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075 Errata

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Errata for S W E E N E Y T O D D 9 piece

Use of the words “vamp” and “safety”: The score does not distinguish between
these consistently.
SAFETY will mean if the measures MAY OR MAY NOT be repeated
VAMP will mnean that the measures WILL BE REPEATED

Prelude OK

#1 Grey m1-4 repeat not in Pink Book/Parts

mmD-J missing in Cello
m16 Clarinet last 1/8 note Db not C
m27 added in Pink (missing from Grey)
Pink m43a written out repeat
m 43 safety not in Bass/Violin/Cello
m256 safety not in Bass/Violin/Cello

#2A m14 safety - No Stop Cue in Pink

#3 Violin first page missing - found in Bass book page 9

Cello book, pages are shifted so that page turns don’t work
this also occurs in Cello book pp 92-104

#4 m18 safety not in Bass/Violin/Cello

m 174 Trumpet last 8th note C# not B?

#6 m116-121 fade vamp not in B/V/C

mA-C vamp not in B/V/C
mD-E vamp not in B/V/C
m54 Trumpet Bb not B natural (entire ms)

#7 m9 Horn rhythm should be 1/8, 1/4, 1/4, 1/8

m40 Perc should read all 1/8 notes: Rest D D D D D D C
m41 (12/8) Cello change sey sig to C
m44 (3/8) Cello change key sig to E
m72 vamp: m71-72 missing in Bass/Cello

#8 Pink in key of Eb, Grey in key of F

m1-2 vamp in Pink (missing in Grey)
m1-2 vamp not in Bass/Violin/Cello

#8A Pink in key of Eb, Grey in key of F

m1-2 vamp in Pink written as m3-4 in Grey
m1-2 vamp not in Bass/Violin/Cello
m10 Cello add quarter rest on beat 4
#9 Pink mm1-36 are 1/2 step higher than Grey
Grey mA missing in Pink, mB corresponds to Pink m6
m6 vamp not in Bass/Cello
m6 vamp unclear in Violin
Pink m1-4 are the same as Pink #19 m1-4
m5 is blank in Pink
m7 vamp not in Bass/Violin/Cello
Pink Vocal parts are not consistent with scripts or Grey
#9A Pink m9-10 notation inconsistent with Grey

#10 m1-4 vamp not in Bass/Violin/Cello

m9 safety not in B/V/C

#10A Missing from Pink

#10B OK

#11 m11-14 vamp not in Violin/Cello, unclear in Bass

#12 Pink arrangement different from Grey

m8-9 vamp written as m6-7 in Bass/V/C
Pink m24 poco rit. missing in safety
m24 safety is unclear in most of the parts

#12A OK

#12B Measure numbers are not consistent in Pink Book/Parts/Grey

Clarinet has an extra 3/4 measure
Fermatas and pauses are not consistent in the Parts
C# pedal cue m71 and vamp m72 missing in Pink

#12C Pink m1-4 written out repeat in all parts

#12D Missing from Pink

#13 mA-B repeat not in Bass

#14 m5-6 safety not in any parts except Trumpet

m29 Cello last two 1/8 notes should be F# E# not E# F#
m44 optional repeat not in Pink

#15A m110-111 + m1-5 in Pink, unnumbered in Pink Parts

#16 Title misspelled in Bass/Violin/Cello

m5-6 safety not in Violin/Cello

#16A Pink m76-79 in key of Ab, Grey in key of E

#17 Pink uses Bb version (C version missing in Pink)

m2 safety not in Bass/Violin/Cello
m74-75 Trumpet D# not D natural
m72-75 Horn G# not G natural
m72-75 Cello C# not C natural
m80-83 uses notation found in C version in Grey
#18 m90-91 vamp not in Bass/Violin/Cello, unclear in other parts
m106 Cello should be G natural G#, not G# G nat.
m128-129 vamp not in Bass/Violin/Cello, uncleare elsewhere
m175-176 safety in Clar/Tpt/Horn/Perc/Bsn, not in Pink Book
m 175-176 safety not in Grey
m208-209 vamp not in Bass/V/C
m245-246 safety written in Clar/Horn/Tmpt/Perc/Bassn
m245-246 safety not in Pink Book Bass/ V/C
m245-246 safety also not in Grey
m327B-328B vamp not in B/V/C
m327B-328B vamp written as m 329-330 in Clr/Tpt/Hrn/Perc/Bsn
m358-359 repeat not in Cello
m358 -359 repeat written out in all other parts and Pink Book
pause after safety measures above not consistent in all parts

#19 m1-20 Bass change key sig to G, read notes as written

m22-30 Bass change key sig to Bb, read notes as written
m7 Violin measure repeat (%) written out unclear in 6/8

#20 all vamps are good in all parts (go figure)

#20A Written into Pink #21, missing in B/V/C

#21 Pink m2 = written out repeat

m2 vamp not in B/V/C
m29-30 safety not in B/V/C
m29-30 safety written as m21-24 in Pink Book
m81 Cello change key sig to A, change note to A nat.

#21A m3-4 vamp not in B/V/C

#22 Pink m1 solo begins here, in Grey it gegins in mA

m6 vamp unclear in B/V/C
m14 vamp unclear in Violin/Cello
m75-84 vamp in Bass book written unclear as m75-76 (???)
m85camp written as m84 in Bass (whole thing is short 1 ms)
m75-84 vamp not in Violin/Cello

#22B Pionk Book: page 307 belongs between pages 296 & 297

#23 m3-4 vamp in Pink Parts, not in Pink Book or Grey

Pink m75a-76a added to Pink Book, NOT FOUND IN PINK PARTS
m75-76 safety not in Bass/Cello, unclear in Violin

#23A missing form Pink

#24 missing form Pink

#24A missing form Pink

#24B missing form Pink

#25 m38a, 39, 39a missing from Pink Parts (only m38 with fermata)
#25A Missing from Pink

#26 m1-2 safety not in Bass/Violin, unclear in Cello

m20-21 safety not in B/V/C
m36-37 safety not in Bass/Violin, unclear in Cello

#27 mA (before m1) repeat is good in all parts

m6/6A safety not in Pink Book or Parts
skip from page 323 to page 326

#27A pages 324 and 325 belong between pages 333 and 334

INSERT m36-39 are added to Bass/Violin/Cello/Tpt/Hn parts after m55A of

insert. These measures appear to be an alternate scene to be used
in place of the insert, instead of following the insert as a segue.
All parts coincinde at m40.

#28 m6-7 Trumpet Eb not E nat

m6-7 Horn Ab not A nat
m51 vamp unclear in Violin/Cello
m52 vamp unclear in Violin/Cello
m66-71 Clar/Violin cues not written out in Pink
m72 vamp not in Clar/Tpt/Hn/Bassn/Perc
m72 vamp unclear in Violin/Cello, written out in Bass

#29 OK

#29A OK

#29B m1-4 vamp good in all parts

m136-137 vamp not in Pink book or Parts (is in Grey)
m168-169 repeat 3x written out in Tpt/Hn rests

#30 missing form Pink

#31 missing from Pink

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