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Icontess - M.noviansyah A. Pyrolysis of Sawdust Briquettes

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International Journal of Engineering &Technology, 5 (x) (2017) xxx-xxx

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET
Research paper, Short communication, Review, Technical paper

Characterization of Product from Pyrolysis Sawdust Briquettes

Based on Variation of Heating Rate and Gas Suction Using
Rocket Pyrolizer and Plastic Oil Burner
Muhammad Noviansyah Aridito1*, Wira Widyawidura1, Syamsul Ma’arif1, Wardoyo1, Muhammad Kismurtono2
Center of Energy and Environmental Studies,
Proklamasi 45 University
Proklamasi Street No. 1, Babarsari,Depok, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2 Research Unit for Natural Product Technology – Indonesian Institute of Sciences;

Wonosari Street, Km 31,5, Gading, Playen, Gunungkidul, Spesial Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: noviansyaharidito@up45.ac.id


Sawdust waste is currently widely used as raw material of biomass charcoal briquettes. Charcoal briquette of sawdust has a
strategic position as a source of renewable energy and reduce waste pollution so that it has a high demand in the global market. Indonesia
has abundant biomass potency so now start to grow sawdust briquette factory with production capacity 10-20 Ton / day. However, in the
production process of Charcoal Sawdust Briquette there are still some problems in production process.The study focused on the effect of
heating rate and gas suction of pyrolysis gas which can reduce the air emission using Rocket Pyrolizer with Plastic oil Burner. The re-
sults showed 500 grams of heating pyrolysis of sawdust briquettes with heating rate of 30 º C / min, 45 º C / min, 60 º C / min and gas
suction rate 5L/min with peak temperature of 900 º C for 1.5 hour resulting in a Charcoal Briquette of 154.48 gram - 170 , 31 gram or
about 30,79% - 34,02% wt and liquid product of liquid smoke between 229,55 gram - 340,51 gram or about 45,85% - 67,84% wt. The
physical characteristics of briquettes generally cracks at a temperature of 900ºC at a heating rate of 30ºC / min, 45ºC / min and 60ºC /
min. Based on Proximate test results showed the highest quality charcoal on sample D with the lowest heating rate and gas suction rate
5L/min. Sample D has the highest heating value of 7205.23 cal / g. The highest fixed carbon is 81.58% and the lowest volatile matter is
11.01%. Based on the research results, the slower the heating rate has the tendency of calorific value, fixed carbon, ash content and high-
er moisture content while the volatile matter is lower. Provision of gas suction rate gives the influence of the tendency of higher heating
value and fixed carbonnya while the volatile matter tend to be lower

Key Words: Sawdust Waste, Charcoal Briquette, Pyrolysis, Heating Rate, Gas Suction Rate

emissions during the banning process of social conflicts. It has

1. Introduction negative and negative impacts, environmentally and socially can
sustain the production of sawdust charcoal briquettes. It is during
Sawdust or wood powder waste is currently widely used as raw this framing that things often reject the product at the bottom of
material of biomass charcoal briquettes. Utilization of Wood Saw- the oven where the heat and heating rate is the highest. For that
dust into Charcoal Briquette supports the realization of the con- required research that is devoted to the process of pyrolysis with
cept of Waste for Energy and Fulfillment of new renewable ener- raw materials briquette biomass waste wood.
gy based biomass. Moreover, the current global trend encourages On the other hand, increasing the amount of plastic waste. Waste
the use of renewable energy. Sawdust charcoal briquettes have a prevention methods are environmentally friendly and have long-
strategic position as a source of renewable energy and reduce term prospects, for example by pyrolysis process. One of the ad-
waste pollution Have a fairly high demand in the global market. vantages of waste pyrolysis is the oil used to deal with non-
Indonesia has abundant biomass potential now starting to grow organic waste and the production of alternative fuels.
sawdust briquette plant with production capacity of 10-20 Ton / One solution that can be done is processed sawdust briquettes
day. However, in the production process Charcoal Sawdust Briket using fuel from plastic oils with pyrolysis rocket technology
still found some problems that is 1) There is always a product that where gas from powders briquette sawdust and digunaka to im-
is rejected when the process of making a waste into the waste; 2) prove fuel efficiency. The burner used for burning the burner is
shrinkage of mass and product volume of the results of the ban; 3) pressurized.
Duration The process of pengranagan about 3 Days; and 4) Gas
Copyright © 2016Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

