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What Is Vastu Shastra

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What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu means that which is real a real one. It means a house or a nest
or a dwelling place. That which relates to this kind of Shastra is called
Vaastu Shastra. it has no match, it gives man infinite pleasures, it
wipes out man's (sins or misdeeds), it provides man with suitable
measurements to build his house, it gives knowledge of environmental
and climatic conditions of a site, it provides knowledge of a dwelling
place, land, village, dweilling house, double-storied house, a well and a
tank, it deals with the systematic study of these things. That which
teaches all these things and provides knowledge of these things is
called 'Vastu Shastra'Vaastu is very ancient and it is said in Vedas and
Puranas. Our culture lies in Vedas. Vodas are the sources of our
traditions. For instance Rigvoda deals with Carpenters and masons
and their occupations. Vastu Shastra is linked with Jyotisha Shastra

Vastu Sastra is divided into five parts. They are:

1. Theory part
2. Muhurta part or Lagna part
3. Jyotisha part
4. Question part and
5. Vaastu part.

There are many source books for this Shastra. They are:
1. Jyotis-Vastu,
2. Si-lpa Ratna,
3. Manasara,
4. Vastu Pradeepa,
5. Viswa Karma's Vastu Shastra,
6. Kasyapa Samhita,
7. Maya Samhita
8. Bhrugu Samhita etc.

The Condition of the Planets and the House in Vastu Shastra

From time immemorial, 'ndia has been a land of rich cultural heritage and educational activity. From such times till now
existed the Sastras such as Astrology and Architecture.

It is generally opined that every object we find is a creation of God. Similarly, it is felt, that Astrology is a part and parcel of
God's creation. People believe that the prosperity of man depends upon the house he builds. The impact of environment is
clearly seen in man's life. The influence of the Grahas such Budha, Guru, Sukra and Ravi plays a vital role in man's life.
Great Rishis like Parasara, Gowthama and Jaimini wrote books like Bruhatparasara Hora, Gowthama Samhita and Jaimini
Sutra. All these are works astrology.

Nature is full of panchabhutas. It is the basis of these panchabhutas. Nature is the basis for all the life on earth and for the
entire universe; it is full of five elements. There is life in this universe, it activates the entire world. Man has been trying to
have control over the powers of nature, Man's trial has taken the shape of Mathematics. There is some power which
regulates the movements of the Sun and the Moon. That power leads to Sukha and Dukha in the life of man.

We use numbers on many an occasion. Numerology gives regularity to our life. The first number i.e. '1' indicates the primary
reason or it refers to creator or it indicates power. The numbers from 1 to 9 form the basis for Mathematics.

There is some power in these numbers. According these numbers from 1 to 9 the things of the past, future and the present
are determined. Number '9' is the last number in the order. The entire, creation, the earth, the sky, the three lords, the four-
headed Brahma and five elements, the seven seas, the eight devatas are presented. After '9' we start again with one to

Example: This is the number 10. If we add this from right to left 10-0. It has no value. So the value of the numbers is '1'. If so
11 ( 1 + 1 = 2 ) 12(1-1-2 = 3) 13(1 ; 3-4). Like that from one onwards we may count thousands and Lakhs. But the value is
from 1 9.

We believe that this humanbody is the creation of God. it has nine randhras (nine holes). According to man's time of birth
and date of birth, Janmalagna can be decided. On Janma Lagna, his prosperity as well as his future depends. We can know
many secrets of man's future from this science i.e. Numerology (Sankhya Shastra).

The birth and death of man based on the movement of stars at the time of his birth. Similarly vastu tells us about the good
and the evil effects of a house. Man grows along with our civilization. We grow technically too. Vaastu also changed and
developed from time to time. We, therefore, may say that Vastu plays a vital role in man's life.

The Rishis in the ancient past divided Jyotisha into five parts. They are:
1. Siddhantha Bhagha
2. Muhurtha Bhaga
3. Jataka
4. Question part
5. Vastu Bhaga.

The origin and development of this vaastu is told as follows:

In ancient times i.e. in the Treta Yuga a great man with a strong body was born. Devatas were afraid of this great bodied
man and approached the creator' Brahma, Brahma advised the devatas to keep that man in a reversal order. They did it
alike. It is said that the same man is called Vastu purusha. Then vaastu purusha approached Brahma and sought his help.
Brahma told him that those who build cities, towns, villages and houses with out worshipping him would not succeed. The
story which deals with his life vaastu Shastra. Viswa karma made this Sastra shine in this world. There are many books
about this Vastu in Sanskrit Language. This sastra is changed according to social changes. This was written in those days
keeping in view air and light The first four shastras are said to have been related to the planetary position and the fifth one
i.e. Vastu Shastra relates to the position of the houses we build.

If a house is not built according to the rules in the Vaastu, all those who live in the house will facex. the evil consequences, it
is, therefore, advised that people should give importance to the vaastu Shastra and build house to avoid evil effects.

Vastu Works of Great Rishis

The creator of this universe desired to create this Universe when the entire world was full of waters. Brahma created this
universe with the earth and the sky, the sun and the moon, stars, and the eight disas (four sides e.g., West, South and North
along with their four corners) and their rulers (Astadikpaias), the Panchabhutas (Fire, air, earth, water, and sky. and the
seven seas along with the 84 lakh creatures.

The benign God views people according to their past deeds and looks at the comforts and discomforts of man and derives

He arranges good and bad in the dwelling places of people. Human beings are unable to put up with the conditions either
extremely cold or hot. So they think of building their houses according to the climatic conditions that suit thorn. They have
created villages, towns and cities. They have learned to dig the land and arrange the wells etc. They did not build house
taking liberty. They followed certain rules of house building and rods etc.

Great rishis like Viswa Karma, Vemana, Maya, Narada, Vasistha, Silpacharya and Sanat Kumara think that service to Man
is service to God, They preserved their experiences relating house building in their ancient books made of Palmyra leaves.
They wrote great works like Vaastu Chinta Mani, Vastu Pradoepika silpa Sastra etc.

In those days, a few people knew Sanskrit. People of the next generation wrote great works pertaining to Vastu Shastra.
They were Bruhat Samhita, Aparajita prucha, Manushyala Chandrika, Vastu vidya, Bharateeya Vastu Sastra etc,

Some of the Pandits made a deep study of those works and expressed their opinions in Telugu.

At the very beginning of God's creation the Disas were formed. The D!sa in which the sun rises is the East. The direction in
which the sun sets is the west. The right side is the south and the left side is the north. South east corner is the Agneya, the
South west is the Nairuti, the North West is Vayuvya and the Northeast corner is Esanya, Thus there are eight disas.

