The Economist
The Economist
The Economist
A stitch in time
How companies manage risks to their
reputation. Page 6
A change in climate
The greening of corporate responsibility.
Page 8
responsibilities than it did ve years ago. ing industry, companies like Nike and Gap
The big issue 1
Investors too are starting to show more came under attack for use of child labour.
Degree of priority given to corporate responsibility, % interest. For example, $1 out of every $9 Food companies face a backlash over
Very high Moderate Very low under professional management in Amer- growing obesity. And Don’t be evil as a
High Low Don’t know
ica now involves an element of socially corporate motto oers no immunity: Goo-
responsible investment, according to gle was one of several American technol-
Georey Heal of Columbia Business ogy titans hauled before Congress to be
80 School. Some of the big banks, including grilled about their behaviour in China.
Goldman Sachs and UBS, have started to So, often belatedly, companies respond
60 integrate environmental, social and gover- by trying to manage the risks. They talk to
nance issues in some of their equity re- NGOs and to governments, create codes of
40 search. True, the nance industry sends conduct and commit themselves to more
mixed signals: it demands good nancial transparency in their operations. Increas-
results above all else, and in parts of the - ingly, too, they get together with their com-
0 nancial worldnotably the private-equity petitors in the same industry in an eort to
Three years Today Three years partscepticism on CSR still runs deep. But set common rules, spread the risk and
ago hence private equity itself is having to respond to shape opinion.
Source: Economist Intelligence Unit, Global Business Barometer,
an online survey of 1,192 global executives, Nov-Dec 2007
public pressure by agreeing to voluntary All this is largely defensive, but compa-
codes of transparency. nies like to stress that there are also oppor-
As well as these external pressures, tunities to be had for those that get ahead
2 Business schools, for their part, are add- rms are also facing strong demand for of the game. The emphasis on opportunity
ing courses and specialised departments CSR from their employees, so much so that is the third and trendiest layer of CSR: the
to keep their MBA students happy. De- it has become a serious part of the compe- idea that it can help to create value. In De-
mand for CSR activities has just soared in tition for talent. Ask almost any large com- cember 2006 the Harvard Business Review
the past three years, says Thomas Cooley, pany about the business rationale for its published a paper by Michael Porter and
the dean of New York University’s Stern CSR eorts and you will be told that they Mark Kramer on how, if approached in a
Business School. Bookshelves groan with help to motivate, attract and retain sta. strategic way, CSR could become part of a
titles such as Corporation Be Good, Be- People want to work at a company where company’s competitive advantage.
yond Good Company and The A to Z of they share the values and the ethos, says That is just the sort of thing chief execu-
Corporate Responsibility. Mike Kelly, head of CSR at the European tives like to hear. Doing well by doing
Why the boom? For a number of rea- arm of KPMG, an accounting rm. good has become a fashionable mantra.
sons, companies are having to work Businesses have eagerly adopted the jar-
harder to protect their reputationand, by Too much of a good thing? gon of embedding CSR in the core of
extension, the environment in which they Since there is so much CSR about, you their operations, making it part of the cor-
do business. Scandals at Enron, World- might think big companies would by now porate DNA so that it inuences decisions
Com and elsewhere undermined trust in be getting rather good at it. A few are, but across the company.
big business and led to heavy-handed gov- most are struggling. With a few interesting exceptions, the
ernment regulation. An ever-expanding CSR is now made up of three broad lay- rhetoric falls well short of the reality. It
army of non-governmental organisations ers, one on top of the other. The most basic doesn’t go very deep yet, says Bradley
(NGOs) stands ready to do battle with is traditional corporate philanthropy. Googins, executive director of the Boston
multinational companies at the slightest Companies typically allocate about 1% of College for Corporate Citizenship. His cen-
sign of misbehaviour. Myriad rankings pre-tax prots to worthy causes because tre’s latest survey on the state of play in 1
and ratings put pressure on companies to giving something back to the community
report on their non-nancial performance seems the right thing to do. But many
If only 2
as well as on their nancial results. And, companies now feel that arm’s-length phi-
more than ever, companies are being lanthropysimply writing cheques to What should your company do to address
watched. Embarrassing news anywhere in charitiesis no longer enough. Sharehold- environmental, social and governance issues?, %
the worlda child working on a piece of ers want to know that their money is being What respondents What they say their
clothing with your company’s brand on it, put to good use, and employees want to be say their companies companies actually do
should do
saycan be captured on camera and pub- actively involved in good works. Performance gap,
Fully embed these percentage points
lished everywhere in an instant, thanks to Money alone is not the answer when issues into:
the internet. companies come under attack for their be- 0 20 40 60 80
Now comes concern over climate haviour. Hence the second layer of CSR, Strategy and 22
change, probably the biggest single driver which is a branch of risk management.
