Mesi 1.0
Mesi 1.0
Mesi 1.0
Published By:
Retrieval Number: D5170118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5170.118419 6534 & Sciences Publication
Electricity Supply Industry Reform in Malaysia: Current State and Way Forward
II. MESI 1.0 REFORM INITIATIVE TNB. The GSO is also a ring-fenced department within
TNB, which is responsible for the operational planning,
The objectives of MESI 1.0 are to achieve secure and
real-time re-scheduling, dispatch and control of the grid
reliable supply of energy, to have economically competitive
system in compliance with the provisions of the grid code.
tariffs, to be environmentally sustainable and to improve
The grid code is a technical specification, which defines the
customer satisfaction/choice. Based on the objectives, nine
parameters an electricity generating plant and grid system
reform initiatives were planned as listed below in no
network have to meet to ensure proper functioning of the
particular order of importance [2].
electrical grid. The GSO is also responsible for the
● Gradual phasing-out of gas subsidy with stabilization
coordination of all parties that are connected to the grid
system, which comprises systems of generation,
● Incentive-based electricity tariff regulation with
transmission and distribution of electricity covering larger
regulatory accounts unbundling, performance
network across countries or continents. The SB and GSO
incentive scheme and imbalance cost pass-through
departments report directly to the Energy Commission (EC).
With this implementation, the sixth reform initiative above
● Competitive framework for new generation capacity
was addressed to certain extent.
● IPP generation efficiency savings sharing framework
● Generation fuel security policy framework
● Ring-fencing of single buyer and system operator with
market rules and regulatory oversight
● Gas third party access framework
● Enhanced time-of-use (ETOU) and cost-reflective
tariffs framework
● New enhanced dispatch arrangement (NEDA)
The need to implement the first initiative is obvious, as
subsidization was found to be the main reason that causes
MESI to underperform. All other initiatives are basically
derived due to the need to address the subsidization issues.
One of the first tasks of My Power was to revise the
controversial power purchase agreements (PPAs) with the
IPPs. This has resulted in a more transparent process of Fig. 1 MESI reform to the present model [2]
awarding contracts to the new IPPs being implemented
Moving on, incentive based regulation (IBR) was
through competitive bidding beginning 2010, and
introduced in 2014 as part of the reform agenda, with built
renegotiation with the existing IPPs. Competitive bidding
in incentives to improve efficiency of regulated entities and
and renegotiation should address the third and the fourth
to give greater transparency for customers with respect to
initiatives. In an effort to improve the industry structure, the
the electricity tariffs. Its prerequisite was the setting up of
managed market model (M3) proposed by the Boston
the ring-fenced SB and GSO described earlier. The IBR
Consulting Group in an earlier study was revisited and
started with the unbundling of the accounts of the entities
revived by My Power [1]. As a result, the single buyer (SB)
within TNB to establish a transparent and accountable
and the grid system operator (GSO) departments were
process. The vertically structured TNB management was
introduced into the MESI structure in 2012, both of which
broken down into five entities, namely TNB Generation
were carved out from TNB. The SB department is
(TNBG), TNB Transmission (TNBT), Single Buyer (SB),
responsible for the least cost dispatch scheduling, managing
Grid System Operator (GSO), and Customer Service (CS).
the PPAs and the settlement process [1]. The single buyer
Each entity keeps its own regulatory account, which allows
model differs from the conventional monopoly model in that
the regulator to break up components in the tariff. The IBR
the generation sector is divided into several economically
provides a systematic way to incentivize or penalize power
independent power generating companies [3]. They
utilities based on a set of performance indicators. The
compete with one another to sell electricity to the single
implementation of IBR in Malaysia is driven by the
buyer. Since the IPPs have already co-existed with the TNB
following needs.