We use these names some times. Basing on these eight disas we can build houses in any site. These disas are controlled
by the eight rulers. One can predict the future especially fortunate or unfortunate events, health and wealth positions of the
dwellers. A man may prosper or a man may see adversity in those places. There is in separable and invariable relationship
between the movement of the stars in the skies and the movement of the human beings on the earth. Man's life depends
upon these stars. We can understand the results that follow when we live in a house according to these eight rulers of these

Vastu & Direction : Principle

of the Eight Rulers
The East in Vastu Shastra
Indra is the lord of the East. He is a God of wealth. He is a
Rajbhogh. He enjoys good positions and power. He enjoys all
the eight types of wealth and prosperity. If the site has excess of
the eastern side, the owner of the house will have male
progeny. If the site has excess of land this side and the ground
is low, the following results take place:

If this side is less or it has any bad shape and is high, the
progeny will have deformity and sometimes they die a
premature death and the dwellers lose their comforts and face
losses in life. The side is the place of Ravi.

The Agneya (South East corner) in

Vastu Shastra
Agnihotra is the lord of this corner. Anger, theft, debauchery/ erueIty and ill-will, triviality are the qualities of this lord. He
always quarrels with others.

If the house has excess of land this side and the ground is low, the dwellers will fall into debts. They suffer from poverty,
may get their children die prematurely. They have bitter experiences such as sorrow and they will have bad results on the

If Agneya is less, it yields to good results. They will have peace, serenity will not get into disputes etc. They will have wealth.
Sukra lives this side.

The South in Vastu Shastra

Yama is the lord of this side. Yama is the slayer. He is responsible for physical deformity ill-health, death, poverty etc. The
owner is generally dominated by his spouse. He loses wealth. If this side extends or has curves and is low, it yields to
Vyadha or dukha and evil results. If the land this side is considerably high, the dweller of (he house gets good results. Kuja
lives this side.

The Nairuti (South-West Corner) in Vastu Shastra

Nairuti, the Rakshasa is the lord of this corner. If this side is too long and is low and has curves, evil results follow. The
owner moves in the company of bad people. He may be given to vices such as alcohol, debauchery, meat-eating etc. He
may be a murder also. He may lose life or suffer from ill-health.
If this side does not exceed and is less and the ground is sufficiently high, it wipes out all evils. The owner may enjoy good
health and wealth. He will prosper in life. Nairuti is the place of Rahuvu, who gives life to the dweller.

The West in Vastu Shastra

Varuna is the lord of this side. This side should not have curves. One should not have excess of land in this side of the
house, if so, it leads to the danger of drowning, imprisonment. The dweller may become sick. His family may not flourish.
Ladies may dominate. He may lose property, health, incur losses in business. The ground this side should be high. If so the
family prospers.

One may build out houses/kitchen sheds. If so, one may prosper excessively. One may get promotions in life and prosper in
the field of business. Sani Graha is the lord of this side. He yields good or bad results according to the Vastu of the house.

Vayuvya (North-West Corner) in Vastu Shastra

The lord of this corner is the Vayu. If this corner has any curves, or if the land is high or if it is low or if this side extends
unusually, it will lead to evils such as enmity, it may cause unexpected and long journey. It may lead to the house to frequent
thefts. The owner may be put to shame and he may be defamed in many ways.

If this corner exists to according to the Vastu rules, it yields to good results. The dweller will prosper. He gets honor
wherever he goes. The moon is said to be in this corner causing good results.

North in Vastu Shastra

The lord of this side is Kubera who is said to be the promoter of wealth. If this side of the site is in excess and the land is
low, the dweller will prosper in all walks of life. He gets Wealth, honor and occupies higher positions in life. He leads a happy
and prosperous life with his wife and children.
If the site of this side is cut short and if the level of the land is high, the owner of the house will witness evil consequences.
He will lose wealth and suffer from acute poverty. He will be ill owing to certain things relating to ladies. Budha (one of the
nine Grahas) rules over this side.

If Vaastu of this side is not in accordance with the rules of Vastu, one may lose wealth even in business.

Eesanya (North-East Corner) in Vastu Shastra

Lord Shiva is said to be the ruler of this corner. This side of the site should extend and it should not be cut short. The land
this side should be comparatively low. One should not put weight on this side. The side is supposed to be clean and neat
and should be free from all sorts of dirt. If so, the people who live in the house will be healthy, wealthy and they prosper
always. They successfully execute and implement all their plans. Brihaspati rules over this side. It is said the Lord Rama
who went in search of Sita stayed tentatively in a place surrounded by mountains on South and West. The North-Eastern
sides of the site are very low.

If any house has low level in the middle of the house (as it used to be in the old-type tailed houses having Verandahs on the
four sides), it leads to enmity among brothers resulting in the destruction of the dynasty. In this connection we may think of
the Maya palace in the Mahabharata - There is a water-pool in the middle of the palace Duryodhana. The king of kinds of
the dynasty fell in it and is insulted by Drowpadi. These events fed to the battle of Kurukshetra.

Whereas, let us think of the Vaikuntha where the lord Vishnu dwelt. The lord's palace said to be having height in the South-
West corner and the site has Red Mandara garden (hibiscus) in the North-East corner along with a lake. To the South of the
lake there is a plot form made of Chandrakanta Silas on which there is bed of lotus flowers that is used by the goddess
Rama (Lakshmi) and the Lord Vishnu. They lived happily.

Vastu for House : The

General Rules
If we observe the lives of people, we find that many of the
people are facing so many ills in life. For all the Vastu holds
main responsibility. To avoid inconvenience, we have to rectify
certain in the Vastu of our houses. We have to observe certain
rules as detailed below.

We should not build a small house on the western side of the

main house. Similarly on the southern side also. Any small
house can be on the northern or the eastern side of the main
house. The level of this house should be lower than that of a
main house. The western house should always be on a higher
level- The building of a small house should be in accordance with that of the main house. A house that is built in accordance
with Vastu rules will always yield to good results.

After selecting the site, we have to examine it. If the land shows fissures, it is not good for house construction. If it has any
ant-hills (Snake wholes etc.) water-ponds, and if it has wells that are closed or has any human bones in it, it is not advisable
to build houses there. One should not sight nearer to a burial ground or the one which is in front of the Lord Shiva's temple
or that one which is behind the Lord Vishnu's temple. One should not build houses under huge trees. Generally lands with
green grass are preferred house construction.
Before constructing a building for dwelling purpose or for any business complex, we have to see whether all the four sides of
a site are in proper measurements or not. The site should have adequate height in South and West. The site should be
suitably leveled. The roads should not cut the site as shown in the figure.

 North-east road is regular.

 South-east road is irregular.
 South-west road is irregular.
 North-west road is irregular.

If the roads touch the site as indicated in the map, it yields to bad results.
The position of the doors in a house should be fixed according to the direction of the roads. We must follow the lines of the
neighboring houses. The site should be surrounded by compound walls on all sides, otherwise it leads to evil results. The
site should have a well in the north-east corner, if there are water-ponds or canals nearby, they will be good to the house.
Rainwater should have an out-let. The gates in the compound walls should be in line with the doors of the house.

The site selected for construction should not be low than compared to the sites nearby, if so, it leads to good results.