Strategies and
of growth in the CSR industry of late. The Starting in the 1980s, with environmental operations of 27
great green awakening is making company disasters such as the explosion at the Bho- subsidiaries
after company take a serious look at its pal pesticide factory and the Exxon Valdez Investor-relations
own impact on the environment. It is no oil spill, industry after industry has suf-
surprise, therefore, that 95% of CEOs sur- fered blows to its reputation. Big pharma supply-chain 32
veyed last year by McKinsey, a consul- was hit by its refusal to make antiretroviral management
tancy, said that society now has higher drugs available cheaply for HIV/AIDS suf- Source: McKinsey, February-April 2007 survey
of CEOs participating in UN Global Compact
expectations of business taking on public ferers in developing countries. In the cloth-
The Economist January 19th 2008 A special report on corporate social responsibility 3
2 America is called Time to Get Real. companies’ aspirations and their actions ecutives with dicult questions. Can you
There is, to be fair, some evidence that (see chart 2, previous page). And even cor- measure CSR performance? Should you be
companies’ eorts are moving in a more porate aspirations in the rich world lag far co-operating with NGOs, and with your
strategic direction. The Committee Encour- behind how much the public expects busi- competitors? Is there really competitive
aging Corporate Philanthropy, a New ness to contribute to society. advantage to be had from a green strategy?
York-based business association, reports According to Mr Porter, despite a surge How will the rise of companies from
that the share of corporate giving with a of interest in CSR, in most cases it remains China, India and other emerging markets
strategic motivation jumped from 38% in too unfocused, too shotgun, too many change the game?
2004 to 48% in 2006. But too often cor- supporting someone’s pet project with no This special report will look in detail at
porate strategy is not properly joined up. real connection to the business. Dutch how companies are implementing CSR. It
In the car industry, Toyota has led the way Leonard, like Mr Porter at Harvard Busi- will conclude that, done badly, it is often
in championing green, responsible motor- ness School, describes the value-building just a gleaf and can be positively harmful.
ing with its Prius hybrid model, but it has type of CSR as an act of faith, almost a fan- Done well, though, it is not some separate
lobbied with others in the industry against tasy. There are very few examples. activity that companies do on the side, a
a tough fuel-economy standard in Amer- Perhaps that is not surprising. The busi- corner of corporate life reserved for virtue:
ica. Surveys point to a big gap between ness of trying to be good is confronting ex- it is just good business. 7
T HE theological questionshould
there be CSR?is so irrelevant to-
day, says John Ruggie of Harvard Univer-
free-marketeers such as Milton Friedman
(whose seminal critique of the concept,
The social responsibility of business is to
rms feel they have to ll the voidfor ex-
ample, by cutting carbon emissions or set-
ting labour standards. And as businesses
sity’s Kennedy School of Government. increase its prots, appeared in the New go global, they face a complicated patch-
Companies are doing it. It’s one of the so- York Times Magazine in 1970) or, for that work of rules. Mr Ruggie, who serves as
cial pressures they’ve absorbed. Three matter, this newspaper. But here was a the UN secretary-general’s special repre-
years ago a special report in The Economist cruel cut from a Clintonite. sentative for business and human rights, is
acknowledged, with regret, that the CSR More importantly, those who doubt particularly concerned about parts of the
movement had won the battle of ideas. In whether CSR is worth having raise points world where conict or corruption means
the survey by the Economist Intelligence that have a signicant bearing on how it is there is no eective government to do the
Unit for this report, only 4% of respon- done. Take three of the main objections: rule-setting. Still, it is surely right to keep a
dents thought that CSR was a waste of that it encroaches on what should be the wary eye on whether the things rms do in
time and money. Clearly CSR has arrived. proper business of government; that CSR the name of good citizenship are truly in
Mr Ruggie and others claim that the real is a sideshow; and that it involves playing the best interests of society as a whole.