Generation at the time, transition into the single buyer
• For the consumers to have electricity prices at par with
model seemed to be the most straightforward and least
the standard and quality of service they receive,
disruptive to be implemented in MESI. However, it is also
• For the TNB to ensure a fair rate of return and
regarded as an ‘imperfect competition’ because there is only
• For the government to develop a transparent economic
one buyer. Thus, the model is exposed to negative
regulation for TNB, as well as to promote efficiency.
consequences such as being prone to corruption, weakening
The IBR came together with the implementation of the
payment discipline and imposing large contingent liabilities
Imbalance Cost Past Through (ICPT), a mechanism that
on the government [4]. To alleviate such consequences and
allows adjustments to be made in consumers’ electricity
taking into consideration that the SB department is still part
of the TNB, it is being ‘ring-fenced’ as shown in Fig. 1.
This in principal means separation of its account as well as
its operations, although ownership wise, it still belongs to
Published By:
Retrieval Number: D5170118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5170.118419 6535 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019
bills every six months. Thus, consumers will no longer be efficient with the cost elements from the separate entities
enjoying a fixed rate for a long period of time. Under the shown.
IBR, the rate billed to the consumers is made up of two In July 2015, the Electricity Supply (Amendment) Act
components, the base tariff and the ICPT (Fig. 2). The base 2015 (Act A1501), which is an upgrade of the Electricity
tariff is made up of the CAPEX and OPEX of transmission, Supply Act (ESA) 1990, was passed by the Parliament. The
distribution, GSO and SB operation, return on regulated amended act allows the functions of the SB and the GSO to
assets for transmission, distribution, GSO and SB be separated from the TNB. This means creating a
operations, transmission and customer services, as well as demarcation to separate the activities, assets, costs,
the power purchase cost charged by the generators to SB [5]. revenues, service obligations and functions of the SB and
The base tariff is derived based on the fuel price assumption. GSO from those of licensees (such as Independent Power
For example, effective 1st January 2014, the base tariff is Producers or IPPs) to ensure independence and enhance
38.53 seen/kWh based on the fuel price assumption of transparency and competition. This is another step ahead
US$87.50 (RM337.3)/tone for coal, RM41.68/mmBtu for for SB and GSO en route to becoming independent single
liquefied natural gas (LNG) and RM15.20/mmBtu for buyer (ISB) and independent grid system operator (IGSO)
domestic gas. The adjustment is made from the base tariff as originally planned. To further streamline the role of the
with respect to the uncontrollable cost (changes in prices of SB entity, the new enhanced dispatch arrangement (NEDA)
fuel for electricity generation, costs associated with PPAs & rules were launched in October 2015. NEDA is meant to be
service level agreements (SLAs) and RE displaced costs). an avenue that enhances competition and cost efficiency of
The adjustments produce varying rates of a rebate or the single buyer market. It incentivises the power
surcharge to reflect the cost. Thus, movements in the prices generators to be more efficient. With NEDA, the generators
of imported gas and coal prices, as well as domestic gas in that have signed the PPAs are allowed to compete based on
the previous six months, will be reflected as a rebate or their variable operating rates (VOR), rather than the fixed
surcharge in the following six months, subject to rate in the PPAs or SLAs. As a result, the generators can
government approval. decide if they want to bid for a VOR that is lower than their
PPAs/SLAs, in exchange for more dispatch (generation
supply). Hence, power plants that are better managed and
more efficient will be able to make more money at the
expense of their less competitive peers. This however will
not affect the capacity payment. Beginning the first quarter
of 2016, non-PPA generators are also allowed to compete in
the new system of competitive daily bidding for electricity
prices. By opening up electricity supply to power
generators with existing and expired agreements, NEDA
will help to push down the cost of electricity in the country.
It therefore addresses the last reform initiative on the list.