To overcome the impact of its contamination, sawdust waste is taining the sawdust briquettes. This process utilizes Heat transfer
now widely used as raw material of biomass charcoal briquettes. at the rocket stove combustion chamber so that the sawdust bri-
This is supported by the government's policy on energy generation quettes get enough warming for the pyrolysis to a temperature
of renewable resources in accordance with the EBT strategic plan. inside the retort above 500C. Thermocouple K type is installed in
In addition, the utilization of Wood Sawdust (Sawdust) to Char- a combustion chamber and retort room containing sawdust bri-
coal Briquette supports the realization of the concept of Waste to quettes
Energy and the fulfillment of renewable energy based on biomass.
Moreover, the current global trend encourages the use of renewa-
ble energy.
Sawdust biomass also has a specific character that is attached by
its own lignin due to compression and heating during extrusion /
printing process. During the process of overturning, overheating
rates are possible to damage the lignin bonding of the sawdust
briquettes so that the char yield becomes cracked, but a low rate of
warming may make the production process longer.
For that we need a technology test that is more efficient
and environmentally friendly. The tested technology is Twin Re-
tort combined with Rocket Stove heating system. This Pyrolysis
technology uses two interconnected reactors in its pyrolysis gas
channel. Gas Pyrolysis is used for self-heating energy source
which can be controlled through valve and gas holder. This tech-
nology system enables emission of pyrolysis gas to be used as
energy source (semi-autothermal) so it is more energy efficient. In
addition, the rocket stove reactor design allows the heat to propa- Fig.1 Rocket Pyrolizer model twin retort design
gate more evenly from the bottom to the top of the reactor making
it more efficient. Utilization of the suction blower will facilitate
the capture of pyrolysis gas and has a tendency to affect the pyrol- Rocket Pyrolyzer is adopted from hookway pyrolysis concept.
ysis process. Vacuum pyrolysis generally uses a suction blower. Briquette is loaded into the retort. Plastic oil burner will heated the
Variations in the rate of heating and the pyrolysis gas suction rate area of retort up to 900⁰C based on pressure and valve control.
will result in certain operating conditions of the sawdust briquette The variation of heating rate is controlled by preesure and nozzle
pyrolysis process. To obtain the optimal condition, deep research valve. Pyrolysis gas suction controlled using blower and valve of
is required with these two variables in order to reduce the potential gas pipe. Thermocouple installed in the retort to monitor the tem-
of solid waste from reject charcoal briquettes and pyrolysis gas perature.
This study focused on the factors that affect the process
of charcoal briquettes charcoal sawdust the rate of heating and
pyrolysis gas suction rate. The use of Twin Retort-Rocket
StovePirolizer (TRRS Pirolizer) technology for pyrolysis process
is expected to minimize the smoke, accelerate the process, and
warm up more evenly so that research is needed on factors that
affect the process and product. The research results will support
the implementation of technology utilization for clean production
(cleaner production) so it is expected the industry in waste pro-
cessing especially waste to energy can minimize waste even ex-
pected to zero waste. In addition, the results of the research is
expected to obtain information characteristic of the process of
optimal conditions of the process and product characteristics of
the utilization technology Twin Retort Pirolisis with Rocket Stove
Heating System so that it can be applied to Charcoal Sawdust
Briquette Industry. Implementation of this technology is expected
to have positive impacts as economic, social and environmental
added value to become Leverage Factor / Leverage Factor to to- Fig. 2. Scheme of Rocket Pyrolizer: Thermocouple 2. Retort for
wards Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development) Briquette 3. Rocket Stove (Burning zone) 4. Pyrolysis Gas Pipe 5.
Burner 6. Plastic oil container and gas holder 7. Blower 8. Con-
densable gas holder