Nature of the House as per Vastu Shastra

People think of Vastu Shastra irrespective of their caste, race and religion. They build houses according to their capacity.
Every person needs a house just every bird needs a nest. A house is compared to a human body. A house is like the head
of a man. !t is a symbolic representation of a man and a woman. The main door is said to be the face of a man. The main
door has two windows on either side. They are said to be the eyes of a human being. The central beam is like the spine of a
man. The verandahs are depicted as its limbs.

Generally people consult Vastu pandits or architects who give an estimate of material needed. The size of the house must
be in accordance with the area of the site. Precautions should be taken regarding the foundation. One should assess one's
own financial capacity. Otherwise one will fail in debts. Before constructing a house, one should think of all these things

Vastu: Selection of the House

Every town or village has roads. These roads may be formed from west to east or vice-versa. They
may be formed from south to north or vice-versa.

1. If there is only one road on eastern side of the site, the site is called Eastern Site.

2. If a site has two roads on its south and east, it is said to be Agneya (south-east corner), site.
3. If a site has one road on its south, it is called southern site.

4. If the site has two roads on its south and west, it is called the Nairuti (south-west
corner) site.
5. If there is only one rood on the western side of the site, the site is called western site.

6. If there are roads on western and northern side of the site, the site is called Vayavya (north-west corner) site.
7. If there is only one road on northern side of the site, the site is called Northern site.

8. If there are roads on both northern and eastern side of site, the site is called Eesanya (north-east) site.
Generally we find the plots of all these categories in a village, town or a city. When the plots ore made in a big site there will
be some bylanes also. They maybe in a straight line or curved line. There may be some roads which will be a irregular width
and curve.

Because of such irregular roads and by lanes there will be some evil effects on the plots adjacent to them. It is occasionally
observed that in case of some plots there may be markets on the south-east, south - west and north-west sides which will be
obstructing the passages from the plot. People living in the houses constructed on such plots will face several difficulties, if a
plot is having the passage for movement only on the north-east side there will be some benefits to the residents of the house
constructed in such plots.

The Shape of Vastu House

1. A plot with equal sides is called a square plot such a plot will had to the prosperity of the Dweller.

The residents find success in all their efforts.

Plot Models
2. If the length of the plot is double that of the width it is called a rectangular plot will give all benefits.
3. If the two lengths are equal and two breadths are equal the plot is also called a rectangular plot. Such a plot will give all
success to the residence.

RECTANGULAR: Two lengths are qual and two breadths are equal
4. A triangular plot will create enmity among the residents and neighbours and people residing there will be of immoral

If the plot is uneven on north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west the residents of the house constructed in such plot
will incur losses, sudden accidents, loss on account of theft, continuous agency and difficulties, loss of property, money etc.

5. The plot that is like a dust pan creates misery to the occupants.

6. An area with unequal measurements of its sides will ruin every thing.

7. T - shaped or H - shaped plot will yield to bad result such quarrels among brothing between a wife and husband leading to
divorce. It may result in loss of property and reputation.

Too long in length and another plot adjacent to if cutting across.

8. A land in circular shape well cause both profits and losses.

Vastu Doors & Roads
Eastern Main door house in Vastu
If the house is constructed in such a way that the main door faces the
East it is called the House with the Eastern Door. This main door will be
small in comparison with the other doors of the house.

If the road is on the eastern side of the plot it is good to construction

eastern. Then more space should be left on the eastern side and the Main
entrance should face the Eastern side.

Southern Main door house in Vastu

If the road is on the southern side of the plot, it is good to construct on the southern side without leaving much space and
with the main entrance facing south.

If the house is constructed in such a way that the main door faces the south it is called the house with the southern door.

The main door will be bigger than the other doors of the house.

Western Main door house in Vastu

For a plot with a road on western side, the best way to construct a house without leaving much space on west, Main
entrance should face west.

If the house is constructed in such a way that the main door faces the west it is called the house with western door.

The main door will be bigger than the other doors of the house.

Northern Main door house in Vastu

In northern land it is correct to build a house on southern side leaving more land on north with main entrance on north, side,

If the house is constructed m such a way the main door faces the north it is called the house with the Northern side*

The main door will be smaller than other doors of the house.

Even if the doors are of equal size, there is no harm at all.

If the roads are to the east and south of the plot it is appropriate to build a house with its main entrance on east side.

In south west land it is good to build a house on any side with main entrance either on southern or western side.

In North West land to build a house on any side with main entrance either on northern side or on western side is favorable.

In the north-east land depending on the roads, construction should be made either to the south or west, with the main
entrance towards or east to get favorable results.

A plot with roads on eastern and western sides it is good to built a house on western side with the main entrance of the
house facing west. Depending on the traffic of the road house can be built with a main entrance facing either east or west.

In a plot with north and south roads it is good to build a house on southern side leaving land on northern side. Main entrance
should either face north or south.

If roads are on east, west and on south it is profitable to built house with main entrance facing west.
If roads are on north, south and on east it is favorable to build a house with main entrance facing, north, east or south.

If roads are on east, west and north it is good to build a house with main entrance facing east west or north.

If roads are on north, south and west it is good to build a house with main entrance facing north, south or west.

On a plot with equal measurements on four� sides and with roads on four sides the construction of a house with south or
west facing main entrance is the best option.

Vastu Home Location in a Plot

We had better locate a house on the South-West corner of a plot leaving very little space as
the South and the Western sides as shown in the diagram.

Vastu Rooms Location in a House

Various rooms such as Bed rooms, Kitchen rooms, Pooja room, Dining and other rooms should be fixed as shown in the
diagram to get good results.
Elevation East Road in Vastu
Determination of the design of the proposed house.

East Entrance Building Plan No. I

The measurements are to be taken from the centre of one wall to the centre of another wall.
Elevation South Road in Vastu
South Entrance Building Plan No. 2
In every plan the doors are to be fixed in its supreme portions of the wall.

1) The doors, Windows, Almarahs, and Ventilators etc. are to be fixed in even number in any building (Facing may be in
accordance with the site & plan)
Elevation West Road in Vastu
West Entrance Building Plan No. 3
In accordance with the site area and space the measurements of the rooms to be adjusted.
Elevation North Road in Vastu

North Entrance Building Plan No. 4

The rooms should be fixed as shown in the map.
Compass Indicates only Northern side of the plot. Based on this, house plan can be made. The length and breadth of the-
house, verandah etc., are to be decided properly with proper measurements,

For each plot, plan marking's should start from south-western, corner, in the same way any structure like, factory, workshop'
cinema hall, parks should be constructed.

Equipment required for planning is set squares wooden pegs, rope or thread, and a tape not less 25feet.

The central hall should be of 4 metres wide as per rules. 4f necessary, the hall may be of any length (can be of any length),
Verandah should not be more than the central hall.