On the 4th of November 2015, the EC invited
representatives from the industry to its headquarters in
Fig. 2 Base tariff and ICPT in the IBR framework [5]
Putrajaya for a briefing on the introduction of the enhanced
The implementation of ICPT was put under what is called time of use (ETOU) tariff and amendments to the special
the regulatory period from January 2015 to December 2017 industrial tariff (SIT). Time of Use (TOU) tariff aims to
(RP1). Although the base tariff is fixed for the regulatory encourage efficient energy usage as well as mitigate against
period of three years, the actual rates paid by the consumers increasing electricity bills to the customers. TOU is
will vary under this mechanism. The rebate is therefore not established primarily for the demand side management to
in any way permanent. Should a surcharge kicks in to encourage mid peak and off peak consumption and to
compensate for changes in the fuel cost, this too would be discourage peak consumption. TOU encourages customers
adjusted in the next review. Seven cycles of ICPT for RP1 to use energy in an efficient manner by using less energy
were announced from the period of March 2015 to during peak hours or by shifting the activity out of the peak
December 2017 involving rebates. Rebates of 2.25 sen/kWh hours. With the TOU, customers are able to control their
was announced in 2015, and 1.52 sen/kWh in 2016 and bills through own consumption, by shifting usage of
2017. The next regulatory period (RP2) has started and will electricity to time of the day when rates are cheaper, hence
cover the next three year period from January 2018 to reducing the monthly bills. It also encourages energy
December 2020. The determined base tariff for RP2 is efficiency practices among customers. With the enhanced
39.45 sen/kWh [6]. The first cycle six-month cycle from TOU, a number of improvements are made, including the
January to June 2018 involves rebate of 1.52 sen/kWh while introduction of the three time zones (peak, off peak and mid
for the second cycle from July to December 2018, a peak) instead of two (peak and off peak) in the existing
surcharge of 1.35 sen/kWh is imposed. Currently, the TOU. The previously 14 hours of peak time zone is now
electricity charges billed to the customers are still in the divided into 4 hours of peak time zone and 10 hours of mid
form of a ‘bundled tariff’ comprising sum of transmission,
system operator, single buyer and customer service tariff. In
the future, the bill will be made more transparent and
Published By:
Retrieval Number: D5170118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5170.118419 6536 & Sciences Publication
Electricity Supply Industry Reform in Malaysia: Current State and Way Forward
peak time zone effective 1st January 2016. This reflects as the formation of a regulatory body called the Sustainable
more savings on the customers’ side. The ETOU tariff is Energy Development Authority (SEDA) as a result of the
also offered to the industrial low voltage (LV) customers. introduction of the Renewable Energy Act 2011 to oversee,
The SIT has been implemented since 1996. As of end of inter alia, the implementation of the feed in tariff (FiT)
2015, the total SIT discount was estimated at RM 6,185.4 scheme. The FiT scheme enables companies and house
million. However, the SIT discount was gradually reduced owners to produce RE and sell it to the grid. The four RE
by 2% every year beginning 1st January 2016 until 2020 [7]. resources that are eligible for FiT are biogas, biomass, small
With regard to fuel security, a number of policies have hydropower and solar photovoltaic (PV). TNB and SESB
been developed to ensure its prolonged and efficient use. (the FiT scheme has yet to cover Sarawak) are obligated
Electricity generation in Malaysia largely relies on fossil under the Renewable Energy Act 2011 to accept the power
fuels, which are costly. Currently, coal and gas constitute into the grid. As a result, despite underachieving,
40% and 55% respectively of the total generation mix in improvement can be seen where in 2014, RE accounts for up
Peninsular Malaysia while the rest is from hydro. Although to 243 MW of installed capacity that mostly come from
there is a lot of hydro potential in Sabah and Sarawak, land solar energy [10].
cleared for dams is not the long-term solution to meet the Finally, the reform initiatives are not only limited to
nation’s power needs. Thus, the later policies concerning matters that are directly related to the electricity, but also the
the fuel security are seen focusing on the renewable with the resources used to generate it. Similar competition is also
latest being the National Renewable Energy Policy and envisaged for the gas market in Malaysia. One way to
Action Plan 2010. In 2001, the Five Fuel Policy was achieve this is through the implementation of the third party
enacted as part of the 8th and subsequently 9th Malaysia access (TPA) system that enables the third parties to access
Plan, which adds RE sources to the national mix. With this, gas facilities that they do not own or operate. In pursuance
the government has identified RE as the nation’s fifth fuel to this matter, the Gas Supply (Amendment) Bill 2016,
after oil, gas, coal and hydro. Subsequently, a plan has been which is an act that amends the Gas Supply Act (GSA)
drafted whereby RE should account for 5% share of the 1993, was passed in the Parliament on 14 June 2016 and
energy mix by 2005, which was retained for 2010 due to the came into effect on 16 January 2017 to provide the legal
failure to achieve the set target. However, only 0.3% and framework for the TPA system? It aims to ensure gas
8.3% of the targets were achieved at the end of 2005 and security in Malaysia by liberalizing the sector and allowing
2010 respectively [8]. As at 2012, 11 years after the the third party operators to import, regasify, transport,
introduction of the Five Fuel Policy, there are only 41.5 distribute, ship, retail via licensee pipe and use natural gas.