question about corporate responsibility with other people’s money. The sideshow objection takes issue
today is not whether but how. But the Mr Reich argues that the energy spent with the assumption, all too common
debate has not entirely vanished, and it is on CSR diverts attention from establishing among executives and activists alike, that
worth pausing to consider some of the ar- rules that advance the common good the pursuit of protable business is not a
guments of those who question the whole rules that help to prevent oil spills, say, or socially responsible thing in its own right.
point of it. protect human rights abroad. In a democ- Yet there is nothing wrong with making
Within companies, the few sceptics still racy, he says, that should be the job of money: more than anything else, that is
matter, especially since they seem to be elected governments, not prot-maximis- how companies do good. The welfare they
found disproportionately at the top end of ing companies. It is easy to see the poten- create in the form of jobs, products and in-
management. And from time to time the tial for a corrupt bargain: lobby groups nd novation dwarfs anything rms are likely
debate surfaces noisily in public. Last sum- it more rewarding to put pressure on cor- to do explicitly in the name of CSR.
mer, for example, Robert Reich, a former porate executives because they respond In 2004-05 Oxfam, an agency devoted
labour secretary under Bill Clinton, now at faster than governments; governments are to poverty relief, and Unilever, an Anglo-
the University of California at Berkeley, only too happy to duck the issue or let Dutch consumer-goods company, jointly
launched a broadside against CSR in his business pick up the bill. conducted a detailed study of the econ-
book, Supercapitalism. The CSR indus- In practice, however, it is often the ab- omic impact of Unilever’s operations in In-
try had learnt to shrug o criticism from sence of government rules that makes donesia. The conclusions were eye-open-
ing, especially for Oxfam. Unilever in
Indonesia supported the equivalent of
300,000 full-time jobs across its entire
business, created a total value of at least
$630m and contributed $130m a year in
taxes to the Indonesian government. The
lesson for rms is that they have been far
too defensive about their contribution to
society. If eorts to do good become a dis-
traction from the core business they may
actually be downright irresponsible. After
all, a socially conscious but bankrupt busi-
ness is no good to anyone.
A stitch in time
How companies manage risks to their reputation
2 in how rms are approaching the risk- with governments, UN agencies and
The business case 5
management side of CSR. One is to put in NGOs. This has become one of the most
place proper systems for monitoring risk What are the main business benefits to striking recent trends in CSR.
across the supply chain, including listing your organisation of having a defined The mining industry, for example, has
corporate-responsibility policy?*, %
who the suppliers are, having well-estab- joined with governments in the Extractive
lished channels of communicating with 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI),
them and auditing their compliance with launched in 2002 by Tony Blair, then Brit-
ethics codes. Basic as it sounds, even many Having a better ain’s prime minister, to tackle the problem
brand reputation
big companies fail to do this: 60% of the of government corruption in resource-rich
2,000 large companies surveyed recently Making decisions that countries. Britain, America, Norway and
are better for our
by Integrity Interactive, a risk consultancy, business in the long term the Netherlands, together with a number
said they did not require suppliers to en- Being more attractive of NGOs and big energy and mining com-
force a code of conduct. Only 42% regularly to potential and existing panies, have signed up to a set of Volun-
assessed ethics risk in the supply chain, tary Principles on Security and Human
and just 12% had a web-based portal for Meeting ethical standards Rights. The nance industry has adopted
required by customers
their suppliers. the Equator Principles, a benchmark for
Beyond the basics, prudent companies Having better relations managing social and environmental is-
with regulators and
include a CSR perspective when consider- lawmakers sues in project nancing.