While constructing Bungalows, palaces, wedding halls heights should be changed accordingly. Walls should rise higher than
normal heights Before constructing a house, a shed can .be built in the South Western corner to store the building materials
and equipment

When it is decided to construct a house with all facilities, it is important to take the suggestions of Vastu experts and plan
accordingly with the help of an Engineer or Architect or a Draughtsman; Proper estimates can be made with their help.
Whatever may the size of the plot, house should be constructed as per the capacity of the owner. If a second house is
planned in the same plot, enough space should be left on Northern & Eastern sides of the main house. Second house can
be constructed on Northern or Eastern sides. Some open space should be left between the two houses.

In 590 B, C. Chinese worked well in the field of culture, science. They knew the value and use of the magnetic piece. With
its help they prepared the compass needle which held those in locating the correct positions of the needing for construction
a house- Their buildings resembled the Bowddha Sthupa.
Walls of Central Room in Vastu Shastra
'It is important to have the four walls of the house are of equal height. Each wall should be straight and should not take
bends. Wall construction should not be stopped in the middle, By constructing half of a wall in one phase and the second
half in the second phase will cause death and fears.

Irrespective of Main entrance house should not be constructed without walls on south and western sides, if constructed it will
cause many ill health problems, other misfortunes and loss of money.

As per the old tradition the oblong walls of the central room are to be considered as children. If there oblong walls left half
constructed than the family living in such house will have monetary losses, abortions, loss of male children. The cross walls
of the central hall are considered as wives of the owner, Eastern walls are related to man and Northern walls to a women. If
these walls are not fully constructed up to the top level the families living will have deaths, quarrels among wife & husband
and divorce, rifts between brothers and other 'II effects.

Vastu House: Some Important Points

The Laying of the Foundation Stone in
Vastu Shastra
If the South-east corner of a site gets extended, the house owner faces
many difficulties and losses. It leads to fire accidents. If the site gets its
southern side and south-west corner extended, the person who live in that
house may get their bones fractured, may become mad, the couple may
get separated, they may be given to vices, incur losses in business and
fall into debts. If the site gets extended on its North-west corner, the
dwellers may make enemies; they may involve themselves in legal affairs
and may be imprisoned.

If the Northern side of the site gets extended, it leads to mental worries and financial problems. If the northern side and the
north-east corners grow proportionately, there will be no danger at all.

The North-east corner also should not grow unusually. If so, it leads to bad results once again. The members may involve in
quarrels, may undergo mental agony, and they shall fall in debts.

Before we start building a house we have to draw lines in the site and lay the foundation stone. We have to leave adequate
site on all sides of the house. The four sides of the site should not be irregular. We have to dig at the North-east corner of
the central-house to lay the foundation stone.

Nature of the House Site or a House in Vastu

If the house site or the house is divided into two parts from the West to the East, only the northern side portion will prosper.
Similarly if the house site or the house is divided into two. Parts from the south to the north only the eastern side portion will
prosper. The other portions are not good.

If the house site or the house is divided into more than two parts the North eastern side part will prosper.

The persons living in the prosperous part of the house will have good qualities. They will be healthy and wealthy.
Vastu Shastra: Angles of the Site, Veedhi Soolas and
Their Problems
Before we proceed to build a house, we have to think of the site in which
the house is to be built. The house site should not be exposed to the
angles of another site. The house also should not be exposed to the
corners of another site or house, or the site should be exposed to the
veedhi soola.

The soolas cause harm to the people who live in such houses and are
exposed to those soolas.

A rectangular site should not have a small site adjoining to it. If so, the
angles of the small site touch the site in which a house is to be built. Then
the dwellers incur losses. North-east soolas are said to be good. South-East and South-West soolas cause harm. North-
East street soolas are good. The dwellers will prosper south-east and south-west and north-west street soolas are bad. The
house which has street soola on its east and south may (be exposed to burglary, thefts etc. Street-soolas on the Northern
side are good.

Soola or Motkapotu as per Vastu

Soola or Mothapotu is nothing but the pointing of the roof of one house to the other house or to the centre of the door of
another house. Sometimes, the two walls of a house end in corner. Such a corner is called the Motha, Such a motha points
to the centre of the door of another house or a house. If it does so, it is calied soola. Such a soola yields to evil results- We
must protect the house from such soolas by building a wall round the house. Even if there are tatakas, wells or canals by the
side a house, compound walls should be built around the house to avoid inconvenience and troubles.

The twitch of the roof of a house in Vastu

A house may be exposed to a twitch from the neighboring house. The main-beam preferably wooden one on the top of the
house should not be pointed to that of another house in opposite direction. The roof of a house should be lower in height on
the north and the east sides.

If a house is exposed to the Vennupotu or Soola, the dwellers may face certain dangers such as threat to life, may be
exposed to illness, sometimes they may have to desert the house etc.

The Weights on the Eastern and the Northern Walls in Vastu

Each site or house or room should have adequate weight on its southern, western and the south-western corners. Any
house ie. Eastern faced or western faced, or southern faced or northern faced house may have should have a go down
consisting or paddy -or grains on its south-eastern or south-western corners. One should not keep heavy weights on the
northern and the eastern sides. If one does so, the house may lead to the illness of his wife. The owner also may become ill.
in each room garret may be arranged only the southern or on the western part. There should be no weight on the northern or
the eastern side. Such things may lead to financial losses; they may face risks in their jobs etc. The room in the western side
of the house should be used as bed-rooms. On the south-west corners iron safes etc. may be kept.

Vastu: Verandahs and Their Problems

One should not build a house without verandahs. A house with eastern simhadwara should have eastern verandah. A house
with the northern simhadwara should have northern verandah.

It is no better to have verandahs on the southern and the western sides, it is better to have verandahs of the same height. At
the time of construction, one can have verandahs on the southern and the northern sides. In the same way, verandahs can
be arranged on the- eastern and the western sides. Extension of verandahs after some time is prohibited. A house may
have verandahs on all the four sides. A house with only one'- verandah on the southern is prohibited. It yields to bad results.
The owner may incur financial losses. There may be the threat of fire and theft.

A house with only western verandah may again face many risks. They may become ill, may incur financial losses. They may
have an upper storey with - eastern or northern vepa;riah. Such house leads to good results.

Measurements of Vastu Room & the Sites

Vastu Shastra specifies that the width of a room should be equivalent to
the height of the wall of that room.

The width and length of the western and the southern rooms should be
more than of the eastern and the northern rooms. The level of the floor in
the western and the southern rooms should be higher than that of the
eastern and the northern rooms. The rooms on the northern and the
eastern side of the house should be smaller and the floor should be lower
in level. The level of the floor in the southern and the western verandahs
should be higher.

The length and width of the rooms in verandahs should not be bigger than
that of the central ones.

The verandahs on the northern and eastern sides should be lesser in, size than those of 'the southern and western sides.
The vacant site on the eastern and northern sides of the house should more than that of the southern and western sides; on
the north-east corners the site should not shrink. If it shrinks,'" it yields to evil results.

