-out. T asks Ss to take notes on things
the person says to answer the question. T checks instruction
In order for asking ICQs: Reusable
Are you going to just listen or listen and take notes? (listen and hand-out 4
students to minutes
take notes) (Appendix 6)
have a better Can you write on this paper? (No)
comprehensi Ss listen to the passage and take notes in order to answer the Ss
on on the question.
topic of the
recording. T asks Ss to check their responses in pairs. S–S

T asks Ss their answer for the question and also words they have T – Ss
taken notes of that they can use to answer this question. Ss – T

While T asks Ss to now focus on the second exercise of the hand-out, in T – Ss Reusable set - 12
listening 2 which they have to listen to specific words to complete the gaps. part 2 minutes
5 (listening for T teaches Ss a predicting strategy, first asking them a possible (Appendix 6)
word to complete a gap and what type of word it is. Then asking
Ss what type of word may be needed for each gap.
To provide Ss T tells Ss that the words are spoken in a fast pace, but they do not
with an need to worry, as they are expected to be able to complete the
gaps after listening to the recording twice.
opportunity to
listen for T reminds Ss to write their answers on a separate piece of paper.
specific T plays the recording once. Ss compare their answers in pairs. S–S
T plays the recording for a second time. Ss compare their answers
in pairs.

T checks the answers with Ss.

If necessary, T shows Ss the script in which they can better
visualise the answers.

T asks the group if they could get more than half the answers T – Ss
Post- T – Ss Flipchart 6 minutes
listening: (Appendix 7)
6 T asks Ss to return their sets and proposes questions for Ss to
To provide Ss express their opinions on the topic.
with an T elicits from Ss ways of answering the “How far do you agree…?”
opportunity to question.
react to the
Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs. S–S
passage by T asks Ss to report back on their views. Ss – T
giving their
opinions on T provides Ss with feedback on their spoken production. T – Ss
a quote.

7 Post-listening T asks Ss to read the sentences on the board and take sides. T – Ss Flipchart 7 minutes
2: To provide (Appendix 8)
Ss with an T tells Ss they will give their opinions about the reliability of tests in
opportunity to order analyse one’s abilities.
talk about
T asks Ss to individually select which side is more similar to what their
tests in a view is and take notes on possible arguments they can use to support
broader their ideas.
sense, with
special focus Ss think of supporting arguments. Ss
on the
T pairs Ss up and Ss briefly debate the topic, checking if there is any S–S
point they both agree with.
of critical
thinking upon Ss discuss the topic in pairs.
their own T – Ss
reality. T asks Ss if there was any agreement.

T provides Ss with feedback.

Appendix 1

Adapted from Cultura Inglesa UI3_Lesson 3

Appendix 2
Appendix 3

Cultura Inglesa: UI3_Lesson 3

Appendix 4

Adapted from Aspire Upper Intermediate Book

Appendix 5

Cultura Inglesa: UI3_Lesson 3

Appendix 6

Cultura Inglesa: UI3_Lesson 3

Appendix 7

Adapted from Cultura Inglesa: UI3_Lesson 3

Appendix 8

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