2. Method
2.2. Variable of Recearch
The study was conducted at the Center for Energy and Environ-
mental Studies of the University of Proclamation 45 Yogyakarta. The research variables used were the heating rate of 30⁰C / min,
Wood powder waste briquettes were obtained from the Export 45 ⁰C / min, and 60 ⁰C / min until it reaches peak temperature and
Wooden Briquette Factory in the Klaten area of Central Java In- retained for the total time of pyrolysis 1,5 hours (90 minutes). The
donesia. Cylindrical wood powder briquette with a length of 40cm retort is filled to the full six-cylinder sawdust briquettes cut into 2
and a diameter of 10cm. with a length of 20cm where the mass is about 500g. The gas suc-
tion rate used is 5L / min.
2.1. Rocket Pyrolizer
The independent variable in this study is the rate of heating and
The Pyrolysis process adopted the pyrolysis rocket method in the pyrolysis gas suction rate of briquette biomass. Free Variable
which the raw material is inserted in airtight retort chamber and ie Rate of Heating at Rate 10 ºC / Minute, 40ºC / Minutes and
the central part of the retort is fired with a cylindrical L-shaped 80ºC / Minutes. The suction rate of pyrolysis gas is 144 dm3 / min
rocket stove system so that the fire does not enter the retort con- and 288dm3 / min and control variable without gas suction
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 3

rate.The dependent variable is Characteristic of physical and

chemical charcoal and biooil. Characteristics of Charcoal Brickets Table 2:Characteristic of Pyrolysis Process
in the form of cracking, shrinking size / volume, mass penyustan,
Gross Heating Value / Calor Value, Fixed Carbon and Ash Con- No Sample Process Consumption Temperature Pres-
tent. Control variables used as comparisons are samples without a Time of Plastic Oil (⁰C) sure
pyrolysis gas suction process. (Hours) (liters) (Bar)
1 A (Heating rate 1.5 2,4 892 5,4
The sawdust briquette material is inserted in both pyrolysis reac-
30⁰ C)
tors. Ensure that the locks (nuts and bolts) are securely attached so
that no gas leak occurs. Cover with silicon. Close All valves ex- 2 B (Heating rate 1.5 2,7 904 5,3
cept flow to gas holder. Turn on / reheat one of the reactors with 45⁰ C)
the burning of the burner. Attach to the smallest flame. The pyrol- 3 C (Heating rate 1.5 2,6 898 5,2
ysis process lasts for 1.5 hours, the first half hour of pyrolysis gas 60⁰ C)
can begin. If the pyrolysis gases are exhausted in the second reac-
4 D (Heating rate 1.5 2,1 909 5,3
tor so that the pyrolysis process occurs on the second reactor. Fur-
thermore, the second reactor will produce pyrolysis gas which is 30⁰C with gas
then used to heat the first reactor so that the burner can be suction)
switched off. Measure the heating temperature and time with a 5 E (Heating rate 45 1.5 2,0 892 5,4
heating rate of about 30C / min until it reaches a temperature of ⁰C with gas
900 C and is maintained at that temperature until the entire pro-
cess ends. The suction blower is switched on with the smallest
6 F (Heating rate 1.5 2,2 901 5,3
valve so that the lowest suction blower rate is about 5 liters / min.
Record all measurements until the process is complete. Charcoal 60⁰ C with gas
Briquettes are then tested for their characteristic in the Heat Trans- suction)
fer Laboratory and Mass PAU UGM. The experiment was repeat-
ed on the material samples B, C, D, E and F as well as the sample
The pressure on the burner is generally within the range of 5 bars.
control without gas suction rate with the same experimental pro-
The processing time used is 1.5 Hours for all samples. The peak
cedure at a Heating Rate of 45 C / Minute and 60 C / Minute
temperature of this process also revolves around the 900C range in
the combustion chamber. The difference in yield is on fuel con-
sumption. The pyrolysis process with the gas suction rate requires
less fuel consumption than the pyrolysis process which is not giv-
3. Result en the gas suction rate although the difference is not too far away.