A Room in the North-East Corner as per Vastu Shastra

One had better to avoid a room in the north-east corner of the verandah of a house. Even if one builds such a room, it
should not be over-loaded It is better to use such a room for worshipping God. The level of its flooring should be lower than
that of other rooms. Such a room should not be rented out to anybody. Such things yield to bad results.

Farm House or Cattle Sheds in

Vastu Shastra
The rules of Vastu are applicable even to the farm houses or the cattle
sheds. In fact cattle, goats, lambs and hens are the wealth of a farmer.

Cattle sheds are to be built on the western and southern sides of a site.
Even for a farm are has to leave much space on the northern and the
eastern sides. If would be better if we build compound wall around a farm
house. If a well is dug on the north-eastern corner of a site in which a farm
house exists it would lead to prosperity. The lots of dry grass may be
stored on the south, west or the north-west corners. We have to take all the precautions to maintain clean-lines in site in
which cattle shed is built.

Waste material may be placed on the south-east corner or on the south or west or on the south-west corner without digging
a pit. It may be placed on the north and the eastern sides digging a pit so that it may not form as an island.

Plantation in the House-Yard as per Vastu

While planting saplings, we must take certain precautions. Some varieties trees should not be planted in the line of door and
windows. If they are in line with the doors and windows, some kinds of sadness or agony may be caused to the landlord. All
varieties of fruit giving plants can be planted in the house-yard. Tulsi plant causes good to the people.

All types� fruit-plants can be planted on all sides except on the northern side. The north-east corner should be free from all
sorts of plants. Fruit variety like grape, papaya, coconut, mango, trees like neem, some nuts, may be planted.

Vastu: Prohibited Extension of the Site

The owner of a house may extend the boundaries of his site only on the northern and the eastern sides. The extension of a
site of house on its southern and western sides is strictly disallowed, if anybody extends against this, it yields to may serious
evils. One should not extend his boundaries on the south eastern corners. If anybody extends his house on the south-
eastern side, it leads to untold suffering of the owner.

Corner and its Consequences as per Vastu

The site of a house should have equal sides. The site on the north-east corner should not lesser than that of other corners.
One should have a well on the north-east corner. There should be flow of water always on the northern side of a site. Water
tanks etc. should be placed on the northern and eastern sides of a house. There should be no water-tanks on the south-
west corner of a house, it leads to calamities.

Wells and Their Results in Vastu

There should be a well in the site on the north-east corner.lt is good always. The owner may have peace of mind. There
should be well on the South-east corner it leads to many evils such as ill health, loss of property, it causes harm to children
etc. When there are pits or wells around house, we should build a compound wall.

Philosophy of Vastu Shastra

Creation by itself is very peculiar and unparallel; this creation according to
nature is dependent upon or rather a combination: earth, fire, air, water
and sky, popularly known as Panchabhuthas, and the movements of
Navagrahas, and by the administration of Astadikpalakas. The time table
which leads the life of man are the computation of years, seasons,
months, days, minutes and seconds are the direct results of the
movements of Sun, Moon which we see in particular. The part of the earth
on which teaming corers of souls live is known as 'Karma Bhunni, The
nature of man is molded according to the visions of the 'Grahas'. The
baby who is out of the mother's womb and falls on the ground, the oxygen
mixed with the vision of the 'Grahas' will enter the brain of the child and
pervades him. As a result of movement of 'Grahas and the results of the previous birt-h shall appear in the shape of 'Karma'
and this assumes the form of Graha. The Janma Lagna of the man is the result of his life and of his residential

In this Vastu world, the fortune of man is determined in particular place, water, soils, and things. Sun and Moon, and forever/
house directions i.e. east, west, north, south shall be determined.

From times immemorial, India is the eternal mine of education and earned worldwide fame and name. We have sacred
saints and righteous rishis well versed in Sanskrit and among them mention may be made of Viswakarma, Maya, Narada
and a host of Illustrious pandits.

The Vastu Shastra is considered to be one of the most important living Shastras among the many Shastras right from
ancient times and this Shastra is considered to be an ancient one. The term 'Vastu' means houses, palaces, mandiras.
Towns, forts, villages where men can live. The term Gruha means the place where a man with his spouse and children can
live. Therefore, Vastu Shastra may be said to be a search for ideal jiving place for its construction and consequential
activities that flow from it.

There is no liberty for any man to deny this concept. It is for this reason that Vastu Shastra shall be deemed to be factual,
confers many manifold benefits, and blesses with grandeur and ultimately it relieves a man from the shackles of karma.

it is against this background that one should be convinced that it is essential for a man to construct a hous3 whatever be the
religion, strictly adhering to the principles of Vastu Shastra. There is no discrimination, all are equal and this Vastu Shastra is
binding on all, irrespective of nationality, religion, caste, creed, colour or sex. Here more emphasis is laid regarding the
importance of Vastu. It is again stressed that any construction by a man is to be effected in terms of Vastu.

The non-observation of the principles of Vastu Shastra while constructing houses is the root cause for indebtedness,
insolvency, ill health, apprehension family disputes, failure-in court affairs,

1. Place/Site
2. High Level
3. Pit
4. Road
5. Street
6. Veedhi Soola/Folk Dance/Street Black
7. Science
8. Book
9. Vastu Expert Vastu Special
10. Mason
11. Carpenter
12. Building/Construction Vastu

Therefore it is advised that every individual going to construct a house should strictly follow the principles as laid down in
Shastra which enables one to live long and acquire name, fame, health and wealth and prosperity.

House holders desirous of constructing a house should deeply consider, having regard to the principles and norms laid-
down in the Holy Shastra and conduct the research in the nature of the land ups and downs of the house, the breadth and
length of the house and land as they have their own precautions and salutary effects.

Ultimately I may say that Vastu Shastra directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly serves as a guiding light as well as
wipes away gross ignorance. Therefore, there is no liberty for any householder to construct a house deviating the principles
enunciated in the Holy Shastra, the torch bearer.
"Tejaswina Vadhi Thamastu"
"Lead us from Dark to Light"
Vaastu Vidya
The expression 'Karmabhoomi' it's to be construed to mean
the surfaces of the earth on which teaming millions of souls
live. This creation is governed by the 'Pancha Bhoothas'
known as bhomi (Earth) Agni (Fire), Vaayu (Air), Aapp
(water), Akasa (Sky) and 'Ashtadikpalakas' nemsly Surya
(Sun), Chandra (Moon), 'Navagrah' movement, indra,
Varuna and Lord Eashvara. In fact, the movment of the
planets Surya and Chandra determine the beginnings of
dark fortnight and bright fortnight. The different directions
and corners therefore are determined by the movement f
Surya and Chandra planets for a particular territory, the
country, dwelling house and others. The boundaries are formed in terms of these directions namely
South, North, East, West. The Islamic manthra Shastra 'Palnama' is the authority with a happy
blending of Hindu and Muslim tradition in Muslim era. The Griha Shastra is highly helpful for the
construction of house, and popularly styitd as 'Vastu Shastra/ The construction of a house is not
limited or confined or curtailed to a particular religion. It is a logical basic necessity along with food,
and cloth. The philosophy that the body is the house is to be clearly seen in these lines of thinking.