ing new projects. In such cases CSR is not a There’s more. Diamond producers en-
Our revenue is higher than
public-relations exercise but part of sys- it would otherwise be couraged the Kimberley Process, a certi-
tematic due diligence for new invest- cation scheme to combat trade in blood
Source: Economist Intelligence Unit *Up to 3 could be selected
ments. The social and economic impact of diamonds. The Forest Stewardship Coun-
the rm’s existing operations is also cil provides certication for the forestry in-
closely monitored to reduce the risk of a novative partnership to ght AIDS with dustry and its products. A group of compa-
backlash from local communities, activists the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and nies that want to nd pragmatic ways of
or national governments. the government of Botswana, where the applying human rights in global business
Anglo American, a mining company, is proportion of suerers being treated is have formed the Business Leaders Initia-
among the most sophisticated in its ap- now the highest in Africa. Since 1987 tive on Human Rights (BLIHR), which now
proach to managing its social impact. It has Merck has also donated 1.8 billion tablets has 14 members. Technology companies
developed a socio-economic assessment to treat river blindness, reaching more in America are working on a code of con-
toolbox to identify local stakeholders, see than 60m people a year in Africa, Latin duct on human rights, not least to avoid
how projects aect them and draw up America and the Middle East. All this helps the sort of trouble that Yahoo! encoun-
plans to improve the outcome and de- to quieten the critics. The involvement in tered in China. In Britain the Ethical Trad-
velop trust. The company says this pro- emerging markets may even prove a good ing Initiative brings together retailers,
vides a better understanding of local inter- investment in future growth. trade unions and NGOs to support cor-
ests and helps it to avoid potential Novo Nordisk, a Danish company that porate codes that improve working condi-
conicts. Last October Cynthia Carroll, supplies a big share of the world’s insulin, tions across global supply chains.
Anglo’s CEO, announced at the annual has written the triple bottom linethat Such multi-stakeholder initiatives
conference organised by Business for So- is, striving to act in a nancially, environ- tend to involve companies that have ele-
cial Responsibility in San Francisco that mentally and socially responsible way vated CSR to a strategic level. Some initia-
as a contribution to spreading good prac- into its articles of association. It reckons tives will not work: sitting down with
tice it would make the basic version of its that having the creed anchored so rmly is competitors, let alone NGOs, is not easy.
toolkit publicly available. making it more alert to both risks and But the eort can be worth it. When Gap
Involvement in social programmes, es- opportunities. encountered a problem over child labour
pecially in poor parts of the world, is an in India last October, the damage proved a
increasingly fashionable way for a com- Comfort in numbers two-day wonder, according to Mary
pany to burnish its brand and, with luck, But risk management can be a lonely busi- Robinson, the president of Realising
protect itself from attack. Which self-re- ness. Mattel’s monitoring of its suppliers is Rights: The Ethical Globalisation Initiative.
specting CEO these days wants to be said to have been state-of-the-art, but that She reckons this was due to Gap’s swift re-
caught doing nothing for Africa? But some- did not save it from costly embarrassment sponse and its involvement in initiatives
times these programmes also have a clear in China. With the best will in the world like BLIHR (which she chairs). When Gap
business rationale. Anglo American, for and the most energetic eorts to create joined BLIHR three years ago it admitted it
example, says the $10m a year it spends on codes, talk to stakeholders and support had some problemsand found itself win-
HIV testing and treatment in Africa is start- hospitals and schools, companies can still ning praise for transparency rather than
ing to pay for itself through reduced absen- nd themselves uncomfortably exposed, being pounced on for its transgressions.
teeism and longer lives for skilled workers. especially as what is expected of them can Whether these initiatives always serve
The big drugs companies, for their part, vary so much from country to country. wider interests (as opposed to those of par-
were greatly embarrassed by accusations The answer, many have decided, is to ticular rms) is harder to tell. Some compa-
of ignoring the needs of Africans dying spread the risk. Groups of them are getting nies may benet more than others: for De
from HIV/AIDS, so GlaxoSmithKline and together to agree on codes of conduct Beers, for example, the Kimberley Process
others decided to make HIV drugs avail- usually within a particular industry, but reduced a threat to the industry and if any-
able for no prot. Merck has entered an in- also across industries and in consultation thing increased its own brand’s domi- 1
8 A special report on corporate social responsibility The Economist January 19th 2008
2 nance. The introduction of more humane concerns us, says Daniel Feldman of Fo- source of growth in its own right.