The pyrolysis process is carried out using pyrolysis-based plastic 3.2. Characteristic of Charcoal Briquette from Sawdust
oil from Aluminum foil-coated polyethylene plastic (Al-PE)
commonly used as a container for snacks and instant drinks. The Pyrolysis results in the form of wood charcoal briquettes. The
plastic pyrolysis process is carried out at various heating rate results of all samples are then analyzed by mass, proximate and
ranges and produces the characteristics of Al-PE plastic oils as in calorific values. This is the result of mass analysis and the mass
table: decrease in each sample.
Table 1:Characteristic of Polyethylene –Aluminium (Al-PE) Plastic Oil
Pyrolysis Table 3:Characteristic Mass of Charcoal Briquette

No Type Examination Unit Result of Exam- Inspection No Sample Mass of Massa Reduction
of Persentage

ination Method Sawdust Charcoal Mass (%) Yield (%)

Briquette (gram)
1 Specific Gravity at - 0,7651 – 0,7987 ASTM D
60/60 °F 1298 (gram)
2 Viscosity Kinematic mm2/s 0,861 – 1,064 IKU/5.4/TK- 1. A (Heating rate 30⁰ 501,06 167,29 66,61 33,39
at 40 °C 02
3 Gross Heating BTU/ 19932 – 20075 Calculated
Value lb 2. B (Heating rate 45⁰ 500,78 169,10 66,23 33,77
4 API Gravity - 45.6 – 53.4 Calculated C)
5 Pour Point °C < -30 ASTM D 97 3. C (Heating rate 60⁰ 500,65 170,31 65,98 34,02
6 Flash Point COC °C 16,0 – 19,0 ASTM D 92 C)
4. D (Heating rate 30⁰C 501,71 154,48 69,21 30,79
with gas suction)
5. E (Heating rate 45 501,94 160,22 68,08 31,92
3.1. Characteristic of Pyrolysis Proses ⁰C with gas suction)
6. F (Heating rate 60⁰ 502,18 163,80 67,38 32,62
The pyrolysis process is carried out at the same time ie 90 minutes
C with gas suction)
as a control. Rocket pyrolysis uses heating from the outside of a
plastic oil-burner burner. This pyrolysis will produce emissions of
recycled gas back into the burner. In general, pyrolysis fuel gas Based on Table 3 it can be seen that in general, the whole sample
starts to appear at minute 15. this table characteristic of pyrolysis yields a charcoal mass of about 1/3 part or about 30%. However, if
rocket process in general. analyzed there are several trends of a tendency where the process
of pyrolysis with lower heating rate produces less charcoal of
sawdust briquette charcoal. In addition, the pyrolysis process with
the gas suction rate produces a smaller carbon mass than the py-
rolysis process without the gas suction rate.
4 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Table 4:Result of Proximate Analysis of Charcoal from Pyrolysis

of Sawdust Briquette 81.6
No Sample GHV Fixed Ash Volatile Mosi-
(cal/gram) Carbon Content Matter ture
(%) (%) (%) Content 81
80.8 Without Gas
80.6 Suction