The term 'Griha' means literally, is a place where man lives with his better half and progeny-
Therefore, 'Vastu Shastra' enlightens us regarding the construction of such house, the suitable place
for such construction and the manne* in which it could be constructed. Even centuries before the
Arabic scientists discovered, that the construction of Masjids, that the Masjids is located in the
direction of North-East, and looking in the same direction.

In the history of Indian Architecture and art, many rulers paid great attention on the construction of
Royal palaces, temples, and Forts. The style of Indian architecture and art, in the opinion of
scientists is the first and its kind in the employment of cement and concrete process and that verily
Delhi is the central place for this activity. In several places the influence of 'Vastu Shastra' is in
vogue in the name and under the style of architecture.

Now it is pertinent to brief effects, effective adverse of the tanks, canals, wells, etc. for the house or

If these are In the Eastern side, they give normally good results.

South-East - (Agneya) - will harm children.

South - Danger to life and prolonged illness.

South-Eest - (Nairuti) - will result in death or in the break down of bones.

West - domination of woman and prolonged illness.

North-West (Vayu) - Conflicts inimical and turning mad.

North-Normal results.

North-East (Easanya)-Secures all-round prosperity and particularly if water flows and is to be located
in this direction this highly beneficial.

Certain dwelling places are of triangular shape and their effects are deep rooted, and harmful in no
uncertain terms. The place should be a square or long parallelogram. The effect on the family will be
prosperous "Vishama" angles of konas should be avoided under the pain of loss.

It is desirable that the site in South, Niruthi and West must be levelled any of directions the site
should be a little lower. The low level of Easanya direction definitely confers peace and plenty in all

Construction of a house must be accompanied by larger site in North and Easanya direction than

Therefore, a right house should have fewer sites in South and West direction. This follows that-the
site in East and North must be of larger size in area.

The kitchen should be situated either in Agneya or Vayuvya directions to the house. Construction of
latrines is prohibited in East and Niruthi directions.

In the ultimate analysis, a violation and non- observation of the principles of the 'Vastu Shastra'
definitely results indebtedness, illness, fear family dimensions, litigations, loss in business, Griha
Dosha, loss of prestige, financial problems, loss of cattle, postponement or stoppage of foundations,
the "unfinished construction or stoppage of all of the construction in the midst and will be the root
cause for all evil results, Therefore, abundant precautions are to be taken in the process of the

The combination and supplementation of Vastu Shastra and Engineering is said to be Science. This
can be agreed. Without following the principles of Vastu and Engineering injunctions, it is admitted
and experienced by many people, after spending thousands and lakhs of rupees in the constructions
of the buildings, they are subjected to difficulties and distress in the shape of loss of wife, loss of son
or laid with incurable diseases. This is not all. Some people die issueless, while others despite, they
posses unbounded wealth area subject to much mental agony. Still some others after prolonged and
protracted struggles may; construct a cinema theatre a rice mill or a political building but there were
a prey to debt and compelled to sell their constructions at a very low price and do not earn even a
single pie by way of profit.

Before a house is constructed, the low and high levels of the area around the griha and the different
directions, the various merits and demerits and the construction in terms of Vastu Shastra must be

It is, therefore, inevitable and convincingly proves beyond doubt that house is the very cause for all
affect and results whether beneficial or adverse. And the house in which one lives determines the
fortunes of the dweller.

Therefore, for health, wealth and longevity of life the house should be constructed strictly adhering to
the Parameters laid down in Vastu Shastra.

Kitchen Vastu & Bathroom Vastu

Vastu for Bathroom
Bath rooms and toilet rooms can be built on the eastern side or in the
seuth-east corner. These can be built even in the North-West corner.
These may be built either on the Northern side or on the Eastern side if

Water-tubs, water-tanks built on pillars should be placed in the east and

northern sides of a house. The things should not be placed on the south
and the south-western directions as they lead to illness etc. Bath room
and toilets should not face built on the northern side of a house as they
result in evil consequences.

Construction of bath rooms and toilets is prohibited in the North-east corner or in the south-west corner. There must be good
flow of water to these rooms to maintain neatness. The north-east corner should always be clean and neat as it is
considered to be the holy place i. e., the place of God.

Vastu for Ketchen

The room in which berth (fire place) is kept should be positioned in the south-east corner of a. house. If it is kept in the
south-west corner, it causes illness etc. If it is kept on the western side it leads to unnecessary expenditure, if it is kept in the
north leads expenditure and illness. If it is kept in the north-east corner, it leads to conflicts etc. The flooring in the kitchen
should not be low. The house should have compound walls on its sides. The compound walls should have gates exactly
opposite to the main doors of the house.

Generally people build kitchen room in south-eastern side. It is good if it is built separately. It can be arranged in the North-
west side also. If it is arranged in any other place, it may lead to the sickness of the people in the house. They ma/ incur
losses. The fire place should in the south-eastern corner. There must be free flow of air into the room.

Construction of Temples in Vastu

Temples are the places of worship for the ages in the past. They are the
sources of certain fine arts such as dance music, silpa and the writing of
poetry-The emperors in various periods have taken steps to improve the
temple architecture. A Special subject was developed to the management
of temples. That is what is called as Agama Shastra, Agama Shastra laid
down certain principles regarding the maintenance of temple and such
other things relating to the piety of the temples.

One had better take the help of elders while constructing a temple. It
should be built according to AGAMA SHASTRA. The temples of Lord
Shiva, Rama, Vishnu Sri Venkateswara, Sri Subrahmanyeswara, Vinayaka should be built in accordance with the rules laid
down in the Agama Shastra keeping the Chakra to the place the status, to put Kumkuma and to offer the daily worship.

While building temples, we have to follow the temple rules. In day-today life man needs health, wealth and languish.
Worship of God always is good for us. The primitive man started making stone-statue the moment he used to use tools
made of stones. Viswakarma is said to be the architect of these stone statues.

The word "Sthapathi" means the sculptor of a village, town and a house, a temple and other things. The ancient pandits
gathered the meanings of Vastu terminology, and considered them as synonyms. They mixed the subject of Vastu and silpa
and wrote books.

The measurements of a temple should be taken from the outer side of a temple. It is called "Veli Ayam". The measurement
of a royal palace i.e. "Prakaara should be taken from the centre of a wall. The temples of Rama, Sri Venkateswara and Sri
Subrahmanya should be built with Eastern, face

The temples of Shiva should be with western face. The Veeranjaneya temple should be of south face.

The temples of Vinayaka, Navagraha, Veera-bhadra should be with North face.