conditions for textile workers in places like ley Hoag, a law rm with a CSR practice in Nike, for example, came to the subject
Bangladesh risks losing them their jobs un- Washington, DC, when most corporate- in defensive mode: it was attacked in the
less productivity can be improved at the responsibility eort is on PR and commu- early 1990s, when the idea of corporate
same time, stresses Alex MacGillivray of nications, is that we don’t know whether responsibility had barely surfaced. Now
AccountAbility, a think-tank involved in a rms are actually implementing the Hannah Jones, the vice-president of cor-
multi-stakeholder initiative called the rules. Is there a reporting requirement? Is porate responsibility (who reports to the
MFA Forum. As for the EITI, there is some the CEO keen? chief executive), talks of return on invest-
evidence that it has reduced corruption in For a few companies that want to be ment squared: to investors and to the
Nigeria, according to Mr MacGillivray, leaders in the world of corporate citizen- community. She sees corporate respon-
though it may be just shifting the graft to ship, the answer to those questions is sibility as providing a fresh source of inno-
other ministries. Some NGOs would clearly yes. And even if such companies vation. She no longer bothers to attend
prefer hard law rather than the soft rules rst discovered CSR the hard way, by suf- CSR conferences full of other corporate
involved in many of these initiatives. fering a knock to their reputation, many folk; these days she prefers to network
How committed are companies to the now see it as more than just a tool of risk with social entrepreneurs. And like many
rules they claim to live by, whether their management; they are convinced that it in the CSR world she has high hopes for
own or an industry-wide code? What can be a competitive advantage and a more emphasis on sustainability. 7
A change in climate
The greening of corporate responsibility
2 Sure enough, outdoor-goods companies tations each quarter. It can think long- emissions comes from electricity con-
such as Patagonia (every day we take term. Four years ago it decided it had to sumption, so it shopped around for renew-
steps to lighten our footprint and do less aim to be climate-neutral and brought in able sources, such as hydro power in
harm) and Timberland (our love for the consultants to establish a baseline and Washington state. It opened a second dis-
outdoors is matched by our passion for help produce a plan. The target date is tribution hub in Pennsylvania to cut en-
confronting global warming) are among 2020, with a one-third reduction by 2009 ergy waste in transport. It also looked at
the most ardent champions of sustainabil- against the 2006 baseline. ways to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions
ity. The same goes for Seattle-based REI, REI was shocked to nd that more than from employee commuting, which ac-
America’s biggest consumer co-operative a quarter of its carbon emissions came count for about a fth of the total, so it is
with over 3m members and 80-plus stores. from ights associated with the adventure providing incentives for its people to cycle
As a co-op, REI enjoys the luxury of not travel it organises, so it started to buy car- to work. Our team is really getting granu-
having to worry about Wall Street’s expec- bon osets for these trips. One-fth of its lar, says Sally Jewell, REI’s chief executive. 1
10 A special report on corporate social responsibility The Economist January 19th 2008
2 The company is also working on the 2.8m spent on installing state-of-the-art the heart of their strategy is not very long,
carbon footprint of its buildings, its use of desktop video-conferencing systems). In but one name usually tops it: GE. In 2005 it
paper, its packaging and the eco-friendli- 2010 TNT will move its headquarters to launched ecomagination, a vigorous
ness of its products. Together with other what is designed to be a carbon-positive push to invest in green technology and ex-
manufacturers, it is looking at eco-sensi- building that will be producing green en- pand sales of products and services with
tive materials, which need to be natural ergy to spare. measurably better environmental perfor-
but also to do the job in hand well. Green TNT intends to monitor its carbon emis- mance. Products range from light bulbs to
labelling will follow. sions assiduously, giving customers a gas turbines to railway and jet engines and
The lesson from REI is that going seri- tracker to show CO2 emissions of the ser- have to oer a sustainability improvement
ously green involves a lot more than set- vices they are buying. Reporting on emis- of at least 10% to be included.