1. A (Heating 80.4 Gas Suction

7067.25 80.90 6.27 11.88 0.92 80.2
rate 30⁰ C)
2. B (Heating 79.8
7013.15 80.60 6.27 12.23 0.89 79.6
rate 45⁰ C)
Heating Rate Heating Rate Heating Rate
30 C 45 C 60C
3. C (Heating
rate 60⁰ C) 6907.11 80.38 6.23 12.52 0.88
Fig 4. Effect of Heating Rate and Gas Suction on Fixed Carbon of Char-
4. D (Heating coal Sawdust Briquette
rate 30⁰C 7205.23 81.58 6.38 11.01 1.01

with gas 3.4. Effect of Gas Suction

5. E (Heating
Based on the results of laboratory tests, at the rate of suction py-
7153.31 81.42 6.36 11.26 0.96
rolysis gas shows that in general there is a trend of higher heating
rate 45 ⁰C
value in pyrolysis process given the rate of the suction gas. a high-
with gas er heating value is generated in pyrolysis given a gas suction rate
suction) in which the charred mass is lower, higher carbon values and low-
6. F (Heating er volatile matter indicating that charcoal has a better quality.
rate 60⁰ C 7107.88 81.23 6.31 11.51 0.93

with gas 13
12 Without Gas
11.5 Suction
3.3. Effect of Heating Rate
11 Gas Suction
Based on the results of laboratory tests obtained information that
the calorific value of the product shows a trend and a higher ten- 10.5
dency at a lower heating rate. At lower heating rates the carbon 10
values tend to be higher and the lower volatile matter values pro- Heating Heating Heating
duce higher calorific values. The mass of sawdust briquette char- Rate 30C Rate 45C Rate 60C
coal at lower heating rate tends to be lower. The relationship be-
tween mass, fixed carbon and volatile matter to calorific values Fig 5. Effect of Heating Rate and Gas Suction on Volatile Matter of Char-
indicates some conformity ie higher heating value produced at coal Sawdust Briquette
lower heating rates where charcoal mass is lower, higher carbon
values and lower volatile matter indicating that charcoal has a
quality better. 4. Conclusion
The product of sawdust briquette pyrolysis based on variation of
heating rate and gas suction rate in rocket pyrolizer is charcoal
7250 briquettes with various characteristics. Rocket Pyrolizer using
7200 Plastic Oil as fuel. Plastic oil consumption for 1.5 hours in pyroly-
sis rocket pyrolizer ranges from 2.2 to 2.7 liters at a buner pressure
of 5.1 - 5.4 bar. The use of plastic oil contribute to the waste to
Without Gas energy process.
7000 Suction The results show 500 grams of heating pyrolysis of sawdust bri-
Gas Suction quettes with heating rate of 30 º C / min, 45 º C / min, 60 º C / min
and gas suction rate 5L / min with peak temperature of 900 º C for
1.5 hour resulting in a Charcoal Briquette of 154.48 grams - 170,
31 grams or about 30.79% - 34.02% wt and liquid product of liq-
Heating Rate Heating Rate Heating Rate
uid smoke between 229.55 grams - 340,51 grams or about 45,85%
30 C/min 45 C/min 60 C/min - 67,84 % wt. The physical characteristics of briquettes generally
crack at a temperature of 900ºC at a heating rate of 30ºC / min,
45ºC / min, and 60ºC / min. Physical characteristics of liquid
Fig 3. Effect of Heating Rate and Gas Suction on Heating Value (Calorivic products have a dark brownish color and tend to thick. Based on
Value) of Charcoal Sawdust Briquette
Proximate test results show the highest quality charcoal in sample
D with the lowest heating rate and gas suction rate 5L / min. Sam-
ple D has the highest heating value of 7205.23 cal / g. The highest
fixed carbon is 81.58% and the lowest volatile matter is 11.01%.
Based on the research results, the slower the heating rate has the
tendency of calorific value, fixed carbon, ash content and higher
moisture content while the volatile matter is lower. Provision of
gas suction rate gives the influence of the tendency of higher heat-
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 5

ing value and fixed carbonyl while the volatile matter tend to be

This research was supported/partially supported by Reseach Pro-
gram from Ministry of Higher Education and Research . We thank
our colleague from Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory, Gadjah
Mada University and also Indonesian Institute of Science, Yogya-
karta who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted the
research, although they may not agree with all of the interpreta-
tions/conclusions of this paper.

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