The trees that are worshipped in the name of deity small temples built to worship Amma (Ganga-namma etc,) should be built
according to Vastu rules. The people who are interested in such activity - the trustees, Vastu pandits, masons and
carpenters should maintain deity as long as they are in that work so as complete them successfully and perfectly. Otherwise,
it leads to many setbacks.

If the Vastu rules are not followed, the people who involved may face many problems. People are-put to suffering.

Before securing site to build a temple, are should consult the Pithadhipathis. They should also consult the chief sculptor of
the temples. The people should form into committee. The foundation-stone should be laid by a great man.

Generally one should be built both for the God and the Goddess at a place or separately. The Mantapam is built in the front
side. There should be a vehicle like a chariot, dwajasthamba and the Balipeetha. There should be compound walls round
the temple. There should be no other structures inside the compound walls except the temple. There may be a kitchen, the
shelter for priests, and shelter for the chariot of God outside the temple. A big teak tree may be used for Dwaja Sthambha.
The basement of the temple should be as high as possible. No house should be built in front of the Mukhadwara of the
temple. The shadow of the temple should not be fallen on the neighbouring houses. The house owners will suffer. The
trustees should see that the daily worship of Lord and of the offerings is carried on regularly with out any break. No house
should be built in the North-eastern direction to the temple. If so, evil consequences will follow,


While building a marriage altar, we have to think of the soola or the mothapotu as conceived earlier. On the marriage altar,
the couple should sit in such a way that they face the Eastern side. We must see that there are no ups and downs on the
floor to avoid any inconvenience.

Government Constructions as per Vastu

Governments are formed of people, by the people and for the people. The Housing board people are getting the houses,
quarters, offices, godowns, workshops etc. constructed according to modern engineering. Some of the present day
engineers lack the knowledge of Vastu. So, the dwellers of these houses and colonies are facing some problems.

In many of the towns and cities many buildings are being built according to modern engineering. But if they coordinate
engineering with Vastu, they can avoid many problems, if so, people will prosper.

6 Important Principles of Vastu

1) Entrance should preferably be from the north or east with more door
and window openings in these directions.

2) An underground water-tank or a well should also be situated in the

north eastern part of the plot.

3) The kitchen should preferably be in the south-east or in the north-west

as second best- The Toilets should be avoided in the south-west and
north-eastern corners of the house.

4) The levels in the north and east of the plot should be less than those in
the south and west. The surrounding levels should be such that the
natural rain water flows towards the north or east,

5) The height of the building in the south and west should be more than
that in north and east. The terrace of the first floor should preferably be in
the north and east. More open space should be left in the north and east than in south and west.

6) The plot should be either a square or a rectangle with its south-west angle of a 90 and north-east angle of less than 90.

It is said that these principles are applicable not only to individual houses, but also to industry, educational institutions,
commercial complexes, theatres, hospitals and temples etc. If colonies villages and cities are planned on these principles, it
is said that they will all be very prosperous.

Vastu - Central Pillar for

Vastu Shastra Remedies
Needless, it is to mention that man desires to lead a peaceful prosperous
and happy life, despite he is in possession of unbounded wealth, authority
and exercise of power. But there is a greater force behind. This may be
called as the secret of creation or the merical Vastu which is beyond the
bounds of experiment understanding and knowledge such matters which
cannot be equalize and does not stand to the test of reason should be
admitted that there is a greater force." in. terms of providential.� arrangement, called Maya This Devine..Force is at the
rock bottom of the construction of the house and therefore this is 'read with one another is technically and scientifically called
Vastu Shastra.

"The term "Vastu is derived from 'Vasanti AsminIti Vastu' which means people live .in the Louse-Vasati Shastrah means
facility, accommodation and congenial conditions to lead and live in a house. In due course this is labelled as Vastu Shastra.
Gruhastrama the important Asramas among Chaturasranvas .For a house-holder or Grihasta as the Kshetra called Gruha is
highly essential Riotous Rishis arid sacred saints unequocally express that several Mahardasas in the ten actions.
Therefore, the pious people who ardently desire universal prosperity, authored Shastras and among them, mention may be
made of Upavedas ShatShastras. They have not "restricted their writings or-studies to the mere construction of the house
but stretched the horizon to the� formation of cities, villages, tanks, temples, towers and the like including extensive and
deep study of the historical constructions already in existence. This Vastu Shastra is called Upavjpda is considered to be
Upovoda. This is considered to be a special art among the 84 arts. This is not, a superstition or dogmatism. This is based oh
staunch' belief and dictated by custom and convention tinchered with utilitarian aspect. The entire- glob unanimously
approved the "-scientific credibility rejecting the sanctity of the Shastra is wisest foolishness.'

Hence it js essential that this Shastra should be understood and assimilated judiciously after careful, keen and penetrating
and piercing out look- This theory is not enough it is to be translated into practices, It is an admitted fact, naturally some
either: construct a house or take a house on rent for dwelling purposes. The sans principles applicable for the construction
of a house are equally applicable to a resident of the house even on rent. Shastra is applicable equally, it-is; for this reason,
that this Shastra should be followed in letter and spirit Knowledgeable persons having a clearest concept of the complex city
and minute meteculous details are really scares persons Normally, an individual spells restricts and concentrate himself in
his profession or employment or trade or commerce, and their entire life is articulated to suit 'such. Notwithstanding, -the fact
that is individual is�not aware of the fact; that this dwelling house should be 'constructed in terms of the Sastric injunctions
It is advisable to think of this matter, inspire of rigidity of the caste system in the fast developing technology the society is
forced to change, it is immaterial to which religion or caste one belongs, it is emphasized that dwelling house should be
constructed in terms of the principles of "the Shastra read with the customs and conventions in force or in .currency.
Ignorance or willful deficient understanding or lack of respect for the Shastra may in all possibility and probability induce his
whims and fancies. The difficulties and dangers their experience is better felt rather than describe. They suffer from ghastly
glooms and callous calamities. Wisdom dawns late and then only they wake up to rectify the defective constructions as there
is no other effective, alternate remedy. Theists and Atheists, Scientists Bhaktas, young and old the rude and the civilized
blessed and the fallen. The solvent and bankrupt, if construct their houses in consonance with the science victory fortune
embraces them.

The eight directions shall be administered by Astadikpalakas and the Grahas will move in different directions in consorence
with the position of the planets, as is evident from Vastu. The directions of the Astadikpalakas the planets will uiimately land
us in good or bad results. Ravi governs East, Sukra governs Agneya, Kuja governs South, Rahu governs Nairuthi, Sani
governs west, Vayuya governs Chandra, Budha governs North, Bruhaspati governs Easanya. It should be admitted that the
Duo jyotisha and Vastu are two sciences.