MW planted up using landfill gas and empty fruit bunch There are three main objectives of the amended act which
from the palm oil industry. In a survey done involving RE are to allow third parties to access gas infrastructure for the
developers, palm oil millers, RE project funders, relevant supply of gas to consumers, to promote healthy competition
government agencies and IPPs, the following were found to in the gas supply industry, and to enable gas consumers to
be the reasons for the slow acceptance of RE generation in benefit from the competitive prices, better services and
Malaysia [9]. enhance sustainability. Currently, there are three types of
1. The government was not keen to subsidies RE gas facilities that fall under the scope of the TPA system,
generations and leave it to the private sector to be the namely the regasification terminals, transmission pipelines
prime movers and distribution pipelines. With the TPA system in place, it
2. The monopolistic government linked utility company is envisaged that there will be healthy competition among
themselves are not keen as the capacity of RE the players, thus ensuring reliable and sustainable gas supply
generations tends to be small (less than 10 MW) and the to the consumers.
margin is small
3. Feedstock owners themselves are not keen as III. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
alternative usage gives better yield
With the nine reform initiatives as the basis and the four
Other barriers to the implementation of the five fuel
MESI 1.0 objectives to be achieved, numerous changes have
policy in Malaysia are found to be the lack of agreement and been taking place in MESI for the past ten years. These
knowledge as well as barriers from the perspectives of changes are affecting its market structure, governance, the
technology, economic, social and political [8]. Despite the electricity tariff and fuel security. Based on the elaboration
slow progress and the missed targets, Malaysia is far from of the initiatives above, the objectives that are directly
giving up on RE. In fact, the target was optimistically addressed by the implementation of each reform initiative
increased to 5.5% (985MW) by 2015 and by 2020; the target are summarised in Table 1. From the table, it can be seen
is for the RE to comprise 11% or 2,080MW of the overall that some initiatives are intertwined where one initiative that
electricity generation in the country. The set targets come primarily impacts one objective may secondarily impact the
together with the supporting initiatives to realise them, such other objective.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: D5170118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5170.118419 6537 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019
Published By:
Retrieval Number: D5170118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5170.118419 6538 & Sciences Publication
Electricity Supply Industry Reform in Malaysia: Current State and Way Forward
however, an elusive target due to the many parameters at more than 40%, especially in Sabah and Sarawak, needs
involved and different methods used in measuring to be reviewed and possibly reduced. Peninsular Malaysia
efficiency. MESI reform has also thus far been focusing on used to have surplus capacity peaked at all time high of 56%
improving the efficiency in terms of the governance, in 2003, 53% in 2009 and between 31% and 45% in the
industry structure, fuel supply and security, and tariff. In period from 2001 to 2013, ‘thanks’ to the PPAs signed with
MESI 2.0, additional measures to improve efficiency are the IPPs that is making the TNB obliged to purchase the
seen such as extending the market-based competition generated electricity by the IPPs in any case of the reserve
throughout the value chain and increasing the cross border margin. Although the comfortable margins can guarantee
trade. At the moment, competition, if any, is only present at uninterrupted electricity supply to the consumers, i.e.