ting a target date for zero emissions. It re- sions will follow the same rules as nan-
quires measuring and managing. That cial reporting, so there could be warnings General Eclectic
turns out to be hard, intricate work which of poor performance just as a company Like most such initiatives, ecomagination
stretches right across a company’s opera- might issue prot warnings. Bonus is partly a packaging and public-relations
tions, and perhaps beyond. At present, REI schemes will be linked to this. job, bringing together a number of things
counts the carbon once it owns a product: But there is no escaping the fact that, as the company was doing anyway. Some
for example, it takes responsibility for its a global transport company with a big eet say it is not even particularly ambitious,
own brands’ transport from the factory. It of aeroplanes and trucks, TNT churns out given the gains in energy eciency that
does not include its suppliers’ operations greenhouse gases. In 2006 it produced 826 technology is producing across the board.
in its carbon calculations because it has yet kilotonnes of CO2. To cut down on emis- Part of the plan involves a cut in green-
to work out how to do it. But I think that’s sions from the trucks, it is introducing hy- house-gas emissions in 2012 of 1% com-
coming, predicts Ms Jewell. brids and electric vehicles. The 44 aero- pared with the 2004 baselinenot bad for
planes are trickier. They account for half of a company that also expects to grow
The non-ying Dutchman all TNT’s emissions, and there is little the strongly over that period, but hardly
You know a boss is serious when he gives company can do but try to run these as e- stretching. Sure enough, GE is beating its
up his private jet, swaps his Porsche for a ciently as possible. It says it is prepared to targets, with emissions already down by
hybrid Prius and drives rather than ies all invest in promising aircraft technologies. 4%. There are no targets yet for saving wa-
the way from Amsterdam to Davos. Peter Its eet includes two Boeing 747s which ter (though GE says these are on their way).
Bakker believes that being on top of the cli- y back and forth between Liège in Bel- Still, GE is big, and ecomagination has
mate-change issue is a prime business gium and Shanghai, accounting for half scale. R&D investment in cleaner technol-
need for TNT, the Dutch logistics company the company’s fuel consumption. Two ogies is to rise from $700m in 2005 to $1.5
he heads. He thinks customers may well years ago we didn’t think of climate billion in 2010. By then the company ex-
shorten their supply chains to stop ship- change when buying 747s, says Mr pects revenues from ecomagination pro-
ping so many parts around the world by Bakker. Today it would be a main item if ducts to be at least $20 billion.
air. Regulators may impose new rules, we were considering buying two more. This is turning out to be a good bet.
such as a carbon tax or carbon labelling, But would TNT really forgo increasing its We’ve sold out in eco-certied products to
which could aect TNT’s business model. business with China? 2009, says Bob Corcoran, the vice-presi-
Investors are asking questions about sus- The logistics industry provides the ar- dent for corporate citizenship. You can’t
tainability. Only those companies that teries of globalisation, and TNT’s experi- buy a GE wind turbine before 2010. Em-
can make the shift to manage this as an in- ence suggests that pressure for more ployees like the green focus and have come
tegral part of the business will be able to responsible strategies on carbon emis- up with initiatives of their own that are
respond fast enough, he says. sions will spread through those arteries. worth some $70m a year in energy sav-
Last year Mr Bakker launched Planet Some of TNT’s customers in Scandinavia, ings. All this has helped to polish GE’s
Me, a campaign to change the company’s for example, have started to inquire about reputation. The company still gets bad
carbon trajectory. TNT’s carbon footprint the carbon impact of transporting their marks for its response to the toxic mess it
has been measured, targets for reducing it parts. TNT is asking its own suppliers and poured into New York’s Hudson river long
will soon be set and eorts will be made to subcontractors to be committed to the ago, but it now has fans among environ-
help employees lead greener lives both at environment too, and selects them with mentalists too.