The Philosophy behind these two Shastras is to protect people from the problems of life and difficulties they suffer and to be
a guiding light these ancient Shastras are complementary, supplementary and therefore interdependent, it is empirically
prove that an individual will reap losses and profits in terms of the planetary movement has also the manner in which the
dwelling house he lives in. Notwithstanding the fact that the Jataka is faired and smooth running, if he lives in a house
construct in a non Sastric manner, he should undergo all types of troubles and should necessarily lead a life of misery.
Therefore, it follows that, for the difficulties of an individual there will be the cumilative effect or graha and gruha defects. To
remedy this state of affairs the astrologer suggests ways and means to overcome such difficulties while the Vastu pandit
advises firmly to change the structure of the house there is no liberty to anybody on the globe to say that Vastu is not an art.
In fact, it is an art. Now the opportunities for learning or increasing of leaps and bounds whereas the provisions for
employment are decreasing day by day rapidly. This is a pathetic situation. Hence in the present critical circumstances,
youth should be alert as also the administrator in constructing educational institutions, industries, commercial institutions,
hospitals, temples if this is done there would be all round prosperity.. A house construct in a sastric way irrespective of
religion and caste and thus who live in the abode will lead a happy and prosperous life. He will -lead a life observing the four
Asramas. Therefore, this Shastra is a stepping stone to enjoy worldly pleasures with philosophical outlook and charitable
outlook. This Vastu Shastra is as deep as Pacific as wide as Atlantic and as high as Himalayas. It is advisable that teaming
crores of population living in the remedies corners of the globe should equip atleast with the cursory knowledge- However
for reasons unknown the belief in the Shastra is increasing Hence the author humbly but emphatically appeals to one and all
that to articulate the life pattern for peaceful living to make an earnest attempt to observe the sastric directions.

Vastu Door & Its Position

First the length of the wall should be measured; its length
should be divided into two equal parts. The door shall be fixed a
little bit nearer towards the northern side from the centre of the
wall, as the southern side is not a prosperous one. Similarly the
door shall be fixed a little bit nearer towards the eastern side
from the centre of the wall, as the western side is not a
prosperous one.

All the doors fixed in the parallel walls should be in the same line.


1. A site which has its south-east and south-west sides extended yields to bad results. People who live in such
houses may become ill and may make enemies.
2. If the south - east corner and the north - west corners are extended they dwellers will face so many evil
consequences. They may face fire accidents, thefts and they may fall into debts etc.
3. If the south-east and the north-east corners are extended, they may have to spend huge sums of money and
incur losses.
4. A site that has its sides extended on the north-east and the south-west may lead to mental agony and
spending huge amounts of money.
5. A site that has its sides extended on the north-east and north-west may yield to good results such as
enhancement of riches, but often result in family disputes etc.
6. A site that has its north-eastern slightly extended than its south-east may prosper well in life. But this growth
on the north should be very limited.
7. If the north-east side of a site gets extended than its north-west, the dwellers of the house prosper and they
become politically shrewd.
8. If the south-west and the north-west sides are extended, the dwellers are prone to many problems,
diseases, imprisonment etc.

Vastu Doors: Places of the Doors and Windows

A house can have the doors on all sides. A house needs doors, windows, shelves and ventilators. These things should be in
even number. The house-owner had better avoid around figure having a zero. For example the numbers 10, 20, 30 etc. The
door is to be kept opposite to another door. A house should not have three doors. The south-western side of the house is
considered to be the mean sides and the north and the eastern sides are considered to be the good sides.

Each room should have the doors on Eastern and Northern sides. To fix the doors, wo have to measure the length of the
wall and note the Centro of the wall and fix the door. Each room has two sides mean side and good side. Here is an

Big doors and big windows are to be fixed on the southern arid western sides.

Small doors and small windows arc to be fixed on the eastern and the northern sides. The level under the threshold on the
southern and the western sides should be over and above that of the eastern and northern sides. The level of the floor
inside the rooms should be comparatively I6w and water should go out through the north-east corner. While fixing the doors
and windows, we have to take necessary/ precautions so that the edges of the walls of the other houses and the roofs of the
thatched and tiled houses should not be in their direction. Doors should not be fixed so that they face the roads coming in
opposite direction. If the roads come in opposite direction and face the door, the house may yield to evil results.

Eastern Simhadwara (Main Door) in Vastu Shastra

The house which has its main door on the eastern side is the house with eastern simhadwara (the main door).

Such a house should have minimum possible extent of site on its southern and western sides. The house may have its
verandahs on south and west. There should be adequate height on the southern and the western sides. The level should be
comparatively lower its eastern and northern sides.

The water-level should be lower on the eastern and the northern sides. The owner had better have verandahs on the north
and the east. The eastern verandah should be lower in height.

The house with eastern simhadwara should have its staircase on the south-east or the south-west Or the north-west corner.
It should not be on the north- east corner.

Southern Simhadwara (Main Door) in Vastu Shastra

The house that has its simhadwara on its southern side is a house with southern simhadwara.

Such a house is to be built leaving the minimum extent of site on its southern side and leaving so many sites on the northern
side. It is better to have verandahs on its northern side. The movement of water inside the house should lead to its north-
eastern corner, if the house has so much of site on the north, it yields good results and the family prospers. The staircase
again should be on the south-east corner or on the south-west corner or on the north-west corner also.

Western Simhadwara (Main Door) in Vastu Shastra

The house that has its main door on the western side is the house with the western simhadwara. To build such a house, we
should not leave much space-on the western side. If the owner leaves- much space-on the western side, he may incur huge
financial losses, he may undergo mental agony etc. He may face the danger of becoming iH and may die a premature death
The water level inside the house should point to the north-east corner. The owner should leave space to the maximum
extent possible in north and east. The stair-case may be on the southern or the western side.

North Simliadwara (Main Door) in Vastu Shastra

The house which has its simhadwara on its northern side is the house with north simhadwara. To build such a house, the
owner should not leave much space on the western and the southern sides. He should leave the space to the maximum
extent possible on the north. He can have verandahs on the northern side. The water flow should lead to the north-east
corner. The house should not completely be closed on its northern side. There may be so much of open space on the
eastern side of the house. The stair case should be on the south west or on the north-west.

South-East Cornered Simhadwara in Vastu Shastra

Some people build houses keeping the main door on the south-east corner of the house. In such cases, the dwellers of the
house are prone to several troubles including huge financial losses, fire accidents, thefts etc, They may take themselves to
gambling, prostitution etc.

South-West Cornered Simhadwara in Vastu Shastra

Some people build houses keeping the main door on the south-west corner of the house. Such house yield to bad results
such as premature deaths, making many enemies, incurring financial losses and the owner may suffer many set-backs.

North-West Cornered Simhaclwara in Vastu Shastra

When people build houses keeping the main door on the north-west corner of the house, they may make enemies, get
imprisoned, become ill, mad etc.

North-East Cornered Simhadwara in Vastu Shastra

The house with its door on the north-east corner leads to so many good results, such as wealth, prosperity. The people who
live in such houses become influential, they make many friends, they prosper in business, in such a house, the north-
eastern room should be in a lower position comparatively. The owner had" better to use that room for worshipping God.

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