the generation (upstream) level. MESI is currently adopting reliability, the unused energy will still be wasted. Not to
the single buyer market model where the power producers mention that the generating cost of this unused power will
are selling the generated electricity to the single buyer with somehow be transferred to the consumers. However, with
little competition amongst them. In fact, with the signed the reform initiative that imposed competitive bidding for
PPAs, competition is perhaps almost non-existent. Each new IPPs commencing 2010 and renegotiation with existing
power producer will get the chance to ‘sell’ their generated IPPs, the reserve margin can be seen reduced to 25% in
electricity at the price agreed in their respective PPAs. In 2014 but increased slightly to 26% in 2015. In a more
MESI 2.0, the competition is expected to be made more drastic move recently, four IPPs have been discontinued
extensive with the presence of more industry players [14] while four others are being put under review, an act that
(retailers) to bid and purchase electricity from the power is said to be able to save RM1.26 billion in electricity tariffs
producers. Thus, the single buyer model will be changed to [15].
a more competitive wholesale electricity market model. Statistical information on RE presented earlier also shows
With this too, competition is going to be extended beyond that MESI performance with respect to the energy produced
the generation level along the value chain. Retailers who from the renewable sources is below the set target. Energy
purchase the electricity from the power producers in the production is still heavily dependent on oil and under the
wholesale market will be selling it to the end users, i.e. four-fuel policy that aims to diversify electricity sources;
consumers, who should be allowed to choose their preferred gas power generation has been rapidly expanded. In recent
retailers, thus creating competition at the retail level, i.e. the years, coal has replaced gas as the largest electricity source
retail market. With such unbundling, MESI will move a few and this does not improve the RE situation in any way. In
steps closer towards the liberalisation of its electricity fact, it leaves a major future challenge on the electricity
supply industry. generation mix that Malaysia should choose to meet the
With regard to the cross border trade, having a growing electricity demand while at the same time
competitive electricity market with many buyers and sellers, considering the environmental load, energy security and
including those from the neighboring countries, is another economic efficiency. At the current production rate,
option that can help to propel towards efficiency, and reserve-to-production ratios of the oil and gas are showing
unbundling is the prerequisite to such competitive market the signs of depletion. Oil is expected to last for another 30
[13]. The power exchange market is made possible after the years, while gas may hold for about 40 years more.
extensive unbundling of the electricity supply industry with Malaysia therefore needs to restructure its electricity
many sellers (producers) and many buyers (transmission generation mix to cater for the aforementioned challenges of
system operators, distributors and retailers/suppliers) joining climate change and diminishing fossil fuels. Amongst the
the market. Malaysia can start small with regard to such options that Malaysia has is to consider nuclear power
market, just like the Nord Pool that started initially with generation. In fact, the government has laid plans to
Norway, and later joined by Sweden and other countries. At commission a 2.0 GW nuclear power plant scheduled to be
the moment, transmission grid that connects Malaysia with in operation by 2030. However, the Fukushima Daiichi
its neighboring countries is already in place and Malaysia is nuclear disaster in 2011 had increased the awareness and
already selling electricity to Indonesia and buying from concerns of the Malaysians on the inherent risks of a nuclear
Laos and Singapore. Through the market and the grid, power plant and implementing the plans is expected to be
surplus capacity can be exported to other countries and vice not easy. Thus there is a need to explore other long term
versa, hence keeping energy waste in the region to the sustainable options for power generation in Malaysia that
minimum. are also safe.
This has left Malaysia with only one option, the RE,
V. FUTURE PROOFING STRUCTURE, which, as described above, is showing an extremely slow
REGULATIONS AND KEY PROCESSES progress despite the enactment of the five fuel
diversification policy. Therefore, the RE power generation
Future proofing the industry essentially means ensuring
needs to be expanded with the necessary costs, grid and
the sustainability of the industry. In this regard, improving
structure modifications, and other measures taken into
the efficiency should also be considered from the
account. Another reason that strongly supports the move
perspective of the effective use of resources, in view of the
towards RE is the need to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO 2)
depleting fossil fuels and the limited opportunity for RE in
Malaysia, that is, how much of the produced electricity is
actually consumed and how much goes to waste. The
current electricity reserve margin, which stands on average
Published By:
Retrieval Number: D5170118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5170.118419 6539 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019
Published By:
Retrieval Number: D5170118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5170.118419 6540 & Sciences Publication
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: D5170118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5170.118419 6541 & Sciences Publication