work and at home. For starters, the travel that in mind. GE has not forgotten that it is in the
budget is being cut by 20% (a saving of The list of big companies that have put business of making money, not doing so-
3.2m a year, which more than covers the the environment or other aspects of CSR at cial work. No good business can call itself 1
The Economist January 19th 2008 A special report on corporate social responsibility 11
2 a good corporate citizen if it fritters away carbon emissions. Europe already has a will be long, hard work. As companies’
shareholder money, says Mr Corcoran. cap-and-trade system, and GE would like a claims of green virtue multiply, so will the
GE has 6m investors, and it’s their money more uniform set of rules across the world. eorts by organisations such as Climate
too. The company is simply moving in the There is no doubt that the greening of Counts to monitor them and hold them to
direction in which it thinks social pres- corporate responsibility rings a bell with account. Few customers will buy green at
sures will push it anyway. many companies. They can cuts costs, de- the expense of price or quality, and it is
In doing so, it is also behaving in ways light employees and burnish their brand. early days for much of the research and in-
that would have been hard to imagine a By preparing their business for the ex- vestment in clean technologies. Besides,
few years ago. It has joined together with pected demands of customers and regula- the demand for sustainability varies great-
other big companies and NGOs to form tors they may also be giving themselves a ly from place to place. Europe and Japan
the US Climate Action Partnership to lobby competitive advantage. But if it is to in- have mostly been ahead of America. And
for national legislation in America to cap volve much more than public relations, it in China the dash for growth comes rst. 7
Going global
CSR is spreading around the world, but in dierent guises
Do it right
Corporate responsibility is largely a matter of enlightened self-interest
2 should they all want to be. Being a high- CSR and strong commercial competence
prole early enthusiast carries the risk of gives a good chance of success.
overpromising. First-mover advantage If it is nothing more than good business
soon passes. After a while, for example, practice, is there any point in singling out
everybody turns green, and the winners corporate social responsibility as some-
are the companies with the best execution. thing distinctive? Strangely, perhaps there
One large consultancy advises its big cli- is, at least for now. If it helps businesses
ents to be number two or three on cor- look outwards more than they otherwise
porate responsibility rather than number would and to think imaginatively about
one. Thoughtful rms may pick and the risks and opportunities they face, it is
choose across the spectrum of CSR activi- probably worth doing. This is why some -
ties where to be ahead and where merely nancial analysts think that looking at the
to comply with the rules. quality of a company’s CSR policy may be
The followers in the CSR industry are a useful pointer to the quality of its man-
many. By now they probably produce a agement more generally.
glossy report which lists numerous wor- True, much of what is done in the name
thy activitiestoo many, in fact, when it of CSR is nothing of the sort. It often
would be better to concentrate on those amounts to little more than the PR depart-
that really work and benet the business. ment sending its own messages to the out-
The companies concerned may have little side world. Yet in a growing number of
idea whether their carbon-oset scheme is companies CSR goes deeper than that and
eective or their ethical-purchasing plan comes closer to being embedded in the
costs jobs. Their real motive is public rela- business, inuencing decisions on every-
tions, and the telltale sign is that the person vices people want that rms do most good. thing from sourcing to strategy. These may
responsible for CSR sits in the corporate- If ignoring CSR is risky, ignoring what also be the places where talented people
communications department. makes business sense is a certain route to will most want to work.
And the laggards? There are two types. failure. The more this happens, ironically, the
Companies in the rst group have simply It is the interaction between a com- more the days of CSR may start to seem
failed to pay much attention to CSR; they pany’s principles and its commercial com- numbered. In time it will simply be the
risk being attacked as late adopters. petence that shapes the kind of business it way business is done in the 21st century.
Those in the second group, more cynically, will be. A company that is weak on both My job is to design myself out of a job,
think they can aord to ignore CSR, at least values and commercial competence is says one company’s head of corporate
for now. Perhaps they are in an industry simply a bad business. One that has strong responsibility.
with a low prole, or operate in countries values but is badly run, without proper at- For the moment, though, chief sustain-
where scrutiny is minimal. They do not tention to translating values into prots, ability ocers and their ilk remain in high
mind being viewed as freeloaders by com- will plainly not do well. In contrast, a com- demand. No doubt there will also be grow-
petitors who spend time and money on pany that is highly competent commer- ing opportunities for ones that speak Man-
trying to be good corporate citizens. Over cially but does not bother with corporate darin or Hindi as the fashion for corporate
time, though, this could also be risky if responsibility may work just ne, but it social responsibility spreads around the
they nd themselves subject to greater could also prove increasingly risky. Lastly, world. And it will be quite a while yet be-
scrutiny or miss out on opportunities. a combination of a strong commitment to fore they all become redundant. 7